#345 – Pregnant LP Sex
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Kinky Katie's World #345 Pregnant LP Sex

00:00:00 - 00:05:03

I just wanted to introduce the audience to the subtle. Neg- that's all. It's it's as subtle like you can't go hard sometimes. Sometimes you just gotta like you got like bumped aside just a little just because that's not really a negative. I'm really honestly you're you're you do great at it. You're you're doing a good job. You put a lot of effort into it. My god what do you want me to tell you. We're going to move on to my favorite. The weekend has landed all the exists. Now is club strokes pope's and pies of got four hours off from the world man. I'm gonna blow steamer. I'd like a screaming cattle. I'm gonna cut shit to strange's own life. I'm going to lose the plot down floor floor the free radicals inside me a freaking on tonight. I'm jim develops on three apopka. I'm going to never neverland with my chosen family mind. We're going to get more spiced out than neil armstrong. Avidly crap tonight. It could be a personal life from the quick buck burn. What's the key and now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that enjoys a warm wet slid just as much as the next girl. Here she is your host the one the oni kinky katie. Hello and welcome to the show. This is world number three forty five. I'm a host can be katie. And if he has always is. Mike cure will turbo. Cupid my absolute favorite plush covered flexibly. mr do you live. I know you made like like when katie makes raises sometimes right before we started doing shimmy just weird face of horror that she was just doing for a picture or something but i looked out her. I'm like what the fuck is wrong. And then the guy and she's going nothing it's just a picture like a and he's like what the fuck. I thought you were reading something completely hard. The world just standard zombies running around. You must report. You must report exactly anyway. Continue coming to you. Live from route thirty four studios kinky katie radio dot com radio cast dot net zero. I think we have a fun show for you guys. Tonight's early valentine's day. If you guys are listening live than valentines days tomorrow for both of you are so. Yeah yeah Hey whatever works hand. It's you got puppets that's all. I'm worried about running sorry to do. It sucks sucks. I'm wearing my my One of my clock mass. Whenever i'm gonna go show like my nose starts arriving. I'm like do nothing about it. No so tap on the outside of it to absorb it. And i'm just like this is so gross i get so i'm like i just get in the car with my face. I mean really. You know these. Just blow it right into the basque and for you know figure it out later. I say it's just sensible things. Do not really know not. Why didn't you agree then. Okay you to say yes the people that i have. I've already put it out on my social media but the ones that took me up on me. I will be your valentine for valentine's day offer. Okay what does this mean. No i said if you. If you're lonely i will send you a personalized picture for on valentine's day and i said you don't have to buy me anything in order to get a picture you know 'cause i'm i'm not trying to be like that okay and and for those of you who aren't paying attention to your social media each case you weren't paying attention now tardy pass valentine's day by the time you're hearing this. Because i started. I started putting it out there the information out there a week ago before so you know if you missed it. The fucking missed it. I'll tell you well. Because i wrote i wrote everybody's name down from From twitter and from facebook on both of my facebook pages of of who liked it. And whatever so mike okay and there were a couple of people that did send me. Send me little gifts. So they're getting special ones. I really liked enjoyed your idea of just sending the people who request valentine's day you know recycled take picks from other people too.

00:05:03 - 00:10:02

I was a great idea. Anyway i always gonna use those unsolicited pick somewhere. Well but now but there is. There's a lot of people that Went back to find the original post and clicked like and stuff like that. I'm like nope still late. I went through my list. And you're not on. And i made it before you know so much so sorry so sorry what are you gonna do. You know you make an offer on social media and if you make it made it. You made it if he didn't try again. I couldn't say we'll since you lost out now you've got to pay for five bucks. No because then. I would be like europe soliciting you. Oh yeah you need your selling sex in. He can't do that. You care you. Can you know whatever you enjoy their little club. If you want to keep going to their club you probably got up bowed to. They're fucking rule. I know i still. I still get a little bit of the cringes though with that one cater psych. You've been very words in highschool. I know what are you gonna do. You're not in. Please tell me it was your senior year school. Nothing you can do. We completely discourage underage people from adding anything to do with us. So you know that's all you can do after that. It's yeah where's your parents while you out. Why why aren't they monitoring your fucking phone action. Really i had. I sent out a couple of pictures on on twitter and on facebook before the show and just saying the show's coming out. Everyone's like you look like a housewife. Who like mom yell. Put some pearls on. Yeah and they're like to fuck mom tell you it's like benefiting gaydos step mom mom action It's sweeping the world i think. Yeah popularity incestuous weird shit like that. I don't wanna be incestuous but if you have a mill fetish or guelph these days for fuck sake and seriously well. I mean we were talking about that last week with a friend of yours to that or the girl that you interviewed Had her picture of somebody she was working with an and i just looked at it because i put it in the youtube video and while i mean he really does look like he's fifteen years old and she definitely looks like she's well into her thirties at least in the picture that they showed me. You know what i mean. Guess wow wow. Wow and i'm sure that's exactly how setup of course. I'm not sure why you know. Teachers sleep with their bail students. I don't know how that mother steph signs. Oh no. I had phone sex with one of my teachers seat. So exactly. who are you to talk. I didn't mess around with their mercy's dick or anything or show boobs. This was before camera. Phones never never science teacher. There's only like one teacher that i can remember. That was that you would think about banging that. I would think about hanging. Oh yeah yeah. Yeah this is what i would bank just about anybody of just saying i was a teenager. I don't know to tell you the women's softball whatever but no. That's that's my point. You know apparently everybody. I'm i'm. I'm a little mad that i wasn't molested by teacher or to you. Know what i mean. It would have been fun. I would have had time no. I'm sure i'm sure you would have called it molestation either. I would call that. Bragging rights will though. Not even i know to keep my mouth shut. What are you talking about now. I did all kinds of weird shit. Like that. And i don't say anything. Fuck no you know why. Because i want to come back into it again. Yeah yeah no no. There's there's been a lot of stuff that i did. I never told his like. Oh it's like okay. I know horrible. However totally into it. And i had a really good time. Well the thing is that there is there is one. I used to always make sure that her picture was still on the nightstand because she used the head. Cheerleader and her boyfriend was like mr stud hockey player and we used to talk all the time. Boy yeah it is just a ha- your brother got your boyfriend's still fucks me keeps fucking me because of the sheet that you won't do prison. Fuck i never. But i never think but then it didn't surprise me when it turned out that he he came out of the closet and of some people wonder. Why sometimes you don't get along with other females.

00:10:02 - 00:15:00

Why fucked are men and make them realize that they're gay. Okay well not really that will that part and and it's really listening to you talk about fucking red and making them gay. Yes she can girl. I mean some certain girls used to really super pissed me off like they would be so mean to me for absolutely no reason and yeah i i bet i can fuck bigger on you and i always did well. I see that i wasn't the only teenager who would would just you know ruthlessly fuck anybody who would let me like literally of. That's my friends. Fried okay. i thought my friend's dad. You you agree all right. Let's get naked. Yeah i mean he was yours to my friend's dad i. That's what i'm saying anymore. You know. I don't even know what's right anymore. I don't even understand. It wasn't right then. I guess but things like that never felt wrong to me. I i don't know but then again here we are talking about it as we do a sex by chest and talk about all kinds of fucked up shit so i mean i don't know but maybe you shouldn't do shit like that. Yeah well you definitely shouldn't yes. We always say you know. Don't don't we give terrible advice. Don't do what we say. We did fucked up things growing up. So you guys. Of course not. Because i had friends that and they were doing the same shit that i was. I wasn't alone was once it was gross. I was having sex with a dude and his father walked in. I was sitting there having a conversation. Who while his son bed then he gets up and he's standing there naked talking. The dad's like now move to the doorway. He was inside the room make. Your son is sitting there naked. You're in the doorway. You guys are having this fucking conversation. And i'm embed just i what is going on. I wanna go home. I was sixteen. Okay let's it's outta gravy you really. You're not you're not. You're not pitching case here now. I'm not because that's that's this is what i'm saying you're not really. You're not really you know you're not selling now not using your best argument. This is why. I'm not on lucy and i turned out just fine. I don't know why anybody would say it's fine. It's okay i was willing. It's okay dammit. No i know exactly. You can't tell a broken without okay. I mean either way this is. This is where either one of us is at so. I don't know what to tell you. Why here's what skies blow deal with it horse over you not really. I don't know. I can't i i mean i've had that tendency. Sure i doubt. let me. but there's a lot of people they fantasize where they like. I wish i was a whore. I had so many people that say that they would live there. Live vicariously through me. Because i was having all this fun woods. Do this weekend. And i lost. My car. spent a thousand dollars. I have several bruises. I don't know where they came from. And for some reason my crotch is very very sore. Various weird narcotics in my bra. Well no that. That's that's what i'm saying. I mean a maybe. It just wasn't a good idea for anybody. Not all the stuff but you know you survive and you learn your lesson. I can't do that anymore. I i mean. I remember being at an after hours club that was completely affront for something else and the owner who's in his seventies. I was in office. For some reason. I remember and like pulled. His dick out and empath co ghana. And he's like want it and even though i was blasted. I'm like no no really. Wow that's completely not like you. I know that i'm shocked. I know really shocked will then after that. That's when we went to fucking chic. Yes r- another cd cd and did a lot of bad store. Any any woke anything you are allowed to do. Whatever the fuck you ought to do and people did yeah. There was were pictures melody that that's right well for good reason. Yeah yeah we're stuff going on. Oh i would not want to see that place with the lights on no.

00:15:00 - 00:20:03

Oh it gives me the shivers. Like i've i've seriously got goosebumps. That was pretty bad. Yes so so either way see. It's okay it's okay your little slutty when you're younger you're fine. He'll be okay later. That's like i love and we're talking about. Oh what's your number on all through high. What is it it's like it's all relative. I mean it's all relative legged for some people it just is like if you were from a place where there's only like fifty people in town. How many of them you get a bang. You are the village flex lot. That's well they would have to be universal because everybody's gotta gotta waterfall something. i mean. yeah yeah so people have got a fog and if you're in a place where there's there's two hundred people you know really how many people are saying you're gonna go around a couple of times you have to. I'd have to travel. Just i need to get outta town. Sorry i gotta go to another town. I've i've worn out my welcome here. I don't think i should stay here anymore. You've worn out pussy and say all right. I'm that bitch yet. ned sal. We got to go. So it's it's a relative factor like you know how many ever people it's whatever you know you'd have to some people you know five is a big number or ten is a big number you know but variety i mean you gotta know what's out there. Yes yes for me i had. I had to know what was out there. Because i could not wait until marriage because to be honest when i was younger. I never that i was going to get married. Go i never did okay. I see how you can think that and super fat so like all right. Well i'm just gonna fucking get hammered all the time because i hate myself and then i pretty much yeah fucked anyone that would no federal style. Yeah uh-huh so. I tried harder. Like i gave like a mean fucking blow job what happened. Yeah fuck year a fuck you just. Can't you doing good job good job. You're fine at myself. come on. i'm into it when you're into it. Ach i just wanted to introduce the audience to the subtle. Neg- that's all It's it's to be subtle like you can't go hard sometimes. Sometimes you just gotta like you just gotta like bumped aside just a little just a little because that's not really a negative. I'm really honestly you're you're you do great at it. You're you're you're doing a good job you put a lot of effort into it. My god what do you want me to tell you. We're going to move on to my favorite A might not be the korean. You would pay katie wine. It's time once again for a okay. Now this one took really weird term okay as opposed to any normal normal stuff that you talk about will usually. If something's getting me off that is getting me off and that's kind of what i'm sticking with for a little bit okay. This i did not get didn't get me off. This is just something that i was very about. Okay yes gone okay. So we're gonna start off with Pregnant little person. Yeah uh-huh uh-huh yeah. Because they sent you a picture right yes you ask for dudes so you knew. It wasn't me no and i sent you. I sent you to back. Yes yes that was Tanya tejano yeah so if if you look up tiny tejan at one point she was pregnant and she's lp edge. I never seen a naked a naked day naked pregnant lp especially one getting railed yes. Why didn't actually see her. Having sex and i stopped short on my on my fucking search there. I well i did not stop short actually dug pretty deep all right sauce stuff. I was just. I was very curious. I mean at one point this this one girl bless her heart she. She looked like a fucking butterball turkeys a series of thanksgiving turkey like that size and she was all trust up and she's getting banged and she had a belly choose pregnant like fucking turkey. Yeah it was more about it well but that that's like just the oddity of it all just like any anytime something that you haven't seen or been around it just hit you that like weird way where you're like.

00:20:03 - 00:25:01

I don't even know how to think about this. But like i know it exists because ruled thirty four but ensure scenic absolutely. Not and and not. Only that you're a person that's entitled to be sexual and fuck at any point you want to your throat. You're willing so you know why not pregnant. Lp porn why white. they're people too. They need to bang course. We'll pregnant pregnant people have a hard time. blake Twice well and not only that but but like you know. I'm gonna stab the baby with my kind of thing. You know what. I mean like some weird like that. I'm just saying overt that from people. I know that well completely disagree. Well that started leading down to another road. Three parter okay. So that's certainly leading me. Dan to i and i i'm not quite sure why but it was women tied down face down okay on Like blocks or or wooden crates. Okay well then tigana crates to go on and they were gaining range. But they're they're their face down and they were they were. They were gagged and they were blindfolded and they were tied down face down there. You know what their arms and legs over the side ahead of time. You know too little tying up bagging over crate. Yeah ok okay. This seems like it's not connected to pregnant l. p. porn at all no actually like i don't know how like how does how does how do you. How do you phase wikipedia. Run your way through that. You know what. I mean how do you. How do you go from pregnant porn to the next recommended. Video is tied down girls over crates. I told you that. I dove deep in this weird place. Okay and these are run things. Turn now the dog sil- rape fox rape. Okay you know. Take a wild. Guess worth that went. What do you mean where that what what do you mean. Where where else would it go Like i don't to lunch well. It breasts it led to gay sex with dude wearing mucci or masks. Okay okay. so you've you've successfully speed run. You did the pornhub speed rub like any started at pregnant people in and you ended up and start there okay. Pregnant l. people are. You're studying in a pregnant l. People aren't within two rotations. Your to let let something. i forgot. it's gay male gay sex with the. They're wearing lucia lucia or ludar. Gay man poured. Yeah wow like wrestling okay. And but there. I mean it's kind of like wrestling. It's the same thing really. Yeah okay like ray mysterious. Where's that ramos. They each other down there railing each other. what's happening. yes okay. okay by force. But they're kind of like puff late. They usually are okay. Like like lucia would be. Yes but they're in like the shittiest hotel you can tell because everything's like brown and the like the debate five areas like fucking like brown paisley gross of the wrestling at a hotel rooms got wrestling. But they're not wrestling. Okay they just wearing the or masking. Yeah okay well where you have a special at the corner of sex motel. they're you know they're doing the nineteen ninety-five Twelve hour special. Chet you gotta jump on that and shitty brown room. And that's where we're filming our fucking lucia porn at right there day after halloween sale. So we got all these masks. That's right it's wednesday. So they did laundry tuesday's so we're all day in we're okay is is. There's hardly any jazz on stuff except for the curtains and all the services everything down and in a weird coincidence they literally painted their entire walls and all the surfaces with a uv reactive substance. So you can't tell you can't tell wouldn't that be cool. Hotel plans out so they make everything. Uv light reactive.

00:25:01 - 00:30:00

So if you try to be like anything at everything just lights up evenly. So it'd be of hilarious now. I what i would really wanna do is just take a bucket of like women all paint or whatever should they do they react to the light i would get in the middle of the bed and just throw it up at the ceiling flex lag just right over the bed and that's it so it'd be like what the fuck happening here. It's like that scene in nightmare on the street. You know we're johnny. Depp gets sucked into the bed. Scarves out i mean you could do. You could actually offer your gas a free black light and it's for their own inspection and what you do. Is you only have so many rooms that are like this. That are completely coated. And you know you do this like a practical joker style where you just filmed the room so you get to see the reaction of the people who actually get the lucky room. It could be a new game. Show i said i was gonna say to you. You could do another version or you could event. There's a scape rooms but you can have okay. Everybody gets a black light wherever you know if you book room and you stay at a room. There's like clues. There's a scavenger hunt in the room. And you gotta kinda okay. Well now you're giving it was just. I was just thinking of some foreigner showing up to a foreign land and arriving and saying oh you're gonna give me a black leg to inspect oh that's very cool and then everything and you just don't tell them and just see what happens. Let's just just see where this goes joke. That i've heard before said a guy check into hotel. Says ma'am is the The porn disabled for looks and she says you sick. Fuck disabled yes. Fuck some hearing what i wanted to hear. No just hours scary it. A you know you would expect a straight laced vanilla bean kind of a person to to you know i was thinking like vanilla bean listening to this show. But that's how i took it when you said it. I did not take it. As is the porn disabled. Is there disabled people fucking that i can watch. I didn't take. It is what i'm saying. I i would've laughed right. Somebody's phase. That would have been funny. shit. I would be confused. I just hang on hang on time out of asking you if the porn has been disconnected in the room and you have a problem with a question mark like i only watch vegetarian. Vegan terry shaya the musical of the as bad but whenever i made it no no. You didn't take it already happened around. So we re really. You're just reporting on it. You're letting people know that it exists really I do want to say recipes. To larry flint. Yeah the he's the creator and the president and owner of hustler magazine for a long time. I thought he was dead long time ago. I don't really to. I don't know why. I thought he was dead a long time ago because he's been around forever but i really i. He died a couple of years ago literally. He got shot in the eighties at some point and like the meter early a long fucking time of the nineteen hundreds for crying out loud. Judy shot in a wheelchair and gold. Wheelchair obstensibly on the edge of death. You know for the last fifty fucking years and he had like three strokes and hope show. I really thought he was dead a long time ago but he has done a hell of a job of normalizing pornography for us all yes. He led the way that's right. He led to a bullet for for people who wanna just look at some. Td's and some back goat action from girls who want to show you their code and from beaver hunt of barely legal to a whole bunch of other. I mean th hustler. Don't even know. I mean how many different smut mags. He's produced at all and the stores. I mean movies. Everything ninety well. They are doing a celebration of life. And they're going out with a bang. Reg regular g is fancy orgy. Cnc orgy. there'd be. No saran wrap skirts.

00:30:01 - 00:35:04

Well they're going to have it at the hustler club in vegas and that's gonna be one hell of a sund off their say and There's going to be sexy after dark. Dance group that's going to be performing ceremony. There's gonna be rooftop balloon release their they have a Signature drink. there's even going to be girls that are going to be performing and stripping during the service. Yeah you know it's kind of fitting any you know for any of you out here. Don't know larry. Flynn is really on. What are you doing. What are you doing your forefathers. Look at porn. Oh god poor. I mean if he didn't exist before the internet came around. What am i saying somebody else would have. You know. you can't stop smut. you can't i mean i. I don't know what i'm saying. You get in. its way. People are gonna find a way to look at some nasty depraved. Shit that's true. They've been doing since the beginning of time. Okay kinda like nasty depraved. Shut as stuff should. Whatever i think maybe that i i don't i don't know if i'm doing a wrong because i fucked a lot of people a lot of times and people are always comparing sex noises to stirring macaroni and cheese okay. Somehow i heard. I've heard that said a lot in reference to lot but to me stirring of mac and cheese satellite you're furiously finger houston faction. You know what i mean you know is you don't produce a lot of lot of oysters your problem. That's your thing you have to live on lube. You've lived on lube your entire. What i don't know. I guess i guess i'm deaf but just go no eight completely baked noise with other people that you bang bang for sure. Sure i've had by pussy. Make a bunch of noises. But i'm just saying net sex. Never ever since i started banging stirring maggie. Just explain why. I know you're the mutants would tell you i had problems. We'll know for a lot of people though seriously. Like i mean it's just goes to show you like little fucking twats is different little twats lead. Were i mean. Good luck in high school. My name split fifth grade says don't be such a hard us. We're going go to have a set of rule thirty four when we come back. We're gonna have a brand new tits man. We are also going to have some other fun stuff. And i can't believe that we have to explain to someone that this is an actual real thing so stick around bareback. Young time basically andris pressuring snack so the couple that i've been following on twitter the vdi couple of the hot sauce people. Well the latest latest one the latest one that i saw the holy fuck i have. I have the added length that a put out to the video ad says his whole is amazing. I use my hands and my feet to stretch showed me. That she was sticking her flesh. She has her foot after her ankle. His whole says video. I did and it was quite. It was like wow. That's well that's the whole thing is i i. I wasn't sure i'm like. That's that might be her wrist. Unlike the off large degree forearm. And i'm like oh that is a career. He's got a whole damn foot there somebody but if somebody was like really in a feet like a debut holy shit that is the best. Fuck fuck me with your foot with your lovely which new Really really yeah.

00:35:04 - 00:40:02

That's i can't and welcome back to you can be katie's world ruled thirty. Four studios are co laurel three or four studios cater radio dot com radio cast dot net. You can give later kinky katie radio kinky katie radio dot com kiki catering g mail dot com on facebook. And on that leave me. I'll and sars getting a little trouble with this. Yeah you were. I don't know why this isn't like a mind. Melting kind of viet here. Really you know not the usual ones that usually kind of tweaked a little bit. Yeah no no. It's like. I said it's it's been a desert wasteland of fucking music creation compared to what was going on the last you know ten years or whatever like it's slowed way down for some reason. I don't know what. I wonder why i don't know. Strange fucking phenomena are isn't as much good music. They're still good music it's there. He's got to look a little harder kind of find it. Well i'm telling you. Well i'm just one of those people that i can only hear a song so many times and then i hate it no matter how good it is. So it's like a frustrating effect of. I have to continually look for music that i haven't heard before to enjoy an. I enjoy music so anyway. It's a curse all right i. I'm going to get a little sacrilege for a second. Okay on who you'll say. Okay so the question. I was asked was what they said. I don't know if it was a troll or whatever but they said is auto erotic expiation real. Yeah yes okay. It is a real weird thing to ask. If it's real people. Famous people have died. Well at least. That's what was reported. Rumored whatever okay. But i know a lot of people that have done it. And this and that and people have password shore. Yes we have. I have talked to several people who to solo things and they have methods that they use an. It's a stupid idea. So it's Patients basically solo choke. Yeah really horrible idea. Because that's when you're thinking you're clearest is when you're trying to catch a fucking life ending not now you're thinking right you know. People can't even handle recording video and audio and getting the both recorded let alone working some kind of a strap and not actually strangling yourself. Oh and not strangle thank. Y'all can't even handle working a fucking camera. Little load where he about around their neck hanging from a doorknob. like what. Are you doing weirdo. I mean they've they've found They're okay well. David carradine and the lead singer of in excess. Dutch always was rumored they probably true. We don't really know but they were found in Closets oh they're using because that's was probably the heaviest thing to hold their weight and they can lead Whatever they're doing it's it's one of those things if you're choking yourself out to the point where you're just about to pass out and you're trying to catch nut at the same time like you step over the line just a feather and you lean into it and you're you're not you're dead one find you with a face have eaten from your cats. I mean it's like the anime that we were watching the You know. I think part of the one that we're watching now. Well the the the part of them t- that danger of almost dying arrived. Now you're junkie. You're you're taking it a slightly too far you you can probably not your thing. But it's on our fucking fall if you kill yourself. Well it's not like some people. I'm not even going to feel bad. Because what and. I don't even do judge you or anything for doing it like i wouldn't say you were sick. I would just say that's a bad idea. You're playing with a like. Hey let me take these. High watt batteries. Take tac car battery. And i want to bring it into the bathtub with me and just see what happens. I don't know what will happen. I just wanna know yo. You know what i mean. Yeah i wanna jump by tesla into a lake and make sure that it's electrically safe. I'll be okay. We'll do what you want. But but and even doing evil though as we know for sure your hands on. That's dicey to that well This is where. I'm going to get a little sock. Religious and people are might get a little busy. But i didn't write it all right so faceted on spread it around like a virus surprising. Still be mad at me there. I remember them very so pope john.

00:40:02 - 00:45:01

The i didn't look up the room in the roman numerals. What hope yeah hope but one of the one of the first ones anyway. He reportedly died at nine hundred. Sixty four okay. Yeah not nineteen nine nine hundred four okay. So a long time ago it is. Apparently he died of a stroke during sex la although he was supposed to be celebrate we. Are we el papa. He died from expectation while being sodomized my page. Boy as is the same as the david carry auto erotic officiation in carrying fucked by an altar. Boy we don't know this we don't know we have no idea. We're not sure to check coming out. Well we can't know anything unless he's checked her as really to be prayer katie. There weren't very many as he did not have come at his ass so really what would be proving. Dna sampled something. We can figure this menagerie this coming from the ancient pov- of saint something of auto erotic is fixation. You know Dad like where are you getting this. From how how is this a report. From a thousand years ago he was written in the scrolls papyrus like. I'm curious 'cause like you know the scribes have to fuck a write everything down you know in the age and the age of the internet. The church does it. Okay job of completely hiding all the pedophilia that happens that were they have been for a long time. Like a nine hundred sixty four. You gotta be like. They could just off an entire town. No it was okay back. You know like this town that i go to to bang. So the pope summer d- and fucking Springs down there and and fucking italy right. So he goes for his vacation has some oiled up. fucking page-boy action right so he just murders has the entire town fucking murder bald. Because he's fucking pope like you just laid all the waste and say it was written a guide said you send so we burnt. Ut like even like how would we get the story. i don't know where did this come from. Jesus anyway are now. I'm gonna have this in the in the last like little bits. I'm going to have kind of a few things that i found. Were quite interesting. Just because it's fun and You know i don't know. Holidays gifts birthdays. Whatever this one. It's called the anal fantasy mega a mill for guy or says i guy fires playing the guide told you a thousand times. Check that out at least once in your life. I the queen of the games and listen to the dude who does the voice for that. He's like does he participate. I don't remember yeah okay. So he's the male actor in these videos of ladies taking shit later asked like he'll film any fox. The okay okay. Because i i know he would be standing next to somebody who had just done something to have a gaping anus and we'll be like just viewing it like all my god. She is clean up guy say how her aspirin look as beautiful. Who are. she's a smaller. Like it just makes a whistling sound shunned band ass jug bamboo home. It's like a hole in the center of the planet on that net flicks a fucking earn. I don't even know where we are watching it. We watched a whole series of like an entire season with the android and The android landed on a planet with embryos of children and was the last of humanity. Yeah yeah there was a hole in the middle of the planet. They went all the way through it. That's what i think. You compare that to my once before. Yeah you know caper from vikings in anyway. Well is clear shaped clear. What are we talking to hold giving thought. Well this is. This is the anal fantasy. Mega anal gaber. Okay of course shifts within twenty four hours. People are really look. I mean what kind of a market is that you think. How many those are you gonna make a year.

00:45:03 - 00:50:03

let's see. I don't know but athens largest point. Its girth is four engine. Okay okay. that's that that's not too bad like like in diameter or circumference Just a girth. So i would say diameter diameter circumference circuit. Okay that's not too bad. Yeah does not too too bad. I you know. You're not in in Amazing thailand yet. We have not reached level. Amazing is not a place in thai. It's amazing high amazing person amazing touch. They're probably better ones by now. I'm sure because it's been a while since i've looked up people who take extremely large toys in or if i it's been a long time since i looked any of that i've seen quite a bit. I remember the first time i ever saw someone shoot an orange out of their blood really. I'd never i'd never seen anyone show fruit up their ass before but they had they had an orange Actually how long did it take for that tree to grow. Up that person's ass that i mean like citrus trees. Take forever to fruit i like. Wow that's impressive. Well she popped soon up there and she popped up. She's already in there when the video started sheared already done this prior to know how it got in there now. Maybe it went waste. Probably i'll tell you why didn't okay gov i know this all right so she she's sitting there kind of squatting and you see it was the naval orange because you could see like maybe i don't know a quarter of the size of air with our asshole just like straining open so it was like i wanna come home but she takes an apple and she turns it upside down and so it's the gone so it's ice to hear she turns it upside down so it's got like the smaller bumpy and not the stem end. Okay okay well the bottom she kinda crams it into her kuch like she just kind of gives a little pop from from about four away five inches away and you see this fucking orange bob out of her ass and then surprise. There's no room at the officers came in through her out. There's another one that comes out after so now one but two oranges in her asshole. Somebody needs to explain to me at some point. There are all kinds of people that we've we've read and seen stories about chopping things up their asses and having to go to the emergency room and yet other people can produce oranges from there as like a giant tree of life. Like is this like a shock. Recruit situation is there a fucking of ultimate sukio going on putting everybody to sleep and so they could pob oranges out. Shocker food out of the asses of like. Oh why does it happen different for some people. I don't i don't i don't understand. How does the body work. Well maybe we'll the ena suck something in or will eventually push it out. We don't know well. It does suck things in definitely does because we hear about a lot of people. Losing shed factor i. That's true my friend even has a book it says she's She works in the medical field. And it's like a hundred hundred and one thousand and one things that have found stuck people's asinine stuck inside people god. She says she's found some stuff. Somebody think they do have a box just like on on scrubs that they had one one episode but they do have a box full of everything that they have found a people's asses out. I suppose i could look it up but really you know what i somebody needs to explain to me. What i'm saying you need resear- we need the research department on it. Explain what explain why some people lose things up their ass and other people can like pop things out it. Will they have stronger. Muscle failure technology superior training genetics looseness. Okay mexican supplements the wrong growth. There you go yeah okay. Hey let's go to your favorite segment standby. I think i my boobs. In and on the it's time once again for all okay. So today's hits man. We're gonna talk about chocolate chips and things you can do to tits to kind of being messy gross kind of why why. We talked to valentine's day or doesn't ask me valentine's day. You can be anytime you want as your own. Yes okay year round is it good for diabetics it can be.

00:50:03 - 00:55:02

You can do things that yes okay yes anyway. We're talking about making your tits into desert. Okay interested so. I mean for diabetic through. You can get sugar free. Toppings like like hot fudge not hot fudge. You know melting fudge and caramel and sugar cream. So you're not eating it. But if the one anyway okay i'm rambling but yes different means you can do a titties now. There's some really good body sauces out there Shunga look for the shunga body sizes air. It's in chocolate vanilla and strawberry. Those are the best tasting ones out there. I guarantee fucking t like you put that shit on ice cream for all you. Pepper heads out there. Go straight carolina goes pepper. Baby just chop it up rubbing all over them. Naples and stand back and have your cells. Oh no god if you don't wanna make your tits and desserts. I don't really know why each their own. But there's about a thousand different places that may chocolate bubis really so get your chocolate bubis from solid chocolate bubis have nipple fear salga some tips to someone else dumb really matter. They have even like sticks. I mean the thing about pets. Is you know it's not internal really anything. That's not going to hurt your skin pretty much. All of your boobs sure you. Yeah baked beans butter review like to have a splashing time. You're describing. And i i'm like you're just describing sloshing boob splashing right so we're not to care and We're also going to talk about now or back. On samantha. lillee okay. I know we've mentioned her before during book boobs wright jokes this she. She had posted a valentine's day picture. Okay and I don't know. I just wanna show as c. and let's see spend bad boy around checkout fun bags. I know what's going on adam and knock over okay. Oh yeah that's not bad. They look at it from that angle. Yeah oh very nice. Yeah i snatch are natural her per fucking bubis or humongous while she's putting in calendar and if you'd like to see her knees or if you'd like to go and see more of her stuff that she is online notice look up samantha. Lily spelled like you would spell samantha lilly. Yeah it's a common spelling all right. Sorry i'm having issues chit that has nothing to do with the computer. Okay all right. You're doing scary face again. I'm always doing scary. Jumped right in with it right. Also that what's scary face. Gary face i mean. That's almost like walking of the bathroom of the pregnancy test with scary face. Going nano or just have a cramp ten point that thing it means. Jesus catch crab out of a really. There's a there. There is a toy out there. That has a lot going on with it. Okay what do you. What do you mean by a lot. Well i would be interested to try it out. But i don't have anyone to try it out with. Oh okay this is sounding like yeah. You need somebody to try this out with. It's called the the vibrating inflatable strapless strap on the vibrating. Inflatable strapless strap on yes. That's like a double negative pod. Drop off is it like illegal in the english language. that's like a double negative. It's a strapless strap on question mark and let me explain you with this thing. Looks like there is a strapless strap on and it's inflatable. It blows up and basically. Yeah you just you put it. You put it on and it. Yeah you have somebody from hogwarts comes by and magically attached to your pubis mound okay. There's this it's this rounded bulbous dong like protrusion dog like protrusion any provision. really dog. like you know anything cylindrical. Sort of that part goes up your pussy and there is the bump that's on it is meant for your g spot now.

00:55:02 - 01:00:03

I see it so like it locked into your tear. Tear taught there into your kitchen. Yeah it's gotta taught lock it's a quad log so but then there's a you part it's connected to this flat area with ridges in it and that's to rub and vibrant your click. Okay so tell them spy would you kuch rubbing on the but attached to the clinton stopper. Okay this is sounded complicated. There's a dong- okay. There's a song on the clip staffer. There's as your thrusting into somebody of your choice really dame your whole pick a whole a whole really anyway. What okay. So it's it's rubbing your clip as you railing somebody. Yes yes. they're getting it and you're getting it all right. You're also getting a vaginal. Generally and click click click oral. Yes words aren't your strength today. No it's the things are leaving me quickly at the all right but not only that there's more there's lawyers for there's more there's a remote. Were you automatically inflate the sucker. Well it's inside okay so you can like blow it up while it's a now. Is this in the other person or new you both. Oh oh okay okay. I told you there's a lot going on with this. To who could it be hacked north koreans navy. Are you guys gonna be locked together in some kind of inflated. Fuck prison by your tweet lock. Who's to say. And it was weird. Because i would like automatically thought like if you were talking about a twat that's and i would take a new like b boy logging. Its next resting. Let me show you what this thing looks like. It's a run best. You have one at kind of looks like that road were their little see cup perfectly thingy i mean. It's it's got like yeah. I mean but yeah part of that remote control. She's holding thing that looks like the thing describing for those of you who are just listening. Which most of you. This has a soccer. This is a clip soccer. And this goes inside and this rubs and there's an area that rubs on your g spot hopeful but note as okay that like the spot which adjustable this is the one that that you you palm it and it made be squirt within like thirty seconds. Double double inflatable double inflatable. Tweet lock Dublin atlas strap that makes a lot of sense. We'll strapless drop inflatable straddling strap on five rating. Okay twenty twenty. One new ways to describe. Thanks strapless your app on. Did it only takes two aaa batteries. Okay no. I don't know i think sounds pretty cool. I think it's pretty neat. Like i said i don't have anyone that i can use it with. I think we should contact their marketing department and completely south pitch them on the toilet log idea. I mean really. They need to rebrand this. Show me the strapless strap on doesn't make any sense to any of us literally. Not it has a whitelock construction. You'd be out like. I think i know what's going on vacuum lot. It's like. Oh it's like what. Lock your tweet locking inflatable bluetooth. That can be hacked by the north koreans. Oh god what was that safe. Lock or whatever that fucking shame you know. You're going to end up in some kind of a tunnel in in some strange country locked together with that person in forced to perform sexual acts for the rest of your life because you lost a gambling debt. We just started. It's been around for a while. Net flicks category catch agree anyway. Then didn't they. Diabetes resisted watching that one because it was rated tv fourteen. And for me if it's not made for an adult i don't wanna see it. You know it was really good. Smart tv fourteen really. I mean it kind of is tv fourteen but yeah but you really shouldn't show that to fourteen year olds native. There's all kinds of bad things going on up there. It's horrible it's so dirty and the lou but there's a whole segment of people that are doing like like high stakes gambling well as gambling but the last episode. We were watching. The girl was getting off on things that might kill her. Like the idea of playing russian roulette. She would completely fucking masturbate to playing russian roulette.

01:00:03 - 01:05:05

What are you doing. She was in a bathroom. Stall and south of i can go ahead. And then she like. Pull the trigger and chairs shower. She's fourteen on that does tv for. That's what i'm saying. Totally mismarked all. Have that fucking psycho look like jesus. Christ it's been a very good anime. So far is what. I'm telling you. Fingernails out if you you lose an election. Oh i know totally does it for me crap. It's like that fucking that be stars or whatever like the bunny savar sobbed. I just tear it to the. I could smell you for me here. I mean that's totally why you got pre show pre show ass whereas part of the reason. Yeah hell yeah you watch. And i've been watching you. We were we. Were just talking about what we were watching. Oh that was getting you going. Of course on. What are you talking about chick sitting on it. There's a one eyed bitch sitting on a public school toilet debts masturbating playing russian roulette. At what is there not to like about that really that really what what there would not be for me in animated form on checks out and get it. I know exactly like an. It's worked out for you now. Hasn't it yeah alcohol. Apparently so well but you're okay so it's okay. We covered that earlier. Well i'm gonna leave you on this. Note the fist it inflatable play sheet by kenner. No festival inflatable play. Ooh i must know it. This'll be if you're doing any wet work of any sort. You could lay down inflated inflated so is it like a blow up tub. it's pretty much. it is above ground. Blow up thing that you would bring outside for the kids but really it's in the shape. Do you can put on top of a hotel bed in the shape of yes i did. Actually it's it's tangier it's black and the sides you come up about five inches men. It's flat on the bottom so you can tell you. What were you tried to say that you can pay. You can bleed yourself. You can do get some looming. Breslin baked beans on the tents chocolate. You're right there. Okay if you even if you wanted to coast peppers why not because you're probably gonna pee yourself kind of wet worked you're into what you're saying and it's it's very durable and it will it will hold a full five leaders of slipperiness. I mean that's almost like a like imagine showing up at the neighbours fourth of july barbecue with the splash party portable splash party coleslaw wrestling anyone barbecue based pitcher stab. You know what's funny is verbal entire life i have seen jello wrestling call saul wrestling things like that here. And there and i am just now attaching nod to actual sloshing for whatever reason like for me. It really talked about it. I guess like for some reason i did. Yes that's just a a big old big old fucking coleslaw splash. Yeah yeah or baked beans splash or whatever they were jello anything It worked. I just thought about half naked women that were getting their clothes torn off by each other. Of course it's not quite as good as the girl masturbating to playing russian roulette. A really good hard. Everybody netflix streaming. Now we go check it out like swelter. We are getting out of here for the week. So i hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day week shift. Whatever the hell it is. You're doing and check out a youtube video. Go do that absolutely an coming out. A week later on sundays. I think what we're going to end up with some. You can listen to us sir. Then you can watch us. Oh it's always better second time around. Okay leftovers marinate. Or if you just wanna wait and watch it. Wait and watch it. What do what you want like whatever you have a chance to leave comments too by the way if you feel like you really do katie. You'll probably fucking read them and she'll show me i do over lucy point all right everybody. Well we're out so Yeah like i said. If you're listening live have very happy. Valentine's day tomorrow. Dude lovers non levers and you know what it's okay to by puckers offer our facebook nudie pictures it's okay to some money for goods.

01:05:06 - 01:05:28

Visit your friends only So everything from youtube to check it out. Everybody topos anybody does.