#298 – Topless Delivery
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3/22/2020 Only one thought... Virus free... Stupid face coming to Tampa... Vomit inside the car AC vent... Katie gets a dick bomb... Surprise dick bomb... Katie reviews the classic movie Step Brothers... The 20 dollar blow job and where you can find it... Best movie villains and Dan Soder... Panic buying weed in the Netherlands... Hurricane preparation... Hurting her girl brain... Screwing with co-workers... Calling your wife a dumb bitch... Husband torture... A glass dildo and the gathering of the Juggalos... New dildo for the Necrophiliac... Episode of "Rule 34"... Katie and her favorite tweets... The Big Lebowski returns de Jesus... Tits Man - Boober eats - Topless Food Delivery... Britain's biggest boobs... Make your tits bigger... Man shoots his own wiener off while robbing the wiener joint... Cats the movie butt hole edit... The Electric Slide was about a vibrator - part two... The Goldfish cracker hard dick challenge... Florida couple caught banging in front of a hospital. Somehow still virus free... Drive thru strippers... Cam girls reporting increase in viewing... Recipes for cooking the rich after the Coronavirus apocalypse... Testicle festivale is postponed.

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Kinky Katie's World #298 Topless Delivery

00:00:04 - 00:05:01

The following program contains adult content Kraz language of sexual manner completely irresponsible. Advise along with some things. You'll wish you could on here. If you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day cause I was sucking the shit out. He's right to take you down to the Jiggle. Her old tricks is I as good. I liked them please. Katie's ruled in ten nine eight seven six. Three Katie's road starts now. How are you dress? You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you come on Elmo and now live from ruled four stadium I bring you a girl that one Senate thought just one then she lost it here she is your host the one the Kinky Kitty do. Hello Hello and welcome to the show. This is Kinky gave you the world number two ninety eight. I am your host Kinky Kadian with me as always is virus. Free favorite plus covered. Fuck Toy Mr. As a guarantee completely virus-free there are probably viruses. Living inside of me as we speak but none of them are very dangerous. So I think you're okay who we are coming to. You Live Thirty. Allied Dot Com Gigi Katie radio DOT COM and normally radio cast that net but unfortunately California has shut down the server for so we are not General tonight bus all right life. Such is life come gas. Well we have got a fun show for For You oh we are also but one of the places we are coming to you from. Is the future home of stupid face. Tom Brady that's right. Wow Yes oh. I don't know if I like that. I don't like that idea. I know how much more traffic is. Going to suck. No it won't suck it all for us because we don't talk at least not many places near the city will be fine. That's true who knows if they're even going to have that next year. Yeah you know that's true to try anyway well so Yeah hopefully can get you out of your boredom. A little bit because Some people I know are in court today. Sounds like fun interesting times. Yeah well we're GONNA have a new tits man and our normal brand of silly offensive humor you know some might clincher bottles but you never know you might learn something if you've been a little queasy because of everything and you feel you might be sick. Get your might be sick. You might be sick. Yeah disappear listen to us in the car. Charity getting your AC vents. Because that's I don't think I've ever puked into a see. I don't know that sounds like a very bad idea. Yeah I did and it wasn't my car. Well that's the best time to God. It was bad too. Yeah yeah this. 'cause this is like before surgery can actually produce. I see normal vomit food. Yeah so is is very extraordinary. There's nothing like the cut that was in the car. I'm not believing people is just from Missouri. Oh my gosh. Hey I got I got emailed a Dick bomb yesterday. I got a Dick bomb. Okay what's check Bom Bom? You know it's like you open up like and it says enjoy your Dick Baldwin boom. There's a big picture addict there. Okay Dick bomb okay. Click this link know how they're always there when you open it. Okay so like usually you'll have like because a lot of people.

00:05:01 - 00:10:02

They look at our shit on their phone so that when they their phone. Dirk Young. When you're at your daughter's recital and you're just waiting for everything to start in. You're just going to check it out. Real Quick Thrill darken there so it was a great I don't know it might even just save. Might even like scream dick to open it up. I always fun. Yeah I've seen those guys looking at porn nasty poor given automatically whoever that was you know you realize I completely muting you even fucking block your number. Well let's if you had a bad experience with it I would think it was funny because I wouldn't I mean? When do I look at the phone anyway? So I'm not going to be around anybody where it matters. So that's true now but a lot of people just you know are always on their phone. And that's what you get but you're going to get muted. Probably right yeah yeah probably. Yeah so anyway. Have Jake well all right so this is unpopular opinion but I finally watched that movie stepbrothers because tired of everybody talking about it and quoting it. And I'm like Burson hasn't seen this fucking movie. Well it's not. W whatever I get why everybody goes fucking ape shit over this movie. I don't understand why they like. This phonies book movie movie. Norma guzzlers really I mean. How did you have to be to find that the most hilarious movie you've ever seen like that it was awesome? Everyone's like Mu Catalino. I mix at everybody fucking says that it's not who everybody is because I don't really see everybody people that you speak up and it's just it's really fucking stupid so I mean I was never like in love with it. I know I've laughed at a few things but it you know it doesn't really stick out of my mind at all again. I know I've seen it probably more than once. Yeah but I don't remember much from it so you know I know I just I. Just don't I mean when was that was that in the two thousands anyway now? Yeah nine was it. Yeah Okay Yeah I. I don't know what was going on what's happening back. Then you're with me okay. So I don I yeah. I don't I don't know what was going on. There is this woman. She's sitting at a bus stop and she has a big old poster sign that says blowjobs twenty bucks. Almost right here honey. We gotta get myself a twenty dollar blow job. You mind right honey. She's in Los Angeles. I'm sorry I'm sorry San Antonio and she didn't get picked up. Nobody said you know this might be an offer for prostitution at all of it. That's kind of a you know we'll make like the big sign. I do not have drugs in my vehicle. Do not search the trunk for kilos of cocaine in the trunk because you will. I mean won't find it. It's now I love dogs. Bring it. I'm just saying I mean. Has she heard of the Internet? Yeah I don't know that's pretty cheap though. Yeah well you know where we overpay for. A twenty dollar blow job is what you're saying. Was She Olympic? That'd be tend too much or or what? I'm just going to say this. She looks like she would fucking earn that. Twenty Bucks. Okay Nice she. She'd fucking she gets you there. I mean she'd put that effort into the close my eyes when I shoot. Try Real Hard. That Twenty Bucks No. I've been confronted with with stuff like that before like you. I've been places and you will have like Patty. The daytime hooker will walk past you. Hey come here come here. I'll suck your Dick for ten dollars. No not so much a live negative well. This woman sounds like a bargain. However there are girls that give it away for nothing. So really what? Why am I giving you anything for it? All you have to do is find the one that will put one will. She also looks like though that after she was done she gave. You like a Tamale. Are you saying? Is that what you're saying? Well but she's also what he's trying to say rather large woman. Okay Romi hips. Oh yeah fat girl Romi. Netflix DOT is of it.

00:10:05 - 00:15:00

I can't help every time I love what I'm telling you. We will talk about stepbrothers and yet silos lamps. Obviously one of the best psychopath and any movie. I mean it's up there with any movie you want. Imagine mobile come on come on but now every time. I hear Dan Soder do. That's a very good buffalo bill. I take each channels. That wasn't very well. Maybe even better. I don't know I know you can't get that. Huge voice is like every. That's you know it anywhere you hit. You see him and I hear his voice immediately like he was in that exactly he was he every time I saw him. Yeah he was in that series and I could never watch that series because I always booking the basket. I think that's weird is weird to a head. I watch and then go Bob. The friendly COP. No no no no not ladies taking care of your kids. Why going him for help. He's just GonNa cut you off each damn fucking crazy fuck. Did you see the movie like where your body like a suit come on? He's got a really cool book. Great great the hell of a seamstress her cues little dog. There's there's people in the Netherlands they're They're not worried about toilet paper. Shoppers are fucking panic. Buying we'd really yeah. It was like two days ago shortly after. Like five o'clock on a Sunday night does last Sunday. The government in the Netherlands had to had issued an urgent decree to control the Corona virus outbreak. Virtually all restaurants and bars will be ordered to shut their doors added added and effectively. That our it six. There's GonNa be a ban on coffeeshops. Well it's a very key thing if you're GONNA get locked down for a while. Yeah you know good to have something well you know. If you're drinker maybe want to stock up. Yeah that was always our hurricane preparedness as we make sure we got the liquor store and yeah you gotta by at least half a dozen of something something something lots of it to you. Don't know when that stores can be opened again now. I gotTa Get whiskey tomorrow. We'd by a couple of handles a crown if we could. That's what happened at like there. It was like who do you mean? These aren't seal sale. Get Three No. That's right hurricane already down. One really is not a rain that everybody was without power for like two weeks. Everybody knew nobody. Add power tiny one bedroom one bathroom apartment tiny as apartment and we had like ten people in there. It's 'cause maybe a day to go through. After after the hurricane it was maybe a day before we ran. Outta liquor. Yeah and then we were like okay. We're leaving the house. I don't give a fuck. Yeah we're going to cut away out and we're leaving and thankfully we did. We found a couple of bars that rope and we found one. It was because the curfew lifted on Halloween right and we went to this one bar. There wasn't that many people dressed up. But we just got all sorts of Fuckin- Ronco. Yeah Oh yeah at fun. There is a picture of SC UP ON THE WALL. And he's got a collar on the chain and he's licking the bottom of my vinyl. Yes I gotta drink thrown on me that night. You Got. Let around my some random girl. Yeah but but girl actually through Drako me. Yeah Yeah. I don't remember what I said to her but I know she was right for doing it. Oh my God and then there is that one guy. He was like a tow truck. Diver detract comedy. Churchill Company here by explorer exploded at and he's the girl that he he was out with. She said he's she's like no. That's my sister because she wanted as C. and she had tattoos all Downer spine.

00:15:00 - 00:20:01

And there's a picture of seeming me like licking in. Yes well it turned out. That was his girlfriend and they were there on a date really. His girlfriend topless at it was nice. Yes uh-huh so there's there's sometimes I have posted those pictures where we're both crouch down and we're like like her but You know my hands like between her legs anyway. I was just. I was just kinda thinking the other day and I. I don't know why it was raining. Something who played it on? Abc Under I don't WanNa hurt your girl brain. I'm so sorry yeah I'm fragile. So treat me like a little princess that debt just enrages any female what you say some shit like that like the fire go in there is. I will rip your fucking balls off well. Chad. I'm just fucking with you. I'm sorry and that have and then when you know she's already pissed and you're like calm down. You want me to treat you like I treat guys you know what I mean. And that's what I do guys that I like. I fuck with them. No I know though I mean really used to call your Your assistant girl's name like all the time no scrotum I call them for a while. Yeah you've come up with new names all the time we played. You put gay magazines in his lunchbox ever do do it. It was funny. We we cut out letters and shit and made a ransom note reporters. It was just like Oh my God we did some some pretty fucked up things that poor kid and every every day when I when I worked for my father when I was pretty much alone in the office all day and seaweed come by on his lunch break leaves fuck and help her kid in the in the car and he come in and fucked me up against the wall or on my desk or whatever and then he leaves and really could employees. I know you know you don't make really good decisions. Ready drink sometimes. No no no decision making is not your fucking best quality or anybody's best qualities. What I'm saying. We hear the bar for breakfast. Relax at seven. Am Bar impact store but they serve breakfast. So then you'd see people there. The you know haven't been home yet. Like friend of ours would bring his own hookah around in a backpack. Yes it would set it at anywhere. He went to fucking pay Kuka Hook out. Are You doing actually really nice? Very nice I mean you would enjoy it when you were drinking. It was it is very enjoyable but I was delighted to pitch but I'm not going to go through that much bullshit. You know what I mean. I remember we did go through that phase because we bought one. When I don't read we still have it. I know I only use it like twice. I Dunno whatever. It's one of those things you just feel like you should own one. You know. I guess like a mixer. It's I don't know why only God it's a conversation piece while it's not really a conversation piece but you feel like at some point in life you wish you had a hookah for one reason or another and you have one right what we always you know what. I don't know Weeden it. No that's what I'm so you could certainly take a Lotta wheat though You know we had to be down for the bird on that thing but yeah that's true. I honestly not really because what I could do is probably stick by my electronic baby right in the end of it and just dollars to donuts. I could do that. Oh Yeah I mean that's how these things are made to stick onto fucking monks and chat and just push the button. That's pretty fucking cool way. Yeah maybe not now. You're thinking like Oh that that's really. You could probably get me to use that thing. I would definitely use it then. Yeah 'cause I could just set it up push a button. Just let it go. Yeah this Hook it. Up to a fucking volcano. Well it. That's what it this is. Yeah like you could do it right off of this thing. No cow but you know you don't know I don't know you don't know we're just talking about that. I know don't hurt your girl brain. Okay thank you my tits and that's okay. Well see that's why I have to rub them. All the time is to try to try to make you more smart more smart or smart.

00:20:02 - 00:25:04

I'm saying terms you understand so glad I'm glad you do. Not Use big words. Lease let horrible. I know to stop that so when you look at where women are like. I can't stand this bitch. Well you know yeah. I'm acknowledging that she should not talk to people that way. Just renew joking with them and you want them to get a little mad at you because you think it's funny if they're mad at you. I think it's funny when you do it to me in public people look at you like. I can't believe you said that to her. And she's just like the reactions process. You can't buy that kind of entertainment why you think it's funny because everybody's reactor that is pretty entertaining one of these days. Somebody's GONNA come out of it bitch at me to laugh at them and then they're really going to get pissed off that I'm going to laugh. Similar SIM- bravely lady with the Karen haircuts. Get A fucking like walk up to you bake. I do like the we spoke to her in my face. Yeah and then she's going to. That's not funny. It really is a sad. You're not seeing it from my perspective. You go to grab my arm and I pull away like like you. Don't understand that that that's a bit. That's you don't get that you don't get the fact that I don't think of my wife that way at all not at all. I don't understand that to you. I love it really. The whole thing was designed for you to be uncomfortable. Turn AROUND AND STARE AT US. Like what the fuck is going on here? I mean just two hours ago you deep. Refer to me as a dump you mean. Did I do that? Oh that's right that's why you gotTa Tell. Everybody vaguely sound like a monster. I should my name for you around the House. But what did you do the inside the hose it? You're doing you'd be call you that know you're being a tacky you're being like like she'll come around and I talked about. I showed my in your pit but at the same time do things like put her finger in my ear and like reach down and to stick stick her hand in my gooch ball. Swipe you she is doing things she knows is super fucking annoying. You'd be like out like stop it. And then she's on you like fucking spider monkey and you're literally say stop. Please cut it out come on NYC really until you go. Okay look stupid and then you laugh instead of against Stephen Bitch really yes. I have to say what I have to say. This hurtful thing fucking ends now stomach out God. Fuck it around. I love it too because I'll just walk behind him behind the couch and he has one eye on me the whole time like you. Better fucking keep moving. Don't you come up by me? He's always threatening Japan. He always threatens to put a bell on me because I make him jump him trained. Yeah because I'll be watching something and come up behind me and then like like like swipe my face and I always jump out of my skin and whispering in your ear like really close and that is a real but that and you you understand. That is a good way to get accidentally fucking clobbered or no and you know this like the bloody nose story that we've told a bunch of times have we. Why do you keep telling that live about you? Know you know people are GonNa think I do think intentionally. No it's totally. I was startled me. If you start me I startle no and I and I react sometimes in a slightly violent. I take a swing at whatever scares me. It happens all the time I just moved at north. I moved Isaac. I should've zagged scare me. No banged knew each other. Yeah and I was like no because I was. I was doing something that I knew was going to fuck with you so I just a little bloody nose wasn't even bad and people. I swear I was. It was my fault I was like. Oh no no I deserve this learn what and I wasn't I wasn't thinking about it. Sounds woman I know. I'm like no I'm really. I'm fucking Klutz like I really am. I have bruises on the top of both of my feet because I opened. You're not you're not helping. I know you're not you're you're making it Saudi worse. Oh I'm telling you I mean yes that's what I've plenty refrigerated the top part of the door.

00:25:04 - 00:30:05

He came down and everything that was in. There fucking fell. They fell on my feet because I have humongous feet so now the anyway whatever shut up no but exactly the things you're saying are those are the kinds of eggs that abused women. Say No really it was me. I'm just klutzy. You don't understand. I just I dropped by myself. They walk into doors all the time. Definitely doesn't Cain my feet. He no no. That wouldn't have it at all right you shouldn't you shouldn't hit the extremities with a cane. That's dangerous you could get a blood. Clot you gotta keep it around the torso. Everybody knows this high on the fire on the torso. Come on God. This is probably one of the classes stories that we've ever talked about and by far it's the top five on the Internet. I would say there is a former publicist the insane clown posse and is she's suing for sexual harassment. Walk if it's a here boop boop and an incident a little hatchets out there. How many how many of your your facebook and our fans are. It's it's a staggering amount. It is really surprised anymore when we're talking to somebody who listens to the show and they're like Oh no you don with cloud and I bury st several. I mean we've been invited to the gathering before too well. This is an incident that happened at one of the gathering of the jets. Lose okay. I'm shocked. It was involving a dude named dirty Dan. Diamond triple g bitch as well also involves Glass Dildo that apparently kid rock has in possession really yes kindred did steal said Dildo no it was given to them by dirty Dan. Thirty tank gave gave kid rock a glass deal well because the guy had appears that you the Glass Dildo of excellence. Now azure work being a dirty asshole. Anyway what had actually happened? Is this guy. The dirty Dan Dude was giving it to this this chick and it was her boss and she's like this isn't fucking women no dirty. Dan is a dude dirty dancer too but dirty dancing and the former publicist for Isaiah. Right is suing for sexual harassment because dirty. Dan was her boss. And he's like here's a glass dildo and she's like that's not appropriate so he's a here you go fucking kid rock. Well it's been subpoenaed and he's gotTa bring it to the to the court as a kid regna though if there is a lot of names in there. I got lost somewhere between dirty Dan. Diamond and Diamond Dallas page. And then I was thinking about Debbie Debbie Does Dallas. Then I started taking about dethroning and I stopped listening. So you understand the progression that you led me down. Yeah you led me right to a blowjob certainly Dr. psychologically you do that unintentionally all the time. Because you've got some asked today is that why could be? Okay Okay Oh well Digital you can get a Ted Bundy. Dildo now docked. But what do you being a Ted Bundy? Dildo today today. Clone Willie No. It's called the the Bundy do and it's from a website called serial pleasures. Okay they they. They specialize killer shit. Okay right but this isn't a cock. It's a it's like a femur bone a yeah her necklace his actual femur. It says the necrophiles Dildo. Yeah no ACETATE Attacker file dead people. Yeah people tending to be dead. Yeah that's the other thing that some people are in two and it looks it. Looks extremely real. Yeah yeah it. Looks like a femur bone. Okay you think it smells like one. Oh is it poorest? What's it made out of? It is made out of silicone silicone but oh it's okay. You could stick that somewhere. And it's textured texture. Yeah we'll like bulbous. What's a Femur Bone Very Blunkett join? It's very blunt some people like blunt. I mean it's like a fucking plug. Yeah well anything about plug if you raven so okay.

00:30:07 - 00:36:00

I mean if you're hopeful the other Ed won't get sucked up in there. That's a long way. Is it big FEMUR? That's like a foot and a half sits pretty big though looks pretty big. Why are you telling me about Femur Bone Dildo? I don't know I take my house because you can get though for fewer like into serial killers and you WANNA get boned so yeah. I'm not putting it on my wishlist or anything though now. Okay 'cause I would definitely want to see you put it in but it and I want a bigger bone Chris alone it cannot pay extra for gristle WANNA know it. All logged cartilage. It's very textured dinosaur bone. Perhaps I like some big. I'm looking for something in a new ass toy flit something bulbous whole foot. I know they say that. I've seen that and I don't like I don't like Peru's Dildos all the time like once in a while I'll see something to go. What the fuck is that? They have a single. They've got the double feet together. We'll see I didn't know about any of that. I'm not surprised. Fuck the INSTEP. Fuck the answer is going to be like a Whitney Cummings higher situation there you go Yeah they also have the Jangle. That's the one where you there's a pussy on the ankle seeking late fuck fuck fuck. Fuck Fuck here God Jerry Foot. It just it ceases to amaze ray just two different weird things that people will bang and like not only will bang requests to bang. Oh Yeah like that is my preferred method is to fuck to Jangle. That's what I what I WANNA a fucked at Achilles oh it. I want to make a little slit in bucket. Good Guide somebody. Does I know I wanNA suck on those toes finger. It are the whatever's your we're GonNa go to an episode of Rule Thirty Four. And when we come back we're GONNA have a brand new tits man as law and kind of put out this tweet which I thought was quite interesting anyway. Joyful be right back young. It's time basically and refreshing snack. Girl is going blind because you've got that stupid adult tattoos. That happens sometimes. Those here yeah. I got much she went she did it all black and David Line. I liked the all black eye awesome. They have fucking contacts okay. I don't WANNA wear contact. Well like if I could snap my fingers and makes them like all like if I could do. Dude is like the playoffs. That'd be fucking own. You can't do that but I don't know I definitely would never do like the way they do it with injecting ink into your. I will note. Now I'm talking about a fucking. Genie comes out of a bottle. When I'd rather like to shoot it right out of my take and we get three wishes and one of them could be. I want fucking tune is nice intake fingers. Dick Fingers Induna. It's like if you could do that and and there were no repercussions other than that's the way I look now but yeah I I fucking do it. Well it would be fun seizes. It would be really fun. Well how about you? You've had it for a little bit temporary negative okay. I want the ability to be able to change I with my whims for for the rest of my life and your dictator. Maybe able to turn those on and off. I want to be able to turn my. I want to be able to turn my fingers into whatever I want to at will for the rest of my life. You have to be very specific with the magic. 'cause you get flak what well wait a minute. Then what like like if you change one hand? Can you leave the other? WanNa sing it out. No I have unlimited control of what my fingers are made out of because you can have a Dick and then you can have pretty pie. I could have whatever your fingers fingers like. I have a pussy finger. I don't know how that would work magical. So I'm sure the opening goes somewhere it becomes a flipper and then just opens up if you're right we don't build in the magic of genie with a fucking. You've been rubbing lately that you find this. Well Rome the Romans. Abc's flying penis-amulets to offset. Everybody knows rennick decorator. There's a tech writer fuck with you does not be live you. Can you can just fucking it could be rubber mats cone shits. I were skin could be a dead Dick Picture of a dead Dick Sculpture. Krant three D printed tig date naming no wasn't bad to Pinky Katie's world on wras radio live dot com and he Katie radio DOT com.

00:36:00 - 00:40:01

You can get me on the twitter later. Can Katie. Radio DOT COM also Jamaica carried area dot com ca me? Yeah you're just starting to slow down. I wonder why I don't. I don't know this is one of my favorite songs. You can't do this to me when I'm like really high like Like fuck a meltdown. Like all right. This is couched Schlock Song. Just whatever give me a weapon something out of all? Puckett lack shut off such. You've been addictive day died lie. That's very true. That's very true. Got Some tech perils. What were you hope? So that this chick twee tweeted and I thought it was kind of. I thought it was very funny at the time I sexually identify as a microwave dinner. Because I'm wait a minute because I'm ready in five minutes. Look nothing like my photos and I'm just satisfying enough for you when you want me again. When you're desperate see she has about of self esteem for any bang girl there. You go just a little bit a little bit. She's Kinda cute. Yeah that's to coming out this year. is is a spin off of the big Lebowski. It's called the Jesus Rolls did Jesus yet. But it's called the Jesus. Jesus yeah yes he. Jesus Right Well it could just question raiders of the Big Lebowski. Though you know what I mean. That's true who am I. Yeah I don't know I can't question him who am I exactly. I don't know I mean that's another one of those movies. That a lot of people fucking love all on you know what I mean like obsessed with the big Lebowski. That's fucking true. I mean there's a whole fucking culture of big lousy people. Yeah I mean and I'm not saying that I didn't liked movie I did. I thought that was a good movie. I enjoyed it especially when it when it came out. Yeah however I don't see the same mania. Yeah now I. There's a lot of mania but but did Jesus was fucking very quotable Washer. I mean there's a lot of quotable really. Because he fucking liquors Boeing Boston. Jesus you haven't seen the big little Hausky. I duNNo. You can watch it but I don't depends on how old you are whether you're gonna like it or not that's true. I don't know I think we're going to go to your favorites like went to invite you. Wait till I was fucking looking down and I know it's time when hit scratch my calf area well Everything is pretty much closed at the moment as in restaurants but they are doing delivery services and shit like that strippers. Now have curbside food. Delivery Service Call Buber. Eats may come to deliver your food with pasties nine. It's gotta be really sad. Sanitary what we we host them off before we put them back into the van. Used them all off Ask gotTA sanitized Katie. That's so proud to get them. Clean get can in fact me anyway they do it like Auschwitz style defected a fire hose.

00:40:03 - 00:45:01

What's what's the poor girl makes delivery. Oh She's just fucking hose down without fire hose in the alley an inscribed with like one of those big floor. Yeah and then either. Fuck rooms honor you know. Throw it out her like back in the day for for delousing. Somebody back in your son ask. Hey Big tits gotta delivery and this one special like let's hope they're treating their delivery people better remember when they come to your door. You'RE GONNA WANNA tip them. Yeah because that's what they gotta go through to bring you fucking food crisis topless. Yeah anywhere else. Are you gonna go see covered old? Bubis I mean yeah even though there are strip clubs that are open. We will talk about that in a little bit. Yeah we will. It's please call little darlings thing about that. Also a phone hit man. You GotTa do it. Otherwise there's this fifty year old woman. She spent Oliver divorced money on. Britain's biggest boobs okay. Yeah that's one way to go about it and sure she's like fucking have the country's largest tests and that say she went from thirty four to thirty two double m Big they're they're very very very large. I never understand the fucking monster. Size extensions you know what I mean. Well no they're not as big as some of the ones that are filled with silly string of these are filled with silly string now. What the fuck are they? What is she like wheel? Bearing them around like what the fuck it to be made out. They look kind of having so I don't know Yeah Maybe it's filled with water from the hose that they use to spread out the stripper delivery. People well I don't know she had to have them specially made and imported from over here over here. America I'd have they didn't make a big over right British in place I lost track. That's okay we'll keep you there. She says she's thinking about going bigger. Really well she's her daughter. Her daughter now will actually both daughters she wants. They won't boob jobs too. I don't understand it I I mean you know do you. I would totally am no like you know and they go you know what I wish. They were bigger. I always go to like a double d personally. Well that's that's not him no. That's not him. Still big. That is it's not m that's true I wanNA and then and then and then. They're not big enough. I you know I gotta get him. Beggar says that's in a British accent. Now Coke any big up there you know what someone had told me once that they actually believed that your tits would grow if you eat mashed potatoes upside down all kinds of different things that girls used to thank worked or people told increase my bust. Yeah Rub this cream on your babies and they'll grow all kinds of things like rub olive oil butter. I've heard all kinds of weird shit that were old wives tales. Make your touch bigger God when really all you have to do is just get knocked up and there's a really good chance they're going to get better. Yeah it really boils down. You'RE GONNA have to go fucked at abor because he's there and you WanNa read Elaine. That guy with your big hooters. See you're going to have to go next door neighbor. Get knocked up. Then you'll have bigger cities you can really and That big person back in the fifteen hundreds thing when before you could get an implant. That's how it was done or they had bras new. Tell little historian dude. This guy has to be one of the world's dumbest criminals he He used a gun to rob a it was a hot dog joint and misfired and it hit him in the Dick. Give me all your waiters or shoot bone. Waiter I'll do it all shoot. A ride all happened in Chicago. You guys got Weiner money waiter money waiter chilling come on man who goes to a winner restaurant if I kill it but can I eat it.

00:45:04 - 00:50:00

It was as he was in his pocket and he was like I got a guy. And he's like China Fuck on like rob the plays and he takes less now. I. It's pretty much. He jumped allow of. Translate that into you. Have no fucking clue really. What is injuries are justed? He got shot. No you know no blown off. How done blowed off Sir? So some Chicago. Where did this happen Chicago? Did you say three times did you? Yeah there's a lot of details that I'm not having as much I'm trying what? Cte God damn it. You can't you can't make fun of me yes I can okay. Yeah Yeah but realized that I'll make fun of YOU RIPAC. I know I know a lot worse to as you escalate until I cry. And he was like. Why do you say such thing? Only if I'm having a good time but then if I cry and then it makes you horny and then we had sex G it works out. Sometimes you you totally use that just to get sex. Maybe once or twice. Yeah you've done it several times. Yeah whenever no not whatever that was totally a fucking method you used and I knew it so if you knew it whatever what I still got to have. Good crying sex. That's true so really. It was a win win for me. Yeah see that was leading who? Anyway Johnny appleseed plan them everywhere that fucking. Cgi cats that just came out the fucking known watched. Oh Yeah I heard. I heard nobody liked that. I well I mean I would have never wanted you know. What do I care? Kansas been around forever. Well here's the thing. The original version. Apparently the cat tied buttonholes today but then they removed them and now fans. They wanted the bottle. I want to see it now. Because he got US Stephen movie just to see three cats at home they stick their but my face all the time I know it looks like how many like musicals are you really. You know what I mean we. You're sitting down good. Hey I'm WANNA go watch a musical like for you. Not like would have been cats as Taylor swift album on imagine. That's her little paint. How many times in your life have you personally said? Hey I want I want to check out any musical lifetime. You can count on. Probably a both hands. Yeah how many times so really the odds of you liking this at all resume and then people who were into this kind of thing actually listened to watch it went in. Yeah now for whatever reason maybe they're coming out with music potholes are GONNA make efforts. Yes cat ass. That's GonNa Swing that movie around fucking bet you guys yes. I figured they had to do something that would go. Viral and then people will be like come on. You can't be serious and will fucking go see it. I don't know well nobody's GonNa go anywhere he's at least maybe they'd have it like for fucking rent. The movie I mean most of our listeners live in big cities. I'm here to tell you most of our listeners. Have nothing else going on? Why aren't you listening to us? You Know I. A lot of people listened to us while they're working out this cherry when they have headphones but when they're sitting at home they're not usually listening to us now yes so they can hear us right now. They don't know what's going on. They'll figure out in a couple of weeks when they go for a run or something and it'd be like hey look like two or three Abbas it. Wow you guys are really talking. Shit about us. Guys are Okay Really. Oh in our. Apparently there was also a graphic peeing scene that was cut as well. And that was involving. Rebel Wilson. Yeah Graphic Whiz. Does she get peed on it. I don't know Remy. That wasn't in the original. Why IMPROV IT improved? It had to go had had away. Couldn't leave so I remember this a long time ago. I believe But someone had kind of brought it up to me the other day but that the The writer of the electric slide confirmed it's all about vibrator seriously. Okay there is. Was that the or we have talked about this.

00:50:00 - 00:55:09

Before I thought. So like Sherman set to sway back machine a couple hundred episodes. I know something. I thought it sounded a little familiar. But anyway We'll be talking about Ken. Electric slide was all about using a vibrator. If you've ever been to fuck an wedding bar Mitzvah danced where they think Patty next to you. That's right were dancing to the Dolo Song. That's all right with your fucking Auntie and me Ma. Never everybody knew the dance. That's right and then you did the chicken dance right after. That's right and then you watch your sister Guetta get a coochie sniffed. What would he grabbed the guy the garter anyway some people will like weird fuck but never like always say when we post the notes for the show new. They'll be the Like a link where you can read the Eric's so if you WANNA check it the weirdest fucking friends on facebook to you. This whole quarantine thing is really getting to people because my zone opposes his in case. You're wondering you can flip goldfish crackers off of your penis and catch them in your mouth this. Psa from his initials of just up. Just notifying you of the possibility that you could be doing this right now. You can have a home springboard how many Jews are like fuck you man Mike. Does it stick out past my belly? Well as like the ones that would really want to do that. Yeah like you. Dick doesn't work. Must Be Nice good for you. Good for you. You're big dicks flipping Goldfish Jazz. Local radio reference. I don't care that right in there. There was a there was a fucking Florida. Couple not surprised so neighbors here there are there are people you just admit it and you know the people you know the people that listened to. Us literally think that no. You're exactly what we think of Florida. Yes the two of you are poster people or the exact kind of people I think. Live there and they're completely right. Louis Florida you're from here. Yeah I know that's fine. Yeah that's right 'cause I know more than most people. The rumors are true but I think they're crazy. White Trash people everywhere but yeah. I all I know is I've lived in a bunch of different parts of the state and yes no matter where you go there are Florida and like I belong. Somehow can you only imagine what the fuck and like Florida men are going to be up to like like all the crazy stories? It's going to be coming out in the next couple of weeks. So he will go fucking crazy. We'll go stir crazy. They'll go out and take so look like Zombie Apocalypse. That's I because everyone's on fucking like they're going to be all meth drugged up there outside overdose have gone up a thousand percent. Let's be honest. Just really didn't want to give him the test nor cans cheaper my God. There's so this Florida fucking couple. They they kinda ignored. All of the warnings. And Shit about about social distancing. They had sex outside a hospital. You know what you want but you know. Oh and this is like this is. This is in Saint Pete that makes sense well and that's local to yes. I can completely see that happening now. And you see a lot of those people licking things and you know. I don't know what you read even in even in normal times why would you? Why just Y Yeah I mean. I've looked weird things too so home. Ida fucking I can't say I've put some strange things. I definitely have definitely have. So who am I to talk in especially? I don't even know when I was a kid. I'm sure I was very oral as an uncle uncle uncle. Bela used to say all XIV Belli. I'd say you're very oral valley off the Strip club in Vegas called little darlings. They're closed temporarily. But that's just but that's the the governor is like it's mandatory just because we're a little bit but they they plan to offer drive through shows and hand sanitizer wrestling.

00:55:11 - 01:00:03

That's not going to be good. For orifices no law. Very Bernie de do not alcohol in your Kuch. Well it's it's just GONNA get in there they're going to have clean clean buttonholes though on on the good side of it. Yeah sure no fucking little. Paper Trustees might be there. Oh you never know gotta Rub it vigorously but they have they have this this box truck that setup and it's clear plexiglass so you can see the stripper pole in the middle. There's been in the box and she's she's too like in thinking it'll get up to three thousand degrees in the sober. I don't think they were doing in the sun we killed. We killed four six. Oh Shit the bitch big box. Fuck how people dead. I don't know we were traveling around who we forgot to ventilate this one. A lot of people were pulling. We thought we were a good job there. They're all yelling that she's doing one of our aerials. Apparently she was a suffocating. Steamy in there by all the glass put the titties on the glass. Bits I'm weird. You know the things you find entertaining some time looking out. At some point deja Vu the Tampa while nicer. The one up here they sent out. They emailed people letters. They said dear valued gas they said we will remain open no matter what. We're doing our We're going to be doing everything to help. Sanitize all the time but like Dory. We'll be here I you know. Yeah I'm I'm sure that the place that we live will be one of those places that were like will not do that until the last possible like shit. We should have done this awhile ago. Yeah it's almost too late and then they will do it. Maybe maybe whatever fuckers I can stay in. I I can do that. That's easy for me. Yeah very very simple except for going to work. They're always saying that Percent THAT CAM girl business is fucking boom in now. And it's hit to get even fucking booming. I think so. I mean because people don't have money are they really gonNa like WanNa you know what I mean. Some people are just going to people have money. Yeah I guess is the thing. Some people don't live paycheck to paycheck. Who are these said people of which you speak? I will know you have to give me addresses so when the shit goes we know who coquette. Goddamn oh there's A. There is a fucking cookbook out there and a guide with recipes. It's called a recipes for cooking the rich after after the imminent class war. Boy I know boy. People are fighting again like all like crazy crazy or they yes. It's not their fault. That's like a fucking God like the websites that Cobra's Stuart says if you're young broken beautiful bears. Yeah says when people have nothing to eat they shall eat the rich. So there's like Foie gras recipe. You have you have like almost unhealthy unhealthy obsession interest. I would say it was not really obsessive about it. But you'll see a good cannibal story. I mean we were just talking about Buffalo Bill. That's true. Yeah Yeah Now. What are you talking about more? And you're actually getting more into detail about like the way barbecue them. Wow scared. Don't really I don't have any money. So good luck with that. It's not about the money at the flavor is a good luck quota your marbles you could do whatever you want but I'm old and and I'm not super old but I'm old enough to wear like if you a cow or a piece of pork and it was like we're talking about the oxygen pulls the fucking cart like you take that ox and you let him grow to Middle Age. You know you don't want eat that fucking ox that Oxus I'm sinewy fucking. My muscle is not going to be tender at all no it. Won't IT'LL BE TENDENCY SINEWY IT. It's GonNa be tough tasty fucking a taste for you when I.

01:00:03 - 01:01:24

It's just not GonNa be pleasant Internet. No I I definitely know how each for the cats okay. Anyway and just a little. Psa before I let you go that the testicle festival has been postponed. Just so you know if you are in that part of the country put your away. Keep yourself right now. Got Peanut wires. Keep your nuts. I've got my own nut. Fixable shut my nice all right anybody well. We're Outta here for the week hoping enjoyed yourselves and whatever it is. You're doing pass the time. Maybe I'll do everything for me. I see don't I don't be stupid and have some fun. Somehow China laugh a little. Yeah inappropriately possible. That's right things. Mastermind inappropriate laughter is the best kind of laughter. When you should not be laughing your laughing what would you forget? We forgot to talk about the enemy. We were going to talk about well. Whatever say all right guys? You're going to check it out next time on. He gave road own. Wash your house does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript