#279 – Fetish Fetish Fetish
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11/09/2019 New show on RadioKaos.net... Russian man found with 29 dead women's bodies in his house... How to tip the reluctant stripper... Leaving a drunk girl outside the jail without a ride... The incomplete complete list of fetish... Plastic sheeting with fetish... Where would you hide you drugs getting into a music festival. Not where this man did... Episode of "Rule 34"... The break was too long... Masturbating monkey ghost and where you can watch him masturbate... Flasher costume gets Florida teacher fired... Another new menstruation helper for women... Take a class to learn how to take a cock in your ass - anal play class... Tits Man - milk squirting woman arrested at a music festival and the price Katie paid to get the story... A Man fucked the shit out of that pile of leaves... Blacking out is real... Woman rapes her boyfriend with a machete at his throat.

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#279 Fetish Fetish Fetish

00:00:04 - 00:05:04

The following program contains adult content crabs language of a sexual manner. Completely lately. Irresponsible advise along with some things. You'll wish you could hear if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because I was fucking the shit at this place over here is a crash fake news so succulent seriously on this one in front of your in your future you want. It will be like a crab coming out of his Shell to beat the crap. Katie's world in ten nine. The eight seven six. Three Katie's road starts now. How are you ready to address sex? You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you in your in breath and now live from rule. Thirty four studio. I bring you girl that knows where your prostate is and how to get there search your host the one the only can key Kitty L.. Hello and welcome to the show. This is the world number seventy nine I am. I'm your host and with me as always I go fuck toy MR s sure. What's up a vague? I don't know I kind of felt like a wrestling announcer tonight. Five minutes of women's wrestling is that like that. That's exactly take it suck with me. I suppose it would so they hold. Well we are coming at you live from Raspberry live dot dot com Kinski Katya radio DOT COM video yet. Oh Yeah we got a fun show for you as well as a new tits hits man that came with a price price. We'll get here with budget will get into that We'll get into that a little later. Okay Yeah after the episode thirty four. We'll we'll talk about that. Okay well then let everyone know that starting tonight right after Kinky Kate is is a new the show. That's premiering on radio. Chaos with our tiny but mighty legal sex worker. Miss Betty page really. It's called Betty in me. No but not me. I'm I'm not only show. I'm not on the show. But on radio. Chaos dot net right after Settle at eleven o'clock. PM Eastern senator. Time is a new. Show me all right if you WANNA stick around for that. I don't know I don't know maybe it's a different guests every time it's maybe maybe it's done. The research department didn't really figure out now. Yeah now it's complicated figuring stuff like that. I I understand understand. Hey it is what it is. Sometimes it's exactly what it is. You're you're a case you know betty pages a friend of ours and in front of the show. She is a legal prostitute to add. She is now currently at the saddle. Ranch it's somewhere and see no rush. We don't know I'd I've tweeted that. I've tweeted out her Mustang ranch. I'm sorry the Mustang ranch that's that's where it is it's the I'm like Horst effort into figuring this shit out right around here honey whatever okay. She's a doll. She's got a little tabby expeditious in when you fucking get out women because is there somebody waiting after you now. I know I know I know I do. Look timing glad that I had the the the Inter enter intermediate song figured out exactly you notice that that was very very good. It's very precise I'm going to be. You can push me in directions right guess anyway. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday. Happy Anniversary to one of the best thing that ever happened to me you. WHOA I couldn't have asked for it any better moving onto something creepy? I should know no nothing.

00:05:04 - 00:10:11

At all. Her brushing man he was found with twenty nine deg girls in his tiny apartment. Twenty nine twenty nine. I'm really yeah. He was a forty five years old and he lived with his parents. They whole yes what what was the. What was the the the number of Algiers recovered from all of their order? Fai of sperm. How how much load were in these twenty nine women? No yeah no no. He didn't fuck the dolls he he's a halls early. People gave away the punch line. They ended up being. I know I said twenty nine dead girls girls anyway he they. They found him. He had mummified them and made them look like dolls. They were real people yes there. The girls were aged three to twenty four three to twenty four. Yeah MHM and his kind of a hoarder to SOS places of mass so ever blake every once in a while. He was like a doll on a shelf. Or fucking doll doll. Like hundred like half buried in Shit. And that's A. That's a person who you sure you're not thinking of fucking seven. No take the positive. Yes there's pictures like something out of every seven. Well it does sound like it's true pedicure memories by itself himself kissing kissing adding it into what you're reading anyway. His parents thought that he just likes to make the dolls because he was lonely. Okay so he would. He would exhume graves. It was like he would fucking robbed Wadis. Yeah well that's that's a little better. I guess he was a professor us like all in use a professor professor like one of the universities and he was all into like the dead and serving bodies he knew like every inch of every cemetery in like a fucking forty mile radius. I don't know people like a rolling. Whatever that's just how he is? Yes very interested in Debbie. Embalming well well he used to. I mean he's been doing this for over eleven years and some of them had is so they could watch cartoons. Yeah Yeah you know what. I relieved that he wasn't offing twenty nine people and then mummifying them. You know what I'm saying. I don't know I am personally 'cause I thought that's that's where it was going. I mean Robbie Graves. Yeah you know to come on people's dead bodies you know you're really kind of pissing off. Relatives is really the thing I mean. The dead people don't care dead but yeah yeah it is for the family but I mean but another creepy thing is he put each each one of the bodies had had a tiny music box inside the chess so it would make noise when he touched and also and also every everyone in the bodies had something personal inside of the body cavity like a piece of the clothes they were buried in or chunk of their headstone with their name on it. Okay well I also they can be identified at some point in time down the road. I go yeah zero zero containing any you kind of manage accurate NO WAY NO I. I don't know they said the banged. The he banged him all fucked and every horrify the older concluding I sockets. Yep 'cause you can do that when they're dead on when the pick a slit or make on yourself I mean it it like. I said at least it wasn't like people people picking hitchhikers at truck stops. You know what I'm saying. The yeah it's way better than that. Yeah because they are your head and you don't have to fucking pay them. The Nafta find where they check your money to get it back suck suck my money honey. Suck my money Weirdo dirty. That's crazy for his. That star bothering you. Yes am I'm saying and every time I say that are. I think that I just always go to superstar where you stuck the dollar and her asshole. Well veges the third song already. Did you want it. Well it wasn't even that it was. She was not into what she was doing. She would not take her ass out of my face sitting in the front like bitch I tipped you get the fuck out of here. Yeah and so she did it again and I wasn't having it so I gave her another one. Yeah you liked to. You repeated that several times after you saw you're like Oh my God. That is the best thing in the world to do fucking great. We're crest. Awful Vivo cereal. It's past tense really. Is that what we are we are. There was not as bad now as we used to thoughtful anymore of other people's what they're doing what he did in case you guys Kamar familiar.

00:10:13 - 00:15:05

I've really what this story. She was bent over at header yet. But we you'd say what you did. He wrapped bill around his finger dollar bill and then just shoved it in her asshole and she whipped around and he was like what the Fuck Rian get in trouble. She did tackler like you know we knew to go to the really Chitty strip clubs. Yeah because you know you get away with a lot more gas saying yes and you know you can do anything you want for a very low prime. Sometimes they still had enough of Shenanigans and would ask us to leave. We were asked to leave from there a few times. Yeah uh-huh now. Now one girl got us. She was another guy we brought there with us. Got US kicked out once which. I can't believe that because usually I might my lot worse but weren't even sitting with her. I hear cheers the borough of noxious wine. Yes over me. I know we were having a good time to. We were having a good debts. That's what what I'm saying. And then all of a sudden she she got out of hand and so she had to leave her the guy that we all met at a bar the guy that she came. Hey with fucking lefter ass. Then she got thrown out so it was like well. We should probably give her a ride but on the way out the door she was like you now I just. I'm not fucking every looked at her. Like you over with our Buddy Ed. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You WanNa fucking could ride dummy and she said one more thing I was like. Okay stay here. We left her ass by the prison pissing on the car and even even before they even before that at the adult long before Uber's existed at the bar we. We met her APP before we went to the Strip club she. She kept dragging me into the bathroom and drag the bathroom. She's like what do you think of my tits. I WANNA get done. I'm like all right. Fine whatever and then we were doing cocaine and so she kept dragging me that right and then she as she kept saying. I'm not a lesbian. I am not a lesbian. Unlike calm the fuck down. I'm like I never made a pass at you. Well jets. Let's nurse you in bumps in Yuki your top off. But I didn't make pass it us not really that you didn't talk to people without making passes at them whether you met or not was a different thing hourly you. Were you would flirt with anything that would respond to you. Sometimes especially when you're shit faced. I well anyways shoes severely noxious seaways and we're just gonNA walk past that. Oh sorry whatever. The night ended and when we moved on we left her ass by the prison. That's right talent. She'll meet somebody. Well whatever she got fucking weird and there was like did you WanNa ride and she just kind of fuck it said. Some Sparta shows okay fairly. You don't WanNa see you later bitch. She stormed off and then we got in the car are and then she was kind of in a huff sitting there and the road on the window. Nearly Hey cafe rolled up. I didn't even roll the window down to say anything I think I think I said Said subdivide dumb. I think I was pretty nasty on the way past. And that's why she started yellen career because You know like you gotTa Start. We were having a good fucking time and you know we have to go to another strip club going out a year. That's correct. We have a lot more fun. They will kick us out of there. Well we didn't really get kicked out. We were just getting an at that point. We had cashed out and we walk it out and that's when it's just not a good time not a good time ago. We attracts people. Well Oh that's what happens when you see bars and get shit faced. I mean really. That's literally what do you expect. What did think's GonNa Happen? It's five thirty in the void. Where are we going to? They have not a good idea. Yeah let's drive with one eye open then shaky shit to like it's forty minutes away in a Pumpido even see ear flames. Don't make very good decisions. Your Shit faced now. I could say now now. That was always an interesting time though. I don't have to worry about such things any longer and I'm glad we survived. Shut it actually or every and everybody else around us really excuse me. So let management others data looker and bathroom and it wouldn't have even been like our fault.

00:15:06 - 00:20:05

You know what I'm saying. which is like? We're not used to not be the anger. There is. There was at least a fair chance that somebody we were with at some point could have overdosed on something we had no idea they were doing. Just 'cause where should face time. Now you're keeper. I don't know if you do in the bathroom exactly. I'm not a real friend. I really don't care what you never knew. Having a good time and topless they look movies. Let's go we're going to have a little bet ski over here. So there's this list that came out says it's supposed to be a complete list of Kinky fetishes says but I'm going to let you know I have been looking through it and you know what Slavery Close No Donald to anybody has a complete list because its role thirty four baby. The second you thought thought of it immediately. Fifteen things on the internet already have porn Google it. Yeah I share you will find it as jeeves. That's that's correct just by the fact that you thought of it immediately five sprang into life at least yeah if not a whole community of lots of people was message boards and you got. What are you kidding me? I had someone asked us a you eater entities. You need to read it account as they got one. I just don't post on it. Yes it's better to read things like read it. Read it today that you could find entertaining shit there but you know people that kind of thing man that's double anonymous healthcare really on the edge of Dark Webby of just I'm just saying he would get wild. It's crazy it's crazy wild for me. It's better it's better to voyeur. That shit fresh fresh air. Yes I get creepy. Don't make eye contact. I laid your stuff. Yeah may tell make eye contact. You can have it when that happened. What say you? What did you do what somebody realizes? You're paying attention to the stupid shit. They write on their travel. I can't give good advice. I mean it just I mean I I can but I just have a lot more fun not now it depends what it is. I don't want you to hurt yourself. I mean clearly you make poor decisions or or have made a lot of poor decisions previously passed right clearly so it's kind of like you listen to me I don't even understand or with you or I've done the stupid shit so now I can tell you not to do the stupid shit. Yo because I've been there and you could die anyway. Well this list only has only has two hundred thirty nine the things that fetishes and kings on there and I'm like that's it. That's what I said. I mean it depends on how generalized the the you know they. Are you know what living I mean. There are things they could compass many specific individual things. Because you can break something down to infinity. Yeah they have. Yeah well it's a it's Oh enough. Medical Order Surf. You're trying to look for something. We're not China. No no no no. I was just saying that it'll be posted. Posted on the recap of the show. What are some of the things that you didn't see on it? Yeah Ah we're not doing that right now. What I mean like likes I remember okay like hacked off torso masturbation? Oh I know I did not. I did notice if that one was. She looks bets. On how specific yet and you know the thing is too if you're trying to look for something thing to see if it's on there to find out what it is some a lot of people don't know the feely aim I like clowns no like that's yes love life Ilia Erv or I like balloons in your lunar. That's sticky term. I guess it might be hard but I think with just some type type in l.. Computer phony hey you can find out anything. I'm pretty sure you're whatever you WANNA be into into. You can find somebody's into and we'll tell you how to do it or at least how they do it. Yeah and you might not WanNa listen to that but you know that sounds a little little turned ruth. You could probably get information anyway. You could probably get in touch with people who would be willing to do it in front of you or evolve you that's very true Uh there has been some instinct situations that we have been in where We were invited to participate and yeah no a lot of times. No I am much much better off not thank you though thank you he d you live laugh. Love is going to be over here into quarter. Check it out not touching our now.

00:20:06 - 00:25:06

You're worry about a dead coming out. It's no negative this this this is mercury acidy and I cannot believe what the fuck is going on in front of my face. Total opposite of arousing using why why are why are there tarps everywhere. Take a dexter kill. Who is she? Aw I mean everybody knows if you don't know if you don't know you're about to know I know I know we've talked about aww before but anytime you see plastic everywhere there's GonNa be some kind of wet. Were something messy is GonNa Happen. Would you like another fiber one bar. I mean it may not It may not be something completely like it could be splashing like they could just be playing with food and okay. Hey that's not not too bad I for me for me. You know after that you start getting into water play you know water sports with you. Know we're there were whizzing and I get enough without a work. You know what I mean. I know I'd have to say you. Can you can tell you don't even have to walk by the room. You in the beginning things are going to know what's happening because it will make. Its way through smell crab and the worst. Is You know exactly what happened in there. You can usually pick out when you walk by the room at the end of the night and usually there's several several rooms one for each kind of play that you would like to do yes Well it makes me think of that pool video. I mean that's that's an and because we've got and watch people to all kinds of stuff that is pretty out there and yet. I think that they almost expect you to wince at you know what I'm saying. Take Part of the thing for a lot of people. It is gross to somebody else. Now guys it is not a challenge out there okay. I'm just letting you please don't please don't try to say. Hey how can we make them freak the fuck out then ever we don't. We're probably going to like as long as somebody's not dying lying and and I don't want to see anybody lose body parts whether they wanted to or not I just you know okay now you know what I I will. I will tell you right now. One thing that I would I would not watch any blood play. Yeah I do not like that. I'm not into that. It creeps me out. It grosses me out. I'm sorry you guys do you you you get it all into it. That's fine you can even do you spend your leader and that's okay. Enjoy your all in. I don't really care for olives at all but but I hope you have a amount of all. That's right it's fine it's fine. I don't like you any less. So everybody knows what you're as long as the people that you're doing it with or completely consigning to what's going on then everybody. Yeah everybody's safe in on the whole a story situation all of that fun chet go for it to whatever. You WanNa have a blast. I won't complain. I don't really want to watch I just I don't I don't Wanna I don't WanNa Watch. It ought to be there and you watch poo play. I Know Service I UH-HUH I've also watched a Greek showers. Roman showers whatever. You WANNA call them. No negative cosby Ozbe's sweaters okay. Okay we have to. We're going back into detail on things we don't we why what's the point. You're really it's like gilding something you know what I mean. You're you're killing the fuck out of whatever your I guess. It's just unnecessary really every night. Trying to spare people. Well I I feel for the audience up here. They're feeling I'm on their side. You don't have tickets that show. That's right that's why I have to be extra nice to lamb. Hey you do have someone just yell at me. You can get away with alert because you have pets you can get away with stuff stuff like aggressive fucking fan behavior. Don't be so that's what I'm saying. They always telling you for sunup cheeses ladies just trying to talk to you. I know it's creepy but some guys just don't don't know how to not be greedy. I mean no matter how hard they try they come off creepiest fuck yes and surgeries. No class they can take. It's it's literally just the way the way they are and how sorry we were.

00:25:07 - 00:30:00

Yeah you just had to be clear. Did that electric daisy carnivals going on in Orlando this weekend pray Tell Electric Daisy car. It's big old ray. You Ultra Music Festival music vestment. Well there was dude. The this is add. Another music festival in Australia Australia. There was a dude stopped at the gates and apparently he they do a very thorough body searches at the gate because they found a stash vaccine. pitas foreskin I mean a sniffer. Dog founded ended up with his nose even the guys junk but That Smith sniffy dogs can smell acid. Was it acid. You said EXC- Oh ecstasy now Axa inside dirty. Oh my God you know. Did you pay extra for the Shmegegge on it yet. I mean it helps the loop as down. Your data adds extra smell when you chop it up and slaves save. What if you're starting to get now weird weird raver reared Australian Raver Dude Deck funk on my God damn drugs take fuck up my job? I storm drugs now. Katy this is a fucking bad experience. way overpaid for these pills. D I don't like the early today or maybe I way underpaid depending on your perspective not sure I mean you want some of that Shwedagon. Maybe they're his drugs. He's going to eat up and he doesn't mind his own brand dude. It's probably was his because they didn't find that much only found one and a half tab. Oh come on. He's just trying to sneak in shed well case that Shit. Yeah well he didn't he has to pay a thousand dollar fine and go to jug of counseling or whatever but which he didn't go to but he's not getting arrested or if you get it really nervous you just eat it all before you go in you just whatever you have eat it all. You'll be okay daring if our at eighty dollars. We took it alter that would be bad. No you know I would have been mad you suitcases. Yes second film canister. Hey Hey guys. Back in the day for our younger listeners. Film canisters used to be plastic little containers. You know how to look stuff up tale how to go to the library. He does like literally literally the device. You're listening to a ought glisten. Israel's let's library now they can get an answer anything yes literally. There's something in their house. Proudly really hey bitch. What's this exactly? Exactly they just wake up there fucking. They're funded assistant and say the words and Bing Bong there you go anyway. I shoved one in my pussy. Yeah and it was full of drugs. Yeah and we went to the fell and I had to go and I'm not go in without party favored no way. Now what's the point. I'm glad I did it but it wasn't comfortable a worldwide music festival if you can't smuggle in your own party favors horrid that idea that's expensive and safer no negative you. You don't try to find something that something like that. You know how many people walked up to us. Then they walk around trucks and really. Who's got the drove drugs? Yeah Mr Sunglasses fanny pack and white knee socks sure. I know where their drugs are are high in life man. What are you listening to the music? Feeling me groove house the twist Lard. I'll be adjust your stock draw Eh. Feel so much better early defense against people like that. I think I'm I don't know I'm like Fleming. I'm sorry we're GONNA go into an episode of rule thirty four and when we come back we are GONNA have a brand new tits man. We're going to have a masturbating primate. ooh Oh yes we are doing Just a Lotta Shit. That's bad would find a way to advertise not bad shit like we've been talking about body fluids and yeah it's GonNa get bad. Yeah you're saying I have a degree marketing From each shit you. I was head of Meyer no advertising before the accident that means young young time basically and refreshing snack the guy. There's times when your body just needs a Jacuzzi. After a long day. You know well.

00:30:00 - 00:35:04

This is a mini Jacuzzi for your balls. Oh it's called the testicles. Eve Battery Operated Mini Jacuzzi for your net. Like I can elvas here. The lawsuit started right others paperwork being filed immediately. If not sooner for for what do you mean at some point. Somebody's GONNA get their nut. Hurt distinct about this in any way shape or form waterfalls electricity around just say until it goes forty dollars. Yup Thank you got a little rest and it's not like like the Chinese people making the technical spa like you know what I mean. They're not really happy with us. So Abby is a UH stupid American we fry your fucking nut made a fryer being. Yeah I know it just The welcome back to Tiki Katie's world RAZZ RADIO DOT COM TV Katie radio DOT COM radio yet at the union leader at Kinky keen radio peaky Katie radio DOT COM and Kinky Katie Radio G MAIL DOT COM. My twitter is definitely not safe for work. There's always a lot of Jason sometimes some clips from movies. There's all terms and yes energy. Check him a box doing stuff like a wet spots in in things staff. Nadi being whore daddy said I grew up anything thing so I picked good at data. Hope you're happy. Here's what he called me naked pictures in on the Internet via stripper videtic. Johnson's just look for for the fit. My seat Daddy. Don't worry I found that a US Dick turn it off. If if I am previous knowledge if things that were happening currently then I would have prepared better Lee. What you all do right now? Is this what happened really. Yes wow this. Oh boy was breaks fun. What are you doing? There's a there's a ghost old of a masturbating monkey. Okay okay of estimating monkeys ghost that haunts the hallways of this greatest state in England a great estate this big grand the place. Yes a police in England. Don't you ever let's let's just make it simple for me here. Find a castle place Eh. Peter Picture God. Damnit apparently a lot of people go go there to get married and they get extra added bonuses bonuses basis yes The the the ones who go they say that they have their weddings there just to get like an image of the battle monkey in their wedding photos. Okay apparently that happens that little spring okay. So an actual monkey comes out of like a forest. I area goes it's an apparition monkeys ghost masturbating muggy goes goes spunk muggy No See your monkey monkey. You're masturbating monkey. Goes well if you go wins. They say if you go to look the monkey you'll find you. Are you sure that it's not like a little purse. Really Harry little person now. It's it's not come on well. The story though. Do they know the difference in England. Really well this story is is that his owner. There's is this woman she had the monkey and the monkey like run around this place.

00:35:04 - 00:40:01

Do it everyone to. She got really upset. One day she went into a room locked the door and committed suicide while the monkey had followed her in there and then the monkey watched her fucking kill herself and then he died of starvation by her fucking dead body. which I'm thinking? No Oh that monkey would fuck it. He Lady Body we asked maybe he died after he ate her yeah. I don't know whatever. She died from. Chico herself CLA media she had to claim fuck bodies interface. Stupid which you locked in here. So now we're led to believe that monkey hostesses master Bernard an actual monkey that is still alive running around but the ghost cadet champ is running around okay. Sure there weren't any wild monkeys around. Were there England could be wild Bugis. People bled pats. Obviously obviously somebody that area has somebody right there. Add monkey maybe the maybe it was maybe was something in it in the general area. Where like your neighbor get something? You're like dots really cool. I need one to a monkey. Does your luggage jerk off. Does He. Flame Pu is a jerk off guy. Just both he's he's mope he. He's a multi threat. Does it all like I don't want to stifle a sexuality. Yeah but I really want to put a diaper on him into the flames shooting everywhere so instead of instead of thinking that there is an actual monkey in said forest that comes around jerks off in front of people people you would rather believe. There is a monkey ghost they somehow. That's the believable angle on that. Yes doc okay I can't carry. Are you that really now. That's what happens. There's probably a better chance I answered that it's an actual just like one of those really hairy Mexican people. That's a little person to be. Yeah by and he's just read it around expanded preventable cause because really has a hard time finding days in England he stowed away one day. Well I don't know whatever draws a lot auditory everybody seems to be happy about it and everyone wanted to see the monkey. spank monkey just goes runs. Runs around Glen and he's playing jazz. Jails championships playing it again. It tells Dan I like to southern accent for England. What's the tourists? How dare you go so it worked out? I knew what I was telling the whole side. You're brilliant like that. The there is a Broward County school teacher. She will she was a broward. County is in what. What state of Florida would? Oh so. It's a Florida County Florida. The school has it's a multi multinational. Show that you're on right so you I mean people could be listening from anywhere that's Jersey land could could be could be. China could be could be South Korea. That is true could be Iceland. You never know doorway Egypt all of them Zimbabwe not so vetting seen in Egypt and like in Egypt. Well you know doesn't translate well really. That's something about rubs around. I don't know what it is. I probably find some billion things. Okay so there's a she. The school administrator a straighter. She was kind of noticed after picture taking her Taken a for at Halloween choosing her inner costume and the district sauce. Use dresses a flasher. Her it was part of a costume contest and there was a video and apparently had a kid in the video to oh but but when she opened it up she was she he actually knew there was a like your friend would fucking body. That's exactly what it was. It was she had a body Sudama but it was like nude pantyhose news and Like a flesh colored Leotard and then it had boobs Jonah and she had a pussy. Yeah and if she had trenchcoat on with a hat and dark glasses yes so when you open up the you know it looked like you were naked but you really weren't. You were wearing clothing right. Yeah well apparently that that you can't do that at dist. fucking school do that at school Because if they say there's a kid that's obviously someone under eighteen and you shouldn't. I don't WanNa see my teacher fucking in her. Why don't you sexy sexualizing the women's Naked Body Katie? I mean let's go to school okay. So need that he would need their kids not to do that. Grew up in net nudist colonies.

00:40:01 - 00:45:15

'cause they're see naked people. Well who are. Who are you to say you can have? Well Hurry to say that. I'm I'M GONNA force your kids to look at me in. Pretend I'm naked okay. But you're not a ad I mean that's the point. That's not even naked. I don't even wants. That's like that's like if I wore one of those eh rush shirts that were like a naked woman silhouette. But you wouldn't wear that to school. Okay I would would i. I don't know to Children's Fund. I guess the children's function that's rally lot line their rally low like and then that brings me to. It's still dila schoolwork fault. The WHO the fuck hired that bitch say. It's always a school words while you hired her to fuck it. You hired hired somebody who thought that'd be a good idea. Obviously your fucking fault. Maybe she's having a rough day. Maybe I don't know but no. She just thought that of eighties costume costume. If you went to a regular costume party right if you write a regular costume party going to suit your fucking school office that you be in trouble if they like. Got Him from a a picture from instagram. Like when she went to a costume party or whatever and that was a costume Chebbi and trouble. No it wasn't at school okay. She wasn't do blackface now. Now you're heading by the action. Now heading lighter action anyway okay. This thing out there it's it's a it's called flex its his plastic cup. It's one of those like diva cups. Except it's supposed to hold like three times as much Jeeva Cup meeting even out of Weird Alternative Metro. You're going fucking fluids Mike. God it's a plastic cut down on a slides into your badge and it clicks onto your cervix. And you bleed Philip Damn Cup. Then you're supposed to stick your finger up inside and try to snag this damn thing and pull it out without getting your all over the fucking place. Then they'll like. Oh it's fucking great and you're like women don't I don't know who whatever even some women like it I don't I don't I don't understand. It does not sound like something I would be into if I was a group. I'm not a girl every tech and not to worry about. Yes good like that. This is the only really bad the bad disadvantages in not sensitive and sometimes people don't realize how sensitive uh-huh yeah. That's true coming up November tenth of you are in Orlando. There is a booty. Leashes Anna play for everyone class. A class is a fucking why or what. Well you've had kinda tells you the first starts up kind of like what's great things has everybody. Everybody has butts in everybody's but has nerve ending so means potential pleasure for everyone. If you're singling curious you should come. If you're seeing someone bring them to is it. Are they doing it to woodshed now. They're not doing it the woodshed really. They aren't surprising. They are doing at favillas. Sexy things on I drive Orlando now What are the fair villa classes? Yeah they're really good about having classes all the time right and you must be eighteen or over to attend there will be MIMOSA serve. Yeah and you also doing that. Fifteen percent of your purchases everytime we had parties there there was always alcohol. How how does? I don't even WanNa know legality that at all like I'm surprised. Like swarm of a million mothers has come down ever more power to Bernstorff her. Go girl so I'll I'll tweet out where it's going to be so you'll have to go heavily info in to class but if you you WanNa go to a PDF DUNGEON ORLANDO. Oh yes. That's the word that is the word shed and they do give tours and they do tell you about like what's going on like that sounds pretty fun. Yeah it's fun. We have talked about that before. Mr Seesaw is the one owns it. Mr Penguin master master. Wow Look at you oh just kidding. Libby am sorry created not using the proper. Fuck it nomenclature. May now anyway. I ready to go to your favorite topic. It is getting salaciously about boobs in and on the news it's time once again for shit man as I said earlier earlier. This tits the tits man. This week has come with a price. Let me tell you about the video. Let me tell you about what happened. I so this is a video that popped up online of a woman. Squirting Bubis use on fellow festivalgoers okay. She was spraying down the crowd of a rave with. Ah Yes with breast milk. She could she could Projectiles Square Yup. She was in a one piece beating. Sue Bodysuit looking things. She's dancing around and whips Outta Titi and starts Gush Starts Fray then then she starts talking then another are willing comes up and like opens her mouth to try to get some of that odor voter and everybody seemed to be having a fucking great time like a good time like like the milk fest is happening and it was going on at the dirty bird.

00:45:15 - 00:50:01

Campground in South California. Now thirty bird was clean a clean festival. Katie a very shocked at the behaviour of this young lady now and I ran across this article. It had it was it had already been shared by over seventy five thousand people okay. One of them was from Ledge. Who is the host of dangerous conversation? Okay so I am already on facebook suspension. Yes I can't post I. I can't do anything and even if I try even click on anything they yell at me. Yes I saved the article. As soon as I clicked save save. It went boom this fight. This post violates our community standards. I'm like I didn't post anything. I saved it. I can't pose A. Did you get in trouble again. I got another week slapped onto my fuck. Aw unruly they're fucking. We agree I have. I have saved since I've been breath since since the week that I was just out. I mean on suspension. I've I've saved like I've been saved seven articles today that particular the other one which has which everybody else is fine with. No one gets in trouble as soon as I click. Save you posted this. It goes against standards the sexual activity. And you have no way to US fucking great. I cannot fucking believe this Hey John Cutler club say what are you going to do. So that is your Kuni Ando but you oh. Hey that's your tits man Tich tits man for the fuck and Albouy man. Yeah so have fun with that. Yeah what a check hot tell me. She was good looking but there was aw. That's what I'm concerned with right now. Yeah is the quality of the photos. I'M GONNA probably not check out but I could. And if you want links to all of the shit they Katie's talks about you go to the actual episode on the website Kinky Katya radio DOT com. I and you'll have a little league east to see the picks and on the bumper music. Yeah yeah so there's links for all of it. So if you're somehow more interested in this girl's milk uttering titties then you can check on look uttering titties they show-me film and Full Forum. Or are we getting like a just a mugshot now the audio and video censored you can't d- You see the milk Boca you know where it's coming from. Okay you know anyway but you'll take it out all right. Oh Yeah Yeah. It's starting to feel like fall outside. We'll for some people. It feels like fucking winner because it's already snowing but now down here anyway. A Guy Drunk and high. Hey for in the southern hemisphere yeah. They're they're going into summer. Well there is a guy who was he was high and he was also on coke was but he was arrested trying to have sex with a pile of leaves parking lot a katy. Those families were so hot I wanted to bang right there. The colors so pretty. I like the feel of that hard. Crackle against McRae anchor smell dirty most Katie pretty well. Witnesses say that the twentieth six-year-old was acting suspicious. Before humping the phone and not only not only was he next. I just did them. I can tell I can see. Oh thus what. He'll come fantasy anyway. Well not only was he doing an ex someone in a car in a parked car but it was also in full full view of families. Dining restaurant there. You Go We're just trying to have a meal over at the whole Joe and you're sending their buck and a pile of leaves. Your Damn Weirdo giving us the Khattab homeless goat. While I'm trying to eat my my moons over Miami. I can't amy does plum. Now thank you. I don't want it breakfast is And he he said he had no no recollection of doing this.

00:50:02 - 00:55:02

He said he absolutely mortified. well. Would you wake up the next morning to jail. Okay Well I. Hey you're not gonNA believe it. We have surveillance video jagged out. Yeah you're doing a leaf angel and you know that there are still people evil in the world they believe that blackout his bullshit. It's funny it's fucking hilarious says traveling. Yeah exactly as I call it. I just had a time skip. That's all. It's just a glitch in the Matrix and I'm sorry I didn't program it just carry. What happens when you were driving and the last thing remember driving or the last thing you remember is your Than the next thing you remember. You're literally walking down a road. It really busy road and you're just walking out and you come to as you're walking closing your side. How fucked and I get here first? First of all where AM I. There's a lot of traffic. It's daylight I was in a bar last I remember. Why did my ribs hurt? I don't know L. Question. It took me months to figure that out two months months. So yes blacking out real AK. She don't think Israel we we got it together. We figured out we we put we put it together like Sherlock Holmes had to put together. It was hangover style for sure. I have two receipts I lost my phone in a cab. You did to my father took L.. We don't have to earn to the whole story. I think we have is. That's the on going into we have if you just started listening. Sorry you'll catch up when you listen to all the previous episodes you'll get there. Yeah neighbor will he play flag guilty and he had to spend eight weeks jail. Sorry Dude Yeah well. It's kind of hard not to plead guilty. I fifty eight witnesses including the Goddamn mayor. He'll Connie's Turpin in there then. It got to impress your started. Churkin off Oh. These girls are hitting watching him. The guys don't get that you need to listen to the pre show pregnancy ray jumped by thirty percent. Nine hundred eighty two children born. There's there's only twenty five people living in a whole damn county seeing if it was not it wouldn't have happened sleepy. Sperm it. Sleep is births firm syndrome. Sh- don't wake them up. It'd be real quiet or my sperm awake up and you'll get pregnant honey dunk quiet quiet. A no how did he hall like Dog. Got It wrong again to make it sound like Eddie Murphy. uh-huh I gotta thank for Eddie Murphy. What he was editor Dalkia he? So God fe of Q. Oh my God this is not GonNa go. Oh Oh my God here we go again. There's a girls you broke into her ex's house. She held a fucking Michetti to his throat. Forced him to. Fucker was Table Two though this is where this is this is where it gets sketchy. Fear Boehner aren't aren't real Katie. What I'm saying that's what I'm saying? No yes yes they. I don't know if they are. I know it's you know. They say that the reason why your take gets on hard is because of the adrenaline. It gets released during the moment of Oregon and it's adrenaline which keeps your fucking blood vessels from doing that to make your day card. And that's why you need a refractory period. Therefore our fear is not conducive to building a good boehner. Well thank you very much Dr. Sc I'm just saying I'm letting you know this specifically okay because I know your theory. I'm not even talking thinking about. You're thinking about the fact that you try to scare me all the time. Aw Yeah because some time to get into. Somehow you think it's going to end up in a pillow. Fight it with me with my girlfriend Dan. You're inside of you somehow aggressively. Because that's what you're looking for. You're looking for aggressive BANKSIA. I want to shove that toothpaste back in the Tube Air I could push rope. It does get a chopstick and cream in.

00:55:02 - 01:00:07

Oh look at it. Oh my God a story. Yes fish rush. Yeah so this guy on track lady. This guy went went to the gas station. This girl broke into his house and when she came when he came home she came up behind him with a machete. He put it through the bad. Tick off your fucking close climbed on top shook. We're doing this we're too well. He told police that yes he he did get aroused by seeing her welcome naked Pussy So they fucked and I'm thinking and all right. This seems normal to you. I guess like assumes fucking crazy because just kind of sounds like shit like this happen a lot and there was part of their sex routine dare about routine but that's how they got it on. Yeah they do like to do the fucking thrill plays into like some fucking like sex scenes that that's that's just my. Yeah you're taking theory very you know it was. It was completely that way and they just wanted to wanted it. He got mad at her. Yes something something had to happen because she fucking escaped surf cafe. He married her because she's been begging the fucking long. Not even a pool boy. He's doing the fucking lawn guy. Katie like after after they've fucked she still road I mean after he came She still rode him until he went fucking wimp and fell out of her. She laid aide with her back on his chest still holding the machete and then he ended up taking fuck and Selfie of her with the God. Damn AH so hello. That's another thing where I'm like. This is bullshit. She takes off through the through the back door with his sister. Sir Yeah so unlike. Lettera 'cause you gotTa have the sister girlfriend Combo massage doing some some female machete rape and she also she also fucking like ripped off and he took pictures of her holding part of his crown molding from his room. I mean this is really so circuits. Stupid she's Oh sorry off after she took the shield ripped apart off of the fucking off the the ceiling. She pissed on his bed. Ah The best part you how. She peed on his best pete on his bed and then that's when she fuck and then she like dish out the back with his sister. That's what happened. That's what pissed off. That was fucking shroud. Broke the camel's back. When they sat down they talked about what was going to happen? She at no point said there was gonna be water sports happening. Well either put tally tarp. He did he did tell tell police he's like it's GonNa cost me over six hundred dollars to replace that hundred dollars their best chance. She's she's she's the crazy one. Even she looks fifteen she looks as a holiday. Be Like you know I'll find you will. Obviously she is like that. Well she she said to have a mental health evaluation. But in the question I WANNA ask. The kid is wasn't hot. I mean because obviously there is some You know of course it's hot. He fucking all excited by just seeing the sight of her pussy when she took her on her of not to mention she threw shetty broken to his house. Put the machete to his fucking neck man. He's just like boots pussy. You know what I WANNA do exactly reported a throw I well I gotta we gotta leave. 'cause I gotTa make sure we get Outta here in time for Betty and me the with Betty uh-huh coming up next which we have no information on it all so. Don't ask me hotel. It's coming up next radio. Chaos dot net My I spot on dangerous compensations. Florida radio has been changed because they have A. They have a new format so but I will be on the show. We're just we're just China get together. Figure out a wet time and I'll actually big in studio when renewing it so I'll be with the boys having some fun. Yeah sorry guys well see. Do you have anything for me. No plug that local radio smugness right you baby. That's right away eh revenue. Everybody well. I'm getting Outta here for the night. I hope you will have a wonderful Israel time. Whatever the fuck you're doing? Hello timing new listeners and awesome year for my old ones. I'm glad you will are are entertaining and I'm GonNa Talk to you later. I'm GonNa have some cold. Maybe run out. I don't know it I liked does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript