#350 – Morning BlowJob
You are currently viewing #350 – Morning BlowJob


This week!

3/20/2021 The whore festivals circuit... Meeting a furry at the horror convention... Not having steak in Texas... Watching The Serbian Film for the first time... Meeting the star of I Spit On Your Grave... More messed up anime - Redo of a Hero... Meat Meat!... The new dummy Katie will be working with... Could Katie have a prostate issue?... Peanut butter self defense pellet... Sleep eating peanut butter and honey... Nut milk tier list... Porn Pick of the Week - passed out consensually and pimple popping... Refusing a morning blowjob... Episode of "Rule 34"... The first day of spring in New York... Sweat rice and how you can make it... Tits Man - grabbing boobs and meeting new nipples... Meeting a fan and forcing random people to listen the the show... Watching women put large objects into their vagina... Watching the sadist part of The Never-ending Story on loop for 24hrs... Eat, drink, sleep, and screw... The place where big bellies are sexually attractive... How Katie danced her toenails off... The ghost limb.

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Kinky Katie's World #350 Morning BlowJob

00:00:01 - 00:05:01

Salty lately. I gotta check it a little older. Sometimes when meek it's over here it gets all like that. That's what happens when it's been at a smoker little too long to take care of my jerks match turkey stats. We haven't gotten a jerky. Asia not yet again there. Though you're in a you know sapper asada area there. That's aw hey. Wet noodle rigatoni ass. The weekend has landed. All the exists now clubs drugs popes and pies of four hours off from the world man. I'm going to steamer on my head like a screaming carol. I'm gonna talk to strangers all night. I'm going to lose plot on the dance floor. The free radicals inside mayor. Freaking mind tonight. I'm chitra travolta three apopka. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family man. We're going to get more spice strong advocate tonight. This could be a quick buck burn. What's the and now live from rule. Thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that doesn't always need to hear squeals of fear while watching porn. She just prefers it that way. She is your host the one the only kinky katie low. Hello hello and welcome to the show. This is his role them or three. Fifteen i am your host can give me and with me as always is the wonderful and supportive. Best co host from coast to coast. Ac- all right we are coming to you. Live from rule thirty four studios katya radio dot com radio died. I think we got fund show for you tonight. We have a new test man. And we've got porn pig. And i'm a little punchy i i'm i'm second running on view gms yet. Well you've been out doing the circuit there the horror festival circuit have have. We're going to talk about that a little bit Fuck my god. Oh yeah are well fuck it. Let's just get into it so tampa bay's dreams is i've been talking about for fucking ever was yesterday and today i mean i got home like an hour and a half before we went on air so i am pretty fucking tired. I got to meet a furry. Yes which is really cool. I'll be posting pictures. It seemed really weird to me to go to the convention dressed as her. But you know. I guess it's just you know where you like your favorite costume. Sure i did an excuse to cosby something whatever. It is and pushing a newborn. Hey sure who gotta love for. What are you talking about what they do. I mean 'cause 'cause the kids started to cry a little bit and then she just came in. It was like you with the big pause and the whole big head and the kid was loving it. So it's like a big old stuff then crapshoot when it's kids with furry animals. You know what i mean. Sometimes they run in terror and fear sometimes not just depending on how it hits them. Maybe the kids like mommy. Mommy likes to dress like this. Usually stay with daddy. Does the boy keep the head under and six. I don't know. I got to meet some people from out of town and filmmakers like so you want to go to texas to found really sorry even know really don't texas is so so sexy its main to be over there and it's over there you know. Texas is in a bad place to visit now. it's not wrong texas. I have family members in texas assure. You know. I broke down there once for like three days ahead. Gerald threat did exactly. That's exactly what happened. Winter steakhouse for dinner. Didn't have steak which was such a dumb decision. Well connotes seems a little curious here in like the land of beef yet. That's kind of what everybody keeps telling me. Well they kept telling me also okay and you like beef. You're not like anti be either. I do just that and sounded so good. Sounds like i'm gonna get okay so you got we'll go to the middle of the country to get salmon I like very bizarre. I know did you check out all you could see. She no gas station okay. Gosden burritos sushi. She go like full french.

00:05:01 - 00:10:00

Or you know maybe. Asian sub short or another food that saw authentic szechuan. Yes in the middle of were west. Texas somewhere sheridan. Okay they said y'all you on that california roll y'all anyway remind so New tits was there okay with her man and he ended up buying Sean donahue who put it on. He ended up having copies of the director's cut of a serbian film. And i know we've talked about that. A bunch of times the force. I wouldn't get into the yes. Well he picked up the director's cut and they've never seen it who they they who And her man. Oh boy yeah. I said oh my god you need to fucking message me or tax me as soon as you're done watch i mean well since you're already planning to see to see it already. You know to right. Like i'm not telling you to see it because i would tell you not to see it really. If you especially 'cause it's it's way out there it's it's a level ten. Ten factor of bizarre fucked up. Show i mean he got a few movies. Maybe there arguably worse. I mean how many people argue other films too that are like right weird depraved kind of show. She saw she saw solo or one hundred ninety days of saga. Yeah and i've seen it a couple times but she's like fuck. I don't like that movie this to real hard time. You're not gonna like this. You know there's baby rape there's baby rape murder of the only thing that that her that her man new. If he's newborn porn house. I did not even just one little scene. There's which is awful. I'm not saying. I'm not saying that that well. But that's that's the point of the movie. I mean the point is the movie is probably to be as fucked up each you can possibly you know. It's it's the who wins the contest of the most fucked up thing they could do well. That's the thing too is. There was an interview with the director. And he said he wanted to add like like the director's cut is like twelve relied twenty minutes longer than than the than the original. Okay and he said he wanted to put more stuff. Ed is so what the fuck else could do. Well there was probably other shit and it was too far too far the the investors just wouldn't wouldn't go except for this is in serbia with ibm accent. I mean i would really like to know like what they couldn't put in what he wanted to. Because it goes pretty fucking far. It could be just other little ideas. He was kicked her out in there for more fucked up shit they can happen. But you know you got to keep it to to you. Know hundred and twenty minutes. Oh what are you gonna a hard limit on the time. It's rough i got. I got to meet the lead actress. Who played in the original. I spit on your grave okay. She's school she was nice to. Didn't we meet her before at another one of the horror on. Okay yeah no. She's always very nice or was that one time. I met her keaton. I believe her last name is okay. Well it's one of the classic. You know sexploitation kinda sex. Not what will what it is is is she gets. She gets gang raped. Four guys and She she gets her revenge. She kills them all. Yeah actually it's a. It's a pretty good movie kind of like what was it. The history persons apprentice that anime that we've heard about The god damn i will. I'll remember the name of it later. Yeah i know what you mean the one where you break the fingers exactly. Yeah like they're listening to like gray talking about would be. Basically i forget the name of the bay but it. It was just a fucked up premise of a story where the main character like gets abused by a lot of fuck and like royal people. Whatever you know upper class people fuck with him his whole life anyway someday. He gets the power to kind of go back in time anyway He ends up being able to like just torture the people who tortured him but he does it in the most fucked up ways just an kills them and over 'cause he could keep going back in time and reliving it so he just fucks up. Fuck fuck you bring him back like he can heal people break their fucking liked this check like he broke broker oliver fingers by one than healed them. All the broke again like cap during ed shit and and would make her eat herself. Like all fucked up. Shit i asked. Yeah and then. I think Actually brain washes her to thank that.

00:10:00 - 00:15:01

He saved her at one point and makes her fall in love with him You know the whole obsession thing. Yes so you can treat her like shit and visit. But i love you very kind of fucked up. But where's and later. I will fucked up. Well i will think of the name of it at some point. If somebody wants to look up you know very way out there if you like fucked up shit you well at least i. I haven't heard of all the fucked up ones and a lot of them. Oh fuck. I'm sure i mean janna may be besides it could be korean You know Style as well too similar but different and there are some fucked up korean rating. Yeah you're laughing at me. no. I'm not no the but i started. I whatever i pick out korean writing versus japanese writing. No and i have no problem with that. I just i just think that i don't know anything about either one of them but through watching credits. At some point i go. This is korean korean. That's not happening. This is korean japanese chinese. Yeah you're right. yeah. I have no idea what that means. But it's baby steps. Really be fuller's spiky exactly. That's right some people are like. Oh yeah no. I get it other people like you. Guys are fucking. I don't i don't get it. it's okay oh so yeah. I kind of felt like an anime check today. Because i was wearing like a schoolgirl uniform. But my tits really didn't fitne- it so there were kind of out there. It would you on a student council there. Would you be would have been one of the student council members there today. Yeah okay. And then i would have been me. I will cook up something in food wars. When you taste that you're close blow off. Oh always have it shiny sunburnt boobs so weird character. In one of the stories things. It was and she wears an american flag bikini. Top sure she does because she's like that she meet meet. She's all about the meet. Meet me and like the hot dog. Bit does american no other way really there can be no other couldn't be i mean. Obviously she she's partial american. I think. I don't know i'm just going with that for now. I'm not sure. Probably not whatever but she does wear the american flag top german. And can you tell because of the writing you. Oh my goodness and i. i'm so happy i got. I got a new poster of a movie. That's not out yet dead. Okay talking about that. Well i really wanted one to name one okay. I'm pictures not on it on this one. But but my name's on it's cool when when somebody makes a even a micro budget film and they make a poster to get a copy of that. I could see that. I love him. I think it's i think it's really awesome. Oh and then that and stylistically the way they do them like the like the style of the time. You know what i mean. This is actually. It's a it's a spoof on pulp fiction. Cool and sushi's on the cover cole. Actually her little custom gun on there too. It's like the pastel. Turquoise cute says her name sushi pretty. I don't want one but whatever so speak of movies that are coming out. Kill cam which. I am allowed to talk about because i cleared it with the director. I met my one of my co host last week. The movie that you've yet to do right. We started filming in april. Okay yeah well. I got to me one of my co stars. His name willie okay. And he's fucking scariest. How okay. I do not like willie. Oh the stupid dull. The ventriloquist's dummy. Okay unreasonable fear. Now it's done. It's an unreasonable here. I mean it's completely unreas- object. You are worried about an object. I'm not unreasonable. Fear well i also have a fear of escalator. So that's that's a reasonable fear. How you could fuck fall and hurt yourself in an escalator alive. Still you sure okay. And i could learn how to control time and go back. Break your fingers one by one. And and just keep healing you and then brainwash you sure all of that's possible are easy doctor who nato bots in the vaccine lizard. People release all. Don't say that.

00:15:01 - 00:20:01

Because we will be like i told you out you say come on. It's a different thing when people read what you're typing. You can't read sarcasm but what you're saying it's pretty fucking clear knots. Everybody sure doesn't i. Oh okay do you have the other factor of being not caring whether they care that's true. Yeah yeah yeah. Besides how are you going to know about it. And let's come to your face and say it on social media that i have a strict. I don't really deal with things that aren't standing in front of me like if you want me to interact like you have to be standing in front of me because my life works a lot better when i interact with people face to face as opposed to like i just i can't. I don't know what it is. I can't connect with somebody. And i don't want to engage with people if i can't connect with them. That's i mean that was like the really weird thing about today. It was masks required. And every picking that i was in. I'm like smiling like you can't fuck. I even yawn and covered. Like i put my hand to my mouth out of habit. Twenty and i. And i'm just like i'm like hey kid tell but i'm happy i'm smiling. I'm just you know which is weird. It's very weird. -ture yeah i got. I got p. Shy i i was telling you when i when i got home. I mean not. I was i was wearing a little gut suckers singlet whatever but i had on a pantyhose to cut the crotch in the pantyhose hose. So i could be because the gut sucker thing was fraudulous. Basically your outfit was hard to get in and out of but yeah you had engineered and escape plan. Edward prepared ahead of time. Yes okay so. I had to pee so bad so i went and i was the only one in the bathroom so thankfully 'cause i'm doing like a wide stance so i could. I'm trying not to piss myself. And i couldn't do it. I just i could not do it. And they like got to the point. Where was almost painful. Mike and i just couldn't awful. So when i got home and i was waiting in line to get food and i'm just like oh my god. Can we please just hurry this up. I just want to go home and get naked. Yeah yeah okay. Well you could. I am one theory you re prostate. Tissue swallow prostate. obviously obviously. That's what it is. Now is that i used to be dude. What we ought to examine your prostate really. Say all right what it sounds like we're gonna are. You are all right. Uh-huh take it. I mean give it take the other. Take it the ticket you want. You don't want to officer that. One st transfers today. I didn't know. I didn't know that we were even friends on facebook where we are cool. The mayor's nice for convention and that stupid baby shark stuck in song stuck in my head. What would you do though. Because she had us fucking stuffed animal shark for some reason. I don't know why is that. Like the official song of stuffed animal sharks now. And i'm like oh you start you head. What horror shocked. Oh my god. Don't do that sorry okay. Well i remember that song to play for you while we're plagued with paying trailer quit stubby. I can tell you in somewhere in a room kill you give you some psychedelics. You've i can let me loose and you're gonna die. I won't until until you've been reformed back back like a dog. Just until i piss myself. Usda he would stop worrying about the doll. I'll tell you you'd be friends with it afterwards. You you'd realize hey. This is just a wood sculpture. Think this thing is not gonna come to live in hurt me at all. It had all the opportunity. All the opportunity is tied up there and guess what nelson having. I was fine. Did you see me up. And you sit that thing on the other side of me like staring at me and i can't fuck move. We're going to have problems because even night that clown and poltergeist scared that ever living shit at me and still dies. Well it'd be. It's just one of those things certain things like that. I mean i. I don't know. I see you're being seriously concerned about a wooden dummy just seems odd to me and it's one of those. It's hard for me to put myself in your position. What upset and that's okay. You don't you don't have to but there's other people that share my fear okay. Another is sure the only one you know people are pretty solved.

00:20:02 - 00:25:07

No that's just. I never claimed to be hard. Just say the well. I mean you know when you left when You know you almost do crowd control at some universities by by like spraying peanut butter. You know. you're you're you're about to get half of them. I got to his peanut butter. Maybe you should be pellet. Sarah body run. He assaulted me. With butterfinger terror you ally. Now i know. I know but it's you know john pen but you know that would suck because i really liked peanut butter. I mean it's one of those things that i'm like. Oh the house will. It is because it's delicious especially with some honey. It really is at honey. Peanut butter what. You never had a peterberg sandwich. It's it's the focused route. I tell you and you can also drizzle hunting on your numbers and stuff. Oh so stay here for that. I really try not to let it on me. I never i'm surprisingly prissy about like food. Getting all you would like if you looked at me that you think you would think i would be faced out in a food trough and i would just go to. I'm just saying realistically united ten people would would completely. That would not shock them when you eat my pussy okay. That's not what i'm saying. We're talking about messy food like messy food general. I'm just you know i like. I want a napkin. I'd have a beer. I don't shit all over the place because it will get all over the place. I like wanna keep it nice tidy and over a plate in a little kid i it gets like jesus fuck i gotta watch this tape on. Their public cannot deal with it honey lingers to really does it. Does you get like one little thing on your thumb all of a sudden. It's everywhere i just. I haven't all over my face now. I can't stop it. Spreading through the second part is if i start sleeping eating and i go into the kitchen and i get a spoonful of peanut butter sometimes i will put honey on it and then i'll bring it back to the bedroom. And then i get fucking frog. Was jack up by nighttime. Peanut butter and honey spoon. Peanut butter drizzling and a little honey sometimes report and i know it takes you a minute to eat that like. That's what they don't realize is that it's not like like like you get up in the middle of the night and you take just a teaspoon of peanut butter of no. You'll take it and you literally want to bring it back to the room with a little napkin and kind of look at it for twenty minutes. It bad i don't know why soothing. Okay and i'm not allergic to peanut butter. Okay not gonna die. That's what i'm saying. That would be a horrible existence for me. You can't have a voter it'll make you die. What's anyone house with mango mangoes to rather. I would rather like a peanut butter than you know. If i had to pick allergy to have. I'd rather be allergic to mangoes peanut butter the peanuts yeah. If you're allergic dependent better though can you have other nut butters almond butter. Okay now. you're now you're really stepping on my nut. Butter game all over. The place you know might not better game could be strong. I could be rolling with an up butter. That's why they have the order for the nether. So you're nut. Butter isn't strong. I mean what. Have i have a top twenty nut nut milk a selection. You know like not only do. I liked nutmeg. I haven't here listed twenty of them clearly. Yeah no that's right. I do blind taste tests. Tell you that's fucking almond milk bitch. That's an oatmeal. That's ninety fuzzy sneaking an oatmeal. We're talking about the whole. Should outta here. That's not enough belco. We're talking about the whole breast milk thing but happened at the last Tampa bay screams when and when crystal was was one of her baby and she ended up. Squirting it into into bob's coffee cup and he drank. It will sure and then he also took some straight from the tap but then she did shoot some of it across one of her whatever posters we we segregated that what we did. And we're like okay this special. It's fifty dollars instead of a dollar because there's her breast milk on we were just kidding really but kyd of no no no.

00:25:07 - 00:30:02

I thought we were. I was kidding. Serious okay but then the fun part is is. Sean is a germaphobe sure and is hilarious. Because hey do supposed to what's on it but he's like touching it. It really yeah. It's crystals breast milk. Oh my should if you guys are dirty. Yeah they what do you do well. Let's go to my favorite segments thereby standing by it might not be the porn. You would pay point katie wine. It's time once again for by porn. Bigger the week is very different than usual narrowly. It's in the cycle. I suppose okay because it's kind of i mean it's kinda rapi but in a different sort of sense okay. Passed out porn. I think that could be too. 'cause i've been tired but but i personally enjoy being woken up with sex. Will you do. Yes yes well. That's kind of. I mean i know it sounds date rabi but i it. It can be eight rabi s. If you haven't already told somebody that it's okay to wake you up dick right. I mean that's that's not rabi and all that you requesting something that's not like right. That's a different story. That's a different story other than you went to bed alone. Nobody in your house. You woke up with somebody's tongue in your eyeball. You're not that's not a good thing at all not a good time but you know however a little preordained Yeah it's okay to wake me up this way. I enjoy it shot at home. I'll care dad is like the name of the game right there lady. But i mean i kinda i kinda feel like that kind of lazy. Just don't even bother waking me if you wanna fuck me fuck me. Okay chet your fantasy life. That's there's nothing wrong with it especially since you sleep next to somebody you're like i l. I can't see anything wrong with that. At all. who the problem is is. I know that you do not like to on on the usual. Like you don't like to have sex with me when i'm conscious like you're just like why we'll know i'm okay. If i think that that you're gonna wake up. You know what i mean. Like if i if i were trying to aac you up and then you weren't waking up. I lose interest and then i'm like okay. This is like stop it to be fun. you know. because there's you're not waking he up. I am fucking balls deep in your ass. I have a toy in your pussy. And nothing's happening so okay well. I'm not done blasted every night shift as so. I'm pretty. I think i'd wake up and that's just because it was. You know it stops being fun for me. Okay it's not fun now. I don't know i would also a little weird is what's been turning me on as i know. You got grossed out the other night when you stopped me watching pimple popper just because yes that's of course certainly i mean i'm not like super ski. I will watch some of it. But there's only so much i can watch. I think that's quite enough. I don't know sometimes if it's like a really good pop. It does kind. Give me tingling. Okay well you know okay. I don't know it's gross. Right rids the juice off. If you win you're done. That's all i have to say. Clean all the so. Don't have to deal with it. Just getting out the pit i don i don't i don't enjoy messy meal. You know i like it tight. At least what. I'm eating and that's your point. Pick for the week of the week pimple packing popping pest out sex i know like i said it depends on the situation completely. I mean obviously if you talk to somebody about doing that then. That's the name of concern that is concerned. That's hey can you do us at some point. That's you're asking for it. But literally i had a tattooed on my back so know from sleep and you can read it will and by the way just gonna point out that we have recorded this odd video and audio format and it's going to be heard by several people really like it. Yes i'm consenting to go. So i should never find myself in jail for. Why did you have sex with wives. She was leaving. She asked me to she while she was sober. Like completely straight like. Hey yes can you wake me up this way sometime. I admit it fully.

00:30:02 - 00:35:26

I completely i admit it fully i nine hundred that i'm all in it. Did i nothing so you know what that means. Okay i don't know what it means. Okay wake me up with me. Just try to give you a job this morning. I'm going to me and you say. Oh i literally had to get up and go make maneuver. I know so i tried. You know a lot of people out of the morning and it was either pierre on you or it in a bathroom about but it's it's better if i if i tried to attempt such acts when you're awake because if i try when you're sleeping lou do not that very well really. It's we don't know how how i'm going to take it. I'm maybe it'll be fine. Maybe it won't be. It might be better though because you've been sleeping better. Okay so maybe you might not you. You might not fucking slam my hat. Okay and you if you stick your hand in the beehive every once in a while you're kinda gets stung is what i'm saying like you could be cool and smoke them out and make them calm and collect a hundred. It'll be fine. it'll be fun. Don't go straight for the finger in the but the but then there's going to be one day when an african Try the african the killer. Bee the aggressive b.'s. call column. Africa is bees. Then the european are the bees. That don't sting as much. They don't get azza tacky. So you'll have you'll have a a high you don't know and then you will wake up and you will get the shit stung out of you because you stuck your hand in aggressive be hive. You didn't know the difference between the european and african is be. You had no clue you don't know just went for it to be. Yeah you're like nobis. Honey you need it for your butter teaspoon thing peanut butter with some honey on it. You know how many people are going to listen to this. You're like oh fucking great. Combination that i mean. Obviously we didn't invent it but it's it's very nice some bread. Oh you know what. I got an inner serious like peanut butter manner and honey. That's those are good so doesn't really good. I was like what the fuck are you talking to people. They know exactly what we're talking about the peanut butter sandwiches natter delicious man. Let's go to an episode thirty four when we come back we got some. We got interesting tits man and we also have something touching and another thing. That's not so touching all right enjoy yum. It's time for basically and refreshing snack. Dream that i was giving drugs okay. She was giving vaccines illegally. Because i was doing at the house they would come in like this back alley. Then bring them into the kitchen and i put down a blanket because they have to sit naked on the counter. But i don't know what people look good so it was kind of like blurry in some areas. I think i do. I do know why i do remember. Why wang no okay. I was weird because now the tell me about it is he. He showed me pictures of his wife. Giving him okay so you remember way. So yes i look at that have interesting naked injured reading laying memory. At least i have wang recognition. I have a really good memory for dick. I just when i see a dead. I know immediately. It's almost like a face to me all the time. And i'm like. I know that you still use still using that big lighter as a comparison We'll katie just used the mini back. You really think it's a lot. Larger can go straight many back figures compared to his lighter. You know any the is usually when the person is a like miniature maker. that's his hobby. I make miniatures. I paint them a small little dollhouse. Type stuff. I liked to dress my dig up as godzilla and crashed through the town. I spent a mother handcrafting know on the show and around even village and welcome back to you.

00:35:26 - 00:40:01

Can computers rose later activity radio kitty. Radio dot com to radio g mail dot com also on facebook and bette life. You can also give me on youtube out there in watching land celo different choice for you. you know. I'm digging deep looking for music legally here. You know you do a good job. This is just different. Well it's easy. I mean you know i guess. Oh it's a little off. The path is gotta could beat though which is usually what i'm after the first day of spring by the way that's right agent is typically a big day like where you've heard. A lot of new yorkers say they go outside and look at girls walking around because sandra season yes april. I actually coming up actually us. Yeah dead april i. It's a thing for a guys have gone around the city and the water you know because ladies are starting to wear a spring type outfits in boobs are out easily like yeah i have not known that. Oh i bet somebody out. There could confirmed that for me. Oh i'm sure. I don't know if it's april first but you know i've heard too. Okay well you know. I don't know. I just tell you what i what i've you know. The rumor is word on the street. Now i ran across something Interesting okay it's called sweat. Rice i mean. Is that self explanatory. Just are you like and this is how it in. A caribbean or caribbean dictionary. Okay wait wait. I'm gonna take a shot at this before it before you say this okay. We take the rice. I put it in a little satchel. I put it next to my code. I run around all day with that next to my right and the road. Is the area down there underneath in case you're wondering kids play what it show. Well i'm just saying some people do not know terminology. So underneath your balls you put it underneath your nazi run around all day with cheese. Cloth wrapped satchel if you will rice and that rice the heat and the natural steamy nece that happens and the total area total area the area four to six hours of of like mountain climbing. You have perfectly cooked steamed caribbean mountain. Rice sounds so gross. No but it's close originally prepared meal of rice intended to trap or tie-down a man in a romantic relationship of the kula very women. Prepare the meal cooking rice and squatting over the steaming pot allowing the mix of condensation and bodily juices to into the race. Yeah yeah yeah you've ituna he said it's too salty lately. I'll check your little older. Sometimes when meek it's over cured get salty like that. That's what happens when it's been a smoker little too long to take care of my jerky snatch while i'm gonna call jerky stats. We have gotten a jerk. You've asia not yet though you know. You're in a super sada area there that's all wet noodle rigatoni ass. Whatever guy what do i care. Yeah i know. I know i could completely go to shit and somebody'll still probably bang me so weird. Thank particular guys get totally. you know. there's always somebody willing to have sex. You know believe it or not you know whether they be conscious or unconscious real. There's a lot of depraved. People's what i'm telling here at least one of saying no shell everywhere. Yeah no no. I'd say you know you know people like me. You're staring at depraved people. Also i mean on a scale not really severely brave but some people would definitely put us there.

00:40:01 - 00:45:01

I think yeah. I was already called a bad influence today. More you yes okay and they said but i love it really like fluids. Where do did you go have consensual sexual exploration with the partner of your choice. Well what's wrong with that. That kind of we're gonna. Let's go to your favorite segments by anybody. We look for stuff. Sorry boobs in and on the news talk. it's time once again for man. So this kind of this kind of ties in to the tits ma'am now. I got called a bad influence. I think because the the film director the guy who wanted to come to texas will there with his girlfriend actually one of his girlfriends and apparently this is their second date. So i was like she just hopped the car with or the plane from texas to hear the answer that or at he sure. Honey what go to trip down to florida. Well i mean especially after the winter they had. Yes i do want to go to florida. I did my normal what i usually do. I'm like you got a great test. Boom and i've forgotten ground. Oh boy oh boy and he's just like whoa was yeah. She grabbed her. Say no gravest. I am your rapist. You're gonna get yourself in trouble someday. You're gonna drawback back. A bloody nub. Hey so but he's going to give you a dirty look. It three looks all the time. But when i when i first got to to the convention new tits. Was there okay wearing a revealing outfits and as soon as i walked up she goes and she put up a boobs so full yes so i mean i was like honking hooters. Wait wait timeout. So basically what you're saying is somebody else made you be aggressive to third person boobs because you got google yooglie on to a stranger little okay. Well i'm just. I just wanted kagera. Is it properly. that's all. Well it escalated. And i'll tell you what was said. She's three fingers deep in butthole. Jesus christ i did have have my my outfit. You know for a little booby hog and all the sudden. I'm up on the third floor. Fillon is seen now there. There was a girl that was working the front door while working. Working the front of the convention okay. I don't know how. I don't know we started talking about some. She's like she goes out or something and then we started talking about boobs. Well these gas. She's got my friend. Says she's got great boobs booze merck. Let's see him. So i said how your nipples you've got jobs and excited explain. What troopers were self explanatory doing. Does she's got little boobs but she's got a set of shoghi. Even the small booby girl. There are things that even men who like fake tits can find some love quality of solid. Okay she thicker lately. I haven't pictures because she whipped him out. She did. She did okay. So not only did i get to seize said schober but i also took photographs and i did tell her. I said you are going to be part of my tits man segment tonight okay. Good consent was had by all even though when you pull your boobs out in front of a bunch of people you know cameras. I'm just saying you have no expectation reasonable expectation of privacy. At least that's what the lawyer told me to say. Well i told her. I was like look like i won't put your face or you know your head in the picture care so but i but i didn't you'd be nice just to deputy. Nobody even knows if he really could be anything other than you know people own shower. I mean those are. Those are those are Numbers like biters nibble nipples sherve eleven. It took every bit of me not to go like i wanted to tweak them so bad but i tried to ask permission to tweak them i mean fun and that well maybe you have to. You have to adapt your technique. Is what i'm saying i down. Oh yes you do. If i have to you have to know i doubt yes you to me that i have no of course it does. This is not like being black dropping bombs. This is completely different. You're not entitled to hauge boob. you're not entitled and you may get away with it.

00:45:01 - 00:50:04

I have them. Therefore i can do it. Okay they'll tell me to stop if they don't like it sure asking for it. They put them out there. You're preaching to the choir. Just saying i've i've learned to go bad touch bad touch. You know i've been conditioned doesn't make kind of making contact with people unless you know you've cleared somehow and i don't know how that works anymore but i kind of figured that i clear when i go in for it. And they don't think back away. Well you know. I i could work around it. I think i could use my words. I have a better chance. I think i've just going for it then. Okay i mean. You're taking nineteen eighties. Tactics is what you're doing really eighties eighties. That's very eighties over. Yes well at least that's last time. It was truly prevalent night before now is basically what you're saying anytime before now. Okay you've seen that whole madman series. That's been over for a long time. And i was like i know. That's my point but it was. It was things like that. Were happening for a long time after the sixties getting less and less all the time everyday. It's getting a little less. Yeah eventually we'll move on to a ghetto solving the problem of women. Women booby hockey unwanted. Booby hawking they love will. They weren't unwanted. It wasn't at unwanted hong unwanted groupies. Yeah you all of them are hong seven them. Were poking jiggles later bouncing sure. Yeah okay i. It's whatever you're allowed to do it. I'm not gonna do that. I can't just go a circle. Avid tests and i posted a video on my twitter key. Katie radio of my booby jiggle. And that and we we just know ron. Jeremy just went to jail for doing things just like that. What worse things. But you know it at minimum we know. He's a boot grabber. He grabbed my boobs fight. Yeah in jail for like actual rape. I think right right her an unwanted assault unwanted. Something like i mean. I don't know. I forgot all about it. That was like a year ago more here. I'm not looking up. no i'll get depressed. Yeah that's horrible. This is not the time for depression halo. It'll we were talking about rape myths. Which on a good note. I want to say that we got a really nice fan fan letter from from from a husband and wife as she from the husband. I met the wife while i was doing laundry. Oh it was weird. And she's going through cancer treatment and she's like your podcast. Yeah i thought it was. You choose like so nice and we took a picture. And then i got this. Got this really nice letter from from her husband. He's like yeah we we listen to you. Listen we're go back and forth for her treatments but it's kind of funny 'cause the nurses kind of turned their nose up at her what she listens to it. So i'm like. I wonder if she's doing just to piss him off like my mind. That's the way it works anyway. You know obviously a. You're torture the other people around you and make him squirm a little by just hearing sex things really of all things get said there for twenty minutes and just go I mean this is a test of your broadcast exactly. They could be listening to somebody to like a douche. Tuber type podcast. You know what i mean. It can be data hours of do tubing. I'm sure that would be better question. But the letter and the lady was really nice. Very touching you don't ever think of somebody listening to us. You know we. We said we do the show because we we have a good time doing it. And and this is the way we like entertain ourselves basically and and so we have a good time. Doing a. And i know people listen to it. Obviously because i can see. I could see numbers and things like that. But you don't ever think that somebody who is who has who has cancer treatments and listening to us Jt assholes not just be astles. But i want to listen to it and guess what you're gonna hear to. Wouldn't it be an orange juice. Please do this fucking stoned incoherent rambling or or like. I had somebody from a country who speak different language entirely blows my mind.

00:50:04 - 00:55:04

How do you understand i. I don't. I listened to the shows to do the editing and stuff like that. I don't understand what i just said half of the time and i'm the one who said it and listening to it. I don't know what i was talking about. No clue what that was about at all. Imagine one of the nurses to like walking by. We're talking about like a prolapsed pussy affects like what the fuck are you listening tae. Hey pay services prolapse. Sometimes we didn't do it. I've never prolapsed a vagina however pajamas do get prolapsed soda. Bottles has nothing to do with either one of us. I swear one. I one of the scariest things that i've seen Was when one of the women. It wasn't naughty elissa and it wasn't the amazing time but there was one bitch who a large toy Aficionado right and we'll she. It was a close up shot of her snatch and truck out this humongous like traffic cone of a toy and it was like off. Holy crap. Like it was a gabriel. Like stayed open for a bit and it's just slam back shut. No have blown out your last visit. Only crowd gave it a little bit of time. It'll just zip right back up. Swear god puts stitches in that or something doesn't tore kabbalah. They're fine skin stretches. Yeah i'm very familiar with. Say your girl you strat for nothing like that has been proven over again to be completely true. You know what. I mean. I only did. Dv once okay. And i'm cool with with not doing it again. Okay but you still did it so you know. There's a my choice you haven't you refine your mind but the really fucking you lived you know i lived at fuck another day you did you see the end of the world. World stop spitting or whatever it does for the flatter. There's i don't what does it do for them to record. Rotate like a record like blazer. Desk sheriff we're not like just a big sound stage or something. You know like sitting up on somebody's shelf. Is that what they think. I'm just trying to wrap my head around it. yes we're actually in a big snow globe. No we're actually it's more. Maybe like an like an ant farm. Okay okay well a little like like a german show the meta black universe or the galaxy and the little voca gemstone or whatever. You won't remember stare into this or black again with the people who lived in a locker all the little dudes it like worshiped. What's his nuts. God i haven't seen that movie in such a long time. I forgot about that whole. Look it up if you if you're not familiar with kiddos don't know what it is then. You're too young to be what listening to this show. You're you're completely old enough to be listening to it. I mean that was a long time ago. Sir i mean you don't literally have to be you know a fifty years old we come on. Yeah that's true how you know just as the we like fifty year olds not really. See all the stuff. I've not really hell some fucked up that that somebody found a thrift store it was. It's a vhs tape. And it's it's by warner home. Video says the part in the never ending story where our tags dies on a loop for three and a half hour or no. Oh no why would you do that. And if you're not familiar with the never ending story it's basically a sad part of what are the sadder the saddest part of a of of movie that like i was younger with i came out the never ending story. Yeah i wonder what they came on. Eighty think i think it was eighty s. Well this is the like the main character. He's has horse as they're in like the us pitta sadness or the daily for eighty four. So i was. I was like ten years old so as a ten year old kid when that movie came out the the scene were one of the main. The main protagonist like loses. His pet and dies was really fucking sad. Yeah he's like screaming and crying in the fucking horse sinking and sinking and it's getting worse and worse.

00:55:04 - 01:00:01

Look it's awful. No they're not going to do he's going to get is gonna be fine. He's like oh well that's not a twenty twenty one story. You know like like things actually died disney characters tied know. They're dead they're fucking. That's what happens when you fall into a morass pit of fucking sadness. But i mean but the like every fucking pixar movie. Were you disney movie in. Somebody dies in the first like ten minutes because they're dirt. Try to make you invest into the characters. You know what. I mean somebody die. Disney hates moms you. Disney really hates mothers. Because everybody's motherfucking dis everybody. Well everybody's mother dies anyway. If that's not untrue statement. I know that okay right like bombies. Mother dies aerial has no mother she. Everybody fucking die. We're talking about the like anthropomorphic Animals here for the most part animal life. You know an animal life. It's watership down. It's it's i never saw that. And i don't want to it's bowie. Care very solid and i don't wanna see i've seen clips of it and i'm like no i don't have any. I have no desire to a bunny. Death what's what what i mean. It just it. It makes you realize the hopelessness of life. Sometimes you're just a body. That's all i wanna brett. I don't want to think about the hopelessness of life. Your not hopeless you. You can evade it. But you've you've got to be quick and money like never trust a bunny. Why what do you ever just the buddy. I was talking to the other day. And i said that hoodwinked was an underrated movie. Ever never never just money. That was coming from squirrel to say rats. Tails since kennedy. Our that movie. Somebody's i know. And then i people like i've okay. Love that movie. It was funny the first like two hundred times. I think we saw it. I think when. I hit like two eighty five. You know i. It really started wearing a hole in me. Well well it was just one of those. We'd be drunk and we had so many dvd's and we pop what in watch the whole series. It's twenty four. Yeah that was actually good entertainment for us. I did i got into it and then when you were gone. You're like what are you doing. I'm so watching. I know i got to see what happens. You know it's before you can stream everything in the world so like having the ability to sit down and binge. Anything was liberating cable either. We we didn't watch tv. I know like we didn't we didn't do any kind of consumption of anything. We drank it. Slap that's right. You're fucked fucked. Drank ate slept worked. Didn't even sometimes didn't even eat much drank. We'll cut out time rank drake. You can fucking now. What a fucking alive. Yeah we are alive to it know in in the it's called bodey that's how you pronounce it. But in the body tribe in ethiopia the most desired men are those with the largest bellies. We really oh. Because of the fattest was the idea. They said the more belly have the more attractive. You are a yeah so you tried to say. I'd be like like you know the white god from antarctica. No they would love you honey. They would love. You worship that thing way. Well it's the same thing like if you're a sumo wrestler in japan. Yeah yeah at least. That's my understanding. They're very looked up to literally. Big fucking people. I told i told my friend that i met today at the convention is i admired his gut. That's a really nice thing to say. Hey say like that but he could tell us being a little self conscious. I'm like haystacks and like rub his belly and he was like stoughton. You got all shy. Then i'm like. I'm like oh come on. I'm like this is fucking great. And that he loosened open he felt better katie. I really love your movies. You know. I love watching you and you. You're so brave. That's so what you did i pour to do. You rubbed his belly. What did you do your gravity tits. Dali's i need to or any buttons knows like like out. Emotionally wrecking people. That like are coming to see you as fans of your logging.

01:00:01 - 01:05:01

Okay that's actually breaking people. Okay no groupie. There's no chance he went home and cried himself to sleep tonight at all. Oh come on now. No no serious fuck with music. It and i'm gonna feel bad then. I'm going to answer like message in finding basically be like dude bro. I'm serious wasn't try. Look at my husband. I swear. I like to tell me once god. Jeez i'm not to turn it. Why are you telling me it wasn't me i fault. I did it out of pure good intention and warmth and love hearing. Okay well good. I didn't do anything to make a i. I wasn't trying to hurt anybody's feelings. Feel bad conscious and who knows. Maybe maybe this first braven a fucking movie i will. I fucking hate that. Oh you're brave nude scenes at your age weight. Fuck you hear the do that to me. I hate it well as shirt off you go ahead and rub his belly when he's got a shirt off. Lifted up this time you ought to do it did did you have that look in your eyes. Probably okay. don't they usually. You're you're so lucky you don't have a ticket balls. You were very lucky. One guy got this one. Young kid. got a got like a half a chubby when he was standing at the table. Okay i talks. He's wearing like umbro black basketball sorta shorts okay. Aren't they kept like justin. That he likes stand behind his friend. Like i say. I didn't say it though i didn't say it. Oh flick it didn't do anything you're on good behavior us. Okay and then. Chris overhears going yeah she could be in naughty dirty nasty to. That's coming out. And then she's like naked this one i like. What are you doing like you know. Conventions are fine. I have a good time. Will you need you need a handler. Like what's his not the porn star. You're just talking about jeremy. Jeremy you need a ride jeremy handler. Katie no no you have to ask. I katie no. No did you ask. Then it's okay if that's okay okay. That's okay then go ahead the fun out of it. It is a different thing Being like being male just in the fact that for the most part you know forever due to been able to hold checks down into horrible things to them. And it is a different thing a jew doing something to a girl and another girl doing something to a girl you know i mean it's that's like when What was it terry crews had said something about somebody like grabbed his dacre. Something at one point and nobody really. 'cause you're like he was half your size terry crews you could have squashed him. Nobody really felt bad for him. And i don't blame him. They shouldn't it up saying that. That's really the right way to think about it. But you know you should probably ask people but i i. It is different. If you're a dude one hundred percent and it should be. I do degree. Be somebody down. You could make good. You're not that tough and you're really not that strong now i will. I mean i'm sure there there aren't there is somebody one hundred percent there is i not you but i am aggressive. You are aggressive. But you're just. You're not physically strong strong. You're not stronger than some. I guess i don't know. I will throw it at you. Hard gordon tila break you down. Well i mean it's hard for me to like really judge i. I work with my body every day. So like you get squarely i. It's not that hard for me and it's funny. You laugh both of my wrist. with one. fucking gator grip. Why cook right to second. No i have an injured finger finger. Yeah it's been hurt for few weeks. I'd still didn't still takes me a long time to get over weird shit anymore. Things out.

01:05:01 - 01:10:00

he'll the same. I'm sorry just what happens. It's okay. I can still bend it that that one works. Where you what are we going to check your prostate out. Obviously you're you're having shy urination. Problems right couldn't let it out. Iv cancer frequent urination low quantity of urine see. That's right say. That's a sign of of possibly enlarge prostate. We got to check that out immediately. Please dick to blue. I've looked not there. I mean inverted. Whoever cut it off did a job. Because it's very snatch down there clean. I mean it looks. It looks just like a pussy. It's it's really strange like that. Just like one just like one but different a little bigger. It's it's it's completely In in balance with the rest of your body fat pussy you could say. I'm into it like i said it's proportionate to the size of your body. You're tall your big. Nordic what are you gonna do right. Yeah like if you're like you were dude. Have a big tech red. You'd have big nuts. It'd be massive Sling my solit- chalet. Ellie big big. Old nut sack. I'd have three balls though you would. You would just have to. You wouldn't have three because you would have lost a third line. At some point you would have done. Accidents would be free. it would just be. You would just be me stabbed it with your sword that you got when you're six years old something that's what they gave you. A spiky tools and shit back in the thirteen hundred maced myself based at. Oh okay not now. Shot pepper spray. No no no. Not the spiky ball with a chain. Yes like my tattoo. That's right okay. I have one of those you do. Not an actual mesa pretend mace. I can't be trusted around tools. Weaponry will you. You might be okay. But it's a might might not even safe in my own kitchen. No you i i. Sometimes i hear like she'll open the freezer and we have these these the constant thing with the with the frozen a pack ice and they they slide so even if you've been a door you put them in the easily chew so you hear it smack. The florida got hit your foot like because if that thing lands between your barefoot and the hard floor. That's a problem. You can really break up my like my whole that. I started wearing polish again. Because my whole toenail term. Black because fucking kate right down fifth time not from dropping ice on it from different things. You're the only person i've ever seen roast lose your toenails after going to a fucking music festival music festival i mean you dance your toenails of which. How does that happen. I don't know how it happens because it wasn't like you didn't. We didn't i mean yeah. We were out dancing around all day and it was raining so our feet were wet but other than that that was it jungle rot. I guess i don't know if you definitely lost both big toenails. Oh and it was kind of funny. Too creepy ratu. 'cause i'm like look at this and then i just kind of lifted it up and you're like oh i remember. I think i put it on the on the table right in front of you. You're like what the fuck fuck and stopped at you kids. If that was me like my my nails are attached to be in such a way. Lear nails avenue. You know the difference and and like when mine come off it is not a pleasant thing so in my mind. I like if that was me i would be. I would be on the floor. That would that would totally. I have to sit down for a while. i even feel it though that sort of thing. I just can't imagine. I know like i don't feel it at all. I can't even tell that happen. It just did and it's weird because we run into people that said yeah. That can happen. Ex-wives easy way x. Thinking you're just like. Oh god how jesus christ well that's like dear franken pinky go well. Yeah we'll take out smash zito. I got smashed. But every time you have to cut your nail or something so it doesn't look like a coke. Neil i mean you can feel it. You said like all the way back in your hand. Yeah everything's jumbled up like where. I feel things isn't like i'll think the tip of my finger feels like it's in my nail bed like so weird colder hot things on the tip of my pinky it feels like i'm getting a like stabby needles in my nail bed.

01:10:01 - 01:13:04

Yeah it's it's weird but you get used to it in now. My brain adjusts. And i just think. Hey something's at the tip of my pinky like completely adjusted to it. It's still an unpleasant feeling but it it it what we're talking about. That was it this morning or was it last night we were talking about the the ghost lamb. You know Like people who lose a limb and some people have the problem where they feel like their face right. And there's new fest there will be yet 'cause your brain deal the last thing. It remembers it having that feeling. Yeah you can't do it because you can't look at it so they stick their hand in this mirror that sits right in front of them and they can put their other hand in it and it it. It looks it. Looks like it. Looks like they're lost hand and they open it up and you could see people just get re like almost immediate relief from like years of pain which is crazy. Well because it's your brain. I tell you all the time. No no no. I know your brain is literally putting everything together all these inputs of fuck in sight. Sound touch all this shit and creating a reality for you. You know what i mean. And it's just a brain saito so when you feel something even if it's unpleasant it at the base of it it's just a little center saying hey this is what's happening. Yeah like when you when you go to check my prostate uh-huh and you could just choose to accept it as a signal and not not think about it as pain. You know what. I mean you like this. You like. it's just like the service and the engine light on your car. that's all it's just a little light light. It's going to tell me something. I don't have to let you better check though you do and you can like when i could stop the car. I'll take a look all right. We're gonna get outta here for the week for the night for the time being and because my ass is fucking tired and i'm going to go to sleep little horror over starlet or starlet. Little horror tried to say horror horror or horror brain damage. can't say horror horror. I had to fuck fucking try though. God damn it i think about it. I don't know what i started. Having a problem with horse ores kid who say their names anymore. Stupid dumb art. I'll you stupid whores out there. We'll be having fun with whatever you're doing and shit like that and Anything from emc guys won't keep you updated on what's going on for some topos anybody does.