#352 – Scent Fetish
You are currently viewing #352 – Scent Fetish


This week!

4/03/2021 Cranky and hungry... Dealing with everyday stress... A Serbian Film first watch update with new tits... New swim trunks for SC... Everybody loves a cream pie... Nudist doc on Netflix... Woodworking in the nude... Hunting in the Everglades... Things you should never do... Dirty Japanese anime scents... Funky armpit scent, inside of a Japanese school girl's covid mask scent, poopy butthole scent, steamed tights scent, very stinky feet scent, inside of a Japanese school girl's cast, and some others that don't sound that bad. All made from synthetic substances... Porn Pick of the Week - Nothing works... Hawaii chair? Exactly why would anyone want this?... Episode of "Rule 34"... Don't put a frozen potato in your butt... Woody Woodpecker?... Things that turn women on, at least some of them... Tits Man - Tiddy bear... Have you ever been to a foam party?... Kidnaped by a scientist and experimented on fantasy... ETSY for kinky people and the custom sex toys available... Love bug season... Kangaroo deep fake... The old peperoni dick on a pizza trick... Trying the thumper during sex... Sandpaper bunny butt plug... The peepherp or the herppeep.

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Kinky Katie's World #352 Scent Fetish

00:00:00 - 00:05:01

One is the insight inside of a teenage girl. Schoolgirls mask okay. Oh yeah i've been eating. Kimchi all day. I came burping in coffee here. Oh god and i'm a deep smoker. But in a south korean accent the weekend has landed. all the exists. Now is clubs strokes pope's pies of got four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steam my like a screaming cattle. I'm going to cut chit to strangers all night. I'm going to lose on that dance floor. The free radicals inside me a freaking. Tonight i'm chitra vauxhall on three popper i'm going to never neverland with my chosen family than meal on strong date tonight could be a personal life the seventy week quitting my but what's and now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl. With twice the crassness. And all the vulgarity. Now with only half of the calories here is your host the one the only jenky katie low. Hello look to the show. This is katie's world number three fifty two. I your host. Can kiki and with me as always is more. High vanni favorite plush cover only fister. Hey high happy easter eve. Sure what's all okay. No bunny bunny okay. I have bunny ears on earlier. But i don't know little cat ones. I like better okay. It goes with the outfit a little bit better. You know what i mean it does. I don't know yeah probably more comfortable lower the had more dynamic he could stick your head out the window while we're driving now that's true we do the show us we are coming to. You live from rule thirty four studios kinky katie radio dot com radio. Chaos dot net. Oh gosh sure we have a fun show for you tonight. I we've got a fucked on stuff talk about um with ranson rambling and you know we know you like it other stuff as for myself. I'm crazy. I'm hungry and i'm having a hard time concentrating applause. It's my pissy week and i'm terrible at stress management. Yeah yeah well. You're just you get an encyclopedia and all you know. Hey it's okay. I said it's my busy week. I'm just like fuck and then there's just so much going on then. I i like i almost busted into tears in store the other day. I just think i'm having that day just like oh it really. Wasn't that bad of a day. I mean it bad day but not you know it really. Yeah yeah yeah. You're okay. i now find. Things will be all right so yeah. Whatever minor challenges that people have to go through daily. Yeah okay i know sliding conveniences frustration. Show getting we straighted over over steph but the thing is though is i make my own problems to do you think i make them worse you know because they stress out over shit that i should have stress out about things that yeah you don't make a problem out of something that's not really a problem right. Yeah but i do okay ally until you know. Why are you worrying about something that hasn't happened. I know i keep trying to tell myself back. Because i'm trying to say okay. What would i see. Do okay. And then i can do cows. Well because are you doing what you can to avoid situation. Yes you are. Okay well you do what you can and whatever you gotta do what you gotta do. So i don't know. I just i just keep thinking of. I don't know it's like going could happen. It's like going down on a date. You know that you don't really want to go down on is sometimes you put yourself in that space. You know what i mean. You put yourself right where you need to be. You know you go to your power cave there. My power k. Or whatever it was in fight club. I forget. Oh yeah there's something you're happy place. Whatever that is you know. Put your big girl pay. He's on and get the job done. Yeah yeah yeah e. j. all right so i have. We have an update of New tits and and her man watching sirmium foam for the first time. Okay just well. I just wanted to just real quick guys out because were telling you that you know. It's a foul movie for sure right.

00:05:02 - 00:10:03

Well ted said that that it wasn't as bad as she thought. Except you know the The the the last the part with the boy was. I was a problem for her. Okay i completely agreed. I'm like yeah as fruit fucked okay. So there was one part in it that that was that she didn't she wasn't real cold with no. Yeah well i mean that movie is is like the effects are such a low quality that you know if it had had higher like human centipede style. effects to it. You'd be in trouble. you know what i mean. Yeah reads baby. Didn't look like a real baby. You know he just didn't anyway while the boyfriend loved it. Yeah great well you know somebody made it so. Obviously they liked it. People keep making copies of it. Somebody watches it. Yeah there's a if you ever go swimming i have. There's a pair of of swim trunks as saw that. I kind of think they're cute. Recall it swimtrunks. Now what do you want me to go. get your swim trunks on. Go down to the to the seaman owned shorts. I or get your song. So sorry they don't have swimming overall phone anyway shelves little. It's got a genie lamp on the crotch and says keep rubbing and you wish will come true. That is if you wish for a load of judges to be shot at you at a balmy ninety eight point. Six degrees Early grant one wish asia's. I'll put it wherever you are really. Oh my friends hiccup to take a picture out of freezer case in the grocery store. It's is everybody loves cream pie. Loa yeah was that like the handwritten sale notice. Yeah that's that's when the stockman goes crazy like fuck this job. I'm sick of this shit or no one's going to notice or there's going to be like They approved it. Yeah but who approves what somebody somebody sits down and goes okay. I have the magic marker today cream pass right. Listen put it on there. Well there's nothing wrong with it get your daily gutter. We have cream pies for sale. Obviously obviously lowlife. Fuck what your problem really. I can't believe you're thinking that jesus internet is ruined. I'm just saying god control yourself. I can't girl remember crazy this. They can't help it because it's my mind. Yeah i mean if you don't have a jake what jake is in your presence. Obviously you can't control yourself. Obviously a dick. I know jesus craig. I still don't understand that way of thought but you know okay. You know that's right. Don't let anybody see a cock a warp your women so i was watching a bunch of stuff on net netflix today. Okay and There's a place in kissimmee florida and that's net flicks for those of you. Who don't speak cantonese. Yeah but whatever okay so. You're watching netflix netflix. And this is show. It's about different kinds of clothing and stuff. I just watched episode one and in it they had a place called cypress cove and kosei mean. Okay or kissimmee florida okay. I remember people the fact that doesn't matter we're details go on. This is a nudist community. Okay yes i remember. You're watching something. Yeah yes now. I just i just think that the the one couple that they focused on was absolutely bonkers because their profession was woodworking. And they do woodworking in the nude. Well if you feel comfortable leading the woodchips fly than you do you. i mean he's in table saws in fuck. You know i'm with you snag. A nut sack. Let something while. You're talking to somebody on a daily basis whereas a set of clothes and then puts overall over his clothes. Yeah you know because you you know separating yourself from whatever's going that's a good idea just you know i i'm i'm not fucking doing a whole like i'm building a set of roars and shed completely buck naked. Assure you don't want to log cabin. He to log cabin. Come out. we'll go out the everglades top-down down ciphers. Yeah we'll do it. Do with thatched roof. You whip me with some sawgrass. it'll get infected.

00:10:03 - 00:15:00

You'll die out there. I'll die out there. You would have. I would get what i would Fuck it infected. Instantaneous and instantaneous. Wouldn't take care of me little known fact you just leave me out there everglades sawgrass he kill you almost instantaneously. You've had to drag many deer out of there. You could definitely jag my god. It's so painful. This is a well painful. Just is just. Don't address me i. It's one of those times you go out to look to go hunt and i haven't done that in such a long time but the the whole idea was you. Would you would track miles and miles for hours and hours. Get somewhere and when you don't want the person that you're with the shoots up say you hear bang and you're like off fuck. Please don't tell me you shot something now. Like my god. The sun's going down route in the middle of the fucking everglades. And now we have this big animal to try to drag out with. Oh i god no no no no sound dying. Never never again. So that sucks. yeah anyway. You're on your own because you wanted to get whip was fucking sawgrass aright. You're on your own shit you out there. I'll find someone who take me out. The next that passes by good luck with that. Well maybe some swamp buggy okay. Then i never white to wear the swamp buggies really did now. I was you. We would always go somewhere where you had your no vehicles allowed so anybody who went out there had to go out there just like you had to walk the fuck out and it wasn't a place you could like really camp nature. There wasn't like a good areas to like. Let's hang out here overnight. No it all sucked fucking gay run over by pigs. Sure something could we're yeah. No i'm serious alligators all kinds of shit mountain line. I've never seen any of that. She alligators that's a they say there's bears over there who never see in one bears spares. Yeah bears out there. But they say i know a lot of people who've seen them but i i've just it's never happened here so getting of but that's okay poker anyway. I just thought it was kind of funny. How the guy only wore crocs some like it's just cox right. Oh yeah yeah. The guy who's doing woodworking. He and his wife they will do it you know. Hey they like to feel the splinter. yeah well they. I think it's kinda funny not funny. Yes no abuses me okay. I think it's funny. They have a like a bar. Restaurant called cheeks there is clothing optional. Actually naked playing pool and they're all people and some people are completely naked. Some people walk around with just assured on. Yeah so it doesn't matter and if you ever go to any any Like village whatever. Area there's newt nudist colony. It's it's there are always people walking around naked like at all times if the sun's out sons buns out yeah no in like literally you can tell just struck by dick around this fucking bitch. Yeah i wanna take. I stroll letting idaho that just reminds me of that fugger and one that wanted that one step at that thing. The other stuff fucking floated out there like a gigantic guavas. Sunan itself on a rock. Sure anyway. share ridiculous Let's go to the past the photograph. take memory. Remember that when you don't really have to have a photographic memory to remember that fucking thing. I know it was quite large impressive. I i mean yeah. And then she screaming at the top of her lugs going. Yeah it was great. We didn't have any loops that we use my hair shiner as anal lube. Oh my god that thing went up your but you used hair shiner for lube. I mean it does matter what happens to it. Would it would it. Would it gets hard for sure it. Well i don who knows. I don't know. I don't care if it gets even bigger. When it's hard to have a real problem i mean getting into my push would be one thing but china fuck a wedge that sucker my butthole is laura you you fit it. You could do it. Jesus kyw's jet me up. Give me a popper. I have analyzed right.

00:15:00 - 00:20:01

Yeah we're gonna do this. We're going to do this dammit. Worst thing for your brain cells ever invented. Oh my god. I i remember. I remember doing that when i worked for one adult store. Dan dan in fort lauderdale diesel. Poppers Would you not supposed to impoverished. Because that's illegal you're not sell. Those are caller our head cleaner that you can sell that. Who like iran horse and rush and anyway. But then this one aerosol one. I feel like such a scumbag about doing you and i we would sit there and we'll be all fucked up and we would have it like we would spray. A wash cloth is the fucking like chloroform yourself Yeah why we were hanging ya. Yeah no it's not a good idea. No no you could almost hear your brain cells explode like you here and then we were smoking that space so he lives in orlando and then do imbaba's a match getting so little bottler rush and you're already fucking kook daddy your head now. You're just say horrible ideas alvie above. I cannot believe still alive or we are of course what we're good you know. Don't we don't do anything crazy. I know put mushroom or tacit subject. But other than that you know now okay. Better see look better. Do you love me so weird okay. So also my journey On on netflix is. I watched this one video and it was. They chide over fifty of those fetish anime sense. Okay you be like like schoolgirls dirty panties stuff okay. Well they did. It was it. Was this one american. Check who lives over over there and the one asian porn star that we see you're on a bunch of 'em skirt huge tits. Okay oh yeah. Yeah yes exactly who you're talking about. Yes yes yes. I wrote kinda wrote her name down somewhere but Yeah anyway the try to dry out that one. No and the videos from youtube so i can't get in trouble which talking about that in a second but anyway. Yeah it's it's the it's the asian porn star with the jets and the american cheeky. Whatever and that. It's the creator of all these cents. Okay yes and endeared is like full on in like glasses. Uh mask on. Yeah he's you know. Oh we'll send fetishes are very popular. It's like that his favorite one armpit and she's like. Oh your freaky was just like oh yes. Who funky armpit guy. Well i listened soder. Oh yeah no he wants to like funky funky like he likes him stike. Wow yeah well. Some of the some of the sense. That i i. Actually you kind of stood out to me. That i haven't i haven't seen the other one's try and they said that this this is the kind of fetish that is all about the male fantasy about them having fantasy okay. Yeah it's male dominated yet. Okay yes well like a lot of freaky things anyway Because like a lot of things. One is the i inside of a teenage girl schoolgirls mask. Okay oh yeah. I been eating. Kimchi all day and i came burping coffee here. Oh god and i'm a deep smoker but in a south korean accent. Yeah which i can't do. Yeah so yeah because they like to south korean dirty mask so when you when you put this video on youtube you can put the you can translate it and put it in bubble letters like over here. You know in korean. I could see making me work. don't you love it. yeah. I mean. I just liked the sound of more stuff to do.

00:20:01 - 00:25:00

Okay there's poopie butthole. Oh god man. I you know i mean are these synthetic smells like obviously he's creating them from yes he has. He has lab technicians. Adam to okay. Well i mean it's it's a lot better to think that it's not actually sewage. You know. I mean if it's me. I'm happy that it's i mean. I'm sure the people who are getting it. What it to be real sewage do real sock water but but from a sanitation perspective. You know what i'm saying. You gotta be happy that that that like you know was created by man will it would have been created by anyway. But you know what. I mean well to go along with your with your shitty ours. They urine schoolgirls urine. Okay hon. deemed tights dot. Regular steve's deemed. Okay after making caribbean sweat rice shirt. Okay oh my god very stinky feet like really stinky okay. Now there's another one it's called. Well it's it's. It's supposed to smell like a schoolgirl right after she dentals after she masturbate bates will see. That doesn't sound too bad. So it's like a mixture of coochie and sweat give but that sounds a lot better than than you know sock water. You know or shithole jet. Jeopardy's schooler armpit Basque peligro yeah. Do we have anything in japanese showed. What and then the last one that i thought that was kind of hung is the inside of a cast. Oh no oh. God no no god ooh that's bringing back like yeah or you know how many things that i like little rogaine. Oh god i have had such cast bunk. Anybody who's ever had a cast for any length of time knows exactly what i'm talking about. Well this is the inside of the schoolgirls. There is nothing you can do about it. There's not a and a lot of boats i like. I was in my twenties and teens and younger. And you know. I wasn't exactly y- i was rolling around at all kinds of funky shit all the time Did not care that thing. Like at one point had to cut one of them off just because i was tired of luggage smelling it but i was tired of it being on me. Yeah so yeah that's liberating. That's one of the sense though i haven't to i like the scent of my of my post soi. Yeah no. that's what i'm saying. It i i can at least like wrap my head around like that and and teaches own sniff. What you ought sniff butt javanese showed not going for it. I you know i'm a i'm a i'm a classic All factory kind of version. Like i liked the normal things that most people like smelling slime not so much vagina. Not so much and i wanted to. How they're breaking style chemically talk about that too. I mean it's not like like gwyneth paltrow's it puts because that doesn't really it's just a good set so most of them. They said they actually weren't that bad because they tried out a fuck town of Like a lot of different ones. Okay so some of them were that bad deal like this kind of berries do they have. Do they have like any kind of a power scaling autumn. Anything like that like one of those one of those power scaling charge. You see an anime little web. Maybe an my but could help me understand. What what. I'm getting out of a schoolgirl. Bong water grow bong water petty a lot of a lot of them. Say that The that they sprayed on sex dolls and they also spray on articles of clothing. She's saying imagine. A dude dislikes poland up to front of the school and like without a pair of socks. fucking hovered him as he's walking to grow like watching the girls. Okay you're coming up. You're coming at that like you've done. That debt sounding eerily likes like. Yeah like maybe you're just across the street and the house across the you know put a jockstrap watch. Everybody just khloe notes.

00:25:00 - 00:30:04

So i was just like kathy willets. I used to go watch the football practices child so familiar. She was she. Are you bringing up like a twenty year. Old story probably no. It's like forty thirty five okay. Deep deep cut. I know and i know the name so i know i know the story but go ahead. Yeah she's a choose. Madame choo's a hooker. Oh yes you go to the high school Football practices and it was my high school. That i went to she. She's to go watch. The boys know boy hand. She got into lad travel while you choose from like the town right next to where i grew up. So yeah yes as she would get the authentic Schoolgirl bong water. A sir sir What do you have an a north. Korean foreskin really need north korean foreskin. Please on it's. It's better that way. It's has a mounteney texture. You know you know. Let's let's let's keep on. That firm ended on that little the little wave and let's go to my favorite segment there. By standing by might not be the porn. You would paint. It is important katie. It's time once again for dick since my week has been how it's been so far My pick of the week is. I don't have one because i'm not horny. Lease horn is the furthest thing from my mind right now. The voice your meter has gone dries. That what you're saying what's new in that well. You know what you didn't feel that way yesterday. There were times yesterday where you completely. We're trying to beg so don't you don't you lie to me. You're just touching. You'd have to be worked into it. It would have to be a project it would. I would have to do psychological stuff. I would have to warm you into it. I mean it would be a lot of work to get to warn us. Yeah it really. Was it really it really at the end of the dire. You're not really wanting to anyway. Really why would i. Why would i fight that battle. Yeah you go poor or dick of the week. Fuck you buddy a fucking stupid buddy buddy m funny fucking. Hate that cute thing. Qc goddamn taurel so youtube they had given me a strike but now they took it back so thank you to well you know as usual which is why we didn't do videos for time is because you know they're really good about not liking anything we do you really just like suspending endlessly by katie. It's it's a random cycle that happens or has happened forever. They don't like like you know talking about titties and takes because you know very very dangerous talking about people having orgasms and loving their partners. I don't get it but they were trying to do something about something. I don't know something about a link the link to the episode. I hoped to your website. Yeah they said that there is nudity on On the the no there wasn't there was a need. there wasn't even any nudity on the thumbnail anyway to they actually. An actual appeal worked. What do you. Oh i think your job. You were suspended for like a couple days earlier. So there's this thing that that i saw. Which i think is the most ridiculous invention for what it was intended for. But i think it'd be fun as how probably as a sexual device okay is called the hawaii chair the chair. I think i vaguely heard you watching his today. Yes and look to your like what the fuck is that. It's the one that's my god. The thing that looks like you're gonna break your like c one vertebrae like it. It's like a wobbly lazy susan. It didn't sit on. Yeah it's like an office chair that the as part it gyrates like it goes in circles and they can hold up to three hundred pounds and still move your ass. Grandparents still alive after kobe. Give him this chair. They'll be dead soon cheeses crazy. There's easter it's your favorite. It was a violent fucking maneuver to it. Wasn't like a slow. that thing fucking now around iraq. She pretty pretty hard was idea of that that it was working about.

00:30:04 - 00:35:41

Is that what they were saying. Yes okay okay like if you could sit you can get fish her. Because yeah i mean if you're holding your hip together while that thing slave and you around you know you gotta tense up a little there. Who and i'm saying. Though is i imagine putting like a dildo on that sucker and they put on You know you just get it going working you would you would self appease yadav is yourself you would completely split yourself for bad read. You would fall off. No it's got the arm. Sides are sure okay uh-huh and and i'll put the back against a wall. We don't i don't know i mean you know who you're dealing with here you. You're going to do something that you'll be you'll be like no you know i could on. It's weird if i put my leg up on it you know. And then i kinda squat down on it and let it swirl around so good that way i can balanced down like a doing a whealy l. a. Oh what happened wake you can. We may easter eggs. You always wanted to fuck this shit hole. You know you to corsica. That's what you ask for every year for christmas. Oh i know. I just want a warm fucking shit hole. Just been doing this for years. I don't re- your you have been like unnaturally like interested in cla weak- like it just happened. It just happened to be. I don't know it just have to keep coming up like numbers that appear over and over again in front of you right. Just weird thing Yeah sure coincidence. Whenever anything we're going to go to have set a rule thirty four when we come back we've got a brand new tits man plus some other shite talk about and some you might wanna know about coffee enjoy yum. It's time bullet basically and refreshing snack. Yeah it's really gross is coming up. A pepsi is doing a no. Yeah it is. They don't for a limited time. They're making a gift set of peop- flavored pepsi marshmallow peep flavored. Pets is not just sugar. yeah. I didn't know there was really eighty flavoring. Their pepsi plus peeps okay so pepsi. We'd like vanilla marshmallow flavor. I mean we you know. I haven't even attempted peop- take long. I mean it's got sugar in it. So i'm sure i won't like hate it but i never liked went for those things ever. I thought they were nasty. And i can tell you exactly what they taste lay. Because they're the same exact ones you get on the shell that you could have gone on the show ten years ago. i mean. that's why they keep calling impeach kind of eminem hasn't changed since it came out either. Same the same damn package like not the same damn thing yeah expire. They don't die. They he put them in the microwave. They actually did they they explode. They expand to more like a marshmallow. Right people people have people were like they'll take they'll take to and put little toothpicks. The y'all sing wait. Are you like pushing a peep torture on me. are you. S like while killing while guy kills a fucker seems a little rough seems very sensitive. That could be listening. Fuck apes for people lovers fuck them. Okay i get you okay. People get very emotional. Do one way or the other. And i'm i'm telling you though. I would go to the pete museum though. I would like to see all the different weird shit that they make. I mean don't eat them is it. Is it bad that. I'm complete peop- ambivalent like i have no feelings i don't give a fuck exists don't exist don't care i mean really i just i go. I don't care if they exist either. Hate on them. Like i if if i was in a store room and i had to eat and that was what i eat. I eat me if compete and i wouldn't you know that's already been quibble. Have come on naked and afraid right very happy that i have a damn bit of just saying i don i want to know how the fuck you found of peace in the middle of god knows where we could do fucking forrest. Gump peop- gumbo peak barbecue. Shang shimmy guy casserole made. That's the due to came with me. Tasty tape know on with the show yup and welcome back.

00:35:41 - 00:40:09

Pdk's world rule three four studios gatorade dot com radio dot nag. You can get me on the twitter later at kinky katie radio radio dot com katie radio at mail dot com facebook fat life. Gummi all also you can see on The tubes of you youtube sure so watch your video for crying out loud watch it and also if you go. There's the sec has posted the cartoons. Severally sure and some clips. Okay so yeah but if you're watching the whole episode you watching it right you'll get it all in one. Sure maybe a say you like it so he likes things. Don't spend a lot of time on not nice things really. Don't don't don't think too hard about it. Just click it. Just call me. i'll also buy it. That's all i wanna hear. Please hey you know. I just realized what's the date. Today is four. Three two one So you can count backwards. I can you add to your repertoire. I have forward katie tricks. Sometimes that's do you have the added that to your katie bag of tricks counting backwards from four three two one now. What i want to know is what exactly the story was. And i've been trying to find it. I gotta find out who what happened. Says doctors are warning people not to put first potatoes in their anus. Weird how this comes up all the time does it will no potatoes stuck in your by yet orange coochie coochie for birth control. Which is like what am i. Favor old ways averse control. That is so weird. Because if there's a potato in there you gotta stick attack the dick fit. When the potato won't quit he hit with his own nuts okay. I don't know what that would do. Well that wouldn't make the dick did see. The dick would only gap to go in like that far. And okay you could stick like a fucking like little red potato like a little red bliss. There'd be room for dick. I don't like potatoes. We are not gonna eat it online totally. I like all potatoes. Who are you talking to the irish potato mash. we're going to see them in concert nockles. Well yeah hopefully. Well you never know. Seven i said are you guys. Are banning ship a woody. Woodpecker is three names for a dick. I'm just saying how sensitive. I was pretty good but not really. That was pretty that was donated. And for those of you who woody woodpecker. Is you know. Beggar could classic cartoon hanna-barbera question mark. I'm not looking it up. 'cause i don't care yeah no i read. You know. really have to her. Whenever there is this chick she said that this is like this is the wildest things that D detailed sexual fantasies are better than fifty shades of grey. Okay okay let's not saying a lot but okay it's not and and trust me. I've read through them but one of them. she said. My fantasies being submissive specifically being submissive by using but plug and very loud dominant woman. And i like to switch it up in the bedroom. She's eighteen at the fuck up little girl okay. Loud i'm dominant woman. She spoiling it. I want to be submissive with a coupla well ended. Look here pula you just settle down. Settle down i. If you're over the line you're allowed to feel how you want to feel just saying you feel like being a powerful lion cub. Then you know like coming up but you know from some people's perspectives are not probably gotta buy that but there are a lot of dudes that would be totally into it.

00:40:09 - 00:45:03

Do you have into that. I do want to be dominated by eighteen year old. Oh my god katie. That sowed so unappealing like a levels. Like i dunno. I look and i'm feeling spiritual but it just seems like you know i at least get into your your mid twenties somewhere before i can even really think about it really honestly thirty for me for me. I like a good thirty year old woman. That's that's about as young as i would ever go. You know what. I mean so there. You go sorry ladies what i want him. You know nice warrant in like a nice like you know we get a baseball glove. That pre broke in is what i'm saying. I don't want any sharp edges. I don't want to get blisters. Repair genes exactly huge. Feels good you most comfortable t shirt. I try forever. It's got some holes input. You'd love it. That dig knows how to hang and me. It knows exactly how to hang on me. It's been hanging on things for years. Yeah yeah that's the sweet spot. I'm totally kids. There's a sweet spot. I think so. Let's go to your favorite segments there by standing by boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for shit man this week sits man is another thing that i saw is called the teddy bear the teddy bear the teddy bear now with the teddy bear is it's supposed to go on your and your seatbelt and you can move your shoulder or it's meant to go between your to kind of cushion the Seatbelt from cutting into her saving. Boobs is what you're saying. This is like a psi. It is do. We get credit from the broadcast association for doing a. Psa right here at this spot possibly does youtube. Maybe maybe look at us more favorably and decide not to suspend us next time maybe okay. Psa time so even see them titties from some fucking seatbelt. Burned for crying out loud. Save the titties free the nipple that too. I don't know if i can say that. What why can't you say freezing apple. I don't know what do you do it yourself. Setzer maybe back to this doing anyway. A teddy bear that is facing you. And you hook it onto your. Yeah so it's so it's in your clever. Well that's what he says when you squeeze his but so god i hate my job. A little pair. Such a tiny little bear in the mountain god kissing for the week is teddy. Bear teddy berry crew for kids. Don't say well why not. I mean it's not a not. Wholesome thing is all it is is a padding to you know. Keep the movies from shaven. I mean let's say you just got yourself brand new pair bolt ons you know i mean the edges are a little sharp dare you you you you gotta protect them. Bad boys yeah. That's that's absolutely true. You don't want to build up scar tissue on your silky mulcahy's at all now would not be gut hated pretty penny for those so just saying you don't wanna feel you don't wanna feel scar. Seems because of your stupid c. l. That's right stupid lifesaving. Berg don't they. Don't cars fill up with foam when we rag now is. Aren't we doing that. Like from whatever movie. That was years ago. I have no idea well. There was a movie. Says they really was good. I'm glad to know the people got no car wrecked car filled with foam so like giant. Like yeah exactly. That's kind of but like like they could open the door. Were they got in and got right out. You know what i mean but there was just phone following out of the car o i. It was smartphone. Their antibiotics a phone party. The car do you. Were you ever been to a phone party. No i never went to one eight. I i don't know. I was so fucked up when and i. I have vague memories of foam from the sky and like not being able to everybody's just jumping up dowd. There's foam flying. You have no idea what's going on in there that is like like every is everybody to get fingered in.

00:45:03 - 00:50:05

That's what i'm saying. It was almost like somebody busted out like a narrow toge like foam gay ause it was weird thing and then afterwards all faro's exactly i wasn't a fad like i thought i would i really like it and now no i didn't like it. I was like okay. I'll get out of the phone. Fuck this shit. What am i doing i was never. I was never invited to go. Would you be. I just happened to be at a place that was doing. Well i know. But i just didn't i didn't go out and like hang out. Okay now you did. You just wouldn't go to club clubs a lot of times now. Yeah the and that was. That was way back in the day for me. Okay so like when they had them yet. I don't remember the last time i've ever heard of somebody having to in a phone party that i'm sure saying ninety thing was it. Was it a ninety. I don't seems pretty rapi now. Really why it's clearly but then the people people used to get all upset. My daughter got raped in the full. Like how do you get raped in the in. The naruto foam jitsu laughs. Like how does that happen. I don't know you gotta check the next chapter. I mean i. I could totally see somebody getting like felt up grabs. Whatever groped in the salted. but you know assaulted insure actually pulled down and bank. I it could happen. And i don't know sure wouldn't usually happen at the younger kids clubs. Yeah i don't know this was a club club on the beach somewhere. I was like help each. I dunno whenever there's another there was another chick. She was saying that her her sexual fantasy is she wanted to be An experimental subject right and kidnapped by mad scientist. A okay cohen on. Okay so you want Some mad scientist do sexual experience experiments on you. It's almost of like like the medical fetish along with a you know that's not too far away. I think you watch. Smells like a cast. I but you've you've been close to stuff like that. They enjoyed what do you mean well being abducted and then Raped over and over again. You've watched you've watched stuff. That was like that. I'm telling you to look at me. Laugh at watch stuff like that. Yes but i. I liked sometimes you you go into and it may not be girl necessarily. Sometimes it's a dude and gangs enforce this and force that yes okay. So you wanna rephrase your. Yeah you right now. Yeah right now for sure. You're not into a. I know where different part of the fucking wheel. Here's right we're on the other side like the power scaling thing. Yes there were over there now. This is what you're getting now could only use you know eighty percent of your of your because it's next to you on the non wheel while your your denver a yellow. That didn't get the memo. You're supposed to know that. Knows the hotter one hundred power scaling system yet. I doubt what i know. I shouldn't but he we were kind of experiments. Do you think there have or you'd be into. How much pressure can mike. Let's take You know like what are you do. Is it like johnson and johnson sort of thing or is it a mad scientist so she like crumby or is he like crazy. I mean. I'm thinking like humid camera frankenstein. Things like cutting parts of her body off. Yeah stitching on other things really got into making it come alive circa tidiane like maybe maybe some alien tentacle stuff. We were experimenting here. So the first thing you take with your experiment aliens for sure Yeah all right. And i don't mean aliens from like Not from your country talking about like space aliens e extra terrestrial am to that sort of thing. You're here aliens somewhere lizard. People will have their underneath the flat earth hundred eight the big desk dome snow globe. Is that what we decided that that they they think it as a snow globe. Okay no globe math. Who has snug love for for to win taking bets.

00:50:05 - 00:55:03

Now if you have that on your drink cards tonight you dow bingo muzzle. So there's is. There's this website it's called vixen creates. Now this is not. it's well this is kind of stuff but it's it's dirty stuff people kinda. Yeah okay. I mean she does. She does prince like filthy filthy prince. Which you can you could see her the Call it but she also makes custom dildos really. She does what she make them out of. Ci makes them out of pewter no fall pewter. She likes him. She always made them little character. She made chefs at stuff. Like that. nash makes -puter dildos. What she does she have. Chil- can craft you a nice pewter dildo katie. Ever since game of thrones came out her. she's she's been quite popular. Eater puppy we can't get that saugus doug out of my head anytime i hear. The game of thrones the theme song. the intro song was a remake. They did on thought. Park was a southwire the weiner floppy winter i if you hadn't seen it like ten years ago had caught it by now resolved naughty rag. Whatever you do don't watch it now. Catch you will not give a fuck you. You don't care you don't care already. This is twenty. Seconds of game of thrones conversation. You didn't even wanna listen to did you ask why do we she. The custom dildo stuff that she has. Some of them are interesting. Here's one it's called self love. it's global self love. Well i know but this one. It's got a whole bunch of shit in it like it's got rose courts and rose pedals and it's got a note of read to yourself for like love okay. Well it's kinda hard to get the light. Reight inside my butthole. Well now you to read that. Read it before shelvin in what what what. That's doesn't sound like that's not entertainment at all. She's got some that glow in the dark. Okay well that entertainment. I wanna have. We ever had one of those. I wanna say we did. We did disappear. Yeah yeah would look. The cats used to love to play with his. You re run and it'd be on a cord so stupid i now. I don't care why we could do about at this point. I we really but really she did. She did a pacman one. Scott the ghost up the line and then pacmans on the head of the cock. Does she do commissions. She does okay. She doesn't she's got prices for them on their to one of the ones that i was really kinda gross. She said ethically sourced. I'm like oh this is starting fun. Cockroaches dates like a see through dildo. And it has real cockroaches suspended in it middle. Oh my god. Yeah yeah. I won't that roach kat. Katie she can get it for forty to fifty bucks. That's a palmetto bug to. That's not even like one of your little german roaches. Now this is a row. That's what i'm saying. It's like the dinosaur that eight your roach or eight the whole colony of your roach. I think it's funny too because everyone's like everyone's like okay. Just a roach until they start to fly. Yeah i'm a little bit since you are. They have other places to i. Don't know where but but if you've never seen one in real life the florida cockroach you'll understand why we have such an issue here in florida after are cockroaches water bug size. They really are. I mean you've got to imagine being a small child or being attacked by a fucking swarm of palmetto. Bugs isn't like whatever happened. There used to be like. And especially when i was a kid. There would be love bug season. And i hardly ever see luxuries anymore. I sound young. There are last year but yeah but it's so spotty like it used to be something main legal for sure. Well maybe they spirit something because everyone an inside okay. I don't think they did that with the love bugs. They'll be like you would see a cloud come in and and it will be like yeah locust plague of kind of situation if you knew you had to go on a road trip you would spray your bumper with like pam.

00:55:03 - 01:00:08

Yeah i mean literally. It was bugs. Lugs are flying in mating. So it's to bug stuck together to a s. I always used to be such a such a bad kid. I'd always grab them and pull them apart really course and that would kill him. We'll you rips are takes off. The dick gets stuck a. You've probably torn tore her fucking love bug clinica right off. Whatever yeah fornicated. Forty gators insert to my car. Don't you dare do that. My dirty little bug stood in front of by dali's you ain't got the more my dali dolls dolly's we're why it's not funny. I have to explain things to you all right so jackie. Bub a duck walks into into a bar says gani bread says no who's got bread says. No scotty bread says now. He's got any bread who's known if you ask me again. I'm gonna nail your fucking beak to the floor nails 'cause no he's got. Any bread does only work. When i what i properly prepped for a broadcast i know well. I don't know i thought it was funny. There is a picture. There is a picture out of australia. And it's a kangaroo banging pig while a duck watches on and then there's some like super tall person on a hill like in the background and this is all in one picture. I us julia. What is going on over there. That probably really didn't happen. Katie mabry to you. Probably what. You'll see the picture. When i when i send it to you propose read. I'm sure it's not like a you know there's a giant smear campaign against the australian kangaroo and you're just passing along like russian information on the on. The australian kangaroo is era. Oh that's right. They don't want people to like the australian kangaroo. I don't know why you always hear people in australia. Bitching about kangaroos puck. Does things sticks has real painted fucking dick ball telling you well. They're saying that they that they haven't gotten him to eat more of them. Yeah he working her old. Well you know it's it's the other way red meat red meat is ran and people say it's tough though like it's it's a real tough well. I've never even kangaroo like marie like that. either. I don't think he emu either i don't know i don't know either. I mean up whatever. It's just real creepy. When i saw in one of these cooking shows that i watch they They smoked a whole Ostrich really know really zebu ostrich one stock there. Doug now doug was not there. That's your regional advertising Message here from the florida area of tampa bay try. Yeah in case. You don't know what that is. There's an advertisement you probably jets and national company and gets katie's famer commercial. Advertising campaigns usually watch you actually watch those commercials. When there's a new one i do. Yeah i don't even know what lee is. But i know what leib it's washington. Wait a minute united allergy. You know. See what i'm saying gap. We don't know we have no idea. I think it's insurance or something. Like geez advertisers. Sit down and say how do we get retards to understand what we're saying. We we could get a remember this but how do we make them. Make the connection between that and whatever it is that we're trying to get them to do that liberty liberty. It takes three legs to get to the center of what i don't know i could ever by way 'cause i don't ever remember what the fuck it is since he pod. You know i'm gonna leave you on this. There was a what pizza. Can't why are you leaving me. Why are you saying like that. That's horrible. i wasn't looking at you when i said it. Okay i thought you were looking at my direction. You were like that was appointed fucking statement right there leaving you know how many people listening right air like yeah fuck dat guy fuck him so we're now does brutal good luck.

01:00:08 - 01:05:12

I trouble in paradise. Good luck with that. I'm telling you all out there really good luck with that. I mean you can wish all you want. But i mean you know you don't even really know how ridiculous that sounds like. You don't even know how ridiculous that sounds you don't you don't understand apparently do you. Mel go study comeback. When you can make your fucking limits that's right don't come back into your eyes. Look like mine i will. There was this. There was this Domino's advertisement that they had to realize what they were doing but they put dicks on their pizza and put that in the ad. Wait a minute like smoke deck or like slice day. What do we. What kind of decky is actually both they. Did they made dick's pepperoni okay. Put on each individual slice. Okay people were laughing. I really i look at that as ever audi rocket ship to the moon. Well then you are ruined yet. Yeah are out. I don't see dick while you know me and my girl brain is all dick all the time. So what you saw that pepperoni jake. Did i want some pepperoni. and i'm gonna buck. I want to eat a slice as i ride right. Teve dig my mouth and digging my coach phil all jail. Hold swear. I love it all. 'cause i've seen that pepperoni so giving that pepperoni dick that pepperoni. It means. i'm looking at the mode. You can't help it because you don't you don't you don't live with the power of a cock. Your i don't live with the power of the cock. Do i mean you have attachment. So i guess you kinda do i mean they are. They are power. Sherman yeah yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. I mean they're bolt ons. You have a selection of bolt on equipment. Which i can use anytime i want. Sure you could. We could possible it. Don't though yeah see. I don't know. I just i don't i don't like to break out some of the heavy equipment with you. Know you don't see dead. Seems like personal like you don't break out the fuck machine. Hardly right right. We have tried to thumper sex not during sacks that. I've tried it i know but we haven't tried it during sex true. Yes that would be worth of what you're talking about. Jodi paid here evading. That's an evasive maneuver right. Don't don't fuck into flecked. You're trying to avoid the question of why not bang with the stoppers. Thurbers got some thump lake. Wha what is the thera gun. That is the imitation version of the thing that we have. Okay supper that we're talking about. I'm i'm telling the people that are listening not you you know it. It is my hand right now. I'm sure and it's got it's got. It does not have a good tip on it right now. Could tim not free during sex sticky right in the butt because then you who do split his little itty bitty bit like great in the but because italy go in about an inch reel you jiggle down your fucking ankles. Yeah they got wait to it has horsepower. It needs to be charged can hear it. You're to hear it for sure for sure. It has weight behind it. Yes it was a. It was the president. And it's very nice. I mean those are your like for a battery toy. You seem to enjoy that one. I know and you usually don't like battery toys. Really don't i tend to. I tend to go for more of a plug in what you like. You like the the heavy thump not delight buzzy. Right yeah 'cause we had this. We had this one. There's this one little toy. It's a mini bullet. And i mean it's about the size of like a giant jelly. Bean is pretty. It's very small and that thing had power like it took Four aa batteries. Yeah i mean it was like i mean it sounded vicious and you could feel and you're like i can't even hold onto this like one of the fucking we're gonna do this and it was tiny and now i need.

01:05:12 - 01:08:52

That was the thing the thing of meal the paint off your button strip right off clean gotta would oh stick. Oh our off katie. Clean off be like a severe burn on your button. It would be. Oh my god wouldn't like it. No well some people would somebody really. That's what i want at well. Exactly what i want. You have that like the vampire version you know just a bunch of spikey needles with that thing powering it samper savior bar on it I'm not to go to work. Well belt sander. I mean it is easter and nothing says easter more than the sandpaper money. But plug turned. Yeah it's getting chocolate bunny better. It's better than getting a solid chocolate. Bunny now hala want a solid chocolate bunny kind of something about it when you just fight that face your bite those years and it's just hollow inside do something about i don't know i never. I very rarely got a chocolate. Bunny okay. why really cut. I know luke's didn't like provide you guys anything like that. Oh no we had. We had tufts of easter grass in every corner with candy in it but not but they were grossly jelly beans and Just like nasties your candy like nasty mostly chocolates gross to i don't know peeps fuck peeves. I've mentioned that unless show of you just want to be very clear about it. Yes they know. What your peeps dances. That's right okay. And they deserve to be blown up. Why do they deserve by your gross. I mean during talking about the city. More doreen can exist as a fruit but people can exist as a marshmallow. They can worse. Okay i just need their gross. Ok people saying you were wishing him out of existence and do they deserve existence wishing out of out care has feelings by p ambivalence is again now My peeps cents Spidey sense but different. It tingles in my pain. It's a it's a herpes simplex five. Oh who perp okay. or her peop- repeat people have a hard time saying that so i'm trying to coin the peeper. Okay it makes a little bit rolls off the tongue a little bit easier than hurt. Gotcha all right. We're gonna go now. So i hope everybody has a very happy easter eve. If you're listening live if you're not well. I hope you had a nice holiday. Do you have anything for me as negative. Hey like leave. A nice review for us five star rating on apple podcasts. Why don't you hook it up for us. You like us a little bit you so you don't wanna be like liked person. You're listen for an hour and just eight something. What did you do you. You wasted your time intentionally so hook us up with some good shit. You know what i mean. That's all right guys Well i hope you have a great rest of your day shift time. Whatever you do and and kissing parts of funny to the anesthesiologist ravin topos anybody does.