#267 – Thrill Masturbation
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Thrill Masturbation


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8/10/2019 We can hear you masturbate Katie... All the naked fun time happened without you... Tampa Bay Screams coming soon... Look at my tits please... Cock ring explosive or not in Germany... Men making out in Russia, and they didn't get killed... Trans woman can't get a decent Brazilian in America... No phone on the toilet... New fan outed on air... A few things about furries... Episode of "Rule 34"... How Katie has been masturbating, and where she does it - Thrill Masturbation... Women should masturbate... Secret gay bathroom sex and why Katie masturbates to it... Our poo play experience... A woman and her Dr. Who pussy purse... Large objects inserted into small holes... SC and is perversion for the Discovery show Naked and Afraid... More cum eating rumors... Tits Man - Frothing at the gash and flashing some road tits... Butt plug nug jug, the way to smuggle drugs into the next festival... The old TSA dildo prank... Fuck maintenance... Rate and review.

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#267 Thrill Masturbation

00:00:04 - 00:05:04

The following program contains adult content crabs language of sexual manner completely wheatley irresponsible advise along with some things. You'll wish you could on here if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because i was sucking the shit atr. He's tried to take down to the jiggle. It'll her old tricks. It flipped over media first task as good. I like them. Please food. Katie's ruled in ten nine. It seeks katie's need starts now the katie are you ready to transact. You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you elmo doll and now live from rule thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that things you can't hear her masturbate in bed in the middle of the night they host the one the only can be katie good below and worker to the show. This is key the world number-two sixty-seven and we are coming at you live or razz radio live dot com katie radio dot com radio cast nets. I'm your host kinky. Katie and with me as always is my favorite. I covered fucked toy no one i'd only mistress in boca. Oh we've got a fun show for you today and lots of nonsense murad about because tile we know that's the only way we know how to uh-huh. That's right here to entertain you. Hopefully we can't be mooring we could be that's that's right. If you're a fan of my of my other show. Oh my lord sir. It got better. I got in charge anyway. If you're listening life et kahn or fetish con is going on right now in saint pete and you can catch one of the after parties in tampa saint pete it'll place somewhere in the city of to have or compete cleveland ohio role that be role now so anyway you can you can check it out because there's lots going on on tonight's and it'll still be going on after this show so you can finish listening to us and then go out and fucking get your rocks off and putting advice if you're listening to and and podcast foreign basically your shit like instead it already happened. The naked fun time happened without you and i told back this two weeks ago because i knew phew podcast people that you had a chance to say yeah. You totally had a chance only had a chance we had a chance and obviously we're not at any of the parties anyway. That's right really so five bother great. Could it really really be 'cause. I'm here. Do you show for you so yeah. I gotta show i'm doing uh we might not. We might not have a live show next week because we are going to be in orlando doing against tattoo work by mr witt aw yeah that's right. I'm ready and i have no idea how long it's gonna take well and he's pretty quick though and if you're if you're listening in podcast form at already has you'll miss it. We'll have a there won't be missing shell because we will be recording one on sunday podcast. Only yeah yeah yeah so you're going to have to listen to you pike as people and once again old people still love you though i do. I still love you just want to remind you. I don't know you guys get sick of it. But whatever since it's our it's going to be happening in tampa bay screams. Is it a couple weeks. It's august twenty three to the twenty fifth. I will be there at the sleaze bach booth all three days so not just the nudges saturday but all all three days so make sure you stop by a high also lefty.

00:05:04 - 00:10:02

Lucy is going to be one of the movies playing at the film festival and play topless activists yeah so oh hey you weren't a prostitute. Check it out. Can you believe it. I was were you weren't a prostitute. I'm tired angry feminist. That's right what japan out your boobs out feminist right not to be confused with the tabu away feminist which we although aren't nearly as much fun god damn it. I'm just saying that you know there. There's a left to right within the feminist movement and actually it's warren warren. It's one a bunch of awards to yeah. That's what i heard now. I would be glad to see it. It went plus. It's by a different filmmaker. That's right so who knows what it's going to be like. You know what i mean. Exactly we have no expectation. I watched some of the trailers to some of the movies that are going to be at the film festivals and i it looks okay yeah. There's a lot of them. Little slash on yeah and also sunday is the premier already of the w._d. Dead in the morning so g._e._d. So it's cool so we it so. I get to do that on sunday evening. We do that on sunday evening but edward kits. It's made a cameo basically yeah. Take cameo yeah so if you wanna see just my boobs getting b._b. Royal port all over them. Yes it might count as office my friends like i hope you made a mess in there well. It wouldn't have been you you making a man. I mean you had nothing to do with the oil. I didn't bring the oil. I even know there was going to be oil until i heard i heard the words. Where's the baby oil. What why are we why do we need baby oil and three one on the sun what's going on all larosa those whose robing what he's going to pour it so anyway good yeah. That'd be fun to see your screen again again in every movie i've ever done you know what are you gonna do. It's been maytag. What are you gonna. Do you know basically basically it's not how you get a role. It's what you do with the role. That's true would've hey look at my breasts. That's right well. That's what you want things. I mean that's really what you're after anyway. I guess so why not look my chats please. Breakout role stunt the bra boston louis c. u. S. can be as be oh. Oh boy stubhub done titi. Oh my goodness. I repeat today i do you think you're funny funkier okay. I think i'm funny. People i to me and tell me yeah well. I can't say that i don't 'cause i laugh at you all the time so very different reason though walker laugh is laughing. That's true you know what i'm saying. That doesn't mean senior not funny. I mean obviously you're funny. I loved it you. Oh my gosh i mean they're puritans that are unfamiliar with some sex toys out there but like thanksgiving peers and what are you talking about now just like prudes. Oh okay civilians gentiles milas yeah but i mean i find this a tad ridiculous especially in germany. The german police mistook cochrane's cock rings for fucking explosives well. They are kind of intimidating allcock. Greg ish wrapped around fucking junk and take at the same time. I reasonably uh-huh tight. I mean something's going to explode when you remove it katie. Oh well the the local jer they heard a strange strange humming noise coming from nearby garbage. Can that was located near a men's restroom. They said as your garbage can been vibrating the checklist. We ask you when you get into this club. Christ is your garbage can vibrating well. Authorities had evalu- evacuate around like ninety people from the gambling hall and three explosive experts were called in but no they're just vibrating cock rings a ah mach schnell that's right. That was the place that had the weiner ice cream or no. It wasn't germany new york. Okay both german.

00:10:10 - 00:15:02

If you guys want to see a movie it is that is cute but it's really fun when you're high dec- hoodwinked entering seen it. That's all right just a total children's many but there's a lot there's adult humor funny humor. Same jokes folks. You gotta live at eighty. Why are you talking about fifteen year old ten year old. Whatever old ass movie movie point. Is this like movie reviews with katie well which coming up on that you're talking about the weather other next maybe okay get off my lawn reese insipid broth immune of the band ramp ramstein us yes well. They protested russia's heinous anti l._g._b._t._q. Laws heavy on the anus well yes in the best possible way they they made out with each other on stage during a concert in moscow really yes. They get like lynched. I mean not only is it the government but since i've been putting putting out propaganda and shit like a lot of the people are like like fervently anti gay you know what i mean. It's not the government the fucking people blur anyway yeah you know and it wasn't a direct defines of it. Just it's terrible well and the law should makes it illegal to show any any non traditional sex acts. You know what they call nicer dash. It'll go oh missionary well. It does russia e style know each other. We do it like bears. How'd you bears faulk in the woods. There third units argue style to bears the bears to doggy barefoot in the woods. I'm sorry we're having like major issues. As usual on the fucking end of the little inflow key murder face is causing a problem. Mommy's getting pissed off taco leib brace stepped in to kind of give them the what for like you'd better cut it out. Totally step to rightness face is gonna come out son to ask you to leave and then nobles goals. The pussy was like a bud here. I'm not get involved in this crap. I'm gonna get in trouble anyway anyway. Well they're saying they're doing all all in the name to protect the children to us russia. They're actually pretty scarily anti gay. You know what i mean. like people actually getting pulled a lot of cars beat up. Yeah people totally afraid to let people though that day you like tech or that you like buzzy. I know i know. I just think it's just because of how you how you fantasize. You know what i mean. Who cares how you fuck on academy. That's right. If you like. Oh you like it we deal. I'll make fun of you. When you wanna fuck farm animals while i do because that's wrong shouldn't fuck farm animals. They fucked bears in the woods. We already talked about this lot. We get consents as i like to twice earth off. That's alright caviar off to naples either eat seven of us anyway when steph over the line. I don't care that's how i do talk to bang pools of borsch. Now there is a trans woman that testify before the human rights tribunal choose complaining that she was refused brazilian brazilian waxes from more than a dozen beauty salons dwells woods more than a dozen oh they would they would they wouldn't whacks her up really yeah i mean and peop- places where x. men and women so why the fuck i don't understand either. I don't see what the problem is. Yes she could tell him mary's. Hey there's mary's down there. I warned you just a lot. You know mike litz really big really really big about hormone replacement. Don't make fun of me got damaged. Shame me for me hormones. That's not a ball sack. That's a large skin tag. Ah you're you know i i don't. I don't under- i don't understand what the big countries this . This is . This is here really yeah. Twelve places uses twelve over twelve. It's really generally down there and you little. He's got tangled. Maybe unclean no she. She said that she said that apparently wash every day that they don't.

00:15:03 - 00:20:01

They're like they don't do mail waxing where she lives. well then they do do they. They do do but several of the of the salons they said that oh they blamed it on lack of experience and waxing men and or they're not comfortable doing it because of their personal religious reasons . Can you find thou shalt not remove tubes overgrown bushes well well. That's just one of those things like when you're the deacon of the church. You're probably not the the wax in the area. You know what i mean chris. You're looking at everybody's taint liked the entire flock. You are taint gazing at least on the gays. Take as it up and not only that but you're like smearing stuff on it. You're putting a little batch gotcha material. I mean you are seeing literally their curly's bold out and then you're gonna go to sunday school really and teach well. You know you kind of have i mean you know you deal with pain all day and you think you're above beat somebody who has a dick and lives a life as a woman really. I get my nails done and this guy that i was dating. Here's a stripper. He would go get waxed every time i get my nails done. That's what i'm saying. What about males drivers yes. That's right where they gonna get waxed. Where are they gotta. Get whacks how're you. How are you going to get that that sheen of oil to look so shiny when there's bucket hair their house i could so shannon smoothed. I know throw ladies dilatot when they go to the rallies. It'd be a little a little sadistic too because you like smear hot wax on your crotch area korea it out. That's what i'm saying because it does hurt. The more inward you get does me. I've had it done. Ones yeah had a brazilian and yeah. I didn't realize at that time that i had heroin ad i told you just don't listen to me. I know take them. Fuck it with zia. It's not like you're not harry really anyway. I mean you just you're not a furry person. I'm not yes so i wouldn't really be. You always get that look of concern like. I can't believe i had butthole hair. Whoa yeah you're kind of person that's it happens to everybody now now if if they're completely waxed be machined up front and they left their their their asshole furry would that be considered like a crotch mullet. This is so it the parking in the from from just a sanitation issue. I would think being non free-rider astles probably better policy anyway. I think sarah its head ed or peanut butter out of the shag carpet thing so so like real. How'd how'd you get peanut butter on with shag carpet with a sprayer up a day like that. Yeah days are the way to go. I've never of the new millennia jeff. I bet that befell really good after a series pussy pounding insider backwards you let the water like a lot of those this how judgments and stuff believe it or not that word super high tech that would be nice to say oh thank god a little fan dry little air dry ooh blitz u._s._a. They have fans. Some people just like hey jude kisses and you you just kinda. Hang out there while your ashes drying read your book yeah. You got a phone. We watched porn if you felt like it i don't remember i don't bring my phone into the bathroom. No now i really weird. I just don't i don't i don't either. I like that's really weird and yet now i have i have there are times where i know. I was going into the bathroom and i said i wanted. I was watching a video or something and i'll bring it in with me watched radio share. It's not a normal thing. I mean it's only at every once to the occasion the alarm if my alarms going to be going off soon so turnoff like an idiot. I just bring it with me. You need to know what's going out. He'll i recant. You're gonna burn your baskets seriously. You're going to burn something and you know 'cause. That's why you have timers gallon. Usually anyway do yeah i. I just said oh. I totally forgot. There was a fan a new fan at publix. His name is michael. I'm michael he. He absolutely loves us.

00:20:01 - 00:25:09

He's gay okay seabra game all right and he doesn't you just outed him. I'm really nice. No no no no no no need not be yeah. It was out. Okay it just reminding you. It's proud sometimes you don't think about it because i don't think it's a big deal okay. I know so oh you know unless the person has told anybody but then again that is a pretty generalized description. We didn't even say what state or country he was ed sow fire way. Jack has a left hand curve three freckles right on the end of it. I don't know about that. He's a a little way to kids excited anyway. He thinks that we're hilarious. Good and he's a year's soap and great all right so hey why is up michael congruent shout out to chat outs. Is that what you're doing. It's so and so's not doing that anyway. Thank thank you okay. I wanna talk a little bit about furry his that's right. What did we see today. In most don't give my book the most don't fuck but what what we were watching something and somebody was describing. I said yeah you know the people who dress up outfit who dress up and stuffed animal costumes costumes and find fuck you you don't really fuck all that often like you really think that they would at least a one three run into nobody gets. It's very for the most fire you know. Sex isn't just i mean they'll be humping your leg. Yes that may happen. however that not not with actual take you know what i mean like a burning the bondage bunny he is he goes to a law almost every fetish thing up here and it is a big pink money and he usually wears a harness like a leather strappy harness on a chess yeah hi it's mid bernie the bondage bunny so isn't fuck people and everybody loves fucking who knows if he if he every once in a while all does some weird shit in his costume champs out with his clam out. You know what i mean. Maybe sure air but typically. That's not really what happens j. Because that's you know i'm sure people do it but riley most of the time it's a simulation star bank just dressing up and playing pretend they're being a character and whatever that character is which is always fun. Though everybody always has a good time with furry yeah totally true you should use it father ruined. I mean literally when there's a bouncer out that's true because usually they are bouncing around chipping awesome sonic the hedgehog well. You really can't bend then far. It works really well with alex. I tell you i got is close to club clubs bag anyway. You're in a club and everybody's dressed in satish wear you know d._j. Crayons plan his normal shit and you got a big pink bunny bouncing around a would chat every every now and chuck just just come by in fucking. How ya oh yeah it's fucking gray. It is pretty awesome fine. Yeah i wanna i wanna we've never even seen i y you know what it is to. We've never been around fucking curry's like phrase stories. That are actually fucking i. I've never seen in person. I've never have either though guys love always just see them in costume. I mean fun. They will be helping ought to hangs debit. That happens a lot but there's no genitalia. I don't know anymore. You know it's been a been a little bit little bit since we've seen furry out with the lack of alcohol. We're not like going to a lot of faddish parties really yeah. I don't ever ask that. I just assume i just go whatever i don't care. I saw it i. I don't care if anybody else saw. It got a little hangman. That's not a little penguin leave alone. Everybody does obviously think that that's what they're doing all the time yeah now that sir. It's like you like just weird sykes but not quite the way you're thinking i i we've got teddy. Bear heads that. I would teddy bear head on really fuck out. Do bear style see we could do that we could we could we could be our own ferries. Just wear the bareheaded and we have a panda bear and a teddy bear head right. That's right see forgot about those didn't ya did i said and we totally scrambled out to get him when we found out about gone gone right afterwards all right five minutes later great to sit in a box however though we could do something talk if we chose to everyone stuffed animal heads exactly and i have i have a complete head to toe gumby cost there you go what if i want to go frank at some point.

00:25:09 - 00:30:01

You know what i mean way of papers papers. I'm lean lean the panda we lo- we're gonna take take a break and a episode of rule thirty four and when we come back we're going to have a new tits man and you're also gonna find out what my what my latest goto you jerk off. Material is and you might be surprised sleeping so on that note out flippy repack yum yum. It's time bullet basically and refreshing snack . I personally prefer coffee or tea to wake me up but there's this kid he decided to stick a four inch long acupuncture needle back up his fucking every threat self up while he was doing homework okay he didn't he wasn't just curious on what it would feel like to do a little needle saudi now who's it now. He was in a lot as needle using using asian kid doing his homework. He's like fuck my mom's mad so i better wake up and keep doing my studies. Yes he and then use to embarrass the say anything and then his mother noticed that he was walking funny and it's a two hour movie in his pictures of the x x-ray and pictures of the needle abner. It's out josh. We got stuck in there yeah aol down in his in his your ethernet it almost bladder dude. He was totally doing it for fucking kid. Fuck out of here fuck. I you know you and i both i'm giving him. The benefit of the doubt is that he wasn't seven. Anita lovers dicko because he liked it because that's exactly what was avenue. Well yeah yeah you can come up with the story because that's the first way i thought of waking myself up was to go ahead and just shove an acupuncture we need and no on with the show . This switch took it up. Forget forget this which i forget in this which but we will look back to you. Kiki's world on rez radio dot com katya radio dot com rating cast dot net's you can get me on the twitter later had had kinky katie radio katie radio dot com kinky gatorade gmail.com facebook kiki katie radio. Google may try my name. That's all right if you can't remember kinky katie radio l. for fuck sake then then you don't deserve to see my boobs karachi area. You shouldn't see anything. How did you even find minded to hear us right now what i want to know because they were probably forced to by someone who likes us there. I don't know how that avenues to be honest with ya. They're subjected to this by for dolly stuck in the car on a on a road trip. No i'm sure there's a multitude of reactions the what the fuck is wrong exactly that's okay. That's okay if you're not making somebody really mad at how you're doing. You're you're doing something wrong. That's true okay. I'll say that so my latest kind of goto masturbation material material yes us okay. We sat me sleeping yeah besides me. That's it usually i wanna fuck vader yeah yeah kinda some night that kate katie katie has has been getting into the habit of well. At least she did last week a few times and she does it all the time. She takes out here but i'll be i'll be i'll be obviously eight right at and i'll tell you run around like so. She's literally got her benny. He's fixing a rub on out and she's trying to be quiet.

00:30:01 - 00:35:01

You can totally tell she's trying to be quiet and then every once in a while the little aggregate so you'd hear you gotta get. It turned it off road. Quick look over at me yeah so i fully buster last week at ed and you know so. I say hey do do you. They come sleeping. You're gonna you're like mortified at thought. It was funny. I don't know why i've got so shy. Did your like even now alleged so so today. I was on the couch while he was napping. I was wrong. She likes to the the thrill dental. You can rub one out before forty wakes up. I swear to god i can do it. I do it. I can come before the locks. I see him right there as a the front door you're really i have gotten that reaction a few times where it's like. You'll come out of the bedroom all his shoveled honey are it's just bacon. How are you your table in order to in your home early honey. Let's go get the car forget. I you know and i can't believe that that these days there are still men who get mad at their significant other for you know from debating just say pleasure i mean it is is one thing if it's going completely. You know excessive. You know what i mean like especially by a dude. Just jerk it all the time like everywhere. You get disease yeah okay. I get it but you know every every. Maybe you know if they're doing it and half the time. You don't even know we're doing. It really isn't a problem really. I mean come on if a girl masturbating when she's by herself. Did she really masterful know. Exactly i mean you gotta understand. That's like the only way a lot of checks are gonna get off is by the south. Maybe ration- where it's gonna make that bean we know what to do. I am i'm definitely i've seen orene orientated. Sometimes sometimes you're inflatable oriented. Sometimes she added yeah. I've been using the the tenjin one a lot lately. I like. She sees this ad for like a a little many tens year two. We could get this for your sore muscles. I know you wanna stick it on your clay. I like you're not even your i mean. I hear what you're saying. Great yeah you're trying to no you wanna stick it on your pussy and i know you do a yeah. When you wanna bet how long it takes to put it on your cloud. I said the same thing that's happening immediately. I might give it a test fire on my leg just to see what it feels like yeah and then it's like game on this thing. Can i turn it down a little. Let me check it out just right. Ooh whoa yeah i call it by sonic screwdriver doctor who fan sentence right yeah and i know some of them are we gonna fucking. Abbas says what i learned now. I'm fucking tired. Away knew who episodes. I walked them now right either. Whether female who i don't care i like her i like her but how okay with it okay you do so the whole reason why we started the conversation but we just went fighting him. Wherever ever my latest masturbation material is it's bathroom sex. The thing secret gave athem sag. They get on their knock three times everything they're like one one stall ones in another guy gets it's dick gets down and stick his ass under the partition and then gets back under the partition yeah like squats like a frog and he goes on to the partition hinges as part of his legs and then the guy comes out on his back. The guy knows style doggy style like a frog and then how's the guy getting low enough to fuck him. He gets he gets on his knees and you know like spreads on that fucking taller they will maybe these aren't real real bath okay with cellphones and make it look like it's funny. I don't like it fake no well. There's a real stalls. Get grime matt's right i wanna.

00:35:01 - 00:40:03

I wanna know that somebody's smells like urine after this can't your dryer getting fucked. You got your deck on the floor. ah put some people think that though will that's the whole idea is the filth of felt felt felt yeah. That's dad's doubts decided situation to where we're around people that do you know a water sports or play are real deep ones that they're almost disappointed when you don't have a look of her. I really noticed that think think think that that's that's part of the camp for released. We've run into was the fact that it shocking has no but i've got so many questions disappointing to the people who had us come watch them poop. He did get a little excited though when i when i did i gagged a couple of times because of the smell yeah well. It was just like you. Do you ever just like you'd think it would yeah the. There's a very small area hotel room was not very large ago. I wanna take news how i'm just telling you they didn't fucking smear feces all over fucking tell them well they did but they completely have mostly dues each other but they they bring big rubber fucking tard like vinyl vinyl tarps shed they laid out everywhere so they can just roll it up and up in the shower. Are they clean it off in the shower yeah well. You know you gotta put it somewhere. You gotta put it. You know what i'm saying. Yeah sure where you're gonna put it. What are you going to walk down to the lobby. Now you gotta hose fluffy flushable floor drain and hot and cold a hose spigots inside your playroom. That would work very okay. Well you just ho hoes down and it goes right down the flushable floor jane in m._s. gone. It's very tough works with all kinds of of wet sport. You know what i mean chang real. Whatever who wins you if you're into like splashing. It'd be great for spotting it would be you can just rent it down. The drain bob baked beans new breakout. The hose measure wash my asshole lotion. I scared her. This is the girl oh my god. That's just cracks me up so much so there is this woman. She holds the record for having the the most u._s. Currency in a body cavity. Oh that's right. I saw that is close to six point three thousand dollars up her vaj. That's right expensive. Place was pushing purse hell of a cover charge on that j._j. Jesus christ there was also a maggie of meth in there to party. I'm talking like cavernous. Puss go well. She knows how and it was all. It wasn't all large bills either. They said it mostly consisted of ones fives and hands she was she was a working girl. She worked for tips and knows it. That's her tip money. He stole stolen from her boyfriend. Well it. She was pretty cute to threes. He was completely. You would think like this. This is definitely patty. The daytime hooker kind of thing no no skew completely would not think she had you know six grand and and lots to drugs over the girl at the bar and she can bomb. That's what she looks like. I don't so now she just that's a that's eight had been wrapped in like all one dildo sized package. Though you know it's pretty large it was wrapped with a rubber band like it was rolled up into one of those like circle. You know like cylinder chunks. I just had a rubber band around it. I've got two words for shelves where you amazing thai. I yeah jaya so we could fit a lot of money raising ties in yeah what and you know what amazing thai was a long time ago to announcing but she was one that sticks out to me for taking giant traffic cone sized items of her snatch large law very like things things. You're looking at kelly okay. That's that's definitely like an ornament for your yard right. I mean you're putting that out front stat of the pineapple as outlets going out. No you're putting that in your oh god and oh god oh god oh he's just put a two liter in your but backwards yeah what the ah ooh yeah like.

00:40:03 - 00:45:01

No i mean whatever you do. I love i watch the dudes. Though well the guy the concert toyed. We've talked about it before for whatever reason seem to take the larger objects. Yes it's crazy. You would think you think well maybe maybe because we have a thinner wall between our asshole in our vagina and maybe they just they're like. I'm not worried about things were. I think it's just because guys have that that the on average there's more of the guys that are willing to have anything to to like get off. Yes basically would have said yeah because i mean fuck. Goddamn prostate. Is i mean i do. We hear nearly as many stories about like like women putting acupuncture. He punctured needles in your your era. You know no you don't once every once in a while but all the like like guy has a weird object in his ass. Ask or data's day call or did something. Digesting masturbate like just slipped. God damn it. I told you a fell and here's someone who sure do some weird shit but really really guys. We're like all time leaders in and you know we stick a lottery nuts. Okay extremist proud but we stick a lot of stuff on our pose as yes well. You know you have a you have a cavernous void. They need to refill the old so i ran out the space. I mean you gotta figure for you. Know the city the existence a man like women aren't allowed to like go self-titled. No man must be the ones you feel caverns so you're doing it on the sly to that's right. You know what i mean. We're dudes are probably just jerk it off in the streets check into people. That's what that's probably probably what happened in the one thousand nine hundred sixteen year the dark ages and that which is way before the eighteen hundreds but you're getting the idea to be sneaky. I used here's the leftover breadstick from an olive garden like in king arthur time. You know what's to stop anybody. I have soared. I'm gonna jerk off and toss it you to fuck you. Gotta do what you are. You gonna hit me with your fucking garden hard with your garden. She's a regular host. She doesn't work in the garden approach. Her hands are very supple. That's right like him that way. Soften civil so i like my hoes. You know s._a._p. Has a strange obsession. I wouldn't say obsession but fandom were naked. Eh afraid if you're unfamiliar with shown naked and afraid they take a guy and a girl but what i am obsessed with is if a girl has accused about on it. I'm totally into watching people who don't know what the fuck it is. They take people made it a woman and they are. They put them somewhere. You're in the middle of nowhere or whatever depends coldplay's sometimes as hot as hell and is like things that can kill you. They're all they have is like one item and they're completely naked. Survival show our twenty one days that around for a long time anyway but yeah we seem to you watch an awful lot of it ah to and it's because i can consistently see some ass different situations. I like that and i deeply the nipples in the crotch. Whatever i can i can completely see what is going on and i like them and their natural environments prancing through the forest all nasty enrolling in turt- i just i find idiotic erotic and i like watching it like you can like bernie manda you would eat no i don't because that's a completely different type of person like the the people who are going on the naked psoriasis. Shell you know they're not thrilled with beatles up there snatch although like they're not routing for lady goats for the next week. You know what i'm saying you are. I am but the person doing it. It's completely like i wish i could have some fucking okay closed. Some of them. Do make clothes however however when you're the other situation stop to same thing see you like the fact that they want a million yeah. It's great and i'm not alone that goes not alone that goes along with thug and what we talked about on the show show. What did we talk about it as a free show how you slap in my face coming in your hand in my face 'cause you. Do you like the bigger a girl or sometimes the pages depends. I like to know that you're feeling you know what i mean. I need to fail well. I just you know what i mean. Look of terror that works for me good lord heart. We talked about this thing anyway. It's i'm not i didn't invent this now. No no i'm . I'm really not that bad.

00:45:01 - 00:50:00

You know. I don't fuck with you that much. No you know what i'm saying however however naked afraid. I like to check check. Check people out but you try and do you do the same thing i the dirty faces. You're completely the same way. If one of the girls has a nice but you like she's really chits pretty good my dick. I'll give you kurier you the longer little girl oh on really late on anything come here. I got a turkey probe. Load on toast with some takis waiting for you takis. I'd have a flaming hot. Fucking piece of fire will because you you know they try to eat it. You know what i mean like. That's just cruel and mean why weren't gave them food. Why am i mean i'm helping them out. I gave have you fucking turkey provolone and of hugged bag of talkies. I can't help it. You're survival situation. You better fucking nut up punk. You're you gotta starve out here. Oh my god i'm gonna tell you just walked off and got picked up by car and we haven't seen you since i wonder what it would be. I wonder if you could survive on on what we've talked about it before probably algebra and the the the calorie content income. I'm sure there is something a to it. But who it's you know i remember. We asked my my my health teacher in high school and she said no. There's no insur- that was popular fugger topic. There's no nutritional value. She's the one who her husband. I mean i who i don't know if i completely believe that oh. I don't know maybe because there is a huge thing for the benefit of this one girl who had a eating disorder in the class like she's probably going to try and survive on. I'm sure it's not up jerry. It's it's not a lot of anything. You're gonna get out of eating comes right. I mean the summary like i do it. Every day. I brush my teeth. I cook with it. I mean if you like boo cocky style dial. I don't even think still even that probably not much. Oh god that's i. That's one thing that gives me the shivers. I don't know why i i will not non react and i can't fuck if i see it live. It's gonna make me fuck you. It's not my favorite favorite either. I just i just can't do it. Go l. well. It's it's it's it's. It's a tough nut to swallow really plural for that joke. Shut the fugger anyway. Let's go to your favorite segment by standing by boobs in and on the news. It's it's time once again for all right. It's a video popped up at this guy begging this a couple of girls in another car to flash. Their hoots showed titties show either t._d.'s asking. I'm not telling i'm asking just to make her feel extra special. He added golan alon. Love your kids out. Maybe women love that makes them all moist wet. What was the term after you heard on your favorite. Try show a little frothy. The gash no frothing at the gas raw thing. I was like oh my god. You're so sexy. I'm like i don't and a girl is the one that said and i just i don't. I don't know whether i'm mortified or i think it's fucking great great well. We don't use the fancy words like that. Kristie were no. We don't especially now with the accent either wait. What are the girls are the girls bills. She feels wooed and she decides to take the offer and she whips out the tests. That's right teddy. The person things took a let. Don't you hear the music is like a child situation. You can actually hear this. Okay anyway. Things a left turn after the kids came and the girls smashed into the car in front of them so that your p._s._a. They make sure you pay attention. That is your tits fit so they wrecked titties they they did it titties. She oh wow no one no good deed goes unpunished. I tie that's sir you know because we try to encourage behavior and i know i totally get why you you it. It's completely. It's empowering free the nipple. It's lowering if view choose.

00:50:00 - 00:55:07

If you just driving down the road and you indiscriminately just pull your top driving by somebody that you choosing to do something on your own and it makes them wednesday. I think you know the whole show them. Teddy's wow i oh. Let's just say if she wants to do it. She'll do it to you are asking escape. That's true. Do you consent to show mascot you askin. I'm not telling i'm asking i have no uh-huh power over you see got it all on camera sima phones right now women out bogies please well well if you're having trouble sneaking in party supplies having trouble sneaking and party supplies to your favorite festivals and concerts search and shit well say now are because you can get a bring that girl with you all the cash and math and that's really all you need is catching rouse us really a festival present you the butt plug nut job jog ooh. Hey wait a suitcase it. Yes it is is a glass by plug with cork and it is that's what it is and then you stick your shit in it and your drugs in it popped popham up. You're right and then it's easily removable. sure you wonder how that would look at the if they'd they'd probably freaked to fuck out if you went through one of the body scanners and you had one of those your ads about especially if you didn't have anything illegal or contraband andy in it you know what i mean. They just see something there and they totally fucking. Take you in strip search. You remove your your about luck. Ah jar up your yeah. Yeah surprised i did this for you. I with going for the world record. You dick booking dig. I had it in for thirty six hours straight but it is glass. I kind of do worry about getting crushed tempered so you know that's true used them fucking dildos on the counter all the time and it's broken yeah yeah and you're those things are hard to break. They are used to katie wed. We've mentioned it again was was would hawk deal does or you know different stars anyway. One of them had an orlando. You know they all glass dylan katie would when she's talking to somebody about it with them on the table and chuck it on the ground when they when she was talking about and they're like indestructible due to demo like he's doing a fucking swimmer wechat. She's like billy blanks. Thanks all up in the dildo section and she throws out. If people always go oh my god it would never break. She never had a problem until the actual rep for the combination came to the store was just talking to katie you. Gotta show your lear pitch the way you do this and so- katie does it end. She breaks fuck. It clucking breaks. They handle snaps off. I'm like oh my god. You're dildos. Hold up to this abuse. I don't usually use this one. Ah like this. I cooled up heated out this. Is i make it cold. This you can do this this this this wack wack wack you can turn on the poor pink think and no no that is run unfunded. He does the voice. Dammit not thrown fund chairs hi. I'm wrong fine she have. I think he's adorable. Oh i here's out. I don't know what planet came from so cute. Evidently not the same planted. I came from which makes me find him very amusing for what reason i no. No i'd okay well. Because what do we ever see. We don't ever see him on anything. You know what i mean anymore. No he was he what he was doing like a network thing and we don't whatever network that as we're not streaming so now let's write a lot of stuff way down say really high. One of that movie. Come mount fuck is that. I didn't know about this until i saw it on facebook. Well 'cause we're not we haven't had cable in a long time. That's true yeah anyway anyway. There well speaking of kind of t._s._a. Up your bud thing there was there was not with. There's a woman she. There's and there's a video the i'll i'll post you can see it. She she took a bottle of water and she was she duck taped a a sex toy to it go on and she threw it in her husband's. Carry on go on this just as a prank 'cause she knew the t._s._a. Or take the water underway. The sex toy did anybody could it on film yeah.

00:55:07 - 00:59:51

No i've got the video we'll post the video video so the guy is like opens his bag and he takes it out and and it's like the the double double ended double pronged so it's vaginal asks a tape to a bottle of water to see delivered mood because he had to throw the water in those there for a little while and it's very funny. I can't imagine if you ever i did. I actually you care you be like oh. This is my tongue will though if that ever happened to me there's only one way to roll with it and that's just to owned the dildo jealous touch. It smell it. I mean i could go that direction and i couldn't be really go katie. I found your ass toy. He probably would you haven't washed l. Pavee come on. She can't just leave toys like that. You know you're stanch kits on everything that could backfire on. You really good i. I like. I'll give you twenty bucks for it yet because once it happened at that point. I've i at maximum embarrassment anyway so really you're going to either. Go down swaggie again or your what can you do. You mad about it. You can't get mad about it and now i mean you could be bad about it but you can't let anybody know that you're mad about it just way more satisfying vying. If you don't i would i would feel kind of bad though if you did it to me if i didn't hear what you anyway well probably just because mostly the worst part about it would be your shit and it was the worst part would be like the t._s._a. Essay being fucked with by the t._s._a. Just in general yeah like like what's in your bag i i would go through. I don't know what is in my bag. I what did i leave it there. Did you pack your back yeah of course it. It's been with me the whole time and i'm like. I don't know what happened. What here godson i had done a bottle of water there. What there's no pound of cocaine. No no consecutive not china like jail time on saris can't go jaffa delo. That's what i'm saying so but that would be the worst part which is sweep the t._s._a. In general i don't like people go to my shit. You know what i mean. I don't either. I don't even like people jarring in my in the house. No definitely not definitely not or say. How do i gotta run an erin. How do i know have you. Have you been here. What do you say. I don't know if you were here. Who here what are what are you. What are you be did. He never say they're supposed to come by like last week. Oh you're talking about. Would you call for maintenance to come by apartment exactly and you. You don't know if somebody came by to look to okay that makes sense. Now you know you just ran at that without any precursor as to what the fuck you were talking about it. I just want to point that out it really you know i had no fucking clue and i live with. You and i had no clue imagine these people care. I can't change who i am honey. You know this oh my again is we are going to get out of here for tonight for the week and we will catch up with you on the on the interwebs that's right so everybody has a wonderful rest of the week weekend whatever they're doing if no until today have a great and wonderful beautiful day during the review five stars did up with the finger economy whatever you're listening to us on. It's just fucking five-star it up this nice. That's right and what the fuck you go into it yet. You fucking didn't do it yet. Jill thank you mr is and yeah. Does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript