#346 – The 10,000 Year Orgy
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2/20/2021 Tampa Bay Screams coming soon... Extra nipples tattoo... Attractive eye separation... Kinky Katie super fan gets third Kinky Katie tattoo... Self portrait tattoos, yes or no... Seniors with tattoos... Millennial tendencies... Learning new technologies... The ten thousand year orgy... Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by Anne Rice... Porn Pick of the Week - Disney porn... Hot sauce lip balm... Ethically sourced child spine designer hand bag... Alligator mating season coming soon... Surprising connection found between pigs having sex and celery... Is Ted Cruise is making our frogs gay?... Trouble saying authenticate... Sourcing human children spines ethically... Episode of "Rule 34"... Gorilla Glue hair removal system... Do you have a gaping hole? Does the person you are having sex with have a small penis? This new toy the O-nut is for you... The Mobey Huge... Very large dildos... Tits Man - BoobsterNewsCenter.com... How would you know that you don't like anal gaping unless you have tried?... Can you use a didgeridoo as a dildo? This porn did.


TITS MAN: Boobsters News Center
Ethically sourced... so, cool?
Pig sex and celery?

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Kinky Katie's World #346 The 10,000 Year Orgy

00:00:00 - 00:05:03

So the salary is making making our pigs gay now. Just horny thought ted cruz. Making the frogs k. That i've heard of yes tag cruz. Definitely making the frogs gay from our water or something. I don't know what are the. What are the awesome series of in now. He's invading mexico mexican frogs now have gay pigs. Kate how how the hell of prague's reproduced allocate. If they're just banging each other they have they. We gotta have pork pork right away. The weekend has landed. all the exists. Now is clubs drugs. Pope's pies of got four hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steam. I'd like a screaming cal. I'm going to catch to strangers all night. I'm going to lose plot on the dance floor. The free radicals inside me a freaking tonight. I'm chip travolta and three a popper. I'm going to never neverland with my chosen family. Man we're going to get more spiced out than neil armstrong date. Tonight could be a personal life quitting my backburner what's and now live from rule. Thirty four studio. I bring you a girl who made it through olive twenty twenty without shaving her head your host. The one the only can be katie. Oh laura hello and welcome to the show this is key katie's world number three forty six i'm your host kinky katie and youth is always is one of the hardest working man in Podcast well in this company. My favorite plus covered puck toy. Mr. sc we are coming to you. Live from real real ruled thirty four studios gigging radio dot com radio cast. Yeah we have a lot of stuff to talk about tonight how to get from subject to subject. I am going to do my damndest whatever. Hey i'm gonna. I'm gonna go see my pay her. I've listened stephanie. We'll get to. We get hurt if not well. I guess why change what you normally do puts okay. We get this stuff it happens. We talk about stuff. I'm really isam smut baby's okay. Sure you will i. I'll do my confidence in you. There's there's a really weird one that that a fan sent me an win. What one article that. They kind of wanted me to take a look at the end. It was kind of one of these. Like what the fuck did you send me things. And it has to do with vegetables and sex again to it. Okay because i want to hear previewing your previewing the show. Yeah okay christ. Chambi screams is coming up in In march march nineteenth and the twentieth. Twenty twenty one. So make sure you come check this out okay. I guess that's happening. Then oh no it's happening okay. They've yes. I'll be there at the sleaze box table. So if you want to come and meet me. It's clear i will be there all right. Kobe convention yeah not every. It has a mascot. Like you're not allowed to go in without but yes okay. Great yeah yeah. He's good job. Well i mean. I'm not going to be kissing anybody photos and showed i'll just be okay. We'll do what you do what you can do to you. We're gonna die you. yeah. I'm excited I get to see new. Ted's okay next week okay. She's coming with me to orlando. She has an appointment. Okay and Yeah good so. I'm pretty excited. Good yes and thank you. Thank you thank you to all of defense and supporters out there. You guys are very awesome and really should get some extra nipples tattooed on her boobs. You know just a few extra sets of devil would be good shoves amid plants in them to she can be like. Hey sixteen no. Wow you're going to tattoo place you weird out. They do tattoos there saying if you know if they implants and you could tattoos a nipples on over the implant guy. It's like i have to explain. What tips look like to you know by was just a he of boobs with multiple nipples tattooed on them. I don't know what you're going. You're by yourself strange place to go. You're you're you're you're by yourself. You're talking about a tattoo appointment. So we're talking about tattooing. Strange one i'll just. I'll just put something in the middle of my forehead.

00:05:03 - 00:10:00

Okay no. I'm not gonna do them. I think this kind of weird that we were talking about that Predator vs pray by the way like people's eiser set yeah fr- facing forward or off to the sides. Yeah yeah 'cause there's this one youtuber that we watch and he's she's just dorky. Little sweet kid. I mean but he's got a very punishable face when he really does and his eyes are kind of like set sort of wide apart. Lou slightly pray mantis easy and there was something i'd see. That wasn't point. They were saying that that you know The more you look like a predator kind of thing so you're is being facing forward but seemed more attractive thing for whatever reason i don't know god each you. But he had the lana is it. A little bit. Sides rotated around by themselves a little bit. You could almost see like a little lizard tongue coming out the poor kids not gonna get like all these conspiracy theories going on now. You're a reptilian. Well you didn't say who it was so you're okay. Yeah good idea because you don't want to ridicule for kids that you like now. Yeah he's just he's just go e-eh into some people you know at the poor guy as speech impediment but fuck does he get goddamn bunch of us real busy. He he makes good solid content. Do it if ten years ago. So pretty damn good. I'm also filming next weekend. Okay i'm i'm i'm dancing around okay. That answer with your hand tattoo. That's yeah that's so that's all. I'm doing for die so it's well done within. Like i would say a couple of hours so take that long but a couple of the other girls are going to be there with me. Miss miss new is going to be there with me and Lexi lestat okay. she's doing it too okay. Yeah because i'm like what am i doing. You keep telling me. I've got this part in this movie. But you won't tell me what it is or if i have any lines i'm a little reluctant to say. Yes because i don't. I'm not agreeing to something. And then all of a sudden they get to set up like new new new. Okay i need a break of my shooting day please. I really do schedule. What's going on clash china. Think of you know. They're going to do their tattoos. Some extra nipples onto your boobs extra nipples. Shane is he's getting a third one third devil. He's getting he's getting a third kinky katya radio tattoo is he or one. Yeah dedicated to me is mind. I'm like what the fuck would you get this time. But he has will. He has my name right. The you know above his dick and got my gaping mov of jonah. Okay on his on his bias at magic none of one form or another. Oh yeah that's right. He did. He wanted a picture. A picture of me like as or whatever would use all over my face. I could see that that would be cool as fuck honest with you. I take a tattoo. Have also i kinda wanna tattoo that on me but do my own face would be pretty pretty weird to be but that again. I'm pretty narcissistic myself many. I don't know how i feel about having a self portrait on myself. You know to me anytime. I've ever seen people with their own self portrait. You know anecdotally. The people that i've met are there to sheet. So meal is steve. Oh that's comes to mind. He's got his whole entire bags himself. Okay he's out of his mind though is okay. This is what i'm saying. I mean he's is different now sides. I could make someone like willer i. I don't. I don't know what it is it. It just seems a little a little too far for me. Yeah now. I'm sure and and how i feel what i see. Wow that's you. You have a picture of you on your arm. That's a one big hugh. Sometimes i love me like almost see it in in certain styles. I dunno i you know i could almost see like caricature if you're doing something you know that you're into okay know that doesn't seem as narcissistic to me like you hanging off of a boat where the fishing pole reeling a little fishing. Okay i could see that on some people but like just a big huge just. Hey what's i just throw a blue steel. How you doing you know stupid as you yourself.

00:10:00 - 00:15:01

God ironically in a non. Even steve o's though you know he was doing a stevo. I you know i don't know how i feel. I don't know how i feel. I would definitely ridicule you for having a self-portrait portrait on yourself. Though i am i've got i've got the big old rooster on on the one. Let thia. I'll just get a big. I don't know portrait of me as like a really hot up. Okay we'll see but that's not even is that really you or just is it. I mean it used to be okay saying is like a lot of even generic pinups are gonna look like. I can find a picture of you looking like that. Yes no i know. I know i have. I have a few. I have black hair. Red lips polka dots. And there you go there but to blue eyes water and you have a katie. I mean tattoos. You know take to just have a vague resemblance. If you're not doing like a fucking Photo realist realistic color. Portraiture or something like if you do like a traditional to. I couldn't imagine some really good like pick some random picture off my twitter. Really all this Do you know you could if you wanted to. I mean of course you could. I mean right if you're going to get a tattoo though. I can probably send you a good one of something. A higher resolutions. That because i don't know how to use filters i can't use filter so what you see is what you get. And that's why on my on my twitter pictures taken from from my tablet there grainy and then picture taken from my cell phone or a lot better. Obviously i like how you just totally you're like can handle the filters. I just got off a film cameras. All i can news straight take photos. They keep sending me articles now of seniors tattoos. Oh all even put the show notes. I'll send you a link to one of the things that they send me. I've got like five today again like we're the flex may aarp card jovi you. I'm not really i. i don't. I don't know i don't feel like an adult like i don't think i could ever been i really. Don't i get so stressed out all the time that most of that i shouldn't. I should fucking like curb that shit but a lot of the time of a millennial. But i never wanted to admit that to you because you are always like i always told you i mean you definitely have. I mean you are right to your nine days away from officially millennial hood and really are in a lot of the way that you are is what they stereotype. Valenti owes to me. I know yeah. So that's why i mean fuck. I just turned forty one. But i don't i don't i don't feel like it. Yeah oh but then. I get reminded when i tried to fucking read something or get off the couch and everything. They cracks bubble wrap or certain sex positions and might. We can't walk away from your valencia hooded. Nece you're trying to be like you know your age. No we're talking about about you. That they're they're in a suggestion sa- generational hanging. I mean you grew up for the most part with the internet with with cable. Was you know what i mean. Yeah that ed just older and no there was no cable. There was diverse. Oc belts they're there. You know what i'm saying now. It's just a different world. So yeah you're you. Have you have a you have ability outlook. Because that's pretty much right where you're at so which isn't a bad thing so bad thing. Now it's it could be worse. You could be bluer. Let's way worse. That's generation away from what you are. you're okay but you could learn how to use some new stuff every now and again you're gonna have to get good at picking new shit up all the time. I'm just assuming it's not gonna stop things aren't gonna stop changing like yeah like with phones or this or that or the other. There's always gonna be new shit like like there's going to be the new x. Mocking sex dolls. Get come out and you're not gonna know how to use it like where were you be. Then because you don't want used new technology. Well now i will try to figure it out but then those probably be a lot of stuff that have missed out on. Because i would know what it was no big. I'm not reading the instructions of they find a way You know elon. Musk figures out a way to connect the human brain. You know to high power computers. Okay so imagine just being able to live out of one hundred year orgy. Just boom you get i know kung fu style.

00:15:02 - 00:20:03

You know what i mean. Well the sun has my bus. They real historian just get plugged in and thirty seconds later. You know you have these memories you know you were colella all over again you know you or whatever the whatever you felt like doing you head and you did it for a long time. But it's only five minutes later you wake up and you know completely refreshed you got. I had the best fucking boo cocky video on my lunch breaks erzen you would die and you could believe whatever it is. Do you choose to believe. Yeah yeah all right. Okay so but imagine you miss out on that because middle. I can't figure out how to which purge. I'm afraid. I don't know what to do know what come on i would. I don't know it's different from the cell phone okay. It's it's all related you. How how do we know. I don't know maybe you're going to have to like work. Plug that plugs into your two n cheer fucking eureka. Eureka ha retha. I don't think i go that route then. I think i'd change style would do something else okay. So you wouldn't take a catheter. Down the ethan and wait wait for it in order to experience a ten thousand year orgy yay control where you control your environment. All you had to do was debt. That's all you gotta do to get this fucking thing and your appeal. I don't you i mean. How long does it have to stay there five minutes. Oh five five minutes you have ten thousand year fucking orgy you you become ten thousand year orgy okay. What was the thing that we watched. Where the lady went and lived an entire lifetime out in the ethereal You know she was saved by a kind of alien and they let it was in Lovecraft recently in the hbo thing ya know. I remember the the one of the main characters and got taken away by by the aliens in was space woman you know that the girl was writing the comics about and she would off learn how to be a warrior. Okay i sorta remember as you add. But basically she went and lived a thousand lifetimes Because the aliens plugged her into some shit. That's what i'm saying. Now you're now you remember yes but not not all the details but you don't need the details but the idea is if you jesus you can plug yourself in. And how ten thousand lifetimes of doing what's his five minutes appier and you come back. You know doctor who style five minutes later and you. You're you know no worse. But now you are master of the click your clip master now the clip matter like literally you could sit down and meditate for thirty seconds and make other people have orgasms. That will like your telepathic. Now somehow ten thousand five times and controlling your environment for ten thousand lifetimes come on out. Wasn't doctor manhattan. A blue blue. The blue guy even he he'd be like raw in just in jeffrey different different idea. I've ten thousand times. Yeah of or more. We don't know we don't know we have a protest. Maybe it's frank dune style and you have like genetic memory of all of humanity coming out soon. I really hope that movie hurries the fuck up. Now yeah we we. We sales snippets on youtube. Hey i gotta review its favorite all-time series of books. Yeah and and it seems like they're going to be. That may be pretty good. I still want to see the the sleeping beauty trilogy made into a movie movies and they better be fucking like x as x rated and his close to the books as possible. Well and if you don't know. Anne rice wrote the sleeping beauty trilogy which is not about sleeping beauty. it's lars sleeping beauty. But but it's not the sleeping beauty of disney now but it definitely it said yes the story of sleeping beauty with the other princes and princesses in. It's it's one of those series of of Like bedia subtype Books and sub dom things that this isn't fifty shades of grey but It seems pretty universal that most people are into it. I'm not letting you walk over me tonight. 'cause you're hi i'm not doing it. I i am not doing. I am going to. I will turn your mic off. I was going that way. Okay you were but it's okay. I'm sorry i got your mike. I'm ready his finger on. Pulled me off my fucking show.

00:20:03 - 00:25:01

That's what we say. I don't know just talk again so you can remember now all right. Let's go to Let's go to my favorite topic. Since we're since we're talking about the disney okay I standing by might not be. You would think katie wine. It's time once again for big. Okay so my porn pig of the week has been disney porn and a leg like Animated fell the beasts and talking live action air both and animated prince eric and ariel. You know disney porn re I think i rewind Well no i know. I think i did because i did. I did snowing the seven dwarfs okay. That's okay the jury story. The savage works really wasn't that dirty. No i mean these are all these are all porn versions. These are you know. Oh the and then it's like it's great. Okay yes sounds good. It seems okay to me. See you're you're in one. You're off cycles of nine. You know murdering and stuff like that stuff yet. So i think snuff snuff week. This is fluff and disney weeks l. e. princesses on tonight. And if you just learn how to work the fucking new virtual reality machine you could plug into it and do all that you're on your own but you can't work it can. I just fucking won't have costumes. Said they won't exist men now now now now now all right well. That's why poor bigger the week. I'm just saying it was kind of a shortage shorty. Well you covered a lot of ground. I mean you at right. At animated and non animated disney born february porn. Yes yes seven dwarfs where they were they actual little people they were. They were little people. Seven dwarfs yes. We're actually seven doors. Yes yes eddie. Nice schlongs out at out of the group I i really didn't pay much attention. Or whatever they were yelling remember. I haven't seen any of that stuff in the longest time. It's i you know. I have sometimes it kind of just fluffy bunnies that. I'm just like. Oh i wanna okay. I don't know i see. I see so many commercials and should for for disney. Like hi and like like oh and so yes. Oh there's this thing that i ran across. Its his product. We've anybody is hot sauce. Detered laker whatever. Or i mean. I'm sure you've heard of tapa gio. Okay yeah pretty common pretty common hot at least here in the. Us it is. Well they have a tapa to your gift. Set and in the gift set is four different kinds of lip balm. What do they more mobile. If you've could you imagine getting a blowjob though and you're like why am i burning and this is a temperature of chapstick guy. I mean sure you do right. Okay forever unclean now. I mean. I walked away from a blowjob with a burning era. That's not a good. That's a good sign. No it is not a good size. My dick on fire cheese as cries. I you know maybe it'll be good though. Maybe i'll be into it. What am i. Who am i kidding. I'm dude i i might be into it. I mean as long as it's not getting on skip your lips. Just rub it on your cell phone. You know at some point. It's got to be something like like a warming lakewood or something i don't like why don't like warming loops. I mean some people do. But i don't like them at all. It's too much it's like you like the cooling. A mental aided girl. Yeah i like. I like them the or no flavor at all you know and i like i really enjoy it silicone over water-based okay. I really do think slinky sticky and it doesn't jerry out okay. So but some of 'em stain your shit.

00:25:02 - 00:30:02

Yeah was some of them aren't toy safe. Some silicones aren't toy safe. We'll toys toys r. So really blame the fucking toyed. Now like i'm fine lady. Jesus slane manufacturer using silicone. That's pure fucking made by man song with new natural shit on me. Now i want to know what your feelings are about this. There is designer. His name is arnold putra and he's selling a ethically sourced human child spine handbag but try this us that ethically sourced child spine. That's exactly what my first thought was. What the fuck demean ethically source was like the inflatable strapless ray-ban. I want my child to die for our. Yeah well it's not really a child spine so yeah it's just a fucking small spine for a handle adverse will maybe it is a child nine housefly. Well how do we know how. We know how how many child spines seen. I don't know year now. Maybe one no tv. Possibly yano. i watch. Law and order sometimes not really said the features are alligator tongue and human spine bag with unique pattern construction the actual finish. I mean firstly. I'm pretty sure that it's literally illegal across the world to sell Quite literally you can you can sell replicas you can sell like you know like your medical demonstration. You know shit they have at school and shit. Whatever those things are called i mean. I doubt that. I very very seriously almost no that it's not a real spine. You know. it's just not. It's not no way in alligator tail. Okay alligators fucking christ sake. We now i mean it when alligators were on the endangered list. Right and being that we live in florida. It's you know it's the home of the american alligator they're literally everywhere and when you when you go into the everglades you you know you know we. I mean you've seen a hundred alligators in one spot easy. Yeah easy and it's not something that's rare so whatever happens to one alligator i. I'm not being incentives alligators but there can be population issue like actually haunt them to like. Bring their numbers to thin down the population. Yeah because they get a quite a bit out of control there around march actually workout. We're coming up on alligator fucking horny season. You come around the end of march and everybody's fucking horny now because they've in quarantine for so long ugly off and then tell you now like once. You hit like april intimate march. April may and there. You're gonna start seeing a lot of those stories where alligators are in people's living rooms and shit. They really don't fuck with you year round. But who'll when they're mating like all the males like it dispersed grasses. Fuck whoa they get thrown out of their fucking wherever they were hanging they throw it out by whatever other male can whip their ass. Just wander around looking for water and he heads. Yeah that's it water pussy. And they're willing to fight bag. Gator person right. They're willing to fucking scrap over some water or some pussy for sure. So if you have a swimming pool or some alligator snatch finn. Maybe it came with your alligator human child fuckin- gucci verse dab. Maybe it was an abortion. Gone wrong. there you go or gone rights though. Is my girl. Grab back in school. You asshole you ever tongue as a bag and you have a human child spine is a purse handle. What's your problem. okay. This is a really weird. What the fuck saying it that i got sent by a fan and it's from popular science so they're usually pretty credit credible or they will are okay. At least i think so. I mean i could be wrong to sounds official. I'm gonna go with their popular science. Yeah they've been around for a long time but who knows about to say no. Okay okay. Well they said that there is a connection. Surprising connection between pigs. Sex and celery bu- told you sex vegetables ca okay like like pigs. X. tastes like celery Smells like celery definitely.

00:30:02 - 00:35:03

Doesn't i've seen picks up. sex does not smell accelerate. Actually it will. There's a certain fair in chemical that gives off when pigs have sex and win salary is growing and when it's cut okay and it can cause It can actually says it has an effect on your puberty okay so the salary is making our kids gay or making our pigs. Gay just horny thought. Ted cruz was making the frogs. Gay that i've heard of. Yes ted cruz. Definitely making the frogs gay from our water or something. I don't know that's one of the one of the awesome series. He's awesome and now he's invading mexico mexican frogs now. We have gay pigs advocate. How how the hell of pigs. You ought to reproduce katie. If they're just banging each other day they how we to. Have we run out of pork right away. I got a bunch alligator. And they've been growing. This fetus isn't a bags because he knew he was coming to. If you have the human the human child spine purse. You're good for the apocalypse. Coming up like you could trade that for something because it would go with the whole fucking feel of the end of the end of the world or you carry around. Just have it as as a sign of look a bad ass i am. I got a fuck spine bag bitch. Fuck was being i. you'll be a twelve year old. I don't know what you're talking about sales. This is at least an eight year old kid. Damn damn i'll fuck me up at eight year old right in front of his parents. She's telling you totally totally fake spine to get people like us to talk about his fake spying real spine. So yeah i would totally rock that hers. Yeah well it's not a real real child spine. I mean it just doesn't all right okay and even if it was i would tell you about it was absolutely this is the topic mosey keeping your purse. Well what happens. If you get pulled over with the human child's i mean your data. I mean why how do you do what do you think the odds are that. That human child spied purse designer. Guy right is really a serial killer and just dispersing the bodies like he's wanting he's gonna get off so you're the one who goes to jail for all of his murders canals can you. How can you authenticity here. What you come up with data card you can do it. Take it out. Think about the u. k. Your clothes trying to spell it. Don't try to spell it just just you know you wanna authentically. Come up with that. Yes authentically say. I gave you something kate. I think you're contact. You said it does confuse me. I forgot how the word goes. Now when somebody says a word the wrong way and i know they. Don't they say you ought to authenticate it. Yeah okay so somebody says the the bad pronouncing of a word you will sit there and go no no. It's and then all of a sudden you like. How do you say the word. I don't know you've been sega's the wrong way. And you've totally fucking warped my brain now. And i can't fucking remember you asshole. Maybe all right see. Why did you. But it's definitely authenticate. God want to know ethically. Sourced is ethically sourced source. Means that. no no no no no how can we make sure that it was all on him. Saying all of the parents of the children definitely sold their kids to that guy so somebody profited off of it. So that's you know ethic ethically gun michael jackson's victims. Yeah i mean most killed kids that gave me does that would be whereas a lot more. The person would be you know if you had actual like jackson victim children's minds but you can't do can't say that those are actually and you can't prove it because you know we have. What are you talking about when we ed now. So it doesn't matter. We have twenty three and me. We could prove all that yet. This is exactly who it was. What do you. What do you mean i mean you know if the only way it could be ethically sources if the parents sold the child because the child can't make his own decision.

00:35:03 - 00:40:01

You know what i mean. Timmy hung himself. Yeah no no no no. We wish be designer. No we just sold him. We literally just sold timmy to Bob the rapist slash person designer. We saw it we got. We got money for him. Just going to work in the sweatshops. We didn't know he was going to become the garment. no honey. We definitely knew he was going to become the garment. We just really didn't care. Oh we didn't want to have kids and yet really and and you know we got a free bag travel the sacrifice. we've edgy. This call we had to do is bring him five other kids and for alligators free. Tote bag i mean that's that's a valuable topaz it's ethically sourced we agree to it. My god are well on that note. We're going to go to episode rule thirty four and when we come back. We're going to have some tests and we're going to have a lot of other stuff and i'm going to try to keep my shit together. Authentically yum yum. It's time for a tasty and refreshing snacks. The first time i ever saw someone shoot an orange at of there. Really i never. I'd never seen anyone fruit at their ass before but they had they had an orange long. Did it take for that trade to grow up that person's as such citrus trees. Take forever to fruit like. Wow it's impressive. Stop them out there and she popped up. She's was already in there when video starting so she had already done this. How got in there now. Maybe rope waste. She takes an apple upside down so it got like the smaller bubby end. Not the stemming. Okay i mean she kinda crams it into her kuch like she just gives a little pop up from about four five inches away. We see this fucking orange out of her beltre's throughout there's another one that comes out after so now. I want to oranges apples. Somebody needs to explain to me. At some point how there are all kinds of people that we've we've read and seen stories about chopping things up their assets. And how do you go to the emergency room and yet other people can produce oranges as like a giant tree of life. I don't understand. How does the body well. Maybe it'll be something inter will eventually push it out. We don't know well. It does suckling then. I definitely does because we hear about a lot of people losing shed i. that's true. What if somebody needs to explain this to me is what i'm saying you need. We need the research department. Explain explain why some people lose things up their ass and other people can like popping out it will. They have started muscle alien technology to period training headaches. Listen this okay matching supplements together on growth. Know on with the show. Well and welcome back. Up katie's world for thirty four studios can you kidding. Dot com and reno casts dot net. You can give the twitter later at kinky katya radio. Tv katie radio dot com can be katie radio. G dot com facebook setlai zoom in to s right time. I did judy stumble you. Didn't you get nothing you're right on and you're playing this kind of stuff to gives me all sorts of rattle. Y turned down for you. That was very thoughtful. Sweetie complete trainwreck. Started fighting so distracted.

00:40:01 - 00:45:01

Now what what are we doing makes me feel time we didn't. I don't think we talked about it but a lot of people have heard about it. I don't know if you've heard about an anyway. Some chick she thought this bottle of sprague glue williams bram. Yes anyway. Well now people look We're bitch yeah. She had to go to like fuck plastic surgeon or something to get the glue out. I guess i took them took him like ten hours to get the out to get the hair out. Yeah or or jogging. You couldn't just cut the hair off. It was but she only like not too much growth and it was like shellac or whatever it doesn't matter we'll now what people are doing is since it works so well okay product. Yeah they're taking the gorilla glue tape okay. And they're using it for bikini. Waxes sure that it's not going. Well you know i. I've played with that before. You know whatever if you leave it on that long. It's gonna come right off with some scandal little baby. He'll tiny bit. Oh flooding god. That's funny that's i. That's that's some redneck. shit right. that's would you rather have a hairy astle. rather have a hairy astle. i would rather shavit us sort of duct tape material. But what if it's like like salad bar night you're gonna go toss a salad you know you'd be happy that reno. Old bubba had a fucking roll of duct tape salad bar. Well you know you're doing a lot of tossing it toss night and you know it's it's it's what can toss tuesday's you hearing on the bar you're tired of taco tuesdays. So you've just gone to salad tossed. Tuesday's i've moved on because i enjoyed second dick too much do you. Well then you moved on well. We had the question from a listen. If you listen to the pre show that you know that someone had asked two question about that but you missed it so anyway If you have gaping pussy or asshole than i've got a six to eight per year as your hand as your hand out there keeping or fists of one type or another. I know you i know yeah i've seen it. Did you like a muppet there. There are people like running on treadmills right now. Raising their hand and people don't know why talk sister doing workout or shot up a large hole. I'm a guy per got a big one. Yeah anything like that. That foot fuckers. I call it. The pop poppins posey deposits back pussy. And this actually looks. It looks pretty pretty Kind of non-threatening. Does this this. It's an like an insert called the. Do okay the are we talking about again. Actually from her outfitters people with gaping pussies are assholes. Okay gaping holes. Okay of they're caving holes in the clothing nintendo. No this is sex toy. It's called the night and got one two three four. It's got four little rain-wise oh you're talking about clothing. 'cause urban outfitters okay. That's you confuse me. It's actually a fragile. Right now and i resort having the problem a little bit ago. I know what authenticate is. And i know how to say at will. I could say it any point in time. You can quiz me anywhere anytime. And i will not say authenticate good. I won't struggle will let you throw me off the scent anymore. All right so so. What's up of the adl gaber toy here. The adl prolapse her. Yeah yeah well it's got it's got these four rings on it and that has got a lip so it won't get sucked up inside okay. You're by if you stick your is okay and it takes up space so a gapes you out like to where you feel it but it's tight so the person who's fucking you feel the tightness i got you so at you. It's gaping you're inside but leaving a nice little tunnel for them to tucker on the gate. The gate is still got some some tension to it but the rest of it.

00:45:01 - 00:50:01

It's you know right uh-huh what's the advantage of that. What's going on. I would say you know like you you. You're with your partner. Gee i'm really sorry to be full. I like bowling. Pins and fucker shampoo bottles of my gaping asshole. And you know you're not big so well bag. I mean that's that's ridiculous size. Well that's what i'm just saying though. Is this year you're like i want an elephant. Well any of those monster toys sizes like like fucking the great american challenge on the other side of the monitor there to be there just ridiculous mode. I mean those things are just ridiculous. Oh on the but those movie hugest. Well those are just props at this point. I mean until i see somebody taking somebody could fuck it but it wouldn't actually get inserted somebody catches on that thing for sure. There's a check or even a dude. They could rub his asshole on the mobile huge and find a way to get off without actually getting it. All the way into his bond if haven't looked up to moby huge. It's the eighty pound. Fuck fucking three foot tall monster dildo that we've talked about. Yeah you can get on amazon. The one that they glued to the floor in the hallway covered and covered the fire journal. Brag i mean they spent like a thousand dollars on a thousand dollar dildo had been a rich white kids school for sure. Like you spend a thousand dollars on an eighty pound three foot dildos. That's you know like maybe they took a collection up like at eight inch diameter audit realistic vini and glue it in the middle of the hallway to the floor and covered lube. Pull the fire extinguisher and run the fuck away of the year and they videotaped the whole thing so they're videotape of mission like pull it up and pull it off their slipping and falling on the floor covered. You probably didn't even have to glued to the floor. I mean those things are so we. Can we watch the video the other day people playing with these like just fucking around with them. They're really them up and try to just pick it up over their head and it was. It looked damn near impossible for them. They could not like just wrangle. This big vani cock of large and not get it on their other fucking shoulder and throw it. It was quite the sight really. I think it'd be fun to to put down and then kind of slide on it. That's what i'm saying. There's a way off. I'll yeah yeah without inserting it without. Yeah i mean so like to people who are her who are going at. Like the ass or fucking. I don't know who could fire hydrant. Degrade american challenge is monstrous. It is i mean it's it's big. It's the things like fifteen inches long. Or i think we measured. It wasn't like people get bigger stuff in there. I mean the guy got the she she can put her foot in his. But okay good then. The great american challenge. Yes it really depends on whose foot. I've seen a lot of guys. Take the american challenge of the but well that would be you. Yes i could see. What i'm saying is is if you're in big. Toyland i mean is is the anal. Hold the trap door open or you know whatever you're talking to toy that you're talking about the air. The one that blows up inside leaves the door shut. Oh oh not so basically you're just inserting staying so like the dudes shoot his low down a gaping like to hear an echo. Oh no attempt to down there in the in the base because you gotta tell it and said oh you're banging the donut. You're begging the inside of the dodi. He's feeling the outside of the toad. You're if you're gay. He likes you. Know it'll fill the str- it'll stretch house. So he gets the feeling of the game and it's tight on the inside so when the dude like fucking put a fuck leave up your boyfriend's ass or girlfriend's ass. Yeah oh you're just inserting let's see two. Oh yes okay. So would you get slobber it out there. i could fuck an insert. The gave her sleep. One emma waller can and do it up. I could fix that. Who for like thirty nine ninety nine this one this one sixty five okay sixty five bucks in your your back to back to original factory status right there fuck. Holy jesus. The how's that going to be like in the cool part is i wouldn't have to clean that. Folks leave either really needed automatic huxley cleaner. I mean just something.

00:50:01 - 00:55:03

So i don't know how you get crannies focused shoving on the faucet. Let the water run through her. Turn it inside out and just give it a fucking wash with toy cleaner. Mild soap okay. What if. I don't feel like doing that okay. Then that's right. Till i can't stand how it smells all. Oh wait. i mean you don't want to stay here dig us like the way. It smells god though maybe giant china unscrew the bottom. It's like crusted. maybe maybe adds adds to the effect of of the journey of your act. Like oh my god dirty. You know like you're punishing yourself. I'm there's people listening right. Now that literally do not clean their fox. Leave just to be extra dirty. Yes yeah though. I'm sure that but there's more people raising her hand right now on. They're trying to get both of them up in the car on the wheel please. But yeah kinda like. Oh no i really wanted. I went to craigslist. And i found a village flex leave it was like it was the best day of my life because i don't even know how many strangers have been inside the fuck slut. I mean it's almost like it is. Is your girlfriend. A raging hor. Hey we can put her back to factory status. She can have a good time. And so can you even with your tiny white man packer and call it a packer. You know you got you. Got the anal gaber donuts. Leave now are you are just tied as brand new baby. That's right. that's right. Even old showroom shine self candidate can get off inside of that thing apple. Let's go to your favorite segment by standing by boobs in and on the news it's time once again for man so this week's tits mad is a new website that i found it is called boob. Stir news center. Dot com booster do center dot com. That's right stirred. News dot com lettuce now okay and it is like huge huge bubis on women and where you can find him in articles about them videos with them. And here's just. I'm showing a see little. Looks like a solid pop. You like big old silk milk jug lug ozcelik everybody. Everybody needs a good new source for for ted. Because yeah i mean. Sometimes you just see the same boobs over and over again and you need some new boobs and the thing is though i will say a lot of these. Do look natural. So they're they're not good for me anyway. But i mean there's there's still a bunch that are i mean enhanced their fucking technology all all these women have absolute gunda cities. Are you have to go like nipple lovers. Yeah could find neville evers. Those are all check bags. He's got the check with that. We talked about a few weeks ago. But the world's largest boobs aaron in the top left of here or right of your corner there norm estimates norm. There you go you remember her name. Holy shit i barely remember. She had a face very. It's hard to get back. Get get past fucking literally triples. Z's sized. Ted's i mean and yeah all of these moves are absolutely gye fucking gunda so if you if you want some good stuff code go. There says boob stern news center dot com. Be not a sponsor. I just like to i i find titties stuff. Tippett man aged man for the week. do not are you saying to us now. I am okay. Do you need me to get the tone out an old fisher thing for you. How pleased down. Okay why not. How do you know that you don't like gabi. I mean how do you know you've tried fisting. And fifty doesn't work even went in silent. Duck not screaming silence. Yeah that's like the isaac net zero full hand technique. Boom all right into the whole of your joys palm first hand out not silent duck face. Palm shrike oh my god.

00:55:04 - 01:00:00

Yeah hey some of those people who could do the anal tone. They'd be down for it. They can totally rock out with a chair with a knee. Up your ass. Which isaac narrow palm style anal fissure that that would feel like someone just completely took a knee. Right to your ad would maybe take the moby huge after that out. My god that is one big giant cocktail thing. Jesus christ if anybody god help them if they ever fit that inside of them and that you can get it in Black or beige really. Yep okay You know on the large toys. We've talked about this before last year of black even the ass. No which is a little known. But it's a fucking gnome could have been purple could have been any colored all now no towards timid dating. I like the military ones that they they now. They're like they're like military green like dark like kelly. Green newly not- nut- kelly green forest green. Anyway you dark. Green okay olive. And they're in the shapes of bombers and bombs okay and like military shells and their big like you wanna fuck of thirty odd six. Shell you got it right there. Yeah what our big that is. I don't know not that. Big of have i mean it's not for no for bullet. Yes for dick. Now i'm talking. I can and fifty calorie action. Something something. I don't now the think those are pretty hot. There is gay porn studio. they are kind of. They're under fire because they what i mean. He doesn't quite really go into why. I didn't see the whole the whole article but they used the didgeridoo as a dildo. A their fucking appropriating Aboriginal culture they're using the digitally do for sexual is early. Yeah and it wasn't even it wasn't used in a by an australian company. Or or how do they. How dare they use a fictitious instrument not a fictitious but like who knows that was just not a hollowed out fucking log wall and they look like like like. Did anybody play it they probably it probably did because and there was a quote from the movie that they got fly for. Say i'm gonna do you in the ass. Yeah so there's certainly in iran whole and that's probably got a. Oh my gosh. I really tickle so fucking back take league is something that that that is you know tapping around is is is going in your orifice of what whatever hold at its end digital art small. No they're not. they're not small. So you're gonna be no tickling anything after that exist maybe not even in maybe just put it like around the outside. You don't have to shove it inside. You can just have it like resting on your skin. So why would you choose that. Why wouldn't you show show the jury a whole. I mean if you're gonna go. I mean if you're gonna insult You indigenous peoples in a different continent you might as well just do it with some sort of anal rape gusto. Yeah don't halfway it. If you're derive make worth it. I'm just saying i mean you're getting beat up about about you know doing shit with digital. Do you might as well. Somebody should've got fucked. That did reduce mom saying. They probably didn't think that they were doing something wrong. Or that would upset anybody. That was still. Don't think they are. And i don't really know if they are either because it's an object like is it like a holy sacred object like today take somebody's important digital do or the day just make one of their own. Did they go. Did they go to guitar center. And by one or did they import it from shelia. Yeah i mean. Is this like a chinese degree. Do because what do you care. If it's a chinese bucket replica of the instrument that you black. it's a replica. An instrument and imagine how he could imagine how many people have been banged by a bagpipes. People kind of people fuck with bagpipes using scottish people care. I mean what i'm saying is. Do you take scottish. people care filial fuck. Now they're the ones doing the fucking with bagpipes. I had a piper seekers. Pipe up my purse though. I know the piper to. Yes you do i know you do. And it's kind of weird that you do. Is it weird. That i do. I don't know. Because i just never never thought of you hanging out with that group of people. Yeah it was just it. Was you knew all of them will mike.

01:00:00 - 01:04:16

I've known this since i was again. Yeah well it's it's one when you start dating somebody that they didn't really know at all you know i didn't know you didn't know me whatever but then you you find out there's a whole of fucking slew of friends that we had in common that we didn't know we had a common. Oh my god and it didn't stop. Which is that group as three different groups of people in most of them didn't understand well. They did understand how we were together. They didn't understand how we were alive. Here we are exactly like like really of of people to get together. Obnoxious and more obnoxious loud and louder. Yeah that's a power. A couple pursue inspiring has time blessed. No please fill lift left law. Please stop please your soda get laid. But he did. Hey you'll have your your your karen hair on that i. At least i will say that. And i will say if you're not check it out the videos on youtube you're missing out. I'm gonna tell you right now. You know I think the program is enhanced. You can see all my stupid expressive. There's extra content going on in in a graphics and such There really is so you can actually see a lot of the stuff that we are talking about. A long way to come over anything that i think is funny to display while katie is talking about it chair. Turn all of that. That's what he does. So you're out le however if you're if you have to while you're doing this then you know maybe you don't wanna watch maybe just want to listen and that's fine. Yeah we do it. We do it in order for people to listen rally. It's an audio fuck and format you know designed that way all right. oh boy. The officer asked amanda. How did the how did this man around guys couldn't breathe. Underwater laid to very for me. When i read it. I fucked it up on the repeat. Did you really. I thought i thought you had the idea of it. Sure it was just as corny. Coming out of your mouth as it was in in in text for. I tell you right now. One hundred percent just as gorny either way so so it's definitely a you. Joe one hundred percent you maybe laugh a little bit. Probably very different reason nose and really. I'll probably reason it's cute. Sure deny see. Yeah i was. I laughed at your joke. I mean like how much nicer can i be. I literally laughed at according to joke. I totally laughed at and it was that there was a fucking glass to that was fake laugh. I was literally laughing. There's nothing so you made me laugh. Sure marinas what are you talking about. How much nicer could i be or getting outta here for the league. Yeah we are. Not until i finish taking a drink. Yeah i just have sovereign. Hey and then. Next week we're getting. It's a wieners of the morgue. Okay guys lord. You held back on that did you. Were looking at me like you didn't have anything to talk and ramlet a whole bunch of talk about totally screwed the listeners contact you got fucked. People i tried. I tried skill. That you guys have a great rest of doing and parts again. Does anybody does.