#339 – The Moist Noise
You are currently viewing #339 – The Moist Noise


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1/02/2021 Happy New Year... Thank you for the gifts!... Zed's Dead new movie shooting soon... Having very loud neighbors... The deep soul try voice of Corpse Husband and how it turns Katie on... What kind of voices turn people on?... The Moist Noise... Masturbating's with Corpse Husband playing... Oh My Bod vibrator that goes with the beat... New leather face mask that used to be Daddy's leather G-string... Gordon Ramsey sexy role play... Porn Pick of the Week - Forced object insertion - Mouth spreaders - Sounding... Sounding gone wrong with resonation and how it could kill orphans... Multiple speculums in one hole... How to use a speculum for BDSM... Episode of "Rule 34"... Katie suspended on FaceBook again. This time she deserved it... How to use lip and tongue press the suggested method and several that aren't... It's raining iguana and the tree chicken... The posh masturbation booth for rich people in Germany... How date online and in person... Tits Man - Nipple clamp bear trap mania... What is the frenum or frenulum and why can't we figure it out... Strange obscure sex toys... Weird pig like fleshlight holder with a handle... Seven Deadly Sins the anime and why you should watch it.

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Kinky Katie's World #339 The Moist Noise

00:00:01 - 00:05:00

It'll drive you crazy and you'll end up killing a dozen orphans and on a bus you'll be in the newspaper. Dick bag killed orphans. Kung-fu kratz champion crotch. I cry iron crotch fucking master a master of the iron crunch style. You're fucking tiger. Claw is nothing against trotz win. The weekend has landed all the exists. Now clubs drugs pope's parties. I've got four hours from the world. Man i'm going to blow steam on my head like screaming kettle. I'm gonna cut shit too strange his own life. I'm going to lose the plot on the dance floor. The free radicals inside may of freaking tonight. I'm to volka on three. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family. Mind we're gonna get more spice out than meal on strong and tonight could be alive from the quick buck per and what's the around me and now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that surprisingly doesn't always want to know what she called. Look fine here she is he will host the one the only you can keep kitty low. Hello iraq up to this show. This is kinky katie's israel number three thirty nine. I'm your host can keep eighty and with me has always is ni- video gra for my man that makes my katie for my My hostess was most is my favorite plush toy. Mr happy lear okay. New year everybody avenue. It's long been a few days gone by now. Well by the time people hear this and aren't hearing live but if they're listening lives than it's only the day after the first day of the new year and if you add if you're watching on youtube your went into a doctor who vian time-warp and you are a week out or if you have to be listening to this or watching this at any other time in any other year. You've just travel right. So you're you're watching whatever whenever i don't know well this is our. This is our first year of twenty twenty one. I first year who collars so this is the first the first show of two thousand twenty one. You go all right. Well i hope you guys are going to have with us tonight. Because we've got a lot of sex and weird in noodle bakers as well as my pick of the week which this one i believe is going to scare. Yeah okay. i don't scare scare. I mean really i mean i know i can take you unless you're going to do something while i'm sleeping dragon. I mean i mean as long as those off the table fucking with me while i sleep or or a tragic actually now that i think about it he kind of while i sleep. Maybe off the tee. I don't sleep as heavily as i used to. Yeah square me. I think my safety my threat level has gone down a little. I mean now. I hear every day i wake up to like things that normal people wake up to at night. You know what. I mean now. That's actually that's before when you were snoring. I mean i couldn't wake me up. There was no waking me up and if you did it maybe. I was probably startled probably start. I was startled very startled. Okay well you know Getting better sleep now. That's true hawk very key. Why what we have got an interesting. Even gosh here. I think about it. Even the tips man. This week is like it. It's a little dangerous. I mean how dangerous could it be. Are we talking like infants. Getting implants and then having sex with men for body now. Okay well let's not that bad. I i like to set the bar there that way. Anything short of that just doesn't seem all that severe. Oh all right well. Yeah you know that works. I do want to start off by saying a big. Thank you for the anonymous gifters. I received some some stuff and it was very nice. And this is one of the things that i'm wearing. I'm wearing one of the triggers while the necklace ascetic hot and Yeah i just wanted to say they very much for the goodies and A certain someone. Thank you for Supporting the show. Do you know who you are too.

00:05:01 - 00:10:08

So yeah there's a big surprise much-appreciated or good anyway. So friday is what. I shoot my scene for zackrydz. Dead with gator. Blade films Worried about your to work. Yeah messing up team of your role. Yes as micro budget horror film. That's sexploitation that's right. But i i have acquired a robe so okay so yeah. I'm good i'm happy for. I guess i don't really know. I i don't know so yup and we're a black wig like all right. I have some of those. I i almost wanted to say you know i like. I need a lot of direction for what well what to wear or like what i like to know. You know your motivation. Where no where black wig okay. Benz are no bags longer. Short you like what do you want. I need specifics. Well you have to realize that some of us that don't play with wigs and stuff and hair like he's don't care. I mean some men understand that but there are very few when you compare them to win. But i would imagine i'm just gonna i'm gonna go out on a limb here and i'm going to say that it's yeah i don't think about that either. I wear a lot all the time. I have quite a few swigs with long hair. That do different styles of things understand what you like when you say that whatever they think like you know. Banks don't pangs show. What are you looking for here skippy. And i think it's i. I think it's kinda funny. I will say that my my my character's name is karen. Karen say a kind of it kind of fits for like short black hair rose whereas for who for whatever reason i think he got. Yeah there you go like my blonde one. But if you're not sure if you're into take or not like we don't really know. I had like a i swear i try not to have like a karen moment and you i know as he is really fucking sick of me bitching about the neighbors. Good new year's eve. Oh my fucking god. I wasn't gonna say anything because it's holiday. But i'm telling you at like twelve thirty broke out of fuck cowbell damn cow. A cow bell is a very necessary part of bringing in the new year. It scares away the evil spirits and then they brought out the citadel. I greg saying it sounded like Washboard uh-huh i forget what those are called. Those do have a name. And the thing that looks like a fucking long dick with slats in it and you play your rubber thing on it. Yeah you sticks together like you're trying to start a fire with a twig in cock. Yeah exactly and then. It's really built for kach handlers. They also had children screaming karaoke joke people screaming area and then lighting nine thousand dollars worth of fireworks on the right of patio. Stay off of my own. My loan bitch. I'm really grumpy. Like there's just certain things i keep you in line like as far as bitch like i you know and not start to rage advocate shit. Look how many times have i been that person. How many times have i been. We'd like you know. I bitch at somebody when i in potentially one of the loudest people to live around well used to be at least. There's there's been. There's been a few times where i've just shut my mouth new like. Why are you so pitied. I'm just like i'm tanago. Say thing because you don't want to hear we just. We just allowed louder speakers art television. That's all had i had. Maybe maybe start developing a taste for swedish death metal. I said you know like we play a lot of really loud. Swedish death metal l. stick speakers out the window. You know what i'm saying. It's very very. We'll start having visitors. That are you know the same. Florida white trash us. You know like really fucking trash it up with you know the kind of people. I'm talking about the kind of friends that we just have over some swedish death metal and i think things might settle that because yeah yeah but but why do that see you know every nobody's fighting. Nobody's breaking up. And you know. I know anybody. I've just been that person so i completely get it so i said i should be that way but i am i right so.

00:10:08 - 00:15:14

Sc introduced me to a. We watch a lot of youtube as we've talked about before a lot ula watch a lot of Like gamers like other people. Just i don't know why but we do. It's not really what has anything not gamers style or anything. It really doesn't seem like either one of us. Were like a lot of that kind of shit. Well i kinda. I kinda feel like a cougar. Cougar be when it comes like when well. This is kind of a common thing for you. I think well it comes out when it comes to. There's a dude goes by corpse husband. Oh yeah yeah yeah well. He's he's got a voice. Everybody loves his his his soft silky tones. No idea what he looks like what his voice her. It makes me giggle because it does to a lot of different people to like. You're not the only one you know what i mean. He's kind of like sam morale that that That comedian sam morale. He's got a really deep voice like seeber deep So we kinda. I swear i kind of thought it was him when i first heard it i was like oh that's similar. Obama guardia with these kids. I don't know. I don't mean kids like they're they're over eighteen. We saw somebody put a bunch of clips together on the first time. A girls are are hearing this do to us. And it's not universal but almost universal. You'll see him just kind of the they'll get like flush in the. It's so bizarre and any does music. But it's not it's not you know it's not for everybody but i die like his music. I don't know i could play a little bit of it after an ad place gas. Anyway i just wanted to giggling like a schoolgirl there at one point for sure. Yeah like literally i played. I played the song for you. Fuck me okay. You hear that voice. I don't really because we're going to go into my life wrong. I don't know how old he is. Though he may or may not be young. I to who knows ee doesn't show space. He doesn't yeah. Yeah but deep silky. Dirck voice for sure. I'd i don't i mean i i. It's cool voice in all you know. Yeah but i being dude. I'm like yeah okay. It doesn't i. I don't know i guess it's almost like a nice sultry voice for dude similar thing. Maybe it's like a barry white and and even like certain deavere voices on a woman. And i don't mean like like a deep deep nyc demi moore. I'm having a hard time remembering what her voice sounds like. Okay the fine What about the chicken babylon five. Okay eddie i am all emma stone. Hi there stone. I don't think silica. Deep well i i don't know well. There is like debts to it. Yeah definitely becomes more attractive somehow for me like squarely in squeaky doesn't do it for me. No no not so much. Not some some danger into that for sure. Some some ladies are into that too. Yeah no that's true. To a- right is that deep deep Lowest possible Tone you could actually pick up with human hearing kind of The brown noise. It's not quite the brown noise now. You're taking a pack moist. Okay guinness gracious so anyways. Music is kind of like that anyway. It's it's like a yeah so if you girls if you if the ladies if you're out there and you wanna do something like dirty throw that on it'll make you feel dirty dirty things here again like you.

00:15:14 - 00:20:05

My go eight am one eight l like pray tell what are you talking about your speaking and go again. I don't know if i can say that you could say that on everything. We say whatever you're talking with. Gm is h. o. Thought you said something else. Would you think. I said h. I probably do eight to Just is asked to mouth right. Okay why are you censoring yourself. What is going on. I don't know what happened. I'm not sure you hear performing for children. No they don't allow out children. Then they release you know. Five hundred feet of a school sent to see now. Imagine being open face on a speaker during that during that voice. Oh my god oh oh you could. You could hook that up to One of those They're called body card body. Vaa vibe or something the name you could just describe the thing. It's there's there's a line of sex toys. Oh my god that's what it is. It's a line of sex toys that you can plug into your phone. Oh my line or you know your music player and it'll go to the to the music really okay like you bluetooth into it with some sort of a yes. That actually does sound pretty good. That would be really cool. They've got they've got wireless panties they've got vibrators got eggs. Yeah genius if i was a check i would definitely be into especially if i was on some sort of a chemical on psychedelic of some sort. Possibly mali something like that and it would be nice but we don't do that. What are you talking kidding all. So there's a face mask that this one accessory places selling and it looks like a paired dudes leather underwear like it looks it. Looks like a coin purse underwear for dude. Like a g string for face mask katie. It's definitely fucking face mask. And and and and daddy did not have this on yesterday either so you get that out of your head right now. Katie corpses underwear be so about it. I guess. Can you just talk to me while i wear your underwear on my head please. It's like i'm gonna. I'm gonna pay for a fucking a dirty cameo really but he hasn't shows face just fucking talk leaving on a message like why. Don't listen to it as you did. I don't know how. How agoraphobia feel about like sharing anything with people like physical things i i don't know. If that's like a thing for like a gore phobic. I'd i would imagine probably not like there's not a lot of sharing of anything bowl. You're not around the person that yeah but that you're sending them something that was physically attached to you you. You know what i'm saying. Yeah i'm saying that that would be an extra tough like you. Have the toughness of somebody being well known you know and and being able to bang them or what or get a hold of their dirty underwear in any way shape or form right. There's that barrier then the additional area of dudes agoraphobia. And you know it's weird about shit. So that's like a fucking holy grail of per venus right there. You're gonna definitely have to surpass your limits to ever even come close to something like that is what i'm tell you. Yeah i think you have a better shot at two and a lot of other things. Yeah yeah. I'm sure i am. The odds on that one are pretty high. Here's the pay off pretty well. Here's a question before. I go into my favorite segment but someone said. How do i tell my boyfriend that. I want him to scream at me in bed. Like he's gordon ramsay and i'm a little chef. Who ruined a criminal. Really well steph. You what you need to do a hole in the box and then what you wanted to sit down and say. Hey talk like gordon ramsay and do all of that shit. Don't tell me madonna a- call me a donkey in his accent. Yeah i need you to definitely was not his accident while you can't break character either you'd have to like practice. Any dishes will get broken.

00:20:05 - 00:25:20

Can you can you see like a bunch of dudes on the construction site. you know. why are you talking. Like gordon ramsay. Approx for my you dog. Gay stupid sandwich. I would have a hard time one. Hypocrisy looks like wellington. If i was drunk. I think i could do it. Probably think if. I was drunk i could actually get into doing somehow. Yeah shit will get broken. Probably would probably would. You're gonna wanna chaperone for that one. I think i'm sorry. I got into the nitrous boss. Oh you will be the i. Let's go to my favorite segment. I standing fire eight more. Not be the porn you would plan is the appoint katie wide. It's time once again for me. Okay now this borderlines on a little scary okay. What you're saying. I don't know because it kind of scared myself. Ok well i already said you know. Infants getting breast implants and and getting paid to have sex with people. That would not be my porn picks. Okay well so it's less scary than that. Though his children everything houses down from there. You know you set the bar there and then it doesn't matter what you say it's not quite as bad now is it i. Well i've i've i've been into a couple of things like weird insertion torture porn we okay mic rape with objects i Like monster style What what what. What's the scenario here or you know like a figurine for something larger a who's getting the target holes. Okay when you're saying hose. Are they hold dates tight. Hold these holes to these holes have dick's attached to the same body as the whole some of them okay. But it's not straight one way or the other i mean you're you're going multi faceted on. Yes okay there. There's a start. I i can hold onto that for. A second. aggression is is is in. It's an ongoing thing with you. Yes you something. Very very violent. Yeah okay well. that's okay. you're not gonna like this. And i don't want you to i. I can understand that. I get that. You don't want me to talk like gordon ramsay donkey to you now. You hard for me to keep that. That's a tough role for me to stay and it. Okay moving onto Sounding okay well. Let's and dental dilated slash oral specula- fetish. Google it well sure we can try to explain it. The the out spreaders. It's like the thing that you go to the tennis office and they hold your mouth open with the plastic fucking guards that your shit open now. I'm i'm talking about more of the metal ones that you put in strapping. And they've got clamps and clicks on the side where the more you click Locks in a place in open open open open. Your mouth is forced open. yes i am. Yeah yeah and there's different ones. But i like south whole helda of and what's the target male female across the board. Yeah sure a rainbow. Cross the board. But i like to their jerusalem crying and getting things shoved in their throat got. Yeah yeah yeah. It makes it hard to say where your mouth is. Pried open with like a steam punk kind of a contraption. I now know i completely get it. I get it okay. You're worried about this and sounding just don't know and why wouldn't you know you listen to us all the time it's when people start things down there whole or your through because ladies can do it to your latest can do to mostly due into. It'll like at the end of a tuning. That's true and they do have them. That are electrified as well is the end of a tuning fork. Day stick down there and then thump. The fuck in tuning fork is why it was originally called town. Keeping you gotta get the right fucking tuning fork to resonate with your cock and balls while they also they have Sets you can get with different size sounds and different tuning for because you got the wrong resignation and you're gonna wreck something you're gonna shake up your bladder.

00:25:20 - 00:30:02

Whoa i mean you've seen those fucking old footage is of bridges doing fucking shit with cars autumn and chat. That's resignation going to happen inside your does and you're not so fucking twist your vast efforts wrapped around your fucking your dick nerve bundle and your dick will fall off and you'll be unique for the rest of your life i you it'll drive you crazy and you'll end up killing a dozen orphans and in and out of us. Yeah you'll be in. The newspaper bag killed orphans. Crunch crutch iron crotch fucking master a master of the iron crutch style. You're you're fucking tiger. Claw is nothing against island but that's dubbed so my mouth doesn't match even though you can't see my mouth but you have to imagine that it works better that way right uh-huh see you know because we didn't feel like taking the time imposed to put the translation across the nba in all of this half. And just because you didn't get the sat of of of tuning forks. you just went willy. Went cheap and said. Get this chinese one and i don't care what the resignation is. You stuck down in your whole and now bunch of orphans or debt and you're in the news for killing him and you have no tech and boss more importantly your unique. Now you didn't mean to be either. They'd have a bad day. he's gonna suck free so the key here is to get the entire sat so you make sure your resonating properly and you have the right size thing shoved out your fucking all start out small and then go big baby. Oh start out with whatever you want to start out with that. That one Video the two kids in the sandbox that have talked about before it has absolutely nothing to do with or sandbox. How come most of the scary videos usually have something like the billionaires the name the no the number of people and then a random thing you know what i mean. Two girls. One cup wasn't very random. There was a cup for manned in a door frame. You almost out. What's going on outside out stool. you know. Two strippers retard. Wow oh my god the same thing anyway. So that is. That is my. That's my porn. pick for. the week of. There was a picture that i saw on the website that i got into very scary. It's like i pour and five. That does sound scary. It quite scary and your computer okay. After a call to whatever that was doesn't say okay. Well there's a. There's a picture with this woman. Had four specula- gms metal specula- gms force. Becky lie. that would be. I don't know. I like to speculate. Sounds though it sounds like we're a lot smarter than than we really are. Specula- speculative duck lips spread your your chosen a-. Yeah usually. you're bill usually your pussy. I have to metal ones. That i still have an us yet which i said that i would but i was just. I don't know i wasn't feeling very vagina spready at the moment. Well you know you could be a giant spread. Can we some things down there. you know. Let's tell you up like those surprise cupcakes. You know like this. Put sprinkles then it'll be like that show we are watching on. Hbo the raised by wolves. And they'll jet jet. There's a giant pit in the middle of this planet and you don't really know what it goes to but it's just a giant that steam comes out of you know what i mean like like things grow you like little animals. Come out of it. That would almost be the same thing. I think if we did. Some heavy specula- speculative like we were playing with multiple speculation. Wow what we would have them things all over the place just like in that.

00:30:02 - 00:35:01

Show doug kids falling in now. They'd be filling out because you could really crank a whole opened with what those now. This is what. I was trying to say what i was getting into. Maximum fucking crank on it. No no no well. This woman was upside down like face down ass up. And she had four of them in her ass with four people spreading her asshole opener. Aso became a fucking gaipur. You see all those shoe horns in her but the guy bor queen guy quite that guy that guy so there and it so she looked back she had like a fucking like flower bullet coming out of her asshole but it was like wall. who's huge. We call her rosebud. It wasn't even a rose by kono. It is just when it the way it sits. It's just rose about it all the time. Fucking cavern asshole. I we're gonna go episode of rule thirty four when we come back. We've got some more stuff we've got a lot of stuff so Yeah enjoy yum. It's time bullet. Basically andrew pressing snack village flex could call it the day. Are they attack the day but moldy locks but in a different language you totally scott to that idea to remote village. They couldn't they couldn't get fresh plug leaves and they over there and they don't wanna kill the premiums because they could still be alive so that you can't clean et fox leave. It's a a village sleep. You could be cleaning. you could be bugging. Murdering all of your uncle's little unborn babies. How'd you like to work in the porn star in that village they bring it in one day like we gotta clean. That's we gotta do so. An escape only was is the store. Did that the one. We sold it to kevin. You gotta go see kevin if you wanna fuck spinning our village for for ten years. We've got to do something with it. Now don't forget you gotta keep powder on it. Got to keep that thing christine. Bobby fox leave for like two weeks. Nobody can gotta let go. I want to turn not safe And welcome back to you. She katie's world own studio radio. Dot com reopen start. That said that beginning. Anyway you get on the twitter later at kinky katie radio katie radio dot com kinky. Katie radio edgy. Mail dot com facebook. Not for a while so Also felt like alive to me. Because i like it and you could see some nudity on the twitter. That's right even also watched my videos. F says reason episodes of on youtube baggies world cater to go. Check that out. Figure that out someday. Well it's been a while since since we've put out a video. Well sure i mean you have a few now. And they're getting older right. I'm gaining momentum from before that though okay and the last episode is an extra long episode and you would know that because you're already check us out on podcast for sure right anyway. All right so oh my goodness gracious I am kicked off of facebook for thirty days. So right now actually. I have twenty five more days of the chinese books expansion. Facebook suspension from their private club was because i someone asked me for for topless pictures and nude pictures and i said i post them on twitter and i post the my fellow life sick wide. Ou's sites like well.

00:35:01 - 00:40:05

Sorry that's more put him and he got all pissy with me like look so that. I made a post on facebook and said okay. Here's the deal if you want me to tell you where they are. They're already there for free if you owe me to fucking spoon feed you private pictures all the time. It's gonna cost ya like. I was like it's going to be like a hundred dollars a month. I've just like whatever like making a post. So i got flagged for that and they say you know it's like you're you're prosecutor like selling for sex can't do that facebook can't you. That feeder club. No you'll figure this out someday. Why do i. i'm just saying though. That's why i'm in trouble there. Yeah you're basically making a smart asrar and that was taken in liberation. Yes people are stephen. Guess they can't really get sarcasm ago. Oh it's kinda hard to make video. But i don't know anyway. So there's a masters series stainless steel lip and tongue press. The you can get on amazon for like sixty bucks so let me show master. Thermometer stealing tongue press mass master series. Stainless why am i gonna ask your series. And what do i care about. That could cut that out stainless steel. I put that downstairs on you to it. Yeah no clyde me late in the middle no no middle lady on each side clinton middle as a little single being taco because the tackle those single talk. Okay so what. This thing is is a clamp that. Put your lip in an individual clamp your tongue and then your bottom lip all at row biblically like it actually clamps on your mouth mouth. Got your i in any way because we were just talking about putting it on her satchwell basically it just clips your lips or your tongue and then your bottom lip altogether in a nice bracketed farm. Yes all separate from each other like you just wanna rub a all over it kind of a thing. Little she that little. Did you know that the other night at the neighbor's house when they were doing new year's like they weren't playing fuck percussion instrument we were talking about. It was one of those things that really could've been had had fucking lips stuff done though you know. They got hard like an old stripper. Booby so it was cold. Not too long ago and my friend ended up hosting a picture From from the news they have a falling iguana. Chance chart yet well here in florida. It doesn't get that cold but when they do we we. We're doesn't really get that cold. No it hardly ever freezes where at like you. Don't get snow but every fucking forty years at all it drops but when it gets below like sixty degrees. There's a lot of fucking iguanas and they rain from the fucking skies like they were being thrown by. Jesus himself they they kinda they fall asleep like they actually they could frozen 'cause they're you know cold-blooded so you'll see him. They look like they're fucking dead everywhere to yeah the people go around. They some cut off their tail or suburbs. Grab them and they eat them. Yeah tree cook chicken chicken season. Yeah yeah it's like fucking lunch you know. It's like food from heaven for some people. So i like what is tomorrow morning medium. Chance saturday medium-to-high chance you clear monday. You have a thirty percent chance of raining. Iguana on saturday. A reptile reptile. Yes that's not really indigenous either like it's the same thing with the fucking pythons down here except for. I don't think the iguanas kill a bunch of shit. The same way. Not that i know. I don't know people get excited though. They see the tree chickens. And they run over snatch him cut him up take him home like what. The fuck just avid dude. Where we're on a construction site and like four guys just chased after a fucking iguanas snatch them got them up and have them tossed in there fucking cooler in the back of their truck. They made them done so what happens yet. Her bitch all right so we we talked about masturbation boots before a little fat booth popping up all around. Oh like deportable masturbation booth well when you are fucking. It's such a creepy thing you know to have like you know a little puerto booth just sat up in the middle of broadway.

00:40:07 - 00:45:06

You could still see your legs hanging down. Oh well these are different. These are they idols. I did only did from the knees up. Oh my god. I know i know so you could almost see like the action that was going on that. Would that would very much suck because i can only imagine how many kids would just run up and shove their head underneath like they do in the bathroom stalls in. I don't know if that happens very often in the men's room but in the women's room they always bring their fucking kids in there and they all the kids always run in shoved her head like right unnec needs and he was just like. Oh my fucking god rangel your will crotch go away. I will fucking kick that kids. They'll just shove my fucking foot. I'll do it. Stay off my loans. Right goddamn kids. Adult learners urinals what i beat a urinal to cock the attitude to need add to this. They're they're doing this. In germany. they used to have a fetish community that had the designated areas. Where there's just like boots everywhere. Okay little spank booze right. While they say that they're reviving this okay. Uh-huh dos jerk actually. It's it's club. It's called a video combine. Okay yoga by a very good on your accent their fucking stellar germany cunning linguist. Really good at it. These actually look. You are fuck off now. These like pretty pretty cool. Actually you go in. There's it's around room and there's a bed on there with the pillow and it's all covered in vinyl or fiscally. Okay these are big booths. Puerto booth. What is it like a little fucking tiny house. No it's just a bed in a box in a round little like puck bed. It's in there with mirrors all around and kind of thing. Yeah oh like you crawl in like. It's a refrigerator. Box is well. Let me show you a picture. I mean he's to be doing a whole fucking like realtors deal to make it angled to make it look bigger okay. Yeah that's tiny house is very tear. It's a little fuck circle is it's a little fox. Circle jerks are circled. Your with my favorite part is like all the little creases and folds violent there. There's no ages we get stuck in there. How well oh no absolutely not. I mean that's gonna come clean lickety-split. I mean since the germany's well known for having lots of the of the poo- play you know somebody's doing there. There's somebody there. They're just a fan known for a lot of just very very open about about sex and sexuality and like weird stuff does not bother them. They're like yes more so than other. Europeans aren't bothered wilbert. Obviously not bothered. But your average fucking karen that lives in. Oklahoma is mortified by three. Talk about at any point in time for sure. Yeah because i. I've i've listened to a lot of other people's podcasts. And stuff and when it comes to anything sexual but then i started thinking like what. The fuck is wrong with me. Because i've never heard of that arguably people do that. I'm like i can name five right after that. I know you that dealer so they get super excited when they do it. I mean they're not even playing around. This is like peak excitement for these people. And it's not my thing but i don't. I'm like oh my god. I saw the. I'm just yeah that's pretty deep like you know. That's that's that's phil brenda. That's just how they roll. This is yeah. They they like to do that. Thank you know. should on each other's chess a little parties are a little awkward. Well not really because they understand that you're not necessarily into that. Either kidding. you're joke you're telling me but for the first time like you might. You might want to stick around for dessert all on mexican night. Although you know we we were watching something and it was People were talking about when they meet kicking. Kinky people like normal people meet kinky people like they never. It was that thing with What's nuts reg a.

00:45:06 - 00:50:02

J. and he was talking about How certain people like you go to like A three way of polly barbecue poly makes her you know and and how like people interact at a at a poly makes her. Oh yeah yeah. Yeah like So how are we going to get this. Study know but those aren't like real good barometers of when you actually get a lotta people who are friends who are kinky. There isn't that awkwardness isn't there. Now you know and and there is no awkward as you know what everybody's into and everybody knows okay. They're not into this that or the other and they don't really approach you for that but other than that. If people know that you're into the things they're into they're all about it and they'll be up in your shit about it like. Oh my god. I ever did you alone. Yeah uh-huh will be basically. It was because he was talking about the awkward nature of like a mixers. Like yeah people get together for an introductory barbecue or mean of or something like that you know back before everybody met up. You know back then when you actually do with the other. Half of someone's face. I when people met in person a lot i mean It's like a big on zoom dates now and shit like that Cool but it looks better. It's better than nothing. I mean you can go on first day without pants on. It's also. I mean i've told you several times i don't know to me. I my only success with women was. Because i talked to them like i was standing near them. And it's like required for me frank. I don't know how to do something like that online. How do i flirt online. I don't even want to i. I don't know how do you take you. Take your tasteful picture of senate two girls. There's random girl timespan get like one of those fucking mail program to just mail your take out to people do that totally if you just get like a like a quarter of a percent hit rate on it you know you sent out a million shut your stacked up to your eyeballs and posey. Is that the way it works. Poof so you get. Women sent him dick. Pics without telling you yeah. Random day blank random just said interested airdrop to people alto. Don't even know him. I will to spike look over at them and then just when they're like. Oh my god you just smile like book abby. Because sometimes when i talked to people who are who are are in like an internet dating type situation which is a lot of people now now. Yeah they actually. When i tell them how i met different people you know to them. They're like she's just walk right up to people and just start talking to like really they don't it just seems weird and out of place anymore. You've been out of it for way too long. No people people still do talk one hundred percent though the they will talk to you in person. Yeah it's just a different thing about him at a at aggressive kind of way. Hey we we're gonna go to your favorite. Your favorite segment is down by standing by boobs in and on the news it's time once again for man he's got a pretty at. I really don't know If i would use them or now these are some nipple devices that are kind of well these are. You can find these on azi and carmen pricey. But they're really pretty. They're blue in their pink and they look like bear traps and they're completely simple. Come level of jesus. Christ sakes look aggressive. They like have a fucking thumbscrews to like klay from down. Yeah so they have him down to the pressure that you want. So it's not just like snap. And then like gator. Bite your nippy off komo down and get your nipple clamp bear trap down. Guaranteed them visa. Well you can get a different colors too which is always nice by case you like you have more than two novels now in case you they match your outfit. Okay what do you. What do you think the odds are. That we could clamp out on your. Why do you always wanna clamp things on my. You've got me going early with your porn. Fake the aggressive fucking dental whole down.

00:50:03 - 00:55:03

Crank the mouth open You know old school styles watching it. Go ahead no negative. I thought dot dot. That's what like battling preparing for that now. I'm into it. i'm ready ready. I'm gonna tell you hold you down and put some clamps in your mouth and spread jovan sweetheart. No we're going to do. We're going to be raised by the wolves with your anus. What's in the whole. I know steep boyfriends watch thinks con All right you're the one who fucking proud of the aggressive You know pry the mouth open and using multi multiple speculations on one hole we're talking about nipples nipple garbage. Don't get clinton well now. There's another design now. It looks like a box of sacred legged old a cartoon. Not and t- put the plunger down into the box. Anyway these are gator choppers on the inside. And you screw the top down on top at mashes down. Yeah like bites down on like vice style like that's like a pipe by style. Yes okay here. Again i could get your. I don't think you have a problem. I know alton brown all. Tim brown always says that. You should have tools to more than one thing. Did that yuna the single provider whatever it is single use till no single use sets a multi. I just found an excuse for you to get those Yes we could clamp multiple things on you. Well now if you wanna talk about the nipples and the clip. Because you've been getting all into like button torture talk this is the electric-shock nipple anklet rod sleep sex. Dsm bonded sex toys. Clippers is pain erotic. I'm not down with the cdt. Outta me yeah. I know you though. That's why i'm saying. I'm not really into the well. This little thing is kind of like your own personal Sonic screwdriver. It's got a it's It looks to be about like that long. And it's scott different settings on it to to put the the level of shock that you want and it's got a little bobby thing on the end that you can hold in shot shit out if your body parts. Oh oh yeah. That's like a many violent one and to be honest. I really wanna try it. I'm sure you do your into the shockey. Paralyze twenty. And it's not even that expensive shocking. Twitchy shaggy toward you schalke. Twitchy i like the tens units. I like the she stones. I like that kinda shit but that you can put on the nipples and then we've got one more than anywhere anywhere for that shit anywhere you. Can you put that like right under. Your dudes is a friend of fragile freddie mercury work and planning things now we're using lots of big words. My head hurts venus anatomy. Okay what are you talk. Like described the spot. And i'll tell you what. I think it's called right on your head in the front. Okay that that's your circumcised is yeah street. That's fred you'll about freedom okay. Great that's spot on on the ran the head right there. You know what. I'm talking to another term for freni lem. Oh god yeah. The actual thing a small fold or ridge of tissue that supports or checks the motion of of the part to which is attached particular folded with skin beneath the tongue lip and gum see out no negative. I don't know our our fucking now. We're making it up naked. Shut up shut up anyway there. Well there's one more that you could get that could seriously i mean disa- fucking hurt like what they call them torture nipple torture super cubes They are very high strength. Magnets say what. Can i saw a little rubik's cube. It's a super q like moving parts. No okay these look like two little tungsten cubes. But magnets really. Yep and then you put him like to one side no.

00:55:03 - 01:00:07

They're married so go up. Their superpowers together. Pincher nippy inbetween. Yes overplaying pinched between two magnets. That on your click to. Oh god badgett's multi tool multi-use. That's the way you like it. God way to go. Yeah so yeah so. That's you tickets for the tit man. God those was never can add a lot of tips main content nipple torture so it really was kind of in the mood for like the mls order or you were until until i started enjoying it. And then you stopped enjoying the idea of me being into the nipple torture. That's sure i'll put on a little bit of corpse for you. i believe. don't i'll put it on for you. And then cranky ralph open. Fleet puts them to clamp on things you ip until it might say. Let's see what you did. I i didn't do that. Could you. Stupid just because i know how you were does not mean that you know gone. You know what i'm saying. Just because i understand you and i i kind of know. I have an idea of where your mind. Mike go possibly. Why insults actually like seventeen years. So i would think that you would have a little bit of an idol richaud some muscle memory. Maybe something anyway. There's some weird as toy. I was looking up. I was like strange obscure like sex toys. Shaka sometimes thing do ever seen before. Yeah well this thing. It's a thing people can fuck it. It's review really watch. People can plug it epidemic. It's called epidermis. Okay go on and this thing scott like it. It's like the body of a pig but it has no ahead hay or like a plush shag. You've flesh like skin. Okay like cyber skin or a memory foam like cyber skin around a memory foam something like that and then it doesn't have a. It has a tuft of hair. I out to see a picture. This it has a handle like were tale. Would be on his ass okay. Show it's like it's like a bestiality. Fuck toy it's like. A kids fucking nightmare is what it is. This like a fuck toy you. It's like alive because you can force it into hibernation by sticky in your frigerator. Okay you can customize the body with different skin and hair selections because you can tanit you can tattoo it and you can pierce it. And there's a there's a an example of one of these fucking weird little abominations. Has there appears foot at a tattoo on it's ass. That's a weird. That's that's a buck toy. It's got like a handle so you could grab it. It's like okay. I'm going to do a veteran scotian. Here okay first of all. It's like a piggy bank size that has handled coming out of its ass except for the pig is not made of ceramic or anything like don amiable but looks like pigskin around it. Okay so the handle is coming out of its ass. It has no head instead of a head. There's a tough to fucking for coming out so you could fuck the neck hall while hanging onto the handle or you can fuck the smooth as that's coming out of the back. Why would you wanna fuck that. I don't know maybe. What is your head pop out of the thicket. I have no idea people do weird things or whatever going backwards down a one way alley health for that handles. Gotta get that way the other way i usually get fucking leverage into it. You know what i mean. It could be like jammie so weird fucking thing you could tattoo. That's the coolest part you like. You could write like my slight whatever you want. I mean was outta fucking gigi. Was that a fucking seven deadly sins. Statute that was on. Its ass like the one. That's on fucking really oughta know ola. Goodfellas you weirdo survey now really know the pig p tra- picky picky picky dry.

01:00:07 - 01:03:17

Oh god de remember brain fails me. You know i have an excuse ham or okay and did he have that tattoo on his ass. I dunno we had baby. Okay look it. I am ranking type twice in one episode. Before before we go. I i have to know each each feature. I was like this. Serve scraps or so there. You go the captain no. He's the captain of scraps removal hawk. Small and hawks hawks mother. I don't see a tattoo on his ass. Although it seems like there should be a tattoo on his ass to the thought he was. One of them Well yeah i don't know well. He's one of them. Yes but he's not one of one of them you know he's the pig he's leftovers people like what the fuck. I don't know what you're talking about. Great a anime is what it is it is it is it is awesome and all of its glory at some point when things all this blows over. I i wanna. I wanna go to a convention as lady dan. Yeah you're very deanne. Like giant can be the big fucking hammer right. Uh-huh sorry. there are several several of the female characters in that one that are completely palpable. I mean really all of them. Mated i mean and you know the main character just walks of age starts groping. He's very metoo it. Has he walks up like fucking chefs as saturday. Your pets are right under your skirt. He's like the whatever like it's very strange to see anywhere steals princesses panties like in the first episode. I meet sir. He like stuff like that. coming up was always normal and now you watch it and it does seem out of place in a way you're like. Wow wow oh my god. It's each grabbing them. She sees a sedan before pay quite. It's not even asking. Wow very aggressive. Very very triggering. I don't i don't know but it's great. Anime really is all right. We're gonna get outta here for the week and for the night so yes. I hope everyone had a great two years and i hope ever this gear gets a lot better and you will see this video on youtube next week or so or at some after we go live. Whatever but I applaud Absolutely topos anybody does.