#310 – Nipple Tattoo
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6/13/2020 Know how to retrieve your sex toy from inside you... Rape heavy episode... Sponge Bob has come out of the closet... There is something in Katie's eye... Eyeball licking and armpit sniffing... New Katie tattoo and removing adhesive with your clothes... Woman calls her ex-boyfriend 3000 times a day for a month... His wife never came home from a Switzerland business trip... The smell my fingers game with men... Porn Pick of the Week - Gang bang, voyeurism, and very large sex toys... Jockstrap auction for the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence... Older new fans and GILF... Episode of "Rule 34"... Boiling eggs in virgin boy's urine... Face in the crotch underwear... Tits Man - Fake anime boobs for cosplay... To nipple tattoo or not to nipple tattoo... Why are small carnival's rides always scary... Panic anger... Now you can have your own blue waffle... What does Smurf cum look like... Man caught masturbating by his coworkers on a Zoom call... The old fish up the ass trick... Loosing sex toys inside of Katie... Tie him up and poke him with a stick.

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#310 Nipple Tattoo

00:00:04 - 00:05:02

The following program contains adult content crabs, language of sexual manner completely irresponsible. Advise along with some things. You'll wish you could here. If you are under the age of eighteen, easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn off. For those who remain enjoy and have a nice day. The weekend has landed all the exist. Now clubs drugs, Pope's and parts of four hours from the world man I'm going to blow steam on my like a screaming cattle I'm GonNa talk cut shit to strangers. All knife I'm. GonNa, lose the plot on that dance floor. The free radicals inside may freaking and tonight I'm Travolta on three potter I'm going to Never Neverland with my chosen family man. We're going to get more out than meal. Strong advocate anything can happen tonight, just could. Quick Buck Burn. Watched a lot nine. And now live from ruled thirty four stadium. I bring you a girl that wants to remind you never put anything inside you if you don't know how to get it out. Your sheds your. Host, the one the only Kanki Katie. Would look to the. This is the. Number three. I, am your Hoseki and with me as our? Number. One Fan my favorite plush. Toy posts silly, the funny the one and only missed her SC's. Hey. We have some fun for you guys tonight. Fun No actually we make some topics. We'll. Good amazing. Topics course we do that's right. Yeah. Really like to yeah okay. Anyway, well whatever on care, I'm having a good time, so it is what it is, and if you don't like it, you don't listen. No. You definitely have to listen sorry. We retracted. and. You didn't realize you made a contract with us. The second you hit play. Yeah, that's true. You agree to the terms you're. Going to be raped. Our you know it's just the way it's gotTa. Go you know there's GonNa. Be a lot of. Maybe not a lot of rape in this episode. Rape Heavy Kinda yeah you. Really. Wow so trigger warning. Whatever? No we don't. We don't get serious on this year because there's enough of that shit going on anyway still. Born bigger the week. We're also going to have some bubis tattoos and some other shit that I like to talk about some. Other stuff! Other stuff confused. Really in Lega months about find out more next week. Or not? Oh we also we do. We have a bonus tits. Man Today, you're you're complaining about being. It was being a tent light week. I know that that the world of boobs stopped existing the last week and I told you I told you negative. No, it didn't there. Are Ted somewhere on the Internet that we talk about? And I did. That last couple of days, I really should just held off on. Skins I. Might have been a good idea. Hey will I liked? I liked it up a little bit so I think I'm A. Little more. Sure. Sure. As it is pride month, and it's no fucking surprised anybody. Nick TMZ had said that nickelodeon announced on twitter that Spongebob Gay. Really yes. I wasn't surprised, but apparently the ever would like Oh my God he's. Yeah. I mean I thought he was like Don Binary. Gender conforming non gender conforming in what I was kind of you know he was assists Swiss where he didn't really like classify as male or female or sexual and asexual neither nomination. Reproduce by budding. Yeah I mean come on, that's right. Goodness well. I'm glad I've always better. I couldn't see for day. Told you take in load the yeah. Nobody. You got something in your I. We don't know what it was. No and it was just a speck of something.

00:05:03 - 00:10:02

Got All swollen. Visa Gravel in it. You wouldn't stop rubbing it. That is why it happened. We would have listened to me to begin with. Stop touching it. You try to flush it out. If you can't flush it out. You have to put something on it, so you're not moving around until you could seek professional help. So you know, I was like I'll go. Get you some flesh, and you're like. No, it's not going to help you. Get, it helped then. I. Don't know if it got it out, but we did that. Put a little patch on your eyes so in the morning. If it was still bothering you, we did go to said Dr Yeah. Well. We have to say that's good regular first-aid. I am going to get some. Some new black eyeliner might be something in. The eyeliner might be good Cardi. Could meet some for me. Jumped off a me onto you. Well I guess. We're never gonNA. Do the eyeball thing again? down. And Longtime? Remember doing that new longtime well. Yeah I, know you've definitely John It. No, yeah. For sure. Yeah, we've done a lot of weird shit just because. I, just because, but for shock value I know a Lotta time just because. Nobody would be around, and you would completely to like my eyeball sometimes this strange. No. Let's yeah for sure you still don't like that I'm hold that I'm into like slamming my face into your pet. It's kind of disconcerting. Because sometimes I feel gross feel thirty because I actually am dirty dino. God. I'm not going like. German shepherd on your in Shelvin my nose in your crotch. Okay, I mean you're. You're doing it to my vets and you know would. When I can smell myself. I'm just saying and you get all jazzed up. There's only certain there's. There's only been a couple of people that they're fair moans just really turn me on Oh. No I've noticed. Yeah you're pit sniffer? And, you'll go in deep like and you. Put the neck to neck. Yeah, well, yeah, and the neck ending. 'cause Alibaba creeps me out. CUT It out. You goosebumps. Come all over. Your arms are dislike fucking. Much. You wonder why torture around you, ooh! Gross and Disgusting Your, fully sniffing we down. I just do it just to make you know I I completely no! You can't do that I. still do that. You fight everyone. Get well. That lot just tickles. Tell you straight out? It tickles. Yeah and I can't sit still for that kind of ship. Yeah. So if you're faces next to my foot. Like. We can't go well. Maybe possibly. I could really try not to. It could still happen either way I mean you make out a not make a you make the. Strangest. squeals sometimes. Get, like freaks out or take a load and I love her 'cause. It's either that or I go dark on you, it's. What I get serious about it. Tell. Dark side, but you don't like it like it. Once I get really bad at you. CUT It out. You Stop, yeah. I feel really bad. Scream. I like it. Sometimes I usually find a way to fuck it. Say something to you drive you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, probably so so I mean you know it's coming I'll just say something. That's incredibly horribly insensitive. Yeah, realize Oh. Exactly Very smells. Like little washy tops entails kind of thing. I don't know what's going on. We we did have a little. Now gave me. I noticed it before, but I want to see. It serves you right. Guys or if you're right for fucking with me, so. You're completely. Intentionally to to irritate me it, tangibly. Because you like the me struggling against it, is your paper taking world. You like struggle yeah. Yeah so in order to combat that you know. I gotTA. I gotTA throw. You gotta third curveball once and usually I gotta get really creative about what I say in the more creative usually catches you by surprise.

00:10:02 - 00:15:02

Oh my God yeah, he's. I didn't think you'd go like that. fucking new I would mean like allow. You got really creative on. No that's pretty specific. To how long is that baking? He's that to avoid to avoid any any worse of an outcome or to actually avoid something, I don't like I. I. AM willing to go to just about any lakes. I know. I know if I'm in fear for my life. I'm just saying I. It's game on well anyway I. I had A. I kind of had had a little bit of an issue. I couldn't get my top off to get into bed because it was stuck in my arm. I recently I recently couple days ago, got a got a tattoo from looser era overhead, Habitual Inc in Castleberry, Florida, and I had senator, Monnet, and I had it on for three days and I went to take it off. And I was having issues taking it off, but I finally did get it off. And I went to I, had A. I washed it and I had the. ASSER carrier. It stuck really well as what you're saying. Yes, it's really really well, and I still had some east of stuck to my stuck to my skin, so which adhered my shirt. My arm. In trying to take it off last week. You went to. Bed, you're like. If I get oh, my God hurts. Stock. Like, stuck still really really hurt. Some in the bathroom. Trying to I'm like pouring hot water I just like news. Melt away from like Robbins so. Well, you just gotTa. Get Wet enough in it comes off eventually. Yeah, yeah, and then because the adhesive being stuccos like. Mono like it looks like it came out wrong, and but I I looked at the finished picture when I took it before I left A. Shop I mean everything was fine like everything. You have he literally have adhesive over. Yeah, so that's. S. And you panic I do I do I panic so much? I really I can go us. We've used that. You use that stuff on like every Tattoo Lake right after you get it. And I mean if you'd asked me, I said Yeah. Sometimes. If you leave it on, and it stays on for a few days. Yeah, you know he's doesn't WanNa like come right off unless you gotta get really wet, we'll implies my that area of my skin is like fucking, fish, belly, white, and soft and squishy. squish question I was a giggle. But whenever? Does matter. But If you haven't seen as points, story noser, Lo que no. I said I. Just I said I I would talk about the shopping. Our tell people. Oh, when I go, okay and I got a a double vision. Alice from Alice in Wonderland and it I don't know. I like it I don't know why. I think is weird, but it's it looks blurry. And he he's like this. fucking tattoo gave me a headache. But he did a good job. So yeah. Thank you. Sorry to put with it. took the picture, and then he was. He was a John The stencil. Say, what wait a minute! which line is going? Anyway? It was, but it worked out. Good? Dude fucking girlfriends ex-girlfriends can be absolutely psychotic. There's this woman she got arrested. She called her boyfriend twenty seven. Thousand Times in a week. Aren't even know what the math is today I do. Yes I. Do okay if you wanted to know how often this was. Okay. It was too, so it was. A Lot. It was a lot. It was like all the time twenty four hours a day one after the other. Three thousand, eight, hundred, Fifty, seven point three, thousand eight. Okay, he. Calls one day. Okay, but as they, it's one hundred sixty calls an hour. Okay, could you? Is that possible? It's his three calls. Approximately three calls a minute. I don't even know if that's possible twenty four hours a day. You have to P. YOU'RE GONNA have to eat. That's an auto dialer. Whatever that's an auto dialer. She set it up on a computer to fuck it and jam down well to clog up. It's fucking phone I. Mean She's paying for it. You know the first thing I think really is. Is He unaware there's a way to pocket number? Like, yeah, just blocked a fucking number Weirdo. He would have gotten after that. That's true zero calls.

00:15:03 - 00:20:02

Zero calls it would have been like he disappeared. I mean. Isn't that like how people break up with people? These days just goes them, yeah. Yeah. Locked, a number block about all social media. They they understand what just happened and say don't know now really. Block like you got hacked. Is that it you know just like? Oh? That's completely shitty. Way of doing things however oh. Oh, God speaking shitty. Don't ever do this and well, unless it's an abusive relationship. Don't do to this because you know an Internet speak. That's exactly what you're saying. You know unless that. Don't don't don't do this. Whatever you do do this more I should do this more right. That's what you're saying now. This happened to my this happen to my friend. Mutual friend of ours. Okay. His wife left to go to like Switzerland or Europe or something for for work. Okay, was there for four months. And then just never came home and got a divorce. told him get a divorce via email. Oh Dear John Jew from a different country. Yes, the job I was like Oh my God. That's fucking awful. I ran away with. Hey, seuss. We are called to Switzerland. Story love so yeah, the fucking Schwinn away for for four months and then she's like. Hey, so and so know our marriage Oh, well, you know. What because she went away for work, and obviously when she went wherever she went, she met somebody that she was fucking. Bow Down, and then she said you know what I'm not going home. I can completely see that happening. Why did you let your wife go away for four months? Saleh got a group back. On well, you know I'm just saying we. He wasn't the first tip honey I'm going to go to Switzerland for four months wasn't like where you thought. Maybe yeah, so what you're saying is, it's over right. That's why you're saying Oh. Yeah, I don't know now. Maybe he's been. He's been divorced. I think for. About a year now yeah wow. That's gotta suck balls yeah I know. Oh well. They narrowed their it together for a long time. Yeah well. Relatives. In relative terms, yeah, yeah, let like in California years. Yeah pretty much okay. Yeah, so. I. Don't know I don't know either. I mean I can say her name, don't why? It's a neat well. It's unusual. Okay, so Yeah, so so what you're saying is no here. Email address is this is her address. Telephone number work schedule all right so. What what is it I? I have a question for for you because I really love your opinion because your thoughts on this because you're dude and I've I've been with chicks, but I don't do this. There's a there's been a lot of of notice a lot more discussion and people talking about. fucking. Guys Finger Bang and checks and then either they're smelling it or they're. They're giving it to their friends. Dislike smell my finger. I Don I know what the Y.. Is, there. I thought that was what you're. GonNa say what the blue blazed going on there honey. I need to tell me right now. What is up with the finger? It's just like. I don't WanNA smell. Someone else's finger is h basically without without smelling the finger. You don't know if they were full of Shit Oh my God. Just fuck improve your. You had gone. And sometimes you'll go. No, that's asked. You stuck your finger up your ass. It made me smile it. Oh, that's what happens. Do. Trigger, you know you're going. Get Boys are grows. They've really are being further record. I've never done that in any time. Somebody's like here. Like what do you do? I've done a smell test to make sure. I was fresh but I wouldn't. I wouldn't like. Go Up to my friend. Hey Sally. What do you think? Has this this? You've? You've actually been around when somebody's done that to me. To you, yes, well. No, he didn't have me. Smell his fingers I was forced to smell her pussy because he had a beard, and it was all over his fucking face, and I could smell it when I walked in the kitchen, he was like. Twelve feet away and I'm like Oh my God i Smell Pussy and then. SPLAT. And then he comes over and rubs his face in the side of my. It was still like wet. Was Still.

00:20:03 - 00:25:00

Yeah, but that's a very you move I mean that's yeah, so really I. Mean you know you make it sound very dramatic. However, at the time you were leagues, similar things to everybody like I, would have like have a fresh cream pie, and then just have no Iran and sit on a friend's leg than just kind of like. No you definitely have done that I know so. Bad happening to you really, you really weren't tomato up. Hero yeah originally. I mean you wear a victim? However, however was I really. Or. Was it just payback? Did you do that. Was it funny was running. Yes, okay so i. mean now you now you got it. You experience the whole fucking thing and you didn't understand until I reminded you. Yeah, you know what it was funny, even though you did not wanna smell the pussy on his face. Hey. WE'RE GONNA go to my favorite segment. Jesus you brought that out of nowhere? Yeah Day by standing by. It might not be the porn you would pick. It is the point Katie wine. It's time once again for. All right so this week, we. I'm still into the rough sex and the gang bangs going back to Saxon gang bags. Yeah, gangs! Yeah, he's getting gang. By other men not necessarily wow, sometimes by women throwing some chick now thrown instant chicks in. Tricking Banks No. Chicken Rail Guess. Girl right well. No Inter gang run of the mill gang. I have seen a gang bang, which was pretty high. It was a dude and got banged by five chicks with. Strive on, okay. Pegging Gang Pegging Gang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang muck. Confused with with the Muck Bang Bang Bang. Armenian nets. At least at least in that respect I don't feel so threatened I wanna tell you again. I'm liking your your picks. We now I mean not that I'm GONNA go running and watching a whole bunch of gang. Bang radios. I yeah, but I'm not done yet. Oh No! But wait more. Voyeurism, you okay, I'm definitely I'm get I'm into the more of the voyeurism thing we were talking about. You Jerking off in a movie theater, and the thought of that like. Really High. You're like oh my. God like what Oh yeah big! The twitter, well, because it was also during the rape scene in the accused faster fucking getting pinball I was like fucking sixteen years old or something or fourteen years old in the movie theaters. I would routinely plant myself in for the entire day like if I bought one take. It felt that. I could watch all the movies. And the accused was playing and I was in the movie theater. All allowed, and there was a perfectly good rave scene with jody. was there all naked naked? Fossey she wanted. Okay in my head. You are twenty one. When when this? When this whole scene is taking place, okay, he's I. Don't Wa-. Way. Oh look, you're not creepy. No, not at all. I'm not Florida teacher creepy. Not Florida teacher creepy like pedophile because you weren't I mean you were thinking of me and. You're like ooh, yeah! But I. mean if it was someone in that I knew to. You know what I mean. Okay. I don't know if I'd I turn over or Like a like a couple rows in front of me. And they're they're either. Did or they're. You know jerking with that, butter popcorn. Okay so you know you're inviting here i. mean you realize what you're asking for? Your time, have you? got that sounds like right? I mean you know what I mean yeah. Okay Okay It's okay. To have that happen at all? Okay, you got people. Will Not just our Jerky all? Of You You'll start getting pictures of two or three of their hands and you in the background over their shoulder. Oh, wow, yeah. Why you have to do that. Because you put it out there I. I'm just going along with it. Just. Anyone asked about it well.

00:25:00 - 00:30:01

It was all you. Your desired. Right so there's also one last thing to this segment, okay? Still into the large insertions, and when I mean large insertions I mean very large objects in weird shapes and stuff into dudes. Oh, yeah, okay Yeah okay well I mean the guy we talked about this before two. Men always seemed to be able to fit the largest things up there. Ask Now for whatever reason. I maybe because they. They're not afraid of an abuse Yada me. I don't know like things ripping chameleon. However most of the videos with really big things in the news here's. News. In the news so I think it all right well, that is my porn picks for the. Sake of the week. Highly produced, of course, it reminds you against right highly. Oh my goodness Gracious, oh, there is eight. You still have time. There is A. did that. It with some other stuff. Oh, another thing! I pulled up the wrong. You must clicked I. Miss like you can recover. I know you can do it within about two from memory. Oh there there's A. There's an auction a jockstrap auction. Okay, that they're doing for for charity. Really Yeah, do we care widely care about the jockstrap? Is it just an indiscriminate Josh trappers at a famous doctor? No, there the. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Oh, in Orlando, right the nonce the none, but they're all over actually really. Yes, they've chapters. Over the place I know this. I didn't know it either all. In crazy makeup. Yeah. They're usually drag queens like their gated sometimes sometimes females very few very few very select crew there exist. We Know One dad, didn't we do? Yes, that's right I know she's like a Unicorn in there and their circles. That's right chess. Yeah, anyway, so really fun group to hang around though foreshore Oh. Yeah, and they do. They do a lot of good work for a lot of people. As. The name implies literally dressed as nuns yes. With very flamboyant may married drag queen. Bee Mega they're fabulous I, love them. They're really they're really also draws a crowd. No matter where you go anyway I did you can. Actually you can go to my facebook page Kinkaid, Rita there is a post there, so you can get the information for the ladies of Perpetual Indulgence. Remembered. That good job. I there's been there's been like an a tick of couples in their early fifties to like mid sixties that that are that are like come Ami really yeah, we guys closer to your age. I guess I. Guess It's the same. It's the same age gap. You're right in the middle for a lot of for a lot of of men. Yeah, yeah, am I really well, you know. I mean technically now. You could be a guelff technically. Now God could be Nah Yeah I mean. You're old enough. By few years I can't, but that's fucking crazy. It's not really crazy. It is to me, okay, nobody. That's twenty. And then their kid had a kid when she was twenty down to crazy i. know, but you could be thirty via. Yell Oh my goodness of fifteen in Jesus, Christ well, it happens I know it happens. Spoke says he's not going to happen to me. No because you don't have any kids in your. Are you forty? That's right there you go. There's something I. Don't Know Zero Point. We were talking about this now. Where where will we don't remember we go and I forgot anyway. Let's go. We're going to go to an episode of rule thirty four. We come back tits men and some other stuff so. On. I'm bullet basically and refreshing snack. It's time again for. All Right? This is a quick and short one short, quick and short and feel free to weigh in. Today Cup there was. There was a question. Put out there as that. This is always been on my mind. I WANNA. Know what you think about it. What if our nipples clicked in and out like a pen? In. Her. Again so I'm just I'm just saying that it's. something. We could be. That could be like like micro. Some kind of my Grove fucking little device that actually does that now.

00:30:01 - 00:35:12

That's that's doable now. Do you make? The click sound because if so, you're GONNA drive. People like that. People who do that depends. What I was to be. At least out of like a mechanical keyboard. I. Think. Wow that way. You know that you've extended improperly. Like feeling the click is very satisfying on saying okay, so what if they have like these little device? Their spring loaded obviously so what it's like. The spring shoots out one day. Respected then. Way Better Chill. Pill through. Well, here's the thing out of the two of our nevels like link. Your, your would be the one that's what happened to like. I mean we wouldn't do this to my little tiny minuscule. Why would we do that? That's just like why the point I'd have to take. I'd have to take my nipple rings out unless it put it behind the nipple ring. That's magic, so of course we could. Not. Radical really so, why are you trying to stick to? Laws of physics switches? Now you can put nets acts to fucking help with male contraceptives. That's in Japan. That I can't tell what your subject Jeff Yeah to stop the fucking little sprayer from coming up I'm sure they can find springing mechanism to make her nipples like done like a little trail block. Yes. But if you're in irrelevant and. Pink and we just had a quick. Magic trick. All with the show. To sack and Share my cake you can try with. What that Syrah meet to make an effort. Forty, sponsored the green. End Two classes. A week could be some yoga divorces strong in cody. I'M A YODA Sarah Want it badly? I want it in my mouth when you are ready. SURRO-. It in my mouth, feeling thirsty. She wanted that. A will supply. Mass saying. She wanted. A will supply. She's really thirsty. Fashion. Feeling Thirsty! And welcome back. Katie's world, Razzie Dot Com Kiki Katie radio DOT, com, every cast, dot, net and me on twitter at Kiki. Katie Radio Katie radio DOT COM Katie radio. Dot Com facebook. Kinky Katie Radio Fed, light same fucking thing. Google Kinky Katie radio. Yeah. Yeah? That's right hell. Yeah Oh here's. Here's something that you didn't know what's at eggs boiled in the urine of young. Virgin Boys is considered a traditional delicacy in some regions of China. Really eggs boiled in urine young virgin. Boyer boy. Urine Nice noches. You heard Jim Voyages apparently. HOW VIRGINAL A retired about! Well? I don't know Sir like really I. Don't think you can. You can read I think you can why I. Don't never mind your kid P in this. Can't. BE There you go. I got kid urine. I am proud owner of some kid urine crows. And the really weird part is if if said child was eating mushrooms, you would be able to trip off of the earned. That came out afterwards Philly so I'm told. That's the rumor that's going around the INTERWEBS. My, I didn't start it. These things are pretty. They have the these things are called plastic muff mask pants off a mask pants, and apparently their in their their in stock now. Really yes, and they're blue. They're they're these plastic pant like panties like Granny Panties, really that you wear an attached to the crotch. There's like a hood. liklehood face. Attached to the crotch return else so the face is slammed into the CROTCH and with being held there Oh Oh, oh, by.

00:35:13 - 00:40:02

An, and may yeah China's weird. What like I'd so? You're separated from your not separated at all. Okay? Your face is in cry can't make back away. Back to you're forced oral again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, very Rayvey, and as it is very read well. It's not Rabi if somebody said okay. I want to go into that thing. That's true I I would picture it more between somebody somebody not having a deck on the receiving end. because. It would be hard to be that close. That was really close. I mean you know what I mean they do have one for Dude Stu winning can wear them, but the women one has a bigger opening, but there have ever latex. They have one in latex for men. Okay, then have a smaller opening. Seek is Jessica. Dick Throw. Okay Yeah well, it still looks like it's too close. Evident looks like that whole that same thing that we were talking about with the hip hop with the double Dildo on the big Bouncy Wall Yeah. You know they were just really close together. Yeah yeah the Combo of of them. Really close together. It needs to be yeah. Oh No, it I mean they weren't close. They were too far apart. I, don't know the other right I remember you can also get a mace solid, but plug on a handle. Scott three big balls. I don't know why. People see they send me stuff and I'm like Woo. But then, but then some of that stuff I want to try out on other people. Yeah, you want you want to strap my face into. That thing is what you're saying maybe. What happens when you get really excited, I don't know if I want to be like staring down the barrel file I. Mean you're not encouraging any kind of proper performance at all, and you're limiting the access to your snatch with my fingers. I mean really you're cutting me off. Your hamstring me. No, yeah, I mean I can only go half power. I can't go all out. Well well well, well I mean how much you gotTa have if I can't go all out. You'RE NOT GONNA. have any fun at all. We're going to go to your favorite segment. Stab is standing by. In and on the news. It's time once again for Shit. This kid's man is pretty neat. In my opinion, you can buy. Fake boobs. Well, you can get 'cause like Africa's play and stuff like that like you can buy like a chest plate. That looks like you've got enemy boobs big heavy. Enemy boobs. This is getting very much easier. If you are a boy and you want to become, get our. Lady SUNATA. Grandma's naughty. That's A. That, go fucking boobs. They are very nice for a kid. Really for kids well really was yeah. I think so. That's why resonates with me the inner child. Okay? All right. We also have a We have a bonus tits man. Gone well I'm I'm trying to pull it. Yes, those are the voltage it does. We it's it's a poem about pets. Okay says roses are tits. Violets are tits. I love kids kids to tits. Terry. tits. Actually, appreciate Temple I. I have one of my followers on on twitter. She has heart tattoos or under Nichols. I know you were showing. You know you were showing pictures of people with tattoos with. Nala Mangala Everyone Mandala Zeman well I. Don't know what I'm saying. It seems like a hard place to get a tattoo. Around the Neville even. I. Yeah I I would have to get a lot more tattoos before i. got to the point where I want to put something nearby Nibble I don't know well well now I. Don't you know you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah it looked. Good on, you should no, no I. Don't think so. You know what adorn. Can areolas I serve. Rings are enough to are they. Are they really enough? Is In really. Yes, okay, that's way, too. 'cause. They're still real, so they're really squishy and if fucking God. If the underside of my arm hurt like that, there's no fucking way.

00:40:02 - 00:45:02

I WANNA. Get my movies well now your area. That's not your. That's just around its Nivola Jason. It's not to say. Just not the same you I, what? Yeah. What me! No, no, it doesn't flow with my with my. Overall. Share. The completely flows with years. Oh sorry does it matches you yeah, right little little decorative things around the defaulted nivel adornment. That's what I have. The Day shield geared up. She Shield Yeah the guards never cards. Thank you. Having trouble. Well see, you would have the National Guard. Look without actually having guard in. That's part of it is to have it in because you have that feeling. batching this, too when you wear a top, that's low cut and things. In such a manner, you would just see the top of the of of the fucking tattoo kind of hanging out a little bit. Yeah Kinda Kinda. Kinda just you know suggesting. Out of their Nipples, start it very soon. Very soon, yes, you're close to. Your in the neighborhood. Neville adjacent. To the source I don't know it's just a pain the pain for me. Why do you? Worry about such things. Because I'm not like you. That's why what do you mean you think I enjoy like painful like getting? Is it. Is it like enjoyable you? You deal with a better than ideal, okay? You can deal with it, too, if you choose to. Yeah you can do it I've seen you. See New. Yes, gene. You refuse to cry in a tattoo shop because. People around and you didn't want to be embarrassed. Yeah and you know how much better off you were for that a lot like it would have been so much worse if you started cry. Yeah you'd gotten all excited worked up in just would have spiraled. Yeah, but I mean. I. Don't think anyone would blame me for Chri. Nobody's nobody's talking about blaming my God team hand for crazy. Okay, but what what I'm saying. Is You know you got through something because you didn't want to be embarrassed by, and you were better off because you did like. If you let it get to you, it's GonNa get to you if you don't let it get you, it's not GonNa get to you. Or still might it still might get you, but you got a much better chance. If you fucking try to do chilly, Willy. Yeah, yeah. Just relax just ECON how to relax. You have to accept what's going on and say you know. This is what happens when I want body decoration. Yeah, now I want this thing and so this is what I have to do and getting upset about. It is GonNa make it worse. So, for my own best interest, I need to just fucking. Chill out somehow to my bigger panties on it saga. You're GONNA have to. Well, you know because sometimes when you do, it's a better thing for you. That's how I used to get on on like scary rides for me that he didn't want to. At the like a the fares and shit. Like if I go with friends, or whatever is 'cause? I'm like little. Kids can do it, you can. Do you see that his rule young if he's GonNa Fuck and have fun on this. You can't do fucking. Book Up. Man Up and Goddesses Gary. You know who you should ask would be like your your submissive France and you because they go through weird shit all the time, and obviously there's something they're doing you whatever? There's some way that they're looking at it to where it's not only a negative experience, but as a positive one. You. Just need to figure that out. You need to unlock the door. Now Yeah, I door lock I don't need another verse wheel. Fares will incident yeah, and pirate ship all. It should scares me so fucking much. Yeah, so much, yeah! No it. Well either. We'll because I don't really like when I go to a carnival like a small carnival. We all have the same feeling like Carney's well. WHO The fuck put this up? And how drunk were they when they put it up? Well this, this isn't fucking Disneyworld like like who looked. NOPE, nope, who looked fucking shit and I'm up at the top of it so I. I'm I'm prone to being nervous anyway, because I do not trust whoever fucking cletus that put it up, and then the wind blows that says got. You've got that panicked.

00:45:02 - 00:50:00

Look at your face. You started to freak out and I was like you fucking. Cut It out this instant God I. Cry Out and guess what you cut it out. You stopped. You got scared because I was looking at you like I was GonNa. Throw you off the fuck if you didn't shut up, did. It started. I started dating to yet because. I was you were GonNa Freak me out I was starting to freaked out like and look I can't fuck -til this. You know what I mean. Yeah, now you need to be fucking quiet because you're not helping me at all it. We're at the top of this thing. We're not getting off until it just got to go around and we're fine. We're okay one more time. The asshole that's like right beside us like put it up top, and you're like I. Hate you so much. I. Don't know what it is that feeling inside of me that like like when I've been in situations where people paying and they're like freaking out I I, usually get slightly nasty like to them like you need the fucking. Calm down like I'm not like honey like I. Now for whatever reason it just it startles me in such a way. Defensive not offensive like I like I. I feel like I wanna go murder balls on like 'cause. You're adrenaline. Probably I mean I thought going to hit my mother. That will because I. You can't fuck in. Thank right when every when things are going. fucking got that thing about. How yeah, it's not healthy situations. And if we need to do this, you need to shut the fuck up. You need to dial nine. One one and I'm going to do this. Everybody did it. Did they not know and it fuck it worked, but I I like I. Don't know what it is. I I can't stand for you know. Well, we somebody died that night. and. It was helpful that everybody stopped raking the fuck out. It was see. Most people have heard of the blue waffle. They've. The Blue Awful. If don't look it up. Yeah, fun going good blue. Awful will now you can make yours at home. Wait. Wait wait wait. Blue Awful. Those who don't WanNa fuck it. Look it up the blue awful. It's it's essentially some kind of a US Gusto purse. Something happened just. This. Yes something happened to this fucking is. It was deformed in purple. Sexually. Somebody had a fucking ironic problem necrophilia. Boyfriend was probably leading other people. Smell it to you know. Really fucked up. Yes, so so we don't know what it was because nobody knows I'm sure there was a real person attached with a real problem, but it was just one of those disgusting pictures. You sent somebody to make them see yeah well. You can turn your own waffle blue. Because Cap'n crunch I got I know how to do that. Cabin crying attitude, we'll do a jackass style came out we gotta do is wind up. Kick you hard enough. I've had that. Vacuum pump. And Emmy not just a vacuum pump will turn that bitch up rose. Anyway, they came out with a ocean blue waffle syrup. Oh okay tenure off a blue with me a real awful. Yes. That's that's the. Oh my God, you could put it all over your statue if you wanted to. Stuffing stopping you. Or Your Day. For One Full Syra You can, you could have total smer fantasy with your significant other i. Could in case Mark Jazz. You think it's like opaque. White. Blue Likes Murph jazz like because obviously, he's blue. And that's just the way it's gotTa. Be Cartoon Land. I would say that it. Will it Super Milky blue now I say super. Yes. Super Pale Pastel blue, but Easter blue paralyzed at a paralyzed. Candied Yeah DUDE DUDE! Pick. There is a guy. He was on a fucking zoom call in the middle of a conference, and he thought that his camera was off and he started Juergen off. Yes! Yes was he on the call with somebody? He was wanting to bang maybe.

00:50:02 - 00:55:01

For yet. It was like Oh my God. Holy Jesus Christ. You're so fuck it that I don't know. He said that he was so embarrassed and there was three women there were on the call. There was nine people altogether. Yeah, yes, so he quote didn't know it was on quote. Yeah Okay I don't buy. Wow! He just wanted to be seen. Monday to make it look like an accident. See if he could get away with my co workers yeah. Yeah Gabby. fucking accounting had been given him the eyeball he thought, and he wanted to see if she was interested. And the and the best way we all know is the Louis CK them. Jerk off right in front of them now yeah, well. He Has Ruben I. Okay. Well this was a quote accident. Yeah same idea into into. You just happen to see me you see my technica. That's an HR calls of office. Actually, it would be another zoom call. Hey, this is HR's is Bob from HR. Hey, how you doing I'm we? We gotta talk about something my. God Are you Georgia. Oh my God I ever reside. Jesus cries. I was appointed. Right up. Your asshole then is a really strange gooch view. Oh, well you know because I was on another call with my proctology. 'cause I have to have. My. Polyps check. And dragway anyway, we'll think of asses. There is a guy that had to was completely mortified when he had to go to to a hospital. Because, he accidentally. Sat on fish. He was complaining. He was having intens, abdominal pains and When he told the nurse. Mistakenly sat on this fish, reportedly, she said. Do you think I'm an idiot? The old, the old fish up the ashtray. Fish wasn't. Talking about like A. Bottom feeder what work? To roll him up. Like a Burrito Ballyhoo of eight fish, ooh, pin fish house squid. Occupy how that would be a little a little difficult to squish up. There be shocked. To. Know wasn't a little baby shark now. Do you know you don't even know? It could have been a baby shower I? Think they would said shark then instead of fish. But I don't know wrong of people. Miss Identify Sharks official time as a church are fish. They are yeah. That's because they are fed water dwelling. That's just assume you almost fucking jet I. mean me out of that did I do did. You all the time. It was me all the time I. Trick Tricky Way. A double double clutch fish up the ASS trick. Value we can just take like a leader Hook it to the Ballyhoo is. Ask and throw overboard and troll with him. Sure, fishing work. I wonder if it went up backwards if you could digest it. Now. Not South Park what are you leave? Should out your mu who's to say who's to say? Are you to say I don't know I. Don't know what's possible. It doesn't work humid bodies in amazing fucking machine. You, don't you don't know what it could happen. It could happen right bill nye. You it could happen in you. You, actually that could have it with you. Because your your digestive liquids are running different than most people's. Yes. Mostly in your intestine idea, we do because you've been rearranged, but. Glaxo? That's. Run Downhill so. or Stream. It. Why doesn't get sucked upstream? Oh, that's usually if it's like a suppository of some sort of just disintegrates lords into your body, which is why it's key, you should always have a retrievable method for anything. You're sticking into your body. I mean. I said that right off the fucking bad, did we? Yes, yeah, that's right. You heard something inside inside your whole inside your nose inside your body that you gotta an electrifying Oh. You're going to want to have a way of retrievable already plan. Don't think that your. Yeah, I can just reach up there. Maybe you can maybe can't. I'M GONNA. Tell you now you might not be able to. We've lost things inside you. Yes, we've gotten him out. Yes, now without some panic.

00:55:02 - 01:00:01

And route around. I wasn't paying all like we were just talking about that I. Don't panic. I know well. Wasn't you the fact that you care I? Know So. Now you do. I have a mental thing battlefield batteries. Zipper is like. Is it on, no, I don't know it's not on anymore I. Think they wait move certainly get. You. Know we had to do fucking obstetrician exam most yeah, I had to go okay. Put your legs bag. Hold your legs. We rotated your, but up I literally put. On on on the top of your pubic mound to push your fucking cervix boop popped into my fingers and I grabbed it and bulge out. See Also that was funny though I remember being Pretty Schiff, so that happens. Yeah I remember laughing for for the most now is in her very first department to. Super Super Freely. Laugh at, and it's okay, look. Look, we're going to get it out. Eventually. We'll get it out. Let let's at least try. Let's not freak out and run into the leads at least be I'll take a couple of fingers. I'll put on a little headline. Everything He. Had Landry rebound while you know, you got to be able to see I. Don't have a hand to be able to hold light. Okay! We are going to end tonight with this. There was these these two men. They got hired to help the dude with one of his fantasies. And they they ended up in the wrong. The wrong address. Yeah Rape Fantasy. No No What, what what he was into is, he wanted to be tied up and someone take the handle of a room. Okay, go around his his. Cock in Bosnia Poke Him who? For the broom handle really yeah, really nothing tied around his cock pit bulls. A wire you said I know tied up just tied. Like poked out with fuck, Umbro K., yeah! Little DSM fancy Ashi on. ICP Yeah. Do you know? And I remember that at all woo woo. Anyway. You're quoting fucking lyrics. Believe is the great willing go see you are a fucking now I wonder why a lot of the people I have I'm friends with on facebook happened to be close. I don't know why this happens I. Don't know I, don't know. Because I mean you. You know like magnets when you have the north. In the north. You know every year. Just some people are attracted to the same kind of people. That's what I'm saying. Hey well just real they. They ended up They had machetes on them, and they weren't sure if they were bringing their to kill the guy, or if they're bringing their as props to with the fantasy. Fantasy the room fantasy who run. Brew Okay by Indiscriminately People. He doesn't know I'm sure that was a key part of his fantasy. It was And said it wanted to be as real as possible real as in what it's, you know. I really will poke you this fucking Bro, and the was he's. There was even documents that he said he was willing to pay five grand. If it was quote really good, okay. What really good, really good anyway? They ended up at the wrong address, and it was like six o'clock in the morning because they said. Somebody's house Dave us into someone's house. Because there's a light on because the guy said you know, I'm be making coffee in my kitchen. Really this won't. This is what time I get up. Is this like the new swatting? When her, she said in the SWAT team. No, you send people wanting to poke people with a broomstick. As ascribe so bad it. Would I bet it's happened? Heard People doing that? All the time was fucking You know for a good time. Call this person you know like put out ads and Fuckin- back paid. Yeah, yeah, we'RE GONNA go. Do we yeah, okay, all right everybody in panicked. Like, your mother's you got. Something like Old School Thing crop the picture. Crop pigs are. All right we gotta go I hope you guys have a great rest of your week week month. Whatever you're doing day working whatever you have even for me a C O. Go, go. Many more gives lease vox on demand I don't know. I gotta go I love. I'd go.

01:00:09 - 01:00:24

Hi My friend and I Does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript