#327 – Horses Carrots and Sugar Cubes
You are currently viewing #327 – Horses Carrots and Sugar Cubes


This week!

10/10/2020 Can't even open salt... Men having babies or not... All anal all of the time... Underwear with a pouch or potential accidental castration... Jojo's bizarre adventures - Lick, lick, lick, lick, dubbed and in Japanese... The 90's were the 60's... The creepy giant clown shower... Katie getting beaten with a hammer, dream... Murder porn... Porn Pick of the Week - Asian men double penetration... Nut allergies and cum contact... Lock up your dick and balls with blue tooth... House pants... Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick fever... Episode of "Rule 34"... What goes into the fuck doll stays with the fuck doll... Air fuck Olympics... Tits Man - Nipple sucker with ring control and the seatbelt challenge... Bald Eagle in a can... Don't push the buttons with your dick... John arrested for trying to pay to have sex with a horse... More fun with horse sex and Mr. Hand.

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Kinky Katie's World #327 Horses Carrots and Sugar Cubes

00:00:01 - 00:05:00

No, I thought this was total Pony play. I really meant a man in a pony mask, you know, leather daddy style right right him around with a bridal and a tail Chris Hansen, that is that why you had carrots and apples in your car over the weekend has landed all the exists now is clubs Brooks pubs and pies. Got 48 hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steam out on my head like a screaming Kettle. I'm going to talk card shipped to strangers all night. I'm going to lose the plot on the Dance Floor to the free radicals inside me page rating on tonight. I'm Travolta and Peter Pauper. I'm going to Never Never Land with my chosen family man. Probably get more spaced out the middle Armstrong Evans on campus and I you know, it could be the perfect on my mind. I'm between cord in the back burner becoming a lot more on my Rugby clubs around me. I now live from rule 34 Studio. I bring you a girl who's nipple. Or so wide that you could fit a straw inside your home to one the only complete Kitty. Hello. Hello and welcome. This is King Wok. Number 327. I am your host. Kinky Katie and with me as always is my favorite must come back up toy. Mr. Okay? Hi sure. We are coming to age live from rule 34 Studios. Kinky Katie radio.com and Radio podcast. Net I think we've got a fun show for you tonight. I know they say that every show but I really mean it though. I did a pretty sincere what I'm saying that really I am. It's really oh I'm always thinking positive it is because why go into negative attitude wage And it's just going to you are guaranteed. That's right. Just keep time. Just embrace it. You're not going to have a good time. If you go into it thinking you're not going to have a good time. You're looking to have a good time. Yeah, Fridays to not have a good time. Absolutely. That's right. In fact at then. What's the point really, you know, I'm going to talk to you about a bunch from around the web. We're going to talk to you about a bunch of stuff. Also what's been getting my nipples hard and my clip pop in lately. All right with the poor and pick of the week. It's in the vacuum pump. We got off of Lance Schumacher. Oh my God, I can't go straight tonight. You're not helping you'd okay. I know I can't custody anytime. Sorry. I'm talking about how old I've been getting and and I just think no not not really you just you're you're you're struggling with the idea of birth. As you age your your eyesight to watch close to you gets worse. Yeah, I think so in case any of this is happening any of you guys out there. I want to tell you how much of a fucking thing that I was the other night. I needed I needed Salt so I picked up salted the store and I couldn't fucking get it open and I'm trying to stab it to death with a fucking knife and I did ended up punk. I did anything during a whole into it. But as he came home, I'm like, can you please suck an open this? I just I don't know what my problem is. He's like upside down your luggage trying to open the bottom. There's joke. It's solid molded plastic all the way around like, okay, it had a ridge. Okay. Oh my God. So yeah, everything a label was on the proper way. So there you know, there wasn't like, you know, there could have the labels on backwards, you know, I could get it, but it just and you weren't ears catch can't see it dead. Yeah, like I was telling I was also telling us see I was having a I was having a problem. This wasn't even the same fucking day. There's another day. I was having a problem. I was looking for distilled water to said like deionized and I could not fucking tell what it said. I'm I'm like holding it far away from me. I'm putting you like more towards the light like I can't read this off. Like it's all blurry. So it's just it happens. You know, your eyesight gets a little worse as you get older so in it and if you're not a good lighting or you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah you just to think about that. Don't take your eye sight for granted. Well also later on in the second half of the show. We're going to have a new tips man, and there is a new challenge out there and I'm very curious to see what y'all come up with because I know that s c and I would love to see and you'll find out find out about to say I don't know what you're talking about chilling. I know you don't I have to like challenge something now dead. Well, I mean you could do this if you wanted you but I think that it would be more interesting for the girls to do it. Okay. Well, we're going to see for sure maybe like it to anything a lady can do of course you can walk.

00:05:00 - 00:10:02

Maybe there's probably several things that I don't want to do that lady's could do whenever baby. It depends on you know, I got no. All right, then. I I I mean what I what I have ever have had a baby at one point in time, I know that's that's that's your fucking problem my problem. Well, well, you know what? I mean? That's somebody else's problem, you know being male. I don't know what it's why why no negative thoughts. It sounds very uncomfortable. And yeah. No, I don't want to do that. So thank God they that ladies are ladies and they and you know, they have to bear children College Tire. I just wouldn't fuck. Wow. That was a nice little road be straight in Dacula at all points in time. It would be an akula know all the time. If I if I was a chick they you know all the time. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Like, I'm in the Dark Ages know you're going up the butt Bob. Well, they always say, you know don't want a gut do it in the butt. Yeah, that's dead. What I'm saying is there's a there's a picture of a girl at a baby shower. There was seven of her friends standing around her all with baby bumps and she's just like we know which one does a little girl. Yeah. She she swallow Halloween is coming up cuz it is October and you can get them talked about those boxes before this. They're not they're not but are you talking about these boxes boxer lots of Reeboks? Okay, I know are now these are ones for your nuts. Like they had them anyway, they have a small sack. Yeah kind of whatever term for that couch in there. Okay underwear with a pouch. Yeah. She's outside. Whatever. Okay. Anyway, just make me nervous. I know you always know because then you know, there is this weird thing of cloth. It's literally wrapped around your testicles. I cannot help but thinking some day when I'm running a drill something's going to grab something twist that wage. And that cloth and all of a sudden it's just going to spiral cut around my ball sack and and cock and I'm going to lose my dick because I lost control of a drill fuck that I'm not wrapping around my balls off your balls probably wouldn't lose your dick. You have a better chance of losing your balls and then you'd be you know, like the I just don't like the extra stuff wrapped around my ball sack. It makes me nervous. Yeah extra money definitely and there's nothing else that's extra. So nothing else. That would be it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the reason I was talking about it is I don't know it just it struck me funny. I guess it's edible is hitting at the time cuz cuz I am but I wish my altered state of mind while doing the preparation work because the design of them is the Monster smash them and it's like Frankenstein and and just monsters fucking all over them. I don't know. Got you on out too long and stuff. But anywhere like know I like how you threw in anymore. Oh, shut up, you positive thinking you asked are covered that earlier. Well, it was also around the same time that our favorite JoJo episode was on Dodger Ultra hilarious Cherry seen that we play a lot but they had it off a little lick lick lick dubbed with the English version Adams as liquid like computers are meeting it. You know, it was it was really funny. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. That's the original thought. Well, yeah, it's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure like season on Netflix. It's one of the weirdest things you'll see very very homoerotic. I'm going to tell you right now if you're not into buff buff jeans wage. Dressed very very tight were only fourteen. It's like what your your school uniform really? You look like a back up dancer for Janet Jackson in the Rhythm Nation, really young when everybody's named after late eighties music like there's Speedwagon and Lisa Lisa and which by the way, if you don't know our artists Musical musical artists in the 70s and 80s. Yeah. Everyone's like who? Yeah God that's like that fucking article that I got sent today that I ran through. My feed says I bought a rare vintage photos from the 90s like oh, well, it's finished thirty years ago got the sixties. Yeah, you know what to do the translation for Katie. I know it's it's really the the that's the sixties and then you go the nineties were the 6th. Yeah, the nineties were the nineties with the sixties. Oh my God, that's a long time ago.

00:10:02 - 00:15:00

Uh-huh song. Perspective yes perspective. It's weird. It's it's so strange to the grocery store and and the music playing on the right. Like it's the only spend like oh, it's awful. But no, yes, it is 100% Shut up. I mean at least at least I I get sick of music. So like I I can't listen to the same thing more than so many times. It's like a greatest song in the world. You know, I have a Jar full of jelly beans as to how many times I'm going to enjoy that fucking song and eventually, you know, every time you listen to it you take one one jelly beans need the fucking jar, you know, no matter how much I love the fucking music eventually. I run out of jelly beans and I cannot stand. Well not that I can't stand it. I just don't care if I hear it again. I'm not have the time. I'll never see the city again. Yeah. Well and that's for somebody I like music. I enjoy it. So I have to continually listen to new stuff or else I I just I go crazy. So yep. Where we are you get new new musical stylings, but not really that a lot of the world listens to whatever I like what I like some of the world I like what I like and but like what they like off shut up something with a nice P. All right have we talked about there was there's just like nightmare fucking clown shower nightmare clown shower yesterday. Oh, yeah. Okay. This thing is like a thing of fucking nightmarish. It's it's in I don't know if this is a child daycare center or like a child's water park or something, but there's a shower and no could be born said, well, you're out anything could be a poren side power. Well, this is a giant creepy ass clown. Thankfully they painted eyes that being Shifty so it's not like looking right at down at you. Okay, but there's a sticker that comes out of its chest and the handle is on its crotch. Okay. This is some kind of big plastic thing that you sat inside your shower to make it. Oh my God, that is yeah. That's a giant fucking clown and it's nozzle. It's yeah crap home. So yeah, so they handle all comes out of his crotch and the the spin it comes out of its chest but then it's like another fucken 4 and 1/2 feet above that just like it's got these big old light bulb boxing mittens glasses on fucking anyway, it's it's pretty creepy looks like a party to me. Really? I don't you know, I'm very weird. Like if I if if I was properly motivated me, I'm just saying you can turn that water on and have a good old time in there if you were properly motivated. Yeah, you know, it's very creepy though a hundred and that's and that's where basically what are they doing that because the kids are that's like a kid area or something but like they're trying to make it festive. Well, that's what I'm thinking or just creepy or just like hey, you're scared a club. New jury shower up before you get the water. It seems like there used to be more of that shit. We don't sway back a long time ago in the nineteen hundreds there seemed like there was a lot of weird wage bucking cartoony playgrounds and shit like that. Yeah. Yeah, like McDonald's used to have the playgrounds and they had fucking cages and they had all the characters you get some premise of plastic Grimace off my kids. Yes. It's fiberglass big huge there was a time when that was the thing. So that's scary pufnstuf, you know, that's like that's like looking looking at art from from birth back in time or you're like who you can't look at that anymore. It's the same thing. It's it's creepy now but back then it seemed okay. Imagine now like our grandkids like you want to see a picture of your great-grandmother and she's got her ass out with her fucking lips. Unlike Instagram model Lookout. That's grandma. Like, you know, I thought Happening now probably you know, I've got it. I know yeah. Yeah, that's why I joined the p t a m. I never said I'd be a step daddy, but I'm starting to change my mind. Well, like like like the world's largest ball of yarn and fucking Boise, Idaho, you know what I mean? They would have like what I'm saying would have roadside attractions that we're kind of like that, you know, oh different way back to the fucking clown action holyshit. I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? Oh clowns clowns. No, not the clowns. Well speaking of of dreams. I had a really fucked-up dream the other night that she brought me in the head and beat me to death with a hammer. I don't know why that's why so he said I do and it really freaked me out and like I'm going to beat you the hammer.

00:15:00 - 00:20:00

Come on. I mean I would use my parents. I greet you but two days later I get I get a script for a new movie and the opening scene is there's someone getting killed with a hammer and it's I'm like, no looks like this is I think I want to do this movie but I'm doing it but I'm just saying that I okay. It was freaking me out. I'm still saying that subliminally you heard that you know, because you just did a fucking photoshoot off with the literal people who would have maybe seen the script before you and maybe had an idea of what was going on and we're talking about it you overheard it and then bingo bango you have a fucking dream about, you know, yeah about hamburger plus I do watch a lot of shit on YouTube. Yeah. Well, I mean that's that's like like white lady Thorn, you know? Yeah, but you're departing order porn Boyd. Oh so into people dying. Well, not really them dying. But if they're gonna die you want table About how they died perfectly. Yeah, you were watching crime scene clean-up was yeah. This is great. This is fat from the body. This is blood. I'm like, ooh, I know it's just saying just happened. It's great. I mean that's like horseshit moving to move it and the body exploded. It's like, you know anything either like and this is Josh from a plumber. I've seen I've seen something but you get out bodies know. Oh God. I mean, I was weird enough just going to a funeral home and having to do something you'd know. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. What did the Dream? Well, I'm about to find out. Oh, I'm about to find out. That's where that went. Oh, I don't know what it is. It's got teeth and has hair on it of gross that's just really gross. So let's move on to something that's not as gross is going to my form think of the week. My favorite segments. Am I say anybody? It might not be the point you would pick off. It is supporting Katie one. It's time once again for me. I'm doing all right, everybody. My what's been getting me off lately the past couple days. This week has been there's two things that I've been kind of frequent. Okay, frequenting on whatever Asian dudes. Really? Yeah. I'm finally home. I'm I've always been attracted Asian dudes, but this this week is kind of been I guess cuz we've been watching a lot more date Asian programming. Yeah. I don't know but yep. Is notes or whatever the nurse is what the hell is that? We're watching on Netflix that weird Korean one God the nurse's notes or the nurses something or others Adventures something like that. It's worth it. If you want to see some weird. Very strange. And fucking series is weird, but it's cool. Yeah, I like it when it's really dubbed like Mystery Science Theater 3000 like dubbed it legacy two people talking there. Like I had squid for lunch. Okay. Bye I am going away like all right. Sure, it's good. I don't know it's entertaining. So anyway, Asian Asian for it. Well that Asian for an Asian man Asian man on white woman on black and it doesn't matter the woman. What's what's happening? It could even be another Asian dude. Really Asian on Asian Asian on Asian. They contact yeah. All right. Yeah. Did you go I know and even like them. Asian women that could pass for Asian men. Okay know what I mean? Okay, you know what? I mean a joke. No, I know what you mean. There's an androgyny going on sometimes. Yes like this fucking keep up people be okay like them. They just all seem like they're like 15 to me which is unfortunate. But then again but they're maybe not I have no idea. It's like menudo same thing. You get too old you get cycled out they did. Yeah, but here's the thing though because I mean you get an Asian woman. She's like, yeah, I'm sixty-four and you're like, you look 30 what the fuck well, but but down here again, you do see lots of Asian women that are looking very old. What what what are you like another 280 they have ancient Chinese secret off. I am a hundred and twenty-five. It's a lot of story collagen and they rush it up space. I still cook it the same suit. That's right. Like I wake up at 3:00 every morning. Yep. Noodles for the family. I mean like they I don't whatever they're they're so limited. So there's it's it's all the fish and seafood do you think so I think so. Okay.

00:20:00 - 00:25:09

I don't know they were healthy. Okay. Well, that's what that's what they tell us. Unless and everybody. I don't I don't understand now but this kind of turns me on to this is probably going to be part of it cuz I like I did watching the game bang shit and I like I like watching the weird gross stuff too. Okay, like there's one girl she but you're not alone in that. You know what I mean? Yeah. I mean it's that's a big big genre going on right now in and videoing really but yeah, but but I'm also a feeder it does kind of sexually turn me on some time. Really? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, no negative. I am. Sorry. I cannot do that for you. So watch know I know and that's not here dude. I mean really you would think you would think that I could muckbanks have said but really I valued very not a Thursday. Did you would think no well, well another thing that's been hitting my hot button to is DP threesomes double penetration threesomes. Yeah. Okay. No, no, no, just just just I like mostly the girl on top of Judah and then a guy in her ass. Okay, so just like normal DP okay nor like anything kind of special. Okay. Double penetrated, but not necessarily in the same in the same or hi. All right, right. All right, like like like normal sane people, right? Okay, so it's been how is my life the way God intended kth one Dipper. Do you want a different dick you switch them out. It's a precarious situation trying that I let you know it's very very thin. But are you excited balls? Yeah. I know. There's definitely contact happening, you know, whatever whatever happens and sometimes, you know, either you're going to have to take turns moving off. Or or you just gotta commit Jeremy Lagarde, I guess while I'm staying pretty much stationary. Yeah, no and you're definitely feeling the other person all up in it. I know what I mean. You're you're barely separated by like wage a fucking stricter condom. You know what I mean? Like like you just have a little tank condom between you and some other dudes fucking chode ya dick and balls so that that's kind of get so there's that. So there's that that really so yeah, so that's been that's been what's kind of get me on top of the week. So yeah. Yeah, how long did you know that you can have an allergic reaction to eating Brazil nuts, like sexually you can have a sexually contracted an allergic reaction like jazz or some kind of genital really like when you're banging yes, like or let's say you're allergic to Brazil nuts. Okay, I'm allergic and you're going to have some Brazil nuts I am. Allergic, you're eating them. I suck your dick which is in my mouth. I can have a reaction from your come from Brazil. Yeah. Yeah, actually, I love your face and it's like a fucking acid-wash. Yeah exactly. I just filled out partying start like calling pieces of like the flies like that's what I could do. If I was mad about what you made for dinner or something. Any other asinine reason. I just I'm going to munch down on some fucking Brazil nuts and then and fucking do Silence of the Lamb smile on you smell you just gave it up. I could like I used to do monkey style. For sure. I yeah, I have to go to the hospital and you had to drive me cuz I can't see your bitch look is dead. No, no object for my pussy hand. All right, I want to track where I was going there about three-quarters of the way through. Yeah. Yep. Weird I caught that. Oh, I remember now. That's okay. I'm sorry moving on. So I want to thank Bill Maher he was talking about this one new male chastity device called cellmate. Okay, and if you can get it on Amazon for $134 of the yeah this custody fucking device that locks on your cock. Yeah, it locks on your cock. This thing looks like a could be used to lock a door like a and have a hide-a-key for like a realtor like really looks like one of those it almost looks like a plastic bag gun like a like a gun holster exactly for your take the muzzle and for the dick and then there's like a loop that you I'm guessing that you put your balls through that hook on the back and then you said you're taken to where if you tried to pull it off you would just really rip your nuts straight off. Yeah you there isn't there isn't enough room to pop a ball today one of us. I'm yes bluetooth enabled so you can log You can even certain remote controls shoe. You can control it so you can like lock it with your phone and ship so someone from far away cuz it should be like, all right. Nope, you've done. I'm you know, if I'll be able to see like like that those like Dorothy's I mean, it's it's really handy for the stubby on the move.

00:25:09 - 00:30:01

You know what I mean? Like the sub that has to be out and about to make his own, some money. You know, that way Mom I can control when you know, little pup can get his ball cage off. That's right. Hm. I've always wondered what those things taking taking a leak is a like you're just you're peeing out of something and it's getting everywhere. It's got a slide for that says that it's it's you can breathe Ubly we're comfortably where it it's like easy breezy. Really really? Yeah. It doesn't look easy breezy. It looks bulky and very uncomfortable. But you know, that's kind of butt off. And you don't want something super comfortable. Yeah, I know guessing there's as I'd like is that the thing do you not want to be comfortable when you're stuck with this thing on your dick and balls? I want someone to be able I want them to be irritated. So the the fucking think about me all the time. We like I know it's their yes. I'm irritating deal with it. I mean that's that's a severe Trust of Technology there, you know, something needs to be like reset your kind of hear you when you get you going to go to the hospital. Hey cut this off of my dick. I've had well, I've been a key holder before and I tell people I'm like look if you want me to be a keyholder. I'm just telling you you may not get back and I'm not going to give you the attention that you want. So really wasting your time, like well, whatever know some people still want to do it and they have no so want you to have my kid like you realise you live. In fact, I know I love you, right. I still have two of my keychains right now on my car keys. Yep didn't give them back. But this one 8 a.m. You hacked cuz well, I mean if it's Bluetooth anything that you if you can connect to it, there's a Chevrolet to find some way to get into it. So so even if someone doesn't fucking let you down again, I mean you can get it taken off. It's not that bad. Theoretically theoretically sure they say that there's that's like Terminator for your nut sack. They can vote. I mean it really sucks. I would hate to have that stuck on there. Not that it would be stuck know I wouldn't be stuck in here. Again. That's probably I'm not going to be going for any chassis, but he said he wait let Lo to Bluetooth. What should I have for me? I'm not thinking that's a good time. But the cool thing is too is the the battery as a fucking eight to twelve month life. Holy Jesus. So it's a long life battery. Oh my God. I hope it like defaults to unlock, you know, there's some locks when they're electronic like that that when the power goes out they they're like either normally off. Normally closed kind of thing. Yeah, like I would hope that if the power was disabled that it would just immediately click and unlock because it's you know normally open, you know what I mean? Safety issue. I would be worried, you know, all of a sudden it shorted out at some point because you walked through the airport security and now now you're you really are stuck with this thing on your dick for em. Yeah, the plane crash is your mother goes to pick up your dead body and you have this thing stuck pretty funny though, especially if they had no idea like what is that attached? What did you guys do to my son? What did you do to my sign you put that thing on them? You think that's funny. It's not funny. Well, I'm sorry to tell you he was wearing grey sweatpants and there was a a firearm or a weapon kind of like concealing song. We had two but very handy if if you're you know into the sub you dummy, you know lock your dick in a cage or if you just have a really overbearing wife and you want to prove to her. You're not banging neighbor. I do have to go on business for three days. I'm going out of town, you know what to do, but your device join us and I'll know if you try to take it off didn't know exactly oh my God, you know just thinking about you when I was out the gray sweatpants you have SE has a pair of these blue silky Panthers like has pants and in the house pay what you wear what you wear anyway, but they they have no no closing in the front like it's open. Yeah. It's open fly. Okay, and he pops out of it constantly and I love it every time he'll stand up from from the couch. It's just like Harry are pig. And I always try to touch it and he gets mad. Okay, except touching. Okay. So really you're just making sure that you amplify my my fucking get out of this well-known know.

00:30:01 - 00:35:02

I mean my my I mean obviously that's abuse of some sort or another somebody can claim. I don't know me doing me or what I don't get it. All right, we're going to go to I don't know. I'm not really nice. Now. We're going to go to an episode of rule thirteen crazy dictate. They they did all you could think about sometimes. Oh my God, she could laser focused on subject and then you are just obsessed with with whatever you can do. Maybe I need a lobotomy that hurt me of my dick. I'm dick fever wage you do you get it. Sometimes it's the season for dick favor. She's got that dick favor. She's going crazy song. Well, you need to get her new bottle of that horror no more out of that prescription or like I said, we're going to an episode a rule 34 when we come back. We've got more tips more chance. Maybe we could do have a new tips man and the challenge that I want you to check and yes ministering Street, you can get a can which I don't think you should but anyway look back young it's time for a tasty and refreshing snack. Influx of gauge sending me pictures with with with really pretty but plugs and really like I don't know why I don't remember if I said anything but I mean, I mean, I I don't think those are you guys getting together or are you saying hey, we're all going to just unplug months. We're all going to do my blog. Just once it's a black bomb everybody look at a bar. Your dad's birthday and no seriously, I think in the past week, I want to say I've got me like thirteen or fourteen was like five takes five different people. Okay, it's collected pigs thirteen or fourteen but like pictures I remember if we maybe you haven't I'm not sure you know, who knows what you type online. Anyway, I know I mean who really does now while I look up a whole bunch of ship. I'm sure it readily comes across a legal sense of humor, you know? Yeah, probably and you like squirmy man trying to get away from you while you're chasing them with a strap on there like like a like a Mall food court bathroom and they have their pants down sponge cakes open in the and like a handicap bathroom taking a picture and it's like a big old sparkly gym right in the cornhole and they're just like another for their birthday Spencer It's Hot Topic was out of Jack Skellington. I just I don't know. Why song I don't know you must I mean, it's like a moth to a flame a teacher so much that you know what, I mean, you gotta read them. I want to say your weblog. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure I'm sure that comes across completely off line. I'm sure I'm sure of it. No, I mean you have that fucking I want to say your butt plug look like you're Thirty Horlick, but it's it's completely different same thing. Just slightly different page. I know on with the show. Kicking you off. I don't know. Wage and welcome back to pinky Katie's world and Rule 34 Studios indicated radio.com Radio cast. Net you can get me on the Twitter. I can get Hayden radio can't get Katie radio.com. Can you get Kenny radio at gmail.com also on FetLife Facebook page and Google make the radio. Yeah. I've had more people talking about merch have you? Okay Murder She I get to get that set up on a regular thing and I'm just doing it like once yeah, I think I can do that. I think I think I think I can swing something for the beach I think so, they they enjoy it. So, okay. I'll I'll look into it.

00:35:02 - 00:40:07

I log. Contact the proper Department being creative on it. All right, and then we're going to have to get into the marketing department. So I'll set all that up here coming up this week off. Yeah. Hey you hear about the chameleon that couldn't change colors. You had a reptile dysfunction. I know I know I know life is so bad. It it is. There's this there's this new show on that could be Channel whatever equipping thing that I don't know what it is a nice idea. Well, I just saw the ad for it like a few minutes ago. That's what just made me want to talk about it right now. Obviously, it's some sort of a failing a platform so far. No, I don't know a lot of people like several I've heard like the only time I hear anybody and I've never looked into it at all. But the only time I've ever heard anybody say anything about it is pretty much on its complete and utter failure at home. Platform oh, but I don't know if that's true could be fakeness. Well, there's there's a show where this girl be friends dude fucked all like like I kind of thing. Yes. Okay. Well ex machina, you know, she she's befriending there and that movie only only they like a fucking CGI her face, but she's like drags her around like she doesn't walk on her own and she like that but she'll talk. Okay, so I can see it. I'm feeling I like I like a concept here. Like I like where they're going. Yeah. Well just the AI share any of the details of what goes on with the way I'd like to see kiss until I vote that I don't know cuz I just saw the ad for it. I I didn't I don't know they do that like one of like too many details fucking asimov's law, you know, is that like one of the three rules that they give um, you know Blade Runner style job. They can't repeat the sexual things that's part of the next all like prime directive. I don't know. What is your purpose? Well, I'm just saying how many dudes would fucking fuck doll if they need to that exactly. What you did with that fact all is uploaded to the to the judicial. You know what I mean? Well the good gets it they get your your phucked all status. Like how many times you penetrated at all like like penetration depth how you use this material is that's right. What kind of thrusting you had really just overall, you know faith that everything you did with all the weird things you did it. Where's the thing? Like one of those Disney bracelets? It just records everything that you do in data. And where you go where you've been but personal assistance dial sure and but that's part of you getting the free software with the AI of the you know what I mean, so you're okay with it. You're okay with it. It's you know, you'll be kind of paperwork saying the agreement you need you're getting your cell phone number. Oh, you didn't read it. Oh, yeah. I mean, I think it would be it could almost be like a competitive event somewhere, you know, cuz they have those people at the gyms. Yes where people are like the bootstraps and and the the Garmin devices that count your fucking heart rate during you know, and then they have like Nationwide points and Shake you get your check in Chicago where you where you rank in the world. That's right. There really should be a similar thing for artificially intelligent fuck dolls for sure. Well, I'm sure there's a fetish with wildly popular course. I'm like world champion. I'm the fuk dollar champion. Mr. Fucked all you know, they twenty Twenty-One. Well, they do have the air sex Olympics. So why not? There's two that's right here off Olympics see and that would be perfect for this time, you know going right now because social distancing like talk to anyone. All right, we could are flock. That's not to the Wigan are fuck off. That's a new slogan. We can are plug that's not too pathetic. That is a new course. We have a tinsel University. It's are humping 101 off will be offer a doctorate program and are hoping you can come learn it right now at in sell University, right off on skillshare and your credit card will be charged $59.95 one time only no refunds. Hey, I also want to say what's up to Raleigh North Carolina. Apparently, I got some pizza over there. So we poop what's weird when there's a place that nobody listens to the show and then you see a bunch of people as you said, it's really strange. What do you what do you do in North Carolina? What's going on there. We want to hear some crazy Florida people.

00:40:07 - 00:45:11

You got really weird. Yeah, I don't know. Where am I going to get my butt plug update? O-ku, Sushi. Sex, Seance is out now on Blu-ray from Ghibli films. You can get it if you want to Little Miss Sushi. I've done work with her before. I'm going to be work with her coming up very shortly. And yeah, it's her super adorable. It's sushi and two other girls and it's sushi sex Seance sex sells. Okay, they're raising something from the dead plastic Cox. They're they're bringing them back to life. You should check her out because she's definitely pretty hot for sure. She also does the sucky but Sprint's wage. I've been asked to make a couple too so sucky but what you do what you do Paints the harass and like back burger and like Palm Hands and like a like a buck for your feet. Yeah, you do but print like a long sheet of paper. Okay, and then but she has a tail she puts on it too. Okay, so she has a New Jersey. Yeah. Okay like a devil tail. Okay. I mean maybe she's like that one movie. We saw where the the girl gets the tales that pop out as you orgasm. She's just not up to a hundred men yet. I can control my tail nine tails from Lovecraft on HBO. That was such that was strange. That was very strange. I kind of liked it though. It's a little hot like basically the whole idea if you off HBO or or whatever in the show this this this Chick Corea and Shake would anytime she and she was some kind of mythical monster. Let's say right or demon that was some in there. Anyway, when a man was having an orgasm Tales would come out of all of her orifice and attached to the June and kill him at the moment. Of ejaculation and she would get all of his memories for his entire life past and present. Yes everything from birth to death. She got all of his memories took months and yeah, except for window type of teacher. That was some good fucking HBO semi pornography. I really enjoyed the tales coming out and murdering mm kind of spit roast of the person. Yeah. No, I enjoyed it. Hm. Well speaking of like kind of like pornography you just sit. I mean, is it worth it to guarantee that you die like at moment of ejaculation while having sex with a beautiful Asian woman. I mean really, I would not complain just say like if I you could pin that down as method of death, you know, Rick and Morty style where you see your death and you can change it or not depending on the situation you're in you know what I mean? Sure like you could do worse job. Do way worse, you know, you could get hit by train. Well, I mean you could like, you know, there's a lot so horrible ways to choose. Yes, that would that would seem to me to be a very good way. You don't know you're going to die and then all of a sudden as soon as you come kapow, yeah, you're done fucking Tales come out of everywhere and it's stuck on to you and fill you up and say your ten as you really are. Let's go to your favorite segment standing by Gibson and on the news it's time once again for to hit. All right, we got a double tits man for you this week. Okay, they usually come in pairs not all the time. Sometimes in in Tampa. They come in threes. That's right. Triple boobas. Try to locate right it I can't believe people are actually believe that okay neither, could I but anyway anyway, okay, so we have a new kind of nipple sucker. Wait, what's an what's an old kind of devil Circle? What level sucker? Well, these are things you put over your nipples that suck cuz it's a nipple sucker. Okay, but this one well, it could be a phone number. Something in the shape of a nipple that use suction cup onto a wall so you could suction cup onto a wall to just look like your wall has fucking nipples. Okay. It's a nipple soccer as well. All right, we could be like an octopus's fucking titty could be a naval soccer going to be going to clarify your devil soccer. I suppose that could just be like a new type of style like actual nipples. Okay. Well, these are electric nipple suckers and they vibrate but here's the thing is you can they come with a ring you can you can control them with this ring that you wear and it also has a remote control so you can do either or if you didn't want to wear this ring and it's not a cock ring.

00:45:11 - 00:50:07

It's like a ring ring ring ring ring on your finger so you can you wear something on your finger for your nipples, but someone else aware like you would wear it and I would have these wage. Options on my fucking nipis, so be somewhere and you could like click your ring like the Green Lantern or whatever and it's just like slippers Wonder power pack. That's right in the shape of nipple suckers and the form of work. Yeah, cuz they come in pairs. Well, she you gotta take out of the box you stick that bad boy right on your button. Well, that would be kind of in the back. You're nothing. You're not in your button and not just go straight, you know, but whole click right on it. Yeah, you know, yeah do something but you know, you know, we can totally put it on one of your eyeballs you could wear a patch and it could totally vibrate your eyeball. So you were on drugs you might like that are a little blinky light on the inside of it. So it's like vibration and really bright. I mean, you gotta be really being the devil play to get off like like some people are so virulent can have nipple orgasms orgasm just from nipple plug. I guess it's hard for me to you know to comprehend, you know what I mean? But you know usually like your nipples collect my thoughts. Yeah, and and and you are definitely into it. Sometimes I am yeah to a certain extent. Yes, unless you got slightly too far and you can towel and it's even better. Yeah. So yeah. Well the second phone as part of this test man is this new challenge and like I said, I want to see everybody everybody what they can do and this is the one like, oh they could do it. Yeah man can do it. But this is geared toward young ladies, but I I'm not saying you can't or you can't whatever. Okay. All right. It's the seat belt challenge. This is where you live out of city and you have a seat belt covering nipple. So yep. Don't get in trouble for showing nudity because nipple equals nudity. Okay. So for photos it's a prototype of a thing. It's a photo type of not necessarily that it's just driving down the road when you could totally ke video tape it and then Tick Tock ship howdy watches or whatever. All them teenagers are listening to a Katy whatever off The Tick Tock sure I made by the same company who makes the a idol that gets all of your sexual performances. Your data will be fine with them. There you go off from China China. All right anyway, so that's your destiny of the week. I never some weird reason Facebook decided that they were going to just are you going to advertise so much it to me was that I started to say something and then blanked out on when I was going to say birth. Right, right, isn't that usually Rising? Okay, it happens all the time too. Me too. I just I could fake my way through it. Sometimes it's fake it till you make yeah, that's right. I just say, and key phrases and it seems to work what okay titties, but plug that's a strange place to put jazz club. Is it anyway they decided to advertise canned Critters. Who are we talking? What are we talking about? Again, Amazon? Okay Facebook. But all right, you're talking about ads your shit. Okay, it's your your Advertiser update October Edition twenty-twenty, I guess so, okay the things that they they advertise he's G. Yes. Okay. Well, they know you're fuked all data. That's why I know exactly what do they advertise to you. Now what bald eagle in a can yeah, see that's you totally totally. Yeah danger danger. Strangle it sure. They're not endangered anymore, or they I don't think so. No, I thought they were off the list now step turtle and Nile crocodile to turtle and now crocodile wage and okay Critters. That's right. You're talking about can cake Treasures. So we're talking about well, if a fucking bald eagle dies and the woman might as well in it, it's already dead. Sorry. What are you going to do? What can you do? Well, you might as well eat it. I mean you're you gotta be the most patriotic person in America to not let off a bald eagle carcass go to waste taste like mirka slytherin's and get you which oddly enough tastes a lot like bacon weird.

00:50:07 - 00:55:12

You wouldn't think bald eagle would taste like bacon, but it does America bald eagle steaks. I want to know what happened in this fucking elevator and now the job Mercy of Alabama. They had something had they never stick a sign up unless something fucking happened to Warrant a sign. Okay, that's like when my mother drove down this bike path at a camper in her car now, they have assigned because of her. This is no cars on the bike path. Well, cuz it looks very Road like sure especially when at the time she drove a hoopty wagon giant red Cadillac. Yeah that Quiet Waters, you know the park anyway. All right. Well, there's a sign that they had to put up in the in the elevator and it says in really large letters do not click buttons with genitalia cameras are watching and it's on University of Alabama letterhead. So something happened in there. So if you ever wondered if you were touching a place where somebody just touch their, you know, like you had a bathroom 204 sure course you have ever set remote. Yeah. Yep. People are white wife and their dick juice all over doorknobs everywhere jucifer are buttons. You're naming you turn your back there wiping your dick juice all over stuff that you're touching. You could be eating a service right now that had a had a man showed on it the late shift last night. Yeah on there man showed. That's right. I don't know little hot man man action. Oh man. Oh man. That's right. They didn't want to do it next to the fry later. Oh there was there was a guy that put the put an ad out and they covered it on. It was off Fox News website. Okay, and but he tried to arrange sex with a horse. I mean, but I know you said that in and of us surprised manner like I mean come on, you've talked extensively about mr. Hands mishap extensively. Okay, so like somebody wouldn't pay off. That yeah. Well, I'm not saying you should I'm just saying, you know, you shouldn't I mean you understand this is definitely happening places. I know people are buying and stuff left and right but she was like 45 minutes away from us. Okay? Yeah here again, Florida. Like what are you talking about Cody? You know these people have you lived next door to them. You've grown up around them. You were both of them last month. There was a gator. Yeah that no, that's right. I mean this I mean, I don't fucking Egret. I mean if it's going to happen somewhere it's going to happen here and probably Ohio. Yeah, maybe Michigan. Yeah. Yeah crazy shit is just they're just happening everywhere. That's right. I don't know there was a there was this Louisiana. I think it's with all this whether that's happening to these poor people in Louisiana. I believe the guy gets back the horse threw. No, it's not saying the word. How much was he going to pay to bang the horse? It wasn't going to pay anything. Like what's your horse's virginity worth? You know, I mean and was it him banging the horse of the horse Bank him. Oh Mister hand. It could be a hundred percent. Oh my god. Well because I'm sure you gotta train a horse to get milked upload got no people Jerk it off and make them look like there's handlers to do it cuz I don't know how she I watch video of. Oh, no. I saw that one like years and years ago, Okay, if you guys don't know who missed her hands as he was dude who used to have a there's this group of them. There was like a bunch of there was him in his buddies. They would go to this one farm that had horses and some animals and they don't get all Sauced up and go fuc them all and film it. Yes, when will they even taught a pony to give blowjobs to the other horse and to them I would be highly suspect to putting my cock in a Pony's mouth. I'm just saying that doesn't really sound like a very I mean I'm having a hard time with sheath underwear. Let alone like, you know, yep. Tried coming here. Yeah, sorry sugar. And I thank you. Well, I'm cuz I've dealt with horses and they bite stuff. I mean it's totally happens like nice horses, even like like totally accidentally even wage. So yeah, no negative see any of that and yet I still want to know how much he was he was willing to pay to get to bang a horse like and what should I pay you to fuck that polar bear? Well, I'm just saying in my life. I want to know what like, what do you think the going rate is to bang some detours God? I don't know. I wouldn't even think to know well, okay, but like put a number on it like you have a horse and your home yet like that, you know, not so I can't think about it. I mean how much fucking my work with someone you work with you work with or thoroughbreds? So like you are one of these people that I'm literally inseminates Mayors and and takes takes firms have holes, right and you know that, you know, maybe in your mind you're like, I don't know.

00:55:12 - 01:00:05

I've been shoulder deep up in this pitch. So really you put in your little dog Guess in there, whatever. I'm just saying you're one of those people put imagine a world in which this is, you know, okay. I don't want to you weird fucker. I'm not. It was trying to find somebody to let me fucked her horse. There was a high but I figured you might know about it. I thought you'd know a guy who knew a guy. I thought you I thought this was Pony Play-Doh, you know, I thought this was total Pony play. I really meant like a pony like like a man in a pony mask, you know, leather daddy style right right him around with a bridal all and a tail Chris Hansen comes out is that why you had carrots and apples in your car off with Chris Hansen stuff and Predator. Why do you have all these cares here Mister Smith's what do you what do you plan to do with? Mr. Ed here at I'd stick specific log. Grass stains what's going on? Here? We have the email correspondence right here for you. Stay on the couch. I'll get a ride you so hard. Yeah, that's exactly what I said. That's exactly what I said. I met really I was going to ride her what she does for a little bite. What are you talking about? You guys really got all this confused here. I'm literally talking about taking a ride on a horse really going too far with us Jesus. What kind of terms are you people who the hell does that Jesus Christ? Oh my god. Oh, no off a gift of a new saddle. Yeah, whatever horses get high on. I'm not really sure off. I don't know. I'm sure there's something there's somebody who rides a horse somewhere going. No, it's fish it dammit you get that the horses they get fucked. They probably get fucked up in a lot of things. I don't know you have to do twice as much juice or form. I mean, yeah, so heard we like to give her whole pile of the empty watch her run off this just this shirt is when so fucking long. You're the one who was bringing up animal husbandry again, but I had nothing to do with animal husbandry try to get off of it and go to something else. I want to talk about in fucking priest once got arrested and she put my mind on animal husbandry. It's hard for me to walk away. You know what I mean? Well, of course it works you just had a fucking horse cock in your blood. Not many no negative. You're just supposed to I mean, that's one of the most mind-blowing things. I mean, I get it if you're the dude who lives alone in the wilderness and you want to fuck you an animal. I don't get it. But yep. At least you're crazy and you live in the woods cleaner copy. I got raped by a bear really. Did you showed that fucking bear? Who his boss o fuk me fuk me. I fuk U not wearing your wage is right. I was half-dead still killed. You. Don't bear fuck your ass up spoiler alert spoiler to pay your ties and the Revenant. How could you could you could you say that but there's hot bear on man action. Grizzly bear I guess I don't really know. I don't I don't see different species in Bear Katie. You know Affairs of are to me see brown bear. I don't know took him in that's a fairly old reference of this white. You know what I mean? I've been dizzy. Yeah. I mean that's that's I mean that literally is vintage that was you know, literally in the nineties now, what's it? Yeah. Yeah. So was that came from Seth Rogen? Was that it 40 year old virgin you think about yeah. She was the scores I we're going to get out of here for the night. We got a feeling earlier this week you like to schedule a 20-second like you're like a 98 percenter. I mean like that's getting 98% of a blowjob. All right, if you want 98% of angers, it's the last 98% off. Skip all that set up getting close off and stuff who needs that. I really will start the clock right when you're you're standing in front of me with a rock hard drive in Qatar. I come from Fairy a bottle of lube and a pack of condoms sure really and then we'll start the timer right then and not until then.

01:00:07 - 01:01:15

All right everyone. I hope you had fun with us. Whatever the hell you're doing. I hope you have a great rest of your day night week shift month drive. Whatever it is. You're fucking do in SC. Do you have anything for me? But all right. So young new movies coming up new events coming up new ship coming up a lot of stuff coming up. Yeah stick around for more movies and other stuff. Yeah, everybody broke off like subscribers play friends. Leave a comment that go five star strange image. Michael stars are also hook a brother up leave an ice bucket with you somewhere. I put lots of saying you don't offer. I liked it when he was pushing the button. I like tacos and burritos Chihuahuas Jimmy chonga what it didn't come out right? I couldn't think of it off.