#261 – Pornographic Taxidermy
You are currently viewing #261 – Pornographic Taxidermy
Pornographic Taxidermy


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06/29/2019 Clam stamp time... Miles Striker not affiliated with whoever we said he was... Topless equality day... Dipshit theater - another dude that has no clue... Pornographic taxidermy... This is angry... Double pussy with an east west divide... Doing blow from Philadelphia... Above average dick size could be bad news for some men... Substitute teacher porn at your local high school... Episode of "Rule 34"... Consensual non consent and the branding ceremony... Priest now becomes gay male porn star... Tits Man - The end of cleavage - bring the boobies back... Dildos are illegal in some states... Man gets plastic surgery so he can date is ex... More Pornographic taxidermy... World's largest mouse orgy... Sometimes women don't mean what they are saying... Texas man - Cosby women with an alien twist... Rick and Morty, nuff said... Vegan trolling meat carrott... Mouse Calligula.

Inaccurate Transcript!

#261 Pornographic Taxidermy

00:00:04 - 01:02:30

the following program contains adult content press language of a sexual manner completely irresponsible at five along with some things you wish you could on here if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like the judge others based on their sexuality please turn us on for those who remain in july in have a nice day god should honor that dream girl is a hot as women wanna i don't know he'd be fine and katie now why don't you come on elmo graduate and now live from the thirty fourth stadium i bring you a girl had done kirkland all over the place here in your house to one liani katie hello hello hello welcome to the show this is gigabits real number two it's sixty one i'm your host katie katie in which we always try favor but mr years you're y'all sure we're coming you forgot what a claim stable is i i didn't understand what is the plan is like hey i i i'm open face today mainly today though right sure we are coming at you live radio live dot com kicking katie radio dot com n radio cast dot com i'm ready richmond area culture you're not having fun already like a lot fun all day today okay even when i was named molester okay i don't remember any molesting every time i buy you i got my cooter grab a bite out of here little shirt that's why that what issue out there that you're you're you're flopping out at me so something that i'm at home more more planes you're talented guy papa bernie feeling bringing it'd be like i have no idea what that there's some looney toon fans out there that that'll get it i don't care if it's an old curfew or whatever guys we got a brand new just men were you in are usual goofy banter so yeah yeah hold onto you're bobby socks there kiddo goofy now of course it is okay i don't know you never know where things are going on his show it could just take a sharp left at any moment so yeah look i'll try not to let that up i do have a correction from the last show correction yes i am i shouldn't yes we reports it correctly yes not us never know this is extra brought to my attention immediately immediately following following the broadcast and on the front of the show mile striker we were talking about him he has absolutely zero affiliation with the dom gang so i i would be to make sure that is recor that he has absolutely euro affiliation john yang 'cause i was i was really wondering about that you know i'm not bad breakup at and you know i i didn't really know stories i did what i did i did know i know if i wanna know the story then i wouldn't i felt so bad to because as soon as i oh because after the show i'll go on on on twitter and on facebook in a check on the ship at i had a i had a dm on twitter from him and he's like my heart complete he's like i love the show by the way but my heart completely sank when you said sorry i didn't know i never really i didn't know so you know what a bad breaks up what you're gonna do exactly yeah so i dunno he had he had a falling out with some people whoever that group of people you were talking about i don't even know what i all i know it's one of those things you're online more so yeah you you had had a better idea of what you were talking about i personally did i not raising i never heard of that group so really i say i need until a couple of months ago you you could have been speaking mandarin chinese three after you set associated with chang monkey sri town hall that wasn't very nice very nice no you're not you're mandarin i know i also wanna talk about some real quick a that's happening i'm i'm ashley telling you beforehand like far enough away your hand lovie yes let me guess no wretched no no not a tampa bay screams what you're talking about i'm talking about august twenty fifth is these top free equality day top three i need and yet i prayed is that mean pennies oh i mean top less oh have free quality tablets certainly i just thought it was really ask free quality for saturday's no they don't get equal that's why there's times i know that's why suddenly they would be really weird have that we want equality for all subs that's why you're sub yeah fucker this this is what you wanna do you ask for this really even on words but you're acting up how jerry for breathing like anywhere near me you're obviously a sub you're very exists on your knees pug you've looked at his comedy show yes but every time i see his face i wanna punch it he does say some funny things but i really i can't stand him it's it's an inside joke whatever you get out of it is i do i don't know you and i i don't i didn't even hear you i love i love that you're my co host on on a radio show or podcast and you're like i'm listening to you why because i started look at you like what how in fact hitchhikers guide style and there's all kinds of really good coach from that movie by the way i got yeah it's my mom trust anyway i'll put it i i have it right here my forearm yeah don't panic over could you know that's right oh my goodness 'em what else so now i i don't know i'm just having a good time i said oh i know what i'm talking about there there's a there's a guy i tease this kind of in the in the pre show here's this guy who's really trying hard to to become the next dip shit theater episode yeah you're saying he's just indiscriminately shitty a weird messages now just i mean really he comes across like he's not from this country yeah like you say that just how he speaks okay but the problem is you had said you checked out his profile and he was perfectly american should that sound this way is what you're saying yes okay yes i do kinda well the country maybe an immigrant maybe lying while they we should ever apparently said he was born in texas okay there you go out in florida all okay no it's not y'all it's just very confused about everything that that he said like right off the bat he's like i've got a question i'm like okay and i said my girlfriend told me that once dog licked her okay and i'm like all right this is this a problem maybe has regained disability maybe you're making fun of somebody with a disability that's horrible then i guess someone okay then someone else types on his fucking because he's definitely intelligence it's his girlfriend ain't it just girlfriend or his kid herself and that's just driving away girls you know what i'm saying fishing maybe fisher nudes there's this pitch fuck my man i wanna find out right now how do i how do you know him i don't know i just i have no idea she she'll start sending the dick pics she'll start taking kickbacks of him descend up to you to see what your reaction is to his dick like why why is that well obviously katie you're a slot slot i see online showing you're movies in you're in you're whenever you feel like it cheese got a foot fetish is that weird like no that's not weird and then i just it was weird weird back in the seventies and eighties you know was it well i don't know people talk about shit like that back then no really talked about anyway what i'm saying that's what i'm saying that was some kind of a taboo thing at one point even say you were just how much i love the feet oh my god swab oh so again you know what i mean i i'm not even gonna i just like like i'm i'm giving show i'm sorry erratic can you please just give it a break why katie trying tell you is the moral of the story is don't come out like a spider monkey because it's just it's not good for you know who is it good for anyway i'm better at being nicer april when they're just trying to make small talk yeah you you do get jumping i've i've totally caught you where you'll reach you'd be like i hear you making noise over there by you're computer like whatever god dammit yeah an an end you get all upset and then also what what's going on you like this person x y ansi continually them so yeah it just sounds like he's a fan of yours any just kind of wanted to find a way to talk to you eat inside addict quicker and then you're like oh i guess because that's what you have to correct this was just a pretty normal you're just just trying to talk to me outs oh my god i'm sorry again you'd be like oh i had a muffin or bloodier muffin like that's that's why you see you get all that that yeah and then they send you something gross and you don't respond in a good way that it's gross back when you're talking about fried eggs no okay you know i'm sorry some some new doing assume oh my god you didn't block by fake account fuck off oh my god this guy he's a he's a tax service now we have to taxidermy stories this oh my while the other ones not until later well now you're getting magical date idea i went through you're animal husbandry plays like where you're jail at obsessed whereas animals fucking come up with all kinds of weird animal sex knowledge oh i just watched a three hour video and that other day it was quite compelling it was it was dolphin fucks everything it was really weird just talked about that i know what i'm saying he'll now i know what you're talking about the animals so you're moving in the taxidermy yes okay so now i'm doing okay he does it no no one oh he's well okay when people go hunting even go deer hunting they should just keep dad i mean i dunno hunting or their or their who's oh well i mean yeah the sailors antlers to but i've seen some like holders that are very anything you want you can becomes this one guy he's turning dear ashes into ask watches okay taxidermied the derby the blight and then put a face on it it's like okay so basically he's using dear at to make stuffed animals is what you're saying yes okay that's what he's doing he's mouthing amazon off okay and putting faces on them like like jack loops i mean just look like they're crazy like creatures okay you're asked her parents when you're out you're out i'm assuming this is more of a visual thing then how would i can't imagine why you can't think of that and you're holding jury asked you don't just yeah okay do you i'm gonna show monday i'm okay i'm okay i don't think you're in a big rush you know now no i'm i'm oh yeah exactly exactly like god um you see like autistic guys it just needs some like facial recognition training you know he needs it and what surprised as this is angry no this is how you blow a bubble just the beginning anyway there's a newly married a woman and she's pretty young an she was unfortunately beaten by her husband because a medical condition he has a medical condition was bitch didn't make my dinner right type of stupidity as a girl's gonna learn today i tell her once twice okay so whatever her okay well this medical condition prevents him from fucking her so he beat her oh this is the deal she has these very very short hallway put it that way okay she got a little pus she only got three new somebody who is having issues almost the same madam at your friend's wedding they hadn't bangs after she had a kid right it too painful for an an an i had i had forgotten her problem i went to philly which which one of these other grooms ran in the middle of the wedding in the middle of the reception to go score below i know it's a wonderful full decision really yeah you're firing guns over our when we went to a completely different state so yeah we were from jersey to philadelphia i mean in were talking like the corner stabby enron philadelphia you know what i mean i i just met you today we've just got naked in the kitchen together like i dress you know i don't know who the fuck you are but a problem and they had banking forever and they betting that night oh yes they oh yeah that was after we got a hold of him yes anyway so she had brenda's fucking people like martin that really tell me that we had a large array hearty yeah fight sex show for them really really end wisdom courage ing were little nut sometimes people just need a little push in the right direction you will never see again so well not letting us right she's like no you're gonna sleep it are like like you just got married her wedding day i'm not saying you're house actly except we flew up to jersey so we could be in for katie was annoying i really mean not being there wasn't that bad but the maid of honor until the morning of the wedding whatever they're like rated knowing it's better just you know come out of left field smack in the face it it's way better that way so anyway yeah where you have issues we we we witnessed it yes we saw it in action yes it's yeah but so he being harassed for yeah it's only it's only two centimeters deep oh my god you know what you're saying is that like official presidential plus we know that what do you mean presidential bliss so much it just takes you second is gonna kick in if you think my entire fist in there have you know it's going parse oh ski roller coasters and 'cause he's a month that's right well she didn't know that there is any medical issue at all until her husband fucking way jeeter oh she didn't have of issues she would she would she oh she was a so nobody really knew what would fit in there yeah she didn't know that it was way cram like a water bottle in there and just blow it up to like stretch it out like they do for boobs sockets you could barely put the cap in work at you would you got you're nevels fears day was it what to gauge true you worked up to that shit yeah but yeah i don't think we got you're out waller a bad ass what i wanna know is does her mouth not work what the fuck is rob what's going on here there's no reason to be beating up the one part of the body you can fuck dumb ass well i mean i dunno she's never given a blowjob either this isn't arranged marriage okay when she could we taught i would imagine i wouldn't want a teacher but you know he gave he gave her fucking he gave back to her parents now like this is fucking this is not right to go into a cool though you probably know well so wait a minute you're her fucking a what about like her fucking a period ovum and shit the the the ovaries like like in the whole cervix and it is all that just two centimeters up early and then the numbers like a barrier yes okay there were some areas they were able to get it fixed okay end the mother thought that they were just a temporary delaying her menstrual cycle period i mean she's fucking twenty years old but she had a type of that journal set them up to the doug proposes he was divided and it says it's very rare condition but it can happen but it can be picks that i could go gp on that shit like we could have her own natural or fast side you've got the top side of the badge i'll get the underside of the match what the hell no no no it's in my mind that child yeah i you're you're not how it works okay let's say that my hand is you know it is it running north and south the trenton used as its internal east west hey i know you're descriptive words no no now why you shitting on my fucking fantasy here i have a completely reasonable fantasy when you told me the story and you're completely shitting on it and you know just saying okay so then you could she could actually they get like triple failed you don't handle bottom half shitting on you're rape fantasy do no no no i don't wherever that came from but okay which is the first fantasy years i could take up first thing they came i wish you had a double digit no i don't wish you did i wish somebody hosted i i hear you know it does not go they could go to well 'cause i want you i want years for other things i don't want you to be a split badge you know what i mean then when you and share the hallway no i don't just just once i like to i think it would be fun you know what i'm saying all right i think you you would you would wanna watch it if if we could do double that like we each get her own little a lot so i don't know what i mean all right it makes the devils three way a lot less gross i mean if i'm going to us well if i'm going dv you know there's not even a piece of skin between me andy other dudes today start a fire with the wiener warmer well that's what i'm saying and i we've we've done gps out we have hurt when it gets too far but you know what i'm saying is it did it did it wasn't like you know we did this for fifteen minutes you know what i mean yeah now it was it was it was like the second it it it it breach the fucking hallway there you know i know and i was chip based two and then i get in my in my ear it's okay you're meant to stretch that's how i was right shred it hurt for a while after i ate i'd kids so it still wasn't it wasn't ready so here's here's a lot spring years in other women's so what do you complaining about snap back thankfully show okay sure who here's one some guys might not like but i think it's hysterical are you proud of large throbbing talk oh god well i've got some bad news for you door and the researchers who apparently done a study of the male productive oregon's for over thirty years reproductive be food duck shin anyway just just productive reproductive okay anyway they're dick the balls they have a they have kind of a disappointing conclusion frio falling down they say that a an above average dick is a disability disability nine out of ten of those big hog farmers are technically dumb in can't use their brains very well true so true so i guess the big cats they i you know like if it works that way is the funny thing is is says the guy with the research degree you know what i mean or that kind of small micro bean more that's what i'm saying i'm just saying i'm sure the gene controls deck size does not control brain size is well you know you know obviously obviously you don't understand it is completely blood flow issue you dizzy lead flow you don't get the proper blood flow to you're praying 'cause you're being fed meeting talk is just gobbling up all of you god damn blood meeting all right so she cries right there is a young substitute teacher who was fired for recordings solo sex tapes in eight check out this yeah yeah she described herself as a bit of an exhibition of those andy she just wants people to watch her and get pleasure from her fucking herself and attract them that's right well she's got a profile on porn hub and i went to check it out but there wasn't they narrowed so shooting the porn in school was what gives her in trouble not actually just doing the porn frauds is getting a little better than what you describe it you know how china delete everything and kind of get rid of her porn pass even though she's still doing it so she's not she just didn't think he'd he'd see is she does he get away with initial she still does that what i'm saying is at the time she thought that's right right yeah she just thought nobody would obviously she didn't figure sheila's caught 'cause she knows if she caught she's she's pretty fucked she she went under different names like oh any oh that'll do it i'll change my name people in power no chaser names or happens you know well they did a couple of videos watch it all of them were shot in the classrooms that she's abdicated or the teachers lounge substituted nobody knows who the substitute is right i wonder how many kids at school expect it to her room you know i dunno cause you know that's how somebody found out it was like a student was like oh my god oh my god ozone port up other day for schlotzky's in there you remember last week when it science class yeah do video fucking she'd see what you believe that god damn bugs and burger that might still on the ice well she her videos were tired like ninety substitute teacher users dildo charing classroom end she was of the chairs yes nice yeah how do we know her we must know her now there's no way we don't we don't know this person i mean she's she's she's twentyfour she's pretty young i don't but i dunno jesus christ i mean we we met her teacher watson took her to a strip club all kinds of crazy shit she went into said no we did we didn't talk enforcer no no no no no she went over oh you're like yeah but she she was consenting trust me she said we'd entire up this five i mean we didn't tire up like like like before we never forced to do anything even nascent following her home after no we didn't we dropped her off in the northeast right i open the door said have a good one shut the door and she just kind of stood jerry watches drive away that's right it will cause the sun was coming up in she quickly came to the realization of what she had been doing the entire night before oh yeah yeah start in i mean it started after i got off of work so it wasn't even at night it started in like four o'clock in the afternoon yeah i went out in or even earlier for me i got off work slightly before you yeah and i was at the bar having having a beer yup waiting for you to get off work and she came and sat next so i talked to her and by the time about ball's rolling yeah by the time you got there it was already set up and ready to go here's already turning into a dumpster fire it really was i couldn't tell what a girl walks into a place whose mission yes you can tell to like my man as piss me off the final god damn time fucked at a show yeah fuck that up so you're right it's like hey how you doing fine what's that per female wearing desperation bad decision host come on over here that would be it'd be perfume that we were selling we play they already have that on until we left material after they had that i that i had to release but she had fun though oh yeah ever she didn't have to worry about anybody radnor out or you know she had a boyfriend i dunno she cheated on her drop something good though it was legitimate i mean her her like i talked to her why she was legitimately bad out and they were married so it was like whoa hang out with us really i know but but i'm i'm gonna warn you may get a lot weird and then he went to a strip club as like oh we had a couple of dishes like i'll be right back contact the agent with the fucking stacks like fat fat stack singles and she's like let's have some fun all right and the three of us are kissing together so a teacher who shooting porn an inside of the room she such shooting it really it's you know come on not a base price up i'm just saying like any other students that's what i'm saying like elegant her that at the end of the day i mean she does get an f for like fuck well yes that that end you know you gotta know if you get caught using using the classroom school though at schools teachers don't even get away with you know she has a topless picture online yeah they get so free you're getting away with doing porn but it was in the class that you that's how you got in trouble yeah yeah well anyway shot yeah hey now all right andrew you wear glasses and everything she wanna like pretend that she's not in partying or you say she's still tell her that sell that mom you know maybe news that you're profession would walk away from my point greer katie joy i wanna leave about like you know it's what it used to do really i dunno people mention it really not an orange stupid that's the way it goes trust me i know i get it completely yet i know to is there ever that's the way i prefer there you go that's right well they were gonna go to an episode of row three four and when we come back 'em i when i have a story about some guy who did some weird shit mostly gonna bringing his man in some other fun should talk about so stick around we'll be right back bullard please brief look now i know what to do and not just fucking like a gale early good shockey saying up fifteen saving is the eating girls is getting emails and i'm looking at l o l c i a guy that gave jesus lady you're like i just see too many videos of small asian girl getting charged with aggravated by okay so okay like i feel like she met with their apps headbands gaping open they are playing the guy playing i swear an ad her little girl they had april like minnows imagine how they're working and dumping interact and thereby y'all got it i could get my ass i think i'll just say that they're all they're all in nature holding firm liver apple just kind of like living derek i mean she can add that never read the keys in she had home do do do do do do do do they keep coming up in just girls that were there even though he did maybe doing an accident where a guy that's that's the show it all that much oh my i read that night h h how fucked up asian ill video two girls in a ball ills seventy yeah just the ball a lot of people do multiple things abbass is an animal like i'm just keep it keep having gummy worms that but my sneaking out at the i think as you say like green and she's like i say i can't you see my puppy hackney's just paying a no win low this is super low super low welcome back to katie's world on rather live dot com katie radio dot com radio camp dot net if you wanna get in touch with me guinea on twitter at kinky hitting radio radio dot com katie k radio dot come around the facebook tanking katie radio i'm also on but i never on there so don't bother solo prostitute you go is this like pictures of my nakedness me sharing things in or if i try and language while they're using see pictures of guys shoving traffic cones up here ether i could see pictures of ladies getting dragged across the floor by their hair basically anything you want to offer her children animals yes and on could not get sensual on shane shane even seventyseven in looking like on a paper saying but yeah an unconventional did as yes so she said yes originally so that's really really king kitty they had their their ceremony they're they're they're renting ceremony yeah yeah yeah she after after they after the ceremony he 'em branded but she kinda like marriage for a dump sub yes yeah they thought it wasn't asking questions kind of making a state were yeah she's just so the people who are listening who are in smacky a leather daddy action you know what i mean yeah yeah they have and they they've got eight twenty four seven lifestyle that that's the way they lives yes the conceptual not consent yes like that she could sense shoot not having any concern over like not having to consent over anything right i mean just about any goddamn thing i mean that's trust yes we have seen her get her mouth stapled shut up real time medical stapler up a i i would say beaten with a cane but you know that's a little dramatic well yeah but that's the truth truth seat with a gain of she took be a great american challenger william up the but which which i believe the video is still online kid he goes anal i do believe it because it doesn't show like any actual body part like for some reason the dildo covers everything and you can't see 'cause you squaring so much and how we shot it you know some some of the angles yes just we did that on purpose as i was doing it in studio yeah yeah any old so bubba bubba dome yeah she also took a fuck saw yes fuck saw dildo any i never saw that as yeah yeah along with several other a summer louder really strange things where we saw were like wow that's that's they're really into the lifestyle though an that's how they wrote and they're completely sweet treat each other like he is very loving yes yes so basically their version of a marriage where she actually gets brandon how big brand was it i haven't seen the pictures i know the first one she 'em i remember seeing the first one yeah he would be brennan earner pussy 'cause data and that that was kind of like foreplay and she's like it's not cute i'm like wow she's really good pole dancer two years i was i was really surprised because she she's just such a quiet person she you know she's very quiet and just just like very sweet and even might take timid and then she adds up on stage and i almost almost has like a a a a an i mean this is a good way nerdy quality 'cause she has her glasses like jimmy she seems like she might be in science fiction she isn't but what i'm saying is when you look at her you figure you know for some reason i don't know why wait searches of me in the two of them at fact on an them out at when the social is still around that club and i mean we've been out together you know a bunch times a yeah yeah well they they throw fetish events or they have been trying to organize them so we forgot her name no there's a new name yeah like i said i didn't do the circuit anymore it's called something else should i wish i remembered it but i i wasn't planning on so i didn't kind of perpetual out anyway if a guy is addicted to masturbation but then gets addicted the sec is it fair to say that is addiction got out of hand shut up you know he's a retired priest has kind of trade it in his crucifix for a little something different yeah yeah i mean literally a little something different no you're bad this five year old has gotten into okay is it is it porn was a lot younger boy center just eighteen like well we don't know but it is gay porn yeah it is boys okay he said he feels more vibrant than ever he said his erotic energy is taking over but as he said the doing porn is it had him is now has had living his best life and he finally feel free well yeah i mean i i can't imagine being like like completely sexless furrier entire life i just while yeah he joined when he was eighteen the clergy and he realized big shocker at twenty seven gay okay so i mean it kind of solidify that whole thing no that is well you know i mean it's okay for somebody to realize you know that they're not into a being in the clergy and then they it's another thing to bless you know what i mean yeah you know if you're gonna do that take cool hey i changed my mind i don't wanna do this anymore i wanna bang bang on some day cock let him get some car to somebody with a cocktail all right hey baby anyway so i say if i say if i'm ever gonna get back into engineering videos i'm i'm willing to my eighty seven and it's all you know what you know it's even better though is is you know 'cause we all shake really think that you know people in the clergy are automatically you know braved like is there in this really weird shit we just don't do any luminosity stuff behind behind the fucking kurt and you know what i mean they're they're fucking cheap they're fucking goats we all think this i think at least i do you know what i mean like deter completely full of shit so when you see them come out you're i fucking new it like yeah like i i'm not surprised anyway i think you're you're you're favorite topic of working like me that this week you're not gonna like totally skip by like he did last week no okay well i mean you're driving the show i you could drive it right into at every driver that into you know what i mean i ground i mean i like hearing about some movies so i just say all right i mean i like hearing about tests hey look it's it's kind of like what am i favor thing one you're still trying to find it are june such i'm ready to drive at any second drop it okay to be fucking bandy may maybe i don't wanna learn for this week said man i definitely enjoy it's there was there were they in article published called the end cleavage okay an it's about how movies have gone like from fashion from in because of the me too movement like there's everybody's being so conservative at the end there this is bring the movie that you just stop right there what movies have been gone according to whom you know what i mean like apparently a fucking fashion a fashion shows she really fashion shows first of all is employed hangar models and there's been a few girls were nice text just a few most of applied as a board which overnight lows the nipples say are quite nice usually room boobs never been a big big and fashion 'cause they fuck up the shape of their fucking closing well you know what i mean that they have a term hangar model for a reason yeah so they're lying to you already they're just trying to make make it seem like that it's in agenda which and ansi boom agenda well i i think that that it would be an awesome idea to bring back bring back the low cut top sirloin tight fucking shit i i wanna see boobs big boobs of course i like kitty i mean whatever you have is completely okay 'cause i'll find something i like about i mean you know what i mean nipples are fun but you know like a lot of evil oh yeah i i couldn't really jammed monica devil yeah you have a good nevels are are are teach is he a whole overall static of the bill you got one two three four none zero that that'd be a little weird respectively in there you cut allusion everybody's gonna have that's a good point so you you have a bolt on but you're you're totally barbie as a mannequin that's right i i never felt the boob without a nipple really neither i know john either i don't either anyway well that you're saving the we bring back the show me show me you tease they liked the way they've always been there well maybe it's someone just trying to bring some recognition to shed some light on more boobs i mean i've seen katy perry she'd been around for a while but you just came out with a new single as what's her name she conservative governor close ever since she got that fucking manager haircut manager what's well no it's very short is and it's the platinum blonde her boobs now she i mean she contrive i really love relationship she well i mean the things that she used to where you know she had fucking whipped cream shooting out of her nipples and then now it's like i but jack lying she's getting older i yeah i mean she really i mean she's gotta be in mid thirties right early thirties or you dig early what do you think i would say thirty three then again i'm usually wrong about people's ages like i'm usually early then but he's fair she's thirty four thirty a close message i mean so she's getting to the point to where they may be doing what she liked anymore i'm telling you you're female cats yeah you know how it is yeah i'm not feeling my boobs anymore true turkey undergoing a little south yeah wendy's a certain point of a button here sorry they used to be so perky yeah but now have like twenty pound piercings yeah holes okay well they're still at plano but anyway whatever texas it's illegal to own more than six dildos oh yeah out of the cowboys get by with only six till the us really they just double up on the put in a row now there's nobody who's gonna get that reference it allow i don't think even one i i know exactly where it came from asia whereas if you know where the cow gay including those from you must like katie know the you know i don't think any of you know though i have to find a way for you to win a prize just just let her know let me out i don't think any of you do but you have to you can't just say no no no you have to tell me where that's where it's from that's right that's right a hashtag gig cowboys eating putting that's right i mean there's a there's a man you got plastic surgery end a name change so he could data's ex girlfriend after she got a restraining order on him while what yeah okay so that again this this guy his girlfriend got a restraining order on i'm broke up with him so he got plastic surgery end legally changed name so he could fucking like fuck with her and start dating her young guys work a yeah did say they found out that dick i know know that god jim jack i'm telling you i've seen that deck well maybe he got that change to who knows who what man in his right mind cuts on his dick i need to make it look different beggar but it's just these three different give me a brutal first year of that scar no you know i'm gonna try to at brown will grow my worst could back oh yeah why i dunno people do that now here's the other remember how i told you they were gonna be to texas is well here's something for a couple more dead animals well this is for couples okay apparently you can take it couples class to make pornographic mouse taxidermy that that actually is a good story crews out you're talking the creators says it it's it's perfect gift for the neglected partner i okay i dunno how do they didn't explain but the class is b y o b so if you wanna cut you're asking me shit faced you can just you know nothing says i wanna put my mouse in the dirty thomas each other in wine but whatever i like scotch when i'm just belling rodents way so after you do this then you pose it in an x rated seen like the picture gross but but the class is in a children's art room to okay so everybody gets a viking everybody gets a mouse an app and you gotta instead of it then you pose it like the critters in the sec teams like 'em there's the one girl who went oh no i see i see a lot of them there's a lotta bts csm doggy style yeah i see a whole series so the person who wrote a show academy of taxidermy the person who wrote the article said well put the two mice they had in feminine position like one one on the modern had a ball guy got another sinuses tremain yet oh i see that we live i know my my mice were injured andy recordings of god we don't really know how they died i would imagine what i've got the shit fucked out of they really just brains out essay extra big attachment pitch sorry yeah oh walk and i'm like a dog to little a little leash would definitely look this up pornographic mouse taxidermy lots of google images on it surprisingly really isn't really surprising what's not surprising may maybe i mean some people really there's that many others that many yes there is a i mean i would have to admit if i knew her taxidermy mice i would definitely be taxing hurrying drumming them into pleasure having oh yeah no doubt no doubt looks that i i would put that up and down somewhere i definitely would have to yeah i'd i'd even give it its own little light no which will be a little niche hutch touch touch part cubby okay cheerio cabinet its own display case there you go you know the one of the cats it'd be like this is cagey i would really need i kinda would need a whole bunch of them so i could have like the world's largest mouse orgy of an unlikely set up a whole a whole scene of matt mice getting it on every you know what i'm saying so you don't you could do you could get eight big dollhouse you could have the different rooms and did each room at the scene now you gotta oh no that's too much no i wanna malls be able to be seen from one location a mash up mice like threesome foursomes we got we got mouse over here getting a blow job provide mouse another mouse get any aspirin the same sucking is that you know what i'm saying so like the ending seen in sausage party but with taxidermy my that's what i'm saying anything knows like at least a hundred of them you know what i mean lord who would be so cool we need a lot of dead mice have you been to the studio it's weird that i need to learn how taxidermy well it doesn't look that hard i just i don't wanna deal with that animals yeah i don't feel like it really want them to come already just done steph guess while i wanna come john impose a boom there you go like a portable see now you're thinking now you're you could just cover some kind of are mature where some elsewhere you know what i mean yeah no i could go crazy lenny real nice like the real don lemon somebody's gonna fuck that mouse oh somebody is gonna fuck that mouse no yeah the girls to two centimeter plus he could have gotten fucked by somebody who would fuck that mouse there you go yeah but then you know you're gonna have fun in fact many other side mouse fucker kevin knocking on my door there's there's an article that i saw kinda stupid i i just wanted to tell you the title of it because i didn't even go intermediate 'cause i'm like what is the point i just read the title well this one this one i did because what the fuck is it it doesn't have anything in it but i would need to know just because the girl is open about sex doesn't mean she wants to fuck you oh oh just 'cause she's talking about that yeah just because she's very open with her sexuality an open talking about is that doesn't mean she wants to fuck you okay like whoa what's wrong with believing somebody wants to fuck you it's whether you like they get all butthurt when you tell them no skip butthurt anyway when you tell them now like all you're doing when you're talking about sex is you're just you're you're you're i mean they're already thinking they wanna bang you so they just feel like how could be open and let her know hey i like the fuck you okay they're big overdue yeah so you're you wanna be accepted fear of this but if they're ovan fuck fuck you shut the fuck up you dumb ass dick an if i'm wearing something low cutter somebody short end i i'm being nice to you that doesn't technically mean i'm learning worth you know what i mean or even if i am learning with you that doesn't mean don't get pissed when you're not gonna get any real get some of your gets a manual mode if you want to get what you get and you'll like it well i mean you know what you gonna do nobody should be butthurt if somebody i mean whatever i know it happens it happens not everybody's gonna go for what you got the night time and a place as right you got the wrong time in the wrong place you lose that's right i mean this could easily be florida man's story but this guy is in texas he was bigger and he was arrest will so is that that substitute teachers ohio she a oh he was arrested this week by the f b i the seventy three year old man confessed to kidnapping and sexually assaulting thing dozens of people while using costumes drugs in special effects grocers what's he doing the cosby on them doing the cosby on now okay seventy nine people dumb to believe that they had been abducted by an alien yeah he would dress up like an alien duped duped what do you mean do was duped is a word dumb never mind i said were dumb enough oh dumb enough yeah okay yes do i like to you know a big outdoors i like i know you said you know i did i at least i ask very tastes like watch like we don't even talk about sloppy okay anyway he would dress up like an alien and he would give the victims of miss a like a mix of lsd yell lsd and pcb and then he would prove them nice angel dust an asset yeah he he he's like i dunno sound like a party the me i've never done pcp that i'm aware of what you would just be really high i on on acid but you really would just wanna be laying around you know what i mean yeah well he he was a truck driver end he turned the cab of his truck into a into the operating room to make it look like an operating room nice and they said he you would insert his fingers and other objects in the various body cavity is various said he had created his own sex toys designed looked like alien tools and medical instruments nice show he was he was trying to pull off alien factor yes good idea but said he would he totally totally believe they were abducted by aliens or any i mean i know but did they all believe that yes really yes okay that was a problem how they find out like you know i'm i'm thinking that if you gave me enough drugs made me believe that's what we've got on an somebody from the governor has no no no no no he just drug jew and it'll be i would be no amnesty then i dunno know oh seven we provide alien this was not a real person fuck off i took those drugs willingly that's right that's what it numbers you drugs you take them to fucking hey because you know they have the best drugs obviously you don't wanna be an asshole you what welcome to the planet you want some of that andromeda strain action you know what i'm saying didn't you see rick and morty yeah thank you can you assimilated you're a fucking awesome show if you have not seen rick and morty what is your problem how did you find us and you didn't find rick and morty is why i wonder how pickle dick written so many good things avenue in that joe i just can't describe you really you laugh at what we say then guess what you probably a better time i know it's one of the few shows that we watch or listen to the go yeah no they gotta they gotta be by mile they have that comedy thing down at i think it's it's definitely it's a it's an adult swim sort of cartoon for sure well it isn't it awkward you're talking like adult swim does really well and works with art sense of humor quite a bit yes well were were like giant kids of course i i really miss china illinois amid mentally stuck at twentyfive magnetic thank you thank you like me i don't no negative i mean you know me well enough to really that's not even when i was eighteen i like eighteen year old twins win when i met you know like a stink between twenty three and twenty six like i'd been stuck there since i was sixteen like no matter what girl i dated they were either somewhere between twenty three and twenty six yeah you said twentyfive is a cut out the younger and twentyfive lincoln twenty four i get i get why did he would say that i just i just knew that that no matter what i did what i tried to do for the most part i mean there were miscellaneous girls that would come and go that were that were older never younger yeah never younger even when i was eighteen seventeen same thing i'm thing there is a fast food chain they created something called the merit a an it's a carrot made of meat and just a troll begins is adjusted drove egan's probably well maybe just whatever it's it's like grounded its most by turkey in that it looks it looks like turkey here maybe import or something but it has formed into it looked exactly like a care the way they survey the green on top and no that's i mean it's about i mean not forgiven but it's just like eating hot dogs like address of hotdogs hotdog i'm like yeah and i don't care you're you're you're not gonna ruin hotdogs for me me me eat me i bet i bet there are that people who were vehicle vegetarians probably don't like that what you know the the fact is they made a carrot out of me no meat kurt that's right now they don't know now that many ritchie's i mean why would you care though i mean as long as somebody who's not trying to fool you enough lugging eating fucking inside care you know what i mean let me say this is a vegetable yeah i mean other than that it's just a food product i mean you could hate it because it's me 'cause you hate me anyway oh okay i accept that but if you accept it i mean doing what the matter what shea butter welby has usually well new mikan these days they're gonna they're like cross bay people they're gonna fucking tell you about it well they're like hey word of mouth well we had a lot people are like from the animal aspect they're just like you're the animal murder well not personally but yes i have been personally but you know i don't do that problem i mean i pretty much by bremer me yes sometimes precooked i i eat the meat and then i take the congress and stuff it impose it ended oh yeah they wouldn't like that at all over that she she should see my veal display they would like by like mouse kelly eliciting now now it would be fucking awesome i feel i could i could i could dress them up like in an creek togo's and do like an ancient greek a fucking bravo oh my god i could change around if they were repose of all you know what i mean that could be a new hobby good lord like a hundred puzzle taxidermy mice maybe warner at and the cat a rat and a cat yes well because demise half the violently be raping the cat and the rise of course like literally bution style tied down you know what i mean oh my god what that would be a good taxidermy saying don't tell me wouldn't stay in my mother to sound like that i'm an eight they're bringing in a box in the mail is just gonna be like that animals repos although i don't wanna make the most of all i don't wanna learn taxidermy i just wanna post said figurines if a box comes and it's got dry ice in it and it doesn't know hanging off stakes i'm not opening not over yet yeah yeah you gotta know try try because it'll be wrapped up taped up it'll say perishable so so if you want katie open you better not put perishable a sweater joe better just shit that shit oh free throws how do you try it's funny because that's exactly that katie you really want frito lows are well you know if their new we've got we've got all kinds of i say we i mean i guess their mind to i don't know what i'm gonna do with them but they just certified they're they're in the place i living and yeah you know i i have no use for i love sex highest patel does it have shown up on our doorstep so i haven't shown up like loss or fans they have you you think amazon box out or you have gotten several dildos where you didn't know they were coming in a box shows up with dildos completely over that you're completely like some and sometimes they don't tell me who said just somebody like anonymous tough on mike thank you thank you for the fuck the hallways so yeah me job i'll post pictures look like if you wanna see me using them you know you gotta tell me your some really oh i did why well there's a lot of those oh yeah yeah that's the first one where the tall i could look her up right here what's her name anyway all right well i think we're gonna get out of here week end 'em i hope everybody has an awesome weekend in a great rest of the week and the fourth of july is coming up 'em yeah i don't think are doing anything don't blow anything off no you got please don't that's not a good idea oh man it'd be nice year pets by the time you listen listen i'll probably be after the fourth i don't care time for the top freely day in august it'll be a week away a week off that's right so 'cause you've been on the ball that like yeah he's got it back under control yeah it is out of control the rollout of what you were doing you're getting more sleep now you have more energy here's what i'm saying no doubt i mean you definitely changed changed for the better i'm awake you your i could i could stay awake longer the ten minutes quite pleasant you've been very grabby i mean do you have anything else for me estee don't panic great grandma yeah all right everybody i'm out i will talk to you later 'cause all.

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