#380 – Public Sex in a Theme Park
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10/16/2021 The inquisition... Ripped a contact... The woman that married her husband's killer... Sorry I slept with your girlfriend, here's some yogurt... The Really Weird Art group - innards in resign... Custom coffee mug with bare ass with a tube coming out of it... Woman had a leak coming from the apartment above, coming from her neighbors dead body... Grimace species reveal... Katie has been in a bad mood... New sex position - Mexican Halloween... Muff Mask - Like a facial mask but for your vagina... Katie's PPOTW - Outdoor rapey... When Katie attacks... Man kidnaps wife so he could save her... Episode of "Rule 34"... Had sex with the sheriff at theme park and got caught... Man died after using epoxy as a condom... The wrong way to birth control... Bunny Games - the movie that the entire cast method acted, even the weird aggressive stuff... Cooking with pig pussy... The innards cart in Japan... Tits Man - Isabell Miller... Retraction on the threesome story.

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#380 Public Sex in a Theme Park

00:00:01 - 00:05:01

She has full showed control right there. Guy like chen an asshole if he's not that's one of the new of martial arts showed control baseball's gravy. You control that showed you control the body. Little known fact child the weekend has landed. All the exists now clubs drugs popes and pies of got azoff from the world man. I'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming cattle. I'm gonna talk to strangers all night. I'm going to lose the plot on the dancefloor. The free radicals inside me a freaking tonight. I'm chip travolta. I'm three apopka. I'm going to never neverland with chosen. Finally mind we're going to get more spice doubt than along. Strong advocate tonight could be my life if we quit him. A back burner. What's the lucky now. Live from will thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that has one nipple that gets a little harder than the other but you can tell when she moves around like this here. She is on the only katie low. Hello hello and welcome to the show. This is katie's world number three eighty. I am your host bless you might shoulder and with me as always is my absolute favorite place covering fuck toyota. Mr s see coming to you live from role thirty four serious kinky catering dot com and radio john. I'm feeling i'm telling a little not spry. But now i'm i'm with it crowned. We know that too. But it's kinda funny that we had like seventeen religious people show up char front door today very religious day. They were all from the same group to be fair to be fair so you think once would have been enough but now we had to do it in a couple of different languages and you know they had to make sure that you know we always okay right fairly and as kind of funny. I posted a picture on my facebook of What i'm wearing tonight. And i am wearing like a red monk's robe and a friend of ours named cheesy sent me a little jif of Of the inquisition. Seem for mel brooks. This one okay. It's been whilst all the red road. No that's what i'm saying. It's been a while since i've seen it so i mean for sure i've seen one hundred thousand times nine. I now read bunk robes right Something like that right anyway. I think it's like like i said it's goth girl goes to the monastery could be right. Know i i wanna make them break. Their silence could be made sure. Sure of the other could be very close. I don't. I don't know why i i wanted to get an i like it a lot. I've so irritated. I told you earlier to buy you guys. Yeah okay yeah. I know i can't let it go. I was like i was. I wanted to wear these contacts. That i got that been so excited about at trying to get it in and i ripped ripped now. I'm i'm like you broke your toys. Toy and i don't like breaking my toys. I don't i understand. I know it's like well. I mean at least you like lose losing eyeball Yeah at least. I'm not blind. I can still see will they. Were they were covering everything so it was a bigger kind of thing. Yeah there there they were there. Were scuola or skull lara. I don't know how you announce it one of the twins but it was a mini. 'cause those the regular ones cover your entire i've all these cover almost all the white right so anyway depending on your eyeball south whatever. I was having a hard time trying to get little sucker and hey so and it. It ripped my i was like venus flytrap and it was like narrow. Rip it off so you're not putting nothing in here. yeah. I don't know what the problem is. I think really what happened is your eyeball had a long discussion with your butthole and your butthole advise the eyeball that if she's trying to put something in you it's probably way too big and you need to snap shut immediately last night true. I just wasn't relaxed enough. I've probably didn't have enough len solution with for crammed in there.

00:05:02 - 00:10:03

I don't know they do a good. I flush i. This is so fucked up. There's is there's this woman. She married the dude that was convicted of killing. her brother. Married the guy that killed her brother. What did her brother killed. A get killed because You know her. did you deserve it. You mean well. A and b was the brother like a kingpin of like drug lord right and so The sister always do brother was gotta get overthrown. It's like a game of thrones kind of a situation you know except for with drug lords and she she actually had him fucking Put in jail so she could take over the drug family Unless it was kind of like an ozarks thing i also plays sure big on kingpins cuyahoga county cuyahoga county shares of the people there at cuyahoga. Yeah so. I don't know it's just seems a little weird. I heard knows our it is. I don't know how to spell ranks. You got bad information. Marlin sets ohio ohio. Seattle ohio is in general has four. So it's the northern florida. It is northern florida. I say no. I totally agree with you. I think that that's that's absolutely true. Like if it snowed in florida. Ohio would be the product for those of us. Don't live in this country. You know just two different states south. Believe me same thing snow. What has code. What has heroin or they typos for for sure. But there's no lack of drug either either one. We got mets were all. Oh god. I thought that this is key. Well i kind kinda cute. It's kinda sad. And i'm not sure if they're their room. I would assume that his roommates like to guy roommates. 'cause there there's a. There's a picture of a box of gobert with with a post to note on its. There's little frowny faces star. I slept with your girlfriend bro. Here's a thirty two pack ago. Gert i hope it can make up for. It always makes everything better sharon. I mean who doesn't love some googlers definitely an inside joke from slit get warm yogurt on each other. That's what it's to remind. Their special bites has to be. Why would you leave him. Gobert to say sorry. Danger girl well because maybe they're immature. I mean fuck. There's there's guys that i know that. Like to fuck women with kids just because they have good snacks. I mean and really he say he saved that dude a lot of time that i mean. That guy didn't have to go deeper in with this girl and find out later that some some other dude bank banner and like hey this is my buddy or this is my roommate. Well yeah but now he doesn't have to spend you know ten years in a marriage that failed because his wife was to back somebody anyway. Well we're just gonna happen. No saved them a lot of time. Heartache there's a. There's a facebook page that i belong to. It's called the really weird art group. Okay when i say really weird are i mean. There's some there's some strange shit on their what. It's neat neat. Weird unless you're not into that shit. Then what the fuck is wrong with you like this one woman she takes. She makes resin dinosaurs. Okay but inside the middle of the dinosaurs. She takes a heart from a one day old chicken and sticks it in there so it looks like the dinosaur has a hard. Oh it's like weird weird shit. I wonder what happens to like. Live stuff when you when you put it inside of resin like that educa- Like live tissue. okay flash. It was live of any sort gotcha because chicken heart. It's gets me yet specialist already dead right well. Of course it's fucking heart is ripped out and stuck inside a little toy like t. rex. He donated a couple of wings to one place abreast some size to another well. I mean he was used. Gotta be dev's destined for nuggets anyway. So sure might as well donate my body to art. Anyway there was. There's this chick she made. It's well it's a it's an ass on on the side of a cup with a what they call the colonic irrigation tube coming out of the but so imagine that having it on your coffee cup in the morning and you can buy it if you want cluck irrigation to grow provided to us by people from another planet by a by girl by the name of sarah sharp.

00:10:03 - 00:15:02

She's the artist. I mean you. Do you have to give her a long lead time. I mean i. Is there time to get one for christmas. Oh i'm sure they're signing on for christmas. She looks like she can crank out pretty quickly. Really yeah and i can post her Her instagram at her azi. Chesa imagery down pat. She she she. I wonder if she had a model. This model man ashur lady s man. I mean are you sure man. Brilliant liz. they mean you could tell from an ass. Yeah every time. Yeah yeah it's weird. I don't know ironic dutch. Think i mean it really is A little too ironic. I mean mostly because Some people have looked at you from behind and and said well. You know you're you're a lack of right like that's been people's arguments when they've come at you because it's flat and it's not exist and it's an old lady but but it's not an old lady but you've acute tuchus is very cute door. It is nice as or will but it's not a particularly shape shapely like a qb confused for a mate. Last i mean so your share. This mug is definitely man ask. I think i'm gonna believe it's lady us. I'm going man can ride requests a more Realistic ass. I'm sure she can do a custom for you right if you back. Burger action what you know that in mostly just a more of a feminine shape to the ass itself of a more of a dunker right. He she even have to irrigation hoses coming out one for each one for each location. Do should ass now. It's like getting your driveway pressure. Clean before you get home so you can park on. Something pristine yeah. Sure some of that stuff with your buddies paying your old lady so you gotta make sure you get that shit pressure clean before you come home. It's okay. I got to go great though gobert. I'm sorry bro. Put it puts them in your life specs the morning. What about flavor gobert. That was story all strawberry on the package. I'm allergic to that. Shit asshole you know it. Just sit there and look at. It's like actually. That's for me for next time. When i come over kind of makes us shit that i like looking no that. I can't imagine this happening. There is There was a woman she she woke up one morning. She found something my dripping on her from the ceiling. Coming down okay. And she didn't know what the fuck was adamant. It wouldn't stop and it started to get like that. Get like a Like a stain like a water liquid over time or right away this leg within a day. No no within. Maybe like a week okay. That might a little worse a little worse week okay. This kind of thing thing starts dripping again like an come to find out wait. I'm going to take a guess. Let me take a guess. Dead body upstairs decomposing turning into liquid dripping downstairs got it. Ding ding rang very good. Yes her her upstairs are upstairs. Elderly neighbor had died and no lady juice man. Old man jews. Nobody nobody knew knew about it. And it was it was about six and a half weeks awe and it was read over her bed dripping on her and on her bed because he was laying in bed he was laying in bed. He died in asleep and so through his bed. Sir that floor. That would have been a ball on the flip side. Maybe she was put now. She's not into it though now. Shocked sounds like a horror movie blood dripping from the walls and it really is and not to mention. I mean she didn't notice like oh smell just like feeling will it's bodily jews slip through you know if he fell asleep if he died his bed than it went mattress and grossness. Whatever that's what i'm saying. That is so foul old dead old man rod a friday juice of liquidation. I mean but what else are you gonna do. That's apartment life. That's true you like that. You know fifth avenue condo. You got going on there. Yeah yeah yeah. So as really fun gross. Hey did you know. I mean grimace have you. Guys are not familiar. Grimace is one of the characters.

00:15:02 - 00:20:01

Mcdonald's and he looks like a big purple but plug. Well he's he's like he's definitely hemorrhoids or something like that. Well they did. Dave they finally are telling people what he is like what. You're save handlers. Reveal their well. I mean they fuck. They docs cookie monster. i mean. his. Name's sid for crying out trying to keep that on t. l. to probably why outed people are like store. Stop now bert. Crazy man right. That's not good. So what is he. Well i mean. We have to spread the river. Obviously they take. Oh i think. I heard i heard what he was. I'm not gonna guess twice in a row. Because i think i know this one. Why go ahead bob. No go ahead this year. You believe you have. I think i did well. They add the mcdonald's corporation. They tweeted out that That that that's a good question but He's a taste bud rate. That's what i'd say thing right. I had heard about because he's obsessed with milkshakes so he's a taste bud. I'm like what the fuck i know on your spokesperson for breakfast chicken. But you know what eggs okay. Well i felt like sad. You know destroy childhood somehow. But i mean he's always going to be a big plug. It looks like you are a white lady that that would be the person that would be angriest about him being named right. There'd be an army of us. How here i can't tell me what he is. Pearl clutch in white ladies. O talk to your manager. Ray representative radio company back. Make them do what i say right. I mean especially you know. You've been in quite to tear lately with people i going a. You've been very angry. i have i have. You're not putting up with anything. It even more giving you anything. You're you're you're on. Yeah i know. I am not be You know that really doesn't apply to me. Thank you now. Thank you all the other people who irritating things to her or maybe not even irritating. Maybe she just took what you wanted to do. As being irritating it just decided Your shit it could be sorry multiple. I mean i had a bad morning have morning and then it's just like everything just compounds and then you get this one last person. I'd you're just you're china. Check your shit. Ed just swoon. Personally hey nice. Ted starts and it's like okay. I have fucking had it today. But it's what happens you you put it out there. Somebody's gotta have something to say about something. I know but but i'm just but i'm just saying even over. It's not an even if you put boobs out if you're a female there's dudes coming at you in all kinds of stupid ways. I mean i'm sure it's it's universal. Yeah if you're online and your lady somebody is got something to say to you that you really don't want hear. It's just sometimes your. Your patience is just worn out. Yes patients just totally worn out and then even leave l. Even try to go ahead and dill to calm the fuck down and then it just becomes like aggression dental which sometimes it works for me. Let's not lie. I mean sometimes it does. But then i ended up injuring myself. It's like fuck but then sometimes the pain just kind of feels good. So i'm like all right. That's fine. I dunno i dunno i dunno i dunno my dealer say like i've just been i've been fucking the poor guy who's who is doing the podcast in a real with you i'll you were. You were like like on defcon for by got home the day you were doing it and he was just trying to set things up and you kinda jumped out its throat for really for no reason really. I know i know i know. Well the thing is. I was having a rough morton i was i was. I was having a rough couple of days. Actually and i I was doing Just like a guest. Spot on a midnight hustle. Digits did it a couple of days ago. And i got angry for no reason. I was already just like his. You're pissy you're you're like sorry. Were super say and mode but you were. You were just being pissy really.

00:20:01 - 00:25:05

Even what i came home. That was kind of your attitude. You your your television. Like hey look. I'm not the one. Let's try like to it or tote. But i i know and then and then i not any fell bad. Yeah because he was a nice guy he really listened guy i had. I had a lot of fight and you had a good interview and you had a good good talk with them and everything was fine. See see i well. It's hard to have faith in humanity because it's got that man in it thing and there's gonna be some dude that's gonna be weird with you at some point and maybe you're fine most days. Maybe you just blow it off or push it aside whatever because you put it out there so you know you're gonna get that i know but then sometimes it's just the straw that broke the camel's back. Fuck you just like had enough of the day. Like i don't know if it's a hormonal thing because i mean yeah i get. I get some really foul stuff and weird stuff. Sometimes but you know and then like i won't even say the might even entertain the thought and talk to them for a little while and shit like that right but you know other times it could be completely innocent and fluffy nicely kinda sweet. And i'm like you know what the fuck out of here. Well that's what i'm saying. Sometimes you'll you'll read something somebody said to you and i will put it you. You took it one way. And that's just yeah. Just the nature of fucking time messages and chet ray. Well you can take them in different ways because you can't tell emotion you can't tell like right inflection. You'll read it one way. And then i said well what if he read it like this and you know kinda makes a lot of sense because also guys usually nice. He's normal in again once again. I'm the asa some well whatever. What are you going to do a lot of times. though. I'm like i know i'm a fucking put it on my life profile. I guess i'm bitch. You're not only what i mean is is if somebody isn't doing something really stupid for the most part you'll be patient with somebody for for a period of time until you've just had enough of it where you're you've told them. Hey chill out bro. It's just just calm down and stop messaging me the way you are a we can keep talking and you will literally say that and yet yeah still. Yeah no it happens. Why there's this there's a sex position came across. It's called the mexican halloween. Okay the mexican halloween. The mexican halloween right. Yeah when you're like bagging gardener's daughter. Who in the pumpkin patch painted it up like weirdo sto. Bu- da delos da lows warehouse chickens laying on her back. But she's got her knees bent. There's a dude on top of her she. Her head is at his crotch. he's on top of her and he's like resting up against her thighs for support and she's got her arms around his waist with her face buried and his crotch. Okay maybe you can explain it better. You probably can right. It's usually words. It's like sixty nine where the dude is flipped upside down on the top so basically he's using her like a fucking like shays lounge she. She's tossing that salad back salad action right there right. So he's on his back like a crab she slipped on sixty nine styles so face it up right in his butt crag ancho she has full showed control right there chen and asshole if she's not that's one of the new of martial martial arts is showed control baseball's gravy. You control the showed you control the body little known. Fact joe get your. There's a product out there like. Let's say you have I don't know is saggy pussies scan or something right. You need some vagit plastics. Some some tuck and rowley you can get you can get a thing called the month mask. Blow the month mass okay. It's a it's a bra for the for the coach. Now it's a mass for your pussy like like a facial mask okay near like mud baz score. Get them in packing like sheets and you shovel mind your face.

00:25:05 - 00:30:11

Will this sheet for your pussy. Okay sheet mask right. Very kratz heels off yeah it. It's also a waxing thing makes tori is it. I don't know where it'd be. Skin comes with it. Oh no it doesn't sounds like sticky sticky not like just ripping off Enough layers to air eventually wears it out. no i think i think it's like a chemical exploitation. Not you'd like a like a rip-off gorilla glue one. what are you talking about. That's the way it should be. What am i talking about. Oh like like at home Majesty at home lip clip like a chemical. You know slowly. You don't even know notice that happening. It just wears down a little poultry shears. We'll just pull off them. Dog tags just cut him off. We'll just sheer it. You know you know what it's tingling. It's working cook. It rhody ear error. I bet i bet it would be fun to get you all pumped up. Somebody would like it because a lot of those like a methylated facemasks like you'll get tang lease when you're wearing a mask while targeting up especially if it's like teacher eyler some shit. Yeah well if it's a lot of things those things make you feel a certain way her. Make your liking. If you're putting putting that down there on on your on your computer it's it may. It may actually do something. Well there's a there was a guy who said that he used tea tree oil A body wash shower gel with with teacher earl. And he said that he felt like his asshole smoked menthol. The first time. I ever used a t. shampoo like tangled mice. Go my god and then you know when the sud slide down your body in the shower and yeah no you fuck appeal that shit. You're right oh it's it's like a york peppermint pattie have not tree memory. I know that's my stuff. Well maybe i did you know. Oh we're not sure still unknown is. Let's go to my big of the week. It might not be the porn. You would the point katie one. It's time once again for the week. Okay so my big of the week is onto back on around to rough sex. Right right shocked. No no no but Mostly it's kind of like Like outdoor arabia of sex. Okay outdoor rapi rough sex. Yeah kinda like someone's jogging female female. Yeah sure yes yes just subject. Very tacky yeah right. Yeah like throw over like a tree okay. Like a fallen trees go at him You know delivering style right. Yeah right yeah dean naming naming mingming mean even you know. Yeah i'd like tacky stuff. Mike night like some very unwanted sexual advances possibly somebody bleeding or you know. Yeah right like we're going in dry sign or just you know like meta spit. Sucks you you know. What are you gonna do around the woods. Or what are you gonna do boy. Just what had happened. I told you. Relax fucking take take command right. See to sell to okay. Yeah whatever whatever as mr esa. We're doing this. I knew i shouldn't win for hiking. I it shouldn't have been in the trails. This is i don't hike. I knew i had a bad morning at starbucks. This was all going to go downhill judo. Hello that's my pick for the of the week. You're yelling at me the night. To like from my. But i'm like i'm i'm just. I'm i was cradling. Cheek with my hand was just ukraine will open palm. I didn't slip any cracks right. And you're having a panic attack figuring out just we've gone over this so many times the that you you earn your reputation you earn it because you like the reaction so you will you will your mo is to do something to the point and you keep doing it until you've done something so egregious that i feel like i must Strike back or at least stop it.

00:30:12 - 00:35:00

You push push push intel because that is exactly what you want. Is that reaction. You want me to go. Stop it in a grab you and you're like oh yeah happy baby you really friday. It'll really are. I'd like to poke fun you do does. It's like you're saying it is my thing it makes me very pokey. There is this fucking dared okay. He kidnapped his ex wife so he could pretend to save her like pretended he well. He kidnapped her. I was like you know. I will help you get you out. Does so you know you're proved to him like she's he still loved honey. Did you think. I didn't know what your voice sounded like. Yeah exactly right and they said that the fucking prosecutors recalling him. The master manipulator. I don't see how it puts too large it on skin. Bob you bob low bob. I've heard you do that. Invitation one hundred times. I know you're buffalo. Bill nor i baba please. The divorce has got to be finalized. Just you're going to have to live by yourself now. Sorry i'll be living within rea que but doj neighbors butch no pressure And so did it work out. Because did that happened recently No it was a lady married her kidnapper like they didn't know each other she kidnapped and then he got convicted and later on. They somehow like of you. You know total stockholm syndrome or something like that. Why anybody would yeah anyway. Well she he fucking. He liked through her down through pillowcase. Over her head in zip tied her her rhys okay and then like she was unconscious and she woke up. There is there's a there's a man on the cellphone. I'm to save you like. Are you an idiot. Because no i know what you'd like. What the fuck is going on. We're how we're in the guest bedroom body. Really rude please. I know these sheets gypsy chief. I know the way they feel your fucking crazy all right. Let's go to sorta rule thirty four. We come back. We have some noted naci people in some state parks and also for halloween. Fucker enjoy an yum yum time for a basically and refreshing snack dude. He jagai his girlfriend's i. I don't know what it is als. But he was yeah was it wasn't a check guy with this guided stabbed a girl and i like hot there. Because there's a fucked up thing. She served in wobbles into pancakes and that made story. When was gonna make pancakes which i told you. I wanted pancakes belgian. Shit what are you doing. My goddamn pancakes frank. Come here mitch got tax. So yes she can't she can't see your really glossing over the fact that he would rather have a pancake. That awful like. I'm fucking a no on with the show axes kinky katie's world four studios radio dot com radios dot give me on twitter at kp. Katie radio katya radio dot com radio dot com. Google me can also give me on youtube who business. I'm going to anoint. Your later are you. Yes sir. The juices of oils. Yes right we just had teacher oil discussion and fuck that. Well we'll do some incantations because there. There's there's there's halloween sex things that they tell us we need to travel. We'll get into that in just a minute but I there is a sheriff's deputy. He got fired because he was. He was banging at universal studios. Who retell was bagging.

00:35:00 - 00:40:02

Well he The she lair role. Just just just in general fuck ary. He was having with somebody because he left his microphone on and the dispatch heard what was going on. Yeah he ended up on. Tmz to attentional could have been. Yeah well it's the only way she could get off as if she had some sort of an audience and it had repercussions idea to get out of this fucking hell hall of job It's what kinks became match to like. It's like do you get the message causing here. Remember like muffled screaming on the roller coaster once better than to what a few weeks ago or the dude got a wrong call facetime though and crab matt ever right and it was the wrong call of some other check but dialing somebody who knows maybe just dialing a random number on facetime. you know. we'll see if anybody goes fishing. Who knows i mean. Some people do that. I wouldn't. I don't know i wouldn't put it past anyone. This has to be one of the dumbest things that i have. I have heard in a quite a long time. And i hear a lot of dumb shit old dr but this dude died after having sex using epoxy instead of a con noma. Such a good idea. Sure it could make a sheath right over the top of it. And if i start to lose a little and you know going a little soft it's gonna keep it really. God rocket scientist says it is fucking. This resulted in total organ failure. No yeah tea addict. Failure is twenty five year old indian dude all of his organs or just the oriented not saying didn't translate. Well now okay well. They said that he died. After using this high power to poxy resin instead of a condom. He said he uses it. He said to avoid pregnancy. So i would assume he probably it down as you re throated like plug own even better. I mean if you've ever poured resit or anybody's ever reported resin when it starts to hurt meg now it gets hot like he gets really hot and i don't even know if there is resin that doesn't get re just let alone the weird chemical that you're putting inside your nickel which you know there's a special kata stupid there but you know he really wanted to get laid. Oh what he also did it to it said in addition to with the couple the couple also they use the epoxy mixed with whitener so like with Liquid paper at inhaled. It to get a fucking buzz like like proper which came first offer or or the idea to use the epoxy as a privi- lactic hunting hunting week indefinitely. Do as i know. We can definitely do as i have. Brand new puck shea. Good god i know plug up everything and not only just i'm gonna make sheath now i'm gonna put it down by your era god. That is just awful. You gotta plug it. Make sure nothing comes out. I guess i guess question. Mark spies in just fucking. Have it like some sort of like turkey baster in her cervix. We don't want yeah. Well people have done. You know justice as things Trying to try to not get fucked up. You know to be tried to get like that. One chick shoved a tater upper snatch and then it started to take root well. It's one thing to think of you shove potato chips and other things to leave it there for like six weeks i don't i don't i really don't understand some people that they think that like things like no this is fine. Great sa- great idea. There was there was one someone that i heard. I don't i don't remember. It was just an urban legend. If it really happened to one of my friends probably happened. One of my friends when we were younger because we were hose and they said if you take vitamin c. pills and chevy beer snatch that it will Either prevent pregnancy or it. Will it will help causing abortion or something out at lemon.

00:40:02 - 00:45:00

Say that's not true. Yeah i believe that would be quite strong. Well i heard that she likes shoved like some chewables upper crotch and they like all like melted into like. It was just like really nasty. I don't know like like at yuma flintstone planned thrown kids like the multi flavor. God's sake you've got like pez all up in your cooter here again. Doesn't sound like a the smartest thing in the world really. No kidding i mean maybe maybe it comes out with like mutant powers though. We don't know you know. We're not sure i mean whatever you're giving them prenatal vitamins. I have the power to cure the common cold and that probably wasn't the first time somebody's tried to do something like that. Probably not no well not even for abortion you know mostly for could be anything you know for a healthy birth. Yeah i put garlic. Close up there. And it's good for the baby. I've heard of people putting garlic luther stomach infection. Kind kinda makes a little bit of sense. Well if you if you got what does that chemical called again in the garlic alison very go. Get the allison going smash it up pump star. Get palm heel. Strike that shit it right up. There i mean they say it has antibiotic properties tori and yeah and but you know what though but oh oh but mix that with the butterfly the garlic butter lube enhance it. And but that's the funny thing is is. That's exactly where you got it from the beginning boston. Steam a plot so hot. When you talking to your boston or yeah you had straight fargo for boston. Bargo people have other countries are like. I don't really notice distinction. Get it really all you. People look the same. They always do southern from other countries when they when they like american right. They definitely go. I mean most of the ones that we've heard well over here from texas it and if you went by population either it's going to be new york or california and the radically different. Oh yes oh. Yeah i mean half a florida doesn't even talk my rednecks well. It's florida's florida's passwords. You still vote north. You get the more south will you. Don't know what kind of accident you're gonna come across. That's true isn't one standard thing. No there's not what you do people told you the same thing. Growing up a lot of people would guess. We were from the northeast somewhere. Yeah the always what will be by your accent. You're from no. I grew up in fort. Lauderdale miami like good. I never use understand that like talk again. I'm like i'm like i don't have one. They're like oh yes you do roy. That's that's little. Whatever notes american accent so people do. I'm sure come on that seat. I don't know rubbing if you're totally could be. I mean there are people who like like like southie. Boston who are into fargo. Who are into you name. It people are into all right. I think that i would have a problem with but maybe somebody else's like no totally hot man. Fuck you love that martha stewart. God tell you wanna make me. I knit me something. There is a. There's a bunch of movies that at a warm okay. Oh that's an odd choice to bring them up. Oh this oh. I know why i know i know. I know there's a. There's a movie that i watched a thing he for kind of like a Migrelief not outta trailer. But kind of a rewind live review breakdown. Kinda get kinda like that. Sometimes i can't do it straight tonight. You're pretty with it. Not as bad as they usually have it for the last couple of weeks. Floaty sold you. I've been in like fucking like i have. Not my my chemical like abba chemical imbalance or something really do like everybody else. Everybody has the same ebbs and flows and aggravation with people. I i fucking like. I make problems that i don't have yet and i fucking i freak out about them and i have an absolute panic attack over shit. That's not even saudi repaying until it's a thing exactly the thing that it's not a thing right so worried about it what are you doing.

00:45:00 - 00:50:03

That's what i'm saying. That's not a. That's doing everything he can to avoid said thing if the answer is yes then your day is over. You're thinking about the thing you know more. I guess so. I guess so. Oh my goodness. I'm there's a. There's a movie it's called the bunny games and it is not affected like i didn't know about that Everything that happened was real in this movie. Now what is. I haven't issues right now but what you know what it is is there. There's a sex worker. And she gets picked up by a truck driver throws her in the back of his of a semi trailer and takes her out into the middle into the middle of the desert. And does he's horrible. Fucking things to her okay. I mean like just shaving. Her head is not. That doesn't about fun. No kidnapped and your been shaved right like she gets it branded Gets beat the shit of well. All of it happened right like no all of it happened. Yeah oliver happy based on shoe story yes. Great not known is based on a true story like the move. It happened to her. Whatever was happening to her really was happening to her like when she got really got she said because she used to be a sex worker before she she decided to do the movie and she agreed and even signed waivers. That like everything understands that that there's gonna be some fucked up shit and she's like okay 'cause they even had the church ever was on fucking drugs right through the whole fucking thing So like all of the torture and everything was happened. yeah Taught volunteered for it. She she didn't read it now. Now something she i mean. She's promoting it so she's not reading from it it just you know it was. She had to dig deep. You know how it is. People people are allowed to consent to things. Like you're allowed to like. I know that. But what is this again. The bunny game bunny games. Shut up though. Sounds like i might want to check it out really. Oh come on. You know how much better that is knowing that somebody or at least having the story in your head that all of this could have actually happened now really. There's at least a ninety percent chance bullshit. Just because i. I'm going to bring up a exhibit number one blair witch project you know they totally marketed that beforehand like it was leaked footage from somewhere like you could go catch free shows at random places around the country and that was that yeah and and so when you go to see it you know All you hear is rumors of it. This is really pre internet but pretty much. Yeah i mean. I i did. I bought it when it when when it came out like i mean. I didn't like pay for it. I mean like in my head when it came out. When i've seen things about it i thought it was real right gung bright eager than now but i didn't i didn't i didn't know if it was real and then when i went and saw it i was like no this is this is a movie i mean it's this one hundred percent not just found footage movie. It's cool because nobody had done it that way before. That's why i believe that. All i got scared the fuck outta me right it. Did it really scared me. I mean so. This is like a great. I'm sure it's got to be a bit one hundred percent fable day every day could be completely there. It's a complete work all the way around. Probably well i'm gonna blow but it's okay. Maybe they did to it. And that's the thing if you're going to see the movie if you're going to see the movie let yourself believes that it's all happening exactly the way it's happening in in it to enhance your your thing. But i mean that's almost like doing your own stunts. Though right i mean yeah. You're jumping out of a car. I mean i'm cramming this road flare up your ass. yea i'm shaving your head. I mean that's method acting. Yeah no that's true. That's true right. It's just a abedian obscene. We see not sorry. But now i think but but i think there's like worship like he forces her to take like drugs and shit unlike does other capture. I know at one point. He does shoot her up with something. Nice yeah i don't.

00:50:03 - 00:55:01

I don't remember because a party mummy. We anyway god speaking of party at the next dinner party. I was sent an interesting recipe and collection of recipes Now they said like yeah. You could talk about it on the show. Why i looked at it. I suggest that think gonna. What do you think these recipes are for a okay. It's a bodily fluid or some sort. This is something that comes out of the body. No doubt if knowing you. that's what it is. It is not no k non body fluid related non body. Fluid related Don't know nothin' year. No i got nothing all right. It's all about cow pussy how vagina opaque pussy. Seven thousand pig. Great so is a pig. Sure big pussy knockouts. So yeah these are. These are recipes on how to cook per se. Yeah figures i mean. People eat that all the time. No not uterus volvo okay. To that is part of the uterus. I mean the universe contains all of those things the uterus is not the uterus is all internal as in the outside i felt a uterus was the entire container. No the uterus is just where the the fucking flow being too. Yeah theaters is where the baby is stored. The eaters is not the whole vagina vagina. Vagina is gina. Says eater or where we're gonna look. I'm just going to say i'm gonna have them. Hit will the uterus looks like it's the whole thing i mean it's you know it's not well. The vote always in front of it. Right what were we talking about anyway. I'm sure when you reading caf- cafe uterus. That's what they're talking about the entire time. Well whatever it's i mean fucking disgusting. And i don't know why i believe everything don't know that people do but i'm just saying that i really do not have an interest in eating and eating the genitals of any animal ago. I have had dick delicious tickets. Delicious oak is delicious. it is but i mean. Just don't tell me what it is before you feed it to me and let me eat it. I could save or lock them them. Tell me what it is. I mean if it's not like regular innards or it could be you know me is grow their entity iron immediately. You're like that's an entered the twang pussy sometimes. But that's i mean. It's got to be milder. i would thank right. Pig uterus has got to be picked. Buzzy pig pig tutors. I got gotta be mild. It's pork the other other pork either. Other people it is kinda i mean. It's the stuff you don't normally eat normally eat. People around the world he stuff. Everything got well they there. There is a place that actually took a poll. They said would you would you. Would you ever eat exotic foods such as pork for giant pena's soup but it sounds so weird exotic. What do you mean exotic. It's a ball. It's cow and pig. Unique calabuig yeah or chicken or whatever you know body whenever you're at all the time it's calibrates chicken fish at whole by loves it job out the majority of forty three point two percents that they would only in life or death situation try it but then there's but then there are a lot of people really go try it. Yeah there's no guarantee. I'm i'm gonna like it. I'm not gonna promise to eat it all. But i love how they use. This is the picture. T-bone it's a state cut and half it happens to look like a piece wa l. Got a little rift little ripped. I wonder if you pay extra for the one. The farmer dental. Oh you want dismal as purely glazed like wag you but better. What's that what's the pig brand the wagon version of pig very famous ones. They just they sit there. And i eat acorns all day fuck. I don't know they usually make prudhoe out of it and shit. I don't know now it's done really like her vercoe.

00:55:01 - 01:00:01

Oh there you go. That's one yeah for sure of erico. Very co thank. You feel better now. Because i'm like okay. Right don't know either heritage berkshire pork. That's yeah okay anyway anyway. This has been your cooking food. If you're gonna eat it you might have fuck fucking i. I'm sure they were totally shocked that you could eat. Pig uterus regina pig everything of the person who sent it to me probably was really probably like dismayed. Well there's a lot of things that people people fucking freak out about that they send me like. Oh my god you guys. She's like oh yeah talked about you know. Go or this or i know people that do this. What completely normal diaz is really not a big deal. Most of the world probably eats most of an animal when they kill it. Oh right. I mean that's at least that's the rumor going around. I've seen that on youtube. Watch the best ever. Food rivers show. They're not holding back on any. We just watched on one of my oven on this fast of watching japanese people cook things for whatever reason. It's like soothing. Sometimes you put on a half an hour video of somebody making an omelette. That's right or things. Oklahoma shaky maka sue like you have no idea what this stuff is. But it's fun to watch cook anyway. We that do the guy who had the whole fuck in p- launch atop which is thick with It was it was lying huts lungs liver and colon lungs liver and go god beef lung liver and colon like chopped up and you know fried up on a thaw right interns though. I'm sure garin awful. Yeah it's some awful awful. It was awful looking. I mean it looked he whatever. He did what he could with it. I'm sure of course you. I mean you do you camp and supposedly like people in this one town. It's like a popular snack even for kids. I just can't imagine a kid can have some long daddy daddy daddy. I want some long from the one guy. Oh god and when. I say this particular guy. He he had this little shack hut like right next to the railroad track and he would pull out his fucking plaza like on a cart and so it set up like he's a streetcar. But he's kinda like the butcher's places right behind him so but he is literally two inches from where the arm goes down for the train crossing. He's like when it went down you you he rest his arm on it as as he's fried up the The lung and whatever the hell else colin kids love it. Think kids love it. Twenty seven like candy. Let's go to your favorite segment any moves in and on the news. It's time once again for man. Okeydokey this this man. This week is isabel miller and you can get her on twitter at isabel. Miller ex. You should check. She's very pretty woman. She's got humongous cities. I looked at other places. She does have an only fans but Oh an instagram account. But she doesn't post a lot on instagram As show many's on instagram. And that's what we like. Instagram hates. ladies lady nepal's body offense that's right. You have some beaver cleaver no. that's right. it's not your body not your choice. You can't show it right not allowed. We're just nothing. But just sexist incubators trait. Where's your husband. Your wife your pastor pray chaperone. Obviously you don't have a take on but Yeah but if you look her up on twitter at isabella miller ex. You'll you'll see some some voluptuous cities. Some very nice pictures. Pretty girl man siegel babies on now. Beyond ch- i like how the this week i was doing stuff for the video. And i noticed that that you had a couple of things squarely your one story about the threesome. You had that when all twisted around you had like details but like in your mind you curb things around to where it wasn't really the way because i only i only read the first bit of it and i went by what it said and i just like fucking went from there. I'm like i am highest balls.

01:00:02 - 01:03:46

Fuck it this is what you're gonna get and whatever and then you were telling me you're like hey you don't read this this. It was a much better story. Yeah no the the girl. The girl in the boyfriend. We're talking about having a threesome. She put out online. That i want to have a threesome ins and i want to surprise my boyfriend with it. And some girl responded. The two girls set up to blindfold dude handcuffed due to the bed. Got busy After getting busy dude stands up says hey. Why did you do this to me. You dumb bitch. And she says what that is by fucking ex-girlfriend. Why did you do this to me. And the ex girlfriend had seen the picture and totally just did it intentionally to fuck him over. Yeah wow wow which that status couple's still together. The couple is still did has she. Didn't know was the fucking. The ex girl for was the one. That's like being ratchet is on hell. I mean christ almighty they agreed to do something and just had no idea that it but anyway they said this was a few years back so this is a few years later them telling the story of it which i thought was cute though. So daddy mute. No i mean and i wanna point out. This is probably exactly what happens with with the angry white lady disease. What you read the first couple of lines major owed assumption read with it. I don't know 'cause. I don't. I don't really i guess. Yeah whatever shit my give ship or not about stories like that. No one's paying me to do this if i get the fuck some facts wrong. It's right there. Ps we're not launching people to mars here my god. We're telling you weird stories that you think are funny right giving you something thrown in the background while you do shit that's hopefully entertaining tier right and really for the most part. We're doing doing this because we like hanging out with each other of saturday night at talking about we're chet. Yeah uh-huh entertaining to dress up. Sometimes different that yes sometimes and fucking holiday season before the goth girls the gaza. Nemo's really all right. So yeah because the gotham kinda. Pass out sunscreen. This halloween it in october. Usually because fucking hot and florida southern hemisphere australia. Well yeah sounds getting strong down there now. It's going to get hot. they're gonna roast this year. Well yeah we're gonna go for tonight and for the week so i hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day months shift. Whatever it is you're gonna do it. I hope you have a good one. Everything from ese. So the costumes will continue for the rest of the month of october. So never gonna move into the december one anyway. All right well. I will talk to you later. 'cause they paid by slept eight. Look tacos and buddy those.