#369 – 3 Hour Orgasm
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7/31/2021 You know who you are... Thanks from Loli Topps... Guests? Maybe later... Girls coming out of the woodwork to flirt with Katie. Will Katie know how to respond?... Too big is still too big... More tales of masturbation injury by Katie... How is it that you even understand us?... Butt shaped game controller... Katie's new movie roll... Katie's new nose piercing... How Katie almost got herself and SC arrested... The birds that cursed like sailors... Katie's PPOTW - pain full torture... Taste our cream filled beavers - Liquor What... Episode of "Rule 34"... Strange new technology to hold boobs up... Liberating lingerer of just a lion cloth for women... TurkanDan - or just dick snapping... Tits Man - Russ Meyer movies... SAQ - Need I say more... DYK, once you pay for sex you are more likely to do it again... Saving a child's life by marrying him to a wolf... Flaming Hot Cheeto dust is not supposed to go on the vagina... Man gets his dick stuck inside his wedding ring... Woman that had a 3 hour orgasm... Herding cats.

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Kinky Katie's World #369 3 Hour Orgasm

00:00:02 - 00:05:07

My foot slipped. And i came all the way down on it and the whole fucking sucker shoved into my foot and that was not comfortable at all. I have a lot of masturbation sex. It happens quite a bit. That is such a youth. Did their zags slipped. And i accidentally fell all the way on the deck that i don't usually use all the way on the day. No don't go that far out of you. You're too fucking big right. The weekend has landed. All the exists now is club strokes pope's pies of four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steamer my like screaming cattle. I'm going to cut shit to strangers all night. I'm going to lose on the dancefloor. The free radicals inside may a freaking tonight. I'm to on three apopka. I'm going to never neverland with my chosen family mind. We're going to get more spiced out than neil armstrong advocate. Anything crap tonight. This could be. I'm alive seventy three quit burner and now live from rural studio. I bring you a girl that for some reason seems to really hate her tones your she is your host. The one the only can kanki katie. Low hella hello and welcome to the show. This is katie. The world's number three sixty nine close kinky payday with the as always as my absolute favorite plus fuck toy mr s. Hey what up sure. Hey glen we are coming to. You live enrolled thirty. Four scenarios kinky hitting radio dot com. Bamboo cast dot net. I think you guys find show for you tonight. Yeah for me for all of us. Sorry everyone serve. God bless everyone to participate. Yeah you're gonna have to participate little bit. You know that newborn pick of the week. I have mutates man. Yeah i want to start off by. Just you know thanking fans of the of the show and of us appreciate it you guys. You guys are awesome especially you know who you are. I like how you leave it. That everybody's like i know it's me a good job. Of course good job could technique but they now way to maximize your thing. They know if you're the one you know you know it's you know it you you're listening right now going. Yes yes it is. Sure now they all you gotta really nice tweet from his lollipops she was. She was the feature in a recent tits. Ma'am and she listened to it. And thank you so much yeah. She was shoes very happy. Because i read it. I i remember what i what i got the message. I've forgotten what i said. And i asked you. Oh did i do any. Did i say something wrong. That i no no. So basically in your bein. You wanted to be nice and you just wanted to make sure that you actually wear the way you thought. Yes okay. Because i know sometimes if i get in a mood or feige academy super high Has she is. She had or she presents sheet. So yeah you you definitely. There's a good chance you might just start hate for the reason for no reason at all day exactly. So that's that's that's why. I just wanted to make sure everything. You're very unaware of your own. Aggression is what you're saying. I really am no no because i don't know why i guess i'm more tolerant that a lot of other people. Because i'll say something and i don't think anything's wrong with it or i don't i don't see how it could be taken wrong and then someone's like. Oh my god rude. What do you mean what was rude about it or like. How do you think this no totally not. That's not what i meant. It was like oh my god. You have to be very specific very detailed in what you're saying because you know we that's if you don't want to be misinterpreted if you don't care if you misinterpreted i mean i don't even know 'cause i get misinterpreted all time. What's the my god. I didn't mean that. No that's a weird way to look at it. So now you're weird just gonna go as gore now. Oh my goodness i was. I've had a flood of emails and people trying to contact me to be on the show and to become know gas and and and To join like other Like podcast her guests pools.

00:05:07 - 00:10:04

Suppose okay you know. I maybe later maybe later. Maybe if we decided to a longer show. That's i mean that's always a possibility but it. Would you know recorded at some point. So it's not rushing show like that but also and then i had. I had to people which one is weird enough. But i had to. Oh do you take call. You still take calls on the show. Like i'm like i'm not on that network anymore Dari but you can always email me. Anyway we'll live causes such a weird thing to do. I mean it's it's a hard thing to do with the way that we do. The show is yeah. Because i don't interact with people high well. There's nobody here to answer the phone when it rings so now right away. You're the one. Yeah and people. Maybe don't always know exactly like what they want to. Yeah what. They're trying to get out what they're trying to say they don't know you know what i mean. They need to background. Sometimes they need training. It's okay you know. I'm just i'm just saying just to put There's been a lot a lot of like products that are that have been coming by. I'm like yeah. I know who you are. I i had the creator of that product on my show before so. I can attest that you're reputable. I mean i. I know but if you check in episode sixty eight twenty to thirty five we have referenced you very extensively. Yeah it's very very favorably so leela fairly well. It's a weird thing because our studios at home so having people over the house. And i don't know jim stuff is weird or online interviews in general are just. They're they're different than being sitting in front of somebody you know. Yeah well. But i mean but i mean being on like zuma skype or some does help. Because i don't know. I i work better because if i see that they look board. I'm like okay. Spice it up bitch. Just do something but if i see that they're really into that. I get more excited. You feed off the energy. I suppose audience a lot. You need a live a reactive audience gas. Oh need somebody to react to what you're saying doing. I don't need a laugh track. I need well. No i said a reaction. Yeah i don't know that's i keep looking at you. I can't stop whatever you what's showed expect me to do about well. It don't read anything into the way. I'm looking because that's just dumb. You know my look betrays my feelings all the time. Yeah no that's true. I i was talking about last time. My inability of being to flirt with women. Just because you know. I'm just like a dude. So she's like i can't i can't do it can but you you. You have the tendency of coming across like dude like total douche dude dude. Yeah nice nice rack. Yeah out like god well. That's that's kind of how you go about things. No it's true. But i'll ever since we talked about it. I've had more women start flirting with the now. It could just be dudes posing as girls. That's completely possible putting a pass anybody listening to us right now right. You know who you are you you you. I'm talking to you know who you are. Don't look at your body dow type somewhere. It was you charlie. No it's definitely you and the one. The one person that the one woman that i was talking about the last one the one i was like that i triggered this whole thing. Okay she's gotten more aggressive liquids. Yeah well that that's but that's what happens at anytime when you're like talking to somebody online. If you start dropping things escalate and escalate aren't rebutted like nobody's coming back saying fuck you or they're still interacting with you. Know you keep going until you get what you want. That's the way it goes completely. That's how i've always been. It's just i just get very obnoxious though. Tend to be. I break down. I fucking bull. You to the point. Where i get what i want. I wouldn't put it that way. No if it's sexual yes kind of. But it's not like that really. You're not really bullying anybody but you anymore. You would be persistent very persistent aggressively persistent. Sure i know.

00:10:04 - 00:15:09

Yeah i know you know. Yeah i'm saying other people know to. They're like jesus fucking christ. It's funny seeing the fear. A man's is standing in front of a woman. He doesn't has no idea how to deal. With what the fuck are going on. I don't understand this. I just can't watch a block up. Only do sure just people talking like ten minutes and you just ask to see like what am i working with. You expect me. Oh my gosh jug your head. don't fuck around. There's something that i wanna know. I wanna know if you're not gonna show me then i get it. You're like like an ad man from the nineteen sixties. What does that right out of your love of an advertising agent from the nineteen sixties. I mean that's your entire internal model out for sure is very mad. Manny Well now there's a little. John hammond you. I'd like a lot of johnny would you. I've seen the kind decides cox that you enjoy in things that are over the line for you Yeah no you would. You wouldn't have fun like that. One g spy from g spot toy. It's the it's a plug in from body one with the grip texture it's got a really gripping texture and i have to put a condom over it because i can't. It's like put on a bathing suit. It doesn't work fucking well and there was one time that. Sec reducing it on me and just went to stig It was just like he had to really push at. It was like what the fuck i know. It's on that line anyway. So i know there's a limit to what you like to do. Yeah that's true is much is everybody thinks you know. Should i remember waging gaping horn. Will that people into that. There's a lot of women who enjoy something. That's really massively oversized. Yeah that one toy that. I still have that. I have tried to use a bunch of times. I've managed it like a couple times but it was not good after. I don't know if it's the material that i'm allergic to or fishes beats me the fuck out but i just like i burn after i use that one to yeah. It's way it's two way way. Well deserves one time. Because when i was doing my pillow stack method or a stack a couple pills together and i kind of sit on it. You know like you're riding like doing you know sure. One does in in the bedroom. Correct any derived pillows. That's right a pill writing bunker bronco buck writing. How saddlebronc and you. Hey so i. I was using it and then kind of like i was. I was unknown. I was getting off and my foot slipped. And i came all the way down on it and the whole fucking sucker shoved into my foot. That was not comfortable at all. I have. I have a lot of masturbation sexy. It happens clayton bit such a youth to do zig zag slipped and i accidentally fell all the way on the dick that i don't usually use all the way on the dick. No go that far down on you. You are to fucking big right but and that is just come down. I and it wasn't but it wasn't even like on a straightaway because i was you know. It was like slightly tilted so angled slightly angled. Yeah that's what i was like and that could have been my take that could have dictate. You slept on a yeah a could be snapped right now. I can have a fucking massive lefty like ninety degree. Fucking left a third of the way up like nine even halfway or right at the end no like a third down at the base of my cock fuck interns and left. What am i supposed to do with that. no well. Then we'd have to start calling you mr C. h. mr captain hook now. I i've learned with you to keep a grip of your hips. So i know where you're going if you decide to do something i don't let you. I stop you know you're not doing that. You are not coming note. You're not doing it you you i am the safety limiter because i like my dick in one piece. Thank you because you almost done it several times. This isn't theoretical zealous. Sometimes you you you made maneuvers and and come out and then just jammed right back on it and it didn't go into any hole and i don't know where my dick win but it's happened more than once into where i know.

00:15:10 - 00:20:02

I have to keep an eye on you. You're like a little child. Ooh we're going to go too far but not not like that not good. We'll many i have to keep an eye on. You need chaperoning you catch. Ride the top un chaperoned. I can't i can't just put my hands above my head and just say fuck it. Go ahead hello. I might not walk away with the tick in order to be in one piece but it'll be like boomerang shaped they're gonna call me down unpredictable right right fucking one show you watch it sometimes. It's hard to translate excited. Australians asked army and lynn doubts australia for sure. Okay how ridiculous. drop things on. Things need okay. But sometimes they go. What the fucker you say. And i say that and i'm i'm one hundred percent sure. There's somebody listening right now. So what are you talking about mumbling. I know even say real words asshole. Like i'm only halfway in english and really. This is a struggle listening to you. There's a new. There's a new control out there for for gamers it's it's in the shape of a but okay and it's got like one of them has lingerie and the other one says g. string on now i just i think it's neat so you can play with the little just an xbox controller everything cheeks cau- with some cakes. How many are going on that. How many is on that already. Know pure gamer. What else would you come on floor. Empty pokemon card box. I don't know it will. If you're gonna think some machine in your your home was attractive. And you are pro gamer. You know you're balls div in the gaming world you're gonna wanna catching not on your gaming equipment. I'm sure at some point. Somebody wants to sponsor t-shirt okay. No this is my few come rag. I mean the way that you could combine the things that you love most catching a nut and playing video games. Catch not on your video game controller. You could get one of the fuck in cock sucker machines that attach to your computer so yeah south to say just talking about seventy no. You're playing your you. You control it with a controller at like like goes and does whatever you tell it to do so. I don't know if i want to control it. Which sounds weird. I guess well. I don't know how much fun i wanna go full x. mocking of fantasy. Okay so like yeah like when someone else sucks your dick. You're not dumbing. you're not. You're not making do your nice. Oh your head this way this way. I wanted to stop it at any point in time or or go to a different setting. Now it's taking off or or or like clap or go to a different setting but i do wanna preprogramed. I don't wanna have anything to do with that. Know how about you figure this out for me. Can you make roy with braces. I like the scrapie feeling. That's the problem. It's a subjective thing. I mean you like asset is i. Don't i'm not sure it really is is. You're right or wrong. Oh i found out. I've got a small cameo in In a movie are we talked about a little bit at the tampa bay screams a spark shot. But it's in the. It's going to be in the craig. Leon incident three annihilation so look for me. When you see the we cluster. It's coming come in huge year. You could tell by the title already. Let's part three first of all. I know fuck you successful franchise and i guess has been really. Yeah i know about it so wine coop movie of what joel wine coop movie. He's the he's the king of the b. Movies susie is okay. we'll cool. I know very little about guy you start. He's done a lot of fucking movies. Well okay good sounds like fun which were will you be playing new number three now. Oh come on. you're typecast for sure. I know i am psychotic. Horwood psychotic horrible you psychotic or one way or another. Yeah i guess.

00:20:02 - 00:25:04

I miss sex worker in some way either future former or present present working currently. Yeah so that that's what happens. I been the attacker. Yeah bill the final girl. I have but he's but he's always been. I'm a prostitute. I'm an alien prostitute. i'm a cannibal alien prostitute stripper another stripper a washed up porn star former model method. Act at one chick who gets assaulted in the forest by an alien but then goes home and masturbate s- while a guy who's hiding in my closet shoots the alien out of his dick into to me. I'm not thinking that's too far for reality for you. I could see you doing that. Some for some reason. I want some. Et action or whatever it is that the the stretch of the situation hit you right and really got twitching. Got that clip and when it did you went home. You want my survive that oh gee and you want to thrill masturbate. You do that a lot. You like to get tattooed you wanna come home. We get fucked. Yeah that's true. That's your own speaking. I'm not even tattoo. But i now i said on the last week's episode that i was gonna wait to get my nose pierced. I'm like wednesday. But i wait monday. I went control is not your thing is not and then. I felt really bad because i thought that. Seo is gonna be mad at me okay. I don't know why statement i know. I don't know. I sounded weird. Well what are you talking about now. What do you mean. you didn't pierce my nose. When i was sleeping cheer phase fiercer gooch and not only that we talked about it on air. We talked about you hitting your nose for years now. Different day are a let your. Why would i know i know i. I don't know what my room was. I'm weird afraid. You're going to catch a freshman. That's all maybe kit around. I know it's not a good idea or not. The one that has to go to jail through. Thank you look at all these everything that i posted she'd be like no she's fucking nuts. She's weird like you're you're all right sir. I'm sure that's exactly what would happen. Yeah okay well. I'm not exactly a small check right. Okay that doesn't mean and mouthy. What is that how to do with anything. You're allowed to be mouthy. Yeah that's what i'm saying. That doesn't mean anybody deserves a beat out. No no what i'm saying. You know like never mind. People would think that would give you sympathy. Is that what you're saying. They would understand defy if i die or or they would be like. Oh i see how she is just like member when we got pulled over where i totally should have gotten a dui because you didn't have a driver license fun guy in the back seat didn't have a license. I was jack fucking shit phase blackout drug with a crown a big old to go glass of crown in the cup holder throwing hissy fit. 'cause nobody would let you drive right right. Took my keys drive and the cops came. I literally took the keys out as you were driving literally now one of my prouder moments. I literally grabbed the wheel. Use use slammed into breaks and there was a parking lot right there as we're in a very residential area area residents swimming pool. Yup and i literally pulled wheel. You slammed into breaks. We got into the parking lot. I took the keys. Got out and chuck them down the street. 'cause you coming after a forum up while i would call the cops on me. I don't know what happened. I know how that happened you. You're being a raging belligerent. Fucking wild person. Yeah i am just trying to stay away from you and not let you drive. Yeah yep and the really fucked up part is they. Let all three of us go in the same car. No no ticket. No nothing us fucking go and we were all hammered to people who didn't have a license and we left straight from there and went to a bar straight from where the cops fogging left as an went to a fucking bar and i don't you know like a decision-making wasn't strong at sometimes know that bad idea atop of bad idea but we just squeak through it somehow. Yeah i know they when they stopped us after afterwards.

00:25:05 - 00:30:00

They immediately separated us because they wanted to. If you had been abused 'cause i was crying and yes. Yeah yeah yeah. And i just i told the truth i said hey look i don't have a license but she can't drive and she is going ape shit and i did what i had to do to get her to stop and that wasn't touching her in any way. That was touching these keys and chuck him down the road and then they listen to the lady cop who leaned in the had a segregated from you lean back to the back of the car and could hear her katie talk ver- and was listening to you and then looked at us. It was like all right so nobody has allies like no but we gotta get her home like she listened to you for another. What yet you gotta get her home. She is out of hand. I ha i know just loader in and i bet she's she's gonna behave now because you know that we got stopped. Yeah she's gonna she's gonna behave now. You did no you did you got quiet. We're yeah you realize to kind of an idiot. European you you like dawned on me and then but but you also you to stop now if you stop who. Hey sometimes you gotta use the carrot drank if you just admit you're not driving anywhere fucking mess. Well you know they got. Nobody hurt anybody no right. There is a zoo that separated five parrots after they caught the birds. Were encouraging each other to swear. Guess like they're those gray. Like african parrots the ones that are like really vocally. Good pick up things really well and teaching teaching the rest of them. Yeah know like off dirt. I mean they realized that people are the ones who taught him how to do that. They don't come out of the jungle doing that right. Yeah just catching african grey. And he knows how to cuss like say other. Just start clicking and you know. I don't understand that came out of the rainforest speaking weird language the only people around them are like data's yes all right all right anyway on that note. Funny out to add how to explain it. We're leading on that little. It's a secret it's gotta my favorite segment by anyway. It might not be the poor. It is appoint katie wine. And it's time once again for live porn. Pick of the week is painful torture. I know on On someone. I don't like really even someone you might like. No no no. No i i wanted to be like. You know how we always say like. So it's a stupid faces. Got punishable face. Sure but like a really obnoxious person. Just getting going into anal dry. You know really get. I mean i'm talking. Like having their tits pound like rats widow male female. What's going on here. Female mostly yeah. I'm 'cause i'm in. I'm in that cycle. Where i'm fucking moody is help. And like raila bitch. No i feel like watching her. Get railed and not like it at all. Like i really don't want her to like it. Who could such a no. I i i want. I want like extreme be dsm. I want to see bruises. I wanna see tears. I wanna see rule. That's what i want. Okay you wanna go full max hardcore or worse not not really maximum different different flavors of a similar gig. Well no because the chicken mac hardcore a lot of the they show them smiling like cars. I don't want this bishops mile. I want her to use running makeup. I want her to wonder what the fuck she did in her life to deserve this kind of treatment. Okay yeah right. Yeah but that's that's like really turns me on like steering it as like right now really. Yeah right you've pretty aggressive very aggressive. Think oh no no no no. You don't know ahead of an idea i do.

00:30:00 - 00:35:01

i do. I have ideas. I do have three ideas day. That was one of them. There's a company it's called liquor. What crotch yet. No it is not a little bit vaginal. Airs hairspray hairspray. No it's a heavy on the innuendo like meant. Well they do. One of their newest products is taste are cream-filled beavers. You can get cream. Phil beavers chocolate greenville beavers. So i didn't dairy went well would be No i i would think because they will be some kind of culture while it's like this. It's like cheese and shrimp not true. But jeez and seaford. If there you go then again. I mean think about like lobster mac and cheese. Well no i know. There's there's several things. What do i know. I'm a fucking heathen cheesy crab dip. There's all kinds of shady shit that i enjoy this shit other people who have whatever you wanna say different palette on tasting things with the was discussing. I'm sure wrong but they're no fun. I let's go to thirty four when we come back new tits man and other stuff. Do taco bell says stay tuned yum yum time for a tasty and refreshing snack. Imaginative sex sounded like your when you showed like pushing a straw in and out of a fountain drink cup. You're like me. You grew up with that and that was the way it was for everybody. I'm sure it would be like nothing. But if you just introduce that to me. Let's say the new law comes out in two thousand twenty two and we all have to put on some kind of weird device that makes that noise. He he he he idea vast every be lot of laughing for sure. Why would he be why i love. You know when you ever since we got the vaccines the speaker's ears medically we can't ever show we can't even put in earplugs but we hear the sound every time we fuck trying to like unreal. Us is what it is. That's what antibiotics are actually doing. They're actually setting up to make it to where you hear the straw up and down as an age ago cup every time. You have sex so you won't be able to finish. Where least only certain people will be able to finish is wrong. You need some lube. Yeah it's like putting on a wet bathing suit. That's noises made and if you're a billionaire you get the automatic torture chambers sounds which really gets them off so they can breathe a lot. Well there's also the the slaughterhouse. Yeah yeah you have to have. The solder house is going to have the torture chicken chicken hut or whatever. They call those places. I mean. it's always it's always like I if you bought this also suggest you definitely out of black mirror for sure. No on with the show and welcome back to katie's world thirty four years katya radio dot com dot net later at kiki radio radio dot com radio gmail.com facebook fed life on youtube and google me because like it but your best bet if you want to reach me and you want a response is to email me or give me tower. Ooh what's going on over there. I don't know. I come back to that direction and see what you did smell bertos. Why i'm what are you gonna do my taste what we all right. It doesn't make any sense that's okay. There's there's this cool like bra. Thingy that i want roughing is up the official terminology for it. Yes it is okay. It's it's what it is is there to pads their men connecting underneath it is a deep wire the shape like a you but you can bend it into different in different shapes. If you to okay. So like two little flat pad things with the vendee in the middle the bendy in the middle black. But it's a low swing in deep deep deep view dp pig preserved for setting on. What's the purpose of said fucking product. Here you're hawking hair well this era got you. Corporate corporation came and got to you somebody. Somebody's feeding me this. It's a strapless bra but you can't see it.

00:35:01 - 00:40:05

It's it's supposed to work better than those sticky wines dams like those sticks it goes around one pad goes on between between them one pad goes on the outside of one tit. The other pad goes on the outside of the other so squished together and hold them up. Feel it it okay. So am i and they. I love their their videos. A show like different women putting them out and there are some women so bubis natural flop at him in this day and then oh yeah no one one sided or like i mean. It's you think it's the hot glue. They used like put him on or well. No they anything do this show and putting it on. Okay yeah i mean. I'm i'm just saying that thing looks pretty cool. I dig it. I want to try it out. Well i do you want one i do. I want to wear brothel. Yeah i it's like just just just metal spring action medal right there right over the metals underneath okay got pads on the sides. I don't think anything go wrong. It's like if someone went your tits and grabbed each side. Just mirror like squished together. Gonna dubrovsky. I mean it would seem here again. I don't ever all so like even wearing something like that around. My really would drive me crazy. Anything well we. I mean a lot of the time the women wears shit. That are uncomfortable anyway. Beauty it goes pain so to get the chance someone flopping around all day as you're walking isn't comfortable either. I mean some women are just trying to be comfortable. Other women could care less if they wear one. There's so many times. I just wanted to just run to the store. Just go brawl. It's like i just don't care. Who do you do that often. You put you do well if like a sweatshirt or something like really outrageous. Yeah it's not. It's not like 'cause. I have a couple of shirts that that it's pretty thin but my nipples a really great i. If don't wear bob out there will you do you. Don't do it often. you one hundred percent to. I've seen you do it and you will. You will almost like psychopath. Weekly answered the door like that. Oh well the is a different thing because we're so different thing it's either. It's either fucking amazon. Fresh or delivery food. Yeah what do i care. At least though. I have pants on time during peace at my fucking by pants fell down to the floor. And i'm just like muffs out so funny holding the pizza your head. Yeah and i also had a crop top onto so as winning pooing it. It was funny brown. Little bit y. It's my it's like. And i pretty much watched and laughed. I thought it was great. You did who's well. You're the one who did that. You were you were drunk so was i and i was also in spice to you yet. Okay so i didn't give a flying fuck. I was flying frizzell. Fuck right not even frizzell not even frizzell fog. That's a special kind of frizzell. It is you know when you've gotten a frizzell fucked. Oh oh yes you do. It leaves a weird rash behind it. There's a there's a japanese woman she's been inventing What she calls liberating lingerie liberating laundry. Says we're talking about bras and shit like easy to remove kind of thing. Well she says that too. Many people are just underwear too tight whether you like like granny panties or thongs or whatever. They say they're too constricting and what she's created is the liberating lingerie and it's a she. She wants women to don like tarzan. Okay just a little flappy. Flap cover in the flabby governed the front right and everything else. For hawk yeah biblical so straight adam and eve style. i like. What's the point of that when you're wearing pants. Just not where to begin with mike. Do you have to were unaware. No i mean okay when you have your period. Sometimes it's necessary to you know 'cause it's a help anyway. I want to quote one woman. That i know pretty well would always say the one thing about being a naked everywhere you go is being open faced every time you sit out. Yeah that's that is kind of a bother. Yeah ah you don't seem to like that. Oh but that's not hoping you was being open faced going full go onto a fucking vinyl chair at the local pizza hut. It's not really everything's still hanging out you know.

00:40:06 - 00:45:02

Hey like then. It's like you're wearing to skirts. you know. Yeah because you're wearing a loincloth underneath a skirt or dress. A kittens are playing. They're having battled battle star next to me like what the hell is going on over there. Well you never know. I thought some little people had infiltrated our home. And we're trying to attack me from behind the low bar area goblins stars. He kind of did you know. And you probably didn't know. Oh god there's a practice known as okay. I'm going to totally fucked this up. But whatever gotta you've gotta stop you gotta go roll right with with confidence and all these other people that i hear up say that got it will become its own reality. Kurdish person that's the way the tax me really what the fuck is wrong. That's the way we do things these days we just we just mispronounce something horribly and not give a flying fuck no frizzell. Fuck president mike about how you say it but you did it with confidence so now it becomes the new reality go. Well okay turk hand. Dan they took and then duck it his sister and we all know we know all about him and shit he used to do the chickens and turkeys my god. Well this is this. Is the dude. Hold the lower part of the shaft of their hard cock with one hand and then the us the other in too quickly snap it and they do it on purpose and it said it'd be painless. Okay wait a minute. So these people of whatever that word was dan. It's a place at area. No it's practice practice. Practice is known as and there. Jake but they said it's. It's it's akin to cracking your knuckles to your hard. They grab it from the bottom. Take up just quickly. You know like when a chiropractors taking your neck and you see them go my god. You just killed person but apparently not really right right. I don't think i'm doing well. Yeah no i. I don't want you to do that. Sometimes give it. A good tug does feel nice. But that's you know. I'm not going to not quickly and if i heard a snap i would be concerned. Well really i would not wanna fuck anymore. There was what the hell was that. There's a medical scientist in iran that says it causes the loss of direction will shit well unless you're into that shit and a satisfy satisfying popping noise it says Perhaps the practice to get rid of unwanted erections a dot to feeling Satisfying always peeling something. Off of something that seems to be the universal internet looking microphone of satisfying clicker nails on something or whatever that is talking about peeling like peeling. Plastic covers. off of stuff is is nice is it is it. Yes okay it. Is you say so can get a new pair of sunglasses and there's little sticker on it says jozy whatever just appeal stuff stuff all the time it. It does nothing for me. Well good for you. I mean mostly. I'm thinking that thing off now. Now can get scratched up where before it was wasn't gonna get scratched up at all. I'm usually not a fan of peeling off. Leave it alone. Let that take protect it until it starts looking weird then. Peel it off. I think we're gonna go to your favorite segment standby boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for so this week's hits man has been I dunno it's starting to become near and dear to my heart coast but these are russ meyer movies. And if you're not familiar with the writer director russ meyer's they're all exploitation Huge boobs on the women okay. Russ meyer's are u s emmy y. e. r. com expelling whatever. He's the one one of his movies. Is faster pussycat kill kill. A lot of people have heard of heard of it. I don't care if you're young. You've heard of it anyway. But almost all almost all of the women in in his movies. They all have fucking humongous tits. Immortal mr cheese and nudie cuties there you go cherry harry and raquel. We're talking like sixty at night to end late fifties and sixties and into the savvides.

00:45:02 - 00:50:01

So these are before. They're fake boobs. These are all real well there. There were fake boobs. Pretty sway back. I didn't think it way back then. Sixty earliest boob job. I would i would think it would be in the fifties or sixty sixty s but there's motor psycho Foxy viva vixen. Yeah black snake. I predict they started to and i'm sure he was on the bleeding edge technology being. He was filmmaker all. Well if you if you click the Like images if you google arrest meyer and click images. You'll be able to see a lot of a lot of photos from the women that have been in his movies and also even his wife. He married her nurse in her. Knockers are huge. They're very very large. He knows that he's a very good talent assessment person. I can tell already just by the photos when you do that. Shit so so it makes. It makes me think of of just the movies that i've been doing because it's like scott big tits are is she nudity even better you know she willing to let us weird shit honor. I need you to jump around for what because she cheat. That's the next thing. Will she do it inexpensively. How far can we push her. So anyway that's my man for the week hit man. Yeah that's like your classic sixties exploitation films like like e v. levi's yeah. I mean that's one of those things that if i was into into following that thing i should really know all about it but i know Yeah pussycat kill kill. I've seen i've seen a lot of these playbills. They look at them. But i don't remember shit that's okay. My memories was alive back in the sixties. Oh no i can't really talk for that damn it. Well what happened now disappear yet did. Oh that's all right. Shut up now. None of our stocks before no. It's okay no you. Oh there is the band that. I used to help out when i was younger sack. Okay say q. Your high school band that you Group eat. After i was i wasn't i was had already graduated. I was i was out. I was like eighteen to twenty one years old. Nineteen twenty. okay. So let's just say right in there. Yeah anyway i i used to. I even had a big essay sticker. Put on the back of my truck. Because i was that much of a groupie and we will be in a friend of mine or sometimes i go by myself so we go to their practice and just sit there like hours and listen to the anyway they kinda. Apparently they all got together for barbecue. Right and i came up in the whatever happened to part of their conversation. That's like oh. God i can only imagine. 'cause there's so it was such a long time ago back like twenty years twenty one years. Sure so. I don't know which is weird because i tell them like. Yeah the sack mobile actually exploded like are you all right again. We're fine just caught on fire. Christmas eve that's right. You're too stereotypical story. Merry christmas woken up by by korea. Neighbors yellow got you in a foreign language fire truck. Four o'clock in the morning flames shooting up above the building. Drunk trees catching fires department. Abilities catching fire. It had nothing to do with us. It was an electrical fire. Now really could it just burning down to the ground for no reason. It was ninety eight explorer. The fire department said no geneva lit cigarette in the car. I'm like no when he popped when they got off of the car they saw. There's was an electrical. Yeah right away. Do exactly where to look. He knows it's going to be right up there. It is yeah came from your electrical box. But i do think it's funny. How like four times they asked me. Do you have any enemies live around here. Know why do you keep 'seeing me by that. Can you catch some kind of that. I'm putting off that. I don't know that's acts. I was probably hammered. But we were at home. Do yeah. that's true. It's christmas eve. We didn't have the kids. So what yeah or hurt anybody or to nothing wrong. We're just drunk leaving after drinking. Yes passed out That was fun. Ripped every fire extinguisher down in the complex. Probably at eight or ten of them.

00:50:01 - 00:55:00

Just try to keep the building from catching on fire. Did you know that men over sixty will met who pay for sex. When they're over sixty years old. They do it more often as they get older. Oh well yeah okay well like once. You cracked a seal kind of thing. It just like the floodgates open and you realize i can just directly pay for pussy. Yeah i can get it anytime. I want all the time. And she'll do everything that i ask. I could see that happening. I think that would be common. What you get used to just having an arrangement with somebody. Oh yes you find like a prostitute that you like. And he doesn't take advantage of your old out. Sure whatever it is a you're into they. They they hit right for you. Well that's kinda funny. 'cause that's that was my role in the family snapshot i was the hooker with the heart of gold. Really another hooker. Okay you know this but nobody surprised at hearing that either. But the other is retained advantage of poor ause. You wouldn't do it better than that. I read it on. That's right. I felt bad. You did anyway. I just so you know. I'm the nice one. Maybe re rewinding micro budget horror films. Katy's done yeah That's all right. That's okay oh. There is one that i saw. I don't know if i was going to talk about this. But people in in other countries have some very strange practices. Says you know shit saying something says the girl who's been fantasizing about about holding women down jay horrible things to not just the women women but by so. What are these weird things that you're saying do you. I do the air quotes one more time. Sure great there is an infant boy. Right was married off to his neighbor's dog. Okay and eastern india by villagers because they said it would stop the boy from being killed by wild animals. Okay well what you're saying okay. There the obviously saves the kid's life from getting eaten by a wild animal. I mean that dog now is going to protect that child. I mean you've seen tarzan right you and you know how this works raised by wolves come on. That's how that's why. I'm wearing my fucking. I mean it's it that that child is getting the best of both worlds. he lives in a somewhat Modern area and he has The the learning of being taught by a wolf to protect himself. That kids going be like the also mutant here coming up. Aren't they needed that kid. A favor can jungle book over here. We'll have just say that kids never gonna have to fear for his life now. I that's weird There was There is another case of a woman had a she got her post burned after her partner was had been Kinda town delegate. A whole bag of fleming cheetos cheetos and went down on her and garett infection and burn the crap out of her coochie infection. Yeah no flaming hot cheetos powder was infectious like it. Does it have like a bacteria or something. I don't know. And what did they not swallow. They just went with a mouthful of flaming. Hot cheeto. motion is wrong. And just like fuck a baby burden doers snatch and i'm gonna eat it like this. We have to have a reason for for why you have something. That looks like herbie snot. Herbie cedar does sir. I didn't give you her honey. I had cheeto dust on my face. I don't yeah your crotch looks fine it just you know it's a little orange. They say it's so funny that you said herpes because there's another thing that said by they they predict by twenty twenty five One out of every three people right. We'll have herpes raising it up. Yeah spreading around right saigo. I thought people figured out condoms a long time ago. And it's coming back around where nobody's using condoms anymore. I don't even know. I know i would just because it was just like fuck this. I'm vaccinated i. Can't i'm impenetrable just in general. I'm sure it seemed like for a while most Most people i ran into work consistently conned up like consistently. And i do hear more targeted more these days than i'm talking about ten years ago. No yeah yeah except if you're in a like an elderly community because those those people run rampant and that's actually where the highest number of cities flourish is in old folks homes and shit like that. I mean an old communities and let's face it there on the edge of death anyway. So who cares if you get.

00:55:00 - 01:00:02

Get the clam or the clap. I've had the drip before. When i was in the army just say damage. That back at forty eight k. Slash the dirt on it. You're fine i was. I was getting sexually transmitted diseases. Where you're at home in chick green. Wipe your ass with the flag. He wears odd person. I wanna know how this happens. There's a guy he got his wedding ring stuck around his cock because he was using as a cochrane. Fucking dick is if you're fucking. Dick is so neat elite. The you can fit your wedding ring. I mean this guy had fucking like breakfast sausage fingers or whatever but But i've ever seen an octopus. Yes okay you don't have big their tentacles. Are you know it'll be a trunk. Something like this but they go through the thing the size of the quarter when it is soft and pliable. You put that thing in a ring thinking it's funny and then all of a sudden a blood starts rushing and now it ain't coming off you think they shove hard enough. You could get into something way way way smaller than it really is. I've never had a dick. So i just think about like fabric anything like what what is loose and and god no. That's a nightmare situation. Why would you ever do that. I'm here's another nightmare fucking situation. Which i i mean you women could say oh god that sounds and this and that no no. No no no i will. It wouldn't be that awesome for me. This would this woman had to be. She went to the hospital after she had a an orgasm that lasted three hours. That's not a bad one. Wants to people who get them that last for the rest of their lives. I feel bad for three hours. That might be fun. Three hour orgasm. I don't know if when i up when when you come. I mean you're by like whole body spasms and contracts like you know i'm muscles just like fucking clench no. I don't want that to be happening for three hours. I could happen for a little while. But i mean like longer a couple minutes cool but now now you're like almost assuming that you have a choice of when it stops. What if you're just being held down. Somebody's forcibly to accept you just like in your fantasy you've been having your mouth. I'm just saying let's say those fantasies catch up with you whether you end up with a three hour orgasm and if you if you pull out of it i mean who are you talking to. I've done drugs before nine. Now that says three hour orgasm. I mean if you think about it. Yeah if you think about it yeah because you you just want to fuck your if you're having a good time lsd or something it's indistinguishable really you don't know which is which and you don't care. Yeah it's it's really any. Were fine for three hours. You know even longer on that. Sorry about your new couch your vacation and you come back so you know at least it ended. I mean because you've done a bunch of the stories. Where do you like it. Stuck right like women did that Just continually that seems like it would be an actual curse three hours just an interesting story. Yeah yeah okay and three hours is like when did a bunch of drugs i mean. What do you think our conversation was like as she's getting checked into hospital. What else these so weird. I can totally into this is fucking great. We're going to ban wouldn't be totally into that. I don't know. I'm sure there are people that wouldn't be however if i'm a you into the hospital you're doing that i'll be like a i gotta go. You gotta go the no shave during this the whole time. I'm just saying. I don't think i could hang around you for very i gotta go somewhere else. I'm gonna be inappropriate. You don't need that right now. you need medical. I'm not the right person to be talking to. What happens if i thought to what i'm saying like who. Why don't we just go somewhere for a little while it'd be fun we'll have a great time. You're not having a good time anymore. But maybe will. I don't know give it a shot. Maybe we'll get it to turn the other way nurse We use paper towels. Had a little less. Regular towels yeah. That'd be better if she needs hot water.

01:00:02 - 01:02:31

Maybe a gallon water. You need hot water. Sometimes i got done. Nice way. Muscles down cramp up. Sometimes when big going on for three or four hours please. i can't take anymore. You did this. You did slide down a forster it. You will other little show kitty. We'll tubs just planet as big giant lighter ass up on the on the. I don't think he's on camera though he's ducking under he knows he's a good gaffe in kitty. Pogo start like yeah jumps on the keyboard as we're trying to do it. What did you feel man. I mean anybody who has a cat understands to a lot of times when they jump on something and you don't want him stepping on everything the wreck everything you know that you just need to. You need to leave them alone and convinced him to come off. You can't startled them. Don't don't try to move them. Push them you almost got. Come on buddy come. On their little gingerly movements turns into spazzy. Ultra fuck up things. Yeah and if you leave malone they won't stab anything and they're oddly coordinated liked that you just watch them work through a minefield of crap on a table not a problem at all navy especially the second you say something to them and distract them at all i. It's like everything just goes to shit. Everything starts flying around like khattab wanted. I try to move you. I know better. What did i do all right guys going to go for the night so i hope you have a wonderful week shifts trip months night day. Whatever it is. You're doing guy. I got nothing. I am nothing going on. But check my social media and let you know it's often you also see titties cities cities this new tacos anybody does.