#305 – Quad Legs Dual Vaginas
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This week!

5/09/2020 Katie's creepy mask... New studio setup... Seeing Katie in public... Some strange wish suggested buys... Pre promoting meet the actor... Thank you for the meme... Don't put frozen Popsicle in your vagina to cool down, but you might be able to put it up your ass... I'm ready for an ass pounding from you mistress... The shampoo challenge and what it has to do with your dick... His wife's singing is so bad her husband is worried about accused abuse... Make women great again. Find out how and where... Is there such a thing as a BDSM switch... Episode of "Rule 34"... Some people's guilty pleasure... Katie's porn of the week... Thrill masturbation... Tripping on dildos... Tits Man - Topless garage cleaning gets woman arrested... The hobag tote bag and why you might want one... Trying to be nice... Quad leg, dual twat, dual anus woman gets married... Another woman gets cartoon baboon lips on her face intentionally... Dragonfly dick shape and sexual habits... Analog life.

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Kinky Katie's World #305 Quad Legs Dual Vaginas

00:00:04 - 00:05:03

The following program contains adult content crabs language of a sexual manner completely irresponsible. Advise along with some things. You'll wish you could hear if you're under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day. The weekend has landed all the exist. Now Club Strokes. Popes and parts of four hours from the world man. I'm going to blow steam on my head like a screaming. I'm going to cut shit too strange his own life. I'M GONNA lose the plot on the dance floor the free radicals inside me a freaking tonight. I'm Chitra Travolta Papa. I'm going to Never Neverland with my chosen family. Man We're going to get most spice out strong advocates. Anything can happen tonight and could be the best life semi three quick Blackburn. What's the and now live from ruled thirty four studio? I bring a girl that gets a little lightheaded. When she stands up too fast. Here she is your host the one the only Kinky Katie. Hello Hello and welcome to this. Oh this is getting number three. Oh five I am your host Kinky Katie. And with me as always is my. It guy with the sparklers. Mr Z. Okay okay some are because you didn't know I was in the kitchen making a cup of coffee and I watch. You're just sitting there shaking you. I don't know what did he that. You've Richard Your fucking ahead. Your hand like thanks thanks. I'll all well because I put on doing several things that I forgot that I really needed to record. The show started and I was frantically tried to get them all and I was down to like. I don't know ten minutes or something talk. I gotTa fuck it to an edge. God Damn it. What the of Intro I got to I have no idea. Jesus Christ Shazad through thing of the past day or two. So I can't make fun of you. Probably could we are coming at you live from Raspberry Live Dot Com Gigi Katie reading DOT COM and Video Kiosk We Got Yvonne. Show for you tonight. A brand new tits man and some personal shit and crazy stuff from around the web. So yeah kkob everybody's doing okie. Dokie eat doing just fine yes I was. I was told that my new master is my straight one. It is. It's A. It's a little weird odd strange Elliott. Okay I did. I sacrifice the curve. My tight sauce did Chen burden. Ask and you you realize that one size does not fit all. That's right I didn't I didn't measure your face. We're supposed to have some coming in the mail but I don't know we'll see what happens. Exactly is make some more. Find some balls honey supposed to provide balls and rush off we also we also. He's going to be one of those nights kids. Oh we also have a brand new porn of the week so yeah. I didn't quite make a song for yourself today Yeah I don't know I don't know what I'm going to but now that the news studio set up is done pretty much like it. Yeah it came out good I I. I'm like what the fuck I thought I wasn't going to have room but have plenty of room. Yeah you do I do yes I do and now if I can put something on the screen that you could see if you chose to if that was your Gig if that was my thing. Oh yeah all right I love it I love it when people message me. And they say okay this is gonNA sound really really weird or or oh.

00:05:03 - 00:10:06

What the fuck is coming? Well you know. Yeah Yeah I do know minutes. Usually the Senate usually right say I saw you so I think you're you're yeah yes. Did you ever do adult movies? And like Yeah Yeah I did know why could you? Could you see the mark left on me while I was just walking around public? Could you see that the whole art exactly going to say it's going to be nice to you for on well? I always nice to me. Well I kind of rolls in two. I had someone ask can you please? Sc How how he feels about you. Doing porn and posing nude posting on twitter. Took the pictures dummy. Because there's this thing to how it's like a husband saying that his girl can have only fans page because he's insecure like I wouldn't want my wife doing it. Understanding understanding husbands are like. Yeah Yeah I totally get it. I mean I understand why somebody might not want to like that. Would freak them out and I get it. But that's just not the way it is you know as you say some people get so. I don't know I think. I think I might have been over stimulated you've been sexual currently bit over stimulated but I mean like I nothing really. Nothing fazes me. But they wanna hear somebody talk about like. Oh my God. How Crazy how disgusting? Something is like getting but you do the same thing. I mean. There are things that you just like. Jesus Christ I don't know you. Have you have normal reactions really but much but there is? There's things that you just you don't WanNa hear about stepbrother. Brothers sister yeah. Oh Yeah ooh yeah adults earn. Who Am I say? I know but I'm talking about like certain fetishes just most of them. Okay I don't I don't know well no no no because when it comes down to his his wish is a is a like shopping website yep and they have the most fucked up shit on there. Some who knows. I mean. We've talked about it over to buy one get one. Sale DOES DOUBLE RONA DOUBLE. Double the shot. Will they suggested to him? A helmet for a chicken. Ha- he's like why the fuck would I he goes. I don't own a chicken nor do I need a helmet for it. Oh you know what it is. They're they're quantum computer has determined that in the future. You will need a helmet for your chicken for your cock. Have Chicken does what he said too? I mean we're talking about it and then type stunt cock somewhere is what he did the and the end. It said you know he's like I'm not gonNA put it on. We need probably semi pigs. Eric I took this this stupid thing that I saw on on facebook. Because you know when I was board and it says like take the first letter of your first name for study of your last name and that's your vagina naming so but mine was actually kind of funny because it's a bitch tunnel. Bid You Matt Person's name is bitch. Donald like of really fine. You don't have to ever drive through it again. Well you say that. Now you'll change your mind. I know I will definitely well a couple days from now. There's no doubt I mean you can say whatever about whatever I may say to you that totally offensive freaks you out but still you'll come back for more. I know I have my machine to take over you. Okay Oh my God. They can't if they if they can't go ahead. I'm also I'm doing. I'm going to be doing an interview this week. Video interview for a horror screams for documentary thing called. Meet the actor yet right. Is that so I'm going to be doing that? And that's going to be out on Youtube and A couple of other sites soon.

00:10:08 - 00:15:11

So you're pre promoting. Yeah I an pre promoted because they they just over the questions to ask me so I'm glad they did so I'm not just like oh I think about it. Okay so just in case I get now sure. I don't love or fun when you just say whatever comes to your mind at the time I get so nervous that I just I. I don't know I I become overzealous and get fucking nutty. Sometimes we people have really. Who are you like? I don't know you're such a different person like you're a sparking homeless Baz. Do I don't know I get a little weird like I can't. I can't stop asking. Do you need anything you really. I can't even expressed everybody. How often do you do that? It would sound like I was complaining but I'm really not I'm just I'm concerned I have to. I have to re post a mean that someone someone sent to. Your Voice is an uncle. Ricky every show though exactly the face. You make a funny. So it's a visual thing is what you're saying. Yeah okay because that's what I do fuck you. Apparently there's a problem that's been will. That's been going on and Over in the UK and in Ireland. Yes and I can't believe that people actually have to be told us but they have to. They're telling people stop and don't put popsicles up your hot to cool up Atlanta tired. Why not when you? Why nine pubs there. What about your ass uttered? What's what about your asking. You showed up. You're asked to call yourself down. I would say yes. Okay up the up the ASS. Yes not individual about dickel now. I wouldn't do that. He would sound. I ice fogging pop. No because of the sugar content okay. That's why they're saying. Don't shove them up your just. I don't know what what it is for dudes. I really don't know I mean guys can get use infections so I don't know to screw you if you're a guy you're not gonna get anything from this all you can watch a g-get. I someone asks have you ever been? Have you ever been caught public flashing? Who are arrested. I mean you've been caught by people. Yeah I that's what I said. I've been COP IV evil but you know I've never got in trouble for it just looks like laugh and I'll be sitting there with just like Taba my titties out and posing with my camera guard. I can't tell that there's someone in the car like the next one over and I'm just like until starting to put on my is. I'm not even thinking of that. No I'm thinking to judge just indiscriminate time you pull out your boobs. Detachable people sought. Yeah them who? There's more than one I think. Yes that's true. There's a I up in my memory is one of the drag king pictures that I took up myself where I look like a dude. Yes anyway was stuck on your page. Were like six months. Yeah profile picture when you got suspended like back to back thirty days. Look please got you for culturally of appropriating and Arctic people. Yeah so now. You know like Young Leather Daddy's I guess I I'm doing something now but a friend of ours I'm ready for my ass pounding mistress so it was at a person that you assumed well you you don't really assume anybody doesn't like it up the ass or does assume because he's already said like to totally take sc for you. Say I know you would because you know because I'm like that's how it is. I don't know why I don't know how it just happens. That way does which is. Kinda funny that you say that because I have at the moment on my on my cover page. Is the jacket to six angels. Would the back of your head? What's that that movie with super eyebrows? He did and you're on the cover okay and there's going to be the giant dead naked bodies seen.

00:15:11 - 00:20:05

That didn't didn't make it in yet. Well yeah that's it happened. They had planned to everybody rolls around naked. And I don't remember exactly nineties and it was actually on film film. Yeah yes so they tell you okay. We have exactly of film so don't Fuck Up. Everything was like super expensive. I I mean not really calm I mean. I don't know that anybody does that anymore. Us Well I'm sure somebody does it but I I get Nagin was I don't care I'm going to get naked. Just would like our second date that we went on. Your Nagin. Okay okay. I drank a lot so so did I see. I really didn't care what I was drunk what I was doing all the time. I think I did sit there because obviously when I faced was all about being out about anybody else I did not care what they wanted in the least well. No the only reason I did it was in order to get something I wanted. Force your hang out or at some point. Get something I wanted. There is a new challenge. That is going around usually. It's all the checks with like the biggest ass or whatever while this called the shampoo challenge a well. What do you think it is? I can't wait to hear this is how many bottles of shampoo does it take to flush out your kidding chief or the mail to go away. Yeah can you got doubles. I got the AD. I'll let you know he's still in therapy after Michael Geffen anyway. Well this ship challenge is when a guy's wearing boxer briefs tight wins okay. He's got like a hard on or just like flop to the side. Like Osama I look at least look like a heart answers pictures. And you're you take a picture of of a shampoo bottle resting on your deck of the. Yeah the shelves shelf. Still don't understand the whole concept of that like so. I heard it described in something that we were watching and by the oral description. I have no idea what you're talking about. I mean somehow your what are you like pop at its. I don't get it I'll show you pictures. I mean if I no no no no no. They're not they're night naked just shows like they're in. Oh okay last off to the side I like up up the up the leg off Okay I get it now. Yeah Lena back right right. Well you're not supposed to but you can totally tell they are talking about balancing it on something you know what I mean. Well it's like the guy who uses it as a springboard for goldfish crackers is the size of a baseball that if you took okay sir take your shampoo bottle ballot on your fucking baseball bat. I'm sure you could do it. But it's not that fucking easy and it's not because the baseball bat is too small to go. It's a precarious position. And God forbid hilarious. God forbid you bend like you gotTa curvature and yeah fat that could help. War could or depends which way you're where your ship did okay so you shift to the other side if it's like down efforts downward. Dour doggy sloppy. Well Yeah. It's shaped like a fucking like highlight Jakub special. I don't I don't Dougie anyway. There is a guy this made me think of you because you always make fun of my terrible voice. I think I do not. I don't make fun of your terrible voice. My singing. No what's IT awhile? You'll buy the tune that you think it is about two two and you think it is. Sometimes sometimes you get it for you get it fine here not horrible at at seeing it. All this guy put a bench outside of his house and he said I'm sitting outside my house so my neighbors don't think I'm hitting her. My wife is in their singing so he's sitting outside with a cup of coffee and a newspaper and again my wife singing in the house.

00:20:05 - 00:25:07

I'm sitting outside so the neighbors. Don't think hitting her and everybody thinks that's real cute at all but really he's just bashing her that's it's completely not only. Is he telling everybody that she can't fuck it and saying but he's being praised for telling everybody that she can't maybe she doesn't want everybody to know she can't fuck it saying do you think about that? They're bob well. What Dick Speak? What Jake speak to speaking of dicks? There is a male hosted conference. That's going to teach women how to treat how to achieve true femininity in two thousand twenty okay true. Evidently uh-huh okay defined. Oh yeah really. And the guess of the Convention is called daughter. No Love Your what. Make women great again okay. And it's all fucking dudes and they teach other dudes how to not be weak and a step up their game. Kinda to make women aware that were they used to be is where they should be and Yay different strokes I guess and then they have not whereas they used to be whereas just like in the home and pregnant or whatever you come home she. Yeah LIKE FIFTIES. Yeah yeah by the colored colored eggs at Easter are there because it might make okay probably not say people probably people same people. Oh yeah really. What are you GONNA do like? Yeah it's time to bring back women BA- It's time to bring women back to our former glory. Would've would've whoever wants to be back at her former glory. Who are you to tell her? Who the fuck are you to tell her? She can't be barefoot and pregnant if that's what she wants and one of their slogans is feminism equals. Bad Sandwich making equals good nice. Yeah pretty good job. And they have their counselors that will that will teach your woman and their men and then they will tell her how she has to be. Oh my God a motorway new oven. You ready yeah to this. Like the Horse. Whisper us a bit. Say It's just biological nature a haven however there there is an ass for that seat made but I don't know like if you were a woman and you did not like wasn't your natural way like just it's not your natural way. Are you going to really want to go to a fucking class right now but they? They must be accompanied by their husbands. And this is one one one woman says. I've never experienced relief before you see because until now I haven't been given permission by men to just relax and take a chill pill. What a wonderful game love that. I love the level of of like actual brainwash actually got on its favorite scientologists. It's no no quite that bad but they're there yet. Well Doco if your husband comes home with that I mean obviously those are not gonna get to wipe to go. If she's not already all about it I don't think and if he did get you to go to that. Why did you go? What the fuck is your problem? I have I have some just see friends in the medical field that are completely in on this and they me step to dope rock with so. We're all good there. See on the golf course. Yeah Oh my God well. Our little stafford wise make cookies. Which I I make cookies and you do what you have to like now. I'm not yeah I just do. Yeah that's what I do your feeder. That's right that is I you know and I realize some of the I'm I'm kind of narrowing down and and noticing. What really is are things that? Turn me on that. I think I really fantasize and I I I couldn't really quite pin it down. Well I knew pegging was always deal. It was my jam and but I mean that also comes with some sort of domination. You know what I mean. Yeah which is weird. Because I don't really like to dominate the well you do and you don't.

00:25:07 - 00:30:05

You're just you do with certain people than what to no that's true. That's where it's like this. This is this is our dime. Fuck you sometimes. I just can't say and I think these people are the same ones that kind of track my period too. Because there's there's attract it like squeeze it out of you what you talk about. No they track it. Oh God you ask munch they because they only because for one week like towards the end of the month I am a fucking clue to the world. I hate everyone. They hate everything if just my timber is so short. It's like a nats pubic hair. Okay anyway could have really Kinda. It's okay I'm fine. Now I'm not going to say like two weeks or Jerry member go because it will matter. I know laughing either way exactly so doesn't matter but to Perez. I going with this. He's God what were you talking about? Now I paid attention. You're saying Yeah I've looked at all by cold new setup actually. I'm so glad you're here. I had a conly bring fart. It's a damn it okay. Well the kind of stuff all right. Well we're going to go to an episode of rule thirty four and I'm GonNa have a little mini meltdown. My brain is. Yeah so we enjoy range with some young. It's time for a basically and refreshing snack. This guy he is forty five years old and he's had nearly a thousand lovers verily nearly but only one of them has been a percent okay. He's into her. Hang on how you count having that many lovers but none of them are per person afraid. Is he a chicken farmer? No He's eating firmer now he. He's not all Wallaby beaver. No Fish Aquarium and the Dolphin tank he likes of. Okay what what. What is he counting now? Because obviously he's counting some bogus numbers he's into cars. Oh has way Mecca file. Okay mcanuff okay. We've talked about people who do such a thing but what I want to know. The first thing I wanted to is. Has He owned that? Many cars no rape somebody else's fucking cars. It was consensual. It was it fucking consensual their literal literal property. They are literally it is up to the owner to hear his fucking bitch out bitch. Better bring back the money like like the car. Did he leave anybody on the or anything? He just said he wanted to take a fucking car rapists. He's GonNa give them in a car rapist missions tests. I know I mean what if what if it was a brand new car. That's a fucking underage car. Oh that's underage he's a fucking pedophile. Well the thing is that a file rapist and the thing is though is he has a thing. He's actually has type other people's Shit he likes mustangs luxury Jaguars and he even had a couple of helicopters. So get to add an element of danger into if you put your Dick in the wrong place. I don't know how you would get your dig into the rotor of. I don't know how you would do it however I know I don't know I don't know either. Well He. He decided to give it up because he found a Volkswagen beetle that he fell in love with. And that's going to be his only one they are cute. I mean if I was gonNA arch etc for any like. I don't know if it would be one of those you all right. I am perfect.

00:30:20 - 00:35:02

Welcome back Kate. World on Raspberry alive DOT COM GIG ACADIA RADIO DOT COM and radio DOT net. You can get me on the twitter later act pinky Katie Radio Piggy Katie radio DOT COM KIRO RADIO DOT COM facebook Kinky Katie Radio. Google me for Fuck Sake also felt like what's go see. Meave finger my post really. Why not so yeah push push finger in really? That's all or they're not going. There is a lot more than that if you haven't been there. It's a Cornucopia of prophetic and BBS having and all kinds of weird shit. I just loved that this show is is some people's guilty pleasure is it. I don't know it didn't know it is and and I've been told and I just think that that's pretty cool little secret guilty guilty. Exactly I feel guilty or say you're doing adulting. You're doing adult stuff. Obviously you drive places at or out because that's when you're listening or at work I mean those are probably good qualities. Thank so I would say so. What are your shame foul pal be shamed listening to some fucking your freak flags whatever hang out of your back pocket itsy bitch whatever stupid shit we so I mean. I think this is what we were talking about before. I remember but I've got to do porn of the week. Oh Okay I was supposed to come up with stuff. But I've been rewiring and nine. That's okay okay. We've we've got all the time in the world all the time in the world. Wires heard everywhere well. Well hey things don't last forever. Unfortunately you hear that weird little talk exact noise what the fuck is that keeps popping. And I'm like the entire show I've had fucking bullshit just tried to keep it sounded. Okay yes I think it's gotta be okay. We'll find out fucking squarely sound anymore. That was me. Oh my God so anyways so my new my new porn that. I've been digging on this week. It's this guy and he blurts out their faces because he has a he gets anonymous digging it gay sex okay course for me and he films it he hides the camera like this is so against the law and he. He does like one of those. Like Gay Hotel resort things where basically you just bend over presenting yourself and you leave the door open in summer walks by and they're like asshole like boop boop and is that what is it. Is that what it sounds like? That's exactly what if odd concept of gay sex is sounds like why can't I can't watch it with the with the sound up now? It's sometimes being right there that is never starchy before. Yeah I know I haven't I haven't done in a while because you don't anymore any like the dangers not there. You fell asleep in between shows though. Now Nudo snore either. So I'm just like I don't know when you're sleeping or not and you're like yeah I heard you like. Sometimes I just throw that out there in a lot of time right whatever it is what it is. I heard you what was going on last night. He had a really. Yeah pearn really loud. Which really strong. You'll get like shy embarrassed. Which is really kind of you. Say That too. Because you'll you'll throw something at me. And he so easy. Because you're you're into you know what I mean like your stomach see.

00:35:04 - 00:40:00

That's that's the whole thrill. Masturbation factor for. You really really sweaty. That's that's what you're going for really. Yeah Yeah it's exactly what you're you. WanNa get caught at some point but you want to get caught usually afterwards. It's up. I understand it but it's totally when I see when I see certain signals. I know to just react a certain way and you go together. You have to leave your fucking Lay Right there at the end of the bed. So sit here. Smells like posting here. Hard to paint really. That's pretty aggressive but can work. Sometimes sometimes it works for you. It depends on how you say it to you. It depends on mood. I'm into because sometimes I want something you know but then sometimes just like shit. Just don't say anything please. Yeah what would you when you wake up at night and you trip over? Fuck machine literally you right at my pathway. Yeah no yes yes. That's exactly what has happened before stepping on legos. I'm stepping on Dildos all the time but Tara sometimes because you know that thing does have you differ Texas. You can click him that satisfy. I've stopped on those shows. Attachments and already familiar with them. I think and they survived to well. There's very very durable they are. I beat them up anyway. So yeah let's go. Let's go to your favorite All right I think I know where it is and Y- again for man Florida woman. She's fifty six years old. She got in trouble for Kind of letting her titties out of corn team. They were quaranteed really. Well she nevels. No body does not just her boobs because that would be kind of awkward if your boobs Florentine but you were allowed out like media. Say would you come back to your boobs after that you just went to the stores where why was. She was wearing a tank top and whipped cities out and she was cleaning her garage with with Pity neighbor called her. Were they nice moves? No they weren't well well the because the neighbor called because apparently she did this in front of a couple of young children as well. Well that's kind of the property at the end of the day. If we didn't sexualize moves it would be a problem. Go to another country. Known gives a fucking Shit. It was great. It was only a problem because kids. So you'RE GONNA get in trouble of kids your boobs and it was because you were being like walking around you but really. What's the big deal? I'm sure the kids are scarred though. They saw some flap Jackson. They'll to some fried eggs. Oh no well fried eggs on the at the end of droopy pancakes. No no no no. We birthday balloons. Yeah Yeah Yeah pretty pretty harsh so anyway. That's your timberlake. Got To closer to you did so awesome. I think upset back off. Yeah good so I really. I really think that it's hilarious. Because the the ads you get on facebook are things that you have searched for or liked or whatever people are like. They're in my head well because that's what you do you do you. You might not well the whole idea. That they're listening microphones which I'm sure haven't sometimes however yes continue anyway. Well I just think it's funny at some of the things that I get thrown addicts. We were talking about. Just wish about them. Fucking sending a rooster helmet. Well there's another one.

00:40:00 - 00:45:03

This place is called like Crimson and clover. Something it's a Ho bag bag tote bag you know and it says. Ho Bag on it like really big fucking bag since Ho bag. How would you feel if you've got a whole bag? I don't know how would you feel? Well I mean is it like so what are those things? Are they saying something that everybody already knows like? Is it because it's obvious your whole bag at like already? We can have as well slab. You might as well they go to do. What just just it. Yeah that way leaning really leaning. It's all you can don't resist a Ho embrace embrace. Aho and cover. Yeah gets the whole bag. That's right the whole bag because that way you totally take away. One of the biggest Things guys say whatever they come up with girls. I mean. You'RE A or Ho like reverend says. I think it's you know what it'd be a great fucking overnight bag pussy so wet. I can barely figure it out. You don't come you know. I'm not appreciated. Really rough up my nipples to where you WanNa and you never learned that balls are not for Jiggling. You like pulling out nose hairs while I sleep and I see here. You will occasionally what to smell my pets. Yeah what's that I don't I don't know what it makes me uncomfortable. It makes you uncomfortable to When I like I like Sniffy Toe. Yes don't tell you that because what I mean you know. But that's not even a from me like being freaked out by it or anything like that. That is literally put your fucking face nearby feet eight goals and I cannot fucking sit still and I can not want to take you in as when you put your face down there and I don't know what's Oh my God. I really have to like go into some kind of Buddhist. Meditative St at state to vogue in resist. You strong as your will young man. Oh my God I can't tell I can't that's like like would you hit that? Hit The fucking Hit below your your when they check your reflexes. Jesus fucking Christ what a check your Reebok says that on on your Potala there and they fucking smacky with the hair and it just goes. It's the same thing. Yeah I feel breath on my feet. Id just fucking kick seafield breath on your neck and you spasm. I do you scary isn't it? Yeah but that's what I like to do. Voice get in your ear like I come up behind your back like download. Sh you like what the fuck. Yeah because it really thinks that you're trying to program me that you're doing now. I mean that's right it. You're trying to change my memories. You're doing that fucking A. M. K. Ultra action to me. Do you write inching my memories and trying to program me to do weird sexual things to you a wait a minute this way. What would you say is weird like? What would you categorize weird? I don't think anything's weird. Well no there are definitely thanking weird weird but like off pudding weird you know at the end of the pudding yet. You know Jay dressing up as nor awhile and fucking. Your friend. Who is wearing a bear costume is not. It is weird. But that's okay. You know what I'm saying. It's not weird own true. It's it's definitely weird. Trump's perfectly normal. Yeah sure it is going to bring the bear head have a party but the point is it's okay dead. It's weird weird is it's not a dirty word it's like. Oh bag just be. Oh that's all right. Yeah that's fine. You don't have to be scary weird scary. We're just scary. But if that two yard fucking rocket out due to your thing I guess you've you maybe might not WANNA hang out with. Ya But hey but you're going to find people who will want to hang out for. That's right there's a there's some fuck it really damaged female or male out there like a cutter or something that really law. Well there is one there there.

00:45:03 - 00:50:06

I didn't make them I. It's got nothing to do with me. How do you know you might have you already? You may be right. Maybe probably not I try to be nice. I work at it do I yes Utah I try. I try hard to be nice to people. I know I tell myself no this. This is not just slow down. Slow down and don't curse it somebody. I remember once you you tell me I just look at you. I just I just think to myself. There's just dumb animals treated that way. Better get mad like when you've got a big dumb dog that Oh yodel you can't get mad at him you because you still a big dump dog. It's not his fault taste fucking retarded each. That's just the way he is. You know you don't have to hate him for it. So that's why my I'm getting a tramp stamp. This is clifford the big red dog. You're getting the I'm okay. I'm okay let's say I'm okay. Okay you're okay. It's the best complement of ever. You're okay baby I say you know you're okay. You're okay. Yeah that's what I get all the time. It works what it means accepted. I gave her down back to that Brainwashing seminar there just saying everybody has their own technique. God Oh there's this there's this girl she got married. She got married but she has to completely full set of legs so what? I want to know. She got this lady got married but she has to. She's quad legged person yes. She learned a really catchy. Run in like unit or action. Is it like one of those? Robots could swing around at any direction because they have extra wheels fucking. They're like Omni Directional at any point in time I do not have to move linearly at all. I don't know I don't know but she's got to twats to watch got watch. Yes okay are they. And that's what I was getting there too. That's my question because she got married to the one dude in the wedding pace you. He's fucking grinning guy. That cool I mean I I mean what I mean is in to our Susil. Maybe maybe one of them is a bankable. Now they're fully functional fully fully. Are they fully size fully functional? Catch you feel both of them. Yes do I wanNA roll around into a reach around with the reach around? I don't know do you WanNa Quad. While we're trying to figure out the physics of how many decks you can get in her and their side by side by side by side. I don't know if I like it like there's electric between one crotch. No no no no no they to crutches several. There's this crutch crotch asks Crouch Koch as as as you go around it. It's like if you're looking right at her it's leg pussy leg lace yours outlays. It laid out like flat. Circular says he was like an octopus. The Pussy Okay. Got FOUR LEGS. Stay my here by good. Explain his hair with me. It's understand okay. So you have four legs Jackasses yes so you go leg twad leg leg leg leg yellow. Where's the ass behind double legged you? You have a whole crotch there. That's not the used. What are you talking about? No you stand by asks what Okay. Hang on five. That's part of one leg God. One leg is has has a circular. There's the front of the leg tobacco the leg decide. Yes that's out legs worse. Legs aren't flat. They're not I mean. He realized legs aren't riddy flat. Ed or like noodles sides like one leg has a front and inner thigh and outer about cheek. Oh my God. I'm showing you a picture. Get it now frigging. Jesus Christ so I don't get it gets so fake.

00:50:06 - 00:55:01

I'm telling you that's not real. Is it real? Is it a trusted source? That's a weird looking just the way that it is. It looks like somebody photo shopped in extra legs. Well they might have because it doesn't fit my idea of what's going on here so fuck. I reject it. Yeah it has the match my idea of what I thought it was God. That looks like they're all flat like late in. I don't I don't understand what's happening under there and I have to know that's not really you think that would be rude to walk up to somebody. I just I'm yeah yes yes. I'm trying to find a circumstance which it wouldn't rude. I guess if you're if you're dating or something like that I mean if you if you go out with somebody several times and their clawed legs double Pussy Double Anust Lady. We're talking dual to vaginal penetrated along with. You could double sound. That girl sounder. Both your urinal tracks. Yes yeah right up the right up. Oh really all you sound a one year either while you banged in other how to fuck machine in a one of the. Oh my God. You could do. So many weird combinations. Uk maybe you can't. I'm saying cash cow there. There's got to be limitations because all of that can't be piped-in you know what I'm saying. There's got to be like some things that aren't quite just who a your or you never know The plastic surgery has gotten absolutely fucking out of control lately for some people. They have that body. Does morpheus Shit and there's a twenty two year old? She spent thousands of dollars just blowing her fucking lips up. She wants to have the world's fullest. Pout you Y- that's like what are your least favorite improvements. People make because they look fucking stupid okay and this is her. She's already had twenty injections done. Okay well they go away. She can't even close her mouth. Well you know that's okay because you want it to stay over and because you ought to be able to fit things at it when she's unconscious Ki- like it is eight is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Her face looks a Goddamn babboons as really. Oh my God. She's Brown she's not Brown. I'm asking you because I'm trying to find out you're only Jesus should balls Christ see. See a picture of her now male here again. No I told you negative. It's the injections she folks to. There's video they look like. They're they look like she hooked up a vacuum to them. Yeah they look like Jesus fairly burn them. And they blew a blister because it looked like she got bit by a cartoon. Yeah they they look like inflatable lifts and this is a before and after picture and unlike what the Nice luxury full was fine howdy. She's doing talk Lippo's she can't help it. That's the only post she has. She can't shut her mouth. You see her original pose. Her original her pre fucking anime lip. Oh and this is an extreme animate like not a thin lip. Anime caricature top of a character wrapped up in a giant lip roof. And we're not even talking about Labia Lip. Yeah Yeah you really have to see the picture you really do. Well you will on the website you will or just imagine big giant cartoon lips that looked like they were put on the end of a vacuum. They're purple shiny like when someone's mouth completely stretches out there trying to like kiss another character and I say that I don't want to rub my take on our lives. I can't tell you that did look like her mouth has cauliflower mouth cauliflower ears. Just they're all okay wrong. I I don't want to rub rag on him. They're all glossy did it. Looks like it may be uncomfortable. Yeah no it really does know doctor. Doctors are refusing her. They're like they're already way too fucking big and she's like I say what he goes. I can't even talk to move. Well of course she can't because she has giant fucking cartoon loops ridiculous ridiculous. Oh you WanNa know something that you didn't know. Why am I tell you anyway? No I'M NOT GONNA listen.

00:55:01 - 00:58:53

Then don't just do not like usually do well dragonflies shovel shaped penis and so they can scoop out the rival sperm. Really that's up needed. No no no I don't know nine is because I told you I was considering a drag plight tattoo. No no no no. I actually already had that dragonfly Tattoo. Fight that's good. I like that. Yeah and I think he's telling you that gender fluid that's right the gender fluid with the dragonfly. I'm not really gender. Fluid just not really now not really where yellow naturally fluid but not solid. I mean I'm not completely masculine because there are lots of things that you know. I try to be sensitive. I two on it. It's working progress. Yeah Yeah Yeah. There's an attempt being made to. Not You know to me nicer to everybody. Just be nicer. Dopey DICK. That is today's message. Well Nice Sir. No that is my message to myself so I don't know about everybody else. Thank well I think it's good that you have a message. Joe Message not a message. I just told you it wasn't a message. People take our advice. No don't do not take my advice on this. I think they should i. I can't now look. I need to be consistent if I tell them wants to take my advice. They need to consistently not take my advice. All right. It's like being a little mix. It would be completely irresponsible of you to take my advice on there. You have after whatever you do. Do not. Don't put salt in your eyes puts also my don't put salt your puts on an the Internet translation for everything. Don't be mean to me you know. Don't be mean to you please. I don't know why you want going to be menu but I'll be menial I don't WanNa talk right guys. Hashtag sad and then what do you want us to talk new? Don't ask me about it. Thank God you're so fucking annoying all right. We're going to get out of your doctor to see. This is why I live in is peaceful analog. Well not analog but just yeah life. Yeah if there's something that you need to know you go there me and people do and I think it's Hilarious if you needed. Show me something like seventy two beam. It was funny. Thank you mean person. Whoever that was actually made sense some of them don't make that would actually make sense. I enjoyed it. I don't remember not your fault. That's my fault we have to go. Yeah we have to go all right everybody. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day night week month. I don't know but still stay safe right. Really great there so stay save everybody. Lord took action. Oh my God I'm Outta here. I everybody Hispanic as far as I. Oh so does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript