#263 – Fisting N Figging
You are currently viewing #263 – Fisting N Figging


This week!

07/06/2019 Listen to her but don't listen to her... ABV waffle... Rediscovered the electrified dildo... Recreate the orgasm scene from Sleepless In Seattle to win this contest... Someone got the reference... HUFU made a treat for the vegan cannibal... Playing fetch with your dog and someones dildo... Man goes Girl With the Dragon Tattoo on himself for cheating... Australia moving up the pack... The penis ice cream machine making it's world tour to make your feel good about your dick... Episode of "Rule 34"... People hunted down while having sex in their goat costumes... Tits Man - Hot chicks with great tits paddling kayaks... Fake article wants us to believe you can now go nude on any Florida beach... Katie tries fisting and figging... Woman "me too's" paramedic while on the way to the hospital... Rick and Morty condom... Man gets caught with his drug collection up his ass... Katie gets a tattoo.

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#263 Fisting N Figging

00:00:04 - 00:05:01

The following program contains adult content Kraz language of sexual manner completely irresponsible advise along with some things you'll wish you could hear if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like a judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn his off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because I was fucking shit at stake Katie's world in ten nine eight seven six three Katie's world starts now they are you ready to transact. If we wanted to play dress up. Don't you Elmo the it and now live from rule thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that could fart the alphabet in four languages cheese your host the one the only kinky Katie as Russell Hello and welcome to this show. This is Kiki's world to sixty three and we are coming at you. Live vroom raspberry live dot com. He radio DOT COM and radio chaos dot net little bore Gore coming in before people listening on podcast for him. Do I have no idea what you're talking about. This should be listening. Live then okay. Okay listen how you tell us tour I Husky Haiti and with me as always is my favorite plus guidebook toy Mr we have got a fun show for you. We haven't used hits man Dan and some of the most ridiculous stuff from around the web which is always awesome to read about I what is set up by saying I will be in Orlando next week to see my friend and fan of the show Mr Brian Aware at at atomic tattoos so I'm looking forward to that and I want to thank couple special people but they wish to remain behind the curtains so just say thank thank you and you are okay okay. Oh my goodness gracious. Oh No I yeah I'm only half after that waffle aby I haven't had I haven't had Aveeno oil well. I've had to build some A._B.. Stocks up some stores. I'm glad of the been saved herbage. That's hey hey now. Steph is fantastic yet well. It's it's edibles in general hits you a lot harder. They just do and those I've already got. I've already got something out of all of the stuff that you're eating now. It's it blows your mind . Actually I found it works better. If I just spring in on something just don't heat it yeah yeah it's. It's just like I tell you what's mushrooms just fucking eat them. Cook them in what no I just I mean if you if you WANNA poured into a drink glad to drink but just drink all of the little bits of Shit. Don't try to do a tea or you know. You're you know what I mean with. No finish just fucking powder that shit up you know what I mean. Yeah take a teaspoon and make democracy go down. That's all done Veneto forty five minutes to an hour later everything's fine. Oh took enough not even that long Nah for you you just fast. You've been rearranged. I have your guts ain't right. I know I've stuck. I know they're not right. There's a detour here uh-huh this to keep going to you know that let let me ask you questions. Have you always been a girl. Does it matter no. I just want to know I loved.

00:05:01 - 00:10:01

I love doing that two people. It's just fun. I WanNa say Hello to Ledge D._C.. Radio dangerous conversations. He's very amused whenever I'm on A._B.. Yes well because it's museum. Yes watching you hang on to your life. As you're trying to Schreider fucking read an article can't handle it with me fucking with me here so off off topic but it doesn't matter because as we move around and better things sure I recently reconnected with my electrified Dildo vibrator yeah rave irate doesn't vibrate to there's a there's a clip thing but I hate it like it's a rabbit pussies not right for like doesn't fit right okay so he's not comfortable position for you know so usually I'll turn it around to quit tiddler so the Clinton alert goes in my but because the Butler Ha yeah well this is the one the you can expand as gotTa Butler and it's got like ten jeanette the pads the one that I that I burn my Posey Whiz. Okay sorry Yes yes you turned up the electrify Adele though too high. Yes yeah found out that when you turn it up to high it burns inside of your fucking snatch it gives you a prey rejuvenation a yeah. You're lactate Aga again. Okay Shit. You're scared like yes burning off a few fucking layers down doubt in this as you know what I mean my rejuvenate it originally for women who are like at continent incontinent yeah well I used to show fucking knitting needles in people's noses and through their tear-duct to clear up insanity tale that was like during the same time just so you know anyway I was. I won one. This vibrator dildo sting easing did yes when at a meeting for work but he'll go fucking contest. Don't be shy of this search. I could keep it as the Weirdest Harlem Shake Betty strange funny. I haven't seen anywhere start out with one people personnel. There is thirty coming at me house shapes and sizes we have shapes and sizes story that coming up a little later as well. I will get to that and I I will make amends. Are you sort of what do you make what do you. What are you pre apologizing for? We'll talk about cats. Delhi was the that's where that scene they iconic seen from when Harry met Sally when she had a orgasm scene. Okay lady was like she's having okay. That's where they came from. Everybody Dukakis was it said I'll have she's having so you know you guys from the offer or if you've never heard of the movie that's right. Whatever just some fucking movie Old Meg Ryan get has has orgasm and for the thirtieth anniversary you can record yourself recreating the scene for the orgasm okay yeah they're having a contest okay and they want you to put it on social media and stuff like that tag like dude like meg or whatever okay show? We just clip from aboard. I don't know okay but just as they. They had to put a sign on the window to advise parents. Don't bring your kids in that day because there's going to be people like because d._M._Z.. Did a story on to where there's they do. have some of the videos that you can go. Look at the restaurant. Just go at it yeah yeah and if you win like whoever gets the most likes for their posts they get a deli package various meats and stuff and you get to be on the Internet so which is probably more important to you anyway probably really you don't care about the Free Deli Ali although Standout Deli it is now yeah and it was last as long as her seen did last one minute eight seconds so you'd have to do it like almost mode for Mon.. You know what I mean you would. You'd have to match sure it's like tune in an impression put on the fluffy way because she had big hair was the eighties and it's going to see okay or has you. millennials are watching a stranger things.

00:10:01 - 00:15:04

That's what real life or even different the generations eve people are now pretty much of age to be listening to the show so you know is that what they are and that's the next after millennial is e.. S. They like Z. Nation as generation X. millennials and then generation that was a generation our now generation. That's all I know. Don't ask me the waffle out go to under arrest. Where's my lawyer? We don't have a lawyer like my lawyer. It looks like Benicio Del Toro there you go and I'm glad I don't look del Toro no offense to him but look like him very loyally very lawyerly advice to and by the way there was one person last week we we had mentioned a reference and I really didn't take any player somebody actually got congratulate and he's like the person in his his town that listens to show. I owe the gate pudding. Yes yes as part yeah. Gosh I'm in Venice Unicorn. Yes you out to reference and he's the one listening in Venice Florida. That's so hey what are we going to go out to show yet since I stopped it. I'll do what I want okay. I'm asking Nice. There's a wellness website. It's called live. Kindly Okay and it's put out interesting article. It's called there's a company by the Nemo who Fu what's I might be mispronounced which is completely wrecked Putin it so that raccoon uh-huh last night Katie is good thank you though I knew I should've stuck my fingers INFORMA- tongue but I couldn't help so Katie Jesus Christ but some rain center at Cochin. It is bucket rancid. I don't know I'm thinking just like the. It looks like Fubu so I'm just like who for okay what's what these unpronounceable name people they. They made a treat for the Vegan Cannibal. Okay Okay see because yes. I did say Vegan Cannibal too hard one to catch anyway. I'm just I'm very very good anyway away. They say it's the healthy human flesh alternative. It's one hundred percent plant based. The product is earliest online between two thousand and five dozen six and they said that's to carry taste and texture of human flesh affected by 'em offended refunding. They were offended last week about fuck in a piece of meat. That looks like a carrot to say okay. None of them are actually carrots carrots. They made foods that looks it's supposed to be me. Fuck them. Fuck them. We were imitating a carrot who gets hurt their the carrot who gets harmed. Nobody now you are literally making meat of me. Thank you fucking weird. Vegan people well yeah. Maybe that like I've always wanted to be a Zombie or you know whatever cannibal okay so. How do they know what human flesh tastes like what I learned? No No oh I have no idea it's supposed to be like like on is it like the impossible Burger here talking that amazing pretty much the idea the CEO of who was eating who's heating tofurkey sandwich reading a book about humankind's Food Habits and it's market to say Tofurkey Tofu to Foodie Klein nine they they marketed to towards cannibals that weren't quit to cook tooth as Cockapoo cock- tooth to fake cock. No that'd be a Delta to do anyway you continue. No I'm not doing it now. Look you Ted it. There was a there is a dog owner that was playing fetch with his pup and he was at the park and he his stick but his as terrier came back with something else back with human bone.

00:15:04 - 00:20:02

Didn't he no no this was actually floppy healed. Oh well you know floppy. We you know it's not so bad. If you know you like it's all down to WHO's they'll though isn't it yeah. It's far less grows. If it's the the cross fit check that lives next door's you and you know it you know what I mean or if it's grandma Martha behind her well. I'm just saying unless you're unless you're into the lizard born the Lemon parties while there are people who are too. I know people gotTa Fuck. That doesn't mean I like like watching them. Fuck there well. That's what I'm saying. If you do too I can go away I could or is it like an accident. You can't it was on out to watch it. You know what I mean. I mean I have watched it. I I don't get too far down that rabbit hole though I involved with with an elderly porn wants it was an whenever do that again probably will what I'm older but I mean I I was. I was like twenty twenty one something like he does yeah. I'm with you to ask you about that. I know I know get away from the weather. I mean it really that kind of fucks me up. That doesn't fuck me up but you know I that may help into my I may be tried to get some as later and that may just jump right in there. You know what I mean and it may not I it's not helping either one of us. What I'm telling you yeah area I will die wasn't letting go dildo and he actually he took say well? He took a running and he ran through an outside funeral. what's the delta. He's like Brookwood. One question okay was Benny Hill playing anywhere to read the logic girls running around that show it was allowed to watch it for a long time but the nanny well it was it. was you know if you're young kid. It was probably racy. I Dunno were checks running around lodger. There's a lot of things I was in a allows inappropriate groping. It's like that too but I wasn't even allowed to watch M._T._v.. Well okay. Your parents. Were actually trying to parent you go figure no they weren't around. If he's the nanny okay somebody was trying to pair here. You know my my parents they wouldn't. I mean if you're I don't know what age kids which she found out that I had sex. She fucking freaked out my to kill you. Chooses expected you to say no. She's a have your friends ever had sex GAM. We're watching TV should have you and I'm like yeah then I realize oh no I just say yeah and then I looked over at her and she staring at me like this is huge. Put on the pill good Ted not the pill. She didn't slow you down really no no not at all very thing. I'm like well. She knows now uh-huh how much more trouble I really get into Macho. It'll take yeah you know but that was four discovered drugs exactly that it really ramped up now. This guy a got a an actual tattoo. Is I an actual yeah. I'm getting a tattoo voluntarily on January second two thousand nineteen so that I can earn my wife's trust back for the pain and suffering. I have caused in our marriage. This is on his torsos starts between nipples and it goes down so I am a liar cheater manipulator deceiver a whore prostitute lover and poor prostitute prostitute lovers horse slash prostitute lover and then dishonest disrespectful. He says he completely girl with the with the drag tattooed himself. Yeah literally wrote it all up that was a brutal rape scene and I know where she got raped her where he got ready where he wishes both pretty brutal they were yeah. You know yeah we'll they were almost the same way but I'd like that and added to is it weird though the hers doesn't stick out as much as his in my mind well because he she was you aren't church if she was GONNA kill him. I mean you really thought she was probably GonNa Office. ASS It makes my asshole Pucker Lillian. Oh Gosh she was like kicked.

00:20:02 - 00:25:05

It was rough if you have a t and the Girls Dragon Tattoo. Is there a couple of we're just explain that they're so weird movie. We're Norwegian people more sports work strange haircut. Yeah we have listeners in Norway. Yeah we do high. Actually the second second biggest country besides the United States is is almost going to be Australia now out there passing Candida Canadia oh well. It's nice up there at this time of year Canadia in Australia. It's winter. You know what I mean these in for for for for not being near cellphone towers in the fucking great white north one. I'm telling you well. I've heard and I could be completely wrong. I need you guys to tell me if this is cheer or not but I heard that people in Australia actually dig the the American accent well. I'm sure there are people in all countries dig it and there are people countries who hate it but yeah but then he added like which part of the American though because if it that's yes exactly. I can't tell the difference between one Australian like you probably know hey he's a west coast or he's an east coast or he's out there by Perth like we have no idea. It all sounds Australian Emmy. Unless you're New Zealand to New Zealand people do sound different. It's similar. I know you e- everybody gets upset about comparing New Zealand shy okay I get it but you're really close together and you know to people who aren't you. You sound almost to say but New Zealand I could almost pick out but now which is weird. I think that one dude from New Zealand you see him all over the place are I. The fucking redhead did yeah the door. He looked at guy. I just take him talking and then when I hear somebody from New Zealand they're yeah there you go anyway. I like a regular to show. We are Ted us. Go enough on your own story. Side stories is okay so maybe coming to a neighborhood near you. Trojan has a penis themed ice cream chuck. It was recently New York for the pride and the purpose of the ice cream machine cream machine is it's urge men to be proud of their of their cones no matter their shape or size okay now I know I know I go about four skin. Yes and I'm trying to be a little nice focus. People have what they have. It's not their fault. They had that grocery skin stuck at the end of the cock so this is why I'm apologizing and I'm sorry I'm going to try to be eh little nicer reprinting retraction no. I'm still nice still going here it. I don't care what you say. I've been told it was cleaned before but I wasn't fucking clean but I'M GONNA back up being being so so bitchy about openly bitchy about if you guys I you know field. You don't mind how well Schmidt Ma so all right so I'm gonNA anyway so don't you feel better see. Don't you feel better now that you're not shaming people for the shape of their cock. It's not their fault that they have foreskin. Well it kind of is because they could go get cut off but you know what I clean. They have what they have. I know I know not everyone of us can have pretty gorgeous Cox. You know what I mean. Some of US have there have to be ugly wants to be pretty. Once is what I'm saying be confident in your Dick you should and the track is actually named the charging cone connotations now. What does that have to do a fucking ice cream cones is what I wanted to know? Well all of the all of the tree may or does that not seem. I almost like Cohn receives ice cream well. All of all of the treats are Dick themed. They have like little itty bitty ones munchkins there on the outside. It's cartoon like one of these like God and there's it's the P._G.. Thirteen ship but then they're all like Phallic looking like there's bananas and their dip shit nurse stuff like shape so it's like the eat addict truck yeah. Just eat a deck okay so it's all people the oh so they say what cities again but it's going to be driving around. It was just recently in New York so I just wait out front early playing a song like the ice cream ended. Get your bag sir something we got ice cold creamy cock.

00:25:05 - 00:30:39

Am I supposed to know if the Dick Mobiles not outside and I want to go outside and he'd subject cone. It's Halloween. We were supposed to get that code if they don't oh how a song well. I don't know maybe they maybe they have several. What do you do Karaoke today? You've been like say left it right. WHAT'S UP GONNA keep having anyway? I think we're going to go to the ET. CETERA ruled that before and when we come back we're GONNA bring new tits Manson while the fun stuff so enjoy stick around and yeah that's fun yum time basically refreshing snack music teacher that was arrested for committee some Lewd Disgusting Acts He recorded oh he even the Vulva Piccolo now flutes he recorded namesake coming coming into flutes at least five any film at least five female students saying now you know what I could almost see I. I feel like to make them stuck my comes. They're gonNA come. Oh Yeah they are crossbones funds my ass. I can't talk to you. I can't fuck you anymore. Because you know laws so you can you can eat my come. I'll go to jail for that but well they've found out because he confessed your friend online and should on the video saying that he's sexual fantasies overfilled headed. Tell somebody what I did. Girls aided playing flute skin flute no on with the show yeah yeah doc from the and welcome back to Kiki's World Raza. You're live dot com P._k.. Radio DOT COM and Radio Cass Dot net you can get me on twitter Kiki Katie Radio Radio DOT COM Katie radio at Chemo Dot Com and Kinky K. radio on the facebook Muslim fed life but don't bother why because I never look at every once in a while yeah it's worth people checking checking out. If you WANNA do Kinky facebook thing that's right if you want to you WanNa look at a whole montage of graphic photos yeah and insertions and she like that Dick Dick Nick prolapse status bleeding about myself and I'm like I don't know the prolapsed not yet yeah like your care. There's a couple of having sex tours and Co Customs Guy got pictures pictures of taking them out the man who happened to be the lady's husband said I swear to God I was just shoot two goats fucking in the middle of the road during the Miller Room now what I do do you take a tragedy before you take that was the first time fucked into outfit now like we're they wanted her out by the the fuck it her to go to like blended with them was it a guy to girl is. I know oh by Ansi. Sorry sorry yeah you are. You just don't apologize. ooh Nice man so it was sitting right there. Shut up. I could not take it well. WE'RE GONNA go to your favorite segment standby boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for it. There is a production company called tits deep steeple and it's got a new show from boob tube for okay. It is the first episode of the new web series it documents the world's best female paddlers on and off the river so basically it's really hot girls in like small bikinis like just pretty boop focus and the first the episode it's called it's titled Tetras Profundis and Big Titties again that I take so so found titties yeah girls who love kayaking gang and canal so thank you know they've got outside because it's on youtube or something okay well.

00:30:41 - 00:35:01

Maybe they do okay. Wait a research that research research department. We've got over an intern. I mean I I don't know languages in so I mean you can put it on mute doesn't really matter will roll anyway. You can check out tits deep on facebook facebook for more information that so so that is your tits man for the wease so basically it's just show checks running around a bikinis watch for pretty much just was like like musical physical montage. We like it said the first slow-motion wilted the probably because they said the first episode is more focused on getting getting to know the girls girls personalities to use their personalities will apparently how can you hear that's nearly as attractive. If I just didn't know they had personalities. I ruined a lot happier so I said you can put it on mute. Now wasn't matter I. I don't know some sometimes your voice helps a lot of times sometimes does I'm such a pig don't care. Do you like my jets. How you like them now? Do they look God but there's a way now she can be perfectly hot and sound that way and it's not working for me at the sorry Adia like got big fat show by tipples or just like you like honey like my thumbs so you like thumbs. Oh God my ex-husband used to call them. Teddy grubs Oh Grad. I squirm around when you squeeze squeezed. Black Shit cubs right out of what the book is wrong with you sometime and you're talking about me. I get you all excited like how I have. Don't have a chance when I do some of that known to the purpose. What purpose did your be in weird? Am I so I won't pout after really we were describing something that would be unattractive. That would be absolutely unattractive okay. We'll let you take your job so you see I'd like you to try to prove appoint. I was painting fuck and picture and G painted S._e.. Who's who see who now okay Bob Ross no okay our state of craziness which is Florida has made a bold move to cheese the law nudity on the beaches okay? That's a dicey one but all right shoot shoot. What are we doing now as it says starting August first full is going to be legal on all public state owned beaches? I can't believe that no I don't buy this shitty now. Let's extent you can't be real. It can't because it's a way better better. There's a catch okay. We have to obtain a Florida state nudity license license nudity. Where are you gonNA fucking? Carry the nudity license since when you're node fucking Tattoo it's in your butts just saying seven of your crotch. That's that's four. You know that is negative. If I'm trying signed a fucking place snaking finger with you later and and I pull out a fucking identification card you know that's GonNa kill the whole mood of everything you realize that right A._T._M.. Exactly that was what I was trying to do. It said I found your fucking. You're you're fucking charred hundred. Were put that well. Maybe maybe it's one of those things like they have for pools at apartment apartment complex. It's on Bungee cord. You put her on your wrist. It's a little tag like can I get attached to allowed to be naked. You know what I mean. I'm allowed to be naked but that could anyone can get that so yeah. I I wish I told you fuck.

00:35:01 - 00:40:01

It ruined my loophole like that like thirty seconds to it. You wrote it already now. We don't have plausible deniability. I ruined totally COULDA had plausible deniability liability. How do you know that? I didn't think that that's the way it works. You don't know that you can't eat a special stamp. Okay okay that could be done all right that all right see that allowed to be naked. Yes you are law governor Rick Scott. No he's not covered or anymore. He's not no. I know my God. Oh I only have pay attention into the stuff. That's no. I I know it. That's okay but it just it's so depressing to me that I just I. I've learned to a lot of it out because I can't take it anymore right. I don't know what that has to be about knowing what the governor of the state state you live in is where you grew up in till grow up negative. I don't know who senator for Letters Tummy. WHO's the governor home watching you flopper out like a little fishy? It's Ron to Santa's. He's the line who had the had the commercial maybe types right him. President trump fuck the prostitute and then paid her off his isn't that great. That's my favorite story. Oh God I forgot yeah no and I even voted in that one to you didn't vote for him. Though no I voted for the other Guy Yeah Gillam. Nobody wants politics talk. Doing whatever how'd you get here. We're talking about the nudity time to pass four hours ever yeah. We all know that's not real on. We know the second your Dick. Yeah sure it's bullshit yeah. You don't don't Tonko out there it is I get it says so right here. It's all names like dig out yeah. I used to tell people that all the time and they see now. You're in trouble. What happens every time like anytime? We were in public in some. I don't know why people asked me to look at my tech. I'm not sure this all the time. I don't know why this happens and this is before. We were doing the porn that would ah yes. That's what I'm saying. Okay porn at least fine you so whatever I guess gigantic until your head to still still and it was all funny games until that happened and then they're always always got really weird like it's fine with. We're when it's just boobs like it's still under control at that point. You know what I mean. What's addict comes out? It's no longer under control well. It's not anyway where is going with. This is someone had asked me. Actually I don't know where I was going with that but somebody was asking about the posted something about figuring figuring and we did video call fist in fig we said where I I try to figure in. I chide right fisting all at the same time well in the digging for those people who don't know figuring is is peeled rod ginger and you stick it in horrify whether it be your Pussy Urethra or your ass. He's got to give you that Stinky Bernie sensation right. Yes it started actually a race tracks like we'll show horses and stuff yeah shove that ginger after asked to get them running dig him run it and to keep their tail upright so they. They looked like they had more energy. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me but like well if we did that to like Olympic runners you know you're not going to improve their time here. I Have God damn but plug made out of ginger. Shove this up. Your grass just whittled it. I know you Carl Lewis old reference. I don't even Carl Lewis and you don't need it. Here's your plug like house. That's how you supposed to run faster with an uncomfortable fucking tuber up your fucking Bunghole I duNno. It's supposed to be like super-duper Stinky. That's what I'm saying. I don't run faster with the state he asshole. I haven't done like any scientific study but I I gotta say that. I'm going to run a lot faster without a stinging Bernie asshole. Can you imagine like a little plug of digits Chevy New Urethra negative. I mean yeah if you WANNA pay me. I'll do it for you but you know Iowa No.

00:40:01 - 00:45:00

I'm not doing it if you pay me. That's taking a Birdie. I I learned from you. 'cause I'm the one who tied you out and put some fucking ginger in your ass and your bus yeah and I told you I switched ends. I didn't see this is the stuff that I have to do and then following that Ginger attempt and legit win and fine you're okay yeah. Actually that wasn't too bad for you. It started by after a while but actually had I if I remember correctly it wasn't all that like be tried it unpeeled I and said Okay and they appealed it and and then I soaked it in water after I appealed it and that was what it was until ca some of the St stuff bleached out and then once it the longer state of my ass. You liked deluded. It was waters what you're saying it. Did I right now. I'm pretty sure 'cause I didn't feel it well yeah because so the second part of this is we attempted fisting yeah. Let's say you're so L. either. No Oh my gosh the duck on you though hey you guys I mean whatever there there's a lot of women who can in love it. There's a lot of guys you can and love it. I just there's this guy that I follow on twitter and he double-fisted and he is peace builders of I don't know how well men always seem to fit large objects after ass I ladies who do as well but some of the scariest Shit I've ever seen. It's always been a to show at something up his ass this guy I I mean I'm talking bigger than three liter soda bottle. Wow bigger yeah yeah. That's courtesy very Kersey and I'll our hardware has a tapered CETERA. How the hell no UH narrowly doesn't have hardly fairly narrowly barely deeply jared i? I don't know how he doesn't himself into. I really don't so that's what it is. It's very interesting the stretching it didn't hit and just like cram that bad boy in I try fluck no worm that bug hole right up holy crap. He's had to have forty five prolapsed eight. I you know what I mean. Maybe not he's a prolapsed king and maybe not maybe not you never know okay. Just say when you start going three liter bottle size. I'm thinking you're going past the limit of the show to what you want but you know I would imagine a doctor would tell you be very careful. Something I think the size of a fucking three liter bottle I that's not one or two leaders that story this no honored. You're there floor no one or two or three but four yeah yes I know now I know come on Gary Oldman as best. It's so funny news like Docu power actor very hundred well. What about Daniel day-lewis very underrated as well although he's one Oscar here so I guess he's not really underrated? Oh my God there was a sixty eight year old brawd. She's been ordered to register as sex offender kershaw grabbed the crotch of paramedic who was treating for a fall and she asked him. How big is it? She just say delusional. Come on Oh what was going on. I'm old she did I'm old she. She he pushed her hand away and then she tried to like rub his chest okay and then she told him to fuck off and and then she she demand that demanded but she was deemed that she was unfit to be tried because she suffers from dementia memory loss. You know I'm just saying old people know how that Shit works. What are you GONNA do punk? What are you going to do to me? Yeah kill me. We do me a favor. Do you doing me God damn favor. Damn well. The old woman she she has a history of being a heavy drinker and also making false calls to the emergency dispatch. Let's show boy yeah. She says she's already subject to criminal probation Anyway Franca. She's been doing this for for a couple of years so she get like fucking hammered and cause a Ruckus and be like Oh. I don't know nil like Ma'am Damn you are blitz. New are fucking food barred related to you. You know her no. She doesn't live in this country. That doesn't mean anything. That's very true does not mean anything we get out. I love you heard.

00:45:00 - 00:50:02

The Internet is worldwide. Is it really no. It's a strange thing. People forget that but it's everywhere I mean come up for the most part unless you live in North Korea or China than not there yeah. You're not listening we. We don't have listeners there so sorry now you may well she drunk and she called the paramedics when when she opened the door she had no memory of even calling them. That's because she was drunk. Ask 'cause she was drunk. All right go granville where the fucker you dare and Fucker you doing. She got aggressively horny well and the and she totally went from the night. He said I put her arm down with her palm up and then she went and she grabbed my leave she went around grab my knee and start touching me inappropriately said where do you do is she replied. I'm seeing if and make you jump deady. Yeah remove his knee in kept on the discussion. We said that was an appropriate touch. Don't do that to people whatever bench touch touch no granny mill bad snack. Oh Yeah Baby Mac man. Can I L L term. Give it all you got honey educate. You can't touch Dan. I tell you break my hip well she. Did she say he's like then. She'd try to grab a hold on my crotch and she asked how big is it yeah. It's cute or what it's it's an old lady attack it unable body man. You know what I mean. It's like imagine his shit. She put up with like in the sixties. You know what I mean. Well getting her. Ask grabbed and getting talked to like she was a piece of shit. You know what I mean and now she's just thrown it back out and just saying I you know maybe like some old old white lady reparations due to white men white men. Oh not only people of color. They also old white women because we were fucking to him over to all right. If you're no lady I think he should be completely legal for you to grab men's Cox White Men's Cox over the age eighteen. I give you free rein. Grab any Dick Q. on just tell them. I said it was okay. There's GonNa be a lot of people out there granny's attack again no no we lived here a really big ED retirement community up to the village or whatever yes he did. They even have a senior zone and it's it's it's where you read all the stories about the senior communities where they're getting on getting it on and there's seriously high rates S._T._D.'s S._T._D.'s 'cause nobody's using a condom. Nobody they are fucking. They're fucking bareback and everywhere they go. It's it's a problem as it has become an epidemic. That's what they tell us. It's usually there. There are the only not the only but they're they're the biggest spreading or of 'cause whatever the the heaviest hit population of C._D.. S._A._T.'s yeah is old people now get nasty or they're growing being more faster than any other spreading yes Sasser ever out. I mean you know what drugs it can fix that you know what I mean say now putting their foods don't get horrid. Oh you know old people banging out you know still make me watch and use a condom cheeses so that the fight do shit you can get well. It'll make you deck fall off or something. They care like if you get a some kind of discharge you're out of the game brother you only have like so many days left as it is and you're GonNa waste them on fucking antibiotics because your Dick won't work because it's all infected with the clap or the clam any of those whatever you used to call it back the day yeah Scott's got the drip and you're going to be off the fucking. You're going to be checking out a percentage of your days left to fuck yeah ethic as a push. You could have been banging during that time cut have I didn't he weren't you Mr Big Orgy. I speaking of condoms. They have they now have pickled brick Dick Category. The condoms looked like the pickup with the face people buy anything or more on EH. There merge must make them a ton of money probably like we don't want to anything we see we because we see all kinds of rick and Morty Shit. We do all the time to call the OH. I like a lot of them. That's probably why we see them.

00:50:03 - 00:55:24

There was there is a search of a Florida Man's but and flagler county in well they vow just by the way it started research to Florida bands ass and it was it was like fear and loathing in Las Vegas as serious drug collection he had heroin cocaine pills cracks meth yeah yeah and you get anywhere to get locked into a serious serious drug collection and it wasn't just like one no yet quantity yeah. He's got like sixteen Vicodin or per se. I can't quite tell no what those are free pretty hefty bag looking of heroin two kinds and looking at five bags like little dime bags a we'd AH bigger bags two bags of something else another bag of maybe about two dozen blue pills so they could be ecstasy or something and Abaga fucking meth or is he suggest that could take the three liter bottle. No I'm just saying you're able to now just telling us about the three liter bottle guy. I mean imagine this shit. He could show up his asking yeah but do you do you imagine though it may be easy enough to stick it in what way stop yourself right there him for him for him but then it's like. How do you hold things in it? Okay okay really big but I mean I stick our first of all first of all all right just starting just just to start with the fact that he can shove a three liter now. That's not the most amazing thing you're you're. You're like but but you know then walk around. Did you already could shove a three liter bottle up his ASS now. You're challenging him to walk around with it comfortably. Are you kidding. You know that's GonNa Happen. You know it's going okay. Where are we going to walk around anywhere faster really keeping in there? I'm talking about the guy we're talking. All the jugs up is but it's like but if you can someone who can take three liter bottle. Would you be able to easily old something like just that small. If you take that much he's start clutching at Butthole when you're just sitting there and corporate office meeting. You know what I mean. Dude you're fucking asshole will probably down muscle in the world because you'd be able to probably crush melon with it if you could be able to stretch as big around as to take the Gigan- Tor fucking log and then be able to clench it back super-duper tight very he confidently eat Taco bell man as well. It's like somebody who does yoga. You know what I mean. They're super stretchy. I don't know if necessary strong but at least you're stretchy holy moly flex that in his or at least make it relax. It's just patient. It's just like ask backwards like S._U.. McGee that was in and just go raw really big writing you slow your head right surgery having okay. No this is just popped in just now okay. You're talking about me. You were talking about me earlier. I wasn't your is not oh you were no. You'll see John Recording know what I say. You'll see what you said. I don't know okay anyway. I think are getting Outta here for the week all right yeah okay all right you want to yeah. You're the one fucking driving yes giggo push. It's time to like you can't hang on any longer. Is that what's going on. I don't think he left to talk about. Oh okay so we're GONNA go. What are you doing Wednesday? What am I going to get attached well? You did say what you say. You were going to visit a friend at. I should have been what's going on. I'M GONNA go with a near traditional blue roses uses okay admi form right and front AMAC for relent up near the Queen Rob Around okay diagonal all right takes more space. I showed that I liked and and he's he's like yes. We can do something like that. Coon happy happy and he's like Beasley. We're this do you go come in much hair also Wednesdays tough yeah. We're just decided to. When did that was the first available yeah okay so now it's really cool and then he said I wanna I wanNA draw up a really pretty chess sternum tattoo why so I can't academy great to see you said for that I can't I can't I can't do that? He's just won't draw up so I haven't yeah yeah well.

00:55:24 - 00:59:15

I mean it's not like you've wanted one but that the idea of you sitting through really painful I have to say it. Would it would put GEICO's on my face 'cause you would you'll have a holy fucking connection after an hour that I mean you won't like that at all. The is started crying. You get excited and I'm going to get the my life so bad. You'll cry. Cry Mostly eventually laugh for whatever reason seeing you voluntarily do something that you're like all into doing and then when it happened. Oh we're GONNA hurt so it's just that it's like you full. It's what you ask for honey. That's what you wanted. You wanted me to do this right. Yes I did okay well. You can't fuck look in turn back now. Sorry no no. I don't know why I'm such a pussy when it comes to things lately I used to be really good about things now. No seriously tattoos hurt. I mean you know whatever it's well. Known that that you know at a chest is not an easy thing to fuck intend to know that just sounds such that's not an easy fuck and Tattoo journey there plus. I've got I've got that scar that starts in the middle right and you're under your under under my will the Chester no connects okay you were but you're talking about attached to lower than your boobs. Yeah it's under BOOB and part of it is actually it goes through career cleavage and it's an the top part on your chest like above the boobs yeah. It's the jazz part. I think you would have a problem with I think I think all would you wouldn't like all of it but you'd you'd manager at the other at least at squishy. You know you get to the chest where it's right on now right there Bonnie Bonnie bone. You're not going to be happy now because I remember my angle bony bony bones. You're not just not going to be happy about tackling to be a vote. Whatever what a tattoo as it's what they feel like they kind of hurt yes? They Kinda hurt deficit definitely annoying while you're getting even if they don't hurt it's still you know somebody's digging at you with talking a needle so you know I'm a little scared but okay. You'll be fine on your off-farm. If you find out some bad I know yeah although you just did one up there but you know it was near the ditch the elbow elbow ditch right. That's a little more little more sensitive but you know Naseem Shit Yeah. I don't know no big deal. File refine grow back grow back. Don't worry you ever any rate last week that comes out so excited about the journey next week. Yes I will post post about it and tell you what's up. What's your to see pictures and goods shite cuts the he's? I was like hey can I post you on my social media while doing he's fucking like he's got a face tattoo. Yeah yeah aggressive face tattoos whole fees to yeah. It's it's Jimmy. Do you trust fat chef same idea. He's really nice to like Super Nice so so I'm excited good. We'll check it out all right all right everybody will we're going to go for real this time and we'll talk to sometime next week. So do you have anything for me. I see go fucking rate US wherever you're listening to give us a rating something rather up. What are you doing so we never?

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