#262 – Tattooed Nipples
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Tattooed Nipples


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07/06/2019 How to get your partner to use a vibrator or dildo... The shop vac clit sucker is back on... Ass to Ass... White trash will be white trash... They can rebuild your dick after you electrocute it off, according to this article... Incels are now getting plastic surgery to somehow become more fuckable... Tie Dye your asshole? Multi colored bungs might now be normal... Asshole depilatory cream... Ari Shaffir and his asshole condition... Some bugs can have sex after they are dead... Episode of "Rule 34"... Katie and her weird dreams... Tits Man - These cookies will make your tits bigger... Tattooed nipples... Amsterdam to change their red light district... Music teacher blows his load into his student's flutes... Women are growing furry bushes at an alarming rate... Fermentation and how it applies to making human cheese.

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#262 Tattooed Nipples

00:00:04 - 00:05:05

The following program contains adult contend kraz language of sexual manner completely irresponsible advise along with some things. You'll wish you could une here if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn this off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because I was fucking shit at this place over here as a crash is seriously gonNA sit one in five year Coochie and your coochie will want to eat it. It will be like a hermit crab coming out of in the crowd kiedis world in ten nine eight seven six three Katie's starts now. Are you ready to trust sack. You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you come on L.. Mode the breath and now live from rural thirty four studio. I bring you a girl net dreams of getting fifty five little person your host the one the only can be Katie. Hello Hello Hello and welcome to show we are coming at you. Live from Raza who live dot com kinky Katie radio DOT COM radio DOT net. I'm your host can get Katie and with me as always is the Uber Uber Sexy acce- motherfucker Mr C. freshly shorn lack of scrotum in the summer very much like a skirt of now anyway go. How could I guess I just like it when you sticks in my thigh all right? Let make some some big size. Sometimes it's not my favorite I don't care. It just depends on why I'm sticking to your thighs. That's what I'm saying. Well you know whatever this is Tiki gaidys world to sixty two and yes we are live. We've got a brand new mayor for you tonight as well as a bunch other set talk about our usual banter fun stuff China get down to the Tattoo Convention next month down south also Tampa Bay screams next month as well so stick around for more highlights on that ooh also S._C.. Decided he he updated the about page on the website he katie radio DOT COM sir check it out because there are links to the movies that I've done. There's also some some of the old cover art for some of my movies some of the adult movies that I've done which I like them at a really good job naming them do good with names as we discussed well. When I see something I will not immediately eventually comes to me at some point? That's that's very true. I'm just saying we did get some new upstairs neighbors and they're. They're not as loud as the next door ones I mean they still they. They play music outside being upstairs. It's not as bad ten Katie's neighbor anxiety. I know if you follow me on facebook at all. You know how much I can't stand them any peel in general if you can hear them you're not happy cheese. It's who the fuck boats law at nine o'clock God damn it was the fourth of July. It was like eight twenty in the morning. Why why are you doing maintenance work now? They gotta get in wouldn't it can they come like every couple of days and they do it for three days so I don't I don't understand string out low. GonNa take a little extra time. You know what I mean. I guess so so lately we've had well. I've I don't know about the U._S._A.. But I've had people ask. How do you go about asking your party's vibrator in bed? Hey I bought a toy. I thought it would be cool if you used it would really turn him and you will run across there. There are a lot auto guys that are very self conscious about a toy which I don't get ho I made her throat all over vibrators and dildos because she's with me. Now I WANNA give pleasure roar to kind of changing changing. It's almost like an antique attitude to some extent you know how it is.

00:05:05 - 00:10:18

Do you want to be the source of everyone of your orgasms. No matter what or source of the book at Source Without Me Bitch Kid to without me. You need me Chesney. We find a way to masturbate with damn near anything. Oh I know this. I know this. Some dudes are living in the fairyland well. They just want it to be that way. Let's say what do you take so long in the bathroom. And why do you always have to have a hand held. I don't get it. Are you walk in your life back with your feet in the air faucet running on your who's doing cleaning your baby flushing different way to do showed it was getting a little ripe honey said on a clean it up your little. You know high pressure wash you know. Why did you want the new hand shower with the hand-held shower want does can be pretty good depends to put it on that pulse ought to say that but it's also get the checks her like you can't you can't masturbate without me like they don't like him watch important? I caught him watching porn. Yeah I am I mean it's wanting to like obsessive. What department okay fine? Obsessive is obsessive but just caught him. Why like come on to didn't need to Spank at some time? Yeah good watch someone else do that. I can't do that yeah. I'm not going to say oh no you could you could shirk it. GonNa I know whether double prognosis fork you know in strapped over the back of my head so it looked like a pig be rammed in the ass by something something you might like it whatever it depends how it's how it's brought my attention or you know propose presented. Yes exactly like mental note. I know I know you don't remember a couple of weeks ago clip soccer by the enemy. You're like Oh yeah. It sounds like good yeah. Okay get chop back yet. No fire and I didn't agree to that. I don't worry about it. It's okay it sounded appetizing to you. I love we go to the tapes at the at the end of the patch anyway totally all about it. Originally you're just completely anti not the Shop Vac okay say just baby steps talking about baby steps lately baby stuff sir okay all right whatever anyway but you know conversation nation is definitely a deal if you if you have kind of like an open conversation about hey these benefits of using the vibrator hey how do you feel about female sex toys. How do you feel ? Can I ask you that I dunno yeah and that's true it now. I was just being from female to male point of view but yeah I mean there's guys lay. Hey you don't be really cool. Can you put this up my but you know sure which I like. Yes you could be your own wing man on that one yeah yeah you use. Take something stick something and you honey do me fun as to as double will double ended down smacker cakes together. You're thinking yeah okay what okay every time has to as is reminds me of requiem ver- dream thought it was thought it was chat now confused because she just met that girl and they were doing the party with the with the flashlights to she can get more heroin okay wow. That's you know that movie in general is kind of just makes you feel icky. BLERTA's I just remember several the only thing you can remember others a few scenes that are just yeah yeah. They're they're. They're very out after you see that it's hard to remember the rest of the movie you know it'd be like shocks your brain completely out of it and it's true and then you're Kinda like Oh that poor mother. It's really bad there. I don't have a says boiler alerts for like twenty five thirty years already would know what you're that was made. I don't either actually ninety eighty nine eight. It was in the eighties is in the mid or late nineties such eighties what late eighties I don't remember. What's what don't tell who's in it? British people know I Ritchie wrote it right. Ah I don't know who wrote it but jared Leto Senate fucking Jennifer Connelly and new check from Labyrinth and thousand Oh and Marlin Wayne's okay anyway. What did you think of what the song raining men and let the bodies at the floor are both about the same event but just from different perspectives? I didn't know now some completely separate crowds.

00:10:20 - 00:15:01

I used to be a show on M._T._V. is called Florida Obama the floor Obama show or something like that Oh consumer watching couple at you know not really in their democratic so much no oh no that's true that's true but they're kit. I have probably watched C._M._t.. Lifetime no more than two minutes well one of the stars I guess from one of the past episodes she got as you got arrested for flashing anger boobs and breaking a car window and Saint Pete really yes like recently just over a couple of days ago. That's not surprising no it's not I mean that I mean not that show. There was a few of the of the redneck real world's. Whatever yeah that's starts? There was always some kind of super weird drama going like people died in their fucking cars in the woods and shit was because they're always here drink more and we're gonNA take you to the bar tonight. We already cut you minivan Uber Her. Then people fluck people since people dying you know shit like that yeah poisoning but then it was to one guy that just died in the woods at one point yeah that for whatever died is car. Just crazy show dunk on T._v.. Florida what happens here. Yes we do can't like put out. It added say hey if you think you're white trash then sent me four people you really really think are white trash and send us four people P._O.. Box Florida as our peeps. It's a big explosion in the same pies as Suzhou plays the C._N._N.. I used to go to a lot. We live down there in south Florida. Yeah Oh God someone someone did a boo boo anyway. Maybe China just like Oh yeah that just happened. It was a weird story for you to WANNA bring up. Hey I know place got blown up Florida good. Nobody died or anything but no load up real good and my friend works in Hair Salon in the plaza. I didn't even know there was a man from India. He had to have his dick reconstructed with a with tissue from his arm. After after sixteen years it was torched by electric shock. I mean it was burnt off of his deck was knows dig for off. No that's negative there ghostwriter Dan on the on the cock now just electrocution went to does well the operation they said took a grueling eight hours and they took the tissue and blood vessels from his from his hand from his forearm so the Dick could actually have feeling nerves in shed so it's like well. You don't have feeling in my hand but hey look I'm a dick. It's weird when there's comeback sometimes. They just hurt Tom Dick. That's what I'm saying well. He's also getting implants which will allow them to get our actions so he still get hard on. They're amy little pumpkin stuff where people but they've done that for people for Awhile erectile dysfunction they said that that after they do this and after eels that he shouldn't be completely functioning sex later we can reveal like like biotic band style. L. is at the idea dude except except for the pump. What an arm hair grow out of your cock? Whatever grew at the spot they took it from is what you're GonNa get on the other end? That's right because I remember and I did talk about this before and I did tweet out the picture longtime ago with a guide got skin graft in grew nipple on his leg. Go No. It's just it's just yeah wherever the skin cubs from something yeah. Well you know tender weird stem cell action. You know what I mean well. He's Indians maybe he wasn't that Harry. Okay Cherries. People aren't harried all saying you're right. They don't have full giant Indian beards ever that doesn't happen. I'm just I'm just saying hey deck. I would take a Harry deck over no tech and he's not even close and you know and who knows if he had a you know fully-functioning six before this happened that's right. Maybe he's take arly worked begin with or a small pathetic just maybe he just bits to any women to show Bob's in for Gene Bobo it you you really get assaulted by ideal many in Indian or Pakistani man what you. Yes I do.

00:15:01 - 00:20:02

I can tell a lot yeah. There's a lot of people who live there. You know what I mean. Yes I mean there's you know a lot a lot. I don't WanNa throw numbers around or anything like that to throw numbers or or and now but a lot like oh we were talking about. We saw something we're talking about in cells and we think of retained about an idea but I I ran across an art. I'm not I'm not but I ran across Iran across an article that they're dude like insults getting plastic surgery okay for what they don't eat dick's six. I mean nobody's GonNa realize it's not what they look like. It's at their assholes. It's how they're being. You know. It's them it's you I mean it's it's. It's there's an ass for every see whether you got money have money don't have money. You know whether your funky looking whether you gotta third I a fucking Derby face. You know what I mean. Somebody will bang you yeah. You just haven't found the person who will value and you probably don't talk to them at a normal social way. You can't come at them the way you come at them. What you can't blame other people for your fucking social inadequacy June yeah it's not it's not the girls fault that you're not getting laid? That's what I'm saying. It's your fault. We're not getting harsh about it but some sometimes you'll see what they post and and how they're talking to girls and you're like well too. That's why he don't get laid. No that's absolutely right. I mean if that's you obviously yeah you. Don't belong with people you blow with people and all well you. Would you ask your girl. Hey how you doing. I'm doing good once. He my deck like Oh. That's not GonNa go Europe Bitch you know thuc she would net we went dinner and she made me pay and kiss me national. Call me back. Oh God that you know that just means you to not have a good fucking day. Maybe you're standing at sets. You didn't Pasco or collect two hundred dollars. You're socially awkward okay. There are socially Awkward Women to Oh. That's very true. Men Don't own that that's not a male fucking feature and we you know everybody feature than a blame men. I think all men are scum. Fuck me. Women say that they do you hear that to really do just isn't a group of them. You know in cell. Let's kiss her white white. Men and white men get more attention. You know what I mean who nobody likes me. Yeah can't get your lawyer father to pay for that Kenya. Oh thank you can't huggers a lawyer. Father went women do will overlook social inadequacies and fucking looks for somebody's got a quite fat stack. You know that never happened. Does what kind of shallow bitch do that. Oh you know one that one that doesn't feel like being on food stamps anymore. Maybe there you go fucking. Levin man ain't paying me. That's right all right so we you've heard of tie-dyed t-shirts of course that's nothing new okay and you've heard of asshole bleaching been there done that okay well tied I- asshole asshole bleaching tied colors yeah because this summer people are combining yes tied buttonholes ice and it is perfect colored to . Yes attached to what's happening no it's. It's like leaching your asshole but you're you're tainting your taint tinting. Teaching your painting is right. Okay so tea leaves yourselves. It'd be perfect. You can do if coloring too because it's it's is perfect for the pride festival to new Rainbow Butthole. I'll get out. My sharpie. Just got a salary color right in yeah. You can do it okay because now you must be wondering how to even begin the process. How do we well? I I is by Sharpie and say it's all about the prep as the ASS. It's all about the prep. Shave your asshole if you really well if you really WanNa get the color CPAP yeah yeah. They said you do need to bleach it first because you WANNA start with a clean canvas canvas and you know you should schedule a wax while you're at it because it's just easier to cover. It's more presentable when you're like Japan increa- awesome on the bug well anyway. They tell you not to do that on the bottle. Maybe it's bad for you. I don't know maybe it's getting all of my brain. That could have been what happened to me all of rain. Maybe it caused brain damage. Maybe maybe maybe the chemicals and they got into my bloodstream.

00:20:02 - 00:25:04

I digested them and now this is why I am the way I am. Sorry my fault. It's developed overture on your asshole Asshole depilatory cream what it is yeah. I had to be for free because you you it is and how you going to how are you going to show you have things have changed and if you're a giant sweaty bald man. How are you going to get said asshole shaved consistently high nares short shorts university the university short shorts sure you know I would totally shave your asshole for you? I know you would that's why I used about story. Creep other people trust me to do their assholes good for them so maybe just a wack sir no you. You don't want that job these day. I mean you say that asshole. You say that but you know there's going to be some some some wild snatch governor way. You know what I mean. I mean there's going to be some some astles. You're just GONNA go. Oh My god God. You're going to have to pretend you didn't see I have nightmares. The flaps the flaps God imagine like our issue fear cups in for an ass waxing. It's what I'm saying. He'd make him beatty anyway. That should know. I sure sure he would go for that. I'm sure he would love to do that for you. Like No. I have extra peanut butter in the SHAG carpet baby. He would do that purpose to they said what who he would smoke give shit about. It says he has hemorrhoids issues is always oh yeah bloody Bonnie toilet paper one out of his ass wiping them of people. What are you doing so that grows at bunk could be a little rough? You don't even know we don't we don't even know what it what it could look like. That's true. I'm guessing here probably not good yeah. Would you really want whacks on a hemorrhoids. Will maybe you do. Maybe maybe you think today. I Dunno rip that sucker off. I'm not asking why somebody with with a hemorrhage. ISSUE WOULD WANNA get laxed. I'm just saying you know if you relaxer you run into said person witness gave it and I wanNA talk to accident. darrow crossed a giant fucking Reuter. Have you ever been like no I can't do is they gave her like looked at. It and we're like ah blow. I'm sorry we have to cancel this. This area's appointment so have you looked down there lately. We've been wipe cover for me for this one I got I got a thing I you can't do this. One well. The next step is unity selector colors because the sky's the limit and it is it is okay. Take it to limit and it's completely easy because your asshole is already naturally puckered food so you don't have to tie up. You're not like you would a tight shirt thing of course not I mean they say you can but they're not responsible for claiming your Asil. I just wanted to how you get to clamp around. You know what I mean. Maybe lose as I don't know. Maybe squished together like you do pro lapsing action. Maybe maybe Oh tie the stock. The pink socks no the Rose Bush back in Schick of the ship back again with a finger fuck that Ojomo well and then you could do as these suggestion and you sharpies or you could also use plate and put the colors on the plate and sit in it like open open up your cheeks and just sit down Belichick coninck everywhere well. No they suggest they say use vassil lean to avoid color bleeding unmasking and it right like when you die your hair. We'll guys you don't know when women die their hair a lot of the times they'll have bassolino across the hairline on their forehead and shit so they don't have you can eat help. Necessarily I would say so. It's not something you're not GonNa want unless you're just going single-color and then if you went single-color seventy just gotta take something's wrong with you say I would avoid like red with your ass out a lot of colors green not good now blue purple no well bloom purple might look like nearly bruised yeah fucking. We're going to go plaid. If you're GONNA go rainbow. If you're fucking Caucasian and your bleaching Egypt first yellow wouldn't be good redwood and be Brown what's the point yes so really what he what there are. No could colors die like like if it stands alone. You're asking like sub to just just fucking wrong with it gone plaid you would have to have multicolored so you'd have to somebody would at least know that was intentional. Wow you're a true ravens fan purple all right. I mean you're just about to get your Asi and it gets all fuck.

00:25:04 - 00:30:01

It shot down because I mean you went to the the fucking effort to your and when you look at all God go Jancis get up fucking thing take away like go daddy your ass was as darkening totally didn't know Lewis cover their faces on colored like spirit of color color transfer. I just like when you eat a popsicle or somebody get really engineer junior lipschitz when little kids drink juice juice most definitely not saying I'll tell it because I really WanNa see the pictures of people's fucking bleached assholes multicolored I don't. I don't know if I really want to see him now outlet. I'm thinking about it because I'm thinking about some of the fixtures we would actually get now. That's okay fuck way or Israel might as well glitter it. Glitter your butthole or bedazzle. It doesn't sound like a good idea to be putting a lot of glitter up your up your ass. Yes there's pills that you can take. Yes Shit Glitter Shit you. Just take them before your fucking appearance Shit sparkles I told you I don't Fart Unicor kisses this is you could you could like fast for like two or three days like data with crawfish and shrimp the main Kerr's Zanjan they converge so you're all purged and then you jam on the fucking glitter pill that way. You're all the the shoots clean however they'll there's glitter coming out chasse. I love when you fired just like it's a fiesta yeah exactly just like Confetti Vice GonNa kill you. It's getting kill me. Why did you pack your ASS Westerberg Assault? What is wrong with you? You know if a stripper could come out off a stage and shoot glitter outer asshole. Everybody would give her extra money for sure I would totally want to I would go see that. I believe that was amazing. We've seen milk to glitter bomb cheese cream it up there. No you don't even see where she got it. From Alyssa's she just comes out bans heads over both then's overs Brinson cheeks and outcomes poof of fuck and shed hey birthday boy pulled strings exactly Oh my God exactly she then but then you know when actuality studies you really she fucking in the ass and he came in her. If you refer back to the episode where we talked about the Icelandic Bat you folks Al's few don't know then you don't know that year missing glitter come you bars and you need to catch up mother fucker good luck with that. Oh you're some nature news. Scientists have discovered that that new details on this fungus compels cicadas to fuck long after their genitals bottles have fallen off all right yeah. I know guys like that. I take bull steroids yeah her bull Viagra. Are you go that was in a movie very very disturbing movie that nobody else should see well. That's your sicker a Serbian film. Oh God you you love that movie. You've talked about it all the time. I don't know what's wrong with you a lot of things yes three times. See what's wrong with you Jesus. I I know you've never seen it no because I don't you told me what it's about and that's okay you don't have to I don't need gritty. Fuck Actual Serbian movie with all kinds signs of fucked up shit happening severely fucked like it is really the C.. You just have to get you hallucinogens. I don't I don't know I. I don't know if that's a good idea. Oh I not that kind of movie silo. I see you know I I don't know I mean you. May Give me ideas that you don't want me to have is what I'm telling you. I would really seriously hope you wouldn't get any ideas from this. Okay thank Ncube. You're talking about giving me lots of loose agenda and making we watch said lives issue. I take a little ever. Does this happen. No okay so throw it on early during the first round not after the third heard that might that might not be good idea because in during the first round you don't usually really get into the hormone stage till the second watched it in the first. I'd be Fox yeah then yes yeah. It's been planted bad. That's what I'm telling you. I don't know if you want me doing that. I don't think it's a good idea well because these these loosener Jin's that are fucking. Dane Shave definitely. Really will not be consensual.

00:30:01 - 00:35:15

You remember the same because we desert it Kinda hard to forget from a half hour. That's horrible. It's true anyway but this there's phone yes. That's getting into these into these bugs. That's it's got the same compounds as the magic mushrooms but they say they say people don't fuck and take it because it could kill you to fuck away talking about bugs dogs. They get this fungus in them that makes them onto fuck long after their shit. Oh yeah just go back. Yeah like the hockey banging the chemicals that are in a first of all it happens when they're when they're like little itty bitty pupils and shit okay because they didn't emerge until they're adults from the ground well it's already grown on them by them and it makes them a fought their wings and act like females the mail so they checked other males to cuddle with this okay and then they passed the the infection onto them all right yeah and then they all wanna fuck. Fuck fuck until they're dead. It sounds like a plan really bill so mean all wrong but I think we're going to go to an episode before when we come back. We're going to have a brand new tits monroe also GonNa have some some dreams that that I wanted to discuss that it did a little disturbing to me but yeah so stick around and we'll be the time bullet basically and refreshing snack. You can take a couple of class to make pornographic mouse tax attorney. That actually is a good story the you're talking the Creator says that it's it's perfect gift for the neglected partner. I I don't know how they didn't explain but the class is B._Y._U.. Team so if you want to cut your shit faced you can just you know nothing says I want to put my mouth and dirty job last wine but whatever I'm like Scotch when I'm disembowelling rodents after you do this then you pose it in an X. rated seen gross class is children's art room to okay so everybody gets like . Everybody gets a mouse after you've got it instead of it then you pose it like the career is in no sex scenes like the one girl who went when I see a lot of them. There's a lot of D._S._M.. Doggy style yeah I see the whole series so the Blue Prison Reddish at Kademi taxidermy. I would have to admit if I knew how to taxes very I would definitely be taxing during them into doubt no doubt look that I would put that up in house somewhere yeah I could do. I could address them up like an creek togas and do like ancient Greek fucking brutal rattle. I could change them around if they were reportable. You know what I mean. That could be a new hobby. Good lower like one hundred posible taxidermied mice. Maybe one or at and a cat erratic had yes. We'll because demise half violently raping the cat and the rat of course like Lilliputian style have him tied down with my drive. He you know what I mean. Oh my God what would be a good taxidermy saying don't tell me it wouldn't did. I am like a month or two or something like that emanate. They're bringing a box in the mail is that'd be like animals opposable. I don't WanNa make them. I don't WANNA learn taxidermy. I just want to Post said figurines. If a box comes in it's got in it and it doesn't mistakes. I'm not opening may not opening it. Are you going to try because is GONNA be wrapped up and taped up. It'll say perishable so so if you like gated opening you better not the perishable Snyder jail better just ship that Shit Oh good free doodles how do you I know I'm with the show Matsue Kinky Katie's world raspberry dot COM CA Katie radio DOT COM embryo. Jadan Ed's He'd give me on the twitter later at Kinky Katya Radio Katie radio DOT COM Hejin radio gmail.com Kinky Katie Radio on the facebook superman because I like yeah rally really yeah yeah exactly true. Oh my goodness everybody. It was so I've been having these really weird dreams lately that I mean they've been very vivid like I haven't remembered a dream in a while in the past few nights they've been I've been remembering but they've all kind of sort of been similar similar.

00:35:16 - 00:40:04

Okay you know it involves a random weird person that I'm involved with okay that you're involved with yeah I I had a dream that I was married to the guy from silicone in valley but you and I were living the the one that's quiet but kind of like psycho. I don't know who you're all seem quite cut. Its I go. He was the the assistant okay but you're being really specific here. The actor Izzak Woods Okay Anyway. If you WANNA look he's very geeky very weird okay so yeah we was weird like he and I were married. You and I were living together other and we were still sleeping together like the the same badge and it just like everyone just wouldn't have to deal with you on a daily Eilly. Get you to bang no no no we got the daily and then they he will come over in the in the mornings of the afternoons Lay Hafer Wile and then go back but it was it was just very strange and that there is another one where I was involved with some dude at a specialty grocery store but I was there because I was buying fresh Sushi for you and I ended up falling into like a like a fucking the C fourteen like a channel like water body of water. You fucking inlet is like a canal here in Florida. She was a naming a canal sorry to see fourteen eighty two A._B._A.. Karuna dash five no it was it was it was definitely the ocean like it was body water like anyway and then I and then me in some like Ooh. What am I old teachers teachers from like Middle School? We were going to some some party in a parking lot with someone with a van and she's like Oh my God you really need to cut your hair short again. It looks so cute with short hair. We're just talking about I know and that's and announced but that's what made me think of my my hair again and I reminded you every time what happens I cry you cut it and you hate it upside. Yes the first time well L. every once in awhile I'll just I'll get in that mood like I'LL WANNA go back to blonde again and then I'll have to cut it short. I love it. Has that is a different story but that's kind of how it happens a lot of times. Does you burn your hair off and then that's it. That's strip the color again. Bleach it. Why away so I don't know that's the one from the guy from Silicon Valley? That was really weird. Just kinda strange but you know could be worse cursor so we were well. We've been watching computers and used to and you were still with me anyway so really yeah no. I was found at odd take. No we live together. We're a thing but oh yeah I'm married. You're just cooking. I guess so so you were for doing he could be is. He's just seems all like Kiki and week. That's just not nice your stereotyping afford poor door. It's the character I know. It's not reactor exactly exactly guy right from the show him not actor right okay. He has no personnel. What's on paper pretty weird? Actually yeah I especially since I don't know you're talking about but uh oh my gosh well. Are you all one yes does. It's really stiff yes but he's good at a bunch of shit too so he's been a lot and then yeah I ran. That's that is a weird character to your with well. I totally forgot to he was he had like he was on three episodes of the League. That's why you were watching the other day to you like I can't figure out what his came from. Oh I guess I was watching league and we were talking about cutting my hair short. Yeah okay. I was broken down your dream revelation from fucking discussions. We've had during the week there you go there you have it says problem-solver mistreating thing Mr breakers all right. I think we're good even need to get a book for that or anything. You know what I mean meaning. Let's go to your favorite segments now by boobs in and on the news it's time and once again for everybody.

00:40:04 - 00:45:07

You want bigger tits well. It turns out that Japanese company has just exactly what you need and it comes in the form of a cookie. It's available cookies skinny. It's available in two flavors soy milk or her chocolate praline. Is it a Chit Chat boob tip boob Brownie or cake or something notes called the F. Cup Cookie Hokey F- Cup Cookie on for me. Here is enjoying a blow his hand. He's out of it. Is that a euphemism for something no because that would be a different segment altogether this suggests that well they contain the fifty milligrams of her monal extract but it doesn't tell you exactly what hormones the the extract is but the website suggests he wanted to day with lots of Water Michigan plenty of water with these fucking biscuits and drive and warned orange you that if you have pre existing issue with your ovaries your breasts or your uterus you should avoid them so is supposed to grow USA Bubis. Yes it's supposed to make your tits grow okay. Yeah sure I mean sounds legit right. Okay sure sure send a check to you'll bigger to eat a cookie fat. Hey these cookies will make you fat. You have to send any a Amazon Gift Card. They actually do have the money Amazon because I did Google the F.. Cookies and there are thousands of articles about them and places reading get them but they do not I would not suggest them because I think it's a waste of money because no cookie is going to grow your tests. You know what El- actually just makes you fat yeah yeah. It just makes that fine there. You go see mystery solved the F. Ass cookie to we figured out at your dreams and we figured out how the Cup cookies work. We know they're fucking secret. You WanNa make things bigger on you. He's cake exactly solves SAF so if you want to check it out and read up on it co Oh to F- cookies you can do Google search and they are so whatever packed he's pretty but then again most of the agent and Japanese stuff there package Caesar really cool anyway. Watch it hits man for the kit and I would be interested to save. They really did work. That would be fun yeah well. They make you fat. That's exactly works. You know what I'm saying. It's not a mystery we solved it. Go Straight to my Jeez. He's wouldn't that be awesome. You know if you if you could direct fat on your tits instead of everywhere else yeah if you're like I need some as what if your memory purist and you say it actually asked to be Amri tissue and not just I mean does I. I don't think it matters because boobs are a big full. Well I mean there's gland up there to their milk glands. I mean there's glandular activities just milk glands behind the nipple fat okay so so but some girls would they lose weight. They're dare fucking Ted. Stay big that's true because they didn't lose weight in their tits. No even really boaty women. Somebody women have baked tests. They're fake snake. Yes they are. There's a fucking gland their woman. I'm telling you enjoy are learn more than just fat. It is it is there's a lot of fat there. Yes but you know come on so I I mean it's just really wouldn't matter to me as long as they were in soft and warm. That's what I like soft and Warren because a long way with software whichever's yeah I mean that's cool too but you know I'm not GonNa Nivel hate you. It's if you don't have ultra really cool Nevelson. You know I'll just really cool. I mean you could have okay Nevelson that I'm still good like okay. Pizzas still really tasty. You know what I'm saying. I've seen a done before but I would. I would tattoo hearts areolas. Would you like turn my aerial in hearts would not wanna get that tattoo now yeah. I'd like to see the Tattoo. Though of course you would do just the one three seconds like don't change sorry dude that DAB strikes hope that lied looks good exotic fucked at well. If I didn't like pink or something to match my my aerial already really scratch about the cat exactly they're all the time Yup cats always tearing up. My Teddy's kitty why the Titi suckling on you not suckling onto the Kitty is God. You're hey. I'm his mother dammit. Hey that's really confusing. Eh near the cat follow the above everybody right.

00:45:07 - 00:50:08

Amsterdam has their first female mayor. Yes they do and they've launched. Oh she's launched a campaign to overhaul. Ah The city's Red Light district overhaul it'd be it'd like do lie to we get some fresh fresh fucking linen new towels what's going on no. They're actually going to take away the window displays oh well as clean things up because she says it's it's going to help. Protect the sex workers. They're not talking about getting rid of the sex workers. They're talking about just the way that they're being presented right. Okay completely understand. He gets some of them. Start feeling some of the women the workers they start feeling like embarrassed and ashamed and like humiliated Gawking tour is take pictures with them for the window trying to you. GotTa take pictures with the Horno Endo. How much is that Hooker looker in the window with that's what I'm saying? I mean if I'm passing by. I'm wanting to take pictures too so I get I want front but that you know that's a cool of each year. Shopping really I don't have to go in and you could lure and if you want does that mean like no balconies no nothing I don't really know about that but they're also planning on on moving. It are two different spot due to completely different spot and too much clearer location. They say what they with a with a clear entrance to the area and they're going to rename it erotic cities zone erotic city. He's though so catchy name a kind of roommate reminds me of like the sex palace downtown in the movie. I like come here like Vegas style yeah. It's Ebola Moreno's anymore now they aren't GonNa be. I'm going to have to go in and deal with people to find out if I want to thank you well. What if they have like an APP like go up to the door or something that would be cool totally dig that it black Zuber it over like pops up on your phone and then you can say oh and this location these girls are working tonight and you can see who they are? I would take it would be cooler if I could uber her right over to my fucking room. That would be even cooler. I'm sure you can safely safely a pimp. Come fuck me up tonight yeah all right. I got a car coming for you. You know it's right delivery service deliver me the poon. I mean that happens here anyway the watch what fucking I mean you really want though craigslist was for a long time. I think they've been working on cleaning out. Though craigslist is a scary place really is a stranger yeah. I went to buy a couch and he was naked and there was with no ouch. That's what I'm saying. The Arctic was we used to just have ads in the newspapers sounds like we would just call random people go to their house. I mean hi and are you lonelier well though talking about if you were going to go buy something from somebody Oh yeah yeah that's when we saw that John Amos Hulk of T._v.. That we had there's three hundred pounds. Are you go. Hey I'm coming what over okay all right. You can lift it so your owner seventy five year old man comes over and you're like how good luck with that Oh man I told you how big it wasn't how much it weighed. I was not being it was not exaggerating the kids. If you don't remember giant Tube T._V.'s would be like three hundred pounds. Why not even exaggeration yeah this is even before the flat screens even came out and when they did come out they were thousands and thousands of dollars vs missile now the like one hundred thirty bucks so cheap now tillerson technologies gotten the way? It should have been disposable. T._V.'s that's right. They should be kinda crazy that way. When somebody steals that you're not out one hundred fifty bucks two hundred bucks soften up there was a music teacher that was arrested for committing some lewd disgusting acts he recorded oh he even revolver Piccolo now flutes oh he recorded himself coming coming into flutes and had at least five any filmed at least five female students playing now I could you know what I could almost see I could? I feel like over to make them suck my com. They're gonNA eat my come. Oh yeah they are crossed buns my ass. I can't talk to you. I can't fuck you anymore. Because you know laws so you can you can eat my come. I'll go coverage for that but they've found out because he confessed to a friend online and showed on the video saying that his sexual fantasies were now fulfilled headed.

00:50:08 - 00:55:15

Tell so buddy what I did. Girls aided play playing flute flute dated skin flute so so hot so I think I'm above the above the trend girls are now starting to ditch freezer certain protests and they're letting things in the bush and they're getting Pussy Bruce and they're wearing bathing suits that show off the Bush Bush are really yeah. I kind of like they are. I could see she's seventy or snatch. At that's good you keep doing dirty pitch to it you talking to me. No not you out for enough for that. I'm really not that I mean even at maximum furnace it still not peeking out from now from the edges. You're just not a Harry I mean there are some women where it would get looking like a Elvis sideburns on the thighs forty five year old Greek man. You know what I mean. You know what I'm saying. You'd see braids coming out of there. It would have been totally just total to happen. Spider sputter legs. It's full I mean instead of an incentive wearing a bottom that would accommodate their mound owned now. They're wearing like micro bikini bottoms which is proof that point. Why does it even matter you could just combet to we'll see even a different thing that's better than actually saying I take it out of the sides Muslim saying but like all outline of poof no no no no no just hanging out hanging out right top and sides? It's it's coming out like you like you're trying to put the BANDANNA on fro. You know getting I'm getting the idea so in armpits are just letting go willy nilly too. That's a hard winning it used to I I hear so much shit about the there's there's a lot of people that aren't wearing the odorant yeah. That's like a thing now you know because they're saying the aluminum or whatever I mean free antiperspirant. I could see you know that all natural to you know but but like just at yoder that's just an alcohol based. You know fucking thing subsidies that sits underneath your arm that just make shit smell good I don't I don't want you stinky around me. I I'm a firm believer in Jabarin especially when people purse but you know what I mean oppose for me especially and then people give you a hug but their arms over under the sticky marks on your shoulders fucking close and then you stinking all day and then people think and you'll get snobby especially if you're not compatible with that person you know what I mean where it's like Fairmont's are making me. Ill Yeah. That's what I'm saying. That would be even worse because I'm GonNa posted at the other day about talking about conventions nations how people need to were puck and Duterte when they go to conventions that you would imagine it's amazing how people don't and then that's what made me think about the whole hugging thing because people like to come up and take pictures of me and stuff like that and then I don't WanNa be stamped all the time. Oh God I know I guess gusting so please don't do that to me. have some please smell good. If you WANNA come and take a picture with me and put your put Funky you can put your arm around me but not around my shoulders older. Don't do that pits down pits down. Jesus man has take pit down. Get you're getting aggressive with your pets there man his putting them all over my shoulder smelling Taco meat and now rose frito feet to Cook No. Do you want to see it probably re. We were you touch my cock not at all. Could you like my cockeyed new. You're like my cook went to see. Can I see your books. No well can and she wine okay all right so fermentation has been around for centuries and the process of course g bacteria somehow it's good I don't know how that works but apparently he does well the ferment things to fuck and preserve them well yeah because but also bacteria source of the funky smell and the different tastes that you get and we've talked about alcohol from Veggies just yogurt bread. You know whatever well here's another tree using their snack snatched used to literally bake not even a joke now does a serious well. Here's another treat someone made human cheese fees it's made from human bacteria and most of them are from the growing area there swabs groin area but they're not just any humans they're actually celebrities.

00:55:15 - 01:00:02

Ah Varieties and I've never I haven't heard of any of these. People Yeah right that guy you. Maybe Watch today whatever that dude was. There was with Schwarzen- oh asked Simon Racks X. whoever he is Costa Douchebag yes. That's what I would call him. He seemed like he was quite jazzed. And you know double Dushi Yeah. He just can't Awsat lay. It used to be that way. I know he's are you share. He looked like he's had a lot of practice doing well. He's he's been around for a long time. Okay yeah well many parties. Maybe maybe okay been hanging around Hilton too long. I Dunno so is so as well that's not yeah and he was still fucking himself. Churches Weird anyway well. There was the actually the first batch of human cheese was made in third time when she and it was made hey from bellybutton swab tip bellybutton cheese cheese cheese is wanting yeast is another. I mean like like Syria well. I'm just saying bacteria is one thing and in yeast is another yeasty a you know. That's what I'm saying. I just bacteria that just see I. It seems like a not a good idea to me. Tell bellybutton goose over your ass crack for Monday. MAKES AWESOME KHATTAB CHEESE GROSS THEIR MIND me not to have the cheese plate at your house. She what I'm saying the cheese board no blue cheese for me forever and I like blue cheese. Oh you see what I'm saying. It's Stilton written no. That's that's Bob it's will. Do you know that guys. We're going to get out of here for the night the week or whatever and we're going to stay here but we're GONNA stop broadcasting. How about that? No we're going to go. We're not going anyhow. I'm not caught he. I don't know what you're doing. Go to Bali. My ass is GonNa Waddell over to the couch. Watch me the anime. That's what's GONNA happen. Black clovers on come on Brad BRAC crossover. I'm not missing black clover and I'm not missing. I'll retell sorry Oh wakon once I watch the warning anyway not to mention Dragon Ball. I'm not so much into but I don't know how that is. The most overrated fucking animate desert. It's starting to grow well on me and I'm but then again I have to say what are the main things irritates the hell out of me are the voices but it's the voice of lewd too but the English dubbed Voices says are so fucking obnoxiously annoying. No you haven't watched enough of them in their their fucking normal actors voice is even worse. Oh as you know that I haven't I heard that that's why regional yeah they're trying to find somebody who has as distinct voice as that character dead. Oh which is say a lot because they're all out there. It's a I rely anime anime. Don't ask don't ask questions with a fucking watch and they'll explain it by episode for eighty till by then you'll you'll have a partial crip over what's going on more hours left in the tournament so that's thirty seven more episodes yeah and then they'll go back and tell you the backstory. They never told you had a you know before which would have explained everything as you were going but now at the end you're getting to find out about all of that. Throwaway episodes episode Suck Nuts A._M.. What the voters with anything nothing says nothing eighty two like that sounds awesome four episodes left news now? That's what you move and Mr. There's thirty all right well. WE'RE GONNA get out here. My goodness we will back next week to tell sorts of fun and an awesome things. I hope everybody has a great weekend arrested week S._C.. Do anything for me are everybody will keep up on my social media now. Keep abreast on things come. There's always titties on the twitter so make sure return out later.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript