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This week!
5/16/2021 Another Sunday show... Horror movie shoot breakdown... Stay away from the belly button... Shaving Katie's beaver... Katie's Porn Pick of the Week - Stress Masturbation and CDawgVA fantasy... Eels don't have balls, aparently. Katie's obsession with animal husbandry... Is Katie's algorithm working for her... All perverts... Stumbling into a tattooer... Tattooing topless... Katie regrets her pubic hair style... Akimbo - the meaning, and we don't think it's racist... Episode of "Rule 34"... People trying to get Katie to send them lewds because they won't look any up... Gay is not an excuse to be an asshole... It's butt hole bleaching season... Prolapsed butthole aliens... X rated school party thrown by a teacher... Female teachers banging male students... It's raining sausage in Deerfield Bch, FL... Stripper fight... Man denied entry into strip club because he brought his own pussy... Katie tries to recycle a story... Tits Man - Sarah Little, Katie's co-star in their new movie Kill Cam... Two girls walking down the street wearing nothing but blood soaked sheets... Cat crap destruction... Naked hijacker... Men fighting naked... Cleaning up after filming a horror movie.
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Kinky Katie's World #358 Stress Masturbation
00:00:00 - 00:05:00
The alien race is going to have to fuck you really hard in the ass for your butthole to prolapse just so they can eat your prolapsed amos because it's a delicacy and the planet quadri on pena's pumping stickier ass but a vacuum as methods of course not but they want immediate prolapse danish. I'm gonna find me a traitor traditionalist ruin it. I well because at least there's that the weekend has landed. All the exists now clubs drugs popes and his of got four hours off from the world. Man i'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming cattle. I'm going to cut shit too strange his own life. I'm going to lose the plot on the dance floor. The free radicals inside me. A freaking mind tonight. I'm chip travolta. I'm three apopka. i'm going to never never land with my chosen family man. We're going to get more spice than neil armstrong avid tonight and could be the quick buck burn. What's the and now live from route thirty four stadiums. I bring you a girl that occasionally spends her free time covered in blood and murdering lucy. Here she is the one can katie. Hello and welcome to the show. This is katie's world number three fifty eight i'm host can kick katie and with me as always is land jammer. I had it figured. I can't remember what it was. Oh yeah and the muffin slammer. The one the openly my puck to mr as dis lca. I like that one this week. Sure sure you you flex that muscle flakes again speaking of muffins in clams and such. I've got a bunch of stories about that coming up in this show so muffler clamps oh my clams and gashes also a remaking clam oven or what's going on here. Oh yes there's definitely combining of of of said meet pockets of wallets okay. I guess i'll find out ham pfister's forever's till then you will anyway. We aren't coming to you. Live a we are coming from me coming to you. From rule thirty four studios in kinky katie radio dot com. So somebody was shooting normal. Live day saturday essay ways. It was a very long. It was a long day. Because i left here at noon and i didn't get home until after midnight. Yeah yeah no. It was a long day of of horror horror movie. Shoot it but it was. It was a lot of fun the girls that i was shooting with. Were there were lizzy sushi. And sarah okay and it was. It was definitely a lot of fun. I'm made out with all three of them. Okay just for fun just because onset okay now for the movie and all through. All four of us were naked at some point Usually together and covered in chocolate. Yeah that's the horror blood movie staining chocolate. Not such a secret really because they actually did. Add some food coloring to it so it was staining. That's why when we had the the worst seen we waited till till the end of the of the night to film it. The medicine messy one. Yeah that's a. That's a 'cause now with me and sarah well it gets if you don't realize if you get covered chocolate sauce. It gets sticky especially when you're rubbing it all over yourself and other things gone so we have a lotta pictures video sushi. Tecom of we're sticking our tits are bare tits together and then pulling them apart slowly slab each other's boobs and we're trying to pull our hands hands off the scan. It was fun. You have gotten cringed out. Though because at one point i stuck my tongue in her bellybutton a mind. So it's not that bad. But you know what i mean. I like immediately. I imagine some somebody jamming something into my old umbilical scar there. No fucking way. You not like belly button action. Well she. she didn't complain okay. So we'll i mean i had a hernia. They're probably for a long time.
00:05:00 - 00:10:02
Yeah you know you know. Yeah you know wasn't fun place to take her out for me but have to say though it was. It was a really good time. Everybody was super nice and there was a couple of other people were there and yeah no it was. It was really good be. There's a lot of pictures that are know. I compose jet. I gotta i gotta set him on over to the sushi. She wants to do with them. Because i have a couple of videos of her and she's naked. There was a lot of beaver cleavage onset. Okay well i mean most of the time but there. There is also a lot of times. We're wearing panties. it's just. I mean 'cause he was hot but it wasn't as hot as it could be. Oh and that's another thing that that kind of comes to Even more clam chat. I went to trim the pell. Because i knew that i was going to be doing the scenes while i went to the bathroom. I graduate buzzer. I forgot completely balding buzzer. Get you yeah. Well i did the first little zip and buck. Because i went right down the middle and i was like okay i have a fryer fuck like bald spot right on my and then they'll around. It sounds like shit. So i had to take it all down so now i'm like issues health food it all down. So did you bleed when you dick yourself and didn't oh god i didn't okay. I like you just go right at my head. Shaver for the statutory like. Well well i. I needed a quick little trim. Okay so i don't. I don't have a man scraper. Neither do i then again. I don't have balls of. Yeah you'd think so. But i don't know you loved them off. Dad gone now three. They're just just as as much not there as they would have been if they were never there. It's exactly the same exactly. I miss you yesterday while you were gone. Gone all day and was doing video action. You do a lot of the times on saturdays anyway. So yeah that's all right doesn't matter anyway Anyway let's go to my favorite segment by standing by. You're like early. You're just spraying it right. I don't remember when we started. It might not be pink. Kit is appoint katie wine. It's time once again for a okay. So my porn pick of the week. It's this one is different. And i know i always say that. It's different every week. And then you're like no. You said that a couple of weeks ago or kind of rent it you know but then again i've better. How'd you for a while. So i mean. I know some of the other things that that you been into or another so i well i had. I had a very busy week this week and it. And if you hadn't noticed i kind of have been like extra extra pie. Sure well i mean yeah okay. I haven't kinda thrown at you harder that you know a little bit harder than normal l'amour often anyway. Well i must be. I must be stress and anxiety makes me wanna fuck it overwhelmed. A kind of makes me horny. Like i don't know if it's you journal invinci- stomach as i don't know what it is but i just wanna forget everything for a while and just fuck well. It is masturbation month to as well. Let's sure okay. There's that and you know. I as a stress reliever i mean. We're talking about stress from doing a horror movie just because you get nervous doing things in front of people. Well not not only the horror movie but then i had a pop-up roll. This is all on the same week. I had to film days for kill cam. I've go- i've had another day for bigfoot mob boss in that way i mean i i'm i'm supposed to have like miserable sex with my husband and then I visit mr tickles. Dildo emporium okay. And he makes he makes my fucked out dildo. That was in the script fucked out dildo. I'll bright shiny new yen. Welcome mr bagels. Knows how to work. Although baba's mr tickle semester tickles i mean mr texas struggles. Nephew mr i dunno also and the other thing that is kinda get me hot and i'm not really sure why all of a sudden but the the one twitch streamers that we think is gay who but the one that lives in japan conner c.
00:10:02 - 00:15:01
Dog yeah him yes. Yeah what about them. I don't know. I like to see him in maine costumes. Because he likes to cause playing chick outfits. And i don't know i kinda dig it. Kinda comes across like he may be a sissy boy. But you're not really sure exactly. It's not like he says that but dressed up in female anime costumes often but he looks damn good in a suit to like. He looks real sharp. Okay but he thinks he's in. He's like twenty three busy. He's like twenty three. I don't know but he says. And i only found this out recently and that could be why wide sugar he's like. I love mills. I'm in the middle of streuli seriously. That is my thing that is my fetish at age. Thirty one and up okay. So that's what i'm just saying. Maybe that kind of like he was born in nineteen ninety-six was he. Yeah he's twenty four twenty four. I graduated high school in ninety eight to his mother but really yeah so much. No yeah i mean it's it's technically possible but you would have been a young teenage mother. Yes well no. That's exactly why because he. We just saw somebody where he was about liking older women. You know what i mean. And that puts it right in your head you'd like he likes other boy Out of the things. I could teach you steve. He's way of age. It's appropriate over and he's british. Yeah and he said he likes older women really. That's that's your fear wheelhouse great. They're right. i sent him a friend request on twitter. Did you serve following him on twitter. Is that of frederick west side. I i just. I'm all confused now. It's kind of an autumn israeli. They know people know can find out if you follow them or not. But it's not like somebody gets an. Hey is it. Okay if i and follows you will you can. You can look at it and you could say like no. It's not okay. I don't like them and you can meet them or block them or whatever. That's pretty bad. When you get muted straight off the bat right when you start following somebody near-plastic. That's my goal in life. You're in for about twenty five seconds. I've already had enough. This is the mere sight of my name. Makes you cringe her well. No that makes a lotta sense. Plus i've been on on a kick a that little group of dudes videos there. You know a lot of anime content. Which for me is exactly where it's at. Yeah but i the other day. Other one the other two dude. Well they're they're they're a little bit for further up to dork scale. Usually i like that. Yeah but you know there is a dork type joy. Yeah there's a certain style of dork into a certain style that you were not like connor not into the the other two sas. Y'all you with acute girlfriend china with the giant hitters. And then she should be. She should be tits man girl. Sometimes i don't know what you're waiting for. I figured it was. It was sitting right there. Scotland triple d's or something you say yeah. I know her sad. So the the very nice that self reported so. We're not really sure. Yeah and i've seen some of her anime pictures and shoes absolutely adorable. She could be padding or stats. I don't care. I think about you. Don't you know. I mean yeah i guess it doesn't matter if they look good and then really. You're hitting all the marks. what am i complaining about. That's right that's that's free boobs didn't even ask for. I just stumbled on it and said wow that's really nice wreck and she is adorable. Well that's kind of what happened with With my with the tits man this week so we'll get to that in the second part of the show you gotta go. Double d triple deep. Tease can't just rock out like that. Right up front. And you. And i forget things so you may you may not have even never know yes you will and then next week i won't even get to it all totally totally make you know one hundred percent see. I'm going with the she hulk. Look today i've got green hair. Sportin herons by vices. G got green hair. Wouldn't like it when you get mad right cry. Then you go masturbate. Still feel ira worse. You can leave now. Thank you for the audience.
00:15:04 - 00:20:13
Channa back. I watched i watched this This one it wasn't a documentary. It was like a little news blip on the tubes of you and it was tails. Don't have okay. I'm not shocked when you're not shot. Shocked what they weren't electric heels electric heels. Have balls now. They don't sure they have have three balls each lizard people. Well no their fish. I'd ever think about fish having balls per se. I don't like it just in my head. I'm not fish balls. No that's right. They actually are more related. They are more related to fish than any other animal. Hello what else would they be related to. Well maybe like you know like a sea snake. Maybe that would be a scary thing. Flying yield a reptile amphibian. Something like that. yeah. I really thought about. I always thought of eels fish for whatever reason my had. It's because they live in ocean. Okay yeah that's to me. Yeah but i mean is freshwater eels anyway whatever. Are we talking about eels. Because they don't have balls. Okay give all this day. I mean some guy fucking studied them for like forty fucking years and then even a sigmund freud. Famous sex dude he thanks dude. site psychologists. Yeah okay well he. The father of modern psychiatry. He started to do studies on to and then the like. Oh they made like fish. But then pete they had these the most fucked up ideas and how they reproduce like it was absolutely ridiculous but anyway thing where the dude found where these particular email spawned or whatever they spun. You're all excite. You're all of a boils down to. Its animal husbandry phallic yet no it's animal husbandry and you're seemed people put ills in some people's or five. Okay we'll armao. That has nothing to do with you. Being into how animals fuck and reproduce like you will watch an incredible incredible about content reproduction. On like just general like you'll bust out with with that. That particular code passes out on a certain not not the gut minutes we we call those triple squirt. Gut goats their delicacy in romania. They make a very high pitch sound that humans can't here wait. Wait a minute you could hear one now. Salad travelled long way triple note tripled nut goads like you are just incredibly fascinated with animals bagging like animal banging in general. Just general ak- and tortoise sex noises out he'll spawning apparently it pops up suggested recommended thing. I'm gonna check it out. I mean it's like five minutes. I'm like all right click. i'll just check it out. You gotta to work on your algorithm. God if i hear the fucking thing written word one more time so sick hell grew the mulgrew mulgrew. Your algorithm is. Is it working for you. Well it is working for you know. It has figured something out about you. I mean it's like a You know chessmaster getting beat by deep mine. Same thing same thing you don't even know your into animal husbandry the way you really are. I mean there's a reason why you're getting suggested these radios. I mean you know that. Right mental i mean you know that the people listening right now right now. People listening pick this show up because of their questionable pass decisions or their future. This is how you ended up here. You ended up here because the algorithm knows that you are definitely of herbert definitely hundred percent. No doubt to yes all of you. People out there and listening land and in watching land if you're on youtube they're all perverts. Well most likely yeah. I mean we love you well. It's the same. Like i like hanging out with people who think the same way as i released. Aren't you know chocked in an awe about some normal sounding ill sex well. That's kinda why. I started to get a bunch of tattoos in the first place too. It's like yeah. No i like them and some people i know don't earn. I kinda don't want you to be around me if you don't because usually comes and i know that so bad think like some way of someone without even knowing them you know what i mean or say or soon that just because they don't like this they're going to be like a person.
00:20:13 - 00:25:01
I don't wanna be around. I don't know we'll know. Because i've always been that way as far as you know if you look if you if you have a look at certain people don't then the people that i really shouldn't be hanging around probably are they're not going to flock to me in general not gonna to kind of the rest of your vibe. No basically i. I make the outside match the inside their. Oh yeah. that's all pineapples. Bullish side and gator rocketship. Now yeah well. I know i'm going to some point. Yes you know now now you just ruined it ruined. I've had that idea for that. Tiny little spot a tiny little spot for like a year. I just haven't done it. you know. i know. I have to go figure out where i wanna get. I like to stumble into a tattoo. Her you know what. I mean like bump into him and go. Hey you're a tattoo or there's a. There's a certain amount of randomness involved in that. You know i'd someone asked me. If i was a tattoo artist i said no really as i. I can't even draw. Don't put something permanent in my hand to fuck you up. I can't know if i use spell check. I can spell draw. Still won't be straight there. You will not hear a chris. Line this same sentence together definitely gonna bleed way too much you might catch titis really helps topless for some time to do. But i'd have to male and female. Sure some of them which which is mind blowing when you i understand that yeah no lady There's at least one that i've heard of your monster hooters like i like to tattoo topless. And it's like okay. I i don't i. i know plenty of dudes do it. So now is that topless. And brewers if full-blown full-blown. I mean if i had tits that big. I don't go brawlers because bending over they'd be like heavy pendulous titties. You know what i mean. Maybe you use them in your work like you set it up on top of the arm and let it stretch the skin for you. You know what i mean like. It's an extra hand. Hold on the leg. Or if you're if someone's gonna throw tattoo and they they're really nervous you dang over their head with a little luck in your okay sleep now on when you wake up. You'll have more decks on you than you had when you went to sleep. I am adding dick to you. I'm kind of afraid. i mean i know. He teases a lot. But i'm really very that at some point some something something's going to go in there. A little sketchy. Like i really don't know what it's gonna be and I'll probably laugh at it later. Depending on where it is. No you can't say out loud that you probably because then you're doing it's actually happening once your tattoo or finds out they could get away with putting a take on you. You can't get away with it. D- okay we'll see now you're talking better see now. You're making more sense. You're like i'd probably get over it. It was like no no. No you know people talk about doing it to make you nervous. Yeah sure yeah he. He may even tell you he was not because that's really let's like ninety percent of the fun anyway. Yeah is this the reaction exactly you know. Hey i got dick right in there see you. Can it just blends right in in whatever they check it out. And you'd be like mother fucker so you would be fine. Yeah or something. Odds tramp stamp. Yeah come here. Oh also kind of what. I started to talk about a little bit ago. 'cause i'm all over the place to sunday show was another. That's true it's we're all out of sorts of. It's not like saturday night. Tha there's no live action. Yeah we're just bridges hanging out in the living room on a sunday afternoon. Yeah nothing really exciting. I mean it kind of sucks. I have to. I have to leave the house. But thankfully i don't need to go get much so okay. I know you're not going to talk about the kind of aaron. You need to run or anything like that. You read off the list of groceries. You gotta get or items all right.
00:25:01 - 00:30:00
So i i caught a little. Bit of flack from one activity from talking about the shaving part going back to it. I forgot to say that people really liked the pell and they were they. Were none too happy that it was gone jim in that cab home with them. I know i know. I like a tactile experience awards. Just it's softer. It's it's not itchy and it's not like you know you're not you don't grow lot of hair so i mean it's different. I get their ladies. Who will grow you know actual like trouble. I can get it. i get it. That's a lot down there. But you're just doesn't grow much so really it just a little soft Astroturf kind of thing going on on top of all the action. Nothing it's like having like a fleece blanket or something you know so there you go now you know what my what my pussy wisp feels like. Well now right now right now. It looks doubly. It's not it hasn't even started to get steadily app because it takes a while to start good doubly anyway it. It's just it looked. I don't like the way that it looks as it is because look sneak aid and it looks like if you turn homer simpson's mouth sideways like puffy muzzle bald yes simpson muzzle muzzle between my legs. That's very squishy. Yeah and you know. It's like i don't like it and you did it again where you're going to go you know do when you're movies and you're you're literally making like shaving choices and shit like that right before you leave essential oil burns really. You have like a pattern of of self. Yeah like you are trying to fuck yes like you'll put your tea on top of your script or something. I don't know. I came and knock my table. Akimbo taste never heard that of life. Akimbo de probably something racist to i hope not because like i said my parents have been saying it since i was a little kid. So that's that's where i got. It was always like legs akimbo. Ask him with hands with hands. On the hips and elbows turned out where she stood with arms akimbo. Like like bowed out. Yeah so there. We go arms akimbo. Frowning or the fuck is the definition. i'm not. I'm not that crazy and i'm glad it's something it's something that's not racist Really off of other limbs flung out widely or haphazardly. Has the right way bad. Legs akimbo. There you go. I'm not using it in the wrong way. What is the fuck interrogation. That is a weird. That is weird. Fucking weird like i've never heard of before so maybe komo slice was like a slice out. I've has early as we already did you do. I can't live got my cock starting from a key like when people were talking about abo- bowen arrow like six hundred year old word. And it said you. It's a keen bow like the bow of it does or curved so like so that ends are sharp. Bend okay and now you know battle now i know i just thought you made up some races shit right there i was like what the fuck katie that cannot. What are you talking about. Yeah i gotta pick up from the cleaners. Well because i was wrong the air. Well not that you would. I mean. I've never heard the word before and it sounds like it could be something the other day. Did you heard it on after you said it. I heard a youtuber. Say it. And i would look. There's that fucking word again. The second time. I've heard it in consecutive days. Isn't that weird. How that happens it. Maybe you start noticing words. I'm not sure never heard that word before in my life. I don't think that. I know i've said it before we deserve. Sometimes i too a lot. I going to rule thirty four and when we come back. I've got a trend. That's come back around again. And i have an opinion on why we're also you can have a brand new to me and sell a stick around. We'll be right back. Yum time bullet basically and refreshing snack. Chick blanche dubois said.
00:30:00 - 00:35:02
Don't ask such hot name. Blanche blanched lands blanche to the main stage. July at blanche. Cowhide honey from the quan. She'd been here for forty years. Well she had to functional pena's and four beliefs as a jet another whole nother bitch. She did says she had to vet badges and four boobs wright you'll squad boob and according to l. astray and she also had a third leg. Yeah it all kinda weird shit that oh. Yeah not quite quite. What'd you think like. She has ibiza growing out of her crotch area like another prison sprouting out of her fucking croat suitor. Yeah and it only came out one leg and like hey the head got stuck inside somewhere and the first leg and boobs are really they stick it out and it just grew closed over here again. People with Weird weird deformities. They gotta fuck you know jerry. Somebody should bang 'em baylor adults and people will. Yeah so that would be interesting. That would be a weird to get past there. Is somebody out there for everybody. Well there is got guys have demonstrated they will stick their digs into just about anything and whatever and if you really wanted that bed just get a sex worker and they will fuck you for money. Maybe maybe you're into girls. Maybe you're into other girls with deformities you could like totally the lobster claw girl to. That's right the bearded woman. You that tickles. Your fancy you could do American story style. You could be really could just go straight weird on top of weird on top of weird maybe you can find a guy was extra decks the right like the you know that you found the right person because he has the proper arrangement of decks to get to your extra policies are what if he ends up. Having three dixie you can get like tripled. You can get like one eight miles in one in your but yeah. That's what i'm saying. You have the right alignment of day to typical down. We call it the human dp for. Cpi three oh no look back to kinky cuties world from ruled thirty four studios and gigi dot com on the twitter at kinky radio dot com radio at gmail.com give me on facebook and bette life getting also on youtube whichever you are watching right now. So i Appropriate good me because you can and like it i. I had someone the other day like. They asked me a question there being knowingly they wanted to see news go to twitter like. I don't have twitter. I'm like google media images. Why do why should i do all the work. I'm like you ask for them. Fuck face you're taking the work right now to actually talk to each and to get the pictures when by now you could have pictures in hand and run three batches all over them. Yes seriously. I want personal picks. It's pretty stupid. I know you don't know me. But i want i want new ones then. And then here's how do i know on your profile picture. That's really you and i said. Should i even acknowledge the fact. That yours is walking. Phoenix as the joker. So yeah dude probably was well that and some some sometimes y- that's he's just trying to get somebody that's whatever. He's just getting attention. He's board this stupid whore really. Okay you love your tips. I wouldn't found him. Say this one. I i want to send you a link to to watch the trailer for my tv show. That's going to be an amazon prime. Soon give me your telephone number. And i'll text it to you know. Oh am i send it to me here. Where you're talking to me out on facebook messenger and you can email it to me. And i can click that he's like oh all these years that i've known you i said you mean that you've talked to me on here and you live in a totally different state. I've never met you dude. And no i'm not giving you my personal fucking phone number. Some people don't understand maybe may maybe some of it is actually innocent. But no i'm not doing it and there's a lot of people out there you know. There are different levels of intelligence really. Well that's some people have a hard time figured things out. Some people have figured them out and figured out. If i act this way maybe i get what i want. Crews love assholes. Your dad stats goes. There's there's you know there's a line we like an asshole. Meaning somebody that has confidence really. I mean that's the whole thing. But i mean you could have confidence in total fucking dickhead.
00:35:03 - 00:40:03
But that what i'm saying is a lot of people that have confidence or at least some people that have a lot of confidence are like falsely confident. Under douchebag self-centered east rex. Yeah and. I don't know if i said this before. And if i haven't then i'm going to say it right now. I believe i was talking with someone. And i know who it was. So do that. Just because you're gay does not make it okay for you to be an asshole. No you're sat right because we see we see that all the time where somebody somebody is not an excuse for you fucking. God damn douchebag. Yeah your best not a lot and then everyone's like oh my god. You're so cute. Stop it he should be jeeva. Come on just being being you know but that doesn't make it intercon. It's coming out but that's still doesn't make it. Okay i'm totally lizzy year preaching to the choir there shaky. I couldn't care less. If you're gay fucking i if you if you're nice just if you've never heard this show before no one thing about me. I love gay sex. I love gay sex. And i'm not really into the dick sucking but i love to see dudes make out and i love bub fucking so that's the asset that i love it but if you have a you cycle around quite often and i talk about it constantly Ostriches oh go. I'm saying you don't get me wrong. I don't know. And that's i mean even if you're heterosexual or whatever whatever you describe yourself as their recognized yourself as whatever i don't i don't care be nice person. Yes yeah well it does just because you are of any sort of a of a group of people who get like fucked with all. The time doesn't mean that you just automatically get to be like addict because yes you know you still gotta be nice for me to like you. Anyway that's the point like you could be an asshole. You're an asshole. And i'm not gonna have anything to do with you. Catch flack for this anyway. But i don't care because my sister's lesbian such thing to say about anything okay. Good well no. It's it's you know everybody says you know the basic lesbians are meanwhile. I mean that doesn't give because they say it then let's just live up to the type that user me. Well it's it's almost like some some men. Some gay men are playing a character. This not really them and they're they're they're using exactly that stereotype as excuse spray. Just act shitty people exactly. Yes which just being shitty people shitty. Yes in general yes. So they'll be shitting people. Yeah be nice. Yeah well it does you know it. It's the kind of person that see somebody wearing. Oh my god what a disgusting bitch or whatever. Just what you. What do you do what he what's going on here where you i don't know in general and tunnel strange like i don't know maybe he told you that's a dick move you know. Who does it take moves. That's the point. That is the point. If you don't take it. I guess a flamboyantly gay man was was was getting. Get under case about something Recently yeah you were saying anyway anyway. Anyway so he's names speaking of assholes. Now they're the new trends coming back around again is as bleaching is anal bleaching trended ever left. I know people are starting to talk about it more again. Each season that summer people have been locked up. What i was gonna say is that people have been like fuck free for a while. We'll a lot of people not everybody. There are people that were fuck free. And now they're just like ready to put on a terry like i won't get drug. I won't fuck our bucks. Strange book everything and then this sounds like a really good plan really be you know you could die tomorrow so you might as well add on today. Somethin- something it's free. Doing all suffered much south before you die. Bleacher asshole or not make it sparkle. It's weird though. What i've seen a butthole. That's even lighter than your skin tone. And i'm like not right. It's like you had an like an anal implant relate transplant like a dark skinned person Having it bleached it comes palm the hands in the bottom of feet worse than that.
00:40:03 - 00:45:04
Though no worse. I mean like you said you like just white you know like a person transparent like if i did it it would look like someone took a white out and painted my butthole pucker. Okay you know what i mean. 'cause i'm really pale or not okay. That's what i mean. Sure anyway. I just but people people are now getting a butthole bleaching kits back out again. I guess and i think that's why they started making them available at home. But i don't know if you should you yourself or at least have someone that you trust to help with it. What are we. what are we talking about. Who burton come on. Could be worse cao lei. You'll be fine slathered on follow the directions. Do it to manufacturer tells you to do. Yeah but you know that there's gonna be some people that are like oh bleach. I can put the bleach clorox on my asshole. Okay and then if people are going to get whatever step one. Read the instructions read. I'm saying that they won't even by the kid. They just think anal bleaching so they go and god the bleach under zinc and then later sued the bleach company for having bleach in their name. Your products chlorine bleach. How does it work. I'm a bottle told me to swallow a too. I wanna pink pucker. God dammit oh shoot one little shoot one like a big old kid. It's nice year. I hope the ringtone to match the inside bloom okay rosebud aso you. How prolapse because like pops out really. I'm getting goosebumps because it really gives me out as sorry if you're into but i'm talking personally is gives me out would be touch it when there's when there's a prolapsed asshole and the it's like inside out half the way protruding out looks very scary And then someone like touches it or licks. It licks poke at the rosebud. A how could you know that's literal colon that no poop poop places no. They're all pretty scary but they're they're they look to be coup free but the lube second crevices. It's like it's like a turned inside out sock like wet sock. I just i mean energy weird to eat anyway unless you know what i mean. You don't eat a lot of fucking entered meat. You know gizzards chitlins. You know if you're not really doing that very often then then you know you're really lived life you cannibal colon action. She may style. That's the next lease box. And gator blade movies colin cannibals. A prolapsed prolapse anal avenger. Adl the prolapse people eaters which which only means that that you know this alien race is going to have to fuck you really hard in the ass for your butthole to prolapse just so they can eat your prolapsed amos delicacy and the planet. Ah quadri on no they just get appeanas pump and stick it to your ass but vacuum. Does you'll method of course not but they want immediate that's like A danish i'm gonna find me a traitor traditionalist out ruin it i well. Yeah because at least there's that at least i went through all that drama. Get to where we are today. I mean the other way sounds more like traditional. ufo probing. you know getting a vacuum shoved up your ass until your butthole puckers inside out. It's not a bit is around it okay. Same difference you're not going to know the difference because it's gonna feel like something of it for sure because it is now outside of it and you're taking the biggest shit relief and your home. You know bob. It's a good thing that we did this. I'm seeing some lesions here. I mean that could have been very very bad for you. So we're just gonna go ahead and take out the whole call in here. You don't need it any longer. We because we're broken because we're going to kill you. That's why bob after we eat your asshole in front of you.
00:45:04 - 00:50:08
We're going to kill you me. Drop dan we usually get cows like this upgraded. Oh gosh and you're going to be like. Oh god you're going back to the annual thing again but that reminds you of like when you cook a whole pig and they have just let that keyhole cut out because they take out there asshole and the insides keyhole. What are you talking about like when when you're going to cook a whole hog. Okay you know the back end of it or the tail. It's like a keyhole cutout from stomach. Yeah because they take it out okay. Yeah i don't know what you're talking about again we're gonna are you going way off the rails you save. What right to animal. I mean i was sticking to alien tortures there. Prolapsed amos catalyst. Let's go on anymore. It's okay so there. Is this teacher at charter school. She i had to. I can only imagine. I can only assume that she was fucking one. Verse students because she threw a A party for the former student okay. Well former student means that they graduated. Hopefully well yeah. The the the in the school went from grade six to eleven six to twelve. Sorry about that but the The youngest they through an x rated party okay like with x. rated favors an rated theme and the youngest person wall. The some of the kids were young as eleven and this is a former students. Say hey come in big candles shaped like Pussies and decks. They had another one It was a big dick that when you pull the string it got hard. I i guess kid that they were having. The the actual recipient was eighteen years old but the other. We don't know that. I share doubt. No doesn't say how old the kid was that. That was the party thrown. Let's go ahead and think this is like a killer kills style and the kid that they actually was like intended for. The party was eighteen years old so now let's just assume that and other kids found their way to said fuck party. You know it wasn't meant for them. It was meant for an eighteen year old. Even is that like did that. Still pretty creep. He likes to begin with. Yeah even though you over the line. It's over the line so maybe you don't go to jail. I guess but while because there is one alive but your teacher. I don't know what that means. I'm not really sure and it but it was during school hours too because it was lunch during lunchtime but he wasn't at school anymore. No he wasn't but the rest of the other kids that were joining the party. The other kids skip school to go to. I mean i skipped school and ended up at strip clubs while but they skip school. They just went to this fucking bitches. Classroom os in the classroom. Yeah when did. I miss that part of the part of the story. I don't know either while. Because i said this teacher threw a party. Didn't say the location could have been a house party. No this isn't. This isn't a classroom the during school time during lunch hour she. He came to see her like spurs. Here's mix and they gave him a pussy cake. The cake was shaped played. How to big. Old personified know pops. They gave them to the but some of the favorites. None of they gave favors to the kids. And that's actually how people found out about it is because they have like goodie bags for the kids and like the kid like brought it home and mother's like where the fuck did you get this shit. So thank you dixon pussies candy and all that crap. That's pretty bizarre. I wonder like it almost looked. What were you thinking like what was going to. What did you think that would be all right. I don't understand no absolutely serious like that. That's really that's really fucked up. I wonder if she related to the check a few weeks ago. Who attacked her students. Who was on math. I don't know beth spider monkey teacher. Maybe it was a cousin coming job offer. It's our math dealer. You know. I mean maybe kids would pay attention more in school if we gave them pussy. Cakes dick lollipops. Everybody's working that goal party time at the end of the day. You know if i could have a stripper if everybody's aging consenting yeah really what's the problem while they can do off campus. You know it's like. I said i don't know where you come to that decision that that'd be a totally be okay some renowned subject cakes and some pussy pussy.
00:50:11 - 00:55:00
Some people are tired. they really are just booed. Where did you think i don't understand. I don't understand that laterna lady. They've the banged her her student all the time in school in the classroom in her car in the parking lot and she ended up marrying him. Well they had two kids together. She even went to jail twice for him like she. She was like thirty something and she loved her family. She had like five kids and she was married anyway. It's one of those fourteen thirteen or fourteen. I know not anymore. No no no. They can totally bang as much as they want. Now they got married. Yeah well okay but anyway. She's went to gulf trade event for two more. Fourteen year olds turned twenty eight battle joke. Let me be a teacher anymore. I'm gonna find a boyfriend. How god i guess. It's back to kinder- tinder. This was a female teacher. Yes okay yes oh female teacher male student you know you know. Now what would you do if fifteen pounds of meat fell on your fucking roof. just nowhere. car-roof. No okay wouldn't grill it up off probably not eating it. I just. I just thought this is funny. They this this family in deerfield. They they don't know how this mystery. Meat ended up on their on their seal on the roof but fifteen frozen italian sausage crash the roof. Really mike duggan throw under their roof. I mean it's the same alien to come by to prolapse. You're innocent have prolapsed anus traditional style. They don't they don't do the vacuum method so it takes a little longer a much higher quality sausage though magical casing aliens have been in the news a lot lately. Pro-life dalen eaters. There is there is two chicks. They're in a in a bikini contest and One of the bitches went ham and starting fucking like like beater with her high heels. Took over fuck. It kills buck you bitch. This is stewart your laden with florida news. Today i don't know why deerfield for those of you don't know that's right. Which is most of you probably living deerfield. They could be deerfield of another state. Yeah let's not go florida for sure. I knew the story. I mean where else does fifteen pounds of meat mysteriously appear on somebody's roof and they wonder. How did this get here. Because it's florida. Somebody threw it up there. You fucking weird us like there could be a million different stories involving somebody needing to get rid of fifteen pounds of sausage immediately. I want to know is was it loose. Was this rosen back. I know but was it in a bag. Was it in a chafing dish. Like wing lick give. It was a one by one for strikes together like none chuck style like they were the shoes on on power line with frozen sausages. Yeah i don't know they. They fell from the sky. Instead of like bales of cocaine. Jumping bail sausage. You live near any youtubers that do sausage videos. Can you do that with dildos. And i you can come in my house because you sound pretty dumb. Really i mean you. You're really made a newsworthy story. About finding fucking frozen meat on your god. It was an alien. I swear to god i had been there. Wouldn't be any other reason. Slow news day just in general that somebody like. Pb bbc news desk news desk we can. We found fifteen pounds of frozen sausage on bob's roof. Where could it have come from. Go the george foreman. The mustard the role. What's going through their mind. Did that dropped out of an airplane or you know. It's a sausage god. Somebody likely hopped up on some sort of a substance that isn't even maybe necessarily a drug per se the could be starting fluid or something you know freon some dude high on freon came running past your this made well.
00:55:00 - 01:00:08
He snatched fifteen pounds of sausage from somebody and was running away from them. And toss it up on the roof because it was stolen. And he didn't wanna get cau- the fucking stolen sausages the dude the italian sausage maker down the street he gets his he sources meat from prolapsed alien eaters who are also in mob. Yeah the bob. Completely made up of aliens did eat prolapse daynuss. Google comes see now. You're not catching on now. You're catching on. You're putting the strings together. Yes i'm like a lifetime book. We have the hottest new conspiracies right here right here care. Non color followers retards good jr south of the roof. So i don't know where you're at now. I accept talking about the bikini. The chicks the bikinis contests getting into a fight with hooker heels. Oh yeah those are. You forgot where i was. Those are why tied to i ever really know. The thing is though is she got into. Because she's like my boyfriend you fucking horder and started beating her with the hugh part better. Go to the colleges. Because you're gonna be first shock exit. I'd say let's terry disqualified ale and did you. Did he give it to you first or did you give it to him. Because i think it's worse if the girl gave it to the guy and the guy gave it to his new girlfriend you know because then you got her herbie's to check you're just trying to kill with your fucking high heel. You got my present. That's right now every fucking time you get an outbreak. You're gonna think me. I got that i got that from larry. Crackhead larry the crack crack. You got layer the crackheads. Fucking strain of herb. That's the lowest former herb theory the bum so there was a guy he he got arrested for calling nine one one because he tried to bring a kitten into a strip club and he was denied. He's like you can't come in here with an actual plsy. We have busy inside. I mean it's it's insanity to the beach. You can't bring a beer into a bar. You don't bring a roasted chicken into the restaurant. it's the same idea right. I mean all the girls wanna go to him. That's what he was thinking. I guess now it was for stripper. It was for certain girl he was giving it to yes. They're like no. You can't get to pebbles whatever it is all just duct tape them to the hood of her car won hers. I know a real name. I key may two. That's always my favorite line. You're out your. he's okay. I'm proud of you. Man which real name did she tell you. She gives me a different one every other time. I see her really say. You're may favorite. Is i tell you makes me laugh every time when they start without you know. I don't really tell customer this a real day visit. He go down okay. Peaches uh-huh immediately smile at me because they know like i don't give a fuck. I know you're like i'm gonna give you money regardless because you deserve to get paid. I'm here watching you dance naked. I'm gonna give you some money. But i'm not the dude sticks tax. I'm not the guy you're looking for. This is even for no. Let's right and gonna be pleasant to you but you know you could tapered off on that a little bit there sweetheart. Yeah i'm fine without it. Plus i'm friends with your worker. We went out last week. You dummy i actually do know your name. I don't remember it right now. But i heard it really good. So there's this out here. It is the thing that i was trying to look for that That i wanted to talk about. It was like a weird experience. The the the people were having well. He was hooking up. He was looking up with this girl and she had. It was kind of like she brought him home from one kind of thing bars. I'm shelley that well. When he brought her dog style the old way traditional when she brought him home there was.
01:00:08 - 01:05:07
She's a hand. Poke tattoo cheers. Do you mind if my roommates watch you. We talked about week to animals. Oddly enough it was right at the end of another show about five or six shows ago. You well she et shit. I liked that story. I do list. You picked it out twice. At least you know you enjoy the fact that some some random check brought home a one night stand and wanted to debenham him in front of her stuffed animals. Well i can't her. Well i kind of just reminds me of what. I'm doing now where i do bad things in front of a dummy. What he's trying to say mean. What am i trying to. What are you trying to say. I don't know. I'm just trying to say talking about willie. Oh movie she went to horror. Movie shooting okay. She said doing like girl bay. Forget it. I was on a different wavelength. You start vibrate and get your own fucking frequency. They're low thirty hard. Which is weird for your vibration. Radic usually doesn't happen that way very my. He was like my personality spastic. Spastic and destructive at the same time. So what were you talking about. Besides this stuffed animal lady the plush queen. I decided that saga by this other thing like you just moved out because you got your green hair today. That's right i go. I don't know that we've gone long enough or not. I'm not sure who got over have we. You don't know you didn't know what time we started. Yeah but my estimate was probably off by at least a few minutes. Because i don't really know it could event. I'm not sure. I don't know how long it took me to set up. I'm not sure how. Long after i hit record that dad did hit record idea. I'll guy we've never missed any of them that i've done. I've reminds you anything we were supposed to have video video of anything we were supposed to have audio of. We had audio love. I am not the one who has who has law shows. That wasn't me. that's for sure. Okay you never did your tits man. Oh that's right reminded me. Let's go let's go to your favorite segments. Try to short demand boobs in and on the news it's time once again for shit hit man. I had a cat. There was up here covering up things. Okay he's laying on stuff in the way. Okay anyway green. Because you're akimbo over there. This is going to be everything from now on all right. Well this week is like i said it. It has a girl from from the beginning of the show. Sarah little little as our kids man of the week. Who is there little. Sarah little is a girl that she this was her first movie that she did. And the kill cam. Sh i had seen with her where we get our boobs together at liquor belly button and i rub all over her and all over me enjoy tire up but anyway she has got a gigantic para knockers. Okay and she's got some schober to the you love. I would love that would i. So you're going to get you see movie of both of is rubbing artitsts together and covered in chocolate sauce and just getting all awesome and she screams ally and and do. The chocolate sauce was blood. Deep theoretically yes. Okay okay. that's okay though. Was she a corpse at the time or was she's getting there at the time. Okay okay yeah all right but in a couple of other scenes were very much alive and she bit me. We were making out. She like my my lip sir. I'm like ooh she's aggressive. But she's got really big jellies and from bags and i got to touch them and feed the field them a whole bunch and i've got a bunch of pictures so good. Maybe we could share. Yeah okay like if you wanna put it like when the show airs on youtube if you want to like pop up on everything he's ever here we can put the over and if he's sure anyway i got i got one of her in her in her hooker address me. We'll figure it out. We'll see we'll see what anyway she's got big but I know I can't i know she's on facebook. So i post office pictures. Okay yeah and you could see her and the upcoming horror movie upcoming horror movie. Kill can yes did i. When the mean people yeah and i i have very dirty dirty sticky seen with her and her luscious.
01:05:07 - 01:10:04
Lovely big obese kit. That's right and our other tits. Man girl misled. Seila set she. We're also. we have booby scenes together too. So yeah lots of in the movie. Oh my god lots of test. That's all that's the majority of their movies are tits and acid and blood. it's blood well that's That's a formula for something. We got pictures. There is what we realized that after we got on. Grody that We we're going to go take a shower off at their. Would they had public bathroom. Whatever at the cabin we were at and was real close but we had to walk to get there right. Oh fuck what are we gonna do. Because we're head to toe covered chocolate so we got some of these sheets. That were Damaged and were just going to throw him out so we each wrapped ourselves in one of the sheets and walked to the showers but there was like blood and it looked real as fuck all over the well. There is other people like camping there too. And they're like what the fuck kaz nujis- me. Sarah going to the bathroom in pitch black by these cabbage. And we're just in bloodsoaked sheets. Just like they stopped and we both go in and we each get into one of the showers were showering off at like. It's just you got a video of the two of us walking. I didn't know that she was behind us. And it re fully looks like something really bad happened. Something really bad did have it. We'll because it was during the day two or filming a lot of it and then this family showed up with like seven fucking kids all under the age of eight and they started. We were right by playground. And they're playing on the playground and screaming and we're trying to fend like naked people and oh god darst weird ladies. I mean totally. Like we're filming. What you guys booked at the next school party young guys just through a razor at a amityville high now toward it happens god nervy. I'm i'm going to kill a cat. Food fucking healer. That is so bad. I mean it seriously makes me want to ratchet is really fucking harsh thankfully. I have the burnout smelling system of a plumber. Oh it's megan my nose hairs like burn. It's bad and all i fucking. All three of the cats eat the same. God damn thing but they don't fucking have nuclear shits like one fucking christ makes me so hot about. The cat poo. So hot god. So hey this gentle jerk off. You're not you're out of luck how you call channel well my show coming to the show. The six year be that got green hair on will hulk in out. There was a plane that was forced to land early after drunk. Passenger of fucking senate of a fake bomb threat. And then try to strip naked. Taking all off you guys give me control of this airplane or on getting naked to drop the bomb job nuts and somehow he thought that was as big of a threat as he needed already. The box cutter. I gotta cock. I've got a sward. I'll clear this room out. I've heard of dudes at like the. At least people tell stories of guys who would take their clothes off to fight like or there was a joke. Somebody had a bit something. I heard somewhere about getting Dead naked when you fight. Because you know do doesn't really wanna fight with another dude. Screen rented a it around. But then you're taking flopping around but if you can if you can get hard like you know get that like a journal in boehner then it'd be like now you've got an angry guy running at you with an erection naked with the fucking hard on pointed straight edge. You know. I'm gonna cut that take off somehow because now very intimidated by yeah know psychological games wise. I'm ignoring the tech. Is what i'm telling you. Will you could probably get away with it. But i mean if like okay. Let's say you were like wants or whatever and then you just click.
01:10:04 - 01:13:36
Click drop the overall. What do you want now. Naked santa claus. I don't imagine just literally falling down and rolling around on the ground naked on the concrete. Some i know like your balls your who knows what would happen. You know and we live in florida so we'd like to things that could be on a road or sidewalk. You really don't want in contact with your ticket balls really. Don't know that's what happened when when the guy who got arrested when they found syringes up his ass in her like. He said they're not mine that's how they got. Yeah that's us syringes kind of that. Sure it's my form of kung fu. We call it the the naked dick technique naked. Tick just so foul. That was another thing we. I'm so happy that i brought a wash cloth concerns on what i wanted to sit down when we were at the cabin rule like outside at the picnic table i put a dachshund soundlink. There's no way. I want to be open face sitting on anything in here. That's what i'm saying. It's like everything was real because it was really hot and sweaty since like no. I've got a fat bald pussy like sweaty. So it's going to have when snell show. I have one of those snail affects ya suction cup on things. I don't want to have that. Have adore dildo maneuver attached to you. That's right the simpsons muzzle. Try to sit up. And i'm like stuck to the fuck am mattress that they have in there. Because it's covered nebo. Classic vinyl material car sees people pee on it. They just you know. Watch it off or when they shoot horror movies on it. That's right at least you know we. We didn't We didn't even mess. You know we put tarps and stuff like that for some teams. Yeah for one scene where we should dig it on the floor. But we brought bleaching stuff but can you imagine the at a bunch of girls and a couple of dudes. I'll would all bring in supplies and shit into cabin and it's like and then they have the bleach. I saw them running around bloody blankets. Exactly right that chick right. They're all one took the time i was i was. I was taller than most of them. All right mergel and Yeah because i have. I have stuff that i have to do anyway. Well i hope. Everybody has acre wrestler weekday month shift. Whatever it is you're doing don't forget. July is the tampa bay. Scream summer swap shop. So i'm going to be there covering me. Everything from you see all right everybody Yeah more updates on everything else. Certain i will talk to you later. Oh my goodness gracious. Doc does anybody does.