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9/26/2020 Dominating new technology... CBT - cock and ball torture couple... The cock cage... Farting during yoga class... Washing and reusing condoms in Vietnam... Little brown fucking machine... Water bear mating season - How to fuck a water bear... Porn Pick of the Week - Fake celebrity porn... Road to the world record gangbang - Lisa Sparks 919... Episode of "Rule 34"... Speaker sitting music... MDMA... Watching Donnie Darko... Woke up as a DOM after a car accident then sued someone for it... Pole dancing for Jesus converts Katie?... Super Saiyan Karen mode... Ninja safe heist... Icelandic strength... Public BDSM and sex or was it?... Boar steals a laptop from a nude man.
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Kinky Katie's World #325 Fake Celebrity Porn
00:00:00 - 00:05:01
Snail's actually fuck every time that they run into another snail. Say we I don't know what I'm GONNA run into another one union. Having changed it you for like twenty five inches you fucking bitch. The weekend has landed all the exists. Now, club strokes Pope's implies I've got four hours from the world man I'm going to blow steam in my head like a screaming cattle I'm going to cut shit to strangers all night I'm going to lose plot on the dance floor the free radicals inside may of freaking tonight. I'm chipped volks on three. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family man we're GONNA get more. Than strong advocate. Tonight it's that's normal life from the. Quick Buck per. What's The most people. And now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that as a tip for helping you to save your hands and wrists. Find someone to help you get off. Here Your host, the one to the Kinky. Oh. Hello, and welcome to the show. This is getting. Twenty, five, I am your host can Katie with me as always my overall were and loved all my favorite plus covers tucked away Mr S. Hr what. Would Okay. Oh, my goodness. Gracious. Well, we are coming to you live from ruled thirty four studios, Kinky Radio, dot, com radio dot net. Okay took the getting together. Yeah. Cam For this time of A. Job I get them for. A. Night goodness. Yes. We are actually coming to you live tonight things got all figured out the other end released. It says streaming so. Thousands. Work and so. Token. I'll never know. Well, we've got a fun show for you tonight you. Read me. We have a new porn pick of the week. We also have a brady man and lots of other interesting shit that I. Think you're you'll find some stuff curious about ideal yet stuff we get started stuff into more stuff. Yeah. I'm trying to my mother thankfully she. She's helped me out with things and as I talked about on the last episode that I had a computer destroyed well, and thank you. Thank. Thank you, But I'm trying to get used to things. The the new situation. Yes. Touch screen computer action. which. Is Yeah. I just said, well, with with you know dominating new technology. Superhero power yeah sure is. Well but something happens to me like. Rape, before the pre show. And I thought that I was going. That's why I was all grumpy. Earlier okay. But because. It I went I refreshed it. I turned it on, turn it on again you know. Lots of me out of the future. It doesn't. It doesn't take. Password. Okay and I could I could pull up my google account and stuff so I was like Still. Do things but I just. I can't Save Shit. I can't access some shit anyway. Do Right. Yeah just the way I did it last time. Same thing. Go through that again. Okay. Yeah I remember what that was. Okay. I'll show you. It's a it's a clicky thing. You have to read some stuff. And selecta thing that makes sense and then selected in Philly whatever information they ask you for. All right. For now, I just didn't know if whatever our. Anyway. I got a marriage proposal over twitter. Did you I did really Yeah okay. You're going to give you details drive to ask about there's not. There's not really there's not really many much details to say he he's he's the one that keeps wanting to buy me like wedding. Lingerie Oh And Yeah. Well, you know. What are you, GonNa. Do now he keeps he keeps sending me pictures of cute outfits Beaumont Mel. No, please please don't. Keep like when you cross the line when when is it too far? When is it? When does that happen? I? Don't know. Okay. Just don't start sending me stuff from saw like that. Yeah. You'll get their bachelor.
00:05:01 - 00:10:00
Oh, I'm sir. I don't know there's this cvt couple. COCKA- torture. Couple yeah there's by. Girl. It's girl girl Guide and girl. Okay. and they're they're on twitter and they do so extreme stuff stuff. Yeah, you guys ever want to check out some ball torture. Some real ball Baltar. Yes. I mean really who is going to go check out like you're right I wanna go see somebody get kicked into balls stepped on squashed. A lot of people do that I wanna see their their letter she put into a vacuum pump turned into a giant purple. Bobbing mess. Water toys you know the looks like it was like the jerk off practice. I'm talking about every time I see somebody fucking Dick into a vacuum container. It is in if you've never seen it, I'm sure you could find some video. Jesse you find out what it looks like because it is something to be seen especially. In, in person it just like fills the container that it's it's in. So yeah if that container was the size of a fosters can well, that's what's happening, and then then you figure Oh when they let the air out, it's just Like like Erin. No negative. That's not what happens. They take it off and it just sitting there like quivering like slimy and shiny an purplish like it looks like a really really painful breezy of a thing. Well, sometimes, people also do that in in in combination with saline injection die thou they'll really it up. Yeah. They'll take up a butterfly. Syringe like one of those really small. Gauge needles and and they stick it in under the skin in their in their Cox and stuff, and they just hold the bag and let it fill up really do. Well. We really don't know. Oh boy that Steve. What Steve One of the things that her her husband and they are they are a married couple they say, they're married he. He's got now I don't know what it's called and I couldn't I couldn't. I Dunno I do a grim fire. There's a damn. This entire balls from the bottom up from the root, whom the root of a shaft all the way down to Gucci. Goo. Okay. He's got a he's got barbells bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-ba ladder actually going down right. But I means ruled I mean nurse there from from the taint there but. They're buttoned up to next to your. Friend retain ever most well, he's got a custom cage. Okay. I don't know I don't I don't know if I like listen going. Okay. Guessing you do this, go this signing something's at a catch on south saying yourself getting. Ripped it over and all the all the change fell out of the purse cheat was everywhere like is there Is came out. Now. It's it's it's a custom cage, Dick First Balls for Dick and balls, and what it does is there's two metal pieces that go around the ball area, but they're held in place. With the piercings. Does not come on because you're less so. To The piercings yeah. Yeah, one of the attachments is data's not interesting. That that makes like going to yoga class attaboy really is becoming quite impossible if you snag that on something your entire nuts acas gone. Careful. Yeah. That's gotTa be careful. Oh. But like speaking of Yoga we were watching the Irish fear and Robert. Robert Kelly. Dude. Walsh. Solid will then we talked to see I. Know I've said this one hundred times. On Youtube, but it is on Youtube. Sonia. Anyway. I. Know That's not the the song to the interim whatever to yes. Different production I forget where I was going I don't know where you I don't even know what you were talking about. Are you on subject you on Task Yoga? Where's your husband? Was your. Are you here without a chaperone maybe. I say no, let me go. Either way we'll get me Outta here. No. I was talking about how I know. I've said this before about yoga but I'm just so afraid to go because I will fart I'm sure. Yes you're one dot killen type version. And I.
00:10:02 - 00:15:03
Would not go over well. Maybe that's that's. What you do about that I'm sure is an issue. Of cheriton issue for everybody has to take piano and our before I go to class maybe don't eat right before of maybe might be a good idea. But I want. Lots of it. I don't know never having been to said Yoga class in any way shape or form I I don't really know what they do. What we saw what they do know you start to you stuff. Okay. Was it not? Words I mean they were doing yoga questions. All right. So different, it's different. Cudi's a customize. Okay. Okay I'm not sure I don't know imaginative since we've never actually been to like a regular one. We don't know what the differences we have. No idea. That's. Exactly what it is probably not well, there's no way yoga place. Let me talk. Comedians doing yoga I'm sure is not like you Yogi Hamtramck. No official. Sperm of the Gods type. fucking. People you know what I mean. Everybody's GonNa Start Wearing like linen suits are they like the I don't what are we following? Don't even talk to me. Listen to. Say Right now. Oh my God. Doing. Their police. Over in Vietnam. Vietnam Vietnam. Vietnam Vietnam. Okay. Well, police seized like fucking almost three hundred and fifty thousand used condoms that were being washed and resold. Like. I like how the cost in that somehow is less than just making their cow. I don't literally somehow inge cheaper to gather them from somewhere like where where his okay. Up, they go through trash and so much trash. It's Much. And then get it rolled back up and then you know what I mean it's got to be easier to make one one. It's gotTa be passively I reviewed believed that it's not easier maybe they don't have the latex over there. Maybe they don't have the sheepskin maybe they gotta make it out of like monkey. Recycling the fucking material and reusing material. Yeah. Just washing it off now they're using condoms. They A. Big. They sell them by the bags. I duNNo. Fishy? From like an economic standpoint, you know what I mean now and usually if it's not making you money people, are you know I don't know unless you just were playing Geico joke on people then it's completely different. Well, maybe they were using the my stuffing them full of drugs in shutting their eyes or swallowing them damn. People come to our country to have people come to our country just banging people left and right you know what we're GonNa do we're going to give them back their own used fucking condoms? There you go pitch. Still, in Saigon motherfucker and you say, Oh, be ups lb yeah Miss Little Brown fucking machines. That was on a movie by the way. Yeah No, I didn't think that you may. Yeah no I did not that doesn't sound like something. You would say though that was like platoon or something. One of the movies remember having to watch that I think film class notes that we've got a cat. She tried to get into the cabinet just like hearing noises. An apparition. Oh. Little bear face over their water bears you know those things you need waterbury. Yes. They can live like in any environment apparently anywhere. Yeah. Just about this. Well, they're pretty durable pretty indestructible. Anyway well, they are bisexual. When they made, there's actually four play when they fuck really down to little war burr award. Yeah I mean they're going full alias of course, a our full the like backed up that not they're very, they're very, they're very hard. We know this. They studied it. Okay. So first of all, what I WANNA know where they of age water bears. Yes. How do you know his? Did they have ID J idea. Where'd you get water bear ID? We don't know well with a very powerful microscope really doubt see it doubt the validity of this at all do no not really. Water bears are weird. Weird little like if you ever look about and checkup checkout little videos on the water bears, there's all kinds of cool stuff they do navy like can live live without fucking nutrient or anything.
00:15:03 - 00:20:01
They can be frozen they can be completely and rock. And come back to life. Anyway Yeah. No David of other really cool scientific sounding shit that you could hear they did let enough they didn't episode on about to did they water mayors? Are doing a the. Are they bisexual or they just like? You know when an animal's switches from one sex to another God damnit. For it yeah. There they switch sexist depending on who they run into you because they've snails actually fuck every time that they run into another snail. Let's fucking where we're doing this again soon. So we all know what I'M GONNA run into another one again, we know we have to bang we. Haven't changed it you for like twenty five inches you fucking bitch got damaged. Oh, you're not you're not a bitch okay I'm. Give me a minute. God damnit. I forget what that's called, but it'll occurred to me like in two hours shows over yeah I know. Just in the middle of nothing. Is there a sexual? Great. Somebody listening right now 'cause you you fucking moron. Agree Megan is what it is. Jesus fucking speaker. So fucking stupid Jesus wireless and you. Listen Razzie. We're going to my favorite segment. Standing Bar. Yeah I know. It. Might not be the point. Is Point Katie wine. It's time once again for. All, right. So my porn pick of the week has been celebrity face swap porn. All right face rapport. Now you know the ones they do the. It's fake it's completely not the celebrity they do the yeah. Fake action t fake like I. Really I'm really getting into seeing certain celebrities fucking and I know about them but. To me. It's no. Yeah Yeah Yeah so The Taj Latasha Jero and big jailed or send do it. It'd be so mad. For would be so mad. That's for dosing me. All. would. That be. I'll tell you afterwards because it's not gonNa make any make any sense to anybody listening. I. Will Spare Them. Could explain could I explain? Well, they say, we don't explain enough anyway. Lake like they're having they're trying to figure out how to punish are a for giving somebody LSD anyway the punishment could be that he has to watch a fake of Natasha having sex with big J. Wait a devils three way with big and Louis. That's right and Dave. All on whoever doesn't Not. Matter, to sit through an hour and a half of deep fake, fuck it videos like put their little faces on the cuties. Kids that's. Much. That would be a good punishment because. dated. Natasha Lazaro at one point yes. Yeah. With savagely destroyed. Yes or so it seemed. Pretty Bad I do feel bad for him. So watching a porn of your friends banging your ex, he doesn't care anymore. Does. He does he seems like you would care. So there would be some something. Never again. But I want I have to say that I feel really bad when the people who are doing this the face swabs are kind of. I don't know. I think they could have done a better job maybe a little more generous. Nicer to to the CELEB-. Why I mean, you don't want it to actually look too much. Daryl you. Yes you. But. Then it makes me think does this dude really have a little wing I mean He's got a little Dick or are they just like screw him? He's hot. So let's make us. Women like him anyways. So or it could be the role of regular pornography they happen to own to put out. The rights to this in that dude got a little Dick. Okay. Somebody's got little ticket radio already. Hey It's me, but I want to look like Fabio. But that's me. I still I. I've getting into this week jeep fake four deep fake porn taste. Go enjoy yourself at somebody else's expense.
00:20:01 - 00:25:01
When they were never compensated for anything at all. Yeah. You WanNa see like Captain America Bang Scarlett. Johansson. Maybe I want I want to see chattings bank people. Now I actually looked we were talking about that a couple of weeks ago. Canning's was in the tips man. Yes and I, you know I had never I was not aware that were cats ending. Oh. My God those are glorious. Glorious it's got great memories wow. Pitch could be a little stronger in the game, but you know what? The shape, the form, it's all their size suppleness everything you want in a pub. Patankar. Just. Saying nothing wrong with them at all. Better Nipple and my opinion well. Did you. Know I mean I wanted to know I guess is there anything taboo for the Guinness World Book Records All Right No -obably? Say but this is I mean there's gotta be a line. You can't be like like like how many children under ten can you rave in a week? I'm just saying that would be a horrible fuck record I wouldn't it or what does nuts as one of the Duggar kids. I fucked all of my sisters. How many are there thirty eight? How big of an item can you fit up? Your ass? That seems like it's to get out of hand and probably not going to allow ain't. Got The gold medal thing. He'd sit down a swallow barstool anyway. Well, I ran across this one which I didn't think would be in there but I related didn't know what I was looking for anyway. But there's the woman hold on. Standby. hairball. To get the heartless, this special hairball food for you. Do, you need the special hairball treatment. Down my throat, rub it to me. which is really weird because I'm on the other side of the table rapping a piece of cheese. What were you targeted? Anyway. I didn't I. I. was surprised to see that this was in the Guinness Book World Records The woman who had the he shields the record for the most amount of. Dudes fucked in a twenty four hour period. Oh. Yeah. We Gang Bang Scenario Lisa sparks. He's just far. Yes. Okay. How many do did she rail and a twenty four hour period? It was digitally do. Do. Do. It was nine hundred and nineteen her. Oppressive nine hundred and ninety, two, what I mean first of all. Like logistics involved getting nine hundred fifteen in and out, I can tell you know but you need people you need staff like course but here s but mean, this is an operation. It takes a village to fuck girl nine hundred and thirteen times. But this is actually how I I was I was kind of upset and depressed and I was like, Oh, I felt cheated when I saw my first world record game bang video of Steph. First of all, they don't consider. A lot of stuff actual fucking. I mean I mean they do consider a lot of stuff fucking and they consider that sex and not like. Okay. I grow yourself. There'd be a whole big fucking auditorium filled with naked dudes and there'd be flavors around and stuff like that. But the bitches lying on the table in different positions depending on what she feels like doing but she's got a in her mouth addict owner in each hand. And she's got a person just like they get one stick in and then walk away wants her plus and walkaway, and as she and other people up and people are drinking off on her and they consider all of those people as having sex with her. Okay. Does it really catching up? Yeah. That's the okay. Yeah. After we act well, I mean is that sever in-in-in-in? I'm sorry not everyone has to catch up because the people who fucking stick their Dick inside her they consider that sexiest. So she'd they only get one or two pumps and that's it. That's all you get. Okay. Okay well, you know still nine hundred, you have to line up nine hundred dudes. Oh that's a lie I'm just saying this. This is not a minor operation here and mentally in twenty four hours that I wonder if they did it in shifts, I need a break into tanner plays Nita Tanner grew gotta down what you're something that I'm really get really thirsty. Pack frozen peas just cool me down for a minute pack appalls. Oh my goodness. We'll the the previous record was seven, hundred, fifty, nine she blew out of the water, fuck. where she from again, Poland Paul Andrew.
00:25:02 - 00:30:03
Polish shore. Yeah. Now. Means Polish or I'm not sure what Polish shores are like sausage or they. Take BECO- Masa. Well. What what what do you do? With? Nine nine hundred polacks interim, fuck. Shit get fucked that she's alive. Now it's. She's okay well as you're paid. Okay for doing nine hundred dudes and the day. After she made money. Sure. We'll according to her to to Lisa that she was involved in action with every man taking about forty five seconds. Okay. So maybe they caught not. Maybe it could be that exciting manic depends on how good the fluffer was. Yeah. But you know what I'm saying at some point you know Chevy. I don't know I don't know I don't know like the bizarre nature of the entire situation would make it pretty difficult to be able to take like really I mean she lied and said that she enjoyed it. Financial told us your then she's like I felt some pain later on since I recovered after a week. A week and her whole snap back into all that pounding you know you gotta wait six weeks after having a baby. So I'm sure nine, hundred six. Hundred digs in a row I took nine, hundred, six at all I got was stupid. T shirt. I wonder I think I would hope that they're all wearing like condoms or something. You okay. Sweaters are in there. That point, you might want the Sh- meg does a little loose. What's You're down there at this point. Are you are you? Have I. Don't know how how what deals with it. So I'm not sure and I'm trying to you. You claim soreness all the time. That's right. It doesn't take you nine hundred. Dick's no issue one. Dick. Dick Fifteen to twenty minutes and in you sometimes are done wouldn't rule. All right. Hey, you know she's like you made me bleed you tour. Right I read that. Well you know you seem to enjoy it while it was happening. Yeah. That's true I agree and that's why sometimes I'll have the big toy that I found out I'm allergic to the material is made out of, but sometimes I just like it it it hurts it hurts. Afterwards painful for like an hour to. Do It sometimes i. Like the out out. I don't know no I. No. I completely know because yes you you. It won't stop you. Well. Yeah. That's why like I hate getting tattooed because it hurts. But I will continue to get them, go I, mean go no I completely know what you mean. Like like when people ask you you know. What's it feel like none of them are good. There's not any of them that are like, Oh yeah. That was awesome. No every every all. that. Pain. If, you're i. mean you really gotTa be into the hurt I'm not a whatever. Like, over joying. Except for you get excited about what you're getting. That's that's all. That's why that's why if I ever get the balls to do my throat. Yeah, that's going to be something I'm sure you will come on at some point we oppose. Kerr's. Such a baby. Go home for Christmas what did you? Might actually get. Talk me into going and seeing them just to look on their face every time we. Have Fill this. For Sure He would be an awesome video. Oh, really. I. Would like to see that. What if I put a fake one on? Now. Not Fake Real. Real you do it real or you just don't do it. Don't have a right. You're right. Yeah for sure. All right we're going to go into an episode of rule thirty four, and when we come back, we're going to have a brand new tits man and we're going to have some other fun. And Seen In. Some questions that need to be asked. So Yeah enjoy Beerbaum. Yum. It's time for a new and refreshing snack. What you're saying because I am completely lost.
00:30:03 - 00:35:01
Okay. Now we're talking about s four play he'll ask for play. Ailing. Oh, yeah, if you like at. Aren't there like I don't know why people trendies but I don't want to do it. You have to do it. Then, you don't have to I understand a lot of people aren't too keen on sticking. They're telling you in someone's butthole. Yeah. But some people like fuck. You gotta go. Now because it's it's I. Guess I don't really think about it too much. I try not to think about what's going on down there. If I'm trying to stick my Dick into it, you know what I mean. It's just persinger very, very hard. You know. Pray and spray gotTA action. You know what? I mean. I don't really have a good term for it, but really it's you know it's up to the receiver of the ASTROTURF prepare your ass for my day. In Day your tongue. Basically. I should fuck my ass I and get you ready. We're different sides by plugs all day. No anal foreplay. That's all like you prepare yourself. That's Dinner if that's what you need. I mean either way we're going to get halfway through and you may or may not go all the way through with it I mean so. Like all those ads foreplay where's it getting me? Sometimes I, don't know sometimes it's. fucking salad bitch and yet you still like we get, we get just ahead and and the, and that's as far as you and that's okay. It's okay. You didn't like it and hurt but you're asking me how much preparation do I want to do a really not much at all interesting. All right. So fuck it. It's. Mine fine mine now going into. But if you want to eat s than you eat it and I don't expect to get in there. You know I can tell you looking at me like we're having an argument right now. Take, your leave. It is what I'm saying I mean I don't care enough to want to warm it up because I don't care if I do it right? You know what I mean and I really just it feels kind of strange for me to get my ass eaten it just it's odd. You're okay with it. When it happened it didn't say I wasn't. He'll feel weird there's weird good weird bad ever said it was either one. Okay. It just it just I just feels like there's like a slug like crawling into my ass like it's really strange. I don't know how to feel I don't have to literally Ito again. Tug and try to penetrate your fucking. Jeff box literally Santa Massage. Things. It just makes Mike Lynch of okay. Well, like I said. So if that's if that's what you're into the yeah, you're GonNa have to warm it up but I don't really care. Yeah. I'd so if I don't really care then and I'm not I'm not I'm not into dudes so really Yeah. How does that mean? Well, that if I was into dudes, I would be having a lot more anal sex and I would care more about anal sex and probably most likely. Maybe. Okay. We're going with the odds here. All right with the is the odds are that I'm either going to gut want somebody to You know. But my ass yeah or I'm GONNA WANNA fuck somebody else's ashtray I'm just I'm going out on a limb here. Okay. Okay. So there's GonNa be a lot more involved. If, you're two men they're gay in a relationship to you. Would you then care about how to one of an asshole? Yes. Okay and I'm with you on Anna because with us you can either way adipose. Yes. That's what I'm saying I can I can avoid the whole you know because maybe maybe it has maybe it doesn't you enjoy it and you have our maybe you fucking hate the whole experience and why did I just do that if you completely hated it while stick question if he cried. That pretty good for me like more. They'd be like Oh my God I'm out of. Here. fucking outlook on it and. Doing it I'm going to have to think about this a little bit really come up with a better opinion. Lazy. No off the show. Welcome back to peak as world on wras. Oh over at rule thirty four studios. Creepy Katie Radio DOT COM radio casts dot net. You can be on the twitter later at Katie radio. PK RADIO DOT COM piggy Katie which email dot com also on facebook Katie Katie radio. FETLIFE. Google May. Maybe. It's a simple until well, I was. Yeah that proper fucking sitting on speaker you enjoy so much.
00:35:02 - 00:40:02
Yeah. Yeah. That'd be a good speaker sitting fucking beat right there plus you know we kind of had we were. We were somewhere earlier before the show. So I kind of like power smokes when I got here will during the pre show. Of Pre prep aggressive pre progress. Tito yeah. Counteract everything is that what you're saying trying? Okay. Okay. I'm grumpy after the show sound like I'm tired I feel sick remolding. We'd. Look at me like how dare you stay up and watch anime all night. But are you doing with your dirty self just sitting here watching fucking dirty anime cartoons? Yes. Saturday night as anime night that that's right to tell you and and Sundays. Other S.'s stuff sometimes sometimes I get really into the whatever enemy I found. Say Second Drowsy. Better. Disciplined, really get you know road. Yeah Drive. And I want. But I WANNA verb backs in my my ninety days and chew and a pacifier and have my eyeballs role in the back of my head. Of A good old time. That's always a good why. Is. It's so weird now my friend. I was telling you. He's like over I just took molly for the first time. All right and he's my age. Then he's like you're that time rolled together look deutz, the same shit and. I like my favorite. God that's my favorite in the world is when the Yes. No, it's different thing. Now, it's the same fucking drag it's MD may just like. But what do you think was the like what is the difference they had cocaine and heroin and you know it was MD may lie it was MDA or it just wasn't a good pill. People really about the big. Debates like I'm not having this conversation. Gel Anyway. Yeah. Anyway. Not it not it either what about have had any of that in quite to I'm so bad. It has been a long time like fifteen years ago or something, and then he's like Televisa cow, he's like I wasn't. Compartment self like Oh crate really take a bath or something, and then not even like an hour later I get a DM it was like I'm so fucking rags. Already there Oh. Sorry mad here. I usually try not to set myself up in such A. Fashion you know what? I mean. I complain. Yes, no absolutely. The only way what if he wasn't really planning on it happened my here. Okay. Well, you're talking I mean being ferry comes to your house like. For me for me, it would probably be. Okay. But for some people not so okay you know what I'm saying yeah. You've been on stuff before when you were alone. Yeah. I'm okay with it was that where floor we talked about Yes for sure that was as though yes, and like a reoccurring dream I have from the trip I had that day really yeah. Yeah. A little floating thing. Make it a whole new noise I saw that a lot. I. Would have to dry it for you to see what it was. Somehow, I just was in love with the little thing whatever it was I. liked it a lot weird. See it in my face just. It was pretty cool. Okay. Well, you just reminded me now the. Watched Donnie Darko Laos yesterday okay and I mean it wasn't as horrible as you thought. It was weird. It was weird. But yeah, I read some satisfying shit in there because I told you before the bunny scares me. Free Talk Live Bunny. It gives you nightmares. CARE. It's all right. Everybody lived in the end except for Donnie Darko Foil Earth. FUCKING Old Movie Yeah Fuck You. Get no spoilers when I mean when movies Alfred Twenty fucking years and I could say whatever I want I don't make any sense. You have no idea what I described at all. It's a weird movie that's true and they talk about time traveling for the entire thing. He gives nothing away. Yeah. No, you're right Oh. Okay. Well to saying Oh There is this check us a she was studying to be a filmmaker and she got into a car. Film maker well, I'm saying be now she could still be a filmmaker, but she she got into a car accident and she sued. The People in court that hitter because she ended up with a new personality.
00:40:03 - 00:45:01
Am A real bitch. Well, she's a dominatrix. She woke up a from her coma. Okay and she suing somebody because now she's a dom. Yeah. That's she's just like I'm into like we're base Maggie. Say about people who are just in it like what are you trying to say? I don't know you. Saying like if if you're into maybe Maggie and you are literally suing somebody because they turned you into a whippy smacky like from my perspective I'm going well, fuck you to fuck you bitch that this is an affliction. This is A. Something that you should be like. Well, here's the thing it was causing. It was causing quite a problem with it got her kicked out of school because she would become. And Star making inappropriate sexual comments in class, and she would get also like militant. It's like a party to. Yeah Yes ma'am grabbed the pointer smack it on the desk you submitted I'm telling you. We could have all kinds of fun with that I could anyway we'll, of course you could that would be great especially if she was like coming in and out of of knowing what's going on you know what? I mean. Yeah she'd have no idea there'd be a Dick Interface you're like how the fuck does have a I don't know you me you were gonNA cut my nuts off unless I put my dick ear not you`re Doing what you told me to do. Yeah, it's not a deep fake or anything. But. She ended up getting eight hundred thousand dollars for it to really for having the affliction of being well. But yeah, like you said, she's being she just bus out with some weird shit you can't do that. Yeah. Like all of a sudden let's say you you're sleep deprived. You're trying to follow she's just frustrated patio and she's just trying to catch up. Shit it's not a patio. Maybe she said teacher she makes inappropriate sectors teacher in class. Yeah. In class. Okay. She's a student. She's a student Yes really says was trying to be what are we? What are we talking about here college? Okay College. Okay. Over the line. Yes. Over the line legal overlying. Yes. They I need a fucking warning label everywhere I go. Because I just don't I don't I don't like a negative. Well, don't show me if you're not fucking of age stop it, cut it out, keep your shit somewhere else market nobody wants to see that that's right. I am not eighteen years old well as being of things that are not eighteen years old there was a church function. Not In Not In this country and It's Poland's pole dancing for Jesus. There is an well, there's a group country. It looks like Argentina looks like. Yeah. All right. There's a group of children sitting there on the floor and. There is a stir. Paul. I'm showing US eat out dancing create yet. Paul Dancing class in all. Like. Like in the center of the mall actually it looks like an auditorium at a school. Okay. Maybe but it's for a church like it's for. The. fucking all mothers. Sit On my Dick of all saints. God Lady Contemporary Ism sure. Affirmative. But yes. If you WANNA fuck and pull dance for Jesus you can do that. You know. You Fuck. You. You worship the way you to have fun. Yeah. It sure Spaghetti Monster do it do it up? Do Dancing for him? I. Don't see a problem without all I, think it makes an interesting like you might actually get me to go to church if it was Paul Dancing Church. No I noticed that like you might actually go to the pole dancing church. Anyway. What does your baptisms? or or everybody gets a squirt go holy water hose down make moyer. Holy soap show I just saying, I mean they they could have made like you may actually if one of these was nearby to where you could strike, you know what I'm saying it was in range it was arranged and you're like a snake balled up ready to strike its way. You would strike over there and check it out for sure and what are the chances of you going to any other religious facility you name the denomination does not matter that is the most likely scenario to get you into a church right there. Okay and thinking about it this way to is woody churches love more money. So I mean, can you think of? How many people would throw some more extra bucks that comedian play if there's like struggles a trade. That's right. Come down on a giant cross like slither down like.
00:45:03 - 00:50:01
Yeah. My Holy titties. This kind of like starting one of those Champagne Glass Dita von Tease Dad's inside a that holy water bowl you know that they have. I don't remember any specific Dita von. Dances. I don't just it's none are like. Okay, like once I see it too many like it's at some point every yet. I know. I've seen it because I know you were obsessed for a period of time I was because I. I know a girl that looked girl fucking laker while used to work with her over her. Avella. Yeah. Well Kiss on Adam her to does burlesque. Anyway that's her idol two, hundred McGraw you go with it I mean lean in anyway. This caught me so fucking funny and I don't know. I was thinking about today. To earlier when I mean my eyes are blue and took a picture of myself. Win Direct Sunlight and I looked like sub zero 'cause I have my mask on. Okay. We're calling it subzero. Super Say and Karen? Mode. That is what you looked. Well, you said because that's what it looked like. You look like you're going super say and Carrot You worry for sure you're going ultra instinct. Super Say. Karen mode, your eyes were aglow. You could you had this weird looking like the way the legal It just really it looked like. You, you're ready to dial your phone at any second. My eyes were completely white. That's right. I'm calling the cops on somebody if. If there's volume, we would go drug. Exactly and that was T. T are totally makes sense of it's triggered. No. So bad. No you're right. You might completely get canceled from all of our advertisement. People want to advertise with us. I know but you know I. Yeah. I. I don't know I don't know why I'm weird. Yeah. I don't know why either I don't understand it. So we'll talk about that later. Anyway, like I was saying that I ran across this thing and it struck me really funny because the way I was looking today but it says delpy thieves steal three hundred and thirty pounds safe from Ninja Museum. There's an injury museum there is a Ninja Museum. They steal from it again they. Gigantic fucking safe heavy ask save. Yeah. Has Special throwing stars in it in such well. The good none Chaka's. nunchucks, Ito. Bert. Kreischer what with my own pronunciation O K I rearranged. Sir Did. Well it's actually send Japan and there's an engine museum. And they took the fucking save I mean, it really didn't have that much money in it. No No, it had. It had a little less than ten grand. But they got the heard that heavy asif out of there in less than three minutes, it took them to take this one strong motherfucker strapped it on the south and then just ripped it out, drug it down the road somewhere maybe there's more than one. Maybe, it was just the size of a fire box that you can just easily walkover pick it up walkaway. I. Don't I don't know because it's three hundred thirty pounds. Okay. You know maybe a little bigger the not than. Thirties not I mean that's that's a lump of Shit for sure but two dudes could pick that up. You think Oh, hundred percent while we're hundred percent cast iron cast iron bathtub is about three hundred thirty pounds. Okay. But early Okay Lemme Lemme also just say though look at you and. Look at someone who was. Probably. Good chance. Japanese. Okay. Smaller. Stocky there's there's some beef there. You know what? I mean. They suppressor limits they train very hard. You know they go totally fucking Shonen jump style on it and they could certainly. That's not an overwhelming amount of waiter tabby. There's no doubt. That, you know that you could about the not picking that up especially if it's smaller and that heavy. People standing in like how do you get a hold of it? It can be tricky for sure but if also. Like those world's strongest man, those dudes can pick that up by themselves and put it back of a truck. You just have one Schwartz mark their. Short mark because those those like atlas balls and anybody from Iceland. I think our children from Iceland. They can pick them a three hundred thirty pound fucking. Yeah no, that's fucking segments daughter over there has she's eight years old and we'll have her loaded up for you. They're big boy. She's already doing the competition.
00:50:01 - 00:55:01
You don't have your your own eight year old sh- Marcus mark. Sweden's daughter. So. As, people that listened in. Iceland. I'm German Swedish and Dutch so. I don't know what that means for Iceland. Viking. I guess that's what you're trying to say sir. Okay. All had heavy heavily Viking Pablo. Populations. Pamphlets. Populations, populations. Popularized. God Oh. No if I, what I would do, there was a family they spotted men in bondage gear, spanky each other on push. Words into what were you? What would you do for like in the middle of fucking nowhere like where I was last weekend and? You. Just try not gonNA. Know, they were walking. Okay. Just there say that one guy was wearing chains and leather harness. The other one was kind of dressed like a chick. Okay. I do nothing like, why would I do anything I? Don't know maybe it was a private private road. Nike surely going on would be snaggy on my road. Hog about what do I care go go every you. Know like there are kids. I mean even as our kids are out running whatever well, he was with his wife and daughter and the young daughter ally hey, you guys can't be doing that right here. Okay. Says who I'm were closed. I mean what's what's the law show me the law that says I can't be out here like this they were. They were fucking around where they were naked. Ono It doesn't say if there was. You, know what I mean. They could be going you know they could be engaged outfits. Right, there's two camps chasing each other down the road will but what if they were fucking Well then you're doing public sex dance and story, but that's that's not like V smacky is the I. I have a feeling. It was wavy Swaggie. Yeah. Yeah. They were just doing a little BBS m. you know alone hot. Public humiliation. All right. Chasing you around with the bridal a whip. He could be could be horseplay. Equa whatever pony play pony that's right. You're right yes. Yes. Do I don't know why I can't think of the easiest things right now When you talk about? Like. I don't know. Sonny would ask me. Okay. There was this There was this couples being like hermaphrodites. Shit Trafford. I'd animals what the Hermaphrodite animals Oh that's what you were trying to think of Yao Listener Hermaphroditic. They could be either way. There you go. Oh He's actual. Exhaust say is Hermaphrodite is they have both for the okay. Well, they it works all of the above ways we're talking about fucking watters banging. I was. Yeah. But then it went to snails. Snails are the ones that fuck each other in verse meat. We're going all the way back to that. Walker's i. a came to me. A sexual. I'm sorry. Go on. Talking about people having sex outside of your like. Her. We'll we don't really know if they were having sex obviously there's there I. think Somebody has argument you know you can't be forced in your banging banging on other people. Hey. Well, there was another couple that were filmed fucking on a balcony in broad daylight and it was caught on traffic cameras. Yeah. What story were they? How were they up I? Know they were there in plain view player you they're on like a second. You know. You. Know what we what they're could be worse things your kids say. Well you, Isaac your. Kid, at some point is going to do said things they're probably are GONNA bank somebody most likely. I don't know because I mean I don't think it's it. was that big a deal because they put it on on Spanish teacher this is in Portugal. And it was but apparently, it was looking over a very major road intersection. Really. Yeah. But then again, I mean how many times have we fucked on balconies in hotels? Exactly. So who am to talk about? You know we don't know who saw well sometimes, we know people saw us. We know they just didn't care how we did it on purpose. But. You See. So you can't really you know you know pat is it really everybody's doing? What's the problem every? It's OK. Okay. You'll be I mean. Know Kids have access to the Internet. Yeah. So you know somebody banging on a porch come on. Could.
00:55:01 - 01:00:00
Be Worse. They could be watching the nine hundred and fifteen guy a. Gang Bang, you know what I mean as saying I wonder if I could do that Japan the smell inside that auditorium loan, all of those juices. Tech and just a whole fucking whole ask slowed of Obama's Polish. Polish sausage. I'm sure there is more of a variety than just Polish people. You think I could bring in people from other countries maybe. They didn't say that it was at there's in Poland so might have been in the states didn't you say in Poland? Yes No, that's why. She was Polish. Yeah. She was Polish. By Polish. Were they just meeting like she? Push they were they were baking where they make like a Polish joke there. That's inappropriate. That's all matic. They're just saying where she's. A. They were trying to characterize her in any way by saying she was from there. She's kind of fluffy lady to are you sure they weren't trying to just fucking a you know why shame the Polish people know okay. She's very happy in the picture. Proud of it. Sure. Yeah. Like I said that's a setup nine, hundred, Jude's nine, one, thousand, nine, hundred, take some fucking work I don't care what you say you need a gaggle people. I don't think she gagged. knows. But I'm just saying. Magic being the fluffer. Really. Paved as. We get either I'm not even getting the damn credit. But then do you really want the credit? Do you fat fucking do it and you're doing it this much might as well. Get recognized for something. That's right. I'm the world leader in taking ticket day on the day day addict fucking world champion take a world champion. You did all nine hundred nineteen Yeah well. So did I suck nine hundred nineteen cogs system to right before they're to bust and then they shovel manure snatcher whole of it I'm thinking like even all time you know even when you had people just like you know like the Vikings, we're going into town Raven people. Yeah. You know like they run a train thousand deep. You know what I mean even back and Rape Times Shit didn't happen. That's that's an impressive fucking feet. You've got to have some organization. You had some fucking timing. Somebody's got to be a mark you're out. Yeah. There was a German nudist. He was chased down by a boar who took his laptop. There's pictures to this is A. Process that bet. That was it somebody who just was boring or a pig? No No, this is a pay like we really yes this does depict have a friend. That's a mermaid. No Roy. Dime. But didn't know the Mermaid? No personally. Okay. I met once. I just wanted to know the board stole the laptop was was there like something going on that the border like disagreed with? I don't really like the videos you're watching. Your pose I'd really do take it. So you, Shit. badmouthing. fucking swine. Pig recipes nothing wrong with us. We ate your trash for fucking millennia bar you. assholes anyway no. So the dude was outside and he was all naked and apparently though he had his laptop in his bag and the bore grabbed, it ran off with he took off teasing in. Okay. Yeah. Okay. First of all, he was outside naked. Yeah. Just drove right past hot. Is outside naked. Now he's coming up with a story like I said a German nudist Oh said nudist. Okay. Well, then he was making it wasn't for stores. You weren't paying attention. We're GONNA flag you this episode for Way I, don't know we're gonNA flag over for something. or You could monetize. Really. It's so funny because we watch we watch and listen to lots of programming from produced by Comedians at at any rate like and they're like. Line everything is is about like they're gonNA lose their way of begging a living at us. We know for not lose the Dow lucky you now the. Good luck with that got kicked out of environment once for something totally thrown out of so much shit in a lifetime fires. Really. So what are you going to do really where you throw me out of now? What do I care no I don't mean this has happened before I'm fine. This is why I'm going to not my throat. This is do I like it when somebody will bring up.
01:00:01 - 01:01:56
They'd be like Oh is this you right here in? It's pornographic video hey did you get to the part where bus? Not all over vase wait thirty to fifty five, go to thirty to fifty five and just watch the disgust on there because they were literally trying to shame you like making a like say something to you to get you to Oh my God and literally just leaning in and saying, no no. There's a better part. You didn't make it all the way through this cause you knew in the none when you busted a night in her face so hard in her mouth above all came out of her nose. I mean really complete that completely missing the aspect of like the reason why I would do do any type of video sharing them with the world would be for this right. Now, what is happening at this moment? You right now ours a reason I made this your face on your head look on your face absolute because it's so good. So walking gone awry, we gotta get Outta here we. We ran over and. People have next. So they're probably busy. All right. We gotta go. So I wanted to say. Yeah hope he had fun. For me. I will see you next week. Have a great day month year whatever the fuck you doing design pinpricks. Just. tacos and Burritos.