#328 – Feeding Fetish
You are currently viewing #328 – Feeding Fetish


This week!

10/17/2020 Whippy smacky and tattoos... Fans getting Kinky Katie tattoos... Porn Pick of the Week - Feeding fetish - Beard Meats Food... Candy corn scented butt plug available just in time for Halloween... Episode of "Rule 34"... Contact form is now working... What happens in the foam stays in the foam... Quad anal porn - four dicks one ass... Katie's first double penetration's story... Happy Swedis day what ever that means... Tits Man - The largest nipples SC has never seen - God Level Nipple... Hand poked tattoo supplies and where you can get them... Proposing marriage to a stripper at the club... Strip clubs in South Florida... Hellcat Herse getting Katie revved up... How do you get rid of a one night stand... Six inch long soul patch... Striper cattle call music... Full friction full nudity and full liquor the way god meant it.

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#328 Feeding Fetish

00:00:00 - 00:05:07

What is your little a Holo GonNa do when it gets corn sent on you I don't know. Where have you been? Jerk retrea. The weekend has landed all the exist now club strokes, popes, and parts of four hours off from the world man I'm going to blow steamer on my head like a screaming. I'm going to talk. To strange his own life, I'm going to lose plot on that dance floor. The free radicals inside may freaking on tonight. I'm Jim Travolta on three Apopka I'm going to Never Neverland my chosen family mind we're GONNA get more spiced out mule. Armstrong advocate. Tonight this could be A. Lot of the family quit quitting my butler. What's The monkey around me. Live from rule thirty, four stadiums. Bringing girl that doesn't have no if you want to come on her tits. feared. She is this your host, the one, the only kinky kidney. Welcome to the show. This is. World. Number Three's Wentz Gate I am your host can Katie and with the as always it's like eight buttercup my favorite plus covered fucked toy. Mr. S. Okay. Sure sure I. Feel Feisty. You're feeling something I. Know Feeling mastel. Driving. My Bubis ally I don't know why I I'll tell you why Aleppo. I'd probably know why okay. Anyway. For the story, well, we do. We are coming to you live from rule thirty, four studios, Kinky Katie Radio DOT, com embryo chaos dot net. Yeah, Oh my goodness. Why was he eats all of my listeners and always kisses underpaying pink parts timoth fans. Like. I liked the act you put on for that why I don't know what it was. It was like. And it was good I liked it to. Ask. Anyway I think we've got a fun show for you tonight which you promise weekly. Tried to bring you entertainment. We'll see how it stands up. We'll see we'll see exactly how it works out whatever. I always liked better the next day. I don't know sometimes. Really. Okay. We're also going to get to my born pick of the week quite shortly. Eh. One of the most interesting editions of Tits Man I think we've ever done. Yeah, interesting. Yeah. Okay. I mean we've talked about really interesting tits for sure. This kind of takes the cake on this one. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I don't know I'll believe it when I see it. Oh Yeah. Okay. That's still at the end of the the end of the pre show. three, twenty, six, I makes me laugh when in chipmunk. Won't pancakes. I'd just makes me think of. Color is the blooming go it's Hank. Hank. What are you talking? I mean literally I I like hang out with you all the time. So I like I completely see all the same shit. Usually a lot of the time listen to me I, had no idea what you're talking about how you don't. That's okay. Rope awhile ago. Okay. You're not pay attention to now anyway. Doesn't matter I. WanNa say hello to at sweet little. SISTA. I'm having trouble with my ass is right now. So we'll SISTA. Sinister. Sorry. Citizens whatever it's hard to say, would you have a twitter day? Well it is. It's a twitter day and this is two hundred zero by by I would say hello said that funny. Okay. So good I appreciate it. We'll see if you live up to that. That's right if you live up to the high hopes that you have have promised. Somebody. Somebody. No listen to me. I WanNa tell you everybody that the contact page on Kinky Katie Dot com is is up and running and working. So if you want to get in touch with you there you can you can do that. So if I haven't haven't got back to you and you to go through there before. No no I mean it. All it was. Email address whatever. But people sometimes like want to just type type right there. They don't want to. Pace yeah. They don't WanNa. Do all that. So they don't send your message. That's what happens. So Anyway, oh We'll speaking messages I did get an email this morning from gentleman that he's been. Asking me well, not just him. A couple of people have asked me they for the uncensored video of my nipple stretch from four gauge to okay.

00:05:07 - 00:10:06

Well, they've been asking jackets. I have that somewhere I mean I'd I have it somewhere I know you have more because I thought it was still on the website somewhere. No? No. No. No I jacked. Sorry I gotta I gotta I gotTa find it. I gotta find well because we had. I. Have One computer that that died and I don't know what I didn't anyway. So. Yeah. No but I put it out i. put it out somewhere where I can get to. A I'm not I'm not tired I'm okay. All right. Well I. Think I did the responsible thing. I'll look into it. All get the proper department heads together and it A and I will Go check it out. Find It. Very. Cool. So we'll definitely will let you know when it's back I you know me I won't. I won't keep you in the dark. Well, it was the last time. You had to restrict your nipples because you had taken your your gauge bills out for the I had him out for a long time I was in the hospital. So I had to take about and then I just never put back in and then I lost. Yeah. So I had to go back down to a four. One go back to two, which is larger and yeah. We we videotaped and put the censored one on the on my youtube channel, which by the way is coming back very very soon we'll. We'll. We'll try to do videos suck try. You're just GONNA. See me laughing dumb ass and smoking pot and I don't know that's just I'll theater. So really sure you know. Yeah. So yeah. But yeah by you can see the censored version on there and it hurt not gonNa lie does hurt. You're stretching. Yeah, Nipple. From from a lar-, well, you know a bigger than normal whole to a big hole. But a straw. Yes, we used to be able to do that. Well, we still can do that, but we used to do that at the bar. see would would you believe this to her Neville and I'm at a titty and take a drink through my apple Straw. It was always a big party trick something I. Know It was it was a way to go on for sure now. Really. Wants once one girl pulls out we all know every will you have I? Don't know about it doesn't always happen that way, but it really increases your odds a lot does we're all out like at a bar or some shit and everybody's just having a good time. You get one set of boobs out multiple follow because there's always a chick like my taste better not yet. God competition is always Or you know the the the hot one out of the group Guy Wise. Shows interest in the chick whipped her tease outs sick. Oh. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Look a mind and you're watching like like a fucking memory escalation. Yeah like my. Way better than yours honey. Okay really I think as. They look good. Yes. But I can't you know I mean it apples to oranges at this point really Ed to be fair. You know I can't. I can't judge hers. Because really I, don't know what yours look like. Well, then it turns into then grabbing after looking to feel them feel them. Yes. No exactly better. No matter voter. Hang on I'm going to have to test them with my mouth. Heo Benalla. Better ass. I don't believe you. Or something like that? Ugly Posey or something. Well, it wasn't. It wasn't all like that. Most of the time it was I have great tits I bet they're fucking glorious could shirt. Arctic. Yeah. That's that's usually have how it happened. I know and then I'm the one that went out creepy Groupie groupie will you would just grab oops really. You're you're GONNA be me up and down the place. I mean nobody ever yelled at you everybody seemed to be into it. So they were scared of me. Okay. Well, let's not really that's really not what you wanted to. You know intimidate them into no negative, just talk him into it. You do it I know I didn't really have to do much talking jail not at all. Hey thank. Oh. My God it's a great. I mean sometimes you would say, may I as you were moving in? Yeah. That's as I was doing a urine allowed bar. So I don't know if anybody ever really heard you. Would whisper like the one guy. I'm black clover. The one that looks like Marilyn Manson. That's right. anime reference for you for a character it just whispers all the fucking time and the only reason you know what he says because they have it subtitled and you can read the subtitles and it's usually.

00:10:06 - 00:15:02

But everyone's freaked out and scared of him because he 'cause he looks like Marilyn Manson but he's always say, but he's always saying everything. Nicely, you're my best friend. So much. Glad for. Ever going to murder. Yeah. I get a kick out of it. This makes me laugh what you get for judging the poor guy. That's that's right. What he looks like. A book by its cover. Okay. Is because they look like a horror doesn't mean they're going to suck your Dick. The probably will your odds are a little better? A little better that doesn't mean you. You could just whip your take out though okay. You GotTa talk to somebody I. Well, it's kind of funny because there there's a video that I just watch today that I can throw on the show notes when we process it when it's going to be available on everywhere and. They say mentor so. Change your laugh all the time. It's it's it. It disturbs me I don't know what the psychology behind your life changing as well. I'm cycling through my files to see which one works for you you out. Okay. Well, no I mean none of them are really really creepy but they just they move around a little I. Mean I guess it depends on the kind of humor year laughing at. See. That's a different kind of a laugh. It really depends on what you got caught on. Talking about. A thing. I don't remember either God. Where were you? Well Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Asks. You just started something. I just started something and now I don't remember what the fuck was going spreaker spot. Oh, I wanted to say it was kind of funny. That Well there's people listening right now that are like. You start. You, take a really you too stupid fugger's don't. Remember where you're at and I'm not going to see the end of this, fuck this is like fucking net Netflix's. Get into a series season or two, and they just don't bring it back and they always have to leave you with the pug cliffhanger. Another nasty email from that other person you're jumping around again too much. Follow you. We want to know dealer Louis and a nasty email at all I'm just Wasn't as high. No I'm just kidding was quite nice. He was just like sometimes I'm a little confused. Could you? please. Story. Make. A little more sense sometimes I you know I don't know me. That one girl that at at sweet little sinister sinister. And then A. Hardy are sinister. I did I because that's the the anyway you'll figure it out well. I. Mean we say by whippy Willoughby's Maggie third media some cheese say who's fagging Just. Simple I don't have to get all to like acronyms or that's you know that's what you say when you want to confuse people some acronym. No negative. We're getting tattooed next week and I'm excited. Very excited early or well because usually way the two years ago we went and saw this guiding Bach and he he was at the the local Tattoo Convention here in Tampa and we were hoping to get more stuff done from him. This time. Well, of course, since all this shit's going on, it's not happening right now. So the cool thing is he's going to be in town and we don't have to travel couple hours to go see him we have Charlie fifty minutes I'm really excited. That done muccio reunion very very well, the reason to that I bring that up not only because I'm excited about it but. There is a there is a fan. Who is getting to? Kinky Katie Tattoos? And He asked he said he's going to be he's going to be filming it and asks posted I said Fuck Yes dr I will post. Yes. Multiple places. I will post this video. He's getting my lips printed on his neck. Kiss mark on, his neck. and He's wants my logo on the back of his leg, right? I was telling him. I was like Oh. Yeah. You were. He's talking about places to go. Because he any basically wants like a portrait face to want to really really look like you might. Take Tiger I. Mean you want do do it? You know just I cannot wait to see how this turns out.

00:15:03 - 00:20:08

You come away tickets now, but I was telling him unless you have someone come in the back of your leg. You know 'cause that's where my boobs are going to be. So the logo. Okay Hey God. What? Did. You can come the Tattoo of my tits Oh. Okay. Okay. Gosh that no I didn't I didn't understand you meant by that at all. But I was telling him. I said, if you're going to get it, he doesn't live in Florida, but he was going to get it done in Florida and I said. Oh Bryan to it in Orlando I was just I can just see the look on Brian's face. If someone who was like, I, want you to detach. Kinky Katie's look. And her face on my leg. Well sure. He'd like it. He'd be totally into it. I think he'd probably get a gag. Alive I would I would would you have to remember what you're competing with is I mean there are several people who've gotten kinky Katie tattoos former another and really so far the. Winner literally has. Her Pussy held over was bugging close clothes pins in strings with shit written on the fuck and close fans held Ovan after having some menstrual sex. Shaved Afresh Metro Cream Pie. Close. Very close up action and had that on his bicep up and it actually got on one of the you have C. events because he stay there yellow and there's her pussy riot. Right right on Fox and it's realistic to. Photo photo realism of your pussy like almost one to one life. Re ratio to you know it is. It's pretty close. So Shane. Years you're crazy bastard. You really he posted a picture of. Everyone's like. Is this your next one because he's? He's getting what another one soon. Just real quick. This guy is actually doing it local where he is in his. State. So I have to wait and see what happens but I just think it'd be funny if he ask. I would love to see Brian's phase they. Are you serious. Okay you. Really. Want you WanNa, do it. Yeah well, Shane and posted a picture of a new school chocolate starfish and it was spitting who had sperm swing out of its mouth. So it's it's a butthole cream pie. But. It's a new school cartoon. So it's a brown starfish. Just. Like some little cartoons firms coming out of its mouth boy I know. Oh my goodness lead time to go to my favorite segment there by standing by for. With Pink. It is the point Katie wide. It's time once again for. Okay. So my porn pick of the week actually does tie into a twitter response. Okay. All right. Lately I've been watching, we've been watching the beard meets food and he's a competitive eater and he. Any eats a bunch of stuff like all the time he does a lot of food challenges and Shit. That's feeding into your. Feeder Fetish. You're right. You're not like an extreme fetish Spanish, but you're definitely into feeding I don't want to put a funnel down your throat and stuff. You like a goose for fog for frog. Gras Canterbury now. That Okay thank you sliver anyway just talking about acronyms, right Great. So anyway, I like to get sexually turned on by watching him eat yes and. He gets shit stuck in his beard. So. Much. Okay. which is every whatever. Competitive eating you have a giant glorious beer there things going to fly. It's. Yeah. It's like a little chest protector for you right but. So, I sent him I started following him on twitter and I sent a tweet. Yes and. I told him that I really really enjoy watching his videos on youtube and is like I have a feeder fetish and keep stuffing that pretty little face and he. He responded to me. He's like thanks Nice thing. Like like a little laffy but question mark I'm like oh well whatever. And that's what happens. Everybody's been on like a youtube and bite you. Roll your your porn watching really with a youtube inch odds you'll find a channel and you'll just go wait. There's like three hundred videos asked his face with Shit Yeah tiffany challenges and such thing I think is also say oh Yeah.

00:20:09 - 00:25:01

Suck those bones dry jam sausages in your mouth. You like black pudding. Boy. Okay Okay, backup yelling forever back. Exciting back into the left. I'm also dig really weird. Muck. Bang lungs you too. Yeah. Okay. I. I've enjoyed watching these radios review the ones with a beard means food. But yeah, because I walk over then just bend over the side of the couch and Chevy Sean my mouth. Okay. But besides that I'm just saying generally watching the videos with you however the Buck Bang wants no negative. Light. Gross one so it's just not no negative. because. It's like the thing to pick up all the sounds and stuff you know what I mean Oh. Yeah. Kind of thing that's like Chris, a big aspect of it. You know what I mean. Sure. Sure. Sure No. Negative. anyways. So that's your man for the Ted's man sorry that's your porn pick of the week. I I feel like I haven't done this show in a while. And I I don't understand my problems too and some math before because. I'm drinking iced coffee a monkey with a machine gun. I've been drinking tea a lot. God that's why I don't have very much more. Little. Faster. To say it's Easy, but it's you know I'm working at. Dared. I'm just trying to keep up with the level later. That's all. Coli Jesus. Like ask people like you just blew up my ear. Buds Bechari. Dhamma Auto. My God. In. Time for Halloween, if you want to get into the mood then. They have scented candy corn shaped and colored. Why? With Sheraton. Katie cord eighty I'll be late when you start to description with. Canaccord. Said like that's like fucking multidex. Chemical. Process Weird fake corn course. Flavor Oh, I wanna to I if you like them but a very controversial. Katie. They they really. They're very polarizing. Well, they have the shape and color plug. Candy Corn Plug. Sensitive. Oh. Why can't Turn Center Katie Gordon? As you know there's Oh it's about plugged. Oh Yeah. Okay. It's probably okay good because I'm just saying you start slapping sense on Shit you know what? I mean what what is your little a Holo GonNa do when it gets some corn sent on you. You know what? I mean I don't know. Who? Where have you been out? Jack Retreat. Well I'm just saying like whatever center using I'm sure it's going to be some sort of an irritant for your vaginal. Yeah I would imagine I don't know I'm not a scientist, but I'm thinking of they could sometimes play on TV. Even, play. That I think if I walked in and you're like scientists, I would wonder what the fuck is wrong with you for really scientists Jesus. Well. I mean, you could. You could guess a lot of things but scientists were not yet. No negative. I could walk in with a clipboard and a white coat on and you would stimulate dude, where'd you steal the clipboard and like? Oh Who did you take that from and why look that obvious I think so yeah, could be. well, I. THINK WE'RE GONNA. Go to an episode of rule thirty four and when we come back, we're going to have a brand new tits man. We're going to have something that's going on today. something. I. Don't I don't know why I'm today meeting and by the time to today meeting by the time they hear this off explained before I'll be future before time travel. Yes. Okay. fucking. To, tell you Wabi kind of. All right that's right. So. Grow it. Time bullet basically and repressing snack. Like what you going rate is two banks do tours I don't know I wouldn't even think to know well, okay. A number on it like you have a horse, your deviant like that. So I can't think about it I mean how much fucking Work with you work with thoroughbreds.

00:25:01 - 00:30:01

So like you are one of these people that literally seven mayors and takes takes for samples right and you know that you know maybe in your mind, you're like I don't know I've been shoulder diva bitch. So really putting your little. Whatever I'm just saying, you're one of those people put imagine a world in which this is you. Okay I don't want to. You Weird fuckers. Trying to find somebody to let me fuck there. But. I. Figured. You might know about it. But you know a guy who knew a guy I thought I thought this was pony play. You know I thought this was Tony Play. I really meant a opponent like like a man and a Bony Mask Leather Daddy style right? Right around with a bridal Anna Tale. Chris. Hand comes out is that why you had carrots and apples in your car? Chris Hansen's Stop Predator while you have all these carrots here Mr. Smith what are what are you planning to do with Mr Adhere tied stick specifically progress Danes. What's going on here? We have the email correspondence radio. Hard. Yeah. That's exactly what I said. That's exactly what I said. I met really get a writer what. Take. A little bite when you're talking about you guys really got computers here. I'm literally talking about taking a ride on horse main really going to those eases we Kinda purrs are you people? Who the Hell Azad Jesus Christ God Know off with the show. Long. It's a nice. Sexy. Oh, welcome back to Kinky Katie's world of rule thirty four studios kinky Katie Radio Dot com radio cast dot net. Did Not. Fuck Up. Tonight. Boy Wait Whoa Even This is C. Back just like we're talking. Feel. Yeah. the early nineties. That sound right there. That that's very like a ninety s fucking break be kind of an action. Yes. I do. The job is very nine ninety S. They didn't have anything like that and distrust. Axel. One thousand nine hundred hundred kids. Hey kids. The very beginning of your electronica music. Oh, my Gosh Oh anyway I forgot to say you can get me on twitter at Kinky Katie Radio Kinky Katie radio dot com Kiro radio gmail.com contact sheet works on the email in the. Website right contact forms what you're saying. Yeah. FACEBOOK fetlife basically Google. Came on radio. Definitely. Definitely judicial to. Me Oh Where'd? Of Normal. God devotees gone rogue. On China rose on facts. We'll. JP Crayon. Took over. DJ, braided hair. My Name. It was either Dj Poofy Crayon or DJ. Hair you know I buy back the nineteen hundred. Hours wearing shiny button down. Rail. Those flames Travel to go to music. Festival. Dowse, you sanitize it for free at a phone party would. You got you got like free sanitizing with every molestation it was.

00:30:03 - 00:35:00

Like like you get groped five ties but you're very. Clean every orifice just shining scariest. Everything squeaky clean. Earning. One hundred percent you don't feel as gross. When you sober up when it happens in the foam stays in the phone Katie. We all know that it's a petri dishes flip bucket around that phone comes out baby. Oh. It's on how there is a tweet. This chick she she says, she posted pictures and she's finished my first quadruple anal today horror next freak leash it ball. It was fucking awesome. We've looked up to pictures for that and because we had some questions. There was a church. I to say we've already discussed. Eight. Quadrangle. Used to be like a fucker wrestlers start to stutter when I think about that many many decks going in the same hole. Who Like we had some questionable poke. We add some questions about the arrangement that you would have to do, and we did actually find some photos that had the the Dick's we were looking for. These are the Dick you're looking for. It's like a do Dick carousel. Just like a win meal kind of thing free I, forget exactly how We did look into this tweet research point pried open shelvin over the best says somebody's doing a Quad Adl yeah. You can even look it up a Hashtag legal porno as his and yes. Quadruple means four dicks in my ass at the same time and. You're wondering if you do any double penetration with another, Jude, you definitely feel the other day I I just feel. She's petting a lot of tech arouse. Tech. She's got a jug band but okay, she seen stuff. She seen stuff you don't know she's only fifteen. She's been somewhere I I bet she could do it hurts you. Heard you. Oh goal ratio. All she's cured. So, hundred percent. Definitely you'RE GONNA, you're GonNa Rub Somebody's Dick if oh, yeah. That was my fucking public service and. If you're playing like you WANNA drop some DP on your girl for for whatever that you know little double penetration. It doesn't necessarily have to be the same hole. I mean. That's kind of cool too. But at your I mean you're right there you're feeling on don't don't feel bad it's okay. It's okay. You'll be fine. You'll feel his ball slapping up against you a little bit. It's not gonNA hurt you. It's you know whatever To get some drip age of trade what's the fluid between friends and you get strangers squeeze the action happening out of the receiver of penetrations. That's very true. Sometimes a little ribitsch that well, it's not for me been into terror I'm fine. I made. ME A bit. Who came through that unscathed? You didn't I didn't. I was fine. I, didn't say me. Guy They're hurt my Kuch. But I mean at the time I was definitely it's every for you guys don't know just real quick for my thirty third birthday whatever I. Was Oh yeah. Thirty birdie thirty trait. That's where I cut the Crotch at my pantyhose of the bar like Suction Cup made my fucking fat pussy look even fatter like suck to any. Phone. Ever to like it is it made my pussy look all puckered. ME, out right at the CROTCH. We're like sucked over. So it stuck out like further. Can I guy? Memory of getting getting doubly penetrated that I mean that's. Okay, but that's the first thing they came to. Your mind was where it started. Okay I just didn't met her noxious is being the bar, but I was like it's my birthday arrives. House like. A. have done no no and I. Got I got a threesome and took a bunch of pictures and the camera got lost with all the pictures on them. Okay. That's okay. But I had a great time but we're talking about a DVD UM say you're gonNA go really long wandering story I know okay I know. I don't know why continue I. I all cranked up. Say Stay on track. Track. Yeah so anyway. Yes you're talking about.

00:35:01 - 00:40:01

Yes okay that I have doubly yes and it wasn't just ep we we got we got two cocker what whole yes. Okay. Oh. Yeah. Those three I the. Double vaginal. Oh. My. Didn't feel thing well. Because now, kids come out of that thing. Yeah. I. Remember I was told. In my ear after it was shoved into my crotch. She Let. Let it go. Of Top saying what you were told cracking. Like okay, you're meant to stretch. would. You Ted to you came back then mostly. Shared as. A kind of you know we're back similar. So today which I didn't know at it happens apparently on the third October of every year is a national sweetest sweetest day sweetest I remember this this is something or something or something. Well, it's kind of like a Valentine's Day. Yeah. It's Kinda like a fucking Valentine's Day that's not a Valentine's Day okay. Lane again I know I've heard this before the sweetest day I don't remember where but please explain what it says it's an add a national sweetest. Sweetest Day encourages everyone to be generous even in like little small ways what country is this the everywhere? Okay. Or? Origin just came from everywhere. I don't know where to get out of the research department. Okay. So happy Swedish Day. Out of each day, right. Because anybody could blow jobs Swedish day or do we like yes, you get to bang everybody ought to. Do. I. Mean. Now you're talking to holiday. Yeah okay. People out. Like. All right. It's nice to people. So every change Oslo jobs for everybody right and they say that it that it most places up north like Minnesota it's like also known as Candy Day? So. Like I don't know everybody gives each other candy and it's like pre. Halloween. Okay maybe they use all of that shit like here. You have it for maybe it's like an anti Halloween. Maybe I don't know. It'd be like anti Halloween propaganda. Yeah. You know some some Orthodox group somewhere. You know what I'm saying could be. WE'RE GONNA go to your favorite segment standby Danny Guy. boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for. This man. This shit's man is Lego, saying in the beginning. This has got to be one of the most interesting tits man. You guys have got to see this and judge for yourself. Now, this came courtesy of at KGB. Six, eight to one. He is a friend of mine. I have met him in person as he has met him to him and his wife Okay Anyway. She goes by on twitter at Big Nipple Queen Oh my God. Oh. My God I know exactly who you're talking about. Yes does art. Oh. Finish. Yes I. Remember the picture you showed me this your. Name Anyway continue. please. All right now has it was presented to me. You twitter which I have re tweeted. So you can check her out and check out the tweet hundred started at all He says this goes by Harry One. He's again I thought you might check out these numbers. These are not over Caesar differ name. Altogether, we've got to come up those are things like God level jobs man those things are total world enders. It's more like an utter their BMX pags. Their daring little bits of you could literally, no can't get fucked in the ASS by these devils. I if they if they were Iraq somehow magically. They about the diameter of a quarter and the La- like three or four inches long like three inches long bog stir monster uttered. They look like they've been stuck on checking PA milking machine. Yeah. Milking machine vacuum pump. Yeah. uh-huh. Yeah. You're just GONNA steal my line richer now halfway through. Their choice sides fuck off. If you go to a big nipple queen, Dot Com dot com at big never green you can see all of her pictures. You'll be changed. She she can Malcolm. Actually like squirt of course, she can like. Those things are like the.

00:40:02 - 00:45:04

Models wow. The. Do. If, you've ever seen. Like any videos of any anybody feeding like a baby golder. Betas a baby for whatever yeah. Maybe for man old what would leave the bottles that they use the white ones with the big? Dark. Red Nipples on it. That's what her is like the world not her you know her but to what her Neville's look like her teddy's look like boobs boobs right. But the devils are are something different entirely completely something. I warn you. I don't know how I feel about it because I would I don't know I'm not one of those people who want to actually suckle I. Don't I like I don't want actual milk to come out I don't stop by thing. I don't want it but things, there is no way you're not getting milk out of those welcomed nibbles. Yeah. So monstrous. So that is the tits man for the week. Hit Man I told you is going to be the most interesting. You guys have got to go check it out. You're not, gonNA believe it for. Themselves will have the link on the website with the you know. There with all the other shit that we put on there because we actually put like the links to the break music and the articles and all that is. You guys can go and check it out. They have. It's a little ridiculous right alad. I think of the Shit that you can buy online. Okay. I mean that people should not by. US. Launchers. Yeah, okay. Definitely. Those okay. You. Know I think I, think if somebody could get them why shouldn't I be able to get them? Somebody gets them. You know if somebody could buy them by their way into a licensed to get them and buy their way into having it like but they're the only ones that do fuck that no negative I read has to be available to all. That's right. But you can't wave a magic wand soaking my mother fucking grenade launcher. This is a hand Pope Tattoo? Kit Okay. Well, you know for fifty bucks you know. It's so it's just a needle. Your Senate. Just just needles. That's IT and a mallet. Yeah. There you go. Whack away. Eight comes with a strip of needles a like disposable razor. Like. Wipe. Your Little Square of Senator Okay Ready to fucking poke your way into an infection or something like probably. Yes. Okay. Well, you know people are allowed to do. You Know Tattoo or is obviously always like God. Damn. Why do people do that in house? Sometimes they weren't horrible fucking Shit on him. Oh. My God. I did I did want on somebody when I was sixteen years old a lot of people do with Indian ink. Yes. No wasn't India ink I don't know I don't remember exactly where they got the ink and basically there was like two or three of us that took turns doing it. I drew it on his arm and is I okay we're GONNA Tattoo. It and somebody started doing the poking but after a while they kind of gave up so I ended up finishing all the hokey pokey. It was hideous. It was completed. It can get infected though somehow magically. Where was this way we were drunk now where on your body Dividing yet it oh, did somebody else was about to say I'm like I got seem though you would definitely have seen wasn't. Done I was not going to get a fuck and a hand pokey sticky. It really did not seem like a good idea to me either taking. No. Like is literally we took a fucking needle and wrap some threat around toward the end of the needle a little bit up, and then dipped it in the and pulp pop up. Now. Toward I've stayed on them for years ally I've seen I've seen people do that. When I was when I was ideal. Now, when I was younger, they also used to take But why should that be like illegal? If somebody whatever I don't know you should be allowed to be stupid. If want to be your like what's preventing you Erin Opportunity. That's it. So dumb what? What what do you I mean if you want to do something retired if you do it like, okay. Speaking of there was a video that was posted. There is a dude who proposed to his girlfriend, the booby trap in Miami. Went up on stage got down on one knee and proposed. She was a stripper yeah.

00:45:05 - 00:50:02

Don't want us. To half, naked. And it was during, he had him play. I'm in love with the stripper. and. That's when that's when he did it. You know a lot of people don't see how like literally you hear from Jesus all the time. How could you marry somebody? who was a stripper at I? It does I would it does take somebody who you know could deal with that hundred. It's not gonNA be everybody and you know what? I just. GUESS WHO We know the new owner, Dewey, Yester-, which club again of the booby-trapped Miami. Okay. How do we? Yes, we do. Okay. Who We've been drunk around them plenty of time. All right. Yeah. That does nothing for us now though no were just saying. But now, his roof. Do. We know the girl. That is something I would do I know the girl Oh I don't know we might. have been down there in so long. Yeah. See. I don't know I can't. I can't really tell what her face looks like up close but. I'm sure we'll find out. Okay. I can always ask our other Strasbourg. Bouncer friends. If they know the girl who got a engaged to Walter host on stage they know the odor to okay they we were all friends go out. Did she say yes, we need to know she said yes. Okay. You can see she's like freaking out driving. We've had a lot of friends that were to answer. So I mean you can totally but I. Usually doesn't end well. It doesn't end with a lot of people though. Like people get married and then they're not married. Or together, like we like the girls that we knew the danced weren't married now but they had they were several long term boyfriends. Yeah. You know so he wouldn't have and. There was. Some kind of weird stripper drama. Is they're all there was though. Jagger. Over your shoulder at of passion at the harder I'll Hollywood. Yes. Getting all thrown out like we getting thrown out multiple I, mean we got. We were the fucking people who got thrown out sometimes too. Oh Yeah. So you know I'm not I'm not saying that I was never blamed new however the dancer dancers that we knew all have gotten S. thrown out of clubs around the the Tri County area there in south Florida Yeah for sure for you know just. Stuff that you're going to throw it out of the bar. Oh my God well, whenever we we used to I used to always love getting up. In the morning or you know go into the the bar for breakfast and seeing our friends. The had been the bed yet. We're like, Oh, you have not been home yet. Well, that's. Like a fort, Lauderdale Miami staple kind of a thing. If it's a weekend, it'll be five in the morning and people are out. You know she'll do and shit. We'll get some breakfast and then we'll go to the bar when it opens up. Yes. Yeah. This was places great because this bar sold breakfast. Places pretty pretty that's pretty seedy yet is such a twenty four hour. Are you GONNA do? Well, that's when my when I was working for my dad and we will do that all the time, but they also had a package store or two. So He'd send me sometimes to go get Viagra for the office. Well and needless to say Reno. Winters twenty, four hour bars or out in south. Now, that's not a good idea. It's a horrible idea it was convenient. Wasn't. It really wasn't good for my. Overall? No, no negative was usually bad. But you know had a good time. I lived. At USA arrive. Yeah I know we're here despite twenty hours that sell breakfast what have you did? You want a beer shot. A shot with a beer back and then. That was like a special. I remember that Oh. My goodness we're going to die there. There's a new hearst that came out. It's. It's really I think it looks I would drive it but I mean it doesn't look like a hearse. It looks like a fucking like station wagon had sex with a charger. The dodge, all the judge challenger. It's called the health hat red eye hers. Okay. I don't know. I just I just thought it was Kinda neat. It looks like. Hers Yeah No it looks like A. Station. Wagon right okay. I don't know a weird morbid fascination.

00:50:02 - 00:55:02

You really disturbed me sometimes we mean, would we I what's the matter type you're showing me the latest models of hearse. Okay I thought it looked cool. Okay. You're not going to like go through your involving tools or anything like that. You need. To have a backup anal plug. 'CAUSE case it breaks. Break Okay and then it'll have leakage over the plate. Exactly. Exactly. What is it? What is it with guys? I I had someone ask me and I. I was kind of like you know what? Fuck you the same thing like i. i WanNa know to. Wise it so hard to get rid of one night stands sometimes like sometimes they don't fuck like they stay. They don't fuck leave like they linger and they they will go like I had one deed Cinderella his watch. Yes folk. and. Then he wouldn't leave Ivanka my house ally standing outside the front doors. My parents, House. I'm standing outside. and. I'm like, okay. How good away we get the Fuck Ole. I've flipped a switch. Like you know at some point I just get cold I go. Look you gotta go. And it starts scurrying. Well, it's. I don't know if you ever understood this maybe probably hopefully people get kind of attached and you have actually them sometimes you know what I mean. Or even when you don't because that one one fetish party that we went to I had you and our two friends on the leashes. You're my pops and. The third you and the guy who I caught a his his not off came back and spent the night at my parents house. Right. I not. Yeah. Yeah. It was a long soul batch well. He wouldn't fuck and leave. And then finally like, okay, I'll make breakfast. What do you want? Do you want? Like eggs waffles. Yeah that's all sounds great. I. Would help you out with a law. Created a fuck you and how you deal with it. You. Make me deal with any fucking random random person we bring by and this is like your friend. This. There was no baggy around with him anything like that. Literally, we're we were bringing him to a faddish party. Bringing because he wanted to go to one never been to one before. Okay. So so he's your friend. So you always make me any indiscriminate person. We've ever done anything with I have to deal with them I always Say All right got to get out your better at it yet because I just say get out and you look like a bouncer. Looks funds over playtime ended and usually a laughing, and but I you know they understand you gotta leave. Well, this is the thing. This is even before that I cut this guy's soul patch off you know this this happened way before because I used to date, we'll fuck his friend. Okay like I lived in a neighborhood you guys all went to like. Like High School Age Frown what. But ever yes. So anyway, he had never been to a fetish partner for wanted to go. So we went and then we ended up doing drugs like I don't know probably did acid or read took something and. What's Fetish Party? Yeah. We definitely did. That was when the dude lost his fucking nuts. That was that same night I don't know. I think. So and we had we definitely had acid. I take it I don't maybe it was maybe it was years. Okay. Well. New Year's night. Maybe it was maybe it wasn't. I'm not sure because it was me you. Anyway, whatever well, ever since then. He's just. Well he was like whenever he saw us, he's like, Hi guys, people people did that all the time? No I mean and that wasn't even people that we brought anywhere but. You. We everybody get drunk and do stupid shit together in of our wherever wherever you are whatever the situation was they. Kinda WanNa do that again and really I you know maybe I wanted to maybe we wanted to or not probably not usually it was she's a one and done. Yeah. Works a lot better that way just yeah. It really works a lot better that way. Hundred percent anyway and then yeah, we saw. Years. Later, cut just no. Look couple years later I guess anyway that's when I cut off his chair. Yes No, it's not. It's a soul patch. It's way worse. All right. We were soldiers. Would you have like a six inch long fucking soul patch tail so bad and he was kind of a Dushi to. Well. That's just he was kind of just a little dorky dude he was Puerto Rican.

00:55:03 - 01:00:04

Did Not see Puerto Rican. That's like a mischaracterization. You know he was like Puerto Rican talion Oh. Yeah. He was but he was just like white dude you know yeah he was like like like white dude who grew up in the suburbs with the the Johnny Depp Mushroom Style Haircut? Yes. I don't remember hair glasses too. Yeah. Nice Guy. Nice Guy Nice Guy. Yeah He. Wasn't a ball laughter. Like have awesome. You know what? I mean dragging around a boat anchor anytime you know what I mean. God, another friend. I know it. What can you show me how to talk to people? Okay. I mean you can listen to me but. I everybody's you gotta find your own way to what is always become a seminar or like a fucking yes. Like what what I do is you got to figure out your own way to just talked of Evil Weirdo and not look at them like you WanNa. Go Fuck them in the bag even though that's what you want. And you don't WanNa lie about it and eventually. Yeah eventually they tell. Yeah. Completely have have you got to have something else you WanNa talk to him about I like that's the way I worked out to find your own fucking style row I don't know what to tell you. It's social skills. You gotTA Walk Up to people and say, hi, somehow well, then you have the ones to the WanNa fuck me but then they go through you get to me but then also your Dick. No. Water fairtrade. Go We. We gotta do way better than that might do I guess saying I mean you gotta you gotTa break at least two or three girls and and we'll check it out. We'll have a little line up. You know what I mean intended. Ten Ten ten, ten, ten, stripper cattle call music fuel ready for this. Dance chantant. Off, with plus get ready to rumble. Oh, at least that was the setup there Dan like over the years it's changed slightly, but you could still. Girls, girls it's still fine places. The do the same old fucking. You know DJ style stripper Oh. Yeah. Yes. That's kind of it's kind of like they have the. STIR DJ STARTER KIT and everybody gets one like they get an orientation assured I'll go to the same seminar. We all saw tag talk shit was on Youtube Katie. It's always yeah. My sister's a bartender were my cousin works here. You know except for you never see that black clubs at all. That same cattle quite know no, it's a completely different thing. Yeah completely different thing. I mean that's in your standard. Standard shed hole well, a Margate WHOA. Fuck was the name of that one I don't even remember anymore. Doesn't matter now doesn't matter but they you played the jock jams roadway. Hey, really that you. Yeah, it was A. Finger whatever. Oh. Goldmember. Vegas no no, we don't remember. So. Many. We'll know in south Florida there's a lot of strip clubs. They changed names and Shit. It's weird though like certain buildings will always be a strip club. Like Oh yeah it won't be, and then we'll be, and then we'll be who can't get the state and the stained out. And I'm too cheap anything about it. So fuck it. You know it's like it's in the fucking. Like haunted, you know what I mean. You Ben fucking haunted by Ho. Aberrations. Smells like cigarette. Coke and regret regret. Old People. Here's. You know a little bit of menstruation. The right balance to some hearing. All baby pennies. TALLEC smell. No. There's there's nothing wrong with a little strip club five. Reminding Home I love it. I feel like belong here for some reason kind of school lick the couch well. Maybe, not like that we'd be going to strip clubs very often. I don't really like them here in Tampa. People talk about them. I. Don't live talk about I. Really. I, don't either like GonNa Gather. Amazing. I don't take so. Nude. There's some clubs that there. There's some great looking girls sure. But it just it's not to say I don't know what it is not non nudity everywhere. Really up here we have the ones that actually they advertise thirty six beautiful women.

01:00:05 - 01:01:57

To ugly one toothless. True, and it is true. Certainly could be more ugly than just to. At least you have a minimum of two ugly once but then again, everybody is wearing a mask so you can't tell anyway. So probably the ugly ones like I love the I mean. Are they actually wearing masking still i? Mean we're we're we're in Florida. So we're just we're in Florida. So we're just waiting for everybody to die. They didn't even let their fucking beaver hang out here. What beaver? CROTCH fever over here who's Cover that either. Not Down South now anyway, that's what I'm saying. That's why the clubs aren't as good if you can't see a monkey, right? Yeah. I WanNa see I wanNA see from behind I, want to see the inside full friction a fool nudity full liquor. Oh yeah, and usually five to ten dollar. The Way God intended. That's right. Hand your car behind a Bush Mr Parking lot got. During lunch I already go. So I, hope everybody had a fun time with US tonight and I hope you guys have a great day rest of the day whatever of the week month whatever you are doing. Fun with that do you have anything for me as? Review somewhere. Yeah it's Weirdos. Oh. My God late subscribe. Album. Stars you know. On Sale Solve All, right. Ever I wanNA leave you with this The green pepper practice archery. Because it didn't happen. Does anybody does.