#249 – Mannequin Orgy
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Mannequin Orgy


This week!

03/23/2019 Is Katie being type cast?... Katie is the day time hooker... Gay Buddhist monk goes on a drug fueled sex binge and gets caught on film... Jiz perfume said to be made to smell just like sex, with whom we don't know... Man caught masturbating in public was spanked with serious charges... Sex addicted woman masturbates 10 times a day... Toy run with adult toys... I don't need dicks on my end table... Get these mother fucking peacocks off of this mother fucking plane... Episode of "Rule 34"... Clit sucking billboard in Canada... Things will go further up your ass.. Solo moon - honeymoon without your honey... Tits Man - Botched boob job makes tits fart... Deep voiced blood chick... Coffee with prescription dick meds inside it... Millennial woman turning lesbian at a record rate... Start the day with morning sex, it's good for you... Yoga chocolate bunnies want it doggy style... Naked mannequin orgy... Sexual bucket list.

Inaccurate Transcript!

The following program contains adult content Crasnick language of a sexual manner, completely irresponsible advise, along with some things, you'll wish you could here. If you are under the age of eighteen easily offended, or like to judge others based on their sexuality, please turn this off. For those who remain enjoy and have nice day. Because I was fucking the shit out. Everyone. Steve commute. Kiedis world in ten nine eight seven six. Katie's starts now. Are you ready? Dress socks. He wanted to play dress up. Don't you? L mode. And now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that would rather be playing with her body run here. She is your host, the one, the only kinky kitty Hello. Hello, and welcome to the show. Oh my gosh. We are coming at you live from raspberry, your live dot com. He dot com. Radio dot net's. I'm your host, Katie and rid me as always is my great fear, the producer the one and only Mr. z. What's your name? What do we what a week would a week everybody a good time? You to time. About. She's a problem is my general general prepping device. I could use. Wishing screen. So now I was using the other product of ice, and that when you have to really have a commitment to, and, and so it caused a site over proud. Yes. Over Previn Previn hard. Anyway, those of you in the know prepping me. We ain't just talking about notes unless you want to anyway, we have of you tonight with new tits man. And I got some news, I, I was cast in the next movie by sleaze barking Gatabaki film, Scooby called family snapshot, and it's not it's not one of those gory horror movies. Yeah. They can do something, non gory horror, sorta. It's like drama. No. Yeah. Try anyway, I started filming next month and also be doing more scenes Bernardi dirty nasty to as well. It'd be typecast. I'm Hooker both. I mean, I play I play a prostitute. I'm an animal an animal alien cannibal. Really, you know what? I mean really what a that's what you're kinda play. Really, let's let's let's not get ourselves here. Prostitute works Cray, actually, no, because the not a stripper. No, no. I play disturbing but it was a prostitution ever now. Okay. But you're prostituting probably. Yeah. You were prostituting I thought. Yeah. Anyway, in naughty. Do you nasty part to the one? I the the scene that I did. I'm dirty or nasty. No, I'm just not a processor, and that one girl that's that standing there looking all upset. Yes, I'm very sure okay? But I do have to get dirty nasty go. Yes. I mean, they pretty much have you pegged would sort of saying, yeah. Yeah. So if anybody wants an aging prostitute. Here you go. Fokker bookie in. Got new teeth. Oh, just it cracks me it just as well.I guess. Got a special gift from a fan today wants to say anonymous, but I also I know I think you but I'm gonna thank you again, I will take lots of pictures for you that only to see when, when it all comes in the mail, and I'm supposed to get a Friday. So I'll take pictures any his Ford that well, I guess there's only so much silence in peace that Buddhist monk can take kazaa in Taiwan Buddhist monk, that's been arrested and expelled after videos were leaked of him having sex with boyfriend and smoking pot in the inside the temple not pot meth. Okay. Well, there's nothing in Buddhism says, you know, you, you, you, you can't. I mean it's just all about the mental path well, every, there's not about, like I'm surprised they remove you as, as, as a as a monk in the ex boyfriend was the one who that released the tapes, and the twenty nine year old was the secretary general of the Chinese young, Buddhist association was a rising star in the organization and police found nineteen grams of meth pipes and a holy bottle. Holy water bottle filled with lube. Okay. So if I mean, they're gonna kick, you out get her S nineteen. There. You know what I'm saying is, is, is not like Christianity, where, where, if you develop a meth habits are looking to Sean, you, you don't get shun and they Amish country because I don't think this having sex either. Well, they, you know what I'm saying is, you know, the religions, not about, like, I don't know, just anyway, they also found condoms anal redact since a K poppers erection medication. And a shit ton of corn including his own. So he was he was gay. And he was having sex with consensual other gay men. Yeah, it was posted on a revenge site. But it's not like like he was banging kids, you know what I'm saying? Let's take a look at what happened here. Dude was having sex with consensual other people to drugs. You know, whatever friends at your point of view. Well, and the, the temple of I mean, should meet smoke having sex in tempo. Yeah. We had. We're not Christian ever anyway. Oh my God. This is at least this one isn't that isn't as gross as some of the other stories that we've talked about lately, like recently, but demo a Parisian perfume for people who want to smell, like, come. Yeah. Just perfume. But that's not all Jisr. I mean 'cause I mean let's you know they're not the same. No. But you're better idea, once I guess, the description of this stuff. I mean usually perfume has like floral notes, and like less sultry sense and musk get out the Cerksa. Whatever you're not you're busy doing something anyway. Well, this company to their perfumes once called fat election and the other one is I am trash. The perfume. It'll come as a pair. No. Well, the perfume is designed to literally smell, like sex like blood sweat semen as live. So it's most I put this with blood. In a hot room. Yeah. But here again, who sex who's lady part. It has banned part or who's lady lady, whose band man as part like, I wanted to know I wanna know wear. Any fat election. Like you're trying to make its smell obviously recreate something that you had your mind. So who the fuck was it? If it's a make sure if a bunch of mates orgy. Well, that's what I'm saying. Before I put that on me, I wanna I wanna know who does came from period. Yeah. Because they also went and they said that they want to take a radical approach to the purview field. Yes. But they could make perfume. That's mills terrible. Yeah. They currently have thirty four different sense. And one of them's called magnificent secretions of lager, it as horrifying this the smell leaves you lost between attraction and repulsion we call this one Amazon rainforest, because it smells like both of you were from different clans and the Amazon rainforest and you guys at BOS been on a thirty day soul search and hadn't washed in a year.And a you know, that that's San. We were going full ride Damas on rainforest house gonna stay Pete Mollison showed. Oh, that's. We're talking we're talking to kind of funk by, like a tribesman who really is it into doing a lot of hygiene. You know what I mean? And at e. No, I don't want that set. But I, I don't want any of the set. No, I am trash or garbage juice, or, or, or is it like you know, but I do wanna know it smells that. That's the other side of that coin is I don't want to wear it, but I wanna know what to get is with it. That's like, oh my God. This thing tastes gusting taste it. Wow. You're right. This is gross here. You usually won't what go for that. No. You anytime you called this tastes like shit. You'll give it three. I'm like fuck you I don't need to know. I'll take your word for Sanad learned not saving here. Have bite. Oh, yeah. For that reason, right there. Ruini. Okay for me. You. Fucking olive oil was weird. There was something. At at and when I ate it I oh my God. It was the like something had gone wrong. The oil like something happened to it. And it just really. Oh, man anytime I tasted olive oil, I'd have almost panic attack. What the fuck like you put olive oil is shit. Yeah. Am I always? Taste like three drops of olive oil in anything you can now and it could be the finest olive oil. And I just I taste it. And I have facs doing to me. These. Sir. Turn just though. Nucleotide. Anyway. So it's set like that fuck that. You have a rancid, musty old nuclear was from from a whole gaggle of uncircumcised ping. I know mocking to say it. But yeah, no I mean what the name of it is Meg a little little. It's we call this MAG Spag. There you go. In one one word. Reasons to not want to go near this. Decrease bread. So, you know that the, you know, there's people who are totally into it. I on you. On your other other side of the coin till, like, yeah. We sold out within five. Really turning of HUD, dirty jockstrap sock. Ma'am bear. So some of that, too. There is a man accused jerking off in public and terrorizing locals, but his lewd behaviour accused that he's been spanked with nearly forty charges and he's been weighing. It. Over the past four years. While he liked to hang around when a hey. But he liked to hang one residential area. Just in plain view and rolling out to unsuspecting Bibo, ten more charges are actually thrown on top of it for indecent. Exposure, I mean, I don't know if he was fucking a manhole cover, but. But, but, you know, mean you know, you're going to jail, I mean, you know, this, you have to yeah, you just walk up similarly. Whatever you're into, you know, you're, you're, you're deeply fuck for doing that. I mean, and I can't help it. Well, my God like what is going on there? Like, what, what made you just because we've seen people dudes mostly do really weird shit in front of people that you're like he is going to arrest you. Yep. There you go. You got arrested. Why the fuck did you just do that? I have no idea. Man. I just thought it'd be fun have urges. Do it for you. Detained now Jack. I'm worried about you.Like just turn around. You're like dude, you're dig is on my shoulder, please, remove it. Do you think this is okay? I want you to tell me exactly what point. Did you get the signal? That I'm like, yes. I want your junk on my shoulder. Fair nigga junk. No. I just, you know, it's, it's rhetorical logos. And now the top just assume you up my junk on your shoulder. Really? And now the top of my shoulder on my blouse stakes balls. Thanks great. Is that is that would that be your native American name but stink? Katie sticks. Vol's fat. Mona of checking my land. Oh my, you know, so mean. There's a two one eight year old woman and she's a sex toys up to ten times a day. She says that her addiction has made it impossible for heard find live. Yeah. No, it really would be if you, if you have to rebel out ten times a day you're spending a lot of time. Rub it out, but she said, she's she's she's been single for three years now and has spent over three thousand dollars on sex toys, and I'm like three thousand. In three years. Amateur. But it's really not a lot, especially if you if you buy the price shit, even though some of the cheap stuff will totally. Yeah. Yeah. But if you have you have this, most income, I could see Iraq and up three grand pretty quick. Do that one go, we s I could see I could see like if somebody said, I'll give you an unlimited one time purchase of any dildo. You want anywhere. This is your one shot. We're gonna do it all in one order, anything, you can find on this website, which is pretty sprawling. And has everything in the world on it eight you could find on there. You have. But you, you can you can only do this one shopping trip. I could so there as toys, Ryan. Exactly. So you're, you're really gonna gonna go for just about everything that you've ever thought you on to stick in your pussy or ass over half of it. If just I mean, just the three thousand over half city and right there, exactly. It was just one damn thing. So three thousand so it so what's up with with with three thousand dollar euro? Well, she says her diction has she's been doing it for fifteen years, I started fifteen years ago, you said she'd use anything like a toothbrush, she was shoes thirteen. So you can't really get your hands on a real dildo, and your thirteen unless you look like me when I was info she, she. If you have to have it ten times a day. I mean, you're yeah. Yeah, I can see like getting into way of doing some ships. She says that she understands that sex toys can make some men feel uncomfortable into here and they do for some stupid reason, I don't know why but they have to accept that, and, and that anything that batteries will always get the job done quicker and more efficiently. Well, see you sit tools. It is to work better for things because rituals and I think it's a cerebral you had mentioned my my body wanted in the inch. Oh, yes while you took a nap earlier today. I did enjoy good for you. Good for you. Keep dividing on your side, while again on your side because I trip over it every now and again like my end tables on my end table, I I don't need texoma anti will I. That's a reason. Dick for me. I think it's a reasonable request just hey, keep your Dicks on your end table. And if I get any decks, I'll put on on mine, but I don't have a decks. So I have a clear end table. Many. So dead everywhere. Well, I'll I keep one of my eggs onto my pillow easy access centers. Over fucking sex toys all the time. I so. That's all I ask the house. All I ask is for me, not to stumble over sex toys. Just don't stumble. To have a place to put measuring night. You know, see you can hang your towel on. One of my daughters is sexy it to the. Just hang it. There. Dick's everywhere anyway. Well, one of the guys that she was dating hurled one ever toys out of the window, because he didn't like when she using it when he wasn't home.Now did for you. But when I'm home, you can do it all you're like shit. I don't. Well, I mean, I whatever why you hate and under four girl. I don't know. She this is this is our little vibrators have now replaced, my sex life said it's the first thing I think about when I wake up, and then I do about ten times a day, I get moody when I can't or don't orgasm. And then she goes on to talk about how her toys were Russian law, and then she opened up a toy shop herself. And but you'll see all that in the clips, it's going to be. Gets posted sound clip Hollas clip e whole lows, which you could get on our website for each episode. If you wanted to wear the story where Katie gets shit from, that's right. If you care. Oh, you do. Sometimes sometimes where did you find the era? That's right. Girl site. But for those of you that keep asking, how do you get into the industry? No, I'm not answering you anymore or else. I'll just know I'll tell you be nice about it, but it's not the same as it was. How do you get it industry start making porn put it out Jesus? If you want, if you wanna know what you have to do to legally put out pornography in charge for look it up 'cause it fucking changes all the time. So look to shit up. It's, it's only a Google a very simple define. There are lots of places that will send you the paperwork that you need to give all your actresses. And the things that you need to do to stay legal, and, and, and you do those things, and you bell, the website, put your shit, our website or just join one of these, these millions or say, oh, yeah. Clips for sale or or, or whatever it is. However, you wanted to distribute your shit, you can have shit, you can put shit on fuck porn hob and you porn and ex hamster and there's a there. It's completely easy to do. Just go your way through. That's right. 'cause there's lots of steps. But the first thing is to film yourself, doing some, some case shit have an awesome camera you need your phone, but actually these days, the cameras on phones are pretty awesome to whatever that's out greening greedy. That's right. Hassi like ours. That's what people really liked about our like this. So real is. It is. Funny. Real radio show. Oh, you ever real website? I wonder about you sometimes. Like usually air travel has become the worse. I mean, not even mentioning, you know, planes, going down, which is, but just like you know, people get fucking crazy and people trying to bring like a Peacock's on is their, their comfort animals. You know what I mean? Well flight Dr Kohl, but no one wants one to clues airplane at thirty thousand feet. Just opened up his, his brothers in the back the first row every time I see peacocks, especially when they're places where like, everybody knows the neighborhood peacock like most said, he's an asshole, like, he's, he's coming over to fuck with you, because you're in his shit. And he what you know, I want him in a pan in a plane. That's what I'm saying for, for my understanding, a lot of peacocks could be assholes. Okay. Could be fun place. Sooner take off, and then someone will grab it by the neck and be snap. Did you get like, like set are heard of chickens on them? You know what I mean? So now, you want a peacock, who's an asshole and a herd of chickens in the air. Thousand feature. Really? See your free gotta have something for the stakes. Steed. You know what I mean? Because they fuck with you. So you give them other things to fuck with. And then you're fine. Nick's mother complain. Okay. That's one way to put it anyway. Flood attendants. They kind of tried they try they really do. They tried to do the best they can to make comfortable as possible. We want to take your pet with you wherever, and you don't want to check them in under the plane, cool. But this is not this is not about, you know, the anyway this is about dude who.He caused a lot of issues with this with this poor flight attendant. Okay. Are you gonna tell me what issues? Well, I mean he, he was he was a rather large passenger, and he took three of the seats, okay because he wanted to be comfortable, right? And it was on a flight from. L. A taipei. Okay. And the flight attendant accused him of sexual harassment and criticize the airline for its lack of support after the passenger forced her to help him in the bathroom. Oh, but the no, the guy wasn't wheelchair so malicious say, okay. And he and he needed help to the bathroom, and he said he had an injured arm. That's where it started. So he demanded that he's the first class bathroom because he said he didn't fit in the other one. Okay. All right. Well, then he's demanded that they help him with his underwear. Okay. Well, there was no men on the flight crew. So it was only women and be nasty the whole time. I mean, I, I think if you need assistance, you need to kind of. That's right. Like do something, but she tried to cover with the blanket, you know, but he smacked it away from her and said that, that, you know, he didn't want it and he demanded that the door be left open because he said, he couldn't breathe. All right. Let me sitting there, splayed open, taking shit traveled to, in the first class thing, and just wide open. Wow. Oh well, you know, well then he's threatened kit. Threatened this chin on the floor, if the woman didn't wipe his ass again, read good timid bring his stick. Well. This is supposed to do this Kate. I can't reach it, man. His wave God Dale other passengers said that the man started moaning in pleasure. Oh, he was saying, oh, Deavere Deaver and accused the chief attendant of not properly cleaning his backside and requesting her to do it again. That's yeah. It again still thirty dilatory boy. Whatever in and it would suck if the guy actually, you know, on the flip side, if he really just did need help, and he was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. But I'm just saying if you think you're going to need help Judy you better figure this shit up before you go. Right. Don't just put it on other people that's that's, that's fucked up. By you know we can't that airplanes are small. I know like what I what I go on an airplane. I have to like, have the window seat because I turned sideways because by my show like if I sit straight forward ahead. My shoulders are in the, you know, I'm halfway in the seat next to me. I have to turn fuck. It's ways. I don't know how people have sex in the math on airplanes. I really well well we didn't a seat. Go to the bathroom. I think we're going to take a episode of rule thirty four. And when we come back, we're gonna have a brand new tits man. And we're going to also have a very interesting billboard that I goal. So stick around. We'll be right back. Very shortly. Time full of tasty and refreshing snack. Has ever and she's ready to confess his soft and sweet is it may be her beaver is a mess. Brand is the big Renan's beavers Harry, every guy who seen it says that. Brenda's beavers scary. Oh boy. Brenda took a beaver for swim down at the lake by the looks, she received she figured that was a mistake. He stuff that free mound into a swimming suit and it stuck at all round. It was anything, but cute some who sought laughed. Others were just stunned beaver. Be hanging out soaking up the sun. Her friends could not believe her, and they ask we need to talk that covered up her beaver, and walk Brinda Jerry, listen, here, we wanna help you out your beaver needs a makeover. It really needs it now, I hope we don't seem pushy, biker friend named Kim fever is to bushy, and we think it needs to trim the van of builder beaver back to show up what she'd done a nice long landing patch. It looks like it'd be a lot of fun. Chris. Beaver is Claire could be worth a million hers bear. It has no hair beaver is Brazilian. Letter be releasing nothing to it. Got some clippers and can of mousse. We'll tell you how to do it can produce them scissors, Chrissy heads wax. Now, the Brenda had to do with sit back relax as it came towards her piva.They should still be scary. We're going to see what's underneath that frumpy pile hair ended in minutes. It ended in minutes. Leave her much brenda's friends finished her her at her beaver blessed fever was tiny thick enough believe there is it was a smooth and it was, shiny. It was hard to recognize now brenda's. So proud it seems like every time we see her. She's in the center of the crowd showing off her beaver. No on with the show. The. World Rasma, do live dot com. Katie radio dot com. Radio dot mad, you give me on Twitter at kinky, Katie radio Facebook Gatorade. Com. Funds CB had. Head when you first on my. All right. TJ. Stay. Steinke snakes. 'cause I'm thirty bucks. That's right. Facemask MAs night. Well, no. I the baby. Foreskin facials. I wear the, the, the sack I'm ASO I can sleep in helps especially if I put in the freezer colds, I have little shrunk in ones, and then they moult raise against wermer relaxed. I have no idea. God. On Prem in the break you were too. So I didn't wanna hear it. No, that's completely rumor there's a there's a billboard in Canada. That I think is pretty pretty awesome. It's a billboard for the womanizer. And if you guys don't know the womanizer days, it's, it's a clicker. It's a motorist club sucker at it. Just as scream your own name God. Go to pick cherry dot CA Canada's Taylor, soccer is because sicker, and they have a couple of different models. And they're there, I want, I do you want to blow up that Clint fuck. Yes sucked. You're going to ruin your nerve endings. To slop it all anymore. It's a pig blood blister. Now pump the blister pump, the blister broken. Good. Now you're gonna have your own accidental. E R starry is what's going to. I'm surprised you haven't Kevin TLC. I'm really surprised that, that you have not had a I had a very close, call the plane what stuck where? Really surprised? I haven't. Yeah. You know. Yeah, no no things getting stuck. We did lose that little vibrator for a little bit lost the for a little while. I was in your hours at your badge. So really it wasn't calling anywhere. I mean, like it's, it's only gonna go so far your ad turn. You know what I mean? And if you know. I'm just saying it's not like you know, in the ass step ticket end up in your fucking esophagus by tomorrow. You know, like you don't know where that things going. Go. Way way north. Let me wings. Never go back to. Oh my God. You know, people are doing now, which I think is totally fucking weird. It's called solo moon. Okay. It's a new trend newlyweds are spending their honeymoon away from each other. Okay. Well, you know, I could see. Put the fuck vertu Virk. Very diff. Well, I mean, I have the rest of my life to spend with you. Why should I start it off with spending it with you? I mean why do we have to? I mean that's, like that's like instead of just just diving into walking into the full, let's let's just walk into the pool.Here's separate pools. I you know, we could share a pool of actually, I guess, I guess if people have been living either ready for a long time. Now like fuck vacation time. We got married. Or I don't know. It just sounds really odd to me. Does it reduce? Oh, no. Are. Oh, no. Our wedding night. We're both getting on the planes, it, hopefully. Yeah, I mean, you know, it's, it's it is it does seem pretty counterproductive to what you want. And I, I mean, the whole we, we've known lots of couples over the years of down alone vacations. Yeah. And it seems kind of weird. But what we talked to them. They, they love it. They don't know if they're like having, like broke pack experiences both of them, you know what I mean. You don't know. And I know that if you people we've talked to it always like, like came up. Do you think he's doing doing like approach back with his buddy from when he grew up? And this is the one time of year, they meet up, and she's doing the same thing. And little do they know that they're both gay living with gay people who are in love with log, you know, maybe on the outside. They're they're awesome. But really behind closed doors. They, they hate each other. So they're like, I did have break from. Yeah. Could you imagine going like the, the adventure of going to, like Tokyo alone, would be pretty shocking? It'd be like here, you go kids, see later figured out. I mean. There. I just go. Visit my parents for. And you don't wanna do that anyway. So but that's not really vacation. No, no. I don't know. It's just weird. It is weird to me, too. I don't know. So let's go to your favorites. Got. Why do you gotta spring like? Let me wink fucking let me boobs on the news. Hit. Yeah. Jobs are not new, unfortunately, but this is a weird case, this X model who's also super pretty I might add, her name is Emily Nolan and she got her tits done when she was twenty three she went from a thirty six to thirty six devil deem to make her boyfriend happy. She said that, while actually he's hold her that a real woman has kids seem stories. It's the beginning of time. Well, unfortunately, under one of her giant is breasts had a whole that never healed and every time would raise her arms, it would make a forty noise you would have. No suction funny, f- f- at beta squeaky toy. That's all. Squeaky toy there. It's a it's a dog toy around on the road. So squishy. Well, she had she got really embarrassed about it. And then she, she took him out, after a while after she man to new guy dumped the fucking grew from an app tits. Who cares about the farts but he really Bishop by that, too? Anyway, we'll want you took him out the fart stopped. So. Boop stuff. That's right. What exactly was doing that whole underneath the air was getting trapped up inside every lift your arm like the skin would stretch, it would suck in air. Farted out. Yeah. There's pictures of it on kit that fixed. Why? Why you think you'd think hey, there's woundr might Ted if and she has this man had this for ten years awards, he issue. A warranty issue through shoe moves. Blewett titi. Literally, I put it in. Could old teddy. To buy can make a bigger cages daytime Hooker, Carson. I could take it all. Too stupid questions or your money at me. Yeah, you got beat up with that deep voice check that we watch the documentary. Hooley katie. He doesn't blink very intense. I forget what it is. Good documentary HBO about the check who faked a blood test machine became a billionaire. Yeah. She's nineteen. Yeah. It was all like never worked. Yeah. Anyway, anyway. Well, there's a there's cut a really deep voice disturbingly.Yes. There's, there's a brand of coffee that being recalled from shelves in the US for containing a Viagra like ingredient. Yeah. The, the brand is called new. All right. Get ready for this new. Genta traditional natural herbs coffee swear at this stuff what we can get it online. Actually, why, why, why are why have not you ordered this, rust, we have to know 'cause we that one time we found the, the, the herbal like they were just they were just remaking fucking Cialis. Putting it out over the counter like it was orange herbal thing. And it really wasn't no no. And a lot of trouble. I've bought a bunch before. Intolerant. Sticks take Ulis every once in a while, you could still find them like after that at some gas stations like Buddhism, should you could find him. You're like oh, God him. He's just like. No one of those because I've taken, I took them to. And I was like. The Clintons, but because the very heavy. Yeah. Anyway. Well, the what they're saying is the main problem is that it can fuck with Stephanie can fuck with some of the prescription medications that you're taking like. SEO's or whatever like Agra, but on you can still buy it. And the owner of the company doesn't. He's like, I don't see what the is all about. No. And they sell them t-, but overseas they sell it on the streets like, Starbucks fucking everywhere in this actually do this in several countries to, but the FDA here, says it's incorrectly labeled, and it's also get allergens in it, and it says, it's an herbal supplement and it's not. So if you want to know what it would be. A herbal supplement early fucking hard on thing as well. It's all about some out researcher will because they're like, don't buy. ED meds over overseas and herbal coffee because people love coffee. No, you need to spend your money on drugs. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. It's what it is. That's exactly what well who knows what facts they has ever. You know, we're spin. Ever been there. They're saying now that women, Katie. Oh, really? Have you had? Red says, hey, you shouldn't have this hail. I want to check that. Say that about weed for years now lection have the sets I we want Boehner coffee. I found out you were lying you full shit pod. What else? That's completely subjective, right there you can't put that in everybody. I don't take everybody's going to agree with you, Katie don't serve that in prison. No. This is there's this trend. That's now, they're saying that women over thirty or leaving their husbands or boyfriends for other women. Just say I'm sick his I o on it any more. I'm just but ever amount. Yeah, that's right. People going home. So, but that's, that's like the older millennials the older Baleno swimming over thirty what about them out? What are we talking leaving men and? Oh my God. You're going on leaving their husbands for checks. Are they for sexist speech, the women? And now you know, I I can't say I blame them their heels, and, you know, no, no, no, but not all of them, but just like let's say over thirty okay. Well. Think about it there with millennial men. You know, I could see one train TRAN transition over to female. I could sit. You know what I mean frost enough, you could be Joe? Hey, and speaking fees K, or I don't really know. He's very effeminate though metro does big makeup, some better than Tourelles. Tourelles my girlfriend's a lot more Paschal that he has. I kinda like him Butch, and he's just not really doesn't have an eye way not ever. But talking about going back to that, that Boehner coffee. There's their benefits of morning, sex visits. Good. Definitely help you with that little breakfast in bed hasn't coffee in a piece path. Get some of that.Or if you like cake. Well, it says you're gonna feel more connected to your partner with you in the morning. They said, there's so much stress that relationships have just like with the way that, like busy schedules are both, but hopefully good bed together, or at least wake up together, or laying next to each other. It's point early. Gotta go. Okay. Honey, see after the honeymoon. Maybe her year anniversary week, we can actually spend the night together. Transition. Why transition baby steps pump those breaks? That's as you'll start the day with a burst of good hormones, corey's fucking got endorphins point your brains out morning sex is quote win to light workout. Yeah, it depends on how and how Jack ravioli, you are whatever. Because. That's right. Yeah. I mean, does it because this morning, sex doesn't mean it has to be like he selects Sunday morning. There. Get the fuck up that kind of morning sags. Yeah. Then you hop in the shower like did do Pitt's. Breakfast seems like an appropriate style. I say mornings what you're saying. Something is gonna get you super super sweaty. Like then you take a shower. I know what I'm just saying something that strenuous as you're waking up. That's why you got the coffee Stronach bul copy. Yeah. And that will, you know, you get your Gatorade on the side of the bed. So afterwards. Get yourself going again. Right. If they know you just flip flopped, what do you mean? You say the other the opposite just a second ago. Hey, you're saying you don't have to be all like bang MAG MAG Maggie? First morning. Yeah. I said, you have to be like easy, like Sunday morning or bang, bang. It doesn't matter. You can do either one. Okay, look back to the tape, you'll gills here. Here, you will probably remember, I won't that's the best part, your buddies, actually primed for morning, sex to see now that your hormone levels are like Brad IRS pushing against your, your easer, cavity clitoral hood. That's if you don't pee you start having sex. Yeah. Actually, you're not good for you. It's really not. And we kinda talked about this, but. You can you can have really good orgasm. Bladder. You have noticed that if you have a full bladder pressure in the right area does, and it doesn't take that long it like swell when you're not exciting. I feel Audi more. Great. And that's why it says Moore exacts audited, better scientific study or anything. No, I'm talking about. Having your bladder, full and enjoy more, like I don't know if that's a scientific study, but that is something that you have noticed for sure. Yes. Okay. I have witnessed it. I'm just pointing this out to other people because they could go Katie. When I do a full bladder. I just I have to be, and I can't think about anything about s-, but be in USA then. Let it flow that if flow. Say you can score. No, I don't know. Let's go on presidential with this one. Morning Sexton litter glow. Yeah, because you're all happy Segi sexy morning sex. Relieve stress levels in the shit. So that's giving head and remember that, that second dick does relieve stress and depression. No really women. So now I mean it goes on to say how to make morning sex happen. But here's an a summit up really quickly. Stig in? That's one of maybe a little finger work to get her awake or in the mood or in your in someone else's case, not ours, because that's now you can initiate it, but I fi-, then I yelled out because. Very easily, and I don't want to dig, and sit when you and biting your Joe. I know nobody wants that go. Let's no fun boy. No. Yeah. It's not good for anybody. See you basically. So what you're saying, as you get out the box you lube up the box us take your pants in the box or in the ass whichever you're doing. That's right. Okay. Yes, that's very civil it is very simple. 'cause I love just having just dreaming that I'm bucket. It's really good. And then you wake road. This is really happening. You're like, yeah. Then it's like almost instantaneous. Yeah.Sundays. Move one of the cats out of the way for you. Give like a cat farm now idea cat lady you officially are crazy cat lady just so everybody knows I can't hope it. I don't know what to do. They love really do. You look over and there's three cats just one on her shoulder one at her feet the other on her lap tests. Yes. One of my head fucking in the bedroom, or the couch cats everywhere. I know anyway, there's a supermarket. They're selling chocolate, not to kinda hair them. I was looking for, and they're all boys. This is. Well, that, that is kind of interesting away. You know, you have you have part of your your, your name is you have a few Unix, and they're like to serve wine and shit like that. You know what I mean? No, no, no, no. New people. On from history of the world, right? Oh my goodness that. Old. That's what it is old. Movie minutes. Awesome. Well, there's like a saying there's a supermarket. It's on his chocolate bunnies, for Easter, the code yoga bunnies. But the position that there isn't down or dog and lucite like they're all like bang me. They're all like fuck me bunny book. People, and it's causing a commotion because that's exactly what it looks like. I mean it is face down as up the rival elbows with its little. But in the air. Yes, baby here, buddy. I like it. It's completely intentional. Of course it is completely tension because now there won't be a question of. Do you are you an ear biter? I or an ass biter. It's like no bits ads. I usually go to foot. Yeah. Guy foot or early. Ear the things pointing out depends on the bunny. That's right. These pointing out the only point out nears bugging Asan the air. Yeah, I gotta go for the ass Nick mytalk talkative bunny hole. Always go asked them off. Never. That's right. You heard the thing bad advice. Remember that? Yours is thing. Do it heard it. Are you fast forward through head whatever he's away? No matter what you do, or don't do as actually nothing to do with me. He would've I tell you to do said thing, that's me. If you choose not to choose, you still made a choice, either way you should fucking film it. That's where the crime is here. I mean yeah. There is there is a guy he hosted a naked mannequin party to his neighbors who complained about his fence height. He put a event that I mean it's, it's pretty short late. It's maybe waist level. Keep the rabbits out man. Santa rabbit, rob them a lot of ravaged you. See where Ravitz are doing these days or walking around with their asses in the air little, and he saw that shit. And he knew he had to keep the fucker RAB out his yard. He got a Christian yard. Oh, it's just putting exile goddamn yard way. He he's got naked mannequins, sitting around his patio table. Okay. Stripping on top of the table. Okay. But it's visible to anybody, and everybody. Well, so it's his art. I mean like you know what I mean? Yeah, it's just plucking. Fucking art. Like how can you say that? That's any better than see. Michelangelo's fucking Dong on David or you know what? I mean seeing a sculpture of what to fuck is the difference. You can't tell me, well kits you don't want you awhile, your kids seeing it you fucking. Tell your kids stay away from. A museum over to your house, just saying it could be a whole lot worse. It could be. I mean and and really but still you're gonna put a fucking fence up. That's only waist high. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Waist high dumb. What house? Anybody gonna see your art? If you have a tall fence, Katie. And then when you put that of how are you going to keep anybody from, like, just walking into your yard, you on at least make them step over something? Maybe you don't like the LP's living down the street and you don't want them.See my God. What thorough peas they're smaller. You can make smaller fence kit. Just stuff why it's I'm not the one that built a little fence to keep LV's from fucking over the top. Oh my God. That guy that pervert puts out two naked dolls sexual possessions. What, what, what? Have you ever thought about your sexual bucket list? Okay. Sure. I so is that a? No or. Yes. I haven't given much thought. I mean, I yeah. I think that maybe I'll return to porn when I'm in my eighties for the hell of it can old. What do I care by? It was once once I figured out all things are possible. Like if you wanted to you could find somebody to do what you wanted to your matter what it is. But here's the thing is like I really feel I mean, I know I'm not the average person because this is absolutely ridiculous for people sexual bucket list on, especially like in the Americas. Because I've read a bunch of surveys of seen a bunch of shit like over. What do you want, like the main shit is sexy car or in the water and a huge percent wanted to use a sex toy nine close after that was anal and a one night stand. Wow. And you got to ever come on. You forget that there's a whole swath of of, of the country. That is very religious. They're very like, not like we don't know because we don't like people who aren't like us. Don't really hang around us so much. Kind of designed it that way, so immediately. They're like now I gotta go the other way like they don't you know. Yes. So, like we people like that. Don't really hang around us at all. So we don't realize how many people that are out there that are seriously, just, that's the way they are with Saxon that we start talking to them. Terrified or their aroused her both confused definitely both. Well. So you, you, you, you, you don't even know what, what will retire about what's going on here sexual bucket list. They wanna do for us a sex toy. It's, hey, it's Chievo I mean, that's, that's almost like your fucking, Matt Lauer, and Brian hollered. It's like you're you're you're fucking celebrity list of people to do is doable. You know, that's kind of, like, like, you know, wanting to just use the sex toy. There's a chance that those could happen. You are historically, least you would take there would be more of a chance. And, and without knowing either one of those two, I'm just saying, I'm banging Bradley Cooper. Lady Gaga Stu in that. Anyway, they were gonna get out of here for the week, quitter. I'm not a quitter. It's time to go. Hello. It's time to say goodbye gonna get sued. You can't sing the songs they come. They come down hard hard. They fuck it come down hard. They do you use it. You use a mouse inappropriately, and that's it. Who? There will. There's a Dr right there money were out here for the night, the week for the whatever you'll get this, yet, this people that aren't listening. So, yeah. Okay. I have got to go, so kiss. But he does.
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