#337 – Christmas Tree Porn
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12/19/2020 Antarctic snow trash... The Christmas episode... Katie's clam stamp... Stupid dumb face syndrome - The most punchable face in the world is Jake Paul... Soaking sex explained... Porn Pick of the Week - Transgender with a twist and forced bi-sexual porn... Christmas Tree Porn... Christmas themed sex toys... Glass sex toy story... What hole would you rather wreck?... Tingle gel for sexual pleasure or not... Candy cane flavored personal lube... Elf vibrator... Episode of "Rule 34"... Free the nipple on Instagram... Katie's Raunchy Sex Dream - Why did it involve Ten Hundred and not Woody Allen... We must have a sex toy charging standard... Nipple and clit clamp chain... Did Ancient Roman people eat porpoise testicles... Genetic memory... Tits Man - Jingle bells with your boobs... The 18 boobs of Christmas... Are Christmas sex coupons a good gift or just lazy gift giving?... Let it snow sex coupon Florida style with a facial... Candy cane used as a dildo gone wrong... Holding your breath... Big burly man bear pics... The death of PornHub?

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Kinky Katie's World #337 Christmas Tree Porn

00:00:01 - 00:05:02

Google christmas tree porn rubbing take on tree kind of thing. Or what are we talking about. Like how how we already talked about that tree humber. I love your spine of all inside. Vevey catchy smell like behind of that for so stick. The for her extra on the weekend has landed all the exist now clubs drugs pups pies. I've got four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming cow. I'm going to shit to strange his own life. I'm going to lose plot on that dance floor. The free radicals inside a freaking tonight. I'm to volta three papa. I'm going to never neverland with my chosen family man. We're going to get more spiced out in meal on strong advocate anything tonight. This could be my life from seventy three. My what's the monkey larose from little thirty four studio. I bring you a girl with a pussy like a bear trap. If you get your foot stuck you're not getting out here. She is your host the one the only kinky katie. Hello and welcome to the show. This could be hideous. Route thirty seven i am your host can katie. And the me as always is my man. Was the white biggest package under my tree. Stocking in well long hair was covered. Puck toy aka daddy. This se high. Okay sure i'm i'm all. I'm all hyped up tonight. Are you yeah k. k. k. tall. Why i don't i don't know i 'cause i've been prepping not making me six. Okay okay good. Good feel good. Strong powerful opening and people hearing me then. I look like elsa tonight with the hair okay mike. I don't know who else is but from pros you let it go the blonde ponytail okay. Well anyway i'm. I'm more like rory causing off trash version. Yeah like florida's no trash and take sto trash. Actually you would be at arctic snow trash. You're from the south pole so and like the south pole. Well a welcome everybody to to yet. I guess three thirty seven. We're coming to you live for thirty. Four studious gigs. Any radio real guests dot net. I don't know if i already said that or not. But i don't take you cry like bragging about how you wear this evening that you were properly you're probably medicated. Improperly aided was definitely medication. You said you had proper levels really You intimated it you know. It intimated means right. I'm sorry i thought you did. I wouldn't affect you. Know intimated You made it seem like yeah you referenced it get the euro that you had your levels okay anyway. well This is christmas episode to welcome everyone to the christmas episode. Last week was the hannukah episode. And yeah and i don. I mean i admit that i don't i know very little about hanukkah as it is and i know even less about any of the other holidays that are around this time of year so because i was not raised with any of that stuff so Yeah this will conclude our holiday series at least for the rest of the years. She's next one two At the series. So so we've got. We've got newport pick of the week and this actually is porn all right. Even though porn has taken a hit online you know has a. But i've been i've been finding i've got. Oh i have got a whole category. We're going to chat about fucking. It's i google christmas tree porn rubbing. Take on tree kind of thing. Or what are we talking about hub hub and we already talked about that tree humber. I love your spines of all of it side.

00:05:02 - 00:10:00

Revai catchy smell like behind. Love that for. Stick the for oh. Extra flocking flock me. Baby flock zohar. Okay no well. I wasn't sure what i was going to get. So i just i just stuck it in. I was like google christmas tree before christmas tree. And we'll talk about what i found. Okay plethora different styles of chris reports what you're saying man on man girl man girl on tree tree on other people and things botanist honey badger involved her pets and don't give shane have to say thank you shane for he. He put out on twitter and on facebook. And he's probably gonna get in trouble. Florida facebook but he had a list of some of his most prized possessions and mike clam stamp was was one of them a nice. Yeah he has this whole. I display area in his house and a part of his den. His man cave and there's a framed picture of a clam stamp of what i used to do. Is i put your favorite color paint. Amorphous and i stick it onto paper. Let it dry in that. I'd sign it number. Send it on over little stabby. Yeah and there's very london like you were like city open faced on his leather couch or something. Subtly that nature slathered usa into paint and sat you down right in his fucking lazy boy. Yeah we also have a brand tits man and you know. Just basically all over the map with our conversations. Oh one of the funniest things that i saw on twitter because you know how we talk about the most punishable phases one of the things that we do. Yeah like when you see your face when you see somebody and you look at said person just and they start talking like his christ. I realize punchy so bright in the fucking face dumb phase would face too stupid dumb phase and your some networks like specialized in stupid phase. Like like like right you look at. Would you look at the show lineup. You know right away are stupid face. It's a stupid face fucking people well pieces now for me. I've sent for a long time. And i'm still sticking with is your i favor. Well you fucking fucking stupid. Walk in here again. You could say the same about me. I don't like your fucking face. I want you to find your face. It's a completely unreasonable. A motion is you know. I mean there's nothing no ri- well there is a rhyme or reason it's like if you look like a fucking douchebag she stupid share. He's probably the nicest person in the world. We your worst with saying favorite job mostly because he's kind of a pretty that and and here again like i said it makes no sense. It's not necessarily something that's logical. I don't know love it. Will you hate the cleft chin. That's what it is like. You are not a fan of cleft chins their ladies who love fucking cleft chins ear. You're not a cleft chin. Jammer anytime you see a cleft chin your you know kinda automatically. Yeah you're stupid cupid phase. But here again. Well there's all kinds of chicks into well. the reason. The reason that this this came up is there was a tweet by a plan. A may fighter who said the most punishable face and i was like ooh. We're you know this is fine. Who's who's the most punctual face. Jake paul oh one hundred percent. I mean that's that's almost almost. I'm gonna say. Eighty percent of the population of the world when confronted with. Jake paul because twenty percents are going to be fans of his but worldwide raw. Get a look at you. Know loud mouth white kid and yeah just stupid face. This is stupid face. Oh well. In his case i don't know i don't hear he's a nice guy so i don't really know but i really i have no idea See i just. I definitely not on my radar at all. I know nothing about him To to mount when he well. Yeah because it's usually sells it. I'm just like oh. Jesus please turn it off. I can't do it. I don't know and i watched some stupid shit too.

00:10:01 - 00:15:02

I give people plenty of slack to be fuck addict bags without you know i do. Yeah you do. I do i know that i i won't even go that far. So we're watching something Recently and they were talking about soaking for those of you guys did donor would soaking is soaking is usually practiced like with amish people and stuff where they stick your mormons. The guy sticks his dick inside a pussy and leaves it. there doesn't move. Nope does it and she's not allowed. We go grind. Grind e not completion. Supposedly fuck come in or either. Which i you know. I wanna know how that ever really you know somebody was blasted of just say and i mean how have stories of the first time they tried to have sex. They're fucking popping off on the way in. Lots of lots of people have that story. It's it's not an uncommon story. I we're gonna go to the favorite segment standing by. Might not be the porn. You would paint. It is appoint katie one. Time once again for sorry. I didn't know you're about to do something you watch me. Put drink in my head like literally faking it out because i was parched tries her. Sorry okay so. This porn was a little strange. Kinda totally there was a moment where i had. I had a moment rose. First of all it was. There was a tranny. Okay transgendered persons proper never played her she goes by like a polk tranny. Okay so she didn't say call me ma'am that's she's that's her name so anyway so there's a there's a guy there's there's a guy like on the bed getting railed by another dude and he's sucking the deck of the check with the dick. Okay okay okay. Now the guy in the middle who's getting fucking getting railed okay then gets turned around and the the with the dick starts starts fucking to switches with the other guy but then again we switched again. I have no idea what's going on here. Okay well basically Working with a giant. Take the two guys are taking turns three six and one set of boobs. That's what you think okay. Why was that. Why was i thinking this. I didn't see three days. How many might seen no. That's the whole that's the mind. Fuck part because dude in the middle you think a dude not dude got a pussy okay but now transgender male. Yes there you go. That's what i'm saying. I'm like oh my god. I thought that that was not fold. I did got tricked. Did yeah well except for what they don't know is that you've you've got plenty of times watching videos of other transgender men so joke on you you were into it net. Oh you thought you were gonna turn me off there. Didn't you guess what happened. Gosh anyway that was my travelogue. Twist waste out there were only through only to dix in the room. That's right in rome. But we but that but she only he only did anal so nothing in the puzzle. We did an okay. And that. I don't know i was well you shining. You've seen far transgender male porn. That i have. Yes i mean so is that is that common in the transgender male. Board that you've seen no okay now. You were What was his name. What was his name. But kane. Joe games well no buck. Angel is one and he still has vagina. Yes and talked in the inside. Regina yes yes yes maybe does. Ain't over not sure yes.

00:15:02 - 00:20:01

Yes does anal. Yes okay. He's born star. Pcp does all the holes yup altea hold multi hold. I like my kind of guy. Then there's jay go ryan that on from twitter. Don't change okay. I keep showing you that has like that monster button. Okay and who you're talking about. Yeah we're just. Like i don't know i'm conflicted. Yes well and it's hard to to you know we're so locked into you. Know he but all transgender he is. I know okay. Well it's it's it's one of those. Things is hard to describe anywhere without irritating. Somebody gay people anyway. So what are you gonna do well. Let's just try not to be china to retake unless how many touch. If i'm if i'm intentionally being day. Guess what. I'm intentionally take. I try not to even sometimes i don't realize it i'm doing which the unintentional is what i want to want to avoid not not like no if if i don't like somebody that's why i don't like him because i'm sorry that's that's just say okay. So the other point that was kinda getting me off like even more is was was forced by force the dudes just like either get dick soccer's second deck like one of those. You could get with me but you have to fuck him to kind of thing or a hunting avid really. Like to see you i would. I would love to see you at him. Get it get it on. And i don't really watch you. We'll come on honey got with that girl last week for you. Though now to be honest. I i haven't heard any lately with sound so more dislike just like what's going on to you a hough like to the balls. So that's not the first dick you've ever seen harry cinderella. That's my porn porn. Pick for the. Yeah yeah so christmas. Porn of yan's since we were talking about porn so google christmas tree porn just to see just desert over chits and giggles to see what the hell i mean. This is the christmas episode. Attaway pops in your head to see what kind of results you get from said christmas tree porn right okay. Well there is a folk ton of of christmas related porn when you end like them have a christmas tree in the background. Okay well i guess. I got you know the trends of what you're looking for when you're typing christmas board right but i know then you dare are the ones where they have the fetish ones. Where there's i mean this guy is taking like a miniature christmas and shoving it in his but that's what i'm saying like people actually using branches to impale themselves and one or i think that just rubbing their dicks all over. Yeah lots of that too. This one's gotta squirrel nest in it. There's a lot less this week than there was last week though. I'm sure Sometimes i like to see big companies each shit. Oh my goodness. But i mean then then you go to like all speaking of that one Yeah like pornhub shipton of them but not only that there's Like on this one called x. Videos spoke oh god now those are when the dirtier wines those are like the more amateurs cd or dirtier ones go to. I don't know like i definitely. It's like the quality quality i. I'm not even familiar with said but website. I wasn't either until a popped up in the google search and i was like. Hey whoa this guy has his fucking girlfriend or wife or some chick shoved her head underneath the christmas tree and then starts faulkner. Who said he may. Maybe that's maybe she was looking for some in the tree. Like you know what i'm saying there. There's one more gift right in the back that there's definitely people who get it. Who have weird weird like you know. They want to smell certain things they want to any percent that could be the i'm going with. It was ladies choice because it seems really.

00:20:03 - 00:25:00

Stick your head in the trees honey. Hadn't the trees. I see your fucking face put in the oven. I like gingerbread stupid. Fucking face to face that your phases steven when i met you life in marriage your stupid face open al tears your face stupid phase so awful boroughs gone with that now but anyway. But there's there's a lot of fucking like if you want christmas for ms a lot of fucking god damn chris porn. You want wanna tree and you're poor and you can have it even though even though on it all over. I don't know but i mean is even ones with like all the elves gang banging mrs claus There's i i i went. I went a little. I went a little nutty. Now there's a shit ton of christmas based sex toys. Okay some look fun. Some of them. I just you know like there's a glass candy cane which glass glass glasses fun but it can be a little a little a little hard hard. Okay wait a minute i. I don't know weird. It's a weird thing with me and glass more like who are you. I don't know anymore yar you've been saying at that i. I'm different person. you know now. Correct me if i'm wrong. Is it like the fact that it's i mean. You could warm it up but the fact that it's cold stuff like that. Yeah i guess so psychological. Maybe or maybe like i'm always scared. Even though the shit i know good ones the good ones like phallic symbol break unless you throw down a hundred times in a row. Well when you found out if you throw it on the ground like eight will fail at a like half a percent rate because you chuck that one down on the floor. Just the handle broke well. Yeah but what. I'm saying is you. Were chucking out thing every day for a year. Yeah more than once. A phallic demos. So you're you're hawkin dildos and and you would you would take dildo and just you chuck it down on the ground tweet proves that it's it's a pretty terrible thing. And the one time when the distributor comes by to check out what you're doing because you know like to do that. Yeah and you did and you. You broke your dildo right in front of their faces. She she's gonna at least at least everybody else. They're like my bossom answer the tire. They're like no this stuff happens. Swear to god she's really just shut up. It is what it is. you're gonna. Yeah and you're just gonna and you're going to sound like you're gonna make it worse. You just made it worse. Please please please. Don't you'll what we found out that if you throw that thing on the concrete carpeting concrete my mijo really. It was really fucked durable. 'cause you did beat that thing about a lot you bounced to. I mean it's not like a smokable bowl even though it's made out of pyrex if you stand up and it's on your lap smash no you actually. It would survive that. I've seen so so just remember phallic so if you want some quality glass products for pussy wh by you would think too though. The advantage of having dealt made out of glass as i you can clean it ladies sled. Oh glass just comes cleaner easier. There's there's no pours in it. There's no what you doesn't harbor bacteria you can throw in your fucking dishwasher if he wants to now going back to. It's really easy to heat and chill down because if you know the summertime it's great he just throw in your cooler than it's gets all fucking colder out in the beach and just like pop it in anywhere but if you're gonna put it in your freezer make sure you take it out and thought a little bit before you inserted directly here like right into your body because it's gonna stick because you know like you stick your tongue to the to the frozen poll the get stock. Well that's that's going to happen. Yeah some chap lifts or gonna rip your asshole an asshole. What are you an asshole asshole. A we went through that story. What would you rather wreck. Yeah what what whole would you rather back. I mean if you you know you you picked us. Which is weird.

00:25:01 - 00:30:12

Yeah you'd rather about like i don't your acetates takes abuse anyway. That thing is you know. They both take abuse man. I don't are you talking about duck hunting. What do you mean cutting you know what i mean no. I don't know what you need killing dogs. You're speaking ain't fucking code now. I'm not morning. Oh yeah well. That is another to do that. I'm just talking about in general. I'm talking about in general. You know. I don't know. I would rather have my ass if i was here again I would rather have you know. None of my holes. Now i know will. The problem is being a guy. I'll have two holes and if somebody's gonna hold me down and rank a whole it's probably gotta be just. They can't trust your mouth. You know they. Can't you know so. I mean i have no options you on the other hand may get it option ego but with with my luck david probably just like give me a fucking appease yada means just megan into one giant fuck facial for grow fuck fish at all right little stocking stuffer you can get. They have a adam and eve. Tingle jail fingle. Joel joe dingo low. So what's it like mentholatum tangle about pretty much like that. It's and it also comes with a free vibrating surprise peppermint it could be peppermint or it could be like. Yeah no like menthol red hot. Not red hot and red now. yes cinnamon. Oil does does work really well for. There's there's that there seems like you would burn the dogfish pets. You definitely happens. That's when they say like that has an extreme tangled. There was liquid v which had fuck an extreme tingle and you just put like little jolla metal low right liquid re was a product that it was a lubrication female personal lubrication. Yeah it was a tingle. Gel gel tingled jail zone. Basically you put it on your clip but you can put it anywhere. Pushing everything per nassau. Put it around you the balls blow on. Oh i mean people really love that shit. Yeah i would take it to the bars. Would it was ladies night or whatever and the girls weren't really being nice yet. Nice liquor it up so give like everyone a little bit. 'cause i worked like right across the street at a at a poor store and girl bathroom try then and then they would and then i don't know i was such a. I tried to be a good wing. Man try to make sure everybody's happy getting everybody gets them ask. Is that what you're trying to say to make it that way china and say well it's a. It's a lot more fun when everybody's getting laid. Yeah because everyone's in a better mood never once bell. I mean that goes right along with picking your whole that you want to get wrecked. Ereck tonight mitt sway. You gotta make sure everybody's happy happy happy. Everybody's got to be happy. So i have my pappy boy but that on on us to work. I used to do that while i was at work in orlando and then when they finally found out what i was doing other tingle jail. This is another tingle. Joe but this you fall called on g. an oh my god and it smells like christmas. So it's actually pretty good. I'm talking to rally right now. But that is one fucking intense single like you feel like you're kind of like on fire but in a good way it's gonna be a that's got to be completely subjective thing you know like i can't imagine some people really hate that shit. The abbot everyone that i had try. It loved it l. And i would add that got in trouble because i was having the i put Little samples of it on a test or stick until the going to the bathroom downstairs and it out. Yeah so they would and then on the car it come here now now. Cross your legs and sit here on the step. I'm like no squeezed. I sold so much of that. 'cause i know it worked this good. Then they've candy cane flavored loom which is just but it's for the seasons are everyone's like yeah. I get some candy cane. You always hated flavored loose. And and here you are sad baby. You ought to candy cane flavored lube. We've got well if someone else wants one. I mean there was 'cause a lot of tastes like shit by of the hopefully that wasn't like the do they do a product line.

00:30:12 - 00:35:05

You know meant to taste like shit. This is the truffle butter formula cross. A bunch of different assorted like christmas themed condoms. They've some with me. Tebow won- them They have an elf vibrator the called buddies and because they're different characters will. This was an elf and has got a little hat. Looks like a little weeble okay. You know they've the wall but they don't fall down okay anyway. But he he's like all. I cross eyed like sticky. Mean your ass. Looks like a pez. Dispensers exciting funny shaped pez dispenser. You know that would be fucked up if your kid gets a hold of the elf on the shelf action and you know thanks. That's the new elven the shelf and catch his mommy. Stick in the upper asshole. Well he's hiding. He's been but mommy's been a bad bad girl. Exactly i we're gonna go to thirty four and when we come back we'll get more christmas team stuff and we've got new tits mantle sources shit so in young. I'm bullet basically. Andris wrecking snack. Misery loves above. Yeah yesterday sexually of the month club but this is for christmas. This is the secret. Santa this yo thin. I'll just wrap up the first thing. I grab off the shelf here. You wanna use melody grandma. Palette of grammar. Wait wait. We got her. The great american challenge this year twenty four inch plugging four h. Diameter don who. She loved the mr ed version. We got her last year. Just saying well you know that could be dangerous. However i it could be a lotta fun. I guess could do people would. Yeah i mean how many people would be completely offended of rain of dog showed up from your co worker. God damnit bob i told you. This is inappropriate. Jesus christ you said we were bros. Civil rose that's all people. Don't pick anything when they see could try it out. Go ask the as a double ended dong anyway because for the person who does doesn't know what kind of should they stick up for. The has everything in that spot. Something you won't know what it is until it happens like how could you fail. People approach. I mean how could that could potentially really potentially that too. I mean like how bad could it be really. Let's find out sending random dildos. What we'll just we'll just go online and do like searches addresses. But they used to have phone books. She address them. Just send them random deldot exist be like on some kind of news coverage for sure. The chinese are sending a seeds again. Just set it up stuff in packages what's going on. I thought it was an ornament for my grandchild plug like an easter egg. It'd be fair out ahead on it so really you know off listen. I've got this whole thing site. His all breaks down to click click. Click a different games. All we have to click with finally told him this year. And welcome back to you. Kinky katie's world rule studios gatorade dot com cast dot net. You can get me on the twitter. At katie radio kiki katya radio dot com can cater radio edge email dot com also on facebook and google me to thirty on twitter. If you feel so inclined to go check out you can just like of course felt like you but if you're on fed life you already done that. Yeah that's kind of kind of a given there's there's one chick she's still trying not still well. It's still going on but she's trying to get that free the nipple on instagram okay.

00:35:05 - 00:40:06

Well that's that's a tough stretch. There's instagram facebook. Maybe if they split instagram and facebook up platform yeah. I don't i just don't see they're pretty anti neville over there. This is completely off the subject. But i had i had another Rather raunchy sex stream last night. Okay go on suny. no no no. I'm looking for woody allen update my fucking inception idea could work while some verify lint. If i leave enough fucking bread crumbs on the way to said said in a dream that i could. I could probably force you into having a sexual woody allen. It's not happening anyway. no. I'm not give it up. It's what i'm saying. Our find a way to program. That cheddar is a i. Don't see giving up. Until i have one anti wake up play crying yeah hours oh bad i actually guy i had saxwood ten hundred C you're working your way there really. Yeah he's an artist. Guy does a lot of youtube videos. Yes i mean you know kind of a kind of a. We watch a lot of stuff. Yeah you know. We're little characters hoodies. Well he's definitely wouldn't be like a your classic guy that somebody would put up a. Oh yeah all over. That kind of dorky glasses dorky dudes. Though i don't know you know what i mean. Well anyway but it. It happened like in. I was getting something or he was helping me into the back of a pickup truck. That had a topper on it. Okay gone impose opened up the back of the put the back down and i was getting into the back and he just like grab my ass. I was wearing jeans and stock my thumb like his thumbs. Like kind of like right in my camel toe and then just kinda like grout. It hard i was like what do you do at. He grabbed the back of my pants. Gang me back down at the just like totally foods recall or hun or ten hud. Were recall them. I recall any caller anything. No look at you like blushing kinda like like. We're doing this right here in the like we're doing those very unexpected events and especially with with that individual. Little did glasses. It's you know like. I said i'm i'm never surprised married. And he's got a baby on the way while you can't help you have a dream. You know what i'm saying. Yes and it was just a dream. He doesn't even know who i am. No data oh god you're not sure Pretty positive okay. Yeah anyway and i'm like twenty years older anyway would know it was. It was very. It was very strange. They like we. We were in a store and it was like going to. It was raining outside for some way. I don't know we'll get old truck new until one. no. I don't know i just saw the the inside back of it like the back window face is buried and they really no no no no. I remember seeing chevy. It wasn't in the back seat. It was in the bed. Okay like the bed. Part of is to bed. Bed lighter didn't even have a lighter on top tougher owes. ross deal. Yeah yeah yeah. I think it was read but i don't remember but i just wanna say rat anyway. Okay well it was a demi di- did you have a wet dream from it to completion to how was high and then you knew what socks is then my my my one you vibrator tracy's dog one broker. Well i i went to grab it. It's fucking dead. Jero dad and i not one hundred percent.

00:40:06 - 00:45:00

Sure where the charger is. Aw i know that's what you get for a toy. That has a specific fucking charger. Stupidest thing in the world. Whatever tell tell me that's not like level nine irritation could could somebody not get together and say. Hey we're all going to agree to to use the same like you know what i mean. It's universal toy charter. I'm just saying i'm just like what. What are we here in the stone ages. Can we not standardized just a few things sort if anything sullom sell the charger place in charters charges like seven eleven or wa wa. Don't the whole dildo probably only cost like a dollar ninety nine for the person who sold it to you. I mean the markup on that shit is totally insane. No i see i. I've worked in several shops. I've seen i've seen what the fuck lingo for. Which by him for. I bet it would cost them more to pack up separate chargers and send it to you than it would for them to just send you a whole nother delo products that it's cheaper to just send another dildo than it would be to try to even get people hugging chargers. Yeah probably it's retarded urinating. I want universal charging system for my sex toys. You know from your from your pocket pussies to your auto blow. Three thousand to your You hoax. Yeah fuck dolls. That's right that's right. We need fucking sense. Common sense made out of sex toys. Now there is. there is an item. This person's christmas. It said you know some of the best things to get for christmas okay. Nipple and click clamp chain clicked right up at a hard one to say. I can't hardly wrap my mouth. Around at click click click click. Click click click. I think if it like you know like a horse. Quick clamp could play well so neville neville clamp combination with some chains. Connect everything extra fucking dangerous. Yes right. I know right like you. Just pull the ring in the middling come here and then insists nobody. Yeah it was. It was the you and it was the nipple clamps and then the change came down to A ring and then and then there's another chain that came down and hooked onto the to the it to st still having a hard time visualizing this here i'll i'll show you the picture okay. I'll tell you what it is okay. Translating from katie spoken word to mental picture. Sometimes you know. I i don't get it sometimes. Yes sometimes yeah it is just you because there have been times that i can't believe what were you thinking like. Oh i was this. I'm sure everybody listening right now. One hundred percent. They know exactly what you're talking about. They're not totally clueless at all. They're learning kate niece. Are they maybe with some stuff. It's metal clamp. He's a year some some gross but They probably deserved it. There was Romans enjoyed back in day. Just kind of occasionally like for Kinda like innis special occasions. You know it big events right something like that. They use to eat the balls of dolphins dolphin. Paul dolphin balls. Footballs might they would have it with a cream sauce. Listen a white cream sauce With other various sea creatures mixed in wealth like fucking like ball. Chowder dolphin bulge outer though. Well you know all fair game. I guess back in the day i mean they had to live with ridiculous. Magma three get with so i mean they can eat whatever the fuck you know. We're talking about. We're talking about Before christ we're talking two thousand years ago that's just fucking we're lucky those people like passed on genes us at all. We're lucky we're here. I don't know down talking about harsh life. They could eat dolphin balls. They want to was back then. Let them your dovan ball. Yeah well you have to see you know for the time i. It seems weird now though and i'm sure i'm sure people still dolph ball somewhere. Yeah yeah no people eat us. And we're we say too often. We're not talking about my here. Yeah or whatever you call fucking dolphin by in your particular. There's there's like different fucking words for everywhere you go. Yeah and invents me.

00:45:00 - 00:50:07

I listened to. Yeah yeah porpoise balls flavor one of those the rate the rate and you know it almost goes to fuck it. Serves them right for being so goddamn rate or maybe they're got right because we ate their ancestor balls. Maybe there's like a dolphin. spoken word. passed down the lines. You know humans bali leaders. They've like genetic memory they've been talking about that lately. Last year's about there being some type of memory inside genetics like like a knowing how to fly all the way back without being showed they just no they just know. Genetic memory stay stink. Whatever it is we're gonna go to your favorite like managed by standing by in and on the news. It's time once again for shit. Man this tits man is Today it's sarah x. And she does a very very sarah ex-miss. She does jingle boobs with boobs like she can. She can flex the muscles enter tips and she does it to music. Okay so she bounced bounces them about a popular trick. Ladies with enhanced enhanced heads yes they can make an bouncer muscles set because it's like under the bustle or something. Is that it. Well there is a difference like when somebody says large like over over and one of them they did they can do. The enhanced booby ballot. Dance bounce dance but a lot of people. I've seen a lot more of those videos papa where there's different there's different women and some of them are topless to the jingle bells challenge. Yes except they do other christmas songs really. Yes yeah like twelve days of christmas. Well yeah no. I guess yeah reindeer. Well there is one. She did she She did have Reindeers painted on her on her titties and the the the nipples were the red noses. I think she yeah. You probably have seen it then. Plus with the christmas sweaters with their tips hanging out. I did that one year where it was like five or six years ago. I had a sweater. I'll post pictures on twitter because if about facebook. So i'll forget what that was had an eight to news hanging out of your years. Rudolph was just christmas sweater. Just kinda holding you let one t fly and you you make it up to be reindeer ugly christmas sweater your titties out but anyway. Yeah it's a reindeer because it looks like a reindeer. Would you transit up. That's right so you dress. Booby up like you need to dress your project. Same idea you you the actual Yeah there you go well. Because i look at some pace actually where i was thinking. When you'd i describe it. I was like yeah. There was a thing years ago. I glued on a pom pom. Because i didn't have a red paste have rudolph you decide like no no a red pom pom pom pom. Yeah it's totally anyway. Well along with the tits man for this week. There's going to be the eighteen boobs of christmas gallery. That i will be posting. They're not my kids. But there's some fun. Ted's with the the reindeer knows curated. Some of them with just a sticky bows on the nipples. They're wrapped in christmas lights. Sexy shit. I don't know about job teddy. Picks for of twitter's which you're saying. Okay not on twitter. I'm gonna put them in the show notes. Okay and the show notes. Yeah oh what did you go to the episode on the website cater. Radio dot com. Check out the episode. That you're listening to right now. You can go down and there are links for all the shit. We're talking about right now. So if you wanna see a picture of the boobs you want to know where the fuck eighty found whatever article you got it right there on the so anyway. So that's your tits man for the Ticket lot of bubis. Lada bubis so one of the things that they were talking about. This person was saying. I have you can't figure out what you wanna do for the holidays like like if you wanna give your yours significant other Gifts you should do Sex certificates okay but different things blowjob coupons.

00:50:08 - 00:55:18

Exactly like they said sometimes Like they say like a blowjob on the way to your in-laws house or to your parents house child really responsible but okay why is that sanders fungible. Well you can't do while you're driving don't you. While you're driving your kill somebody on the holidays. You'll world world according to garp that shit while you're not gonna be drunk when you're driving so you know just lean over like i would like you drive. I would lean over and just star pop up and just start giving you head and co negative. I'm not about taking that. We've done that before. Yeah i know the said. That's what i am like. Keeping eight take again not again. Well it seemed like about a risk. What i was drunk. That's what i'm saying don't do that. I could stop the car. Oh you know we can just pull over somewhere. Yeah i don't actually have to operated vehicle Another thing that. They said that they suggest that you do is make one. That says it's called. Let it snow. now what do you think. What do you think flat. Snow is ticket for We're going to go down and get a couple of eight balls at startup. The assholes of some strippers that we met tonight. I mean we're in florida. That's definitely what let us know mids. Donner here's blitzen. Yeah no people make it rain. No this is dated so there. They're saying that they're bitches circling it. No show winter theme leading your partner. Finish on your face. Yeah let it snow. Give her baby shower. I mean all it showed. I'm down for it however now. There's a fucking christmas strip tease. Which whenever kinda stupid. Then there's the sleigh ride they're just calling it is just a fucking bitch on top of her on top like her writing. You okay. The calling it a sleigh ride because they wanna a christmas here. That's where you go into deep freezer. You have it in the garage and thaw out the check to you killed last year and bag her frozen into that shit. Where are we talking about that. People who live in log cabins and they can just bury checks underneath their leave him leave him down there. We never know what i think. We talked about a story where they found bodies under. Someone's cabin or something like that. What was jars of things. I don't know he was a scientist or teachers. A professor at one of the colleges and had the corpses underneath his house. That's right. He's keeping their because he was going to fuck with them or something i don't know. Is that the same kind of exciting same kind of an action or we talking about here. No no no. It was your terminology. Your christmas sexual terminology clearing it out so i understand exactly what dealing with your car. There's a frosty oral frosty or a frosty oral. This is where this is very sick. Like ice cream ice in your mouth and then go okay. I was about to say we go by wego by burt. Wendy's and picking up a frosty sicker digging this. Put it in your mouth or just filler. Cooter up with it eat it. We take fucking a pastry bag and squirt it. All inside of your new hotdog flashlight in you. Fuck that. Just that. I maybe twins because i just i kinda just imagined when you when you were saying phyllo pastry bag full of frosty and stick it out. I had the twins. Because i imagined you shoving it into my krajina giving it a good squeeze and then just like that frozen fucking soft. Serve ice cream snatch by statute feel fi-. Of course i mean years. I don i. You know you'll be okay. That'd be fine. don't worry of course all that sugar and shed inside your coochie dairy. You may need a pressure washer ourselves it afterwards by the way my ira sound like a pressure washer. But by the way you know those big. I don't know if they still make them which i'm sure they do they. They have candy canes. That look like dick's pretty much to like big katie sticks to like about i keep doing this and peaking to get shit for it. They're like that big and they're bali that anyway don't masturbate with them because there was a couple of girls that they they decided to go fuck themselves for for a couple of dudes and we're middle school middle school and a bunch of has had the candy canes and a couple of girls they were.

00:55:18 - 01:00:02

They're kind of like basically having a how off the slag off the wars slag off. So it was. It was something it was. It was kind of like that and they like. Oh you do it. And they were older than us of course and then so these two girls they decided if arca go punchy punchy with With a giant candy canes cain there were they they just got bad use infections leaking sugar. Jews said it was like read. It was bad. Plus there's peppermint right but somebody look out of right immediately afterwards now rested a cock and their little come on. You already put the fucking candy cane up there. It's too late now. You might as well let me back that whole you remember. That is the whole that you picked. You picked out a time your badge there wasn't any specification of wreck tau or with what. Well that's what i said. You have no choice when when you play. Let's rego whole we don't get to choose you choose to play. Let's recco yeah. You've got to choose the whole gets her act. You don't get to choose how it gets act. That's the name of the game play. Okay i don't think i don't wanna do. You already entered year registered. You did the paperwork. it's too late now. yearly its legally binding. It's it's legally wondering and is not legally binding hannukah dildo. i know. I know we did hannukah last week by It goes on like as forever forever. Did you know that you technically have two minutes to live. But every time you breathe it resets. The clock does it only. Yeah think about it. Hold your breath. And then we'll die in two minutes out and start reading gift from mr david blame. Oh yeah i mean. It doesn't take a little while. Wow that sound like sounded like it was coming from underneath me. Which is weird. 'cause i have your talk coming to. It was coming from under the table. Maybe was he know. Oh my god scare me yes. I cancel christmas episode. I can scare you. If i want to scare you that i can't help. They know he says i make some times. I like the noises you make though how. Oh there's this there is this Photographer that did a whole set on body positivity for men okay and it's a whole bunch of light leg bears and stuff like that. Just i mean guys of all shapes and sizes naked Posing very artistic bag away pictures and it's awesome. I really like it. So i'm going to put the i'm gonna put the pictures and the and the link you like yourself a burly dude or at least i like to think that way. Come in from a burly dude. You know exactly see oh anyway. I love more fun that way. And i and i like how you use skirted across the whole episode without saying goodbye deport by no. They lost like two thirds of their fucking. I find some weird stuff that i like and you. Yeah yeah only like two billion videos really. You know it's it's there's so much fucking poured out there it is. I'm blowing no way. No that's the thirty five thousand other websites. no no. that's what. I'm that's what i'm saying. Like there are people that are actually set about like their their favorites and shit. Like i had i had saved katie. My favorite anti was on there. I had like one hundred and fifty videos. And now there's only five katie. How ever going to jerk off with my hotdog flashlight tainting. Jeez foot. you're you're bound to find more if it takes you like seven days to find a porn that actually gets you off then maybe spend too much time watching porn or. I don't know to have a frosty weiner. What was that. What was your era christmas. Sex move for that with a pastry bag. Frosty oral frosty oral.

01:00:02 - 01:02:39

Yeah oh it would be the frosty winter. Frost dog flashlight stat flashlight. Yes he can flesh off because you're talking. I'm surprised you haven't showed eighty videos of dudes fucking talk flashlight. No i don't. But i see that would be the thing he'd be like honey. Check us out now. Just i'll send you an email address. Just open it like. Oh okay well i know better nope and stuff because from you. We don't exchange files like that. We don't typically you just turn your laptop around again and check this out. Yeah i know like you need to send me a lake upset in like five feet away from you. Think i don't text you from across the room no negative. That would be the worst way to get own got. That is literally the worst. Way to get thirds. How you know you to talk to me standing directly in front of me. Even that have the time you don't hear you're like it's it's very hard to do. Have to be what. I'm paying attention to writes that. It gets very frustrating times. Hey but then what. I'm paying attention unplugging paying attention yes you are all up in it sometimes. The i'm sorry. I tripped sometimes. I'll tell you can the middle of sentence. Can i tell you break damages a bitch shit. All right everybody. We are getting outta here for the week. And i hope everybody has a very merry christmas. She that's very very young and we'll be back before the new year with all new live kid next week next. Certainly three thirty eight all right. I'm looking for me. I see data. Okay guys well. Youtube go to youtube put videos up. There's already video up so go. Check it out and you hear this. There's gonna be videos up so check it out kiki katie radio on youtube. That's right it's not. I like tacos and buddy those lupus.