#379 – Surprise Threesome
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10/09/2021 Holding it together... Katie thinks out loud... Nothing accidently goes up your butt... How Katie almost lost something up her butt... There are guys with small dicks that can bang, so says Katie... When old friends won't leave you alone... Katie's PPOTW - just angry... One man angry about the "pornification" of Netflix, but there is no porn on Netflix... When wives get mad at the ladies their husbands stalk online... When your friend's adult child starts sending you dick pics... New to kink couple stretches their pervy legs... Woman that shares her husband with her mother, sexually!... Episode of "Rule 34"... Katie's weird dream about either kids or kittens, we're not sure... Man kicked out of apartment for refusing to stop jerking off in front of his window... Amputee fetish... Tits Man - Bad puns and Frankenhooker the movie from 1990... Restaurant in Japan that has 12ft tall robots serving you... Man stabs wife in eye because he wanted pancakes not waffles... Man removes face tattoos with an angle grinder... Surprise threesome with your ex... Baby camen or baby gator for a pet?... Boy snagged his nut sack on a branch running through the woods nude.

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Kinky Katie's World #379 Surprise Threesome

00:00:02 - 00:05:02

There's posed from from this hospital. It says nothing accidentally goes up your but the er staff the weekend has landed. All the exists now clubs drugs. Popes and pies. I've got four hours from the world. Man i'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming kettle. I'm gonna cut shit to strangers all night. I'm going to lose plot dancefloor the free radicals inside me a freaking tonight. I'm chitra volks are on three of papa. I'm going to never neverland with my chosen family. Mind we're gonna get more than neil armstrong tonight. This could be my life from the seventy three quick buck per. What's the keep me now. Live from rule thirty four stadiums. Bring you a girl that went an entire wing without a masturbation injury. Here she is your host the one the only kinky kinky welcome to the show this world number three seventy nine i am your host can be katie and with me as always my absolute fee i covered suck to mr s. Okay okay sure all right we are coming to. You live from role thirty four studios kiki katie radio comedy. Radio can't dot. We've got some fun stuff for you tonight. All right promises that you make every week. You always start you start. It was a good attitude. Is what i'm saying i started lately. I've been starting it. I'm just trying to fuck in hold together. She you're holding good youtube. Cha chuck so high. Everybody who's listening. Live tonight and hello to everybody. Who's watching on the tubes of you and Yeah who's listening. However you're doing it. I'm happy to hear. See your from you much like most things. It's okay all right and you want to see happy birthday to one of our slasher sisters patricia. It's a birthday today. all right. that's all right. And she's she's she's actually. She listens to the show. She promotes that she pushes it. Cool like to see very nasal. Oh my goodness so glad. This email. The other day there's Those gentlemen that wants to want to interview with me and we're actually doing it Coming up next week a couple of days and i was kinda terrified about about dude ex. Oh just like stupid insecure. Mostly that you have to interact interact with somebody what do you. What do you no stranger danger. No but i watch him some of his stuff. And i just fine right. I like when you think out loud right in the beginning you just. I'm just gonna think out loud for a minute. I've been here for an hour hanging out listening to a show. I'm going to throw a few things that you jabeen been spitballing for the last hour. Really for no reason. But you know it's not for no reason with bowling here. Whatever right shut up okay. Oh so also. I don't know if anyone out says Put the brakes on ya. Let's not do that. I don't know what what were you going to do. I don't even know there is There's this post from from this hospital. It says nothing accidentally goes up your but since er staff sometimes it does accidentally got up here but i mean. I'm sure it's happened but accidentally get sucked in like. Oh did go that far. But i mean you got it there to begin with and then it just kind of teleported from there be me up. I just wanted to let the head in a little bit. That's all just beginning. And i it went vacuum cleaner. I don't know how just a little poke poke and on the sand worm came and ate them right right. I don't know that would that would feel like having something just like crammed up your ass and then it just like your mind. Now i mean your badges you put almost lost and ask toy before so you kind of know. Yeah yeah alright. But it didn't happen though. I mean i just. I popped it out like a little easter bunny. Right reasoning a. We'll that's what i'm saying.

00:05:02 - 00:10:01

So kinda do know. You had that panic. Look on your face. Well of course because when you're sitting there and you're having sex and you've got one of those vibrating eggs up your ass and then you go to remove it but the removal cord meant for that. Just the court comes out. You're not really retrieval method. You thought it was great. Cam chinese vibrators. I got thought suit up. There would be have an easier time coming in well. Apparently i was wrong so it was it was you had a tug back situation like a little square game tug of war going on between you and your egg. We're we're staying leave yet. The little guillotine came down to cut the rope at the end. Yeah and the bullet disappeared but yeah but thankfully and they do flush their small things. So i do know that that one went somewhere and it never came back. It's a mystery but anyway but One of the one of the main things that that This guy wants to talk to me about is What i used to do in the adult industry. Okay what do you mean. Well what do you mean. well. That's what i'm saying is like i think he thinks i'm a lot bigger well. Not that really. Mostly that. That i i mean the point that you made. We've made i mean we made our porn put it out on our website and then when we took it off took it off would watch us fuck. Okay find it well. Yeah now. Churn there dan i. I still have them. Sure no. yeah no put them somewhere so at some point but you know things get our website always get shut down. It always gets cut off hours censored by somebody and then it's a ripple effect of me having to redo a bunch of shit again. Yeah yeah so. And that's not a happy as well. you know. sometimes it's okay sometimes. You just want to like like redo a bunch of stuff and that's fine you know. But as a general rule. I don't wanna have to rebuild everything that i do for fun. You know. i'm doing this for fun. What he what are you doing to me. Yeah that's true. Oh my goodness gracious. Oh okay i did wanna bring up the There's there's there's someone that always comments on the the two little dick any little dick video and super dialys. He's really he's a super nice guy. Well i mean. I'm saying guy. Because he says he has a little dick guided wolf. You say you're a guy that's what you have to go for. I'm just going by dick. Okay so go my leg. that's okay anyway. It's up to him to correct you. That's true you know that's true if nothing's readily available and you're talking about jake wait pretty appropriate to say he wait a minute. I think i think he was. He's the same one that says he was a actually a contestant in the little dick contest. Pageant yeah okay. I think there was somebody else that was an actual contestant. I'm not sure flights it's it's it's in the so if you go ahead and check it out anyway. Yeah size of your dick doesn't matter i have sometimes does. But there's guys were little dix that can really fuck and then there's guys with huge jong's don't you know they're like the worst fucking lay in the world you have to have like you're saying. Sc like a bankable compatibility. Yeah well yeah you can be completely really good with one person and the next person. It just whatever's for whatever reason i mean it may not even be like a physical thing. I know i've i've like been with girls that i don't i don't really i just don't connect. I was horrible with them. I'm sure i'm a hundred percent. Sure and you know what that's just the way it was sorry. Now what are you gonna do. It wasn't really into you and it's not anything has anything to do with you or what you look like or whatever because it varied it's never really one straight reason why i'm just really not connected with you in that way and i just i don't really feel like banging you would 'cause like there. Was this one dude. He had a little dick. I used to fuck ad. He was really really good. And then there was another guy but then again.

00:10:01 - 00:15:10

The guy with a humongous sean. I took his virginity. So i don't expect him to be great. Now that will that. That's a factor too. What are you gonna do. Hey and i've said at one hundred billion times. I hate taking people's rigidities and i won't fuck into it because it's just a teacher. I don't wanna do this. I'm not mrs fucker robertson. Either i just i yeah But i completely forgot as okay rambled threat. I it's like the same thing that happens. Like every every part like around the same time of year is people from my past. Contact me okay. Everybody think pretty fair to say but it's weird it's like why are you like oak. Labs telling you this This one dude That we used to know from down south. He's got to be frigging hammer because like nine times in a row. he's trying to facetime facetime. Facetime me he's a. Oh a c. Must be home. Like no dared. Like i don't do that anyway. I do think time at all. Never so people are the now. I'm not into that. Yeah 'cause i look amy either. No i'm just. I'm just saying and the person lives in another fucking god damn country. I don't even know what time it was over there. But at some point you just come to block block block the person to pro solve that. He got he got deported. Now he got deported Before we moved to orlando so you were saying you were saying that. I knew i don't remember. Yeah horrible like that somebody who drank with. Yeah you didn't like him okay. He liked me and he told you so. That never bothered array. I mean how many. I heard that a million times. I know for some reason for some reason you you you. You didn't like if i was drunk. I mean that's a and i. It's it's just the way somebody approaches things. Yeah oh yeah now. That i know with you. They approach things in a weird way. I'm gonna be with them and be straight up. We probably yeah. you know. that's true right let's Happy twentieth birthday. Adult swim right. I just wanted to throw that out there. Let's favorite segments sitting by. It might not be the porn you would pay peres made the point. It's time on your skin there right to bear arms. Say i fucking cackle. Trap my pick of the week I have been bleeding. So i have been very angry very angry and i've been i've been frustrated and i've been stressed out for an. I've been megan of stupid. Things pissed me off. So then when i get people they come to me like who i was just talking about. Who can facetime ing me for. God knows boy like seventeen times in a row for fun really and there's another guy that i had to block today from mess anyway yelling at them and getting like super duper pissed off turning me on really like getting like i would get so frustrated and just aggravated and i'd start screaming. Let it out. And then i'd either feel better the agenda and i'd have to go out right or but also what's been what do you what are you. What are you instigating here. I mean if. I'm if i'm random joe sitting at home right now i'm thinking immediately. I need to facetime her. As soon as i possibly can. Because she's got get bad yell at me and go run out yet so trust me. I'm not gonna get mad right now. I feel too good to be me matt right now. So you're not gonna get what you want. Sorry but also people that. I don't lake getting in trouble or something bad happening to them. That's been just watch them fucking deteriorate about nab decide cry straight hater situation gaz right and when you're object of heat like actually have something happens to your object of eight.

00:15:10 - 00:20:00

It's it's doing it for you okay. That seems yeah. She was pretty aggressive. Okay but that's an. I'm wishing actual harm you just so you know. I want something bad to happen to you. 'cause i really don't like you. I am really horny. Think on facebook car accident. Oh bad for you. Are you hurt to be fair though. It's probably somebody who's done a number of things to really. Yes this feeling in your right. I dunno i hope. Sometimes they do nothing. It wouldn't be like the person at the grocery store like that. I don't like no that wouldn't i. Don't use bothered me for decades. Yeah and then just like things. I start thinking about. I've just and oh man. I do little not a deep dive. I didn't have to go very deep understanding and gets me the giggles as important read right. I'm a little disturbed. Wow a little but we are the fix that okay. Gonorrhea how god no cure gonorrhea. What are you talking about some fucking pencil or something. It's something ridiculously easy now. There's no reason to fear the god just deal with. Ooh unless you get the super supergun. That's right gone gone a couple of years ago or this year or last year at some point. Recently there was a strain that they write hard time treating. We talked about it. A wino- dues the gross crash. Just just grossness not. Everybody listens to every episode. That's true not like commander cutie. Okay i like to say hi to two seven fans especially the female fiennes guys. I still love you. Don't don't think man hater and just all. She likes it if they're gay. I mean there's a lot. So i don't know what it's like that there's a lot of dudes i mean you're there's a lotta dudes that listen to you that follow you on twitter and that's fine. That's because i show boobs. I don't believe him. I i get it. One hundred percent but But yeah no. I do. I do Like like more the women too because then it's like hey you're just coming to me because i don't know why reason for what you're doing that's all right however i can't stupid Feel better so good. I don't know i'm just weird. Oh so this. Guy was all pissed off and wrote an article about the porn fixation of net flicks. It says vacation of netflix continues really in what way well. How are we buying it. Well i'm not fortify. But how's it being porno fide. Apparently they're just they've been releasing just like a slew of movies. That have very graphic sex. Seems like the first like five minutes and people are like. Oh great like they. The one three hundred sixty five days that they kept trying to shove dot throw for fucking ever it. People said it was like a polish fifty shades of grey okay publishers. So which point. I mean it was marked tv. Ma that stands for mature audiences. Right i would. I would assume okay so you should never. Oh sue. what's the problem. It's another one of these olives exists and i hate all of so nobody is allowed to eat a fuck it all of like you know. It's the fuck. It's the mother's like the will bill you moms and shit like that. That are like much. Children can click. Then why don't you. I put on a parental block of like really tv. And it's on you. I mean that's unu- how old is she get adult stuff if i want to watch after your own child. The don't have them right. I mean you're you're probably right. Maybe they shouldn't be watching that. But that's your decision your choice. Your fucking jaw. That's your job if you don't care to that's right right. Oh and there's no like porn on their. I mean like actual porn. There's probably some softcore shit going on. There's there's there's there's hubby hubby adler smacky. There's a new movie that came out. It's like called sex life or something it.

00:20:00 - 00:25:01

That's the one that's like. Say it's really really raunchy and there's un- simulated sex and there's a lot of there's like threesomes and a ton of ships you jerk to their. I mean really netflix. Seriously maybe some people okay. I mean i'm sure some people could find something they would want to jerk but really reeducating me. They checking throughout an anime really. I mean your kid goes on their phone. And what i mean. It takes no time at all to find some heart kirker. We assisted in that. But watch your kids. I don't know what to tell you an adult. I should be able to get it. I don't see the problem. Is if i wanna see something i wanna see it and if somebody's willing to do it and give it to me. Wh why should i have it. I don't i don't get it. I mean i get it. You're you're might see what you did did that lady. I mean some people can't have like sexuality all up in their face because they turned into like pedophilia monsters. Like maybe they know. It's one of those things. I can't be exposed that so bro. That's your problem like go. That sounds like a you problem. Go not expose yourself to it. You can do that. You can choose not to click on that thing. You could choose not to go to the places i mean. It may be hard for you. But that shouldn't mean that i can't i don't drink but i have a problem with there being bars and other people drinking. That's up to you drank. If you wanna drink. I don't i don't drink and i go places Often where a lot of people drink just so fucking important side if you wanna see support f. c. santa claus taking a christmas tree up. His bite will damn it. What's the problem. Don't be grinch solid. If i could seize right or it's at the day. Whatever actually if you're like doing something that's completely legal you you're banging people who are agreeing to the situation what's going on and what. What is the problem. Yeah so yeah. It's not it's not our fucking job to. It's not that dirty on that flexes. What i'm saying so to get your panties untwisted there. Yeah you're not collect to. Yeah you need to have like like somebody else to heat. It's just you know you got to shift. You're angry about today right fair that. There's really not porn on netflix. So get over it. I mean it's a. Tv may tunnel. That's i i like. I just think it's dumb to be held responsible for other people's shit like i have. Sometimes women get mad at me and semi. Dm's on fucking facebook. My husband likes shooter. He sent you this data. How focused this my problem. Yeah well your problem. I don't even know this person. But obviously katie sent you five direct messages all saying show me your heads and i wanna come all over your face and really hard one of your pictures up a sandwich. Well what does that mean. Reward to lunch with him. Are you fucking him. You're buying a major katie said. Lady i don't even live in your state or country. I've never yeah that that's happened to so holy crap. And i thought i was like i don't know how that will and it's not like you're doing sugar daddy. You know You pay peg type. You don't do any of that. Like people do that for a living and actually take a bunch of shit from people like you know. Give me your fucking mortgage money. Instead you know and i can you imagine the number of of of contacts they get the ones you really hammer dudes because you know you get him. You're just whatever you don't like. I appreciate gifts. I don't you know right. I don't say lakes isn't what you do for a living. No right. you're not try. I'm not trying to make a living here now. Right gary money. No i don't do that. Yeah what because it's less one made it become like anything you do if you start to where you need to make a living doing it like you need to pay rent is much as you like Doing whatever you know you're fucking like for is might go down when you have to depend on fucking eating or not you know as to the dude who sent you a gm. Hey can you do a dirty whatever for me and you. Don't you know what i mean.

00:25:01 - 00:30:01

They want something from you and you know i got kinda gotta do it because this is you gotta eat really. Yeah no no i. I clearly understand that that that be even worse is what i'm saying as far as getting how many girlfriends and shit would be hitting you up a Talking to my guy. Yeah that's rewind by talking to. It's a one way conversation. I mean he says nice tits. I say thank you. Okay what should i say. Where's your wife. That's and i still think it's isolates. Funny how I i think that that my friend son is still sending me nudes. Dick fix chess so weird so weird like hope. Help us picture. He's twenty years old or whatever he's yeah he's he's like twenty four. Yeah yeah yeah. But he's still you. You did know him when he wasn't a it wasn't like you ever had a discussion. I e conversation with him ever. Just that's what is not as kid and what's both of them the couple. Yeah right and i know exactly. It's so bizarre you you even told his father. Hey you know your son's fucking you want to see your son's dick. And i think that his father the dick pic. Yeah his son set. You just go and just so you know and he laughs. He was twenty years old twenty one years old when he did that. Yeah what he's an adult and he said kuker. There's there's several there's several mornings and it'll have like a d m with his face. In his mccarthy's i could moon weird. Got big any you because what are you gonna do. I'm not you know that's one of those things is like. It's it's creepy however everybody has a right to like whatever find they wanted to and whatever you could block. You could do whatever if he was like doing something that other to do. It's just funny point. Sure what's kids man trying to pick up on on twitter. Check the you know. I mean. I know her up. No but i just. I just i get such i. I shouldn't say this. But i do. I get a kick out of it. Like how post picture of his of his girlfriend or fiancee like together. Like in the pumpkin patch. Yeah when you're in the showers something before this. He's sending me bedroom addicted what that happens. A lot of girls all over the internet. Get these you know scandalous. Shit like that from attuned whose wife or life of forty years is like. Turn for a minute you know. Well there is. There's new couple that started following me. She they're news of the lifestyle and they're like all about the chastity like she's a key holder okay. He's in a little cottage. Wow and is a total cuck too right. Well they're very excited about it like it's a jam like they say they're new to it but it's like that new relationship like so you get like all fucking excited like jazzed up about it. Fuck everybody i the key like a kid with a toy. Yeah the first time. Learning how to write of icicle bicycle shit everywhere can be a mexican next week talking fucking great. I'm going to sit on every dick. I wanted to that one that one that one all three of you right now. It's like. I've only had sex with five men since before i met you. I met you five minutes ago and then at some point you you just you don't maybe you don't even want to deal with somebody else long enough to to to fuck them like honor now. It just seems like more work than i feel like. I'm now i'm kind of responsible for. I have to be responsible for your feelings. Like i like. You're feeling well. I i've said it before and i'll say it again. I'm absolutely should he hold her. And i i've done it before. And i've been the keyhole to other people in different states and you know i was terrible because i just didn't care i didn't i didn't care perfectly honest i did not give a fucking shit.

00:30:02 - 00:35:01

Make them to like semi pictures. Daily pictures with like post it notes a key holder for those People get locked in the jazz devices and the heat of somebody so they have control over wednesday. Come kind of thing. Yeah just in case. You weren't really sure tie. I forget that those people like listen. What do you think about people in foreign languages. English isn't my first language. I'm trying to understand. He's astles a good luck rasoul's anyway let it fly. There is a swinging couple that This chick she shares her husband with her mother to keep him happy. I'm just thinking about your mother. Go oh god man. No jesus why would i do that. I put myself in that person situation. Immediately i start empathizing with the story that you're telling well we are heading. That's a pretty positive thing really. We're going go to thirty four combat. All that all you're gonna go at your mother know fucked up when we come back we will pick this up. I've seen other mothers other mothers of girls that i've dated have for sure bagged a ha- would've cared. What just what no you know. You're a long time ago to okay younger still. I don't really disagree with my assessment. Either now i understand. So i hear somebody else. Whatever i'm just saying my situation that would be horrific. I just a like. That's a nightmare situation. Okay like sharing me with your dad. And oh my god. She stopped how jesus sashes raw right. Can't can't do that anyway. Anyway but yeah. So 'cause he he's like yes and they put it on talk like they make videos all the time not of them like banging of them like huggy bear in all each other. And she's like my mom she's begging you know everybody's Cast for like two and you know and the mother looks she. She'd looks total eighties grouping Right now she can fuck so. I be totally into that. He's only twenty four right. Yeah all about it. What are you talking about hell. Yeah i have no problem with other ninety. I envy that i mean. That's not maybe not a bad. That's got to be a lot of crazy though for sure. There's you gotta really watch your shit you think. Will you have a mother daughter that could all of a sudden flip on you at some point. I yeah you better be on here. shit son. Well like imagine. Imagine them Contact you because he hearted one of your luck in both right. They'd be sitting into fucking parking lot in the morning as you walk out you know. Come here honey. I wanna talk to you. I don't think they really said they. They looked like they don't sound like that at all. I know because they're over in the uk to hello. Hi wrong track terrible anyway. All right we're going to go to come back. We are going to have weird as dreams and also some so repubic yum. it's time full at st andrews refreshing snack poking good wrestling god sustain. He like. I don't really like coleslaw wrestler. Isn't you know people do that. Tastier guts. I mean that's the rest matter. And they said i don't think unlike speaking out of turn by saying think universally people would rather have then the pumpkin itself. You know if you're under the pie okay. Yeah but other than that. The seeds seats are tasty will say. Yeah yeah okay though. I mean you know that there's always splashing there's like. Oh i wanna i wanna do.

00:35:01 - 00:40:02

And we're talking about the comparison between the pumpkin guts. Angola i mean you can't just ready eat. Pumpkin guts is not a prepared item. Coleslaw already done. It's there it's ready. You start munching coleslaw. Right in the middle of the match and euros et where pumpkin guts. What are you gonna do you. Dobbin coach him seed. I don't wanna fight any eat the coleslaw that. I'm currently flopping around sometimes. It's not about you just looking out for you really okay. Because if you're going to eat one of them paid rather yugoslav equals while you like no push. Oh back king. Katie's world real studios katya radio dot com cast dot net. You'll get the on swift later at king radio. Katie radio dot com catering to chemo dot com youtube. Anyway you can google me because all just kinky katie radio. Pretty damn simple that you can find everything they said was like. What's your guess. I give you. I'll give you three guesses. And why do you wanna see nipple free content. I'm trying to better more toasties on there. I like how last week you post something you'd even though you posted i that really that went through. I didn't think it went through right because like didn't show right. You're very boomer. Ever whatever membership. I've been having some really weird fucking dreams lately. Okay i mean when i say weird i mean really you weird okay there this one where. There is these newborn kids in a refrigerator. Okay of god. I'm trying to like there was two of them and it was. They were on like a little like blanket in a refrigerator. But then there was like actual food in the rest of the refrigerator out now. For descriptive purposes where they like preemies size infants where they were newborns newborns but like large newborns regular size color in their cheeks look in raising like well there is still were open yet okay but bigger like blake maybe like hamsters is hamster size is pretty small. It's one pom. That's that's yeah. That's that's a fetus. that's like almost the unborn. Get in not an oh a kitten a baby. You said a baby. I thought i don't know like i said newborn kid. Okay okay right. I feel a little better now. They'll there is our over now. You're like what the foot lady talking to god they're like chicken embryos lookout really waving texas flag. I don't understand. I was trying to feed them and i was as frustrated as as trying to find them food but like i can't and they're like still alive after days like i keep trying to get back to them at checkout in the fridge. Try to carry care for the kittens at some reason for some reason lived in the fridge and i and i can't do it. He had to wait a minute. But there's other. There was other kittens that were thriving from the same batch raham but there was two in the fridge for some reason. Okay i don't know why Well each you're mothering instinct. Kicking in you know. I'm a failure as a mother of a bad for mommy. I have not. I love my little baby. See i planted the stream somehow in your brain your anyway it up. Don't look at me. I had nothing to do with. That's true right right. I mean as a matter of fact. I tell you all the time. The cats are are all in you. They're all up in your shit constantly. Hear all about you. I know right movies are happy. Little fucking for babies. So what do you are. you worried about well. I was trying to feed the cats. But i dislike for some reason i couldn't. I was having such a panic. And i was freaking out. I'm like these things are going to die like it was bad right. But that's weird. I'm like helpless. Ended refrigerator tell you. We're putting infants in a refrigerator. You know so yeah cooler. I'm pretty brisket after you've done cooking eighty sometimes you just gotta put it it in paper.

00:40:02 - 00:45:01

Put it in a colour and that way at tampers itself in loosens up to meet a little bit. It's not as tight that way. Katie gotta get good brand. Mix them all sweet gotta loosen up all them. Little tiny ligaments and tendons and stuff katie. Yes i just melt away. Because i out right about the rest. There is a florida man. A big surprise. He's set an apartment complex under-fire manager told him to stop masturbating in front of the window out tear them. Stop me from beaten off in front of raynham people's windows and no no no not in front of written. Oh like he would be like his window. I would open up the blinds. And i just i just vanity name for that at one point and i forget what they call it like. I don't know but an actual shopping road no a. I'm trying to think like kind of name. I don't remember anyway. Somebody just likes to do basically jump out and to the Jump scare jerking off action. Here's my dick's again. Here's mine right. I mean how do you go have the conversation with your neighbor. Who's gonna stick out like immediately. That stops me coming in conversation and more of a what. Fuck you to stop it. Just i can stop it. Whatever if see. This is the whole year. Not asking me before you whip out your take in. Start beating it off friday. You're not talking to me about it. So really i am not into it. Don't force your problems on me really force. Your king signed me. That's what i'm saying. Asked me and i can shoot you down to your face normal people. I can tell you know. I don't wanna watch you beat up but i respect you more of for any asked me right. At least then i wouldn't like borderline. Be waiting for you to say something back to me. So i can like like justify violence in one way or another you know and by the way i have i have someone asked me. You know if they consider pictures or if they end. I'm usually yeah you can't because you asked me right but there's this one guy who sent me a tweet and sends it out every he was a tribute video where he was you know jerking off and and okay but i liked the tile floor but it kind of like he was on a might have been on his knees because he didn't look far doubt he was short. Lp maybe maybe lp bird's eye view could be from a of about four foot to my. Maybe maybe okay vic next to lp. It would look huge. Wow that's right right so that will have so that. That may be the key. If if you're worried about how your dick looks to others. You know you could go. Full nugget. do like like a voluntary of mutation of all your lamps. And then that way you know your dick is gonna look a lot bigger that seven. Spanish actually is to have their limbs amputated and some people at some people fetish but then other people it's an actual medical condition that they feel they did a kind of i mean you're going get into like the people who who like tie up their arm or their leg like so they feel like they don't have those guys you're you're getting you're getting close where you're starting getting too close into doing shit that's going to hurt you because now not you. I'm talking about somebody who's fantasizing about like not having arm or leg say much take that back once you do it you don't have it armor leg because there's people who've done it now. I know that they're just chicken wing forever. Yeah well that's like they say people jump off the roofs and chet the change their mind. Halfway down what do you do when you've already cut off your arm and there goes my arm you know fuck i guess i got even out people. Do people do things that no. Let's go to your favorites by boobs in and on the news it's time once again for since it is october and we are.

00:45:03 - 00:50:00

This is our second show in october. So we got two more to go before halloween so with still in this season. We're gonna talk about some bubis there disturbing left for. She put infants in the freezer. Now you're laughing. I don't know what's going on it's a kid sickle. The answer is next to the elios. Let him get a smile about that. Occurs young way heavy on the punt action. Just not funny anymore. I don't know whatever was really sherman. Set the back to eighteen twelve shit like that was all the rage. Whatever i'm child juvenile. Tell me tell me about these movies. Since halloween season we are going to check out the movie. Franken hooker franken ochre fragrant hooker. You've never heard of it. I don't know what do you. I don't remember a lot of things. Let alone frigging hooker. Well anger came out in one thousand nine hundred ninety and it's about a student that sets out to recreate his decapitated fiance by building. Her new body out of made out of manhattan prostitutes right. Yeah franken hooker. Yeah like she has she has all its got hurt his fiancee's head and all the rest of our body parts or stitched up but he like picks them out like i like the chicks tits and kills her and chops. Tad's i've never seen. I did not know its existence. One thousand nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine. These were fuzzy for me. The ninety five era were pretty fuzzy. Okay right now. Still have nothing. Oh oh you're you're watching some shit on this earlier watching some breakdowns of it. Well because i've actually i've met i've met patty mullen. She's the one that plays the franken hooker. Okay met her at one of the tampa bay screams right right. She was there so anyway. But yeah. so there's lots there's lots of gratuitous boobs it's like it's it's a b. movie right. It's definitely a movie which you know you've done several of right so yeah anyway. So if you want see some some tits and ass and gratuitous nudity goofy gore franken hunger available now somewhere or another or not. Sure it's somewhere you can try to find judicial it all right hit man for the week. Not oh there's a. There's a cafe in japan okay. Where you're the the waiters are rude at twelve foot. Tall fan dots okay. Route twelve foot tall fan. Bots robots right okay. They're robots okay there giant giant fucking anime butts right. That's ex- mark. Italian like like lady from the video game. They're the resident. Evil giant-sized huge. That would be kinda frightening really. Because that's you know who knows what that thing's going to do when you're trying to zag and you know see imagine how small your dick is gonna look at her hands twelve tall. That's the problem like with fifty foot woman. Same thing a woman you just crawl inside or kuch i do. I'm not crawling up there. Well i'm not no fucking way how you get me out. Do i take an i know. Thank you mean if you you kind of have a retrieval system about this jackhammer to the butner southland fine i you d shaped like a jackhammer are they. Some of them are just like it just to me. It looks like a like a metal twist tie off of Some rebar you know. Somebody's somebody's tied together. A bunch of rebar. And that's what you just yanked out some some ladies to what tells tomato ally. Oh gosh. I didn't do it. Why did i didn't do it either. Okay whenever how. My gosh pretty good right now i also there was. There's a dude. He jabbed his girlfriend's i. I don't know what it is lately about eyeballs. But he jogged to go. There was Yeah it was. It wasn't a chick stabbed the guy with this guy that stabbed a girl in. I like popular.

00:50:01 - 00:55:00

Because here's a fucked up thing. She served him waffles instead of pancakes. And that may be this morning. When i was gonna make pancakes which i told you. I wanted pancakes right. Fancy belgian shit. What are you doing my goddamn pancakes. Fuck cover your veg. Goddamn flat tax. Jesus so yes. And she can't fucking she can't see away and you're really just glossing over the fact that he would rather have a pancake that a waffle. What kind of fucking monster really. Well here's another kind of fucking monster. There is dude. He removed his face tattoos with a weldon grinder. And this happened. This happened locally here. In florida go figure tampa okay. Yeah that seems very to ever liked me. No shit right you. You don't have the money for a laser removal. So what are you gonna do. You're cletus here in tampa bay florida. Big wrestling fan cletus is he. Works for carney company. Right and he wants to get out of kearney really bad but he's has an aggressive amount of facial tattoos a lot of a pornographic so he decides just take angle greider to his face. Friend do it like this happened in on labor day weekend. He said they said that he bought some gaza and some hydrogen peroxide. A he's like yeah. He bought gaas. Hydrogen peroxide eighteen budweisers and a bottle of sailor. Jerry room is out do and how they tell you what. I'm a drake de beers. I'm just starting to get into this bottle of rum. And then you star grind and bitch did he get all along way through it see said he has his friend do it at his friend was like i'm a welder. Sure he said the worst part was when is poured rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide on the wounds and then scrub the dead skin with a steel wool pad. We gotta make sure it's clean. He said he cried. Tears trickle down his face but he didn't scream serves. A tattoo is still there now. there are gone. There's just scrubbed off. It takes them brains to really figure that out. You know i just carve it off off so you could cut it off. You may take a or you could just live with it but go over it or house. Ablaze it up. You know about grinder to your face doesn't sound like a good idea. It sounds like really. You're going to have emergency room trip here. Well it's kinda like if you really if you're gonna do that if that's a good idea you kinda deserve to do it. Were detach easy grinded. I don't know. Yeah that i don't know some decks or somebody tattoo budgets on his face. I don't know maybe it's too big. Booby apple cheeks. I have no idea. He went to one of the Pray the gay away camps. His family converted him now. He has dick's all over his face. And he he reminds them of how much he loves dick. He's got to stay away from deck. Now uh salary around the decades. I see on my face and just won't be right now. Tax throw around thirteen decks tattooed on face right here. I had a little mark for everything. Good dang frankie grounded at right off for me. Lose my buddy. He did it for me because he loves me. Here's your body to. Frankie can can put logical. Can we save this. One was surprised. People live around us really of. I know those of you listening later. Completely shocked at somebody who lives very close to us decided to belkin tattoo off their face. You had a friend who who completely. I mean i think in my younger days i have literally done stupid. Shit like that two guys because they were like. Hey will you do x. z. Yeah sure but you want me to do what okay. I'll do that over oslo. I've given a few people tattoos with neil's just a needle with with with fucking twine and like india ink and b. b. b. and. It wasn't my idea i didn't want to. You know they are into it very. Would you do this for me man. I drew it on my arm. You just need to poke it into sure you another dude. He just had never been punched and he at andy's he told he end. That's where riva draken. For a while. And i and these now yeah. It was a good two three in the morning and early.

00:55:01 - 01:00:12

He he all night he'd been talking about it. You know Fight club and you know what i mean. The movie fight club and he's never really been into a fight man and never been hit and decided the other. I'm like well dude. You i'll hit you if you want me to. And he's he's nominee. I'm a moment and later on. He ended up to drake a. Hey hey i won't get punch man. Take me outside. hit may show. Of course they did. And i hit him square and he was fug out and just like a salad potatoes. Blam i don't think it. I i say i don't think it fucked up his face but i didn't see him anymore because i only knew him from a few times of drinking. You know we weren't like best friends. Yeah i mean they're just rea- drank a few times together so he just never came back to the bar after that but there are people that are witnessed him saying that right right there were three people standing there cause bad things always happen there. That was a long time ago. It doesn't matter things always happen there. Well i watched the kid wake up and we fucking gave him ice an fucking know. What's that fucking cruel about it. But after we set him home he lived in fucking neighborhood behind that. I did so. We just sat a walk at home. And that was it. We never saw jude again. So cussin' from hitting the pavement definitely. He didn't hit the pavement that hard but there were people around. They were waiting. They were literally waiting because they knew derelict. He's gonna knock him out because he's standing there he stayed. I don't even. I know i i was maybe sixty percent. I didn't really like try to kill him because he wasn't even defending himself either. That's what i'm saying. Hey brad motherfucker himmy back to the guy with bell grinder you know or angle grinder. They're having his welder. Friend i i could see at one point my life doing that not that i have but i would. I think i would have. I'm there for the longest time we had been having discussions about. Branding god yeah. I always wanted to brand you as we do it several times. And i wouldn't do it. I don't know if i would now but then then it definitely wouldn't have before it occurs to me. There's no guarantee. I've had pretty good wounds on me. That didn't really scar that much like my skin just doesn't do that. It doesn't key. Lloyd like that right so i you know once i thought about it. I'm like i'm gonna do this it. There may be a mark there. There'd be something but it won't be what i'm hoping to suck for awhile and then go away exactly. What did i do that for what what's going on here fordham. Like what do you do for fun. I stick hot things on my flash. At least i didn't try to have thirteen. Texoma face removed with anchor. Either that's a good point. That's a real good point. I'm telling you it's nineteen eighty nine in miami fort lauderdale area here in tampa bay florida in twenty twenty one. It's like setting a time machine. It in you know i'm right. This was like nineteen ninety Fort lauderdale miami. This is exactly the way tampa bay is now because we're from south florida. Yeah and and it's just blows my mind when you look around. You're like oh my god this. It's almost indistinguishable literally declared downtown area league. You're altogether two way. People are general right died in crowd holiday but different. Right right there is. There's this chick. She got all pissed off because she Her boyfriend wanted to surprise her with a threesome. Like she was like a prize. No no no like they talked about it and they were just going to get some random person. W what are we talking guy girl. Yeah okay guy girl girl guy. Yeah okay yeah. Right at rate yeah. That sounds very risky. Surprise at your girl with a three way that you just talked about. Well the the problem is is a surprise was they. Were just supposed to fuck in. Just get a rando right. Ma mama no. It was his ex his eggs. Yeah low and he blindfolded are how exc- though the one right before her. Yeah ballsy go. Yes if you're gonna have a three way you're completely ruining the opportunity to find some strange. Plus what are you doing dude. Well here's the thing too like because he blindfolded her and they fall fucked around and then she took it off and she's like oh my god it's you bitch goddamn and tina.

01:00:12 - 01:05:02

Cloudy your fuck. It is out. It's like jesus so yeah got it got pretty bad. Is he related to the guy who said thirteen decks offers face. You never know. I almost had to be. You have a ominous amoureux. Just how to say that. He missed an opportunity there. Instead of bagging. Somebody new and having new drama in your life you back to old jolla and old like what he what I completely find some new random person to do this with and have a lot more fun. But no i wanna go. Banged the girl that. I was tired bagging before i was tired of banging you honey. Now i have two girls that tired of banging and they're both together We need third tau. Sister wives happened. Three girls wanted. Yeah okay guys with like multiple wives. That's how it happens like right. I like her. But i'm kind of sick her so next like her. She's contributed but Surprise surprise three ways. I wonder why. I wonder why we went. Mormon or our marriage didn't work out one or the other. We've never done this before. But i'm going to bring my ex And to say it's kind of cute or whatever pretty bright really super smart. I couldn't quite tell. Oh or like you better so what you're going to do. You're going to suck my dick small town in a small town. Where really your fish. Out of a pool of four fish. So come in you. Don't you're preaching to the choir here. I i personally personal fund drive to another town get cheap hotel room. Meet someone at a bar. Take back to the hotel room. Have some fucking fun. Sia at i need at least a million people my direct vicinity for me to be a become trouble and you know at least a million like there's only four thousand people that live in my town and you go home. I got what what what do you do. I know like once. You've you've banged a few girls. That's that's it. He started over again. You got to go to another town whores over clarksville. They liked fuck katie as pig farmers over there pig farmer daughters way. Yeah but if that's what you gotta dare like. If that's the only trailer park that you live in there in the middle of the everglades and that's what you had the jews from you know. Have your manashe but you know. Are that guy who got caught. Fucking a gator remember latin. Yeah there's a guy that got in trouble for fucking. Gator seems very risky to me. If you're kidding pretty fucking risky not only that but cold-blooded so they're not gonna be warm. No no no. Aw oh no there's not going to be a fucking cold. Let reptile thinking. Fight your fucking leg on whatever at least your leg. No matter how big it is even a little little gator can. Those litigators has hasn't sharpest teeth. I'm here to tell you a little baby. Gators those things they will rip you over ten ways from sunday we used to have a baby came when i was younger. And that's my dad's would you guys ever of had a baby came ed critter isley. Yeah or what. I don't like like suburban. Why we'd had swede snakes. Tarantula telling you baby alligators. Bad enough baby bait. I think that came in are more aggressive than alligators. I'm pretty sure. I really think it was a gift from some from mike for somebody owed my father. Something is came earlier. I to me a little baby came in. I really don't know why or how we acquire that thing. I had a pet raccoon for a little bit but he wasn't really mine. I was watching him for somebody. Who's a like what gator. You're like here. I am bitching about seventy habit. A baby came in. I mean definitely i.

01:05:02 - 01:09:39

i've been involved in taking a baby. Gator two of our once. He was alive. I i would hope so. I wouldn't think i'd like why would you bring a dead one. I don't know why would you bring alive one but people have because we have just duct tape tasseled little we kinda providence set about putting apar- had a few years now that i could see dave always doing it was that fucking cuba's that i would surprise me at the time that had arrow shot in the sign the at the top of the bar right was literally that kind of i've been i really frequented a lot of really holy cheeses. How did i live. How avenue because i have to with you yeah. I'm by myself but not home. Right through it to creepy as ship i I think this one there was. Do you your biggest fear about being naked. What do you mean well. There was a boy he landed. He fell out of a tree and stick. The stick went through his scrotum though all the way down naked snag. God no yeah. It was a five centimeter stick. Yet had a removed from his scrotum told you impaled. Why don't run her out without without your nuts. Fucking reeled-in catching not on a branch. Oh my god no. He's poo burying. It probably run around without you. Got shoes on your You know ripta's nuts right off. Sure but yeah least. You could probably put the coins back in the purse and closed of hers again right. Didn't rip the the sack open it. Just punctured punctuated like a capri sun. Oh yeah wow so. Would you break the branch off and do it that way or did he try to like go. Go backwards out the other end or what what. What did you do here. But they had they had. They had to take him to the hospital. Manner ru stick. Well this is what i'm saying. Did he did he like. Break the stick off and then run to somebody to help him like where was help with. How close did he out to do like a quarter mile like break the branch off. Leave it through his throat and then go hiking through the woods for a day and a half and be way cooler store if he totally had to hike out of the fucking like deep. Woods alaska right. He's like in kodiak country walking where there's like big kodiak bears. That kid made it out. He made it out by the time he got out. He had a wolf skin that he was wearing little wolf baby. Wolves her shoes that guy. He's the legend is the legendary of screwed. Mixed thickener oddly. Oddly enough etiologies wolf clothing and yet he still had to stick to his scrotum. So never take that out and makes me who. I am strong. God don't run around in the woods with your nuts flap at around. Psa everybody or to be honest. Go ahead and do it. At least at least make sure somebody writes about it or does a video. So i can laugh at you. Make some of yourself fucker. Especially if what you have to say is sc told me never to run around without my clothes on in the woods. Down put saw near i right. Don't put salt in your eyes. Put salt in your exact ugly okay anyway. We're gonna go right. We're going to go now. Okay so i hope everybody has a one rest day shift month year. Trip drive commute blue. Thank never is you want Yeah for massey. Everybody well thanks for hanging out with me with us and Some doc does anybody does.