There has been a lot of "Body Shaming" in the media lately. Weather you look at social media, television or magazines, you're bound to find some one putting someone else down for the way they look. Usually it's because society's "norm" is portrayed as plastic, starved & airbrushed women. Don't get me wrong, it's not always about women, men get body shamed too. I saw an ad the other night about an undershirt (girdle) for men. I also want to say that if you do purchase things like this or wear them, doesn't make you a bad person with low self-esteem. I personally wear body slimmers under my clothes. I wear them because I used to be over
weight. I was 352lbs. I had a form of gastric bypass surgery that is rarely performed. I don't even know if they still even do it. I lost a total of 218lbs. I still fluctuate a few pounds here and there, but I stay around the same weight. I was horribly ridiculed and bullied all of my childhood and well into my young adult life. Getting back to why I wear compression/slimming undergarments... I have so much excess skin that can only be removed with expensive plastic surgery. I've gotten pretty good at wearing clothes that hide the loose skin. Do I feel beautiful when I'm naked? No, but I don't need people telling me how bad I look either. It's true that I do put a lot of myself out on social media. Some would say that because I do that it's fair game. It's not. People shouldn't be so harsh about how other people look. What gives you the right to bash someone because they don't meet your "ideal" body image? Why do some people put others down based purely on their outer appearance? Is it because you have insecurities and Body Shame others to make yourself feel better? There are billions of people on this Earth. We don't live in a cookie cutter world. We all have flaws. Some choose to embrace their unique individuality and, unfortunately, they are the ones who do get put down and ridiculed.
Tess Holiday has been in the media lately. If you aren't familiar with her, she is a size 22 model. She has appeared in many fashion magazines and articles. She has also met with a shit storm of controversy for being the size that she is. Some people think that calling her a "super model" is wrong. Why? Because she looks like she actually swallows her food? Miss Holiday is a very lovely young lady and should be respected as such. People aren't used to seeing larger women or even women with physical differences grace the cover of contemporary media. I feel this needs to change. I am happy to see "real" people. Don't confuse "real" people with "reality" people. This so called "reality" isn't real. Every picture you see in a magazine has been altered, airbrushed, photoshopped, cropped, chopped, re-sized and tweaked.
Don't let anyone get the best of you. Be who you are and get that confidence to block out the negative assholes of the world. It's never going to stop. People are the way they are and don't fool yourself into thinking Body Shaming will disappear. You need to stand up and stay strong. Embrace your flaws and imperfections. If someone else doesn't like it, fuck'em! Keep in mind that not everyone is cruel. If you have to give yourself a pep talk from time to time or even everyday, do it. People will deliberately try to hurt your feelings and break you down. You can't let a prick like that take the wind out of your sails or break your spirit. Surround yourself with the right people for your life. Show off your curves, dimples, cellulite, birthmarks, stretchmarks, scars... show off your courage. The more you do, the more it pisses off the negative people... and that's always fun 😉
XXX Kinky Katie