#278 – Florida Porn Stores
You are currently viewing #278 – Florida Porn Stores


This week!

11/02/2019 Woman on man violence... Loss of genital fear... Be careful what you wager... Katie and local radio... No dick costume pics... Podcasting from the Palladium parking lot... Suspended again on Facebook. Katie on FetLife all the time now... New emoji policy on FaceBook and Instagram... Kanye West and his outlook on internet nudity... Surviving in feudal Japan... What's up with the cross eyed bitch... Mini Jacuzzi for your testicles... New male staffed bikini coffee bar... Episode of "Rule 34"... Giant cock body pillow... Startling accidents... Woman arrested for grinding on the cop that pulled her over... Florida Porn stores... Dog finds dildo during walk. Dildo still not claimed... Tits Man - Staple her nipples and Boob tape technology... New Mormon porn star... Feeding the Mormon Queen.

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#278 Florida Porn Stores

00:00:04 - 00:05:05

The following program contains adult contend crabs language of a sexual manner completely irresponsible. Advise along with some things you'll wish you could hear. You are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on there's sexuality please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because I was fucking the Shit Atr de the little Kiedis ten nine eight seven. Six three Katie's growth starts now. How are you ready to trust sack? You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you Sean Elmo. It and now live from rule. Thirty four stadium. I bring you a girl that knows way too much about accidental castration. Take your host the one the only can Katie. Hello Hello Hello and welcome to the show this is can you gave his number. Two Seventy Eight I'm your host. He Gainey would me. Els always is my right hand. My favorite plus covering fucked toy. Mr S Burqa. Now you doing. I love your enthusiasm okay. It's awesome sure we are coming to you live from raspberry you're live dot dot com kinky Katie radio DOT COM radio DOT ned. Oh we have got a Poncho for you to Ni- plus a brand new tits man and some other topics. Excuse some stuff. That's that's Katie. Butts in this stuff category. Storing some stuff around the interweb that that just means. It's it's gotta be loaded with women violence of some sort or not your average on the woman on man. Violence lost their Dick Today. are lost dickey counters up to three million three hundred and twenty eight thousand two hundred twenty five. Oh Oh shoot just jumped up again power. You're just so worried though about your Dick me here and you're a hundred parts yup twin berries. You know worried. I'm clumsy it anyway. Sometimes your your hand eye coordination is just you know. It's it's a little below average rich. I'm going to say Ed like sometimes you dig when you should zag like you're that person's so sometimes when you get to handle it takes your great. It's it's working great. And then you'll make some kind of weird maneuver and then something bad happens. I got a sneeze or something I just. I don't know like at some point in their something. Something goes south sometimes. Yeah sounded all the type thing. It'll be all funny games. You're playing with the way okay. Great great that all of a sudden you pull away really fast in one just pinches ride between your two free. It's like you were trying to do it. And you swear you wirt hurt no okay. I don't intentionally go after you to hurt you so well so my fear is justified. It's not it's not unreasonable. Fears up saying whenever it's not like being afraid of holes right like it's an actual fear because I have felt pain from your sudden movements toward my crotch area. Well I just. I can't believe that when we were first starting to date. You told me that I could blake wine but like did you do that once so I held a time when pink take. You immediately regretted that well. I told you you could do it. I know it was to follow through at my. How can you get mad at me but unheard what would you say you? Would you say I forget what it was but I yeah you say you're you have to like she got see. Can't back out a shit like that. We just saw a fucking allegiance gangs. It's PODCAST rewatch sometimes big J. O.. Kherson actually took a gun in the butthole because he lost a bet in the like really.

00:05:05 - 00:10:09

Katie Yeah God on that too I have never been a you that ever. I know better now now I could go horribly wrong. Yes I know like flicking might not. How did he die? Well aw he had a really weird fatter start off by saying that firearms and a butthole strange. Uh We have. We don't have ASI of ask guns flowing in the house. They're all registered spine. What for us? Now there's the ass bazooka that was a bit more of a tat fit though I feel like I. Am on a promotional tour. Lately of. Well I mean I have my weekly spot on dangerous conversation. Some Florida man. Radio Plug just naturally. Yeah I would have segue right into this mother fucker. Just GonNa notice the J. Show and we plug and I've even been on the Kevin and Holly L. E. Show Okay and it's been a lot of fun and it's been had really good feedback. Okay I don't know think of getting popular or something. Okay great anyway. I'm a little disappointed. Pointed out you guys out there I am. I'm why I didn't get not you. I'm talking about everybody else out. There listening land. I didn't get any Halloween Dick. Pics not one. If you're listening to last week show then you know you gave him a whole week. I did okay. It s pretty fucking demanding. We'll tell you honestly I thought at least if you've you would come through making costumes to wear out Katie and you. You demand a Dick Costume before the end of the week. Yeah really. It's a little bit still. He's still take much. If you don't have like the right fit it can start your proportions completely off and then you know. Then you've ruined the project. I feel like we're doing the show tonight from the parking lot of the palladium. Yeah they do. Yeah the tearing it up while they're like extra loud anyway. Now I'm GonNa tell I I was telling Katy though I kinda like Carmichael deserve it really is like a large portion of my life I I just. I didn't really care so much. I drank and what I was loud. I really give a rat's ass screaming matches yesterday and if anybody ever said anything tweet I would immediately be completely aggressive. Laugh Second laughing at a guy walking his cabinet like three o'clock in the morning I know benedict is what I'm saying so I designed it and I have to sit here and take it like a man like i. I don't even I'm not even I'm not even GonNa get mad about that. It's not going to make me mad. I deserve `art and I've been way worse off like getting shot. There's no fight now. What are you going to play loud? Music occasional vegetation education homicide which them Gotcha Melva ears. But that's in Latin Latin accent but I for whatever reason can't here right now it's just not coming to me and my guys but Thanksgiving is coming up and and I don't WanNa see anyone banging Turkey but a AH mashed potatoes but you know you could do a little pilgrim or whatever it is you want to Turkey. Yeah why don't you just take a sharpie free in sheriff beat up a little. You know what I'm saying. That's easy Guy Sharpie and if you are a little smiley face so since we're at it why don't we just go early and say start planning for Christmas or Hanukkah you do whatever you're into the watchman. Hbo You could do like a little fellow hat. trenchcoat Kowt well you could just just in a condom and you could just move around your finger and McConnell. I don't even know what to make Gary Look at age. Yeah somehow you gotta make some little black goblets in there you know for the Actual Inc lot part of the ink well elect. That's what I'm saying. How how do you arrange that? Maybe you can take very very ill. Oh maybe some maybe some like little pellets. That where you actually bus Ya- you just shove them. Up Your your take hold a little so would would you bust not beings out like like Gel. Pack you a blood capsule thing in the movies you know what I said Eh. Okay I get it I get it that that should be completely safe sir lease be okay well unless you but now I can't even think of no I'm just a little just a little drop if you just literally took like a BB gun not.

00:10:09 - 00:15:01

He's in a baby. Like you literally just go down into your your e through a little with some sort of a dipper. You know yes is something logging uh-huh and really just one little drop of of of black whatever medical grade food die out that. And that way when you blowed out it it comes. It's just gonNA come out or what it's just you're just gonNA absorb it in your take all you know what I'm saying that's how you get the Rohrschack con of action right there. I God okay. You wanted to picture well this. This is something that I that I have been saving since yesterday morning. Saving saving it. Yes it was it was right after you left for work okay. I had a picture from three years ago reported on facebook. Or you've been suspended. I have been suspended. I put it up for our argument for fucking. Yeah and I didn't get the news until Saturday the like no. We reviewed it and sorry I got to violations for it. One was for nudity which there was none at all and the picture was under a video of Elvira And Enviro was showing more booby than me. Okay and it was also one of my highest liked pictures. It was like three hundred and some people like the picture the other violation was for racial insensitivity. ooh What did you do what happened. I was dressed as a fucking Geisha O of cultural. I didn't have my is as you already hear anything. Nope I just thought it was really pretty. I said look number one. There's no nudity said number two. I'm not making fun. Anyone Asian people. There's Asian art all over my apartment. You can see some right behind my like an fucking buzz right behind my head on the wall. I've got a five foot fucking vase with lacquer and enamel inch food dogs and fuck I mean I. I love the culture. I think that the women are beautiful. Hot guys is to really so yup Sir for the next thirty days a whole month of November November Lever New facebook member twelve year. I didn't mention that. They changed their their policies. Air Over its bookie. Yeah she's yeah. Yeah Yeah speaking of those policies facebook join up with instagram and they're gonNA be facebook instagram at the same company. Yeah so they're always joined up. I didn't know okay. Well they're doing a they're banning sexual will emerge a UCS. I know I heard about plant in the peach. Can't put them together or you'll get suspended you can't have you can't have have any emojis used to cover nipples or your dick or your pussy your butthole. Because a lot of people do that. I have cupcakes on my tits on some pictures but I took them down. Yes you better scour your shit exactly. Well I can't right now or you can scour. I can't delete maybe I can delete me. Just can't post yes. We know. Maybe they probably. I don't know well fucking according to Konya West Social Media Tempts men like the devil tempted. Jesus okay his wife. We've got famous from a porn and she posed naked. Picks all the fucking time. Yeah so anyway they're already united Sta- what you which is said they're they're also banning. The water drips. There's one there's three little water jobs because people like skis. Well well I post. I posted a wet spot picture the other day and I had a little ghost Emoji a job EMOJI and a heart like a vibrating heart. Yeah well they you know. I think it's like when they're in combination or something. Yeah like you can use the Emoji but like when there's more than an like an exact method to it like. How do you know the they're not really talking about like? Hey you want to make yeah. Well that's that's what I'm saying like. Take a impeach. It's raining men. That guy was just talking to was spending pace as he was talking today. Hey you know what I mean.

00:15:01 - 00:20:02

Yeah sometimes it's it's yeah no but I think it in some but yeah they're changing her and if you don't like it you cannot use their little clubby that's that's the idea Lord. You can totally put up ads. That are completely false. And misleading and senator of evil. That's totally cool. Well I God forbid you know not even like you said you were you. Were you had an Asian dress and you had chopsticks in her hair. You're sticks in your hair and you didn't have Kabuki makeup like you can't wear a an Asia dress I had a full palm over over the front of my boob job and just the very top of my boob was showing and then the my Komo was just off one of my shoulders. And that's all it was and you can go to twitter at Katie Katie radio and you can see the fucking picture that got got me in trouble. And I also took a screen shot of facebook's policies the community standards and I stuck them right next to the picture and says what the fuck violate what did I do. But then that was the that was for the nudity part. The other part of my come I get got it. But she's well don't use their club. That's the that's the idea got funny a- At least well you know at least for as long as you've been suspended for things at the thirty day you did thirty days standing on your head. Yeah it's not six months again for like the fourth time You've you've been suspend your like a person who's been locked out in the public. We're the fucking. Why don't you start to get messages on unst a direct message and they just they first they start out nice again getting pissed and like why are you fucking ignoring me? I mean I'm really sorry. I'm like Jesus Christ gone down. If I'm not answering us because I can't oh they really they should allow you to put something that you're suspended yes like you know. There's a main there's a little red thing next to her She must be suspended. Yes that uh-huh fucking perfect so I don't think they want people to know how often people whatever they have you know like I said it's a little private clubs. So what are they. They'd be like. I'm nate right example out of you will they can. They can do whatever they want. Really a long as they're not fucking discriminating against people and they're doing it to everybody and I think they are. Yeah yeah you know like I said they changed your shit not too long ago so anyway. Back to Connie social media makes men suffer he. He says an accuses the platforms of of fuelling. Sexy diction tormenting married. Men Tormenting Mary Man. Okay Yeah uh well what. What's tormenting mailman again Threes stuff. I don't know what to do. Van Changed Changed Latium. Oddly quiet. They're just they're definitely their back in retirement. The the sex emojis found sexist fucking to naked on On facebook instagram and they said that it was social media. In general fucking wife is all over the place at. That's right. That's Kinda really horribly have. That's her fucking thin. And now she got you know famous. She flows Jay. I'll tape yes. Yeah took a knee as it everything. I kept parade eye. Contact look like she pays like like a like a Pro Chevy. She's been taught. You know what I mean. Yes she was groomed of clarity kind of like an American American Geisha. She's an American Geisha old school. Nicely Gauges Geishas. Orange weren't prostitutes suits. Though they weren't necessarily prostitutes they were professional entertainers though correct professional host. Yeah exactly that. That's what I'm saying about giving people what they want. But they said it but they said that it was it was actually considered An insult at if if they were proposition to have sex they said there were other girls for that. Their called party girls. Yeah so you say Herald it. Would it be delighted to be like. Hey semi some hearty girls. Yeah okay. That'd be fun see. He's the steel line. She's still hunting jerk off on. You hooked up to Pussy. So she'd be a friend of mine so I don't think we would have survived and like feudal Japan not know it was like Samurai. You Know Day totally trained. They kill people they were allowed to carry swords.

00:20:02 - 00:25:02

And if you aren't one of them you were not so in yes like you know what I mean if looked cross eyed at one of these dudes guess what what happens. You're getting cut up eight ways from fuck it Sunday look like move before I got the job again I would I posted a picture of of it was a picture of a vodka. Glazer and myself and tab two girls that we were anyway was about most shot. I'll glaser is a person that's been in a lot to be moving a lot of like biker. Budget horror movies. And he's he's an older dude and he might be vice. Yeah he's like now. He doesn't like creepy old dude. Yeah like anyway anyway. Every everybody does not know who he is but anyway whatever. I'm just trying to get to the point loser. Hell go everybody in here. He's got a ten inch cock well. Top ten back in the eighties. Gay Male Horn anyway there. There's a picture of us and I'm looking at a spot on the back of his head but it kind of looks like I'm I'm cockeyed. Coming to the folks the cross eyed bitch I i. I responded with some mean and I'm like no do I deleted you like it was only. Fox's seconds I deleted it. And I said it's because Bob Fuck me so hard I got Google it. Didn't it feel better to not just be bad. Yes you know what I mean especially when you look at it and it does look like you're eating Brownie or your cross eyed right like. How could you get glad you go motherfucker? It totally does look like eating goddamn rowdy. That's a shadow. Yeah I said I haven't Tara all right. Well liked brownies to tell you. Food goes hungry hungry. We were watching TV or some scarier just thrills on accounts the seven. I mean there's always a fat one. Oh boy I set up let me eat. Oh my gosh. What if YOU'RE A guy? There's times when your body just needs a Jacuzzi Makusi. After a long day. You know well. This is a mini Jacuzzi for your balls. Oh it's called all the test to cousy battery operated mini Jacuzzi for your nets. I like I can almost hear the lawsuit started right others paperwork being filed filed immediately. If not sooner for way for what what do you mean at some point. Somebody's GONNA get fucking they're nuts hurt. Just think about this in any way shape or for water balls electricity. What could go wrong? Just say really cost forty dollars. Yup and tiny and it's got a little respite bad and it's not like like Deng. Chinese people making the testicles spa like you know what I mean. They're not really happy with us. So I mean how many is a UH stupid American we fry your fucking nut. Fryer big fat American balls you can't you can't talk like that any any work live. They're gonNA take my plumber hood away from me kicking off facebook. I know I I heard on a radio show see that spoke to all of that is I. I don't I don't participate anyway. So okay then Sir I. I'm not going for any kind of a job. Where if you thought that was a racist accent I tell you stop suffer exist? No Dell is not a sorry some saying it's it's just pretty generic. Well I've been finding like the coolest stuff on this oddity Mall Bell. Yeah okay so Christmas is coming. You may get some. We're not getting anything. You're not getting now then. I know now negative. You're not paying God good. I have so I don't know I'm just trying to make an excuse. Oh really whatever just trying to make an excuse fucking we stay. BBN CBS Deanna. Anyway we all know about but he knew baristas correct. Yeah being Katie. Their drive drive through in coffee shops where the chicks it's a wall they wear. Yes Caesar laundry show like that. I was never i. You know I've done it like once and then wondered why. Why why did I just do? You know I had no now. Didn't you in Orlando Listen. I with you. Yeah but why I was like what will what's the the point. I don't know I I I know. Why is this such a big deal? I gotta get it either. I mean I wouldn't even go out of my way to do it to be honest with you but we did what we did do it.

00:25:03 - 00:30:01

Parking Lot Curtis right and sandwich joint suckers. We're all stuff was damages Zieger right now. A coffee topless coffee air was topless. No what about Bikini Baristas anyway. Well you know it's always been like a female dominated the area well now. They opened up an all male. Coffee Bar I mean really do ladies even want to think about the dudes Balzac just tea teabag in your double double spro. They're only they're only topless they. I don't know what they have on. The bottoms showed a guy like pants. That's what I'm saying. It's funny funny games until there's a cock that comes out. Yes I'd like a ball. Did smoke have. y'All nuts can you can you you throw in maybe a chest hair to that. See you know what I mean like. And they don't have to be waxed in anybody's I mean there are. I'm sure there are some days like Oh oh yes fucking hot but a little old ladies will get a kick out of it. Your Mom's okay but there is there is going for a vast majority of people. It's not the same for whatever reason when men see naked women or even women C. Naked Women. They're not as grossed out as you know when the twig Mary's out it's it's it's it's you know what I mean all of a sudden it's get vulgar bad's GonNa happen soon. Here's creeping up. The sides like little spider legs. Don't let that fuck haircut in my my spro you I know I have to court sprinkle. I don't know but but the hot chick it's it's you know. What do I care ahead? I don't know what does the place the place the humid- it's it's called the dream boys and it used to be but it used to be a gay man would probably really be into. Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah. It sounds like if I was if I was gay I would probably check probably. It's probably where the location is because it used to be a bikini thing Bikini Barista called the Lady Bug Bikini Lady Bug can't and they fucking tanked so they're like hey let's put the boys in there and it's doing quite well in this as the first of its kind Yeah I was kind and they have they have a bunch of like fuck and forty five other Bikini Barista places. This company owns so it's got to be the area so well. Yeah they're female female Bikini Baristas. Yeah only one male location right. Okay Yeah I could see if he had popular in a Lotta places though. I I like to cut some coffee. Well it's it's just like every guy you know guy go go dancer we know is always working At Gay Clubs to Sierra. You don't see like men Gogo Dancers in the Strip club usually. I'm sure it happens all the time but you know if it's not a huge yet if they're straight usually gay to yes. Yes the gate go to the straight. Yeah well but what I'm saying is even having having a male go go dancer in the club. Typically the female Kogo answers true. Yeah they want to lure menin. That's true. Yeah that's really why they give ladyship eighty shit yeah just to get guys in 'cause we're stupid interest anyway. I think we're going to go to episode ruled thirty four and when we come back. Oh my gosh have I been bad officer. We're GONNA talk about that. We're also going to have a double dose of tits man today exclude Excite Quaid Quad. Anyway enjoy we'll be right back yum tom yum time basically Andris breakfast snack. Guys are Aram are single or in a long distance relationship There's one thing you probably might miss the connection the comfort the intimacy of holding. Someone's hand. Well this is the phone case or the lonely lonely it. It has a flesh field. It's a hand severed the wrist like a human touch. Feel and then you could get the fuck tickle up from last week you have to take on the hand so you can touch them antebellum at the same time but they have they have people like holding it did. Did you see the fingers locked other. While they're on their phone. Yes Yeah so like as they hold their phone they're holding hand. ES L. when they're looking down and typing go to your head nobody puts him there anymore. You know there. There's in the ads. They're putting into their heads Okay and then when you're when you're texting and so on and so forth it's like a little handle for you. Yeah that's that's what they have it as a guy is laying in bed on his side and he's got his fingers locked and he's he's like texting relating point touching the screen by who knows what the hell he's doing. Ed How is he touching a Katie.

00:30:03 - 00:35:02

Was it the seductive. Touch it was about Betta was who is a good. He's watching watching murder porn down down. Now let's say he can live his last kill. That's what he takes her Chevy's his hands scream bitch cream. I wonder if I could use this. same out and put a regular hand on the same phone holder like could be holding one of the hot I too am. I am a parent cups balls. Got fingernail like I could fuck an excellent with the day kate. Eight -tainer kids all with the show Scripts cursed sheet. The new live with Carina. Don't Michael Models In love and back back to TV. Kennedy's World Radio Live Dot Com can Katie radio DOT COM. And I'm Sir. Eric had like a bubble wrap fetish like we were listening anime Mumble Rab yes that's right it's Ravs even better Japanese. It really is 'cause you can kind of tell what they're saying so it's been harping awful lot that Foia Roya not even like hardcore bubble. Wrap like it just has some bubbly bubbly features. You know what I mean yes. It has very popular I realized. Oh my God I have fun. Hey if you wanNA give me on social media this is the place where I can still get me. I predict I would make a prediction. She's gotta be check and fat fat life responses for a little. That's why it was so funny. We were just talking about and you'll get onto some stupid and we don't really why would you do the fucking God Damn Ed. I really hope they're not Related I really hope the two related. 'cause I I would hate us so much coach not you what people well right could yeah. You can't prevent anything. I mean is you can get me on twitter at Kinky Katie Radio Kinky Katie radio DOT COM KATIE RADIO DOT com. Fell life you google. You'RE GONNA be Kinky Katie Radio and on my show pop. Nobody wants me either. Contact Club is a problem. Kick mcdonagh everywhere sucks balls does and that's exactly why I took like Dube's down instead opt out because really it was getting really old. I'm I'm just saying like like had shed taken down because you know what I mean no I do. I had to explain that to someone like can you like. Can I ask why I don't have your movies anymore. And I'm a guy that's right. I mean we pose because before we didn't host the PODCAST CAST. We hosted it somewhere else. And now I host all the files myself so if something happens and they fuck with us than the podcast gets fucked up and fuck that exactly. I think the podcast people would definitely agree with you there. We don't want to do. We don't WanNa miss that. Oh no no frustrates May. It Guy. It gets old rebuilding the world although it does give you something to do every once in a while it's like all right great. Take this and we're going to Redo it all awesome. Oh Gee now now I wanna make another graphic doing then. I start getting obsessive about little graphics. Ethics Shit what do you think about this well. I don't know anything when I don't hear the opinions that I want. I really just tune you completely out I say I like it and you're not talking about well.

00:35:02 - 00:40:03

No sometimes I show you stuff that I don't like just to see what you say about it. Well I try to be honest. Okay well that's what what I'm saying. He usually. You're drinking. You're not only drinking the KOOL aid. You're making motherfucker cooling you're making and that you're even know what's in that kool-aid and and you're still dragging it. Yeah I know I cannot. I cannot trust your opinions on things sometimes. Not Because you're dishonest this artist or anything you just you know. Sometimes you'll think something's great odd me. It's completely not that's not true. Well no you'll be. I think it's just just cute durable. Yeah Yeah we're picking up glasses frames I tell you stones fucked up on your face you will you say the words. I don't want to look at you with those on your phone I can't really flick. Oh God I can't do it you know. I think I'M GONNA get a new body howdy pillow. Yeah Yeah it's it's like a four-foot fucking Dick. Okay have you as on. I okay like it's a cute little. It's a cute dake that's not emasculate all but it's big but then I slip sleep next to cock the cock you wish you had cameras although four foot now you can fuck that pillow fluffed until billow Scott Pillow. Yeah the little enemy smelly ways. Yeah it is pretty cute though. I don't know just a big giant cock. You can get a little squatty one again. I yeah can I. I'm just saying I have a little squatty tale. Yeah thank you. It's like when it's cold outside. Ching something that you want our like. Tell me or who who are Yo- for I. Just I don't know a single primary in Iran yes Iran across. I thought it was cute and a lot of people might say. Hey I wanNA snuggle with a big cute Dick. This ready snuggle with the big cutic- I know he when you let me know terrify you. I'm just saying there's sometimes there's pain and torture involved. Yes I know there is so what do you mean on your part makes edge. Have you you lash out. I know you lash out and you start poking at thanks Bradley Sub Bradey Sub Mad. And I do it again. Polish Michael of life takes you flinch every time I come around you. Why are you afraid of me? I don't know because you take potshots at me all the time come. Am I now do grabbing. Somebody's Gooch is a rather recipe. I'm GonNa tell you right now. You don't just you don't just region and grab anybody's gooch unannounced just out of nowhere. Hey give you warning fingers. On your coach I warning I slide down like you know. Like when you're GonNa pet horse you put your hand on his back and then slide down only reason why you do that kicked the things and it's not even like I need a reflex I'll just like jump and you'll go you have taken chins to the phase as these to these face because you came in quick and I you startled me and you turn it a hundred thousand times and you've even got hurt doing it. And you said deserved I deserved. I know maybe feel a baby. I was on a Saturday special on ABC. You know the abuser. Oh I deserved it. I really look at it. You literally had a bloody nose which deserved it deserved it like. How is that like I knew that some bad could happen maybe fledged hey? Yeah so we never stop out of the closet and you scare somebody which you've never done. Thank God my Jeez. Oh my God I'm so sorry that's what I'm saying. I mean it wouldn't take a picture that and post it. It'd be like look what just happened like. Oh my God. I don't really startled. Well no you don't know guy. I immediately whatever this is. I'm going to kill now before it hurts me. I just have to touch your fucking foot to wake you up and you scared the shit out of me so you. So what do you think is going on in my head when that happened exactly like immediately. I think somebody's trying to kill me and I don't know what's happening and I wanted to stop now because you are not a fight or flight kind of person you boop boop get the black. But I can't tell tell you if I had time to think about it and thought I could get away.

00:40:03 - 00:45:07

I would certainly get away though. It's that initiative and if you out of the closet you're kind of cornered in a small area well well it's not even that it a lot of times it literally is like when you when you you startled you just use Baz out for a second and it's that me spazzy out for a second. There is always caught you. It's never you know what I mean like. If somebody jumped out at you know what I mean that's almost like like you know doing a reflex test and hitting somebody with a little wish bony fucking for your doctor whales on your knee with and just like that's like him. Doing we get well. He's staring at your fucking big toe. You know what I mean just what a ruinous throat. That's what I'm saying. Catch A and then and then the doctor. Coming up the bloodied housing. I deserted totally deserved. That that'll be nine hundred dollars a no. It's not part of your deductibles. deductibles Medicare doesn't cover that shit. No we don't take added Charito. Who told you that? Sorry Oh no oh. There's twenty four year old chick. She's she's facing multiple criminal charges after she was filmed grinding her as into into interesting officer. Okay yes there is a video you can watch you doing this. She was placed in cuffs on Sunday. Morning outside of a waffle house in Alabama does waffle House Alabama Alabama Bama. And she was. She was pressed up against the window. She's face against the window. Okay and as the officer had her with her hands behind her back she started rubbing her ass into his crotch and saying Oh yeah you like that you liked that. I'm not sure Really to be honest. I don't know if I like that or not I'm tour Ma'am please stop. I just had dry cleaned about. That's right you know what I mean. That's probably not the first time she's done. I'm Sir Probably. She's hot to shave his ready. That's what I'm saying. If if they look like patty the daytime hooker I I I kind of get it like immediately like okay get the fuck a if your copy should probably do. That anyway should probably do that Especially when it's on video I know if I were to have done that to a police officer I would definitely be at handcuffs if I make any sudden movements at all a Hog tied on the ground is usually what happens. Even if I don't make any sudden movements I I'm getting handcuffed and some kind of weird position. Oh you've liked officer officer Stanley you like that. I'm not even southie either. Like I'm not even. I'm not disrespectful about anything. And it's always a We're just GONNA cough. You hear what are you there seriously. Like I don't even know and I will. Do he twitched. and Ah the white dude. I can't imagine what I mean. People go holy Jesus Shit Balls. I've just a big guy you know. But and that's it my God. Sometimes they nice in her nice to me but the other half of the time not so much. It's gotTa what's the Flynn the crazy I I. Yeah I don't really even which is the thing I don't know he's quite that pisses he's not saying he's not saying because I'm just it just just don't fuck was retail. Fuck was fuck with me as you see sets because it's legal. Oh I know people realize that. Like when Anura man size man my sized issue not connect behind my back. No fucking way. I mean you could make them do it. But you're making they do it and one pair of cuffs. Just it doesn't fuck it. I mean my arms are going to be fucking numb and taking leave for a month. Screw you I've editor. I know that several times I was asked me. Just you know Julie Solid like I. I'm nice to you nice to you. A AH totally totally Dow was whatever you need to do. Just you know a little separation between hands would be fucking awesome area very will rugg thighs fuck that. Although I have way too old for outbreak okay help probably will femur would break something bad would happen. I can't shot definitely trip anyway. We'll after the the video for doing this went viral. She claims that she was too hammered from the night before and doesn't remember doing it. She was originally charged with like misconduct harassment but wasn't sexual and so she did this and she part for punishment is.

00:45:07 - 00:50:09

She had to write an apology letter to the the officer Chad to clean the floor of the local. spank she had to finish with her mouth. Oh Wow I have to go that far it just mopping up this pack. You know about that you've worked in places it had fucking spank. Busse does the worst job. Oh it's your turn. It's your turn to do it. Let's not Oh yes it is. We have the schedule. Fuck like Aero Katie's worked and glove porn shops apps all across the state of Florida and you have to remember. That is the state of Florida. Were Big Dick. No Up just Sarah America's wave you were gonNA work and weird fucked up porn store and any state in America where it would be in Florida right now. Just saying that you've worked at fucked up point stores. I have liked liked or not all like that. No not that I know there are probably other places where you would go out of state and go. Wow this is a different different experience. It's very strange. You have zero prostitutes in here threes. Nobody doing smack in your bathrooms. None of that is happening here. Oh Oh no one's getting raped corona bottle you're pregnant This guy's vacuum the floor. Holy Crap by all know Fayetteville was nice. It was nice but weird people would come into. Oh my God. No that's where all the weird should have it in the parking in line and everybody tried to fuck bathrooms and dressing rooms. You know you had fucked up. People would stumble by the giant porn store. Oh Yeah it was still stories short we had. Although we had all the prostitutes we had a lot a lot of gay guys because we were really close to a place called the Parliament House which is a gay nightclubs slash hotel resort. Yeah resort just you know so. We got a lot of business at night on the weekends. Wouldn't there there was any like the march madness when he came to Orlando Fuck all the bitches in town so they all wanted you know and I don't mind playing the G.. String jockey you every once in awhile. Basically basketball teams were in town so there were extra hookers yes everywhere And all the entitled wives lives of the people there scares me. It's like Oh my God bitch I with smack the wig off your head have you seen. It's very hard very large. PYREX cock extra spiky. It feels one love it put in the freezer. I use it directly from the freezer. I mean we're right out you wanted to have the really defrost on it when it comes like a sheet of ice ISOS is what just you know what I mean when it froze up right would you pull it out. We take a piece of meat out of the freezer. And it's got that layer. You want that the rough one or as soon as you when you heat it up take it directly out of the bowl of water and shove it up there so you get that anyway. What were you talking about fucking now as talking about started out some chicken waffle house chicken? What's that's right wolf house illegal grind deg- that's all right? Can't read on that tech. Oh my gosh. This fucking woman was horrified when her Jack Russell Pelosi a giant dildo from Bush. A part doubt got you. Put that down sparky. Jesus Christ. Bryce she took pictures. The fucking thing is as long as this dog cow. Yes said it looked like a stick but when he's getting closer apparently it was clearly something else clearly clearly a big fucking dog so I don't know his is doing some some park. Somebody got caught doing some public. Maybe maybe I don't know girlfriend broke up with a boyfriend or whatever and he got mad and throughout now it's probably she throughout his Asheville though. ooh Or maybe he threw it like was born by and he had to get rid of the evidence. 'cause he was to bear issues. Felt shame shamed for liking. Ask Play yes. Yeah there's a lot of male shame for as play. Maybe look further in the Bushes Mississippi body that was blessed by Black Dong bad time to park. Beat with Dick we still have down the murder women. And we have a young females prints all over it and what appears to be a dog saliva. Canine but AH I can't believe we decided to show in the play parking lots I really.

00:50:09 - 00:55:03

It's it's crazy. Why would we go to parking lot where there's club like right there? It's odd remote. We we are doing it and we did it. The parking lot of disturbed cloud doctor who shit free concert. God It's getting late. Let's go to your favorite subjects topics literally watch me put my little eighty two my fucking mouth. I saw the fucking light bulb. Go off the head moves in. And it's time Hispanic. Sorry about that. Sure no no all right well P- another cool thing about deer Badger ditties and on Oddity Mall. When it gets cold you can get little little snow caps for your nipples? Ah for warriors. They look like they looked like beanies. And they've got a little pouf ball on tyler stance hatch and they stick over your nipple tape the I would assume glue staples. Oh God okay would feel would hurt me at all all okay everybody. We've just announced that he is going to staple who's nipples though we're stapling your devils battle. stapler oh no name name what your name is Katy Kitty Bratty sub. You can threaten. Just say whatever anyway. They're achieve their only nine bucks scene. Get yourself some of those nine bucks and a and a five dollar red swingline and where business. Oh I got. I got the the ones that we got That we used to put it on the wall Katie. Where did you might stapler Katie to Stapler stapler your Jim Nipple? Katie in your nut sack anyway said Oh we also have a bonus plan to the perfect professional national the perfect boob tape. This stuff is supposed to be like the best shit to get your boobs like Perky perky place if you're wearing something a lo- Qatar. You won't need some cleavage economic still. You're staring right at your looking right at my chest. As you're saying that what what do you what do you do. You don't have moved cool. Adrienne Rich I swear to God okay anyway so. I'm just telling you that this stuff is like like works and you should send you the post delay. Yes called booby for the week. And if you if you ever want really want to know where she gets her hugging information from where the fake articles come from that she read steel. Say if you go to our website and find the episode you will find a link so if you're interested in Alicia she's talking about you can find out more funerals grinding officer and stuff like that Katy radio DOT com. It's it's really hard to find so fucking of called there's a Mormon missionary she. She claimed that she was sexually repressed by the church she was she was so oh so she's now a popular star. Oh well for Mormon to Horford. Yes she she got. Did she get that under Morbid. Rump Sprang up no no Mormon rummage spring to have something like that they go out and have to go out into the world though they add. Yeah they're calling it. Oh fuck goes knock on your door conditions. Yeah right pedal around. I don't know what do I look like. Do I look like I have a lot of Mormon friends. I don't know I don't know either. I don't ask the Nice though I don't doc see religion. Anyway we'll add andrus. That's her name. She quickly rose to the top of the Puerto World Ores. She's recently named Penthouse pet of the month. Anthony is still around but this idea check. This article was legit and very recent seemed real ish. She's she's thirty. What I translate to you guys? It looked officially and it was from a source. It really doesn't have to too many lying stories not too bad anyway. She said there's several this fucking music the I.. Here anyway. There's several similarities to being a missionary adult film stars said but she didn't really go into web and but but she did say that the church She didn't stay the church very long and she.

00:55:03 - 00:58:18

She did have sex with one person before becoming a mormon and she was seventeen but they said once. So you're part of the church. Premarital sex is a big fucking no bulb and there's a lot of your more heavy on the the no action on most cool fun thing but once you're married like please fuck a lot. We'll watch over. They want you to fucking multiple. Yeah they want a little mormon babies fucking tigers. Well Oh conqueror policy well that way they can feed which in the center of Salt Lake City like his gotta be like giant Queen like creature that it's the mortgage because they want to have a lot of. That's the only reason why it would be the right. Why is it that you gave birth berth? Forty two times through the blood of the innocent tally. See five kids once you have like thirteen before you went on vacation. I should say those look like they were like the ones that you would need. You know what I mean you know like when you see a Fire Day aasiya fire available. It's all fucking fucked up looking. You're not like hey load that one up barriers. Go feed him. Aw We'll have another one. Soon you get to three or four kids at the the the the queen just spit out the the fuck you feed me Jesus. Alright what you dare not to Marinate g like I mean for all we know. That's exactly what happens because we don't know I know. Oh I know I know we don't know but I know you know anyway. She didn't fuck again until she was twenty. Six Wchs was like wow and then it was like no-holds-barred literally you uncork beast. She figured out how to digital herself knows those fucking nine nine years. Oh you know what I mean and then somebody funny finally Raillard out as you said you know what I want more of this. Oh my God somebody will pay me to watch me do this tax. Yeah and surprising fix is you started out as a stripper. And then she got contacted by porn producers. She's like her family. Family still loves her but they've they've chosen not to follow her career which I can understand. Don't they like like banish you or whatever they call it In mormonism do they are still thinking. No you're still thinking of fucking amish people warminster. Don't do that no one. They don't like stop hanging out with you. If you like fall way out to event I don't really know I think sure we don't have a lot like a lot of followers of just said they probably would imagine demographics have a graphics really aren't heavy. They're probably throw you in a church in and fucking torture. You until you're better I would have picked. You would really have to wonder about somebody who has a listener listener. That was a that was really more of it. Would really you know what I'm saying. Will you know you're listening. You know what I'm saying. Can you imagine you

Expand highly inaccurate transcript