#341 – Bound N Gagged Sex
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Kinky Katie's World #341 Bound N Gagged Sex

00:00:01 - 00:05:03

We're going to go down to the of line right there. We gonna fight about fifteen people right here in line today. They they do it like bang. Bus roller like i'll give you dollars. Let us fill up your face. You got any boils boy. Pull down your pants below pants. I know you got something on your ass. You got ingrown hairs noticed you lift up. God have fat rolls. Let me see between them. The weekend has landed all the exist. Now clubs drugs. Popes and pies of four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming. I'm going to talk to strange his own life. I'm going to lose up on the dance floor. Free radicals inside mayor freaking tonight. I'm to on three apopka. I'm going to never neverland my chosen family mind. We're going to get more. Spice doubt the neil armstrong advocate tonight could be a long seventy three quitting my butler key and now live from rule. Thirty four studio. I bring you a girl who has been known to change the safe word without telling you talk here. She is your host the one the only kinky clearly lone. Hello hello and welcome to the show. This is is forty one. I am your host kinky katie as always is my about man with bushy beard. My one and only my favorite flush cover certain. See how you doing. Darren it alive. Well okay. I don't feel like you're pressuring may. So they do i. I'll be okay. Where's your black dot. Where's your job. Role god damn. It was your husband be. Let me go out by myself today. You know he's a very irresponsible husband. Where's the shock collar. The leash just saying housing supposed to control you had to distance. It's always a problem. I know this is katie's world that number three forty one as i said Yeah my goodness gracious while we are coming to. You live from rule thirty four studios you. Katie radio dot com and radio cast dot net. That was so sad. Okay bird is what it is. I'm running with it. That's all right. You can do that if you want to anyway. I think we have a fun show for you tonight but then again i say that all the time we got new tits man. We've got some porn. Get me off this week. We also have more filthy fund. And i have got a story that i swear to god. I cannot make this shit up and it is so fucked up. Like i'm just going to start off with okay there. There's a girl that i went to school with. She was part of the part of the popular girl. Shoes us one of those but apparently came out layer shoes lease legs out of the popular crew like she was the person that got made. Fun of okay. There's always like the the fucking punching bag in the in the click gotcha. She was the ugly friend. Apparently she was okay. No thoughts ever still was just like thought she was just. I mean if we're going by modern teenage angst type of a movie role. Well this is back in the ninety s okay or in an anime student council there were like in class or whatever the hell they have. Yeah kind of kind of like one of those anyway. Well i've i see her. I'm friends with her on facebook and she posted say that she got in a civil union with this woman. Now that doesn't seem like anything weird earn usual except for the fact this woman Ended up befriending her. Let's call her babs well. She ended up befriending her. Carl babb then. She ended up Breaking into her house and stealing two weapon guns from her a doors that she's just hooked up with yeah tied to not. Yeah okay and then. After that happened she found out that it was heard that that stole the guns. Had her arrested she ends up. She ends up fucking her husband causing a divorce after this is all before they they got buried. Okay well the past. It's not even done yet reparations. An stuff so after after she finds out about the about the affair and the divorce happens then the fuck a bitch moves in and becomes best friends with her again and now they're now they're married. This is so florida.

00:05:03 - 00:10:01

Okay i i lost track of what happened there. So don't blame you originally originally said person. Let's call her babs okay. He was married to a dude. No okay sorry. I mean who's married to who's which was okay We'll call the other girl jenny. Okay so no babs as your friend. Babs is jenny's friend. No janice my friend okay. So babs became friends with jenny. Gotcha babs bricks into. Johnny's house steals janis guns rio. Do sometimes janney finds out has babs arrested. Okay yeah babs gets out of jail starts fucking japanese husband. Johnny was married to a dude. Yes can he was just okay anyway. James berry to dude so bob starts darts too in the arts do and husband. Yeah like that movie Step step sisters stepmother One where started acting just like her was babysitter. Anyway poison ivy. No but okay yes that to. I guess i don't know anyway. Go on anyway. So that jenny and husband divorced. Yes for split up now. Jenny and babs become best friends. Again babs moves in with jenny and they've been going like all blah are like lesbian asian and now they're married. Okay well you know. Hey that was the whole. That was the whole idea they were they were together. I do not know. this shit's crazy. Shot really that crazy. I mean nobody you know. Nobody stabbed anybody that i know already get arrested. Nobody got arrested. Yeah well once before. That's right that he. It's not a florida story. Love somebody goes to jail. I'm gonna tell you right now. So that that's anecdote. I saw that nesters like right before the show. I'm like what the fuck i had. I don't like writing down okay. But this happened. This happened. this happened this happened. Uh-huh loves just making sure that. I got it all doubt out no note and we both know that that throughout our travels that we've run into. That's not the first time there's been some weird alien abduction story just like that so it's bag so and so that's your with people that you grew up with so and so was banging his sister in both banging the father and then they started begging the cousin. Then there's what i know. It was a complicated. It was complicated web of banger for sure. Everybody you know brothers and sisters cousins fucking second cousins. It's a new chapter two of them in the middle in the middle of all. Sarah eskimo brothers with their brothers. The whole family really. Oh yeah really with with with a lot of the family anyway. I think you know ever see that movie wronged her like mid in middle school. So that was. I mean maybe thirteen. Fourteen years old Do you know your children are doing. Of course you do. 'cause it's you sick. Fuck have a tracker on their iphone. Katie i know exactly where they are right now. I record all of their conversations. I know what's going on. I doubt everything. I know what the eggplant emoji means. Okay i dunno weird that i that i relaxed Two pit bull popping via no. It's not weird. You're not alone either. Yeah i'm not alone because there's hundred the website there are lots of of of psychopathic ladies and men such as yourself. That enjoy watching people get fucking infection squeezed out of their skin holes. That's not psychopathic okay. You don't think so okay. It's kind of the same. Okay no no it's grooming taking care of south maybe you're carrying for it as at it. Let's say i give a hand job or i'm watching porn and the guy fucking starts slinging rope. I mean that's almost like like plus coming out of something. Okay you know. here's the thing though. Here's the thing. No matter what a guy tells you if you do not play with his cock until stuff comes out of it it will not get infected gangrenous and fall off like if you get an infection bad enough whatever it is gonna turn green and it's not going to be attached you any longer so you know there is an actual reason to do the one. So you're right you're right but it still to enjoy said thing. Oh my god. It's it's olives. It's a whole it's like swimming in a pool of a fucking allergies for me. Stand up in your mouth. Everybody you're totally and i have. I've watched some of them.

00:10:01 - 00:15:07

The problem is after a couple of minutes. I'm like okay. i've had enough. That's enough put it like i'm not completely off. Put off put by it but still a lot of things. Gross me out. But i'll sit there and eat cottage cheese and watch this at the same time. 'cause i've seen you walk to the tune of the comeback. The fuck are you hot. I'm jay it's never like some kind of weird pornography. I see on your computer. Which thank you. You'd think you absolutely would take that. It would be strange worn. I'm seeing on your computer. it's not. It's always some kind of pus extraction of something. Big sis being all it seems like like the low quality ones the ones that look like they were shot. Yeah grainy shower the cell phone. Yeah that's like you're really not supposed to be doing this kind of thing. Yeah like this really should be done by a doctor. Okay st louis terry yeah like st street turbine strat laws and i'm like street lansing dilatory. It's like it's like chris angel but different sure. Yeah i like it when they they roll up with the mystery van. We're going bump in. we're gonna extraction. Shoot out of your body. We're going down to the goddamn. Dav line right there. We gotta fight about fifteen people right here in line today. They do it like like bang bus they roll. Like i'll give you fifty dollars let is fill up. Your you got any boils boy. Pull down your pants below your goddamn pants. I know you got your ass. You got ingrown. Hairs lived up to goddamn fat rolls. Let me say wait a serious scream out please greasy. Yeah we're not gonna pay you kick them out then leave him we video now your pa. I love you love you. That's why do bad things. Because i love you only fuck bitches. You can get a divorce so we could be together. I mean that's even with your friends before that's a story before a time. You know the hot passionate people like fucking kill each other. I mean it just happens by. It's not necessary for me now. Nato the heat negative. I could alex enroll around with you every once in a while. We don't we don't need to like try to stab each other at all. No no negative. I'm just reiterating saying it again. So you know so. It's clear case. A hippy crack. You know some some some mushroom. He's gold. I'm hot gold glove but but you don't necessarily have to like you know. Be that hot blooded about everything trump but then again when you when you steal things from my house and bang my husband you know but obviously my husband was addict preventing you to begin with i. If he's making it really your fault. Pab i mean if if in old bobby's bang and babs what is what what do you do. It's fucking bobby. Fuck jenny not babs. I mean you know. Babson didn't screw her friend. You know it was her husband. She was married to that too. Dumb ass was now. She's married to the other check. Yeah well you know modeled off muzzle. Enjoy i wonder what the fuck a wedding was like. Just make sure you film a lot. Because it's really cool and i get to see videos of people fucking tearing each other apart stupid jet beyond like smoking cutters. Something like florida man dot com. Go look look at the note. Hit cops they still show is on anymore. I don't i don't know. I don't think so not fix. I hard time watching that show anyway. Yeah i could see my house from here. Well there was the first few years of of cops was in broward county which is where we both grow up grew up yes and yes. I saw lots of places. Oh yeah in the early days. It was like holy shit. That's that's fucking dude. That's always out front fucked up of course that's gonna be great television. Or i was just there last night. Yeah that's even worse like oh or oh no. I was there when that happened to know. They were filming. I i mean. I've known of two or three people that were on cops personally and you know. I'm sure people have higher numbers at that but i'm sure i'll lottery listening your go. You know three people who've been gops. Yes it's florida. God got my new scripture kill cam. I'm really excited. But i'm really. I'm really worried we need some fucking finishing action. So i can see you know you tell me you're doing things and you know i don't ever see the movie out.

00:15:07 - 00:20:03

Yeah they need to get on it family snapshot out today to work on it. Get on that shit well Zackrydz dead is probably going to be out by tampa bay screams which is in march. Okay so there's two or three of these things that you've done already. So what do you want. I'm just want to tell him. I wanna check them out. We're uh-huh well. I'd like to seem to well. Why should i don't know. Yeah i don't mind or you wait around a little. I know as bad as say. Hey it's going to be done soon polka. No but but this one the kill cam. I'm i'm i'm lead. Oh yeah what's your panic attacks over whether you can remember lines and now tell me everybody out there in listener hood land. She gets in. And i'm sure lots of people who do things where they have to memorize lines. You worry about memorizing headlines and whether you're going to be able to do it in this that and the other how ever these are people you've done fifteen different things with that are literally friends of yours and the biggest thing is. They're all really great people and none of them are assholes. I know even if you were to like completely fucked they would feed you the line and you do it and you'd be mine. They were worst case scenario. You're still okay and yet you know. I know it's okay. I still get that way. I don't know having zayed's that's stupid thing that's been you know you're going in front of people and you know acting out. Sorry oh hey. I think we're going to go to my segment standby standing by. I was really fucking might not be the porn porn katie. It's time once again for pick. Okay so my porn pig of the week not really so much of a porn but a lot of different ones. I'm back onto the kind of torture porn torture and rape gagged bound and anil rape. Wow yeah has be gagged bound and rave okay. And as i ask all the time what am i first. Question is. who's the target male female. What what what are we looking at here. Who's getting tied down mercilessly with you. Know something contention either or what seems to be non consensual. But it's consensual right. Okay but the more the more kind of Convincing the better You on like hardcore. You're you're yeah you're going hardcore. Here's oh yeah. Yeah i get it i got it and what i want like hostile. You know not letting cutting lives off. What are we talking about here. Doesn't everybody okay. Yeah in my method of getting to a nugget was pulling a costume apart. That was as far as i was willing to go. I i'm not talking about going all seven on somebody you know i don't know going on them Like what are you going to be like snow white and blow of all. What are you talking about no no. There's a one of the the ways someone died in seven is they had they got fucked with a blade strap on it was a strap on. Oh yeah odd odd. That's not sticking. please remember. Yeah that that i could offer you a girl. A girl got like a hooker. Got fucked with edit ripped her apart okay. Okay death and dismemberment basically. You're okay. You're not doing dozen dismember die. I want him to almost done quite alive. Okay everything yeah you want squealing in tears. All right panic okay. Scared fair enough. Yeah that's fine. Good get that out of your system. Why am i like this. What do you mean why are you liked. He should not about you. Don't act like you're alone. Obviously people who've made it have a feeling about it. There are people listening right now. Who are into that. Yeah yeah now. Now we're i know there is worse because there are some people that that are completely you like cottam up. I mean. i can't really talk. Because i'll watch like things that are pretty highlight on television and i giggle like a little child and and i know i know it's entertaining for me but you know here again. I if you're not living out these things then you're not hurting it. I mean you can live out the things that you're watching. That's completely doable. True i mean because there are people that want to be treated that way that this is how they wanna fuck.

00:20:03 - 00:25:00

Yeah through name is chuck. They like to party party. Charles to party charles kersee does oh my goodness so. Yeah but don't worry it's okay plus in a month or two you watching fucking softcore porn again. You go sick. I mean you go rough and then you get tired of rough you do wears a little hole in your brain and then you switch it up. It's kind of like when i do. Ap flavors like. I don't do the same flavor. I do some of one flavor. And then i do another and then another because you wear a little hole in that part of your brain. That's all you need to take a new spot. I don't know. I mean. I've been pretty hooked on the same ship for awhile. Okay we actually document all of these. And i'm gonna say within the last three months. You've had a softcore period you have so i mean even if you didn't what does it matter. You're not hurting anybody. We're talking about shit that you liked to watch to get you up and there are people right now. Listening that are going. What are you talking about fucking awesome. I am. I liked her tied down hardcore totally willing to do that. You know katie. I would totally do that with you. Muslims that can i park can apart. Can you treat me like a dog. Just the paper. I mean what are you worried about. I don't know i just i. I don't know because a lot of it. My dreams have been kind of tripping me up lately. I mean we talked about this before how you can control your dream. What you dream. But i don't have that i've been able to. It has happened. it doesn't happen regularly but it can't. Yeah well anyway. I just. I've been i don't know like it's it's gotten pretty violent. Okay in my dreams. Yeah lately okay. Couple of nights and well mean i didn't even like usually what i what i'm able the memories. I have of changing dream as i was going through. The dream was always be going murder balls on whatever was around me so i mean like once i knew i had control and there were no like consequences for anything. Yeah i wasn't actually murdering everybody. I started i started murdering everybody. That's just what happened. I'm sorry because it was fake. It's not real. I don't think well that's my foreign pick of the week. I don't know i wouldn't worry about it too much. No i'm not really. I'm not really worried about it. You always rotate around to a new spot T to watch something or other. That's a little bit different so you don't like you don't wear the same thing out. No no i try. I try not to think. Start to get a little stale. You're right. I i kinda just like move on and you have the ability to go back to something and enjoy it l. I do like once you enjoyed it. You can enjoy years later. Except i'm i'm trying to figure out a way I i know. I can probably just look it up online to find out how to fuck do it but How to save videos. That i that i like that. I'd like to come back to finish watching our own. That one word quick like keep favorites file in aunt. Well you're watching in different places to and having that's d- you so. Yeah so what we're saying is some industrious programmer out. There needs to create a program that will aggregate all of the major porn sites into one convenient application where you could star all of your favorite videos and have them stored and one very convenient place. You sounded like such an ad right there. Well that was that was the angle. Did you know that zippers are. The single most common cause of penile injury for us adults. I've seen. I've seen a mary fraser and being. How'd you get the beans about that. Fucking movie was pretty funny for its time. It was pretty funny. Surprise me will they. Also it's like almost almost twenty thousand. American men a year end up in the emergency room because of dick's cotton. Zippers really. not too many men who haven't gotten their junk like at least not sack caught in his ever at some point. It's happened several times. I have clinton labia not one or two or three. Not four like dozens of times. I i would say in lifetime. She got oh man balls even before i had old man balls thank you. Did you know. I actually found out that.

00:25:01 - 00:30:01

There is a real term weenies. And it's not just something to call her little dick but it's it's the extra skin on your elbows. Skinner yellow is called a witness is it. Dc weena sers like why niece now as we go or are you sure yes. I've heard i've heard it pronounced it by. Not by millennials about to say well were they if they were born after nineteen eighty. I don't know. I'm suspect as to whether they know how to actually pronounced or at least you know what things change pronounce it the way you're going to pronounce it but at least acknowledge it used to be this. You dumb fuck and don't look at me like i'm retarded because i. I said that way that everybody said for hundreds of years and then you decide the changed the inflection on his labs you give saying retarded motherfuckers. It is obviously jif re. I don't even know what to say. I'm tired of arguing it. But i'm not i'm not gonna fucking start say your way i'm just telling you right now. Okay since we're kind of going on like a like pissy ran on on millennials stuff really you know millennial saying fucking type type now instead of talk so you know pronouncing things isn't you're reading it so maybe you don't add up but whatever well i just wanted to say that i i'm really fucking sick of all these like la tae artists. I don't give a fuck. Give me my goddamn coffee. I don't want to sit there and wait like ten minutes for you to fuck him. Paint this dick coming jisr or this goddamn flower on. My coffee says another katie. great fantastic. You are top-notch perfect at your job you're the best you are the picasso of ours. Just take pride in their their craft. Giving goddamn caught taking pride in the crowd. They're giving you the perfect cup of coffee. Not only is coffee right now. I mean you you taste with your eyes to you know and sometimes something more fulfilling because it looks so a starbucks acid us because they're coffee tastes like you should go to make it look cool and not for nothing. Some of the best blowjobs. I've ever had been by some really ugly women. I'm just saying you can't tell by what it looks like. I was agreeing with you. Gotcha all right. It's because ugly women try harder. I draw no correlations. As to why i'm just saying anecdotally anecdotally. There is a sex toy. It's called noddy nivola. And it's it's it's sucks leave. It's part of your zipper. The second we're calling to nibley now but it's It's got teeth okay. Well it's kinda kinda like the the the one fox leave but this is how is the one actually that that show. It's not really hard but it's yeah it's like it's this part of the face. Okay and then the picture holding open the you like looking at its tongue and i think i saw you broke browsing pass out at one point in time. Yeah we're we're the fox leave. Has the little built in teeth into it so you get that realistic action. Yes but it also has like a no so you can feel a bumping into year pubic mound to be like your fuca extra realistic. That's right. i mean nothing really surpasses the the feeling of natural teas on your cock o' especially if they have devices like braces or you know has been a long time since ads happened. I miss the arrest. No it wasn't like that it probably was you can. Also you talked about this before they have a corncob. Dick a corncob dick. And it's got a suction cup on the bottom. Now they always have an actual corncob like when indians dried out and make it all for saving it. Is it like that. You know they call it as learned that i don't speak out gone. One guy was bitching ladies thing that they have. The men make unrealistic beauty quest or whatever is here they have a corncob dick. Tick it's tapered. I hear ladies. Don't like a blunt deck sometimes. Oh that's only in certain areas okay. It's right next to the gigantic cow town. Yeah but i can't get my eyes off the chick licking the thing on his under one side. So really. That was distracting. I couldn't look at the corncob because you're looking at the cow tongue wasn't really looking at the tongue. I mean i was looking at the time but not telling the came from the cow chick liking town. See that's how it happens. I don't know what i'm looking at.

00:30:01 - 00:35:00

All i know is i'm to figure out if my cockpit girls throat. That's all well. If you're if you're kind of curious the you can get an and amsterdam traffic barrier dildo. It's it's a fucking Stop pillar to stop you from from running your car into something. Yes okay now. it's by this. One company called tantalus and they they are known for selling like shit. Yes yes i think. They're the ones that make the The ass gnome. Ooh the ass. No look at doc johnson. I don't remember we've talked about the ass. As dome ad nauseam literal gnome. It's made out of fucking dildo material that's usually plaque all lack. Fucking people show up their assets. Usually it's tapered to nevada. I guess you could be really good. Oh ho they have speaking of around the loop lange. There's there's a butt plug that's out there. It's it's kind of like this. Velvety feeling material. Like i have that one vibrator made out of it. But i have to wear a condom with me. 'cause you're like jesus christ joy to jam it into you sit tight the first time we tried to shove that your snatch. I haven't used that in a long time. We just had Yeah continue run through the weirdest goddamn thing. It's it's a para tests but it's a pair of tickets were the is would be and then there's the nose and mouth so you can grab the tits as you fucked the face I'm just. I mean whatever is cool if you want that okay. I can't imagine what you're saying well the ever imagine like a a flex leave. It's all the way to the end. It's got it's got tits. Were the is would be. And then it's got a nose and a mouth sensitive nose of the pussy right. So i don't know i will. We're going to go to an episode of rule thirty four and when we come back we are going to have a brand new tits and we're going to have a bunch of other shit to talk about so enjoy yum yum time bullet basically and refreshing snack as a new rise of an antibiotic resistant mutants super gonorrhea. Owed supergun ever is going to get the crash. they're not going to read it super gonorrhea. Is that like one of the new x. Men or solving is that like what are their immune. Bauer 'super god. I mean that's definitely like a man marvel universe or dc. What are we talking about. Yeah i really. Don't y'all really find out. Might be one of the boys. 'cause you know when you have a new superhero coming on the fucking scene. God so what so. You know the old where where ghanem stupid i mean. He had super. Mario healthcare i exactly what he just got. His die of. Gonorrhea is that what happens. I guess you gotta raya fatal now. How luggage super gonorrhea is that fatal. Yes it was fucking shot gamma rays and develop superpowers. How do you don't know that. I don't know kid. You know the limbaugh Bridges lupus bobby's bertrand and welcome back to pinky katie's role rule thirty four studios can you katie radio dot com and radio dot. Net can give me on the twitter later at kinky katya radio kinky gatorade radio dot com kinky katie g dot com not facebook for another two weeks fat life with me. You'll find something somewhere. There's a nudity on twitter. I'm just fucking hit. Images can fucking klein shed figured out. If we're not retarded. John spill my god. I found this so funny.

00:35:00 - 00:40:00

You you know that it's a commercial for match dot com with satan and twenty twenty dollars. That's fucking great. Yeah we're there saying and he is hooking up with the year two twenty in the form of some check. Yeah and is hilarious like. It's the burger a perfect match. It was a great. it's hilarious. Well fuck an angry christian moms they're condemning the fucking dot com. Mom marks coming down on you. Know what you gotta do. When the mobs come four you said so angry. Christian mom condemns match dot com for ads. Showing seton on a date with twenty twenty hilarious. I mean they have. They're actually tell you that the on twitter there's less than five thousand of them. Okay but whatever. I think it's hilarious so just like you should not condone certain. Really date yes. It's okay to vote for him now. Of course my goodness your choice. Your vote your choice. So there's a you know a lot of Dudes and girls are into the anime kitten girls guts thing yeah uh-huh while they have a kitten paw vibrator ho. Yeah nice and in the business and the pie. Tell me the pines the business ed. Yeah it's it's the pad of the kitten paw pad vibrates so yeah okay. Sure you could stick it. Inside is big as a remote control so if you can shove remote control your order them. With enough lube and determination. Anything is possible. Anything like the traffic cone dildo and everything which is the thing that if you wanna get really intrusive okay. You wouldn't be able to show. That's not not intrusive enough or you know if you if maybe have a long distance relationship or if you just want to send something dear gynecologist. I really don't know it depends how close you are. But there is a sounds a little weird to be close with like close with your gynecologist. It sounds sounds. I mean you know. Oh he's like eighties got that shaved hand. He's the favorite. I can't imagine he's nice. He actually warms up the douglas the kaisha open and it's an a lifelong adventure for ladies in the in the guy now. This one actually leaves the gloves on weeknights. When he does pelvic exam such a treat when they when a glove up. I don't wanna get dacoven. God anyway up vibrating and suitable video cameras. Oh yeah now. I only want the cameras but oh yeah because the yeah. Those are two to measure so they could study the elusive female orgasm. Yeti some are like a. Yeah like a yeti fucking bigfoot but now everybody talks about it but nobody really has any proof at ever was around. Not really there's of it. You know i found a footprint was actually shack running through gigantic. Feed they're like big. We don't really know if ladies get off. We know they tell us they do. But i don't know if i believe him some called. Click what is that. I've heard people talk about it. But i don't think that we actually have like that. Did you ever wanna fuck a big earthworm negative. I never even one my caucus. It's like if i was gonna stick it down my dekel like the thing is though is even know they they call it the cobra okay. But it's not it's it that's an earthworm. That's a big earthworm drippy. Had earth were boys. That's okay it doesn't look like a fucking cobra you. I don't know that kind of that kind of looks like a with a worm on the top of it. I'll like drippy sweater. Yeah like i like no like the worm is just sitting on the the head of a take so you gotta wear me dick how. That's a little real worm snow real and it is the weren't being inserted inside of me. That's that's true. Our wittily shed somehow. I don't know how that would turn anybody on. I don't get it whatever to each of you late that they were they have. They love being like bugs crawling on them. Yeah that's what. I'm saying so scared baby.

00:40:00 - 00:45:03

Who knows. oh so we were talking about Shrooms all the time This miserable one article from live science. So you know it's got to be true that's right. You got to credible credible source sir. Credible i mean secure who never pass along information from shaky sources never ever. I wouldn't even know how to look for. One of them are inner inner thoughts and feelings match our speech and actions. That's very evenings integral well. There's this article the opposed to. They said that magic mushrooms grow in a man's blood after he injected himself. Shrooms t you. He didn't want to eat it so she made a tea. And fucking mainline. goddamn gear. that sounds very sanitary cooked at first. Jesus i fucking steeper really long time. Yeah i put the needle over fire. I mean klein. I did all the right things. I don't know why they're mushrooms growing inside of my blood alien. They said like several days later he had to be fucking take initiative Emergency room and they said they found the fungus growing in his blood. He's been twenty two days in the hospital. Eight of those days were in the icu. All the vampires london were having a party that week. Yeah his blood. Use on drugs. How i am down. I like that show. I'm as such. Oh i don't know if it'll come back up what we do in the shadows. Oh yeah you. I mean i liked that show but i i you know i have a hard time following a story line in. Something doesn't come out all at once anymore if it if it doesn't all like come out at one time like following it week to week it just like i have such a hard time with it. I think they've got three seasons on hulu now. Okay like all. that's anyway. Whatever in this book on charms spells and incantations. Okay so we're doing. Charms spells can't now sure i'm witch okay. Okay now. i found it interesting because it was in It was in the section for for flirting and for try trying to woo a woman. Well one of the things that was highlighted says you may fascinate by her a piece of cheese. Okay you go. That sounds like some wisconsin. Propaganda sounds like a dairy farmer. I swear i gave loretta and cheese kurds. And damn near. She didn't just dropped to her knees right there and set up a blitz. They're exactly so if you if you want to woo her. Like what kind of cheese like cheese is is that what works. better abry. what. What are we talking have crafts things flicking on her head like they have the cheese challenge where people were doing it. They were throwing pieces of cheese on babies. You're not on. You're you're not online social media. One of their online is probably not really true. But i don't know to social media now. Okay well it was like on tiktok or something. There was like one of those challenges where people videos where they would unwrap a slice slices. Jesus throw it on a baby said or an animal's had a baby or your pet stick on the forehead. That was the goal okay. So it's it's demean demean somebody. That can't fight back right. Okay become somebody week so basically yes at it got it got really popular really so okay not shocked. So that's why. I was saying just but i mean you gotta. I wouldn't do it with like a blue cheese or something we got to crumbles. I mean like what what if you go like extra extra stinky cheese. I mean you go deep. Hey bitch do line of parmesan the bigger. You know this is my brand. Pitch draw powerful. This is yeah you know coming from around the corner lady. I mean everybody knows. If i've been here god your balls. I can't tell. I can make fucking onions taste. Sweet like an apple. That's a little frightening a ha. That's a very very won't even notice there's a whole slab of dijon dijon mustard dijon mustard got some of the edges fancy baked into me.

00:45:03 - 00:50:00

Some labor is. That's how you how you do. It tastes atmosphere. I could do it. I really your favorite segment stab i. I'm i'm gonna kill this ligers. It's time for chip. So this week's hits man. I'm sorry. I'm having pussy problems already. Like unplugged delight. They've crashed several things. There wow n- tight tight napping together and that's why i don't play being buddies. We bonded to weird. I don't know anyway. Well celebrities that have really nice boobs that actually put them on instagram. Yeah sled boobs on instagram. Yes noble free. Nibble free cam. Wants to be well some of them. Though you can actually see like it's sheer enough. Top where you can you can make out where the nipple and areola okay. I'm going to be disappointed right now. Why won't be disappointed because still looking at you know. Round mounds you are and they. They're they're they're quite nice. There's no see there's nothing wrong with that at all wrong. That that's a very overdone lippo. I'm gonna say well. of course it is. I kind of overdid mind to a know. That was a little little puffy. I take that much more than just make swift said to a little bit too much there. Yeah i mean. I don't understand pooku whatever so anyway but if you really wanna go see some nice celebrities you can over to instagram. Because the ones that have not been taken down there are a couple. I apologize in the lists that were that were removed by instagram or by the person because they have but there there celebrity celebrity celebrities so i know that they weren't they weren't fucking like what's off of instagram. It's a good thing to take out those pictures off instagram. Because we all know what could happen if somebody were to see eight nipple. I know i know. See anything. I was burned. My retinas earned off. Now that's right. children orphaned. See what i used to eat from. I grew i was nourished knows born on these things and now i can't see them because they're bad mango ladies. Go get crazy banco crazy over nipple. We see nevels. We can't control ourselves that we go rabi like like you know our little girl brains whenever we see we see dick or save. Thank god even even. Vn's they they want the dick do because when you get a vibrator you get a strap on what does it look like a deck or or something. That'll fit in my vagina like a fist. Yeah anyway that you for the week hit man. Yeah i don't know. I think it's i think it's funny i. What are these weird things. That that's been that i've seen in the news a lot lately like everybody could be just me picking it up in my I don't understand the deal with. Kfc like why is it so popular. I think is disgusting chicken really. it's just okay gusting. Yeah it's just okay. Yeah yeah. I mean i'm not like like turned completely off by. There's definitely worth checking there. There is but i'm just saying like people on youtube like all different ones from even across the world they're just like all gravies the best way other places. If you don't get it into different thing you know people asked if people that work in the afc are like carrying for what they're doing. Maybe they can make a nice chicken you know they have all the rights yet they got the the fuck and high pressure fryers the poster on apparel and apparently now they also have a video console that With chicken heater in it a video console to show a game game count That's right that's right. You showed me a picture that the chicken warmer. That's also a game called. I'm sure there's not gonna be any more issues without at all. It's completely operational sir. Completely opera you're going to be able to run cyberpunk twenty seventy seven on it flawlessly and warm up a fuck and drumstick. That's all the same hall now. A sore yama is a is artist that has done a lot of for. I believe it's penthouse. Was one of the adult magazines painter. Artists has a whole. Okay well the this artist. Kind of hooked up with geiger. Geiger is a giger a ticket skier. I've heard it both ways. But i think i've heard more giger.

00:50:01 - 00:55:02

You're okay so that guy the one who say debatable. It's unknown guy who does all the cool of morphs. Yeah uniforms in a more in Aliens yes yes. He did all the are. He eats it all the artwork in the original aliens movie and kind of created that. Look of that universe. Yes along with a lot of other really cool art well running right now through Through february you can see a It's an art exhibit called sexy robots and. It's a serious sexual. There's there's there's sculptures but a lotta paintings and at looks really fucking awesome yet. His you're familiar with their work. His stuff is very You know creepy dark. You know alien like well. Yeah but we that look you could definitely you. You could tell his stuff for a while the way in very world famous if you don't know who he is. I don't know why you don't know who is about. Yeah please but sorry. I'm a i i used i love. I love the paintings. I a lot of the Olivia i want to say okay anyway. Lottery bill painted a lot. I used i remember a lot of betty page paintings Anyway really hot on the does really good with the pornography really really good with pornography. will that dude On youtube i see him all the time He's he's a chinese artist Anyway he draws with his pen at and that does really cool porn too. God damn it and it's not any good remember. Stay but hey there are. People saying yeah. Both of us were trying to figure out a name earlier because there there's a. There's a person the used to do. I don't know if they still do radio or not. Or whatever he he thinks that as c. sounded like donald. We couldn't think of norm macdonald. Better story than that because you know how everybody thinks that Blind people the like have better hearing than normal people like heightened senses and daredevil dammit dares have sort of a thing now the one blind guy friend of ours we haven't seen him in a while but for a while he would say that. I sound just like norm macdonald for mcdonald's. Titles what are you. He is the worst black guy. Like how how we don't get tears level. They could hear butterfly fight in china. We don't get that selling. Mcdonald's god do what do you do in yeah i. I don't the moral story as we couldn't remember or mcdonald's name rank as we were watching. Mark norman yes and like wait a minute. No but it's it's. It's norm macdonald that we're john anyway. I guess it was kind of one of those things everyone out there. But how seriously tell me tell me if you think. That s c. Sounds like norm mcdonald. Because it's uncanny sound just like him. We did kim jong g. Did you can kim jong g. that's the dude's name. i was talking about. He's very famous too but he does really good pornography as well. Okay and like what he shows sketchbooks like he doesn't do it a lot for for other people at all but like he has his own little drawings and his his shit is at his tight. Business tight does it all with from memory with a marker like this fucking pen re. We watched some of his stuff. Yeah on dude yes yes. I think we'll check out his his handwriting shit too because it's pretty tight business now. I think that there was there. The author of the article. That i read is a scorned woman. Okay i article is set. Man suck dicks are stinky. All tax cut all day poster. Usurp fault they are. Let's what we eat them for. Pick them all. Just put them in. A god game jar will take the sperm out of as we need them. God says look up to milk. Emissions look irs will down the ball gag. Trump takes up their ass. While we're at it. I mean yeah well like you would be about it like we're doing this. Okay ladies for doing this. We gotta do it. You know the metal be really mad one ten. Let's say let's say they have no decks and things shoved up their asses while they're gagged and tied up they're going to be really pissed off at t shirts as i love cosby on. Probably going to have to take off work actually sick day for you already. Use them all. You got to come in now honey.

00:55:02 - 01:00:08

Now that you don't have a deck. You are completely useless to me. I mean you were only semi useless before now really i have no use for you. Whatsoever a hey. I'll be nice and give you one of these inflatable donuts to sit on it for a while. You're going to need it like ooh. Now you guys slipped through like it was nothing on the flip side. You don't have to worry about getting your frank's franken beans caught in your ever. Which apparently is like the leading cause of penile injury in the united states guys in the us or well. Here's careless with your junk. I mean it could be worldwide. They just don't keep to stats everywhere. That's all oh how much force game gets like cotton as pets like where there's more foreskin. There's more liver damage is what i'm telling you. Because there's there's martyrs more loose skin you're just self amputating at this point you might as well just nip it off for skin is the weakest of the deck is it. It is the weakness of the day because the cowboys go. You're going double deep on the on. The you're circling back around tonight. You can double d no. I'm not sticking up my ass. Euro no single div. Yeah put something in whatever orf issue on. okay. I got the sense at this thing by My friend of ours is hey. Maybe my one it. Maybe you can talk about this on the show. If you want this has to be one of the weirdest looking sex toys. And i have to find out how our wasn't weird enough or the corncob not strange enough now. We have a weirder. Yes okay and it's like you turn your balls into a micro pene okay so basically shove your nuts up. Somebody's what it's called baldo and it's a device that turns your balls into his second cock. I'd quit baldo was a famous mission. In the twenty s sir baldo. It was a belgian. He was from brussels. and he's a world. Famous magician Sir ball'so sure he could make anybody's nuts disappear. Well this is. It looks kind of like a weird shotgun. Shell like bullet type of thing also. Yes okay wait a minute and i thought you said it was you shove your nut sack up as a micro pitas yes okay picture. Wow gone telephone. What the fuck is up with that okay. Are you figure nuts in that so you stick them through the thing so it just cinches your nuts down below it yes yeah h we have. It reminds me of when you have those class. That i was having a hard time went to sound any weight class. Where you have like a rope and a little ball with a button and you pulled the both ropes and you let go the button and it's like a little plastic knubben. A connor reminds me of that. Where you would put your ball through like this fucking slot. And then they'd be stuck down below. That would happen to nothing. That's kind of like a cock ring but our apps are any longer there. You go yes it does work that way. Yeah yeah wow and then the two little rings that they come with it work as both cock ring and like when you have an earring sometimes like a piercing you got they come with the two rubber rings you put on either side like yet. That's not like thin in robe-like w there's no way that's all. I could rip your takeoff. It really could about anything ripping genital college strange. When i was on a bunch of acid i saw loses nuts accidentally like i i saw to call me odd. Just it's one of those. I've been pre programmed out. No i things around nuts. Negative not. I am not scarred for life will not really scarred. I'm really just contains at something that seemed like a bad idea before was like i confirm my already existing bias like my bias too wrapping ropes around my dick and balls and tugging on them like i was already kind of not into it at all on now. Solidifies your no all it did is fucking. Confirm my bias. That's there you wanna do it. No negative well anyway. Okay well how this whole thing started like how this whole rant just went on was there was this This guy said that the certain men in this in this morning britain like area are the worst lovers in the world ranked in hometowns for burma preparer bear like who who ranked no where they could just be the junkiest david jarvis they could be druggist.

01:00:08 - 01:05:01

It says that the these did the low now. I don't know how to pronounce this. This place let lease Tier okay like a stir right. It's the men from their french word. Topped the unfortunate poll oppose us. What are we talking about rank why you're talking about some bowl talking about bullard. Poll poll smoking either one. It works for balls. I still a balls being down. See i was stuck at now. I'm reliving over and over again. But that's a fucking tug down and tied off just like you can almost just take them though right by hand like you do a goat. Well yeah but i mean and i showed. I showed you what what it looked like. I mean the thing is like micro pain so what the fuck you gonna do with that. I mean so basically. If you're going to go up the ass with that it's only gonna go in like maybe an inch and a half and then the other end that's wrapped around your nose because it was like a long cylindrical bullet. That's it had a slot in. I was describing everybody else again long. Cylindrical bullet like a fat bullet with a slit in it. These slip you're nuts due to slit it's like rubberized so the end of the bullet. You could flip around and shove your asshole. That sounds really. I don't know. I guess i could see a lotta guys feeding and you know i could see it. You know. negative i'd z. There are two things. I'm not liking about that. Why one thing wrapped around my nuts. You know what i mean taught like that and number two subject being shoved up my ass and then and then number anything of your ass and then see the combination of all of them together. It's all of the above. It's not only one or choosing things that i'm not really into at all. It is three cottam three things And if that's what you're doing and do it jam on your it. Looks like a safe device to me though. It doesn't scare me. You know what i mean. I wouldn't be terrified to put that around my nuts. There's no spikes or locks or yeah. It's not like that fucking anti theft device that blue. Choose fucking car as we talked about like a hundred episodes ago Looks like a key box for a realtor. It's it's a chastity device for men that and we talked about it a while ago. That had bluetooth capability so like your. Tom could be on their phone app. And lock or unlock your debt cage or whatever they wanted exactly and the first thing we all said is you know you know the koreans are hacking thing. Anybody north korea. Kim kim jong is going to be sitting there with finger on the button going on. I lock all american cock up right now. All of you you will never fuck or peace again until my country gets god damn respect so there you go anyway. Yes so what happened. They they got fucking hacked. You are watching that with me. Then i was. Yeah no we totally got hacked in. The company had come out with that well. Here's how you take it apart and if you need to it's like how to like to send email to everyone on this list and people were doing like their their chassis. Advice was getting locked autumn. And they will get a message from the person said all right you give me So much at all. Unlock your tech. Yeah they were. They were doing their like holding it for ransom to pay like four times a little. Did he know he was one of those guys. Just likes to be forced to pay. Pay pig pig pig. Anyway you got that dude off. He's oh my god money. So good i put in the wrong code again so when i get this unlocked and i put it back on again. I mean you guys know how to get a hold of me right. I need to make sure you know how to get a hold of me. Here's an alternate number. I'm thinking probably in the next two or three hours. I'm probably going to have a back on again. So if you wanna relax. She a mcdonald as those things can easily like dorm. I know all right. We're gonna out of here for the week than i so for me. Se youtube kickoff. Katie radio on youtube. Check it out. You can also get some steam Again steam other video. They're i think they're getting better. I think they're getting better a little squarely break. I one really good job with those. They're really cute a little better better. Every day. i swear also have merchant. Could you came to radio dot com.

01:05:01 - 01:05:40

You can go check it out to that. Yeah i got movies coming up. We've got tampa bay screams coming up in march. You wanna come in and check me out and smother horse stuff you can do so other hor stuff Anyway i do. I like topos anybody does.