#250 – Vintage Porn
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Vintage Porn


This week!

03/30/2019 You are on drugs stupid... Sex on drugs... The run a way who had too much... Why you should use CBD infused lube... Gay men know their lube... Spider attacks man's dick inside port o potty... Billionaire tries to get a bigger dick and dies for it... Human skin leather... Episode of "Rule 34"... Tits Man - some stuff about tits or boobs... Vintage porn and sex... Which part of a pussy do you lick... Have a cake with your testicle pain... Denim panties... Turtle found inside woman's pussy... Food does not belong inside a pussy... Beer snobs... Testicle festival, the place for nuts... Things to put into your orgasm rotation... Clit sucker wanted... Live sex show to prove your love... Quitter.

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Inaccurate Transcript!

The following program contains adult content Crasnick language of sexual manner completely irresponsible advise, along with some things, you'll wish you could hear. If you are under the age of eighteen easily offended, or like to judge others based on their sexuality, please turn us off, for those who remain in joy and have a nice day. Because I was fucking the shit out. This place over here as a crash has so such on seriously gonna sit one in five, your and your coochie will want to eat it will be like, for matab coming out of his coochie sheltie, the crab katie's world in ten nine eight seven six. Three katie's needs starts now. Are you ready? You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you? On elmo. And now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that sometimes doesn't gate, the fucking sauce. She asked for. Your host the one, the only kinky Katie. To the show. I'm rose, can Katie with me as everybody's favorite goes and my favorite frescoed, fuck toy Mr.. What's going on? Yep. We are coming at you live from residue live dot com, K radio dot com and radio. Yes. Breath for minute. The dairy in the cough is kind of closing up throat. Lactose lactone, though. Oh. Crack turns show too. Okay, close. Anyway, busy weekend for me. And for the next month, actually, lots lots going on. SEI will be at the premiere of the heartbreak killer tomorrow night. And if you guys want to meet us see the movie. If you're listening live. And still get tickets. Tomorrow. Check my, my Facebook page boy, the address inside. Starts at five on Sunday. Anyway, we'll tell you some tips on have an orgasm every time buck according to this article they gotta town. Yes. Definitely be careful of spiders, because, but I'll get into that a little later though. Oh my goodness. There's a podcast related column. It's about it's my first time. Okay. Well, you know, kind of started out as people were starting to post stories of the first time they FOX and stuff like that. Okay. But. No other people like my first time playing with the sex soy or my first time bubble blah. Okay. Well, one of the episodes was about sex drugs. All right. And she was like on x and she's like it made me feel like I was in love. Stupid. You took drugs. That's why they. Yeah. Okay. She said, if you didn't know, well, people who have done anything with me, if they know if they come up to these. I have I can't put a sentence together. I can't hold a thought for more than six you took hard drugs, stupid. What? What did you think was gonna happen? Shut up pretty light here. Cheeses, suck up balloon why God you eight? We didn't we. Have you been in who's been feeding? You corn. To know where that comes from, I don't think we're ever gonna know either. It was somebody had a tattoo. Yeah. Touches shows, where we're where where were you at who fed you corn? Yeah. Who's been where have you been? And who's been feeding you corn? I tell cat up. But I have to know I made it like dog shit. Maybe. Where did you go feeding? You know what that could be it? The dog.That's exactly what it is. My God had to pithy. I know what a dumped add to means. What are you bed, and who's been feeding or your cat either way? Yeah. Some pet and who's been feeding you cord. Anyway. Good. So social saying she serves. Oh, just felt so intense like such an intense emotional connection. Yeah. Ecstasy, but not. But I mean not all sexual encounters are gonna be fucking awesome. But you could try combo ecstasy hit acid that works really good just acid works really good for me. I don't know about anybody else, but, but, but it's. Yeah. Mostly acid free. Yeah. The more fucked up to better. Yeah. Is unable to St. senses together. He's ready. He's ready Brennaman. But then you're like super hard forever. Let's go. I cannot take any more fucking pounding. My pussy is so swollen. And so right now it is done. Okay, but by by my math math mathematics, my maths as. What's up with that? They don't say mathematics, they say man maths that's how they say mathematics, and it's, it's the proper way of saying it. Anyway, by my mouse use still have two other fuck it holes that are perfect. Those are aren't word out talking about those pristine. I know which one we gotta go to first and that one's last fine. Wear. I wore out one whole I get a shot at the other two. All three out yet, but it's also fun on acid because with the beard now your face does some crazy shit when you're close like that. Right in my face. It's like. Exactly. Oh, my by sasquatch. Pretty rogers. Okay. Kenny Rogers now. He scares hell. I'm talking about when he was when he wasn't scary. Yeah. Okay. I don't know why that was scary now. Okay. When he was in a chicken making days. Really? He wasn't so bad what you're saying. Right. That's that's, that's what I'm taking umbrage with. I will tell you, too, when you're all fucked up. I don't know what it is. But I, I like to be fingered. Yeah. You two very well like very, very well, yeah. Well. Acid has a way of turning off my, my by like I'm turning off my, my defenses to connect to other people like I will intensely can act to able, but like when I'm not fucked up. I'm not into connecting with people because that's just who I am. You know what I mean? I mean, I've had I've had some of my most intense sex ever, certainly fucked up certainly, on friend of ours, couch. Sure. Yeah. Sure. That's still sticks out. That is. The look on that poor runaways things. Surely wasn't around away. But Frater I didn't. And she was over eighteen. I checked I, I know because you didn't believe her. Nope. Nope. I really did feel like fear and Lowes and pick it up on the side of the road for me, and my buddy. Yeah. Because we my buddy, just leads some nineteen year old girl, and we're all going to hang out and fourth of July. You know, you got a fistful acid. We're all gonna eat it up and how good time for the fourth at at another friend's house that we're, we're house sitting. So the four was are loaded the house. She had never eaten LSD before. And the two of us me and my body. I have a quite a bit of it allegedly, theoretically, and an Katie has eaten a bunch of it as well.The three of us. Maybe we're not the proper people because, you know, if he's ever owns this girl's versus time. Yeah. And shade. She was our solution to anytime. You're having a bad time. Have another one. What are you doing? You have to eat another one, so we, we get. And we're we're the three of us are thirties and forties, and she's nineteen so horrible. Yeah. We, we got so fucked up being Katie. Just where banging everywhere. I mean we. Everywhere we went we were banging and every time she she we would not stop. Well, why would be really I don't I don't know. Why? And her face was priceless. Really? Yeah. One point he led her out of the bedroom. Ed stir. They're like this is. You look at it. Moral. A good time at all. New. What you do. Oh, no. But we had really good sacks. Yeah. Yes. So the moral is story is. No. But make sure you're protected though, unless it was. So people aren't equipped for for hard psychedelics like that. I mean it's true in, and if you're a person thinks you have a problem with it, don't you know now, but, but really travel body. Yes. Because, you know, you, you won't be able to put together thought you won't be able to concentrate on anything for any more than like a second half and even then you're not concentrating things get weird. They get weird. But it's okay I love I love getting hooked on a on a enemies series. Makes sense. Now. I never got that part. The only one. Well there because there's weird weird Easter shit and fuck it anime. That's why. In your fucked up rain like attach is to the similar things that you don't really I recant anyway. So it's a major mean of six of the animated characters the ones like actually couple that were currently watching, and I say, I can hear this picture, and it's very loud. It was yelling. Gordon. I like it. Now have to have it. Jesus fucking Christ. I like I don't know why anyway. Whatever anyway, doesn't have to make sense to people. Oh. Would you like right? Here's reasons why you should use infuse lube does. It's going to elevate your sex life. It's like no that C D C what to do. What to do? Why CBD oil because keep your stature getting inflame during LSD feel fuck. Fast. Get yourself. Yeah. You get all horned up when it comes to it, and Howard a half into it. You're done. That's it. I know please. No sisters, stop this. You woke up God damn it you woke up. God damn. Now you gotta deal with it. Please call a friend. You fuck it. Caller. Fred. What do you do? So hold you off for a little while. Maybe God damn annoying all the time. Skin off? Stop it. Sam bieber. All right. So the says that you're not going to get a high from it, but you're gonna feel relaxed. Kinda like. I would say, well, yeah, because it's CBD's. Not really. I don't I don't I don't really understand. I don't think that CB has any like effects on your metal state at all. I don't not that I know of I really don't know bog because he's also saying that it's going to actually make you feel good to give you a warm glow.All right. Maybe that's what it does that. I don't know. It also says it releases it relieves stress. I'm used as your orgasm harder than you thought you ever could. Well now. From the bankers of CBD lube. Exciting article about CBD lube kill work for you. Yeah. Oh stuff. Looks like pre come. Yeah. It really does. Nobody Louvre such a an individualistic thing. You know you know what I mean? Like one snatch doesn't like one lube. And then other snatch loves it. Yeah. They are they also asked her hand. It's FIS whatever Waddell, knees, would it whenever you got going, what neck magic? Ear canal or you you'd. What are the ones that they recommend you using his called knob polish? Fairly. No. I like it kind of not really. It's from Jack. I guess it's some due to makes it I don't know. Do I trusted name? Jack is called. Knob, polish in do dudes don't seem to matter mind. Whatever they jerk off with it seems to me like, like dudes are just give me some lotion. Gimme some fucking dish soap carry some spit. You know what I mean would ever like for, for the most part? Yeah. You don't really run into any people game. And yes, K men, you will, if they, they will tell you what their favorite lube is they know it, they know if it's an oil, they know exactly what it is that they like, because they use more lube than straight men. I love silicone. Dell 'cause Terry out a lot of people like to silicone fucking awesome at very thin less viscous. But also, I mean, people have been using the beginning to the, the coconut oil because it doesn't like it actually protects from bacteria. Yeah. A lot more cars. I'm like really is. We should try it. Maybe. Well, every time I get out of the shower. That's why I have it in the bathroom. I have coconut organic coconut oil. Yeah. The peer stuff Schiff free range, and I, yes, we're good at zero good deal. They taste better when they're when they're allowed to run free. Oh, yeah. Anyway. So every time I gotta the shower, I always put a little, I rebel, but. Little dollop up up to curtains, keep it all saw. Yeah. Utter Naser curtains are over the curtains. What's going on up there bit aided eight it or just partially around? Around and around the outside actual penetration penetration partial shove it up inside get, you know, get you. But if you use it for lube though, you know it can go up inside. Well, that's that would be the point of using it as lubrication. That would be God better of that shit everywhere. Fucking. Sounded. She says, so there's okay a stray area. It's kind of known for animals that can kill you. Like there's everything's like deadly out there. Like even like the little fucking cutest, little fuzzy things like. God you. But this twenty one year old was bitten, not once but twice on his dick by venomous spider. Venomous defendants puss. No was a spider, not a of polar. Okay. Well, anyway, twice. He was using a porta potty and he got bit on the dick almost exact same spy. Yes. He. I don't know what you do in a situation like that. Now he's like he said he was sitting on the toilet. He felt a sting and then he couldn't he couldn't believe it happened again. Yeah. Obviously, that's why he should've killed that fucking spider again with that spider. He was an easy fuck and target one. Oh, look that's bad. Told that motherfucker to get out of here. Do you put your dick in my glory hole? Guess what happens? Definitely don't know where you've been or who's been feeding you cord. Awful. There's a story not too long ago about a billionaire diamond traitor. Does our diamonds die? Die, which. Favorite cut a person, he recently died during penis enlargement surgery. Oh I feel bad for him.I know. And the was sixty five years old, why the fuck would you even want to bigger dig six beggar, Jack just billionaires could afford to take a shot at it? You know what I mean? The. Blick African American Katie. What it's horrible there. Nurture notoriously lar-. Are they now? I've always heard okay. Yeah. You just you this lump people together like that. And I will. Okay. Okay. Just a dollop. Gotcha. All right. Yeah. Are on the same page. So anyway, who cares billionaire dies. Anyway, it was a billionaire. Yeah wish death. But let's face it failures is why trying to get a bigger kind of funny. So yeah, but he mean because he got what he deserved, I think because he was they say what he really deserves it. But I'm just saying no he was shady guy in the diamond field. Like he did some fucked up stuff came back around. Yeah. He had a massive heart attack. Now, quota quote. Shot him up with windex. Was on the operating tail, you know what I mean? So we didn't even have your dick somebody that like died in his blood diamond line up mines. You know what I mean? Lord guys really mad about some windex. Know what is the? No, make you sleepy here. Technology Gatorade, no electrolyte. No. He ever seen that movie with the guy from Alabama middle. You know that show. Talk show. The venom thing. Eddie new Nieto's flex. Gob. There's a company out of the UK that's using donated skin from corpses to create natural leather. Oh, cool. God, do you have to, like, no, you, you almost do have to say it's okay for him to do that. They don't allow you to trade in human fucking flesh. They he'll regal. No, it's not. Actually, I'm somebody has to like there's no way they let you do that. They say that they, they are absolutely adamant. They sure the buyers. The process is completely legal okay in white country. It's over in the UK in new we. I don't know what's legal over there. See here just saying, like people have a shrunken head. That's a real shrug. It had. That's a fucking antique take they're not. You're not allowed to like buy it, and it's, it's a pain in the ass, like read stuff worse than that, because it's a human body part like, if they let you by. And sell Huma. Body parts people would be harvesting fucking humans to make couches in fucking, and they try to like, put that on the Khyber. She noted Mead like yeah. Well, they say they get their their their donations. They get the consents shit before they die, obviously for free range free range, and you can't just say amusement, grandma. I wanna make a rug she's dead. Now what we have a problem with that. Like, what if we told the vegan, hey, this was skinned from a man who hunted water buffaloes entire life? He was a murderer. He was a whale hunter. He hunted whale. Do you wanna sleep on his carcass? Into a pill. I wonder if, if somebody like a hard core hard core dreadlock wearing pita member would would jam on that. You know what I mean, in skin from away, ler and says that it makes the smoothest softest leather on earth? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I can't, you know, it sounds cool and all, but I you know, I just I just doubt that I don't know you. I don't know that you're telling me, you God fucking authorization for it, but I don't wanna like lay out of murder blanket. That's okay. I don't want to have any part of that, like, why don't you murder people just could take that somewhere else? I don't need human skin, which is kinda creepy just like crawled up at night and you're just like on your leather fucking Kashmir rug. They made like suede. He was a large man. I gotta do. She'll rolling. Your girl. For. Oh my God, we're going to.We're gonna go to of rule. Thirty four come back. It's man and another grossing you can smell like and somewhere fun stuff. So sick around. Yum. It's time for a tasty and refreshing snack. And I got news, I, I was cast in the next movie I gave my best to be called family Snapchat, and it's not it's not one of those gray horror movies. Really? Yeah. They, they can do something not gory. Hor- I sorta drama. No. Yeah. I started filming next month and also do more scenes Bernardi dirty nasty as well. It'd be typecast. I'm a Hooker. I mean I play I play prosecutors an animal, an animal, an alien cannibal. Really, you know what? I mean really what a that's what you're gonna play. Really? Let's let's, let's not get ourselves here. Prostitute works Cray, actually, no. Because if not, not, not a stripper. No nowhere. I played well, but it was a prostitute. Shiver. No. Okay, but you're prostituting. We'll probably. Yeah. You were doing in fuck out. Yeah. Anyway, but not ask gate, part to the one. I the scene. I did dirty or NASDAQ now just not in that one. Girl that's standing there looking upset. Sure. Not arrested. Yes. I'm very Cheryl. But I do have to get dirty nasty. Yes. So that they have your bag would. Yeah. So if anybody wants aging prostitute. Gave you the data over again. No on with the show. This is the parasol. I think so. You never know. Funny. This is not your regular irregular Goto. We play Spock before. For his before. Welcome back kiddies world on vk radio dot com, razz radio live dot com. You can get me on the Twitter later at KiKi. Katie radio key, kiddy radio dot com. Dot com. Also on Facebook can t reach. That's right. All right. So get this. Excuse me. Did you talk to there, what what happened? I have a little dry. Really? Lose popcorn. No. How would you that make you drive out? Really? Curious choice that it is. Shut up. Anyway. But they say that this is this is completely legal to, to. But this guy he, he decided to make a perfume called ode to death. Oh, nice. Ted bodies. Yeah. Okay. It smells like it smells like fresh decay. All right, though, smell you covered from a mile away, we're in a bell. Better. No. This is kinda girl Meg. Oh, come on Marty. How new issue over here and your image of my head in your neck. Your idea. If, if I guess, if I come in contact with some of that, I may be violent as you are with the, with the with the with the sound of Magda. Only wanted to do what you get.Our ally. Tweeted putz? Really are. Proud of yourselves. Not really. But it did feel good. Yeah. A little a little gutter. A little. Sorry that stab at your expense. Well, I think we're gonna go to your favorites. Boobs in and on the news, it's time once again for fits man. All right, everybody. This week's tits man is all about comfort comfort. Yes. We like boobs. I like boot floppy nice children. That's right. Smack -able I do tend to get really violent with boobs. Because your your hands anyway, I am harassment suit. I'm very grabby. No, you are. I don't even disturbing permission either. I just go in and I'm like, well, you're just look. You can't really need to start that just its stock good. It's not good anymore. They never you're going to get me to probably. Oh, yeah. You're gonna get me to everybody's gonna believe it. Of course, they will. About floppy who screening. He's, he's sloppy. Booby says, is about wieners this segment. Right. You can get these huge booby pillow. It's comfort pillow, and it's made out of. Cheap skin. Well, if you're gonna have one one item like a warmed giant beanbag made of human skin. Thousand boobs had to to make this throw pillow. Is the most visited a pill? Oh me real tips. That's right. Dave tones. This one here the maple. Anyway. Whatever you can go to all have it. I'll have the, the link to it on whatever. But you can give them for sixty bucks. And I will tell you how you can get one. So that was okay. There's there's this one place. It's. Oh, sorry, kick your little face. Yeah, it's up us. Posted nightly. Oh, there's, there's this place. They make ceramics like pretty China Suffolk sets ship. But they all have images the humiliation and bonded, Bedia. Mt set. Yes. It's a really cool. I don't think done. Subtly knows all your face. No. It's, it's very, very hated are we talking about paintings or talking about like graphic dipping where they dip the Cup? No, it was solution that prince chat directly on an object. No, it's more of like a let's see what maybe like an airline handbook kind of way. Oh, cartoonish sort of the outline painted. Yes. Okay. Okay. But like a guy, but it's like all tall guys stuff, which are these hysterical. Dick dick, dick guile tied of Gaul trust up like a Turkey. Yeah. Now, the one he's wearing like a maid's outfit with ball, gag. All right. Yeah. Where are you gotta figure you're at least fifty one percent of the pot. Well, not all women are straight to. So I don't know what percent of the population calling with an all male T set. And they said, this is something you won't find your grandmother's house something. And, you know, you might you might find it mine. I mean. People back down just didn't talk about shit. They did shit. They don't say it. No, he have eleven to vintage porn. You're like this is weird shit. What the fuck is going on. I were not even think do that in the Kama Sutra, fucked that's been around forever. And there are some things in there that he's will have been injured old thing. Everybody wants to think that, that today we are, you know so much worse sexually advanced than people were. And we've talked about it when you have no power and you got nothing to fucking. Do you fuck a lot, and especially you know what I mean? You're doing a lot of fucking Bankin. It's just fucking happen. You know, and I'm not talking about post Christian, you know, you can't fuck unless you want to procreate. I'm talking ancient Greece Rome shit like that. The Persians they just Bank because they fucking felt like banging.That's right. And hey, Honey. There's nothing to why don't you bring in my ten other wives and we're gonna get fucking weird fucked bringing my boyfriend to. That's right. Bring all seven of them. Let's their dictate to take well on. Cover me in your spirit. They were this was like their only method of entertainment. I'm probably I'm. I mean really really I mean you could guarantee on a good time if you're banging around, you know what I mean. What are we gonna do when's day? All right, exactly. You know, it's like, like kids up north or are conceived during the winter, when everybody's fucking shut? What do you think it is? If you have no motherfucker power, you're gonna eat gonna fuck. As we know why he got no Facebook. You got no Twitter, you had even got YouTube. Let's say talk to other, you can't spot. Nothing affi- nothing. Gotta go in fuck and find. You amend stroll Singha God damn song, or just start sucking day. Hear that together. Do. Oh, somebody posted the picture online, speaking of kinda just second there. Someone had posted a it was a diagram of pussy, and it said, you know, it was pointed out, it was like medical one. It was pointing out, you know what everything was. And it's, it's a since you since you guys are so smart. What part do you lick all of it? I don't underst-. I don't understand. What part? Yes. After that one. Right there through Chen. And some this guy. I don't do that shit. There's a couple people that were like, oh, you know, I, I don't do that ship, they go all fucking. Keyboard on you what's his, not sooner. No, no, no J colleague, colleague, college cover him. That guy. Very millet. But like that, and now they weren't, they weren't saying it like to me. I there was a lot of people. They thought it was funny and stuff. Whatever that at the people would yell at him. Like you're getting a lot of pussy. Do people get all the fended? I mean, you, you don't have to wanna eat us don't, but, you know, hey, and just because it's popular right now if you don't wanna lick an asshole, don't Lincoln, Astle? Well, I mean, if it's if it's beyond your if it's beyond your willingness to do you know what I mean? If you're willing, but you just you know, you don't have to like it. But you you at least be willing. You know what I mean? Yeah. Because there is a difference. Sometimes us you don't care to do, but it's is it the end of the world to, to. Okay. I'll dress up like a mate, and spank. You today I don't really feel you know what I mean. You don't have say is I know what you're saying made. I be something you what you ought to do. But you know that I don't really enjoy that. But if I did. Well, you would enjoy to see I have to pick a different fucking thing like you'd be all over it. What do you want me to do? Fine. That I wanted. By just saying. Like like do the damn script is supposed to learn it on your lunch break. Okay. Come home. Another example. Maybe a lot of people don't necessarily and ladies included. Tell like this alad tossed, you know what I mean? They, did they don't that you like it. But there are other women who who who are like. Tickled. Asshole tickle Mickey nibble. When you're. You're all silence of the lambs tonight. I don't understand fuck break. Har prussia. The whole other quotes, you ought to do. Later on. I'm throwing out there just for the fuck of it. Another new thing that people are doing now is they're getting vasectomies cakes sexiest cakes like ever since the women came up with a push presence push bird. It's like you get your wife president, which she has your baby. Oh gift. Yes. It's push present. Okay. So now guys are insisting they cakes for had.They're happy sesame. Okay. There's this one. It says one hundred percent juice. No seats has like a lemon on it. Oh, another thing is a lot of men are they're getting a sect Amies in, in March, so they can be home and watch a Mark. Weirdos. I don't know what he how long does it take to recoup from that? I don't know. But, you know, just just the idea of having to make up an excuse to watch basketball, I don't watch basketball, so you're not into it. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's pretty much say I would never do that. Even like give us a special channel now for March madness. Brill. Yeah, good for them if they started doing became art. Because we're slang. Let 'em watch. I'm not going to reinforce stereotypes teeth. There's this clothing, brand, they're selling denim panties. Retrea hundred dollars Tanno. Yeah. They, they looked like fucking, gene. Gene, Jane panty, gene, panty. Yeah. They look diapers all my God. It it's, it's a pair of jeans that are just cut off at nineteen eighty bikini line style. High hipped with the button at all with the button zipper, does any those are. Short short scissors days. Well, they're kinda just are daisy dukes. Really what how much would you expect to pay for those? Well, you know, since it's only part of gene, it's got a part of gene for ice, the crotch area. So, you know, you figure you've got to spend at least fifty bucks on a pair of jeans. So that's gotta be like nineteen ninety nine three hundred dollars. Three hundred hundred nine all you gotta do is go to go to the vintage store. Find you some jeans at appropriately. Scissor them fifth are says her them, it'd be like eighty style. There you go. Match out and you got that shit for like nine ninety five is your local thrifty. Do you can get it for like a buck at that? They've store. I'm just saying what you're doing now. That's right. Thrift stores hip to that shit. Fuck you. You want them them into panties. New want them. Nineteen eighty five yes. Mom jeans. You know, you're paying a lot ten dollars. Blue tickets special ain't no ninety nine cent gene, their lady window you're doing. There is there. Oh, god. I should not laugh about this. But there was this British tourists and their. They think she might be a victim of sexual assault. Maybe well, medical professionals, medical professionals. They, they discovered a dead baby turtle inside her pussy. Okay. Well, I'm guessing she's had some sort of stunt of not remembering shit or like how like she went to the hospital with crotch pain. So they pulled it out and she's just not saying anything she said that the they found the dead turtle when they were checking exact she went in for she had a serious infection and the hospitals like. Call the cops on this lady because they said she might be a victim of sexual assault. Okay, because you're just trying to hop a fucking turtle. She says she has no recollection of being put up there. Oh, she fell on it, right? Oh, yeah. She was helping the fucking turtle, you numb nuts. You what the fuck is wrong if people. No, I think she was sexually. I mean, maybe she was maybe she maybe maybe somebody forced it. Or maybe somebody was getting weird with some baby turtle or maybe Gwen Paltrow told her to. Huma. Stick this. Turtle of your vagina. So what she sounds like now I know sounds nothing like that. I could tell you what she sounds like any more, I would seen or heard from her care care stupid face. But I mean. Imagine that, though, what there's baby turtle. There's a dead turtle someone's pussy. We see evidence of license plates, mega Don. John of ball bearings fuck, and magnets, shoots and ladders.You name it. We avocado toothpicks some ten foil and a snorkel a store coal. All these things have been in people's bodies that we've heard of that were inserted into some sort of horrify. So, yes, I believe a turtle could be out. You're here for crying out loud. There's an entire fucking rumor windy rinks. I'm just saying. And you're saying, no way turtle, what are you talking about? She went medieval with it. You know what I mean? Straight out of the dark ages, fuck me turtle. Well, maybe she didn't maybe she got raved, maybe should fell asleep on a beach. And she had like a light coming out of revenge. Oh, like shed choose to a flashlight and that just drew. And as he's heard, yeah. So she was she attracted to see turtle with her pussy light. Well, it's a clap on. Got a crash there, too. Yeah. Yeah. That's what the crab was going after the turtle grams hungry. All right. Sure. There's been talk, maybe it saved food in your pussy. No, no, it is not just because you've done, it doesn't mean it's could idea. They have said there have been a few people. You've done it. I didn't say you should we did say it was good idea. No, as a matter of fact, for those of you don't know in one of my movies that I did back in the day to frozen zucchini. Yeah. Put it on the end of a of a hand mixer. I am blender way too fast. Yeah. Chubu. Dubar. Oh, did not feel good. And it was very cold. And funny watching you try to hold it, though. Yeah. God doesn't go. Film it. Okay, so lucky you didn't get hurt. List we live close to the for the hospital at the vegetables. See who knows that that's, that's the you don't know what they sprayed them with. And even if you wash them burst, I mean, and you don't know like salmonella you know, there's all kinds of shit. So or how to react with your possession, or the fact that a little bit too, that shit could break off in your pussy, and then and then you're fishing out bits of banana Renier really tossing salad, you know, and, and that probably overtime is gonna cross roads problem. Kinda roaches. They're going to go up there for the fucking pieces of banana. See. That's that's how you slap. Their guy slapped a Roach motel up there. They slept there. Dick on the pussies, shake. Shakeout in. They're get knocked twice Lord. That's terrible. So yes, it don't do that, and especially alcohol and sugar will give you yeast infections like badly. So don't do that. Or if you wanna use infection. Whatever means to fucking go crazy. That's probably will mean something, we'll start rowing down there. They make your own beer and bread Ropley could probably being talked about that a bunch of times too. It's my new always your more can Mark wished you're more Cottam people. Call beer weird shit now. Cusp forty bugs mugs main chains like shit, dude. That's what I'm saying. I get you want to kind of show us and have been knowing little punk beers got beers gotten fucking annoying. You know, just just annoy air. I mean, there's all kinds of good beer, but whatever the explosion, explosion of, you know, put a half twist of pain, you know. And I. I don't know man. Snake beer anymore. Everything's. I mean, yeah, if he's got to have a flower fruit, and if if you just want some, some ultralight fucking beard to, to just drink casually. That's not gonna like like just a regular Miller, light light make whatever the fuck your drinking. You know, you're like looked out of Han as average beer drinker. And really, it's just a I don't know. See I like Heineken. I know I don't usually like beer, but I like Heineken and they came out with alcohol alcohol-free one, though. Did they they did? I, I never liked. No, no. I don't like that style. Its way to better for me. I mean I just I don't J on the bidder. I remember when they used to have mad dog. I don't know if they so make that anymore. Mad dog or red doughnut dog is bred dog.I think it's red dog. I don't have the bulldog on the fry. Yeah, I remember you put your fingers on the Cain turn around. It looks like batmans eaten opposing. Who, who loves that shit? Then that's that's I mean, I don't know. That's okay too. But I don't think I don't know if they make it or not, we have a drank. I've been like eight years. It's I've had of year subsidy at anything. Yeah, I don't know what the fuck is out for anything. But it's captain and say, no, it is relaxing, your Dushi this over make make beer out of whatever you want to stopping Dushi about it. Yeah. Toby Dushi may make your fucking. Horbert schnapps, whatever the fuck, you know eagles, you know what I mean, make whatever you want. But, you know, still thumb, your nose at people who just want waterdown fucking drinking beer, 'cause I'm I'm outside of the barbecue. And I don't feel like it and shit faced. I want something light watery to give me fucking hydration. But I wanna beer you know what I mean? Even though she stinky. I can smart pussy here. Jesus. Good nine inches away, though. And it was like, right level of my fuck info, people who have listened to all the shows now. Then they know if you if you haven't, it's buried in there, you'll up here. She's there, you'll fair it out. She's there, Scott listened to a ball sorry. So it is come around again, the annual testicle festivals doing. On how? Acne ice. So yes, it is, if you don't know what it is rocking moment, mountain, oysters are festival for them. Those are deep fry bolt obstacles. Yeah, I dunno. I hear they're struggling energy flavored. People say they have nice texture this. He's like chicken whatever chicken so does everything tastes like chicken, two chicken tastes like everything. Oh, I don't know. That's case, nothing like eggs. And yet, the government is Abe lace. I saw thing it says, there's, there's a therapist said, you know, what your problem what, what keeps you up at night, and he was. I don't know if Mike was asking blinks or winks holy shit. I don't even understand what you said. Okay. I was staring right? At you to and sometimes I don't I don't get what you what. What happens? Yeah. I figured translation translator. I can't translate any fans later. Okay. Now, this is this is an article that supposed to give you tips on have to this is things. You must do by putting your orgasm routine to see you can have an orgasm every time of this is guaranteed orgasm. Yes. Yeah. Unquote. Whatever. But I think that just trying to sell you shit. Yes. Well, route you by the dildo company use this for this, this. Well, she wants her content says you need to get moods like candles and shit. Ben wa balls or gray for impact play see. And I didn't know that at the time, but the fuck Ben wa balls were for I thought their meditation balls for your hands t, then I was like. Oh, they're buck balls. You don't have to put him into bite and put them in your pussy to watch. Yeah. You don't wanna put takes your but to a string. Exactly. No way of retrieval is that will just suck up into the abyss. And then you have your doctors and that's expensive and not to mention that you probably don't want people to know where the fuck you had about sweet about that. You'd figure you just put right out. But, but you don't. Well, you might you know, so you might do it once or twice it might work. How'd you? Oh, I'm gonna put this in my rotation. Eventually it's not coming out just so you know, it's not and you're gonna be in deep shit panic road. Yeah. 'cause you don't wanna tell anybody I shall thirteen host things up there. I counted six six that's it. Got whole carried away. It was that little little army men. I just spit out a shoe problem. The green ones either GI. Joe? Critic here. Some seriously round with. No. You know, there is relax everywhere, with, with, like a body Mons, which, of course, means is fucking your clique going to good idea.Yeah. Make things tingle arousal bombs were very well I'll I agree with us. Bob. Is it a Bob bomb while? Oh bam. Vinyl about is that is that good for you? It is because that are visable bomb. Joy vibrator. Try a dildo. Yeah. You know, God, if you, you really haven't made it by then after you've tried all these fucking things on how to do it. Then you're just. You're just not gonna come that broke your broken in industry. Just be depressed. It just just getting your head that it'll never happen for you. And you're gonna die without having orgasm, you can't even to yourself on it's wrong with you. Harry. Well, but the point is, if you try enough enough of the toys enough, different things, you're probably gonna find something that, that, that's gotta work because not every the same cracked g you know, some, some women do good goes their entire life, and have a really bust went off. So it happens. It does happen. I'm sure does some people just doesn't have whatever there's, there's one way that I do wanna try. It's called the satisfy your pro okay or over Jenna, well, or horsepower, her twenty all it could be powered Atra gas. It's it's solar. It's a motorist shot up my God. It's a motorized sucker for your click. I don't know if it does that or not. I don't know. It was. Dick new. Was there. Oh my God. Over pressurized by cleared hood. Jesus Christ will go down. Third pussy. Now, I looked like China. Look it up recipes. I don't understand. Useless row by but known you were like shoes are nice McVay? I'm sure she is was but good Lord, there's this twenty one year old who wants to have sex on TV with her seventy four year old boyfriend to prove to people that what they have is real, but their love Israel really live sex shows what proves that their love Israel. That's out a long time ago. Doubt as soon as we met. Yeah. Definitely, there's no hiding within a week or two. We were backing in front all kinds of people. Yes, we were. Like. Them. We've just we didn't stop wherever we went to it was bad really bad. I yes. Well, we didn't think it was bad. But whatever I enjoyed myself hell, Sodi, or places of adult people. That's right, children around. No. That would have been bad, the us, but this couple is from Serbia traditions. I don't know. I mean put on TV and cheap. Oh, no. You see he looks he looks kindly could be related to Stanley. Okay. Mahia resident peace and she she looks. Young mocha. Well, let's see. The live user sex, God dumping on us geezers get Yee's on young. Chick go ahead into we don't believe, put it on the internet. It's awful. Yeah. To prove prove our love. It's funny and is anyway. All right. Well, they're outta here for the night quarter quarter time to go. I know just calling you quitter. Dowdy reasons just 'cause you're not. Remy me. Well, and, and, and such a paper towels. Underway. Everybody. We're getting at here really weak. My goodness. I love everybody and we're gonna have a show next week with the week after that no show biz. Filming? But yeah, come come. If you're listening, right in every listing live conc- the premiere of heartbreak Keller tomorrow in Tampa. Go to my Facebook page. It can cater radio to the information. Says reptiles and fucking Poole P.
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