#331 – Surprise Anal
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This week!

11/07/2020 Lots and lots of Lube... What does being an edgelord mean... Who is and edgelord.. Tonight's rape victim... What is a tunnel buddy and why is it only for gay men?... Porn Pick if the Week - Choking or breath play... The top porn search's by women by state... Suprise anal anyone... The Melvin challenge creating much wanted, fat moose knuckle... Episode of "Rule 34"... New product at poundland and why it is going to end the world - fun with Ouija... Tits Man - Samantha Lily and her glorious natural boobs... Slash of the Knife - the movie about circumcisions'... Desperation nudes craze sweeping desperate men's wallets clean... Pedophiles of Katie's past... New hot sauce flavored condoms - #onepumchallenge... Moving back to moist as a word... Man arrested for testing out an AutoBlow inside his local sex store or for just public masturbation... Hidden camera porn all over the internet still... Why are men afraid to talk to women and why women don't like it... Trying to not be creapy ... Can you want less dick through hypnotherapy?... Bombing out early with a fat pussy.

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Kinky Katie's World #331 Surprise Anal

00:00:00 - 00:05:01

The women are outnumbered quite a bit by dudes. Does that include like two dead ones underneath. We're guys cavins. Just saying they live in the middle of nowhere they can collect bodies like that god away she does. The fucker. nobody'll know. I live out in the middle of nowhere with bears revenue again. How do we go play rabbit etiquette all that bitch out. The weekend has landed. all the exists. Now club strokes. Popes and pies of four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming cattle. I'm gonna talk to strangers all knife. I'm going to lose the plot on that dance floor. The free radicals inside me a freaking tonight. I'm to on a pop going to never never land with my chosen family mind. We're going to get more spiced out than me along strong advocate tonight. This could be a frequent quitting my butler. And what's the monkey live from rule. Thirty four studio. I bring a girl who has a plan applying for bringing people together it requires blue. Lots and lots of leaning. Here she is your host the one the kinky katie. Laura hello welcome to the shoe kinky gators world number three one. I am your hose containing with the as always is my cream filled. Cannoli my favorite plush toy mr. Sc hi how are ya okay. What's up do could come out. West is i don't s la casa. Y'all I think we've got a fund show for you tonight. Okay as you say we've got new porn. Pick of the week is some more man for you at who is a doozy and our usual banter i mean are you going to like province stuff and then forget to tax breaks. And you did that last week before. The fucking integration. Got all hugging. I made sure that i highlighted in my notes. Okay so i get to it. This time i i don't care about music by was a listener and i was like. Oh that sounds like a good story and then it ever happens you know. Wait a minute sucks pitch. Well i don't care that's one more thing yellow before lately walking. I remember what he's really high strung lately. Well i think people might be a little little easier. Maybe maybe it's bound to get better hopefully question. I don't know maybe we'll see. Possibly i do have to say. I mean even though we do get pretty silly on this show pretty juvenile and stuff like that but i mean you should fuck here some of this shit that we talk about just sitting on the couch watching tv. It's pretty similar really. You know what i'm seeing is. Just i mean this is not just. The only likes sonia conversations. We have yes up with all of this all the time though usually sit. And just listen to your able. Wh- well that's because this is my ramble time. Okay yeah you gotta get it all at once. My head just throws the diarrhea okay. That's all right though. At least i try to form thoughts and try to get them out of my mouth with a sneeze. Okay as opposed to. I don't know what you usually do. Not idea oh my gosh oh. We're watching youtube earlier and we usually watch this show. And the host is kind of a total douche she she's got a monotone voice. That's very interesting s. She's got a very interesting take on certain things. Are you talking about to show that we watch because mostly we dislike to bitch about the takes about. Yeah okay because it's almost like skewed on her thought. Well that's not as. She's just very very judgmental. It's a very judge mentally youtube channel like you know. Would you say that that she might be one to glare. Yeah rich yeah what. What's your point. Okay well I wanted to talk about. She was getting all uppity on this wine. Chick she gets in monotone echo kind of away. Yes continue well for halloween. She dressed up as a rape victim. Tonight's rape victim. That's right that's right. That's the sweetest chick schwartz more. At least we think well she was called the the person who is hosting this this youtube show channel any way. She recalled her and lord. And i looked at up to find out what the fuck man because using it all the time.

00:05:02 - 00:10:00

No i've heard people using it and it's usually two to like like we've known several people who would hardcore be considered edge lords. Yeah yes yes we do. Yes they do have and i can. I can name them all but because that would just be rude. Yeah don't do that. You are edge lords you know. We've had interactions we know talking about you. According to the urban dictionary their The definition is A poster on an internet forum particularly you know like fortune and four chan. How sorry i know. It's your it's your whole your. It's a generational thing and who expresses opinions. Which are either strongly nihilistic Life has no meaning. Or you know they say like Tyler durden special snowflake speech from fight club being probably two main examples or contain reference to hitler nazism. Fascism our other taboo topics deliberately intended to shock or offend readers. Yes that's how. That was. Usually how i took it with somebody that is Like marilyn manson that would be an edge lord to me his whole fucking persona because you know a lot of people out there have a different marilyn manson opinion because they love music and i like music. Fine the only problem i have is katie is from the same town. He's from and knowing the town you completely understand exactly where he came from n. y. marilyn manson is marilyn manson. Yeah no you got it. And i just have a hard time. Liking mails from that place. It's like ingrained in me. That i just think they're all too she. So you know that's me. I have a hard time like marilyn manson but he i think he's is lord i i would imagine. Like intentionally provocative just to be rocketed. Yeah yeah. I'll go nihilistic sir. Like a lot of that really that's all the marilyn. Manson like has a security beat up people just because he's got fifty bucks to give him yoda man. I don't know i don't know either. beautiful i do like to music. I will say. I can't complain about that at all. So who am i to pitch. So now i was thinking the other day and talked about the fuck and the check who who. Oh god yeah she about the whole the whole night's victim yes just like edge walked away from it because basically it was somebody who are costume like you know because i'm dressed like a who does not mean you can make me kind of thing right. Yes and that's how she meant it and so she. She had tonight's rape victim. She was in a tight thing and chad. Like i faked bruise on her face. Yeah and had a whole host of out of date rape and things like that you know about just because i trust like this doesn't mean i wanna kinda thing right yes i shouldn't i shouldn't be you know. Don't you think because. I just like this that i'm gonna be tonight's rape victim. And that's where said undershirt and i guess. That's what the bitchy girl at youtube out of problem. Yeah ok well. Apparently a lot of people did to because they're the ones that sent it to her because it said rave i mean she's basically saying that just because i wear just because i'm dressed like a ho doesn't mean you can bang me without me. Wanting it note of ansi also added dress like this and getting drunk. Yes ain't gonna get chivas that that does not that doesn't mean i thought she was cute. I was. I was totally into the project. Or and she's she's a lot older. She older new got a couple of years. Yeah yeah like holding up pretty well as well you know yeah makeup and nordic lifestyle yes lack of sun. Cold weather okay. Preserves people to land of the ice and style. That's the midnight sun no tears. There's some some phrases that every time i hear it. I hear the same things over and over again no matter what happens. Oh i learned a new phrase which the other day which i was kind of cute uterus into dick no okay now. Now laggards addicts. No but no something along the lines of that but but that had nothing to do with it Tunnel buddies i.

00:10:02 - 00:15:01

It's it's like the gay term for eskimo brothers. Okay oh my total says okay see so with it but those would be the don't know eskimo brothers are when you both fucked the same girl. Well tunnel buddies is when chewed paying the same dude us. So yeah because you shared a tunnel. That's right hopefully collapse. See guys there is no. It's done feel shut now when we go down here. Hail help tame the canary dead. That's not funny years ago. People died in a tunnel. I mean it wasn't that kind of a tunnel no allows five guys there last year. They're just lousy steady and bring a rope. Oh no need wrote balls on them. The told them take that they said it's only one way in one way out. How can we go wrong. I told him well they weren't prepared. If i go to my porn big of the week stay by standing by. It might not be the porn. You would pink katie wind. it's time once again forte. All right so this week. What's been kinda tickle in my button has been kind of choke fucking okay. Yeah and you know. And it's it's usually the women getting choked out okay. But just it's kinda violent like their megan. They're definitely acting like they don't like it and i like it. We've already discussed in depth. You're you're like attraction to all things rape no. It's usually kind of reinforcing it. It's usually on dudes to be fair. It is actually is spreading it around a little with a little breath you play. I am will you like that. Maybe because i'm giving some like women hate this week or something you. I don't know i don't know no. I think i think you you like a little breath play. You're into i do yes i do. And you're not really into hardcore eighty s. I'm other than that. no. I'm not really into that much. Whippy smacky i mean i do like some harsh nibble. Play like some pinch. Yeah but not really harsh. I mean really rely on shit. It's not i mean. We know lots of people that really do play harsh. That's just a moderate pinch. I like to have a fucking nail hammered my through my nipple into a board yet. What you're very rarely good a be into anything that's gonna leave. You know too marks right yeah It's gonna leave a barak. You've probably went to harvard. Katie please don't want you to have to visitation me again. Okay yeah. I mean we've seen people get welded. Pretty good oh yeah But also by choice by the way all consensual get. No one yet knows being forced to do lots of things in between. That's that's very true. The whole acronym that is like twenty miles all now. We can't keep up with it. I i can't i mean i'm sure that people yeah also say no but i mean yeah i really. I like it like violin. Like i almost like it like borderline snuff back. Ira watching. I know you were there a little while ago that you went around the softcore for a little while and i know you danced around a little before you go right back in. I can't take a day i've been. I've been stressed out for the past few days. Like i've not been myself on slow. I sleep at night. I haven't been like. I've been just my mind elsewhere. Yeah there's like a thing going on sounds you know stuff. Their stuff happening and people aren't exactly Fund a ball of yarn online right now. Yeah that's true. Oh eventually eventually they'll they'll forget about whatever it is. They're upset about. Oh yeah yeah. I'm sure okay. Okay i i know this is this is why social media free life because sometimes is wonderful. I don't find out about things sometimes. I know it would be tough for you. You've you've gotten quite used to stuff. Yeah for sure.

00:15:02 - 00:20:04

I don't know what you would do. Yeah i don't know my pick of the week there was doing a Pornhub of the top Searches by women. Okay in the us by state right. What do you think would be the top. The top search for women in florida would be women in florida women in florida. Now i i would. I would expect this in georgia. In tonga's no wire jumped in. I ever step brother sister. Milk gail s. this women. Search not mad. I don't know what is it to tell me every threesomes ebony okay. All right well. I'm just saying georgia because you know there's a lot of strip clubs and there's a lot of ebony strippers when you're saying avenue threesomes you mean After black guys into black is in a white girl in that make sure does specifically being that make sure could it be to white girls a black guy. Can it be like. I think it's all black. Okay yeah all right because it doesn't specify okay okay in that would be. I don't know i had that my mind oreo. I don't know be interesting. That would be interesting. Three that's immediately. What popped in my mind. Was that racial. I don't know what you are saying. Whatever i thought you were saying it was interracial like it. When the little longer will give king by monster anaconda could. It possibly could be even even gay. Who knows. yeah you know it could be to your. You're into gay male porn. I am nor have been really ham. I you cycled through it like you. Don't stay in one place too long but you've been there before for a little period. What do you think. Alaska the fucking last frontier. What do you mean what what do you think about it. You wanna travel there. I don't know maybe in the summer women know what the women the women go porn. Okay yeah born pornhub. Google's in alaska dunno bear sex. Very close really. Yeah rough sex up sacks are you go. you don't know why that makes sense I you know i i. The the ladies. I've met from alaska which aren't many were generally pretty tough weapon like like tough tough tough strong strong. Don't really not gonna take any shit from you in one way or another. Why would they will. I don't know but very very self-determined women for sure. I also heard there's like fucking like five dudes to everyone chick or something like that visiting some bigger ya the. The women are outnumbered white a bit by dudes. Does that include like the ones underneath. We guys cabins just saying they live in the middle of nowhere. They can collect bodies like that god away till she does the fucker. Nobody'll know i live out in the middle of nowhere with bears revenue again. How do we go play rabbinate again. All that bitch out. I don't think they really have that. Accent in alaska though they might have moved there from somewhere else necessarily from alaska. If you're in alaska now main does not surprise me at all. But north dakota does main what do they mean would be main Maple syrup sloshing martha stewart living. No they're into the chicks like glory holes. Bro okay. Why would make sense in maine because you just have like a lot of like rich snooty people in maine no day partly isn't i'd never really take rich snooty. People i'd take like like northern wilderness. There's not a lot going on up there. I mean it's sparsely. The cities are cities. Yes but a lot of maine is like wilderness wilderness. North women up there. Like i want some stranger danger right now. It could just be a way to like line them up like during the summer. You need something to do. 'cause you're frozen in the winter. Yeah yeah that's true. But going to north dakota surprise anal surprising also like is this like when you walk in the door like you in your whole family. Standing there was travel is happy birthday. I get i and we got me again.

00:20:05 - 00:25:03

How'd you know this year. She keep it secret really. I mean i don't know if it's like jails varieties or just you you bend over in the kitchen. You're like hey how surprise. I mean you know. I kind of think i know i mean it could be a lot of things you've really could Just going by the title. I mean i'm sure. I'm sure it's it's one of those when you head south and you're supposed to be head north and you just crab end light that you know what i mean. Yeah i mean which. I'm sure is some sort of a sexual assault. Now you like walk up with lou baller in your hand or just the water spit and as soon as you're walking you just licking your fingers in just winding up to just go smack and like in my head. I almost imagine like this scenario where somebody's rail it on the tang and just goes back door without saying anything jabs in a few times and it goes right back to back and forth back and forth back and forth. Sounds hot does it. I don't know. I'm just not alter there my little pony. What is your state is doing. My little pony idaho idaho Brody's up there These are these are women. So women are like an a surprise anal. What are the what are the lady. Brownies called pro. That's just. I don't know i liked keg at no. Is it kicked doughnuts. Wires things not spelled properly with you what is keg. What is what does that have to do with anything. God could somebody let me now. I'm not gonna look it up. Both third sound like it's dangerous online is dangerous online right now. There are donuts that you get tag k. g. donuts do and each is something that not spelled properly not like donut. St- cake i don't know you tell me they're powdered. He just about anywhere multiple manufacturers chocolate keg. I don't know. And i need the derivation. I need a fucking food. Historian a food has silvery food historian. Probably this. I bet that's a job. It is a job. Okay see. I knew it okay. Before we go to episode or rule thirty four. I wanted to talk about something that i was going to talk about last that. You promised you'd be cheese. Now pay off. this is This is kind of burlesque trend. That's been it's been going on. apparently okay. According to you some burlesque performers from their own mouths. They've been saying that there's been a lot of women and girls. Mostly the younger ones that are given themselves. Melvin now for you. All the don't know what. Melvin raised my hand. Go what's melvin. It's a front wedgie on a girl. Okay so you've got the beaver cleaver going on. No i'd like it. So a lot of the performers. They're wearing the. I'm like the little booty shorts underneath you know. There may take everything off okay. But they're giving themselves this is. What is a psychotically. Okay wait a minute. What about i lost me at pussycat leverage 'cause i started thinking about some nice fat moose knuckle and i got lost in my mind. So what do we have a competition here now. The though it's just people are giving yourself camel towel really. Yes intentional. to- intentional to- that's that's not really a thing. Apparently a couple performers. It is propaganda california. They're just trying to stir up things. Maybe maybe maybe they're trying to the chinese. No they have smaller. I know maybe that's why they're spreading the rumor to make american show big fat posey's off so they can laugh at us. I don't know you. Americans have such fat pussies. Fat juicy bangolo pushed back. You know but i i kinda like it a little more than like a lotta dudes. I think i like a meteor. Pus and here something. That looks like i'm not going to get bruised if i'm banging into it. You know what i mean. Yeah i know now my tailbone fan. I'm aware that your fan of the bucks. We're going to go to episode or rule thirty four and when we come back we are going to have a brand new tits man and a couple other things so enjoy.

00:25:03 - 00:30:06

We'll see you soon. Yum yum time. Bullet basically andris breakfast snack. Oscillate twitter i was. I was referred to as a proper guilt. I'm like oh and then he followed up with a act. I responded to him. then he followed up with Using it's just a young lads fantasy. I guess i can be still on the market for but then it makes me wonder how old is he. Okay well but but any or do. I really look that old. What forty i mean. That's that's grandma age. I hate azalea joining and twenty of twenty dollars. Get no. we'd had this twenty twenty. That's reasonable that's not like like fourteen know which still only around the corner from the two zero. Yeah yeah to twenty nine twenty gives you forty forty grandma grandma hundred twenty twenty definitely not to. Ted's doesn't work that way. No thank you. Math does not go that direction. I really know kicking joe. we'd be. Maggie equals alley. See you understand. That's like that's like kinky calculus right there. Calculus webbie's maggie eagles alley Or on with the show and welcome back to you. He world We are coming to you. Live from rural thirty four studios radio dot com radio. Chaos dot net. You can give me a twitter later at kinky katie radio. Kiki katya radio dot com radio. Gmail.com facebook google me baby anyway. Hey guys look back anywhere. You're still in the car or on the treadmill whatever. It is whatever it is that you're doing right now little weirdos right. That's all right. I have another tale from downtown for you. Sorry pound land. Is that corner from flavor town. That's all right. We did okay. i thought we did. There was a ghost hunter. And i have a lot of paranormal friends and people who who are in the paranormal thing and i really don't why no no. Why check them. But apparently i do algorithm. Yeah i guess so overly algorithm software thing than thing. Red line well. This guy was absolutely horrified that this the story talked about pound land is selling ouija boards for for They were selling for halloween. But they're still selling them now pound land dollar store. Yeah okay that's right. Yeah i remember now. People in england are probably like weird ass stupid. We got those everywhere quid dick. He's a he's a pound a quid. A pound a quid acquitted of hound is a any measurement of money like a quid pro. Quo thing for thing. Oh like it's a that's where quick comes round. Oh so it really. It could mean fucking frank. It could mean. Euro aka just acquitted. Usually it means fucking about anyway. Well this guy is a member of the true paranormal events in the uk. Okay as you find it goes average just talking to him after taking gmt. He said that that he's absolutely terrified. That people are claiming that they he's a people can release deadly demons. If they're not trained by professional mediums. Okay yeah yeah yeah. I know somebody lost an arm to that. He's saying this accident is seeing this at least a demon not released a d.

00:30:07 - 00:35:01

All over his arm anymore. The weird rock pulled out. If i can jab thing after cutting dumping water on it my god people are they have no idea what the okay. So what was the point of using what what what are they doing what. How did they lose their arm. What i don't know your story powell. An oh no. Here's getting all fucking upset and pissed off and he was used like wants to sue pound land because they're selling ouija boards and he's saying people a summoned demons. If this is not a toy choice should not be used as a a toy. Now know you could do really bad things right. Don't ever say latin words or our those things either they speak. Latin apparently knew aramaic to all of them Even though it's an english alphabet. Go figure or edgar allan poe whatever hey who maybe we could release a demon at some point. Well what about those people that have the ouija board tattooed chess. They're just fucking marked. I've seen that men and women the whole board. The whole word from little sun moon to the l. a. because when you're like out and about and you really need a ouija board you know what are you going to do. Let me fuck your titties. Honey come on your chest and wherever it lands trace if the answer to question forty to know why are you watching. He's still alive pops very very odd. He's scary all right. Let's go to your favorite topics. They still fire boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for shit. Hit man. okay. She is back at it again. samantha lily. You need to check her out. You can get her on. Twitter at smith lily. You can also go to her. She only took with this. Or why as a why. Okay or three eighty no. She is got absolute jane. Norma's tetras okay. No i mean. They're like fucking huge huge. Okay well i'm going to look at it right now. All right go ahead and look good. Talk while i know my. I'm a little a little frozen right now. china cold. Yes it's a sham pornhub to who she is on pornhub and instagram desert got who has a huge jude's does those look really big and naturally they are natural. Yes they are natural she. They're extremely extremely large and she does post them quite a bit on her twitter page but then they look shirts to do now. She's got a lot of videos of her jumping up and down and bear hooted in weeny little key she does in some of these bathing suits. She looks like anime. You know i will say it would be good. She would have to have monster monster nipples for the naval to be fortunate to them fucking jobs. You know what i mean. Those things are those. Those are giant fund bags. Yes you would need a huge naval. It would have to be fucking massive to really because they look like small levels but event or not well because her boobs are bigger than watermelon. That's what i'm saying. So the nipples probably very nice probably optical illusion like an egg carrying leaf or leaf carrying that so that. I think you should go check her out. Her name is samantha lily. I will have her posted on my On my On the web on the The notes the show hundred under social media man. That's like your brain froze. I know she's twenty seven years old and at the at the age of fifteen charity had a double d cup. You know ladies get really hurt back from that katy so yeah well. She's got a thirty four. I i is christ yeah. They're big and they're heavy looking to whenever she also. She talks russian so she she is a good thing. No i don't know either. Maybe she. Okay why would you tell me that. Russian hookers they like to pm today. Is that a thing. I'd take like there's lot of hookers everywhere.

00:35:01 - 00:40:04

That'll peon you. The i know there's probably several that are listening right now all on you. There's a movie that i heard about it's called slash of the knife and it's a movie about circumcision. Whatever i mean. I'm i'm happy. I'm happy with my circumcision to be honest with you. I know i'm really glad it happened. When i was an infant and didn't know i would have really neural up fucking piece of loose skin on end my deck. Now it would be like. I would totally not. I wouldn't have taken care of it. It's not there doesn't exist and now but so three gone for a long time. Now i just i just i see like a fucking duck i'll lacquer. Hey hey that's what some people have to rock. That's their gig. There foreskin i okay. Some people up some people love it. I know I'm glad i don't have it. I had an old manager. Said he likes to chew on it. Yeah now i whatever. I'm sure the people who who are attached to are really attached to the skit on the other day Yeah somehow i would imagine because it's part of them but yeah and they stick it in two things. Masami will get him cut off later in life who've seems like a rough maneuver that seems like having you at the hard way you know wildlife like i've told the story before kid that i went to culinary school with ice. Give them ride home in the afternoons and he got he was going to go into the army and he got done before he laughed so he got a dengue and eighteen. But did they make him and the army at like. Oh they just. He was able to do it. He was going to blow. He's going to be in the desert so he's like i want to be. I'm not going to be able to be clean so so he's like getting done. Well you know. I've known a few guys who've had its later on in life and it does seem like like harsh at some point. I have to think that if i had it Later on i would. I would probably hold on to it just because of my thoughts of somebody taking a scalpel to my deck or not. You know but a glad. I don't have to be faced with the thought of cutting it off if i wanted to. Yeah there's i didn't. I was I didn't know about this but there's an auction for kinda creepy dudes who are into deaths. It's called the internet it's Geyser into desperation news. Now like i need money to pay my rent. Yeah i know really is your own. I i know it's a jonah of stuff you know i. I need fifty bucks to to eat this week. You know what you are. Yeah yeah well now. People people are buying them because they said they want to have this whole thing. Came up for. Auction was a copy of hugh hefner's marilyn monroe in playboy okay and that was like the big draw because they said that it's a well known fact that she she did it because she needed the money. She was desperate for fifty dollar paycheck. Yeah really yeah. This is like way back then. Yeah fifty dollars whereas like more right. Okay exactly substantial even know really fifty bucks without a boob. Okay here you go. So they're expecting this thing to go for between anywhere from like grand five bo. What are the original copies. Yeah from nineteen forty nine okay. But that's not the debts. I mean you had me thinking about people doing these days. Because they're getting. Rick did because they got the rona. Yeah these as though there. Yeah that'd be a hell of a lot more and i'm sure that they'd be really sketchy year. I mean like sketchy or your online. What yeah what do you mean by sketchy. Well no 'cause see in my head. I'm going back to when you know when you actually had delayed take. Petco find my talk for and shed. No some degrades. Do retake polaroid's view huge. That i know one. I was banging and i was sixteen. Man he was like forty something. Okay like forty pedophile. Yeah well his best friend with the two of them has best friend they would always hang out with with the high school kids his right He will be the one that would be used to buy the alcohol. Yeah says he would like by the keg in the fucking liquor and shit and then you know we'd all go over there and hang out. It was so gross. Well they had a stack of polaroid that i found whatever they were on the table showing them to people like white. You your gross here and it was young girl taking pictures of the rectums really very much so like they would sit there and they really posing on the couch in their underwear while you guys are so girotti like your grimy.

00:40:04 - 00:45:01

Grody off and you know it's weird. Will you know but but you know some people don't really understand how come and shit like that really. Was you know it was there. Were all kinds of older dude like buying like a high schoolers. Fuck it alcohol and you cover their house and hang out. Yeah czar yeah now that you think about it like now you definitely be like. What the fuck was that you doing. What was i doing hanging out without dude. But he was pretty he used to. He was short dude and he used to hate when i wore heels so when i got mad at him i like my chunky vulgar nineties heels around him and he like under my chin that's how short he was and then we'd have. Did you pat him on the head. All i used to like your fucking going great here you whatever your fucking me. So i'm okay with it but he he would always have to take one of his heart pills after we had sex very it was. I snuck away one night. And i lied to my parents. I said that i was going to like west palm beach to hang out with a friend of mine. But it really. I drove up to stewart and add sex with his old third and then drove home. But i didn't get home until anyway. Oh yeah it's pretty bad. So i did that for a while to what just found random old dudes now. I like your own little nineties version of eleven party. No having having. I used to have sex with him. Or what like whenever he'd be in town okay north and he always called me his girlfriend which is kinda gross. But then he's like. I can't like jeeves. I can't take you out anywhere until you're eighteen. You know you're you're pedal that's really sixteen as you could send it used to say anyway. Oh my god l. He was the one that you say. He won't junior talk to it as he's got dip in his fucking live and that meant give me more like it's a it's a really smooth way to go for the blow job maneuver. Yeah yeah he wants to talk to you because you to talk to it okay. Little god i know you're kind of inviting that when you say it that way. Aren't you. yeah like panama. The head all little buddy. Viewing my god. Not too long ago like a year ago. He actually message. May i on On facebook he was probably trying to find out if you had any daughters of the teenage range. My god what. That's probably exactly what he was looking for. Come on tigers and change his stripes. Oh lord he probably being. He's he his his fifties. Now god maybe sixties okay earth you know. Why would that stop dude. Yeah that's sure. And he said hey remember me and like yeah what what. Why are you contacting me. What i know. Go away. so you're married. i'm married to you. Wanna hang out no no. I know you fucking weirdo on anything to do with you. Yeah because now would you think about it. Sounds really highly highly fucked up. It is like were you doing creepy balls. Yeah i was sixteen years old. I just thought you were cool. How many other little girls were you doing. Dirty things to only four of your friends. Oh god only four of them got support your some drugs or alcohol. Oh god brought some sugar cubes to care. It's scared. oh god there. There's a there is a hot and spicy condom. Why would you do that. I don't know because like you gotta like take out the details. Latex really i mean you have to overcome it so you need like fatty salt acid. You know what i mean. You have into lula. I mean as long as the flavoring all any outside. I'd be okay with of course you'd be okay with he'd be like this. I'm wrong down her me a bit.

00:45:01 - 00:50:04

Yeah who who talk flavor cases. I mean that's almost got to be like a revenge type fucking maneuver. We're gonna use the spicy condom. So i guess this guy fucking made these just to be mean we're gonna have the one one pump challenge. Oh no oh no. That's how can you take no. We'll do a video and the figuring and attempted fist was enough okay but this can completely get up. It'd be easy. I can't say condom right on twitter around dildo. And what did you do it that way. Oh sure so. There's absolutely zero chance of you getting anything on you to perhaps cause some little like allie session. Somebody has to film okay. No i mean if we're sticking a hot sauce flavored condoms. i mean really. We have to test out for people so they don't know we don't have to test that for people people can do that on their own. Then you can taste it up towards tell me what to flavor. Yes before and after well. That's one way that's an interesting and unique way to get on hot one. What did you do. I sent sean evans. A fucking video of me. The spicy as an covered. Hot sauce hashtag one pub challenge. Who comes up with is. Is this at asian conduct because it sounds like something you would get in a weird agents. I don't know or a seven eleven. Not i don't know seven eleven. Got some weird shit that will they. It's like they're everything mark you know. Yeah yeah apparently. At least that's what that's what the videos on youtube make. It look like likes. The sevens in japan are quite extensive. Old paris japan. Yeah that's what. I'm saying if i can anything. Well i'm assuming the weird contemplate is is japanese for whatever reason i mean. We're talking schoolgirl. Sock water like like schoolgirl. Sock water out of a vending machine. Yeah that's true. You know a sturdy from a hot girl got senate fucking air freshener. Yeah out of a vending machine. I mean not only does it exist. You could go by it but it has to be convenient conveniently located so you could just feed some fucking dollar bills yo inside of it and hit about then boom. You have dirty penny water. I mean little dirty panties were killed in the making of that water. Either freshly squad yeah. It's developed synthetic anyway. I should hope so. We don't know why know it is over in asia so they could although me go would jila japan specifically i for some reason in my mind it would seem like a javanese person wouldn't do that you know what i mean would actually make it synthetically. I mean unless he was actually advertising. Yes real dirty sock water then. It would be real dirty soccer. I would imagine them. That's all an ebay having some integrity is what i'm saying. I would think so. I would in my mind. That's the way it works in japan. I would think sound like no. We're not going to kill you or something. We want you to come back and buy more dirty water leaving me killing you. But that's what we're whatever you don't really squeeze the people to get the fanny wander. You know you could be authentic. i don't know i mean. Is it like olive oil where it's cold pressed or you know hot pressed or i think they'd probably want a hot press because that's when it's the moist is it guest. You're moving back to that moist. Wordell like a cupcake. There was an avalanche of people about ten fifteen years ago. Just all of a sudden decided moist wasn't an acceptable word. Now it's still not you could think it's a good thing when you're talking about fucking baked products so it really goes along well with like cookies and brownies. Like i have a wet brownie. That doesn't sound right boy. A moist no one likes a wet brown a moist cake a moist brownie of sound normal tasty cake. It's you ladies. Didn't like hearing it when associated with their fucking saz. Whatever there is a dude over and oklahoma not too long ago. He got arrested because he was he didn't feel like he didn't know if he should spend the money on an auto blow because we were just talking about it last show we auto blow and he decided to test it out. Try before you buy. And i'm gonna pay this much money for unless i know of it works so he whipped it out in the store and of course you can guess it was in florida.

00:50:05 - 00:55:04

How do we know that. No i know. He's he's too he's only twenty three. I hope we didn't then he looks a little like your old helper though. Yeah yeah can't be a long time ago. I know and it doesn't look like like we'll be jewish kid so anyway but but it was right at that that fort pierce lines. Then you know. I i like how how. He's totally trying to convince people that he was just trying out that it wasn't just public masturbation like i just wanna fuck it do this in front of evil. Yeah yeah. I mean that's on. What else would it be. I mean he used his own lube. Though because on the camera it also shows him licking his fingers and figuring machine. So i'm assuming up if i was assume he's looming it up because those things aren't exactly like slighty unless you add some shit movingly right 'cause they're usually made at a cyber skin to give it a little bit of friction a feeling something it'd be put on like a web eating save with some people like that though really rug. Burn some people. Yeah rubber. latex burn. I mean into a hidden camera porn has been popping up on on pornhub lately. Like from And they said they like they can't get rid of the fucking problems and this is from people's apartments a lotta hotel rooms lou. Yay bathrooms like public bathrooms. You know i mean even but as genre. It is possible to totally. Just stay jake. The right yeah being you know. Well i guess i guess though some people you know saw themselves or retold like hey. You're on here taking a pass or something you know but you know what it reinforces my my own defense. I mean if we all just published pictures of snood everywhere then it. This would not be a problem at all. nobody would care. We won't give a fuck. Because i could see i could go online and look at your whatever anyway. Who cares if somebody sees. You doesn't really matter. No not really not really not at all there. Are these women. Were getting all fucking pissed off because they say because we talking about my my choking kind of interest lately. That women are getting pissed. That guys won't make the first move anymore because they're to fucking afraid of metered or whatever. Yeah well that and people don't talk just talk to people like us like people use to. Yeah but like they said that like women are getting mad like they're they. Dato grabbed me and kissed me. They won't talk to me. They won't like they're fucking afraid to do anything because they think that they're going to get in trouble things. Don't go bad or whatever you're my fucking touch me and he didn't yet know to me. It mostly sounds like dude. Just pitching because i mean you could totally i mean even in today's dang you can have a discussion about it. You're out with somebody you talk about it. You know what i mean. Yeah i mean whatever and if and if they reject you and the data ends okay. They rejected you and the date ended. At least you talked about it. I mean nobody can be mad at you for saying for saying. Hey you know For drawing guidelines before the date after you know what i'm saying during the date. There's nothing saying that you can't spell things out. It's not as cool a really sucky but you can totally do it. Yeah but you have to talk to somebody. Yeah yeah but but some some women are saying that they they don't they don't really want that they kind of just to go back to was just whatever to certain extent that would be possible if dudes weren't such assholes times but sometimes you are bro. You broke your choice so now guess what you fucking for everybody that wall yeah lots of lots of dudes. Yeah you're like funding. You know what you're like you're like a guy in a girl's body for sure. I know one hundred percent. I've been told the line. You're very chauvinistic acting very aggressive. Well i can't be agressive. Sometimes and it doesn't really go over to when you do it which is weird because it probably should. I mean in all the rules. Technically technically yes it is. I mean and not only that a lot of times. When i've talked to people you know any at any point it could have been considered lugging some sort of an assault.

00:55:05 - 01:00:02

Y- yeah how dare you objectify my boobs okay. I'm sorry i'm broken. I can't fix me. I i just like them out there. I know it doesn't mean 'cause you dress like that. You should be eagles. No no you want to buy. You know what. I wasn't creepy like that i mean now. I'm sure i've had moments of creepy. This like i tried not to be creepy. I didn't care as krier. Not know you're just diving. Yeah yes somebody had to literally beat you off with a whatever. Be me up. There is a there was a there was a boy who wouldn't eat anything. But sausage and whatever's read this the first thing that my head was like daddy would also a guy. He was cured by hypnosis. He went to looking sausage. You will need anything else. But sausage fucking mike. How's like all well. It's robinson ooh somebody asked they said okay. Does that work on dick okay. It's the same thing really long cylindrical. That's what i'm that's what they were saying like. They said that he wondered if they could go to when when someone had read about this out if they could go to hypnotherapy and have them cure them a wanting like constant sausage in their throat. Okay so what you're saying. Gay cap gay camp. Well that's like Program that's i mean. That's the idea. Maybe not one date now. I mean i think just like dick is fine but just he doesn't want so much of it like i wanna cut back. I don't want to be so insatiable you did it for smoking. You do for your ad here clearly says cessation help with this. I need to set eight myself from the dick to say i really need to much. Dick god a little bit is fi. like that. exactly like deprogramming is what you know a little bit. Go a long way. I mean if you believe in Hypnotherapy you know my has like hypnotherapy porn really yeah well she actually has a degree to in hypnotherapy. Oh yeah no. I know you're talking about you know and here again. Stay away from me. Stay away from me. i don't wanna talk to you. I feel like i would be susceptible. Like i feel like i could be program right now and i don't even know read doll. You play around do i. The aliens have better ways detail than regular earthy telling. Do you think ever watch much of it. Has straightened brain brain stem. You know could action as jelly mouth see. Wouldn't it make sense by laugh. Has been different for all the time. I've been having these weird sexual fantasies weirder than usual. I've completely anal centric. Like i'm fascinated with probing you've been asking lately for the past couple months. Who are you know. i'm just trying. I want a pattern. You know that way this is. I want to pay a lot of people. Will that way. I kinda know what's going on ahead of time. You know what i mean. Now yeah no. I can predict when you're going to be aggressive. And not by based on your laughter patterns. Was that right. Yeah yeah trying to figure out the things that you're into when you're with when certain way what what is it that we were talking about what we fantasizing about what was what was the the the you know. The vibe of the conversation is going to put it all together like that. Yeah no that way. I can know ahead of time when it's a dangerous zone put in. Its french yeah. Exactly have a little a little league audio clip yet. Several van diagrams matched with three dimensional line charts. Lord ira getting out of here for the night our way. Yes we're gonna here for the week bombing out early up all right. I don't give a shit. I know i have one big fat one two. That's all right all right guys. Don't forget you can get new merch on the T public like if you. well just. It's simple go to the website. Catering dot com. There's a link right there on the home page. It'll take you right to where you gotta go. That's right if you feel like supporting to show you know now where we make.

01:00:02 - 01:01:12

We make we make money off of it. You know so if you wanna support. Show go get self stickers. Whatever cheap double locks A tray fuck pillar maybe sure sir james top five star rating. That's review hook it up. Kids do it for us. Come on now baby. Yeah nice to you actually. Well i am going to sleep. Well tonight i robot you guys but i wanna sleep very very good so i hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day. We night shifts drive. Whatever the fuck you're doing. se everything for me. Nagla guys well. Oh does anybody those.