#265 – Public Sex
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Public Sex


This week!

07/27/2019 Missing cock stories... Waking up to someone sawing off your junk... Katie in yet another micro budget film... Sex in a movie theater... FetCon coming to Tampa... If you have anal sex your babies will be gay according to this numb nut... Masturbation sleeve used as socks by someone's grandmother... Make a wish for a blow job... Rent a friend now available in Vegas... Episode of "Rule 34"... Yelling at cats... Offensive crayons... Tits Man - More giant spray foam boobs... Sex glade went wrong and ended up with a trip to the emergency room... Katie as a man... Going into a dressing room to help bra shop... Place in Portland you can be nude and smoke weed, go figure... Slopy jalopy sex move, which Katie agrees to... Company doing weird shit with body parts that were supposed to go to science... When kittens attack... Gimp in a cage in the back of the pick up will get you pulled over... This is Fruit Blood they are juice... Public sex on the beach will get you arrested... Some tips on how not to get caught... Rate review and subscribe.

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#265 Public Sex

00:00:04 - 00:05:05

The following program contains adult content crabs language of sexual manner completely -pletely irresponsible advise along with some things you'll wish you could hear if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because I was talking shit at Eh Kiedis ten nine it seeks. Katie's need starts now. How are you ready to dress socks? You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you Elmo and now live from rural thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that it's a little when she is being raping your when she's host the one the only can key Katie and welcome to the show. This is Katie's eighties world number two sixty five. I am your host Kiki Katie and with the as always is my favorite plus covered fuck toy Mr sure high career coming at you live from Razz Radio Live Dot Com Kiki Katie radio DOT COM and radio chaos dot net. Oh Oh my goodness hey and as I said at the beginning of the other show or if you didn't if you miss a pre show this episode is sponsored by A._B. And tea and hot tea goes to to now turn for survey no. I'm sure they anyway Nah . We've got a lot to talk about tonight. I have to say yes okay. Yes and we got a new tits man and we got other stories of genital mutilation nice and he's playing Jack Warrior Crazy rockies and such somebody's GonNa lose it tick no. They're just gonNA find a whole bunch of somebody used to have a deck. That's right. Now is the word now there deck Lewis. You're like obsessed with missing cock stories. I think my next heights is going to be Lorena. bobbitt attribute Wi fi. I don't know I like how am I supposed to feel. I gotTA sleep next to you when these thinks the rated with all kinds of stuff serrate about teaser he well what you bid obviously but a a little thought into this so no no no yeah no I'm just dealing Tilda as a teaser yeah ah and and then mutilate my Genitalia Sir Okay carmine Neiman rupture sure I'm GONNA say. I'M GONNA say if you're going to attempt something like that. You know you got you got to. It's got to happen or you're in trouble. You know what I mean like. I catch you halfway. I tried to cut off the better learn how to reflect cat. I'm just saying I'm not gonNA sit still for that. Is what I'M GONNA. Tell you. Bits did break your finger sideways use well. What I'm saying is waking up to seventy tried to saw off your nuts? You know what I mean yeah. I don't think he'd sleep through that. Why I I don't think so well? I put in the tape of that slaughterhouse that you like so much sex for you. Guys will know what we're talking about in frazier that was in preacher yes. It was okay I we couldn't remember where it came from last time we talked about. It's what I'm saying and it just occurred to me. Chick like two months to remember what is probably like three weeks ago now either way either way it was multiple weeks ago.

00:05:05 - 00:10:04

Well I WANNA say hello to our new listeners. Well Hello and welcome and end congratulations Australia. We just talked about in the pre show that you guys were getting close to be top listeners after the U._S. Hurt no no yes yes after the U._S. so you you're number one so I everybody out there sure how you said. I'm not doing the accent 'cause I would not do justice it well. It's study would sound like it's early level wait. He's one of us to do it to where you can even tell what it so no no. You're not gonNA catch of racist like that. Sorry Tembe screams is coming up in less than a month the way I will be there Saturday August twenty four if you'd like to see me you cam and I was asked in another movie yeah yes alright typecast. He and I fucking A._M. I can't I can't tell you is is what it is that I'm doing it until after you know until the movie comes out but if you've seen any of my stuff before menu lowered idea of something Gee so the writer director is Maurice Japan and he's also known as the cat name O- on the bone over on the bone so anyway. I'm doing his movie and it's called W._d. Dead in the morning. It's a horror comedy. Oh Boy Zombie Attack Inside of radio station. It's yeah you have a growing growing list of micro budget films Yeah Semi Micro Budget and there was there's a picture that he that he tweeted out with the mode mode tweeted out with the announcement that I was going to be in the movie and the pictures will that was onset for family snapshot which is Coming Out in two thousand twenty anyway but rowdy no no. That's already out oh movie okay. I'm just on the cover yeah yeah. It's a good picture except for your around. You know it's alright. I'm over it now really really I was upset. Uh when I first saw whatever that I realize stimulated feel so exactly yeah and it looked like there was a shadow chatto k. a. cast from her hand that went across her mouth. It looked like she had she was eating a Brownie and there was like naked girls next to her in such the lives and curly Brownie in the middle of the naked checks and the friend either works when you think about it you know it really does like. Are you really were sitting there. Eating eating up a Brownie that would that would have worked find for that picture popcorn or would have been total carnage yeah. I don't know what it is but I I I I I can pell cram handfuls of popcorn in my face like sh- the shove it into my mouth. How's the force I don't? I don't know why are all like it will dissolve like it starts dissolving what his mom is talked a lot more in rarely it just gotta get wet every I really think that that's why movie theaters are dark because people are doing and I just hope no well. They're dark because better to watch movies in the dark. I just do you do dirty things in the theater. Only you you do that. Oh sure I'm not the only one that does dirty things in a movie theater. There's plenty of people that are given handy's and B._J.'s and fucking Fox yeah you but I'm not talking. Just me whatever we were hammered in. That place was a shithole whole okay. If that's how you justify to yourself you go ahead and do that. Yes okay to justify makes it so much less dirty pretty anyway getting back to the picture was on set and there's AH in the background there's like a little small propaganda poster of Hitler his their gas and movie about it some uh-huh it's family snapshot. It's a father and son the eight reunited one was in jail and the other one used to be in the military so it's supposed to be one of their houses or something like that. Whatever yeah yeah it's the old man towels okay? It's the father's house smoke anyway. Some people are like they're. They're like there's a couple replies to the pictures are like why is there on the wall.

00:10:04 - 00:15:01

I know no shit and fucking mogos Hitler Hitler behind everything we face. I'm like Oh my God. You guys don't start this so I explained. I tweeted back on set for movie. Not One of those. You know I don't do that. I'm not sure what the movie was about. I really wasn't in it. I think there's like a sniper seen really yeah okay well. They were fully fully fully actual there yeah. There's there's there's a lot of studio is a lie guns socalled eld. I do you knew that anyway yeah. That's where I play a prostitute but I want the heart of gold. I tell all the man's son that that I'm I know he's getting taken advantage of and I don't Wanna see that happening because he spends a lot of money on us so and then I leave anyway and then I play his spoiler alert. Really you giving away plot now. Oh okay. I don't know I really wasn't paying attention. Dramatic dramatic role where you were just talking and I wasn't really I wasn't picking. That's okay cons in two weeks. Well actually actually April eighth or the eleventh. I'm saying it beforehand and that's in Saint Pete. So you guys WanNa go live where near near appeared for for most of the rest of you. There's a really cool big convention. I feel you know what I mean. Most of the people listen art listening from Tampa true and I'm very excited to say that do you guys in China we had said that no one's listening the China now because a guy surprising to me. I guy sent me an email. He's like my wife just busted out laughing because you We are in China. You know it's it's one of those secret of things. It doesn't show up for me. 'cause it's a black hole like at our map of much takes come from It's like nothing once in a while one or two and then you're you know they're the ones that the government of some sort you're now right panel. I love pandas. We have none of the winnings boost anywhere on the website so yes curry you. You know that's that's what I would do any of the pro action. There's no poo bear Stephens House. They're just having said that. We are not really anti pool but who who haven't really sometimes happens. That's the Nice bumper sticker version. So what are we. What are we doing tonight? What's going on? We're like we're like ten minutes in and going nowhere directionless know wherever your direction. I'm getting everything out we are this is what we do. Okay Hug all right. Ah I told you this. I don't you this earlier today. That there is bishop he was condemned regaling his congregation. The Gay people existed because pregnant women had anal sex if you're not yeah and you like it up the ass. You're going to have a gay baby now. I wonder if that includes any of the boys he's molested you. Thank like since they've had anal sacs now no matter who they give they give birth to not themselves but who they knock up their kids always got to be gay now because you Mr Pastor well they'll fault. Maybe he rapes a little boys. Blame your mother uh-huh. That's what he's setting itself up for. That's how that's what he's doing. He's I don't know what's worse them. I don't know no it's whereas people coming up with that shit or people believing it. You know what I mean. I think it's hilarious. What would make you think Oh yeah? That makes sense to me sure. I think it's hilarious that someone commented on it. Okay so if she's a no oral is the baby going to be a dentist. I was like that's that's cute. I like that because really at the end of the day rubbing no. What are you going to the way they are? She's there was this young guy and he went to social media with pictures of his poor grandmother who thought that his sex toys. They were like flesh. Ice Sleeves. Were thermal socks. Yeah talk about the no no. We US talking about it jittery yeah so she like she actually put on her feet. She tried to wear them to bed and they got stuck on her feet. We'll get sticky when it dries up. You know well also there.

00:15:02 - 00:20:01

You don't powder or Luma you know for sure. That weren't clean. I mean you know the kid has twenty one serve like a ninety eight percent chance those had a minimum of three loads each at him. Oh like one yeah two of them. Sometimes I like Barbara so ties like Nancy and then put it again. Let that's the other sled ambidextrous. I can do that like he's doing. Total Masturbation Shing tricks now work to sleeves so he took pictures of all of this does bore lady and they're trying to pull them off event. It's it's it's pretty funny. There's video so you'll be able to see it. Yes okay and he was in Japan. Oh you know I'm the Portal Asian grandmother again. You know doesn't know what these things are well. Maybe she even now. You'd actually probably they probably didn't tell her. I hope not I mean she doesn't and how to work the oil lever be innocent. You never know but she she obviously you know she'd been on the Internet she would cede some foul shit by now service probably definitely my God. Are you lost all that look in your face actually Eddie Terry off to this every sure right. I can't do my the hell voice right now. Show at CPAC anyway there was a there was a teen make a wish kid and he asked to get a B._J. From a porn star trump is her name as his last wish. Is he not yet well and I can't even talk to you about that time. He would agree to do it when you're eighteen. When you're seventeen well she she act he actually got a hold of her to and he She's like well. She's twenty one okay and she's he's like I can't you know he might not be alive at eighteen sorry so but here's the thing too what are you going to do. There's a line and you know no eighteen is fucking plenty on it and not only that but he's he suffering from a chronic infection because of his H._I._v. How well I don't know why I don't know I don't know I'm sorry you're dying out second? Somebody's gotTa suck it and now they. They don't have to do anything he's goes entire life without without knowing what the warm wet wonderment there is as a play thing in ah eighty miles or or guy what whatever mouth you want really lady mouth. I you know I prefer it that way. Well that you men have stubble in some women do too yeah not even close no. Are you guys lonely. Anybody lonely out there and do you need a friendly I do you need a friend so well. You can rent wine but does he come like today delivery. That's what I WANNA know. Why should he be there? Whenever 'cause you can't if you're in Las Vegas you can rent your Las Vegas ican rent when I wouldn't go right now? There's like the locust swarm that's right. The grasshoppers have invaded fucking. It's a four horse where the amok lips one of them is our president and now pestilence pestilence. We have locusts invading fucking Las Vegas. You know we're going to turn to blood something going on right now. For the end of the world they can go to rent a friend DOT COM. How much is a buddy costs? You know what's that go for. You know what they charge. It depends all right. There's a membership that you have have to pay. It's either twenty five dollars for a month or seventy five for the year but the the rent friends they charge by the hour and it's anywhere between twenty dollars fifty dollars an hour well. That's not too bad yeah. You know what I mean especially. If sometimes you just need somebody eighty two to whatever you know you have to function and event exactly a hey you wanna have adventures total strangers I four. I need somebody to show up. I need a wedding date you go. I want to drink alone and I wanNA bitch rent one. I Really WanNa Pass my parents off at my brother's wedding rent wides. That's right hi.

00:20:01 - 00:26:07

Can I have a complete dish. That'd be great awesome. When the doesn't mind fucking uh-huh GonNa Happen on Thanksgiving what whatever you to whatever agreement and Youtube come to is your agree about? It has nothing to do with the rental agency Eh. Hey you just pays the membership dead. They do whatever yeah that's right. Some people were consenting adults. If you choose to have sex you can that's right right. We'll have a policy against it. I know some people wanted. They do it because they want to make some extra money. How many friends you're GONNA have creepy? Is Your Body Yeah. We needed a four hundred D. and D. Group. It's it's probably get very very crazy. I'll just sad I and I would. I would almost like if you're having like let's say some sort of a like eyes wide shut mask bass on on party you you are we doing you get a couple of buddies and you don't tell about each other and then you have them. Come in in with the instructions. I'll be the one with the red rose in my lapel. Oh my God edge this. Let let them loose. The two of them dressed normally trust casual azules the fuck our like you're going to a pool party. You know what I mean. Just be casual super right completely Loki. That's right you know if you have any anal nitrite you might WanNa bring it. My God relaxes show the Dow forgets took the what you know sunscreen sure. Get your ass shit. That's GONNA go so bad so quick and is GonNa do that too. I would. I the only way I had unlimited funds. I mean you're not hurting anybody. You know you just freaking him out a little and I take it would be awesome to watch him. See what happens. Andy gets a bunch of people come over Eyes Wide Shut Style and by then you might as well have peaches come over and do some some live show action. You know what I mean. Kinky Kelly Intersex no can show we're staying WANNA from animal husbandry. We're staying away from its tair even for me so you're not like a horse though whatever the `sorry I've been growling doing lot today ovulating. It's your on southbound horny noticed. I've been super renewing mood today. I think we're going to go to a episode of thirty four and when we come back we are going to talk about some of the best crowns ever ever because they're very very granny. Edinburgh have the brand new tits man so stick around very pack Yum yum time full at basically and refreshing snack This is for all you paranormal people out there. Let's see which think about this man claims that he was tormented by a Horny evil serious Horny Horny that Houston for sex and haunting no okay anyway that he used them for sex every single night for two years who who got US research for every jeers. This guy claimed that he used every night yeah he's just into he said he was made a sex slave when the spirit of visited it in him and my came to his home and fed that he was able to finally stop the spirit like putting a tortoiseshell under his pillow he said that when tortoiseshell GonNa and do it well. He said he's in the one of his dead relatives came to me in a dream and said there's dirty by the tree shell and the spirit don't forget that shit show potato upper snatch take getting pregnant turtle Shell Turtle Shell for sure now he's now. He's said they will since he did that that he's actually fine now but everybody tries to like he he uses it to ward off evil spirits. He says I feel like he drove by a roadside sign. That said those you'll go detail as you're driving down the West Texas road. You know you have the have the sign ray fucking Mile Arcos raping night. Are you being final in your anus when you are a slave come by where we got turtle shells figure turtle shells sales and have you tried turtle shell we should we got him. We can't hear solve your coach rate problems. It goes rate whereas I n you know on with the show the patch dimple these bitches albin fetches blinded fish Limpopo bitches Adna benches and welcome back to Katie's world raspberry live dot com dot com cast dot net they later at Kinky Katie radio radio DOT COM facebook radio.

00:26:10 - 00:30:08

I know you love to do this to me. chased shit hard time focusing yeah especially when I've had an awesome awful the whole thing I know good oh yeah yeah that is good good lucid and ready to leave the show plants yeah and you have to be ready to break up a fucking catfight at any point meantime because they could happen encourge that good no doubt winding its own come on Kim's Gabio mittens lacks in other fine. Now people like that shit about your cats yeah fuck you you say that until they crash on the board and stop all recording oh gotta put put a halt halt on whatever was going on right now. You've gotta root against that yet. You're obviously you're invested this log into so at this point there better be just a catfight in the background that's right. I don't know that might be entertaining. I'll just saying and music screaming at them. That's really what it would be. Just a laudi Elliott cats. Yeah probably wouldn't care yell out now. They're kind of like that. You can't even knees water on him to punish them because they're like. Don't play thank you taking your host. Who Super Soaker trae these crayons that are fucking hysterical? They're called offensive. CRAYONS quietly offensive the names . Oh that's why he's Cran. Their colors aren't offense that liked. It's a whole box of like somewhere between puke green and Brown. That's all Oh you get little purple mixed into it swirlies. No no no no. He's our every color. It's like a twenty four pack okay. There's an orange one named presidential Daniel okay well. The White One says privilege okay yeah I don't I still not see in the problem. Corporations are people too that which color is that green okay travel ban Brown Brown's travel traveled. I traveled Bam Brown boner pill blue. Oh yeah and it's working so far L._G._B._T. What what color is that? It's like a light purple. Okay you know whatever fabricated rape read no l._G._B._T. Issues or should have been like eight colors named after that and it's all the same name well yeah they could do that but they add to do fabricated written better that way that way that way nobody else can really tell the difference and it also helps to save about people six colors l._G._B._T._Q. Yes we are. We have to represent him all all of them. That's right 'cause. I just let her all day same thing yes yes. We know the joke fat their scientology. What color is that probably the color Suraya Science so scientology? Oh Maroon Golden Shower goldenrod there you go that's Goldenrod Rod. Oh God auchwitz Ash L. C. Now you're getting a little crazy that baby A. B. Shit Green still not a problem. The Pink Crayon is called self identified blue. Okay suffer Vegan green just spiritual but not religious.

00:30:10 - 00:35:06

The black lives matter. You were good here. He's Crayon so far. It's like a dark Yuppie laugh either way. There's a dark dark yellow. It's called Alcoholic Piss. God your parents divorce was your fault peach statutory grape deep purple miscarriage maroon basis cold sore. Oh no and mccullers mccullers long time that yellow coddling lemon yellow oh so so those are either way it would be good to to like an art studies class with those color names in order like N._y. You could pick it up. Oh my God you know what I'm saying. We can get money to take your your your travel ban Tan and you're privileged why mix them together do a nice blend. They don't blend in real life and you can see ah my Lord. I don't know what to do all right. WE'RE GONNA go to your favorite subject of completely backed away for your like a saboteur more. It's time once again for all right Chelsea charms with with a whopping one hundred fifty three triple X. Bust one one fifty three. Yes that's like that's that's twice my size a rally really large Jesus Shit Balls Batman what is going to dull tell me she pump those herself off. That's just how she was. She was she had the silly. She's got the silly string one. Sorry sorry a prop holly pro clean line spray foam yeah. She's got the say this anyway. She's up to that fucking big. What is wrong with Dad God? She claims she's got the world's biggest hits but I don't know these days. It's one hundred fifty three inches around does a pretty lousy Areso pictures of of retaining you'll be able to you'll see it anyway. She's she was at the erotic lifestyle expo in New Zealand. Okay yes those gigantic orbs they way eleven pounds and their spray foam yeah spray even that that size though they might be a little bubis all over B. CH 'cause. I wonder what they feel like when you touch them. I probably like spray foam. I'M GONNA how would it take a guess like if you sit on a beanbag Jerry and then rub you know like the top part about chair. Oh you guys have ever had the silly string titties. I WANNA touch wine. I know that sounds like you don't expect me to time because what because here's his take. Maybe we're wrong. We don't tell me we are maybe maybe they feel fucking wonderful and and we we are just talking shit out of ignorance and if I was wrong rob and if I was ever on an airplane that was had a water crash I would want to have you as my partner because those buoyant hang hang on to and naval. It's like trying to grab one of those bouncy balls gym class or something yeah. They just I run out are boring smack anyway well. That's your Pittsburgh for the week tit man and you should see him. you know I know maybe I won't. I don't click on a lot of links I all posted on the website and by the way if you ever wanted added like legs to the shit that she talks about it's on our website pages for each episode that is right and so you could actually go to this thing and see who wrote this bullshit because it wasn't us. We're not we're not. We're not making a shit up. Somebody else wrote it yeah. Sometimes whatever it doesn't really matter to we have a link. Nobody cares this like the Internet they all believe anyway but at least once in a while once in a while somebody will be like Oh. I'd like to know more about that and whatever don't click around on some shit yeah. You know you have a point so I'm just telling you where you can go to make your search easy. There was a sex game. That went really bad. What wrong really yes what happened team win kind of the there's a lady? She said her husband got a glades.

00:35:06 - 00:40:02

Air Freshener can't stuck up his ass L. on it. The Guy said he had to go emergency surgery to remove can he's when he should've zagged. I told him watch out for ACCOLADE. What s keeps farting is asked smell? Shove it up. There certainly yeah okay. It's always better to explain. I know isn't it. Great Enhances the whole experience. I don't care. There's some people that don't know I have a face that still thinking funny. I don't even know let's see here again that they just stare at my Ted's. Oh Okay I would assume that if I was a you know come on you know you like boobs. I I love you really understand where people are coming from as groping myself earlier John and you're like what you do over there. Yeah you're all into second waving at me. You're doing like puppetry of the titties cities. Hey you're talking to me with them I I I was I was hoping to entice you look over here here. Come over here over here finding sexiest something like that you're gonNA before before you realized that was watching yeah. Yes I know I I don't know having a good time just sitting there Birmingham Birmingham and Lube Gas A. You understand boob love. Yes I do oh but obviously at work fever like gold fever. Eh You can actually find them. Hear them probably Yeah Yeah No. I'm obnoxious you are I am. I ate very I am very handy. If you were dude you know if you would have had a hard time can late well yeah. There's people the fuck everybody so we probably probably wouldn't I mean dudes. That are even act like you eventually. Somebody falls on his back. Yeah I are really quite a few. You're secretly aggressive sooners secretly. I Pretty Damn Open about my aggressiveness but what I mean is people walk up to you and they don't expect you to go right out there fucking titties. He's sometimes I can't even if your if your boobs look good at what you're wearing natural sometimes sometimes it's really awkward but the awkwardness at least makes me giggle a little inside but sometimes it takes me every fucking bit of power that I can and I don't even pay the attention to what the fuck you're saying to me. If you're talking to me because all I can keep contact by contact. Keep eye contact because I will. I will stared your cleavage and I I realized that's very noticeable. Look down on a subtle subtle todd schober. We'll look town just topography aerial. Oh my God just don't don't look at them directly and the Ice oh I think those are real small pokorny could poke. I want Kimmy now. I get very aggressively creepy. I don't know a lot of the times like oh ooh. There's this girl crystal in in college when I went and it was just oh my God she had John Norman's tits and I was so jealous over and I lost busted after this girl she she just they were huge and their natural she thought can she's like Oh. I go BRA shopping. Why don't you come with me? I'm like you're an asshole well. No I mean obviously she saw you're looking at all the time you were busted she she and then she took me into the dressing room with her as you trying on bras I don't see the problem I'm waiting for for an issue and she she would and then she completely get naked her in her dorm while I was like torture torture it sucked because they were both. What are you talking about or awesome okay? I didn't want to seem like crabby. Maybe but you're you're literally looking to see our tits. Look at a bra so really if you're doing anything you're checking about. I'm just trying to give you good ride vice trying to be good friend. That's all staring at your awesome fun bags no because she would you think well. I do a little pick talk. Give a little fluff. You know what I mean thing. Dan You will see say I know if I was invited into a dressing room like and there was a similar situation humiliation. I would definitely fluffed boobs.

00:40:03 - 00:45:06

I probably would have left him. I don't know it take it a step back like look Si- one side the other side ride in order to be well. I don't know maybe stuck my nose a little bit town there. You know the Little Atta. I don't think that that would go over very well. They invited me and they're. What did you think where where what? What were you thinking inviting me? You know I'm into girls so really a big fan of either way see now. I wonder you get their rent. A friend Figel go. Let's go bra shopping. Let's just just a second Indian really okay. You know I can tell the size of a girl's Cup by Tan's by ZANU YOU did. There's this spy right in the middle of Portland where it's legal or main Oregon okay okay you have to you have to say because it's like one is like fuck in China and the other one is like the U._k. You know what I mean. I mean they're that far apart okay. They're wickedly far apart wickedly well because you're talking about Portland Maine. Yes there's a lot of that going on up there. No yes but it's Oregon. That's right hippies. Yes because you are huggy hippies. It's legal to freely and openly smoke weed eh with complete strangers and also you can be naked. You can be naked where well it's a sex club and the address in the article. Oh Oh there's a place you could go to be making yes. That's different. Is Your lead me down. You made me think that it was like the whole place. What do you mean he's I ? I'm not talking about like just talking about It's called Hawks P._D. X. Okay. It's a members only cannabis abyss cafe AU show today cannabis cafe. Yes all right you can smoke whatever you want and it's clothing optional option patio. That's good. It gets cold. Well you know what I don't know. It's yeah but I don't think they for some reason in my head that area up there just stays he's like constantly like forty fifty degrees and rainy just all year out for some reason I wanNA say atall. Well you're close. I don't know you're closer we are. They're up a net northwest quadrant action anyway well well. They say that they have it's by the bisexual night okay so he wouldn't like every night. Bisexual like who's to say well. Whatever 'cause they say you know they mostly just out nude smoked with your buddies bodies but they where do you stick your Hanky? Come on you've you've been clothing optional places before you not that works tat around your wrist like abandoned. No you're right instructions on your chest and lipstick own that is true yeah. I remember that Guy Yup poor thing before and after he lost his nuts been through a lot he was he was uh anyway. There's something that I never heard of is call. It was sloppy. Jalopy a sloppy jalopy. Happy is a sex act for partners very comfortable with each other okay during a blowjob. When the man is about to come he pushes the girl away comes in his own hand? Dan Snacks the girl in the face and that is the sloppy jalopy. Yes Max Hardcore better. What if you'RE GONNA if you're GonNa let me cut like like totally do a facial anyway? Really what's the difference. Oh my God. What is the the difference? There's the difference why because you're not getting smacked in the face. You're getting just a baby shower. Do you want to like. Why do you want to like doc? Eighty percent the whole project there. Why do you want to like just at the end of it right there at the end when it's most crucial that everything goes right? Why do you WanNa backout with some closet? You just don't feel like doing come on Dobie at one hundred percent. Go all in and I'm sure you can find someone who knows I. I can't put the effort in into the effort but he offered yeah. Is this before after a vacuum. Suck my click with Shop Vac. I don't know before or after I'm not sure I don't know how it's GonNa work out and you wonder why I talk about.

00:45:07 - 00:50:14

You know you were talking talking about actually removing my twitter berries I wouldn't yes. I don't know maybe I always go for the nets. I write his that word. That's directly what you had for first of all when you go groping her out good digger have no idea why I don't know either well. No I know because you say I'm addicted to your squirm. You are anytime I square you are completely turned on son. You're completely turned on is full of fear. Oh Oh excuse me Yeah Oh you you are to you. You like you like pain. Lewis Cream winds near in the great not happy sound Ouchi sound but usually it's better if I just make that real just you know a slight overdoing here and and they're you know what I mean. You gotta push the edges of the boundaries a little Caesar then test water. Sometimes I'm surprised you don't slap me first and then yeah that hurts. You could be a lot more subtle than that. You know what I mean. It's a nuance kind of a situation you don't don't just go right at and just smacks Maggie. No you give a little extra a little extra hertog. Maybe let your three strands lead the bunch on the rest of them. You know what I'm saying. It's not major things it's just minor things. Maybe maybe you get a little plummer paw on the fucking wrists a little bit. You know what I I mean just for a second just for a little wince look shoes I can't. I can't think about this right now. Well why why my nipples are getting back to coming in your hand and Slavi you interface different. Oh we're gone full circle know yeah. We've gone full circle here now. You understand you understand what can happen for you. If you do for me juice. Yes you see how it can go. You know yeah so you're almost Sierra of talked to it. Yep already come got you so would have agreed now so would've now easily anyway. I know I could have gotten you to do it. I don't want to just knowing that I could say now. I see how they got your face. Them not supposed to look up sir. Stop It. Stop It. Don't cheating we. We do this just the way the people here it is. No fucking. I contact face looks though fuck it signals. We're not doing any No I go straight by the what you say the words that come out of your mouth or not oh my goodness I I just I remembered the F._B._i. Did A raid on this Phoenix Body donation center we were talking about it earlier and they found heads sewn onto different bodies bodies found a bucket of lambs and if a cooler full of Dick's and the fucked up thing is you're not even like not even eight appears to be a legitimate story to yeah the D._M._Z. covered at like several news outlets are saying and like they were taking like lady head and so get onto body like yeah colorful wonderful of fucking nuts index dude it was it was fucking it was crazy they said they found big torsos with limbs and their genitals removed buckets and coolers with various body parts including bucket a heads arms and legs body parts piled on top of each other throughout the facility with no identification UM steel freezers with frozen body parts in it with no identification yeah they they were just like whatever dude because they were La- they like collect bodies for free for people who couldn't afford like funeral services and shit yeah they said they are they would offer free pickup and cremation but what they were doing is they were selling mighty parts dislike. Whatever and there's there's a list of some of the things that you could actually get for the body parts and then they just cremated what they couldn't sell or soda on other bodies? Just I'm bored. Hey Hey bob this week. You OUGHTA make us a Frankenstein again. I want a lady head. Let's do lady head please. Let's make fucked now. How many of those those fucking bodies do you think where skirt skirt I'm just saying ally? If they're stitching the heads on other bodies you know somebody stick somewhere Kerzner's the like flop seven the arms around and like moving moving the mouse ventriloquist and be like hi Bob today with the muppets stick fucking polls in their elbows since I can't see kittens subject sorry here's already eating the muff over here and I dismiss little phase away.

00:50:15 - 00:55:10

Fuck us right across the board. He's looking at the wall like I'm going to get their attention. Take take everything remained on the whole time. That was a miracle. How are you sure you're not in high ratings on stories and Holy Shit when Katie's fucking wildcats whenever fucking pussies got out of control again just walked right across Reich right right in front of me right across the board and flip out and I'm going over here push any buttons now the whole body with no shoulders or head goes for like three grand like what are you doing with this stuff? We've seen the fuck me silly dolls just saying whole spine is like a grand a torso without head though is twenty four hundred that works better for my taxidermy really have matching parts just one whole foot as four fifty really. What's the cheapest body? What can we get on a budget a Ne- a knee three seventy five really get yourself a Goddamn? We need new. I wonder if it's cut off at each little end pieces about at all or what am I getting. I'm I'm not sure urging. Maybe just a cap. Maybe KNEECAP. I have no idea but you can you can buy a fucked me pelvis for four hundred for an extra twenty five dollars more you you can get a fucking pelvis and if you want to female and they don't have any they'll just cut it dig cooler just so on right on there. He goes a Slavi yeah. It's got a badge. Now people fucking that. What are they telling well some of the M._R? Yeah this wasn't in Florida. No no see this is non Florida east bad takes happening in other places. This is in Arizona okay. That's all right all right lots old people there so here lots old people what's what what they tell me. A lot of people go there to fuck it retire strange strange. It's supposed to be dry. It is dry gin free well that I could see not be much growing at all now but actually the mountains are really pretty okay which is different. That's okay. I'm not used to it. I'm a tropical person tropics this woman was pulled over for having a man in a dog cage age in the back of her truck. Why why would you pull her over for that? Obviously it's the end. This was a Florida woman so they're very extreme. There's yes yeah public well. They're they're having public humiliation amelioration time Yup exactly what it was and guess where what county or County County Lakeland Nice I can see that in Lakeland Lakeland is is like kind of a redneck little town between Tampa and Orlando like lots of meth heads ads and weird. Shed always happened they have they have a sheriff there that is really in love with us out of his voice on media so he'll do interviews visit hills you. He's just one of those guys talk so much about the people yet we done around it up thirty perverts today. I'm GonNa tell you who they are. This is Bob Smith us. You know what I mean like goes nuts anyway anyway. So that's why they got pulled over yeah. I think I've ever yeah sued anybody. Can nobody wants to jail though right. Now I mean obviously my dog is been created so there is no danger to the public well. They said because of the that it was okay he was in the cage but he just the cage should have been secured oh see because that was just had a safety concern but they they actually got a speeding ticket where she was speeding so yeah. You're inviting problem so his thing is he's treat me like dog so she she she takes him for a walk up. I'll tell you think wrong with that. It's Kinda hard to explain to the six year old as you drive by but on the track your your kids going to have to see the real world some point you know at some point. They're going to be wow we live now. They're going to be completely confronted with some dude and it kept yep mask in a cage. It's GonNa Happen Hi Timmy Zip. You know you want them to have some experience in dealing with an essay fatter it's it's one of the bandmates in in fruit blood to that Mr Jacobs stager Oh billy hey.

00:55:10 - 01:00:01

I can't haircut then you get them. titties is one of the shows you just can't describe Bradley's Hark Neyland Clovio P._B. L. If he's there we don't know we don't know nobody knows fruit blood if got fruit fruit blood on youtube it's really weird. I'm GonNa tell you I mean it's a band that sings weird songs like I say a bad. It's animated yes. They're all in like fetish wear camp game. I know how to describe. I need unlimited funds to go in a costly group with these members. We define a member for each for each person improve blood. Yes this is fruit blood. We are Jew Service Service. People like shut the fuck. We don't care gave that shit funny five years ago when you told us so I know I don't care fuck that people have made it through this far in the show. See here again. I I just thought process. I know for sure that they would enjoy because I enjoy it chances are you're going to enjoy it but I want to tell you. It's really weird. Do we have any songs is like readily available. I can make one very rarely available. Yeah Okay Anyway Anyway. Why don't you finish talking all Taibbi H._I._V? Oh my goodness so anyway yeah. That's just what was going on. What the what was going on the whole humiliation thing yeah so here's some food for you? Yeah feel it feel it. I do get the cuts the new or stew in the hair in his first you get the hair cuts you yeah. I you get the hair then. Can you get them. It took Oh yes there woah. I get the hair it. I would say so solid advice you we are juice so whenever they have a bunch of songs it's not just the way they're funny came from a show on yeah I'm I loved network DOC awesome. Oh my goodness there was a couple that got caught openly doing a fucking sex act on each. Oh No yes go figure public public that much in the box really can't say can't we can't nobody caught us. This is like the middle of the day on a Kerchove with I mean oh and it's very uncomfortable because the beach is like big pebbles rocks so it was in a foreign country okay but yeah people there is a sitting right there and he's like much in the box and just you know any kids right away screaming mommy mommy what's going on nothing not that I know of any share time their parents your season at some point in time well whatever well that's the first rule of doing and stupid shit like that. Is You know don't fuck it for Shit and other people you know what I mean. Don't do it at home. No no I mean like doing ah. I don't know these people will completely get the fact that that you know you wanNA hang public. I get it yeah and and we have like the whole idea is that you don't get caught banging public. It's it's the whole thrill factor. Take Kyd yeah so I understand. I know what's what's going on. I feel you but the first rule is don't let people especially Telco even try and it's not cool to do that to kids early the Amin no I mean it's not the worst thing that's ever going to have until mid life so it's not the end of the world. However you know come on your force in your let's let's go somewhere where they're adults and make sure that that you're knocked? Just whatever you have to do your back's against the wall. You're looking out towards the door so you know I know when somebody comes.

01:00:01 - 01:00:49

You have time to make the situation look somewhat normal there. You go yeah so that that's your word of advice from S._e. W take two cats. That's all right. Don't do it don't if you've learned anything from today. That is your lesson. You should know that before telling you anyway. We're going to get out of here for the night now. It's time to go is it. I don't even know 'cause I started early. I understand my math was off in between the pre show and demane show here and I didn't figure the song time right. That's two minutes off. That's not a problem walker. We're getting out of here for the night. I'll be back next Saturday. I will be filming my

Expand highly inaccurate transcript