#326 – Butt Plug Month
You are currently viewing #326 – Butt Plug Month


This week!

10/03/2020 Anal sex and a radio show... Salsa night... Happy pride month... Horney and hungry all of the time... Porn Pick of the Week - Gay anime rape - Jiu Jitsu with Joe Rogan... The smells of B.C. times... Whale puke and perfume... Listening to a podcast with an assistant... Kick her in the taco... Butt plug month... Fox tail butt plug and the local thrift store... Top dollar dead bird... Episode of "Rule 34"... Preparing for an interview... This is just how we talk... Paper pen oriented... Tits Man - TheNipSlip.com... Sharing everything on a radio show... The dirty things people do at a motel... Feeding a mouse to a hamster... Vagina sculpture SC would have sex with - Meaty flappers... Nicki Minaj - show me your tits or I will burn my mothers house down... Found that someone shit in her dishwasher... Pastor uses meth to exorcise demon from infant... Soup container of hot tea... Woman arrested for masturbating in front of a convenience store in the middle of the day.

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Kinky Katie's World #326 Butt Plug Month

00:00:00 - 00:05:06

Yeah, I mean you have that fucking I want to see your butt plug look like dirty hore look but it's it's completely different. All right, same thing just slightly different page on the weekend is landed. All the exists now is clubs Brooks pubs and parties. I've got 48 hours off from the world man. I'm going to blow steam out on my head like a screaming Kettle. I'm going to talk to strangers all night. I'm going to lose the plot on the Dancefloor the free radical inside mail greeting man tonight. I'm Travolta. I'm pretty a pop-up. I'm going to Never Never Land with my children fact remind. We're going to get more spiced out the middle Armstrong have a Hyundai Sonata. You know, it's a bit of personal life coming up. My mom took me and now live from rule 34 Studio are dating a girl whose approach to doing the radio show with and having anal flanker at the Saint Peters higher wage. Possible and cramming as much as you can hear the one I think a kidney. Hello. Hello and welcome to the next song is over three and twenty six. I am your host indicating with me always is my absolute lava lava my cuz the man with the master plan my favorite place. I've missed her sure. We are coming to live from rule 34 Studios radio.com and radio and apparently he's also the parking lot of the point zero player. You haven't every city and isn't always a Latin club. This is what I want to know, please let Katie now the key Katie radio.com plays plays let me know because I've been to several cities and every play every city has a Playdium and every Playdium itself, and I I'm just I'm Curious George Like is it a chain? Am I missing something? I don't know. I don't know maybe not maybe it's just me but the festivities had started before 11:00 in the morning. And then the Bounce House rolled in you like noon. Yeah, I swear to God I saw someone to need for my pulling something. That was like Vegas looked like a body bag. I was like, oh my God, so like that old lady died down the road and then like like no that's just a bounce house going out right there the party tent right there by your front door catering table. Yeah. Oh great. Yeah the miracle of fucking living in an apartment. Yeah. Exactly. I wonder if the windows are going to be in touch with the morning trip Pilar. I'm sure well and if they did they paid for it last time they broke do I know that's true, you know, so whatever good happens kids kids breaks yet. That's true. Very true. How long Pride month everybody. All right, let me price before it's currently October and October is pride month, you know gay pride this I thought that we just didn't we just do that like two months ago. You're getting your thoughts across something is wrong didn't wasn't that just like like Madrona like, you know, because they were trying to do the am I wrong I think you are because my Facebook they always tell me like memories and shit that pop up and like there was like for Pride parades going on this month. Okay, so hm and it's like National just seems like Magic Wok. It's all the time never goes away. Yeah. It's like Gasparilla. Okay was your dirty? Yeah here in fucking Tampa. They they're all off. I can pirate pirate crazy. Holy fuc. And they have this whole fucking several weeks of parades with pirate-themed stuff. It's pretty ridiculous to have parades events page. Ever but I mean it goes on for like six months. Yeah. No, it's exactly there's there's like four different parades at different places and shit. Yeah some something about the founding of the city blah blah blah blah blah. We we don't really pay attention to a lot of stuff. But all I know is it seems like for a solid like two months there are fucking drunk Pirates everywhere with beads. Yes writing about your life throwing up on you, you know a Weekender too cool. I could totally do but it just goes on and on and never stops. It's it's a weird rido, Florida feature. Nothing until you are dead. It's it's it's very very Florida function. You know, the whole thing is just got Florida all over it. It reeks a Florida and I can say to that I have put I have found a pirate outfit and we have gone out ya know exactly. Like I said a weekend or two, you're totally cool, you know, but like by week 6 your kind of like, all right, you know, can we move? On is it possible? There's no more from I'm just saying any more.

00:05:06 - 00:10:07

It's like oh my God. Yeah. I also just want to say a quick hello to Jason over at Choice smoke signals smoke shop, which is in Tampa. So if you guys need anything snow correlated long and winced still going to Pancake something like that go over and see him. Okay, I don't know. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, most people live other places. So good luck with that. I don't know how long I'm trying to be nice. Maybe. Hey, maybe somebody will be in town for your fucking piratefest. Yeah. You never know. Maybe what is that thing called? Any throw a squirrel? Sorry bout things that I try to forget for whatever reason or they're celebrating the the coming of Brady over to the Buccaneers. Okay. Now we're doing sports talking are we really going to do Sports Talk? Like I have a dog To say well, I'm just you watch ESPN one time for five minutes. I'm just saying I haven't so fucking horny and hungry lately. It's driving me insane. Yeah, I know. I know I noticed yes. I mean even took a nap and I'm like, I'm going to get off on the couch and watch know. I know I'm happy birthday. Well and that's how my poor big of the week kind of became into into fruition something we're going to go. There you go. There's your fucking quarterly go there get you right off not be the porn you would pick it is important Katie one. It's time once again for something. Okay. So the poor lately that's been kind of get me going because I have been so horned up lately. I mean you think as I said horned up and horny and that I'd say like food Wars, so that's not it. Okay. About food Wars important. If you don't know what is looking fuk up. I'm not going into it again anime. All righty. Well Netflix right. Now. This does have to do with anime though. Okay, I like I like seeing the gay anime rape get off K. Anime rape. Really? Yeah. Okay censored. Okay. So this is where do you find gay anime rape porn hub off anywhere really everywhere. I really I don't know. You can't really throw a rock without hitting a gay anime porn Ray Ray gay anime rape orange and it's everywhere but not the usual like tentacle shit know I mean like yeah, not the usual term. Is that okay? I think there's probably like a name in Japanese foil exact hygiene who there's something like that. You know what I mean? Like all the anime's have their little categories. Yeah. There's probably totally a category. Oh, I'm sure there is but like I say category cuz it's dead. Like it's such an official thing but in Japanese, it's it's really just gave me a rape porn is Rita really what the term would be but it sounds cooler in Japanese a general working now it is done though, cuz that sounds all weird so you can really you get a dubbed. No. No, you don't know. You don't know what the volume down. You know, am I speaking? I don't listen to the Le Vol you in subtitles. Well, because I didn't feel I tried to like grabbing my earbuds from over here. Yeah and and singing with the computer so I just don't shut down because you were taking a nap and already the buzz try to make sure you weren't going to hear it and that's not going to sit there and have like, oh, you know just like a painful, but in fact, I wonder woke up I wouldn't have known. Well, I can't tell anymore because you don't snore anymore. So I don't know when you're sleeping Academy not any way you could just sitting there watching. You know, I know watching you fucking just just did away. Yeah right off. You completely good. I could be you know, no. No, I don't look at ninja like a gigantic ninja that it's not very quiet at all. Just like a very loud too. Once a Chris Farley ninja it's something I wouldn't doubt it. That would make a lot of comedic sense. Really, you know what I mean? Well, we also have something else that was you know, I really didn't think it would do anything. But after after seeing a little bit more earlier today, it kind of I know it made it move a little bit off a major Jack mobile little it. Did ya know? It might clip pump a little bit. It's was the the slow jiu-jitsu off. Well for G, we were watching or practice. We were watching two guys real Jujitsu and and in a training type session where they weren't going like all out, but they were just kind of birth. For position that kind of thing and they look like two people rolling their fucking faces off on exit and a cuddle pile going to run.

00:10:07 - 00:15:02

You know, I'm a I'm a stick my foot over here and it's like mostly yellow and you're like ooh, but I think my face in your ass, so I'm really that's cool. Cuz then I'm going to move around a little snip your balls like a dog and then like and then we're gonna do more stickball shit. Oh, you like that? Huh? Yeah. Well, I have them say when what's his nuts had had Rogan just like all fucking hunched up and shoving his face like in his crotch as like this hot dog, you know, but because it was Joe Rogan, okay. Yes. That was a big part of it Joe Rogan go through an exercise with Eddie Bravo down for you on the floor in front of Hixon, Gracie. Oh, yeah. I know. That's true. Yeah, so it's like, you know, people are watching you do this shit. Yeah. I don't know. I know the Rogan is not dead. Did you get all you know? Okay. Well, we don't know we don't I don't know. I mean you wouldn't think you would think he'd be totally into two girls, but I don't know what me either. I'm a I'm a huge you do. Well, I'm just saying, you know, how many times have we been wrong you like, you know, you get to know people and they're into all kinds of weird chips or whatever. That's true. You wouldn't take it and I don't personally know I I can't I can't say good like take probably know we have no clue. Well, I'm talking to my other way. It might help with the fancy. That's why I'm telling you that you don't know them better if it's if he wants nothing to do with it. So really Wars. Okay. Wow, so he's going along with it. It's really slow and he's going along with it because he knows he has to okay because a sense I said so his teacher. Yeah and you showing like the bigwigs like how to do things and he's like Premier. Okay and go on Jose likes dog. And he'll do it. He goes along with it. But you know inside he's stuck on what does you know, but then he's making him do it and the guy divorce aspect God and the guy he's like getting in my ground and gave them a position like whatever almost like he's being me to you kind of want to see Joe Rogan me to foreign like where it's like casting. Casting couch, but you know what? I mean? He's he's going out with a sense a you know, cuz you know, it's his master and he wants to please his master, you know, like do everything that he can't but occasionally like like a leather daddy Master type situation. I know it's not that but it is that not in look and feel but in attitude towards the master. I I I I don't know I think so. Okay. No, I don't think okay. I'm just I'm writing this script here. We we we can still go back to it if you want to I mean, it's it's no problem. We can we can we can take that out. We don't log. That they're so it's not leather daddy Master type thing. It's just you know, you know like for for his for his Jiu-Jitsu person funny. We're kind of like the meat you thing because then off Master knows that he's not into it all and he's just kind of like, I really don't like this but he knows he's going to do it anyway because he's the guy tells him to okay. So while he's just it's just holding positions but a little bit longer than you know, he has to yeah and then just get like a little tighter and digging his heels. I can do a size. Oh you off as as you like nothing you can do about it. Either is there and I'm like, he's like rubbing his generous me like up against his balls and you know, he's off sucking minute of it. But the guy who's got him in his in the hold is like, oh, yeah. I know you don't like this, but I'm gonna make or something, you know, I don't know and and if you have no idea what you just said. And it's like it's it's gravity gets wrestling it kind of, you know on the ground, you know what I mean? So they're rolling around on the ground and we've talked about you can see several times. I you know, I haven't looked it up yet by now. I don't really know what to tell you then you don't care. Yeah, you see such erratic events right on the YouTubes. Yeah, the tubes of the sweaty palms and rolling around together snake ball or G and sometimes giggly. Yeah, sometimes like not really happy. But then other times she's very slow like down here recently really doesn't make eye contact all this needs to be naked with some lube or olive oil like they did in the room and one time. I walked off Roman wrestling. They did a naked covered oliv oil. Yeah, make it slick and Sly D. Fuck. Yeah. Okay like a little Grease Pig. Harry sweater real I guess squarely.

00:15:02 - 00:20:06

That's just what I can. Just give name. The impetus give the kids. Can you imagine that smells what smell olive oil and sweat I'll show you all. Yes, olive oil and Greek chicken if I can besiege showed like wage like we're talking about like Stamos and yogurt before Christ fucking fucking choke smell. I'm sure wow. I'm just saying the olive oil would be a vast investment whatever down there. You know, how you hate olives? Well, you know nut Funk mix with olives. I'm thinking I'm thinking in the negative times there. Yeah, I Meg I would. Oh God everything. It's just, you know tell if you didn't know any Jeffery, you don't know any different if that's you know, that's what your nose palate is used to I mean, it's like medieval sex. That's gotta be gross is fuck. I mean ever even though the wheel even though you're going to look real pretty like say you have your hair all done and you're wearing a course in seventeen thousand layers, but underneath that you've got an undead. We stinky couch and a and a but slowly and like rub with a stick in a dirty rag on the end of it. Okay, so I I just can't imagine what life would be like well achieved it's cuz you don't have the nose palette for the before Christ times so which is probably all of us. Yeah. It's definitely all of a sudden would have been a completely different situation. You smell like a barn. I love it something I mean I hear you would have to just really get used to it. You know. Yeah, I mean, I guess it would be better than either you start getting into, you know times where they then they started getting heavy perfumes shit. It just started covering up the chod with heavy perfume smell because they don't know what I'm saying. Yes that I think maybe could be worse definitely definitely could be worse. You got to you got to dual action chod, you know fucking Wale log. Black in puke. You know, Albert. Agrees. Ambergris. Aubergine. He's a member Amber genie in Virginia birdies. Yes angry. Well, I don't I don't think they eat that. I don't know. It seems to me perfumes have something to do with killing whales I don't know why no, no my head. They don't they don't there was something they in it. They used it for months. Maybe I'll go over they put it in a lot of beauty products not I mean like like oil good for your skin kind of an action as like an emulsifier like that. I'll go along with that tell me that's making sense. I mean we can totally typed it type it into the Jewel and look at but we're not going to do that. No, we're going to send it out there raw give you a trigger warning that's just could be incorrect information. If you have questions look it up. I don't care. You literally have a computer at your fingertips. Some of you have little apple watches and you're listening to you could just fucken go home. Get up if you wanted to very very quickly. 3. I'm going to beat that out to even out of post, you know, Katie doesn't realize cuz she doesn't ever fucking like like normal humor. Sometimes play a podcast on some speakers when you have some kind of an assistant around and when you start saying the assistant where it's it is so fucken annoying like it is like level ten thousand. I don't want to listen to this ever again kind of fucken annoying like I would rather fucking stick my dick in the door and slam it several times then have that fucking assistant how much stuff I can say in the cockpit. Where did you take? So there you go. Yeah. So, oh no people tell me know people who are listening to a personal assistants think they are totally they totally know and they're totally going to stop that. It I didn't say the other one. Well, okay, I I I quit it, okay. Maybe we have to work and post now aren't you? Oh my God to edit stuff now. Oh, I saw I saw a video and someone yelled kicker in the taco doing. All right, and it made me laugh just like like yeah cooker and the taco I don't know why the major laughs I don't know. Why either I guess it was a way that the guys said it. Oh because you know what to it wasn't like a street fight or anything. It was like a girls train like UFC training or some sort of grappling training there wasn't it? No. No, it was Worldstar know it was like it was like a high school fight. Okay to get her off. I heard I had influx of dudes sending me. Pictures with with with really pretty but plugs and really like I don't know why I don't remember if I said anything but I mean I've been getting that I don't think I did page.

00:20:06 - 00:25:02

Are you guys getting together and saying hey, we're all good at this but plug months we're all going to do my plugs this month. It's a butt bomb everybody. What does a fart we are but we're here to fill your dams put that there are no seriously. I've been getting it in the past week. I want to say I've got me like 13-14 was like five lug pics five different people. Okay, it's collectively like thirteen or fourteen but plug pictures don't remember if we maybe you haven't I'm not sure who knows them online. Anyway, I know I mean who really does Now by look up a whole bunch of ship. They're really I'm sure it readily comes across how anal Centric you are. Oh, yeah probably dead. And you like Square me man. Trying to get away from you while you're chasing them with a strap-on. Oh, they're in like like a like a Mall food court bathroom and they have their pants down spreading their cheeks open in the and like the the handicap bathroom taking a picture and it's like a big old sparkly gym right in their cornhole and they're just like, isn't it? Pretty much like wow. All right, or does it for you there at Spencer's It's Hot Topic was out of town. But what about Jack Skellington, but I mean, all right cool, but I just I don't know why I don't know you must I mean, it's like a moth to a flame I think to some extent. You know what I mean? You kind of recover. I want to see your butt plug, you know what I mean? And I'm sure I'm sure yep. Comes across completely online. I'm sure I'm sure of it. No, I mean you have that fucking I want to see your butt plug look like dirty hore look but it's it's completely different than that. Right? Same thing. Just slightly different, you know, okay, so same a different dirty hore likes but plugs, okay, something like that. Someone had had downgraded and poor people at this. It was like this thrift store. You know what it was and cool speaking about box. Well, someone had had donated a butt plug with a long tail on the end of it what the metal by Tupac Thugz know just one. Okay big silver fluffy tail fluffy and they they what what do they call it? They called it like a Halloween decoration the had it for 299 and they stuck a price on it. And so I took a picture of it on the shelf and they said oh my God. Wanted to tell him cuz usually like if it's like a church-owned there run like thrift store the a bunch of old ladies volunteering there. So I mean I you know, I mean but a lot of people they were an old bunch of seven things up acids and stuff. So, I don't know maybe Agnes didn't know what it was but to be completely honest that was looking something that wasn't paying any attention to anything. So okay. Just shoot me a while ago. You're so nice know. You know, I just I got distracted for a moment. Okay? All right. It happens sometimes. And let now I forget what I got distracted. I was Jus Jalan something for you doing I forget now I forgot again to tell you there was there's one on the Facebook Marketplace. Yeah, this is pretty bad. They put a picture of their dead parakeet and it is for sale not going to keep it's dead bird not going cheap. Oh boy home instead of or maybe he just met it. Really I want top dollar for this dead bird just reminds me of like Monty Python. It's a dead dead edit it cease to be. I don't remember that. You don't remember the dead parrot. Sketch. Not really. Oh my God. No, I mean we're talking nineteen. The nice thing is for the 1970 S. I think it was the seventies. I mean, that's way back. Yeah, you're going deep that's a deep reverence. I know I have some old people that listen to me. I were going to go to episode of twenty-four when we come back when I have a brand new test man this week. I promise I'll do it. I'll do it soon soon after birth after the break. We also got some pussy on eBay.

00:25:02 - 00:30:06

We're going to talk about so surround enjoy yum yum. It's time for at age and refreshing snack so fucking funny and I don't know I was thinking about today to earlier when I mean my eyes are blue and I took a picture of myself wind direct sunlight and I look like Sub-Zero cuz I'm I'm Askin. Okay, we're calling Sub-Zero. Now, we are super saiyan pairing mode. That's what you looked at. But you said That's what it look like. You look like you were like super saiyan Karen you worry for for sure. You were going Ultra Instinct Super Saiyan Karen mode your eyes were aglow you. Could you had just weird looking the way it just really it looked like it looks like you were ready to dial your phone in any second. Like my eyes were completely white and I'm calling the cops on somebody if there's volume down exactly. Anyway. Well, like I was saying that I ran across this thing that struck me really funny cuz the way I was looking today, but just Southeast 330 pounds safe from Ninja Museum, there's an engineer and there is an engine off when they steal from it again. They gigantic fucking safe heavy I've seen you know, yeah. Oh, yeah, it's as the special throwing stars and it and such well, I would think the good nunchakus. I mean it really didn't have that much money in it, but no less than ten grams, but they don't carry that heavy a safe out of there in less than 3 minutes. It took them to take the second one strong motherfuker really strapped it onto something and just ripped it out drag it down the road somewhere else. More than one like those world's strongest man. Those just get picked up by themselves and put it in the back of the truck. You know, you just have one short as Mark. There's like a short Mark cuz those like Alice balls anybody from Iceland. I think it's children from Iceland. They can take up to three hundred thirty pounds. Like you know what I mean? Yeah. No, that's like a segments daughter over there. She's eight years old and will have her loaded up for you there big boy Society day in the competition. Yeah. You don't have your own a old smoke is Mark. Okay Sweden better. See most people that live in Iceland German citizen. That's so yeah. I don't know what that means for Iceland game. I know all whispered off off off. Turn off the world world the right before studios.com. It radio is dead men. So the parking lot of the Palladium Katy Katy radio thinking Katie radio.com pinky Katie radio at gmail.com. Get me on the Facebook page that life Google me. Kinky Katie radio. I didn't remember really travel at all. I I was dead. I was trying to come in a lot quicker just like cuz I couldn't tell it really could I I was very confusing on the musical choice this week. I got a little excited for a Matthew songs. So that's why yeah solid back in the back and I think until it back back end is vibrating it is it is. Yeah, I get it. Yeah, so I'm I gotta I gotta get a a glammed-up tomorrow and and take a video. I'm doing a it's it's not going to be dirty. I mean there's going to be cleavage but it's like with dirty for you to but I said this one person asked if I would do their info for their YouTube channel. Okay, so I said I would do it. Oh, I like you got a video of It kind of thing. Okay. Yeah. All right. I'm going to put it up on the page. So I'm I have an interview I got sent over a like a questionnaire to fill out this this person wants to do an interview sugar question.

00:30:06 - 00:35:03

Are these people song questionnaires? Yeah, some of them knew really? Yeah Phyllis help please so I can I can do some proper researching on you before I speak to you know, I think that's a cool thing. Oh, no you preparation for doing a broadcast, especially if you're doing it. I mean if you're doing a podcast and it's straight you're going to record it and chop it up and whatever, you know, you could go raw form on some shit. But like when you're doing it live and you're actually broadcasting and as you too and I mean you kind of gotta prepare for some shit. You know what I mean? It's way better couple like I have some ideas about what the fuck you're going to talk about have a plan. So don't be dumb dumb dummy. Well, especially me and I I will die. I will admit it I get nervous. So I smokable and dead. That's not good. Cuz then sometimes like just keeps you for being too serious. You know what I mean? Don't take yourself too serious, cuz that's just, you know, God, you know, I guess it's so weird because I get so keyed up and nervous for for what? Well, I don't know why. Yeah people listen to you every day on down one form or another and podcasting. You know what I mean? Like I really like you and I'm like so Joey whatever you're you're talking to people all the time. I know I know I know it's okay. You've already told them all the gross said about you. So what's the problem after that? Not yet? I'm sure you have please please am still more that people don't know I don't I doubt it. Maybe I doubt it. We don't know how under your family life cator. We don't know how to hold back at all. You've really didn't have to go that club. So for that picture, I mean, there's zero that we that you know that we've been like I don't want to talk about that at all. You know what I mean? We pretty much talked to same way. We saw this is know how we hang out a lot of times. Yeah, we've were talking about shit. This is it kids just so you know, so I mean sometimes gets a little crazy. Yeah a little later than on here. I get I get in a better mood when I'm I could just post it up on a couch somewhere, you know, in fact that I'm like sitting up in a chair and you you always like a bright light. It's something about wanting to read the shit that's on a paper right? Cuz I can't see shit. I think I know I'm going to be any glass. Well you like to do all of your like show prep on an actual piece of paper old school-style all of it and but like you're you're very paper pen oriented. Also, I just thought Just it works better. Sometimes I write things down. It just stays in my seem to stay in my head better. I'm not criticizing your process. I'm acknowledging that you are a paper and Pen process kind of a person just just just accepted the your paper pen person. I'm a paper pen. Okay, I mean, you know, which is really only paper. I have a pen that is only that is only like a half a step away from like a stone and a little football my god. Oh, here we go. Well, I mean at least it's it's you know, it's age-appropriate is what I'm saying. You know what let's go. Let's go to your favorite segment standing by off Gabe's in and on the news it's time once again 4:15 a.m. Okay. So this week's hits man is dead is definitely a discovery brought to me brought to my attention by Mister SE. Okay. So thank you very much for that. Also. Saw it somewhere else too. But yet yep. Okay, and if you want fucking tests, have you want some nice tests? Just go to the nip-slip. Where did we see that? But oh Big J off. Shut up Big Jay. Oakerson was a big joke. It was it was Big Jay that they gave out one of the sources that he goes to so the nip-slip.com you need to go there. It's got every nip slip that there ever was a nip-slip cleavage topless bikini see-through wet, but completely nude wage is everywhere big tables everywhere song That's My Kind of Comedy. I I can't laugh too hard to hear that right at you know, really big nipples everywhere song. To you several times. We were listening right out there.

00:35:04 - 00:40:01

I don't know exactly that's the one place exactly. So if you if you want to go check out my God, just awesome. Oh, there's a lot of celebrities. It's like mostly celebrities and invite other days and sometimes slips out, and some Cucci's unsponsored content there for you. That's right just for your enjoyment. Definitely unsponsored guys took such artistic. So yeah the nip-slip.com. Yeah. Well, we're at the ride, right? Well, we're at the ride. Yes. I will take to 4,000 recorder. Okay, or it's really free. So well, no. No, I know. I know that check out some celebrity. I getting back to the whole thing that we're talking about how I have probably told them. All the gross and nasty things that I I'm just like well, I'm just saying we've talked about lots of stories of doing lots of things that were foul. Oh, yeah, so I don't know if we've like we've held anything back. I don't think so. Well because the one thing that kind of popped to mind go that that I know we have talked about and someone asked me about it recently. Well, I had to explain feel like people don't do gross things in hotels. I almost I was I was choked on what I was drinking. I'm like are you fucking kidding me? I just hope I was literally where we went to to do gross things and we're home a lot of people that's kind of the stand by you know, you want to go go spread some tiene somewhere. You're like, you know, we're definitely going to go hotel for that for sure. I'm not doing that at all. Why do people always talk about bringing their own sheets or sleeping on the bed or taking a blue or you know, ultraviolet light to see all the speeds and bodily fluids all over the room off. Read I went on a on a like I was just typing back like oh honey. I'm sorry. I hate to be the one who tells you this but people do a lot of foul things and hotel room. What sort of fantasy life. Are you living in B. Oh, that's nice to think that you know, these hotel rooms are you know, nobody's ever done a poo party inside of this rumor, but that would be a lie. That would be a complete fabrication dead hooker out of the bed. Well, maybe not a talker that's going a little far but somebody is definitely done some sort of sexual over that you that you would think I mean because you think hotel rooms are clean. So it might not even have to be that weird of it. So it gets so much worse. You move the magic jack in the box spring. It's smeared your next. Yeah a good blood. I mean, there's definitely been been keeps all over the bathroom. You know that one time at one time at band camp we're dead. Where you were you were heavy flow day, and we just went wild and it was everywhere ever and well, it was everywhere. It looks like a crime scene. We were drunk a shame that it happened. So I don't want to hear your bulshit. But we woke up and it was it was like Masterpiece Theater. Wish it was I mean, it looked like something that was directed by thousands thousands thousands thousands of years ago. It looked like a zombie pouring production. It's like if you put a mouse inside of a fucking cage with a hamster if you've never done that don't do that eligible. Fuck the mouse up. Yes. Yeah, cuz we went because we were feeding it. We were feeding the mouse to the snake. We used to have this is when I was a little kid I had a whole bunch of weird anyway, and my mother was like, oh come here watch this on T real quick or something. So we just put the mouse in with a hamster, but we went and checked this out. We were gone for like not even 3 minutes come back. There is blood flung off. Over the tank. It was in Deadmau5 everywhere else everywhere blood was all over Winky Winky was the hamster and I was just like Catholic psycho. You're like, holy shit. You look scary. And the the mouse is David a snack just like ripped open. Yeah. Well that was an unintentional thing. You didn't realize that two free things may try to kill each other. No, I didn't think that your furry. Come on bud Fury. You're cute. You're in a sense my God, why are you being so aggressive? Nobody really crazy power pack. That's like saying you would trust one of our I mean you understand the cats though. I mean, they're murder murder animals that is like, you know any time they see something if they can get something that smaller than them and it's alive they're going to kill it. Well, yeah, but but I I was thinking, you know small little white mouse and then a small little little hamster poof and you just log Didn't think that there would be a problem. Yeah, there was yes anyway, but back to the hotel.

00:40:01 - 00:45:08

So yeah, we we've done some and I can't even believe we didn't get him get charged for that like extra charge. I am I don't remember we stumbled through a lot of Life a lot. You know. Yeah, so I don't know. I don't know, you know, we never know what we did. Well, one of the things that we would always do was we could always get two beds in the in the totally so you can fuk up one and then sleep in a theater. I want to double please or you know, and if you are if you bring something random person back from the hotel and you can fuck him on there so you can get other fluids and whatever and you can leave them there in the filth in the wet spot you go to the nice clean value like when is my package it says I don't even know your name yet slut. Yeah, and I don't care to know it to gosh it throw another one here birthday. Take him home back to their car. Anyway, I kind of like rolled off there you did. You said you went off on your own. That's okay your husband Joe left mere the other people to do it. Okay. So on eBay there was some trouble because someone was selling them. It was called a a neurotic female large genital marble. Fine art sculpture email. That sounds really it is a you might not want to put it in your and you're taught know you don't put it in it. It is a statue of it. Okay statue of it is a big old statue of a Chevy. I'm going to okay of a marble courage and this thing has got a large clit and it is got some slappers if you're going to sculpt. Yep. He might as well have some mini Flappers on it. And and now he's head unit. Yeah, look at that. They they it's like a like a yeah. I don't know. I'm down like yeah, I know you you don't care. I remember for the longest time. I did not know that the pussy is looked different. Yes. Yes. I mean everything was neatly tucked in like a bun. Yeah. I was no cuz I'm like, my she doesn't hang out something. I don't and then when I saw one that was like that I was like, wow, I never I never understood when people say oh like roast beef hahaha like going to make that joker I'm seeing Arby's I really didn't understand that at the time now I get it cuz I've seen some pussies their life did a fucking grenade off in your snaps. Like it's a judge to you there. It's just the way they hang sometimes sometimes that's just that's just what happens. You know, I'm not saying you should check out. About about yourself. If you made it sound like probably feel good. But violence Ami TB curtains like that. I'd probably be like Haiti really it's not my fault. I guess maybe secular people some people but some people they actually get them cut off. Yeah. I mean you get your your magic plasti action. Yeah, and they call them dog years. Yeah, whatever pair of scissors wage. Well this one lady we talked about a while ago. She got her puss nipped off and part of her labia and she made jewelry out of it. Oh God, that's right. I mean I'm paying off a familiar sound like a very afraid hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. I don't remember who that was. Anyway. Well anyway for life, they yeah, but that particular says, I don't know. I'd better taking it sure. Of course you were you put a dick and everything and anything that is that is not true. That is not true. You have even said that on the show before. Well, not anything meaning. Well, that's what I'm saying. I don't I don't jam on and off. Okay, I don't do that. So that's anything. Okay. Okay. Let's let's anything email. Okay. Yes, if you if you're female in whether you're complete ho or kaha ho ya know and you were in and you were willing when when especially when I was younger, you know teenage years young twenty you just it really did not care. It did not matter. Everybody was fun for me. So I don't know let's give it a shot. I'm not sure if I'm going to like it or not, but I'm willing to try absolutely well come over here old lady took we were you talking to me. No, I'm just saying just saying there was a stalker dude. He's he said Nicki Minaj wage. Threat. Okay, and he took a picture of himself on a mirror and he's like there's a really old dude going bald wearing glasses and it says Nicki Minaj you have 24 hours DM me a pic of your boobs or I will suck my mom's house on fire.

00:45:08 - 00:50:02

Yeah, that's Christ. Well that little did you know that his mother would always be took him after she caught him jerking off to Nicki Minaj since he was since he was a child whatever. Yeah, so he's got it in his head. I'm just going to kill my mother because she's been really violent. I need those boobs knickers, right Darling Nikki. I mean, I totally know you're not going to send me the boobs. I just want to kill my mother and blame you. I mean, I've been working on it over the weekend and this is all I could come up with Nicki Minaj. So guess what? You're the excuse. Yeah juice. I lived to be words God you lost. Sakura to be no. I don't know. Anyway, this dude broke into this person's house in Palm Beach County know they it was Guadalupe, Guadalupe Guadalupe. Okay, so quite a Lupe but like Guadalupe, it's m u s. Okay. Anyway, should the dishwasher shed in it? Yeah. She did it. Wow, that's an interesting choice adore pooped on the 8th or the dishwasher and then left. Okay, they didn't steal anything. They didn't disrupt anything. So but I'm thinking I'm like didn't this for maybe this person came home like wasted or something and didn't forget like I did this wrong. You know what they're you go alcohol-related. I mean or somebody was really mad at the person, you know what I mean? I don't know because instead of happen well, To happen anywhere anywhere between 1 a.m. And 8:15 in the morning. So somebody beautiful broke into your house and they said your dishwasher. I've never heard of anything like this happening. Like I cannot I I just I don't understand. Yeah, but I I think it has to do I don't know I would have any children that live in a house. First of all a know they were adults and they took both of them was no one of them. Sorry, this is anybody taking Ambien. I don't know. Okay see here here here again. I'll find it all kinds of reasons why that could have been an inside job right there. Yeah, so they'll back door unlocked. I mean how many times with us, you know, if something like that we would have definitely assume that it was one of us. What is the car we would we would not have assumed that she was like somebody from the outside it would have like yeah. No one of us should have no fucken who did that and it's like why why why ask why you totally blame it on me though, even if you thought you did a good job. Why did you do that? I would probably well it would seem more like it would be me because like I'm not going into this. I'll just wash it ish. You know what I mean? I don't load Samsung washer. I just I watched I'll wash of like a dish and dry it and put it away. I don't really load the dishwasher that one separated. That's my poop bull. I'm just so you're the only one that's going around. And so you'd think it would be me. However, if you think if we were both shit-faced honestly wouldn't know we'd have no idea and we would honestly not know what it would be. Like, all right could be really could have any of the one of us. I don't know what this how this happened just run the dishwasher literally cut down the tree off. So put it on a hot start heavy load thrown some Jet-Dry make it Sparkle off. What do you have to do to somebody to get that like, let's say it's militia, since you're probably isn't it's definitely an inside job. Definitely somebody lives in a house, right? What? Think of like how does that come to your head over there? I really like where the hell does that come from? I mean Katie at this point. I've already gone over and used all of her dildos as as toys. I mean, so I have to escalate somehow that didn't really she didn't understand why she kept getting fucked UTIs and had a funky snatch. She didn't know why I wash my dildos in there last month. That's just that's just weird. That's just very weird know there was a pastor now I can see where this could happen because well this could be in conjunction with the dishwasher shiter. There's a pastor that did an exorcism on a toddler Class B.

00:50:02 - 00:55:00

Save you and used meth dead. With church members and our gazelle. Hey, Bob late said nothing about no methamphetamine. Katie. My child will not stop screaming. It's not too long as the blood of Christ Katie. You don't know it just spiked wines tainted speaking of like, I wonder if that's like part of his past your hood like wage. It's really, you know, there are some very old is a young pretty young Pastor really heavy fucking mess issues in the area. They live in you know what I mean now, I don't know I thought, Kentucky. No, Arkansas. Oh, yeah. See that makes a lot of sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah small town in Arkansas or something about 30 minutes north of Little Rock. There you go. Oh, there you go. Yeah. It's like methali. I guess. I don't know. I've never flown for whatever reason in my head. Mathis is is like way worse in rural areas. I don't know why I for whatever reason maybe it's because the only place I've ever gotten it from was like in the middle of nowhere. Sorry. It was always in the middle of em, I've never done it. Yeah. No, you can stay away. It's fine. I've had Adderall twice and people say that's yeah. Yeah, you're just super awake a vibrant fucking does it I took I took a fiber in the Monday because I have found to my purse and that's just fucking caffeine. Yeah. No. No, I had one. Well, I'm not I'm Cathy's I know I know I have to remove You all the time? Oh my God, I was paged her. Like I hope this fucking comes down before you come home. Cuz I'm like I was like peeping out that would have been like what the fuck is wrong, but I had a fiber and you'd be like, I do not believe here. No, you're right. You're totally right if you were all shipped up some stuff. I would be like what what the why are you lying? You know like I could like, you know, like like, who are you talking to telling me? You're not on something right? Who really you're going to you're going to tell me some shit like just tell me what what you're doing. It's caffeine and you can be like the fuk it is. Yeah. Well exactly and then you wouldn't talk to me like the whole night. You're well, yeah. Yeah, if if if I thought you were totally lying to me. Like if you've told me you know, I don't know somebody gave me an Adderall I wouldn't be mad at you. It was just whatever, you know, don't do it all the time. No, no, but like the other one the other half of it is still on my table off. Right over the couch. No more vibrant for you. I will especially not today know. However you will you will yeah, one of Katie's favorite things to do is to have you know, the to go want on a new containers to plastic fucking quart-size shitshow make herself like a a three bag fucking tea teacup like and have that bitch like you have like a part of a motherfuking t hanging out hot tea in a fucking Tupperware. Yeah, like like a fucking half a quart at a time just hanging out. I usually have like three or four of them magic have a problem. I have a Jeep problem. I really liked you really like like hot teen. I really do good stuff. This is delicious. Don't make fun of my drinking. So here is the Chinese mason jar. Okay, it's not really Chinese. But okay, but no I'm dead. Have those fucken plastic containers everywhere. Oh my God, like kitchens across the world higher plastic container EJ1. No say no because the only time we ever get they ever come to the house is when they're filled with. Oh that's on soup. It's definitely our supplier is Chinese restaurants. That's that's what we're getting hooked up with the plastic container that you can tell if your self up with your drug containers are mightier. Hey, you're acting like I don't enjoy a fucking hot cup of tea as well. I guess it's delicious. Yeah, but I don't put it in like one of those smaller planes know you get to get it in like like a teacup sized or coffee coffee cup size my dual bagger. Sure. Yeah jewel bagger. Okay, especially appreciate show. Yeah, I do that often you do she is nice and clean when you're going to go talk for a couple of hours. You know what I mean? Well, I still had been drinking a lot of Seltzer plain Seltzer. I know you're into I know you just take it to grow. Well it off. It's nasty just a static taste like maybe someday my opinion will change on bubbly water refreshing. Yeah. Okay, maybe maybe someday it'll fucking occurred that way to me. It just tastes like fucking weird salty water. Like what's going on here? I just do salted to me.

00:55:00 - 01:00:06

But like in the middle of the night is a flavor well in the middle of the night if that's got like a film in my mouth and I just bought something ice cold and bubbly drink it. I don't want any you know, I don't I don't sugar stick whatever in your mouth is causing a film off. I was just kidding about malfunc happens while you're sleeping for whatever reason. Yes. That's why when you wake up in the morning you want to like power cycle or watch it out. It's right like a second, and feeling for most people. Yeah, it is for sure for sure for sure. All right. Well, I think we're going to get out of here. Why you bailing early? Were you were really bad? You're in early Baylor and early Baylor you are did you did you not prep enough? Do we need to get on the research Department? No, no, no. No. No, I guess I just wasn't paying attention to the time, you know, you still have several minutes. You can fucking squeeze it more content. I'm here for the fans for the listeners. You know what I mean? All right. Well there I want them to have a fucking full show em are like, they're like doing their work out or drive or whatever. They got a few minutes left. So like what you're going to drive them to what they going to what are they going to listen to for 3 minutes? That's true. Like what did you just you're welcome to watch like a booty pie video. Oh God. Yeah. I know. He's still still doing shit. Is he? I think so. Yeah. Wow, I'm pretty sure you're probably millions of people watch it. Yeah. Yeah, but imagine a millionaire. So whatever it's not like I say shit. Yeah exactly. You don't want to drive them there. So you have to fill your fucken time lady. Well in Saint Pete there was this woman here locally. Yeah. Yep. Here locally. She she was well, she was caught for doing some lewd acts outside of a seven eleven for all I heard about this. Did you see where she was diddle diddle she was a middle 11:00 in the afternoon. Yeah, 11:00 in the morning on a fucking Wednesday. She was outside in the parking lot intentionally masturbating and she wasn't even like like a train wreck looking either. She was not well she wasn't like rode hard and put up wet looking. Yeah. She was okay. I I I heard somebody else talk about the store. They must have been way horny girl. She looked I mean she's been through some stuff. She doesn't look I mean she doesn't look too too bad. So yeah joke a little older though. Yeah off drug related 29. She looks a lot older than 29. Okay. Yeah. She does she does. She looks like 38 probably an epic sure. I mean then again, that's a mugshot dog. That's it. Really don't get the lighting right in those. Well, I don't know never had one. Not at all. I mean it definitely feels like that's I mean that's yeah. Okay, Florida. Yeah, that's here. I'm sure. Yeah, she she looks like that. She just was like on her way to her bartending job know. Okay. She was definitely fucked up because who does that when they're just sober you know what I mean, This is 11:00 11:00 in the morning like on a Saturday morning Wednesday. So wow Wednesday to me that sounds like you wow, Wednesday. Well, maybe she's been up since Friday wage could be you're right. I'm not figuring that in at all. Well, yeah, she was just fucking diddle in a way. They're right in front of the Swap and Shop one of the worst thing regularly. Well, one of the one of the worst things about it was there was a fucking like kid in view. But she did it in front of a minor. Oh boy. She not much of a minor though. They don't say this is the kids a kiss. Really? I don't know but then they didn't say the kids age. I mean you shouldn't do that. But I know you know, I mean it's different if it's a six year old. I mean even fourteen-year-old. I don't know. Oh my God woman. He's definitely looking at port on his phone that he has faith. I mean, who are we kidding here? Don't just who we could I mean, who's this lady time hooker to be diddling or snows in front of well. I don't really want to hold other people back from doing things like this in public really I I would watch so all right. We are getting out here on that note. I hope everybody has had some funds that I had a yeah. I have a great rest of your week. Great rest of your day car trip shifts. Whatever the fuck y'all are doing at the moment. I see you have any birth? Everybody really see you next time kiss anything part 11. Yep. Fridays I like tacos and burritos