#306 – Seedy Bottle Club Sex
You are currently viewing #306 – Seedy Bottle Club Sex


This week!

5/17/2020 Katie does interviews... Kinky Katie's World tattoo... Someone wants to lick Katie's pee... Eat a dirty dick candle... Nut funk season... Don't do cocaine in my bathroom... Questions to ask before a massage... Seedy bottle club sex... Bug chasing, Russian roulette with your dick... Ordering a prostitute with room service... Strippers now wearing masks while performing... The sheriff who is a swinger... Stuffing your vagina with a chicken... Episode of "Rule 34"... Single malt urine whiskey... Two faced man driven to kill himself by his second face... Kinky Katie's weekly porn pick - sex machine rape... Shrimping - the new more extreme version... Tits Man - Boob beverage dispensers... Sight shaming... Pinwheel BDSM tool... The anus is too close to the vagina... How big does the cervix get.

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#306 Seedy Bottle Club Sex

00:00:04 - 00:05:07

The following program adult content Kraz language of sexual manner completely irresponsible. Advise along with some things. You'll wish you could hear if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day. The weekend has landed all the exists. Now Clubs Drugs. Popes and part of four hours from the world man. I'm going to blow steam on my like a screaming cattle. I'm going to cut shit to strangers all knife. I'M GONNA lose the plot on the dance floor. The free radicals inside me a freaking and tonight. I'm Chitra Travolta on three. I'm going to Never Neverland with my chosen family man. We're going to get more out than meal. Strong advocate. Anything could happen. Tonight could be a personal. I'm alive each quick buck per and watched a lot man and now live from rule. Thirty four stadium. I bring you girl that reminds you. Anything can be used as a DILDO. If you're brave enough here she is your host the one the Yummy can be Katie. How welcome to the show. This is Tiki three six. I am your host gator and with me as always is my favorite plus this what is going on maybe Dowell shirt. Yeah Right. We are live is from rural thirty four studios RAZZ radio live dot Com peaky Katie radio dot com radio kiosk dot net. Oh busy week. Busy J. Yeah it's fucking Mooney I'm outside everybody's going ape shit one way or another. Yeah it's it's either going ape shit or they're going ape shit but in different ways Abe shit kinds of shit going on. I'm just telling you the funniest I've seen it a while. It was a whole fucking group. Red Shirts from Star Trek and it as the first wave to go out after corn team The red shirts. Yeah no it's good you guys get you. Don't Oh my goodness gracious. Well we've got a fun show for you today. We have a e breath. You we have a new tits man and Weirdos and fun stuff from around the web plus Yeah our usual brand of banter that y'all have grown to love. Why not why would you call it? Okay yes my rambling and and you going off on rance that are interesting to note rant anything XP choose. I'm just thinking of I'm thinking of earlier. You're all wound up. When you came home from work it was I you weren't you are yes. I didn't notice of course not. I didn't notice it all well anyway. I did a skype interview earlier today. For horror screams video vault which is going to be on youtube very soon and a few other sites. I've also I've got a couple more youtube interviews with different people that That is in works of being scheduled as we speak up. I was very impressed with the. It Department this time because you had no issues doing anything you wanted to do right. Because he he taught me very well on sort of so. It worked out for once. I'd say the fucking new lighting setup is awesome. Yes so I totally appreciate that big gigantic or light it is. It's very cool scary Romo. We almost have to film something now for the shows. I think I think ratings I mean we filled up for a while. But you know I know people were still asking and They still ask like today. The Guy Pete Peter. He said he's like. Do you have a Youtube Channel? Oh I did sub stupid. A while ago kicked off a bit almost have to like have a start a separate channel for it because probably that you well. You already have some striking coming on. I know I it's. You're not long for the universe. I don't think you're GONNA get food at some point. I have to find something else. Show my self something something something or other. I don't know but anyway if you if you look like a Hashtag meet the actor. That's where that's where you're gonNA find any I'll post the links and shit like that you know when it POPs up but I'd say I was pretty happy with the with the way my face looked. Hey with the new Studio setup you're taking to it very well quite nice so there is there.

00:05:07 - 00:10:10

There's a person on twitter. A fan of ours on twitter he He is seriously considering getting a Kinky Katie radio or Kinky Katie World Tattoo. Yes other mark of the beast the the market of as well I said well. What were you thinking? Where are you thinking of putting it? Well he tweeted out a picture of his back and he said probably somewhere around here to hide the hair or distract from the hair but it really looked like it was focused on trips out. Okay so I think he's getting a he's thinking of a tramp stamp. Will the tramp stay the so called? Let's say let's just so call it. What do they call it now? Lady area no now some like a billboard. Okay like a whore board that Brian instead of one time. We're getting do yeah. I don't remember what he said. I know but I remember it was funny was a new way. Okay C. D. E. WHATEVER OECD I. I don't remember either and I don't have it. Well that's what I'm saying. What chance do I have? That's really your. You're you're only hope no don't say that your only hope that's so sad. Di Gata die. I so I've talked about a couple of times. There's there's dude this another dude on twitter then I'll get off twitter. Who He's he got in trouble too because he he left for a couple of weeks I didn't hear from him and now it's is backup like seven times a day. I WanNa Lick you WANNA drink. You're sweaty P cover vagina will see and I'm just saying I said no four hundred times. Yeah and he's he's not from here. I'm pretty sure because the spelling mistakes it sounds like it's from like translate or shined anyway. Whatever so now he's starting to email more will know he's he's been. He's emailed me a couple of times now. It's getting emailed more and finally I wrote back to him today. I had been just ignoring his emails because I had had an. Is there anything wrong with somebody liking your bodily fluids? No that was really what we're talking about giving if I can rest if you if you just don't get a response or if you're just keep constantly doing it and doing it doing it like eight nine times a day. That's going to annoy the fuck. Outta me and I'm GonNa say something well so anyway. I re I wrote him back and I said Yeah. Please Stop I. I don't fuck fans okay and you either as you can't lick my urine covered for China. That's so anyway okay. I don't know whenever you just want to make it clear. In case he was listening. Really is what you're saying. You wanted to double up on the message. Maybe okay clear enough. Thrown out his name to it. Didn't like translate properly to whatever language speaks. Is that what you're saying? Okay pretty much okay. What bothered you less. If he was native to the America here now now no not at all might bother me more okay. Because it's like you know how women over here like to anyone. Whatever it's just what if one day you want your pilot I mean you throw away your chance. You had a chance. There's always trusting. There's always somebody who's willing to be. There's usually more strange thought but not really strange. But there's usually more than one ass ever seen. Yeah I'm just saying anyway. So the perfect gift for There's a candle it's to bag of dicks. Yeah so if you want eat a bag. Addicts on a candle decorative candle you can give to someone. Just go back with dicks. Who well is it dirty? Dick's or what kind of Dick other kind of a deck are there non dirty? Dick's yes you have an autopsy day. Okay so you say other people would not agree. It's depends on your perspective is what I'm saying okay. I'm sure there are plenty of people that been. I love with thing. I mean you remember when you remember when I sent the picture when I set the desktop of our bodies phone a picture of my nuts on his phone you know we said that was desktop and you know the idea was not only were they manned nuts but they were my band nuts that the fact that they were actually mine made it a lot worse to him and to everybody else see.

00:10:10 - 00:15:02

What does that say about me? Arrow because I have those things slapping against meal the toy. You're better than I am. I it's okay. It smell like dirty. Dick's yes. I signature vanilla dirty dex. I mean the whole bunch of them. I mean if you're right out of the shower okay and freshly but once you start walking around you know I mean. Is it really that fresh anymore? It doesn't take but like a few minutes to create some not funk. Well Florida is real rare. You know it's summertime right. Yeah Yeah it's not funk season not fully season Soi we definitely are no doubt if you're not into it where you're at in the heart of the world year from trust me right here in Florida. Yeah it's it's not funk do please are in fucking snow right now which blows my mind. There are people who live on the southern part of the world. And we've got like a fucking hurricane coming out. Yeah it's winter there summer. That's the way the planet works. No I met like Michigan. Got Snow fucked. She can still Erdo State yes they are just making sure we have fans in Michigan. I know you are guy. Well there's another one that I thought was funny it says. Please don't do coke in my bathroom. That's the candles. What a rude person have people over and totally let them not. Let them do blow in the mouth or well. My my friend actually really laughed about it because I gone to school with his elementary school ad. I had a party at my house when I lived in. Orlando the first time after high school I did. I had a party a Halloween Party and I actually had a dad. I did ask someone like please through my my mouth around. You like so anti blow. He hadn't done it yet sand. Well that's true. I don't know like I I was eighteen years old and I was just like but I had already done like a bunch of as before that and and other pills ecstasy. So you're okay with all that but not a little bit a little bit of coca at the time I was like put anything up your nose. That's awful yeah I could take these drugs. These different these to save. Oh I could chew these right up your asshole. God forbid don't put it up your nose. Cocaine is a little bit will. I don't know it does seem to make out. There's a different vibe on it compared to like LSD or Ebina anything like that. I mean it's a completely different five. You really get the. I'm GonNa Talk to you whether you want what we want to hear it or not do. That's right so you have no volume level. Not Stop Grinding. My teeth no matter what I do. Deer man fell down. Give me some and then alcohol stops working at at some point where you're just you're so fucked up on on fucking and Phetamine of one for Oh my God. Yeah nexus down to a different vibe so I think I take please to blow the bathroom. It might be a reasonable request. Maybe budge eighteen year. Old Oh God. It was eighteen year old and half of them were stored every store gold for that Stewart. I stick stews. I don't know but it's so funny because literally they were like if you ever saw that catch me if you can looked really alike. I'm used to hate you but that that was way back then. Now everyone's like gay or I mean I don't know whatever there's sometimes where people go to get they go to spas and stuff like that like retreats and Shit Okay and sometimes the staff forget get asked. I can't talk right now. So some like weird and odd questions like someone who's like what if I get a fucking hard on during a massage. Is it okay to rub myself? Is that okay? I know no happy endings.

00:15:02 - 00:20:05

Get that that's really demeaning. However meeting wine quaint I really I can rub out right. Is it the Louis? Ck special you are asking you are asking. Yeah and there's nothing wrong with that you say. Hey can I do this? And you're like no no okay and that's what is the problem. It's one of those things. People obviously aren't going to like it when you ask if you you know what? I mean if not received well. It's not going to go well because you just asked if you could check off in front of somebody so you really have to be prepared to like each it. You know what I mean. If you'RE GONNA bust out with the CAN I just jerk off in front of you. If if you get beat up over it guess what you got beat up over it and you you know you gotta take your up because you took your shot however but you didn't you did but you. Didn't you know it could go horribly horribly wrong horribly horribly wrong as well? I don't I personally. Don't see a problem with it if you say no. And that's the end of it. Well so I hear you sure care. Don't get me air the floor of the whatever that you would think you'd be lab. You're really not like if somebody asked you that. Usually like get the fuck away. Okay well it depends on what it is. It's like a weird guy off the street. I WanNa Watch me jerk about what are you saying? It's always if somebody has walked up and we have actually been asked this. Yes it's somewhere guy. Yeah it's narrow like some girl because usually we know a lot more really. Yeah Dude are like a dozen coming around being weird dad. You're coughing Freddie you. Can I just do this little? Would you go suck owner titties while I jerk off? Well we've done that. Yeah so I guess I know they were asking because we had. Let's tell the night of the Danish dude at the bottom club Danish June. Oh did you know Dude who's trying to buy you. Yes he was a Polish Danish. Your brain is not working well anymore. Definitely Polish Okay Polish. Well you know Eastern European questioner monarch. I don't know he smoked. No not foreign but like Slavic foreign. Because he sounded like he was speaking Russian. But it could make Croatian anything because I don't know what the fuck he was saying but he kept pulling out money and that was a weird. It was really weird. I was very started getting swatches. Wallet Drugs I don't know what he wanted to gave his a bunch of stuff. Well I started giving pass a twenties to let him sit next to me and watches meg out about a bottle club bar. Basically that doesn't serve alcohol but you bring your own alcohol he slab. Your name is with a sticker Ziti. It's about a CD. Israeli foreseen CDs US zone as the we had. We had a good time it was archive. Shithole for a total show. I would not want to see that place. The lights went on. I refuse to close my eyes if you made me go in there. That was a while the lights are on this gay goosebumps to errol as a crusty gross place. Who did a lot of fucked up shit there? Well yes so. The Guy wanted to buy you because we were fucking around too because you could actually do whatever you wanted if you wanted to write down the bars still. That's what you did do a fucker real according to the bar you that too. I don't know if I would do that. Would well. Because they would probably throw you out but however they knew what was going on. I'm sure they had people fucking shoot in the bathroom. Like passed out. Like and not like a Julia Roberts Hooker and like pretty who but like a nasty disgusting. Yeah are cranky evolve porn playing on the TV screens. Different cubbyholes the going to be gross in people people from every bar in the neighborhood that closed it for days now five six in the morning and they are just piled into this fucking place strippers and generates and it really. It sometimes was like a scene out of like fuck fuck fucking I don't know what. Sodom and Gomorrah National Reference. There would be like people doing whatever yeah anywhere like negative on the dance floor again whether fuck toy.

00:20:05 - 00:25:01

Nope that's bottle. This time like go baddie like and that it was in the quarter of a plaza and it was right a couple of stores down from a Strip club called the porthole pub. Four-hole know well what's her name. Dance there for a long time. Yeah and I used to have a hairdresser that worked there during the day. My Dad No. We've actually know people who've worked at that little little hole into all I'd only been in that place like twice though I'd only been able I've only been once the Porthole Shit. Sonatine really sounds like it's a gay gay bar it does. But it's not. Let's take the Ramrod Rod wait a minute. That sounds familiar. It is a gay bar a okay. What do I know asking you? Why what do I know that I don't know? Glory Hole. Jim I know that played even if I like. I would never Laurie Hall of just like Dick. Even if that was my thing I don't you know I don't know it's is this. It's just not not what I would do for me. That would be that. Sounds like a bug chasers. Sort of thing to do because of bug chaser. Is it someone who has like risky sex they they would raw dog someone with HIV. Yeah like the thrill of it. Well if I think I get sick. But what if I don't yes? And they bank people with different fucking. Std's and check. Yeah yeah like like Russian roulette with your nuts. I know I don't know people are weird. People want to lick your urine. You're ball sweat. You don't even have balls and they want your boss White House. What eat my poo. See and you're and you're wondering about Latte please. I know I have some. I have some very strange people that come to me no ever. You're say you're not hurting anybody. You totally deserve. We'll because what I I don't know usually I if they're nice non knowing. Yeah if you're nice and non annoying of course you could be into whatever you're into is long it's not children an animal's none of cool exactly so whatever there was a and we've done this a bunch If they can have sex in the in the SPAS TUB or pool. And we've we've done a lot of hot tubs pools. Yes just a pool tables to two pool tables yeahs which will give you one hell of a fucking rug. Burn to that felt is no fucking joke. Ever hurt me a bit that one time. It was after hours at a bar that we used to always go to on film. Yeah no the somebody filmed. Yeah yeah surely did. We've failed to do absolutely would have failed it. Wow it's your drunk again. What a surprise. What are they GONNA do now? Well probably whatever we ask Now I've never ordered a hooker with room service regular hooker. Yes but not with room service. Now you'd never ordered a hooker. No I've never ordered a hooker. I'm friends with hookers. Yeah but never ordered one. Yeah no neither Ri- dope I don't know now. Now never yeah. I'm not saying it never occurred to me. It occurred to me and then I think to myself. Hey there's somebody who will give it away. I mean there's somebody there's somebody I didn't I never lived in a place where there is absolutely no evil like I didn't have to go too far and like Darris. Some like Horny south Florida girl who is willing to let me put my Dick in her somewhere. It totally exists. I might not. I might not care for this person or like. Want to be seen him public with her at all. However there somebody to Brownlow fuck it breath below some guys like that. Well you're into what you're into exactly Go ahead I. I obviously can't say anything about it. I mean I definitely questionable decision making as far as that goes. Don't look at me and I have it. That's a completely different story. Oh that doesn't mean that that's unquestionable. It could be the biggest mistake your life which it's not. It's been good a been okay. We covered that already. You're okay only high praise. You don't even know there's a Speaking fetishes people who are in medical fetishes. This shit has got to be like the best thing in the world. Okay like Oh my God.

00:25:01 - 00:30:12

Everyone's mask stuff. Well there's a there's an Omaha Strip club. They're gonNA open up with masking with masks and gloves so the strawberries strippers are going to are. Required to have masks and gloves. Are they gonNA wear like one of those little Chin Chin fucking Things over there pus. And and it's maybe because How fluids I don't know well that once you got trouble you talked about like ges. Her Lady Ges all over cops and it hit him in the face and like a deadly weapon kind. Well you know really really. I don't remember that at all. Do you remember that story? I haven't done in Miami. Okay Yeah Choose I sprayed them all or just peed them Pete and we don't know we're not getting you know what I'm saying is. Maybe she knows she did not have an orgasm and she just peed on them screen. You pull the back late putting your thumb over garden hose was drunk to Probably was just saying anyway they. What's what's what's what are the odds. You'RE GONNA time that out properly. That's true like the cops are coming her ever ever. I duNno they're Miami location. This place called liquid bliss. Well no no. The parties are called liquid bliss. There was the Florida sheriff. He'd been attending swingers parties there. And there's like pictures all over her sheriff swagger. No I'm just saying that. He's squeezing his wife's tits and there's other guys posing with carsley naked couples and smiling Ma'am between his legs. That's what happens there trigger. Close what did you think I mean? That's pretty much it really. I mean does that like preclude him for being a sheriff. I Dunno no not at all. Yeah well Lalli the blonde check. Somebody could make the argument like like he could be blackmailed. You know what I mean. No he's just the blackmail. She does look familiar. I told you the blonde. I'm showing a picture right now. You'll see in the in the notes in vaguely but then she's got the fucking fake tits carried haircut and spatial early very common. Look I have that WIG? That's the thing that's the thing here again we were looking at. That was a sheriff. Oh yeah you know. What are you going to do? There was a woman. She got in trouble for Well she got arrested after she filled herself stuffing a full raw chicken inside her puss in a public store. And there's a picture of it she's a squatting down and there's like a half of a leg quarter like coming out of Kuch it wasn't like like taste like chicken a game head or anything. It wasn't like a squad you share. It was a full sized chicken. I'm saying looking at fucking chicken of her of her of her says. I don't know if it was cut up into prior pieces or whatever but the part that sticking out and she's look on her face is like oh I mean it. It looks like a full sized chicken. Would she that girl? No actually not really. She's just just buried deeper. Still Still Salmonella aside just could on the spot get fucking in chicken of your. I mean. That's what she warming up in a parking lot or what I mean how. How like like cold kidding stretch? It'd probably did you probably a traffic cone. It's a cold fucking Turkey chicken saying whatever okay. She'll still too big for Posey like well. Okay not too big for Posey because obviously it. Hello mazing okay. Yeah but she is bigger than chicken. Okay but still. Did she squat out in again? I'll three edge. Yes she's squad address. Squatting down right in front of the MEEK Shall Mar Martha Stewart style. Yeah let South Park. This is how you eat a Turkey all. Yeah aw I we're to set a rule thirty four and when we come back. We're going to discuss something this coming back around and you should know about it and other shit and stuff and tits and so come back. Yum Yum time bullet basically and refreshing snack. She got married got married but she has to completely full set of legs so i WanNa know she got this lady got married but she has two so she's a quad legged person.

00:30:12 - 00:35:03

Yes you really. Catchy run in like unit or action is it like one of those robots that can trigger out. At any rate they have extra wheels and fucking. They're like on the directional. At any time. I do not have to move linearly at all. I don't know she's got lots to watch two. Yes okay. Are they both back. That's what I was getting there too. That's my question because she got married to. The one did not patient. He's fucking like that cool. I mean I I mean what I mean is maybe maybe one of them isn't mangum. Oh no they're fully. Are fully fully fully fully functional. Yes can you feel both of them? Do I wanNA roll around at your reach around with the reach around? I don't know do you want to dwell is trying to figure out the physics of how many decks you can get and her side by side by side by side. I don't know if I like it like between one crutch. No no no. There's two crutches so several. There's a crash crotch as crab scratch as as as you go around Anton. It's like if you're looking right at her leg pussy lag. Lash out late like flat. Circular says he doesn't like an octopus pussy. Okay FOUR LEGS. Stay my hair stay up. I'll explain his the understand. God Okay so you have four legs to to to asses. Yes so you go. Leggy taught leg leg leg. Oh where's the ASS behind? Did your double legged to you. You have a whole crowd there. There's not been used. What are you talking about? No you stand by HIP. I doubt it what the hang on. It's fine that's part of one leg. Got One leg is has has a circular. There's the front of the leg back of the leg decide. Yes that's out. Legs word. Legs aren't flat. They're not all with show and was too key. Katie's world raspberry lives dot Com picky radio DOT COM radio nets later at Kinky Katie Radio Katie radio DOT COM Kinky K. Radio CHEMO DOT COM on the facebook on the Google. Because I like it when you Google while our baby. Hey here's a little something that you didn't know this is kind of bodily of bodily fluid heavy show it sounding late. You go right to write to that every time. I don't know how to well. The urine of a diabetic contain so much sugar that it can be purified and made into high end single malt whisky vice fun fact So he didn't know you know. Yeah and if you want to drink Katie's you're the answer is no. Hei already answered that earlier. No no thank you no thank you. Oh there is there is a Guy. He was actually born with an extra face on the back of his head really but he can only laugh or cry okay and he begged doctors to removed it because he claimed it whispered horrible things to him at night and he ended up committing suicide at twenty three. Okay then they put him in. They made a thing of them in the museum. Indiana hey hey face on the back of his head liked the the fucking assassins. On game of thrones like demand to faces like every time we turn out. There's two faces and all he would do is laugh or cry. Oh Hey I guess so. That's what you said. We are fight but I don't remember that character. Game of thrones. I'm like oh no the with no name. The one that the little fucking horror went to and learn how to be a lawyer. Oh No vase. Very Co pays no face no.

00:35:03 - 00:40:01

This is like Baltimore okay. It's no way like either one of them kind of understanding. Hey guess what time it is after after. Hang on hang on. Oh I still want to understand okay. Like he couldn't just knife wound that motherfucker back their control of the arms. You know what I mean like bitch you speak up at night. I'm GonNa poke your ass right in the eyeball. Go right up your fucking nostril with a toothpick. You could've done that. Yeah okay but he didn't what he committed suicide twenty three fuck that second head. I'd head head died with them to What if the back of your head was was a homosexual? Wouldn't matter well yeah he could ever even see my Dick. No No. I'm just saying like someone is looking the back of your head. If he's given a blowjob Scott Note no control. I've got no his you. He's got no control. So good luck getting me to maneuver in front of a Dick. If that's not what I want to do. Whatever I don't fuck it make me do that back of the head face. We are going to go to porn of the week. My part of the one of these days. I'll actually do an actual adequate court. Maybe someone out there is feeling creative. And they're going to they. Can they can okay. Maybe come up with ninety S. We know that's not gonNA happen. So wow well I'm just saying you little faith. I'm just saying we have to give that to create the Creative Department. The fucking sound designer. That's true we had to do that. You keep saying you a little bit. Sometimes like he gets very very very into wolf order for the record. We are recording on an off night. So I mean we're recording on a Thursday instead of Saturday. I know I thought it was going to have Saturday to make said betting. And I I yes. No so sorry about a nice musical bad inserted right here for eighties. What PORN. Katie is watching as my part of the Week. Duty TO PLACE. Do Don't do that so I'm in to kind of back around again. But the now it's a little more extreme but him into Like fuck machine rape don't spit. What did you just say? Yeah what is it called again? I fuck machine rape fuck machine okay. So somebody is tying down of her against their will and violating them with some sort of a fog machine or the fuck machine is censorship like at a I. Fuck machine no like okay. Move around walk and Talk Talking Shit. Right okay. Yeah all right. That makes more sense but now it's not only just gay. I like the straight ones to get. I always thinking Hetero leg in my head it was Hetero. Go Straight to Hetero when it comes to what I'm watching important or you just like expressing some kind of deep seated feelings toward gave seated tonight deep-seated fully out there will you. I came in. It doesn't mean that it's not shaded meaning a deep deep dark place my we'll because you last week you were watching the week before it just was anonymous Dick Hotel Sacks hotel sex but then you were were watching like Gabi. Dsm type stuff. Yeah Yeah and now. It's it's gay fuck machine rape yeah but straight to. Okay yeah okay. Maybe throwing a tranny really have you taken. Advantage of the free premium porn bugging hub. I have not yet. I still don't understand how you run. Run OUT OF REGULAR report. I don't know I don't know either but I don't know out there is going God damn it. I'm already a page ninety seven and Shit I mean I get like if you you like a particular girl or a guy and you go to them and pay them directly for their shit because you want to support him. I I get that you know what I mean. That's a reason for me to see like premium. What it just like porn hub in general premium. It's like why. Why am I giving you money? You give me Freeport like I don't know you're GonNa give me reborn whether I give you money or not. Yeah that's that's that's true however your individuals fucking person know what I mean. Yeah they may stop. Stop stop making my favorite pornography. If I do not give them some money maybe I could see that anyway.

00:40:01 - 00:45:01

I could imagine it. Nothing is going to end is just going to get more different. I think so. You're going to ease up on the male of us at all or you darker with men getting hurt. I don't know I never know. I don't know where the fuck this is gonNA stop. Okay it just pilot through. You're going to end back up like come full circle. It's like you'll head back to pony play for a little while. Then your your go into some more. Yo y'all rediscover your act off torso masturbation videos and then come back to milky. Yeah you'll do loops. I still love love the fingering jerk off Combo. I'd still really hot and green jerk off. Combo. Yeah you know. They've got like two fingers fingering their ass and then the other one jerking the hot. Sounds like a lot of work to jerk off. I mean it does. Someone's doing it to someone else. Oh Okay Yeah Yeah. That's like the Katie special. You'RE GONNA try to shove some figures up some ass if you can get the many. You're definitely going to try. I can't remember too many times where you got near my ass in did not. At least try. I love that. There's been a couple of people who listen to this show. That have actually told me that. I'm terrifying g very intimidating and your fucking thank you Chop what I I don't know because it seems like you're going to try to do something to to make me mad mad. Yes I'm riled up squirm you same thing and then like a the abuse afterwards because you're a bratty sub and all you want is attention but you are rough attention sometimes. Yeah I know your game I I know what you do Yes I do. That doesn't mean I don't I? I don't sometimes after react to it. I have feelings of a person. Psychology works on me to your table. Yes I know. You missed an opportunity socio material from southport. It's really good material though solid. I ain't best seasons. I think I still watch. Oh my goodness so this is this is a sex act that I've not a fan of that. I mean watching. Just I mean when we're talking about porn you know you're not gonNA end up there and watch list is what you're saying. Yeah probably not no. That's fair yeah okay you never know because even now like I'm in the back of my tongue is starting to swell my throat like I'm GonNa fucking gag okay. But but I mean if you're into you're into it but shrimping yeah who who. Wow that's that's yeah. You're going deep diva now. Well according to New Times described sheriff saying to people because some people don't know no and that's what I'm doing right now. Okay yes so. According to New Times the Guy who the author of this article excuse me. He said that he discovered shrimping He was told about it by a Miami police officer who wanted to remain anonymous he He was investigating a sexual battery case. And now how it was explained to hold shrimp fast. Shay he had the all you can eat buffet. Aka. I wondered what it was code for. When they say we're going to red lobster deny okay. So we're in Miami. The twos learning about shrimping. Now okay shrimping. Is One dude getting totally a train? Run on his ass. Does it have to be trained. Yes okay I think it had to be a train. It's several okay. I think it had to train. Thought it could just be one. That's what I thought too but no I excuse me okay. No I share dying. Okay now you do. You do need an aspirin no but there has to be at least Seltzer. There has been at least three people involved tonic. Because he John Water good all right so anyway so the guy has a bunch of loads deposited in his ass. Okay okay lot of Com- lot lot of come. He loves it. Loves it right at him and they say the that the lucky guy? It's usually yes they said. Usually he celebrating a birthday. Okay or anywhere special.

00:45:01 - 00:50:01

Say Receiver. No no positives own load in the giant. Okay Okay Well A. Pvc PIPE is inserted into the asshole. Abc wait a minute. I always heard it done with a regular Straw. So did I. But apparently that that's too small things they've upgraded they've upgraded okay. Mcdonald's Straw when you go to have a milkshake they don't give it a little small shit. The the big ones vein comes on your head. That's that's that's to try to keep people from using it for blow little that they know it made a really good blow shrout. Allegedly they improve the PUCK and Design Ledge. If you ask me anyway slurpy straws because they had little scoop any who all right so yeah so they stick the PVC. Pipe up. The but one person sucks out. Everybody's deposit said a lucky person birthday boy. Yeah the birthday boy. Got Usually Dude okay to me. We're not Libya right here. I'm not fucking sexist. Eight doesn't have to be you are. You're very correct. Lady or non denominational creature could possibly want do. That could be any gender of any shape. Size won't may want to suck the come pipe there you go. I always heard just with a straw. It could just be one load. It was the the act of of sucking out spoo- from an asset exactly yeah I splurge sucking is the shrimping right because you sheriff. I wonder how it got that. I mean they're going like fucking wailing. I mean there. That's an entire different species of fucking size. They're they're harpooning. Some Shit. Sure have a little tiny fuck in a little tiny sheera. Whatever gets hurt a little generals a little bit Penn State Route? A trade could go boo. Cocky I'll go. I'll go nineteen ninety five fucking rules here. What the Hell is going? Nineteen hundreds rules of Thou. That's out there was never a pvc pipe it necessary to actually complete the shrimp take fell cheap and Belcher. Same idea. Well Yeah Yeah Ulchi. Another show is part of of shrimping. Shriveled she go hand in hand they really. You could look it up. You can now. So we're going to your favorite type ish steady boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for their is now Japanese life flake. Fuck dolls the dispense beverages when you squeezed. Their booby are they. Bigger than regular stereotypical Asian moves. Yes they're anime. Boots can put anything in them as well really. Yes anything anything. Oh so you squeeze them and they they come out like milking style. Yes like an utter and again kind of like an clockwork orange. They had milk coming out of her. Nippy could could be could be beer. Could be whatever could be whatever. Listen to your heart. I don't know if I like that or not. But I think I like it. Sake tits your mind. Everybody's GONNA put their mouth all over the fucking Tequila movie. You know what I mean. Whatever you're you're you're the only one that sucking on the navy a good time if I'm the only one second on the Navy I don't know I don't take A. I'm having a good time. That just means I'm sitting drinking alone are you? Were really alone you have. Lc The Tequila Cow Day would be elsie. Then but it would have to be way more ethnic. If you're doing okay. We could go with Maria. Okay I don't know who's S Rajaie right. Sounds like a drug dealer. Sure okay. Why not. Anyway that's your here for the week. Hit Man you can get beverages. Outta a bubis. What what other. Nothing okay is it really. Okay okay thank God. What are we doing a show? I'm there's something that I was I was looking for you. Try to read again. Yeah like slowly realizing that you may need glasses.

00:50:01 - 00:55:01

Yes I know okay. You're slowly realizing that. I can't see shit and now now do you. WanNa take back all the making fun of me. I Make Fun of you. Make Fun of me all the time but I can't he stuff. I think you look good and glasses. But that doesn't mean you don't make fun of your you just fucking change the subject there you deflected. I think you look glasses. What does nothing to do with what I was talking about? Whatever the ridicule please site Shamar how my God forget site shaming? Oh excuse me as when I'm trying to find a picture and on my particular laptop I can't friggin zoom in so I have to hold it really close to my face so I can see what the Fisher is. You Make Fun of you for that. It's like esther at the fucking big hall who tried to see her fucking cards guide about one inch away forever eyeball you know what I mean. Get your magnifying glass. Oh like right up on it thing. Well senators I do have to go in the kitchen and hold something under the under the hood light and dark star. That's why can't say dark bugging small. That's okay that's okay. Just lean in. Just lean in. Hey at least I can see when I'm in front of your face. Okay I can see you know. You can't yeah tell me. I'm all blurry you're you are blurry what you're in my grill. So sure okay but I still could see you obviously see. That's what makes this more fun would first of all I would never tell you if I completely couldn't see that's like a boxer telling you hey I'm blind in my right eye. Michael is being fought for like. I don't know how many fights with a fucking glass. I didn't say God damn thing did say Shit Dude how to fake eyeball. I do with glass the moment I fucking saw him. How can people not know was fighting with what I want? I'd fucking fighter. Well he's gotTa fuck a make. Sure he hits the right fucking hand. I don't know what my point was. Don't know it's poor was either. Oh dead that I could still get back at us. I'm telling you so if you decide to strike even if you blind me. Even though I can't see I'll I'll find a way. Combines you get back blinder cited I I will train a kitten. Choose something to I. Don't know okay. Yeah the cats won't do a damn thing. Oh Oh you say that. Cats are tradable. Dare people in that train. Cats do all kinds of things. Yeah but they're not going to go murder balls on their mother. I say murder balls. It may not be murder balls. It could just be something really annoying shitting on my pillow. No way more insidious than that. Look this way more than city like every time you fucking go to gentle. You know they will do that or you or it could be something that could go horribly wrong and it could get conditioned so now anytime anywhere and I hear some cats rare but I'm like okay and you're complaining I I'm trying to favor. Yeah doing you a favor. If you WANNA do me a favor I want. What are these really things? It's a seven role pinwheel. A- yeah it's it's it's It's a handle on the end. It looks kind of like a weird kind of aeration thing for your yard like an actual pinwheel. Now it's got it's got little tiny spikes all around the circle. Okay and you can roll it so it's does little tricky okay but if it's like a wheel yes it's like a like a a wheel thing that you will across something of holes in it right docker and aerator. Yeah it is. Yeah like soccer. What are what are you doing with that? Why are you showing that today because if you guys need to try it looks scary but trust me? It's really not because you can use it for a whole bunch of different sensational things like if you of course if you wanted to be Vero and you could just really jammed in roll it like your pizza. Cutting whatever or a blood is what you're saying you definitely could but I think because it has some long spike's on it to does and they're and they're they're short prickly little fuckers. You rolled it over lightly. It would be slightly ticklish. They have them also in smaller ones too like they have like a single. Wurley one. Amin you do it over the single roller what I've seen. We used to have one. Okay see maybe that's where I've seen that you'd be it rolling over the balls you can rule it over the clairol note. No we're not rolling it over the ball's GonNa tell you right now. No I'm no negative. I'm okay with that what I have.

00:55:02 - 01:00:03

I have my things like like I feel like you may fuck up and roll too hard and perforate mice grote. You'll like pin me down. Something maybe see what fogging saying take up and then a whip it like free. We had this. Aw negative but that would go down your sides though I would totally down your sides and negative. No you can't make me. That's called consent lady. Yeah I know I don't know about that watching fucking fuck machine rape videos to to fuck. Okay you have a fuck machine bad and I sleep next to you. I picked up. Some are today to see what I'm saying. Yeah Okay Yeah I mean you you. You don't worry me no go ahead take your best shot. God I would never do anything without consent and if I'm not going to rape you fuck machine okay. Okay just so. We're clear. Sure I'm putting it on the record definitely film it. 'cause you're like that but I would only have it for me. This be my own versatile. Your personal fucking. Do you have personal porn? Maybe I'm not I'M NOT GONNA fucking put it out there to you know. Y- you know that's not native. You like to threaten me because you like me squirming God threatening Yup Talk Doll Talk. All of one hundred percent bit benefit. There was a there was a kid user. There is a did. He quite shot tonic. Quite I laid Tarik. He he wrote this this Advice column because he was having a fucking issue. He says that his his girlfriend's anus is too close to her vagina. Keep hit wrong hole Katie Zig. Zag he said in fact. It's barely even an injured part. I don't understand. Oh let me guess. Do you work for for that. Fucking heavy hop fuck. All those things are far apart and I mean you could. You could spread them part. If you ought to show good you just pull it. Pull it in the fucking taint down. You're just like tank curtain over the ages. Take Curtain tank curtain. Just pull it down so you don't have to see. See what what. The Fuck is a tank curtain over. Oh God I don't know how I mean. Does he realize that this is just however bill? That's what I'm saying. Even understand this but he goes on. I mean the fucking thing is long I? He's that it's like they're right there. They're right next to each other and right there. They're like that on every woman. There never separated by very much. I've never seen one more than an inch apart. No I haven't either I I would say even less than an inch. I don't know I I don't know how you measure that I don't like from what part of what part that contains. Not even at inches. It no I don't think it's just a fucking piece of skin. That's why sometimes through women give birth at thing rips then it's called the peasy auto we just one of the many reasons why you don't want to try to squeeze her baby out of your such. Oh my God I saw picture to. There's a fucking wheel. There's a wheel it's made out of wood and there's different fucking circles cut out of it and it's naming how much Dilation it is like ten centimeters five centimeters and and they fucking put it over this baby's head and he said this is what ten centimeters looks. Like A MOTHERFUCKER. I'd never referring to that. They're talking about your cervix to up in your snatch like that's not the outer layer of your snatch that's what you normally stretchy par that's the Inter Inter fucking sanctum. Inner Circle Inner Circle. Yeah thank you. I wouldn't want to. I want to do that either. Oh my God oh no dot dots big but people do it and and good take new because we need new people to do shit.

01:00:03 - 01:01:13

Yeah Yeah I got all right. We are getting out of here for the night. Are we sure for the time being? That's what I say you've been fucking skirting out like a minute or two early all the time right on like fucking constantly. I'm right on it. Okay so what you're saying. All right everyone well. You have a wonderful rest of your day restaurant week your month rest. You worship whatever you're doing rescue Dr Wrestling Jerk off session. Well everything's all groovy anything Ha Iraq Doc. Does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript