#349 – Photographic Penis Memory
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This week!

3/13/2021 Way too aggressive... Cycling with the cats... FaceBook drama... Tampa Bay Screams next week... Who would let Katie give them a vaccine shot?... Photographic PENIS memory... Prolapsed vagina... Porn Pick of the Week - Cop rape... Thrupple update or not... Too late for steak and a blowjob for you... Don't eat the yogurt, it has cum in it... DNA test proves cook put a pube in a cops food... Don't eat the chowder either, it has a used condom in it... Would you rather find a vaginal or an anal condom in your food... Episode of "Rule 34"... Truthful dating app profile... Katie's new movie reservations... 2 week long nude cruise planned for 2022, probably not for Katie and SC... Tiger stripes on a dick... Sleeping around at a campfire... Tits Man - Nipple piecing horror stories... No Woody Allen sex fantasy... Tee shirts in a different language... Woman marries her local roller coaster in Germany. The couple is expecting their first child soon... Age of consent in Germany... Why would anyone put their dick in an Octopus's mouth?... No surprise jizz.

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Kinky Katie's World #349 Photographic Penis Memory

00:00:00 - 00:05:00

The tip off is usually when the person is a like miniature maker. that's his hobby. I make miniatures. I paint them a small little dollhouse. Type stuff oh my gosh. I like to dress my day cup. As gods villa in crashed through the town. I spent a month. Handcrafting learned all the exists now. Club strokes pope's employs got four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming kettle. I'm gonna talk to strangers all night. I'm going to lose plot on the dance floor. The free radicals inside me freaking tonight. I'm chitra folks are on three papa. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family mind. We're gonna get more than meal on strong tonight. This could be my life from the seventy three. Quick buck burner. What's the keep falls around me and now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that gets way too aggressive when she wants some dick. Here's your host the one the only can katie low. Hello hello to the show. This is kinky katie's world number three forty nine. i'm your host can be katie and with me as always is the help with my to my yang. My bearded pita stuffer my favorite plus covers luckily mr s g okay. I was feeling okay. Sure i don't we call it creativity. Okay we are coming to you. Live from rule thirty four studios katie radio dot com and radio cast not clock up to. That's no good good. You had all your words preplanned were and you actually said them in the manner in which you intended good job good job star for today job will. We have awarded stars yet so you know we. Don't we still on stormy clouds and little sons. I don't know what you mean by that. But it's you know you still have two hours left today so i just. I just need to get well. We have a fun show for you tonight. We have got a brand new tits man. We have new pick of the week and this one might surprise you. Yeah it's not really violent but it is a little bit. Okay no okay. We'll get aggressive. Yes slightly slightly aggressive around around at some point. So i know because the cats especially this little our little flakes stir he He stuck to me like glue. I'm probably going to be bleeding. Sound as at when he usually sticks to. You like glue this bad. Yeah ok okay. Time but i mean this is like way you know. It's weird that animals do that. Sometimes they get little weird cycles. Yeah with whoever. I love mommy. Weren't you gross. Pitchy you know somebody has to so. It's really good. That the katie's i yes i have someone to. They'll be my friend. I can yell at manure like that's okay. Yeah okay whenever all right. Oh my gosh. Some facebook drama drill. I'm not kicked off okay. I'm not suspended. I'm just saying but i did get. I got banned from a from a group. You really not for the black cat group. No no they love me okay. 'cause i i definitely have several members No the It was a horror group. Okay and this woman had posted a picture of a child with their face pressed up against the widow and this is what the post was What would you do if you saw this pressed against your window. Creepy Okay well and people people posted fucking jif of chuck norris punch in a baby okay and people staying. Looks like a troll okay. Well you're not saying what you said. What just get to the point. Where what did you say that got you throw out of said i said i said oh my god yeah no. I'd wonder where the held their parents were. And then i would open the door quickly and try to clip it it you know whatever. And that's my kid supposed to know that that's your kid who you are.

00:05:00 - 00:10:01

And why would. I know that your kid okay. So basically you're just picking on a little child and you gotta throw off of a crew. Because you're being mean to a kid because yeah because i i would do to to. That has absolutely no fucking. I tell you all the time if he don't you know abide by the rules dum play. I know the fuck. And then. I don't know what's going to happen because the kind of like the within the next two days i have like three hundred fifty frederick class. I'm like oh who who wants to be pissed with me boca whenever so. Yeah so sorry kid the next same thing you know. He's kinda give people a heads up that everybody knows okay. I'm just trying to identify with your your drama. That's you know really not trauma. Yeah i you know. The next weekend is Tampa bay screams so make sure that you go and also this weekend tonight. We set our clocks ahead stocks. It doesn't automatically now. I'm just saying we're losing our miracle of modern technology. Yes we don't have to think about that anymore. Yeah no that's true. I had the weirdest dream that i was giving drugs. Okay like giving vaccines illegally. Okay to To people used to work with over at the other studio program so you're doing bootleg vaccine. Yeah okay did they have the nato bartender. Now i don't think so okay. Won't you know. Because i i was doing at the house. Like they will come in through this back alley just weird and then i take them in. That's that is. The way that you would do a bootleg vaccine would be through the back alley. I mean to be fair. But then i bring him into the kitchen and i put down a blanket because they have to sit naked on the counter. Yeah well you have to strip them down. Obviously yes very weird. But i don't know what any of these people look like naked so it was kinda like blurry in some areas. You're by just doesn't make up the details inside of a dream sometimes creative. I've already talked about this about about trying to control your dream or knowing your injury. Well that's that's that's that's control. I'm just saying while you're in the dream or is it you. Maybe you just don't remember. I mean he remember if i've seen them naked. No that no. That's not what i'm saying. I'm talking about whether people are blurry or not. You know whether people are actually blurry or you. Just don't remember any detail yet because it's a dream you don't exactly remember everything. Sometimes i do. I do know why i do remember. Why wang no okay. I thought was weird because now the tell me about it is he. He showed me pictures of his wife. Giving him head. Okay so you remember away. So yes i wrote have have interesting one of them. Megan inter dreaming wang memory. At least you're have wang recognition. I have a really good memory. Ford tech. I just i i see take. I know it immediately. It's almost like a face to me. Well sometimes i've known people stand out okay like because i have. I have a whole folder full of people and some of them a lot of them. I could be like. Oh that's so. And so in their faces not in the picture at all okay but some of them they have. They have different features. That really stand out like there's this one. The dick is so smooth. It's like a toy doesn't even look real. Okay you're talking about dick's now like recognizing the because you've seen that dick so often pictures all the time and i'm like yeah. I know that you still use still. Use that. Bic lighter as a comparison ha. We'll katie. If i just use the money back you really think it's a lot larger. She goes straight many back. Look how big it is. Compared this lighter exactly iino the tip off is usually when the person is a like miniature maker. that's his hobby. I make miniatures. I paint them a small little dollhouse. Type style oh my gosh sir. I like to dress my jakup as godzilla and crashed through the town. I spent a month and crafting a slab. Your dig into the things. I took frigging buildings.

00:10:04 - 00:15:01

Yeah no you know. I would like to see that. That would be some effort in. I think that that would probably get you pretty far. If you would recognize that tech again if you if you like saw godzilla you recognize that. Take again because of the effort. They went into into the crafting of a proper dick. That would be that would be a memorable dick okay and then i would probably pay attention to you because you you were creative and you actually put some effort. No that's right. I agree if you're going to set a dick pic you might as well be created with it. Yeah oh and you know. I did some someone did. Send me a picture of the girls. Plus at it was all like gaped open okay. Peculiar is on it captured with like camping crotch. It was very it was it was very unsettling you know you know i would have liked probably though now into it. Oh no i don't think so. I mean definitely. We haven't agreed on certain scratches that we've seen and i've liked. Maybe you didn't. Yeah but but this kind of looked. Like i mean the cervix was started. It was like prolapsed and we had to say pro. You didn't say. I mean you could lead with prolapse fucking prolapse. Her vagina literally fell out. Well yeah it. It looked at her service. Looked like if you had like a chunk a ham and it got stuck in the garbage disposal. Pulled it out like wait. Wait a wait just the fact that you know what the person serve x. Looks like at all really. Yeah that's the unsettling part. Just like am i see her cervix thirteen years hot cervix. I remember i did have a gynecologist. Tell me ones that that i had my cervix was perfect and perfectly paying. Okay i was like okay. You say that's all the teenagers. Don't you talk who on you always lick your fingers after you're grown gynecologist. Because they're not getting to see like sarah choice choice but you know they're they're getting into the You know that fruit is rotten action. People usually don't come see you unless there's initials i mean people get check ups stuff you know. I'm sure there are a lot of women that they say that he sees that he's you know would say it was attractive but still yeah. I mean look at pussy all day like that like that. I don't know. I don't know you've got turned off sex completely gye wouldn't wanna fuck was vaginas so much you know what i mean straight to the ass that may even that i'm like around the corner all the time cucolo i mean i'm seeing all the the ranted kitties all over the fucking place anything in my local area that's like a rancid plus going to be in my office. Can we set up the cages for them. This is the oh yeah gross. I don't know. I don't know why how we got onto granja gynecological. Oh yeah yeah. I don't know either one leading the conversation lady. I know i let's go to my favorite segment dead bye by might not be the porn disappoint katie wine. It's time once again for okeydokey. So what my porn pick of the week has been And i don't. I'm not really sure if it has anything to do with Marijuana okay but i've been having fantasies and watching videos of people getting Having sex with cops okay. Like getting getting handcuffed and then forced to bend over the car bid covering So yeah that that's kind of like what it's been. It's just like you're you're being bound up thing that you go into for a little bit. You're you're into bound up whatever time that is well. It's staring at the duck tape right now. Well it's your services and the third moon rescinding from the from the uterine lining. So you know obviously you are now into a more bounded gagged by an official person arrested out of prison though not a prison guard. No prison guard set now. Okay i can go further than the car.

00:15:01 - 00:20:01

Okay you're talking about you. I mean do you get released afterwards. Kind of thing or okay. Okay you fuck your way out of the situation well and it's kinda it's out in the open during the day. Okay it's kind of our rough a rough kind of like hurts. Yeah so i mean what did you did. Did what is in your fantasy. Does the cop like feel bad or like like no. He's all into it. I'm not saying dick afterwards. Any let you go because he feels bad for you or what. No he just let you go with a smile on his bike on. Like on the. Ask your buddy have good day. Ma'am it's funny. I've had the same nightmare. It's weird but for me. It's i could you don't like the pat on the but when you don't know i really prefer my contact with the police. Gb nine physical at all. Like you know. I you don't know the save word so we can't play together kind of thing so you said you stay on your side. I stay up buying and we'll be all be happy. you know. somehow. I lose that fight every time. See you pineapple tattoo. I noticed this. I was suffering. You know. I don't even know how i would respond to like. I got one to get mad if i'm not into it. You know. I mean if you're female i might be into it. I don't know see but then we're talking but like immediately my mind i'm some guy. Cop like hand customer throw me throws me at no negative. That is a nightmare. That is not good at all. You know okay well well speaking of Talking about porn. I've been wondering what's been going on in land of that. I know Little kind of like newly developed throttle. Okay yes i want to. I'm curious the one of the bbb bbb busy pregnant one. This is a different one. Okay no now. You're confusing me. Because you said three update like it was going to be the same people. You're not you're talking about and really develop throw so this is news rob yes all right have recently become a threat rile. Wow arou- during the honeymoon three-phase yes really. Yes oh she just left to go out of town to film a movie okay now. I know exactly what you're talking about. But okay and the other one came into town. Okay okay yeah. I laughed and b. B. is hanging around. Yeah okay well. I mean whatever. Their rule is mayor. They have an anytime role and maybe she's glad that she knows the person that she is that he is. I want to be so nosey. I want to be nosy so bad. Well now i don't don't don't get into middle of anybody's specially because an extra person juggling three balls now so you really just whatever they do they do. You can't even talk to either one about either one. Because it's their thing. It is one of my damn. Yeah i mean you could be ratting one out to the other unintentionally just by sharing information. You know what i mean. Yeah you know that's true. Yeah and i don't. I don't wanna get any trouble. That would be the only reason to like what are your rules. Just so i understand. You know if i talked to both of you at times like just better off not knowing anything because i don't i don't want to know anything that see there you go. Yeah yeah. I don't know i don't know what you guys are doing. How fake one busy body. I know i'm old now so lady. They've got nothing else going on. I gotta wonder about what you what you're doing. What if if you remember. I didn't doesn't really take an older lady at all to to what to talk about some gossip about a couple that i mean that happens pretty early on and people hood yeah male and female. I think that's sure so. I've got the Oh jin don't forget is dad's tomorrow. The fourteenth is steak and blow job. Day that's right so maybe pie day already looked and basically. It's already too late for you because by the time you hear this. If you're listening to a live it is taking a blowjob day at the earliest at the earliest. all right. well then i did. I actually was on time. You were i was earlier. You like pre pre announced a stake in a blowjob day.

00:20:02 - 00:25:01

Yeah i mean that's literally if you want to promote something you need to do it before the actual date happens. It works a lot better that way. Yeah i know yeah no. You're a winter good job good job. That's a second time. He told me good job coach. You got two gold stars tonight. I thought we didn't get stars. Yeah well show. Star's are different from day stars. Completely one of them like you get red stars and blue stars and yellow stars and green stars. Those were red stars. Show star's red haw show star's stars around. Okay what are the other ones where the other ones where you don't know what the other ones are. Green is cooking. Obviously obviously okay yeah. Greens cookieshow jello. But you don't know the fucking code. What what i lost the memo. I don't remember things anymore. Really i mean. Blue is the daily star average daily stars a blue star. I put on my belly via star by being. How would you ever gonna get any better if you don't understand star system Fucking figure it out all right. This guy got in trouble. He ended up getting to at a grocery store. He got two years in jail because handing out yogurt samples. Okay well can you guess what he added now. The classic swapped the yoga for the yogurt. Din slava just added to it. A little flavor to is a little tang. Who who is buying said yogurts free samples so so everybody's who yogurt this greek scott expertise. I i don't know why stamos. Why do you have to involve other people in your king. Like why do you do that. Why did you know you know why. Are you going to make an arrest of his. Look bad pervert. Well i don't know she. Apparently there's this there's this woman she could tasted in there and she went to the manager and she liked like. That is not the first time that i've ever heard that either. You know i mean there. There was a couple of stories of come eating stories before it wasn't there. Somebody was like. I can taste it in the cookie. Yeah every it's gotten crazy about if it's in the cookie like already and it's big. I don't know what the food substance was but somebody tasted it and that's how they caught kind of like you taste come tasted enough. Kinda know what it tastes like. The i mean you don't wanna have to ask the sperm content of your free sample yogurt before you eat it. You know oh. I mean you know it's a strawberry. Perm i mean if you want to intermittently feed sperm to your partner that you've told that you you'll feed sperm to every once in a while. Then hey you just made an agreement to have an kind of unwilling but at least they don't get to pick when they eat the com- you worked out ahead of time so you completely do it but first one's free but next one you gotta get a you gotta work for it especially what had stake in a blowjob day. That's very emirati at the grocery store anyways. So you're picking up. The stake gets a move shake. There was a police officer. He he sued this this Bagel joint because the cookbook cubes in bagel as revenge. You're going heavy on the on the karate. Just up food action. It's kinda it's kinda that kinda show. Yeah i mean you're you're you're trying to discourage people from ever eating out ever again as if they're running out to eat out right al anyway eating out and pubis kind of go together for dave whether you know it or not. You're you're puke. Consumption does go up when you eat out of the home. Seven out of ten scientists had to hear ordered something to drink and then he ordered a eggen she's in turkey on bagel and this is in new jersey in the guys like fook news. You got him cop kind of thing and he You know. I just heard somewhere that somebody would take pubic hair and put it inside of food as the ate it to to bring it up to get free food. They would take their own pew hair. Put it in said food because that way like if it looks like a regular hair. They're going to say well. That just came off like when you were sitting at the table right.

00:25:01 - 00:30:01

Obviously but when it's a curly hair like that immediately will asian people are screwed because they have straight Pugh not all of them and it's not a straight. I mean it still a every single. Asian person that i've male or female and that i've seen and i doubt they're taking a fucking flat iron to their watches Well what i'm saying is a really big country and there's a lot of people so it's not all like there's some curly cubes china somewhere there are. I'm telling you it may might may not be the normal you know i mean how many how many of you like term. I just got it done. How many how many black guys have you albino black people. I've met it to at least in the place that i was a teenager in their theory to abide black guys. I'm sure i have met. I met some. i can't remember them. Fuck yeah of my life so so you know. There has to be some curly hair. Pubic agents upside. There has to be just you know it's an odd thing you know well. They ended up. He ended up taking it to the lab to the lab the city for knowing they found the dna in the pews that y governor went pretty far for that one like that saves like. Who's doing it. I mean. I guess it's easy to do Whatever he works he's a fucking cop he worked for them. Feel like dexter some shit. I don't know we have to spend some some county money on this immediately and find out who this pubic. Who book eczema breakfast. I mean the investigation could run a quarter of a million dollars but we need to get to the bottom of this immediately. I'd wanna know who's cubes are in my fucking breakfast. Not only whose pupils but how many cubes are there. You know by volume really. Albany eat already there you go like. What's the estimated pew pew intake. That i have and what do i need to do to flush out my system. Yeah how likely am i to catch something. View zooming rally. It's probably not a very high chance of getting anything i mean. Really what's the likelihood that i ate your crabs. You know they die in your stomach acid bad. You know it'll be okay. They died in there. Just feed it by the time they get to your colon the long dead and they're just carcass you know just crab carcasses. Yeah well i do have one more food story I'm gonna talk about right now. There was a woman she sued. Am a restaurant over. The chief found a condom in her chowder. Okay now i know how she found that one. Yeah i mean idiot. She thought it was a clam. The content inside of the yogurt. I'm not sure how anybody picked out. You know but yeah they thought they had. Apparently they were a pain in the ass Table and they sent the soup back like three times. Okay at like twice to reheat and once for like something else so the The cook was like fuck this and he deported. Economy in there. And it's funny that you're telling that story because you were just talking about somebody who went out to eat with and they were really rough on the wait staff and immediately. I looked at you like you know. That's how you get your food. One hundred percent like all you gotta do is catch somebody. That's not making a living right now and then you fuck with them for no reason at all they know it. Guess what you're probably gonna get a little little you know come yogurt or What did they put in the soup. It's j- but no no no but there was something. How do we know there was something in the soup. What was in the condom. Oh that's right. This is a boy. Oh boy yeah. They had david picture of it to like. Oh the cook admitted he was like yes. I did okay. Well i one question no and matter to you if the condom was used during anal or vaginal sex would have added to you go. Oh yes okay. Which one would you prefer how god because you like watching hotman on man sex. Don't wanna lick the condom. After it's done you don't wanna look either either of the condoms really right. I mean. I'm assuming you're you're trying to say unless i know okay. Okay okay stay. I know the girl. And i'm into much in the box.

00:30:01 - 00:35:09

Okay she gets banged by someone's word econom- i- liquor juices off at the. That's not then. Okay so i mean. I mean i'm not saying i a but it's a bite and ab was been a by my mouth. I don't i. Don't i don't do that but you'll toss a salad lake selectively. You'll toss a salad. You're not anti nausea right I have died. you'll definitely take things into it. Yeah but i'm not gonna pull him out and lick off okay. Well i mean that doesn't mean that you could. It would never have and really. Oh i can see a circumstance in which you would be talked into it you know. I'm not addicted to any kind of drugs so okay. Well can't see that happening. I'm thinking more along the lines of you enjoying it. Oh god no no no. No sure at you know what you don't know. How do you don't know. I don't need to do much thinking about this honey. Okay so it's definitely the the vaginal magical conduct. Yeah okay now. If you knew who the person was and you agreed with the vaj and the dick dick and the badge off of it. Let's say the dig badge combo you're talking about like just pop in my mouth and no kind of ideas you up like say like i did not say that at all what i see what i'm saying. Is you know in in any kind of a conceivable universe with any combination of jake in pussy. Would you not be as grossed out. i don't. I don't know i don't know i'd have to think about it. Okay well i just wanted to lay a little punishment down for all of the food poisoning. Fucking a discussion here this evening so i just thought i would leave you with that on your last one. We're going to go to navasota ruled thirty four and when we come back we're gonna have a brand new tits man and this chick sitting for date so we'll be right back yum kind bullet. Basically andris -freshing snack. So there's this new product line and just as facebook desma. Facebook does i clicked on. It wants to just read about it. and now it's like on my feed every couple of post. I'm like oh my god it is called luma. Lemay can smell better naked body deodorant for your for your stinky parts. I mean how many how many ladies get that. That same advertisement that they're obviously targeting ladies. And what are you trying to say. Are you trying to say. I was thinking. What are you if you didn't think that you had an issue. Now all of a sudden have manifested. What exactly some kind of psychological state. Maybe maybe i. I kinda smell myself. Sometimes i don't really know Of what can i do. But they also talk about that. It is safer dudes to a because you can you guys can sneak balls in your role the foreskin down. And you just apply at like chapstick katie. How it works. Hey hey because he sticks may have may have like lotion. You're the guy you're going on your date with you. Have out okay. It doesn't smell like rank pussy anywhere now. Smells like old lady. Why like getting mothballs. I don't really understand with what's the deal down there. Every worried about like moths. what's happening. Put the tape like hand. Sanitizer flaw like what. Are you doing the smell like theater. I don't get it having a dental would offer And welcome back. Eighties world that rule thirty four studios kitty radio dot com and radio dot net is grooving alive like i forgot where the droplets i don't know who catch it either.

00:35:10 - 00:40:02

You can get us on twitter. I mean already said that but you can get on youtube. We and this one's not even like a driving. Peter anything no i know. It's like mellow and of really did put me in in a little zone rally right. Someone had taken a screenshot of his girls dating profile on this one dating app okay. It's tina twenty nine just very sick of pretending to be a cool laidback girl. So people want to date me. I'm insane literally balls to the wall insane. And that is okay pussies. Immaculate head game is other worldly. I will treat you right and i will also cry every day. High risk high reward. Yeah i don't know you know well. Of course i would have to run that direction like a mall to a flame for sure and of course you would. Yeah i mean you know. What does she look like though like. What are we trading here. Well the pussy could be immaculate but maybe like the rest of it. if. I don't know i don't know i can't say unless i'm confronted. You know what i mean. I have to like directly. See it to understand town or not. I don't know could be could be could be. I like crazy. I mean i'm usually into crazy. I don't know if you've noticed g. No i've noticed that could be the problem noticed. Oh my gosh. So yes oh my table. Read for this for the my new movie tomorrow and tomorrow morning. and then Yeah yeah i i need to do. I need to do something. Because i am in every single scene of this movie and clean to something as per what i need to lose boy. There's a lot of nudity in this way. Okay you lot of filthy things. That i'm doing to myself ok. Well yeah you know you know. You probably have a solid few weeks. Yeah i i have a couple of weeks okay. Good luck with that. I mean you're whatever it like. I said it's your action so i know uh-huh i know well i mean whatever is fine i we talk about a few things like maybe chain tweet a couple of things here and there okay little. Cgi oh yeah sure. There's those cgi budget really collide bell and he's going to do. I'm shocked oh my goodness you'll be fine recreate okay. There is a nude cruz. Okay that's coming up in twenty twenty two okay. I thought all the cruise ships like they all sunk or whatever somebody burn them in hospitals. I i don't know. I'm just saying people are taking cruises are they. Is that well. They said in twenty twenty two. It's gonna be a two week. New two week long nude crews from bare necessities. Okay yeah okay so sounds like like some sunburnt pick. Bits fucking christ. Elliot's but anyway. I mean i guess you only have a certain amount of people that are going to want wanna be nude on a cruise ship. But if they're gonna wanna do it then kind of their own risk. Guess you know. At some point i gotta do the research and find out. I would imagine between here in california. I mean california's probably has more places that are are nudist resorts. You know what i mean. Yeah but this is coming out of tampa ally. No of what. I'm saying is there has to be more nudist in florida than you think about it. 'cause it's warm. Yeah i mean you're in new york by you know i mean you you could be new sometimes but there's gonna be a good part of the year that i mean you're just not gonna do it. This is not gonna happen. Hey sir show me your tiger stripes major. I grew up not too far from a nudist camp. Lo trailer park over there. Yeah yeah tell me ma it so it doesn't mean new disturb they would definitely take a cruise and they're already brown in the pig parts. That's that's i said. Show me your tiger sharks agenda tiger shapes our.

00:40:02 - 00:45:03

That's when you know guys soft now the sun and then when he gets a hard on you know we're all the folds were on the dick. It's non sunburn tanned tiger strack. They're like racing stripes but different. Yeah yeah sure. I've always been like. I've i've never been one to walk around in the sun new just because of that reason that and i've always said self-protection wise snag a coin on something what i wonder about all the time you know. I mean that's what i would be worried about. What if i'm like tone have anything on. I mean we live in florida. You know how many gods have bugs are out there. I mean you know close. The everglades is that's playtime situation right there now. That's what i'm saying. Well that's how do we feel. We were like bang by a bonfire but the everglades. I don't care how you feel about it at all. But i don. I'm you know we're not walking around that way. You know it's two or three minutes of movie so you know you're fine you'll be fine. Whatever thirty seconds. Whatever it takes. I mean for the short haul. We're at a campfire bonfire. Just say you know. Yeah and you're probably a hammer ages. Isis let's go back. Party will because a lot of the camping situations where there are lots ladies around usually lots of ladies out and really put out. Did you wanted to. Johnny appleseed your way through the rest of them while i wanted to have a chance at having sex with them at some point and sometimes when one lady all the sudden jumps on it then then you don't get to go at the rest of them she sometimes you have to be strategic. Yeah but then a lot of the times though once you you pound one of them times you get them. All the girls like ooh. Sometimes i wanna. I wanna do to some of that that. That's you have to like have that that long-term thought you know what i mean like like you gotta well because like. That's not gonna happen overnight. They're not going to the next day. Say we'll kind of horry friends. She has well happen after time once. They hear the story because the next day they don't even know during no they don't know the story yet about how this person was buck. How how how have. I don't know but you got buck by all of your clad hunting prairie sex who. Clint looks like it came from national geographic. No it's naked and afraid all over again. Katie i'm telling you right now. Oh medicine for that already. He's a check to will make us special salve special we have the palladium back. We're we back in the party's own. Probably we are somehow in the studio inside of our place you could still hear the raging raging raging. Yes i don't know if it's raging but you should definitely here for sure. I let's go to your favorite segment standby cena by boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for shit. Man these are a couple of headlines for your nipple pleasure. These are navel-piercing horror stories. Nivose peercy horror stories harbor or Ho- horror stories. I have a hard time. Not saying hor assist. I really do or or or store. His because i usually play a horror horror. The for i don't know isn't it. Now listen concept of the word now. That's okay okay. All right well these these are you kinda like get your own fucking mind wrapped around the one one of state trooper ripped out a woman's nipple piercings with pliers. Yeah the quote so without any gloves or anything and i could see dirt under his fingernails. It was extremely disgusting. He gets on there and he tries to twist it and he starts shaking from trying so hard and ends up pulling it and ripping it rate out of you know. Yes i guess so. It's got arrested. And they were processing said person with nipple piercing going on and they just had to try to get it unscrewed and she ran screaming. Okay he just went gall ham joint wreck that nibble the nipple navel reggae. I wonder if you get any time off your sentenced for a wreck naval probably doubt it.

00:45:03 - 00:50:12

Oh probably not. you're right They slipped i slept. I didn't know what happened. I sure that cat came up behind me. Katie said that's okay A woman was killed by her nipple piercings. You're going to have to check out so that lady didn't almost is the one at the police you know. Now just a rip nibble. But she's just mutilated for life. Now yeah i would say so. What if she did she have nice. Jobs on it relates jober devils. Or what what we work do. They have pictures other. There's no photo alludes now. Oh i'm sorry this show disappointed. You're going to have to look the to yourself. i wanted to see pre imposed cop messing up nipple nipple. Well i'm sure you can find a galleria rip nibble bits. No i don't want any just any no because then it was just like when you searched the feminine joe rent All the sudden feminists yet they onslaught which. I made the same thing the same mistake searching for for working on the youtube video and all of a sudden i've got an eighty five ads for that damn deodorant stick and it's the same thing rip. Nevels is what. I'm saying. So if i search rip nipple just a you know it's going to happen. I'm going to get every rip naval salve fucking. Add that there ever was. Oh my god though. But i wanna get tom. Nibble butter the other butter. Tom's paid out of yogurt yogurt. No his name is special. Tom faced because because he's special. You can use his product everywhere. It's like the glands from god. It's like oxy clean but it does other stuff. And you can actually eat it to dietary supplement to lead tells liquid clean your stuff can have tubs nipple salve naval butter to sell nipples. Never be tough again out front course. Well they're fighting pit bull. Obviously i mean you know might rog bay dealer. Jean pit bulls or chickens. What are the other. That's what has to be the fight. That's going on outside. Because i heard the dogs. My god dogs of the bouncers no anyway. They're done francis. Walk out there with a with another broken back windshield. No i don't know who did it. hey that didn't happen to make me mad about something that didn't happen. Wait a minute timeout. That your trick on yourself. You don't get to play that one on me. You don't mean negative. You're you're not gonna make me worry about something that has not occurred. I wasn't trying to make you worry about it okay. I wasn't okay. All right i promise. Gosh did you ever get anywhere on the thought of was combination of of ass and dig That would gross you out the least now. You're putting more thought into okay. Sorry okay. i'm amazed that i haven't like made you watch the woody allen documentary at all to like part of me doesn't want him. I don't want. I don't want to have a woody allen fantasy now make sure keep you glasses on. We fuck but single fantasize about the glasses because we al and has glasses. Yeah that's fucking stretch between me and woody allen and you know every little bit helps You know if you could describe somebody. I'm not exactly the opposite of woody allen. 'cause obviously that would be somebody like fucking michael. Strahan would be the exact opposite of woody allen. But i'm pretty far away from the woody allen scale as far as me looking like woody allen even with glasses you look nothing like straight hand either. I didn't say i said that. That on the exact opposite ends of the scale are woody allen and stray hand as far as not looking like each other at all. I am closer than stray. Hannah's but i'm still a long way away from woody allen's what i'm saying okay yeah so it'd be hard if you had to fantasy and you wanted me to dress up. As the word. The words the would weird out rabbi would switch what you gotta call me rabbi would have sex with the nun sister francis as for those of you.

00:50:12 - 00:55:05

That aren't on On youtube you will be able to. I am wearing none and assured. That says mega fuck slut. I'm not sure how they combine. They i just felt like doing sweden innocent pure dammit. Can't you tell by third says a dirty word on air. I mean either that. Or i mean you could be a foreign none and it just like sometimes you see people in different countries that don't speak the language in americans have it to where somebody will print something really fucked up. Sure just walking around you know. Say so only the says. I like my. I can't think of any right now because that would be way too convenient but you know what i'm saying. I do know what you're saying. But i hear the same thing happens to americans and other countries. I'm sure you know you have some writing. And it's every language you don't know what it says and it's like you know fat american. Hor people are laughing at you as you're walking by an asian person than has tattooed says like water. Yeah english word. Because we have like a kanji and i i have a contact my neck. Yeah we know what you think it says but we don't really know doing when i forgot i keep i always forget about two of my angle. Yeah right those are smaller and blurry now so hard to start a notice. Yeah i don't. I don't think about my ankle tattoos like at all. They all just blend into like a swirly. Swirly a swirly decorative design anymore. You know what i mean. I don't know can't tell is it's amazing what happens to a tattoo after a while down. 'specially when you have like really hold up pretty good though because i'm white as well you don't you're not like big ongoing in the sunlight. No began the pasty nece. That's right because i don't like to sweat well lately nature. You're like antarctic white and pasty. I grew up in law hair. Blue eyed why. Yeah i've seen you pink up after like five minutes in this. I know it's pretty weird. That's it when we were when we were doing the big mob ambig- foot my boss. I it was. I was out in the sun and i have pictures and by the time i came home under my cheeks. I mean the top of my cheeks were all. Read like yeah. I don't know. I pink up really quick so i mean that's probably why the tattoos hold up pretty good on you could be. This woman said that her boyfriend has a roller coaster. Okay literally she. She has one of those those fetishes and where she like you know falls in love with objects which she says she has kids with it if costa bro. Costa god's whenever moving care frigging wackadoo. Saugus we fuck. Fuck you my god this. Is this thirty eight year old woman. She's fucking wackadoo she It's a german ride all right. Yeah that's good disclosed. Yeah those russia but okay over there over there over there okay continue. Please barely know english so anyway so she she had a romantic bond with this fucking ride. It's called the skies scream. Oh the coaster love yup yup. She's yeah she's in love. Is it a wooden coaster. Obviously you'd want the would or no no no steel. Modern steel coaster is and she has a A model of it in her house that she keeps so she has him by her side all the time or when she's at home now i wonder how the owners of said coaster feel about her being in love and marrying their possession. You know what i mean. Well they are married yet. I mean really. The key question is how old is the coaster I don't know if the costa concern. That's what i'm saying like. What is the age of consent in germany for coaster. Well you know for anything. I'm just. I just provided me. I have no idea what they're what they're action. Is you know eighteen. Like the rest of us are like i don't know or is it younger like nine.

00:55:06 - 01:00:00

Maybe it's twelve. I don't know it's not my culture. I'm not sure. I would imagine augean right well. Sex and coasters might be different than sex human years i got. I switched over to people on that. I'm just wondering what do the age of consent and in germany would be. I could probably look it up. Paid but what i want to know is how rubbing her cooter on the fucking roller coaster gave her children. You know yeah and even even at west. She has shouldered hunted. I missed that part of the story. I don't know there's in the fucking title okay. But i didn't read the holy. Jesus but i you know fourteen apparently. Oh it's well. Just what. I what i do. Jet it comes right up from sixteen to eighteen. Teenagers need permission of need parental permission. Either in writing or the people Accompanying the childhood say physical violence including spanking on the part of the body's illegal germany. The legal age of consent in germany is fourteen if both partners are under eighteen. So if you're if you're over eighteen you have to have sex with people over eighteen. You'll we'll know if you're over eighteen anybody that you go to have sex with you need permission from their parent from sixteen eighteen parental permission in writing. But if your papers having papers on morning. I want it now papers But the idea if you're under eighteen you can still bang at fourteen. Apparently and this is according to. I don't know what you know. How little girl. It's a sketchy laying little girl. Can you queue coccia. Ask your mom if she can write down or signed this piece of paper for me in. Actually it's a few places across the board here say how same thing for fourteen. Yeah look at. Wow that's what i'm saying. Like what is the age of consent in germany since You know we were talking about rollercoaster. But you know yeah. Obviously the roller coasters probably probably not Could be fourteen or actually has to be sixteen because she's over eighteen. She's thirty eight. I don't think that that matters. Okay what if you're going by the chinese calendar and not the german calendar is it different. What if the the new chinese symbol is a roller coaster. And what if you were using The the attic calendar and it stopped and twenty twelve so the world is over so everybody's infinitely old. Do you like summer. Fucking ragu okay. She's got a whole bunch of shit you bought from the park. And she has this whole room decorated for her. Love lover. baby's daddy's chevy relig-. Does she even work at the park. Maybe like i could see if she maintained it. You know Maintenance mechanics know my name is olga. Imsa mechanic though she wants to lose those fucking wheels. Most she did. Apparently she platts she. Yeah they they let her have her way with the derby. Your did you. We'll come on now. They let her go fuck. That's i said. Lady bids do fucking kuch on the coaster and then get kids. Yuki kids from coasters cook ross. Okay well but yeah the kid part. Obviously you know this was evacuated conception here. It didn't happen. They said you know they had an understanding. The sex is not a priority. Okay but i mean. Did she eat yogurt or anything to happen now. I wonder when they come out these Coaster children like do they come crashing out or two little men come out of them and your rectum attached so the cars due to who. Yeah i mean what is the. Dna has look like from a rollercoaster. Thomas the tank engine. You gotta watch that when people shoot thomas attach. She'll kill you in really. What are you talking to somebody. House lost it i have. I think it's time that we go. Okay say so. You're the boss your dame on on show it is yeah. That's right that's right.

01:00:03 - 01:05:00

I don't know i'm i'm pretty Pretty toasted right now. Okay so all right. I think i should using here. What do you want to happen now. We'll be a fire the thing up. Are you start. Wrap it up okay. I like asked specifically because you sounded like you were a juror. Wanted like like somehow guide you in some way anybody. Oh actually. there's something else that i wanted to talk about. I thought it was kind of funny. Things there is this Like food fucking distributor. Like you can get like you can order shit from everywhere kinda thing and they'll shiva to while they have greek place. You can get a good yo. Octopus hole raw tender is the way that their advertising to you. I'll show you the picture. It looks like fuck tour. Okay i mean you know that's kind of like it's all curled up and it has little mouth. Oh out and it looks like you're you're looks like by two. I don't know something about having the the of an octopus pointed at me does not make me wanna stick my dick into it like well. If you're seeking there no it's not. It's already cleaned and tender is shirt as i can't believe anybody on that one the dad. You know a senior. Did you stick your dig into the octopus. It'll be fine octopi stick and you will be okay. Dig it so yeah no not no. I still wanna fuck the octopus. i've never had had. It doesn't work the same shoot. I mean i'm totally. I can totally enjoy a good octopus tentacle anti action. Yes oh yeah. Yeah i could enjoy that but when it comes to an actual octopus i look at it and i am not sticking that mouth. There is a beacon inside. That god damn thing. I'll eat it. But i don't want to fuck it exactly. I don't even want to put my finger in there. no. I want to put anything in there. I want somebody to cut it up and serve it to me deliciously. Although it is pretty tender is now a soft and supple octopus right there if you had managed to get it through the whole then you like squeeze little head caveney that question. I mean it. It was awfully sexy. South of hod really it was. It was a hot los angeles had rights in town. Soccer's had somebody soccer's tristan. I really don't have any attraction to now negative but that's what it would sound like. If did this is what it would look like yells. It sound like sorry not look like a couple of keys go. Yeah i wanted to show you that octopus. Okay about an octopus is what you wanted see. That was what you brought out of me with instead of instead of having the. Come in your yogurt. Then you have the. You're okay well somehow addict. The octopus comes out as bad as the yogurt. Cobb why is that. What actually i don't know i don't know why because it doesn't make sense stealthily see giant load already on it. You know what. I mean now. Would it be be better because it's yours. Go definitely jeter if it's fine. That's right. I mean it's bands on the stranger and from for me personally i would you know it's like who's who's come. I mean it could be lady come could be. Maybe i'm into maybe like it. I don't know. I dunno lady come in breast milk. I mean i do want to be informed of the jazz content of my foodstuffs. Before i eat it that that would be very helpful. Yeah i mean. I i wanna make a decision whether i eat. Jr is not. I don't want surprised just as what i'm saying. Nobody likes the price. Yeah i mean. Chances are i'm gonna say no either way. I mean really. The odds are really against you. That i'm gonna want egypt's allow. There are a lot of people out there that are into eating suggests. That's what i'm saying so you can find somebody pretty easily. I'm sure to eat some cheese. So that's probably why the woman was passed because she she likes each's but then she's like i don't know you and you have me. You're just. That's how i know always in here. Yeah you didn't put it on the warning label out front. I didn't see the sticker or the sign you know. How could you not see the says whole foods. I mean my god. You didn't get tested for covid at all. How do i know that's not you know wrote a sperm will forget about roanoke.

01:05:00 - 01:06:20

And if it's like asia vs girma. I think it's got to be in blood for hiv. And that i take it has to make contact with blood. I think that's a blood to blood kind of an action. I mean that's like takashi six nine left all right well because sixty nine their interlocked gotcha. Okay we're gonna go now. Katy jokes shot the pack. Crafted that just for you. I appreciate your efforts. Good the kinda shit you like. Sometimes i out here for the night So i hope you have a great week day shifts. Whatever the hell you doing workout see everything for me. Oh leave a five star fucking rating on itunes. Their hook us up with a nice review. Not that go watch on youtube in my social media and counter tampa bay screams the nineteenth and twentieth of march tv spots so Because of what this does anybody does.