#290 – Celebrity Sexual FitBit
You are currently viewing #290 – Celebrity Sexual FitBit


This week!

1/26/2020 Tattoo pain... Cold for Katie... Meat Meat and Food Wars... SC would bang his sister... Don't forget about the contest... Tim Tebow gets married and laid... Banging virgins... Having sex with Spencer... Having a good time watching watching tattoo... Sexual Diary - sex stats for nerds... Sexual FitBit for Celebrities... Bitch married her rug - Matt... Identifying as linoleum... The smell date and why Katie loves the idea... Episode of "Rule 34"... Magic mushroom nasal spray now available... Tits Man - accidental boob flop out during the weather... The virgin killing sweater... Can your testicles taste? How about your anus? Confused? So are we... Canadian Psycho gets married and what body part did he eat... Tough girl.


White people
QUICKIE: smelling dates
Shroom nasal spray
TITS MAN: weather girl flops it out
QUICKIE: virgin killing sweater
Can your nuts taste
Cannibal porn star
QUICKIE: bong buttplugs

W.D.E.D. Dead In the Morning - MOVIE PREMIER
Film by Maurice Jovan
Out Feb. 16th, 2020


YOU, yes, YOU can WIN your very own SIGNED copy of my very first horror movie "Death-Scort Service 2: The Naked Dead"!! How? Here's the deal.... You have 3 CHANCES to get 1 RIGHT


You have to guess what the everyday object is from filthy description .There are short clues to what the ordinary object is. All you have to do is get ONE CORRECT and your name gets into the bucket. Each correct answer = a name submission ( 3 correct, 3 chances. THE CONTEST STARTS JANUARY 19TH, 2020. THE CONTEST ENDS @ 11:59pm EST FEDRUARY 14TH, 2020. The WINNER'S name will be drawn LIVE on air Saturday FEBRUARY 15TH, 2020. WINNERS will also be contacted



#1 You lift up my top before you play with me
Sometimes, people tinkle on me
When I'm flat, you don't want to play with me

#2 If you get me when I'm naked, you have to finish me
You have to strip me to get me naked
It's hard to get the stain out of my crack

#3 You should eat me when I'm still hot
Some people eat me out
I usually taste salty when I come in your mouth

WHAT AM I??!??

SUBMIT ANSWERS to KinkyKatieRadio@gmail.com

Inaccurate Transcript!

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Kinky Katie's World #290 Celebrity Sexual FitBit

00:00:04 - 00:05:05

The following program contains adult content crabs language of a sexual manner completely Lee responsible advise along with some things. You'll wish you could on here. If you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because I was fucking Shit Atr. He's far to take you jiggle. Well her old tricks. It flipped over media first task as good I liked them. Food Kiedis ruled in ten nine repeat seeks. Three Katie's road starts now the Katie. Are you ready to trust sack. You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you sean. elmo Dory and now lie from rule thirty four studio I bring a girl that is learning a new skill when hand exacerbating pinch your host the one the only Kinky Kitty. Hello Hello Hello and welcome to the show. This is Katie's role that number two ninety. I'm I am your host Kinky Katie and with me as always it's my favorite plus coverage fucked toy. Let's see okay. Hi How we are coming at you. From rule thirty four STUDIOS IN SUNNY TAMPA Bay Florida. Al We've got a show for you today or tonight or whenever the fuck you're listening maybe tomorrow could be could be month from now later on tonight. Who the hell knows? Anyway as you can probably guess we got more Tattoo. Work Ga The other day and I'm in a lot of fucking pain. They're not guessing at all because they're podcast listeners. Broadcasting Live right. Now that's why I can tell you for for sure. They had no idea told no they know they follows fucking social media and if they listen to other shows than they know. Okay whatever all right is a matter so could it could have been yesterday could have been fucking awhile ago. Who knows but I got to work and I'm in a lot of pain? Aw Aw I understand that but Oh come on get good. I don't know why you while you're while you're still I really. I really can't believe though I went through with it. The worst is over because as soon as it started psycho fuck I have to sir. I can't stop now. I have to do this weird. It's a hand hurts. You really really fucking pretty for this. I like it a lot. It is so so. Thank you very much Bryan. And Yeah Yeah Awesome Okay Anyway. Yeah so I did a spot on this conversation earlier this week with Scott Ledger and full. It was cold it was thirty. Four degrees at eight am. Yes I mean. That's not that cold for really most. This is people listening. I think I know but it's really cool for me okay. I'm a fuck fluorinated on right used to you're talking to a tropical person really understand what you're saying. Yeah but you you been snow and cold weather than I have to remember that you're talking to more than people who live in that okay. I know I do too. You're really idea okay. So it was cold for us saying yes we go to your local local terrestrial radio dance called for me. Okay Anyway. Well well I the time wrong and I was like an hour early but that's okay so better than an hour late. That is absolutely right. Oh my goodness I just I don't know why but it's something just came to my head as a kid gets to the meat and potatoes of it and then I hear me. We beat me as possibly the greatest character name and all. Aw Television history. And she's high what she as she always has. Shiny boobs little squeak. She's she's she's always wearing like a bikini top or just something that barely covers average the nipples and she's always shining they. She's got a sunburn or something he's always hand and her name is meat. It's on a an antibody called food worse ridiculous. Well it is because it's kind of out there people are having orgasms after they eat. Food like close exploding You're taking me back to my childhood.

00:05:05 - 00:10:03

Oh cool ricky new mothers leading. Oh my insights good. It's brought to so thick fully right into my avenue. This is an actual cartoon. Yes anime Japanese. If you haven't heard of it already you WanNa Watch some weird anime. That's not like you know X.. Rated people actually fighting but people preparing food and food competitions. Yeah that's what they're doing so yes then. This exploding food really good fan service. They're really good about showing you a nice fucking lady goat when you WanNa see what you really want to see an animated lady go. It's right there for you. Well so is that a foggy. What was the one no not not harder shelter? We watched thank you. Yes Kill Kill the one. Yeah that one was fighting. Heidi now it's fighting for all right. If you went to ninety two but with some great efforts well you have to pretend that you don't. I don't know how they are and just to go with what you're presented with fully developed women and and look past the incense stuff you you really have to look at so many anime yes or anything through. I think it's in a lot of stuff. I don't know I totally told you. I'm not sure I heard that I wouldn't bank my sister. I don't have a sister. Never had one so. I don't know what it's like to say. Oh I wouldn't bang her I don I. I've never you know what I mean. Yeah it's foreign to me. It's it's very left. Handed not left handed Katie. Glad I'm not a hand touches hurt. Take my God so fat in painful. Well you take good. I can't even make a fist year. Fine you're you're not going to need that fest. I have to wash dishes this point. Go to point I will do my best anyway and don't forget everybody to contest ends on February fourteenth. That is Valentine's is day. In the twenty twenty. A winner will be picked to live on the show. On February. On Saturday February fifteenth. And you will win a brand and you in a hard copy of my very first horror movie. Desperate Service partout naked dead autographed by me there's tons of gratuitous nudity tons Gore. There's tons of bad acting it's awesome. You'll love it absolutely all right. So it's your film non X.. Rated knots right but damn close so wait wait a minute contest for those who are jumping into kinkaid them right now. Basically look on the website. Answer some questions since the answer. If you packed you get the movie as I was I was getting there all all the visual rules and the questions for the Trivia there on the website and they're also they're also on twitter and on facebook Kinky Katie Eighty eight Radio Detroit. So get your stuff and you've got three chances to win so you know. Yeah we can have up to three entries that will then become part of a raffle drawing. That's right to be fair to be fair so you know exactly what you're in for. That's right so just because you get one right doesn't mean that you win it correct but you might say good luck. You never know you know so here. Tim tebow got married yet to guy no actually to girl really really pretty girl too. She's a beard why it was a beard. No doubt by big big bushy furry beard I can really i. I don't know means to figure it out. It just got it. Just got me thinking about how much I don't like to have sex versions. I've never I wouldn't date a virgin either because I fucked a couple of virgins and I don't like it frustrated. I've seen you laugh at normal adult. And before when they were fiddling around with you in some kind of weird guy way. I've actually literally watch you. Ridicule them yeah in a very demeaning and it really it makes me laugh every time and how was I at the time. I don't know I probably drunk is I was so hard to AH sliding scale how. She's about two bottles it already and it's noon just got legitimate stuff it leave me alone. Galway Galway fucking useless. Yeah yeah but I mean. Sometimes it's fun because sometimes I don't know sometimes it's fun for me sometimes. It's fun for them like like humiliate me. Whatever that's not happening you were legitimately just pissed off? I was still trying to handle be weirdo bowling ball. Not doing it right moment. You're really not doing it right. You know Dr Anymore.

00:10:03 - 00:15:01

We're taking your keys now. You have to watch US military. This is how I you don't know what you're doing. Then you're going to have to be taught I'm not gonNA show you you're still gonNA fail I this Wendy's virginity a when I was up in in Orlando over. UCF what was eighteen. His name was Spencer. People found out I remember people and Sexist Spencer I said Yeah they go people have been trying to fuck him for a long time. Wasn't that hard. All you had to do is hold him down no. He came very willingly. Sure yeah he did. He came to me willingly. Oh my God. I didn't get naked willingly. Oh Yeah Jesus I know you. You're very aggressive. Wow you're very aggressive. I was not the aggressor in this situation. I'm sure you were Washington. Okay okay okay. I'm sure I'm sure the thirty one year old virgin was the aggressor. I'm sure he was thirty. He won eighteen okay. At least you weren't a pedophile. No 'cause I was eighteen as well good job somebody your own age see. That's what you're supposed to do you see now. When I lived there Tim Chiba was still a verging like Dan and he was the world's saving himself so he saved himself till marriage? Yeah well you said he got married. So is that like a pigs. Fly kind out of a statement when Tibo Fox so is the world coming is that horsemen of the apocalypse they do say that the doomsday clock is closer than ever to midnight. One hundred seconds pins or some shit. Oh boy rocketed die Tibo lead. Trump's the President Custodian Florida. Go Down Birdie the outback frozen Aguado chopping the sky everywhere. Bees flying around rude to do it anymore. Good tell me what are we lucas swarming. Praying Mantis is leaving the males alive after sex. That's just weird wrong wrong. Niger got traded nature booked. You what it is. Go that Elon. Musk fellow I don't know okay. He's making it all happened. He listens to every podcast gets released simultaneously. He plugs is into it like the Matrix. I confess it's exactly what he does. All my God. I thought it was so funny that they did a side by side picture of counter reeves as in Adam driver and he said they said this is. This is if you tried to draw Kiana from Memory Sawyer. Great made me laugh anyway. I don't know but back to fly conversions versions virgins. I don't fuck around burdens. I'm not here to take your virginity unity or teach you. I am not your mother's friends coughing virginity though you do guess so okay I mean it's it's one of those things. I don't see how you do that. You no you go ahead. I don't care what you want it. If you don't WanNa Fuck Fuck you WanNa wait until sexual decide not to fuck it all and fine. No I don't care I don't WanNa Fuck fucking which you want okay. I'm just saying I'm not. I'm not the one to come to leave virginity. No you're not you're not you're not the one to come to unless you you are. At least they're like minimum requirements. Or you're going to get laughed at really. That's what I'm telling all of you out there for God's sakes just if you take anything away from the takeaway cut and trim and file your nails so what you take away non tiling that's telling other people if you take away nothing take away this okay. Okay just saying sometimes. It's good to catch something. What's the little cats out the little straight male? Oh I thought you were talking about like catch something I'm like. Why would you want someone to catch something? Oh No oh no. I'm wanting you to catch something. Wasn't it a while it's good. You went a little God damn it did. Did it move your time when you got out to the. Oh No yeah you put you put your head down some tears rolling down on your little cheeks fucking noticed. I heard a lot a completely bang the car in the parking lot before I was trying not to between green you you and the little assistant removes out. I'm telling you like I'm looking at boobs listening to you. Scream tortuous gain well. She bounces down. Doubted jiggles epic.

00:15:03 - 00:20:03

You can't beat it. And they were talking about going to get tied up and stuff over at the woodshed. Go uh-huh club with her boss. My friend is telling us. Hey if you've worked on Saturday stupid don't take my helper. I work dummy. We need her. You're standing right in front. It'll be right now. You can't like make plans for a work date while your boss is standing next to. You doesn't work that way. He can come to if he wants. I don't see why not sure Many finds the shed it is the shed which is a it's a beady club in Orlando. That's all right. DSM cleverly. I'm sure there's others but I don't know I'm pretty sure I have been to them. Not Sure I saw. This was a question that was that was cintas which I thought I was kind of interesting for the past four and a half years. She's kept age. She kept track of how many times her significant other have been intimate okay. How many venue as Nellie that no she? She's like I don't know if she go. CD EAR whatever. But she liked tracks things down to like I gave him a Blu e and then we calculated he Z.. And then he left the house else. I don't know was that hard to document really well. She started doing is a tracker menstrual. Cycle okay I guess you know pull out method. Okay okay. I guess it's the rhythm other working. Is that what you're saying sacred thing anymore is. Nobody's banging with condoms anymore. She actually sent sent the data to really dead. But you also wanted to see charts you wanted to see if it impacted her libido okay what the fuck is going on what happened. Well the thing is she's just she just she wants to know like is that a thing like what what what is normal at. I don't know what normal well as well. Yeah but then I'M GONNA go out on a limb here and say it differs dominic away out on it. I'M GONNA use my I fucking Tarot card reading skills psychic. It's going it's going to differ couple to couple really personally person. I serve both in our twenties. We have no children were heterosexual WPRO sexual or in a monogamous relationship. We both work but they work a fucked on a lot. They work like eighty hours a week. So industry in the stripper so we can go two weeks industry chauffeur. I don't know he travels for work. She says sometimes he can be two or more weeks without seeing one another okay. So what are the numbers though. Like what what did she think as loud haven't examples like we went down. We were averaging three point choose sexual encounters that we did our town to one point eight five which is really ironic because it's a golden ratio and. It's just really bizarre Dr. Well we'll I'll we'll post the bar graphs too because they have for the yearly bar. Graph just went down Well it's it's a little a little rocky but in two thousand sixteen. They didn't fuck much at all. Yeah not even like four players twenty seventeen Uh Seventeen it was really up and down like roller hosie. Okay now so I'm out of town kind of thing The data that sixteen there was like four months where they would like did nothing at all. You know I'm telling you if they had the sexual bet. BET everybody would be completely interested in it. People would bang a lot more. Thank you thank you like when you like Those fucking I forget what they're called the straps people wear and then they have gyms around the country where You get so many points and everybody's track nationwide ride in gyms have little contests and you can see where everybody's at things themselves for the day Grogan does they do what exactly did drew so. Yeah so if we have that but tracking sexual encounters you know what I mean and if you have that on celebrities liberties and we've talked about this. It would be gangbusters. It would be. That's a billion dollar idea. Right there people would be so interested like even if you don't know if they were if anybody but he was you know the details. You don't know anything you could look and go. Hey Look Kevin James. He banked four times on Thursday. It'd be try to roll back that mileage. I in fuck all that many people in time people would the off off off of there fucking minds to see that I would.

00:20:03 - 00:25:02

I WANNA know you. Could you could almost have like side vets. You could go fantasy Leagues Sexual Fantasy Fantasy Leagues with your favorite celebrity and sport stars. Oh my God you have them running with just regular people here. Here's Joe from Pennsylvania. We need to get on the phone with fucking Vegas Bookies. We need to set something up. We'd Oh this is this. You need a whole fucking you need a whole system and then he needed suck celebrities these into it. It's a long shot. Kate draftkings now. They don't care all the celebrities need to wear this thing and they need to agree to everybody knowing when they're bang so good luck with that can happen but it would be cool of of maybe it should be a requirement. If you're going to be too well note once you get a blue check mark on any fucking social media you want your hair found what you're verified your immediately implanted with something to where we can track your sexual encounters and then we know your location and what we could God. It's fucking awfully dockery. What are you know? That's that's pretty stalker. That's genuine interest and the sex lives of celebrities. You know you'd be you WanNa know you want to know how many times he's people paying you. I really don't care but if you saw the information you you you would be interested for at least an hour. Hey always always helps going through dry spell. Let me just above him if he wants to. Well so you can have a little find out. You're the one who would stock hurry. I didn't say go find anybody. I said watch their fucking Tuck in stats. Whenever make bets on? WHO's banging more and WHO's paying less? Oh Hi feel for so and so in the fall. uh-huh like him pretty good. He's got a new movie coming out bitches. One Dick Sorta Weinstein film dear just gotTa Bang Allied so anyway all right now I mean. I can't explain what kind of Fuck Wackadoo Shit some white people do. But what I have seen and heard a lot about just just a lot of fucking Ajit well with this being said. It's almost almost sad. This twenty six year old. She's a mother she is She married her rug and yes he he has a name Bob his name is Matt a with one T. Arab how heading hey. Hey I'm matt with one T.. Well the wedding was filmed. It was officiated and it was attended by a group of family and friends with the bride professing I during the ceremony promised a vacuum you and sweet view. And maybe once in a while I'll send you to the cleaners. Aw I promise not to white my feet audio I will only let my dog shit on you twice a week. What you might like that? She said she Bob Matt that about a year ago and she won't fuck and shut up about it like how much she loves. This rug fed up France. The myriad Sushi's like okay. She got so obsession like she's like maybe I will. So she did and start out like as a lighthearted joke but then she got like something fucking hit a nerve ever whatever because then it got serious like mail because the stain removal bran. They paid for the wedding. They're like oh we gotta get on this fucking Weirdo mental case a- and they had they had the wedding at one of their rugs tour of corporations like look. There's somebody who's fucked up might need help. Let's make money off of her exactly exploitation folk here. We'll they also gave her lifetime supply of new carpet so whatever whatever they need never. She gets divorced that she needs an upgrade for that woman kills her husband. Roll them up throw trash. It wouldn't even know the body existed. It was so camouflaged. Maybe she identifies as like a foyer floor you know. And then there are a couple of eight see maybe she identifies as linoleum any of you identified with the lowly. What what would be your best bucket match? Well definitely matter. Ugh Math can keep you warm at fucked took that Matt identified as Linoleum. I'd fuck that. Well then if you if you WANNA identifies linoleum then I'll I'll give you. I don't know like I ran a buffer. 'cause I recognize somebody's right to identify as whatever the fuck they buy as doesn't mean I like feel the same way carrot.

00:25:02 - 00:30:03

Exactly I mean if I if I were to be any kind of flooring I would definitely be something. Shag something or other. Something soft luxurious. Do you want to enroll around on snugs. Linoleum is not very me. When I'm telling you heard of the knees breath I'm just saying that's my knees? Always feel fine so it did you like what you do. Your knees doesn't really. You know what I mean I. It feels good to me either way whether you're on rug or it doesn't matter what you have to deal on really. Just get down there out of the ways. You can totally stand up if you could swing a- as ladies men whatever it also helps us straight out. Your back stretches certain muscles. It's good for your posture. A saying if you lose position you end up gagging yourself on a cock doc that makes you do the perfect fucking yoga position. They're really Oga instructors. But I'm telling you you out with your fucking balance health go to your health of saving your life. Hey I heard you had some tonsil stones or something for you know Oh problem. I'm just saying he's your girlfriend or wife talking too much ever come see me. I'll shut her up for a couple of days. Uh Rupture something about here there. Okay there. There's a thing called smelling. Dates are all right. And I think I've saw something would you okay. Yeah Ted we we started to. Yes yes now now it has to do with fair moans win. What happens and said smelled eight? Well here's what you do. They had an ad for it online that I saw it says. Here's this is what goes on. Says we send you a T shirt. You wear the shirt for three days and three nights without deodorant. Then you return the shirt in a prepaid envelope so me missile production then you send swatches of t shirts worn no then they send you swatches of t shirts from other people then you smell tables and say like like number four. This is what I like. And then if someone's they've never forced measures I I like number three. Then they exchange information okay and then the rest is up to you. It'd be my luck all aside matched up with Vigo or the Russian Russian ironworker. Whatever you know what I mean like? No you're you're obviously you like you like that one really okay. You'd be all into it. I would not say no nobody your sniffer I am I noticed I am I am a admitted pit sniffer. Not Well on people pull that you enjoy. Yeah I know why the fuck would I smell someone. I don't enjoy I'm not sure with you. There's some of joy. Sometimes you do things that you know. You're could we completely repulsed by and you still so. Don't come at me Savon. Well it depends on. He's watching sometimes. You know what he's watching and you still do it. I can I watch you. I've seen you do it so many times but maybe not because I you were watching Jerry thing about that. You're you're that stealthy you don't know. Did you see that just now. What are you fucking nigger? Fuck Yeah uh-huh. I still think that Bob had had the great idea of having that one picture of zombies for Christmas card what are you doing. You took a left turn out of nowhere. Unholy no shit to explain to people who are just listening and have not been president for our conversations for the last two days for those of you who aren't privy to that information. She's talking to facebook. Does he sings where for the boomers called facebook memories. It like it helps Sam like to remember their past. And it's good for their aging brain. So they sent her a picture of us a couple years ago. Trust zombies doing in music radio. That what you're talking we're all bloody. Yes okay yes that came out of nowhere and fellow actor. No yes we're talking to in Samurai and it just think of your of your bloody head the Samurai and then maybe think of Zombie Zombie. Mary thinking that Oh Thursday connection. I sure ready to play the game. Let's go around to get to something that has you have no connection action. It's like the fucking six degrees of Kevin Bacon or some shit.

00:30:03 - 00:35:03

He's got no mind. It's just like US anyway. We're going to go to an episode of Real Thirty. I four and when we come back we're going to have a brand new tits man. We are going to talk about in very interesting scientific fact that I thought was absolutely fucking Horse Shit Shit and this is just. This is absolute crazy. But it's from I fucking love science so it has got to be credible gotta be so sick around. We'll be right back for more more yum yum time bullet tasty and refreshing snack I tell what my man's Iras like fuck sculpted in mind. They don't really sculpt anymore while now. Well the girls are still drain. The girls some of the girls are just like fucked for life. Well yes I'm like. Wow I don't know I mean there's an ass for that Tair free good for fucking you right but I shall size mustache though. I'm not into that either. On Women Go. There is the thing that I have noticed personally. Harrier women have been like you. Could you could well. They just are easy to get off. Maybe that's it. Maybe there's a correlation there but all I know is before they even see you're taking out the Harrier women would just go crazy. They're easy simple dash yet. It growled like your stomach when they were horny. Become quite room. It's like excuse me Ah she she hungry my gashes rather robin s right now to debate whether or not you're scared but to see we'll be. Ah Excuse me you know with the show. uh-huh remember uh-huh welcome back to Katie's world come from ruled three or four studios in Tampa Bay Florida giving twitter at Kiki Katie Radio Kinky radio DOT COM and Kinky Katie radio at key dot com also on the facebook. You know it Google Kinky Katie Radio Nude stuff is always on twitter. Yeah like place route stuff breath it is sex and politics goes on there how he said. I don't do politics so I'll just do the Nudie Jay Z. I did put out. Okay Fuck machine video. It's only five seconds. Lead people seem to but I will tell you it is bucket very little since then but if you want. Some Burger Burger actually find out the real color of my hair. Go for it. I'll be my guest. At least two parts are cray that that we know we don't know how much is gray on you really don't know you might not have any fucking I don't care what your blog I was so it's Kinda hard to see and then you dye your hair different colors. So what are you reading. Snatches Blue Bikini stamp and it's weird because that's just skin color. She have tar your doctor early of four it weird aired you would take. It was really cold and it's really hot. It's strange down there. I got chat lips leaving. Hey the world's first magic mushroom nasal spray uh. PTSD and depression is coming out. I think I may need of a diagnosis of something that I could get that with. Well you got some serious head Trauma Hugo you're right that's right C. G. E. SO yes. The thing is designed to make microdosing easier for people to treat their depression a woman.

00:35:03 - 00:40:02

As well I'm sure you ten squirts or something. She wanted your Ambato once you have it will. Sometimes they put tickets in Ias and there's something that if you take with fuck it Silla cyber mushrooms it like makes you itchy. I think it's Niacin so like people who does. Sometimes they take nice and so they know that they're not taking too much fucking what I'm telling you is I think there's a catch the catch. Well it started being developed in Jamaica because Silla five in is legal is it four controlled like meter dosing. Whatever anyway? But he's the legal in Jamaica metered yes doing doing the metering. I don't know how much you want to see the rainbow. That's the best. You make an accent I've ever heard real you gotTa town I'll fucking nailed it. Don't don't don't fuck it start that shit. Don't start that shit with you. Forget I was listening to the same thing with you dumped on you talk about what is not and the German accent Joe. You're doing good doing good job why I'm not you are you are okay anyway. Well it does go on to say they are talking about the many people end up stacking where they their first The first dose takes more time to wear off but they just keep doing it anyway. Okay so these keep squirting at squirting yeah keep taking AH muck arts. What are these bottles is supposed to last you for a month? You got rid of it in eight hours. We need a month now. That's what I'm saying. As there's really hard time micro macro back records at. Yeah you know and I'm GonNa tell you just for everybody's knowledge if you've never taken much if you don't take enough mushrooms you don't get the too cool effects about trump's it's like you have to have a minimum dose and you're not really sure what's at minimum dose. is well sure you never know until you. So you're better off just eating more. Yeah Yeah right off the bat right off the bat don't fuck around. And what would you suggest to be would be good normal people they say. Pay For an expense on the on the shrimp but like a dried the Cubans. ASS- whatever I can't pronounce Mushroom like two grams dried. So what they say. And they say like four grams would be like What's his name some fucking trippy person said it was a heroic. Rose does ROIC for. So what the fuck did I call will take the right amount. Yeah yeah there's something wrong with doing like six or eight grams. You can whatever it's not gonNA kill you ten. I wouldn't do that though. I mean. You better know. Oh you know what I mean and even if you do it's it's a lot I like it though I day to enjoy it. I'm okay I'm okay getting stuck like that for a little while I'm okay. It's the thought of it. Doesn't scare me in any way shape or floor. I would look forward to it. Hey got stuck stuck that way for six months all right could job. I get a lot done. I don't know why but I would. It just looks dirty stand it. Everything looks dirty so I cleaned you just clean yesterday. I know is it knows. I just home from work. What did you do I get that sometimes it? If if I'm taking some sort of a psychedelic especially if nobody's what he's around You know I'll roll out. I'll have a good time at some point. I just get in this I must clean and I just compulsively clean and I'm having a great old fuck time I'm just having a good time and I'm cleaning. Everything obsessively over and over again. I'm not complaining now anyway anyway. Are they ready to go to Europe. FAVORITES TAB is anybody boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for Shit. It there is a remaining weathergirl. She accidentally flops out her titty on accidental. Who flom yeah? And she's she's tractive. She's very attractive. Yes well. She usually wears scantily clad outfits. The do accentuated. Her Dems Smart Girl was she was wearing this little white gauzy outfit little crop top little tiny skirt. She had her hair in pigtails. She bent over to feed a sheep and her top.

00:40:02 - 00:45:03

Just I mean just swung on. Open the fall over there. She's not wearing two bras. They're they're they're they're we have a link right. Oh yes it is on video I boy yes so if you go to the episode on the website you can check out said link or I'M GONNA check it out you we'll check it out absolutely be able to see you'll see other clips of her bouncing around in different outfits and Ooh also pictures with them jacked. It's up looking like little tiny pumpkins. They are very nice. So you naturals. They look natural to me. The nipple switch is she looks slightly puffy that could be good with midterms. ooh How bad right up your alley or you know. It's it's I'm not mad at it would be. I'll let you know what I watch video exactly Mike Lake. So that is your kids man for the week hit. Hit Man is we're virgins earlier before the break and and I ran across. There's there's this website. They've got a lot of different stuff on there. It's kind of like an Asian website kind of like well. It's an English but they sell Asian Asian Products Got Asian art on it and stuff like that all right well. This thing is called the Virgin region killing sweater. It literally kills virgins that wear the sweater will die. You could completely picture picture someone in an anime wearing the sweater now the sweater would not keep anybody fucking warm to say the least okay. Sweater always sounded really creepy. It's GonNa take left turn anytime it's completely open in the back and just tied together above your ass just by two little thin pieces. There's long sleeves but it's all all cut out on the outside except for around the rhys. Okay all down the front of it. It's completely open on both sides and it's it's just tied together with eighty little strings. I'm going to show. Se maybe didn't do a better job of explaining it. Oh so it's like a homeless shelter sweater. Just the top but chicks chicks were that. Yeah they would they would definitely get laid a girl get laid and of course girl would totally that you know what that's like is they've been wearing those. I forget what the style out style. Sweater is a little turtleneck there. It has a name a turtleneck. I don't know cargo Cardigan. That's not a Cardigan. That's fucking turtleneck sweater okay. But anyway. They've been people have been wearing. Those like would just affronts come down no no sleeves and they see side boob lot et ed. Chicks have been walking around with those and that's like cut up one of those true but instead of on the sides of strategic locations. EXACTLY THAT'S I. I'm not GonNa Shit on that because if a girl wears at our tits are going to be out and I'm all for that freezing apple I take. You should never shit on things that day. Girls Wear less clothing. I wasn't planning yeah. Yeah to those who are like. Yeah well I don't like the way your ass looks and Yoga Pants. You shouldn't be wearing yoga minute. Don't fucking listen to those. We will wear those yoga pants. Fuck you where. There's an ass for that seat. That's right if it's not that dude it's somebody else just because he's not an elevator doesn't mean somebody else is an alligator alligator suck at that Pimento well Even even with a pit. They'll spit right out. You would sniff it. So it's it's a pit anyway. I what is it you're thinking about when you're burying your nose into my armpits when I come home sometimes you don't do it all the time. It sometimes sometimes you are like extra sniffy like what. What are you thinking about when that happens? Woodridge going on. I'm just curious I. I don't know go because you can get obsessive because it doesn't there's no thinking is just do it. Sometimes it is because you you freak out but sometimes yeah sometimes. It's just because it just smells good and it's something that I was missing but it just is there now so so the obsessive nature of it where you like heart barry your nose into an NF. I try to get away from you. You immediately try to mount me in a position to our. I can't can't move like you. Can you get like shield maiden aggressive fish. You know what I'm saying. I am Kinky Katie of Connecticut. The cat fucking region shield maiden aggressive. Right you get right on it and then all of a sudden you find that you're trying to pin me down and and the fucked up thing is in your brain you.

00:45:03 - 00:50:07

There's no way I can get up from there but you. You surely underestimate how freaked out I get as many. It'd be a blue rider that I will toss you fuck off and when I do you look like I can't believe you got that violent with me. What do you mean how dare you down and three you off? It's pitchy obviously know that you can throw me off and I know you can throw me okay so I should just salting you so I should just sit there and let you fucking yeah. I'm sorry I don't even know why we're having this discussion. Just fucking take it Tussey. Hey You fucking post a you take a Khattab. It's just a nose. Just fucking ferry. What's your problem? Swear to God next incident that happens. I'm taking you to social media media. You know that's the great part about on social media literally millions of people could hate me and I I just. I wouldn't know if you didn't tell me I don't know I don't know. Eileen Katie tells me say hey there's a plumber guy. We have a plumber listener. Yeah what do you know plumber listeners. Somebody in China. Hey look at then. We have another friend. He's just like your bare von play with you remember Russell. Well I have no idea who actually believe. This apparently turned out to be true. WHO believed it? Oh God okay well. A handful of people have tested this to see if it was true. And this is what I'm talking about. dudes are dipping keeping their balls into soy sauce. After hearing that they're nuts have taste. Receptor a fucking kidding me. Bobby Lee did it on David Spades fucking lights out okay. Did he taste the sauce. It turns out it says your testicles have taste receptors the proteins responsible for your ability to taste the salty. Sweet and bitter foods aren't just on your tongue. It's actually present throughout your body from your mouth to your eighty s so everything has the same receptor for it correct. Okay but if you're not if your brain's not tuned into that receptor come on 'cause I chased the shit that comes out of my asshole. Come on now. Three corn the core body fun. Everything tastes like Horno Damn Good Pizza. I can't wait to taste it again. You in this is what I'm saying if it's in your news news then you're fucking. I mean that would be key. You know who wants to taste too. I mean that would totally give you an. Ah Excuse. I'm never shitting again. I'm not GonNa do you know there are people now. If they read this. You'd get the fuck out it's also in your stomach your brain and they did they just say other places potential but it does but your brain just too must ignore it. We don't actually notice it right. Okay well maybe maybe we do you. Nobody's tuning in open. Could say for sure. I don't know I mean I have. I put my nuts in so many weird places. I don't remember tasting any of there's been of constant flavor at Pussy like sometimes sometimes I'll get if I take the right about of drugs. A sometimes you know sound will turn into taste you know light yes to taste sometimes but never in my asshole it never never I've tried I mean if I could taste jake acquit into that would be pretty cool. Maybe we'll maybe maybe maybe not you know because you you run into those girls or self conscious about snatches or they don't WanNa they don't want to let you wear like a face mask but if you can taste off the deck come on my Dick and you. I don't know if I'm going to go down on your ELP in there Katie. Did you know that you're pregnant. I can tell that guy. Just Bang He. He's his diet is a little off. You'd better tell them. Go see a Dietitian doctor. Something you're low on I R- to you might want to stop lament. Might Have Gal. I'm just discharged for your sexual health. Just just saying maybe take a break for the none of my business. But I'm just just letting you know there is a story. I can only be described as sick and bite at love a former porn star Luka Meg Noda Luca others what you're saying I don't care anyway. He was jailed for murdering and dismembering his boyfriend in two thousand twelve. Okay then he mailed his body parts to schools and political parties in Canada people.

00:50:07 - 00:55:02

He didn't like anyway he he did. He did keep some select parts for himself because he ate them. Yeah well he found himself eating him. I didn't say what parts he ate. Come into story telling me what to do. Well it'd be delivers maybe heart. He's angry agrees your balls at Saddam saying you know Jacob Balls is on the menu probably. Yeah I like to take like nine out of ten psychos. We go for the Dick I. It seems like the logical thing detail seems like the murderer. Anything else sure. Everybody goes murdering. Eat your first that Dick it gets a balls your mouth in your gullet soccer. What about what about zero point? Yea Death and disaster well. He signed up for dating forum called Canadian. Inmates Connect Okay and he met the love of his life. Okay okay well. We love life sentence. Well he met an armed robber who is serving life for shanking another inmate in the shower. That's right and they're getting married. You know where you had had that Chang hitting that don't Ya. I wonder where his belly button was his valley by fucking deep on his on his profile thing. They don't check the bellybutton well so well del Eve is your fucking bellybutton. It is it could stuff it. Could it could self stuff collect something in there. I don't know they don't check twelve corridors and miss here fug and love tunnel. I like the finger my whole suck doc with teeth learning. That's right alert today. On the DUDES fucking profile. He and he's guy was was dubbed the Canadian Psycho. No He's holding a psycho he said it was like I'm just a single white male seeking another single white white male twenty thirty eight and just just a white guy in shape. I'm like you've said white like three or four times. What the hell make sure you calm yourself She's us. I don't meet off white dammit. I definitely don't mean yellow. Someone who's loyal preferably educated financially Cillian emotionally stable for a long committed relationship. I think you could be my prince charming. Send me a detailed letter with at least two photos to obviously you send them all right. Yeah of course I dated like Hey Little Gay Cannibal dearden chicks some checks but obviously it was a dude that he he's getting married to. Yes so it's happening. Yes but it's dues another inmate. Well it makes sense so so it makes sense. They're not going to let them meet. Are they going to beat you. Don't think they really Yep Canadian. Justice system is a strange place. Yeah sure you guys will bring together. I know you sent some feet enhances schools and post office SAAF. You want us to let you know that he really did enjoy that set of balls you set them. They're these lamb fries. Thank you for him. He turned into a Nice Puji. Houdini you seem like you're all right. You've been God. Why can't they matt you? It keeps them from shanking ranking other people in the shower you know the one that held the shank in the belly button tile so yeah he likes bears. We bear by bears. I I wonder how many people responded to that. I don't know what did he put it on. What was this like a weekly bulletin letter isn't region dating four dating forum for Inmates O.? In May dating for yeah or into that for some reason there are some chicks and dudes that are indicating dating people in prison. It's like I don't WanNa have sex with them. I don't WanNa ever see him but I wanNA know I just WANNA know. There's someone there for me. I guess I don't remember. I think I like psychos. It seems like odd situation Whatever works for you? Why don't you email me if you guys have hearts for seventy that's locked up? Yeah I WANNA know no and that but like not that you knew them and then they got locked up. Oh my husband got in trouble. And he's in jail. You know that's a snub thing this is. I'm lonely and then like Oh i WanNa fuck a Menendez brother. Let's go get married. That's a that's an eighties. Reverence France in Reynosa nineties eighties.

00:55:02 - 00:59:18

Menendez brothers while it's the first indicate who I am a bag. She whatever Charles Manson and people seem to know him no matter what or back to the nineteen hundred skinheads whatever buckle up. They they have but plugs with bombs is on the ends of them filters to the ass no filter to just a place holder. Human pay. You take a long Straw. UNSHOVELED Dam road rude or you're in stats. It works better when you put the ball and sucked through the mouth in your your mouth as a car puts DVD or. We're going to get out of here. Donate donate blood cured. Me We're done. We're done because you got a sore hand because you gotTa sore hand because you had to get a tattoo on it. This time I came out. Good it really good Freddie's purple purple and it's it's so pank yeah you are you sick good itchy about now. I don't know I didn't think I know you didn't think no I didn't I didn't Wanna I didn't. I'm trying to be tough in front of you guys. We'll see the guys. Well whatever worked because I know that my guy would ridicule me. I laughed yes you too. Yeah well I told you there was a situation you know you do in that assisting girl. There's a lot going on there for me. Yeah Yeah knows it really is. It's a lot for me to absorb big Dick Ronnie the big karate behind me. I fucking big Ronnie behind me Big Dick Ronnie behind me Tattoo face tattooing your hand me screaming boobs McGee the Assistant Brigade Hagelin about. That's too two. I wasn't mad at Dad. You rising and pain but not wanting to say that you're in pain so you had that tough girl thing going on you know I'm not Karai then every once in a while actually let out. I thought it was great. People you gonNa tell you to do this now not only did you hear for you asked for it. You planned it. I know and you you I had to drive to go get it so you can't. This is not I was just taking advantage of what was being presented in front of me I did not create it. This was not my idea but I was there to joy and I and many pictures of it too like I did. I wanted action when shots over the fucking scene you push me the whole time too. I did I did I tell you I got you a little worked up before. Yeah did drawing was just I really. I'm your it's kind of like when you're when you're GonNa take some magic mushrooms rooms or whatever you're GONNA do. You sat up your environment at a time. I was setting up my environment. Katie I wanted to get the maximum. A potential yeah you knowing what was going on out there I got every bit out of you. It was wonderful. It doesn't grows lorries. Well Yeah I'm just glad it's over over all right. Forget about the contest. Movie Cosima Bubis. All sorts blanchet convinced coming up. I've got filming for stuff. Big boss coming coming up anyway y'All details anyway. Follow me on Shit Goo Goo Gatorade. If you've got anything from yesterday I guess I've ever tell you Thought Russ Goddamn whatever doc does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript