#138 – Crazy Girl Pheromone
You are currently viewing #138 – Crazy Girl Pheromone
Crazy Girl Pheromone

Show Notes: 8/29/2016 - What kind of gnome... 6 minutes of almost nothing... Aggressively over pre-preped... Get a blow job with your coffee... Tits will get you everywhere, especially on television (definitely not on radio)... You should pre-prep for life... Maury Povich 3000th episode extravaganza... Some girls just won't let go - crazy girl pheromone... The newest in condom technology - silk woven from a cherub's ass... Katie's attraction to an anime character... Episode of "Squirrel'd Up Katie"... Gawker OOB... Tits Man - Yesterday was go topless day. We'll remind you again next year,maybe... Burner account explained... McChicken fucker... Sperm nanobot... Bring out the gimp for grandma and grandpa... Insert segway here... Animal fucker report... Turn all of your stem ware into fuck toys.