#329 – Animated Alien Porn
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10/24/2020 Girlfriends of fans and their hatred... New merch available November 1st... Nobody can pronounce anything anymore... The screaming eagle... Porn Pick of the Week - animated alien porn... Furies having sex... Exercise naked with Nuetersize... Fleshlight fuck face model and all around awesome girl... Clit sucker sex toy review... Katie's different laughs... Episode of "Rule 34"... Santa Jaws - new movie to see or not... Naked and covered in ranch dressing now in jail... Tits Man - Chesty Morgan classics porn with huge stainless steel ball filled boobs... Person dies at outdoor James Bond themed orgy in England... What is on the average woman's sexual bucket list - Hint, they are all pretty weak... Leaving an unexpected load... Men being way too harsh to women... Why does it always sound like something it isn't?

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Kinky Katie's World #329 Animated Alien Porn

00:00:01 - 00:05:01

Naked. Seventeen year old fucked up on something in who's covered in ranch. Got Into a car accident. Because he hit a pole. Alber away. Was the. Weekend has landed exist now club drugs, pope's and pies of four hours off from the world man I'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming kettle I'm GonNa Talk To strangers all night I'm going to lose up on the dance floor the free radicals inside mayor freaking tonight. I'm Jeff Travolta on three, a papa. Never Never Neverland my chosen family mind we're going to get more spiced out Neil Armstrong advocate. Tonight. Could be I'm alive the Senate quitting my. What's the. Tape. Live from rule thirty, four stadiums. I bring with girl who can urinate with force of the jet engine. Here she is your host, the one, the Kinky Katie. Oh. Hello. Hello, and welcome to the show. World. Number three, hundred, twenty, nine, I, your pressure hose. Coach. Post. No I'm not. I'm Kinky Katie and with me as always is my super saying box tougher. My favorite buck toy MR SC Okay Laura. Sure. Girder. Sure. We are coming to you live from route thirty, four studios, Kinky Haiti radio DOT COM, and radio canceled Dot Net? Oh. We've got a fund show for you. Tonight Yeah Yeah promises always. Have promises promises wait for one of these days for you to go. This is GonNa suck close you get to. Embrace the suck here comes don't bother at this wine but at least let it play for I. Don't know like fifteen seconds I can get credit that that. There's no. There's no credit except for what we do. You know we're okay I know we're doing. We're fine. Fun. Well we have a newborn pick of the week. Now, we also have new tips Ma'am to. Ted Man. No. not this time, but it has happened. and. Yeah. Other stuff from around the web. Wanted to give a shout out to walk out an anthem tattoos in Gainesville, and he was doing a a a guest bought at bed of Roses Tattoos and South Tampa. Because fucking tattoos that as seeing I got the other day. Our fucking. Awesome. So. Before yes. No. Yes. Hattie does before when he was in in town for the convention conventions are happening and Blah Blah Blah we talked about this last week but I just want to say. Right. Whatever the outcome is fucking phenomenal and I'm very, very fucking happy jello yeah okay. Yeah. Well speaking of kind of like tattooed people big Ronnie's girlfriend on twitter I thought it was Kinda I thought it was funny I. I opened up I opened up my twitter or the other morning, and it's just like. You saw. I mean just just. just tweets. Tagged in it a little a little background here. This happens all the time you where somebody's yeah. Somebody's girlfriend who is a Fan Or? A fan or follower or whatever listener you know and the girlfriend just looks at their phone and comes on and just rips Katie new all the time. It's a common occurrence. Yeah and I love it because sometimes they they try to pretend like they're the person that I know like this happened with my friend Jeff Jeff. I've known since I was like fifteen. Okay. Yeah. You're using fake names to protect the innocent. Or not, of course, I get your problem like I care. Anyway he always, he always calls me catered. Never calls me anything else that's always been his nickname for me. Well. She his girlfriend or fiancee at the time message me over over facebook and talking to be just being like the weirdest in the world and never called me cater had not even once and I'm like, okay this is. Clearly not. So anyway, Big Dig Ronnie Good Olympic Dick Ronnie Yeah Yeah. So there's there's messages from his girlfriend and. That he he sent me some. Seventy.

00:05:01 - 00:10:01

I'm really sorry that is my girlfriend. She likes to find ways to try to get. To Be mad at me. And I, it's no problem. It happens all the time he he's like, no, really I yelled at her I'm like dude, it's okay. It really happens literally all the time. They don't take it personally I don't like totally get it again it I understand where these women are coming from but they're just you know sometimes they're in like who's Pakistan? I'm not even the same. As. You you. Weird, US. I. Don't know what you know what he's going to heaven here. On it's very, very strange. I'm like does he travel a lot of something and come to Florida or whatever I have no idea sinc- occasional show, and we see detaching shop. Yeah. That's it. It's really simple that way. Yeah. No. Anyway Anyway Katie if if your girlfriend. I. Personally, though I know I I really I think it's funny too because it happens so often and it's just ridiculous when you're like. Why would you? Know. What have you even looked at like our interactions online it's it's. It's PG. All the way. Are you what's wrong with you? Are you okay or smoker toast or he's the one that fogging comes across all pervy gross and she she's reading hitting back. Like this Like. Oh I WANNA fuck and put my on your face. which you can do coming up November I I'm going to have new merge available every body, and it is so awesome. I'm so excited I cannot wait doug guys get the stuff. Yeah. No, and we're GONNA START 'EM, November, I November furniture whenever yeah. Twenty twenty cancer listening into different year. Well, I'm going to post the designs of what you can check and the cool thing is is. It'll be available time. She just go get it. Yeah. Everyone and you can put you can make a pillow out of the other this one picture and Chesney you're gonNA like it. You're you're gonNA want wine is you're gonNA dirty dirty things with that pillow thinks and that's okay I. Don't eat video. I really don't need a video we can skip the video, you can do what you want to the pillow. Yeah. No. Anyway the the place that I found the they'll print that thing on everything everything anything. So whatever whatever you feel like getting, you can get singing magnets you can get close instead of like for a one week period Hustler's you know the way we were doing it. Yeah. Here's a t-shirt good luck getting into week. Hurry. It'll be gone soon. They don't fuck this time. Yeah that happened with the first round. But. Dowse. Okay. So anyway, we'll have a couple of different designs on a website. Yeah but I'm really fucking excited because they're really also been as. FUCKING AWESOME And he's got a bunch more ideas that are going to be available soon to, and I'm so excited. Because I get them to 'cause I like them. I usually order one for myself because. Yeah. There's our you like to wear yourself. That's race cut a girl. You are that narcissistic that I will walk around with my face on my own just didn't even stumble over that narcissistic where either thought you're right on it. That's right. I even spell correctly when I type it. I wouldn't even know where to start. Don't even ask me how to recite area Dow because right now I can't narcissist I'd have to many S.'s Tiffany is a double double s I'm not sure I don't know what the rule is. Where's the. Lot. Can I just put a Selfie on earth does it enough will spelling spelling and pronunciation has is like a thing? Doesn't happen. Yeah. It's. It's like the thing nobody can pronounce anything the same way anymore nobody really understands how to pronounce it could be simple shed and as you name simple shit and it's always been called one thing and then all of a sudden you see some youtuber that has a really huge following just start referring to a completely different way because they've never heard anybody say the word fine. You don't know you know your problem but all of a sudden we're just changed. So we're looking J.j what happened then yeah mean. We're not talking about people that are from a different country because that's Yeah whatever I'm talking about inning. Merkin. Bald Eagle Burgers. Forgot. These for awhile.

00:10:04 - 00:15:00

Really. Loudly to. Get Mad and angry at me every time. Yes I know. Bald Eagles Screen GonNa do when when you're feeling patriotic orbs reading through your body when you know you fucking. Screaming Ale Baldwin. Angry. I understand how angry? Last time I saw the Screaming Eagle to get attended shot. SPLATTERS zone screaming you don't Screaming Eagle is if I don't know you have no chance of anybody else no. I mean I. Like I've lived closely with you for a long time now looking at. Okay well, you're not explain it, but you can tell me now it's A. Blow blown. Oh, it's okay to sexy sex act. Yes. Okay. Yeah. like a rusty trump bone some you gotta use one that people know. You know what? I mean the Screaming Eagle. They are listening so proud people probably did probably going into what's mattered Dick. Don't you know I don't know I do I hardly know what's going on yesterday let alone when I talked about screaming I kinda remembered how screaming I kind of think I remember liking it I don't know you have no idea I have. No thought, I, did for a second. I thought I said I had to like Faint Memory I dunno tickle in my brain for a second. Okay. Anyway. Oh my goodness. Oh. Let's go to my favorite segments there by standing by. It might not be the porn you would pinch. Hit is appoint Katie wine. It's time once again for me. Okay. So this week has been a little different. But not. But not, you know not too different. Some similarity but just a little little different for me. Okay. Little different. Yeah. Not A lot. Okay. I've been getting really into the animated. Porn okay. Animated. Okay. Like American animated or are we talking heavy anti here? Well, who? Heads I yes. Not so much tentacle but definitely, just anti meaning right dirty cartoons in Japan but I'm kind of into you know the whole like alien human thing. Not Necessarily, the tentacles you've been, you've been into alien stuff on and off for a long time. Like like. Like realistic alien life now, like fake Foam Costume Alien Yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. So not well-made but. Only. Oh, also I guess I should throw this in here to Furry sparking. Furry working yeah. Usually don't fuck. Yes don't necessarily fuck. Judge a furry by its for its fuck you don't know. You don't know the bang. Maybe they don't. Hey Wolves had sheet Dick's like dogs, right Okay. Hang on. We'll. We'll have sheep tics dogs. Okay. I mean Wolfson and I'm sure they do I don't know I've never seen a woolcock. Well. I'm just saying like so you wouldn't see in their free costumed or there's some. There's some dude nevermind I'm coming. To where there's some dude somewhere going on Wolf, I'll show you. My Dick Sheets right now Katie you see. It's red and it's throbbing. My lipstick you WANNA. Put It on. Okay. So cartoon cartoons and Weird Fake Alien Point Yeah and and very fucking. Okay. In alien point of people getting abducted and murder bald in some way shape or form a re talkin like your usual somebody gets fucking anal probes and they don't want to kind of a thing. Yeah. Fear in crying and. Okay rape. By. You? Yes. Okay. But necessarily gay okay. Because a lot of the times I like the checks are the ones that are get like I mean as far as rape goes rape porn. Yeah. The most terrifying rape porn really is going to be by an alien in my mind I would rather be raped by just about anybody in any other situation. Than A fucking alien. mainly. Thinking I'm not choosing alien. Well, that would be like doubly scary.

00:15:01 - 00:20:01

What if it's like a really super attractive alien. It's not not no. No Fuck that Alien. Real. Really in meaning it's completely foreign to you. You know what I mean you know, fuck? Et Alien. Night On and Not. Not you know fellow human species that comes from somewhere. Yeah. No, we're talking clearly non humanoid. You wake up. There's fucking something all over you. You don't know what it is. You're just getting exactly. The ASS. No is getting shut up your asshole before you know it and that's just what the do hands are or lady we don't know which. The. Plug Fish. No no, no no no. No. Over It'd be great. Really, kicked. Really, bad. Coffee. And I we have to throw up though anymore which is good. We have to put a moratorium on the caffeine consumption pre show. Yes. Do. I have to talk to you. I don't WanNa like have to have to throw something at you. In the middle of a show. Here or something that you wake up what do you would cut it out wake up well. Meaning pay attention to what you're doing instead of going all over the bath. That's all. Well Good luck with that. Sorry. which was, what were you doing more of a more alien or or was it cartoon Alien Yes oh, it was all animated. and. Some of it was computer animated but come of it was okay. Well, that's that's you know less terrifying for me. Because, it's not realistic you know to main. If it's animated, it's it's less terrifying to me. I think. Channel. Well. How the hell are you GonNa Do Realistic that. Come on Dan knows had a glove of fucking jams. Did he really have a glove? No was really a big giant blue guy no. No No that's not. I was like he wasn't really big purple. Whatever color he was. I don't know maybe he was bleeding off you going on. Different good I'm used to. No that's right. He wasn't normal. There, there's a thing that people are getting into. Now's called neuter size. Nuder size neuter came to take a guess at this before you continue Nuder cise is this where you are lifting weights with your deck sack. With your your wrapping something around your balls and you're like like doing squats with it. You know. So you have like a five pound weight hanging from your nut sack. Bux? Index. THAC. Say. Well I didn't okay. Of course. You did what else would be well, there could be someone out there. Could be long I can I don't know either way Genitalia? Let's say. Is that it? Up because it's new new. You're doing the millennial mating call. Point. Oh some Cairns GonNa come on your team. You hold your hair. Are you? Okay you feel insect are you? Do you. Do. Exactly how mu? Exactly. Yeah. Let me speak to your manager. Call the cops on you. He did it. Anyway. I'm yeah. So what what is nude ronning or Nutri neuter size side naked exercising? Okay and they have the classes and the started by dude everyone's like he's he's doing this to get checks but if Why is this is impressive or not? I'm just saying if it's not impressive how many I mean you know? Well if he's like working working with like a button mushroom. Yao. Well, the maybe the women would feel less. Intimidated by him. I take as possible like has got a fucking microphone. NEUTER size doesn't exactly have a lot of big tick energies when I'm telling you. Fairly, a lot of people pay to take the class subpoena pene type energy to me. NEUTER CISE and. What if? I don't even WanNa Bang tonight because I said the word Nuder cise. Ibm I'm so like anti turned on the opposite of. Every. We're going. To.

00:20:03 - 00:25:02

Sound of that. Would bring my with me. Science pain. Working on McCain Lake don't forget your website. They Yoga's been around for a long time. You know what I mean. I you know but this is jumping jacks with your Dick Flop and like a fucking elephant trunk like slap slap slap. Yeah I. Don't know what the what are the health film. I. Just pictured a naked dude on your vibrating belt machine. Like shakes the shit out of you. It's an old machine got to. See the old black and white videos. Team fifty check. fucking belt on right and her ass is just go into town life. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway. But I picture a Nigga do with. He's I. I mean yeah. There's a like a ninety five percent chance. He's just a PERV. Ninety five but if you don't care about the per- Venus and you want to jump around nude, Hey, you can. Person Work out with you I picture the class in her room and and you know he's doing little. Let's go. But then you know there's mirrors around every you can get every angle of everything you're doing jumping Jacks Oh God. Your titties oh? How do I know this is what? What's just Bam. It doesn't bother some females bouncing around with boobs but most girls that I've asked or been in contact with of don't like Bouncy Bouncy. Well, and also I've got like fucking heavy steel door knockers going through my tests. So it's Kinda hurt well, and then the main feature. The main feature of that whole thing was the exercise portion you're definitely. I'm glad you're amused by that. The, and is just an excuse for you to go I mean. My God. You don't like to sweat. Now, I, don't okay and that's fine. Unless I'm doing something, you don't mind it if you're grind grind not. Sorry. Yeah. If if it's evolve sexual contact your all about the sweaty nece and drugs that too. But going outside in ninety degrees subtitled. Not. Really your thing. Yeah. Especially when I'm like, why does piece of paper Yeah Yeah so yeah and I've got very pretty bright tattoos. So No neuter onyx or neuter neuter size. Is Terrible name. So. Bad. I mean, really he ever tried sexual neuter size. I guess is the way to go. Like what's what's his? What's his fucking Spiel on like? Why? Why would you do this when i? Okay, there is no reason. Now there is no if you're nudist and near Nudist. Yeah. Some people are just nudist some people. Yeah. They just WANNA. Be Naked I really wouldn't want to be jumping around. No. I wouldn't either. Oh this is the coolest thing. I've talked about her before and Anyway, it's a burlesque performer that that I know named Vita devoid. Okay. She's out in California and when she worked for real doll which I was like that is the coolest thing ever doubt she s she worked for them and what do you do when you work for Real I believe she did make up or she did some pro work low like actually working all adults. Yeah. Okay. Cool. All right. But make him take his bounty. Exactly. You're the small box. Saturday. Cooler if I did. Well anyway there's They had a line called Monster Cox. Okay. Oh by Monster Cox go on and it's like a it's a flashlight but they have different like monster. Stuff in place with the you know you fuck. Monster themed. Okay. Anyway her so the inside of it was different for each one of them or the flight itself. we'll, both there are different on the inside and it was different like little heads a flashlight. If you don't know what it is I, don't know what to tell you. You're pretty. This masturbation thing that giant top. Dudes it looks like a like a magpie. Site or an asshole or whatever earn alien.

00:25:03 - 00:30:00

Sure yet, but it's an animated alien. So it's okay. It's it's friends are gonNA come down and inseminate eggs into you. When you sleep that will not happen. Yeah. You're gonNA come home one day and you'd be like this has gone too far. egg-laying. Get. Negative. Well you can do what you want, but you and your alien friends decided to get froggy I've just saying. There are lots of there are lots of easier easier targets is what I'm telling you. Go somewhere else because really you know. Do you really wanNA tussle over at. You don't WanNa toss lower just go to an easier to find you know some drunk dude in a cow pasture there you go the norm to us who are we going back to this whole Mazda Cox flashlight looking thing for Real Is. She is the face like her mouth is the vampire? All right and you fuck her face look. I'm showing a see right now it's her nose and her mouth and her lady nose mouth chance look. Sleeve. And it is. It is her actual faces bold of her face and. fugger face. I don't know if she with everybody knowing that it was her face that is the vampire sleeve cock on the flashlight toy. She posted on on facebook. Okay. That's why I got a Fryer Bergame. Cheered leaking trade secrets or anything? No no no no. Yeah. Now get another fucking angry email from some female. What to do like those wow, I. Love. Psych well Gregory. Girlfriend alert. That's another fucking one-star. Word reviews. That's okay because people are listening right now are GONNA go hook it up with a five star in a positive comment and they're gonNA to do it for us I feel it there it's going to happen. They're going to balance out the people who just ate you because you're you. Money do that I. Would I to what new night you? Okay I signed up just Them. Anyway. One of my favorite sex toys that you guys need to get because the holidays are coming up and whatever. But. and. I've been playing with it lately is and I've talked about it before. It's a clip sucker. Like brighter internal vibrator by Tracy's dog Tracy's Doug Tracy's dog about Tracy's mom but not the dog. Like. What's so special love those. The Oh my God I mean because you have a secretary you kind of like it. You're okay with it. This is what I'm talking about. Oh that toy yes. Okay. Yeah. Oh the one that you have. Yeah. Alright. Purple One. All right. Anyway it's purple and it's rechargeable and it's waterproof and fucking. Good. It's like. Just pauses on your credit and it also vibrates on your g spot and it's got lots of different settings and poses and Well, it doesn't really like I. I thought those things would have some vacuum, but it's really kind of the way it vibrates with the cup on it is. What makes it like it's like a puff of air but yeah, kind of. But it's the way the thing fucking undulated kind of thing Okay. Well, it was different. That's what I'm saying if you grab one, it's just a little bit different than in my head it was going to be right. You know when I saw it me too I thought it was going to be different but I'm not complaining. I like it and I. Nine Times out of time is quite mess when I play with. Do you. Just do. Stuff on your side of the bed. please. I have a portable fan I've done it before. I have done that before. Solution to this is you have a portable fan. Zhiyi the wet spot before. Long. That's not a good solution really I mean you could out with like put a tarp down or something we get some vis queen or something for you. Say you don't have a tarp you could set up like a dexter kill room before you begin. Like it'll be like masturbation prep it will be like a ritual room. That's right. That's what it is. Now that's right. You could. You could set it up Dexter Style Walvis Queen in any mess. You make you just roll right up. And then we'll have that that. Bungee Cord Saddle. Fuck Toy. Willie member. Okay. Yeah. Okay. It was a couple of shows back.

00:30:00 - 00:35:05

All right. It was the the the fucking saddle with the big old Dick on it and I was on Bungee cord. You know like sounds like fun for you. Yeah. Well now I'm having fucking images of me waking up in you in some alien are have me on your bounties heat? Very. Interesting What do you mean? What are we WANNA more? What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean because you've in Georgia's talking about how you've been watching Alien Porn? Yeah and you're notoriously Ainley centric I've been watching murder porn to rape your all into dudes getting raped mostly men getting raped. It's not lady Ray most of its men Ray Man Ray Yeah Dan. Rae. You're like completely okay. With man ray well, no, you're not real man ray you like simulated man raped. It's not that realistic but Kinda realistic. YOU WANNA know deep down in your heart to Dudas into it. Yeah Okay I just got to clear that up maybe that'll help me little real tears are sexy. Bad. Two different laughs in the same sentence sometimes you. Have a laugh counter go. I want to categorize them. I'm going to do some research on your house and figure out how you because I. Think it's some kind of psychological like trick like you know what? I mean. Well, you were talking to who we were talking about earlier. Thursday day. Okay. You said I had like a schizophrenic laugh. You will talk about I talked last week last week show to. Last week recently. In the car Also. I also did not only on the car. You don't have to actually make noise when I dropped my vevey. Sorry, it startled me. You'll have to star here like the Kitty. Okay, really get it from. All Right No. No I know we talked about this. Yes. Yeah. You're having a hard time hanging onto the wheel. Let's go on. To. Go. Thirty four. How about that? Okay. All right. When we come back, we're GONNA have brand new tits fan and or. This guy's little sexual. Thing Fetish. Problem all right. Enjoy. I'm bullet basically and refreshing snack neck. Scented Candy Corn. Shaped and colored. Good with a setting. Katie. Anything when you start to description with canaccord. Like fucking multidex chemical process. Weird fake corn corn. Syrup Labor. I want to smell I. Mean I, like them but they're a very controversial candy. They they really they're very polarizing. Well, they have the shape and color plug kindergarten budget sensitive sent in Oh. Why can't hurt? Katie going as you know, there's a plug. Oh Yeah. Okay. It's probably okay because I'm just saying you start slapping sense out of Shit. You know what? I mean what? What is Your Little Badger Hole GonNa do when it gets some corn sent on you. You know what I mean. I, don't know. Have you been. Well I'm just saying like the weather center using I'm sure it's going to be some sort of an irritant for your vaginal. Yeah. Yeah. I would imagine I don't know a lot of scientists but I'm thinking of they can summit I play on. TV. Even play. That I think if I walked in and you're like scientists, I would wonder what the fuck is wrong with you really scientists Jesus wows. I mean you could. You could get a lot of things with scientists were not yet no. I can walk in with a clipboard and Alight Code Audit. You'd still be like Dude Reggie Steele, the clipboard like You take them from. Know all control. Girl. Don't. Thank you. took.

00:35:09 - 00:40:10

ME. and wasn't bad. You kinky committees world rule thirty, four studios can be hitting radio DOT COM radio DOT net. You can give me on the twitter later at Kinky Katie. Radio. Katie. Radio DOT COM can be kidding radio a g mail DOT COM facebook fetlife. Or Google me. New. Like it. Kinda. No it's pretty good prototypes prototypes. Anyway, classic band. Classic Band Question Mark I don't know what you call Edm. Producers. Still Things yes. No I'm just saying that there's still people out that. You guys are old. So Young Blink. There's a movie on Amazon prime that I think we need to watch. Yeah. We'll. Take a bunch of mushers and watch it. Okay. It's called Santa Jobs Jaws. Wipe tell should I be watching Santa Jaws looks ridiculous. Okay. So it's a cross between Santa Claus with Tif. No it's a shark shark. That as like a Narwhal Horn, but it looks like you like a candy cane. It looks like a candy cane dizzy wear. It's a little Santa hat beard. Alone Dizzy Enslave. AL's no nobody eats people okay on Christmas. Christmas. All right. So he's almost like the fuck in A. Cut It. What is what is the Germans? No the her is he cramp. Is there you go. He's like he's like Icelandic campus. And impales okay people probably some kind of more mish mark fucking more much more rich by like some kind of of a viking ask of like real mythical creature. It kinda it Kinda seems like it would be. Yeah like a well besides Katie Kane Unicorn. But nor wall you know what I mean. No flag to the ocean. Ghalia commotion. Okay. Now, I want to know what the fuck is going on over here. There is a seventeen year old male he was naked. The influence of something he was nude or sizing. And he had covered himself in ranch dressing. That's not a bad. That's not a bad choice if you're going to cover yourself. And a dressing of some sort. It already has that Twang Innis of anybody eats off of you if it picks something up, they're not. GonNa. Notice. It's not necessarily acidic enough to where it's GONNA burn any horrify that it comes in contact with. And really you know I g you know who likes ranch anyway. So you know he's got a hidden valley. Refusing to laugh at that you know I can see your face. As you want to well, he the reason he got in trouble with the sheriff is because he was in a car at the time and he crashed into a pillar. Wait a minute. Yes. We're talking about again say that again. A naked seventeen year old fucked up on something. WHO's covered in ranch? Got Into a car accident. Because he hit a pole. We our way. was. Lawyers. Calling me kicking you like play cheese ranch I told them. Kinda like range. Rarities won't go. Ma Ma. Jude resume. Semi as so it get all how a bit. Early, this early Saturday morning so that the nine one. This is a seventeen year old by the way. Okay. So what would you do it? Why am I making fun of a fucking minor like what are you doing to me here? Well, what's happening? The nine one one call came in around like three thirty in the morning come from inside the house.

00:40:13 - 00:45:02

Semi Right. Know, it came from a debt like a convenience store like Bodega Deli. Stop for Gas? No, he slammed into it all. That's right. Hiller. Out. The details I should really pay more attention to as you're telling me, you care I'm working on it, and it's OK. I'm working on it. Well, you know. So did we find out what he's on besides Ricky's Day. Now the didn't say they just said a substance because they seventeen I don't think you can say it let state was this I don't know I. Don't know are we gonNA take any guesses? Virginia right out at this out very Florida or Ohio today. Buffalo now, where do you really definitely doesn't seem buffalo to me at all because buffalo people would not but ranch on anything a could be out west. It's the people out West that really are in ranch more. East coasters here you know we check on the blue cheese where we're doing a wing Minnesota. Did I. It's Outta thing. It's not really thing. Let me know. We'll get like people in California are really big on the ranch with pizza as you know what I mean that's actually not that bad. Well, it's not. Like we don't love ranged way other people love. No coasters really are into it. Yeah not so like it it's fine. It's tasty. But it's still a second tier volgin dressing for me. It's true. I we're GONNA go to your favorite segment standby anyway. boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for shit man. All right. This tits man is a about a film star from store a store star of exploitation sex sexploitation movies of the past. Her name is chesty Morgan. Yeah I've heard of her. It sounds really sounds really familiar. Some of the movies she's done has been double agent seventy-three deadly weapons can chesty larue. stripper because Jesse Larue was a person I. Think she's a drag queen that's who I was thinking of. But this girl isn't Jacklyn she's five five, but she's known for a seventy three edge bust. obviously inflated. No this was in seventy four. Really yes. I mean women back. Then we're doing like fucking just they would put like steel BBC's in there you know. I would have put me some stainless steel bb's like beanbag up in it really that very unaware of and I'm surprised I don't know that surprised you don't know it either it's it's very. Little, known kind of thing you know. Well known at the same time. Really. Oh. Wow, you know, and then eventually what would happen is you adjust your body would absorb the BBC's Andrew chipped about. Dealership them outer pm out what are the other that doesn't work. What are you talking about? How do you know? Dr. Look at Pisa Metal in your city. are actually believing he would still be in their boobs like. Weird Shit. Okay I'm not saying it never happened but. As a common practice no. Very highly doubt happened. So much. Sometimes you're. Well. You're taking advantage of. Really. Day, look have. Steel as. Well. She's a strong lady you're. Heavy, you're so fucking mean to me before housing boom my God back then ladies were stronger. Split. It's it that your sex name. Fuck. You. You're not very nice. I didn't tell you to believe it. I. Just. Thought it. Don't look at me now many at made fun. I'm so bad. Are You I am okay. Y- staying. Power with people. They like to fuck with me okay. There's this millionaire he's He's GonNa be the. He's GonNa host the first socially distance. ALFRESCO SEX party Altai.

00:45:05 - 00:50:01

Guy. Yeah. He was doing the sex while he's doing it over Britain in England. Yes. Okay. Okay. So ALFRESCO sex party, which are we doing like a poop louder what's going on here? Well, it's a James Bond themed orgy. Hey it's a good thing. He's not doing just a regular old orgy. I'm tired of regular old orgies. Remain problems is some boone died in his pool at the party. Kind. Of sorry how everything down. So this was at his James Bond themed. As this during covid times or now well, it was it was the end of yeah. It's the end of the lockdown. Okay. Over over there. Yeah. So they won't fuck crazy there's both there's fifty. Fifty guests but crazy but different do this. How do you think this guy is? This guy is sixty, five, nope, twenty, two, no, thirty, eight, seventy, two. Okay. I was on the fucking heels right there. You were I was right. I know. You turn that fucking corner point in life when you get older and you just get that's right. I'm GonNa Fuck anybody I want to because I'm GonNa die and that's why I i. think that's probably why that the SDR aid in farts home old people's homes, retirement homes, and Stafford run rampant. Because every once in a while, somebody wants to catch not or try to anyway. They WANNA attempt it just see that nurse she's a slight. Short. Me slurred at eight or Brunell fucking clap. Reminds Venus older. Yeah, and nobody likes thinking about well, not nobody. A lot of people don't like thinking about old people banging but say now there are people that are like, wow, they're all entitled for Bang Bang Little people all of them everybody. That's right. Sorry. You're. Willing. And human trait. That's right. Sure. At least eighteen, you don't have to be eighteen. What. Yeah. You know you don't have to be exactly at and you have to be at least eighteen. WHOA. Oh. Yeah. Put Up some American sign language for you. Yeah. You're probably have to do it Give a sexual bucket list. Not Really I don't. I don't know I mean every once in a while something occurs to be an they blurted out while up I mean you know I say stuff all the time. I don't know if that's bucket list or I just had a good idea something it sounded fun. You know that's that's one thing we should happen Alexa for just keep everything down. So you can keep a ledger of. Thought about. Yeah see you can look back. Miller. No I will never say what the fuck I completely understand it came from me so I'll look at it go. Yeah. Yeah. I could totally see that. uh-huh that's true. Yeah. That sounds like me that sounds like something I would want. Well I I ran across this article and it was saying that like they did a survey of what women want would have women what? Well, that's the whole thing i. don't I don't. fucking. I've talked to women before I don't understand what they either well now because I was thinking about my sexual bucket list and I mean, they're saying it's Blindfolded is the biggest one. Okay. My bucket list. I. GotTa get blindfolded. Okay. Well, they want a little late media savvy swaggie action. Yeah. But eighteen percent were into the abuse Maggie Yeah Okay but sex is an elevator in sex in a hot Sauber William of that hot tubs think overrated. I mean it's hot because I mean you can. If you could get out of the water and do a little like you know leaned over action over the side of it, it can be quite nice. Yeah. We have but in the water. We've had complete league great times. At a hot tub but like you know what I mean into water, it's not as pleasurable as it would be you know and sign up on the edge and sometimes you know with all the chemicals and stuff inside said water it's like putting on a wet bathing suit it could be you know we don't know. We don't know how this is. GonNa work and it's it may irritate somebody. Well maybe a dig just is too thick for my. To blood. My Jack is way too blunt. We're not doing that again blood. Phone. Sex ever have fucking phone sex. Yeah.

00:50:02 - 00:55:02

It depends on who I mean your average what's average? You know? You have to there's there's a large segment of the pop. You don't understand this, but there's a lot of people who aren't really into Aa see that stuff. That's why I'm saying I'm looking at their at their bucket list and I'm just like who the fuck did. Did you give this? Survey to is I now I'm thinking, Oh, I'm weird. Well. Yeah I probably 'em. But what I mean in here again, somebody's trying to print their whatever the story is. You know. They WANNA THEY WANNA like like push discussion about it. So everybody's GonNa. Say. Oh, that's really really that's at really they kind of are like asking for that. You know they don't have like oh Fantasies. We'll because here's what happens like if you want people to give you a lot of comments about something, you say something that's it's like the top ten list everybody disagrees with. Like, if you hate it, you're gonNA bust out with a Goddamn and I want to get raped by aliens telling you right now fucking raped by God. Damn aliens on a bouncy saddle in the middle of bedroom. I am not going to hear the end of this I for a while. You're going to keep thinking that I'm scurrying her. While, you keep saying already that I'm a different person I'm just trying to figure things out. Yeah. Well, it's okay. They'll get their a straight eventually. Well, I'm just telling you and then I'm not fooled. I know how? Sorry No. The least favor one that people were like yeah he was watching porn with a partner. That with their thera some ladies and men. I'm sure it goes both ways about porn watching. Watching, it it's completely unreasonable to me. One hundred percent. Yeah. I would hope that if you're listening to this, you would feel the same way his I mean come on really born. No Porn. I can't. So her way. What I really like the like. Why not just leave? Yeah. Well, dude and what the fuck is I would do with with guys. The intentionally blow their load up in a fucking check because she's thinking about leaving him and he just wants to get her pregnant. Roster River flows both ways I know that but. I'm just saying because that happened to me before what and yes no got ladies do the same thing. It's that whole a baby is going to save us kind of an action. I'd say, yeah, everybody knows that's not a good idea. He stuck with me for eighteen years regardless now. Yeah or for the rest of Your Life Yeah. Doesn't make sense at all? No, it doesn't but it's completely common. Yeah. The throughout since the beginning of time since the beginning of time going both ways I bet, well, except for back a long time ago, you know you could just be l.. You know the good old days to beater beat over the head she can't leave. Oh, you're pregnant won't stand by these stairs. She's just gave you min- used to be completely harsh to ladies fuck. Not. Even not that long ago either now property and shit yeah I know see. So it was never an issue like they had even pamphlets on the correct on on the best way to correct your wife at the rule of thumb at all and but it was it was the like the art of spanking but it wasn't like the art of it was it was a it was kind of like hitting child without leaving marks. Yeah. I know. Just, my gun completely horrible. Did Your Wife Burn the dinner? This is what you tell her edge. Well. Smack in somebody's defense you sometimes you come home and you're just Hungary and you need food. So if you burn, it's not it's bad for us cancer you trying to give me cancer you're trying to kill me. And maybe I am. Maybe I am. Cyril take that Black Guy Jonny Searle take. All of that wasn't all that long ago, which is completely mind-blowing. Ghetto. That is phasing. It's good. That it's better. It's it's a whole lot better than it was one hundred years ago for for ladies I mean there there are some people that are serious though into which way what? into. You know living in that manner yeah yeah.

00:55:03 - 01:00:07

I really like though Aquino oh I deserve it. Because you know I did something bad by or whatever I don't know who would be into that but there's you know generally the aggressor probably. Do know who's I mean it's a like a bsn relationship or kind of like Like A. Sub. A. Yeah. But EBEIDI SM relationship to ton like. consensually, and you could you could bail out whenever you want. I mean that's the difference. Is You have bailout. Well. Yeah. Because back then you really you yeah. Where are you going to go i? I'M A. Throw you out and nobody's GONNA dead. There might be a home site depending on where you live but like some small town. Forget you're screwed seven children whatever the case may be and you're just ass out imagined like fifteen hundred go sway sway back dark ages. You'd be the neighbors bitch now you know. Best friend something. Yeah. I like I shudder to think what would happen or what did happen. Now you just got to put a little black dot on your and the feds will come down and arrest me immediately. While somebody will. which is good but they should yeah, right you don't be me. So yes, no beating. That's. Not even stern talking to know is there. Are, no, there's not even like. There's not angered stuck. It doesn't happen. That's right. It always sounds so horrible when it comes out of her mouth every time we say something like that it always sounds the worst way. Eighty time I listened back to it. That just sounds so bad. So. Horribly bad. It sounds. Like a bandage Mir 'cause I burned him from the oven I swear to God she is really clumsy. You are wiser handle bandaged up. Oh, nothing I just I, burned it on the stove. burned. US Again I was making was making. I was as rushing. Why were you rushing wounded? I just wanted to continue ready for him right away. That's all he's. He works really hard and he deserves a hot meal when he's ready. And it wasn't ready when he came home. No. That's exactly what it would like to. It's exactly what it would sound like. I know I need fucking indoor cameras. I need to record everything now for my own protection. So I could just show know look this is what happens like their chic there she goes she's crying naked and it's you know what? Though it's not like things you don't just burn your hand doing something you're supposed to be you're always doing wing nutting something and that's when you get fucked up. Well. Well my when my La- my lip, my lips get notoriously dry during this time of year like whatever. Verdy you're. Talking about I get a split lip and it looks like I got popped the mouse God you're making excuses so you're taking a deavere. That's that's why I'm glad that the masking is still going on because I don't have to have people look at me Lloyd funding like Oh poor no. Well, see that's that's the thing. Especially people in cold places know exactly dry lips are. We're not a cool place while we're not. We're not GONNA be able when it gets below fucking ninety percent humidity. Yeah that's complete star change for you. It is for me too. It is like dry air is a strange feeling anytime I've gone out west where it's just always dry. It's mind blowing you walk outside. You're like, wow, this is what this is like. All righty. Well, we are going to get Outta here for the day for the day for the week for the episode. Over at the same time. fucking. Hey on as best as I can as thank Chrysler Ver- over with now so All right. But you have mean for me, I see shirts coming merge coming the first November I. If you feel like getting something for the first couple of days I, think there are a lot cheaper. I don't really set the price on them. kind of does it automatically but I think for the first couple of days they're substantially cheaper. So anyway, Katya let you know social media I, posted links, everybody. So Also leave US reviews and five stars because. You. Love us. Does anybody does.