#252 – Bee Sex
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Kinky Katie's World #252 - Bee Sex


This week!

04/20/2019 Dick pic from a friends son... Men are dicks... Shrimp fork and other sayings men think are witty... Bee sex and the website where you can watch... Do vegans eat honey... Amsterdam's newest 5D porn theater, or is it... Katie's new side gig... Are they listening... Normal people and what they think is unusual an sexual fantasy... Is a bagel sized toaster easier to bang... Episode of "Rule 34"... Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Mexican food... I want to see your dick in a toaster... Don't hurt yourself no matter how much Katie tell you to... Florida man gets discount cock enhancement surgery, and pays for it in the end... Clip that extra cock skin... Man sues his parents for throwing out his porn... Paint enema abstract art... Turn your ass into an Easter egg... Sky Woods, our favorite Male porn star.

Inaccurate Transcript!

The following program contains adult content crazzy language of sexual manner completely irresponsible advise, along with some things, you'll wish you could hear if you are under the age of eighteen easily offended, or like to judge others based on their sexuality, please turn us off. For those who remain enjoy and have an ice day. Because I was fucking the shit out. Have you lined up any corporate sponsorships? As a matter of fact, going up to most popular anime series, the English translation of the series is many rapists through now. Conquer the innocence of schoolgirls. And as you can see the production values are extremely high all katie's world in ten nine eight seven busy. Katie's needs starts now. Are you ready? We wanted to play dress up. Don't you? Elmo. And now live from thirty four studio. I bring you girl with the neck for finding your asshole with strap on in the dark here. She is your host the one, the only can key Katie low. Hello. Hello, and welcome to the show. I'm your host KiKi in with me as ours is my favorite Bush cover the very scared Mr.. Yeah. We're live live on today. We're coming at you live from razz radio live dot com. Kinky Katie radio dot com and radio dot net. Talk about tonight's also brand new tits man with massive Tatas. I mean these. Wow. I don't know how the hell she stays upright. Woman's gotta have some serious back problems. Or maybe a fucking metal spine who knows. But little talking about them. Also congrats, our friend of the show at our friend in person Jimmy Smith, he just had to be girl a couple of days ago. So. Good, pam. Oh my goodness. Well last night last week, filming went really fun. It was a very, very long day. And heavy screams is coming in August. I'll be having the creator Sean Donahue as well as some of the other actors features on the show. So I'm looking forward to that. And you guys should to off. Good to what, what to look forward to screw you, Katie. I'm not looking forward to then. Don't I don't give a shit. Listen to me. Listen to be like me. I don't really care. I'm having fun. Oh my goodness gracious. It has been been issued in past couple of days. I had to go online and asking I was talking to see about this. A friend of mine son sent me a dick pic, no one, not even do but like five Jake picks from underage kids. I don't under- sees a okay. You didn't say sorry, he's like he's like twenty three. Okay. Well, it's, it's different. Yeah. Like you were sounded really creepy there for a second. Borrow, my dad's foodshare United teacher God. And that's another thing that's really crazy. I mean these are like really attractive teachers to, like, why are you screwing? Kids wasn't happy forever. I know it's been happening for everybody acts like it's a new thing. I mean everybody acts like oh, he's just just started happening. It's the fluoride in the water. No fucking social people blab, more blabs get around. And you can't like tuck something under the rug. You can't pretend you didn't hear it. No. Because it's all over fucking. You know, some for Vida, that you can't fuck tonight. So check your square holes. You know what I mean I. Yeah. I guess so. Weird shit spit happened in forever. But gills are not getting fucking more sexual like like all of that is bullshit bullshit. People are bunch of liars. See this is this is. Turns into a heated debate. Sometimes what does anything different things. No. It's. We'll no, no, you're right.But, but yeah, no kind of golf on a rant on something. I had. Less. You say this is not a pickup lend girls want to hear. Just glance right over the your friend's son, Jake pick. I mean so I went online, as well, you know what do you think should I go about this? Most people are like send a picture, send that picture to his mother, so his mother could see dick. Yeah. Wow. With sickos out there. Really? Well, it's yeah. SE. I should I talked to his dad decided. Yes. So I said, as data message, and I'm like, oh, man, hey, your son sent me a dick pic, and he. He and then I send it to him dude. I don't wanna see that the non more than a couple sentences later use like pictures of your tits. Yeah. Yeah. Up an him. Sat in a little circle jerk you take, like a father son stroking God. I take of it could've happened. Pleased, little father father son bonding over some movies, some k Katie nudes. Yeah. I've, I've seen this the stepmother boobs covered Jisr and I'm just like 'cause there there's been times where the the the father and his new wife. They're sitting next to each other imbed, both talking to me. Independently. Yeah. Independently on Facebook got your same conversation. No. I'm like, what are you doing? I'm sitting family. Some told them before Mike. You guys realize you're both hockey's, right? I didn't know in the nuts like, and then they started interacting with each other Taiwan, I, I wouldn't know what the odds are they didn't. They haven't like done old. You know, hey, watch over watching Katie for another son bond in the cat's cradle. And then I had someone I blocked him. He I don't want to hear some weird sick. Oh shit like this with the Fokker you babbling about like is your fault. But he said, you unsolicited tick, exactly like you did this, you Shishir her mouth. What fuck is? He's old man. He's got to beat old dude. He's an old old white teams in old white dude, yet, could you get any more chauvinist, you fucking horse, horse phase with fuck is going on? He went to class he's from spring. Let's fuck is wrong with people post something like this, because it just happened, Jimmy. And if this just happened to be, I think that is a good question to ask everybody, what is the proper protocol, when you get a dick pic from a friend of yours as kid and the kids of age? Jia tell the parents DNA tell the parents, how do you sort this out? You know what I mean? That is a fuck invalid Facebook question. So you asked me, but every everyone's than blue moon, I'll get. So when you're saying some shit like that guy who's like zoom, Dorsey your vagina. How did they end up friends ears? Like what the fuck cap, sometimes they're not just the can just see what Jesus, I know ever was. I mean, I really it doesn't bother me as much as it used to bother me LOP now, like whatever you as you're miserable human being. So has a person did nothing but have a Facebook account somebody sent you a picture of his dick. Daily and somehow that says something about you, according to some Ben, like, yeah. Really? Are you fucking serious? Somebody, you realize every woman with a fuck. It social media account has gotten a picture of somebody's dick without asking for it yet. It's not one or two or three. It's fucking all of them. So you think there's something wrong with that woman, are you fucking crazy? It says something is wrong with people have Cox. That's what it saying. If you don't get that find a bridge jump to fuck off. I'm not even kidding. It's probably probably likes me though. He's probably fan trying to get my attention. Yeah, whatever to I can I can guarantee you, I can guarantee you you'll never get any play. Now I can guarantee that if let's say you're chances before were, like on a scale of, you know, heights of buildings around the world in, let's say somehow your chances of getting some of that were like, Empire State building high right now, you're, you're less than NATs ass.I mean you don't even get it. Dummy anyway. Well, I blocked him like you don't have to. You don't have to listen to my, my ballet. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever at your chain. Like I was saying to or how dare you receive that sister. Oh, a war mouth. It's one of those things that kind of as a guy it makes you embarrassed that guys do this to girls all the time like. Guys do that. A lot. Yeah. Cia hot. Here's what Jake and we all know it. We all know chicks receives this shit so much, and they don't ask for it. They don't girls day day seed. I'll ask for it. And this isn't even like like your one thing you talk about sex a lot, you know, you that's one thing. But how many women are there that literally our homemaker Sally? No cleavage. No. They giggle at that sound of the word sex. You know what I mean? And yet, somebody sent them an unsolicited take as well. And somehow that's what is wrong with dudes. Yeah. So it is. I'm barris to have a dick. I would say, I wanna put a really to sway better than not having one. I'm gonna tell you right now. I can only imagine often agree. I mean, it would suck if you lost it. But like you having everybody knows how to work one. Yeah, I mean, I pretty much everybody understands. Everybody guy off even a gold star is being just saying just say, I'm just saying it happens. All right. So speed since we're on the subject, I got a message today. And let me just tell you, I did explain that. That's never going to work on a new girl. And I shouldn't use that I would drag my dick through mile of broken glass, just to hear you fart through a walkie talkie. Before. It's all. That's that's like ship for for gold, who the fuck does that it's just an old saying it's just old one of those things like age, like I don't know. That's the coronet of your show. Shrimp day. It's just somebody's attempted humor. Yeah. He's not very funny. That one up either. He's just repeating somebody else's humor. And he's someone from ice-cool. She there you go, you know there. Yeah. Oh a God pick receive right? Fuck and take Jack Kemp believe you can't believe you're dirty count, your Terry conscious accepts at shit. Oh, god. Don't you don't you house of screening software? He follows me on Twitter to found out because he mentioned something about my tits all over Twitter. Okay. Scott, who seventy dollars you like personally. That looked you up. Like, hey, there's there's Katie. I know her. Oh, god. Oh boy. Oh, there she is there. She is. Again, an issues lot. Nice school. But now receive a dick pics people. Hey, and I could say if we're ever out and you see us watch comes to high to me. Let me know who you are. And I be fun. It would be just say hi on the guy takes, she's a slut for savy tick from springs. No, that'd be cool. I won't be bad. Nothing will happen. It'll be okay. Offer coffee. Yeah. Sure. Okay. That's what we're gonna call it. Okay to that little sandwich. Well, that's no. You know, this is brings loves lawyer on the phone in two seconds. What I don't know. He whatever threatened they're not being threatened. No, you're not. Threatening you legit? I just wanna know what's gonna happen. I legitimate question. I thank you should your mouth. You can't talk about then. Most of it is. I would like one of those real to like stay because you don't me like if, if somebody who's never see me or been like face to face, as we walked up face to face, and then started to think about that. You know, it just it would come out. Obligate sorry, like it just wouldn't happen. And it would be entertained to see said person tried to spit that out while standing in front of me. You know what I mean? It would be would be entertaining. So, like I said, just go ahead and do that. 'cause you you're very intense. You do. Look quite menacing. Well, you know exactly. But you are though, you can be anyway.No teddy bear. No to Burs overalls. See, I knew you anyway. So I want to take well, actually. I wanna thank porn hub never only four for providing numerous hours of entertainment for myself a free. Yeah. For free chubby for being the hub of porn. Yeah. But if you place for videos that you can watch and search and watch and butts in search show free. The reason I was actually talking about that. And was porn hub has gotten into the charity biz, and they're trying to help with the conservation of bees. Be. They have a new bi-sexual channel actually shows you. There. You can watch be screw it and do stuff. Oh, no. It'd be screwing. What more for looks like the fighting like whack one of them dies. Now that was the male seriously. It's just be doing what he's do pollinating flowers be stuff, but you'll hairy statement. But every time you watch it they donate money towards the be conservation. Every time someone clicks on it. They watch the bees. Oy. They donate money because if you didn't no bees around the world, dying at least telling us, that's what they're telling us, they're saying keepers, or saying, we like swarms or dying for no reason, and the can't figure it out. And we actually need to like, pollinate shit that we look, we can't handle all the pollinating of shit that they handle says it says, you know, there's they do a little light introductions on the before video, it's most plants and trees rely on bees to have sex and breed. But sadly, the bees dying off without them, the lights of nature nature sex life. We're going to be dirt just gonna die. There'd be no more fruits vegetables. So. Well, I mean there there will be let I just because you, can you could manually do it. You can't manually do it on everything. You know what I mean? So you're gonna have to pick we're going to eat this, and this and that is all we're gonna do. And then we'll wait for all the oxygen out. Sorry. Nine I think we talked about this, but we did do we say, if like vegan, Honey? I don't think they would I don't think they would it's b b vomit spit. It's spe- stuff. I really doubt it. I don't see why they would. I don't see why they would I would if you're not getting, like, like, I don't know. I don't know what, what, what example would be other than I mean, that's it's its own product. Really? Yeah. What else do animals like physically make that you don't have to harm them to milked? Yeah. But they say that you have to like keep the cows and they're being captive, and then they got painful suckers on them, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Gotcha. You know what? I mean. Bees, your Honey. Yes. Just you just I mean maybe you're stealing their food. I guess I don't I wouldn't think they would though. The product from an animal. I just out, but though, sheer shit eat a fruit that's been pollinated by God damn P C now we're fucking figure you're not gonna be hit. Jesus bees die off than your new. You don't have any food. Oh, I'm sure most vegans understand that up. Shares are there like people leading to be charge true, you know, 'cause they're food sources will just go away for Halloween. We should go as the b grow from blind melon. Why why we us to be to be so to be or not to be. Can't just be be farmer. Okay. Okay. Beekeeper sure you can wear an overall. That's what I'm saying is drying. I'll be okay. Anyway, go a sexy. Be a slutty just never have before. Oh, yeah. I know. Never. But if you wanna take porn watching to a new level, you need to go to answer. Damn why. Because there's theater in the red light district that has only one screen and only eighteen seats and it offers five d porn. Okay. Okay. Okay. So you hang on here, hang on. 'cause dimensionality happens to be like, like multiple dimensions taking and multiples mansions is like AVI line, like put your put your mind in a place where you can understand five dimensions, you know, the legs with high time and a fifth an extra dimension that you don't think of it like a ride at Disney the seats move mounts vibrate.Like they have jets of air spray their water cannons. It's like a virtual, it's virtual machine virtual porn. Yeah. All corresponding with the movie, and well, three plus yes, is is in three day, and you can you can smell I guess what they're saying. Yeah. Everything sent. Okay. Like, and they say bring your wife and have and have a laugh. It's fun. It's like the porn dried Disney. Yeah. Okay. Yes. Okay. They need to rebrand this show you the world. After. Yup. Eighteen seats eighteen seats to the hose, it off, when they're done or what I this is actually a collaboration with, with the Dutch porn-star. Irene is there like like guys, you're often the front just wizened Jisr achy for the right? You know, does it work out like God? Damn what was that movie where you're where everybody brought toast, and from there you go, like at the right moment? Sweat maybe get hit. It was a lotta hot yogurt right in the face. We said you'd feel it. And valid mean don't you signed? I'm just saying we told you we were going to do Johan now. Go. I don't know the answer that people make that work more. It's mostly Dutch porn stars Swedish. Yeah. He's chef Dutch people Dutch people are like dust be French German English. They speak a lot of languages. But from like, German, French English, not really Swedish. No, not so much either way. So you can Viking. Anyway, go have fun, good bay. Ceaseless Chris, according to psychology today. There's three sexual men like a subscriber to psychology today. What's going on? Maybe I am are you doing like a sideline. Is this? Sideline being studied always fascinating. We don't know what makes you tick. Who anyway? You're not glance at by that. We're in the study group what study group would you do you speak of what's on air? What's happening? That's why do some days, I have little. I have a place in the mall like a little like board room. And I recruit people while as setting their to come in to watch me, and discuss really focus group. Really? Yes. You let them know if I figure out, it's one of them. I'm gonna find him. Oh, no. They know they don't know. They don't know. They're watching now. No, no. They don't they, they know nothing. They only know what I show them on how the they yes they do. They know what it's me talking about. Yes on. No. There's a reason why how and why freak you out. You're just not sure of it. Oh, I'm sure of it of share of it. I don't why creepy. I'm not grieving. I begged ever. Ever. Yeah. No, you're not creepy. You don't like you're not creepy all the time. But what you want to be creepy. You are damn Creevy when you're sleeping, your little angelic, then you wake up now you're not very Anjelica when you sleep. Hand on my crotch. Northerns. Is he a cat like on my chest or my head whenever usual? So anyway, going back to Sigala g today. They talking about three sexual fetishes that they say, seem unusual, but are incredibly common. Okay. Now. I have to remind myself that I'm not like regular people will they got regular women because these a lot of them it's vanilla list, is what you're saying. It's, it's very, it's not very spicy. Well, it's, it's Bedia, mostly is a lot of that. But there's only it's mostly have to do like pleasure and pain like the dominance submission thing, and very one-sided is what you're saying. Well, does it show all the multi facets that are finish today? Probably no. I don't think so. Well, another one sex in public. Now. Know put on a show and then voyeurism that's what they say are were like among the top. Unusual sexual fantasies.I realized that had unusual. Yeah, they said unusual. Well, I guess it's like why like what, what kind of fantasies are people having if there I mean, come on. Well, that's the top ones have been the whole Bedia send thing and then fucking public Boyer ISM to you. Wanna watch people? Fuck, yes. And people wanna fuck in front of you. And one wants to be a slave and be dominant. Yeah. Well, there's all three of them were together. I don't I don't think that that's weird. I don't find that unusual at all. I know it's a lot more usual than you think. That's that's what they were saying now. So it's point. Yeah. Okay. But our point is who the fuck Dicks. It's unusual, right? Yeah. Yeah, you're, you're wanting out that it's not unusual. Right. What we're saying is, yeah. You're right. Who the fuck are these weirdos thinking is? Alternate vanilla people up just saying. Now they're the ones that, like, come on. You know what? Rape fantasy. I wanna bang a horse. It's like, no, that's unusual. When that is not what wanting to bang, a horse's not, not not common. Now, now not a lot of people actually wanna bang horse. I mean, I'm sure people do. Definitely want to and they definitely do do. Gosh, I, I would watch his girl gives donkey a blowjob. And it was just when that thing came her cheeks puffed out so big and just start coming outside of a mouth like she aided tennis shoe or shoelaces. Oh, soros. I just. Did they fucked up polar bear? That that's the kind of stuff that it's like I you know, but I guess people say the same thing about me or you or anything, they don't understand. You know, there's a non consent thing there with the animal. Like, like he can't tell me oh will, obviously talkie likes it. Look, it's a donkey. Stop abusing animals. God, damn it, you know, if they spoke English, and we could go. Hey talkie, is it okay if she such dick? Hey, is it cool if she sucks? You're okay. Then such jonky Dak find, but really we just can't do that. So stay away from donkeys dogs cats. Good Lord ever, the fuck you feel like banging does not a person just don't do that sticking toaster. Oh, why not? I have been like toaster oven or them slots aren't picking up to put a cock in no way, some people, they are not even the bagel size ones. You know. I mean they're little slit site heard on fairy. Big at all really. It's pop tart could help a toaster just let me. That's the hospital for you to get your cock inside of a toaster. Poor Bertie of the brave lives. Her. The scares. No. I mean, and then you wonder why there are so many male enhancement. Because there's a lot of dudes who could fuck it toaster. That's why. Hi. Hi, my dick fans right in there. Man. Don't bad mouth me, man. I fucked my toaster. If I won't. Just very that testers someday. And you know what? That's, that's okay with me. If you wanna fuck your toaster, and you wanna marry your toaster. Go ahead. Still to, to an animal. No. Come on. Won't it? Oh. God on that note, we are going to go to episode of ruled thirty four it when we come back, we are going to talk about someone who might be able to fuck his sisters. So stick around. We'll be right back. Yum. It's time tasty and refreshing snack. Another guy who wants to lock himself up and semi keys in another state again. Why would somebody want to I just you're not gonna pay attention to lose the anyway? I told us when I said, you're not gonna get the he's MAC, is what do you mean? What do you what? What do you what? You're dumb enough to not keep one for yourself, then I'm sorry. You're kinda shit like okay well the sent him what if you stuck in half dad humiliation of hospital? I like Sanjay keys right? They're going to be completely somebody else's got like I just wanted to make.So somebody keys back just send them a sad. I it might be as lucky. What model do have? Have to say. Likely, though, the technology to cut those office pretty, like just multi tool. Like I have I have the tool that I got off without somebody. What if it's made it like tungsten now that I can't then you're, you're done. Sorry. You really do have to go. See somebody now. 'cause 'cause that's yeah. Now, you can't cut that shit fuck. Now, you're, you're in trouble and search not even the ER is gonna have have an issue, they're going to have to fuck yourself out. I know. Yeah, you're screwed because they do make him out of time. There are some changes that ended up. But this guy wants to send me shoes for keep him locked up. A okay. Well, you know, mail mail ski back every once in a while. No. Getting into. I made it crystal-clear timestamped with the day how much I could have told you any more than I did. But, you know, I am not sending these back to you. So good. You were pre onboard now have a closet. No, whisper. King. Katie's world on Raza, your live dot com. Katie radio dot com radio. Scott. Sarah. Listening live, gut them, and find your eggs tomorrow. Forgetting that tomorrow's eastern cash. I mean shirts. Good friday. Oh, yeah. Pretty sure maybe go both. I and I always thought that, that like the Easter day to go to church was Good Friday. Sunday. Don't see. I don't know how you guys rocked it where you're from. Yeah. Like we went out. We would go to church in the morning on Easter Sunday. Like the only time out of the whole year, we would go, and then we'd always go get Mexican food like always like that was a tradition. And then we stopped going to church and just went to Mexican food eastern Sunday. Time you let well we, we used to go to song and Larry's a lot in Fort Lauderdale was still there. Yeah. You know, but in and gals. There's like I would say the day that most Catholics go is probably bid night, mass not Easter, which is weird. That's what I'm saying whatever where whatever church you to. It was Easter Sunday. I, I was young whatever. I'm not religious people. What happens? So we're talking about before the clip. If you guys were hanging out with us, you're talking about guy be able to fuck us. Oh, sir. We wanna know if you are able to stick your taking a toaster, share semi talking about cramming soft because. Okay. I mean, whatever anyone could do that, just saying, but I'm talking about fully fucking to shove that bitch, right town, toast your whole. Jesus christ. Picks to. Kinky Katie radio on Twitter to see your ticket toaster. That's right. That's, that's not not plugged in. I'm listening getting the Beth just say. Yeah. Actually, by that because I know I mean, you know actually asking for take picks with, with toasters. That's kinda sluggish though, I will say the guys right now. He just proved them, right? What did you do? Now.He's right. You turn hor-. Yeah. Well, you did ask for guys said, pictures with their Dixit side. Toasters. Okay. Bitta criticism is deserted. Really? Yeah. But if I get it up dick dick pics toasters. It's worth it. I mean you could do a blender or. Hard clever, the oh, God. Don't do that. What? Oh, Dowell, the sudden you get a fucking conscience and well out. You get a fucking conscience, unless you're you're like. No never. No, no. Don't don't listen to her alleged allegedly. That is just that is horrible. When if you don't know that. That's bad advice. I don't know what to tell you deserve to know. You don't deserve to don't listen to her. No, no, don't. No, no, no, no. We both know this is not a good idea. So do not do not do that in the hospital backing each your fault. You told me to do it really. There was a guy right next to telling you not to. Come on come the angel devil aunties on each shoulder say, if you don't know any better than if you don't know any better. Well, then you don't deserve your skin. That I'm still not wishing that on you of that wishing you to sell harm fuck. No. What? Have you? Eight it afterwards. I mean, but if you were like chopping off your your foreskin as like a, some sort of be your foreskin, and you were doing it verve Asli, you know, tell you to do that. But if that's what you're into God. Whatever. Okay. So there's no surprise that. This is a floor or is this is a Florida story. Florida van, learn ma'am and unlicensed doctor was paid a thousand bucks to perform surgery on this, do dick. And what a shock things horribly wrong. Who will you take nine ninety nine? Doc. I don't know mega didn't even Dow's, and we gotta deal well, the fifty five year old guy wanted to bigger dick or something or something. Well, they didn't get into really glider what they were doing right. Okay because and then he went to this guy to have it done. And the surgery was backed so bad, the he was loved to formed, and only with a one inch pain. Oh, he's still cute again the angry inch so cute. Oh, it was a hairdresser. And he said he just he's now left with his bloody nub city can no longer have sex because right? Because usually if your hair dresser, you're probably gave probably good chance that you're gay, and you're not making it pass the cheeks with. No, no. Well, you can oral sex. Thank somebody liquor like a button. Well girls get off just saying, yeah, no, that's your but I don't think he's going to because he says that sensation he has no sensation during urination, but on the other hand, he gets painful and spontaneous or actions. Wow, painful. Yeah. So he's got this little. It probably makes that noise too. Trying to come out like the sound. Scraping, your skin? I guess the balloon. Oh, god. Distended belly button. Oh, god. Now, D Lee. Well before the arrest, the doctor told the guy that everything's okay? He's like, no everything's fine. The guy woke up the chain the bandages. You're gonna be okay. Don't worry about it. Bob. It's gonna grow back. It's gonna group back. Just like hair cut it back. I wonder what it looked like and how big it was before. Well, maybe it was a half an inch before. And now he doubled it up and he doesn't wanna tell us a missing my toe toe sewn onto my dick. Why does my dick of a nail? A man because he cut the force get off my Jake's twice the size, but I got no skin, your skin. He's cigar cutter. Snoop the two that is kind of what the Moyle tool looks like it. It's kind of like. Yeah. Looking thing I know the gig. You know that's what happens. I'm you know, I'm a fan of I'm glad I'm circumcise your fan of the skin. I'm a fan of not having the skin.I'm glad it happened to me when I was young and don't remember and everybody knows that. I'm a huge fan of no skin. Well, you just you don't like you don't like the idea of, of, of there being Nokes and crannies for stuff that item. I I've had and the fact that most been that you, you have been around and been with. I've been hygenic. No, no Dade. Really, don't need to have extra folds of skin. What? No, they just. Don't eat, too, so bad. Oh, can't take care of your dig. Don't. Yeah. You shouldn't have one. That's right. If you can't take force. Can you shouldn't have it? Good doctor. He's already knew like from birth. Like, hey, he's not gonna take care. And if I was if I was like conscious enough to respond I would've said, you know what you're fucking right? You need to cut that off. Off now before it's a problem, you're as I am not responsible enough for that. Because I just wanna stick it into things. And, and I'm not gonna be thinking about it, especially when I'm teenager. I'm not gonna have any sense at all. You know what I mean? Well, when my, my friend went into the military, he got his snippy. Yeah. He goes, I'm gonna be going Iraq. I wanna have Sanders should everywhere. I don't want those. Oh, so you got maybe three days before I can take show. Well, that's the thing, too is like, like you already army or whatever you know, you're marching around. It may be a week before. You could shower like oh yeah. Oh, got some build up guy. He magin the smell the balls. Well, I'm Cheryl out of the can't imagine it close up. That's true. God, I so tell smells like Campbell's not a policy anymore, but we just to- teller ask we just don't we just do it? And we don't talk about see your breakfast. Oh my gosh. Well while back there's an actress on his show called smallville. It's not on anymore, but it was superman TV show. I'm sure people have heard of it. Well, she got arrested for involvement in a sex cult and sex, right? She was two one. It was it was like to really. Yeah. Well, she just came out that she pled guilty guilty to like we're talking about, like, like housing girls and breeding them and chaining them up, kind of thing or what's going on. She I joined the group to find purpose in her life. She said on purpose. She said she hated acting and even though she was one of the main characters whatever. So this, this is a group. It's called the Newseum or something. They've got like four chapters. Let's face for them anyway, whatever she thought it was a self help organization because they had workshops and classes and stuff, we'll soon she was recruiting other women, and they all had to get branded with the founder's initials refers to fuck him. Okay. But I mean here again, you're still like we know people who have been branded with their with their Dom initials. Yeah. And you know, it's a consensual thing. It's, it's the non consensual part. We're not if the people Allah cheered for it, and they, they could leave and whatever, then they were actually, they one of the things that got in trouble is they would make them tell all of their most devastating secrets and stuff that would ruin their careers and ruin their they also would take pictures. They would as they did the path style where they black, where they were. They were filming everything all of their stuff. Yeah. And not telling them and then say, I'll tell they're literally the path that from them. They took it from the past. We don't know it. Yeah. I don't remember that this came out before the Pat, though. But you know what I'm saying whatever that same. Same same story line. Right. So, yeah, this, she's only thirty six years old. And she gave the second long chino did. It was all a blackmailing project or was she just which was she, like, what's her nuts? They just just thought that it was okay because two people volunteered for it, and they were, you know, the hor-. No, she can't stand of she knew she knew. Yeah. She knew she. She got other other she knew what it was all about other ever charges, including racketeering, sex trafficking spiracy and forced labor. Well, on the brighter side, she has a more exciting life now. She didn't know what she was going to do with her life. And now she does Shawn purpose cut scissor. Oh, I know I don't ever want to go to jail, now, this sound like a lot of fun. Now, now, now, they're having another party of yes, there's like a gathering.I'll tell. Well, at least it's, it's Saturday. At least that's true. That's not like Tuesday, but it's gonna continue until tomorrow night. I'm sure that whatever whatever here starting early this morning too. Man. Oh, that's right. Religious holiday, the Latins in their religious holidays. Yes. And let's go over somebody's apartment and be really loud outside all night, long bring out the karaoke machine. Not like there's a lot of people, we need a stereo system. That's what I figured we need to stereo system. And we death metal they go. I mean just for times like this. So he could fucking blast the death metal you know what I mean. Like Norwegian death dark. Blackout. Yeah. That's what we need to we do because if you're going to be annoying, I need to be knowing as well, you need to realize how much I can hear you, you, you know what I mean. I mean, I don't think they realized exactly how much we hear them. We are every fucking conversation. You're having out there, every one of them. And you don't know don't know. Well, and it's I just, I'm amazed at the fuck in the lady, like the manager of the front office lives read above them, right? Above them. Probably parties with them. Whatever. Yeah. Anyway. So there's man, he's doing his parents for eighty six thousand dollars because they tossed out his massive porn collection. I heard about this, Jim. Well, he's got a point his fucking pork lecture. Was it just horrid collection? Some of it was visited foreign. Yeah. And like, hat's value. We're talking shit. You can't find any more reproduce anymore that circulated nothing like people would pay big bucks for that's true. You know, and, and basically, if you look at it from an investment point of view, you throughout my valuable item because he, he got divorced, and moved back with his parents and had this gigantic stockpile a porn, and he said it was valued at twenty nine thousand dollars for this porn collect a little crazy. But when you moved out yet. His belonging sent to him and ten moving boxes of porn. Two of them were sex toys, who they said they were gone, they never arrived, and he tried to call the sheriff, and sent forty four emails listening, the titles of the movies that were. No, they didn't they declined to press charges like whatever. And they said most, you know, we'd said the most of the titles were already that are no longer, but his, his dad is dad's like no, I would have done the same thing if it was a kilo of coke. He said, I would have destroyed it. He's got even my son from a lifetime of addiction. David him from his, his, his. I don't know. You don't know what you could possibly be thinking. You're saving them from I mean I get it whatever he watches too much porn. Well, I think we're going to go to your favorite topic, or segment stating by. And on the news, it's time once again for fitness man. Okay. This week's tits man is just absolutely freaking ridiculous. This woman. She has giant enormous tits like there. There's not even a whatever. It's, it's fifty four inch chest and she has ports in them, but she can fill up herself. Oh, why? No. And they are not need. They're fucking ridiculous. She sued, my husband loves him. She's got eight kids. Eight foot and kids and the kids are like mommy's embarrassing. Like she says that her gigantic kits empower women. Okay. But the her, her kids are less than two with power, meet afloat. What I'm what I'm in, you should put air in them to float. She could probably fly. I mean look at those. Those are pretty insane movies, and she could sell Phil. Yeah. She has the ability to be able to change the size removes. Yes. She's she's probably going to keep. She's she's probably going to. Just trying to stretch the skin without getting stretch marks, she's probably wanting to go bigger and their lopsided. One of them's lower than the other one that could just be top. No, it's an Oliver pictures. It's not just the top, those are Ted's goes really aren't her tits. That's those are the bags energy. I bought them their mind. They are. They are. But they're not. But they are. There you but not you. But they're just they are, they're like, Monette massive like she goes out to the beach and plays alert kids, and then just like a mom.We go see the video posted tit, man. Yeah. Pictures? When she's her husband, he looks happy. I, I can't imagine like being being into it. You know, some dudes are. I don't get it like fake boobs. Okay. I don't know. I don't know. I can't even magic what those feel like going to be heavy heaviest book. Yes. That's my point. That's my point. It just probably doesn't feel like a boob and what to stop feeling like a boob. I kind of like boobs feeling like poops Comey weird here, weird stars varies. I like it when it tastes just like snozzberries. It's way better that way to me. Anyway, if you want size varies that tastes like chocolate, great than fake boobs, maybe for you chocolate covers, but I love chocolate cheese. I love it. Well, the avengers, new avengers movie is coming out, and they're atman man flies up Thanasis acid and kills them. I heard that too. It's probably what happens. Spoiler alert. This has been a lot. Well, I haven't seen it. So we don't really even know. Well, it's not gonna come out for Berlin bit, but it's not gonna come out the movie I thought that was. Coming out this week or next week or next. No, they've been having pre-sales, but now it comes on and like, oh really does come on, next like, it's, it's here. So you guys won't hit the spoiler anyway. Yeah. It'll be too late. It'll be everywhere, everywhere. And the everywhere part is atman flies into without Thanos knowing and then expands himself done. Hop Mike as you go up the nose or be what up. Well, nobody nobody really said, you know, they just set up. You know, your dick. Oh, I'm sorry to ask us better. To take. Well, they have a new line of venture sex, toys. Really? Yes, they have the fuck in the glove, his Dennis glove with the say, say love. No. Yeah. Like fist yourself. Oh, it's a fisting toy. Yeah. It's a fist ticket like a sleeve new like a pocket posse. Now it might. But it looks like a fitting being me. They have the hulk which is big and green in vain oak that I could see they have have Thors hammer, but the handles dildo. Okay. So captain America gets plug. Wow, that, that goes out saying, really. And so does so does iron man in the in the black widow is like is vibrating flashlight. I mean, I don't know why I n bands even even a superhero. He's just to fly the plane, you know what I mean? It's got money. Yeah. It's Batman, rich. He's Batman eggs. Xactly without the cool back story. I have no power. Yeah. But if you have money. Yeah. And I'm bored, my father lived, a long, fruitful, life and was very successful. And I do have very well. Your parents died. Yes. I mean at least Batman had that, you know. That band had that watching his parents die. I mean Pat Manson pathetic excuse for superhero to both of them. I mean mostly said spent Affleck started playing him. I used to be a Batman fan until Aflac turned into Affleck. Have you seen my vote at got to kill superman? What's the what's the problem, we finally get a decent actor to play superman and you go try to kill him. What, what? Hey, but Aflac you really? I wanna see wonder woman take strap onto Batman is what I want to say. Ooh, I wanna see some wonder woman, Batman packing. I wanted to be stat of sure it exists, I watched that Saint, Katie link, please. That's right. Please, please. When a what our friends? She posted a Twitter. She's like I'm spending this Easter. Like I did just like I did last year on Easter balls. Deep in someone's but. Girl and someone's but as right. You mean how you spend most of your nights, really? She's been doing quite well with her porn career was her pegging Krier. Well, she does she's she does a lot of fetish stuff like cheese dominant. Yeah. Yeah. She's a, she's a dominatrix she, she had this twenty four seven living slave for while and it was crazy. Call have such fly.Chasis cry. Consider hormel. Battle. I could I could see I could see haven't haven't I could I could see it now. Of course because you want to. Concubine your Harry Henry. There's if you guys are looking for some new art, there's this guy he, he inserts Peyton to his ass. And he squirts, it paint, anima animus. He makes asshole abstract. Okay. You know, okay, I'm just saying, so oh, sim showing pageant. See that. I didn't know if I see it soda, you know, you enjoy it fuck off. Oh, I do. Okay. You enjoy guys doing weird shit with their asses. Yes. You don't say, like, oh I do. Yes, you do it, you fucking know it, you know it. You know it very asks Centric. I am. You know, I have to agree I am. I actually male Harry ask Centric was it has to be Harry. Yeah. But if it is, it's okay with you. I don't wanna like it, but you'll look at it. You'll look at I will. A look at it. Yeah. Like her. But. So everybody's everybody has their own glitter, but painting stuff for the holidays. Boy, showed me this early are doing it with eggs. So now they're doing it with eggs, they're paying their asses like eggs. Yeah. Fucking I if you could fuck it Accu could probably fuck a toaster. I'm gonna tell you this right now. I have pictures of sky woods. He was hatching it. Bunny ears on was he was he was hatching. He was you almost have to send that out tomorrow for Easter discern people, I wonder how is doing. I'm sorry. Find that picture ensure he's putting it out this year. I probably would sit out every Easter. I bet I picture. Yeah, it was he's big muscle bound gay porn star from a long time ago. To actually it's probably been a long time since he's done porn, 'cause I mean, we're talking ten years ago, I used to work for coal. Yeah. Anyway, he, he always had this picture of him all muscle-bound kind of head over with a golden egg coming out of his ass. A little bunny ears on and high stockings stir basket there. Yeah. And he's got this like really bubble bite. Like that's what he known like well, like like, like a weightlifter. I mean he was. Yeah, he was a, a. A somewhat successful bodybuilder, you know, who's biggest fuck heels, muscle probably still is big as fuck. But yeah. Yeah. He used to crack me up, so much like he drove a sky. This name was sky woods. Drove a sky at like. Probably still a sky woods. Out went out for drinks. And he's like a screwdriver noble kind of got sky. Yeah. But he was funny. He was it was a good time. Oh, yeah. The first time we hung out in person we've got to watch a rock cut of one of his new pours before it came out naked on the couch. And tell like that was an odd situation really was not with him. The fact yes, yes screeching. Yes, I could have totally seen all the three of us getting naked. But the weird guy in the back freak me out easily like what is up with the dude in the back, just like comes? Hey, like who fuck is he what's going on? This is weird when he coke. Okay. Well, yeah. But now. Anyway. All right. Well, we're gonna get outta here for the night time is of. And I hope everyone has a great week. Angry restaurant week. Got anything for me? All right, everyone. Well, I love you to death and I'll see you on the social media. I talked to kiss. Bye bye. Does anybody those?
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