#340 – Obscure Porn
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Kinky Katie's World #340 Obscure Porn

00:00:00 - 00:05:02

Yes I actually have a fake arm that i have attached to me. I did all under the table with the other and so in front of the camera looks. I've got two arms. You sitting here politely. But really i'm furiously lastly up rubbing it up okay. I'll have been business because most most of us guys really. We know that that's where you girls do all the time constantly masturbating. We're just just dick dick crazy ad now and a lot of it's because you are in the presence you know so because there was a dick near you. Obviously you were ready to go. Could possibly control your own self. How could you help it your garage you i can't i don't i don't know i'm very strong. It's it's hard to be feeble minded and resist cock like that caucus oh fucking beautiful and also just takes girl. The weekend has landed. All the exists now is clubs drugs. Pope's pies of four hours off from the world man. i'm going to blow steamer my like screaming kettle. I'm going to cut shit to strangers all night. I'm going to lose on the dance floor. The free radicals inside may freaking on. Tonight i'm two and three a pop. I'm going to never neverland with my chosen family. Man we're going to get more spiced out than meal. Strong advocate and tonight could be a quick buck burner. What's the and now live from. You'll thirty stadium. I bring you a girl who's kneepads. Oddly enough are connected directly to our clint. Look here she is your host. The can keep katie. Hello welcome to the show. This is eighties road number three forty. I'm your host katie. Yeah with me as ours. Is the man computer cave. Absolute favorite flush fuck toy at my co host. Mr sure doing just all right pretty good anyway. Well we are coming to you. Live from rural rural thirty studios kinky radio dot com and radio. Chaos dot net. Ooh yeah can. Oh yeah okay well can hop on. I'm not helping you drive. That's a that's fine. That's that's why we have a lot of fun. I have played for them again. We're doing this desma is going to happen. That's plan okay. You've ever written down. You took notes. That's true them while we've got lots of porn as smut as mother shed at odd rambling from around the web plus our personal lives. So you know. Don't forget to check out youtube channel. Katya radio and likened subscribing watch episodes like this one right. Now check it out. It's taken me like a week to do the video for the previous week. Okay though you work very hard on them to. Tonight's will be up friday night. you know. So if we record on saturday by the following saturdays but he was up. Hey hey. I think we're doing a very good job. We're getting better. i appreciate it. They're getting better. I still think it's so funny. Because the most watched widens the christmas tree porn and people. Got all pissy because there is like this. Isn't it to stiffen what do you. What do you think i mean. It's it's youtube you can't put on youtube and still keep like putting out stuff. They got mad. Because my in my nipple stretching video is censored the there's so many other person videos nipple piercings of words bear boobs to okay. I don't want to risk it or k. Ball that i don't. I don't know what the filers so i just don't know. So there you go. I have no idea. And he's my it guy so put it. Sorry it's probably somewhere. That's that's a what might not be anywhere. So yeah no. There's a difference between it's the problem with nowhere. Yeah nowhere means. i wouldn't have deleted it. So it's it's it exists floating around in the computer. Were well not be. You know which one i have. And then there's like cloud storage chit than put things on you. Know elliott track c. t. G are so then. There's a video floating around of my ticket and stretched which is so weird because i that That inch maybe be laugh. As i just finished filming yesterday for zackrydz dead and for for my scenes i to take my borings out.

00:05:03 - 00:10:15

So i've just. I've left mouth because i've been enjoying it quite a bit then being out. 'cause i haven't had a mountain so long and they're so they're large they're to gauge serve. You guys know it that they d s ballers and a pencil now pencil size pepe pencil side out pencil or pen size for those of you. Who are you know. yeah so anyway. They're they're big in their heavy so take him out. It's just it's really nice station. But now i've been like super horny since i took him out. It's like getting your braces off. You know if you ever have races races like home. I caught. It's real so there's slack makes to flick lick everything well. I can't stop playing with them. And it's been skied me. All horned up and i-. I attacked him this morning. And i've been trying to attack him again. Ever since though it take i have to stuff you have the. It of are very busy. Hey you're the one that chose to be busy okay. I enjoy doing it too. So you know there's that it's okay i have. I have devices owino gizmo firing about when you did. I tell i hear. I know of awake or than you think i am. And you're and your Thrill masturbation yes so well thank you for playing along. Then i met that you're you're going along with it. Well no fun. If i know because if i if i don't all doing staffer you mid diddle you know what's side wall sometimes that that's that's what i'm looking for because may maybe you're trying to get somebody involved or you know Edging denial gov so frustrated. Okay you'll say that. Until i actually do it and then you'll think twice i that at all. Well probably then again you might. Who knows yeah no. Roll the dice. We'll see what happens. That's true very weird Oh speaking of speaking of movies Bubba bubba the Family snapshot this. Not even out yet. It's been accepted into this like it's got an award. Okay how'd you get in a word for it hasn't come out yet. No it's it's it went to a film festival like it's been okay but it's not like out like i haven't seen available but it was at a film festival what you said. Yes okay yes well. they're side anyway. He's really excited about it. So you get said film. How'd you get this. Oh you can't get it. That's right i said don't confuse me. I might add gin. So i'm i'm very who's who's driving where we going. Yeah sex 'cause. I'm supposed to be driving or you're doing it just slowly you know. Here's the thing too. And i i will. I will start to go over my lines. Try china learn my lines. When like as soon as i get the script and i could be like i've got this. You know but then i get nervous and i i like him up i blank and i have to have like on my phone and yeah. We'll probably common people do that all the time. You're like a ball of nerves. A lot of people are when you do shit like that. i know. And that's why even even the directors they're like wire you nervous. Yeah just don't be. It's i mean it's not like it was back in the nineties eighties or before then when there was actual film like it's completely free. They can shoot as much footage as they need to shoot. Yeah so stubby deal. Yeah saying what you're gonna say. July fiji the second line. I know you know. We're talking micro budget horror films. But i mean this isn't like it's funny because i'm used to like everybody. Just do one take two tops. Yeah you know for most things and just keep it moving give but this was like multiple trip me up a little more. It was a different. It was somebody you don't you haven't worked with worked with a couple of times a yeah actually the the last time or one of the times that i that i worked with the with actor the played my husband I rip is dick off in a bathtub but Yeah i They're off was matiz and it was a shame that you guys had to do that. Live you know. He had to do not ran. Federal tragedy dude. Liz's tech keep it in a jar of the fireplace souvenir had a tattooed in a handle put on it with tuft of for coming out of the front of it appears at appears at toe.

00:10:16 - 00:15:01

Stick has tell yes. Dick has it. So you know it's extra tests panicles. It technical clinton of its mutated for her pleasure. He was you know they have that new crisper technology. He was just genetically engineered extra on his cock. See the little french french action kind of. But you know technical taylor really lou. How can you imagine if you could. I i bet you could. I bet i could imagine. Yeah if i'll give. It showed her margin if you will not getting implants on the one side of your shaft of little lulu rings suction cups your dick becomes like imagine. I liked theory behind that. However with my jake i like what happens. The difference between a hard at flaccid and to to bassett is like hard soft. It's a different era. grow or not a show. Okay so what happens. When i go to like what happens when it's small cousin side. Okay so when it grows these are going to be like no negative. I don't know what's going to happen but it's not gonna be pretty. My skin is is very is tightly stretched as it is. It's very very hot like you can't fuck and stretch it out anymore. it's at like maximum fucking capacity. I know. I felt it full blood lots of times and i can't imagine trying to show something between the skin that what are you to no. No no nobody's going near. Might not so the fucking blade now. No negative don't care have bb's in your ball coral. I'll put on a fucking. Bb strutted fuck sleeve and anco asked vaj the mouth or to ask the mouth. I don't know which any combination of that i feel like doing with my studied dick appendage. Hey idea jake appendage. For that. Though i'm not getting implants hello i won't go say have yet another shoukat so now you know flaky. Well at least if you're watching he's a little bear face and if you're not he's just a black cat stereotypical for a person to have it all black located. Well we get it at the barbecue at the barbecue barbecue. It's it's part of your fucking jumping in you get your your black cat demon. That's right uh-huh oh by the way thank you thank you for the costumes that have been coming in. I appreciate it. But there's two of them that have to back. But i have to get a different size because fed them bad thing but i was just getting really pissed off at customer service. Yeah last night new. Do you really agra fest i did. boyfriend was trying to yell out of in the background. And you were just being nice now now. Now you're i mean it's it's really appropriate. The you have your karen heroin. It is have to say so. I mean i don't know. I like i don't make me put my care on i. Hey later on. I have an appointment to go golfing with my partner. Chris even is honey. No seriously i do look like a lesbian with this. Little picks the blonde the blonde pixie. Bobby short hair style. Yeah it's the official Bitchy white lady cut. I think i think that's exactly what people have in mind when they when when they see karen. I mean that. I'm surprised that dude when you went and shot the movie last week that he had you do of your name was literally karen. Yeah my name. My name is care. I mean he's just a short broadway. Just it was so appropriate now would have been so appropriate. He wanted me to go with reg because there was no redheads. The movie okay so sure yeah right. Whatever baking good movie sushi's green. So unless you're going away. I don't know anyway but I think we're gonna go to my favorite type managed by put it there. It is it might not be the porn. You would pay katie.

00:15:03 - 00:20:00

It's time once again for orange. Okay so my porn pick of the week is kind of it's weird. We're not not weird. No it's probably legitimately weird go on. Well i started. I like i like looking at strange different weird kind of porn categories. Okay i having a hard time right. Now john rose. What are some of the weirder ones. I've been looking at. They haven't really been getting me horny. But they've been really kind of interesting in their kind of finding so if you if you're looking for some kind of porn that might be a little out of the ordinary than this might be something for what is out of the ordinary anymore. Though you know what. I mean you had much. Multiple speculative action last week with forced object insertion now dental spreaders sounding elia. Okay certified said well we've got yippee porn okay How are you finding out out. Said if he porn. I'm not okay. we're just we're rolling with it. We're doing this fucking people do these days. They don't know what things actually sound. Twenty th century style. Nobody knows how to say anything the same anymore. They just change the pronunciation of all kinds of words. So we're always yippee. How do you spell yaffe. Why i have a. Oh yes oh. Why do i say e. I don't know why you made it really confusing okay. So we're we're we're peeling is back kids so we know it's not if he if good luck if you've already started typing because you're luckier like a through everything katie. I've looked at the entire fucking library. Tell me what. I haven't seen you fucking tell me what i haven't seen katie a buck type in a right now cut directors yippie focus. That as i'll see that's where my eyes went because it says if it's as if porn then right under the description it says if he okay well anyway. It's people in free costumes. But they're but they're fucking okay. I didn't know that there's the civic like name for it but everything hasn't even a term figured that out because he can't be cool unless you unless you know the secret terms it's like the fucking password to get into certain places. You're not cool unless you come. You're paying knock knock. Who's there gifty if he if he my little pink tickets your asshole the password to get it. i learned. I learned such a such a bad fact. Not a bad fact but useless fact but i learned that elephants masturbate by slapping their dicks on their chests until they come with those goddamn big flat pause read. How can they get a hold of right now. They got smacked of against their stomach growl. More african elephants have a seven foot long car. Would that be big enough for you. That's the you'd have to. The fucking packer are massive. Like trying to get one elephant on top of another like close it enough to arrange something to get inside of something emplo blowing up glow you know what i mean. Praise okay. How's this shot. Alex alex the arc. I know his brother. Aaron what goes no erin and alex and alexandria you. Okay i will look at you anymore. Look back at this screen. What was i think. I made eye contact kids. I fucked up going to be able to continue thallium so so. So now he's banging all over the place rec- index here. Yes okay there's holes in the outfits there's holes in the simulated softcore cinemax porn furry point. It's full on hardcore hardcore hardcore porn. Very so i wanted alleyway. I like my burn. So if you're if you're a yippee movie here right. Oh i would do if you. If you're if you're in a iffy movie in somebody tears off your arm of your costume. Did they amputate you. Are you now and nugget.

00:20:02 - 00:25:01

i don't know. I don't know if disabled the ap. would you talk. About if i if i take your animal off of your arms and legs you become elliott right. I get very costly. Costly any large doesn't exist. I think those are the roles. I don't know the rules. Okay if we can make our little nugget say hey ain't nobody would have to their life without an arm or leg either. Well at least it's actually me for my nugget action. So you're saying you wanna get a person put him in like a furry leotard and head. Well not a leotard. No the rest of the furry costume but you just pull the arms and legs off the for off of them so they're just regular arms and legs. Which don't exist because you're not in your for. That's what i said to leave a or d you work with me lady. I've just trying to find a fucking creative work around to a problem like you wanna have. You wanna have nugget fine but you know nuggets are hard to come by so you make one up okay. The mother weird things. There is a such thing as japanese newscaster porn. Of course there is of course. There is because urged dot korea. Now they're the japanese okay at the end. They have like female newscasters. They'll they'll hike up the have blazers on and Their credentials on but they'll have top barely covering their their nibble guy. Go on and they'll sit there with their legs opened underneath the desk and talk and they're like pixellated anyway at least here. It's it's it's a japanese genre of warned that involves People who are pretending to be adult. Its data fucking every. There's a lot of schoolgirl action. Yeah know there is a ton of schoolgirl fantasy going on. I have jappie schoolgirl outfit. The came the other day. All all of our favorite adam as we have to pretend we don't know how old they are. She's not sixteen. She's an adult it's a cartoon. It's not even real. what am i talking about. The president of the student council which obviously is very much much more key than we realize in japan being the student council president. I never thought like joe gatt. Is it me or was it like growing up that like you know. Not many people wanted to be the student. County council president. You know what you know what i mean. We're the treasurer. Ought to be on the student council. Go ahead yeah looks. Good on your college application jer. But the captain of the team. I'm the captain of volleyball brigade. And it's like no but that's not the student. The student council was always like like you had to be like really wanting some shit for your college application. You know what i'm talking about in the in the animated as it's it's there they they run the school they. Sometimes they run the city or the country to ya. No it's four things. you're just taking killick hill. Which here again was a fourteen year old thinking all of them. Well that every enemies the same pretty. There's a lot of themes they fit into little categories for sure anyway Fell ching is gaining popularity. Ooh the old felsch and if don't know it felt it it's when you suck trigger trigger warning herger warning sex jr is out of someone's ass. No yes and apparently. I found out that he could also do that of a pussy. It has to be done with a straw. Sorry turtles has with the straw. You can use a bamboo straw or a stainless straw. Yeah that's true really can be plastic twirly ones. There's no rule on the material. Shaw yeah but you gotta you gotta suck that jazz out of that hole. You gotta suck that chairs ride out of that hole. You're you're gonna do that so happy that you did. Report is making a comeback. We really when was it. When was it like when we come back. I mean you're talking about it like it was in the top three or something that's never been in the top three. Oh maybe an hour you know now with a lot.

00:25:02 - 00:30:14

What makes it in the top anything meeting. You know it's still going to be pretty obscure it's obscure. Well that's what. I said weird stuff that people are getting in said. If you're if you're looking for something new order. I was doing with it. A fish born. This was a new diplomatic fish. They're posing for pictures with fish being forced to second dick. Just i mean. I you know to we relate to have i mean i whatever it's a fish i guess if you eat it afterwards but there's also a whole bunch of videos of people behaving badly with a other sea creatures such as dolphins heels and turtle it always goes to bc. -ality addle husbandry. I'm sorry excuse me. I forget what you like to call it. Animal husbandry. i'll like god. I know that's exactly what i said. So what you're saying that you've been watching a lot of dolphin poured. Listen of you're watching a your you you learn rabi you looked up some obscure types of pornography. Yes okay coming on figurines. Yeah you're showing me. I don't know why you were showing us. I forget it was actually appropriate time. It fit the context. Whatever we were talking about africa. I was clown porn coming back because the bubes. That's the fucking the fucking pugh. Bobby is is generating fake fake. You know news about clouds same thing like when it came down it was coming out and stuff killer found out it was quinton though. Not a coincidence. It did very well. We really accept scars guard or whatever his name is as they acted as fucking pennywise their yell somebody have i had. I heard you say what exactly toothless granny board. That's okay. I mean you can have them come over and yell at the neighbors as some off of one of my personal favorites milking porn. You like the automatic milkers the cow that they put on people. Now for whatever reason you're waiting on deck to get ripped off accidentally violent a little bit very muggy taghi. Well anybody who lives on a fire scene where those things those things are done it supremely by santa claus porn has been popular again back around this popular a couple years ago bad santa came out like and everyone got all excited to focus. Santa claus apparently happened. You know i could be what what would happen to santa claus. If he moved down to florida after retiring he quit. That's what i'm saying. I could be like what santa claus would look like if he went to florida and retired. I missed that hard a- anyway all right That's your that's your pick for the pick you went on for. I also been into into the electrity again lately. Like a little bit of pain. okay. I i really. I don't i don't know why you're you're looking at one toy last week. That's why the other zapper those minis ever. That could be why. I pulled out though lady. One that i have. That has the The tent june it on the inside. So you put it in the one that i fried my personal eric shell. Why'd you call it. The old lady one what to deal with that because a lot of people say when While we're selling about the porn store that they were record doctor recommended women within conman okay. You can't hold your shit. What is it like giving you like many what having okay. That's like giving you a fucking keells. Pulses your muscles okay. Et cetera. hindsight and sometimes appeals out several layers of skin. yeah. I don't know what i did. But there's i've been locked in a position before for a little while it hurt for lung jets over or what. What do you mean you got locked in a physician was it like the electric chair was going on. I was. I was on my knees. And i had it up inside. I was on top of the bed. And i had it turned off but i had turned on to high and will really high and then i kinda shifted and it hit like a muscle in my in my leg like right in my joint and it locked my leg up.

00:30:14 - 00:35:19

And it was like stock. It was it was in it and then my leg was stuck and we can't move like grounded out you know and they got the ford the the full forty thousand volts. Just locked you up. It was it was pretty bad. Like okay please let s stock like this. I go totally live at. You know you probably here for four hours. Let me up look at levy on payroll patio the hangers technology. Give it you deserve. Well you deserve that. You're just trying to rebel an hour. It's not like you're fucking raping dolphins. I mean look. You're at home doodling. That's that's like the definition of not hurting anybody. That's yeah and you're not even any punishment you're not even like like looking up illegal shit in order to do it. No you just want electrified dildo. Yeah that's all fine. Yeah they really are fun like if you its touches you out the right way. It is the only thing i don't like about it. Is i am not a fan new guys if you've listened to show i've said it a bunch of times. I don't like the clip stimulator. I don't like rabbits with never the right length. For those on the on vaughn. Vibrators doesn't really hit you where it's supposed to hit you kinda right. Okay that it's too short. It's just it's it's your pussy. Just this is a different size The distance from the opening to aware you like to be touched on your is further away and then the fucking rabbit provides. That's all well annoying so then usually with those alternative around and shove the little newbie thing up my ass. So have you ever see one of those toys over here. You know where the nobis ben. Hey this is a bring your own. Toya households over motherfucker. We don't see loaders. Well i don't have any so. Yeah but i had a sex toy. I definitely wouldn't share it with anybody. The village leave no. I do not want to talk about. I don't want my own. Fox leave because of that. Because i just disposable one okay okay great i use it once and then i get. That just sounds like a lot of work. They have. They have these easy clean ones. That are that are really cool. I mean gentlemen generally. You're around me. When i when i wanna have sex so it's convenient like that. Yeah but i like to. I like to go. I i like to play with you two joysticks. It's fun. enjoy that. I like to get hansie. Okay i mean sure. Well i'm blowing all sorts of stuff. Anything dignity lately dick crazy. I'm a girl. Probably because i will not girls are like that though i can tell you for sure. Yeah they are no. We're all really of every single one of those people like male or female. Let cavani what happened. I'm kidding not everyone. Not everyone thought ever not everybody's cup of tea. Hey we're going to go to an episode of rule thirty four when we come back more should talk about and i haven't updated on on my friend. I feel so bad for her so anyway. It's time for a basically and refreshing snack long. I don't even want to take a picture. Yes senator girls random girl. Just okay i get like one of those mail program to mail your out to people do that totally you get like like a quarter of a percent hit rate on it. You know you send out two million stacked up your eyeballs. Is that the way it works. Who take it dick pic. Yeah it's random day blake random interested airdrop people yell to don't even know him. I will take look over at them and then just like oh my god you just smile like at no with the show pretty good.

00:35:40 - 00:40:00

Your style is no match for ruled thirty studios hidden radio dot com member. Who nets can get me on the twitter later at king pini radio kinky radio dot com katie radio dot com facebook. Another another good avenue if they decide to ever let you back on it. You're just getting suspended for your normal of hate of of ladies lottery on facebook. Yeah yeah well this time you actually determined though you deserve it so you had to come in just you you. You unintentionally broke a rule. Yeah yeah de. You didn't get naked or anything but you know now it's going to happen once in a while you're gonna get your trouble always gets me in trouble You can also get me on fat life. can google me. You can get me on the youtube the tubes of your radio watch me cut to say i have to say that i'm very i'm very. Can we recognize my boobs of great. Not last video. I was very happy with that. I know while it was one of the first time since since we started to invent a few weeks ago that that you actually put off something where you could see them. Yeah yeah yeah that. Bobby i dunno i just. I don't wear anything anymore so go anywhere anymore. Yeah you're just so you know you could choose to wear something where your boobs hanging out a little up. Somebody would appreciate it. Because i was gonna i was gonna wear. I got a nurses outfit today. And i was going to wear that tonight but then i will beforehand and i said i really hope you like getting into costume. Sorry plus added iron. It just came out of a bag and now this warning. That's shopped tonight cried. Allowed all right. But i appreciate anything very yes. Well the most recent video. That's actually on youtube. Your your boobs are out pretty well. That's nice it is. It's the new year's episode the moisture the moisture noise that's right. That's a good way to get you started on the men in can't you can't please. I can't do it all melt. Please don't do like little fall off of me it will. There's just chick. She was all fucking excited. That she got her She got her boobs fixed. She ended up hiring a dentist doodoo her boob job. That sounds like a really good idea. Exactly and her her job got and she's like oh. They finally fixed it like she won a settlement You hired a dentist to do your titties wallets the buy one. Get one half off like by seven years. Get a setup. Hoops half off. You got boobs aren't asked and they came with a set of johnson had gum point. Your ad says it plans. I wanna plants. He goes into her mouth. Shelvin minner chest had mentioned. It was a concert your breast implants. We all the way up the other end. It's a new method there. I don't know. I just thought about martha stewart. Oh i know why the south park out is still. I know why but that was better if you didn't but that's okay. Oh okay urge. Oh my goodness there's a there's a toy that you can get for For valentine's day. I can't believe put valentine's day shit up already but It's supposed to be a doughnut. I assume and it says.

00:40:00 - 00:45:02

I love you a whole lot but it looks like an asshole puckered center and it looks completely like an aso sokaia smiling but whole the passive aggressive donut for your mother in law's without is a hundred percent graham. I gotcha something. That's not good. Yeah that name fucking horror talk about my goddamn shoes while more time bitch and i am and i am good enough for your fucking sun the doughnuts that you give the done that your mother in the only guy or a hard time tonight. A little. I really are. I don't know what's wrong with me. Okay so while ago. I talked about that. A friend of mine found out that the dude was dating and in love with stan out that he was a gay prostitute. Okay okay. She found out that her her okay. Yeah she found. Her boyfriend was slinging gas a gay prostitute. Okay for pay twenty twenty anyway. But he's been doing it for a long time. It also like a boyfriend or something that was probably why clients well. I don't know what's wrong with this girl. 'cause i saw facebook update. There's dude that she's been dating for nine months. He's been cheating on her the whole time. She just found out and like people have been sending started just sending her stuff like screen shots of everything that he's been saying but a while she was sleeping like right next to him. Well you know it's been proven time and time again. Tusa fucking hated shit like people will do some heinous shit for sure. I feel i so bad for her. Like i don't understand why she can't. She picks the wrong like the worst dudes dell. Well either. he's hard up for money. Or does he just like deck or both thank. You likes the money you make from deckers. Mean if he's just end dag and what are you gonna do going back to the first one okay. I didn't know there was a second one. Yeah okay yeah. This is totally different guy okay. Different guy different guy okay. What happened to the first one. Will it broke up. Because he was breathing huge slinging dick. He's being a man. This is a different girl with different guy now. Same girl different guy okay. The second point fred. yes okay. Excellent red okay. I thought you were telling me the story of when she caught him. Doing this. Said thing hooking now dead. Yeah then we moved said in the second guy the next one. We didn't move on. I still back there was no. We wandered away. I don't know i blame you. You're my guide. Well you're gonna get really. You're not going to be surprised about this. But i had another ten hundred name a okay god ten hundred youtube artist slash artist artist painter. Yeah it's because it's because you you watched a couple episodes like the other day. Yeah he comes out with a new new video every week. I know i watched a new video. That was just today yesterday. I think it was yesterday. So as last night it had to been last exile. Take out you know. It's been a week. I think since like the new video us any anything older than a week. Start stop liking anyways. So but i i had i had. I had another to help you in the truck again now. No now help you into now. We were bad. it's just it just started happening. Yeah yeah we were. Just do whatever like you could have been in a relationship with him for all. You know what your game. It seemed like you were both there intentionally. What i'm said intentionally probably yet. No not mean chili. The first time the first time it was he was helping me into the truck and a finger slipped into by coach and we started banging. That's a different situation. Like if your dream you're rolling Obviously you know it a thing before you climb into the bed. You know what i mean so you were having like relationships. Raves about ten hundred. That's where he seems like a nice guy. I don't know i don't know why you're you almost feel like like shameful about it or whatever i don't know okay you're like i don't know. Add another one hundred dream.

00:45:02 - 00:50:04

I don't know because you're worried about willie alley popping up aren't you. That's exactly what you're worried about your. It's getting me one more one reference over the line. I wanna give you one fucking reference over the line and you're not gonna be able to pull up you're going to have like sudden engine failure and you're not gonna have anywhere to go. You have enough altitude. i'm outta altitude. That's right let's go to your favorites set but you didn't get into your fantasy. Which at hundred what are you talking about. How are you gonna walk away from that. There was there was nothing to it as they were in bed. Boy we weren't we didn't start Started like just coming into the doors kinda like going out and then ended up on the bed. That kind of are we going to do this. Worked out at now. We're doing okay. Yeah but you have you. Do you have like a guilty. You take on. I don't understand why would you feel guilty. I don't care. I don't know i just i do. I have all the harmless things things in the world literally had a fantasy about somebody a control it. I can't yeah. I can't control my i'm not. Who could i mean it's possible. They say you can fucking lucid dream. There's been times where i've been able to control the dream. It doesn't have it all the time. I can't no you don't you'd never like you've never just realized you were dreaming and and was able to bend it to your will. No no not that. I remember no Tap it a few times for me for sure where. I knew i was dreaming. I knew i was dreaming and then you have a more vivid imagination than i do. I think but okay well. i'm just saying it just. I don't know kind of makes sense to me. But i can't do that all the time. I stuck in the dreams all the time. That's why i'll have. Nightmares is because i believe. What's going on toda whatever's going on is going on. Yeah so. If i wake up whatever's going on is still going on including if i was banging ten hundred or so tech little artist dick on what are these say little. But if he's like swaying like all he could be swinging medium and when you're small it's gonna look large. That's true when you're tiny tiny. Things look big next at tiny earth things. I wonder if he leaves his hoodie on during sex well probably never takes off badgen. He's very tied to that too hoodies general. He wears t shirts sometimes baseball hat glasses glasses. Yeah like i said. He's just a very average cutted turkey. Look dude. I feel like though that that i would. I would have to give him like cookies. Energy stocks after. You know just really to really it in like urge is you just wanna make it feel like it's something wrong at away. Obviously you do like. You ought to give cookies the juice box. What are you like. We'll because he care. Seems so young. That young i said okay. I don't know how old he is. Hang on so. That's why it's a little weird for me. 'cause you don't know how old he is or because you're afraid of how old he is. He's over eighteen. yeah so i. He's legal thirties. Probably mother though looking for it's okay. Yeah i'd like. I said before. Think he's married. Yeah yeah 'cause. I think she's pregnant so i guess that's why feel guilty. Why put there's you and then there's her i don't care and they don't even know you exist. I know this is larry go. That's the weirdest thing. Now that's completely fictious. Fictitious you're just worried like if you bumped into you just would have to hop right on his day. Is that like you could control yourself like you're that you're that dick hungry that you're gonna go that hungry doing this. Yeah yeah we. For sure. I mean i saw magicians gone out of body experience psychic surreal. You had that dream right connected. Not only do. I not know you but we shared a dream right that happened. I know i know what you stuff so you know who i am. Really no no. That's how do now you just said hi. Hi there yeah dow. I know who i know. You exist yeah okay. Let's go to your favorites egg managed by standing by moves in and on the news.

00:50:05 - 00:55:00

It's time once again for shit man. Oh key dokey well. This tits man is all about women who flawed their booths. Have a better chance of gaining employment getting the job. Yeah sure yeah. Everybody likes him. Poop lounge there's actually experts say that they found females who wear low cut tops are more likely to be offered an interview than those wearing conservative clothes and they are more and they are more likely to end up landing the job with bigger brass bigger breasts or just breadsticks ito. Some flaunting and larger larger breath bigger boobs at their their checks all over. Good fuck gab. You fucking tar har- no that's that's so true though i can't really i can't really ever like down somebody for it's like that's what they have. I don't know it's it's that they have pets and they utilized their fucking tool to get what they wanted. I can't hate on that really. we we do. Have restaurants called hooters You know the kind of men for that stuff. You know and there's melons and a whole things but i mean i i ended up getting the job at Megaprojects because of my kids at the time okay. Yeah well that and you know there are people like lined out the door usually to work at jobs. Typically you know it's it's a you're willing martinez. Were good enough to get me a job at a porn star zoe twenty. I only right in my prime fucking age. Hey pull yeah five women or early to mid twenties. Well i mean as far as i thought it was in your in your late thirties. Early forties say when you wanted it went guys want you know what i mean. It's hey don't look at me. I don't make the fucking rules. Well i guess it was. Because i am even twenty four Yeah you know. Twenty five year cut off. He said well it just see. It seemed like for years. It seemed like i don't wanna hear it. I was like thirty at the time. So i wasn't that much older. I yeah it just seemed like everybody. I was reading into was like twenty three twenty four twenty five years old like everybody. I ran into anybody that it was like. I already know how old you are. Twenty four right now. Because everybody i meet seems to be that same bucket age something about your your class of people. Meaning you're you're not your generation because it's the same generation but you know what i mean the a your class like your high school class anyway. where everybody was banging your your generation was way more banging lib while they might were to. I don't i don't know we just like mature. Who's older few years older. Yeah you're right you're right you're Pry banging age. I think yeah pretty much at my very sauced point two. Yeah you stumbled around a lot. I did so pang k. Use your tits. Get a better job allowed. You gotta fight men be index. Anyway you might as well you know. Twist them up and get a little bit extra pay and your check there. I mean it's going to happen anyway. The other ladies for having pets and you know especially since married the one who had exactly do that. Oh yeah i would. I would use it to my advantage for sure will not not that. You're like it aggressive businessperson. In any way though you know what. I mean i don't see how like any you're just not you're not an aggressive person like that now just aggressive in other ways. Yes you take it all out man sometimes all right a lot anyway so yeah and so yeah. Cleavage your interview. You give girls little. Push up and linda smile anyway. All right dodger. That's your concern for the week. Hit man how my god. It's been awhile since you had an edible the close to Showtime really had a. You've lost dog. Control motor functions are really know early.

00:55:01 - 01:00:01

I could get there no it. You will course i will. There is this movie that came across in my my weird will. I'd pour look it up. It's called let my puppets come allow them like a stop keeping public's recovering it preventing them for releasing stop it s from nineteen seventy six role. Okay there are some weird woods back in the day for sure. You wanna talk a weird. You should see this fucking trailer. It's on youtube actually plays like you. I'll post a link in the show notes. you'll be able to oregon said they. Yeah okay there's a few Actual people the rest are all puppets. that's what i told you into creepy. It is so creepy. The puppets are other puppets or jerk. Index is going on there is there is there's poppet banging puppets there's puppets banging people. There's people banging people a puppet dick's singing hussein's like public. There's a puppet person having sex with a puppet dog. I mean there's marionettes it is be weirdest fucking thing that i have ever seen the i got the fig up for. It says it's the same person who brought to you john malkovich. I later john malkovich. Wow puppet tien the gerald damage yone kamio out really addict like that because it would fit so well really us really fucking fucking john. Malkovich was all about fucking puppetry. Yes the fucking husak. His character was a puppeteer that which what the whole thing was about like like half of the story line was about fuck and john cusack being a puppeteer and doing puppet cheering as john malkovich. In changing fucking puppeteer. Cain robert i. Yeah yeah i do. I fucking puppeteer ring so obviously the person who made that could have started potentially doing Pornography puppetry puppetry of the porn. Do you want to know the plot of this fucking crazy fucking plot. There is okay. Might as well. Let's hear it because what else. Wh wh how could you possibly right. Yeah porn days. There's there's group of executives that are puppets there's four of them. Okay and they owe money to mr big okay. Apparently this gangster. Ok more puppets yes. Well they were involved in the underworld a little bit there. And then there is a A african american lp. Okay okay. who's a little person right. Who's one of the bosses too. Okay and he gets up with the puppets. Okay and he has all these are puppets. No the the l. p. is a real person. Okay oh the puppet. But he's like a giant in there. Fucking land no. What do you mean he's out a giant the puppets at how big the fucking puppets. How small is lp. You're going to have to check it out. No and they came all is the lp normal lp cy okay so what do they have like giant-sized puppets to bang. Yes oh like jim. Henson puppets but creepy or like. Yeah optic could like fucking spaw. I'm digging tabletops. Is i'm thinking what was the name. What's the name of that comedian. With the with the puppets jeff dunham how bad it must suck if you're jeff. I'm thinking i can never ever get away from these fucking puppets and slow his. I live. maybe he doesn't. You're right right and it all reader aiming maybe just like yeah just likes it and if he retires then yeah i put them away or maybe he's certified crazy and he just hasim in his head that's constantly talking those voices all the time and i'm sure anybody here listening. If you've seen any of modern fucking puppet act it was tapped on him probably. We speak the filipino. That whole acts loss at like at one point i did laugh at. Taft laughed a lot and then at some point it. I couldn't laugh at it anymore. So watch it every once in awhile like that i am. You're kind of like you like you like the corny side of corn.

01:00:01 - 01:05:11

Sometimes i mean he just. He reminds me. He reminds me of someone. I can't quite put my on. Who he reminds me of regular white dude that like he's kinda just generic white dude really jeff toobin. He just i think he kinda he kinda reminds me of like. He looks a little bit like jamie mirror. The bartender jaime really. Oh i don't get that at all. no no. No jamie was big. Well they could be related or laying out and honor lost weight. Like one's like mutant cousin or something. I don't know like baby. Huey i've no idea. He was fucking re re rearranged with chris well and he was made to be the fuck giant of the family. He's like sasquatch. Well he's a lot bigger. They're like dimensional different people. Well as donald is just like. It's been a long time. Since i've seen him just looks like some dude just some way to highly. You know what i mean. He's pretty generic today did you did you know that This is a little fun fact about occupy the daylight that there are assholes like i. Don't i guess. That's why. I think that i like them. So what is their their dicks. They go round punching fish just for fun. Do they punch fish. Just for fun will first of all you know if you're an octopus. I mean they're fucking fish fucked up fucked up fish. Keep what i mean. It's literally what they eat. You know what i mean. Yeah it's it's literally dinner for them. So what do they care if they get of fish ship punch the cow. Yeah i mean they gotta entertain themselves somehow. That burger for eight it. They don't have like scientists out in the middle of the ocean putting him through little fucking obstacle courses. Get at my frustration. So well they just have that goofy. They just had that Documentary or whatever on net flicks the teacher thing or whatever. I didn't see that see know. I've lost interest in fucking documentaries anymore. I don't know why. I really haven't watched much lately. Either because i watched someone much to it you know. It always seems to me like you'll watch your watch documentary be like oh that was really good and then maybe you'll catch some other stuff on the same subject you go that that dude was completely fucking shit every that was fucking wrong or or bisley or you know what i mean. Yeah yeah no now. I know exactly what you mean you asshole you made me believe your bullshit for a half a minute. I mean it was usually about acid. I that it doesn't even matter if you had your fact run but still you know i go back to the shark week with don assholes dope on fake shit like it's real shit that you watch it you go. That's not real shit. what are you doing. Why did you advertise this real shit as to get viewers. I mean that's like lately a video on youtube porn and it's not actual porn a very angry katie. I thought there was actual porn on your fucking youtube post. Be look at this. Yeah hey. I mean Which mccalla youtube made me do the Change the thumbnail dr. They changed it. So what the fuck right verte. I you can tell that. It's not poor porn. That's obvious within like the first two seconds of the video instead sitting there it says podcast at did. It's it's literally what we're doing right now. We're talking tight. There's no actual sex going on. No no we felt that other ways. Yes i actually have a fake arm. That i have attached to me. I did under the table with the other one. So in an front of the camera luksa. I've got two arms. You sitting here politely. But really i'm i'm furiously philately rubbing up rubbing it out okay. I'll business well because most most of us guys really. We know that that's where you girls do all the time constantly masturbating. We're just just dick decorations yet and a lot of it's because you are in the presence of day you know so because there was a dick near you obviously you were. You know ready to go. Could possibly control your own self. How can you help it your stick around you. I can't i. I don't know. I'm very strong. It's hard to be feeble minded and resist cock like that caucus. Oh fuck it beautiful and also girl fall. You know we get the dumb around. How the fuck. You guys actually have that like the idea. You know how you think about dick not you but meaning you guy that like dick. That's not index. Like the thing. I think about eating addict or fucking whether i'm just like there's some dude attached to like it too like like fuck with a girl for liking the thing that you just yet.

01:05:11 - 01:10:01

You know what i mean. I don't know saying that they're going to go crazy over. You don't even like that thing like who are you to say. These people can't even control themselves with their around. This thing that you. I know guys who do not detest to the love and will that no. They're not the ones that made the rules. Stereotyping ladies into being crazy. those were probably hetero dudes. I've had had a row dudes and you're hetero dude. What do you like inflatables. All they want is like like the thing that you don't like you can't imagine somebody else feeling the same way about like You you look at it and you say no i would never like. I don't want to have anything to do with that. Harry fucking stay. You think i'm glad ladies or somebody wants to fuck fuck with it. Because i shares the fuck wooden mostly. I would wanna fuck with the things that they're attached to the actual men like dudes are just very. I dunno dirty harry fucking grease balls of like God damn you noted. It doesn't seem like fun to me. So i'm actually glad that there are people such as you who liked you. Roll around with sweaty burly harry dude such as myself. Because they're not harry okay except for except for my taste. Yeah so. I'm glad i'm glad somebody does but i can understand because yeah know. Oh my god. No harry ga other how you do it. I don't get it. I don't like harry assis. Harry like harry bunny trails. I you know. I've talked about my friend that i used to wax charles for him like i don't know why you can't just fuck vanover mirror. Put the depilatory cream as girlfriend wouldn't do it. We asked her permission first. Because alone is it okay. She doesn't ceremony. However do whatever i don't have to have. I'm going to have to at the same time. She's cleaning fox. Leave honey no. She cleans my fox. Leave for me to say and i get whacked yet very well. You're funny 'cause you're you're like i don't know why he couldn't just reach alison pill himself. That's rebinding okay. Girlfriend just didn't know how to use the phone and the whole process of waxing. She didn't understand that you've got to get the inside to you're not supposed to put. It doesn't mean that's not what you did it works. Good lubrication pange. Oh god burns so bad. Oh did you know that. There's just there's a place that i i. I saw this They do that. Inspired ice cream flavors. Okay like this like sweaty vital of like this this one this one woman. She rubber soon after fetish. Party will one of the flavors urine. Oh she actually she. She pees in in the starter and stuff. The stove is to. Oh i bet that would have a urine. He had a flavor to it in the bread. Like starter i talking about no ice cream ice cream flavors. So you get you know. It's thursday. I wonder what it would. She like finds. Her diet has to be for the properties. Zuber suber dehydrated for so it's nason and concentrated our spare and it's always the is i sean in the morning. 'cause you wanna go bold flavors gotta go bold you. Don't she was. She was asian and they tend to go quite bold with their their flavor. And you don't want to hold back on the flavoring of food. You know how you gotta have ice cream if if it's not strong good. Lord hasn't pungent passed a head in aroma. Leather boot knows. Send it ice cream. It's better than dirty sock water. You don't want to have the greek yogurt though it's supposed to be rub. We always call it creek. It's funny anytime we refer to anybody who's into fuck adviser we always say. And it's rich really. The romans were known for voluntary abs. And shit reason we get our minds. We always say it's great. It's great people always look at school. What are you talking about how we totally talk about it later. Now it's relevant and just don't care they probably did it to free-thinking fucking Ancient society for sure. I you know how we were talking about. I know we're going over time.

01:10:01 - 01:15:00

But i don't care you care so i we were talking about the other day. How people are going to be talking about like going dick crazy but when when everyone's like allowed out again clears up. It's it's you know. I have a feeling let's get our fuck on now. I'm hoping i'll i'm rooting for that. We can now. That america is becoming more like florida in general when really the entire country i mean all of your florida. You realize us now. You cannot make fun of us anymore because it's not just florida. That's i all of us all of us. We all had a new neighbor. We have white trash up the entire country for sure that's right spread like a virus will cause. That's what i was saying. You know since we're talking about that everybody wants to go fucking whatever. Toby baggy shirt that there is a new rise of an antibiotic resistant mutant super gonorrhea. Ooh supergun everyone's gonna get the crotch guac and they're not gonna treat it super gonorrhea. Is that like what the new x. Men or something is that like what is their immune. Bauer super gonorrhea super. God i mean that's definitely like a ex man is in the marvel universe or dc. What are we talking about. I really don't know you don't really find out. Might be one of the boys. 'cause you know you have a a suit a new superhero coming on the fucking scene. Nine god so what you see. You know the old where where condom stupid. I mean you got super gonorrhea elsewhere. I exactly what you just zuber gutter die of. Gonorrhea is that what happens gonorrhea. I guess it's gonna gone arena fatal. No what how. Fuck you'd super. Gonorrhea is that fatal. It was fucking shot with gamma rays and developed superpowers. How do you. You don't know that. I don't know look it up. I could tell you what a website it's on our just got attacked by Audio dd what was low as i look it up about. I don't know do you. Can you die from sowerby gonorrhea. I'd never had gonorrhea. I don't know some people say they like gonorrhea. Incl- media are very popular. But i'd never had either of those. Yeah well the. I think fucking cla media was is like penicillin. You get a shot of penicillin and we'll good that. I've never had it. Because i'm allergic to pets what i hear. That's what i heard from friends. I had a friend seven. Someone said that one of the test for guy as they they had a swab. Your let they shove a huge fac incense q tip down your frigging Through kabui sound you so. I wonder if you're not into sounding what that feels like. Yeah not name united in this out again you and you just get this huge swab plunger down your fucking urethra how i'll dry no negative chevy down and pull it out. Well here's it'd be kind of feel like if you were pulling out a dry tampon and from it would be way worse now and amy. No you stick things in the same place. You've heard fuck taverns like it is designed for me to stick my fuck and massive throbbing cockup in do so literally you could deal with tampon. You can deal with it being dry. I'm it's uncomfortable. You're i mean that's a big hole. W that today call collide acid origins. What he's talking about. It's to be way worse. It's like would be way. Worse than you could expand your. You can experience the same thing. Yeah e throw plunger. Yeah but i don't. I don't know doctors vitesse us that way. You don't know. I have the funchal remember. Yeah you have a focal by means shit get up in your in your your either and on abc. Sure it does. I mean i put fluids all over there. Duffin safe down there. I could say now. I've been well. I mean you know for sure if if if it's near your garage i've put fluids at earlier at willy. You make it sound so exactly. Didn't i just explain to you about dirty sweaty man come on. Hey remember that that Personnel was telling you about this. The the woman who was get knowledge.

01:15:00 - 01:20:00

Happy jolly with herself outside seven eleven. But you gotta rest it. She got added again twice for dylan doing crazy. Shit fucking she got popped again at popeye's just spank it'd agai- fucking going shoes buck naked during the whole fucking era guitar on the clam by the dumpster third arrest in last at least it's a melting. Yeah it's all big during covid. Kobe time for sure i do. This is what i mean. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say maybe she's having an issue you think she's probably need some psychological fogging okay. It's one thing you're in the thrill. Masturbation i had like an you. Give it a shot at sometimes. You get caught you go to jail and you say fuck. I'm never doing that again. More times like consecutive months all making newspapers and news and like all the other first two were like she was buck naked in the middle of the day just in the fucking parking lot. Jamming watt out and right in front of kids. Like kids could see what she was doing like twelve year. Old children dare you to post in front of my child. They're going to die. They're gonna explode jerky. i wonder. Roller dog disturb alathea Vice definitely have an avid some kind of issue pressure. Any mean issue helping the people when they're going through the drive through search or do you want a bang. Why that would be the first. I would've asked her love that dick and pay look honey. I see that you're having an issue there. You wanna take a ride. I dunno i can help me out. It might be more fun. I mean you're behind a dumpster at fuckin- seven eleven chicken coup smell. What maybe that's what she likes. She likes that. Fucking bodega slash. Fried chicken smell. You know what i mean. What is all the boda is down here. Fry fry up samson. Have some kinda weird fried food inside. Well yeah but it's not. I don't know it's not that bad bill. It doesn't it doesn't get you off. There's one there was one dude. And i think this is hilarious. He l. the his fiance because he said you can't wear white on our wedding because you're not pure sure mother telling you that. Let me guess she lied to your father. I have four right white right. Oh my god. I wore red. What thing to say it as a joke. It's another thing to the actual holder to it. Yeah he absolutely. He held he has not. I will not marry you if you're wearing white. If you walk down that aisle and you're wearing white. I will call up this wedding right here for all the line right there. I draw the line. I can't live a lie that i can't have people thinking you're pure. We know you're not i fucked. You fucked every hole you have all. So that's why you could wear weight. Because i know how much before you are. Yeah on a lie to god. That that i don't understand why even that that part of the fucking ceremony is super important to a dude. First of all it's a dude like most men don't dream about their fucking wedding since birth like it just not not not average is what i'm saying it's it is it is the the outlier god. I made a binder. Yeah doesn't happen that often this to propose it's not very common very common so do cares enough to care about what color fucking girl he's marrying is where is like. Why would you pick out the centerpieces to maybe. Don't get it. Maybe it will. Maybe his mother. It was very strict and stuff like that. He he's like she knows. And i don't want to cause more like a shell. I share everything mother. I share everything. She knows exactly what we do. I give her video She does not like how you work my balls. She says you neglect balls honey so I mean if you really got after the balls you you may have been allowed to like file for an exception to wear white. But you can't do that could you. Don't work the ball off. Sends me the critiques. So i try to try to help you through it so you don't have to watch 'cause i know how you don't like to when i make you bite. You know you really need to see this. I'd say.

01:20:00 - 01:25:00

I really don't like the way she strokes cock a really. Don't like it rarely she. She doesn't work at ride. She doesn't do any twist and not. Then you're getting a half a god damn hand job honey. I'm gonna teach you the way i used to do it to you. You were here. I don't get the problem like why would you care. Why would he care. What does it matter. I didn't wear way you know what it is. The pussy wasn't that good. I mean she really just she really did do the job right. He's hires gonna get married to your tainted. You need to our dingy club dingy men. I've been saving up old mops for the last ten years for you My mother made you a wedding gown at us. Mopeds on it's very about guard very very high fashion and the vale because of your face is also damp frivolous very very fresh very fresh tape taken from behind the bar right here at the reception. It's it's it's my tradition. It's you shit on my religion said you would you a fucking convert. Guess what mop heads you wear. Bits old heads fashion craze. It's the new line by kanye west. Oh at the rumors that are coming out. That he's banging jeffrey star and that's why him manley And the armenian are getting a divorce. Joe is okay is abby you know. That would be a good story. I mean it would be. It would be a really good story. It would be almost as good as the father of the family Changing his sexual identity to female. It would be. Oh bows is shocking. Is that all those well. Yeah so apparently He's he's banging the the. Makeup mogul bruce. Well at least that's that's the rumor going on. We don't i don't want hard core fans get mad at us. Well i mean you don't have any. How many of our listeners are actually kinda events. i mean. they're really liked that sunday. Service stuff very religious group. We have priory very religious awesome. The listeners might lay jeffrey star. Though you know for sure. I don't have a problem with every star. I have no idea who he is. I've heard that day but it's not rain about me really super skinny dude who wears makeup and hair like a woman and has his nails done and he's got he's had very little bit of his body. That's not covering attached okay. So he was so what you're saying. He was a male born in the nineties. Some point yeah okay. That narrows it down a little. But he's got like boo goo bucks. Okay male porn in the nineties. Okay yeah go on name. Chad isn't anyway. But whatever. I don't know why. I just i brought that up. I have no idea. Oh death to yeah. That's why i have no idea you just wanted to shed on. That's all well because it is kind of an interesting one to think about when when you have a you know and we rent run into people all the time whether totally an addict. And they don't want anybody to know their index it just conde has been into this whole time and his loved. Kim kardashian dick. I read seems like it comes out of nowhere but it almost seems like the fucking writers on that show are running out of ideas like they've already announced that they're done after like the next season sure. Okay yeah now contract renegotiation time. That's all sick and tired of trying to compete with the youngest one being the rich s. I mean it's it's it's like a fucked professional athlete retiring because they don't like the team they're on so they take a year off and go to another team a year later same thing. I don't know why this made me think of this too but there was. There was an article that i read a was about with everybody being out of work and when the strip clubs were closed the guys were doing gay for pay escorting to help support their girlfriends. Who restores why. What is it coincidental that that do. People were insects work at the same time. Like i you know. What do you mean fifty. Well one person to shiver and the other one goes to sally dick.

01:25:01 - 01:30:01

What are the odds. Oh i know but there is a couple of like some of them did porn and some of them were. They did escort work. Dorothy jobs unless you really enjoy it. Maybe they just wanted to check it out or maybe the girls like. Hey hey you know that guy. Bob that i see sometimes. Yeah he wants a tag honey. I think i got you set up. I got for next saturday. Or maybe she just gets off Being like looking at can make him do. It's a quick little saturday afternoon. Sittin spent honey loves quick afternoon singer with afternoon. He loves her little. Todd tied ass. Oh my god. I didn't think i was gonna talk about it. But i think i'm going to end on this. There was as i was going through my my search of a warm there is a i got to a bunch of bukowski videos. Yeah i have not tiv. I'm not a fan million. Not now now it is taking every ounce of every fucking strength that i have not start gagging and the pretty much driving right here. Try not to think. I'm not a lot of people. Find cocky videos pretty. I'd i don't really anytime i see. Above like whoa. God vale it is. It is way way too much for me. Hits too close to home. That would hit a personal spot. Uncle raid so i can't i can't i can't do you up cocky if you can't talk about it. Without doing the millennials call. I don't know. I just. I just i had it written down but that i was like you know i. I don't think it was because just bringing the whole subject of really says it all you know. What are you going to start saving up. Oh there is a guy who was who saved all. I'm not the only one that knows about this. 'cause i've heard it. I've seen a reference forward. It made me giggle. Because i've kind of like an inside joke. I'm like i know that guys talking about anyway jar like a beaker like a specimen jar and he had a plastic milo putty all okay. Well he put the little milo pony inside the jar and you saved up his jisr okay like and he got it to submerge. The enough to submerge the I think you told me about him at one point like he he almost did that. Soak it in this for a period of time and see what you're just does it all. Yes that's what he dead. So can you imagine they had. They had the audio when they opened it up. Imagine what that smell by. I think they left it in the jar like the sealed jar of come a multiple multiple for a couple of pints where sale and they kept it like in the warm. Like like out anywhere you have to keep it at a at a balmy ninety eight point six or it will spoil. What she didn't know is he. His mother was super gone so he had the fucking same superpowers as super gone. Super gone super. Gonorrhea was his mother so he had like his jisr was was very acidic and healing at the same time. Guy even remember what it was like when they took it out of the jar because they did check it out of the jar because jar but they they open it up but the dump fuck. You opened it up in his room. Yeah luckily no closed. Oh why would you do that. Well i mean obviously he was opening it up at one point to like add to the jar sahin. He complete that dude's been licking on that jar for like months. I mean literally. What do you think he does when he runs out of fuck and frozen prison fucking pizza rolls so awful. That is so awful. But i mean i think no no. I don't think he did have helped. I think he did it. All see provided all the shoes off the help. Fill up the tank now now i believe he did it all himself to her. He did it by himself okay. So he add jerko dicks to get that he had the milking machine. You know i'm just you know out. There lives on a farm matter to do oddly enough. You never had a problem paying.

01:30:01 - 01:32:46

His rent somehow always pays rent gotta do it. That's what is landlords onlyfans. A i shouldn't laugh. I have. I do have friends to navigate accounts of Out calls only did it out. They still have back page anymore. I heard that on on craigslist that they took off the the dirty page. Like all the all the escorts steph share. He's been it's been so lost touch i to order a hooker. I've never tried to order a hooker. I've only seen that. I've only seen like giannis staying on hiring a hooker and online. You know what i mean. Yeah and then crowned mind. Yeah are are you working. Are you a cop. But the only thing that i know about hiring a hooker is i know a couple personally. Yeah well. they're legal hookers. Yeah girls some sure aren't up. Sure there's plenty of girls that we know that our our our trading services for services. Oh no no no. I'm sure yeah. I know i am hundred percent so sure it. Oh we know a lot of sex workers. Yeah yeah yeah we complete you know. And i've known several several dudes who who had a stable note if you L yeah that's that's the anyway see. I know it really was to just happened or that. People sir you can hear the neighbors. Oh my god. They're fucking nauseous stein at midnight. Yeah so you can hear it. This is insider Fucking studio which you can see kicking. Katya radio and youtube by the way has completely. It's quite far away from the door anyway. Anyway i say we are going to get outta here for the night and yeah i think i think it's time for me to go overstay. My welcome overstayed it. Like our not ice. Everybody will go to my youtube channel. Gatorade me on all sorts of Social media and stuff everything for everybody well parts bird by top. Does anybody does.