#366 – Erotic Humiliation
You are currently viewing #366 – Erotic Humiliation


This week!

7/11/2021 Trying on new outfit... Katie's attraction to strange scents... Katie's Porn Pick of the Week - pheromones and ball funk to the face with CDawgVa... Katie's revised celebrity crush tier list... Erotic humiliation - Katie humiliates a man at his own request, and the man regrets it... Is meat juice erotic... Getting a catheter and sounding. What's the difference?... Masturbation injury, how does it happen to Katie... Episode of "Rule 34"... The Dechoker might save someone from chokeing... Katie's flirting with ladies needs help... Pick up artist ridiculousness... Package pouch underwear actually makes your junk look bigger... Women flirting with women. Katie still having issues... Tits Man - JinxNW... The pay pig that killed his family in front of his obsession... Just end the story!... Finish that dick.

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Kinky Katie's World #366 Erotic Humiliation

00:00:01 - 00:05:00

The internet's the internet. And what are you gonna do exactly what you wish for is what you're saying. Is that the moral of the story. And i've got. I've got fucking naked pictures of a lot of people but they're not way to say that what that's a weird threatening way to say that i've got naked pictures of a lot of people feel if you're listening. Remember remember remember. I got your take from fifteen. Angles has landed all the exists. Now club strokes. Popes and pies. I've got four hours from the world. Man i'm going to blow steamer my screaming kettle. I'm going to cut shit to strangers all night. I'm going to lose plot on the dance floor. The free radicals me a freaking tonight. I'm chip travolta on three popper. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family. We're going to get more spice dot with strong advocate tonight. This could be the best known from the quick buck burn. What's the milky and now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring you a girl that gets really turned on by some very very strange smells your host the one the only kinky katie. Hello and welcome to the show. This is world number. Three sixty six. I am your host katie with me as always is not cream pie baker maker the one the only my favorite plus covered flexibility mr s e. Well okay. you're right we are coming to. You live from thirty four studios. Katie radio dot com. You dot med oak. Well i think we've got a fun show for you tonight. Okay we have got a brand new tits man. But it's a special edition for you. It's it's It's a special set edition okay. I don't know what that means at all. Well i actually. I know this. I know this triple extra large tits man beauty Personally and you do too. Okay you do okay. I'm they get. I'm like why have i never talked to. Why have i never had her as the anyway. So she's going to be the future for this week. Yes my porn be the week two and Other bullshit the app about so that's cool. Today is the. If you're listening live today is the very last day at the indigo. Gopher kill camps. If you want some cool perks photos elephants from from the from filming from the movie you can go and back. Get some cool shit tired too late. Basically is what you're saying. Well if there if there were people listen live okay. So there's them there's them but if you're watching this story thirty too late you guys silly. I'll let you know when the movie's out. And i was hoping i was hoping to get it done before. Before the seventeenth because the seventeenth is the tampa bay summer swap shop. So if you wanna go get some really cool shit and see some people and meet me. Because i'm going to have prince a sexy pictures of me. that's right. Rinse or prince. Yes okay sexy motherfucker anyway but at the event only it's only going to be a dollar so if you want a picture you can have but you can take pictures with me if you want you. Because i'm gonna say hi and be all nice states. But i i think i'm gonna wear my My michael myers alphabet. I'm going to try to. It's been almost two years since i wore it last wicket backup. Just wait till right before you're supposed to leave to try it out. I know that's what you need to do for sure. And try some new body lotion or something on my face. Our joe or you some. Just choose what i give you. This is great. put any makeup afford. It has to be something that that that will wear on. You can't give you an immediate reaction. You not mean you have to make it there without knowing that your your ads is on fire by as is on fire and then i've got purpose latches on my face. I don't have to go purple splotches that you know. That's a little too far joke really move. I don't know. I mean just slater tation. You know well so where i was going with. This is what. I was saying that i wanted to get it done before the the seventeenth thing might not happen but i wanted to get it done. I wanna get that tribute tattoo from for. Kill cam okay okay. I don't know all right. Sounds like a plan neat.

00:05:00 - 00:10:01

Well that's what i was planning. But i don't know you're you're truly an addict you know i ask. You can't stop. i can't no i. I liked the feeling you're compulsive am once. I got you compulsive once they get one. It's like you know. I may bitch about it and say oh god. It's on fire like feels that they burns. And but then as. I'm saying it like putting motion on. I'm like kay what's my next. It almost sounds like a lot of your early sex stories. Most that whole situation you just described rubbing the lurch at guy Hurt can we cried my next dick. Now how all of it's all over the place. So kind of going back to back. Well during the intro. You're talking about how. I am into some very strange sensor sniffer. I am i am a sniffer. You've developed into like you've always been a little sniffy. But you're now you're self aware you're a self-aware sniffer. You understand that you do like like fair. Whatever it is. I'm not sure moans. And that's working let's roll into my my favorite segment and then we'll get into my drake. They're are looking right at me to me wasn't looking at you just trying to make me look bad. It might not be porn. You would pay. It is point. Katie wine it's time once again for a pick of the week what's been kind getting me going is is fair moans gone and it's kind of funny that you up that pet a whatever it into thing and this is not something new. I mean. we've talked about this before you just carry your face into my neck usually again. Yeah yeah yeah. You mind. When i was chasing you with paul My fingers now and you did. You just slapped it across smeared across my face. I warned you i. I wanted you several times. I really didn't think you'd do. And i called your bluff and i was wrong. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna fake. Why like. I'm not gonna just threatened to weigh on your face you did. Yeah of course. Of course you have to follow through with stuff like that. Well i guess so how you ever gonna learn anything if you at least at least there's one thing that you you understand that what i say. Hey if you do not stop trying to sniff my my neck. Every time i turn around if you do not stop doing that and you just give me a minute. I just walked in i will white ball funk and i reached out my pants took a big swipe held it up and said now all you have to do is just leave me alone and you went i so you got to the face i did is mad and told you is. It's it's just that fear not uncomfortable miss with you to that kind of makes a really hate it when you do this. I feel gross them. Like yeah like gross. Gross steve. You really don't like to do you want me to do it easy now. We have a whole show to get through. 'cause you'll start you'll start tales reading and thinking about it and then that'll be the only thing on your mind instead of like talking. I don't know that part of the. I'm in that part of my cycle where i believe. I'm disabled corny. You are. i'm really fucking horny. Because another thing that's been that's been kind of get me going to is my my twitch crush connor reading yeah reading. Yeah we and for you guys don't know jali is it's It's game manga. Japanese comics gay pornographic japanese male comic books. Yeah and he's he does voice acting for a lot of ama's yes and so he's a good voice actor so he does the voices as he's reading the comic book. Yeah and you know homo erotic. And i hadn't i hadn't checked it out I heard them talk about it. But i haven't checked it out before but then i checked it out. I was like yeah and he gets so nervous too because he kinda well it comes across like he's getting turned on it and then he'll make a joke like oh god who would say. Why would you put that in there.

00:10:01 - 00:15:00

But moved i know for sure. What did you put on. I made alpha it again. And then uh i liked i like dudes in female. 'cause i don't know why but i really dig it especially if you're confident about it i mean even when there's like like a there's this big burly bear raw raw and hughes just up like sailor moon and i fucking love. Didn't even bother to shave his chester's face. It was fabulous. And i just feel like the contrast there between something very small and feminine and big and burly not not not not really picking though. That's not not that. She's just like men in female costs plate. Repeat burly really because even a lot of the ones. We've seen with connor a lot of times. He has a beard or part of appeared. Okay that's what you mean by burly. Because when burly i think like like you will facial hair chair bigger build because connor is not. He's not big but On on the ones most of the ones that i've seen where he's tried on these anime costumes it's always like he's always got has appeared. So there's always that It's like that. There's a japanese wrestler lady beard. Yeah the same thing. Pigtails may trash talk. it always a japanese schoolgirl outfit. Yeah oh yeah. You're totally into that contradiction. But he also looks really damn goodness ooh to go making sure. It looks real nice. Assume that red headed british guy kind of way redhead. I wouldn't no blonde strawberry dirty blond dirty dirty blonde blonde. Okay whatever who everyone listening to. We don't give fuck. What do we don't know who you're talking about. What however though. It's just a of the week. Just the you'd be amazed by the people that that katy it will be into subtypes like it might not be who you think she would be into for whatever reason. Yeah a lot of times. I'm even like really okay. Librarian holleran okay. You still you like that. that's you know. He seems like a nice guy. i don't know he was an asshole. When i chatted with him. Okay he was really nice. Well that's that's good. No but also i. I don't think he knows that we. I've talked about him several times on the show and he used to be on my on my celebrity. Fuck list okay. Know used to be he's also lists now. I kind of to make room for seadogs. A i had i re- yeah that's true. You might be my steps on al pacu up pudding cup up now. Revamped it for four. I don't know just because time changed your revamp. What what are you talking about my celebrity. You reviewed it and decided to your celebrity tearless our chain. Yeah changed some stuff. Okay no okay so holler is that on anymore. No now like he cared anyway. There's somebody who said to me like that beside my wife will. Yeah meaning a fan. Yeah that was. He was in Just so you don't know clerks the black or white kevin movie dante okay. That's all right. Because i know he's a household name and all i mean a lot of people definitely know who he is for sure. But it's one of those things when you first come up with us to me and said ito like you talk about which levers you bag and i'm like well who wouldn't i bank first of all a but you got your list of people i it really. It was just like okay. Seems almost achievable one of the well. One of the other people was Was matt lauer. Okay matt lauer. See exactly where i fit into this gaggle of dork there but you you really do. You tend to like nerdy guys. You really do idea. Uh-huh thing. yeah yeah for you. That's almost like you. Have you have a which is weird. It's kind of weird when you look at me and listen to me. But i guess i do a lot of the same dorky things but in a way in a way more of a i you know. I don't know how i fit in is what i'm saying. I'm not sure how i fit into this. This group here. I don't know. I don't know either bill. You're not a celebrity.

00:15:00 - 00:20:18

So you're different okay. Yeah okay we have sex i. I don't have sex with them. That's a big difference too. Okay anyway not. I got a very good opportunity to fuck them. Would that be weirdo. All of a sudden. You're like hey heard you wanted to bang suck. Excuse me really would might not wanna bang anymore. I might not you might just clam up you. Sometimes i don't know Please get nervous. Even before. I do the show i don't and that's just dumb. Yeah no no boy spies out around famous people anyway whether there have been recently People that are well known that have that have proposition you for sure. Yeah yeah and you were you know. Yeah it wasn't one of the people that i know recent if someone who's been talking to me for like a couple of years one and not only that you know mostly like before some of the people's bridal hollerin' whoever it is you. It's always been a for a long time and with them. It was a new thing. What i've said. Yeah i i was still in my face if they favored a tweet or or everybody likes that shit. Nobody well known. Whatever follows you or favors tweet. i'm. I'm sure that's a universal kind of thing. I don't think i'll ever get over at though. Yeah well it's fun for sure. It's definitely like whole he. Okay since since we're we're talking social media there's a there's a fucking dude. I'm not saying his name. Because i'm not giving him the attention like that on an he was friends of mine. Even my account on facebook. Okay he was a follower fowler follower of mine On my other social media right. He always he wants to be humiliated and said that his dick is small. He's small little pena's wants me humiliated. He's always posting stuff. Like oh i'm about to get drugs. I get the courage for this cam girl that a whatever so i was like oh you ought to be humidity ago. That would be my dream. I'm like okay and fucking let her rip and it wasn't something that he was getting into apparently people who he's been going to just really don't know what they're saying but i. I'm in that time. My cycle romney psych community. Little fucking grubs. Let's go i posted. Pictures fucking re. I put three three posts. He really you just attack. Somebody with david pictures themselves could. He asked me to know her. And then then he he he'd sent me a message and he's like oh thank you so much for paying attention to me and he sent me like a little bit of cash on cash app. Sure but then he just then he ah guess the amount of of because i have a ton of more followers than he does. I think a lot of people went to attack him or something. It was more than what he could handle. He was used to do well. He got pissed like fuck you. I don't want your goddamn money anyway. And i- refunded it back to him and i blocked on everything that i had. I've just like i'm like i'm not dealing with this shit today. I have fucking at it. If you're if you're going to sit there oh boo-hoo so small. I just want to be humiliated. Who and i'm like. Okay and then. I do and you're like well you know what's what's he realizes. Somebody saw that. His dick is small and they know exactly where to tell them. Hey little dick. What's up micro pain. The internet's the internet. And what are you gonna do exactly what you wish was what you're saying. Is that the moral of the story. And i've got. I've got a fucking naked pictures of a lot of people but they're not way to say that that's weird threatening way to say that i've got pictures of a lot of people fit of. You're listening. remember. Remember i got your take from fifteen angles. Adam saying is if you're not an asshole to me even if you are i'm not gonna i'm not gonna fucking send nut shit out because whatever i mean if you read it out if you say you please embarrassed me with pictures of my little tiny exactly you know.

00:20:18 - 00:25:03

Then let rip tater chebet on top of consent. That was preordained. I almost want to pay you for doing this now. He did thing that exactly fucking teigen. Then i just realized katie that people are going to actually tweet at me and they're hitting me up in my to call me tiny i i don't like it. I'm sorry i still. I still have. I mean there's still like the all conversation is there so anybody has a problem or whatever i really know. This is the try dude. Yeah no exactly and not only that not only that the once. She sent somebody naked pictures of yourself. It's in your in adult. You set you. Send a dick pic weirdo like you. Send a dick pic to girl online. So nobody's nobody feels bad for is what i'm saying. Especially when that's the dicey thing is it's almost like You went over the finish. Line there You know he's gonna read red but aardvark aardvark. What's got the same. We're making stop gone. I smell toast to lay. Can't make it stop. And you know what i swear to god and it reminded me of Because i was cutting mushrooms the other day just like a button mushroom if you cut the stem off. But that's what it looks like you know. It's total micro unless it was you know a grower. Not a show her but i grew. It's not going to grow. That much is what you're saying. I mean even though he had a it still it was like inverted almost was turtled. He's got any he's pretty. You know journal you're going to do what are you gonna do. I don't know rock which iraq but if you're into being humiliated you know however he's probably caught four nuts over the fact that you got mad at him and blocked him. That's almost you know. That's that's worth at least a few tugs. I think i think well. Here's your money back pig. I way i did all right. Donald is being nice to you by releasing the pictures of your tiny little wean. Her mother seeing that she has now a better angiogram mother and mother who i figure blasted last week. Sister table sister asked for it to funny. She didn't get this mad afterwards. And i could really dirty shit with her. There's there's an accessory for all of you pizza lovers out there okay. I mean they're heart pasties their pizza print pepperoni pizza print. It's like you want pepperoni novels year. Greasy pepperoni nevels. Your husband is if he's really into pizza audio. Seems like a bizarre choice to be. Though i take a little bit of super thought are i'm a finger on the oil put behind my ears. Little meat sticks under your tips. That may be something that you might be into like. You're you might be into some weird set like that. I don't mind eating during sex. Sure kittery or some people call it it's short coochie one of them sharks peachy trays. Char char cagey trae there. We're talking nothing. Could a good meat greece. You know all of your fingers hulan. I guess if you're committed into the mess of the whole situation You know maybe. The fat is good for for hand jobs for like lubricant greece. It up the vet. It seems like you know. What are these things don't belong like with the other to me. You know jim greeson gets ever been sounded with a slim. Joe go to slim here it in there in saudi. He thinks you're retha right. Yeah you're either a whatever your penetration. I was taught when i was visiting a friend of ours the other day. We were talking about catheters because he's got to go to the hospital for another sleep study and he we were talking about catheters and then people who catheter is themselves and that just made me think of it.

00:25:03 - 00:30:01

'cause sounding yes you know catheters. It's kind of similar thing. But they're the catheters they don't you know they make them as small as they need to make them right. You know it whereas the sounding is. Do you want to baby at a lot of people that are in. The sounding ended up graduating from one to the next bigger size. And so on. I so it looks like a busted flower so you can do like like the the man sounding man on man sounding. I could fuck your appeal. Docking docking as more of of the foreskin. Okay yeah yeah. You know big enough for that little button who've on your buddies there well we're talking about is Oh y'all know we're watching fucking it shows Lewis was talking about. I think was legionnaires. Skanks and lewis was talking about like beat his dick until those bloodier somebody said. Well it got me thinking about. Yeah i remember the mostly the times that i've had button injury button. Drama was mentioned injury. Yeah masturbation injury is when i wanna come wanna come and i'm getting frustrated because they can't come so everything's getting. I'm going harder at and and i'm pushing harder at it. And then things. I like skin startups. Love like she got seriously. I get that way. And i'm just for the love of god and we'll just go. I'm getting like irritated. And then to the point. Where i even got all three things going at once. I got toy at my ass my pussy. I've got my my fucking body. One grinding the shit out of my head to the point where i've got like scuff marks. You know lake like you'd have like a rug burn but it's my sure i've seen it. I know i've tasted it. Actually penny penny per who fifty pennies this lady at the strip club. That's just another another reason why you know sex for what we could be. It's it's several for me really. I don't see. I mean but like if you don't get offers something just whatever but if i'm trying to masturbate and i don't have an orgasm i'm only going when i want to fucking come. That's the only time i'm going to frigging budget. Show doing it. If i can't finish what i'm saying. Why did i start this. I can't finish it off. Well that's my irritates of lose your video and i'm like the pickle there yeah who wants to slap without the pagel. Some people want it to get a piece of clear. Plexiglas input one and make suction cups in have fun that's a visa maneuver there in front of the camera back into it. Sure i want to say we have that on film somewhere and everything except it's your deck me just holding a camera now there. That's our you don't really need a table. I just it. I'm a stick. Ads told it a trait the right angles. Let's go to episode of rural thirty four. And when we come back. We're going to have a brand new tits. We're all gonna have some other shit that i would really like to talk about. And i think you're going to go with it so enjoy your pick. It's time for a tasty and refreshing snack. There is dude girl. Says she was with a guy who didn't like giving oral sex. Well she said. But i pushed him on it because you know equality well. He finally agreed to give it a try okay. Well when he got started she said. I remember something weird. Like a tingling burning in my cry and i realized that he had a couple of taxes now before he went down on her. You gotta make sure it doesn't smell your breath away down. You know you might scare the cleared away if you come in with some seriously strong breath. You're all you're gonna do is frighten to clint. Those lady are just gonna tuck right in on themselves. You just as well give up right on the spot it gives you didn't like the taste sport and something quite quite rape or something and he's like i'm making me. Why are you putting victim of your would be horrible. I'm not dead body. Well you could be. What stav it. no. I have to sleep next to you. Crazy lady serial killer.

00:30:03 - 00:35:00

It's like no. Because i mean what are the changes every two of us no on with the show back to kinky world thirty four c dot com on the twitter. I can contain radio. Radio dot com. He g mail dot com. Get me on facebook. give me on youtube looming. I like it because you can. Tissue up also reminds me of the south park episode. They have they have. They put like this voice on Fucking ducker fuck and like struggle. Funny i have a dump sets of can to get all the way off my back while out. Wow i love this little video. He's so cute to anyway okay. There's oh my god you can get on amazon. You can find anything on amazon. But this thing is called the d. choker joker. This woman said that when she got her her new dentures to buy one of these things. And i'm like oh yard it's heads a mouthpiece big kind of looks like a cpap machine mouthpiece oxygen and then and then if you've ever seen it's like for it looks like a push pop broader okay clear and the mouth is attached to the push pop and cold. See you stick it in your mouth. And there's a plunger on back and you pull it out. You're like a straw like you know. But it doesn't make that noise. Like sucks whatever's in your choking. I'd like oh okay. Why why I'm gonna show you a picture. It's like a like something that would be in a first aid kit somewhere like next to the Defeat thing on the wall. Jumper cable heart jumper cables. That's right yeah. I see the personality goes so has anybody ever experienced or meet one of these. No oh my god did you swallow though. Oh my god that just sounds so awful. You well that that. I really need one of these. Something happened while who magin that does say here. I'm here to help you gag reflexes. Exactly take addict batch detroit. That's for my pediatrician. Play things were getting stuck in throat so once in a while i got a vacuum suck me an adl plug out there or something. They got lodged in a trout. I had this one slave. She's very disobedient and she kept swallowing the ball game. I don't know how she got him down there. I know. I know exactly how she got there. The reasonable i have one of the even stretching out for a long time. She has no problem whatsoever. It's fabulous. i don't know how to flirt with women like we. We're we're watching this. This thing they were talking about This will pick up artist guy who is ridiculous and has seminars and it sells videotapes and then the people who were taking his seminar to it's like there were like little cutouts of this weird to their own weird ways. Hey yeah i say that's your deal if that's how you want to dress. That's that's judge a personality rocket. I mean you can be whoever the fuck you ought to be. But he's like. How many make outs have you had like what. That's the weirdest i'll many people like fucking definite by i mean. I don't know how many people have had sex with let alone like. Are you crazy that a question. Are you asking me that. How would i ever no. That's what i was saying that. I mean i'm pretty close to knowing what my number is. I'm pretty sure are. I would say within five. Dick's yeah of dan of dick's yes okay. Yeah but not making out.

00:35:00 - 00:40:03

It's like no don't be silly. Don't be silly. I have no clue no clue how many girls that i've made out with since i've been with you. Yeah and you have no idea either either. One of us have a fathom like either like what. Yeah well. I just thought it was a funny question. Know like somebody actually counting how many times they've made out with different things and then this guy he's like he's like counting in his head but doing like the one to counting on his fingers and then he stops after after like five or six and he was like. Oh it's a live like no it's well it is what it is but but it was the personalities of them and the funny thing was they were they were walking down the street and vegas and they were going to talk to him and it was very dushi way they were doing however however we both did recognize that if they did that in a big enough town a big enough city they will find somebody. Who's eyesight who's just out to fucking terror. You will find that person but you literally have to like verbally assault. You know a thousand women. Because that's that's kind of they. They were being very aggressive. And yeah yeah however a somewhere. There's that seat will come by a go. Hey you are the perfect. Ask for my seat right now. Come here son you yet. You know you know. Someone one fucking. His mother's age is gonna year the one guy who's like a metal singer do his little room and this move her a little old ears gonna perkasa honey here that home. God just like it's yeah. But like washed up groupie and the whole idea of of like. I could see there being a use for somebody helping you to learn how to just talk to people in general like how to be social issues that i totally get. That's different. Well it's it isn't really different. It's just the person who's teach you know needs to be better at it. Actually but like. I like we both said even even the weird mohawk you would listen to how he interacted with people go. Yeah there's totally going to be people who are going to completely go for that. Yeah in just for the media attention because post camera girl that he makes the i had over five thousand. Make such a weird keep track of. How would you do that. it's very it's very strange. No not not my thing but thanks would want you'd had like a full set of shoulder leg literal plastic shoulder pads epic. Totally ethic gotta. They all had their own look fucking shoulder leather shoulder armor and a crocodile dundee hat. The you know every every finger had two rings on it. One to dude with a with a big purple mohawk probably five a bottom lip piercings yet looked like he looked to be in his late forties at least probably in his fifties. I'd say fifty. I would say fifty to below but had his hair dyed and hanging on somehow. Yeah we're looking like a parrot said all of the things that you can only imagine just app like eighties punk. Yeah and yet and yet they still recognize that the dude probably can talk somebody into having sexism for sure. Yeah just because if he ask people and you do it with some sort of confidence in your voice. Whatever you're doing like some sort of high. Who are you like whatever you're doing is you're somewhat confident. Well you know. I got laid a lot with confidence. Yeah and a lot of people do but you don't even have to be. Sometimes even a girl will will like it when they see you nervous or whatever that happens yeah you. So it's not like a necessity. I don't think i scared little. Bunny i tell you it helps a hundred percent at definitely helps. Yeah if you can just fake some confidence yet like you have to be really confident you just have to know how to act confident in a non dushi way. Let's that's the problem. Yeah how a sea of confidence. This might help your out. There's some people there we've talked about the boxes before that you are terrified to try the ones that keep your your dick away from your balls away from your body's got the compartment.

00:40:03 - 00:45:08

Okay yeah like having having my my jacket balls inside of a thing. It just seems like to me if i zig the wrong way and something gets caught. I'm going to have a tourniquet around my shit and it's gonna come right up like i'm gonna have a car accident and everything would have been fine but you're you're pant got caught on the thing and a totally you're taking balls are still back there. You'll have either one of them because you have the cool underwear. Yeah you had to separate your balls from your legs and your debt. Now you have no decor balls. Because they're all somewhere elder you. You are now. You know a ken doll really while they. There's there's there's an ad as a commercial video for them with real people real people and they're fucking makes you look like you have the biggest nuts in the world because you're shoving them into this pouch and then your dick is in another pouch on top of it. So make sure look huge increase. Well now you're selling it really. It really likes bigger like women. Have push up bras and shit. This is like push up on her. Warford's it really is. It's it's like push-up underwear for your fucking for nudes. Because you gotta have a chunky nut sack to china. Paul's who whatever i were the tight ends. You can see it. No but it's great. I've got is if like all shapes and sizes and they're lie. Pack like china worry about some sponsorships. Here no evil up. what are you doing. we're totally it. Makes your take bigger for crying out loud. This is coming from a woman who has some knowledge on looking at dude sticks. Yeah yeah she knows. When would've package looks bigger. No i've seen your take and the right there. What your advertising is way more than than i know you have. That's right well anyway. Well oh this is all going is. I don't know how to flirt with women. There's a true. I could see you because she sometimes you. You've always been aggressive with like doubt like dude but yeah yeah he just don't don't really wanna talk your brady. You're like just shut up bitch. I passed out. Yeah giving give me what i want and go away and just don't want to know you and i want to know your name but just god hush swimming out. Let let me this. Got to go there. You have a hard time. Being social with other females. For sure i do. It's completely you like you you you all of a sudden get in like some aggressive mode. Fuck this bitch. She's cool she's nice. She is whatever. I don't like the way she's. That's probably why you why you have a harder time flirting with female than you do a guy i think i could because on this woman had started chatting with me She's been sending me Messages here and they're very very sweet year liking my staff right little things me. Dmz she sent me a topless picture the other night. Woohoo right so i. I just i'm like i don't know when people are flirting with me because it's it's weird so i don't. I don't know i'm very awkward. Great tits tut's exactly what you would do to. I know you know. i mean. Look giglio's j. k. Semi show-me this vehicles perk up or what. What's the action. like i mean is that is just. That's how they lay right there. Because that's you're nice. You're right on your way to which you have the nice devil. They're nice hits. They were good. They were and they are. I should say they were. They are the picture in the picture. They were yes. You could see that make sense. Yes they still exist but you'd our not really seeing them in person. No not in person now to trying to make a move on this check. No she's trying to make a move on me. Okay well what. What does that have to do with you knowing how to flirt with a girl. I don't know because i i'd like to reciprocate being thirty with a girl fun for you. Yeah it seems. Like fun flirty. I don't wanna be mean to people unless they fucking ask for it and then they get all pitchy when you do it anyway you for it and they get mad after two.

00:45:08 - 00:50:03

She went too far. Ap's caves oracle were you'll eventually. You'll just just do you. That's my advice to you. Know whatever you would normally do. I found but i did find out a little bit about her to okay. I didn't. I didn't like if i can you know like snooping around and shit but i that no i i went to her. Facebook jeep dive interface. Look big as. I wanted to find out a little bit because no one ever fuckin- reads mine and a dear. Tate's me like no one ever reads my facebook page. They're just like otis Girl i mean they know they don't look the post and that's it no a. Yeah because everything. That i fucking have like public dewitt. Oh i didn't know that you client and likes right fucking. They're not hiding anything so the first paragraph to really fucking christ anyway but She's married okay. Yeah you know it doesn't it doesn't count. If it's a chick. I was told me a lot of guys who'd say that anyway. I've heard that before. But i was told i was told that that they're swingers. Okay is that where you're headed there. Well they don't live in the state. Oh well let's see is that there's that let's go to your favorite segments any by and on the news it's time once again for shit this special edition kids man the The awesome set picture or addition. Anyway it's a friend of mine that that s you and i met at At set con one year and her name is jinx her tits. Or you check undis- now. When i say her bra size you wouldn't you can't even picture in your head. I mean you'll say oh that doesn't sound big. They're they're quite large person. Oh my god certainly and she. She has her pictures out. you know. she's got premium shit that you can pay four. But she's got a these the initially got stuff for free and she's i'll tell you all of our social media information and also when you when you go to the show notes On the link your guilt all the her info will be there so but she's yeah she's got huge fucking anyway There are thirty six m But they look at you. Thirty six am like already by saying m. that sounds really large. So would you. What are you trying to say. They don't sow. I've seen her boobs. I yeah oh no. I'm all about the big giant natural. Hooters are about it and like she does. She does fetish modeling and stuff like that. And you just convention. She does porn. Should you know she's got her own. Website plush puts a lot of stuff on on on her social media wildlife twitter. And shit that everything. She's on everything. Except i think for Except for snapchat. Always been nice and fun to hang out with for. Sure she's always been civilized because then we went and we saw her and Her friend over at the castle later that night okay hung out with them. Glad you're here document that anyway i remember. I remember meeting her at a senior at more than one can imagine a few different ones she She also likes to wear a lot of courses and that of course makes her boobs look even bigger because it just sucks anyway. She's got some really huge fucking natural cities and she's super nice and she's got a lot of cool stuff to check out and look at it and entertain yourself with so yeah. So what is her her handle. There you were gonna say you'd never said you never delivered on your task there. I'm sorry i said you. Blue balled us genius. I was waiting. Sasco type it. And oh sorry. I will her main. Her main website is j. I n x n w dot com okay. Yeah so. that's that's ms jinx's As far as where to find the pictures of our stuff. But if you if you if you want to find her all you have to do to is eh eh. Everywhere is a jinx Jing c. n. w. you look at suburbia pictures that you take about flirting with female and now you're just.

00:50:03 - 00:55:02

Your mind is like spinning. I don't even know where to go all the flutter. I'm having problems problems. And i don't know how to flirt with her. I don't it's pretty easy really interact with people and and there you go. Well here's a fucking guy who can't interact with shit. this dude. He ended up killing his parents. Don't know and his brother low light hearted subject after spending over two hundred thousand dollars on a cam girl so he killed everybody because he spent two hundred grade on a cam girl. Well here's the thing. He ended up He took a loan out on his parents house and also still money out of their bank account and then he stole money out of his brother's being account because they are saying that he has a porn addiction. If he needs to stop he's got a problem and he's a problem. But this fucking gary and cam girl. He's kept sending her money as like whatever. I don't care if fuck it comes from. You know some girls brutal. Some people are brutal. they are They'll take whatever they could get for. Sure see that kind of girl. I wouldn't refunded that fuckers money. Pay pig out. You know what you did you you you did something nice for him and you know backfired on you. It was nice but mean which is probably good for you. Which is probably what you did it. 'cause it's like oh you want to be humiliated fine. I feel like humiliating somebody today. Yeah i feel like ribbons so set off at tiny little thing. I already agreed badge. Can you spot the acorn kids. You can't can you neither can i. Maybe for real real nice and talk with google cokes out barkedi. It's enough. I wonder if i kick you and your pop out like turkey. Baser shuji from the inside the stress doll delivered. Yeah anyway so this guy who So all this money from his family and they were bitching and you've got. You've got a porn addiction problem. And i think if you start mortgaging things to send it to a girl that you i mean. They don't a problem. They didn't know that he did it. Like for a while. Like how do you not know that. There's now over one hundred thousand dollars missing from your bank account. How are you fuckers. You know because he's still he's stole sixty thousand from his brother and then it was A hundred and something out of thousand from his parents account and then there was a mortgage the second mortgage anyway anyway so after giving him shit that's when he took them all fucking tired amal up sat him down like executioner style. Like he's going to do it. Got the bitch on cam to watch. Oh yes oh my. He went hard on it. He did she watched she did. He like made her while she was terrified. She like. I don't know what he's going to do or be like i'm going to bulgaria. Whenever no like nope click. I want nothing to do with this. I don't want to see this. I don't even wanna know. I'm getting goosebumps. Like who the fuck does that well. Let's let's let's just slow down here and let's just think about it for a second. Maybe this was like a breaking bad situation and they were all cooking method. The back and really. It's just a drug cartel family. This is just how they roll. You know who he looks like. He looks like jesse pigment. Doesn't he quit. method around. Who said suarez little fugger. Who used to be in the white house. Oh god he looks. Like jesus christ dracula looking dude. Who is a lawyer. Well he's got a fucked up. Look you whether you like him or not. That dude looks like a fucking old school vampire. You cannot walk away from that you. You can't deny that those are facts. I'm looking at that dude baby. Does i wish i could for you audio listeners. You know. I don't even remember. It's weird how i'm like that that's all right. Don't like somebody. I just usually forget. Their name like immediately do rather logical to is crazy. I can't remember it now. How no matter how hard i try. Didn't that guy is only twenty nine years old and no no surprises from fucking florida. He stole he stole a car. And i'm driving to a hotel in orlando and that's where he was caught. Jd understand man. I you know how much meth i cooked up from. All paul you know. How much should i made for them. I make them millions one hundred thousand.

00:55:02 - 01:00:02

That's a drop in the bucket. It was nothing to us. Katie i mean. I just wanted to pay old slot. Mono- sean llano. that's right. that's her name. Don't make fun of katie. that's horrible. She's bulgarian doing it to the by. Do you like did twelve hundred dollars city. Continue off himself after he was done no he got. He got arrested but he didn't kill him. Oh he killed the three people. Yeah bambang he murked them all Click bang wow. Yeah made her watch. And that's like she called the police glock. What the fuck do i do. What do you think the odds are. He immediately jerked off right after you know. I think it's at least even odds that that's exactly what happened. Like with each pull of that which each shots at the back of the like a little like a gerbil a preaches psycho. Jake that slump come on you. Arizona war really shocking. Thing is she was definitely online doing the same thing the next day you know i should. Girls gotta make a living. Yeah because i don't know. I don't know if she had to give the money back. I really second jihad. Really do he gave it to me. They're all dead. Who are you going to give a two. And we don't know that nothing if a dude pretended he had money and was giving it to you you though. What what. What are we supposed to do. He gives you the money. I how do i verify you know where it's coming from. I don't care where he gets in giving it to me. We both know that she definitely knew. He was like mortgaging things to get this stuff trolley. Wise that's horrible. Told them to do it. Really see i i. I don't sluts fault all fucking evil look into. I think that's another reason why i don't. I don't have like an only fans. Not only. Because because i mean people will give me money and then i don't know what the fuck i put on there for content all the tirade. I feel so bad like we added idea. I know it would be one one blast of content. Yeah that would be what you see. It's like getting your whole season on netflix at once. Yeah that's all we're going to do so you know. Enjoy it and then not waiting. Three years until with another season nine. Oh which is the most irritating. That's it would. It would happen even back in the old days when you just had episode on the networks but sometimes his show we get cancelled in you. You would never really get an end to it now but this is really. This is a fucking pandemic here. It's just sucks balls when a series that you watch that you. You don't even like it but like you accept it and then you just you've watched five seasons of it and they away and it's never too late again because you just didn't finish the story because you wanted to drag it the fuck out. Yeah and it just ruins. We found that out about that. One show. We were watching on net flakes. We got like three quarters of the way through it. And i read somewhere that You know it. It was an nbc show and it had been cancelled before they finish. It was like. I didn't want to watch the rest of it. I was like fuck this thing. I know you assholes you got absolutely. Yeah i like we have two episodes. I don't care if they don't get all they're gonna leave as levy with a with a sore ruptured dick. Okay well they. It's your gonna rub me raw on that one. What if what if then you know enough people complain. That sense h. Show and they fucking netflix. Decides like make something to fucking tight all together. They did with that and we. We liked that one that one frogs pumps their ass. They wouldn't have hurt all the time to either so ugly up near nuts. All the time bump in nuts make you only sure does look at most guys nuts jostle too much. What happened really are why are we talking about. Nut nut jostling. I don't. I don't know right now. So oh dem starting fucking series and not finishing him. Stop it you. I want there to be some sort of a worldwide law that you cannot start a show unless you plan to shoot it. All if you're going to do ten seasons guess what shootin ten seasons. Come out with it and you're not allowed to our unless it finishes fuck you to all ends are tied up. Yeah way more satisfying right.

01:00:02 - 01:01:46

Just i don't care if it's a happy ending. It could be a satiety fucked up ending but i want an mucking ending. Finish that god blow job. You fucking finish it. I don't care annot care how long you been sucking you finish that dick got damn it. No one likes a quitter. I'm just saying who wants a half of one. It sucks but i wanna know ahead of time that that i wanted disclaimer when you go to your favorite streaming service and they know that there's only a of the stories there because it's never coming out again because everybody died in a horrible plane crash right like something happened to where they can't they can't do it anymore for some horrible reason. Let me know ahead of time. You put that in your little preview trailer. They're just so. I know i'm not gonna waste my time with this shit not going tell it tell. No i woke. Oh that's all right all right. Well i know we're going to get outta here for the night so have a great rest your shipped week month day hours drive trip. Whatever it is you are doing and everything for me. A seer database screen some swap shop On saturday august seventy july subdued. So come see me anyway Talk i'm sorry. I like tacos and burritos.