#266 – Porn University
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Porn University


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8/03/2019 Tampa Bay Screams coming soon... Katie gives away the plot... Katie and her tits in another movie... Hot pussy in the summer... Stay awake with the needle sounding technique... Does agent Penis work for the FBI... Dirty lyrics in old music... Porn university now open for higher learning... Episode of "Rule 34"... High as fuck... More men masturbating on the train and it's this woman's fault... Tits Man - No more cleavage on the subway in New York city, at least in adds... Stink check... Silence of the Lambs cum throw... Coin purse self defense system... Neighbor sex noises... Your AI personal assistant is listening to you have sex, and it likes it... Remove your belly button and nipples. Find out how... Katie and her weird guts... Man raising money for a Penis makeover... Prostate toys... Anime time!

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#266 Porn University

00:00:04 - 00:05:02

The following program contains adult content kraz language of a sexual manner completely lately irresponsible advise along with some things. You'll wish you could on here if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day cause. I was sucking the shit out her uh-huh mistake. Katie's ruled in ten nine. It seeks three. Katie's starts now al katie. Are you ready transects. You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you elmo doll breath breath and now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring your girl that has made fat nipples and yet a tiny little s. search your host the one the kincaid kitty hello and welcome to the show. Mrs. can get katie's road number number. Two sixty six hosts picky with me as always is. Maybe every place garrett fucked toy very funny mr jober. We're nipples than small. Ask how tiny little ass tying up flat ass fly in your own words because you leave life i have. I haven't fucking story right in front of me. That's right. I haven't been let you get away with it. It's enhancements something uh-huh no we don't oh my goodness i would say that the show sponsored by av but it's not tonight but it should be why and yeah that's how i'm feeling you get lost on the t._v. Do you have a hard time kind of have to go through standard ingestion modes and methods methodology ah yes yes. That's right definitely different way trade anyway well. We are coming coming at you. Live from razz radio dot com kinky katie radio dot com and radio kiosk dot net. Oh my goodness gracious. We have got some served to you tonight. Made a brand new tips man. We also have genital trauma updates travel updates travel. What what is going on with me. That's right genital trauma so big has no not this time share pressure richer okay. I don't think so trump at all for anybody involved. I don't think so. I think everyone was pretty cool with it. Go with that. They sign the waiver the consent to this all right well. I was asked to be on a at the sleaze box booth at tampa bay screams august twenty to the twenty fifth so instead of just saturday. I'm going to be there all three days. She can come will aw you can come and see me 'cause i've been thinking about i have a i've been putting the feelers out there on twitter at radio. What what you guys would like me to wear costumes outfits so i got three days so that could be a couple of different costume changes will sure and for those of you listening recording which is most most of you already. Haven't you'll see what you are now. That's what i'm talking. That's on talking early. Oh i got you. It's the twenty third through the twenty fifth. Okay okay so it's just a chance probably gonna hear this. If you're not listening live that's right there you go ahead to. I like to like make up for the stuff that you're telling the people who listened to it on a podcast forum which is most of them. You know what i mean right yeah. I'm doing doing my best yes so and besides i just find out about the whole three day thing today that's right. Yes one or two but three out for three we days. I don't have anything to sell. You can look boobs and you can hey. Why should we know movies. You'll alive movies there some of them there.

00:05:02 - 00:10:05

You go see yes if you wanna see me like master remaining eating people who the covered in blood and stuff of being being a bimbo running around like an me in the shower the other women radio and kitchen about the you know what what's the deal with you in the spoiler action. You're just what if somebody goes to see the plot and they're not it just to see your boobs. Everybody else's both the only people the only people interested in the plot are fucking the copper's the there are definitely people people who are interested in the plot. That's our they're all into that. That's why they're van success. They love all of it that every little bit late eighties style seventies eighties exploitation yeah yes whore gory movies so that's tampa bay screams as so there's lots lots of stuff on v._h._s. Yes believe it or not there is and they made it look. I'll grainy like it was from like the seventy s never karen tino ish well. It's not really i mean. It's whoever the original people were like . I don't know some i know that's what they're looking going for tarantino to rip them off. Any day doesn't actually tell whatever l. but yes chris woods and sean donahue are ah the guy is sean. Donny's actually putting it on. This is the third annual yes yes is the third annual and yeah so it's pretty awesome by the check it out and come see me and take me and like i said allgemeine booming is whatever and speaking bubis. I was asked to be in a movie which i filmed today earlier this morning. I feel nice scenes. Were quote in the movie. Yes us kinda. Yes okay parts of you parts of me okay and talk to cox media studio which the one or two point five the the bone is local radio here liberator here right way they maurice giovanni wrote directed a movie called w._d. Dead ed in the morning okay as zombie movie and i'm part of it and i covered in oil dust doubtless. I didn't yeah i didn't i know about that. Though i didn't know about the oil we need you tits nama. Just win the the oil. What so there's like a half bottle of oil. The got dumped all over my tatas good job. Yes see a good to see spots good so yeah plus. It's it's it's a horror comedy. Okay no same same kinda. Jonah is what you've been doing. Yes yes. That's all right. Maybe maybe maybe not with that. Total eighties slant on it but very similar around the corner and one of that. What are the interns there. guy ryan hoppy he was there. We filmed in mike. Had you had to deal with them. We might count sasquatch like if you imagine let us ask why twitter look like he's giant giant derby well he was he was talking to the oil guy. Do is talking to mo- most stuff to do as doors open and i'm topless. I'm just standing there and i'm like higher i n he came by and then 'cause he was trying to us trying to listen to what was going on and then like you walked away and he came back like there. I thought it was funny because i sent him a methodist said hello to you know i didn't see you topless. They didn't say that goofy sometimes own. They're just they're just boobs the internet anyway you know if they're hanging out obviously somebody is your in whatever nobody cares. If you look so you might as well look weirdo. I mean i'm not feeding anybody lunch. I'm just saying it's not like if you walked in a changing room or something yeah. I had a camera i may that's exactly how you make it. Not awkward is jammed long. Take a good look if you feel like it because they're out and obviously they put them out and they left them out for people to look at yeah so they there should be a sign hanging from thirsty pitch ahead. That's why i like gatorade or as you news s. New thirsty bet she's little arrow yeah no. Why don't i just write ah really small like under like my my jaw line under might that fucking chester.

00:10:05 - 00:15:08

They always looked so weird. I don't like it's a strange spot. It is an through like a line like that. So it's kind of weird. It looks like a nineties like douchebag facial hair style that used to live in a chick with the with the under the chian tattoo with some lettering unless they i mean unless they have more throat necktie just blends in because i like that okay i it's three rd avenue. I know you like a thing against h- richie getting in touch your i like you can't do that. Don't you that we won't be allowed in the club the yacht club they will let us senator anymore honey. You know from a stop ed now. Now i catch you all the time looking for throat tattoos. I don't know how the fuck you think you're going to sit through that. I don't know yeah you're not. You're not welcome but i mean you you. You manage to get tattoos and you don't like get up and leave you so you get the room so but but it's definitely not not a pleasant thing for you. You could see it wears on you. You walk out. Your eyes are all puffy roses in for like two hours. I didn't with the roses at all. No no now i didn't cry. I didn't well up or nothing. You were trying to be tough. Phillips strong your own. I did it remains right. I can't be like just in front of a fan. yes exactly what happened got to be tough. You've got to do whatever we gotta do shows yeah yes get anywhere. Do it is summertime over here in the states because we were just talking about australia. It's winter right out or dog shit yeah and we're going to get past the man spreading right now because us ladies have our own issues news. Yes you to under sweat. A lot of a lot of us have fucking fukuda's sweaty. Okay some of us have to do with fuca cuisine really thighs dizdari making your pussy well. It's the whole thing you've got your fucking like meat. Mitten is humid voice down there anyway moist while i'm sure i it's well i mean this is a slow season so i don't. I'll have a lotta so when we talk about. We need to get some wipes what what's happening here. No i'm just a powder talcum powder safe anymore. I'm just saying i heard it's not. I don't know they always said you. You know you got to fight that. What kind of powder is you put in your your your sneh's okay in florida in their trace show or what are you saying like. Bitches need to shower. Is that what what you trying to say. I'm just saying girls gotta wash. I'm just saying if girls were dressers skirt and have any panties on just don't be weird about sweater breath and he should happen to catch a hof. Te waft sprays some bris . I don't think that's safe. I wanna hear how bad at burns if you do i read two actually lysol used to be it it was it was a pussy spray. It started off as a pussy spraying. no i know right why oh my god kill bacteria. Ask a lot of things we could choose to you something. That's not an aerosol so have out a soap shower. Ooh that would be cool. That would be cool. Were they. Do make outlets for your crotch. Do they pittsburgh crotch. It's called like pitching pittsburgh the crotch so it's called pits and pussy pussy yeah okay and they're wipes okay so you know and they're wipes. If you're like out doing in the club thing or the bar thing and you meet some dude and you go home with him and take a little some little they come in tau kind of catas- yeah they come in packet were like or they have the the individually wrapped ones. They have those marketed to men. There's fucking yeah for for hymns or whatever you you know. There's those fucking services that send you get them to have a baby but wife's well it. You know sir are your sweaty. I can totally see doing tops entails. You know what i mean yeah. No i understand that i mean swoboda's is a real thing in florida. If you have any you know if you're gonna get a little action. You might as well to wipe down. I can see what do that or not would be very considerate. You know it just just swipe sway well just saying but i don't know it does probably increase the chances of somebody writing out the door.

00:15:08 - 00:20:01

Watch your comes out. You don't don't want that happening now. He really kind of put a downing on the the hard on you know what i mean for christ's sake letter drive before she goes down because we don't taste that no chemicals i mean we don't we don't wanna taste so she did something. That's true but everybody oh what was it before. I don't know because because the wipes types have wiped it away so i i'm unaware of what it's about like. I can't get my nose down there where you can't use the clorox ones. That was a kitchen wipe. Oh they're my favorite fuck there but i loved scrubbing bubbles. It's nanny yeah and we smell bleach. You know it's clean aw good god now. I personally prefer coffee or tea to wake me up yes but there is this kid. He decided to stick a if four inch long acupuncture needle up his fucking aretha himself up while he was doing homework okay he didn't he wasn't just curious on what it would feel like to do a little needle saudi use it now. He was a needle. He's using asian in us an asian kid doing his homework all right. He's you know it was like fuck. My mom's can be mad so better. Wake up and keep doing my studies. Yes well nope. He decided just and then he was too embarrassed to say anything and then his mother noticed that he was walking funny and it took two two hours to remove and there's pictures of the x ray and there's pictures of the needle after it's out good. Jars got stuck in their down. It's abadi almost pierced his bladder to he was totally doing it for fucking kit the fuck out of here fuck yeah. You know what i know. Both i'm giving him the benefit of the damn what doubt did he wasn't chevy needle up his whole because he likes it because that's exactly what was avidan. Well yeah yeah who you kidding that gonna come home because that's the first way i thought of wake myself up us to go ahead and just shove and acupuncture needles down medac whole i want to take whole when there police had filed a criminal complaint against this woman who had trespassed on the c._i._a. Headquarters others four times asking to speak to agent penis shopping at dead. Where's dick at and she was dead. Fucking serious too well l. three days in a row she walked in the very time meena's came and gave her a fucking lecture. The day before agent penises a very fucking awesome africa asia on the second time she started calling. She's like it's my recruiter aging penis. I apply for a job and he said to come see how it's great and then the third time coming by a lift and she's like i want to speak to they have now and then she got arrested pain as it's so yeah he's big. He's black well. Hey how easy shaft please see him. What your mouth about all right people are getting all into fucking up in arms because there. I don't know why i but it became a thing again to look up. The lyrics of the macarena look like doc. I don't even know it and we'll speak spanish but they said that it's really really dirty and you shouldn't have listened to it as a kid chuckle okay but because she's she's like they all want me. They can't have me so they all come dance beside me. Move with me chat with me. If you're good. I'll take you home with me. Just don't worry about my boyfriend. He the boy whose name is no. I don't want him couldn't stand him him. He was no good so and how come on what was i supposed to do. He was at a town and it's two friends are so fine and basically it's all that but it it was all in spanish for those of you who are like what the fuck song is that now that's actually that was in english that that's what i'm saying for people who really don't even know who what what the back rain is it was. It was a dance craze. Yes back in the day ninety s it was in the nineties right. See has in the nineties sure. I don't remember when it was.

00:20:01 - 00:25:05

It really wasn't my thing. I remember is like most people probably have heard of it but you know we were just talking about that today. Yeah about out how yeah there are. I mean it was in the ninety so you gotta figure. If you're twenty something years old that was before you were born. You know what i mean. It's the seventy sweetie yeah. I think that happened in the seventies. Iran aware of it wasn't mine. I have to translate taffer her all the time yes do when somebody says they don't know about x y engineer like flabbergasted up flabbergasted. I have to explain smacks. Say that's like something that happened. In the sixties in the fifties and you see the light bulb go off. That's what it is like to them. I said yeah just like with some old man told you something from the fifties ladies and sixties. You just shake your head. Yeah whatever weirdo well sure yeah there was a there's a porn actress. her name was like i'm almirante hank okay. I don't know she's foreign. She just opened up the world's first university of porn okay now. We knew university for it. Yeah yeah well at least eighteen. I call it a middle school. What is it what are they teaching for watching what depreciation well they're teaching. All kinds of workshops and conferences specialized in in production wall. That's like one of them is live action. There's there's offer what a one pre production like sales of pornographic material to safety safety income cleaning meaning probably the best way to get come out of your close to the water play the water sports introduction probably okay well. The x. rated star was originally a journalist and she kinda rose to fame in porn- in her home country. She's in columbia after she lost a bet. She lost a bet. It was over a football team too so she had she lost. She had to do a naked photo. Shoot shoot for a local magazine. You bet me honey you gotta do it naked now well now. She's she's born like super duper famous over there and she's trying to to help others succeed in the industry. It oddly enough oddly enough. The bat was that she couldn't fit all some dude stick in her mouth. She showed him she she fit. That's right she. Did i got it all the way and you dick extra credit. No you gotta do board. I'm sorry you lost bet but the thing is though is she. She offers live practices okay because she says she's. That's the only that's the best just way too you're going to learn is to do it and top by her okay and she films up to like scenes with up to twelve of people a day day up to twelve. Wow yeah a lot of bang a goat on and that that class. She's served her boxes taken a beating. It's her yes. Oh wow wow cost now doing i. What's the price on this class really well. It's in columbia mbia. Okay go on well. I'm just i'm just saying i don't. I don't know the price better. I'm sure we could find out to say but imagine some some you know. There's about a line of cells that really just go sign up tick. Shut your fucking pie hole before you fuck it up with this bitch to may. You're going to say something stupid and and you're gonna get expelled. Yeah get your chance to get laid dummy well. Some of the classes that you can take are a what matters in an erection natural it mechanical or actions what matters at interaction. You'd think that'd be something. Everybody understand well. They're they're they're. They're kind of telling you between like pills and chemicals or natural pills. The chemicals are way better. Come on we l. No the answer don't believe me ask the bitch of the wheelchair. News show being a porn actress in a macho society how to project your image. What kind of porn actress am i gang bangs babu cocky and what's going on anti i anti even though that's kind of weird live action what what we've seen it though as spotting false and abusive producers how to make a profit fit in how to make the perfect porn scene way to step one how to make a profit charge charge sucking dick step to you make sure you charge enough for sucking deck makes you have it on film lever.

00:25:05 - 00:30:01

Don't somebody's paying for it. Who cares. I got a cell off filming sure we're making a porn sign this page. Give me five hundred bucks or take. This fucking boxer wipes go into the bathroom the fair i gotta hold case little white blitz. You need wifely it wet naps. Oh my gosh snaps his crotch. Stoppers ladies get get funky down there. Sometimes it's the summer going. God funky clam bake. Oh no i we're gonna we're gonna go to an episode of role that before and when we come back we're going to have brand new tits man and and some other should talk about so we'll be back young time fulla all at basically and refreshing snack. This is something that i never heard of is called a sloppy jalopy. The laura sloppy jalopy is exact for partners very comfortable with each other okay during a blowjob. When a man is meant to come he pushed the girl away comes in his own hand sex the girl interface interface with that and that is the sloppy lobby backyard clearly better what if you were if you were gonna let me get like like totally. They do facial anyway really. What's the difference . What is the difference the difference why because you're not getting smacked in the face you're getting a baby shower. You wanna like like why do you wanna like eighty percent the whole project air. Why do you want to like just at the end of it right there at the end. What is most crucial that everything goes right. Why do you want to back out with some closet you. You just don't feel like doing it. Come on don't be it'd be a hundred percent goal in and i'm sure you can find someone who knows the to do it everyday but the effort is this before or after a vacuum suck my click with shop vac. I don't know before or after i'm not sure i don't know how it's gonna work out and you wonder why i talk about tailoring you. You know you were talking about actually removing my twitter. Mary's i wouldn't do it. Yes i don't know maybe the nets verse right gooch coach. That's directly what you had for first of all when you have no idea why i don't know either because dictate your squirm. You are anytime i square. You are completely turned on son. You're completely turned on. I fear oh excuse me. Oh yeah you. You are to you you like you like pain. Scream screamed winds near the great. Not happy sound ouchi sound but usually it's better if i just make that real. Just you know a slight overdoing here and there you you know what i mean you. Gotta push the edges of the boundaries a little test the water sometimes i'm surprised you don't slap me first and then you can be a lot more subtle than that. You know what i mean. It's a new kind of situation. You don't just go right at it. Just smacky smacky no a little extra a little extra hertog. Maybe you let your three restraints lead the bunch on the rest of them. You know what i'm saying. It's not major things it's just minor things. Maybe maybe you get a little plummer on the puck and risks a little bit. You know what i mean just second just for a little wins i can't. I can't think about this right now. Why why what's better nipples ratings. Go back to the coming in your hand and slapping you interface. We're gone full circle know yeah. We've gone full. Circle your now. You understand you understand what can happen for you. If you do for me you see could go you know yes. You're almost zero as thoughts you know with the show and and in looking welcome back to kennedy katie's world on razali dot com he hit radio dot com any radio dot that i liked like this now i i would completely be open face on a screen here. Are you kidding me. It's it's gotta low-frequency fake.

00:30:01 - 00:35:03

Oh for sure oh. It's like making me like twitch already because i can imagine it completely especially being on some sort of chemical health breath jed would be awesome. Oh my god grind into oh. That sounds awesome. Hey if you talk to me you can get a hold of me on on twitter king thinking katya radio dot com catering you g mail dot com and on the facebook. I'm also on that but i never fucking go on there any mortgages america's don't yeah so he radio who i'm high as fuck it there you go even without a._b. It still works. That's right yup anyway. I turn the music off so you can yeah. You don't really listen to allow music but it's good for you. You react to it so it's so strange that you don't ever seek it out. What do you read if music makes you feel anything. It's that it's good music to you. Yeah you know i mean some people cut themselves. Just feel jesus christ you get emotion from from a song and yet you don't listen to music blows my mind. Don't you dare her. I didn't i didn't play it. I don't even have it out to play very good. Yes i know the songs baker ball yeah. Isn't that nice casinos. He knows what's going to get me horn. He knows what's gonna fuck and if he wants to make me cry like feel like super fuckin- he knows the ones that's right. It's like never fails and yet you still don't listen to a lot of music. It's strange. Usually the writings me. I guess it does. I don't know what are you afraid. You're going to hear yeah like i don't wanna feel whatever sometimes it's a. It's a good feeling yeah. Come on that base was had nothing to do with the bad had field at all. We talked about plus thumpings right. there is there was this early. This kinda aggravates me. There was a woman she got. She got pissed off and she filmed this dude jerking off opposite of her on a train. What isn't doing that just star. Oh now she's going to be in more trouble than here's because she violated his privacy. What do you i. I have no expectation of privacy in the public view like that. They were hit while this was a french woman and they're on a train and they were going from this one place in over to france well. It's a french french train baghdad to quit salt. Whatever whatever anyway it was only an hour and fifteen minutes train ride hurt but the dude move chairs and stuff just so he could get close to her and and just start and he locked eyes with her would not break. I contact as he fucking guys look right. He is i do that he did you you just huge is fucking cranking it out. That's all in french so it sounds different. He wants all my farm is who faberge walk raw jumping well okay so he bought her to the bathroom too and sat outside and waited for her finish. She was like fundraising stocked by dude. It was was jerky off looking at her the whole time too so how how is it that there is some kind of a lot in france that would allow like her to be in trouble for sub. Dude totally started out because she she filmed it well because she says she had amnesia and she wanted to remember that this happened because she wanted to complain well. Let's just a weird way to say. I recorded it so i could fuck in bust the guy who's doing this in bubbly well she. She put like it's shame him. She put it online and went viral and that's the problem is she put it online without blurring his face and didn't get his consent yeah but that's the french law god that sucks well survey or if you're in france yeah. There's somebody who listens to us in france at least one person like he's even like he's facing a little bit of jail time and a fine. She's also facing jail time and triple. We'll find that blows right at lowe's.

00:35:04 - 00:40:03

Why did you put that on the internet because the public obviously he's in public jerk could off. He knows that people can see them. Okay there are security cameras. There's all kinds of cameras and that the fucking the rail operators. They apologized for the code. Difficult condition is difficult. Well all right bunch of pepe fucking hell. I didn't say i know it's a term cockney term nisei. You dislike toward cockney. I i just like i think we're going to your favorite standing by boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for shit man. The governor of new york is pushing to have reecey ads for brisson hammonds. Get manhattan man. Some of those titi puffer wants wants him removed from the city subway system. Oh well saying that the cleavage bearing ads are indecent for children to ride the subway in really worst swallow makes people want to jerk off on the subway. I mean really boobs correct. The innocent kids on real people or something about train masturbation. No now didn't they isn't wasn't is a thing a thing at one point in time or another that you could like go topless in new york city. I thought a while back right. There was a whole people walk around without one of his daughters. Did it okay. She's like free nipple innuendo. What about it they. They were enhanced that was that was that was a rumer willis. Joke didn't catch which oh they can tell i've you were talking about something else where we what were we doing anyway out there. What way but that's that's basically what it was. They wanna take away the signs as well. You know i mean there is kind of then again. If you stop sexualizing tents then we could all see them at all points at time so i'm all for pretending that i'm not sexualizing ted's when i look at debts. You know what i mean well i can. I'll pretend that i'm not sexualizing uh-huh definitely sexualizing. I'm sorry i had to wear a t shirt that says i'm sexualizing your tits in my head katie again. You see me an action. I'm not creepy about things like that. So that's the point is it. Some dudes are just stupid about how they go. You know what i mean like you. Can't you can't go over the top with paying attention to somebody who's topless like unless you're in a strip club then hey i paid to see your shit without you know what i mean i mean i was in a room with just me and three dudes and a camera bottle of oil. Oh and i was topless. I mean if you want people to be totally. Cole was showing you tests. You can't act like a sixty house. Yeah yeah i do yeah go for it. Well you get away with that female. I guess female no then then because you're female i guess with your boob ogling and grabbing of people. You don't know it happens all the time. I liked it a lot. You do and and you get very grabby and gravy very open about it. You don't ask for permission ever a such a house crabby tour right eight by the movies. Sometimes you'll grab the pussy to sometimes you've done that several times but i've never seen anybody affiliation with that orange orange fucked and i've never seen anybody get mad at you for it though and it's usually at a bar when you're drunk right so really you're at a bar. She's drunk. Look what he's doing. How you taste okay yeah exactly digging anger chevron their mouth and if they don't go when you're like okay. That's a trick you for. That's what you do. You guys think you stick your fingers in there. Posey get it all fucking juicy. Oh pushed up and then you take him right out of her little meat pocket and show them into hurl mouth okay if she she gets yuck face than well.

00:40:03 - 00:45:12

I mean don't get a yuck face anyway just because they don't wanna drink juice anyway. I can't away even even if it's it's. It's like the best you know lady party that that there is you know what i mean. Girls so chicks offers art but there should be thing if you want somebody else to be around your flow at you. Gotta be okay with your own fluid some exactly you. You can't be squeamish about getting a little ginger. I that's a cut my own cover my and my mouth well. That's what happened. It's okay so you just pulled it out of my acid and stuck it in my mouth churches. I mean you could do you could eat it. You can cook with it. Whatever you feel like doing it cheers. You're an owner that's trey. You wanna you wanna throw it out the wall to wall better pain. You should ask permission jackson pollock size of the lamb a._m. Style that dude's name and with semester a._g. Or some shit like that. He had a named he did have a name. They live in the silence of the lambs. All right do not know there's a part where they're walking through the mental ward little section where they're holding the hannibal lecter hannibal lecter doctor lector yeah it was a ride. You haven't done it. One of the neighbors of hannibal actor is a two the jerks off as jodie foster is leaving and chuck some jazz. I smell you at last who at the zoo classic whipped up a batch right there. She was talking to lecter. Oh my god that just may be the timing of it to you know what i mean. He didn't just this finish and had it in his hand. You know now he was. He was on point. He was actually still physically milking it and the last directing it and ha dr ken style. Were you think dr ken got it from oh well. She got it from well that in every other man who's checking jazz at somebody now you do that. there's a coin purse the devils as a self defense weapon thing is well. Maybe it could be but it looks like a fucking paddle. Does it looks like a . I'm not a raft. What are those what are those like leather covered smaghi's batum showing god dammit i forget the damn gets a paddle yeah but it hurts a little piece of lead in it in leather shape tickle staff shapes like silhouette of a big brush but without bristles yes but it's just a leatherback hard leather thing with billy club. It has a name. It's it's something something clever. Yes i free nice. It's like an eighteen hundreds. Cop thing you know what i mean yeah. It's something you'd see like. Okay gang's in new york so movie for those of you who are to fucking young. I gotta keep saying that because we forget. It's a rub it my vase. Let's whatever i wonder if forty soon coming around and tell your starting to hold things exuded arm's length of you have an odd obsession with sieff in broth. Hey it's an odd obsession. Hey what do you call some member ralph a fiscal. I have weird guts. If you hear all right rearranged anytime you hear anything outside that is noise related you even during normal fucking hours you immediately. Oh my god. I cannot believe i can hear somebody yeah. It's walk in eleven twelve o'clock every the afternoon. It's like okay yeast to it okay. I don't like people come. See me the convention. No you're not nobody wants to hear their fucking neighbors doing something at eleven o'clock. Nobody wants to hear that but whatever ever use it just because you live near people i'm sure they caught a fame before whatever fucked them. I don't really care. I know you don't know you're standing ended outside my bedroom window. This is what happens in the bedroom. Sometimes i was caught on fire. You want to see it on film. Set your wife for over con. There was a now okay. There's there's not gonna be a surprise that this might fuel some of the paranoid people out there. I'm well aware of that fuel them yes but on our listeners now people isn't us but it was so blower working for apple says it's very regularly records people having sex and other things for control.

00:45:12 - 00:50:01

It's trying to figure out what you what you're saying so we can better understand you yes. That's that's exactly what they said that uh-huh no it is definitely i mean if you have anything. That's waiting for you to say something. It's trying to process anything adheres. It's trying to process to make sure that you're not asking to do something and they said that it's in the terms of service for alexa. Y'all how's the fucking thing that'll work. If if you could say you could say hey shed and it come to life. You know what i mean. I don't even take is there's people who listen to us on that really yeah yup yup i whatever well so so anytime you go busted around with the fucking code words. You're fucking setting off people's shit as they're trying to listen to you. You never thought about that when people say it on radio over and over again. It's like the people try and listen to you. Are there shit's getting shut off you know because it's trying to fuck an answer you dummy fat is hilarious now. I didn't know and no oh. I did not know that people listen to you would think that if the fucking device was smart enough it would know that it's the one broadcasting the thing that's being said so so listen to this broad okay. Can you put that you listen to these people at all. I wanna listen but don't don't process us and then you you know i mean that would mean you'd physically have to have some kind of switch or south on it to turn it on and off off weird which negates the fact that you're trying to like have a cool thing that you just yell at. Hey hey what the fuck is the little leather smacky thing with the laird in it. What was that called bitterly. Bobbly what is that. It's cultus maggie paddle flashy. If we had one of those things we can be asking right now and i might get an the answer yeah but then it's just it's going to hear a lot of stuff that i'd rather not have come over. Whatever few record me how do you know i'm not saying that just so there's some dude that's got a process what i'm saying i mean it kind of it kind of turns me on to the fact that some dude is for or or lady that would be better if forced to like listen to bible shed on twenty four hour really don't wanna know what she yells when when she orgasms you don't have much weirder shit i would say throughout the course of a day. If i thought somebody was listening all the time. Oh my realize you know osvaldo. Oh i know and then i would then hop on board and start with some shit too right you tell one fucking story worried that happens to be true and totally consensual and you end up with the cops showing up from a discussion at the var that's happened. I mean he totally thought thought somebody was locked in a closet against their well. Even though we told them wasn't answer well and she was already gone so yes and that was the other part i yeah i was a mass net will matching if that would have happened like now people like freak out a lot more now they they they freak out then kind the cockpit and the cop was like what you're like was like what you're pro sex trafficking yes but obviously when somebody comes and talks to you. They're like what are your dummy. I mean like what what are you thinking. You know what i mean. Nobody said that they had somebody against their will like. Nobody said that now nobody here saying that that was even said so. Why are you calling me to come here and fill out a report because adults agreed to do something and that's what they did allen so you're gonna love this one. There was a teen artist he he removed his nipples and beli he sells them. Wow there's pictures gone while bellybutton i get. I totally understand that he's just fucking useless. Whole dead fucking aliens us to probe. You and katie uses to torture you. That's the only fucking point of that. God damn opening. He's eighteen years old and he says the belly buttons are easily the most expendable part of the human body they absolutely are completely unnecessary so you felt indifferent about this value by news like fuck it. I don't need it this visiting either so the nipples debbie something that feels good every now and again to have your nipples pinched her up but whatever and own cut interviews off well.

00:50:01 - 00:55:00

We were just talking about this before the show but he he's d._a. Transforming into earrings or in a necklace rarely yeah so you the bellybutton necklace and nipple airing z's are my nipples. I carry them now. In my ear holes there's still with me just relocated their ear hole nipples pierced too so it's a full on fucking nipple with a appears again. I'm here you go out the piercing coming out of the acrylic you know put two nipple and an acrylic plug for ages and just have the piercing sticking out of it so you got a little gangly out of the medal of clear you could tell you something like that early to something like totally out early we don well and you can even put the belly button and they have those little miniature terrarium necklaces terrarium. Yes a terrarium seems like that would hurt. If you foul on it. I mean hopefully you learn hands on brazier saudi many well. What if you're selling loose cigarettes out on the street corner corner all right little match. Sometimes there's some asshole cop choking. You and you cannot put your hands out when you get thrown to the ground violently up saying well. I don't think that that person would be wearing a terrarium. You'd never know this is very true. What if he wanted to save his belly button one. I don't know why you'd wanna save that thing anyway. I'd save your fuck one. I'd really i'll take it okay why fo- button a a fake fucking fo it is real but they just made it smaller. They moved it. They didn't they shifted. They slid around. It's not in the same spot. Oh my god they caught up the slack. They just made the two shorter okay so fo- button weirdo not not real like you get so grossed out and stick my finger. I don't beli buttons creeped me out. Oh but then again leaned forward and i can push your finger your hands up into my guests and you can feel things like that either. No i'm digesting villa on you because it happens that weird spots because you are rearranged. That's right. You're not fucking normal and thing things do not know you are definitely abnormally plumbed. Your plumbing is is is all strange and you know it. How many times have i been with you at the hospital in x rays and you you tell them look. I told you when i got here. I've had bariatric surgery. Sorry maya sophocles is attached directly to my intestines and my stomach is over here around the side and you'll notice this when you take okay they look at you like you're fucking retarded sound like would then all of a sudden doctors are coming into the room to look at it yeah and the doctor looks at it goes. She told told you she had surgery. That's why it's like that. Do they really do that. Took god medicine. I do not want you funny working on at all. That's not the way that they do it most of the time it's a it's a do a lap band or whatever fucker doing now yeah. This is the ruin y yeah yeah yeah. They learned it was kind of like getting fucked. Electroshock back in the days you got bottom is d- i can't reverse it. I i guess that's sex doesn't but i just a were you. There was that one producer of your original fucking radio radio show died from the surgery. He dares later years fucking later his stomach tried to reattach to some intestines down the line nine and fucking kill them they went. It went bad really bad. Yeah down could figure out what the fuck was going on and yet he was yet the weird plumbing the way you did yeah and everything tried to go back way was yeah it'd be. It'd been like three years later from him. I've had mine for a lot more than three yeah now. You've had years almost twenty years almost twenty years yeah yup so that was i mean you'd think you'd think your body's fucking grown accustomed to your plumbing. Stink tries to like morph back now. What are you no. I mean pretty soon. You're you're going to be living have lived your life longer like that. They need to originally easy. I know there's this guy he went into go fund me to ask people to help him with a penis makeover like circumcision or what actually yes. That's the things he was asking for. Six grand donations six thousand dollars for fuck it circumcision. No it's got some fucking cigar cutter right here on mobile all that shit right off.

00:55:01 - 01:00:21

I am muslim fasel. He wants to get a vasectomy to because he says he's got a kid but his wife wants more and he he doesn't okay here again. I have a cigar cutter will squeeze the tests. He goes through the cigar cutter this bucket steady step robert. I know how to castrate straights right. We have rubber bands so we can make this happen. Regime put a little festive liking beard beating it. Make it pretty well falls off aft- after they turn black and falloff come on back and we'll put you a nice little set rings down there or something i don't know maybe you look fancy the hell party that's right so yes so then he also wants circumcise like i said as well but he also wants a penis enlargement well because his wife hates hates his micro pain goldstar cutting on your desk like that. Just i mean you know what i mean yeah. Just you just get a body gets leave. I mean i'm just thinking stuff. Tuffy can dare i. I'd be afraid to fuck up my leg like because there is there is like two to three inches of dick meet still inside your body and there is a muscle muscle. You can't cut to have you will have a bigger song heaven. Maybe a baby. It doesn't get hard anymore yeah you. Could you run the chance of having eighty eighty erectile dysfunction rather stiff your life. I'd rather live with a small take a chance on my dick. Not we're not worrying like we'd have to use the pomp uneven that might not even help. I mean whatever what do i care so i could can. I still get off a okay. Then i'm fine. We'll be okay. Okay looks like you're playing with a piece of rope doing okay. That's fine yeah exactly i can helicopter. It's cooled. I mean i'd have to go right to the arrows. Ask toys choice. You know what i mean. If you're ten work probably the milk thank somehow . I'm saying about it so yeah. I light eras. Yeah are cool. Cool weird plugging thing pay their made by prostate melker. That's all right and it looks strange to and you see it all different shapes and sizes and and it doesn't look like something that we get a man off in thirty seconds or lasts now but it will yeah that's right. Even if you have no feeling you try to. It's yeah it's a that blows my mind now. It did not we we have. We do not have one of those. We don't because i i would admit it if we did but it's not that big an eros send us some funds egner says something like that a. n. a. l. toy e r s looks like if alien technology like at some came out of area fifty one it was the narrows they say had but growing down. It was doubt pat anyway. It's been three months already. Already in the guy has had no no donations. He said he can afford some of that's what he's only asking for this grant only what six thousand whatever i don't know l. Maybe somebody does. He have pictures of his take on the go. Find me i don't know but the patients that you have looks fucking terrible like it was picks please. You'll you'll see you'll see the article okay. We'll talk funny. Game still comes out buck must have he must have a pretty depressing saying. You know what i mean. I i because he really nobody cares that he put his online. It's it's like what happened. When we don't make fun of bob. He gets his dick so little rarely. It's more embarrassing than anything he got in trouble for nipples thought it was a nivel the my head. That's an armenian woman nipple now. That's an it's an any nipple inverted nipple yeah. We're getting out of here we are we'll tell you don't threaten me. We'll do fire forces on who turn this break. The puck around to nami has some new anime zone. Oh yeah that's a good which i'll be online so you can come and chat and talk talk with me. If you want to watch before pacify out what snack okay yeah outlay. I said i'll be a tampa bay screams. All three days august twenty third to the twenty fifth and linked of is social media so check it out which is anything he katya radio google it. You'll find some way to get in touch with me. Get a hold of me. Talk to me. Find out some info all sorts sorta goods shed yeah. Do you have any of these rate. Give us a fucking rating. Do it do it now. Five star review subscribe great and you can get a copy of earth girls sleazy which will be premiering will not remain but you'd be finally going on sale i assigned chance at tim raines and also some other movies where during things like guesswork survey two and three i guess lots of other one doesn't is it all right well.

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