#374 – JO Crystals
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9/03/2021 Masturbation injury update... Katie screwing herself aggressively with the door... Our neighbors are very loud... Katie tries to convince SC to have some mushrooms... Happy birthday to all... What are JO crystals and why must you use them naked with your boys... Your blood can be crucial to another persons hard on... Pain so bad you would choke a bunny or kill all of the younglings... The fear of a shark in the swimming pool... Katie's PPOTW - Muscle men getting sissy-fied... Sexual snuff films on FX... Lady being stupid shoots roommate while playing with the cat... Episode of "Rule 34"... Can vampires smell my period... What kind of blood is good blood?... Too drunk at a fetish party... Gasparilla - Florida trash land pirate season kick off that never ends... Fantasy Fest in Key West, Florida is a bucket list trip of a lifetime... Tits Man - Rubber Doll... Are Katie's parents cousins?... Horney foods - some you've heard and others that you can't believe... The witches of Romania... Get us on YouTube before we get kicked off.

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Kinky Katie's World #374 JO Crystals

00:00:01 - 00:05:00

I bet you get all geeked al. Katie you don't understand a charge. My crystal so good charging my crystal was my brothers. It's so bad. It's like a beacon in the night. That i could see it glow when we all coming to a climax so the weekend has landed all the exist now drugs popes and pies of four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming cattle. I'm gonna talk to strangers all night. I'm going to lose the plot on that dance floor. Free radicals inside mayor freaking tonight. I'm jim travolta three a papa. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family mind. We're going to get more spice. The neil armstrong did tonight. This could be my life sentence. We quitting my. What's the key made and now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl who will go that extra mile to get herself off here. She ask your host the one the only kinky katie. Hello hello welcome to. The show was keeping caters world number. Three's seventy four. I'm your host skimpy katie and with the as ours is my absolutely favorite flash covered. Fuxing mr s. Hey okay we are coming to live. From rule thirty four studios katie radio dot com and radio cast dot net. I think we gotta fund show for you tonight. Sure you've got new tits man you porn pig. He's i don't know. I mean if you're listening to the pre show spray dick heavy and it's kind of funny. You were talking about going about the going to the extra mile for To get off. Sure i have an injury. Update happened yesterday. Okay yeah well. I realized when my back was hurting. I'm like oh remember what you're doing today before. Yes you made yourself sore. Yeah i hurt myself somehow. Okay go fuck it. we'll just get right into it. I i was having kind of like a dream. And i was really. It was really getting me horny. I figured i haven't. I haven't done my my door method in a while roy where you strap on the back of door somehow and Into something well. I brought out the big boy that i don't use normally that i can't use okay. Well i was feeling quite the horn and slept. Say and slip. Ray i suction cup. I got on the floor on my back and i have my legs up against the door. Okay well i section cut it to the door and then you grab the edge the door you can fuck yourself with it right. So that's what. I was as you've been told to do several times. Go fuck yourself. I mean you were just actions really trying to be friends anybody out there. Who just really hates me. I just want you. I fuck myself all the time. You don't have to tell me anymore. Yeah you know. I really appreciate you. Check it up and reminding me constantly go fuck yourself lady. Jala you suck. I do all well. Whatever so. I realized that i guess was the angle that i was at but it really it really back toward. Yeah the great my lower back so you torture lower back with a with a door with a giant dr. Okay you say you were fucking yourself. Was it tour. Yes dettori injury really. I was thinking of home depot. Common household type injury. you know. of course it is. Yeah injured by your bedroom door least i. Can't you know slip on it but you take. There's an insurance claim to be made there something on her renter's insurance cover that well whatever we'll go with geico. They know that you check you like to choke joked do they. Wait a minute are you. Are you guys having discussions by my back. Mean a lizard used to have a thing. Oh boy oh. That's what we're doing now. Okay noah guys. I don't know if you can hear up. But we are once again broadcasting from the parking lot of the palladium. ooh yeah. Part of that too is still speakers onto it worse of making it better anyway. Yeah it's it's very loud holiday weekend. Yeah it's a holiday weekend crazy. And i knew it was going to be a big party tonight because When i opened the door guess were out and the tense around.

00:05:00 - 00:10:00

People were bring party trays over. And they Repainted the repainted Yeah whenever before they have a party they always paint everything they always move. Hershiser put it on our patio and they paint the whole walkway. Okay well you know. Hey l. whatever you want to pay way paint walkway i'd like to you. Yeah i wish they weren't doing karaoke when we're trying to do a show that would be really can't undo that so i gotta roll. People got live this time last year. We we didn't do a live show. Or maybe we did an after the show but anyway we We were taking some shrooms were we. He asked me where okay. Because because i had made kind of like a cryptic post on facebook and he came up with my memory. Said there you go. I was like when the lights go down. Star star to sparkle. Okay okay. i knew what i meant. You knew what you read. I did eric. 'cause i knew a three day weekend do right. Yeah well you know. And take advantage of time. I after no shown negative micro negative. Maybe whatever we got stuff we got i need. I need a few days for that kind of action as frilly. It's the way i tend to do. Things is probably yeah. That's probably the problem. Don't go hard on it. And i always tend to end up going hard. Even though i plan on not going hard it just happens so then we doco hard. I put the rest away. You don't know where i put it. Okay well you know. I haven't taken my jarrett's hall. I haven't rested fully did have sushi last night and and we're going to be busy tomorrow so you know. Yeah i guess so bang theory. I'm happy birthday this week to Lexi are superfan. Shane and jimmy smith really. Yes there are many people. Having a birthday had thing berta. Yeah all right very popular month and while it is. There's a lot of other people too. But you know by talk about these people so it's kind of like kind of like they know you right but these people do know me met you and talk to you several times in prison so anyway. I'm just being weird hair. Your who's i suppose. Oh my goodness oh okay. There is a we found out about things called. I j o chris. Souls jerko chris. Ar jerk off crystals and there was a guy he put a He put a message on craigslist. Ray asking for for other people like minded people who want to cover to recharge their crystals. Now what it means by that is you have to jerk off with with one of your bros. Right and the more you jerk off. It'll start to glow because it absorbs the energy in the crystal that you're wearing neck you try you charge. This mystical crystal bye. Bye jerking off with other men without. Yeah with your brow. Just met with your browser broza. Charge your j. o. Crystal and i think it's absolutely hilarious. And if you if you guys ever watch like a the law and order as she special victims unit stabler used to be on it. Okay fucking guy looks say stabler but the kind from if you if you're familiar with that show happy. They used to come on by no idea who you're talking about. I know you don't focus to i. I know well. Whatever you're saying. Ring a bell. Well anyway you can find other other boroughs to jerk off to to chart crystal and then when it charged up he had like extra powers. I forget what they were something like that right something something something. Mystical and special. Whatever we talked about this we we know a lot of people that are into the whole like crystal thing and stuff like shot and you. Now i say if it if it works for you if you believe in it then i'm not gonna shit on something you enjoy go. Well it's it's it's no different than any other believes that people have been at all now from like religion to anything i am. You just have a different idea of what you wanna do. And obviously if you get amped up by having this thing on while you're doing you're masturbating. Funnier pro's browser then turns your bucket crystal if that's if that's what gives you fucking self-esteem you unita self-esteem i could see it being a like a thing just just i can see being into it. I could see somebody not me being into but somebody being like like.

00:10:00 - 00:15:08

Oh yeah now. I gotta have the crystal and and and they would get extra into the whole project. I bet you. I bet you they get all geeked out. Katie you don't understand Soka charging my crystal with my brothers. Brad as like a beacon in the mac that i could see it glow when we were all coming to a climax so their hand leg close sticks unite. So in that respect. Because you're wearing the thing that you think you're charging it's gonna have special meeting and you probably are gonna have like a an extra time. Bet we'll think about it this way too. It's like those are rechargeable flashlights. shake up. it's working again to charge the battery. Crystals fucking jerk it off to charge certain the batteries crystal well and i. I want to propagate the rumor that way maybe ladies start Wearing crystals all the time and i could just continually think about ladies every time they see somebody with their dirk crystal on. You know that you link up immediately ango to the nearest closet To rub one out in unison unified Not doesn't work. We know it doesn't work with a man and a woman. No you you can make your ladies can do anything. And don't tell me they can't. They can't get any worse they can. They can make their own Jerk off crystals. i'm sure they could purify it in the salts of the himalayan mountain. Just don't stick it up your crotch because that'll caused bacteria. Okay well this paltrow and her jade egg bullshit. Nonsense a. right. Yeah do not. Stick crystals in your crotch. I'll take you'll die. I think you'll be fine kirby while you by but you could get like a killer east infection or something. Yeah put them up there right right. Okay well i say. Roll the dice. Really you know. Go ahead let her rip taylor chip. I take come out cool. you'll be fine. Any worried about coulda have it. When you don't have it i will. I mean i know. I know people that would totally billy. Yeah fuck ya. I wanna give you that damn thing i want it all in your pores. Yeah no that's what. I'm saying. I'll pay you extra. Please do that could get. Did you ever think about that. If you've ever donated blood that your blood is probably in. Somebody's boehner right now You could you could be contributing to someone's or action. Okay just saying. What am i getting to me. Mouth that my blood. What do you mean my blood. What are you okay. hang on. I zoned out there for a second. Are you looking at or tattoos. Haw yes exactly. Fits without twos tattoos with it. Okay it's really depending on which way you want to look at it but yeah what it is and it's on. Well i mean really at the second i was i was looking at cock. Oh yeah no. It was an actual chicken cock right tattoo. It was sure right there. It out well like it. It's a nice car either. You see staring at it. I will get that on my calf. See you get that anyway. It would fit save that watch what i'm working on. Yeah i want that cockpit fit somewhere. I'll make it fit. It looks angry to like my other. I'll find a spot for that one. Fuck yeah we built to now. That's right dukakis right. i can have one calf. Yeah okay why not sure what the focus is saying now what you were doing here zoning out because you were looking at cox okay. We're talking about If you've ever donated blood their gear blood could be in. Someone's fucking hard on right now. It could be. I have donated in so long now that any of my blog that was in. Somebody has now been processed and ted. I think red blood cells only live like so long. Well they could've bagged it up. It had an afraid somewhere. Oh no it would have had to have been close to transfusion day for for my blood to be in that. No telling you i was. I was not connected. Not tiger-led doesn't doesn't know die. Red blood cells die. After i don't know how many days now when you say donated i mean you might have contributed to a by. Maybe you didn't know you donate it. I don't know maybe he was taken. Why would you say that. Way email from someone from the From the blood place and Anyway okay thousand against share red blood cells only live around one hundred twenty days according to whatever this juju later told me.

00:15:08 - 00:20:08

Oh i was the last time you were in the hospital. That's been a while seriously. It's your the hospital prone one. I didn't get any blood taken the last time i was gonna to cal kidney stone. No blood was taken anyone. Nope no no blood. They knew what was going on immediately. You have the look if your pale. And you're sweating profusely and your i would. I would do whatever you whoever you sick me on right. Then if you said look there's doesn't orphans. They all have to die for you. to feel. better. I would have considered a fucking mannequin. I wouldn't. that's what i'm saying. The young gods would have murdered every one of them The young ladies and star wars. For sure if i had a kidney stone right then and The emperor her What's his what's his bag. said i or valvoline there ego. He if he said. I can cheer you. What the dark side of the forest. And again i can stop this right now. You just have to murder young lanes. I really would have to be deeply inconsideration attaboy up. You guys didn't skip breakfast. You know the whole bring bring save the lover part you know. I was never really into that chick anyway so that i could deal with but getting rid of that. Whatever the hell is hurting me right now. Oh fuck yes you hurt point. It's point me in the right direction. And i will do what you need to to get so please make this stop but you you were kind of making a little difficult to get you to the hospital. Because if i you wouldn't like i finally got you in the car and got you there and then you're like oh my going inside. Let's go stomach crab like you had stomach cramps your entire life. I mean you open the door and the parkland through like see. I feel better now. And i'm looking at you. Like oh you dot you've liar. You're having a panic. Attack actually did feel better after i threw up so to be fair To be fair. Yeah so what was the point of talking about kidney. Oh my blood one hundred twenty days. That's it it's been it's been too long. Nobody's fun anymore. You haven't been in the hospital a couple of years so you know what i'm saying the last time as kidney stones right so while you hate to be fair i haven't been in the hospital a longtime either. You bet good. I have been doing right happened having accidents or whatever i still i i have. I have this this fear. And i don't know why it's that it's kind of it's irrational fear. Fear of escalators is pretty irrational. At least there is some danger in there. If you stumbled yet you could. You could slip. You hurt yourself. Here's another irrational fear shock in the swimming pool though. That's just that's flat right there fucking tom. That's well hang on. Hold on wait a minute. Let's say you're pool was filled with seawater through a giant expansion pipe that goes of from underneath and a shark was sucked into the piping system grew up and raise raise there for several years and turnover. Notice it's like ship jaws. It's new coming to sifi this fall. Dark one comes out of the main drain and the nice little saltwater swimming pool on the ship of the giant ship the biggest ship in the world okay. Yeah well select dairy cow. I found a reason. You could possibly. I guess have a or an alligator can happen. You can get an alligator in in new pool because it happens all the fucking time down here or you're visiting drug lord friend and fucking columbia somewhere and he literally has a poll full of sharks with laser beams on their head. Don't be crazy just a tiger in the In the driver definitely tigers. I mean those like like like back in the day when there was tom selleck and the whole hawaii show where he was a negative. Okay that one. And and that whole thing Instead of the two dogs a doberman pinscher they had in that one there's tigers and and as a swimming pool with fucking sharks in it. So i guess in that way it's completely possible and i would say likely. Hey bull sharks bull sharks though can sway murky water well and they they.

00:20:08 - 00:25:03

Some of them have been known to be an even freshwater that well in their suspected even up into the great lakes and shit there were there. Were i dunno rumor to rumor. Yeah lake sharks. It's a thing i think so. You know you get a leg. Obviously he getting your swimming pool. I mean they're connected absolutely asher. It's a reasonable fear. Let's who's afraid of the fucking sharks in polls kids times. yes children. what are they know entered. And it's nobody's todd of any yet they don't know shit. Well jaaz fucking. Put me off the ocean leo. She's not that. When i was little i mean is watching mike. How the fuck it. I'd be scared about that. But then i see it under the water just because you see it on sideways and the like nobody that's somewhat at least there's something behind that you know i mean it's it's it's a possible thing right. I mean there are sharks. Emotions are sharks in the ocean. And if you're afraid that you can. I mean you know that's unlikely but you know it could happen by a shark in the shin. No i know what we live in florida. So having yeah. There's there's sharks around. Why are we in. But it was normal water. I mean i've bumped into sharks and that wasn't necessarily school like a nurse shark doesn't bother me at all. I mean by them either. But if i can't fuck and see it and i don't know what the hell it is i'll feel is like i'm like i'm not. I'm not panicked about it. If i see her shirk. i'm just like i'll i'll i'll totally chill out with a nurse shark. Well i'm not afraid of sharks. Yeah i'll put it that way. It's the other ones and shark or something fun that slamming great way. Whatever you can eat a lemon shark right. You need a lot of them. Yeah but a lot of 'em pieces or skin so it's hard stingrays or some sharks as well. that's not. I don't think it's directly skin. Raise stingrays all the time. You know some skate right now is just like the basis are scanned. I wanted to nature. It is a p. Through everything which somewhere. Let's go to my favorite segment by standing by. It might not be the porn. You would pay point katie wine. It's time once again for so my porn pick for the week since. I am at the week where i'm very agitated very angry and i'm giving a fair and because everyone in this household has been like up my by and very nice to me and i am not a nice person around provo. Everyone in this household. It's only me and you and three cats. Oh the cat's okay. Well i mean do. They really count and ask. I mean when i get this way. Yes they count. Because they're up my breaking but well you bred them that way there. Your little fucking creations. I did not raise my cats to be that way. Yes you did like however they are is how you raise them to be what i'm saying. Not sarge okay. I mean we are going to break down the personalities of what is this. Does your pornpakdee into happening. Okay well i just happened to me. I've been. I've been feeling very violent. I guess so apparently and very very just oh sure so. My porn vague has been lately has been like muscle man getting sorta sissy fide and serious strap on play but like not my type of guy yet. Like like chad. Just a book you get get his ass destroyed. Yeah yeah yeah. Chad chad prolapse. As himself like john cena or you know. He's speaking mandarin the entire time. I probably do well on that video. Probably keep it out on you to know where you could just gotta get suspended again. See in six months anyway but you but yeah but that's that's been what's been really getting me going. It's just mean miss. Yeah yeah her play or something and maybe even like a german accent doboy big. Yeah wow foreign language to yes. Oh yeah oh yeah yeah.

00:25:03 - 00:30:03

yeah like. They started like fucking bitten. Vile things at them just saying yellen stuff and they're just. I don't know what need get punished for. Not knowing would gladly to it. If i understood anything you just said. Well that's what and then if you go back to their that's why porn- particularly week the I've been watching the new season of american horror story right and there was one scene in the last episode where one of the guys spoilers. He he goes to get some food and the the people that he ends up going to see. It's this chick she's a they make Sexual snuff films right ray. They're making snow about not actual snow now actual snuff upright in near show. Yeah i was thinking reality yen. No right so in your american horror story show. They're making stuff elves in this innocent network. Television show isn't it no f. fx cable well not or he goes to see this one girl she ends up just takes down to the To the basement. Or whatever right dude in there. And she's like well you make fuck snuff films i take. I saw that part over my shoulder here earlier today. Well jude like looped. Up with chris cowboys. She's like he's gonna turn your asshole into a blooming fucking blue rosebud and then he's gonna touch it poking fuck it some more and now y que. I don't know and then. But then i got grossed out when we watched this dislike video on youtube out piper lining that you you used to do for. The one company did a large stuff. It was just a video of people of workman Doing doing very well exactly wasn't even a prolapse but but he kind of looked like a prolapsed heinous but it's a little epoxy sock being blown into a hype and you're like oh god turn it off turn it off. Okay because the The balloon part that pops looks exactly like a fucking rosebud. Bright red red balloon. It's just half subject to use the red balloon. Rippin better visual. Would you gotta fist it. When you're done you know that's what happened. So she was like freaked out by that she was like. Oh my god no up and you. You're going for aggressive war. John cena rape. That's maybe because. I had sex this morning. It could be. I don't know but yeah no i. It's been it's been pretty violent like i have been. I've just i've just been been fucking stressed out. I've been all fall panicky. I've been just angry very angry person. Ray as you look at me to come with me. We've been having sex talking about. I know what's happening. You've been really nice to me. Seeing you ready to get you a little stress balls you could squeeze or some little little stress balls. Maybe a fidget spinner. Something like something. Maybe i can interest you in a cat toy of some sort laser beam. Who there's this there's this woman. She shot her roommate in the leg because she was using a laser from scope from her gun for the cat toy and she ended up shooting her friend by accident in the leg. I was like oh my god now. That's some stupidity to they tell you all the time i mean. They really do anybody. Blazers cub scouts will not really ever. Anybody told me that at all. Don't use the laser the laser that's attached to your gun to entertain the cat but it's always dealt pointed at anything you don't to shoot like there's just an excuse if you're pointing something. Hopefully you intend to shoot said thing that you're pointing at. Don't even have any you what the thing is too is if you ever go hunting. Sometimes you'll be walking around and somebody will be like because they have a scope on their rifles so they're pointing the rifle to see who you are and they're not necessarily look into shoot you. They're just trying to see. Oh they're a hundred over there and it's such a bad thing to do because it's like you're always stop stopped just fine. Look honor god damn good for us just to say. Please stop pointing. You're gonna hit me. I'm up like a mile away so you're not safe or whatever but however what can we just not do this. I don't like want to be the due to get shot by some other by everglades. That deers where it orange. You guys are never getting my fucking giant body out of this goddamn swab. Terrible gesture feel judgeship. Jesus fuck i'm gonna you're gonna come over to check on me.

00:30:03 - 00:35:03

I'm gonna take you with me. Just saying sada lafley was all have the will deliver long enough to take you a and pull you into some mudpit with an alligator and shark shark in. The everglades may be because they can get their like alligators. We're gonna go episode of thirty four and when we come back we've got an interesting movie that We need to check out and murals. Have a brand new tits man and other shite so enjoy around yum time bullet tasty and refreshing snack woman. She she won the guinness world book of records for having the largest mouth. That's fit in a lot of dixon. They're like you could just like cranberry like joey. Chestnut style tugging bittered club contact information for version. Yeah really just. I just had the idea of. She can suffer mouthful of marshmallows and still blow job at the same time. And that would just be funny walk comey. It's just like the chevy buddy right boston cream version of it. You know as bad. Is it really no not really alex out for for a girl. Just it was bad enough. She has the world's largest miles now she now. She definitely knows that somebody wants to suffer mouthful of marshmallows and then put her deck inside at the same time. I even know that was insane. Somebody's always you're on the internet. Therefore you are game late. can't help people from. I can't help my imagination. Goes right goes. Yeah yeah i mean i could lie to you and tell you it didn't happen but i didn't have but you pictures improve anything. Fuck you honey. We're playing goes again. Replay and stave off arch. Melamed died last year's your money. I know on with the show i saw. Welcome back to katie's worlds Role thirty four studios radio dot com. Read okay dot net little tribute to Outside festivities you go batches the background music that everybody has to hear. You can give me on twitter at kinky katie. Radio can caterer dot com. Can you kin- gmail.com google me. You'll find olive my links and scheidt and you'll also find free pictures of of minorities and other areas in any any kind of like the song though. It's kind of cute. I do. I do too well so i've i've kind of i pratt okay. So tall kick it. And now i've been prepping ever since i got home from my little air in this morning. So it's you know it's the building in compounding right and they had a red bull.

00:35:05 - 00:40:00

Wow you're okay now at this point sure you know. Hey we're on the downward slope. Right now downhill. I say really you can deal with anything. I can almost cause. I fucked my soul daily. Well i didn't say daily. I'm saying people remind me to. There's there's this movie right i forgot. Do you guys want fuck myself. I just just trying to be considered living your dream. There's a movie came out. Someone made a halloween porn called can vampires smell my period. Okay yeah well. Of course they can they have ultrasensitive swell. They just don't care. Yeah but would it be decide I don't want mel's like here amy period. We've heard that from people in the blood play very specifically unleaded administration. Yeah which is an which is weird because a lot of people don't mind going and getting the earning their red wings so excited right. I mean you're swallowing. Get it all over their face. I mean it's fluid. What are you. What do i care. I mean fuck. There was some strange sucked my tampon. I don't know what they did when they scrambled for the wines. I wasn't paying attention after that. Assure you can have it. Take it to kid. Yeah the splatters. Own fucking gross right. If you didn't take it was gross. I don't know at the time you're totally right. But now when i think about it and i go back to. You have a red wing regret you allowed to be red wings. No bar now. The club now on top of a bar one time bar halfway in tight of power behind the mark of a thousand people and people i know thousands probably a little high but you know a lot the whole top floor. Would he ever fit in their elbow-to-elbow. Sure you have a problem with it. Then no you're all about it. I didn't take stuff over. I know right. i'm not. I'm not saying about problem with at the time. I'm just saying you know i just resetting your memory 'cause you know you remember something you you just wipe it out making him every. So if you're wobbling your memory addressing wait wait a minute time out. You had to create fucking time. So i used the only time you stopped having fun. That night is when you tried to climb down the stairs ago. Hold on. I remember because i your viewer ripped. I was fucking ripped down. There was a very steep staircase. I've got big fucking feet as wearing gigantic boots and half of the of the staircase didn't have a railing. Sure makes it fun. When you're drunk you know yeah great various substances. Doing whatever you were doing but security was very nice. Sure the door guy. He was offered to catch you at the bottom of the stairs. After you rolled all the way down well then started to slide down on my but while by one then he's like god damn get up late came over like helps me up all right. He's like your yup. he's your problem. Now they're bro of a professional at a forklift lifting you into vehicle. Not i mean. I'll tell you the wheel action. I'll get you there. Go getting into poochies fucking bronco. Right after a night of fuckin- fetish festivities that all you're right in just okay lately leeann okay. You got your laying on it. I'll look you're asking the healed will at least you're not gonna fall down into something you know what i mean. Just going to be quite simple. I'm just gonna you're fine ready talking about it. I laugh my ass off at you. Of course you did. And i didn't die. At least this was before like cell phone cameras nearly video by video. I don't yeah. I don't think there would be people. Had them pictures. People know people had had. Maybe they know their camera phones for sure for sure there was. You had to make a phone call with the rotary phone and to look stuff up in a telephone book symtoms they were on the corner and it cost a quarter call. Somebody and they never cared. No no fucking gasparilla season has started now. Their first parade was today. And you probably don't know 'cause you live in a sane part of the world or the country or wherever it is you're listening to but here in florida trash land gasparilla yearly festival and yeah.

00:40:00 - 00:45:08

It goes on for like six months. And it's all pirate base. Everything is pirate every rigo are i mean. It's just like everybody. There's one hundred and eighty two parades. Happen whom i got night and neither. They're everywhere you go. People are beads on you will see actual people walking around in pirate where just anywhere throughout this. It seems like six months but it's really probably a couple of floors. There's no because. I mean they're things like there's guava wean which is part of gasparilla. There's fuck just halloween. I mean there's so many events go. Oh my god well. It's almost like redneck mardi gras to be honest with you. Yeah kind of what it reminds me of. Yeah yeah like if we had redneck caribbean fast. That would be it. It would be the gasparilla gasparilla pirate john. I mean they even have this gigantic pirate ship. That they sail around the bay. Right right soup fucking cannons from it right. We have to understand that. We're not actually from here so when we moved here. We're like okay cool. I've heard you guys have prayed and it's all about pirates whatever and fine but then you find out it is like it really is probably three weeks a month. I would say i can thing i mean is no. It's different jody's right like even if you get stopped by cop they're like. Are you know how fast you're going there. It's like wait if you've ever seen video of somebody who lives there lifelock a pirate. There's a good ninety five percent chance they live locally here somewhere. Oh my god forbid florida like that. One fucking steve. The pirate from dodgeball. Br ec steve. The pirate would definitely be from tampa game pete for sure. This whole area breeds pirates. For some reason. I don't know why some history i oregon drunk new. No we're doing during the day bach and what's new pirates. Your your ancestors. I mean you re two generations ago you guys lived in vermont and originally. You're from russia. What do you mean new alike. You have nothing to do with you know florida. There aren't too many people who are like multigenerational. Leave from here just not as many you came from somewhere sun and now you're you came here. Could you want it to be fiery. Live around a bunch of pirates. And now there you go. Now you're pirate so yeah so it is. It's nothing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary to like walk into his several seven or go into I don't know like a fancy restaurant. Egli wigley sees someone dressed as a pirate head to toe. Big fucking feather sometimes alive parrot. The adult parade is is a good time. If you're into parades shed a drunk part of town. Everybody's party and having a good time as far as that goes you know. I can see that but as long as you need to go somewhere that you can walk to. Because there's traffic is an absolute nightmare where we could be reasonable here. Rap all of this up in one weekend pretty easily think i think so or just do it like a fantasy fest. Have a one week one solid week. Not just a weekend go very go. That would be better than like a month or however long it is. It seems like it lasts forever. 'cause fantasy stats on key west. Since last week in october able ten days in october added a. It's fucking bonkers. It's it's worth a trip for anybody to go to fantasy fast if you could ever arrange it in key west if you want to see nudity of all shapes and sizes are you have to be really comfortable with with gay and lesbian people for sure lots of perverted people perverted fun sexually driven drunk drunk drunk drunk in their mind right right and it just happens denied after night for. Yeah no i know. I'm like every every they do have a parade they only have one of them. I could barely. I can barely remember going. I mean literally fairly. I have i have maybe maybe three minutes of memory from spending like four days at fantasy fest i very fuzzy patching too. I do remember why we did flipper shirts. Flip them inside out of lodge little booty shorts like me. And that redneck dude that i hung out with all the time and it was. We fucking blast now. This have forget. Awesome and i love going to stopping at the flying monkey and getting some high octane. It was just like slushy stand but they had like i don't know nine or ten different guises slushies but they all were like ninety percent alcohol.

00:45:08 - 00:50:05

They're like this one's got ever clear. Actually they all bear away. Oh my god walker out his. I i yeah. That's that's worth a trip for. Anybody who wants you know everybody's pretty much on the same little island. What i mean. it's really it's a small place. Yeah there's it's key. West is not very big at all. So i mean but you have you have to booker. You're gonna stay time. Yeah yeah or else knew somebody. That's why it was great when my parents used to have a house down there because that's the time that i went a friend of mine. We went down and we spent like three days at my at my parents house. We were by ourselves that are oh jeez i mean it's it's another one of those like carnival type situations you know. Yeah people listening to us have to have had had heard of fantasy fast before we get be bringing to them This to them new. They know about this. They have to or if anything it's like. Hey i think. I'm gonna put it in the digital eater and i'm gonna look it up. You should look it up because you'll see lots of pictures. Yeah right get to know what's going on. What's up with the white sabra. It's a good time my my old boss from fair villa. He was the Not he he was like the king of the carnival. Oh the cada republic right right. He was like the master of ceremonies at the. At the parades episode. I thought that was kinda neat. Whatever they call it. The grand poobah move whatever yeah master. The master of the conc. I don't know. Yeah that's i don't remember they Let's go her her further. He's such a nice guy to his. Yes a nice guy and he owns a really cool porn stars. Several of them all right. Let's go to your favorite segment was shit. You did one. I know standing by boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for after last week. He's like yours. You didn't do like I realized that. Okay sure done so. We'll some sometime. Sometimes you you just some visceral their excuse me okay anyway. Back to the jets fan. I don't know what it is. Why are you looking at me. I'm not driving driving in the middle of a sentence. When i when i when we're going down the road you just let it go to the wheel of going. I don't know you I'm the one behind the wheel but jesus to talk anyway anyway. All right well this. This week's tense. Man is brother doll. She has got big old bubis. You can get our at rubber doll on twitter also. I've got several websites that we will put her on. We'll put it on the On the show notes speaking fetish parties. Yes we've seen her perform before we've seen her at exotic a couple of times She's got at least a dozen different Fetish events and strip clubs. Choose feature stuff like that. it was. She is super duper awesome. She's very very nice. He's got some really big boobs and keven houston hardcore porn. So i think she's still burn. Thank you perked up for that one. Your wow you're going. Nordica me to make fun of the nord's my people i and nor dip shit part of my people. I don't really know but i think see crate. It's both in. Its in our heritage for both of us. Yeah it is so. I think we know now. That's what i'm told. Tell me that. But then again you know and i don't wanna do that twenty-three meeting these are do i. I've happy not knowing what was that like. I don't really care where i come. It's it's kind of funny when Is my my my mother. Don't do it because then they have your information like are you sure. that's why. Are you sure that that's why you don't want me to do it. is sometimes i don't know turns ally my father my father you know. Hey towed out. Their mother and father were cousins. All along that i die. That's why you don't hang out with the rest of the family. That's why it's all weird and nobody knows anything about it. That's why we got shunned by shawn because you were you. Were the cousin fuckers that that's the cousin fucker branch over there.

00:50:05 - 00:55:00

I don't know i don't know either. Say i mean if if so i married the best the daughter of a cousin fuckers so i mean obviously i don't care how you're not my cousin i accept you. We don't think you're my cousin here again. We don't know we're not sure we just gave in the family or a threat around. We already know what would the lies that we were told. They told the santa claus israel to any easter bunny drugs killed. Here's your brain and here's our fried egg. It's you know if you take the you're to go and set your clinically insane after that. Maybe if you haven't taken it weirdo. Thank god crazy man anyway so for robert hall so rubber doll. She's got and she. She's called rubber doll because she always wears latex And she she she puts on awesome shows to row when the I wanna see say we've seen her do like every time. It's always a different act but like from sideshow type stuff like did she do. She do sword swallowing did she. She did this one where she was like. A robot or something there another one. There's big few feathers lights fire. I mean she's she does. She does need dot retain a lot from those things. She's really ought too when when you go. Look at her video spray. 'cause i mean i'll send you send you were. Oh and also. Here's another thing that i just completely forgot about. Until now she She promotes that her. Only fans is free right. If you wanna go check her out on only fans three ca- check it out for dolphin apparently for another Fairly while throughout. That can't be true. Well i don't know. I mean she. She's always made a living no she was. She's always been pretty popular fetish model and performer for. Yeah because we've we've lived here for almost nine years or eight years. And even before i mean at fifteen years ago sh- chew when i when i was working in orlando dot. Sos like i know her. I didn't know she did porn. And yeah yeah well because we would see her perform at fetish events right. We never really talked to her. I don't remember talking tour. At least maybe we did but yeah but not a lot. Now is an actually. I talked to her a little bit on on online. Yeah online so. I just don't remember talking to her edited event anywhere. That's all anyway. She's a busy little be right mojo and say little okay. Well here is something new you know. Everyone talks about aphrodisiacs. Right do and the wall there. There's some that are a lot of people have heard more often. And there's some that might surprise you. I've got some that. If you're if you're girls not feeling very warn you could make her dinner or take her out or something like that and things you can ingest break saying no. I don't know what you're saying. But i probably will here at some point. Okay you know like people say easter's royster sure right. That's that's what i'm saying but there's some stuff that aren't so old that i've never heard of before like spinach spinach. I like right. Yeah they say. Spinach helps to increase your blood flow and the minerals in a will actually increase your lido. Okay so you wanna fuck and get like popeye diving cutters. What you're saying. I mean you saw what it did do was forearms. Imagine what it said to a steak. Jeez i know your ticket thicker right right just asking. Maybe i had a lot of spanish. I said i said that to him the other the other day because it felt like that he got thicker. Yeah you did. I don't know why. I wanna dark chocolate dark for talk. Tar cia yeah. I've heard that you i'm sorry. I forgot how to speak english. And i heard that was an effort issue. That's another one that's been around for a while hot peppers right so i like take him out for tacos and shit. I mean really love tacos anyway so to wash your hands. Oh god yeah yeah. Go to the source. I'm to rub street cap space in on your button right. No that's what i'm bucket. Habanero scotch bonnet. you're suggesting how peppers to increase libido. I could see a situation in which somebody's like you know. I want my bang. Bang a tie hot. You know the next time. I go somewhere and then you go home and try to do a little baggie. Bang you and your sweat out The hottest peppers thailand can produce out of your pores. But maybe that's the thing though. Maybe it's expensive and really okay here again.

00:55:00 - 01:00:03

It's going to burn you not me now. Imagine you know like going kind of rough on the anal sex or something. I don't think. I would have to rough on anal at all. I think we can go a hundred percent badge in. This situation would still be uncomfortable. Just saying i think just the essence of hot pepper. He's slinging fire and his ropes. You know like if we were doing the pepper eating competition or something were really packing in a lot of it. You know there were sweat out for two or three days Guidance can see. Please put me in a hospital doctor. Induced coma. Just give me through this. I don't wanna feel the damn thing. But i don't know i mean i'm sure after you live through some seriously hot stuff. Maybe you do get randy. Oh baby gives you the milk anima though it feels so good afterwards. I can't ima- co star to my house and then scored mouth no solid on asian website. Which i i was like. Oh no that's not for me know green tea now. I was reading green tea last night. You were the other night. Yes last night. So i was. I was getting quite. Yeah but another thing that we had is crab right. Gra is that on your list. To crack. Crab is an aphrodisiac. Ginger which you had entire fucking fulla ginger pickled ginger sir tasty to me it to me it just. I like ginger put. That shit tastes like soap. I don't really ginger to not like the cheap pink shit. The gingerly respectable taste. It was manila folder. Color liked it. But there there. I i i don't know if it was me. But there was savvy like didn't have first of all they give you like just ungodly amount and then like didn't have much flavor like it wasn't no because i think in it from like a piece or something right. Yeah yeah. i'm sure there's really good places that are doing the whole thing but you know it was good now. We're not doing that. We're we're we're here you know just before Pirate fast here in tampa bay florida. We're not doing any fancy fucking sharks gained grinding though. It's not happening now. no. I'm sure it exists here somewhere somewhere. There's some rich bagged. it's it's the although it probably is tasty. I will say they the mayo that they put on. The little takis was fucking delicious. That's probably keep mayor. And i found out i. We're all over the place but i will say i found out that is a in asia market dude right right in the same plaza twisty cherry. Do they sell rhino testicle. No but do they probably sell keeping mayo baby so search for the tasty. Yeah aren't everybody well. Others more stuff on us lists pay. Would you mean what. Give me some more aphrodisiacs. I need to know this stuff manners really enters. I don't know it's because if they're phallic like or what happened because this is only if you use the manner for tabasco with before it's eaten. I mean we all we want. We just watched a whole video on Use fruit for good no we. It was a video on the the Which is of romania. I mean they're powerful witches and. I'm sure that's what one of tell you one hundred percent share. That's what they would tell you that you need to fuck yourself with a banana. And then make enough ebb. I just saved you a whole bunch of money and and romanian Witching you know yeah yeah. They don't have to heck's anybody and you have to you have to flagging heat up some grass in a pot with cat and dog shit on it. Put cake topper in. it will. At least that's what they did for this. One girl's particular curse. She was cursed with a broken heart. Rate chetta nightmare to make your stati more shit. Wow whatever works for you. Fuck it western union or money grammy. Yeah so we're okay you're fine. Yeah that's right. I don't need any pooh on me. You right right. I don't know where. I was going with the russian which is i was going somewhere. I got lost. Nana's eat a banana. Oh it's like. Oh yeah this guy. I don't know either. You just said that was probably something that they would tell you to do. Your libido was eat a banana yeah that's probably scientists giving evidence in that you know. We never explained to people that we were suspended on youtube for a week. And then they took away their suspension. Strike after we've after we served a week that's right.

01:00:03 - 01:03:01

We served a week sentenced. So i mean but at least at least in my problem i get. I can take it off facebook. But you're the one that gets taken off of But i didn't had nothing to do with. I know which is so this really and there's one they take away the thumbnail and then what they do. Put up the same image. That had thumbnail. It was really bizarre. Say i don't like this thumbnail because we take it has nudity and there's no duty but then from the episode they do a screen shot of it and it was the same average. That was funny. that's hilarious. What do you mean that's awesome. So anyway what i'm telling you. Kids is the time is limited. I'm gonna tell you now it's only about tying again before. Yeah 'cause this is always how it goes. It is this is why we didn't do them forever. Is they know it always disappears cities. You start building some traction. They're like well yeah. We're not very slot. Heavy now You just you know you guys are are spreading. Sex mis information elderly Okay baby sub have really a high enough following on instagram. Let's gives you refuse to look at it. I know how that instagram work. Shanna somebody explained to replace sars. Tell me about what can i do own. I what i can't do on there. Does anything whatever like you know piano. But i'm talking about do right so if we disappear for any any period of time or video star stop avid. You know what's going on. Yeah just go to my twitter or email me and i'll tell you what's up. Hey who knows. You're lucky i'll make you a video personal video. Okay seems like a deep prowess jesus. It's only about that beep stuff anyway. I know i've stuck. Hudson is everything. I've tried to fit in it. I said inside past the door like get past the boundaries. It's fine it all goes all right. Everybody well on that note. I hope you have a great day. We'd muncie trip ship. Whatever the fuck you do you have any maters. I guys writes. Buddy bob does anybody does.