#357 – Masturbation Complication
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This week!

5/08/2021 Katie's facial expressions... Katie's tattoo decisions... Complaining about the loud neighbors... More complaining... Katie's newest masturbation injury... You down with CBT?... Being attracted to dirt ball men... Where can you get a cream filled cock waffle?... Misreading adds... Katie's Porn Pick of the Week - not seeking any porn and not turning down dick... Whitecastle opening update... Female pastor that is currently dating Jesus, now dancing at the strip club... When the UPS store knows your name... Caught cheating... Analog dating... Was Snow White mouth raped by the Prince, or did she pre consent... Episode of "Rule 34"... Sex with your door... Happy Mothers Day, tell your mom we love her... Home basting pregnancy... Men with bigger noses have bigger dicks according to someone... Katie's fascination with growers. Where does it all come from?... Man monkey with a colostomy bag should not drink too much less the poo will fly... Tits Man - extra large breast implant surgery before and after photos... The different styles of breast implants... Peircing the bridge of your nose so you can attach your glasses to it... Snorting cremated relatives to get high... Man with a dick the size of a baby... Dual vagina quad boob woman and the men who want to bang her.

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Kinky Katie's World #357 Masturbation Complication

00:00:02 - 00:05:03

Your mother july ever. Yeah yeah yeah. Tell him tell her. We love to love her live. She can call me what she looked like anytime. What's she looked like. Kenny polaroid's pani. Enersen photo stuff like that. Because nursing i fee the weekend has landed. All the exists now is clubs drugs. Pope's pies of four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steam my like a screaming cattle. I'm going to coach to strangers all night. I'm going to lose out on that dance floor. The free radicals inside me a freaking tonight. I'm to volka on three a popper. I'm going to never land with my chosen family. Mind we're gonna get more spice doubt than meal on strong advocate. Anything happen tonight could be a life quite him. A fuck burner. What's the now live from thirty four stadiums. I bring you a girl that cares a lot less than you think she dies about your car. She s your host the one the only kinky kitty la hello and welcome to the show. The world number three fifty seven. I'm your host kinky katie and with me as ours is my co host the one and only my favorite place covered. Tower mr se. Okay who doesn't like to look at me. 'cause i make facial expressions you just you know yes. Stop it no more facial expressions from you. So i'm just gonna get talks then i will have facial expression. I know. you don't wanna do that either. I want appropriate facial expressions. However like sometimes i'll look over and it looks like you just watched a small child get murdered in front of you. You know you'd like i'm happy. You no kidding joke so this joke joke anyway bumper cars. Okay okay. i dunno whenever well we are coming to you. Live from ruled thirty for studios can katie radio dot com and radio dot net worth so. Yeah we got some stuff to talk to you tonight about some stuff and things thank you to the fans out there for all the love and support. I appreciate it and on that note Say that it's kind of really good. Timing have my tattoo has been rebuilding after after stuff and after stuff. We'll know after. I need to use every other stuff. Okay so so at at the same time my normal guy bryan bryan dewitt over at atomic tattoos he's He's got idea. I really wanted to do on you. Okay i'm like yeah tell me about it. And he was talking about this like skull with this like flamy candle and blaming candle skull sir. Yeah okay so. I tell them. I'm like hey. I'm like we'll draw it up and let me say look at it because like i say. I'm not going to agree to something in book appointment went. I'm like sight unseen. You know and then i ended up with you. Know like guy fieri shirt on my arm arm. Okay yeah. I don't i don't i. Don't ask you questions about what you get tattooed anymore. Because i just. I don't you know why because i don't i don't ask questions now i'm not i'm not involved in it. I'm not going to be involved in it year on your own. All right fine. They won't play the you anyway. I've got a lot going on this week. I really do. Okay tomorrow. I have to. I mean we're going to god knows how long fucking fiesta is going to be happening outside with a junkin child. Karaoke okocha back on track. What are you talking about honestly. You're like you're talking about being busy and you're like the neighbors be allowed because i gotta get up. I get up early tomorrow morning. I to try to get some sleep. Because i'm gonna be filming tomorrow and i've got a non doing another stuff On either tuesday or wednesday and then the Then saturday next saturday week from today is going to be my see redo prolonged daylight eighteen hour day anyway. I don't know like that's why. I can't keep shit straight like just. I don't know what it is when i get like really overwhelmed. Overwhelmed really easily just kind of like shut the fuck down like everything just shuts down an.

00:05:03 - 00:10:01

I just wanted to sleep and just like just fucked up okay. All right there's a. I have to say that I thought i had a hernia. The other day turns out it was a both like inner thighs. I kind. I pulled like a hammy or something because it was a masturbation accident accident. Okay so you had a masturbation injury. Yeah okay okay. That's a reason. The match related. Yeah injury you had to medically tap you were forced to medically tap out. Is that what having no because there was no tapping out. There was no pain until i until like the next day so it was like i use muscles that i hadn't used it awhile because what he did was is. I had this little this little play thing. And i stuck the one of the gills with suction cups on it and then used my my little side table right there and i stuck it on there and i kind of straddled. It was just like having a good time. okay. I don't know and then the next day. I'm like oh i feel that i need a diagram and really if there's no photos it didn't happen now. There's no doubt it didn't happen. Sorry yeah you just you injured yourself. Walk into the bathroom or someone really. Yeah me no video. No proof well. Next time i'll take a video. Then i'll start it beforehand. So that doesn't have in loco. Reassure i don't know let's just say you gotta privately stretch before you're gonna do like an advanced maneuver of straddling and end table. You know. I mean it might be a good idea. You don't have to. But i mean it would have been a lot easier if i were to use the fuck machine but the problem is that i wanted something a little on the large side and they didn't have an attachment that would be acceptable on the. Fuck machine kerouac. Okay yeah. fuck machine is inadequate is what you're saying it's a good pounder but but just didn't have. I don't have a girthy. An attachment allow wanted at the time on that thing like a girthy attachment might not be like the right thing for that machine because it would just way at town. Yeah it needs one of those ones that are that are like uber expensive in the mounted something. Heavy form piston slamming out. I don't know i'd want that. Because knowing me i'd probably something would go wrong and i would hit a button. Did i shouldn't be hitting or something. We'd get stuck and i that i would just be like well. You're totally destroyed. You're definitely gonna tear yourself the one you have you like. So what's what's the difference really. I just ask you just you're talking. You're literally talking about an injury masturbating. Anyway yeah i mean so. If you're going to get hurt you might as well go big. You know. I well. I kinda thought that the electrocution was the worst. One did you. Yeah well. wouldn't you think if you electrified your frigging cooter. They won't have a cooter. Okay let's say you electrified the inside of your cock okay and not doing it seeing you know i could. I could do a lot of things that i mean ahead of time. I understand. I gave lot of things that that's that's i'm not into cvt me. God that couple twitter well like goodness only see that's also Saddam action submissive or dominant. Mary yes you're gonna get good at bt when you're a good little stubby right. And plus. i mean they're married in there in love and so they they have a lot of trust. Sure i mean. Obviously things don't necessarily bother him too much because he fits traffic cones up as ass backwards. Oh yeah you know because we talked about on the on the lascaux how he was like fucking lizard. Tail thing like disaster laying. Gee i went in after. You know way angie. Wow yeah it went in those whole thing and you but that's what i'm calling you looking at me. I'm like i know. I just meant it. Anyway what she had said that i mentioned to how she was gonna. She's going to make a video that he was practicing. It's going to go in and she's gonna use her fists to well.

00:10:01 - 00:15:05

I saw it. I mean yeah. That whole thing's like just fucking slither right up in and then she's like wedge did in there and then just like ward is go like you're coverage colon. There's forty-two up there. It's got a lot to go through really seriously. But i was just like. Wow i get so i. I'm so impressed by them. I'm in. I'm in awe and there's another thing that i i don't know why i'm even interested in this because no one even knows who this fucking these people are. You didn't even know. But andrew w k and cat. danny ings are dating. I don't know. And the only reason i i used to think that andrew was was cute ones. And it's kind of funny because sodas my mother because my mother likes kid rock. Oh shoot. she's i think he's hot. Oh i am. I actually have a story involving kid rock then. We'll talk about later if we get to. If not mother banging them in any way shape or form got now okay but then again who knows what happens in my family. Never know all offer michigan. But there's others a youtuber that twitch streamer that we that we listen to and watch called a waste critical. Reminds me of angie debbie. Hey exe- like always wears a white t shirt. And he's got the long hair and scruffy beard growth. Yeah we have to look up old pictures of andrew. W k if you're gonna look him up 'cause you but veerappa saying he he just a singer in a band. Yeah edgy w k. I only i only remember him from having like one hit but he probably had more and there was at least one was. I didn't hate automated thing. It was a it was okay. Yeah yeah something something something. I dunno. that's like used to always get a bloody nose on stage and stuff like that. Like you get punched roy. But that's like thirty years ago. Now in the sixties sixties sixties visit place. You can go where you can get. Cockles dick multiples. Yeah wait wait so you could get your your dick mate into awful or you get waffle shaped like a dick. You can get waffle shaped like that cream fills and you can get different Different toppings and stuff. But i'm like you can get your dick dipped in chocolate. We really want a non cream-filled cock waffle. No i would prefer to have cream. Sure ooh imagine like an ice cream filled like wafa cock. She kinda hot cold thing. That's a problem. There like a waffle cone. You could like molecular gastronomy your way out of that one somehow somehow make center frozen and the outside warm and toasty like waffle. We stick a bull's penis in the freezer and then flash deep fry. Give it to you what we got you already have. It already exists. it's just called a cone you know. there's a cock filled will frozen cream faced. Certainly yeah but this. This is different because this is a special and they have a stick on it. Can actually you know. Yeah you should cock. You could pose for a nice little instagram picture. That's right sure. Probably get in trouble because as an instagram like owned by fuck face. because you're eating a corn dog. you know that's right. it happens to look phallic. so be it the. Where's your mind you perverted pastor. There is a hashtag it says who remembers but when you first look at it. I was like hor members and editor nathan. They said if the first thing you read his horror members were probably friends. I do that all the time things in completely blow past it to yeah. It doesn't really bother me anymore now. I'll seahorn go. That can't be the name of it so but that's okay. It's going to be awful now. Awful all right. Let's go to my favorite segment standing by. It might not be the porn. You would pay. Katie it's time once again for all right so my porn pick of the week. This week is I haven't really been into watching any porn yet. I am more interested. And i. I would not turn down a romp by s see. That's the thing. Because i'm gonna continue to throw it out but what i'm saying is like i haven't i haven't been seeking out porn or whore knees i say it was for.

00:15:05 - 00:20:02

After pulling getting hurt trying to straddle the table furiously being. You're fucked toy. Oh that was. That was where earlier in the week. Like monday poured required though now. Okay now that's very fair of dough fantasies for you. I don't know so just it just wasn't doing it but i was just saying you're putting it out there i. I'm putting it out. You don't wanna discourage me from laying dick down at any point in time okay. Yeah i'll take that under consideration all right except the only time. I'm going to have to start down as though like tomorrow morning. Well sorry. yeah yeah we'll be able to come to terms. Is that right okay. I can give you a good morning could you. Of course okay. I mean what do i care if my just dripping all over the people you do a movie was it makes no difference to me. It's not my problem. Sorry about the wet spot you know. Let little dribble you know. Little our annual. That's why for four of the week. Yeah your non porn pick. I'm not okay. Yeah but whatever. I mean i'm still i was so i am up to fi- if you want to fill out film it. What are you talking about what we'll make our own pouring okay just repeating today. I was just reviewing exactly what you you were. You're you're born of the week was which was nothing. You have not sought fantasy online this week. Yes overact there was no ridicule. There your you're you're your or no because i never know what you going your direction. Donna usually just off on your own somewhere. Come back to us back to okay. We're nice over here. You're delighted me. Blinded me room force scared. Hey they opened up a the world's largest white castle in orlando a couple of days ago. Okay for it is that there's like a four and a half hour wait just to just to get a little. There's gotta be highway traffic for this white castle. Yeah a long time. Since i've been no ally castle i've never had a fresh shoot real white castle burger. I mean it's all garbage food. Anyway let me. None of it's really. Don't america yeah. It's just you know. I don't know what it is. I you know. I don't really care one way or another. I don't either i. If you don't know little tiny burgers you know steamed bun very basic. Yeah they've got like dehydrated reconstituted onions on a cheese beef. Like basically you order like fifty at a time down houses little suckers but i bet they're good. Okay i don't care and you're like just throwing stuff you want me to take you to. You wanna get laid and you wanna white cats over an attack snare that this is exactly what you're talking about. This whole this whole bucket episode has just been stuff katie wants. What's wrong matt fucking. I can say there was this. There's this former pastor who was Dating jesus of course. She says she feels at home after becoming a stripper and starting at only fans. Jesus oh she. She was a pastor's the pastor. It's a little misleading. That's like when you say doctor. Dr enemies you think. It's a man like immediately when you said said i leading. That's where your mind goes. That's what i'm saying. Because i'm thinking boy rape for dant tentative pastor bob kind of boy rape action is what i thought immediately. Well it's not as much of it's a lady. Pastor is very very low chance of anal. Ray well i mean she she she now. She's on instagram. The coal whose instagram bio says pastor turns stripper life coach and model so she broke up. Jesus now she says she's doing it for jesus for jesus and for jesus. She is delaying a her beaver for. Jesus she going full nuder we talk just topless. No we're talking like full-on like doodling herself and shit while cash. She's doing cam stuff for only fans. Oh won't camp stuff for fifty dollars. Fifteen dollars gets i get you exclusive content. I wonder if she gets the ride all of that off as a religious donation. Well you know she could say you have to give you ten percent of your household fans to your your happiness.

00:20:02 - 00:25:04

Yeah go sure. Say about life coach. She could probably write it off for like taxings church. She doesn't you're donating to the church of pastor mercedes pastors cinnamon on maine's day. I say go for it. If she's happy what. I don't care i don't care at all but it does seem like you know bizarro to to most religious. Yeah she's she's thirty six years old and she's a mother of three okay and she she's like pri- banging mode too so now she's probably just like fuck this. I am getting out of here. And i am just going to do something wild and crazy. 'cause i've probably been married off since i was like fifteen is she wearing is she. Is she banging or what you think. She'll bang bang a pastor. She's care yeah. I mean yeah Says she feels like her dreams. Come true brilliantly. She's banking she's been. Maybe maybe she just really likes like he's likes wicked the pink for strangers. Maybe that's like her thing. She enjoys that you know bad. That absolutely could be. I'm gonna show you a picture. He's got like a. Like jesus fetishes about god all that god how. She signed it when she comes. It's like oh. I mean it would be fun to get all twisted up onto mushrooms at roller our there for a little while. Oh goodness god. I don't know it could be could be entertaining. Livestream it kind of it. Kind of reminded me i had to. I had to go back to the ups store the other day to print out an extra sheet of this thing that we're doing. I need i walk in the owner of the place like the manager there. And he's like katie right. Like a yeah. Got your movie screen. I know he's doing bruins. i like. Hey baker budget horror girl is very. It was very strange. Yeah it's always. It's always weird. Because i don't i don't go in there very often. But they're like first name basis with make. How do you even know way first name. We total your email address. Well we don't know your twitter. We've never seen your boobs or you do that. Bunny thing with them. We've never seen that at all. They have they. Actually they do my email address. Because when i'm in the store after email should from myself to the store so they can print it out for me. Okay they got it. Plus i take on the bottom of your little auto signature. You put all of your contact information. Generally as far as male. When you email people i mean obviously they know yeah when they know your email when you're emailing them typically anyway so they made it they know all my my info upshur. There's this chick. She caught her friend making a pass on her husband on the first night. Out of after quarantine ever locked lockdown are you share. It was the first night or were they like in one of those little safety bubbles. That were they doing like the the mormon Safety covid safety bubble. I don't know what the hell were they call in that you're Kadhem it there you go. That was it. We gotta labor pod going on right now we've been potted up with neighboring barbara. She's hot babs. she's a good soaker she did. You know if you're so can you can't coach catch cove and at the same time because you just soaking that's right paying. So yes so she. She went out to dinner with With another couples like a couple of other couples They were trying to set up a like a group thing. We're out we need things you know. Just well. I hope that people are going around banging now anyway because it's a lot more fun in life. I think you know. Go out and have sex people. Some people it's ranchos that's right. Taxation girls and boys are looking to do weird things because they've been not doing weird things for a while now and they've had nothing but the internet to look up weird things now trust me. They did their pent up. They they want to know what it's like. Ready to explode kerr that gohmert you just gotta go out and find them somehow. I don't think it's very hard. I don't think it is either got a bar. Go to the crucial store. I've been hit on at the grocery store so many times. It is hilarious. I always go like a baseball cap on fucking hardly any makeup dislike.

00:25:04 - 00:30:08

I i look like shit. Because i just don't care so grainy and allow gani everything analog use a regular map carry a dime with me to make a phone call like your swats is go to a bar or you could do that. Yeah i mean but there's there's a there exists. the online of. It's like uber delivery. Plus i mean you could talk to people you could completely check them out in just about every way shape or form. yeah yeah that's true up a no tell motel and bang it out because you know you're gonna bring onto your house. He had no jewish straight hotel. Yeah it'll be stupid stupid. They're like what do you mean. Why are we going there. Because i'm not fucking showing you where i live creepy and i'm not bringing you happen to my house. I don't really know that. I want to do this again. I'm not sure. Last time. I brought in a stray. I got fleas down there anymore. Still bedbugs to educated a new mattress. That's awful earned it with him and had him hale all right. If you just want to do whatever i was talking in the voice of a girl. Obviously that was that was feminine and of the argument. Oh all right. I was voice. So they're was his voice. They're trying to what they're trying to do now. One of the movies. It's all like deldot and all that well not yelled at you know Talked about right scuttle. But yes the word on the street they. They're talking about snow white's true. Love's kiss gone and explain yourself to make any sense to me. I hear snow white. But is this an rice stowaway. Or what is this. The original disney snow way in the seven dwarfs For like sway back well in order to wake her dead body up. Prince charming goes in and kisses her well because she doesn't concern and it's considered rabi because she's passed out at. It's like very cosby show. He goes things are all out and she's just like oh. My god you looked me up on been true. Love's kiss but they're like nope shouldn't do this like it's under five for nonconsensual really. I wonder if if you know she had a consent agreement plaque there next to her bed saying that. The only way i'm going to wake up is if i'm kissed by the prince therefore every prince is allowed to come and give me one kiss one kissing one kiss only less i wake up big little brass plaque right next to your head. That's when you have them sign a guestbook. Since it's like disney you can have one of those nuno when someone walks up a screen pops on. Hello welcome to snow. White's dead body. You can kiss her but only in certain places and they can have thumbprint. Scan you scan your your thumbprint so we know to verify who you are. Oddly enough they're not gonna let them kiss but soaking was gonna be. Okay somehow. Sure just okay can kiss her lips so you can put it in well. Don't move it around down bree. Because she's not move and people are going to be out of shape about it. I mean of course. Yeah totally bent out of shape. I give a flying fuck. It's disney 'cause what do i care. Okay you're right. That is that it really is kind of ab. that's kind of raping. She's unconscious and out of nowhere. The ju just like decides passed out girl in the woods. Deers and shit. I mean your show. It's a kid so it's kids rules. Don't show to kids fine pussies. I'd say i add I had a fan. These he sent me this This picture of It was a slutty. Snow white outfit was like this bra. And panty set at is like don't waste your money on it was. It was pretty hideous. It was cute sets but this one was really okay now no no like yeah just china picture what it would all gone you know do that. let's go to a rule thirty four and when we come back. We've got a tips man this week and we've also got some new shit aunts revelations that I have to say that it's become back.

00:30:08 - 00:35:02

Enjoy young time for a basically and refreshing snack remove very slowly and gently. Do not starting a lawnmower. You definitely don't want to listen to katy most times at all a lot of times. It's bad information Ribbit ribbit ribbit grid. You know what i meant. Sure why don't you do it right after night. Like drinking and mexican future even better okay. Oh yeah okay or if you really want a horror show eat. A lot of beets doke. You could do that too. Sure tarp. Spray art spray. Art anal sprayer. Oh see you're taking you're being creative now. I have just discovered your new as you. You're just trying to discourage people from ripping health edelbiyev quickly aggressively trying to say. But you know what i'm only stifling creativity. You really are. And i shouldn't do that. That's right. I mean we have like pollock situation here. You know how much money he made. Let it blossom man. That's right did you grow my artistic endeavors. yeah. I think we could do that. Should pull them. It'll be but there's gotta be some stuff to comes behind it so you might wanna be ready. You might want to be ready to be ready. No you should do your mom's couch. oh nice ally. hopefully it's class sure. Yeah sure light the weird thing about that is. You'll just get blamed for it anyway. If your shit not mine. That would literally be what i would say that. It's not to not test it. Not you could prove it. Three corner peanuts actually never. That's what i'm saying. You know immediately that that's not me and we could. We could take it to a lab. My brand we said it right into a lab and fucking cambodia and they'll come back with the results that yet it's your ship. That's clearly a rabbit. But do we really need to do that. No because i think immediately pointing my finger at you and senator shit you have the look on your face of gad's my shit and you know there's there's no back but whatever it control your body i don't know what to tell you can't you can't get through my buddy coming out of it as quickly is that. It's bumpy what did you love. What did you say okay to do that. They didn't he didn't take it upon yourself. See now you're now. You're straying off the course of possibility. Because i would never do something that you didn't agree to. Its marian sensitive not that guy. I'm not i especially would do it just to laugh. That would be horrible. That's completely fucking horrible. I would never do that. I bet you have half of right now. What just by like the horrific feeling that. I feel the humiliation of you. You'd be laughing. Your as oh. She feels awful. And i'm excited now very aroused. Don't you must you've got. You're trying to shave. And that's how i am not. It's still wanted that. Your body. Your choice know on tv sales on Thirty four cvs katie. Dot com radio dot net zero. You can give me on twitter later. At katie radio can decatur. Radio dot com. He katya radio edgy. Mail dot com on facebook on bette life and Right here on you too so you can go check out. The details and limited music comments saves. They're fun and guy me all fucking squirrelled up what's up. What do you mean what taboo. The the music driving dirty beat. Well yeah and i'm also. I'm i'm prepped. Up okay so yeah okay. I know we'll be okay. You know you're not going anyway. no. I'm not going anywhere so find i say kay. We have to nurse your masturbation injury to health. So you're right at the beginning of masturbation month and you've already like pulled a hammy 'cause i already know your mtl go at it from a different angle. I haven't done the door thing in a while. Because i don't have to the door thing. Yeah have the ones he did. Section crappy sticks his door and then you lay on the floor. Put your feet up so then you just pull the doors open and closed the door so fuck yourself fuck yourself with the door the door door fuck yourself. Well you got that extra weight of the solid as of the door behind it. You know i could see it. May i posted pictures of before. I mean it's it's one of those things you got to lay on the florida. Do though know so. There's that well. Yeah i don't know something down you could cause you. It's a suction cup. You get adjusted to the height that you want okay or if you want to just leave it open and have pushed as far as it will open. You can get on your knees and back into it.

00:35:02 - 00:40:04

You probably could just just do standing only yen totally reach back that lay to. I'm sure that avin you'd like. I can see you coming home and like having all of your fingers broken and you just slave your fingers into the door darnold because you came home and i wasn't finished yet nelson that avenue. I could completely yes snow. I can see that happening. Because you're gonna have to get a trainer to work out your masturbation injuries for masturbation month. You're going hard and it's only it's early. It's in a month her. You're already like after well. I mean it's going to be more like a third way the way ensure eighth. Yeah yeah is one weekend sped away. Happy happy early mother's day cus tomorrow's mother's day. I'm sure it is or it's already been mother's day by the time you listen to this probably us and for those of you who are american. I don't even think. I don't even know if they do mother's day anywhere other than united states. I don't know either so really. What she's saying is sorry foreigners. Okay how about then everybody. Just tell your mother yeah. Tell him tell her. We love her to lover live. She can call me. She looked like any time. Look like kenny. Polaroid's fanny and he nursing photo stuff like that because nursing our feet. That's my mother asshole. I know it makes it better. She's a person. Don't tell me your mother doesn't deserve to fuck. They all deserved a bang you. That's right how do you think you got here. That's right i mean. Obviously she was good at it at least once. Maybe you know somebody was not court ordered like a turkey. Baster jerry knuckles could be could be if that actually works however you know seminated sure. Yeah with the help of dr sweet ago. Either way. Because i mean that. That's that's kind of what happened with someone that i know. They win. Total turkey baster. way really will. Yeah 'cause i said. I said all right so what happens. It was someone. I know's wife has said you. Let her fucking and she's like no. I'm not gonna let my wife. Fuck this geared. Just for his jisr okay. So they they know home basting the homebase take. That's a thing. Yeah that's the thing. Okay is that like three ball people in lizard people now. Are you sure. Well i mean if they wanna do. They totally could knew the three ball. People was fake. You see you just agreed to it subconsciously. You slept conscious slipping a new it. God i know it. So i've been hearing a couple of places and i figured that i've just touch on it because i kinda do have a little bit of inside knowledge. I guess well i don't know. They say that there was a steady. And it was in the washington post russo morrow some credible place credible they a big noses have big dicks. Yeah i heard that somewhere else to bid. I mean i've been hearing that for a long time like ever since i was young. But what i will say is that a big knows that i've ever been with was usually pagan sized hog really do i don't know what's dunkin's knows like year is dump. Kiss maris era okay. I don't think deters any any necessary. Dignity tied anything like that. I just don't like big feet mean. That was the thing for a long time to shoes. Big shoes a big big. You know what i mean. Yeah they're always saying that. Statistically could be statistically who knows because you have a big nose or big fee but you gotta a big dick see so. That's what i'm saying. We're like we're like snowflakes brawl. You need you never know what you're going to get right. The like the magical fascination and just with them like growers not showers because he could see this Oh fear initial reaction is just like own new thing. Would you don't wanna do that because you don't wanna be bitch and her feelings you're trying to get laid.

00:40:05 - 00:45:06

But then you wanted to get erect. Then you felt like really let daniel like please tell me. That's not hard because he's like. Oh god dammit well. This'll be the easiest. Damn blow job. I've ever like may fuck it. Maybe i'll let him go anal. He probably gave me by. Pass my ass cheeks no matter how far spread of whatever but then when he gets hard really. Where in the hell did that. Come from like you unfurled the fucking like fire. Hose the guy filled with water. You're like holy fuck. It's like it is just like fitting giant objects in your butthole to same thing. The skin is very strategy and his very stretchy like dick skin. It stretches out. Just like your butthole. It's a say sometimes we can fit multiple things in orifices. Or if i and it stretches right out okay and that was not my ass. Let's just let's just make that clear. Okay sure and i did not ask for it. Your dick skin is very stretchy sometimes. Dv happens accidentally Act the debt wags a deadly gently. Cat god were you stretch. Fine will you did your you. Were fine c. See room trip. You didn't really need that much thank you. I don't know i passed out. Yeah you don't know in just having fun last night. Yeah i'm very well. That's the good part about me. Was the good part about me. What i don't really know don't really know i've passed out a lot. Just don't care. I mean you you can count on me not saying anything about the weird things that you did or anybody for that matter. Probably not i might have a few flashes. And i probably won't believe that it's real anyway. So whatever your your secrets get with me. What i'm saying. It's my superpower our lack of sleep. Typically you know for most of my life or memories that way like that is literally how you form. Memories is going about at night and when you don't sleep right for your entire life my memory just feels like it's just i i don't know like fast forwarded through a whole stack of movies in about twenty minutes. I'll willow flashes things. But that's it. I know it rhode control happens to meet you uh-huh so you know what happens to me. So there is his duty he He was at a fucking. He was at a bar. In steakhouse. the in nashville where Fucking scott dammit kid rock this. He owns the place or he was he was doing summer anyway. This fucking guy was drunk and he took off his colostomy bag and started swinging around. How it was it was awful. It was like during the last hour and they said the police officers were called and said some of the patrons had been assaulted with feces and at least one officer has left to go changes word. Close swear to god officer just sitting here drinking my beer. This man stands up monkey style. Just start slinging. His bag around was that he was flinging feces. All over the fucking bar. Somebody ought to put him in jail. Oh my god like oh. That's show's earl. He's just had a bit too much. He does this about once a month. You know ever give him a break. He's evadne got injured. Come on now. He drinks sometimes. He flings a little who it washes ride off all right. Take a badge of honor your. Let's go to your favorite segment standing by boobs in and on the news it's time once again for shit man. Okay this tits man. This week is going to be prime plastic surgery and med spa days. Specialize in extra-large implants. Okay your giant size silly sharing type no but but the larger than the large stripper pig stripper vague definitely definitely but i mean like gold digger bag you know.

00:45:07 - 00:50:10

Yeah like billionaire trust fund. Big right. I only take jets places and i spend. I spend a lot of time in the middle east. Yeah frigging biddies. I'm going to show you just just one of the pictures. Bob just went set my lord. They go quite up from there. Yeah i mean go okay. I'm good on yeah. I guess that stilo boob ray. They're really high. And then we'll what they do with the nipple. I have in some of the pictures. Is they opened up a little part of the nipple but once they shoved the balloon bag in there they kind of tied up and does lake the the ass end of a balloon not really does like right on your nibble on will that but there are different. Styles of louis Plastic surgeons. Do you see some do have to have a style. They have a flare. Somehow somehow well they. They have to master their craft. I mean that's like pamela anderson style you know to on girls chest yes see i don't i don't i'm not a fan of implants when the skin looks like it's either vacuum sealed around the implant aboard. You know the skin is like talking like behind the this the bag because it just looks like to ice cream. Scoops flesh stuck on someone's chest well but out of bodybuilders. Then their chest looks that because they do competitions and they get the implants. You're like oh but some. There's a lot of people who are totally into that and like that. Look general. they want the pam anderson Style of of boobs you know. Good six inch brad. Between them or that they get him too big and then it's the creates the call unit boob. It's where there's the skin can't even connect in between the teddy's at they mail the you one one giant youtube. No really it guys. They just grow together. Well they have a one of the patients they made a video on youtube a testimonial on their new titties and she looks like one of those. Like billion dollar. Gold digger fucking hope. Somebody pay good money for her because she looks like pasta. She looks like fuck doll. She kinda orderly. And she's like. I love my bob. I mean she's just yeah. So you've been watching testimonial videos. I've been surging testimonial videos. Yeah i've been watching. I've been watching. I've been looking at a lot of before and after fucking titty pictures i have. I mean i like. I like him because sometimes you're like oh my god. Those look really great. Those was a big improvement. Then some news i. Why did you do that or or why would you even post these as you know in your gallery. Section your On your website as he kinda you wanna show people. You're doing a good job there. Some of the extreme large ones. That i that i got into their before and after pictures or plucking. Yikes what did you do like. They had a. They had a side view of this chick and just like the blue veins were very prominent is stretch so bad was bigger than the other and they were bigger than fucking soccer balls and i was just like oh and one of them was a union boob we we were rated a solid ninety eight percent. The ice meter of solid idea percent. Don't don't get your boobs. Done there. Because i mean it's like we'll take ten dollars a month like you know. I don't know exactly what that lady asked for. She asked for poops chest like that. What she wanted. I want crooked lanky beach ball titties. And that's what you got. What a coincidence. Because that's what's in your moves. I added to but steer chest shut up just bob off your nipple and you can inflate and deflate we can rig that up for you sir. Put squeaky toys in there. it's super duper fine. Where did that you have to pull the tab underneath. Nivel to activate squeaky toy good. You put this bobbly lights in there. You know the ones like when you hit him lights. Flash secure like knocker titi in the disco molly we got to be able to set it to musical tones in different dance modes god like like people do with.

00:50:10 - 00:55:00

Chris would like christmas lights in the muse. Gives you a little assemble assembly language programming to program the led's insider rabou every once in a while it gets hacked by foreign nationals and held up for ransom and your boobs are eternally glowing light. Something not booby. Movie day could actually do a Scroll across like a real code. Meco really skirl across the titties. Yep cock man so anyway. So i'll throw in the link in the In the description you'd see boobs of all sorts. Maybe like maybe you're into all of them. Maybe you think katie's crazy all them. Boobs are awesome. Katie what do you mean bakers better. I especially liked it when it's still struts that taught like a drum baker number better person kerry figured number better person. That's what i learned. I learned at this week. Oh separate bigger number better person gone. Yeah it's related to the length of your nose apparently At all about the nose length of speaking of noses. They're a neutron that's happening right now is people are getting the The the bridge of their nose pierced but with special brackets in it. That hold like you clip in glass lenses. Totally down low like reading glasses. I would almost but the whole idea of getting my my the bridge of my nose ripped off because my glasses got caught on something You gotta you gotta in the throes of passionate whatever you rip off your fucking and hoodie and completely take. The bridgier knows with a well. I probably suffered a similar thing back in the nineties. I do have to say If if i happen to accidentally catch one of my nipple rings with the The shower poof died that data. Wake up t- you 'cause you're describing liked the idea really though i mean i wear glasses so i am totally down like that's like rip like you have nothing on the sides it would just you'd be morpheus style. It's just right here and then it's just it has just two little like glad to lenders. And right nothing goes over your ears or on the side of your head. that's right. no chelan. Nothing and yeah not unless you get that donald trump i bought look like with the eyeball cups and has asked mouth while no you gotta practice for that. I'm just you know as far as when you're when you're out signing you could just naturally saw it and you would naturally get the eyeball cup. Look yeah you definitely. Totally be like morpheus if you got the transition ones. So you know their regular and then when you go outside they don't like all black. I know kung fu. It's all right. Were told you by the end of it. I'd start getting raspy again. What's what's once the herb kicks and all of a sudden. My voice turned straight into fried mess. I don't know i didn't notice i did. That's because i'm mine kicked into your. You can't tell your ears start to here in that. Same kind of a raspy so when you have too much. Prep no god. No my ears dot here in raspy. I mean i know my voice sounds like speed. We know blown like a you know like a blown to tweeter something now. My twitter's blown. Okay good all right. There's this teen Him and his friends. They stole what they thought was cocaine. Cocaine and They ended up was his grandfather's ashes. And they they. They all did some of gianni store. Grandpa guess they really did snort a grand. Did he get high. I didn't say come on your corpse. Does this corpus dust. I wonder if he learned his lesson. You know there's you gotta go start. Thinks he doesn't really understand anymore. Probably not gonna keep starting shit. He's probably gonna start more shit now. God he's gonna have to storage shed because he wants to forget about starting his grandfather. I i don't know about that. One god you got to check that stuff before you just go. Hey we found the box in closet and this is full of powder.

00:55:00 - 01:00:09

This is like a key here. I swear to god my everyday keeping this is nice box. I've parents are in a cartel. Or something i swear to god. I don't even know what my mom and dad do for a living but they just show up with money. This must be really fucking like prime stuff. Because it's so special amount there was this there is this dude. He he he's in a he's in kenya from kenya. And he has a dick the size of a baby. I have a dick size of a baby but a very very small knows say baby. What do you mean it mean. It says it's pena's. His penis is ten times larger than the average. So he's like sixty inches forty inches while it's got a big blur so it's like fat so it's like big and fat or comfort while year really. He said Just like living with. It hasn't been that bad because you just had it. Ever since he was he was born. Like it's just just kept growing as he grew to. Who's jumping on that toco. Nobody nobody if at that any you can't fit that anywhere. Is that a challenge fine. Oh i'm for me see if you see the size of this pixelated okay. Seen the look on this poor guy's face where we just talked about traffic cone boy earlier. Tonight your favorite twitter follow of fetish. Bedia couples his thing doesn't taper talent ever like traffic own. He could go flange i your boy. They're caucasian boy. He could totally go flair first. So what's the stop him from from this monster cock You'll have to see you'll have to judge for yourself kenyan monster cock. It's quite large. He said he used to get bullied to for the size of the dick really. Yep people bully you for a giant tech. He said but he says he says he can't that he was unable to have sex which destroyed his chances of becoming a father. Because that's what he wanted to become a dad. Well we were just talking about that. He could totally turkey baster. That shit. you're off caney. I don't know. I don't know know i don't know you're describing to me. I even seen said dick. I don't wanna see it. Well you haven't seen said deck. Either you're seeing a blur i am seeing a blur just the same place. You got three ball article from now. Okay nah cheese. Are you sure yes. I'm very sure okay. Well because now i really want to see this giant mutant dick. There's a guate- growing out of his crouch. Yeah yeah yeah. Of course you want to look at it. Let me see your day. Hey you sow gay at all does it. Have you know you know. Obviously i'm not going to be able to do anything with it. It's not gay if your strangers. I wasn't aware of that technicality. Ever before yeah sure casino. 'cause then you just become a story. Do the bathroom just state. Let me see your dick. And he's like it's not gazed. No all right. We don't know each other's names. That's right didn't happen you name. It could call me your name. A dude flex a jerk off with a peach in that movie. What movie call me by your name. That was a movie. Yeah it's a movie. Okay yeah. I missed you. Reference there is a gay one to visit. Yeah really what does this movie. Come out now. It came out already. And let's go. Okay charlemagne kid. The one who's going to be. What's the dune really descriptive thought of talent. You really. it's overwhelming i mean. You describe things so well. I know exactly what you're talking about all the time but you shouldn't. What are you talking about charlemagne dude with the dude. Something like that okay. The the kid. Who's going to be fucking paul. In dune. The upcoming do okay. Okay his last name is charlemagne is it. Yes okay go on. You're talking about now. He is the one that plays one of the characters main characters and call me by your name and he's the one that jerk off the beach okay. So so young. Politics trades in the upcoming june Twenty twenty one release. Plays a gay kid who jerks off with peach. Really it does is take like aguado. Grew out of it like that dude from kenya. I haven't seen the scene So i couldn't tell you speaking of leg deformities and rare shit This chick blanche demoss dumb ass.

01:00:09 - 01:03:58

No such a hot name. Blanche blanche -ly and blanche to the main stage. Kim on at blanche. Don't you think iheart honey you know from the corner. she air for forty years lange. While she had to functional areas and four bubis associate chat another whole nother bitch. She did so she had to vaduz and four boobs right. You'll badge quad boob and according to l. association. The her boobs were like by her crotch and she also had a third leg. Yeah all kinds of weird shit rubber lake. Oh yeah not quite quite what. You're thinking like. She has bubis growing out of her crotch area like another person sprouting out of her fucking cry tutor and it only came out one leg and like the head got stuck inside somewhere and the first leg in boobs. Stick it out got stuck i. It just grew closed over here again. People with Weird weird deformities. They gotta fuck you know. Sure somebody should bang m be. They're adults and people will. Yeah so that would be interesting. That would be a weird thing to get past. There is somebody out there for everybody will. There is got guys have demonstrated. They will stick their dixon to just about anything or whatever and if you really want it that bad just get a sex worker and they will fuck you for money. Let me maybe. Maybe you're in two girls. Maybe you're into other girls with deformities. Yeah you could like totally date the lobster claw girl. That's right the bearded woman. That tickles your fancy. You could do that American horror story style you could. You really could just go straight weird on top of weird on top of weird maybe you can find. A guy was extra dex the right like the right. You know that you found the right person. Because he has the proper arrangement of dick's to get to your extra pussies or what if he ends up having three digs. So you can get like triple lay one mouth and one in your but yeah. That's what i'm saying. You have the right alignment of day to to fuck whole this is we call him the human dp who or cpi three. I don't know l. on that note going. Shut up our guys. Well i hope you talking with us during this episode as much fun as we did. Because i had fun. I don't care. I'm like lost. That's all right. I'm gonna go sleep and then go go play movie star star tomorrow anyway. You got anything for me. I see. I don't think so. All right well go see us on On youtube and yeah all right. Well how fun with whatever you're doing and pay parts topos embody those.