#297 – Ghost Minajatwa
You are currently viewing #297 – Ghost Minajatwa


This week!

3/15/2020 Not really germ free... More tattoo fun... Place a bet on the corona virus or against it... Stupid face... More weird anime to check out on Netflix - Beastars... Scary things on LSD and shrooms... Steak and a blow job day... Birth rate is going to go up... I want to be a winner and Skankfest South... Putting a drunk bitch in a cab... Getting your eyeball tattoed and blindness...Dune Eyes and Dick Fingers... Go Listen to Richard Cheese... What neighbors think... Everyone gets their own hamster ball... Free premium porn on PornHub for Italian customers... Small Dick Dating with this new app... Episode of "Rule 34"... Save the reptiles... Hitchikers Guide to the Universe... This parrot is ordering things off of Amazon... Tits Man - Dolly Parton upcoming nudes in Playboy... Balls nobody will suck... Woman marries herself then cheats on herself now going to couples therapist... Toe sucking hospital patients without their knowledge... 2020 Pan sexual Bareback Fuckfest now canceled... Man banging 2 female ghosts at the same time - Ghost Minajatwa.

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Kinky Katie's World #297 Ghost Minajatwa

00:00:04 - 00:05:01

The following program contains adult content crabs language of a sexual manner completely irresponsible. Advise along with some things. You'll wish you could hear if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because I was fucking shit at this place over. Here is a crash fake news so succulent seriously. On this one in front of your your Coochie will want it will be like a Matab coming out of his Shell to beat the crap. Katie's world in ten nine eight seven six Katie's road starts now. Are you ready to trust sack? You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you come on Elmo and now live from rule thirty four studio? I bring your girl providing you with one hundred percent virus free entertainment to hear your host the one the Yummy Kinky Kitty Ella Shoe. This is Katie's world number two ninety seven I am your host Kinky Gainey Whitney as always is my germ free plus covered. Fuck TOY MR S. C. Okay I don't know that I'm chairman free per se. I'm sure there's germs involved. I just wanted to be up front about that. So you understand there will be germs involved. However I you know I take `virus-free mostly Alec Your Age Okay just for fine hurry we have fun for you to Jay with a brand new kitchen man. Some Shit you should know. Enter usual brand of silly fucked up humor to talk about tonight. Yeah we're today episode gay too big weekend. Okay we can ask. We can ask. Oh my God so yes. A Tattoo addiction continues in. Just two weeks I have to fucking settings we. I mean no two in one week. We'll because last last Saturday when I got the Virgin Kitty finished on and then we just got. And that's when you gotTA flaming Viking. Then yesterday we ended up getting Another Friday the thirteenth. Well Thirteen dollar. Trust us don't really count. Don't count. Oh they don't like the size of a quarter. That's what I'm saying. Fifty Cents Tattoos arena are. W they're they're yeah. It's a Mar. It's Itchy Toro Toro Totoro. Yeah it'd be like. Oh my God I know I hear some of your slopping. Your friends getting Japanese imitation of that. Probably sounds like it's it's kind of funny because people think. Oh you know. The animated like no honestly. I do somewhere before doable. Isn't it came with a blanket? Noble Geisha Linus Noble. Oh goodness well at least got a better artist storm then. The last time Friday Friday the thirteenth tattoos. Yeah it doesn't look all Wonka five. You made a good choice. I did and the idol. There's certain things that you know ahead of time. Probably not a good idea like at some. You go look. Most people could swing that. I think I think that could be done by a relatively normal catcher. I think should be. Yeah but I mean but but anyway so you know I'm I'm happy with it. It's cute locations a little weird for me but despite filler anyway so fuck it I can puts. I make like a flower around it. Oh Yeah like what I'm doing with my stormtrooper. Okay anyway God never just thrown out because you know as soon as fucking Brian Season we will go to fix it another wound or whatever method effects that what does it look bad.

00:05:02 - 00:10:10

I know it's cute. It's cute it's cute or whatever I guess if she posted. Pixie all can yell at me but whatever sure I don't Care Anyway. Oh my goodness okay. So people are everything is like fucking shut down and people are now betting on how long it's going to be before the sports are. GonNa come back. Oh really yes lineup. They're taking bets. They got about on something because the hip sports that well. That's what I'm saying. We gambling addiction. I need something. That's the problem that I found with following sports of any kind is you're gonNA get left out a lot. Yeah because no matter who you're pulling for in whatever sport it is or whatever thing that you're watching debate laying that your happiness on somebody else's like success what it doesn't happen all the time. Well so you're GONNA be heartbroken all the fucking time no matter who you root for. Oh well live your life dare tell you what to do. Even the fucking Patriot fans are GONNA have to mourn the loss of fuck and Tom Brady best quarterback ever happen until he plays for another team. Then you're GONNA hate him again. Maybe probably not probably not either. Also that's that's what happens now. They took your sports away. And now you're gonNA come flocking to the rest of US world where we do other things to entertain ourselves. Okay so you just heard to me and that's why I did that little thing. How many people do you take our like bang? You Baggy like the little rabbit from the stars Anime we watch. Yeah okay. I was GonNa talk about that but I I was just going to say you know. Tom Brady Tom Brady He. Does stupid vase dumped lies because the stupid Jin Shan I duNno I go straight to the forehead with like Peyton a well. He's funny looking in a Lotta ways. Yes other issues but he makes up with it in personality. I think I know he's goofy. Yeah Tom Rating for for me You know he's he seems like a nice guy on our okay Yeah stupid dumb face stupid stupid dumb phase. That's stupid dumb vase injure him stupid face fucker. Thuc so what are you? What was your point? Did you have a point. What can we talk about because we you had said Brady so I was like oh I sit by the way that's right. That's why I like him so much. Because it's stupid face trae even if you're even if you're a fan you have to admit it's a stupid face all right so circling back around to what you're talking about because I also GonNa talk about this to a new anime that we watched the whole first season of the A. B. Star Star. Yes it it's weird. It's slow it's school children but everybody is well. They're like seventeen eighteen. Nineteen whatever like animal. Fucking animal creatures. But they're walking around as people so you imagine their people but you know there. Wolves in tigers and Gazelle fucking reindeer and affected like vegan little mini bunny little slutty. Bunny DWARF WHITE DWARF RABBITS. Ooh She's hot so bang that bunny well she. They're buddies eighteen years old. That is the Bundy was eighteen years old. So I could fuck and say I would fuck that bunny and there is so and you know stereotypical bunny fucker. Like fuck like grab it. Yeah she folks like a rabbit. Everybody is buddy slut. I like her slept bunny. And she's like. Yeah whatever just takes over closed. Yeah so if you haven't checked it out that flex be stars. It's a it's a little slow. I'm going to say it's a little slow. It didn't get me until the beginning of the second episode and then I wanted to watch the rest of it from the beginning of the second episode. It that's where you have to give it. I think it's just get so you like Whoa. It gets slightly dark sometimes slightly dark okay so soft I talk. That's the best part is so sweet to see what's that breath is making my arm wet. But he's really talking about eating her literally because he's a wolf and cheese bunny is instinct was kicking. Yeah I'm sorry but my hands thinks I just want to put myself in your mouth. I wonder how many of our listeners actually do watch anime or have watched the shit that we told them to watch. I don't know maybe. Why did you make me watch this strange? I wanted for the plot. But you know what it does though because when you hear like a left-handed story like the way they do it take a part of the brain that doesn't get singled.

00:10:10 - 00:15:00

All the time is what I'm saying because it hits you like what darkness like. What the fuck am I watching? What is Oh my God? They're raping that money but we both be anyway. We Buy Tigers we. We are lions gangster lines right. That's very true. We both agreed that it would be very. It would be a good one to watch on acid and it would be the way the art was anyway or even sure psychedelic it. Would it would. Because it's creepy and it has an odd slowness to it. Sometimes and for some strange reason I have found this to be true horror movies or scary weird. Things just aren't scary when you're on hallucinogens. And they're finally. Yeah no I have a really good time when it's really weird fucked up dark shit. Yeah no I- gory. I could totally watch that. Calls zipped up we. Because we've done that work and I'm a big old pussy. It's just doesn't work for me that way not doesn't it's like a counter effect for some reason. Psychedelics FOR ME ANYWAY. A lot of people would be a hellish nightmare situation and giggling rolling around. I usually too. Yeah Yeah makes me really horny couches. I watch his chicken fucking disembowel banging turn up. I WanNa hear his scream. Come Down Psycho fucking great. I'm telling you here's a frozen peas share ready now seeing coming up that I really want to watch this one bitch. You'll be broken so anyways report BE STARS. Weird animal movie. Yeah it's actual weirdness. Don't watch it with the children. No no no this is. This is not your kids are over eighteen. Then you know what you want. I know it's a little weird. Though to watch their parents would be weird. I'd be a strange thing. Hey sit down and watch us with me. Jerry really creepy. I really want you to check something out son or fucking your your daughter. It's alright to be a little whore. Just fuck everybody you know slept on these would've Slovan. He's gotTa do that's right. That's can't shame her. You can't shave her. The meat tastes better. When you're scared. Sorry she's not going to be scared no now or shamed that's right. She's GonNa fuck where she won anyway. She wants always asked pure heart. Tiny bunny the rat that cognate so today is steak and blow job day so happy blow chopping wherever you listen to it. It's also Pi Day. This people call it a day. That's you warn everybody about stay of low chop day last week. I know and I can't believe that I did so. Are you going to apologize to everybody for letting them down? Well Yes to one day a year you can literally go to the person who provides blowjobs for you and go. Hey next week is stake in a blowjob day. We're celebrating right. It's easy like all cook. I'll make us a steak and I get a blowjob. Just blow job today. I couldn't find a car that set it right. Valentine's Day I gets taken a blowjob. Yes Oh sorry guys out there so the I guess the only person that I really can physically apologize to. Is You for not telling them so? In kind of you know tell it. Okay Kerry asleep. They can live through and I can. I can listen live then. You still have some time. You can swing this totally got another like hour and a half or something on the east coast the West. 'cause you're like fucking for our plenty of time West coasters. Hey go get yourself a steak and blow job from the blowy of your choice the blowy. There's a coupon on fucking of isolate somewhere on ripon it. There's a crew on more the merrier corona virus be damned. Let's take it that's a. That's an at home thing. That's so fucking.

00:15:00 - 00:20:04

What else are you GONNA do? What are using birth rates are going to be like after like everybody like staying in for however long. I've seen so much about that. Two people eight making fun of that and you begging was going to be December. Is that when you go all right? I wonder now we could. We could have and they are they. Someone said it was like core core and tunnels or they're going to me. You wanted to spend your time doing what you like doing. You know you're indoors. It's free for the most part L. Lukasz money if you're into using lube. It's alright baby. Spit my mouth. Let's be dangerous. I can't remember a time before lube once you once you discover it and you you you know what you to work three though the Diet whatever. What whatever it is that you find that works good on your bits. Yeah you know what you discover it. It's it's like slice read. I mean it's it's it's a game changer. Katie it's fucking Game Jayjay. It's one of her favorite phrases that she loves to hear. God speaking fucking stupid Game Changer. Oh my God so yeah so. I don't know skiing fest is going to be happening. Seen I south in Houston. What are you gonNA do some fucking tickets? I don't know Jessica. Curiously wouldn't be him winter. She's confined I. WanNa be a fucking winner. Katie you are winter. I wanted to be a winner. I WanNa have award-winning Goddamn pornography. Well I don't know about that. I want I want award-winning pornography. I deserve it. Where the fuck is my award. Even if even if it doesn't go down okay. Fine I one though I won you fucking you say it God damn it you fucking admit it I won. My Porn is better than theirs. All right so there you go you got. Sc had to put it out there. At least you didn't do it like one of those obnoxious radio. Dudes what we fucking saw when we were when we looked at that that Tom Perez new thing. Our D- looks like he's wearing Mikailah. It's just amazing. And you know I guess it's not amazing but people are still doing like ninety s shock. Jock style and this. This guy was just obnoxious. Oh my God i. I really haven't heard someone like this. Just obviously annoying. Yeah you can tell well. Alex Jones is a kind of a similar way needs. It's got arrest an awful lot. Fucking call Lubar. Maybe Uber. Like it's a thing you can totally do just about anywhere you are. They'll come pick you up and take you places. Yeah there's no excuse for that shit anymore strew. There is in our time. There is an excuse so you couldn't get out like their taxi. Cab fucking seen in south Florida. Was I mean there were taxis but they were like it might take you three hours to get a taxi. I've had to do that could we? I had to take a cab few times down south the hour well. That's one of our kicks you out and they they say they call a cab for you but you at the bad. We've done that to people. Yes we have. Yeah call them. Cabins JUST SUCK. Domenech car told the driver where they gave the driver. A fucking tipped the one time. I don't really know her but she's go view Hari Krishna. Thank you have a good day? Here's an extra ten bucks. Don't fuck don't fuck and bring her back here. I don't care what we gave her to you. Bring her here. Apparently that's where her driver's license said she lives here. I don't care what you do with her either really. I don't I have that much that much care. I have where I don't even care like get her home. I don't care if he played a little stink finger or whatever you wanNA fuck fuck it. I don't care 'cause I wasn't very nice but it had very little to do with us. You know what I mean. That's true we didn't get that girl drunk now. We didn't we didn't hurt her in any way I was logged on like a little fucking more. What are those called Maury? You're not more eight. L. Customized plateau in a fish tank freshwater. Yeah like that the sucker fish that's right Rivera rumour. That's what I was thinking. Oh Sh- yeah sucker fish anyway. So why are we talking about Sucker Fish? How did we get here? Nineties radio or something like that.

00:20:04 - 00:25:04

No because that's when the fucking train drunken train wrecks glommed onto you and you're like oh I got why did I say hello? And then she's getting thrown out of the bar and she wouldn't like she she was like trying to drive home Luna. We don't know you lady like for once. I'm GONNA stop you from getting in your car and fucking call a cab for you. I'll even pay for the fucking cab but I will pay for it. And then he kills two birds of UNSUNG got her fuck out of there and she didn't drive so well exactly mostly out of there as well. You're you're you're beyond the point to where I would put my Dick Anywhere near you so really. You need to go away. And that's saying something. Kinda Kinda is I know. I know this fucking girl is going blind because she got stupid eyeball tattoos. Sometimes those I hear Ya got botched. She went she did it all black and they look long. I liked the all. Black IS AWESOME. They have contacts okay. Well I don't want to wear contact. Well like if I could snap my fingers and make them like. Aw Vica Dude Dude is like the the Royal. That'd be fucking cool. You can do that but it really wish you would know. No I'm definitely would never to like the way they do it. With injecting ink into your. I know I'm talking about a fucking. Genie comes out of a bottle when abruptly might take one day I shoot right. Outta my jake and we get three wishes and one of them could be. I want fucking tune is do nice intake fingers dig fingers in denies like you could do that and and there were no repercussions other than that's the way. I look now You know I might do it. Oh my fucking to it. Well come on. It would be fun seizes. It would be really fun. Well how about you like you have it for a little bit temporary. No negative okay. I want the ability to be able to change is with My whims and for for the rest of my life and your finger. Turn those on and off. I want to be able to turn my story. I wanted to be able to turn my fingers into whatever I want to at will for the rest of my life to be very specific with the magic. 'cause you get fucked because both wait a minute then what if like like if you change one hand can you leave the other one to say no no no? I have unlimited control of what my fingers are made out of because you could have a Dick and then you can have Pussy Paul. I can have whatever on your head of yours fingers like I could have a pussy finger. I don't know how that would wordlessly fingernails magical. So I'm sure the opening goes somewhere it becomes a flipper and then just opens up if you're right we don't know it's all in the magic of the genie. What the fuck have you been rubbing lately? Did you find this? Well the Romans the Romans they used to use fucking flying penis amulets to ward off six. Everybody knows tick everything away decorator bad. There's a tech writer okay. I'll not fucking with. You doesn't have to be live you can. You can just fuck it. It could be rubber or silicone shit. Cyber Skin could be a dead Dick Picture of a Deck Dick Sculpture Addict print. Three d print addict dude named Dick so in friend. Request me Richard Head like Oh God I like it. Yes yeah no I know Richard head Richard Cheese Sexual Richard Cheese is that he has a fucking musical. Styling that needs to be seen royal. Yes Lounge Lounge singer loud. Yes and it's it's modern contemporary lounge. He allowed should be like he teach. Hitter rape me. Well I think it going on. I'm sorry I gotTA coughing. I have flooding. You're coughing. Hey we're gonNA wait now if you stay. You're six feet away you stay over there. Whatever you're coughing and we're GONNA have to put a sign like like in front of you.

00:25:04 - 00:30:03

I will not serve. You are coughing sneezing. Your will not. You will be asked to leave immediately. Saint earlier. We're GONNA WE'RE GONNA board up. Put the shutters down and stuff. You know 'cause it's a Florida thing and we're going to spray paint on the outside sick inside info away. In fact add corded. They'll keep people away exactly what people stay away from US anyway in our neighborhood except for except for the black families are very friendly with. Yes 'cause they're like where the weird neighborhood we get. These strange buggers no really knows gig presenter. Go out a lot when they do their dress. Really fucking weird. He's always overalls and she. She's like hazard tents out all the time and some weird outfit. I can only imagine what neighbors think about us at all. I don't know I don't I don't really care though. I've never cared term. I've never really given a rat's ass about neighbors. I'm kind of weird like that. That's not very friendly and more friendly. Try Harder Katie. To try a lot harder to be more friendly. Oh my God I don't I 'cause you can't go on forever just being completely. Stay away from me. You can't do that story to live. No no to embrace people sometimes not now. Do you see like huggy. Bear in my bubble of contact comes in fuck it really key right about now see Disney. Disney had to write a long time ago with bubble boy which all we need is like one hundred and fifty billion fucking bubbles. That's all we need. Learn at a world and HAMSTER WHEEL. That's going to be trump's next suggestions. Everybody everybody gets a hamster ball. Also we're all self segregated right now. Everybody's got their own bubble gave. We'd be really really good shape. Though because things get their manpower no fucking to handle divall thing not to mention all the falling down that would do it would be tons in two or you're talking about the padded one. I'm talking about just literally. It's just you're standing in a fucking handlebar bullet. Oh you're talking about like a plastic. Yeah I'm talking about literally. It's it's like a vinyl like clear vinyl ball that you step into that would fold up if it was didn't have air in it. Yes okay okay yes walk. Oh Okay I I. I was taking out of bubble hamster ball. I I I was thinking about it. I put it in your like bowling for people. You're thinking about like like a American Hero. Action on gladiator televisions. What you're talking. Yes but a smooth and clear okay. But then you're talking about the bubble through. Yeah that's what he said. Bubble boy right. Okay but I said Hamster Ball and that's fuck it. That's what I was talking about. Okay yeah guys go with your fast for me. I don't like to Jessica and I said no I. I enjoy her because I don't know why it is that you know I. You don't see her anywhere I don't get it. He's awesome her when she's on podcast. I typically like she's weird and crazy and I like that. It's a good fucking trait for me. And she just doesn't give a fuck what she says. I don't like anything and I and I like. It doesn't seem like she does anyway. She might actually give a fuck but it doesn't really seem like she does this young people. I think it's great Oh porn hub. Another reason to love them. They're giving besides Freeport. They're giving they're giving Italians free premium access during the corona corn team. You you you guys have to pay no for premium fucking accent are you doing. I was Only God knows my L. Popa was host exalted. One Oh yeah he's I'm sure they say Exalted Rowley. Said they'd here. Yeah it's probably thing probably and they're also doing Extend Customer Warranties to buy two months or other people who work at home like well. We know you're not doing work while you're at home. You're procrastinating and you're probably watching us so here you go. Here's some here's some additional freeport if there wasn't enough like what is even on the premium version. What happens there? I mean there's plenty of free porn.

00:30:03 - 00:35:07

Who pays reform I mean people do and I think they're just supporting their favorite porn actors. You know what I mean. But there's fans only and patriotic and you know there's total ways in which they make a living now you know. Yeah no that's true because a lot of people I know they've got fans only papers so you do the point for free just to rake in the flowers on whatever your fucking you're doing. Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah. That's the way the fucking industry works now and then order cam work or you know. Going around to strip clubs. Headlining shrimp headlining. That's a lot of fun for some people like it remind bubis on the locals. Now this may be the most honest dating APP that I have ever seen. And IT'S I. I don't think I think the name is kind of unfortunate to series of unfortunate naming. Well the website is called. Dinky one okay. And it's a dating safer men with average to the not so average tick size. Oh Yeah it's for people that are five and a half inches and under well okay see your upfront about it but what I mean. They said the main goal is that size doesn't matter okay. Okay so I think that that's good. I mean I'm sure there's an aspirin that seat absolutely it'd be upfront. It's what you got anyway. That's very true. You can't walk away from it so you might as well just say. Hey this is what's going on. It won't be an issue because I told you beforehand. They said they just like the pressure's off already to be A. You know a lot of guys are insecure and self conscious about the size of their Dick and whatever so nobody wants to hear. They have a little tech. And you know that. There's the chick is not going to be like. I just wanted to see how small I really as I most importantly you take away that keystone attack that some women will do to you and when you're republic you got a little dig like Dole. Just say you know. They'll do a little take jokes their friends and stuff about you. Yeah that's true and you cut that right out you own it. That's like putting out your fucking porn tape for the hackers get to right right Then they said that It doesn't like very inclusive you don't have to identify as one of the you know just like male or female. Okay you have the choice of twenty four different gender identities for gender identity including non binary and in Dhiraj Innis. Twenty twenty. What are we? What twenty four Jenner identity? Oh right for the Little Dick at meet me. Weeny little teeny weeny pene a little micro p. Well it's a big party less than five inches. Yeah which is you know five inches isn't horrid horrible. You're fine lots of chicks will take that now if you guys want to if you don't have a ruler Handy I'm just letting you know that. A dollar bill or a regular bill is six inches so you can measure yourself against a bill there you go like a little tape and make sure you take a nice disgusting bill and vote at all over Your Weiner. Make sure you that that's a good idea. Never have it on your face. Right and corona virus. It's not our fault. No it's not no because you should know better. Everybody knows bills thirty dummy. Don't put it fucking bill on your Dick you know that was just in a stripper butthole not a good stripper either. That's probably not the worst place it could be. That's probably true. Yes it really is. It could have been fucked gone home. I know we're going to go to an episode before and when we come back we are going to have. Some exciting news is going on something that you might want to get into and we have a brand new kitchen and stuff and something unfortunate that got cancelled anyway will be back yum. It's time for a tasty and refreshing snack bomb about our the other. I kept going through fucking television just fighting to get away with this guy. Joe Outlook stupid face lab dumb face I know well that was you had one. You have one particular thing a chain cliff you know what I mean. He you have a chain cleft. And we've noticed some people that you really don't like you don't like what they're saying at all you tend to think they face I'm just gonNa tell you right now so if you turn it on. You're listening to you. You're listening to go while I dislike intensely and you really study there. You Go and you have a stupid face stupid dumb face stupid face off my fucking screen. John What have you had Stephen? Face and you had a sweater like one almost creates the other though you know what I mean.

00:35:07 - 00:40:03

Stupid SWEATING TAKES WHATEVER. Phase is always time sometimes. So you know I will all of you out there. That want to see some some mildly erotic anime on Net. Flex Ironic. But there's definite weird sexual things gone on it and you have Netflix in. You want to check out anime and you really want to kind of strange enemy. It's the game no game no life check it out and now we're GONNA go into an episode three or four learning. Just you have to ignore the part that the brother and sister is. That are being a simulated. They're banging all the time you have to ignore the fact that she's eleven you just have to and the what you put the fact that she's eleven out of your mind rest of it's a lot easier to watch and this is what he talked to me of. I think you've got to feed here sleeping and I watched I found like I'm like what are you telling me all about like you know? Are you watching that? He laughed like that at that. We watched seven episodes. I mean that's a no thanks TAT and welcome back to you kinky Katie's road raspberry dot com he radio DOT COM and radio cast You can get me on twitter at he. Katie Radio Kenya Katie radio DOT COM Katie radio at DOT COM and catering you on facebook for short. Hey I was so google me because I'm like you can find one shit on their eating images if you can't get into the good naughty bits because I have some trouble and I don't know why. So what do you mean? I don't know they don't know how to figure things out and I can't explain. It breaks out twitter. It's fucking hard. Could it be you say Kinky? Katie radio put that in your in your Google search and then when it pops up all of my fucking links or you can hit images and there will be some booby pictures on there because people are like. Oh -TUNITIES Young Search Kiki Katie. And everything comes up under that as well. A lot of stuff does the radio. Cheesier do though less shifted by. Just let show like more more or less shit. It's really more. What whatever. Okay anyway I wanted to let you guys know real quick that I would imagine a big raffle that is going on now through March. Twenty nine to support the her Nando. Reptile at exotic rescue saved her up to us as skinks that this snake- snakes and fucking Iguana Dragons Dragon these are. These are all of Hilo. Monsters Monitor Lizards Armadillos. Just Portland animals that need to be saved. Because I don't know who knows why they need to be saved. The staff isn't paid so everything is everything is a donation to help feed in to take care of all the reptiles and so they're surrendered and rescued animals. That they have so you can you can either have like releasing them into the folk everglades or Sunday got hit by a car and they you know they serve Tripati WanNa right exactly. All the all. The guavas fell out of the trees. Kale frozen or freeze comes through. That's right well there. there's sponsored by Busch Gardens and there's in the zoo and there's a whole bunch of prizes also includes like a four single-day admission to Bush Gardens in Tampa Bay forty gallon snake reptiles of Tiles Center thingy rotel coverings. Save their feelings so the raffle ten dollars tape. You can donate if you want to go on go on facebook and the pages Hernandez Reptile and exotics rescue.

00:40:04 - 00:45:03

Go check it out there trying to they have a goal of five grand so I don't know every little bit helps or you'll post a link on the website and on your social media. That's right okay. So you will. You will see toss. That's right so anyway so There's a there's a war going hitchhiker's guide checkers Guidry's opening and shutting the doors. Somebody out there seen a read the hitchhiker's guide to the universe. Maybe yeah fucking awesome. That was like one of the first books I got you to read large sections of now that you actually admitted the you enjoyed it. When it wasn't about hardcore Sam because you would read Smut you really. Yeah I read some pretty awful. Yeah well because that's but like anything. That was any type of something other than that. You would pooh-pooh it but that was the first book that you actually legitimately funny book. I thought it was hilarious. Yeah and movie so it's even easy for you to watch. I know just go watch it. It's weird I say. I've actually thought contemplating getting a hitchhiker's guide tattoo yet. No don't panic would be a good one. Yeah Thumb Yeah Blanket Tau Tau that to remember. Gte there is this this Ajami and saying there's this parrot. The parrot fell in love with their Alexa and it keeps ordering things from Amazon. He's one of those African grey parrots more per treats please I mean he'll he'll sit on it just kinda stare at a Hilton nozzle it and then he'll just. He'll tell them that you know things that he hears is his owner says he's Alexa. Play Kiddy Fuck. So it's hysterical. So yeah he orders a bunch of Shit I mean. Are we sure that it's the parrot? And the guy's not like an Ambien user or something. No this is an old lady and she said that it's absolutely completely like accurate. The way that this bird can sound because they are there are pretty fucking like. They can mimic like really really well. Well she said from Anything from like dipping dipping dripping faucets. He can make that sound tour. Sound exactly like it and also like construction equipment. He's been ordering like random things like Like a kite tea kettle. Lightbulbs you know. Maybe she's just listening to broadcasters that are always calling their fucking personal assistance. Who knows like the ones like you? Who just call about so they so they fucking activate like what like turn on Kiki Katie now Alexa. No stop it. God damnit hey cut it out. That's fucking that is so annoying you know. L. How horribly annoying it is. When you're listening this sounds on a speaker and your phone. All of a sudden picks that okay. Let's get started. It could be it could be. Your phone is just sitting there and you're listening to a radio broadcast or anything. It's fucking broadcasting over speakers in your phone is just especially when you're listening from your phone because then it stops what you were doing like totally interrupting wherever it was going on to ask me. Hey like nick. Some people in their cars. It's like ball shit fucking annoying and if it's having to I if it happened to you you. Oh Yeah. That really sucks ball. Yeah I probably pissed you would. It's GonNa Happen. It's on now because they make you. Listen to podcasting while we're driving around. I know what you do but he threw it you throw one on and then it usually lasts for the whole ride league totally expanded your horizon. That's listened to a lot of things they'd let originally. You're like no I would never and then I'll now you're like a fan. Yeah quality isn't it some of it. We'RE GONNA go to your favorite your favorite topic by judge and it's time once again for shit hit. And here's a pair of some tickled babies Dolly.

00:45:03 - 00:50:03

Parton says that she wants to pose in playboy for her seventy fifth birthday to say what she ninety two seventy five okay. I'm curious I would go check out just to check it out. She wants. Let's classes surgery. I'm sure she's kept everything tight scar tissue on scar tissue. That's what I heard too that. She has tattoos covering her scars. Really yes he's got tattooed boob. Yes me too fucking interested seventy five year old. What are you doing to me? That's a seventy five year old lady. Katie whatever I still WanNa see I wanna see how those fucking titties held up. And I wanNA know you know. Yeah no I definitely do to. What am I said I wanna see them things white i. It's it's very creepy to think that if it was just any seventy-five year low what whatever. If that's share you WANNA send it. Go ahead sit on that chair. She's on the cover. And in nineteen seventy eight. Now she wants to nineteen seventy eight. But it didn't show anything to together. I don't it's weird that remember that well. If it was you would take no well there. There's actually a someone that had post I think no she had posted it on On twitter and there's little videos so it's going to be on the link when we post this posting so you'll be go check it out and look at it. Whatever to upside check out find this episode and has all the coal shed that we leave for you on every episode. That's right links for everything but three lakes. Because we're like that we don't just fucking Shit. We show you where we show our fucking references. We show you exactly where we got to struggle. I show my work. No that's right that's right so if you want to know whether to trust weird story that we hear shopping a man stick off well go to the source and you fucking figure it out because we don't know what's real. I don't care nope tit for the week. So yeah I I never claimed you know. Those are all real stories. We don't really know a lot of them. May definitely may not be and I'm Sur- one hundred percent know some of the people who make lists balls and I don't mean to kind of balls we anybody likes to suck. I mean some universal all above that. Nobody wants to suck like there is not a person on this. Earth wants to suck this balls. That's the kind of balls at sucks like Super Ashy. I don't even know I don't even 'cause somebody would like that too. I know there's an asks for every seat which is close my mind like really that fucking God. It's like elbow skin. Oh so hard. Oh God damn elephants fucking day. Too flaky I believe he stiff balls. Maybe I like that sort of thing. Just taking the comfort of havoc flaky stiff balls I am. I don't think I would like this at all. This elephant hide. What are you doing to? You're not to make them that rough what's happening. There jerky outed. How did you create this? I'm just throwing him into hydrogen. WanNa know helps tighten them up about tight. They're fucking hard very hard enough. They may shatter sing. The right fucking note prunes the drying their plunged thirty at night like you know preserving so. I can have them later. When I'm downloaded to the matrix off of the Matrix. Just make it a doormat. Freeze dry the little guys alternative. I don't use it anyway. So leave them they're gonNA prostate the size of a grapefruit CETERA. Okay so I think there are some people that are just doomed. Because there's there's a woman now. I Want Maine woman when we got a lot of weird story. Starring sever their classic. Well God I. She married herself. Okay all right all right all right now then line. She cheated on herself.

00:50:05 - 00:55:03

Ashi Bank somebody else which part of her Cheetah though says. She's I vaguely. Remember talking about this once. I've like. Yeah there's a dream inside of triple inception despite navy but like inside the dream inside an episode that we talked about this bitch before that married herself and then cheated on herself and soon herself or divorce. I don't because she begged somebody else. I wasn't supposed to Bank of are no. That was like her fucking lawn. Toys Irs Zane. I don't know maybe they're all starting to blend together. Sars Chamo- these weird stories. Fuck it stick out more. You know what I mean. They would make a bigger impression. And but now they're sounding a lot like you realize the edibles have kicked in so you are a BB say okay all right okay. I don't know what we were talking about. Oh my God have to lead the conversation. That's what the fuck and host does I hate to tell you there's this there's this hospital worker. He got he got caught sucking on a patient's Toe. This just happened a couple of days ago. Oddly enough the van resist get his toes for diabetes to follow this green. This happened in Florida and green. Katie there was. It was an elderly patient. She's she's like yeah. He was second way toews along. Oh my God. You're a little older. See the victim was telling the police that she I felt her right foot being touched around like eleven o'clock at night but thought it was like the nurse is checking the swelling on the feet and the angles sympathize later. She felt it again. Bob COUPLA again. The the third time happened of the foot was touched and then she said I recall. I felt wet between my toes down. The Guy was like writer. And he's just like Saddam does what does look like I don't know eighty six years old though since she was old utterly really. Yeah but he was like twenty three but like a home. Usually you would run into more that we'd be like echo had honey godly toes. Yeah you don't really understand. I was I thought she had a bunion. And what's GonNa help help it was? I thought maybe there was a tick. I had to check her toes for tics because she was wandering in the forest. Is The forest checker for ticks? That's why I was looking between her toes. Katie I've got some bad news. Deal the PAN sexual bareback. Fuck Fest cancelled over the concert. Fucking twenty twenty pan sexual. It was bareback. Katie airbag. I know sexual. I know it only goes like anything. Goes. That's just. That was so disappointing. You WanNa fuck a guy and a goat to do fuck. That Kokin fucked echo echoed grew here in sexual bear fuck face bareback. Buckfast barefoot. I wanted to fucking like whatever they have. Leftover from the event would like to purchase one other. It'll be great. Something in a in a man's is in a man's I in a real man size. Whatever you call that in your shirt is you know what I mean. Some people are. Yeah just you know man size. Not Not tiny boy size swim looking for. I want one. I want a pan sexual bareback. Twenty twenty I survived. Grown up the fucking twenty twenty pan. Sexual bareback focused mouthful. What she's not so stupid.

00:55:05 - 01:00:10

All right here's this thirty five year old geared okay he. He says he's been in a relationship with a ghost Lisa for over two years and now said that it's okay for three way with another ghost really Male or female double phone out to talk double stream ice. Yeah how he He says his sex life is absolutely amazing really yet. I'm in this odd way. Okay like like in the. I have two girlfriends that are ghost kind of way. Is that what it looks like? It could get late if he wanted to. So I don't understand well I mean. He works in a hotel and I wonder if he like folks shoots the laundry like oh I could smell you boy. He said the subject came up when they were having popcorn and ice cream sundaes while watching their favorite movie ghost. Yeah I'm like Oh my God you guys are fucking ridiculous initiative so Lisa has a ghost female friend. He'll gal pal name sadie okay. So he says works better by the way. If you know somebody who has a weird delusion like this you know you gotta go with the delusion. That's that's my my my advice to you for entertainment purposes really. Because it's not going to be fun for you if you just say. Hey man you need help you really need to not not lean to get him to do weird shit but you know he. You don't need that. Shit on his party. Yeah just say. Hey who who's? Who are you fucking Weasel Lisa? Lisa? 'cause obviously I can't see her and he takes. He takes photos to armor like his arm is like supposed to be around her. But it's just nothing there Yeah Yeah Well Yeah. Whatever it was he hurt anybody no no not yet but I mean he sounds like a really great guy because he said he always makes her favorite breakfast in bed. Which is French toast? You know little too. You know this guy actually. Could we hang out with the coast and we're just really stupid for not believing him? Well okay I don't know either what we may may want to go a little heavier on the lithium. So what? I'm suggesting you up your dosage. Well I want to say what are you taking? Are you taking your recreationally or is this Prescribed that you have a girlfriend your sex life the great or or is it just the ghost? You don't know we don't we don't how do we know we don't know everything I don't know? Hey I don't hey you don't believe that there's something other than normal come on of course you to a normal not para. I think we're going to get out of here for tonight early. Did you find out if they're bucket brought? You don't even know if sexy Saturday night continues for the live people. You're right out. You're not sure if they're going to be able to tune into radio. Chaos dot net to hear fucking big POPPA and Don and betty pay. Okay C. T. I don't remember anything and it's called Betty me there you go okay. Yeah Yeah I don't know if she's back if she's back on doing it or not. We're not sure I'm not sure it's kind of a home home. It's like the thing to do these days. You do it from Your Studio. You Lock yourself in. You don't have to leave the house as long as you have plenty of toilet paper you'll be all right. I get that temporarily. It's the key you can just so you know if you're worried about something like that you realize you just shower after you you you shit. You can literally just shower afterwards like you have that kind of time. If you're stuck at home that's all right the once or twice a day that you have to that you just having a shower for ten minutes is at the end of the Goddamn world title off you could have the cleanest butthole in town. I mean you would actually start a new fuck it way of doing things. You will be showering post Shit. Yeah yet you will go fuck this. I'm not wasting paper anymore because just kills trees. I'm not GonNa do that you know. Is this the environment? Save all of your empty toilet paper roll so then when you're done it just take your toilet paper roll and Shiva your ass or your poop doesn't even touch your but shoots out that.

01:00:10 - 01:02:33

I think it's GonNa work. Yeah funnel it it's see the funnel and then it's got that Springbok so cute rigidity you're gonNA have to find a way to save your asshole. I and drop it in our listeners. To fuck you drop it in like a wish in to a well like how to if that's what you're playing and that's what you're going to get a toilet paper roll up your time. Your your ass is going to be clear already because you just everything about three sectors up like you went you at about three meters up your fucking intestine backwards. Everything is up there now. Because you're buying somehow you have a gaped asshole which means if you don't know we'll Rosebud different. That's prolapsed yeah it's a prolapsed lately different from agape is when they're usually laying on their back flipped upside down and there is like a three inch hole. That just goes into like hell just dark. You don't know what's going on in there. You see inside. You don't know it's pretty disturbing really. Oh I got all right. Well we should look it up. We have to get out of here for tonight. Okay so we don't run out whereas we're running out okay. All right everybody well like I said. GimMe and social media at Kinki Katie on Twitter Kiki Katie radio DOT com. Kiro radio gmail.com. Here for the week does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript