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12/26/2020 Video now on YouTube... What if your FleshLight could talk... Cleaning your male masturbation device or probably not - Dirty fck sleeve... Moldy Locks the FleshLight... New movie roles for Katie... PSA for Crayon eaters - Don't put champagne in your vagina. Your ass might be OK... Having an affair with the Charles Chip delivery guy... Katie is the kink whisperer... Porn Pick of the Week - Dirty orgy grade A fck pile... Holiday season orgies... Searching for the people that are looking to leave a mark... Katie's notebook of dick... Getting someone to leave after a one night stand... Episode of "Rule 34"... The show pussies... The cat obstacle course... Iron crotch Kung Fu. Those are some tough nuts... Tits Man - Strippers old implants now have value. Boob pillows from dead porn stars - My Dead Porn Star Titty Pillow... Sexual world records - World record for the longest cum shot... What can you do to increase your load... Trolling berfore there was trolling... Giant sized cum shots of old... Poop like a champ cereal ultra fiber cereal... Get your own clown pubes online... The all girl Boy Scout troope... Tantric masturbation patch... Pervy the Clown is a friend of Katie's... Two moms in the raw... Going long... Finding cocaine washed up on a beach in Florida... The drugs just fell off of the police boat... Who is the oldest living active porn star... World's largest dick still belongs to the same person... Getting a Jamaican man with a giant dick laid by a large, aggressive, body building lesbian... Strange sex laws from around the world... Incept a fantasy... Big tits are the only legal tits in Australia... The cum drinking tribe... The teenage fck hut... Sharing a girl with all of your brothers... Cleaning the village fck sleeve... Never touch the tester synthetic skin at a porn store... Retro fap booth or spank bank... Picking up NO2 at a seedy porn store.
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Kinky Katie's World #338 Tantric Masturbation Patch
00:00:01 - 00:05:04
Well obviously you don't know about the secret knowledge. You get let it on bbc a dome fucking boy scouts of america. Yeah they maybe. I mean they have better sex. I have no idea. Maybe they let you do more things. I mean you get your tantric match. Masturbation badge at eight years old. We just added that for the ladies know tantric masturbation. Yeah that's new patch so we do. A new path is to new patch is down. No you actually get credit for for selling thirty five thousand cases of cookies just from this one batch got. We sell cookies now. We're selling cookies. Clown pupils to class clown peeves cookies or the boy scouts. The weekend has landed. All the exists now clubs drugs pope's and pies of four hours from the world man. I'm going to blow steam. And i'd like a screaming. I'm going to cut shit too strange his own life. I'm gonna lose the plot on the dance floor. The free radicals inside may freaking tonight. I'm chip travolta on three pop. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family man. We're going to get more spice meal. Strong advocate tonight could be the quick buck blackburn. What's the lock on the and now live from ruled thirty. Four studio. i bring a girl that doesn't fantasize about just anyone to especially if you have a stupid face your she is your host the one the only kinky katie. Hello and welcome to the shoes. Katie's world number three thirty eight. I'm husky katie and with the as always is my favorite. Cover today mr sec. Yeah sure we're doing it. We are doing it doing a live doing well. We are coming to. You live from rule thirty four studio katie radio dot com radio dot net off well You guys had a great having holiday whenever you celebrate holiday holiday because by the time you see this on youtube sorry to eat and be like here. It'll take me a little off. That's okay yeah you know yeah well. By the way you should go to youtube and check out the videos that are on their out of as of right now because he's worked really hard on them and Avid say the latest one. Many just put up The christmas tree porn. That i got in trouble for for youtube. They're like hey just just saying you might not know can't do this okay. So we did this for you and you don't get a strike which is very very happy. Take thinking who were saying. You can't do this and it was just for the thumbnail. Anyway yes and people got. We did nothing wrong in any way shape or form. We would never do that. People are were already pissed off like retail. You're going to do poor tube dummies. You have. I mean you totally trouble. The first time that's why instead of just being kicked off for six months. I was off a couple of years. You know whatever you could have always made another thing if you really really wanted to. No no no well. Now i think we actually the video to where it's acceptable it's acceptable. Oh you mean for the show. Yes yes all of the above ditz kick ass. I think it's cool. No and the intermission not only. Is it an episode. A rule thirty four. But it's fucking animated talking. Flashlights neutrality fucking awesome is that it's it's i think it's really good at a lot of people that really really. Yeah le- when they hear talking flashlight really probably shut her a little bit really me will think about if your flesh like could talk. You know you just fucking asshole does to me all the time. Do you realize what exactly don't skirt the motor skill me exactly. It's moly clean. Since i was made that just gave me the chills. I have goosebumps right now. But also. Because i'm fucking freezing in here. We've heard that from several people who are of Fuck sleeves of one shape or another like to. I'm telling you guys don't clean a fucking tanks. No they don't no it and it was like no fail.
00:05:04 - 00:10:05
there would be someone wold several. Someone's no matter what porn store that i worked at. They would come in and he's hot away way. Clean this and they bring with them. That was it about. Like how do i clean it that was about. Let's make this bitch. Tuck touch my fuck sleep. You know probably what it was exactly how to clean that fucking thing. They just wanted you to deal with their fox. Leave probably could have done. What s really. I need help with a could you. You think you could help me. Maybe as twenty four years old. I'm like uh sir. How are you sir. Somebody who brings in a fucking dirty fox leave. Like i'm i was polite and that's why people lights me at the porn stores because i didn't make people feel weird and and weird i guess well you know embarrassed. You really have to remind you that you were a at a born store you know. That's kind of like being at a bar and somebody saying watch your he. Are you serious. I literally in the one of the places in america child in here. Yeah exactly you know like that. Sharing one of the places where talkin shit and be in foul mouth really should be acceptable. This is not a family environment by definition was literally. Okay we'll still. I served bebo and i m people to yeah well when you bring in a dirty fuck sleeve however you line somewhere and you you gotta go. Hey douchebag you know. I don't wanna fuck with your dirty fuck sleeve man like like. This is a rhetorical question. Right. i mean do you really. I was touching. I would tell them how to do. But what i'm saying is a lot of the times that most of the time it will come in because they didn't know that you could take the fucking sleeve out of the fucking plastic holster okay. Maybe it's baby. They didn't know they didn't know the some you unscrew the bottom to. Yeah push it out the other end just you know whatever so. It sounds like it's weird one. Why not. there's guys little more. Squeaky you there guys right now. We don't makes us out comes apart. What oh yeah. Why while you whispering. I don't know okay. I mean you are at a microphone. So you know that's true but anyway anyway so let me let me let me. Just tell you right now. I mean we'll end up but some of them did come in with them with justice the sleeve. What happens when you don't clean your flashlight and you j- is in it jackson. It some more nothing happens what are you what are you talking about it. Just it's it's it's pre lubrication. That's all i'll i gotta do is add a little spit and go right. Hello oh my. That's that's that's easy their work a lot if you shot up if you if you can see the inside it starts to grow mould and funk and you keep continuing stick your dick in this gossiping fucking slime pit. It's it's nasty okay. To be fair. I have dated girls by were sticking by ticket to a bed really was and i was very happy to do it several times. You know Feel so special. That's right i always. I always liked the extra dirty ones and they're usually a little more active and making a face of discussed yet. I'm wearing a t shirt. That says the sleaze box on it. Which by the way will it didn't say fuck cesspool walks really now only box now. It's it's your new fucking play on sleeping beauty it's it's you know Details of a mola locks. Yeah the adventures of moldy locks anyway Speaking of the sleaze box. I have two movie roles coming up for the sleaze box. And one for gator blade. Films gator blade films I can't tell you the names yet but One of them. I have i have a the one for gator blade. I do know that. I play A police officer's wife and we're having an issue right now. 'cause it's like you've got a lot more tattoos since we last words together.
00:10:05 - 00:15:03
I said yeah. Is there any way that you have a robe that would cover the cover them. I said well. I've got one on my fucking hand you know. What do you feel closer. We can put in a in a in a pocket or something you know because i am spoiler alert. I am going to be showing boobs. He's like heaven. Let me ask you this. Are there any tattoos that show if you show your tits. Maybe if you know you're eating higher on your neck right so shoulder i get something like clipped at the at the chin i mean at the neck or something and then it was open i don. I said we'll figure it out. Okay i mean we are talking about sexploitation micro budget films right. Okay right you know. You're not getting paid but you get food and an imdb credit all right okay. Sounds like fun. It's one day of shooting so it's no big deal but the the second one the one for the sleaze box. I like one of the main stars. Yes okay. yeah which is pretty cool. So that's gonna be coming up show more new films going out. Yes barnish sometime in the next couple of years. Yes year to year year. Two okay. 'cause family snapshots still hasn't come out yet. Okay penny mclean. But nobody can go hang out together and added chit chat. That's right okay. Yeah also you know New year's is coming up. And i feel that i shouldn't have to make this. Psa but i sometimes get food. Fuck moly locks. I'm just saying that. I sent him to get the feeling that some of you out. There might eat crowns so i i have to. I feel i have to say this. Okay i mean crianza tasty first of all turnout toxic. Lose my favorite over. They wouldn't do it exactly. The blue jays so blue older will their fruit eater. He's like blooberg. Okay anyway anyway. It nears is coming up and people sometimes think that it's sexy or cute or whatever to put champagne in their pussy. Don't put champagne. Is that a thing. It is a thing. Okay so like in new orleans. If you live in new orleans where the big things. Every new year's they'll have public service announcements ready. All the time about you know got firing a gun in the air but very common in new orleans for some reason. I don't i okay. So basically in different places. There are different things that are at risk. Yes okay so on. Your radar is is suitcase. Some fucking champagne being a human ship eight flute. Yes no because some people do that because there. There's i've seen this one video. It was just one porn. I can't believe i didn't think about this until just now there. There was a video where there was a bunch of dudes. They're all grabbing onto bella. Donna who's really famous porn star. And this one dude who's ad they were out a club. Schick up a fucking magnum champagne shook it up. Shoved it into her snatch as she's being held by the in- okay. We'll did anybody injured in the incident. I don't know okay. Well what am. I can't imagine but all that's still yeasty joe put out you're not supposed to alcohol or sugar in your coochie going adl. That's not coochie. Okay so i mean maybe you're just shuffle butter it. I don't. I don't even know if it's probably never a good idea anyway. However you know you're an adult you want to show a model appear. Ask your sneers in the ball drops we're gonna chug it. No no totally do that. Go that happens all the time. People chugged beers. why so go angels. What you're saying. Yes stringer if you're gonna do it. Go go anal anal. I shy go in all right anal for new years. If you don't want to gut do the but it's great for pregnancy. you want to save your haibin. do it in heidi. it's close but that's okay hang. Yeah perfect yup. Perfect specially when you didn't throw far enough away.
00:15:04 - 00:20:02
Oh i at such a weird friend request on. Facebook i am. I said yes because it was like whatever. But i feel so weird. I haven't seen this kid. Since he was like twelve or thirteen he lived direct. He was my neighbor. And i used to go over and play at his house all the time. His mom was like having an affair with the charlie chip guy early. Gyp guy by the way they're used to be a service that would come by. Bring you fucking data tapped while in brussels because really the main thing for me it was the pretzels pretzels. What because we never ordered them but they did. So i would how dare you. I didn't know what are you talking about. That's like their main thrust for me anyway. Is the bug pretzels. Your main thrust into cam in these big giant fuck intense and brown brown trucks flyway. I don't know if that like comes from a day where getting a tasty. Fresh crunchy chip was a challenge. I'm not sure. I don't know all i know is people would drive around in trucks in fucking bringing you brass. I mean fresh so you'd have like hey big popcorn ten fresh potato chip that's right that's right and they sometimes what they do multi containers to like it would be split. Yeah okay them to them them too so anyway so the so. The wife was having his mother was having an affair with him whatever. They didn't think that his little brother spending the charleston guy. Yeah what we totally thought. She's the beat. The shit out of those kids do that. She had like big wooden spoons on the wall. He's probably into fucking bbs. I'm now but you know has like a mommy thing going on like spaniard. The back of a hairbrush. You know okay anyway. I just feel weird. Because i like how you aside to mccain category already. That's pretty good. All right or is it like used to be. The ball whispered now you're like can quits. I believe you would be into Hardcore with maggie. You like it harsh and you wanna bleed. It's weird. I haven't really thought about being the ball. Whisper in a long time though. No okay. it was weird though. I mean if you guys are familiar with I'm offer or not balls like ace. Did tell people with their balls. Look like then get them to show me. Are they re you. Just i mean really. We said ball whisper. We just met. You are always like with your mouth near some balls. Did not mean what you ran with now okay. Hey let's go to my favorite topic while we're at it standby standing by. It might not be the only ship. It is the point katie wine. It's time once again for me. Okay my porn pick of the week or pretty much. What has been getting me off. Very dirty orgies go on like very dirty raunchy or jeez kind of gross. Just just i mean like nobody kinda like a very nasty cuddle pile. Yeah you know like you know when. I say cuddled pile. I mean you're good. Great fuck pile. Everybody's all just rolling around on something guests you know. Is there really any other way to be an a giant pile. That's what i'm saying. Is you know psychedelics. I really key just like that. So that's you know. Send like no one seems to be giving fuck what's going on and just like is with guys girls with girls. Everybody's all just whatever nobody because then it reminds me of all the stuff that we saw the parties that we used to go. Do stuff like that and back. A flashback. they tell you know really. It was like i to call some people now now that that's what other so i don't know if it was more of the stuff that i was googling or if it was more of the memories from past experience frayed okay.
00:20:02 - 00:25:01
Well a little you know. I think what makes a good fantasy. A lot of times is an element of truth. Exactly you need. You need to bend memory to something of potential or to something that whatever whenever kick starts at you know what i mean. Yeah it's easier to fantasize about things you are actually involved in because yeah because you can. You can actually feel that feeling kind of you know if you remember them. That's true the key there things don't remember from back in the day and that's the problem it is so anyway that's my opinion of the week coming kinda jamming with that one. Just dirty filthy fuck piles on a nice nice fuck pile. Maybe drug-fuelled fuck pile. I can you know. News is coming up with the bank holidays. Were always a better time for us to find giant piles to be involved with. Oh yeah. I don't know why what that is about like around holiday times people get bang you banging or used to anyway at some point. Maybe it was just me is is the people that you hung out with could be because usually during the holidays everybody gets together and they've got time off and available who some random girl out somewhere that was looking to like have a story. Yeah you know. Oh yeah oh yeah. Which by the way is key. If you're ever out is finding that person in a crowd of thousand people you have to find the girls that literally. They're they're out looking to an avid story to tell while we're out to tell no because there's a lot of times that That they actually come looking for us or you're thinkers did. Is they come looking for you. Okay where's day 'cause like that teacher. Okay they the you got all fucked up. I come from work and go to meet you. Burn your like the situation. Check the cyber. I'm like yeah. Get your glass of wine. Let me tell you the deal. I'm like oh she's on a mission would it's one of those exactly dating some dude and was mad at him. Whatever and just wanted to go out get fucked up and leave a mark. Yeah you can always do. I always tell anyway it like almost immediately the people that had that in their mind like they don't usually go out. You see them come even if they come with two three friends the two or all three of them are low. They are looking for trouble literally. they're just like horrors they sit down. They order a shot who stay. Sit down doomed. Do another very friendly when you. Come up and say hawaiian. Anyway it's like hello. Who are you great. Here's my boobs. You wanna fuck almost well. Not quite like that. I mean it took more than that but still so the key i think is to find those people get good at figuring out who they are. I don't know well no. It's not very hard sometimes who've damage to that that's what it is and it's that's so that's such a it's a repeat but it's looking predator not really i mean literally the if you're and you're going out you have the right to want to go out get fucked up and fuck somebody. Yeah no that s especially if you're going into it with that mentality to begin with really you know long as you're everybody's being fucking up on the You know consensual action. Whatever you're you're an adult you could choose to do that. And there's another hour that that's right. Be be feel your power. That's all right. I feel your power. You could totally bang me and we can never see each other. And that's cool. And if i stands are fine if i see you i may not even remember who you are so everybody is flying. Don't worry about it. i'm not gonna tell anybody or call anybody. Because i probably will vote about you. I don't know. Did i talk to you once you look familiar you know. It is kinda funny that i used to keep a list that we have talked about before all the people that i had sex with. No i remember one time you found it okay. I don't think i i did. I don't know. I don't ever like stuff anything where somebody's writing south down for themselves. I never check it out and do this.
00:25:01 - 00:30:01
This is this is like fucking like fifteen years ago but you. You talked about it with me. You knew you wrote down. So i knew all about it and your number of people you had written down anyway. I knew about it before the th it ever popped up you know what i mean. I forgot about one hundred percent. I knew about it beforehand so coming across it was like okay. Here's your saying like we already talked about all of this. I do think it's kind of funny. Though that there's some of them were like The dude that lived in the brown. Oh well at least you record things this name is. I wonder if that i mean i wonder. How many percentage wise of how many dudes do that versus ladies. It's gotta be way less. It's gotta be 'cause. I don't know of any dudes to write down all their fucking rusher. Somebody somebody who does like like or could tell you off hand you know. There was mary rotten crotch. There was this that and that was it. Depends on your gig. Yeah it depends on. Yeah i mean if you're out in just doing weird chat with random people. Yeah 'cause i people have no fucking clue. Just no i don't i don't i don't remember some people's names certainly at all. No but i could tell you though like where they lived and what happened. And i'm sure there's some stuff that i'm i'm blanking out on purpose confident about that. I don't know that that that you have memory of most of things know what i mean. I can tell you a hundred percent for sure without a doubt. I ran into several people that i had done shit with. I didn't even know. I knew like it happens a handful of times hor no. No that just means. I'm fucked up what i'm doing shit. I don't know what i'm doing. No i know. I'm sure there is too so there's people i really like. You seem familiar familiar. Asshole totally sucked your ticket. A bathroom right okay. Sure all right or some girl that i walk up to a maybe just wants to be a bunch of shit immediately. You don't remember what have it lasts. oh no i don't really wanna know so i'm sorry for talking to you like i. I don't know. I give you cab fare back because that doesn't sound like me no matter out exactly. I don't care where you go just leave. Jerve me here okay. i'll give you a ride. If i drove him there. I would give him a ride. But if i didn't drive somebody to to okay. Well because i know you're going to be ruminating around my front tiller. Okay somebody's going to be calling it a cop somewhere not me but somebody will. There's crazy drunk bitch out on your porch to land. We take away his. She's drunk. She must think that i'm someone she knows. She's all fucked up. Look at her or no. I don't want to be in that position at all so negative you have to cleared away because you've already done two things. You can't just like if you if you have. Let's say and it's probably a bad analogy but let's say you have like a mouse or a rat in your house and you want it to be not in your house and you don't want to kill the thing you know what i mean underneath your floor and your log. Cabins already fill up with enough frozen veges already a rat or amount. Okay your rat or mouse. Yeah rat or mouse so anyway the the like you you have to. You can't just open the door and say leave. No sometimes you have to bring sad maoz aratu a different location and let it free in the wild. Let it free snower dumping bodies no negative well about alive. Alive release of a mouse or rat. People actually do that. None food spree. I just love my fellow animal. You know i go list. What was i talking about on that. No we are going to go to an episode of thirty four when we come back. We've got boobs. We got more shit and we also have a pretty painful tradition in china.
00:30:01 - 00:35:12
So we'll be back home. It's time basically and refreshing snack. Christmas tree porn yards area. Since we're talking about porn sites christmas reporting just to see Giggles to see what the hell is. I mean this. Is the christmas episode anyway. Just because he popped in your head to see what kind of results you get from. Say christmas tree board right. Okay well there is a full ton of of christmas related when you and like all of them have a christmas tree in the background. Okay well that depends on what you're looking for when you're typing christmas caper right. But i know then you. There are the extreme ones where they have the fetish ones. Where there's i mean. The guy is taking like a miniature. Christmas shopping is by. That's what i'm saying. That like people actually using bridges to impale themselves one orphan. Yeah i can take that just rubbing their dicks all over. yeah okay. Lots of that to kinda squirrel left in it let it. There's a lot less this week than last week though. I'm sure this guy has his fucking girlfriend or wife or some check shoved her head underneath the christmas tree and then start fucking who said he made her. Maybe that's maybe. She was looking for some in the tree. Like you know what i'm saying. Hey there there's one more gift right in the bag that there's definitely people who have weird weird like you know. They want to smell certain things that could be the. It was ladies choice because it seems. Stick your head in the trees honey had the truth. What's your fucking face put in the oven. I like gingerbread stupid. Fucking face tired david face. So you're phases. Stephen wanna bet. Your life married stephen face no all. With the show omega ship condemn lead you way under master pretty har- harder and faster july diet my friend talk to discord on jeff took forever and me and welcome back to kinky katie's world thirty four studio radio dot com the radio dot net. You can get me on the twitter later at kinky katie radio kinky katie dot com com facebook's that life goes on me all katie radio and youtube kiki katie radio and now we have some videos that don't suck there now broadcast. You're listening to right now. Said that's right. I am happy with the way the last route came out. And i think the format i'm going with if i can. Yes you guys can. Now watch my mass. Just we'll see really studio see see how often the fucking cats jump up in the middle of the ship while we're doing a show. Put the story of well. They want to have their time. They're they're especially. I'm in the world can shine. We're sitting here in in the area. And they just want to be a part of whatever's going what's going on there. What are you doing around you guys. People in the party can i can. I lay a lab but saw just the quarter of something. It's amazing well. It's really just don't step on the keys or the board and other than that they pretty much go wherever you learn with cats at some point that you need to not like try to like fuck with them when they're walking through shit like they're gonna fuck it up because if you fuck with them in any way shape or form they startled and they're going to step on everything everything.
00:35:12 - 00:40:01
If you just kinda go come on buddy get got out of the way and the wind there fucking way through whatever. Minefield is on your goddamn coffee table or little. You have a little tiny table now. I've seen i've seen people Videos of people That they set up like blocked a little obstacles all over the place and they filmed their their cat. Walk across like not even knock realizing thank you. They don't if you leave him alone. But the second you struggle just comply go. Oh well yeah. That's very like yes. Yeah no so anyway when they come up in our shit. It's pretty much just kind of act normal and just stay away from buttons to kitty and other than that. I will let you walk on things. China coffee feel like a like pussy. Her there's a reason why there's a bug in thing to say all right. So china has a very painful of tradition. It's called iron crisis virus on the world and kill a bunch of people called iron crotch fu okay. Irene crowds kung fu ryan Yes and it requires steel play. Capped on the analog that swings through the air and smashes into the crotch. Oh we're talking about the crotch master like a big giant almost like a battering ram that you're going to go bash down the exactly. It's a battering ram on on the crotch. Yeah you guys you guys will see when you watch the video. What we're about. You'll see a giant log on chains that swings and watering. That's aimed at your ball sack completely. Just smashes into your wing. Well the good thing is though. If i were to be an said jim the log would be way too low totally be hit me in the fis or sally ensure that it can be adjusted. No no it sat there by generations of you. Don't wanna shed on their traditions. How much do you think that this thing ways. I'm gonna go with eight hundred pound bob. Good god no. It's not that heavy. Okay well. I one high i mean because really what might as well be eight hundred pounds. Because either way you're elvis. Oh it is a log at the end of the day. You're swinging cap on the end of it. Okay to steal cab really against my nuts. It makes no difference. Whether it's fucking it could be a polycarbonate fucking vinyl and makes no difference on. Shoot my testicles. It's while well just you can't get hit square where it's pinched between a hard place and the testicle anyway it's It's only eight pounds really. Why say only like. I know what it's like to be hitting the balls or what do you think i don't have balls. What do you think the odds are that that was always been set up as a population control thin. That's no could be. You don't know we don't know maybe like some emperor pointed some dynasty Setup policy and a particularly like hostile area like the dudes are way too aggressive over here. So we're going to institute this cool new fucking thing where the baddest dudes get ranked in the balls with a steel. Capped log hanging from two chains rapper. They lived they lived in in their own village. They had their own village. People who practice this there was two hundred people at the time. And they when there's only two we don't know why replace for lunch here for fatigue. We thought we thought it'd be popular. But you know people will join you know at the time they were dino having. You could only have one baby so you know. I already had my baby. Katie rots. now there's a late now it says that there's Now it's just over twenty now is it. Is it like a religious thing that they're doing or is this just straight up you know Like kung food training.
00:40:01 - 00:45:00
You know what i mean. It's it's just that's just what the fuck they've been doing since this since the ancient times that these people are anton. Okay so it's probably some sort of a religious tradition will now some people no now some people. Just do it to fucking fun. Will they do it to make me okay for a very big star on youtube dick bag very now. That's my name deepak. Let's go to your favorite your favorite segments of i standing by in and on the news. It's time once again for shit. Okay so we have to double your pleasure to man double up on this. Like for a pair of moves three. Okay this guy either girl you can tell you want your way through this here you go. This guy bought a stirs old implant on ebay. Okay yes it was a double h implant holy shit. That's a big plant. Didn't give you like that and centimeters to make it. Really fucking confusing. It had thirty five. Cd's now it was a thirty five no from the late ninety s and said it was like to cement blocks may said they they were about two pounds a piece katie back then we used to make them out lad lead. Bb's katie you remember. Those are the original dam breast enhancers and their cigarettes sixty nine double h holy shit. Those are big hard fun bags. Gigantic ten actually. Though really when you think about it did she have boob at least a little bit of above on top of that fucking h like you know even if you're a b. cup you know what i'm saying. So what's his do. Do away with this Giant bowling ball of an implant. That is hard as goddamn rock. Now i would imagine decides jerk off all over. Yeah she's up and just rubbing number and just like you now titty fucking. Oh i guess. Maybe he's putting it. On the end of his shinto shrine log nuts masher and he's gonna put that on the end on the end of the steel plate. smashed grat. yeah thank you mr. It's like food master back in the day. You know david carried and they would have to fuck in. Grab the kettle. There that was burning similar kind of thing. Rocco walk on walk on rice barefoot cross rice paper fly like a butterfly the second the second installation of So boobs of to taste. You can do it the strong with this one night. I know all right well. You can get booed pillows. But not a luke pillows. Just not any boo pillows. These are supposed to be the eighty five to worry. It looks a lot like we just sent you a bowling ball in a pillow case. The difference those are official nineteen eighty porn star fund bags. Right there hi. I'll bob from my old teddy pillows. God forget to wear your hi fi tibesti. Titi pillows comes from dad born stars from the eighties. I get them from a specific valley in california. Really now guests in california. There's a valley where all the old hookers go to die. And then i get their old implants and send them to you. My customers recycling at my titty pillow pillow. Any pill from pimping entrepreneur. I anyway issue.
00:45:00 - 00:50:02
Transmission fluid into my veins to get high Who else is making the my dead point star teddy pillow company. Well this is as was to be the most realistic one. It's a hundred percent. They call it memory foam and they had her keywords there and they have tober on them really nice fatten if yes they have they have and you can get different color tight t shirts on knowing that looks like a. Td people are totally teddy things. Oh there's pictures. Red black or blue aren't they. Yeah bike at star city pillows from my house to yours. Oh my god literally underneath my house. Barley main usa fullbacks scape file all of the serial numbers off of them for you. Squeezer told squeeze him. You can love on you. Can tweak their little lippi's which a hat on it when you're tired there's probably hold your flashlight there when they have one with the cpo just like look over while you're driving when you're driving across country and you just need a sets to grab onto this. We have a dead porn star. Teddy pillows we have we have another shoukat citing fluky this time anyway. He you'd never know it was going to do the wild squirrelly anyway. So that's your name for the hit man. Did he pillow yet. No they look good but it does look like well memory foam. I mean foam some team of marketers really came up with that this array or some dude named frank. Call it mamre foul honey. It'd be fucking great. Gonna rub their dicks all over this. Make sure that we could put it in a dishwasher. Kids are gonna love it either. Washing machine dishwasher. Oh all right so. I ran across this thing. These are these are world. Sex records like sex sex sexual world. World's thank you ppptp. I'm having a hard time. i noticed. Okay moving my mouth. i can't i can't i can't help you at all cannot vo. No i'm doing. I get fucking slight easing things man. I you know. i'm. I'm reading some whatever phrase. So there's this guy he has the record for the furthest fucking jackie elation this fakher just eight feet. Twelve feet dude was longer than a limo. Okay well how are we talking about a smart car limo here teen feet nine inches. That's a fucking long shot. Hold that's from way downtown. Yeah that's from way doubts how y'all must have to have the right viscosity load for a long shot like that. I had someone asked me the other day on life that he He's like oh. Do you know of any supplements that increases a dude's load vitamin. I don't know there are things that people take. I just don't know any of them. Yeah yeah he's do. You have any suggestions and like how i don't i i've never i've never shot a load because i don't have a dick and i never had one. Some people think that i'm a dude or that i was born to dude but i'm not just because you're tall and aggressive very aggressive tick except for the ones. I strap on because i made of this.
00:50:02 - 00:55:04
We made up the story that we tell everyone the yeah that i used to be a boy and was born. A boy and i had a terrible bicycle accident. And i keep my dick and a jar and that's the we used to live for fun just for fun but they were people that believed it surely like believed it. Sure sure there are microchips in vaccines. Say people they they say that was before. Trolling was trolling. Though so the only way you can have fun with dump evil is you know there was someone wants he said you know. I think you need so. I think you need help 'cause he he's he could. He swore up and down that you kidnap someone we did. Well no but that was based based see. That's a different. That's a different thing entirely. You know but i mean that's literally talking about a girl that wanted to fuck it be subservient to us and slept in her closet. I mean that that's not exactly you know right. I know you were talking about you. I think were you uttered. Oh i have no idea but it's just anyway are even. How do we get on this on what he. I don't even know what this was anyway. Whatever we're talking about it doesn't even matter. You have to tell we know they needed. Oh we get mentally move on. We're talking about getting your load like adding war last radius. Yes we're no. Someone fell if i said asti on how to tidy bulk up. Howdy get more. Oh gosh like peter. North ropes like fucking sling in silver string everywhere. I always people always say stay hydrated and well you you did that one when you could fuck unfrosted my face and look like that. I had a guy jam beard on my chin group in off it looks like frosting. It really did. And i've digged up again. I know they're in a deep twitter. Definitely there in the detroit. You probably have them on your computer. Definitely do well. He he came very much very high volume on my face and didn't come for like three days and you would always drink an extra large. Sat power smoothie or something from was smoothie king or java juice smoothie king. Yeah yeah yeah. I don't know if that had anything to do with it at all. I just liked us things in any kind of really excuse to go. No i totally gotta go get through really because every video the that never corn that you did with me. You always had quite a lot. Yeah well i mean. Sometimes that happens. Yeah i mean we've been it's like do i know the recipe to it. No i mean. It's it's almost like i'm your whip you up batch. Well i mean even. I don't know whether i'm gonna have a super large volume or not. I don't know sometimes it's more than others. Yeah i remember that one time though they you you were euro had been holding it for a while like this hurts so much felt that blue balls from like it was. Yeah but i felt like it does your best efforts. I felt that that they were swollen. Yeah no that was going to be a large nut and water. Yeah no because it like it builds up there and you could feel it in the fucking vast efforts if you felt my balzac while we were like especially if we were filming a lot of that. It's because we're we're we're fucking we're stopping and there were five will begin fucking stopping. Yeah and and they're just to get to be a large buildup going on. I think i don't know that could have something to do with it though later and that was like nine years ago though we did all that and i swear to god i can't. I can't believe that. I never got pregnant because everything was a cream pie for years. That's just the way you words. I now i mean and and all the sudden all the sudden you go on a drug trial. I hope they add what happens. You know it's amazing after years go cal but at all the sudden you're like regular and you know what kicks probably lack of not out hall probably here to you. That's why you're just you're more regular kind of person. I'm regular regular never was before speed of regular i'm going to they have there.
00:55:04 - 01:00:03
Is there someone had posted a a cereal that you can buy on amazon and it's called poop like a champ and i said i'm mike was already grape nuts and i used to really like those i can't i can't eat now but i used to really like those what i dry really. Yeah i mean. I could as a like a little munchies snack. Like yeah i. I've done that before. But that's just like for to have something like you're eating gravel. Wall it kind of is but you eat a little bit at a time but this devotee is called poop like champ and his altered fiber cereal says also it's non. Gmo shit my pants. That's pretty much. What the whole thing is and i said i kind of want to get it just because it exists no negative. You walk that. He was like the second you walked past me. I'm going to be on the toilet for like two days straight. Gay plant clown cubes. You can order clown cubes for only four nine nine order. What are the therapeutic benefits of cloud cubes. What am i missing here therapeutic club. There's gotta be some fucking crystal waving that thanks clown cubes are good for virility or something. Yeah maybe someone just a fetish for clown pup- so how do you know came from cloud. Let's collared okay so well it says it's probably too and they probably have like an entire farm of like armenian women kept in a fucking basement that they're shaving their armpits. Shaving them down like fucking sheep for wool. There's some kind of a human trafficking house. Wrong clown cubes sure would be cloud. Get nowhere they sourcing to hair for that fucking cloud. Pugh is what i'm asking. I don't now. I what i'm saying is you could be getting here from god knows what kind of hair you're kidding. I mean you could literally be getting armenian man construction worker. You know you could armpit hair. Who does whatever huby we'll die. That shit grow back in three days. Fucking shave poodles. I have no idea whatever. Oh my god. I saw this thing and i was like we were like what well rival girl boy scout troop starts in ohio. Wouldn't be the fucking girl scouts. That's an all girl boy. Scouts was like the fucking uniform. I don't like green. I don't want to sell fucking cookies other. Go do boy thing. What did you different. I want to be called a we were obviously. You don't know about the secret you get leaded on. Don't fuck it and boy scouts of america. yeah they maybe they have better sex. I have no idea. Maybe they let you do more things. I mean you get your tantric match. Masturbation badge at eight years old. We just added that for the ladies know tantric masturbation. Yeah that's new patch so radio it's a new path to patch as dano you actually get credit for for selling thirty five thousand cases of cookies Just from this one batch. Yobe tell cookies now. We're selling cookies clown cubes to clown cookies or the boy scouts stays. That's got compuserve cooking as best. I kind of double patch and armpit. Chang derby that's an actual that's an actual friend of mine. Yeah perfectly cloud yes. Perfect clashes areas now. He is okay serious. Sure you're an odd friendship irvy's class. I am friends is perfect. I know sure identity to what ideas you there is. No true identity. What are you how dare you anyway. How dare you don't put a. We will put links on there. You can see who he is co culture. And he's also he's nominated for the awards. Okay yeah as a cloud perfectly cloud he does he does pervy things that's right i'm pretending like i knew who purpose was totally.
01:00:03 - 01:05:01
Forgot the bit anyway. Forgot to bit three quarters of the way through the bet. Oh it's kind of funny that there's this there's this there's this health food company that started up and it completely sounds corny health food company. It's called two moms in the raw. I really wanna eat that. Gary them to milton the raw. That doesn't mean that to me too moms. They're probably mothers. Whatever shit right. Yeah no we call those vegetables. You weird horse. That's what some people are going to say. I'm just saying it ahead of time. So they already. That's what you're going to hear from people you. Where do you wanna do. Do you want to keep going or do you want our stuff. You can keep code and do you want to cut it off now with With the feed. And then you can just get a bonus on youtube okay. I well no we we. Everybody gets everything. Because if you're listening to it and you know you want to check out you know you wanna see from it you know you want to know what it click clamp. Looks like because i didn't know. What a clip clamp. I didn't know what the fuck she was talking about. Oh those things a little bobby. Pin looking fuckin- things. it's like a paper clip. Yeah anyway you can go watch video now of it instead of just hearing about it. Yeah so they're kind of you know don't want to check it out anyway but will give you the audio bucket. Everybody gets everything right. We all get it all well. I just didn't know if if he had a d. had a show and we take an ep. The big dp dp. gee. I don't know. I don't know that he does. I'm sure you'll get a text message for the live live radio listeners. Then should i well whatever. I don't think nobody's on after us. Don't know i don't think so. No such a bad fucking like how you're gonna like dude the pros and cons as you're just doing it anyway. I mean you're just doing it anyway. I know so. I just want to can talk about why. Not you gotta ride the edible wave while yet why you got lost that and i took i took like half a vibrant which is like a cup of coffee. Coffee makes my belly gurgle as myron done anyway shouted up. My house was straw. It i do that in coffee. Animas stowed kado well. There's a just regular coffee. What caveat about. I mean if you put it in the normal and of consumption boyer's thing your body's just too long to anyway. Okay listen filtering or some filter. Got out there there. Well true but you know it's it's not like a black hole. I mean you you have a wormhole coming out of the other. Ed are well. There was a white christmas in the news today. Really a facial. But that did we discover that was getting a facial or doing blow off a stripper. or something. uh-huh. Since i was one of here's sex maneuvers or something while that. That was the whatever it was last week. That was so last year ago. This is this year. Get your shit together every anyway well. Seventy four pounds of cook was found floating off the coast of the florida very commonplace on christmas day. You know it's weird. It's like i've heard that story before. Like somebody finds a bale of coke floating along as they're doing some fishing and biscayne bay. Yeah you know like on christmas day. it's like three. I how old and you know how many stories and grow up in florida especially south florida. Everybody you would run into tonight. Everybody but lots of people would have stories about the guy who found a bale of something or other and then got in trouble With whoever the fuck they owned it to begin with it would seem like we. Would i would run into. I don't know maybe a half dozen people in my life who had that story or justice story of The dead body. They find a car. That has a bunch of fucking drugs in the back of it.
01:05:01 - 01:10:01
You know. i don't know anyway. Who found the bale. Bale of coke. And why did they tell everybody. Yeah i mean especially in the keys no but they said that it was The us coast guard. They unloaded more than four hundred million dollars with drugs at port. Everglades one fell off. The boat literally floated down again with they. Shed a fisherman. A fisherman founded off just south sugarloaf key as so. God it really. It fell off the vote but like after we seized it ages fell off. You know imploded keys. Well they said. In in september in september they found one hundred and fifty pounds of weed even even more than fifty pounds near grassy key. There also micro machines in the vaccines katie's to have a dick think he's been the champion of the of the claw league. You have klaly international tournaments all of that completely earth is flat. Jesus it's disabled swimming pool there except for this is a share of trag to say no no no really really. We lost off of the. We didn't sell it to anybody. No no our guys. Did nobody here on any police force would be selling agents or anything like that. Would be selling lugging cocaine in escaping. Doesn't happen we're very tight booking keeping on that kind of thing. Well oh the Going back to the the sex records. Oh that's right world record sex. How old do you think that the oldest porn actor is ninety. Two no no sixteen. Oh really that's it would be way older. I've seen love it bharti's before no. I'm sorry he He started his sixties now in his eighty go and he started in over three hundred and fifty about to say i could probably. Within a few clicks clicks find some pretty old dudes too advani on film. Yeah yeah yeah hundred. Percent there's a whole bunch of them I mean how many shirtless old man picks have seen lots. We see him anywhere Largest dick we already talked about that to say moron trying to pimp himself again. He's trying to find a way to get some attention. The white dude from new york now is it the same guy or now it seems like a lot of people claim they have the world's largest dick and it's never as big as i think it is. Yeah but usually. Their names like chad. No that one dude was like bothers of like bob kim awaits or something something like a normal fucking sounding name. Yeah it was like yes glenn. Wakey sal kenner felker joe. Jonas only joe. I have fucking internet. I could fuck you have that ability. Have that power things. I closed down search later and buttons to push. Yeah joe largest largest cock sure jerem falcon. These are some of the oddest questions. Falcon joe falcon on wikipedia. Let's get yeah. He's claim that he's got the world's largest largest fucking cock just a normal looking white dude no and he's a he's a smug fuck. Oh and it clearly says here on the world Total solution to what is correct wikipedia that he claims to have a thirty two and a half inch thick. Oh well this person said that he. They said he's got a fourteen point. Something different do well weak- really i don't know scott to be right anyway yet but anyway.
01:10:01 - 01:15:00
This dude totally looks like just normal average white dude and granted. That is a large cock. You but you gotta think somebody. Some people are walking around like you know. Doin' dude we met in the one dude we met. It's got the like. I swear to god this thing. I don't know how it was but it was big. Oh that guy Yeah where you. Gd even comes back from her bathroom. You have to see this dude. Stick like the dude literally like around yourselves as i was walking into. Take him as jesus fucking christ. I mean it was. It was ridiculous to the point of view. Didn't wreck if you didn't recognize that the first thing when you walked in the you're you look down as he turned around you're like what the fuck and then you see you know. I don't even know how to describe it but it was giant donkey and it just was placid. Yes anyway. We got him laid that night though science. Lean biggles lesbian bodybuilder. Non-mexican supplements like large-size she was definitely like segments daughter or something like that. She was big as fuck thick shoes mean. She's very aggressive. I think she definitely was psycho check because she had a very aggressive nature. She did but she like. What's hanging out with us. I know she liked us. She was because we didn't give a fuck like we were just like. Stop it. Get over yourself but anyway. She immediately grabs the dude and goes outside and fucks him being a lesbian. Hench the car in the car. She literally said no. That is the largest cock. I've ever seen in my life and i go and grabs him. Drags him outside and banks. Burgundy this yeah Because it's that fucking bag. I just wanna yeah. I hardly listens. Martic get the fuck off my day. I'll get in the first fucking huge. Katie you say it. Draw the boob gross gear. Try to take it all like a fucking kielbasa. She did though. Wanna reg- all the way up to my neck jamaican dude. He comes back from all of this. Like with a look of like shear. Like oh my god. Did that just cheeses. What just having their. Yeah no well. Did you try to attack me with this. Fucking cock the bathroom so at a by attack just turned around seriously. Like i'd like i in my mind. I thought i had to take a step back. Like antedates style. You know what i mean. Step away a little. So i didn't grab his cock unintentionally. Oh my god some trying to kill you exactly exactly fuck and monitor lizard into contact bathroom. Jesus christ what is that thing parked right by a forest or i don't know There's some international sex laws that i thought. Were pretty fucking weird. That i just i don't know okay. Gawad okay well I won't even. I don't even have to go like into contempt for singapore window. Flashing is illegal. Okay well jeez. Real start around really public entity in japan. We have to have sensor kuchis. Can't care yeah. You can't do that cubes. Why even in Enemies some dirty enemies and hand ties and shit they if you watch that stuff on the internet some stuff anyway they. They'll all the time so picks late in the blur out their sex their crotches. Even though they could've have just drawn it without it being want to see if they wanted to. You could see the pixel -lation like okay. You can kind of tell what's going on. I know what that is yellow. That is up button. The size of god damned small chick. Pea nipples are twirling sec. So you know something's happening you can see it. Yeah colors change in relations. He knows something's movie happening anyway. We'll you can find. You can find some of them. That are for i. Absolutely yeah no.
01:15:00 - 01:20:01
There's a ton of it tentacles. there's a ton of it and i'm surprised you haven't gotten like you've gone through phases where you were watching a lot of that here and there. Yeah it's been awhile since you've been down that road has it. I well because we talk about it. Every week is what i'm talking about. We've been talking about it every week for awhile and it hasn't been your porn pick of the week so yes i would say i think we do a segment every week weekly and i have not heard that out of you. We actually talk about your fantasy. Life logo settlement about youtube artists your fantasizing about pedophile fucking directors. Filmmakers own. my god. You're back to the woody allen thing. I never stops early. It's not you wake up some day. You wake up saturday and he jesus fucking cry aloud it fuck it works you take you inception dream. God temporary maybe. How a sex dream about woody allen. God awful awful. You're so why is that me giving you of her perfectly perfectly. Satisfying fantasy come on. Oh yuck really doesn't matter. Does it matter how you had the wet dream as long as you add the dream. Oh lots of people would love to have it. Wet dreary about woody allen. What okay will you. You gotta take your. You know what. James has come. You know to make an omelet you know you gotta fuck. Pat sometimes discussing what. Your awful always told me. That uncle ricky bell different algal in australia is the rule. You had to have big boobs if you're in porn if you're alright you get the fuck out if you're important you have to have big titties or else if you have an eight cup. You're not allowed to be on porn because it says that it promotes pedophilia. Sorry grows a little titties. If you're australian you can't do porn because look like children. I like the. I like the The logic circle. They worked themselves into to make that law. Now how do we sit down and make sure girls have big tents. How do we. How do pedophilia there you go. There are people that are non pedophile like little booths now. Exactly like a snowflake sometimes it's about the nipple. I mean great asset as little boobs. I'm just saying sometimes. They face over way over. Twenty-one sometimes they fit a personality too. I mean sometimes a you know what i mean like some girls that that i've known that i've had sex totally. I couldn't imagine him with big boobs. You know what i mean. Like mueller jovic. How do you put big giant. Ted's on meal jovic you don't you don't have big giant though you leave him just the way they are and what they are you know. That's right but i can't understand. Why a bunch of ladies would want some giant fucking fund bags because giant bags. But i get it. I get it but the little boots could be okay. They can be okay if they got a strong maple got a strong naval game. Stern strong applegate means a lot to me anyway. Did you can't masturbate in indonesia if you get you get put in prison for thirty two months to sir. Fuckin- doodling come to lock you up what i do. Churkin off-again smoothly jesus. How do you know we could smell your flashlight from here. Dake funky. we know we don't smell is often so you beg. Goldilocks again. having you can't molding moldy locks. The community fucked leave. Oh god we have to share it. We we don't get deliveries out here very often. We know it takes a while to get out to our place From other places we're very remote remove yet remote so we got a flashlight sent to us last year. So we have to share and we don't believe washing it because you know we're killing the little potential babies can't do that or let them live. Hey there's some weird sex practices that. I really don't wanna do some of them. I don't really care about but Anyway you put fucking limit omi stand. Okay fine let's start with boys and girls and sambia it.
01:20:01 - 01:25:03
One in a savvy and tribe they have to drink jr is about to come. Do i knew that. No negative sure. Well i want you to buy com. Yes so yes i do. I want you to drink my cum. Yeah that's fine. no i said it. I said i would like you to swallow messages. Because i miss better now. No that's what i'm saying. I on anybody underage negative but like growing they like grow up like that. And and yeah. I grew up drinking ages. Yeah they have to start by the age of seven and ten like between seven and ten they like. Yeah during this period. They had they undergo piercings and nose bleeds. Okay fine. i'll take the nosebleed and things. And i don't want to drink. I don't water. Drake just random manages the other have during his did to become warriors. Say yeah you know. It's that's one of the things like if that's the way you are in whatever boy when you're little our iron fucking nuts acking fultz makes you strong though. That's what i hear. Very powerful. Very very powerful. God dude You encouraged and it's it's in Like it's your duty if you're cougar. If you're an older woman in This one place that. I can't pronounce on a butcher to bang younger. Dudes cougars okay. That like data like what you have to do. Yeah you gotta be like to tout hor. Well not the town hall like all women. I mean it's like like the mockingbird blue jay or whatever but you don't know wrong movie but maybe it was logan's run. That was that everybody dies when you get a certain age. You know what i made your little universe. Okay well i remember. I remember when Fuck it was a long time ago. justin timberlake did a move like out of time or something like that like they had an edge right where everybody dies at like twenty five when they run out of time just whenever they run at a time. That's right and you can get more time. Yeah billionaires they live forever similar idea. oh more we're talking about. What was i. Tell you about the people who fucking never lost whereas our fucking chaperone. I've gone and now this just sounds really fucking discuss suits me. There's women in austria second where where are notes from. I can't i handle shit right. That's i don't even try it on. Maybe i just you know. I walk away from the ones everybody does. Well they They take apples and they make sure that their pits are all funky and they've rub holes in their pit funk feed him to the dudes that they light why the fox. I wanna pit apple like you. it's stinky for it. Okay but you understand the whole Fatmaan thing what you understand the fair vote saying and you. You also kind of understand that lady's putting menstrual jews into deflategate sauces. You don't understand ended summer okay. But you know that's we've heard atanas stories of life in this place or that place this time or that time where you know there's a menstruation in with the goulash you know gooden. Throngs fun gross. That's right back. There's another tribe that they build a love huts for teenage girls so they can fuck a whole bunch of men until they find the right one that they like you know. I saw a thing on this as well. They kind of they. They have their own little. Fuck hot up in the trees and shit. now this is a whole. It's like a whole fucking robe-like many houses that are just little cots just like hey you go. Everybody has their own little little little way. You know. I liked the older ladies banging younger guys idea. Not we doing this weekend. Fill bill madonna. Fuck kite. well thirteen you know. But but in a way of the thing that i saw that they were like hanging out to see if they wanted to get married.
01:25:03 - 01:30:01
Like ya sensory. Would they sit in a room but they can do whatever they want. They ness is not necessarily. you're bagging. Yeah liked it a lot of time. They could be w stop. That's why anyway whatever that's what getting a little ravion giving them your fucking knockout juice. Speaking speaking repea- There's this Tribe in nepal that All the brothers share one bitch Wow so if there's like seven fucking brothers your family bitches like snow white van fuck may seven people moly locks again. Same thing you know you scoffed at the fuck dot the village fox leave you totally scott that idea to remote village. They couldn't they couldn't get fresh fox leaves and they'll ever there and they don't want to kill the previous because they could still be alive so the you can't clean at fox leave it's a. That's a village sleep. There probably be cleaning. You could be fucking murdering all of your uncle's little babies can't wash that shit. Never come clean. What's right pob. You've had that bucks leave for like two weeks now. Buddy go i wanna turn nazi. Look thai thai village but okay. I don't know why it was a type elhage but in my head it was. It was a village in thailand. Somewhere remote time you need to. You need to vocalise that. Do i see. Yeah ok to paint a picture of the thai village where they have a village fox to ross. Potentially give it to me. I'm doing a A pitch meeting on it really. Yeah well you got to sleaze box thing it's my new screenplay all right yeah okay yeah by new screenplay we gotta village fuck sleep. We call it the day or the attack. The day of the village fucks wave but moly locks but in a different language no you can have like a different kind of grimm's fairy tale. Have separate you know you can have the the moldy locks tail than the village. Fuck sleeve tail and the tail. The trilogy had it works. You know have like three different. A moldy locks trilogy. No just just like just three different little fucking like grimm's fairy very tales but little about moldy locks and it's it's like sleeping beauty but with a moldy bucks leave got all right here we go. I gotta go. I have to go. How'd you liked to work. In the point store in that village they bring in one day. Like we gotta clean this so we got to do with this release elise only one how. How does the store the wine we sold. What do i do this baby. Katie he'll be out. We sold it to kevin. You gotta go see kevin if you wanna fuck guitar at our in our village for for ten years we got to do something with it now. Don't forget you gotta keep powder on it so it doesn't dry to keep that pristine i remember. I remember Always with the on the outside of the packages a lot of the ones cyber skin. They have a very disturbing looking a little push. Man out of the same material that the that the toy was made out of and they had it sticking on the outside and it says filming so you know with the material likes everybody so everybody finger just and it's not even like really like a whole whole. It's like a half a whole list. Whole hey beef. that's all give you a little touchy feely like rubber. Because it had like a little bit of a labia going on edmund did after a very short time it just got like brown and thirty and gross just now the everyone always i know about that but we gotta go well because it was who the fuck wants to fuck with the testers strove at a ford store of the cyber skin at the register leg. If you if you're going to you're going to not touch one thing in this world. Maybe the test strip of the cyber scoured there at can help. You did not have such thing. I know you stay away from that thing you treat it like the fucking moldy village fuck sleeve. I'm so happy we didn't have any fuck booze.
01:30:02 - 01:35:00
Oh god the arcades coming not cleaning up after some strange weirdos ages god damn it bad enough cleaning of your speech for free or i know do it like really if we're having fun and chickens everywhere. Okay i'll probably clean it up. It's got to be my terms and doubted the cd warehouse somewhere. Yeah part of my job description as want to do it. Those are your limits. Your personal limits. Your body your choice. I don't wanna walk sticky floors god. Damn it being paid to do this. It makes me feel like a hooker for sexual harassment. Because you made me touch bodily fluids. I mean it was like it was never an episode on dirty jobs with micro. You know spag attended. Oh no not not even that but even like a like a swingers club in for those of you who don't realize what ace what any of that is and they still exist in some places but it the days before you go on your telephone pornography or like even before a vcr internet but even after vcr's due to go to Porn stores and there would be some of them that would have booths a and you could go and sit in the booth and watch horn. There is the one on power lines still has berths the going so their situa- you there to get with. its while we were on fucking mass chemicals. I just worked for like ten and a half hours over as how and if you're fighting was being somebody else or fucked up. Yeah it was you. Ju ju Was it yeah okay. Well it wasn't. Yeah no other people to okay. No there wasn't it was there was like four of you. Okay anyway so. I just got off a like fucking over ten hour. I'm hung over. I'm not feeling well. I've been working with asshole. Customers all day long managing deli. Get a call from him. He's like i need you to go pick up more whip. It's and drive them like an hour away. What i need you to do it like. it's really important. Urgency stats starts an emergency. Same nitrous in now have a a couple boxes two boxes so go to this disgusting nasty video store sex store with boots and oh i mean and there's little prostitutes in there as well. They looked like they were thirteen. And they were all done up and they look like hawkers and they were in there and there is the nasty as old dude behind the counter and it was like i mean when you walked in there not i mean this in front of the of the cash register the floor. Your feet stuck to it like a movie theater. He's grows all right. So i pick up the fucking whip. It's god's give me the fuck outta here. I'm like i smell like salami. Can i please just off work. Uniform drive pick them up. Dr mun our away drop them off and i was leaks. I just i just left. Because he was so but turn around and general. Although i mean to be fair to be fair by neto you can't give me a pocketful of acid mid say. Don't eat this. You can't do that yet. that's sure that's why. I'm surprised that we have over yonder is still we still have some over yonder. How yeah. I'm older now new year's this coming okay. Okay i love christmas time was gonna go sparkling lights in shit we could okay well and anyway so i was having but this was in a time of your life which you would rather go to a bar go drink. I know that now you think back and you think about how much fun you have what we do other things i know. What would we have psychedelics together and we can roll around naked together now.
01:35:00 - 01:39:10
Imagine how many times more you could have done that if you know while the. There's one time that i left you and your body same place our way. I drove home. Because i had to work in the morning. Now heckling jackal fucking decide to come home. They're all vulcan spaced out of their mind. They forgot the key banging on the doors. Three o'clock in the morning. I have to go to work in the morning. They're banging on the door. i let him in. They both come in both bouncing on the bed. Jumping up dot com. God god up you want to have got out gotta psych. Oh my god. I hate the both of you just like fuck. It's an idea that was parallel. Hey i didn't say i was easy. Sometimes i abso- i did. There's a lot of times that i know. It's been a long time. Since i've talked to into going to a cd spag bag victory up some nitrous oxide. Driving our way is gonna make it. It'll mega yes so imagine. Imagine kids if you will imagine a time in which people would go with a pocketful of quarters to feed them into spag or to have There's actually been like gogo booths the kyri stick your but now you stick your does have a car yet. Peepshow shows us right peep shows but you can see your debit card or credit card and now and then the window open up there. Some chicken there ever fucking does whatever. Sometimes they dentals a little a little allies. Sometimes it will sometimes people get the whole fucking fuck show. Yeah yeah. I'm sure you're feeding honey. Come on yeah. oh absolutely. Because that's the world runs on sex money. Yes people out to clean these places and thank god. Yeah we're we went back around that so yes thank god. I don't have to do that anymore. So what are the places that i worked at. They actually used to have them. And i'm glad they don't quality so really set a us of place like that really isn't all had. No not at all. Actually you at the time would have been the leading expert that i knew worldwide worldwide. Best person descended upon stores to do anything. Are you dying said fact that at the time you are literally the my worldwide contact of porn store knowledge all the way around like like. Who else would you would you if you were me. You want to go to ford store to do anything anyway. Yeah point proven. I set the right person to their job again. Well we are getting out of here tonight. A leader we're getting out of here now. He's i can take more. I can't i i'm done okay. All right everybody well. I hope you had fun with us for this extra long episode special very the day after christmas special village huxley those do more enriched all right So have fun. Doing whatever you doing the rest of your day night life whenever youtube youtube adria need to check it out. Videos are bad king goes but does.