#356 – Masturbation Month
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5/01/2021 Horror movie shooting schedule... Happy masturbation appreciation month... Old fashion cycle... Get Katie's face on a pillow... Selfcest - Having sex with your clone... Katie's Porn Pick of the Week - secret public sex... Katie doesn't F with Max Hardcore porn... Pitfalls of the porn industry... Episode of "Rule 34"... Tampa Bay, FL is the Miami of 1989... Teacher on meth attacks students... Man love Thursday explained... Is the ass made for pleasure and are there taste buds on your butthole?... Online claw games and the effect on the CLIT... What Fudgy crinkles are and why... Katie's favorite Twitter BDSM couple update and what he had in his butt... More extreme BDSM couple friends of Katie... The DNA artist... Tasting with your butt... Re growing foreskin after circumcision ... Tentacle hentai.


Man love Thursday
Fudgie krinkles
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Kinky Katie's World #356 Masturbation Month

00:00:00 - 00:05:30

Your they always tell you all the time. About how. Like the ancient. Greek soldiers did bang you begging all the time that was very common covered oil. Sure i'm sure. They were wrestling bs. Grit and oil a-. Yeah it's very interesting shabangu content back then z. Greek fed on olives. We're making a nice top and odd. The weekend has landed all the exist. Now clubs drugs. Popes and pies of got four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steamer on my. I'd like a screaming carol. I'm gonna talk shit too strange his own life. I'm going to lose the plot on the dance floor. The free radicals inside mayor. Freaking mind tonight. I'm chitra volka three apopka. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family man. We're going to get more spice than neil armstrong. Tonight it could be a quick buck burn. What's the and now live from rule. Thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that is a good sense of when to stop she just ignores your your host the one beyond the kinky katie's oh hello hello. Welcome to the show. This is number three fifty. Six i rose can be katie and with me. As always is my favorite plush. Toy mr z. We are coming to you. Live from rule. Thirty for studios can caterina dot com radio gas dot net. Ooh oh my goodness gracious. Remember how come in this time. Yeah i did i. i'm not. I'm not as prepped. As i was the last time. Okay good man prepped by your the proverb out is what you're saying. Well i don't know we'll learn your lesson. When does that usually happen. Doesn't that's why i'm saying. Learn your lesson please. Just learn to to learn new things. Well i've sat my ways. God damnit faith and you you can do it. Yeah you know that's true. I did stop using certain words. There you go. I'm progressing says it's so awful. Really i don't know what's wrong with you. A lotta shits wrong with me okay. We've got a lot of fun stuff for you guys. Tonight you know smuts and stuff and our regular stuff and yeah i have. I have this weekend off. So i don't know i'm i'm pretty excited. The movie shoot. No movie shoot this weekend and the for the whole week next week. I don't have to go back until the ninth. Okay good but then it's three days. It's horror movie season. Apparently it is facing life spooky empire's going on right now okay. But i didn't want to go all the all. The horrors are out about shooting. Every which way that's right mostly on the weekends so yeah so i'm actually working. I'm onto movies so good. Yeah okay yeah sure. Got another scene for bigfoot mob. Boss boss they want me to do a An erectile dysfunction commercial okay. Well you can put on your little glasses. It'll be great. They wanted me to get this blonde blue font and have a southern accent. Okay oh yeah this is going to be. It's gonna be real fun i said. What's the wardrobe is it. Okay like a ninety or negligee but think jc penney catalog. But i'm like oh all right so like old lazy. Yeah yeah okay. Got something out of the eighties. Their seventies esque. Yeah okay. yeah well you know. Read down your alley right I can just you know when you come home. I can be in fuzzy slippers with my fem bot hairstyle and be like well how you like this. It's okay it's like schoolmarm for You know you you if you want to. You can and have one and gray. I don't wanna be horrible but you know. I'm not rooting for it. I don't think i would put you through that. I hope i wouldn't put you the emmy time. Soom good I want to say happy. Masturbation month of today today is may first and it is masturbation month. Yeah everybody flake. You're being flogger dolphin. You know beat the bishop katie. We already are up. I don't know what you're talking about. This is this is my life now and you lived a fab another day. What i'm saying this whole month depreciation maybe do something special for yourself take yourself out to dinner or something actual lube get oh yeah by some actual lube silicone lube is really good for jerking off with as a my preference but i like it all my on my coochie anyway the silicone lube but i really love love since slather you it just go to fucking town and slide all over it anyway.

00:05:31 - 00:10:01

It's a much better idea than the schoolmarm idea with the booth. Hairdo yes livers. Yeah that wasn't a like that's a better idea. You're headed down the right alleyway now. It kinda reminds me now when i think about it every time. You kind of mentioned it. I i don't know why. But i envisioned like peggy hill. The okay i think at well at least the way you described it your future. Role in a micro budget horror movie commercial kershaw fake daughter problem pill yes which they didn't have back then but you know it's okay. I who who knows what it's supposed to be from though that's just the book that they're going. Yeah 'cause you know everything comes back around him church does. I don't know like fashion. I love how i see some online. Like oh my god. The hottest trends. I was like fifteen when we were doing that. And i'm like why are you doing okay with the same ideas coming back row. Kind of thing yeah. i don't know i just. I think it's funny. I guess that's how people felt would make this Bell-bottoms come back. They're oh yeah but for the most part it has been changing for a long time. You've used the bag to like pre nineteen hundreds. You know van people were rocking different kind outfits like radically different. Yeah no that's true. We don't really go back to that. We are wearing more courses fashion now. Yeah but that's not. It's not the same. I know i know goodness unlike like civil war type apparel what are you talking about fucked at no negative. We're just. We're just repeating the last several days a full suit of chain mail. That's okay that just keeps older people like you that you're like right away. Would you see you go. That's eighty nine all right. I understand eighty nine. I get ninety six. I get that it's just so weird to talk about a so weird. Oh i wanna say hello to sweet little sinister. She got a bunch of stickers. F- she's been sticking my face on everything so i'm glad you enjoy them unhappy. You like them so you guys can get sicker so you can get my face on my face on a fucking pillow and and cut a hole in the mouth and fuck it and i won't even judge you because you can do that. That's an idea your pillow boils down to when you own it it's yours and you can fuck whatever object you buy. You can't even faces on it if you want to like. Give me a black eye air. I don't know going real. The life now are we. I don't know all right. Yeah it's it's your. It's your aggression pillow. No i would be. I don't. I don't know if i wanna be your aggression pillow if i am. Please don't don't tell me that that do use you punch my friend my face the bill better. I beat that pillar with my dad katie. I'll fucked up pillow up with my dick. I'm beating with it. That's quite all right. I'm i don't mind. I don't mind could be aggressive with your take but nothing else. Yeah sure well you know. I don't care. Yeah aggressively brighter snatch on it. If you wanted to fucking billow your pillow. Yeah really. i don't care the my pillow guy. I mean it's really not my responsibility to figure out what you do a pillow. No no. I i if you wanna tell me what you do with it. That's fine you can cause people wanna know. Well no but people telling me anyway what they do with things like i've had say i will. I've had people send me pictures that they printed out pictures of me from online and they've just just all over tribute. Yeah yeah. I have a few of those not not you know physical but i have the picture of the picture anyway. Well people don't bring things nearly as often as they used to be more commonplace thing you know. Some do want to have a hard copy of his favourite online hor. Yeah yeah now. I mean whatever which. I'm going to have some pictures at the uh summer swap shop.

00:10:02 - 00:15:05

So if you're tampa in july you can come see me there All right self sast. This came up in in topic the other day celsius self says what are you talking about. Okay self sast is when you wanna have sex. You have fantasies you have and you reproduce and fuck around with yourself okay. We down to masturbation mounts again kind of thing so but it's like a it's more of a clone of yourself. Oh okay banging your clone talked about paying your clone before right that You know people are lizard to talk about it again. So i figure since people are talking about it again that We should touch on it again. Because yeah i don't wanna bang me new and bang yourself. Why wouldn't bag myself. Fuck me go find somebody else fuck you. I know you could go it do it like what are you doing. I realize now this is about. This is a this is about that. That's what you're into. I wouldn't have have anything to say like you wouldn't have to say that's what i'm saying. Because it would be the. I know he. He would be me so we look at each other go. Yeah no i'm gonna go fuck silos what's boy. You're not my type literally. If if i were ended i would not be into me okay. I'm saying this is about if you are god. I don't have any. Don't have any problem and like let me rephrase this other people can do it but it's not my cup of tea. Let me let me rephrase this. Please to If they made a clone of you i would bank. You both fuck hell. Yea it's supposed to you that you both ways you and you you would be into it with you. That would be. That would be myself. Sure you would you would you. would you would. Yeah you know so it makes sense for you. I'm not against it morally not and not in any shape or form because you're two consenting adults if you like push the button and d'appel ganger pops out and it's you you know we're rick and morning shit. Does it. matter which one the clone is. No no it doesn't. It doesn't matter. And i banged both of you and i could easily talk. Either one of you into doing it we. Here's here's a question that i have a great time. Where's this clothing technology. I think i just thought about something though. You know how. I try to get along with other women but i just can't what i get along with myself. I don't know yeah. Of course you would. I don't know yeah you would work as you understand that it's you you would know that it's you and you would know stay out of your way. Yeah absolutely yeah. Yeah you are like the world leading expert and you because it is actually you. Yeah you da to rub the button you would know how do lots of things stay out of your way. Stay out of you know. Wouldn't it be great though if what the other person or the other. You was feeling that you felt it to say. I had i had the magic wand out and i'm fucking going to town on the other me's button. I felt it too. Felt what what what the other mu is feeling like. You're having shared experience along with. Yes he sure like. She's getting banged with the dildo. But i also feel it okay. I'll be cool. Yeah no you'd be fine you'll be all into it. You'd be all about it. Dan avi fucking great. of course. that's why i said. Where's this technology. We needed immediately. See an i just. I just completely had another mental image about. It's probably because. I read sex earlier today but to of mies down there. And you're just going to town with the palms like you know the thing that you do badge of escort and at the same time. Okay since i mean you do be. That's a that's a very wet situation. Joe i'm all for it. Let's do it like yeah so i guess For the next video dishing for people that look like me. No it has to be. It doesn't count if it's not you called role playing okay. I don't know okay. You know sure. I'm with it. Are you because now it seems like it's all i'm disappointed because it's not you. Oh anyway. hey let's go to my favorite segment and by standing by. It might not be the porn. You would pink. It is the porn katie ryan. It's time once again for all right so my porn pick of the week is back to secret public sex.

00:15:05 - 00:20:02

Okay yeah public seager public sex. Okay like they're. They're filming themselves on their phone. They stay sneak in to Like a Like a bathroom in a mall or like dressing room or they're like outside in like behind the bleacher popular genre. It is yeah and accept it has lately has been just like all gay. But i've been throwing in a little place in there too. Okay mixing it up. No boy girl girl boy boy boy girl little bit everything ice. Well not girl girl. I fucked genre. I'm about it has. It hasn't been hasn't been really that like weird because that's the part of the cycle that i'm in. You said you cheat around the same type of things yet. Which is why you've got it going around. You're getting the symbolism there are you rubbing your stomach and patting your head at the same time pretty pretty good yeah can also walk and chew bubble gum to pretty neat the balls and the joystick at the same time as low you freak out. I was being nice. Yeah uh-huh anyway anyway. So that's my my porn pick of the week but we still have some more born to talk about now. We were talking about the other day. And i don't yes i do remember what we're we're talking about like realistic reap sort of thing and And then a max hardcore popped up. We're if you guys don't know who max hardcore is he makes really just aggressive sex aggressive po- very borderline people agree to it. But it's harsh pretty harsh. And i am for me to always talk about what i'm into an all the weird shit like high volume like fuck grape and you but you're not in. I can't i can't watch him. I can't i can't really it. Yeah i don't. I don't take all well. It's the same thing we say. All the time like the level of like reality is a key it has to be somewhat and has to have a tinge of. It's not did. It is made up that it is an act you know. It's like the the horror movie Having effects that are only so good. You know kind of thing. Yeah but i mean. I just ah yes it. Don't worry when you when you start heading down the path of aggressive sexual fucking pornography than max exactly because you know that that that is that read. I know you'll listrik type aggressive violent shit. And i think i. I know someone who's in one of his movies. Yeah she was up. Fuck faces a girlfriend when he sorta the porn sewer down south okay but it doesn't matter i mean i kind of you know. I wouldn't mind watching. Her is because i can't stand her so it depends on who it is if it's somebody you don't like you'll at your watch. Max hardcore like rail her skull. Well well. well well paulette idaho while out. If now we've you've said it many times on past shows you know yeah bender over fucker. Dry was syria rail by a train. You know they get hurt. Well i mean that's different people you. That's that's just me imagining the worst thing that could happen to somebody because i'm wishing evil on them at that moment it's all it's so so yeah that's kind of the same thing. Well it is. I don't know. I don't know i dunno get no. I'm not. that's not something. I i i don't like i can watch backs hardcore like i can't like i mean i can watch it. Yes no i know you can her dell. I'm sure you probably frigging pull off a nice one to two. Maybe if somebody was there with me you know it helps It does well. No that's the. But i mean the violin consensual. Do i know it theoretically but half the time you're like these girls are on drugs by wild guy. What did you do to her. It's not everybody. I love and i could be completely wrong.

00:20:02 - 00:25:03

I mean i. I do not. I know that for sure one hundred percent there are people who are there are people who are in the. There's a there's a peg for every fucking hole. I mean there is so if somebody agrees to do it. Then you're an adult. Do what you want. Yeah yeah no. That's true i mean for me. I don't wanna do anything that hurts somebody. You know what i'm saying. Like i'm not going to even start down that road. I don't wanna like permanently injure anybody it's really though so bad it is he's been jail bunch of times though didn't he recently he asked jail. Or whatever Over over issues of fucking consent. Or something i can. You know it could just be somebody else. Moore completely getting named stuff all right. Thank i think the brutality of his of his films. And like some of the like. I think there is some complaints by some of the actors. Sure assurances that I i don't know if he's still in jail or not. To be honest. We see a lot of that that on when they have docks on Girls who were to the industry. I watch i watch them all the time and they they Your talk all the time about baking a lot more money doing those kinds of scenes. Yeah yeah the more the more extreme the more brutal more kind of out of the norm. Yeah you get paid a lot more money. Lip swung girl. When i watch got some. I think it was like on hulu or something like that. This is this girl. she's like. How do anything. Whatever she lived in one of those houses down in miami with like seven girls. All of i remember and old guy like the girl walks. And he's like you know dick off your top so she takes her top off. He's looking at her and the managers you know talking her up and stuff and she's like like i have no gag reflexes and he just takes his fucking hand as blood shoves him down museum there. Sorry like shoves him. Down or fucking throw. She starts to fucking drool snot coming out of her nose. She's tearing down her eyes and he's just like cracking down there and she's gonna throw up. They take a. She's steve homeless. I know well. That's that's the whole that's the whole like that's everybody's image of that every girl who has shit like that that that's always the story either way. Sometimes i'm sure it is yes sometimes I mean we've been around people who are kind of like that like girls that are working porn that you can tell when you hang around them are over it and have been over it but they like making the money yes yes. It's not all of them though. I mean you know guys come up. Till like hey. They're just roll. The is that just to look disgust on your wages. Go the fuck away. Leave me alone. Not put my hands all over this meat puff again. Jesus christ and there. I insist i i feel like i just wanted to say hello. I promise i was in china. Fuck really. i'm just trying to say hi. I mean Down if you're down. But that wasn't the perfect i mean it. I'm putting it out there. But i you know you know. Yeah yeah and you know no. We've been there and we we a lot of people that are are like dafur share a not but not everybody is like destitute or anything. They'll have plenty. They have other options but still choice. And whether it's it sounds like a fucking savory thing to do or not you know. They have a right to do it. I know i have a problem with it. But it's just a little. No but the aggressive max hardcourts. It's like yeah. No i can get where people would have a problem with this for sure. Yeah sure i That he always makes them always dress up like trashy little girls. They're always in pigtails with like the big plastic balls. Ninety percent of them have braces. They put like dots for makeup and then they're always wearing a little outfits and he's not he's definitely not. There are lots of people who do the same kind of videos. And he's just the most famous that i can think of. You know somebody else is probably distribute. You forgot about tick silver cottam big tech third rocky ramrods.

00:25:03 - 00:30:04

The rothschild eichhorn isn't as centralized as it used to be. It used to be only like you only got so much porn studios and shit were really were. Now it's i mean. It's willy nilly so you i mean you have no idea over eighteen legally put out front sure and they they should be able to but you know some of it is not like something you ought to watch or watch even know my these straight. You know it's weird or would you stumble across. I mean i. Don't i once in a while i'll go to a porn site and check things out but it's not very often for me it just it. You know what. I mean okay. I'm not saying that you you know you have to all right. We'll know what i'm telling us. I definitely be the last person to to know. Because i you would think i would watch a lot. More porn is what. I'm saying. I really don't just doesn't happen. You know whatever. I just live it not really but you know back senator. He's got the spray bottle filled with holy water squirting at me ally back. Sure really okay. It doesn't sound anything like me now. Okay and i'm just teasing anyway. We're going to go to episode earl thirty four and when we come back we're going to have more self talk about an ross. Get attack about a special thing happens on thursdays so enjoy yum time bullet basically and refreshing snack abject sensitivity. You can't just assume male or female because we don't know everybody that your all. Its sorry. Just i'm not i'm not dealing with this. It needs to shut its mouth. We could remake silence of the lambs gender sensitivity in mind like everybody still gets murdered and skin but buffalo. Bill is is very gender sensitive. Me fat hersher. Fuck a day fucking you know with the show and welcome back to. Tdk's world ruled thirty four studios katie radio dot com radio dot net. Aki kiki radio dot com. Kinney radio dot com. Give me on facebook on fat lies and on youtube so check it out before you. Oh speaking of it there was a there was a a headline caught my eye and it says that when people ask what my hometown is like even though this the home our hometown but is where it's where we're living could be close enough to our homes anyway. Yeah it's it's you know what it reminds me of around here and i was just talking to somebody about this. This is like south. Florida was in the eighties. Like tampa bay. Florida reminds me of nine thousand. Nine hundred eighty nine Fort lauderdale miami area hundred percent Yeah it's just like forty years back in the future and the past honor percenter think about it like the mixture of people that were around back then more than i do for sure. It is like a time warp of forty years. I think or thirty years Yeah one hundred percent all right. Well the the headline says teacher on crystal meth stripped naked in class and bites to students and the mugshots. She's just like Who told you boys stop. God damn dog in barra. I'm telling you right now. I told you want it's time for your lap dance timmy. Own without that was where it was. Where was that in florida. They just it was just someone had had taken a screenshot. I was wondering if we knew her. No i mean. I'm looking at her face and i. I don't think that we know are but that doesn't mean shea. We might have met her about to say. We have a few teachers along the way for sure. They are just like everybody else every once in a while they wanna story to tell just like anybody just like anybody anybody same thing. Everybody wants to have the time that they did x. y. and z. And you could almost find them if you go try.

00:30:04 - 00:35:03

I seek out go where the teachers go that teachers in general just you know the the trouble the needy yeah you see them come by you see the look of desperation it something like desk. Yes but the inner child is standing there saying. I want to go out and party. I wanna compla-. I wanna complain but no one will play with me or let me play. I wanna play. I wanna go home. And i wanted to leave a mark. Yeah i wanna remember this for the bad decision that it was yes one hundred and i was always glad to help them with that. Oh you're very accommodating. Assure sir and i was right there with you most of the time. Well i mean you're you're you're an adult and you're gonna you're gonna do something regardless i can tell so you might as well really. We were helping them. Yes and you can be on a mission and we can all have fun and nobody's gonna get hurt. Probably thing is cross most most likely. She's i'm going to try to make sure nobody gets hurt about that. Why can't make guarantees for what you do. Obviously you make bad decisions. Andrew shit face so really i are. you fixed. No okay the cigarette. My but sh like wow all right oh teachers you probably like teachers appreciation week or you're thinking of the one. The one high school english teacher that we met out. I i was thinking of that way not. I don't think that she had anything to do with meth. But show she think yes. She wasn't into drugs. She was just choose to hoot and holler pissed off outer man. That's right and what did they go out and and tear self at of god. She did all all right okay. So there's the thing that i saw on on Some watching on youtube or whatever. I don't remember where i saw it. But i decided i i wrote myself note and when i looked at the note i'm like what the fuck does this mean to remember from like monday or what. Anyway i looked it up. Man love thursday mainly thursday. Have you heard of it. No okay i heard of it. I don't know okay because you 'cause you watch things on tv to watch. I watched a youtube. Yeah the teams if you well yeah. There's a lot of stuff on there. There is so that's why you might have run across something. That would talk about thursday. Maybe anyway so. The term is used to describe middle eastern men and their activities the the night before friday the muslim day of rest so in tradition muslim countries. women are not seen on the streets after dark so men ruled the night anal sex for many muslim men. It's not seen as homosexual. It's a little rory and say you know the ashes for pleasure so out there thursday night adventures. The meme return home and act like nothing ever happened. I mean is it really made for pleasure of really. I mean it can be well for pleasure. Yeah and for anymore. Well i mean they definitely put a lot of nerve endings in your ass so you. It's not painful to take shed. Yeah i mean. There's some kind of relief going on there. i. I don't know it just said that there. You have taste buds on your asshole. Okay now now. You're just you're being crazy not to say why swear i mean i can't with my ass now but but i just i. I swear i have heard that somewhere i i could be completely wrong and it could just be like internet. Should people fucking with me could be you know. I think that you're you're your break. You'd probably interpret anything as what it wants to tear it because he gets signals from down there. But you don't have those kind of nerve endings that you have on your tongue on your asshole to break certain things down for sure. That's see that's what i'm saying the kind of nerves that so then probably. I was just something. I don't know where i picked up from. Well you know. I think you probably can like by the sensation on your butthole figure some shit out. That's bear spray. That's very fucking stinky. We were talking about in the pre show about having bear mason. Your asshole we. We did manage invention. Yes i'm very note of a to bare. Mace in the asshole. So this'll psa don't put in your asshole.

00:35:03 - 00:40:02

While i mean i ordered a little bit of it is helping might play around a little okay. You i no problem. I've got a tiny. Yeah no i'll sprayed on uber's certainly. Oh yea yeah yeah. We'll try like what what gets rid of the pain. The quickest will try mill. Trial bunch of the shirt right. Well the whole idea is maybe maybe you get a few drops and put it in with your lube. Oh my god that would burn the shit out of you to what do you mean i know to stay away from the lube and the second used it once. You know if you're coming at me with vital here hunting. Let me give you a nice little handy. I ain't nothing. I'm okay. I got one from patty. The daytime hooker. No from my muslim friend. It's normal star day thursday night thrown out in asia. It's madman night thursday. What was that brody. Thursday man love man love thursday because they it was something on the news that they had found they had left the mattresses There's like like a stack of four mattresses on their side. You know the courtyard or whatever that people were going there to bang. Bang a go crazy lenny. It doesn't seem like something that matches well with any kind of a religious person but it just to me in my mind. I think priest kids i mean so maybe it does just the catholics. I thought muslim different. I don't know. I don't know well i'm sure they are in some ways. I have no idea at least least it. Sounds like like the pro. Hookups are consensual. I think you know you do whatever you want. He the women you love the mad. Do you sir. Well that was the you know. They always tell you all the time. About how like the ancient. Greek soldiers did bang you all the time that was very common covered knowledge oil. Sure i'm sure they were wrestling bs. Grit and oil. Yeah it's very interesting. Sh- meg content back then. Greek fat dollops. We're making a nice top and odd dick cheese talking hearts her dick cheese cheese topping go cheese and people will love that frank but this is an ancient greek so you got to put yourself there three hundred dancers spot kind of time you know back. Then we'll let me look at zirk underpaying goal and in the movies three hundred and got to explain things sometimes to people. I don't care. They don't have your life experiences. They don't know what you're referencing. You don't know me no. I don't know what you're referencing half the time. And i've been with you for a long time and you are the number one speaker translator later. Understand her of katie's the foremost expert yes worldwide. Thank you very doctor. Did you see we were watching something else that you see where you paying attention. Basically question when i was watching the online claw games. Yeah and how it affects. The claude league international tournaments worldwide baby online claw gabes. That's right in japan. You're playing a game. In japan as a it was rigged. It was scammed because album. Knock it. get it what amateurs amateurs they don't know how to work. Declaw the same way you have to analyze the target analyzed the claw and maybe that's not the time to go fucking with that machine. Are you saying they can't work the clip. I'm saying they don't know how to operate. In the clinton because the clinton is the the international tournament tournament. Yeah but it's it's in japanese so it doesn't really translate to say. It's very difficult to find stiffen chapter altogether. Yeah i the american translation to let trophies are very very exquisite. I think they're cool anyway. It's a very honored a win-win suras. Well they kinda there was another. Another thing is that i saw. Were talking about Megan's some mediterranean sh- meg. She's bob top sorry x. Used words pleased I don't want to mislead people into thinking that it's it's a tip no atop an odd very specific so it's spreadable just gotta get into latte schmear. Consistencies important is low so gross i.

00:40:02 - 00:45:01

Well there's a thing called budgie crinkles. Okay what do you think fudgy crinkles are. Does it have anything to do with bro night. Thursdays in what's leftover in shmegegge canal. It could it's the foreskin on dick's caked or crested with dookie after anal Yeah it's you know for those who have a lot of anal sacs. It's it's part of it. It is part of it. Yeah don't think you can go near an asshole and maybe not get a little on you. It might happen it happens. Just utopia upset about it. If that's what you're going to do and always remove in beads various slowly and gently. Do not like you're starting a mar. You definitely don't want to listen to katy most times at all so a lot of times. It's bad information Rip it in grip it and rip it grip it and you know what i'm sure and why don't you do right after a night of drinking and Like mexican fair juror even better. Okay oh yeah okay or if you really want a horror show. Eat a lot of beats the i can. You can do that too. Sure down tarp. Spray art spray. Art anal spray sprayer. Oh see see you're thinking you're being creative now i have. I just discovered your new jersey. Pay a newer. You're just trying to discourage people from ripping out anal beads quickly and aggressively. That's right trying to say. But you know what i'm only stifling. Creativity really are. And i shouldn't do that. That's right i mean we. We could have like politics situation hair. You know how much money he made. Let it blossom man. That's right to grow my artistic endeavors. Yeah i think we could do that. Good and pull the main beats out. But there's gonna be some stuff that comes behind it see. You might want to be ready. You might have wanted to be ready. You might wanna be ready. No you should do your mom's new couch. oh nice ally. hopefully it's cloth sure. Yeah sure you be the weird thing about that is. You'll just get blamed for it anyway. Maybe not immature shed. It's not mine. That would literally be what i would say. That is not life who it's not my poo test. See you could prove it corner peanuts. That see never now. That's what i'm saying a week. You would know immediately that that's not me and we could. We could take it to a lab. My brand we send it right into a lab in in fucking cambodia and they'll come back with the results that yeah it's your shit. That's clearly a rabbit. But do we really need to do that. No because i think immediately. When i pointed my finger at you and said it's her shed you would have the look on your face yet. It's my shed and you know there's zero fault there's no back in whatever. Control your body. I don't know what to tell you. I like my parents coming out of it as quickly as that. That's bumpy wanted. You love what did you say. It was okay to do that. They didn't you just did it. Took it upon yourself see now. You're now you're straying off. The course a possibility. Because i would never do something that you didn't agree to. How time very insensitive. You're not that kind of guy. I especially wouldn't do it just to laugh. That would be horrible. That's completely fucking horrible. I would never do that. I bet you have half of cia right now. What dispense bigoted like the horrific feeling that. I feel the humiliation you. You'd be laughing your ass off. You'd be oh she feels awful at. I excited i now very aroused. Don't shame me much about. You're trying to shave me. Don't shame in whatever works it. Study wine it's your your body your choice k. Guy that's your body your choice. So that Beatty sm couple that. I follow twitter. The talk about quite a feat. I've talked about quite a few With the dr bells going all the way from right rice. Turn a leg up road track and from his asshole up to the tip of his dad his but this so the slave husband he is. He's got a very gaping asshole which you've talked about well. There was this video that i saw the post said he has this start seeing. You think it's just a little bit of the ways in his ass and then it's a toy and then he shoves it even further the whole full lange on the bottom. It's a full and french. No the the you know how it's so it doesn't go inside while he and shoved it inside well he and then he gives a little push pulls it out but is he's pulling horwitz poland poland.

00:45:01 - 00:50:03

And you're like. Oh god that's not done like that's still coming out. Like i thought it was kinda short stubby but oh no no that thing like tapered a with the end of a long lizard. Tail dan in it out. So i was like impressive. Okay and that's one word she said. Just wait we're going into the next video is that thing is going in. They ask plus her fist. Well where does it stop. I mean it really bruise male domination in all things but just right there. Oh the you can suitcase gigantic for lizard. Whoa whoa take it easy on the you know that like. I know i couldn't do that. I mean i'm sure. I'm sure it could have been you know like physically possible. Maybe but not so much. I would die. That would kill me. Yeah you probably get a perforated colour. Yes that's what happened with that. One fucking farmer easy with the finger-pointing on the you could no no no no no. He is a special person and he has a talent and that talent is fitting all kinds of stuff in his ass. Be very very well. I mean you could. You could literally do the lower. Gi they could feel for polyps a year and even have to be pre put under or have any he probably i'd rather you not be drugged or like book. Yeah bring out the big camera you know never did. They would never allow that. They waited should he be like what do you know. And a holdover cheeks for ya as astaire is such a hor- well and there. There was another one since. We're talking about a real quick but She had a cage cassidy on him. But it was. It was the metal cage that broke off into It's either four six different times to go as the cage. Okay anyway then. She had a one of the vacuum cock sucker pumps on and it's pope and it's coming like you can see through the clear. It looks like plato. Squishing through bars Oh my god. I love looking at their stuff because dislike this is just. I'm very impressed. I'm impressed i'm intrigued. Sometimes a little turned on sometimes. I'm a little scared. I don't know what i mean. I don't want to say it's like a car accident. Because i don't wanna insult them. But it's like one of those things where you can't look away and i really look forward to seeing. What are they going to put out next. It is what it is. That's gotta be part of the the changing. It's gotta be part of it that that it is something that does make people feel that way. If you're not into it saying extreme kaka ball torture job. No it's it's something. It is definitely a cipher. Oh yeah i mean same thing is some people like pussy torture to torture in general are completely into having it done to yes. Yeah and that whole thing. It's got to be part of it like it would be for me. That's what i was into. I could put myself there in think about it. Well i mean. I don't wanna be i'm not i'm not into the whole. I pain torture thing. As as much as i like. Watching it I don't know like india like you said the whole reality thing when it gets way too real. I can't i can't you. you don't like it in fantasy. don't really like it in practice. We'll because i i I watched a woman Hammer nails and nail her labia to to a piece of two by four piece of wood always hated that goddamn lip and they did this booze to like a cramp fernanda. I live somewhat a while. And then what they also did too is with her tits like she had kind of like saggy movies and they took another plank. Put her tits like on latam across the board and they had a nail gun and mccain her nipples into the board who woman male but a she didn't even scream. What that's why. I'm just like well and and for sure we know We've talked to. Lots of people are into extreme things similar and it's almost the the idea of being able to endure.

00:50:03 - 00:55:02

It is the thing that they tell us anyway at least some of them some of them. Now there's a couple that we know that they're in to a whole bunch of stuff kind of extreme stuff and she says it said of the endorphin rush kagan kitty. Yeah cayden kitty because they do all kinds of extreme. They live in extreme lifestyle. Other ones that you know. They do the Consensual consent concessional on could said. Yeah but i'm thinking of Hook up we call it. I can't think of it gaining helped me. No no no. I can't do a lot of caning spread. that's what i wanted to medical stapling. Branding hope hoban piercing really whatever he feels like doing is kind of what they do. Yeah he has. He has a paddle. That's got nails in it. It's nothing but nails and he sometimes beats her with it or he someone else make. Sounds a horrible. Jesus no but that's what that's what they're into it's not i didn't mean like choose a battered wife. No there. that's that's what they do. That's their gig. But now there are people for sure that anytime if they were to see some of the things that some people do. Oh yeah they would have absolute connection. You're like oh. My god she she were your dot on your hand and blink once for yes if you need to be saved and did it on your like no really this is this is whatever or or no i really do wrestle or player a or some. I do whatever no. You don't know really i do. This is i mean any time that i get like a bruise like a big bruise. A bad bruise which happens a lot. It is because of something that i did is something that happened to me but everybody looks at me and then looks at as c. Ochre no. You're you're klutzy anybody's hung around you understand. It doesn't take long now for you to bag something crisis by but most of the time you get you that that's where you hurt yourself as your fingers and your toes are like then main toes shins. Yeah that's really okay for dog of boom how you know. Eventually you'll figure out that when you're cooking with things that like metal gets hot. Does it really does go away. Well you know you would think. I tap things some time and some no no. No you don't do it that way. Okay your time's like i'll i'll like i'm gonna get something out of the oven or whatever and then i'll just like tap the rack with the edge of my hand or the of amid will slip and i like i can't draw this goes it's fucking scott food on it and then i try to get it as fast as i can up to the top of the store the countertop and fucking burn my finger. I've heard your your excuses for how you yourself here. Can desert things that you do to yourself so in a way. I don't wanna see hurt but i will laugh at you but afterwards for sure Stop touching on stuff al al do. There's this check in new york. She made three d. printed images of a dna from cigarette butts and chewed up discarded. Bubble gum so. She did like a dna strand analysis and put it together an actual model. Yes okay. Yeah that seems a little personal. Dad does weird james a little know and it's found discarded stuff so it's like imagine going into our galley. Be like oh my god. That's me would okay. Well first of all if you can re dna like that you know you're probably not in the art gallery looking at a and never to really you know i completely lost where i was going. I sorry now. I'm saying anyway i got it back. Hang on. let's second while. I still have it. Who's to say. That's even really the exact dna or it's just dna that she found in a fucking book. That's a diagram like who would know the story is.

00:55:02 - 01:00:01

What makes it an you. You don't have to tell the truth to it so there's no like okay. I'm sure you did. A dna analysis. Had it made up and then made or you just took a diagram from the book. Going with diagram from a book. Bob well because then what i believe her where my mind went is if you're if you're kind of like a groupie or just you know a collector. Every do the fuck you could take the condom and make them pretty face trophies mounts on the wall like you would leave. Shot a deer some shit like that. Are you trying to excuses as to why you need to be a hoarder. Horror order or horder hoarder horder. Imagine how many a little dna strands. We'd have around the house. That's what i'm saying. I don't wanna hurt. We'd have throw them all away. Want him at. I want him. He really is a come dumpster. I said i was done with that bitch. And i mean i'm done with her. Get her dna the fuck over me like mix them all together like like five or six different kinds like chicken up and send it off the like. What do i get some fucking like crazy thing. Yeah you'll learn to back away when you yell eventually. It's okay sorry. I'll fix it in post. It'll sound awesome. Kind of know we could have like puzzle night we could take all of them pile all the pieces of in the middle and you have to reassemble them by memory and in your case it would be by butthole taste. I know your whole taste. Yeah no i heard you the first time but whole taste. That's three federal has got count taking shots theory of whole taste. It sounded like you were believing yet. Is that right. I mean if you're into butthole tasting that obviously you could put together. Dna strands based on the. You know you can analyze it with your with your asshole for sure. God you'd have to be able to. There's this woman's dating bio she She said our relationships should be like an intended sixty four classic fun to spent hours with and every every issue is easily fixed by blowing on it and then shoving yeah. The graphics are terrible. It's fun okay. That's all right okay. There's a dude. He grew his foreskin since. We're talking about foreskin stretching it out he didn't you know yeah he Except shape about that for well. They really they didn't for a while. But then it started to get more popular about growing in the near. You didn't have a choice and your baby. So parents had to cut off a you outta mutilated your your childhood body. Yeah jake never had a chance. My dick my choice. That's thing for skin and they're saying they eat rob me of my climax my sensitivity bugs bunny says most guys are like most guys that are circumcised. Brilliant if you ask them how to sex feel. I don't know i'll tell you about thirty seconds. What i've done like how much sensitivities i lose and he imagine if you're more sensitive well maybe i doubt it. You know because they're scar tissue and shit like that so it probably is less sensitive but i don't think i need that. I think that's i said imagine if you're more i was i was fucking pussy crazy enough already. I was younger. I can't imagine like okay. It's more sensitive. So i mean i would have been worse would not have helped me. My parents say my life. They say my life by cutting force get off well. This dude said that his wife was Was a was getting close to forty and cd reaching her sexual satisfaction while he couldn't come so basic aware she can come. But i can't so here is taking me way too long for me to come and she's already done so he started to Stretch it like actually attach weights and you know. Get what because that's back over. That's what they do in case all of you out in listening land don't know is they will hook weights up to the edge of the head of the cock and like hanging down the stretch out the skin to stretch yourself another stretch armstrong yourself and other foreskin.

01:00:01 - 01:04:06

What you can do is you can also You can have a surgery done to cut around and the you do give nerve cells from circumcise babies so basically dead baby six no not dead or just like oh. Hey little johnny. He got his dick cut of. And you got circumcise. You want the leftovers. Yeah i do so do you get his would think that a dude who is that that like arden about having some foreskin like he's that into it that he wouldn't want to participate in the mutilation of another fellow. Bro see what you wouldn't think so. Do you like that. That makes a lot of sense. Like oh god no a key can do whatever whatever i i'll take his. I mean you're you're all of a sudden participating in the childhood foreskin Ring the wants to have a bag later. Then well can get someone else's or selling it as fried calamari at the local pizza shop that said that's a c. I don't like the places that don't give you the tentacles too. I like the fucking tentacles you did you. They're tasty and you go. I like their less chewy for me. It depends on cocoa like if they cook them right. They're not you usually like to tentacles better than the non technicals for whatever reason usually such a hands. I think for me. It's an anti thing turned on okay. A fried food but its tentacles. Reality killed on my tongue looking half pucker. Mistake my tongue in your whole. How do you like it weirdo. I dunno or sea creature. We're not sure which could be creature you like. Do you like the alien tentacles. More than the the seamaster tentacles. You've said this pass. yes. I'm just going by what you've told me okay. You could have been lying. I don't know. I'm not sure can both y- do that's fine okay. He went on to the ocean. This could be a reason. Why because there's giant fucking liquidity things out there that wanted to shut their tentacles up horrify. How do you feel about an morph. Ick praying mattis's That are ladies that are are banging people and biting off their heads. What the fuck yeah No okay so you draw the line at praying mantis is but if it's an alien tentacle think sure i don't know too far. I don't want my head bit off again. You're doing the head biting that's right now. I don't wanna be mantis. you don't wanna be a man mantis. no. I don't wanna be god so what you wanna be a mantis. No okay. here is no where to go. radio go. yeah we're going to go for the night where we go. Well i'm gonna go to the couch. Probably ten feet that i'm gonna i'm gonna take my bra and i'm gonna get the munchies use some stuff that's right all right well anything for me. I see no Do a review apple people apple. Podcast people get hooked us up a five-star leave a comment to all the things. Help us out come on. I do interact with y'all so if you have anything you want to say you can sit and i will react you. I'm so yeah so From everybody has a great rest of your day workweek shift. Whatever the fuck you doing. Come see me in july summer swap shop anyway. It'll all be on my page. I topos anybody does.