#354 – Reverse Cowgirl
You are currently viewing #354 – Reverse Cowgirl


This week!

4/17/2021 Thank you for the presents!... Florida trash and gun play after a stand up show (Louis J Gomez and Kurt Metzger)... Katie's Porn Pick of the Week - Sleeping sex and bound sex... Vintage porn journey... Looking back at Seka... Get a pair of truck nuts for your shoes... The latest dipshit incell hitting Katie up the way incells do... Bug crushing videos and the connection to foot fetish... Ventriloquist dummy and clown therapy with SC... More Florida trash gun play breakdown... Episode of "Rule 34"... How many gold grilles have you seen in one spot?... The mostt dangerous sex position - Reverse Cowgirl... The city with the loudest sex noises on average... Katie's inner Karen... Tow truck drivers and carnies... ICP and the Juggalows... Tits Man - Gigantic boobs on a Tampa Bay comedian... Man with the world's largest nut sack gets them fixed thanks to fundraiser... The man with three testicles. Now only two... The woes of one man's micro penis... How much weight can a woman lift with her vagina? How much weight can anyone lift with their anus?... The most quifs recorded in thirty seconds.

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Kinky Katie's World #354 Reverse Cowgirl

00:00:00 - 00:05:04

It was impressive and seeing some some check like dead. Lift one hundred and eighty five pounds. Ainley no i didn't never said i wouldn't think it was impressive. I'm just saying signals daughter. It would definitely be a cigarette and you know somebody's daughter. David j would be an icelandic daughter for sure. Powerful women in the world. The weekend landed all the exists. Now club strokes drugs pope's and pies of four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steam on my head like a screaming cattle. I'm gonna talk to strangers all night. I'm going to lose to plot on that dance floor. The free radicals inside mayor freaking tonight. I'm chitra travolta. I'm three papa. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family mind. We're get more spice. Nealon strong advocate tonight could be a personal life from the semi sweet quitting my burner. What's the lucky and now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that will always give you reach around while you're getting pained kyoshi answer your host the one the only kinky katie love. Love hello welcome to the show. This is katie's world number three fifty four. I'm your host can katie and with be as always the durable mr. sd my favorite flesh covered. Fuck toy okay. Hostess co host co host with the most. Anyway we are coming at. You live from rule thirty. Four studios radio Kinky katya radio dot com member cast dot net net question mark. I well i think we have got some Some talk about tonight. Yes yes yes. I will have some of its As you get out of the way. I i'm just. I'm i'm filming tomorrow so i get kelly character and i'm pretty excited about that. That's all i'm going to say about that Thank you first off for the presence. That i that i that i received i was sent a A sailor jupiter qasr play costume and the thing has absolutely no zippers or buttons. And you just pull it over your head. Well the top part stretchy to accommodate pets but the waste part isn't and i can't fit it over my boobs if i fucking get them over my dad's then by then you know. Yeah it'd be fine yes. You can't hit up the south end of town. No i cannot fit my body and do the neck hole. Well so i took a picture of the versus jake big show. Here's my situation you know working with thank you anyway. Oh my goodness so i have. I have a little bit later. I have a very short Theater that kind of the just took place. And i mean it escalated very quickly and by Theater you mean instances enrich jude's come out you online and you know the way dudes come out you semi pm. Whatever you wanna call it. Same fucking thing on facebook and then yeah if they don't get what they're looking for then They turn like super duper fucking dumbest shit anyway. Folk your hope you die. Love you away ti talk to me. Wait wait till you hear this one. Oh my god. I cut it off at my. I have stuff to do. We covered the forty stages of instill. It's like you're stages agree for just completely out of whack. Yeah yeah no. That's that's true. I love you i hate you fuck you die bitch libby love you call me your mobile a few things me. Look me i. We went to see louis. G gomez and kurt metzger. Last night i side splitters tampa those fun go. That was really good show. Yeah and they're both. They're both really nice people they they really are we we're hanging out Not so much with with curb but with With louis after the show and it was it was fun. But that's when things got a little florida got local really got no. It's not from tampa. You know what we used to meet. Run into people like this all the time. Just you know somebody ripped out of out of your favorite headline somewhere.

00:05:04 - 00:10:02

Just the way. He talks the way he does things all the whole thing. I would die for you louis. I'd take a bullet for you. Man there were there were firearms about all kinds of firearms about and then girl sitting there. Who's currently with him. With the with the character. Florida kerry with the fuck in florida man. He s himself. He she damn just stare like right at us. I wish you had some weed. I mean i used to be the biggest dealer down here. I'm just like i'm sorry. Are you talking to us. Like who the who the fuck are you like. i even know you was just. It was who yet know you completely forget what it was like going out all the time because we would be sitting next to somebody we would be sitting next to a group of people doing the same the identical shed as to what happened except generally we would be faced and it would be that much more ignorant. They were all shape face. Though shoes telling me you went somewhere or something. And she's our mayor there for this. I had to whip out of katie because to prove to him that i wasn't da. Why would i be an issue for the d swift madonna. She was in for those of you who really have a hard time understanding what katie's talking about. She was telling us a story about her having to out a teddy at her drug dealers place. Yeah the last time. I had to wait it out. He he wasn't going to give him a. We'd although i said honey all i want to bag a weed. What the fuck is the problem. Yeah it was just an then. The frigging gun started being like waves about. He doesn't even know what the fuck is going on. Safety's off line. And then people. I made eye contact with a couple of people. Because i started to back up like i know i'm like i don't know them and they say going inside of i'm on the other side of this there in the middle. I don't know i i was. I wasn't really cool with that. These people should not have firearms on them right now. That's you know. And then aaron genesis is every day. I mean that's every day every day everywhere and you know it. So i don't know to me it's it's slow to represent rydah. It's kind of like it's been most of my life like most people i like. I know a lot of people that are just like that. Yeah i learned. I learned about cowboy hat bins. Yeah their pants differently. Depending where you're at two eight is that's what that's what she told me or me. Yeah you educated me. There's a think. Not that i know where any of them like. I can't look at the way. A cowboy hat is put together and go. Yeah that's amarillo right there. It's got written all over. You can tell by the heavy side folds in the front now. I have no fucking clue. i just know. It exists as one hundred percent beaver. Far right there. That's right pelt really but okay. Yeah thought makes it good. You gotta get taxidermy. Jeremy do some beaver stuffing. Yes i hope you do. Some beer stuffing later. I was waiting for you. Take you a while. Hey covington slack. Let's just a you know what let's go to my favorite segment standing by. It might not be warned you would pay it is appoint katie one. It's time once again for okay. So my porn pick of the week is a little different. I been i been from like the last two weeks of everything. Nothing well i guess okay. Now that i think about it fuck until just right now. I think about it i actually. I think this is done it for me before like i like. I like kind of the causes. The unconscious sex. Yeah yeah well that's okay. You're you're allowed to repeat what it is that you're you've been watching. You're trying to get off to. I mean lord. There's no rules to that. Well here's the other thing too is kind of like Like lazy sex. Yes like leaving. No no no but being tied up like oh. I can't do anything because i'm all tied up. You're just doing everything you know. So it's just yeah. I mean it's like selfish sex kinda weird but it's i think i'm very few people think about it that way.

00:10:02 - 00:15:04

No they don't. I've heard other people talk about that before i there. Was somebody some comedian about that somewhere. Looking to lie. That could be why it got stuck in my head. And i might a heard it. No you probably did. I want to. I nikki glaser and they had a whole segment about you know. I think i vaguely remember that talking about not wanting to be tied up because she just doesn't you know it's better if she doesn't have to put the effort in. Yeah so if you want. If you wanna know what i'm talking about i you just gotta yeah but if you wanna know where you got the this idea well who knows you know. I had that idea before two nine know. But i'm just saying because i i watched I watched hysterical that that new Dot ca documentary women's comic who like a double negative ola. Anyway and What's not glazer was on it. Okay i don't know might all triggered like came together. I have no idea whatever it has less to freud in more to. What have you seen lately you know. Put it in your head. So that's my point. Pick for the week of the week. It's still sticking on porn seat. Because i didn't want to have this in the same segments because this wasn't turning me on to know you didn't want to have this in the same segment okay. Yeah what about okay. They i kind of looking up like this. This episode is kinda like heavy unlike oddities. Different things. I don't know i mean. Some things are kind of odd to me. But other people billy split but anyway what the fuck is going. Okay there is a paid attention there. There was a link for vintage porn. Just so and i'm not talking about like vintage vintage black and white shit and whatever but it was eighty s or something or yeah like seventies eighty big bush not not necessarily taken care but still thick okay probably eighty s late. Eighty s late eighties. Early nineties maybe. Maybe early eighties early day. Were they weren't the mid eighties. I wanna say the history of a beaver allergy barber and you really. You know. Barely alive now. So that's why hopefully we're watching a lot of port back when it was actually being produced. That's it they put on. And you know until i fell asleep. Yeah sure yeah. So what. I what i just got. Film from the slaughterhouse watching calcium put down. Yeah yeah yeah. Oh god but anyway but i. I don't know i started watching a bunch of it. And it's just it's it's so it's weird because you've got that kind of like almost yellowish orange tinge to the colors asian thing maybe like probably shot on actual film right right right okay. The vintage will a lot of that. Might not even be actual vintage some of it. Some of it could just be shot kind of like. They do a lot of the movies. You're in now exploitation grind house or sorta they make it look like it was a straight to video a sexploitation movie. You know like the grain the whole thing. I don't know these. These guys started to say like boogie. Nights ish okay. You authentic Fucking classic quotas. What you're saying. I do okay. I don't know also the fantasy anyway. Like sick is in it Look in a couple of monday. Saw and she's she's actually passed away now probably like she's well past. I even saying her. Fuck name writing. There's ak- is that. I'm pretty sure. That's how i want. Say it. I've seen the name. I've seen some of her stuff. But i used to kind of like blurred out on my skin amax later night and i have to watch it with the volume off so i wouldn't get in trouble sake. Seca transgendered no no uh-huh okay. I don't think so. I don't know i just the name. I have a hard time with like forty year old tanks automate older and forty. I think you're gonna you're gonna click shit aren't you well it. We'll see what happens. I have no idea how to spell spell spell it properly anyway. I was still searching here. Talk so yeah.

00:15:05 - 00:20:01

I just hit a link for you guys to check everything out and when we do the show yeah i blank. Firms your stared. I'll be like hey well you know. I'm looking something you talk. They have they have truck nuts. I mean everybody's heard of chuck nuts and if you have in the there's for sure you know you've been to florida if you know. Chuck nuts are well and they also have them for bicycles for bicycle seats. They call bike nuts. Same exact thing. Set the bike nuts. They actually light up so you can see where they're going anywhere. Well haven't breer crocs crock nuts and they hang off the hang off the back he'll ban you can get them in several different colors and their plastic. Why why. I mean as florida. That's why you gotta have that drip is that what's going on there. What is that. That's on your shoes. Come thomas you. Oh boy nuts because you're wearing the cracks. That's where you're actually are. You had to remove them before you bought them. It's a part of the user agreement. Decide by the way seca was a nine hundred seventy four to the last one was two thousand and two desperately seeking seca that she was rapid hard. Well maybe there is a break in between. I mean maybe she had Filmography here i can go through it. Was i going to. I was just giving you the breakdown there. Yeah actually took the time to do the taibbi. When i'm trying to actually been a brady and how to talk aggressively prepped. So nine oh yeah. Sorta plus you fucking tired too. Sure shoora because you ever worked yourself today for a little mistake little mistake i completely some i get confused as to what week of doing what in because i doing the youtube videos and by the time i get to things anyway i completely animated full two minute cartoon for the wrong video and know so then i had to do another one. What didn't have to. But i really liked that one though. You're going to see that one next week but not this week anyway. Oh yeah speaking of there's gonna be there's going to be two shows that aren't going to be live. We'll still record them but we'll have to record them another time like on sunday or something. Okay i'm going to be filming. And i'm not going to be in town really where you're going to be I'm going to be at new tits house on netting. Uh-huh next saturday and The cabin day. Okay anyway anyway. You guys don't care there will carry. You're you're filming on saturday night as you said. Yeah well yeah way. Get most of the people listening won't notice anything anyway. Let me two guys. Speaking of feeling the love. I'm we're gonna go to this little short episode of dip shit theater now. This just happened Liz irwin guys. D. m. e. p. m. me and they they're trying to get my attention. They're not getting what they want. And that it ultimately turns like really nasty real quick. And i will tell you straight ahead. This person has the grammar of a six year old. Are you sure it's not a six year old. I mean jean over sure you're not being catfish. No i really. I really don't know for sure. Be honest but it appears not anyway because when you spell what w ut okay and no. It's all twang on their typing. All of its like that okay. Fine so we're just going to go through this real quick. Now he his his dam was in in my. You have hidden folders. I'm facebook because you don't do social media year now and they filter a lot of shit out well. He had said hello to me like an october of last year. Sure and i said oh. You're in my weird spot. I mean i just saw this and it was like a month later. Yeah okay so then. He's like where are we know and he says what is that laughing. My ass off high said hi. I'm about to go on air. What the fuck that mean. I said i'm responding to you and letting you know that i'm at work. I'm doing my radio show for the next. Two hours is okay. I don't know what that mean.

00:20:01 - 00:25:03

So you radio. I do music. I'm like great. I do talk. I've done a show for over eight years. He said you have a on air. Could be anything i said. No not really says drivers use it like a air more of a chemical term. Yeah really see makes sense. I said what else would you say Going on air for then it just goes cuz cuz you just a radio person personals I used to be a driver. So air meaning going nitrogen or whatever. firefighters said. All right that doesn't make any sense to me. Cool to care you retarded take to bitch ass on air dumb white. Ho probably get raped if you haven't already 'cause you stupid as fuck and then okay. I'm just i'm just saying. Are you fucking kidding me. No i know i got. Charlie brown's parenting the whole time. I don't care laver said. I'm moving on everywhere. Well one of the one of the side things for for that vintage porn that that i ended up getting into was. It's this whole section of crush videos. No god but it's only bug crush videos. Okay crickets and roach torture. I mean you know. That doesn't like upset me my chance. To go out of your. I mean you went out of your way to just kill bugs. Whatever age i mean here again. I see bugs dumb fucking offer them immediately. You know what i mean. I mean it's it's pages of a videos where they have like a piece of plexiglass and there's a camera underneath shooting and they'll put like bugs there and bare feet squish them and muslim around and people are like hot utah. Yeah killa baby. They got dirty florida feeder. What's what's what's the situation like. That's really what they look. They look like the fine not very descriptive. Well i mean they don't they don't look like dirty feet. They're probably had many petty i before they went to squash cricket. There's another one where it was like full on fucking roach torture. I'm like what the hell is this like on it. I'm still not really all that upset. But you know what i mean. You know what we don't go out of our way to like you know. Save fucking bugs. Some people do but yeah. Some people do but most if i sierra canals. I'm trying to murder you right. I and you forget we live with three murder edibles. That freely will try to not only kill the bug in question. Pull it up heart. You know they want to chase it around for twenty minutes. Yeah they they liked to play with it until you know they're done playing because you're gonna die anyway so i'm gonna hers. I mean those those bugs they get stuck in our house anyway. They wish they had a crushing video that they died in you know. They wish that they had that kind of an ending. Because at least it was somewhat quick and you got to get on like youtube or something somewhere. They probably not a new to right. No yes what. No right there on a different way. That is free it was on it was you'll you'll see for crushing bugs dot com now. It was like after it was one of those suggestions after like four pages of the vintage porn. Little things like when you're porn channels. Yeah really. I'm just like they're all like this. What do you got a few things going on there. I mean firstly feet envy. you know. Some people are go gaga over. Footsie's canteen out there. Well just it's everywhere really. Yeah no no lots. And lots of hitler totally end defeat. For whatever reason i think if you have pretty toes second sell it and then you're crossing your crossing over the foot fetish. People like you're crossing them right into the girl like the pretty girl. Does the dirty thing you know that whole segment of of of pretty girl doing something.

00:25:03 - 00:30:00

That's that's dirty in some way right now or could be anything. Well you know what i mean. I know what you meeting filthy in some way or another swimming around a swamp bog Trying to find a fucking and you at the bottom of the never ending pit or whatever on that movie that. I don't remember anymore because now i blocked it out to try to attract the trade that four hour. That was it. Our tax was the one who died. Never ending story the sata seen over this we. We can play that like during some sexual escapades at some point. You know what i mean. That our Architects dying seen. Why would you do that. We'll use it with the you know. ventriloquist's dummy training that. We're doing with you right. I mean. I thought we were. We were we. Were going to get you out like reprogram. Almost it's like a you. Don't mannequin therapy really. We were going to do that. I thought we were totally into that. What are you trying to cure on me. Well you know so. You're not afraid of it about objects for the reason. I i'm kind of scared of how you're going to attempt to cure me of my my irrational fear of escalators. Will first of all will one fear at a time. Because like i covered before escalators. Kind of that's irrational fear. I mean you could fall off. Escalator a mannequin doll. You know i mean. He's dummy dummy it's creepy okay. But you're one hundred percent save lenders absolutely nothing. That dummy will do to you. well now. that's true. But i that's also like the fucking. I used to have that stupid clown from poltergeist hanging in my room when oslo an every and every night i would take it down. Put it outside my door and shut my door. Because i was scared to death about it. You're worried about van. Drellich was dummies. When you completely came way. Closer to death last night. Just seeing louis. J gomez after a stand up comedian show. Yeah yeah that's that's way closer. At least he has video though. 'cause you take like seriously if mathematician sats out and gave you the odds of you know death by hugging ventriloquist's dummy or by a florida man. Yeah no no no no no no i mean it's you know one end of the extreme and the others on the other. Yeah no i know in the and yet the johnny persists you know. I'm trying to stick up for dummies and clowns. Really he was a dummy and a cloud. Okay well that's the idea is we have to. We have to make you understand their dummies and clowns. They're not gonna hurt you too bad you'll be fine. You'll be okay. Drunk florida people with firearms. That same situation. I'm telling you. I've seen i dunno most all my life that exact like thanks to various i'm not drinking them a great a totally entertaining entertained. I'm glad you are. I was it was. I got as high as i was too in. That made it a lot better. You know we. We got two shows for the price of one really great. You don't get that kind of a fun. How does all action especially when you know that like the comedian from florida so this is completely alien like who does what happened there. Does that what where exactly i mean. Nobody was angry or everybody was having a good time. It was a completely good time. You know or smoking weed outside. No one called the cops. No hassle no one actually through shutterbugs right. Now it's like it's like dude. Now that's gotta get annoying people asking you know. He's a comedian. And usually you're asking you all totally boxers. You met all spar with you share. Share up all fuck you up. An and then they'll bring out a pass things that they've seen or heard about from Other comedians are friends. They you just putting her out with her. It's like do you have to bring it up anyway that you know there was there one of the guys had had you know had a gun in. Nobody was being threatened or anything but they were joking about the gun. Basically yes yes anyway.

00:30:01 - 00:35:06

How do we get back here. I remember i don't know well. Let's go to around thirty four and then when we come back we're gonna have a brand new tits man and since we're on a roll and also i've got some world sex records roy baker said chit world-record sex award stuff. Okay okay so enjoy and we'll be right back yum time bullet basically and refreshing snack when falcon breeders. Want wanna breed falcons they wear special falcon sect. Hat's really the hat. Encourages the falcon to shag. The breeders head and coup collects the falcons come which can then be artificially inseminated sir sir. I'm here to apply for the the apprentice ship For for head come. Catcher literally had come catcher on. I heard that i get you. Have animals come into my hair sir. Is that true it can can. I'll i'll put my faith. Is what if they work for free Whatever time you need me to I in in. I just wanted to let you know We have to the had on her hands somewhere else. Down to put it like crock. Don't don't take away my fun head. Yeah you feel talent sink into my skull. I wanted to figure that out. You know what. I mean. I could feel it. They have to jerry. He's got the right shape. like that. The falcons love gets fucking. Know all with the show Road no me. I've been up on on my home. My talk anybody tools by jaundice mitral and welcome back to katie's world ruled that forced to use katie radio dot com and radio dot net. Oh this is a little slow coming into this. Yeah l. a. but it's kind of like tired though would you. So why would you wanna do that. The both of us are perhaps and Tired would i mean the first eight. It goes by tramp. So i had to put it in for today. It's very appropriate. I it it is pretty appropriate for you to transfer this. This is for you and your goal grill. There was like six people last night standing outside talking to the comedians when they show that had like half sets of gold teeth all white people by the way not just dudes either devoid across the board. Wow and then there and then they kept people can look looking at me like you can do something about them like why would i why these are my neighbors fan. What you mean. I lived actually these people. That's just jimmy really. I literally like. I said that that came firecrackers again. That's what would be unbelievable to like them being from new york having no like know that wasn't an everyday but you've never woken up with a gaiter in your pool. Show i mean it is. It could be an everyday thing anywhere you know in in the state really. Yeah yeah we. We've met people like that all the way from one end of the stage the other for sure. All of the rumors are completely true. Is what i'm telling all of you worldwide. We got to a bar to breakfast. See friends there. That have not been home yet. Obviously one friend that used to bring his own hookah with him in a backpack everywhere he went. You go to a bar. He break out his backpack settlements hookah. Yeah have the whole life sat up like all over and bring like extra tips for people strangers separate hoses for visitors.

00:35:07 - 00:40:04

Yeah yeah it was just but then he used to always carry a gun around with him to and he. There was always massive amount of cash and drugs in his car and on him at all times which here again was not too uncommon really. But no but. That's that's what i'm saying is like this was kinda normal. Yeah i mean everybody has got even louis asked each everybody have guns and like four of the people there. Were like yeah. They all like lift up their shirts. It said he's like wait. Wait wait wait wait a minute. Wait a minute. Those things are loaded there there there. Why would you carry a gun if you didn't carry like yeah the clip in one pocket and the gun on the other. What are you talking about. Why would you do that if you're going to carry it if you're gonna do that well one of the things he asked before before he asked about a gun psych anybody here try heroin and like half the people raise a hand a and then he's like okay. This is funny as we as the guns these people who did the hair. Don't put your hands. Who is funny you know. They say that the world's most dangerous sex position is the cowgirl. Now you get a total broken deck. Yes optical about that right now. yeah especially you several. I got. I have to literally hold your ass cheeks and make sure like grab a hold of your skin and hold you going off of it because you'll get going and like i said you will think my dick is five feet law. You take your be a complement of your dick is is longer than it is sure your sliding down to my fucking ankles and what i'm trying to drag you back and you don't know you need to stay stay on the dick. Don't come off the jake and then ram it back in your twad whole because that could go wrong badly. And i'm the one that's going to get a broken. Jake is what i'm telling you. I've seen this shit on the internet. Probably get bruised asshole so try to go in. And they'll do like just go into my but just kink up. We've talked extensively about the fact that your orifices will. Although he'll up you'll be fine. You you've beaten those things up constantly very little chance of something permanent happening to you. I can walk away with like an amputation. Dick i can have an update now because you got overly aggressive on the backward cowgirl. Never it's an underrated. Dangerous move is what i'm saying. That's s tear danger. You know one of the There was an honorable mention. That went to. I don't know why it was connected with this. But they said that. The guinness world book of records. They dubbed the loudest love makers in new york. Well our our new york. Really new yorkers okay. Yeah yeah oh. I wonder how they took that study. D listen outside look around with the headphones. And that fucking thing guy taylor guy. Steve steve this blocking like every gets his little parable in out starts pointing at random windows. Yeah he reads them off the vibration on the windows. As people are doing things sets the seismograph to yeah and then he releases the nanto bots which then just play cameras everywhere door absorb happens because you know everybody loves data it well. That doesn't like completely surprise being york. It's allowed place. I mean if you've ever been there. That place is seriously loud. I've only lived i now. I was at there like one. So now i mean if you're like in manhattan anywhere and you just opened a window somehow or stood. i mean. it's not a quiet bucket place to be at all so really means saying no. It's not that bad. You you get used to it. I would imagine. I bitch about the neighbors all the time. That would have just because of your inner karen brain inner karen your enter care and like wants to come out sometimes in really across the board. Sometimes you just want a bitch it somebody. Yeah no that's true. You want to expand yell at a random bursts. Sometimes you don't most of the time you're good about not carrying out about things. I know i try. Yeah because by my real bad. Look my mother's super karen. Oh she's bad and we go out somewhere and anywhere.

00:40:04 - 00:45:01

When i go to visit she starts. She's old this way though. You know. I mean now old people just they do say shit it just happens you know not only do things different. Everybody's heard that but also you get older and you stop giving a fuck about what other people think and i. That's most of it i think. Yeah yeah some of the things that a come from. I always feel like. I have to apologize. She turns chooses grazed. Yeah no you'll you'll totally get annoyed by people but you you're not necessarily want to go up to people enrich bitch atom which is good really. I hate confrontation. Well and not only that unless somebody's doing something completely awful to you why you know if they're not kicking puppy or what's the problem they're just doing something and you know and you do is what that's what i'm saying. Why would you you know you don't have to like go up. I get annoyed by people and most of the time. I don't say anything. But every once in a while. I get weird and katie note like if i if i allocate pizzi about something else go talk to sh. She'll look at me and should know. Just you know all right. You got to go talk to him. I'm staying here. i'm not. I'm not going with you. This time tow truck don't say to you. We don't say the truck we're saying that any band weird in this house it's tow truck driver and you know i'm sorry if you're a tow truck driver but but believe me what say i you know. I have good reason i just. It's very good reason to just tow truck drivers and carney's just i take like i said i'm sorry if you you have those professions you know. I'm sure you hate a plumber to so fine. Hate plumbers but tokyo drivers and carney's while i have had a hard time in my life dealing with new orleans to we'll just all the way across you name it you know like you go to like a saint. Whatever carnivals in the springtime for a fundraiser. For a church. And like you have a car and he just grab you and start like seriously do shit. And you're not like i've been in two or three fights with carney's what i was a teenager. That had nothing to do with me being an asshole like it had to do with a carney being an asshole Yeah i remember When we were first dating and we went to this one carnival and it was at the dunk to our nobody regain like twitchy brown around the peop- the carney's and we went by the different booths got. I mean you were getting on me. You're getting ticky. Like i was like i start to water just because of you know. I was abused by carney's child so not really abused. No no no hord big shoes terrifying me. They really do not after. We do your conversion therapy. You're going to be healed. You're you're not gonna you're gonna laugh at going to be a children's party clower could be you're going to be taking psychedelics. And going to the joe the gathering of the jug lows not have a problem boop boop. That's right you'll be all into. Ub balls deep and some fucking fago. It'd be all about shipping with. Stick clouding at everywhere. We're how i would do my face many classic cloud classic clown you know. I hear there's bands playing ear now. They probably stay probably like i. I don't know that there's any rules for gigolos. How you there probably is. But i thought their whole thing was a lawless society. You know that there was no rules. I kinda always thought it was. I could be completely wrong about this. But i always thought it was kinda all found each other. Because they're kinda fell like the rejects. Like they're different. Yes and then it's like we're all all us weirdos we're gonna get together and we're now family because we have no problems with each other.

00:45:02 - 00:50:02

Fuck biff and berbie. We're all going to be like. Yeah i think that's the idea. Yeah i think that's the basic i. Actually i could be wrong. But that's what i thought it was Was it silent silent jay. But that's not right. Silent silent hill silence of the lambs. The you know the anyway the two performers the insane clown posse. They actually they do. They do a lot of charity. Work inside of the bob chance. Violent j j and you're gonna get hate mail now because you have a lotta gigolo fans to a lot a lot i know oh my god jugglers all over the place listening to this tiger yelling at the dirt earbuds probably either like throwing things says dear bad you know. It can't be nearly as satisfying screaming at your wireless rais khan's as it is streaming at an actual device that playing it like if you have some sort of bluetooth speaker. It's more satisfying to scream at a speaker than screaming with your earbuds. Then what i'm saying. It's another people know what you're screaming at. I mean you take you take but it could be more fun because you get to watch the look on people's faces as you're screaming at your age cons. Whatever i don't know he has. We're let's go to your favorite segment by stated by. I hit it loop in the end on the news. it's time once again for shit man. Today's it's mad is okay. It is the chick from side splitters. That opened up before curtain lewis giant jokes. I believe her name is amy. I've looked everywhere to find out what her name is. And i can't find it anywhere. So i don't know what her davis said. I believe her. Name is amy and she's built like a cartoon character. She says she knows she her. She's got a high voice but she's got huge natural bubis sure access to well. You can't really. I mean if you have like. I don't know what size they were but they were. Monsters are very large. Buganda's triple j something in that range. Seagulls yeah and were very very tight top. So i don't really know what her act was about but i know she had a nice rack large anyway and chat but to match to you really should like like a like a cartoon character big acid huge bubis and i mean she even out. Yeah and she was on the stage doing stuff. She seemed really nice. But i really. I really i i wanted to go and samak her so bad. We were talking about it outside after the show. 'cause she's hanging around and i locked eyes are like at least a dozen times okay. I think she would've totally let you you slang. Does those fun bags. Do little to just grab them. And just give a little giggle. Ted's allied bubis you. I totally got away to a whole muhammad ali. You know a promo video on. You know what i mean. Gosh you totally could have gotten away with it. I think he still ness and see the rage and be that that creepy never used to care. I know that. I know. I should care also fucking. I don't know when i was ever not sober. It's showing signs of growth that you're learning that you can't just go to people and and grabbed them down. Cantu i know you have to ask permission. People have boundaries. Just because you don't you weren't born with addict does not mean that you are immune to assault. Charges be assaulter. You know. it's not as scary. Probably having having you speed bag some strangers teddy's we're seeing. That's another reason why. I think that that kind of just made me think of going back to the theater so you probably get raped if you have already know bitch. I do the the victimize her not to victimized pug and what we're going straight big attachments ever going and drive zero.

00:50:02 - 00:55:03

Reach around for you. That's right no returned. I wouldn't even give spit. Same little hole a deer in front of a mirror to see. Watch everything going on. See this bottle hand sanitizer. That's what we use them for. Liu right there covid save. Got a case of that shit. Oh my god get rid of it now. Oh that just sounds awful. But that's fine. This is gonna come back later. And what will. I don't know i'll probably get in trouble for something later. Who the hell no trouble for what. It's true like for what why how doesn't really matter. What does it nothing. I don't even know what you're talking about. And i am like the world's leading authority and translating what you mean. They need like literally the world's leading authority on it. I am the more like if somebody was doing a study on you like i would have to be witnessed number one yoga. Who else would be witnessed number one like like who would give them the most information who. You're not your parents now. Okay now so really. Worldwide leader in kate knees and i didn't understand what the fuck you were talking about our seven. I mean half the time anyway Oh ooh i wanted to talk about this. There's a dude With the largest fucking nut sack and he raised like he did. He got donations and stuff to get him. The surgery that he needed wasn't that to wielded awhile a wheel barrel dude. Well okay okay. Now you're now you're fucking was my speech impediment really you know. What if. I go to therapy to to repair the way i talk. When do you go that. I would know about when you're sleeping because i'm not. I don't do the cosby thing to you. So i'm out practicing my speech. Trying to get better. With my stutters and stuff. You know sir. you're here. You are ridiculing me because i am a bitch. I'm just. I'm talking about start over time about a dude who he raised actually ended up raising like a million actual over a million dollars to get surgery that he needed for his fucking humongous nuts. Might not my my god cam nuts. Show huber here germany. Give me some money helped me by not sitting. Well how much do you think. That is fucking ball. Segue hundred and ten pounds bob. You're very close. I know because we read about him before a while ago. And he was wheeling around is not in a wheelbarrow like he literally had them in a will. That was his heart. I thought that was a different guy. Guys that guy died okay. This guy didn't but anyway nuts one hundred sixty pounds. There you go. There was like a whole guadagno person hanging off his scrotum god. That's a way. And that's just in ball sack. Or was that testicle as well whether testicles in there that yeah that's whole toask wrote so like day castrated them or are they just took the extra the hell what could possibly be growing down there. They said it wasn't a tumor grill. It wasn't cancerous either. Okay so is it like an absorbed twin. But i mean how do you let it get to be that big before you do something about it very easy. You don't have insurance and you don't have insurance and you're not rich you know. They don't like to go to the emergency room any emergency room. Say okay you're not gonna die see later you know. That's the but i'm just saying well i go. I don't know if i had a frigging lip grow and leg bra. No no no this. Is this fucking. I can't do this. I've already got like a gigantic moves. Forward tight pants. And then i have like be stung swollen lip bad fucking lip injection budget. One side of my coach mostly mostly. You're just not going to want to go without like any kind of sexual contact like if you had something. I don't mind it being big. If you wanna fuck fuck it. I'm what have you know that's cutting into your even deadly. You have one hundred sixty labia. I wouldn't let it go. Tim that point because you wouldn't be able to gentle or to fuck this is like the one hundred percent main reason is for you.

00:55:04 - 01:00:00

You would not live for like extended period of time where something was wrong with your cooter to where you could not fucking rub on it you would not put up with. You would not deal with it. You'd be like fuck. That shit needs to get fixed. Somebody needs to fix by. Plus you wear a i mean you wouldn't. This has changed now. Imagine though you're you're the shut in cell and then what you know you don't give a fuck you give a fuck. Nobody's touching new flow. Ker jayco fall off. I wonder if you can even see it. Probably scott is big old. Just fucking senator. Chuck nuts on his south crack nuts. Nuts 'cause you need them for your crocs 'cause desert need to let everybody know you had a pair of balls at one point. I want boy. There's this one dude. He had three three truck dots or three hundred sixty pound tumors removed from his scrotum. Now three tesco's three calls while they meet bows her. Yeah try tests. He was the treaty the extra testicle. They said that this Ballboys kinda case only is about like two hundred people around the world. This is very rare condition. When this happens the china he He sold it other shrivel. Not yeah okay. Got it removed. Okay would look normal. Were quote unquote normal. Whatever what's gotta be hard to like. Move around because pants and stuff or made for you know you having an east west division in your ball sack. You've gotta seem that goes right up right up. Volkan prominence row. They're gonna have you you gotta you pick a side with the dick and balls can go. They can't go together but a lot of times they ended up splitting the gorge. Sometimes if you got a third none in there you're going to be on that thing. All the god time i mean you probably figured out how to maneuver around and not sit on and hurt yourself because you were born with it. Yeah kind of like being born with the arm or something like nubby legs you figure out how to operate in a normal manner. Gal i bitch. I make waffles with my feet. Okay but you. You're you've grown accustomed to try ball tri-test right. Sure i bet you could but here again you know what is used to taking my one of them and like popping it into his. But so it's it's out of the way or like popping back inside. That's what i matt. I mean like in the but like i mean. Inside you know there are often times with two testicles. That one of them's paying around in a very uncomfortable way. Maybe it was. So you're talking about like those those ball things. I'm people's deaths and offices where you click one and it hits the. I'm talking about the story that you're talking about a dude. Has three nuts right three nuts. They're clanking around inside of a ball bag there and and they're not doing that but the chance of them banging into each other a- as you're moving about the day it's it's ingrained lightly. You literally have a thirty three percent better chance of having a ball injury then you did. If you were a normal to old person. Three balls is not liked. The superpower to wish is what i'm saying. What if that one was like super duper sensitive. He whacked ivette. It is because we're paying because there's another one of them is probably all ear -tated because it's been rubbing on the other two nuts you know for its entire life like you know what. It's like sitting in the middle on an airplane. I imagine that. And you know you got gotta dick on one side gooch on the other and to fucking testicles on either side of you like what the fuck you're you're like surrounded in magid. How much warmer. That is down there too. We well what i to know is does. He blast superhuman loads. You know is he getting like the one point. Five two jillian right because you have to. Of course you probably have more chunky style. Are they are jude boy. He has yes. They were three functional. Okay so they had vast difference. They had everything that went up to the whole thing. The whole shebang. I mean you're a percent more likely to have testicular cancer. Yeah you're like any cup that you did in athletics for a ball projection. There it's not gonna work at all you're not fitting in to fit in anywhere. No but he had one removes and he sold it and he got. He got a lot of money for it.

01:00:00 - 01:05:02

Got a lot of money for his third third not yet no testicles gopher actually for a lot of money to go for like thirty five k do they. Is this on the culinary circuit. Oh god no. Is this like the next episode on food wars now. this isn't hospitals. They eat them in hospitals. That's a strange place to eat. Somebody's balls you'd figure it would be like some kind of apps. Guerrillasi and exotic resort. Somewhere in the caribbean thailand. Yeah where like epstein owned or something one of those yeah they definitely eight testicles of the realty that's right and and especially from triple bald people mero out of bed fetuses to know that's right. It's like the red eye kid from hunter hunter. You know his clan is very they were. They were hunted down for their red eyeballs down. Because they're special. Yes so the triple ball. People were always being hunted down further testicle. Yeah and it was. Sometimes it depends how you did it. It could be like lobsters were stone crab or you can only just take one because they'll grow back so so if you got three of them you could pluck one or even two and he'd still have a chance to so. This guy is going to go through a a a nut removal surgery to more than once. Because it's gotta grow back like a stone crab maybe Yeah Yeah like lizard stu they break the tail on the ground on the one. Yeah and that's the other little known thing. All the triple bald people are lizard people. I mean you could look about right now and approve gino right online. They're definitely lizard people. Because you know it's online it's true. I mean and you know if you're going to believe and you know a lizard people you definitely believe in three people. Three people actually exists. Sure they do the they dare. Okay well distance guy that you're talking about. He doesn't have three balls anymore anymore. No okay. I sure that's pretty fucked convenient for his story. Why never had it removed and candidate while it was on summer vacation. You know kids will become jesus There's there's a thirty five year old dude who decided not to put his real name in this confessional which You will understand why. I mean unless you just like fuck. This is what i'm rockin. When he was doing a confession is kind of it was like a confessional sort of sort of Like article okay interview. Someone did they wrote something. Okay it was. Somebody was doing an anonymous writing of some sort correct. Okay yes or they thought it was anonymous. Well was names on it so anyway. He says that he is. He's got a microphone is were you. Were just talking about that okay. And it's approximately one inch long when flaccid which is soft and two point seven inches long when fully erect okay. It's also very thin. Sure they said when's flaccid and my say it looks like it resembles to reasons flat on top of each other drivers. Sure you know raisins flat raisins. Yeah i mean arene like skin tag. Yeah well you know the good news here is you can have any girl. Especially if you're not in the sucking. Jake you could take that whole day and the ball's easy peasy. You're not going to have an issue. It's not trying to get in three ball. A guy's testicles in your mouth just amazing me of those pictures of those Like golden retrievers with the three tennis balls in their mouth. I mean imagine a tight spots you can put your dick if it was that tiny you finished anywhere. Yeah you fucking thing anywhere. i could go up the nostril. I could literally sound and other dude with my dick is you. Could you could do on sounding. Good jerry go and then you can make videos of it. Because i would watch that i really. What is that like. I've got to see it at least once. Okay i would watch about three seconds of it to look at it and go while that happened. Well how long does it take to get to the center. I don't know moral may never know we're lodo and let's he decides to do you know you re thrill sounding fucking porn. Yeah i mean you know. It's it's pretty specific and it's it's hard not to think of the worst thing to say to him you know you're sober for writing. Article of how your micro p and their bob. Though i mean anonymous bob i mean because you know in the comments below what it wherever there's articles written you're gonna have every woman in the world going knows this person here. He is tagged this guy. Has this might not be this guy but this guy he definitely has addicted to small.

01:05:02 - 01:10:13

I know sucked it. This guy right. Here i am him right there right there him. You oddly enough. It was doing your dip shits eater. Mr watt walt wall-to-wall whenever wall wall wall now. I've never tried to lift everything with my puss. Like put one of those weights up there with dangling chain and yeah right right okay. The whole yoni exercises and stuff like that. I've never tried that. I don't know if i could. I'm not saying that. I'm loose early shape so i don't know if i could even do that anyway. you could all and how much you're picking up. I mean we. I mean you're not gonna like pick up a ten pound weight right off. The bat probably raw arnold busy busy and you're going to have to work up to sudden but yeah no i. I would think that. I'm not gonna say oh. I'll move the couch. Strap on i mean well. Don't they say a lot of times. They start with just a weighted the actual thing that they put up to what is actually just has a little weight to it. Yeah the that hangs out like you. You start it while you're laying on your back and while it's in it's sticking out of your posts and you have to lift it which is using your person like hold it. Okay and then it'll drop and then you do exercise you work at your keegan. Check the world's strongest pussy can lift thirty one pounds really. Yes right row dead. Lift that yeah. I think it would be a dead lift but crouching pussy about about about the world's strongest ask that i don't know Dignity day like pump before water. Like you're doing a colonoscopy and then you gotta hold it or so what are what are people that like. Don't have pussies gotta do to try to defeat this world record. They can't what do you mean they. Can't you gotta be all inclusive. Come on no. It's a very specific thing they said is it. I mean is it. I mean you know you have a you have a boy policy for sure. I mean that is a pussy is a boy policy is a totally different category. I don't know. I mean are are. Are you just worried that you're going to dominate the sport. I really could care less. I don't give a shit. You don't know i really don't you can lift all the fucking wait you out with your back bussey from pussy girl pussy boy pussy apple pie pussy where i don't care i really don't you think it was impressive. Seeing some some check like dead lift a hundred and eighty five pounds ainley. No i never said. I wouldn't was impressive. I'm just saying sigmund daughter. It would definitely be a cigarette. His daughter you know somebody's daughter. J would be an icelandic daughter for sure. Powerful women in the world by all fucking a records could be kept and they get to go to the thunderdome. We've talked about it before if you've ever seen any cross fit competition the you know the iceland women really dominated out. A lot of them are really good looking into. I mean if you're going to be like a monster hulk of it woman they're pretty good for monster hulking women they can. What my ass up and down left and right easily easily easily. I put up a fight. Fuck that. I'm not going down without it. Didn't they'd laugh. i'm not. I don't care i don't care we'll see if you laugh. Fuck let let i'm not. I'm not fucking go down. You know getting beat by an icelandic housewife not housewife. She ripped my third testicle off with their pussy. I'm gonna do one more little factoid and then we're going to get out of here for the eight. Yeah all right well. The most quips ever recorded since squeezed senior pretty popular. The days do are like what the fuck are you talking about. Okay from what. I listened to from what i watched. It just seems like people have been talking about creeps. Lately it was a few months ago a streamer a female streamer quipped on the stream on twitch and to its suspender but they don't suspend guys for farting right dream and creed is a pasi fire. Yes thought as well anyway. There there was a recorded. There's a recorded record. Of um ninety three cleaves in thirty seconds. Oh that is pussy control to second air and push it out that quickly now.

01:10:13 - 01:12:11

Is this with the aid. Or without the aid of chapstick. Because i could imagine you get a you can get a hell of a chap lip you know. We've got a lot of air movement through there especially if you're doing like one hundred and three and thirty seconds or whatever you were saying well she she has. She has her her spotter sitting there as she's doing it and they've got a little spray. A of a lubricate so she says her spray so she doesn't have to stop. She's got some books as keeps going so it's doesn't stack okay. I lost track of visual at some point. I started taking of plumpness. It's been it's been a weird show as it. i don't know okay anyway. I i don't ever know it until i look at it later. It tomorrow yeah. It's like a easter egg. Present thing that you find underneath a tree. I'm eating late hatton are you yes okay. Yeah no i am. But i'm like like feeling nauseous. So good you could work now nine for a cat vote. It's their turn now. John you enough so awful all right anyway. I hope everybody has a good rest of their day week. Whatever it is that you doing. How did beaver mansi. Don't forget about the tampa bay screams summer swap shop. Yeah at their am. I say i'm one of the guests. So correct me out and later kissing after go now berith me food tacos and those each chunga.