#323 – Squeal Wheel
You are currently viewing #323 – Squeal Wheel


This week!

9/13/2020 Sex with a mask on... Acronyms done wrong... Planting seeds... Foot on the face sex maneuver... Drag her around by her hair... Never go full Ron Jeremy... When someone gets tattoos that don't match who you thought they were... Porn Pick of the Week - Vintage comic porn... Wash your nuts! Or just use this product to cover up the swamp ass - Nut Rub... Warm waft of a dead mermaid coming from her crotch... Episode of "Rule 34"... Porn that is popular in Australia... Punching vibrator with a Squeal Wheel... Tits Man - Toilet Shark the movie - Kat Dennings... Long Wi Wi is getting married... How many calories are in a teaspoon of jizz... More Naked and Afraid ogling... Using a sheet as a condom for safe sex... Put her head thru a wall during some aggressive face sitting... Hand job cabin - ghosts jerk you off to death... Making faces.

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Kinky Katie's World #323 Squeal Wheel

00:00:00 - 00:05:03

Is it true what they say about you long? For people are like, that's my in central name Katie. Very fucking insensitive. I come from a really long line of. Way. Wait. We wait. The weekend has landed. All the exists now is clubs, drugs, pups, pies of got four hours off from the world man I'm going to blow steam my like screaming cattle I'm going to cut chit to strangers all night I'm going to lose on the dance floor, the free radicals inside me a freaking tonight. I'm chip Travolta. I'm three a popper I'm going to a never neverland with my chosen family man we're going to get more spiced out than Neil Armstrong avid date. Tonight. Could be the personal life. If you quit Emma. What's the. And now live from rule thirty, four studio. I bring a girl that reminds you having sex with a mask on is not just for blind orgies anymore. Your she is your host, the one the Yummy kinky treaties. Hello. Hello. Hello, and welcome to the shoe. This is key Katie's role number three, twenty three. I'm your host Kinky Katie and with me as always sexy and smart favorite plus covered by Mr S. Yeah, we are coming to you live from Ray Okay S. dot net. Kinky Katie Radio DOT. com. And up thirty four studios. Okay. Yeah. I know I gotTa Change. You're. Throwing me off. Weird Anyway whatever we're still working things out. Yeah. Well, we have got a phone show for you tonight with a new Porn Powell. Kits Man. You and your Aker. Rely totally work that out. You know over the week I thought a lot about it. And Ford pick of the week is is it's It's better hit. Juice. Like there's no power there. It's you know I not. You Know P. G W. Brain pick of the week. It's like has nothing to do with Powell. acronyms usually actually have to have something to do with you know. What I? They have to match up or else you're just making it up. I well, you know that's what I'm saying. Whatever that's what I'm saying. All right. Fine. I won't say it anymore skew bed. Better. Okay. All right. Oh my goodness. Thank. The Lord my fucking cramps are over. They well, yeah I know it's over over now thankfully. Happened over and over again well, not for much longer. Everyone is one last one that you're going to have. True Yeah I mean they're limited I know what you mean. You're not going to do this like until you're ninety two. Thank. God hopefully number throw the towel for some extra sex catch. Well, you know. I am I I really am. Mary every. I've been so extremely anxious for the past two days. Okay. No really like like I I'm very Ooh, like a keyed up like I really think I need to go for a run or something. Normal keyed up. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. This is like just been like extra acid in my stomach. I'm really nervous about next weekend. Okay. Then I don't know why is I'm really looking forward to it to go in hanging out with friends taking pictures. Yeah. I not sure why that would you know BFA Dude I know I D-. I don't get my way I mean everybody had. Got All testy testy. So theoretically, there's a decent chance. There's W that scale. I know. But I, don't know why like I always feel anxious like I always feel like there's there's something that I'm forgetting or something else that I have to do. I don't know I, don't know. Bad's going to happen like the Jesus Christ I know you and your fucking I know shrimp Eacho I. Really Very. Nice or yes in your little bad. So I step on it if you don't stop. There is something that that you and I were talking about. do we saw it somewhere our? No we started talking about it and I I wanted to bring it up on the show.

00:05:03 - 00:10:03

Some was talking about during sex. Taking their foot, stepping on the girl's face. As you're fucking little face stop action there. Sure. Yeah. I don't know what context we heard this in however Seattle remember either. Town well, we have you write down. It's way more fun to try to remember like through. A Trash bin you know what I mean. crackhead looking for what's left on a two piece? You know what I mean. amp. Will retaliate about again. A girl being flat on her stomach a guy fucking her. Get, leveraged by putting his foot on her on her head. Yeah. Yeah. It was a some kind of a maneuver and and I was in you were saying how could you even get in that position and I could show you I could totally show you how to get into that position and not only that I think that I could make it to where you might actually like it. That's yes. So that was that whole discussion we were having. I don't see though how I could possibly have fun during sex with your foot like on my face. On my head, just pushing out. That's what you say you like a swinging frog. Okay. Okay. But you've done all kinds of weird shit and really true. Yeah. Yeah. I mean you. You wouldn't have thought that some of the things that we have done especially when we're hopped up on one thing or another that you were like Oh. Yeah that's fucking great. Yeah. On the outside of it there's no way that you would have thought that you would ever be into that. You know what I mean. Then again, a lot of the stuff to is, i. was like well, Kinda, wanted to try it but I kind of don't but he's all into it. So let's go or into it I don't even know see and that's fucked up part because there's so many things that I find out later that you let me in on like Oh my God. What do you mean? No I don't know. What do which speak like different just like the mind things bindings like planting seeds and stuff. Oh, my God and they like warts glad. Yeah See I don't. I would have to actually hear a an example of said you know seed Planning Arum America's I played a lot of seed in you re sure. Bob. On you around Ju-. As much as I really could pretty much which I am just shocked hal that things haven't like stock more. Yeah. Sure. You know what I mean sure I don't know what so the but there's all kinds of things that on the outside of you would never thought you would do. So what I'm saying is there could be a situation in which something like that happened in new maybe into it. If done properly at the proper time, you know what I mean you totally though what I made you know I'm GonNa get I'm Gonna get an email or something seismic. Okay. So as fucking my girl. Curly in a fight right now. Because I tried to be slide, stick my foot on her hand. Yeah I mean especially like imagine you're you're at the peak of like triple triple off you know to be in like if you could imagine that like you Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang and you just don't even know fire multiple. Yeah. Yeah. I mean we're feeding we're feeding you all kinds of cool stuff as this is happening. Is that you need? You're getting all the Niger Shula. What whatever it is. And this is all going on and somebody who actually happens to be putting their foot on your head. You. Know what I read I'm not thinking I'm thinking that maybe you might be okay. You might make it through that. I think not only making thrown I. Think you would be totally into. Stop. By KNIPLING CURBS In. The pillow. Like God. You're not denying it either I don't even know what to say. Okay. Well, you thought it was like outrageous somebody would do that and and we. We clearly proven that there is a can happen and that came from you that you don't see how anybody like you are who the fuck would do that like that seems like. You know that seems pretty aggressive move for just like like well, a lot of people would do that what you There's all kinds of people we know that would do that. What are you talking about the way? You doing that maybe it was it was you being Oh, I would not want to do that but. You've just proven that you might many there is someone that we that we know personally that we've seen actually do that but leave the Doc Martens on T.. Dude like okay.

00:10:04 - 00:15:01

Get more words. Okay do you remember at the woodshed? Okay. Town on the red head of the one who could drag her around by her hair and shit wrong is that was that was so good and my wife was so good. I really enjoyed A. A complete light it I know. Every time we would leave there. We would always go home and you couldn't even wait till. We got home before you're like last right here. Sure Yeah. It's a lot of times when we go to a club out just I. Mean, of course. What else? What? Else. Yeah. You get you get like really really sure s the whole idea. That's kind of the purpose of the fucking expedition. Yeah. No that's at least I. Hope I don't know sometimes it's just for fun fun but that is fun fun. I just I have I have a lot if I when I get like really aggressively slapping. Slightly, and smacky is lobby like I like to abuse boobs. Okay. Tell you do yes. No I. Like it I. Know I read. I like to get rocketing like a different story out of me at all I. Mean I like to to really pinch nipples and and slap tits and just like squeeze really hard like I would completely put tits and advice. Would you not mind? Somebody. Else's fuck. Yeah. Okay. What else is just watching my get all bourboule okay. Sounds a weird coming out of my mouth right next. I don't think I've ever expressed how Far that rabbit hole goes. Be well. You being hit torture. I don't know I don't know either timing. I. Don't have boobs but not like that not the same. But I'll say though since since I have been on like drinking binges, you know like every night that I haven't slapped a boob in a long time I. I have been around like I haven't Gotten Hansie tits awhile. Well, you don't you don't. You completely don't WanNa go Rhino Jerry everybody you know what I mean would now. Go Full Ron Jeremy I can't do it. Jeremy Hits a used to do you like? Oh, Hey, your kids like fucking great. Your to you were totally yes. Yeah. However, I really never saw it go awry at all now a because. Typically when you did, we were talking about boobs you. You were usually talking about specifically whoever's sets you were standing proud of yes. Yeah. Because you know I sixteen year old and a whorehouse compliment the ties. Yeah, and then you can you grab. That's Such a pervert something well. I Dunno pervert US rapists. No. Yeah. Yeah. You get aggress- aggressive with him I would but nobody ever said no and as far as I know have made me to yet. Where are they gonNA. Rub. Good Point. I have my own boss God. Damn. Myself All the time you buy you all the time we we've been thrown out all kinds of shit. I know she just name it. We've been tossed out of it. You know, fucking. On. Websites on whatever. Yeah. Everywhere. Yeah. Of Hartman complexes. A-. Yeah was filled here. Who Okay. How do you know? You watched it. You know that's Exactly a friend of mine sent me A. Picture he's like Oh. What do you? What do you think of this of this tattoos Iq show me tattoos those according to the really cool and then he showed me, he sent me pictures were they are on him? And showed not know. Tat? Okay. No I think part of it might be there but I didn't take part. But they're very, they're very feminine Tattoos Okay. Feminine what do you be Watercolor out? What are we talking about here like this he's got this very pretty Gypsy with this psych filagree, an sparkles around it. Scott this this floral vine thing anyway let but they're. Really Feminine Polka it will according to you. Yes. According to me. Okay. Because I don't see gender when I'm looking at tattoos really he has his nipples pierced and he just showed me a picture of yeah. I just got this in the mail from Amazon. And it was really pretty like Pastelle wig with pigtails. Okay. House like all right also. With flair does he's like I go is that for costume where he's like? No, just dress up like all right. Just I I mean.

00:15:03 - 00:20:03

I really I really didn't. He just got his nose pierced too, which is really cute. Little Hoop but anyway I I don't. I. Don't Know Feminine Tattoos on at I just I never knew. Sherman's a throwback machine nineteen, eighty two. AREA RETRO IDEA Katie. I. Just I just don't know you don't know but I. Don't I guess I just didn't expect it on him. Okay. Match how what you thought he would be into yes. Okay. Kinda like when I saw Oscar de la Hoya in fish nets. Okay. Well, does that does that teach you anything Dr you learning a lesson here? No. Well, what what lesson? Okay. That typically when you're painting somebody into a box, you're not really doing it properly now are you know your off the mark? Yeah you're totally off the mark. Okay and you totally painted him at a box but I'm not saying that it was a bad thing. Okay. He doesn't he. Were shocked. So I was surprised because I was just like, no, I talked to this person for like four fucking years. You'd think this would come up before that. Okay. Well, you know some people don't like to tell people about their. Styles at to. My Balloon NI- like here's my picture of my asshole. But I'm not going to tell you that I like to just like a check. Yeah. Or. Maybe he's just figuring that out though maybe that's no. Maybe though to main, maybe you're not locked in stone may maybe it just like as discovering some stuff? That's true. He's figuring out that I like I like I want to be pretty. Yeah, I WANNA be pretty. So pretty. Oh What was that last? Fun. His style. We're going to go to my favorite you waited till I was picking up. Did, Sir It might not be the porn you would plant. It is the point Katie wide. It's time once again for. All right. So my porn pick of the week is actually vintage. Comic Porn. Vintage comic for. Like vintage car. Trying Yeah I'M GONNA have to look that up that's kind of what's been what's been been doing going. You're gone Sir Retro Retro top of the Retro Yeah could, you I can't give any specifics but I'll try to send some when this gets posted old style like are you talking like people doing mammy like racist pornography how? Old People. Did A lot of weird raises yet. I'm just asking why even like old like renaissance paintings and stuff like old. I don't know it's like. Pornography. Iraq and. Okay Okay Yeah Ju like you two thousand year old Asian point. Yeah. Oh yeah, octopus on the snatch. Schilling but yes. Okay. Well, I'm glad you clarified. So. That's my porn for those. Of the week you're Powell, shut up. Area let me. ACED. Kabbalah. Very, Nice. Hey, I wasn't having a good free show. No editing we had a few catastrophes trying to get started this evening. The pre show if you don't tune in for that, then that's okay but. That's pretty huckaphony. I guess it's not funny when things. Batteries crashed out on the equipment and. Kidding, that's even better. Is it is it okay I don't know. Okay. I'll do better aloe. Well, it's getting colder outside in some places. In. Musical. I don't know why either I wind up. You're just like fuck it I'm gonNA. I'M GONNA to get some Feminine Tattoos Probably not no. Go ahead. That's that was see that it depends on though I mean what would it could you? I don't know what you mean by five I have to see said tattoos to see what you're talking about. Okay. To see what you mean because maybe I don't think there's feminine. You might not know. Maybe you don't know. Well, that's what he said. He was going for. Okay. So okay, whatever. Now. But. You're making me sound like I'm a bad guy. You're. Feel really is how you're gonNA feel. Anyway? Office We're moving on.

00:20:04 - 00:25:01

Guys. She does I really don't give full fly fuck I know. I know. I know. Sorry. I add zero you're not sorry. You're I'm. GonNa say yeah after I listen to this cut this book. No negative. I am definitely here yet for sure hundred saw until the John. Amici well. It is humid outside and if you're looking for if you're if you're having that and fresh feeling, there's you can get the stuff called nut rub a nice. It's solid Cologne solid and it's by Ball Wash Dot com? It's like like almost deodorant stay kind of thing it's like it's like. Rubble. Bomb Bag Balm. That's what it is. Not Now they are not a sponsored job. I don't know. I think Eddie Product to help swap pass is you know we live in Florida for crying out? Can hot down here I mean it says that there's it's it's basically it's beeswax. And then it doesn't have an overpowering sense. So it's not like the guy's GonNa take his. Underwear offer your holy fucking Shit. It's like the macy's counter. Okay not heavily Senate. Trying to tamp shit down, I wonder at antibacterial too. But I wonder if you lifted. Antibacterial. That's the same thing as like deodorant pretty much. It would taste weird is it is it know aluminum so you don't get like cancer and I somehow. A dozen say no no what that's what I'm saying is that like the thing now? You're not supposed to well Tae Lisa people say, well, the the one definitely not. And that's not the way. We covered that. Steel. Confirm that. And he's not a star. Such as there were name is such a cute little twitter I came and his buddy stelter. Not, such a good point day we're just we're we're just friends you're. Okay, working late enough forage. Thar Kettles sweaty anyway whatever. So, you're saying that that aluminum was really really bad I don't know that's the rumor I've heard that's what I saw that on the Internet somewhere I think the. One of the sense is smoking swayed. Okay. I do you watch your balls in your gooch to smell like smoke sawyer on thinking just about anything not balls Can range just a non ball smell for my balls in showed area. Really happy. Ball. Yeah. I mean it bothers me like like when you your your dirty, your funky from running around doing whatever you're doing and you know. Con I I can't stand myself sometimes. I don't. I do not know what a girl would be thinking to go down on me at that point in time at all. Girls. Definitely have an and I have I have. 'cause I don't know what what are you thinking what's going on? Well, you you got you got aggravated with me because I would sometimes when you were working construction you wanted to. deb Now I cannot do that to you not to you. Would that to hear you know I mean we turned a corner here by can you? Yeah please Yo I know no, don't make me do that I mean and I smell from the other room. I sucked it up and took the blow job for the team type she. Just. GotTa take the blow Jeez. Taraba. My God, you're so strong. Okay. But you definitely understand and a lot of ladies understand if you're not feeling if you feel funky not fresh. Yeah you don't want anybody sticking her head down there. Now you know what I mean yeah. Some people don't give a fog several late your water people don't give a flying fuck what they smell like as long as somebody's willing to to they're totally okay good. Find you onto whatever know then there's a lot of people. I. Think most people are just going to go now you know can can I not smell like this? Is. This possible. Can we do it this way? I remember when I when I was Sixteen years old. And I was up visiting my friends in Gainesville and this is when they were still living in the dorms.

00:25:01 - 00:30:17

My friend were hanging out and when they took us to a party. And I got wasted and I started talking to this girl and we went into the bedroom. And I was going to go down her well. I got down. And I starting to pull her panties off as soon as I got past soft I still loft soon as got past her lips this warm loft. It was warm as well. Yes. Humidity yes. Okay. Just an a plus as right there anyway now she a fucking que- who knows but it was it was like dead. Dead. Push made. We covered that that's pork. For sure. Flavor. For. Fish pork fish or fish. We. Know What Mermaid. Tastes. Light. Blue we went into this at length. Barb K. Mart. Anyway. You, free, I D I. Didn't even know. We lost control. Holy. Said I cannot taking about a wath smell of. CROTCH. I believe by playing on that. Yes. Again, how are we going to retrieve it? Go back to the tape. So anyway, so I was going down and it was just an I remember throwing her panties back at her you fucking stank 'cause. Loose trash and then I walked I stumbled out and it's Mortifying for the person involved, that's what we're getting too because my friends like we gotta go like, why well apparently hated made a girl cry and like what happened House like this, pussy thanks like a yelled. Get the car. Through me in the bag of the car, that's what I was. Drinking you yourselves sixteen. Theoretically. Well now, whatever you were with teenagers. Yes. Wow. As added College Party seasons. That's right. Okay. So now you were the overage evil. Really. Ever. So. Basically what you're saying is you were at a little pedal party no, no, no no. They weren't sleeping with underage females they were. They totally were Oh God. Whatever. I could to hang out with college. College Freshman. So they're like eighty you know what you mean you know. It was the same for a lot of people when you were sixteen years old like now you're sixteen and first of all, what are you doing listening a? Gutter your homework number two Yeah. No. Forgot where I was going with any of that but I'm losing track who fan but I now I know I'm still trying to recover. Still. China. Recover recover. Let's go. Let's go to and have several thirty four, and then when we come back yeah we're GONNA WE'RE GONNA. Worst. So enjoy we'll. Be. Back. Yum Yum. It's time bullet. BASICALLY ANDRIS PRICING SNACK Part of a mermaid also tastes like fish or would it be like red meat now would there be solid line between the meat changes or would there be like blending thing and could you consider it or make it surf and turf in one carcass? Okay. Well, here's here's my first thing I have to say mermaids unreal. So saying. God so you want to cannibalize a half human is what you're saying. Okay and if you cut off the fishtail tail and leave just the topics, she still mermaid. No or Yes yes I would say, yes because it's still the same the same kid W. Okay. But if you just Stubby Lady Lady Lady and she had to a car accident remember by train Katie. Survey Cutter towns like she probably dead. What do you mean? Who knows we're talking medical use your imagination here we thought Siren, which is saying. Just saying I don't know I think it depends on how long that mermaids been out of water mean the longer out of water the more like read me the whole thing's GonNa taste it's GonNa taste the same either way. Yeah, it was a if it's out of water, it's could be closer to human which I hear is like pork. You know what I mean like from what I understand from Cannibal tribes, some Cannibal tribes actually called people long pigs. Oh, yeah we. Saw Southern Yeah, yeah yeah which obviously makes it true because we saw it somewhere somebody plugging and put it into edge long pigs is some scary with gas over his face. It was yelling each to that one guy no, it wasn't the OH. Was it no I don't remember now wasn't that Wine Cannibal Stanford. Yes. Long pigs so do I answer your question is if if the Mermaid and we're talking to Merman Mermaid male female here are we talking Auckland fucking whatever the little? Mermaid's nameless aerial aerial what would it matter? What matter? What do you think a guy which is? Is a factor, and if you're ask US my fucking imagination I start to shut down.

00:30:17 - 00:35:04

That's not really fair now is it I'm not? Picture I'm saying, okay. What's it? Okay fine. How many of our scale is if I don't have all the information here, I'm the female mermaid. mermaids. Mermaid. Pudgy, she's got a lot of marveling. So she's been on land. How long allied issue legs right now. Fresh, cut out the water tastes like fish. But like. A big fish pick a pig this. Yes. Okay. Cross between a bass and a pork roast that horror ham well if. You can cure it or not. It would be the same as if you geared at a anymore product. and. What would it be already salt brined is. Sorry mostly season. I don't know is it fishes necessarily salty with the we see. What I don't advocate. I. Don't know drill. No, and she head what colored hair. And it said she since she's freshly caught do I get a chance to have sex with? My God feeling Ellen affected. No I want to leave it land for a little while so she grows legs and I can. I can ask in a very nice way. My Dick Inside of you and she's got to say us with can eat me anyway you know and yeah, I might as well get laid. One last time before I get caught up any because I'm a fish yup. Obviously. Do you think our pussies fish no, we're just like was he everybody's plus he takes like buzzy unless you know something weird happens well, she used to have a fish puss. Okay. Well, fish is still plus. The bus. Human of no I'm saying I'm saying if you have amas which if she's been onshore long enough she does you know now we're converting closer to work now our genome of. The other way. Yeah. Not Not Fish for regular board. Not. Real origination. No all whistled. report. The Omega beginning the end a light in darkness salvation condemn. I'll lead you joe, the way surrender your soul submit obey. Your master, the our AI, smarter faster rate, your life. Resistance is tired my friend. We're in this together until later on talk on youtube on discord on twitch, get onto my platform come on, make the switch me to glory on its dot my story, follow me on everything or you will be fucking sorry. Your master. Is Harder and faster. I can wait your life. Tile by. And welcome back to Gigi Katie's world raspberry live took. Them To. Radio chaos dot net hitting radio. Dot Com and rural thirty four. Soon, you can give me on twitter at Kiki Radio Katie Dot Com Kiki Katie radio. Team. Oh Dot Com. facebook seeking Katie Radio Google me along. That lay. The song. Yes, it could be. A, little bit of trouble base for you. Peppy. For Sure And as always, you'll be able to find out where to get this song or got it really. Yeah. Radically, that's where it is where I got it if you go to the episode on Kiki. RADIO DOT COM. You can see it right there. I Post Little Linke's for you if you WANNA check it out and most of the support the artist on or not whatever you feel like telling or just listen to it over and over again you do what you WanNa. Do that's right. All right. So we have a we have we definitely have friends not friends both fans and friends in Australia. And Oh, by the listen from there, he will listen from there. Yes. So I looked up there was I don't know why but I got sent I. Believe it was by by one of the fans. They said what? What porn is actually big over there. Okay. What point is big over? There learned about that whole incident with the fuck and Star Wars? Song the. Deep Duty. To God Him for Latina Song for whatever reason that was some kind of a buck song I something I don I don't remember what the story was, but we doubted it that that had anything to do with sex and when you actually we talked about Australian fans.

00:35:04 - 00:40:00

But yeah, that was a thing and we looked it up in church. Yeah. They weren't full of Shit. That's what they don't remember the story. But yeah. So yes, what about people? If you WANNA learn something interesting about you know star. Wars Cantina Song and stallions getting all you just google. It judicial digital usual. Definitely Joe Joe. I will. They are really big into anal and anti. Okay. Well, that's not I mean that's an anti. Yes. Because you're close to Asia over there. You know what I mean. They're like right across the pond. But they're also into bian immature. Okay here again, pair again on in it I'm like where they're going the. Doing it right down their glamorous older women. Okay. So and then it says it says a KML. Often thirty to fifty. So I'm smack DAB in the middle of that. See it does. I'm sure that explains a listener to and threesomes. They're they're made things. I have had a lot of people from from Australia's ask us. He said if you're over coming over here. You in SCC pineapples a lot of hype apple's. A thing. They have they have pineapple onesies which I think are hysterical and I. Kinda WanNa get it I'd say and for children are like. Or are you well, no onesies you're hoping. They're adults modeling them. So hopefully, they're fucking. These okay. Okay. please. Tell me you're. Just. Like pineapples. Kids can like pineapples. Well, yes. Spongebob Bob Lives in a pineapple. I thought he lived in a crab under the Sea Tulsa. South thinks there's a song who lives in a pineapple under the sea does he live in a pineapple? Really In Yellow and poorest is he really I know the whole Observance here. He's a sponge ever thought about spongebob. Just really was never into that Holy Fuck I'll hire you yes. Yes. I don't make fun of you come on now you. Are you. Hi Shaming Me Donut shape me I'm not. A There's is there's Tori for cheese that I saw that I, really fucking bag and I want to try it in Shakey's. Female. Toy. For broad gone. Yes. To Juan put the. What is it? It's by comedy called Divine. It's. Now usually Oh, speaking of and this is kind of way I thought about this is. A. Shut up I posted a sneak peek picture of Michael. Myers mask a me. I'm naked. But. You can't I'm kind of teaser picture but then I realized after pictured up. I've got my electro like stems vibe in the background. Okay he's just sitting there and I'm like all right whatever okay. fucking leave it there. You're not GonNa know what it is. Well, people will kind of know what it is. Anyway that's the one that I flip around because I I don't like do the rabbits. The That has the patches on the side, right? It just looks like of fucking dildo really. Okay. So anyway. But it would know that it has electrodes in it and can totally peel off the inside of your Baginda. Gives you a little steel kind of more than esteem. Second Anyway maybe have liked crosswired the way you did you like I mean taking the governor off of it the crew burr you'll. You'll hook it up to your cell phone battery. Really. Understand that at all. Whatever? Anyway but what I was getting at is the anything any vibrator that has a rabbit with it that is a clip stimulator Boga? They don't fuck it worked for me. You knew this but some people out there don't because the my shit is like not fucking the right length APP are anyway but this vibrator, not only the inside the party Shelvin Cider Burger. Punches. Tip like the last three inches. fucking pissed it. It punches at your it. No. Known this punches inciting your survey. Okay. So it's got like a little extended like. It just like the head inside the head. So it has the normal ahead and then another one just pops out of the answer. Food Flick. Tracks is out no no. Let's like spring mechanism. There's there's the head par and then it's got like this spring mechanism kind of like a bendy Straw looking looking area so that part goes up and down. Oh so cameras at that time.

00:40:00 - 00:45:01

Yes but that takes nosy. Well. May Be and instead of having a rabbit like a little virus or do Hickey and they have a squeaky wheel wheel. We owe as it's got a little tiny things all around this wheel that spins and vibrates. So it's like a little on your it. Okay. So it's like a spinney thing. Yes. SPINNEY clicker. Okay. So Has Multi tongues automobile that just Kinda flat around. Five Aba. Like pudding cards on your. Down is not what I was thinking on the spokes of your is that actually spin around in circles. Are you sure. Yes. I sure because I know what school Yeah Yeah. Now I can see the picture more clearly absolutely. It's like putting fucking a baseball cards on your bicycle tires. Same kind of thing. But. If you did it on the outside made it quits size and rubber and silicone to. Assert exactly like it's different. Good Ovalles, analogy may have been a little off Stiletto. That's Okay Ara I. Well, I think we're going to go to your favorite topics by standing by. boobs in and the news. It's time once again for. All. Right. So this week's tits man is a new movie coming out. That is full of tits and ass and when I say kids I mean lots of tits. It's called toilets shark toilet shower, and it's going to be coming out by gateway. Films. Your favorite filmmakers that's right. That's right. Actor Sean Donahue is is doing it Sushi is it it they've got a clip a Sushi's sex seance okay. So it's her and three girls with. The people that have you've been in several of their productions. Yes I have. So and these are a lot of these girls were actually going to be with next weekend. Getting all getting all cutesy sexy with. So. Good good good. Anyway. Well, the permanence of the movie is there is a shark bit comes out of the toilet and each you. Kind of what it says yeah toilet that's twenty shirk. Okay. So well, the clip the you'll be able to trailers and stuff I'm going to have on the website. So go check it out and also a little bonus hits man is. If you don't know who? Says you should check her out because she's got early. Houston and we talk about her a lot. That's why you were showing. That's nice. Switch she what did she bet in already broke girls two broke girls. Wives. Know those are those are world class right there I like like they're balancing their doubly. They're very Jabalya look soft they because. I like. You Got Nipples well, it depends on what the nipple game is really wants them at all I mean but you know what? I mean. You can double the value of your of a normal. It was solid. Neville game you know what I mean yes, I do like. Five in but you have you know additional five bonus points for naval game you're. Just, saying if you got a nice navy for me, I'm you know whatever about it? Non Hair please Okay. Looks like okay. I mean, it happens is some women I just. Kind of like that. Supply or something before. Go Out. Anyway. That's not just an for the week. Hit hit. What were you looking right at me? You're saying China say something Obama Nipple Hair. No 'cause you don't have pets assure I. AM texts we all have pets well, boobs moves to say and everybody's gotTa will most of us unless you had a remote. Most people were born with nipples. They have memories that they just don't grow the same on mad. Let's true. That's very true. There is a wedding announcement. It's absolutely hilarious and the girl, the girl's face just like Oh God this really sucks they shoot off fireworks to burn down half of the country Oh God. No God. No? No No. No. That's the engagement of long we. I SORTA got a fucking would search. I'll I'll get what we long way long we. We know we we. We spill it w W. Wri. Okay. We we've. Okay really. Maybe they maybe they're big fuck Nintendo fans. I don't know.

00:45:02 - 00:50:05

God. It could have been French. Oh You I. Could have been but it. was just three it's Asian of some sort. Now while he doesn't look Asian, but then again, he could be adopted. Okay. You never know you don't his name is we his last name is Louis and that's Chin and we we know long. Long. Long wait long. Long. Way We oh, they definitely should hyphen they did. So they're both changing. That's a thing and some some countries jet for sure. I don't know if maybe they were there from just said, you know this way to call the pass up we definitely to be long we? Mr Long We. Do at that proposal for you. Sir I mean just about anything you name your children is GonNa be cool. Harry we. Anything chat I mean you could go you could be chat and still we have long. Hopefully though he'd be willing doubt if not, that'd be just a really cruel joke. Okay. It might slog. We read you've got micro. Yet but you you could live on reputation anyway you know what I mean nobody knows. There as log we we. Is it true what they say about you long way. Long Way Way. To. Spore. People are like that's my incest real name, Katie this very fucking insensitive. I come from a really long. Way Long Way Alleyway. Oh God I'm sorry. No not. Yes. So if you know the long we means please abolish is for Katie. Yes. All right. She really couldn't control her fucking twelve year old inner child now I'll. Have to break it up to everybody I have to call them every day. Excuse me. And just like the sand. I. In a teaspoon aecom denotes only twenty calories. Okay. I'm SURPRI- I wouldn't. You know I don't know how many calories I would expect there to be in a teaspoon. Now, how to Jisr now, I was told because we even asked that in I remember someone did ask that in high school in our health class just because I was in with a bunch of degenerates. AMYLOID how much? How much caloric like how many calories and fucking ges and she's just like Jesus Christ she's like it's not even enough. To the whatever thirty S. thirty. But I mean there's actually fat and carbohydrates and cholesterol and protein to you. But I'm just saying you know you're naked and afraid you know I take one for the team. Back. No, I would donate. No I have plenty of fat storage. I'm fine. Like I'm totally okay. You skinny people. Hey, look we can work something out now you don't necessarily have to completely get it out of me but I'm not. We don't have like a shot glass for you. So, really your best bats tap. So what I'm ready, you know we'll lineup swarm. It's nourishing. I'll I'm willing to do that for you. Maybe, the cameraman. Take everybody. Why I? Let me just turn these cameras on the other. Day. Come back to the ten for. Eating a cookie. No. That's the thing is we will watch survival shows especially naked afraid because you know we can out over negative. Because that's clearly the reason to watch it. One hundred percent to see if you get some good. Hey, she's got a coupon or you see that blur her Again. Push, it's fun to per about two hundred percent. Sure. So. You know. You know they'll talk about you know being alone. You're not alone. There's cameraman there you all day long they're a camera people fucking following you. Some guy has to blur out your I'm just saying all day long people are following you around with the motherfucking camera trying to catch you doing some goofy shit. So you really, you're not completely alone. So I don't want WanNa hear your shit. So you know you suck a little Dick you know get a snickers bar out of self worth. Goes male or female either way you never know what your cameraman's. Or producer. Anything I haven't Six Days of Again.

00:50:07 - 00:55:01

I, don't care. Can I just have a cracker something please. Swallow Province to God a real hungry. I'll do the other guy to five. Fuck fuck I mean really I'll take calories right out of your ball sack you don't gotTa Phoebe Candy Bar. I. Just you know that's almost like animal out in the wild ain't it. Same thing I try out you. As a bottle of water, he got there. Can. I don't know. There there is a shift she said she was fooling around with this guy and they didn't have a condom. So he suggested that he put the sheet the bedsheet in between them. It's a good idea and Kinda like is that as a fucking condom? Okay. Well, he was desperate. No Shit I mean. But imagine if he actually did that, did that though I mean this? How are you going to be fucking how? What's it? GonNa be trying to cram a goddamn Bed She rap Dick to pus as well. I'm just saying maybe I decided to go figure blast oral on our all you know what I mean. Like maybe I'm just gonNa Neil Levin bed. Yeah. You're you're going to talk it out of me, but I am going to you know. Do something trigger blast. Well that's different than using the bedsheet would that's what I'm saying yes, that's the alternative. That's what I'm saying that was that was what I would do sixty nine. Yes well, you know, but it doesn't have to be oral oral it could be digital oral on or but you're going oral for sure. Of course now, I just pictured you sitting on my tits with your hand back behind. Grab me like a I'm still. Talking about in my mouth you you on your bag legs thread rolled over to your side me kneeling next to you. Oh Yeah. I see. Very civilized. Civilized. No? No No. We've. Typically down for that one hundred percent you like. Oh sure. Yes. Go ahead since the lazy rated. Air Insistence. lawler. That way. Nobody has to be mounted on anybody. So everybody's free for complete movement you can. Mount on anybody you know what I mean. It's not like turn the you don't have to bear anybody's wait what way. Thanks. What I'm saying is your loose in free to maneuver yourself this. fucking fat has on me. No, you're not. You're not locked in to what you're locked in to, and sometimes that's one of the things that you're not thrilled about doing or Lenora sixty nine action is that it's hard for you to concentrate on succulent jake properly when somebody's letting your puss. Well, that's right. And if somebody's on top of somebody else then that becomes awkward for you. However, we'll do that way typically you could just open your throat and lean back and you you kinda like to throw fucking. Yeah. Yeah See. So you could do that without somebody fully there showed rubbing on you're not on your nose yard I mean. It's a much. To do this is what I'm telling. It's so allies play. Now though I'm a little freaked out because I can't feel a fucking thing with new teeth and you freaked out if I talk about taking him out. So I'm always afraid I'm going to hurt you know you won't. So that's why I've been. I've been kind of like not doing it lately. Okay. I'm just like I'm just going. Going to happen. Nothing bad's GonNa happen here. Fine. Practice. I mean you're okay. I. Don't know why you're worried about it. So I don't tell him I just told you I told you not to a long time ago. You send it feels like I'm being rough on you and I confirmed that no negative. It is not Ralph at all. No. So you're okay. Yeah. You asked if there was a complaint and I said, no, there is no complaint. Yeah. Okay. Now, this is something that you have happened that you've done to me before and and guys I. It's okay. You have sex accidents and like things that happened you just because. Sometimes we can get overexcited. Okay Yard. I. Mean. Poor girl she you. We meaning females. Yeah. Okay. You were talking about me and you know okay. Thank you. Know in general I was like, what are you them boxer? You've had any. Other to into. Two Oh no none of that.

00:55:02 - 00:59:41

Box. Oh. Put you in a box. Step overhead bits no. No don't do that. Wal this this guy he he was like sit on my face. He's like I really want you to sit on my face and just got really fucking excited. Grabbed her threw on her face but he did it with such gusto grabbed her asked her fucking head went into the wall. I mean I I mean things have happened like you know I've fallen off the bed before you really gotta follow it out to that for a long time. I mean really seriously and you 'cause you would just your you know and sometimes yes, that's. Your spazzy one hundred sat. and. You will totally zag when you should zag what where, where are you going Jesus Christ Yeah you you've God flag several times had nothing to do with me. That's how that's how it is. Lee, you thought you weren't on the edge of ad and you like went to go roll down with one arm putting putting it down and you're like, what just like what are you or on the edge of the head you just you literally would to put your armed outlets like. You'RE GONNA flip over with me or something and flip top of you. Is what you're going for, but there was nothing next to you. So you what? What to look avid and you almost half expected me to follow top of you. I didn't understand at all. I don't know half the things that I that I used to do or whatever happened. Yes. I at least I. Can I'm happy to say I have not fallen off the bed Very longtime mill. So making a movie or they should make a movie because there's this little like spoof about it and. It's Hand job cabin. Job. Cavan goes goes jerky off to death. Dehydration or like about is that work I'm curious I don't know. I just thought they made made a like a fake trailer and I was like, I know some people don't like you gotTa make those. I think you really should. Have very funny. If you do. I wanted. I have to to audition for hedge cabin. Should big hand job cabin somehow. Yeah, it's GonNa be a lot of work for you where we also GonNa do the Taco flavored kisses or the Oh, the hand puppets. But then I run out of energy to do them. All right. Yeah Yeah. Yeah Yeah hundred percent. Hey. Why the run out of steam? Do you a low? You know? Each whatever. It takes a lot of time to do some of these projects. You know I'm saying yes I, absolutely know his and I'm okay. Sometimes doing it however you on the other hand. Aren't okay with me devoting time to it so much. Well, I mean. But you know what I mean like what I start doing something like that. You're making faces. Why are you making phases? Why is this every time that I make faces there there's something that bothers you both because I want to remedy it. I Want I want to ease your you're suffering. Ya, got a gun. No kidding. Just joke. People just disappear fuck joke. All right. We're getting. We're getting out of here for the week. The night for the time for right now just because just because of the wonderful wizard, there was why? Because look on your face yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. No not really. We go. All right. We gotta go. Okay we'll talk to you later. I hope you have a wonderful week. We again day months. Shift, whatever you're doing. Okay well, in closing I just say remember what farmer Ernie always says. A good night in a great night. Is All in the matter of where you put the cucumber. Think I fucked that. Parts. I liked. Those.