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This week!
2/27/2021 Dancing on film... Bigfoot Mob Boss coming soon... Tampa Bay Screams update... Three way relationship with a baby on the way... New hand tattoo for Katie... How does anybody understand what we are talking about?... Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure lick lick sound dub and sub... Porn Pick of the Week - Sloppy sex... Nick Cage's greatest hits - hint, there are only two... OhNut Update - We were completely wrong about how it worked and what it was for. Now get the correct information on the OhNut... Loosing sex toys in your ass... New movie available on Amazon Prime - How to suitcase, make some money in jail... Episode of "Rule 34"... Did swingers adopt the pineapple or did the pineapple adopt the swingers and what does it have to do with Psyched the television show... Giant creepy Attack On Titan style head that moves toward you when you are on the toilet in this Japanese business... Does Prime now deliver sex within two hours? We didn't think so either... Tits Man - Tens unit to make your boobs bigger... Picking out the big boob... How Katie handles men's testicles and some things that have gone wrong when she does... Katie getting startled easily... Crushing someone's nut... Making everyone the same height at this club... Non gender conforming Potato Head coming soon. RIP Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head... Content warning now on The Muppet Show... The cock worm from the ocean.
TITS MAN: tit massager
Stuff for your tits
Height privilage
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Really weird toilet
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Kinky Katie's World #347 Sloppy Sex
00:00:00 - 00:05:04
You in your mind. You thought the donut thing where you could stack doughnuts on top of each other was a torch. Shove in an orifice of your choice. Yes they can orifice eddie orifice and so you'd put it in there and then that way you're tiny tax person that was banging you would have a tight fit because you're a gaber. Yes okay not true. Not true transfer now could be further from the actual. Now leave the hill deeds instructions. I tell you what. I just pick it up right now. I'm an expert fucking myself. Shit i know exactly. I did with this thing. The weekend has landed. all the exists. Now clubs drugs. Popes and pies of four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming cattle. I'm gonna talk to strangers all knife. I'm going to lose the plot on that dance floor. The free radicals inside a freaking tonight. I'm to three apopka. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family mind. We're going to get more spiced out than me along strong advocate tonight. This could be a best between quitting. My what's the monkey. A lie from ruled thirty. Four studio i bring you a girl that offers four versions of sex three of which end in tears your host to one to the only key. Kitty i love how hello and welcome to the world number. Three forty seven. I'm your host gator as always is my co host with the most favorite toy mr st all right. Okay sure we are coming to you. Live from rule thirty four studios katie radio dot com and radio. Chaos dot net. Oh my goodness gracious. I'm so tired. I'm all right now. Redan your little pity's off. Today i have. I have been an you. Don't know i don't. This is the most physical activity that i had today that i've had in a very long time. Sure yeah why. I think we've got a fund free time. We are going to be talking about that in a little bit but Got more movie news. We have more smut in porn and kids and all sorts of shit and i. I don't think you're going to be that that upset or scared. It's it's that time of my my my cycle where we're the porn. Isn't that scary. See in a couple of weeks. You know you will you know. Oh yeah then. I'll remind you that you're not horrible and you know you'll cycle right on back to something less aggressive. You know i love it. How i i told me take that. I call her new the show that. That's that's what i'd tell story. Is they knew that you just in case you lick steed. She's the same way but she listens to the show so nick so i got to shoot with kate lexi today for bigfoot mob boss so if you look at hashtag big foot mob boss see some their pictures taken today. Apparently he's been working on the movie for like five years. Okay yeah big salvos. Yeah so. I can't tell you if it's going to be out soon. Maybe three years from now and be like. Oh my god you know. It's just came out big. My boss like what. I did this shit. Oh my goodness sasquatch sopranos already been done by micro budget film house. Who knows maybe okay so we were in various outfits of of lingerie and we were dancing about jumping about and then like whipping bubis our f- rubbing bubis together like your typical sexploitation film that we've done for the sleaze box in gator blade. How golic anything like that. S just for no apparent reason like this better be in a movie guys sitting there you know. Just get look a private fucking table. Dance crediting okay. Movie never got made fucking four hours of footage. Well sometimes we are taking pictures when we are out doing shit. People completely thought that we were selling it and we totally wear you know to me. No no you're right. you're right about that. Yeah this is this is just people would do it anyway. I mean so. I mean you. You don't really have to come up with a Out really you just have to show for the camera go.
00:05:04 - 00:10:07
You are awesome. Can i see you do x y and z. You look so gorgeous in this language. I'm telling you what that that shape everybody. Sometimes it works at least it has but i. I've i had a lot of fun today. But i was a complete a hamdan where you i was. Look i like a camera hug kind of a thing like elbow. When pitches out of the way. Get the fuck out. Get the fuck out. Not around here. No i i can't dance and kinda very self conscious now so i felt really awkward in the beginning when i was doing my solo stuff and i'm just like they put on some music and then i'm like fuck it it. I don't care well. No i get it. You're in a room full of people. You're the dancing and you're not really that's not your thing right. Yeah no. I hear you i hear you i you know. Hey hey this. Did you know you like doing this. So now i know i know i know i mean i would never volunteer for such such such an event i mean but that being said if i was out and i felt like dancing dance so that would like on-command dance. Now go dance now like. I know. I can't do that. I can't do it. It's not in my wheelhouse at least music this time. And all i really had to do acts cheesy abou- cities around the sexploitation way. Yeah so so. That's that's it then that we did. We did stupid things for for like the Like director's cut the bloopers after that. Dumb stuff sorry. Whenever i don't know. But i had a good time but they have. They have another movie that they're that they're thinking of an they. I can't give away too many details. But i would say. They walked me as a person in a movie. No i'm not a person. I'm a notch ear. Like they want me to be like. Wow german nazi. While i mean. We'll they're going. They're going fully with with you know ancestry for you. Anyway not necessarily but german german sweetest in dutch. Used to say it all the time to look at me like that doesn't mean anything that reads that your ancestry is german. Swedish and dutch swears. You know well he's like. I think you'd be perfect. He's like because you big and you're tall and you're busty and you can just really put the mac down early lead into the white lady. Whip all girls asses. Sure you can buy prisoner real the life also. I just wanted to remind everybody that march nineteenth and twentieth is tampa. Bay screams tampa. You can go tubing hitter. Radio dot com and click on links. And you'll you'll get there. You'll find all the racial. Eventually you can go to my social media twitter on shittu so friend of mine. Who's in a couple and two women okay. Is that the one that you you were recently Seeing yeah okay. Okay without outing people. Yes yes yes big. Oh don't give away any clues unser okay. And anyway the babies the baby's due. They're having a baby which one one of the girls okay. What are the wives. Okay a number one or number two. I think okay. I think number two is having a baby. Wow yeah Do like any time now. That should be fun. He's like oh. My god i said oh i got news as be- become yet he's like no it. Does you have your hands full well. Yeah baby pregnancy all the whole thing but you know at least you have a limited manny. Well i guess. I don't know let her know to bitches take care. Maybe well hey. What if he's in the family. What if you just don't that's not your thing about not even his well. You know it is what it is. But what i'm saying is you know if you're in a multi relationship and two of the people in a three way. Have a child in your child. Habur visit again on the ball and get gets belied. What if you don't want to. What if that's like your all right like like. Let's say that literally. Let's say that that is you if that was you. Yeah you wouldn't. You'd be like whoa good luck with that. I mean you know if i well. Yeah if i didn't want kids you know you knew goddamn while had a time and then you get your other bitch our bitch pregnant and i'm like no love and i i mean here again.
00:10:07 - 00:15:01
That's that's so not everybody's wired the same you know like you could be somebody who who like is totally down in. Hey great. I have a baby. But that doesn't mean you necessarily don't have to be part of the thriller just means. Hey you know you guys are help you out a little bit. But it's not my thing too. I don't want to race. I don't wanna raise a child so well it's gino. It's my body my choice and bobby choice. God damn it god. Damnit speaking of cape night we went over to see brian dewitt over at atomic tattoos orlando and we got some more iki darn work dying flutter by on my on my hands okay and it really wasn't bad at all which is dyslexic were butterfly. Slaughter by okay. I'm just making shirley audio people understand. You can't leave them behind. The i think they they kind of get find out. You know. i don't know how fuck it up but that was on purpose. Slaughter by no i understand. Yeah no no. What i'm saying is i don't know how people understand most of what we say. Anyway let alone when they and they yell at me. You tell you though. There's a careless interior anymore. Like why fucking all over the place like yeah well. Let's let's tell you you're not paying for this ticket. So what the fuck do you get your walking through the carnival you could go on the alpine fucking slopes or are you could go on the pirate or you could go on the gravitron zipper on whatever ride. Wanna go on and if you're into the cups and that's your brand then chill out with the teacups fine. I'm okay with that. Mr toad wild ride about it. I don't know how anybody where like english is not your first language. I have no idea how any of this makes any sense at all whatsoever. Okay i still wanna know like like the translation underneath like they have subtitles. I don't. I don't know how that works. I don't know. I'm not aware. I don't think so. Now i'm saying they're like what if what if what if though we dubbed one of the the youtube okay. I have no idea that could be. There could be ways to accomplish such a thing that i don't know about you know what i mean. Yeah there could completely i just. I'm unaware so. I mean people could look in. What was the translation. sound like. Exactly 'cause you know how if you're listening. You're doing like anime or yeah so like like an animates a day. That's always like the thing they don't know how the you know. I'm going to beat you up. And then in the real versus rawls will not well not only that like the voice could be different but the actual like meaning of what they're saying like it it. They're not really yeah. Things aren't as translatable because they're in like made up land and fucking. You know the things that don't did some fucking manga or anime person pulled out of their asshole. Like i don't know where the star is gonna go through some technical will. What i'm saying is is. I'm sure even in japanese there are things that are different. So how do you translate that and it just not get translated to where it makes sense. No that tops elite like lake like like like like. there's a famous joe's bizarre adventures replay. Yeah yeah and it fucking. It's him jer jostling around a cherry and his mouth and it's the original guys like yellow. Exactly exactly it's coming eventually. That's okay rodeo. A little little and when they did when they did the w that was the original version but when they did the dub the guy like literally read what was there and he was lik. I like so bad really bad. It was really bad. And i actually enjoyed the dove of that particular anime. You know it was okay with me until you see that spot. There's probably all kinds of things that are happening like that and we're not even aware. Why are you always hurt. The dog what is with you and dogs. Is this goddamn anime. Well i mean it's one of the most homo erotic if you're into homo eroticism in your fucking cartoon goodness. I mean it's not full on. I mean it kind of is you know. But it's it's i mean if you are a gay man that would be the first anime. You should ever watch joe's bizarre adventure. Well i could see.
00:15:01 - 00:20:01
I can see why and i don't even know if there's like i'm sure there's gay characters in like i just don't remember all are all named after musician. Still a lot of them are for sure. I know fucking well. I guess that was his gig due to made it. I don't know a really big rock and roll fan so you're reo speedwagon. And i forget half of a better word i know. Oh i think she ear whatever yeah. They'll come to me when i'm not high in smoking weed. Generally my brain works a little better than in the morning. It's like drinking coffee and it's really our lisa. That's one of just like a at least a dozen characters and their they're named after like seventies and eighties bands. Ask people who really care that. We're gonna go to my favorite subjects standby standing by eight. Might not be the porn. You would pink katie wine. It's time once again for me. The okay so this porn pick of the week was kind of getting my my coochie tinguely one. No no it's not. It's it's pretty tame but it's been like sloppy sacks okay not blushing okay but sloppy sacks really juicy way like an am tomorrow action attached to the actual pornography. There's lots of sloshing noises. That's i don't know asked question. Yeah but This is more of a personal thing to like a lot of blue. Which now. I have to go buy some more the very very slick libary you know. Just sloppy okay. Okay like a lot of spent. A lot of fluids are flying at the end. Yes okay yes. That's exactly what i'm talking about. But but not necessarily you're not going with The water sports now. No not straight water sports. Just you know the foods that happen when you're in you know deep deep in right but i mean to whatever you're into i do want to clarify that. I do not mean cocky. I didn't think i can. Boo cake cannot do that. Okay i can't a rerun of yourself you fuck itself inflicted road. I fucking seventy view. I know this i'm not. I'm not blaming you. I do this to myself. But here's the thing too. I also have another little little and this is kind of a recent thing. I think it's because i've i've watched too much information little things on youtube. That willie's wonderland for reasons. God knows why. I don't know why. I keep watching. Because i really don't even care if i see the movie or not. The one isn't that like okay. Yeah and it's based on a video game. Freddie there you go. Yeah that okay okay. Well i think that the seeing the nicholas cage has kind of triggered eight millimeter. I liked that movie. Okay have you push it on it. But i liked it but i don't know it does make me kind of warning. I mean this is the one where. He's just violently beating robotic robotic toys and shut the entire movie this new one yes okay millimeters what. I'm talking about auto rate here. You have. Why was nick. Cage in eight millimeter. Yes he was. Yes me like. I remember anything. I don't remember last week. Let alone eight melvin. That she was in what nine thousand nine hundred and eighty nineties. Okay status you know thirty years ago from blockbuster i mean thirty years ago is a long time ago. I mean i know i know of that movie. I'm pretty sure i've seen it. They're trying to catch the guy who Something something like a whole outfit some stuff. I only remember nick cage in basically two movies leaving las vegas and his first one Damage raising a a great. What are you talking about. That movie was that was his. He should have fucking retired right that in there but like right then and there. You should've fucking quit.
00:20:01 - 00:25:09
And he would have been the greatest. Nick cage ever are the greatest nikei. You are the best version of nick cage to stay right there buddy. You know leaving las vegas. I liked to like that one. Yeah i felt take for sure but the feeling something is a good movie. Yeah you know what i mean. I don't know. I was kind of like like at it. Oh that's an option. That could happen if you've never seen that movie it's where the dude decides to die. At least he drank himself to death and and all of his shape goes to las. Vegas moves into your hotel hooker. Yeah and just start. It was seriously like drinking gallons of liquor a day. Just you know hammer and hammer and for and he didn't even know how long he had no idea like why he was doing it. All he knows is he for sure made the decision anyway. It's a fucking well. I liked it. Anyway it's a good nick cage. Why are we talking about nick. Cage eight millimeter submillimeter. Okay the background music. You know this is eighties this literally forty years ago. I mean this is mid eighties. Think we'd like. This was like a gameboy music. It was a now anyway. Well that's my pick of the week. Torn something fluffy and something not so fluffy going on outside scores. Tanya of distracting l-. I'm warning you okay. Concentrate okay so let's talk about this. The super gabriel. toy that i Yeah that i discovered today. Yes that apparently okay. I talked about a story. Okay it's called the oh are nuts last week last week had anyway i was looking up. Things are owed for your ass and for gaping pussies both the gaping asses get like a tighter fit now and this was one of the products that was presented to me so instead of going to their website. You read about it. I went with what it said. What showed me what it said. So where when it was presented to me was presented. Okay okay hang hang on. Let's break this down a little bit here. You're making excuses before you actually state basically use said the oath to make your pussy tighter and that's not true. Well you in your mind. You thought the donut thing where you can stack. Donuts on top of each other was a torchy's shove in an orphan. Your choice yes taken over for any orifice and So you put it in there. And then that way you're tiny tax person that was banging you would have a tight fed. Because you're a gaber okay. Not true not true close now could be further from the actual now serve the hell deeds instructions man. I tell you what. I just pick it up right now. I'm an expert and fuck myself shit. I know exactly what i do this thing. I even had diagrams to now. What it's actually for is for chicks. Who's sexist paint to paint. Focus their man's dick too big or they're they're they have issues with anything more than a few inches of cock like painful sex so literally. This is to go down on the base of the fucking cock as a fucking spacer. So you can't get all the way in like a stopper itself fucking donuts stopper and then you put the different donuts on the donut. Thing to different lengths. That you're allowed in. Yeah it's it's like the just the tip her yes. It is just donut. Just the tipper depth that you go yeah so anyway. I liked your version better really. I think that's more fun. It leads us back to d shooting oranges out of your ass problem. Like if you put something in your ass like like that the in your mind you thought you would put it in like asleep if you have. No retrieval method. We both know what happens. You may lose that fuck yet. Well it's not really gone. It went backwards and we don't know why this happens to some people and other people can forcibly shove the orange out of their butts later. I just i just thought of it like going up like it like when you go to the bank and you go through the there you put the the little thing in the shooting well totally.
00:25:09 - 00:30:02
That's what could happen. I mean we've seen that have with accorded bullet from you We've seen we have lots of friends that things have gotten lost because the end of a of a upload comes off or something like that happens i go. Oh my god. I do well fish out or go to the hospital like dough. Seven marbles d. Don't don't wait until it's a fucking problem in your life you're gonna die. You're going to be do died from dildo in his ass. Don't don't be that guy that guy or girl whatever it is. Just that's right. Just go to the hospital and just hey look i always have. It's bass play. And i lost my fuck inflation. You need to get this out of my ass and it is what it is like you know. They've heard worse or whatever so and they know the truth they know the fucking say. I actually sat on. It fell on it. No you shoved it up your ass dude. I mean either way. It doesn't matter how it got up your ass. I don't know how it's there already so it doesn't really matter what you say they're just they're gonna take your fucking yourself with it. Anyway you gotta earn it it. Well walk right over with walking around with a little leash. Taken in front of people like at the westminster dog show. You know what i mean. So yeah i like things in my ass would you want. Would you any of you care to play with me when once we get this thing out of my asks. Would you like to play while there's an easier again. Taking up is a cut. There is a movie amazon prime kind of breath at suitcases available on video. It's from two thousand. Ages is ways to make money in present. Know your cell for the people who don't know what casing is. Please explain to them. What case that's when you hide. Contraband up your butt contraband. Contraband like what katie. Wait what the hell can be. Contraband in a prison drugs. That'd be dry definitely cell. Phone sex toys Probably sex toy cigarettes probably not cigarettes have those who the hell knows whatever they smuggle in. I've never been jail. Okay so yes. I'm just saying if you if you wanna learn all about it about how it makes money jail however see that that is key. I bet to some prisoners could totally tell us exactly how not to get things lost in your ass. Probably just let it rip tater chip. I bet they're just like you know because they a lot of start from from from the top and house way down hill swallow. It seems like a better idea yet. It out unless it's followed i. I'm really not take it. A phones going to digest. Well i'm thinking that needs to just go into kiesewetter and come out later. Don't i don't know what she do. Old nokia's i could see that. I could see someone probably get up there. But you've totally suitcase drugs for us into music festivals. Before my my hawaiian. Ah okay. i don't care where you put it. It was case it as ecstasy in a film canister which is what film used to come in. Which is what used to have to take picture Road don't be sarcastic. I'm not okay serious. Yeah allowed explain to someone would tape deck was okay okay. There's one the car we have. Yes okay. I don't think either one of us have any well. You probably have. I bet you have a cassette somewhere. I'm sure have something somewhere. Probably like the Like a single baby got back or something i did. I had that on cassette everything. Listen to on cassette. Well before before cds all you do. Yeah i mean that row booms and true but over all right we're going to episode thirty four and when we come back. We're gonna have stuff about some cities and some new ship to discuss. So oh also. We have a woody allen update Maybe anyway yum yum time tasty and refreshing snack clone thing that i ran across its his product. Anybody is hot sauce eater. Liker whatever or i mean. I'm sure you've heard of tabio. Okay yeah yeah pretty common pretty common hobbies here. The us it is well. They have a tap akina gift. Set and into gift set is four different kinds of lip. Balm what are you.
00:30:02 - 00:35:04
You imagine getting a blowjob though. And you're like why and my burning and this is a touchy chefs. Do jerry do. Okay forever uncleaned. I walked away from a blowjob. With burning era decided to go. That's not a good sign. Now why is my dick on. Fire cheeses cried. Maybe it'll be good though. Maybe i'll be into it. What am i. Who am i kidding. I'm like dude. I might be into it. I mean as long as it's not getting here that on your lips just rub it on yourself at some point. It's got to be something like like warming liquid or something. I don't like why don't like warming looms. We'll do but i don't like them at all. It's it's huge it's cooling. You're a mental. Aided girl yeah. I like i like them to delated or no flavor at all and i like i really enjoyed silicone over water-based guy i really do. Think he doesn't out okay. So but some of them stain your get a toy save. Some silicones aren't toy safe. We'll toys toys r. Silica blame the fuck until joy. Though like i'm fine lady. Eases slain manufacturers using silicone. That's pure fucking made by man. I went down natural. Schiller on me in you know all along bird order. Won't whoa role was going back to world thirty four studios caterina dot com. And you can get me on the twitter later at radio here. Radio dot com dot com. Give me on the face. Bug gave me on the fed life. Let me give you on youtube. Got nothing. I got nothing. You shoot a some people won't even have to watch it to know what we're some people. I guess it's or you could just go to youtube video for those who know. Oh speaking of the. I know you know my pineapple tattoo that i have right here. New tits. She goes to show you watching the show and she loves her. She's what's up with the tattoo so again but then i found out that it's a cycle that show and she goes. Yeah no. I watched the show a talk to me about it. It's double undercover pineapples deep under. Jd cut you know. It's a pineapple but it's a lie. You actually you. That's like the smokescreen fucking pineapple tattoo. You know like like you're not just you know because when you throw the pineapple you're you're saying you're you're into by novels really really liked him so sweet. I love jc choose. God i got is were and that's the age old fucking Thing that we always go through with With with I'm you know what came first content. I lost track. There stream was dropping. Try to started like zapping fire. Were yes anyway retired. I totally lost the pineapple. Like it's almost like one of those things that did was pineapple. Always thing for swingers to us to say. I'm a swinger parties happening inside here. You know the pineapple code with the fucking door. It's parties on pineapples right side up or some shit like that something like like. I almost feel like everybody. Everybody i know just adopted. Because they're like okay. Is that what we're doing. We're doing vitals now that that means that we're into this fine. I like pineapples anyway. That's i served people. We're having a pizza party. Hide apple's done the pizza wayne pie.
00:35:04 - 00:40:04
Noble peace within. You can't come in your party. Almost one hundred percent. That's like the okay sign. It's racist i. It's it's like they just adopted it because somebody like made it believable that it was you know what i mean. Yeah the dog is wagging detail not the other way around or the other way around is what's happening. I don't know it's like a snake eating. Its tail very confusing. There's there's a bathroom. There's a bathroom in this japanese bar. Okay where it's got these big cre- be like fiberglass heads of cartoonish asian face macaca kissy face right right. It's really creepy. Well is this in japan. Or what are you talking about. Okay okay i can only imagine it could be very very strange and when you sit on attack tack on titan style like one of the humongous head and as you sit anyway so attack on titan style pigheaded giant thing giant asian face okay mirrors all along the side where you sitting. You're sitting on the toilet and as you sit. It starts to move slowly. Starts singing this drunken and it doesn't stop until like kids your i. I must go there and have five or six heads of blot. Oh my god that would be so much fun so yeah i would never leave that toilet stall you would. You would find me locked into that thing. That is so creepy. So yeah it just it. Slide fucking creepy head and it slides back and forth really slowly and started at sings. Japanese in javanese. I bet i bet. I would understand everywhere that would be like the first place. I'd want to go visit but would be the we hud kissing your knees. Well the funniest part is my friend. Sarah has been there when when i was not surprised me at all now what. I'm shocked when i posted about it before. She's like fucking been to that place. She's i guess weird as hell i mean. Can you weird as hell. Though i you know take a stack psychedelics. Walk into that place and just spend a few hours. I would have a great time. I don't know how they feel about such things in japan. Though you know what i mean. Something walking around fucked up on mushrooms. They probably have a problem with it. I don't really know. I don't know how they feel about sure midge in japan. I know they're not big on drugs. There's some harsh penalties. I think for like drug use and chet even light jeff sessions to a coma though. Yeah good for me. I would get into way more trouble than that. Like do they zero to little like who would feed me like who fed that man. Alcohol what are you stupid because the yeah because other bad decisions are gonna follow like immediately after. I'm going to start making horrible. Like i have a chance on psychedelics. Like she's wearing detail horrible. That would not be a good maneuver for me to go to japan and drink now. My god i would tear the place up and end up in jail like i would wake up and look around and off fuck like they hold you like if you if you if you get into a fight something like that. I was watching a some youtube stuff. I mean they will just hang on to you for a month You know whatever. It is Depending on what you day there your lesson well they just kinda you know you're processing like just takes you have to go through the the. There's a waiting period because they have like regimented. Yeah so you sit for like a week before you talked to decide like there's fucking you time you could end up for a few months locked up stuck in fuck stuck in japan japanese present because you are drug asshole. You decided to go fucking mothra. So they would rather feed me alcohols and mushrooms. That's that's not a no. That's not a good idea. All your way better off giving me giving me psychedelics than you are out. All the psychedelics will be a better thing with all of the lights in cruise ship that they have like the robot cafe. You're like whoa. I mean really. And i could just you know in my mind. At least i don't understand what's going on anyway. So the fact that it's in japanese. I would be unfazed by not understanding anything like i would just like. Okay subtitle i can say well.
00:40:04 - 00:45:02
I'm just saying ey what's happening anyway. It's hard to keep your your your mind on a thought to begin with so like interacting with people's a weird thing on their end. Either your gary. I am in come a little kissing. Mazar why is that guy. Been about for four hours. What he to into that. Kissy doll thing. What's happening at their sir. Please sir i do your toes. Yeah that's what i'm saying. It would be so much wad. This is the weirdest fucking thing. And i'm not really sure how this works. 'cause i mean this has gotta be the funniest fucking thing. Someone has ever made up. it's amazon dating dot com. he's mail order. yeah all right. There's it the bestsellers. Amy twenty nine s. She has like four thousand nine hundred and forty one reviews and she's four and three quarter stars for fifty nine ninety nine. What would she do for fifty nine ninety nine. It's prime one hour free delivery meter today. I have your delivery person. It's very it's your delivery people okay. It's just in deck are they are they. Are they just delivering stuff. And they're just taking advantage of taking your good picture so they get picked in tipped more. I mean they're working system. Maybe i think so laid them. Why would you call it a dating. Why'd you called amazon delivery and Who seventy eight. You wouldn't have a seventy year old delivering your packages. sure. I would teddy. Old people have to work teddy's currently unavailable he. Has he died. Oh that's daddy fucking eighty seven year. Old kenny dead. Well the kora the seven-year-old she's one hundred and fifty bucks because third team usually thirteen days left in stock. Okay have you read any other reviews for any of these. No okay so you did your typical read the headline. Look at the pictures. They go on because number one. I didn't. I don't think that this is real. Obviously i'm not going to click on something. Because in case i do i fuck. Fuck my computer. Okay was a sketchy link sketchy it did. Seems i wasn't gonna know well. It's like that that you know linked it you click on that you get sent an email from amazon or whatever and you know they completely. It looks like amazon but it's like one letter off. Yeah amazing wait a minute. I didn't order this. What happened. Why do i not have any money anymore. What happened sir. You spend it all on parisian hookers Yeah you order to from from dubai. It's weird you at amazon. Prime delivery e You spent a lot of money. Sending notes girls of dubai sir. I mean you're pretty brave sight unseen one of the bird. I don't know if they do that in dubai. I mean. I don't think it. I don't think it's a rule and dubai itself. I mean they're trying to be like super progressive middle eastern people that you buy like they want big business and they want like they're letting women drive now or creating an environment. I think i don't know all right. Let's go to your favorite segment standby anyway for me to fucking karsh boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for tit tits behind you start with you today. Sudden movements freaked me out like deer been okay. So this is something can get on amazon. Doesn't come with the person. But it's a breast enhancement. Massage attends that goes around your nipples goes around it. It's it's vibrating. The electricity makes it feel like it's vibrating. Okay and they you stick them around your nipple so the go on your area okay there. It's a it's a circular strip for the pad. But with senator credit i gotcha okay. Well i'm just trying to explain. Yeah yeah it's like a ring with a wire hanging off.
00:45:02 - 00:50:01
It with ring is sticky like attention. It yeah yeah okay up following okay. Cool well it says. It's those to enlarge your breast tissue from the inside and the massaging helps with anti logging and it's got eight different modes in two different channels like high and low. Pretty fucking cool. I love you would love them. However here's what i mean. You do understand that you are taking you remember you. Were saying about depressed enhancements date you put some shit in there and it just inflames. Your boobs does not sound like that's probably what's happening that your electrocuting your boobs to where they just swell because you fucked him up. Trysofi is different from actually taking silly string medical silly string and putting in your titties and then having that irritate the shit out. Okay well instead of that. You're taking your just put your electrically stimulating. You know what i mean. If you're shocking it into love to talk about. When i took this fucking thing and fucking fried my eater. Yeah i mean you did well but you know different fact. Y- you strip stuff out of that one can't turn it up all the way like that. It just leave it in and we opened up as far as you can. While we shootout fucking paltrow about this. I don't know she likes steamer twice electrify and yeah. I can't picture her into electrification of anything you know. It's it's completely less than three thousand dollars. So that's not what she would be down for at all. It's not an mark in that. Yeah it's fifty. Nine hundred is not doing it for her scott to be like from nine thousand. That's right that's right. Something ultra founded in the center of a star. You can also get a motor tits. Women who have like big old flop. You can They they have It's hygiene for right boob right. So we will they will somebody. Will you put it under just the right one because most people are right handed. Good getting that's true anymore. I mean you do realize ladies out there that katy does it to me. You pick the boop which wants to globe my left one not you is. But i'm just i'm telling people who either has never seen any fucking picture known to man. Tell you okay okay. It's not a very think people. It's just like going into the emergency room with a dildo stuck in your the same things saying that's lower than hangs lower than the other boy who even noticed that i mean who are really really sure. Okay all ten of them. I'm just saying more than ten people that are in a ball dirty. Olive eaten fuckers. Well i can nudes a pit. I don't know no. I mean like what. Are you going to mirror giving yourself coat. How are you measuring. what's happening. Well i mean. I'm sure you can feel one. Nut is hanging lower than the other substantial. My guess. I don't really care you. Don't check yourself for testicular cancer net. Try not to fuck with my nuts. No i will find it for you know no. You're a horrible ball. Handler i am. You are absolutely you are i like. I'm a very nice ball handling now. Look look you are. You are in essence handling my balls covered in allah juice. Here's what you don't realize it. Your method is good for some people like people who like a little bit more aggressive ball. Play could be very gentle with your bag. Sure you can and and your gentle but then then you know that'd get spooked like a horse and a thunderstorm okay. I paid said price. How many times like. How many times have you accidentally yo- to me. That's your fault. Okay your fault i made you. I made you hurt my outs. Do there was one time to usual to flick you i. That was one of those where you wound up to flick it. Like you pointed the finger right out and i just looked to you. I said god had that. That was exactly. I was like go ahead. Go ahead and you went ahead. Well i took it the wrong you back.
00:50:01 - 00:55:03
Yeah then i guess you know. I took it the wrong way. No melee well. That's your whole body of persona. That's your that's your thing you like to do something to get in trouble so i will retaliate. That like that's how you operate partially you'll hokey until until i snap it until i have to grab you back. Hold united say stop it. Use fucking stop it now and let me say that but i have a good way of getting a hold of you like a fucking anaconda like i grip you like you know. I know i work. I work with my hands for a living. So proffer nothing. I'm just saying. I'm just saying harry very strong hamstring. Especially when i'm terrified like that's part of it you know sun suu says but it put an army and a position to fight for his life and they will do exactly that and guess what i feel like. Sometimes i am fighting for my nuts life like i am sticking up for my ball. Sometimes we re going because you're why didn't need him anyway. It's not about need. I was born with them. I would like to die with them. That would be my preference. You were born with force game it. I'm happy you got that ripta. Okay yes so am i that you know. And that was the the amputation that i will accept any further genital amputation. No negative. i'm not. I'm not feeling it. I just don't want that to happen. I'm not coming at you with like a pair of of heads. No it's the accidental. But what i'm saying is we're not blaming. Then he rope here so there's going to be any accidental castration. You are possibly one of the least coordinated. People i have ever. You are the person that like stereotypically. You'll be you're the one who walks higher by smell like dat you know that is you sometimes like weird things happen us ache when you should zag and then something bad and it happens. It's totally happened with my nuts. Before like i'll go one way you'll go the other like sometimes like i said like a newborn giraffe just a baby giraffe once in awhile. So would you gotta hold my nuts aisle kinda okay sit still. Don't don't don't don't move too quickly. Euchre exactly that's exactly. Because i know your hand on her show he's it's okay. It's okay you're sugar cube. Hey to do to prevent nut pain. all right. Pain is intense telling you high then. Just sit still and freeze. Yeah wait for you to say what you should zag zinc. I won't how many shows ago was it that you jumped at like three different things like. You're like wow like out of nowhere. There was one particular show where there was like. Two or three jump scares for you. You can't even blame. What was that would allowed. Noise was a loud noise. I mean one of them was that would have nothing to do with your balls because one of them was my fingers. Were between my knees and sit here by legs crossed and a cat came up and attacked my fucking fingers at a nowhere. Yes it startled me. Because i wasn't expecting the jaws in clause of fucking beast. I mean if one of the cats like jumped up and like when after your nutsy right there. Okay exhibit a. exhibit. I mean free audio people. She flailed a little and bagged her hand into the mic stand. I mean it wasn't even moving. It was just sitting there just like my nuts are sometimes. They're just sitting there. Not moving around and i throw dice negatives also them a little bit. No no like like those eggs in those egg cuts. I'm okay like i said you don't intend harm. It's just once in a while. Something happens now i'm gonna i'm gonna bring it back for just one second just one second now like you realize that a lot of times that you maybe with your hands or any other object near my nuts you know that we are almost always within reach of a cat like a lot of times. Yeah so i mean really. That could happen really at anytime. Couldn't it like it totally could go after you're nuts though it's not about my nuts all they gotta do is jump up claw you use zip all the sudden. You're hold my nuts like a coin purse in the air. You won the championship belt. And you have my balls like you know could happen. Anything could have okay. Okay possibility okay now.
00:55:03 - 01:00:01
What i'm saying is my reluctance to let you mess with my nuts. Because you've hurt my nuts before but a lot of people like hurt nuts during into it. I know they're interrupt play and you get excited and you may hear story out there that i have crushed did not because i've told this story but that was on purpose by that was not by accident and that was by request. That what you're saying. I request okay to step on it step by step on it and you stopped on it. Oh and i stepped on it. Okay calm quiet. Just pop that to somebody. Jesus katie auto giant tres will because people people are entitled to do weird jetson themselves. Hey i want you step up. That's okay your ankle crash than i mean. Sure cheered huts. Your body your choice your body your choice but at least i wasn't wearing nutcracker costume right. That's what do you. What's nutcracker cossio doom of nutcracker okay. I thought you were talking in code again. Like they have like. There's against costume shop. Thank you thank you okay. Thank you to start thinking sometimes because we think really weird sometimes i don't know what the hell you're i don't know where your mind goes where it goes. Well i don't like how did you get there. Because what are you talking la. There's all the natural places that most people would go all right. So there's this bar. And i don't think this is a good idea because well it'd be a good idea. Maybe like a cafe instead of bar because people could get seriously injured but they have a whole wall when you walk in. There used to be a thing called skating. Rinks and where you could rent tuna again. You could use to a thing called. What are you can roller skates. And they had a whole bunch. It whole different sizes whatever. Well these are lips condescending. That's the word. I kept fishing for that. I couldn't remember very condescending to say that. It's okay continue. Sorry i was. I know you're are voted voted most likely to be condescending and high school now anyway where were you what i was trying to remember a word for about a half hour so eventually popped in and had to get it right. I was like oh my god. That's what i was thinking of remember. Now remember kind. No that's not it. I'm gonna tell you. There is a combination of brain damage and and and sleep apnea lack of sleep for a lifetime it to shoot. It works a weird combination of stuff on your memory. And wow wow pickled my brain so throw in a little bit of thc and you bingo. You got it okay. So this place they have a whole wall of different sized lips for people lift lifts like you know height feet lifts. Okay okay to make you whatever you want to be. No no everybody the same house so no. It feels hype privilege okay. Yes so basically to make everybody the height that they whatever they're all trying to be five foot tall or seven foot. Whatever it is. Yeah we'll it would have to holler. Yeah yeah 'cause you can't make like you know. They have some dwarf standing out the door. Hi i'm bob. The bouncer career tallboy and just whack you off at the knee with a and machete or something. The do like the amish guys with a bat tuesday was about remember. We watched said that like breaking amish or that. Whatever that amish amish who is like a thug and he always cared out a bat in such horrible shit so bad anyway. We talked about that. Like three hundred episodes ago literally. Well whatever some people catching up anyway. Anyway so everybody's the same heights. Okay no things are getting a little too. Touchy kinda get ridiculous. Talk person says what exactly golfers and says what what what what went to well. That's what you keep calling me short. Am drinking you are shaking.
01:00:01 - 01:05:00
I mean that's demonstrable like when you stand next to me you know used to be closer to my heights and you know now like all standing stand next to you and completely also you look and you go. Oh my god. You're like two inches taller than me. Now i'm not getting taller. What i'm telling you. I i really doubt it. I just need to get an adjustment. Okay i get my sure. Sure compound vertebrae okay. Whatever okay so so like. You're all the same heights. What happens when you go back to the real world and you need to learn how to interact with people and i wanna see the release it you signed when you have to foot in blades on air. We all have some cocktails up in chatswood. i'm fucking talking about. It was like this is not. You don't need to do this. It sounds like fun though. Really actually honest because they would have to make you like everybody likes seven foot tall. That would be. What are you gonna like. You can't be taller than six five and come in here. We need literally like if you're a basketball football player. Fuck yourself we. Discriminate against seven footers. Here she shit. We're going to have to break out the big extensions for everybody. Everybody's tall tonight okay. Everybody's eight foot tall. I hope you really good with stilts told you shack god damn it. You can't come in here every night shack. You've gotta give us at least a week. Take all these damn different. Yeah whatever when. I was talking to people getting all the newest thing. Now the people are getting all fucking pissed off about is mr potato head of all fucking things okay. Wh- what part of. Mr potato had mr mrs potato head more. She's gonna be no more either but now they're gonna make gender-neutral okay and so i'm like all right fine i'll give them all the pieces over the fuck they want to matter. Why are you making boys cottam under the you have mr potato. Give him a baby. And you're like okay you know it's that it's that age old thing like you you identify with what you identify. What if identifies male and you identify as female like what. What's like identify as a so. I'm not allowed to be male or female like now you're enforcing years actuality on me like cod. You know that's not cool. We all know that you know the answer on. There's another to their fucking. Disney had to put a put a disclaimer on of offensive content on the show but was her offensive content. They're saying it's racially insensitive fully. There is i mean. That's that's all true though. Yeah yes shit. Shit in the seventies and eighties was was harsh like like the public. Television stuff wasn't like it is on tv during interviews insurer would make crosschecks. There's a long list of shit that did change. It's just not acceptable to do that. And on on a network thing you know but we're like we're in the deep recesses of the internet like that's our thing where we're not you know so i mean anybody listening to us. It's ridiculous you know. It's we all know that of course because they've always said you know weird stupid shit about like shaming how you have sex in any way shape or form whether you like to you like whatever it is you like. There's people always want to keep it down on the low you because people act weird and like we've been thrown off all kinds of shit been thrown out of all kinds of shit. Because it you know i am not a you know own fuck you i am. I am idex lake. You know if you don't wanna know about it don't hang around me If if not you go away you know you want to join. Maybe you could ask eighteen and older willing human a man. That's that's really it. And i'm sorry that's because that's the rules and if you wanna make new rules make if you want to change like eighteenth too young okay fine go send a person off to go get killed in war but you know. Don't let them fucker. They want to doesn't make sense. Does it like so. If you're an adult you're adult there's a line there's a line that's it that's all. There is anything short of that is. That's not my problem. You know you're you're not dirty olive eater. I don't know what to tell you. I don't i don't like them but you do. So how fun. I'm okay with olives. Existing completely alright. I'm happy for everybody to enjoy them. But i just don't want to eat them.
01:05:01 - 01:09:35
Go no no please no negative. That's not my thing you enjoy. That's right. I can look at them. I'm fine well. I'm gonna leave you tonight with the kak worm. Wait a minute. I thought you left me with that once before. You told me to take a couple pills penicillin and they go away. You're leaving to everybody now. Qadam damn you tell you said that was my kak worm. Use it on other people. i am honey. Talk about this but this is the ocean kak worm. It also has a more scientific name. But i cannot pronounce it. And it's a species of on segmented worm that lives the bottom of the ocean and it looks like a wang like it. Looks like it looks like a penis. Okay what worms. Don't look like a. Ps let's pretty phallic. It's the ocean. Cochran i kinda looks like you see cucumber though it does not with but it smooth okay. Smooth sea cucumber. When you get out of the water you can go like you squeeze it. No squirt. I dunno fucking sea creatures like that just every time you do. Hit bit stung fucking. You took me out of my home. And now you're squeezing your guts pop out wrong with these psycho. I have the rule you know. I will try to put you back since i've read you on. This fishing pole will try to put you back gently but if you but if it yeah unless i if i'm gonna eat you just gonna kill you anyway. You know i'll be nice about about the torture your fishes could that's right but if you fuck with me and you sting me and you hurt me you know. I don't know it's going to happen to us. Learn telling you can flee knife. I mean really really. I mean i have a knife in my hand. I just ripped you out of the water really. I'm guilty. I'm guilty of fucking ocean kidnapping regardless so regardless. If i am going to aquaman jail you know what i mean. If i'm going to jail. I've already committed the first offense. I've kidnapped so at this point. I'm a lifer so really. I don't have anything to lose. Sorry buddy you kidnapped him from school. I see yeah Yeah yeah exactly kidnapped a fucking child from school and cut them up with a knife. That's the fish are going to say anyway. Of course and i don't really blame him for it but hey life is tough. I'm sorry Stay away from sharks. They're probably going to eat you. Not me because i'm not going into water to allow shockingly not worried about sharks. Swimming terrified is my main. My main scary. Oh i look i look. I'm not jumping in with them. I'm not doing anything like that. But any time. I've seen them and you know we're in florida. We've gone swimming ocean. A lot out been bumped by sharp. Yeah and i was fine. You know a baby sharks In a little bit bigger one. Four footer will. We did eat the two baby. Sharks were swimming around and we were waiting and all of us and you see him swimming. They literally swam within a foot. It was like thunk. There's a shrimp pink and it was a lemon shark. Tasty came out baby. He's only like that big. He's only few months old katie. Rip them right out of the waters. Mama was probably close. Hit grilled them right up. He's you can have. We're going to go for the night. I hope you guys have a great wonderful rest of your day week shift. Whatever the fuck that you're doing. Yeah jerry faria. Sc check out. Check out fucking you to leave a comment. Whatever katya read them. At least she says i. Do i read that okay. There you go so tell us what you think about this. Do they made it this far. They made it this far their winners their winners losers vail a long time ago. Hell no they stuck it out to the end friends of yours you can talk to them paint mom bod tacos and those.