#319 – Orgasmic Troll Doll
You are currently viewing #319 – Orgasmic Troll Doll


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8/15/2020 Stumbled onto this porn... Katie's dream interpretation... Would you peg a man while he is having sex with his wife... Flush able floor drains... Ask me about my ninja costume... Wearing a butt plug all day... Etsy butt plugs... Moping the floor on LSD... Porn Pick of the Week - Heavy-r.com... Earthworm Dick tunnel... Mattress testing for sexual pleasure... Suspended masturbation... Episode of "Rule 34"... Orgasmic troll doll now for sale just in time for xmas... Botched cock extension twice and why did they use kangaroo dick... Chloeca Ex Machina fuck doll... Tits Man - new use for boobs... What would life be like if a man's balls were above his dick?... A hammock for your nuts... Going polyamorous at your wedding... Mean tweets... Girls who can drive stick shifts... Orgy in a van leaves the occupants with a seat belt ticket.

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#319 Orgasmic Troll Doll

00:00:04 - 00:05:01

The following program contains adult content crabs, language of a sexual manner completely irresponsible advise along with some things you'll wish you could here. If you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality, please turn off. For those who remain enjoy and have a nice day. The weekend has landed all the exist now club strokes, popes and parts of four hours from the world man I'm going to blow steam on my head like a screaming cattle I'm going to cut shit to strangers all knife I'M GONNA lose the plot on that dance floor the free radicals inside me freaking tonight I'm Chitra Volks three popper. I'm going to Never Neverland with my chosen family man we're going to get more. Than meal on strong advocates, anything can happen tonight and could be the. Line. Each week Buck Blackburn. What's The. And now live from route thirty, four studio. Bring you a girl that will cramming as much as she can. Regardless of what you think. In your bought. Here, she is your host, the one, the only Kinky Katie took some down to that one Lord Muslim to the show. This is his number three at nineteen on your host gator and with me as always is my favorite. Toy The one and only Mr SC. Sure. We are coming at you live from raspy live dot com maybe radio DOT COM and radio. Nad. Got a fun show for you. Tonight I think. I don't know why. Some wet I always declare some webs Shit a little segment for for you who love me some very much. Know trying to decipher what you're saying I'M GONNA. I'M GONNA be reading a couple of nasty not net nasty. Means read put it that way. Yeah I don't know. Rubbed me the wrong way or the other day. But then I got then I got high and I was just site whatever see what happens. I know saving lives it is. Making. Lives a lot better off for sure. Absolutely. How my goodness? Yeah. We've also got a my my. My Porn pick. This week is is something that I stumbled across quite on accident and I have just been been glued to it every. Yeah. Okay. I it's. Really, big my noodle and some things make me WANNA throw up. We'll talk about. Talk about it. Okay, Shit. Anyway, Oh, now we have anyone or do you know of anyone that knows how to interpret dreams Well, I take all dream interpretation is complete hardship but okay, we ask. So do I but I still would kinda like someone's opinion. I like maybe like what do they think that it means? Okay let me it won't. I seem to have. Reoccurring things like a lot of my dreams take place in it's one of two. Locations, okay, it's always the same place. It's like there's it's one. It's like this apartment complex on a lake. Okay. Apartment complex on a lake sounds familiar and another one is kind of like a resort on a lake in woods. Okay. Resort and lake and the woods and an apartment on the lake. Well, we've lived on the firemen on the lake several times plenty of different places. Yeah. But it's it doesn't seem to remind me of any of the ones that we've ever that we'd lived in. Okay. Sure. Doesn't well I mean besides. The fact that it's you know an apartment by Lee Yeah. But it's always stressful and another thing that happens in A. Lot of my dreams, I mean like ninety percent of them I've lost the car. Don't know where it is used to have it a lot. I know yeah. That was an actual thing. But I. Don't know why it's happening. Now I don't know why it would be what why is it avenue now? I, don't know what I'm just lives there. There could be no Y. You know. So I got. I got a message from from a friend of mine I someone who slid into my dams that I haven't talked to. And Yeah. So he's he's still he's still kind of being flirting with me okay and. He brought up again. You. Can Fuck Me Fuck? My Wife. He's been kind of Helen, her about it lately.

00:05:02 - 00:10:02

I'm like your wife or your girlfriend he's showed up. Like a year little man horse. But? I don't know. If you've never done that it's actually pretty cool I. I think it is I just I just Kinda I dunno? So how does this make you feel horny No. It's just I don't know I mean I'm not going to buy. It's I. Don't know. It's just kind of neat that you. You still think about me God I don't know really. Yeah, we're not. Okay. Someone was talking about floor drains the other day now we did talk about. Doing now we. Talk we're doing plumbing plumbing talk today is that really know because it went along with the with Fetish They had before drains. Floor Jansen you put you know anything you would put in a toilet right? You can hose down like a like a SAR room. Yeah. Kind of. From hostile. Army Luga said anything that you could flush down the toilet you could put down the street and probably really because it's a it's it's a big opening drain march like a forage out keep certainly okay. because he was talking about Genghis indecent filthy things and different things not just like gross things but also like food and Shit, for like splashing in style. So Mike Yeah. Make flushable floor drains right? I was telling him about it I. Don't know it just made me think about it. Yeah. So for those of you who are into some sort of a wet work. You you you can set up a room been put a drain waterproof everything and have like little spigots and shit all the way around the room. So you could just hose it down. You know make it out some water proof material why you can even put title down. Tile if you don't one tile I, mean there's other there's other options to shag carpet well now negative units you. Know this is just wet carbon growth. That kerpen were commercial that guy is just like rubbing his wall to wall carpeting in his shower. Okay. Rubbing on. because. That would be like next level bizarre. To have it like a carpeted room. Hose down to tell me about it. Just a sound event. That's ike how you know. If you missed a toilet you hit the rug. How you on my carpet? That's what I'm saying. I mean, I've never happened to me before 'cause. Hey. Sit Down kind of I'm sure. A lot of people out there are like that's exactly what I was looking for my tension the next to my Dojo. The darrow toe, my basement who? Think there's there's a shirt says, asked me about my Ninja costume and then you flip the bottom and put it over your head and there's a Ninja face on it. It doesn't take much entertain you sometimes I really doesn't. I'm very I'm very easily made. Happy. You know about as part of that is. You know you. You're probably GonNa get girls like you that are actually going to do this. Yeah I know it's it's free the Nipple Day. It's a good thing. A good rumor to spread foreshore. That's right. But there's I've I've seen those other shirts they ask when they say you see my Zombie Costume. You flipping thing. Yes. Thing with the Ninja one just. It made me laugh. Did as. We were all sitting. We're also talking about but plugs has some people were blogs all the time? Yes how it would just be You you constantly have that feeling like like either you are pooping guess your mid mid shed I. I. Don't really know because I've never played with but plugs. It's never been my thing I have but I mean, sometimes you you really don't typically your like masturbating physically having sex she you'd never like walked around with it other than in the house. Well because I know you. I know you you're not gonNA WANNA deal without are out in public. As. Your bony a little. But you know what I mean by Yoga Pants. I just can't see you see you doing it just from a comfort standpoint this. And you're you're not. You're not like that fucking Anal Cedric you know you know what I mean. That's true. Well, at least my own. Somebody else's assets temperate story baby trae other people's balloons. Like the pop. You know mine spion negative I might mine mine.

00:10:02 - 00:15:06

You need to not rape when I'm sleeping. Telling you the reason that I bring that up to as I've seen pictures of women in Yoga, pants like bending over to get something like in a car, and you can see straight through and you see the ones with gems on the end. Really. A little. A lot of times. The somebody's wearing about plug. It's because they're doing some dumb shit. You know what? I mean or they're stretching out because they know they're gonna get it later that day. Yeah. Typically Saddam Shit. Yeah. That way it's it's you have to wear. Very sleeping beauty ask. Another reason why I brought that up is because there's been just everybody seems to try to outdo. The next person would like weird by plugs just like Weird Shit. They do glued glued on the end of Plight Your Se. Bud. Plugs. FIDGET spinners on it with the BONK's on it. Well because you have a reason, it's it's like the new iphone model comes out you have to come out with new features and really. If you limit yourself to standard but. Every you're. You're right out of fucking shit real quick. You got something to sell lady. There's nothing worse than boy but plugger. Substandard subpar but plug well the last. The last one that I saw, it's Taco holder. On the end of it I. Mean I can totally see doing that if you were doing one of those parties where you have people furniture kind of thing. Yeah. I can be quite useful back it's. would be quite useful. Certainly vendor over it could also be you could also be like a a male holder put by the front door take your mail and good yeah it's just what it is is just it's a little I don't really I. Guess I don't know how to explain it. Use Your words yet. Now it's literally a Taco holder glued on the plug like hot glue style really got plastic fucking u-shaped thing saying there. I mean, you can do it for like any occasion I can't wait for the pumpkin wants to come out. Like there's a ghost coming out of my ass what's the name of the the the company that makes those fucking phone holders that we see all the time, the Cup phone Hodel older fucking action. Three cuts no damn. You the Cup you don't pay attention it's a you put it in your car and it holds your telephone. There's a product that we state never mind. Yeah. I know what was the name of it? It's it's called three hundred couple. Great. So you don't remember either I don't remember that I like how you just. Look over at me with like a dumb luck water. You talk about like, what do you mean? What am I talking? What's the name of that company I? I. Don't I don't remember now you're the one that's supposed to remember show. Yeah. Well, good point that out right now I di M- shot I'm just trying to actually get out words We're counting on you for long term memory support. We're fucked yeah. This is what I'm telling you. You better start like eating your fish oil or whatever it is you out to do. My Gingko Biloba do something. This is why we've got him we up all these shows. So we have to listen to remember you're not allowed to be the retarded one because I'm I'm just GonNa get dumber and Dumber as they get older foreshore. So you have to hold it together, lady great I can't fuck and be counted on for any kind of remembrance of things like that. But we're so getting our driver's license taken back. In like five years. So these people should I be out anywhere negative. On remote control. Thank you. D- Now absolutely remote control you know me I, like a robot sometimes that's true. I will rinse and repeat Rinse and repeat and I don't even know what I'm doing half the time and it's okay it works better that way. Well, it was great though that one timer you like mop the. Home Living Room and kitchen three times I come home like why is the floor wet and just like? Okay With psychedelics. System and I kept thinking that one of the dogs had peed in in the house. On the and everything was tile. The floor and then ten minutes later, I would get up, take go to the bathroom whatever and I would kind of feel the wet on the tile because I just mopped and I would go content defeat on the floor and that I would repeat the process over and over and over again. So I come home from work and I'm just like. Really Clean I'm like it's burning my eyes like the smell of Legion here like what the fuck have you been doing all day does that It has a way of just making me forget what what was I doing I don't know but there's water on the floor I need to clean it up.

00:15:07 - 00:20:00

Let's get out the mob mob everything. Let's bring Chandler. All right we're going to. Go to my first segments standing my. It might not be porn you would pay. It is the point Katie one. It's time once again for. Coming. All right. So purely by accident I stumbled on A. Accidentally. Accidentally. League. I was doing research for the show. Okay and I came across a website called heavy. Dash R. dot com, the have heavy. Actually I've seen some clips on this fucking Sikora. Have you? Yeah. Well, he's been watching those heavy videos to really yes. Okay. So let me just tell you a little bit about this website because. there. There is. There is Nad has to do as things that you can see on there. But that's not what's gotten me Oranje. Okay something on there that is actually getting you. Horny Yeah Oh. Oh Oh. Okay. Don't be afraid I know not afraid. No. There's There's more to choose from than if you were to go when I if I were to go to my regular porn sites like X. Hamster Porn, whatever these actually have more of the kind of movies I wanNA see. Deep Dark. Kind of kind. Yeah but. They've got the milking machines, but they've got the real like dairy. Sheen. Far Boy at four in the morning take it right off the countable and just sticking it right on their whatever like. They've got. They've got really angry hard forceful like anal- rape gain okay. Like. Four hundred ages. But not not like the OH. Yeah. Feel so good on violated. No, it's like. I mean, it's Pain. Yeah Yeah but they have some of the nasty stuff that doesn't turn me on though really just. I just don't know how some of some of the people participate in play. Yeah this one woman. I got the issue words. She has these your words. The people need to know she she packs her pussy. Okay. With pool with POO and maggots. Okay okay. It's all right if. Here. You're like, yeah. I what I just that's nothing new. The other day. That's Know. Shocked by that really. Makes you want to I? Mean I'm really I've got I've got fucking like does that. fucking throat right now you were. You were fine with getting fucking an entire nachos. Bell Guerande down. Of Man you were fine with that, but you draw the line. Okay. Wasn't like salsa. Salsa by the end of the bed for force your. Salsa the Mexicans involved. So heavy is heavy. Heavy is is heavy heavy. You've been warned. You've been very there's some hot stuff if you like some if you'd like some weird shit or some hardcore. Shit. And that I mean literally but I mean like you know. ACSI. Rural. Rural. I it sounds like a laugh fest for me like stuff like that usually makes people that because. Like you said, when you watch some of those radios and a lot of them, the people doing them aren't doing them because they're getting a paycheck. They probably didn't get paid much do the video they are really really really into whatever the fogging weird thing that you just watched. This person is definitely into it. Yeah. There's there was one dude he has on the underside of his cock he's got a A tunnel piercing like actually just like a tunnel that's been shoved. Not not the your era like. Separate from it.

00:20:00 - 00:25:01

Okay. Well, what he did was. Shoved a warm in. Okay. Lucky has a stretch freedom. Yeah, yeah. But down the whole length of his. Long ways. Yes. Wow. Lucky. Could use it like a stint. Yes. Oh, like a straw data while he'd never he he's always hard. Action he jacks like an earthworm into it and then like let's like. Regular out and then he starts pull it out. Foul. I don't. I don't care. It's fucking foul. I know I would never even have imagined somebody doing a lengthways tunnel through their cock. I. I can't. I can't imagine some of I mean a lot of the Shit I've Cedar Lodge. Oh. My God this one, this one video. I've already loved it. 'cause you know stuff going into but. This guy this guy. Is He's out riding his bicycle. And it looks like it's really early in the morning and it's cold outside like little patches snow. But he like gets off his bike. There's a hole in the like asks of his jeans and this gigantic. Dave to the seat you're like, Oh my God. Just riding around your neighborhood and this gigantic ramp bones up your fucking keys. And then. And then there's Second part of the radio he now has no pants on sands pants. Fans, pants. and. He's ride route and he's do like that soul cycle and he's bouncing up and down you're just like, Oh my God you. Figure, but on your bike, it's just. It's crazy. Okay. There's no poo and Maggot pie inside the pudding. So girls a pretty far. Yeah. I. Kind of made the mistake of clicking on the category insertion. And that's where I found. Oh, treasure trove of. Heavy. It's heavier dot com anyway the the LINK OB ON A. Review whatever. But like I said that the ship was not turning me on if you're does you cool. That's why it's there. There was another one she was doing like plastic surgery to herself. Okay. Okay like filming herself fucking. My breaking her nose, sewing it, and Oh Yeah so Some people are into that. I L. I don't know yeah yeah. Maggots in a pussy okay. Self mutilation. Be Like oh no no no no. Oh stop because that seems like actual harm to me. You can flush snatch I mean you can put whatever in your ass you feel like reading and we can figure that out. You know what? I mean. Like all of a sudden you start cutting yourself up out who I don't I don't I'm not in either one of them like, but it just like the whole snatch thing. You on a really like throw up. Okay. Excuse me. Just Okay. Well, you're the one leading the show. So lead it away forever. Yeah I am. I mean I can keep talking about it. If you guys. Hey if you guys, there are trying to figure out some ways to I know make some money without showing your butthole. that. There's a company that's GonNa pay you're. Looking for to pay couples three grand fuck on different mattresses. It's it's like for it's a, it's a company sleep standards. and they're looking for five couples to fuck on different mattresses and report to them which one that they like better. It's kind of quality control doing product testing. Okay and that'd be what are they doing said mattresses after you fuck on them probably given hotel as you're going to be some weird lab do. I can smell you. Oh my God. It's so fucking God. That's probably what I would I would? Like for how how long is the around five days? You said, no, five five couples, five couples. Long. Are you ramming each matters? It's each week. Okay. Yeah. So it's it's. Couples, you get a week on this mattress and test drive. And they want you to fuck on them. And you're.

00:25:01 - 00:30:06

GonNa be it's It's over eight weeks. You get eight different masters so they can determine the most buckle mattress is at it. Yeah. Which one they they find the most comfortable to fuck off the good fuck and mattress is not the same as it gets leaving mattress I I might not be. fucking natural. Well, I'm just saying like there might be a difference on what you WanNa sleep on and what you want to hang on. Well, what is your? Preferred talkable mattress I dunno I like as long as the heights is working out to where. All or one really just because you know I'm like and being able to stand up lay you down flip over flip your around right up on the mattress. Mean and standpoint. Side. Very Handy and is very Andy Oh. It's way better than trying to do it like one one of us, fucking horizontal one, vertical Yeah I could get into different angles. It's. It's really I could prop your legs up by can put them down I can flip you over. I. Can do whatever I want with you plus we also have ramps alleges and that's what I'm saying. Yes. So really for me, it's a height thing began I have to agree with you on that one I like that one too also went. Well I. Mean Sometimes. Like if I'M GONNA be. Kind of just getting it on masturbating at home I like something a high up like easily this chair like my show chair Boca and I smack a Dildo on and then I kinda it. I like the whole suspension thing. Okay. Like I like like a horse not not not like Mr Ed horse but you know the the leather upon like an old school child's toy horse kind of things that we what are you talking about? No. It's the wrong name for it It's like it's A. A thing. With some other stuff it's it's it's made out of wood usually and it kind of looks like a barricade. Yeah and you lay on top of it and you're you can get. Your arms that said? That said. You like a Sawhorse type of a piece of equipment. I, do I really the. A sawhorse kind of an action thing like I like my legs to dangle like I don't like them to touch the floor. Okay. The way of gravity. When things that might want to straddle something straddle something to where the whatever your straddle onto is taking the entire weight of your body where you you can let your feet down yeah or even have like ankle weights on. Okay you want who pulled down violently like with the bungee system violently I wouldn't go that far. Okay. Well, I mean, who are you talking to I mean? You know what? I'm saying fucking incision and fade. Well, what I'm saying is to some people one violent. One thing that's violent to one person is so really to a lot of people, it would seem pretty fucking aggressive. You don't I've seen you in action I know exactly kind of what what you would be going for but I'm not talking about the whole medieval torture device that they have, which is the exact same thing. But instead of it being flat on top, it comes to pitch Nokia almost like if you had a some sort of suspension system something to where you could raise and lower said thing with like a rope that you pulled, you can almost pull it tighter for your yourself because you're talking about masturbation right? He sat sway us. Do a saddle swing. Exactly. Like four robes in the four corners, you rewrite it like a fucking crowding bowl bucking bull like they're on they're on different kinds of bungee ago. I've seen that are you go? Oh, my God could stuff up there and ride the Bungee will, Oh hey, can we make a deal if I can get rid of everything in that back room? Can we put in there? well, we we'd have to build like a frame for yeah. I could do something like that. Could Happen Oh. My. That just sounds I mean. Literally I'd have to build something for everybody to suspend from and because you couldn't like. Yeah Fuck Harmon in order to get to start. Drilling into Shit. Like you would need to. Have, one of those stands like they have for the sex wings know exactly that's what I'm saying. We're GONNA to neponset a rule thirty four come back. We have other stuff to talk about. And Shit more scuff enjoy. Yum. Time basically angry pricing. Snack. Cock the grandma liked. It. Does she liked it shriveled dry burnt cottage read whole budget Berg.

00:30:07 - 00:35:00

There's a there's an Amazon. If you go look, you can get a lube. Cube. From from Lube Life Okay. What is pray tell? Lube. Cube. Because it is quite large. No got a spigot on it. Okay. Wait a minute. I'm telling this. It's it's it's by a company called Lube life and it's a water base Lube Okay Fuck Lou dawn and it's two hundred and seventy five gallon. Sexually Oh. Okay. So it's a very large tube I'm thinking like a hand held cubes is like, why are we? Oh, no. Yeah. That's a fucking like industrial size. That's how they carry liquids in an industrial container with the aluminum rack around a polycarbonate square full of fucking. Thank you very much Mr Syon one it'd be very detailed. Description there. So they understood that's a lot of that is that is a definitely a lot of Lugo rancid. I don't know I don't know I. Don't know. I guess it depend on the lube well, you know it's going to be like it's already hurricane seasons maybe tornado season's anyway it going to be. Have Looted House? Forever, Katie. Forever. Ever. GonNa lead need Lube in the Apocalypse Katie how am I going to have buttocks? I expect hell. No. I need to save the moisture. We gotTA keep the glory hole run and honey. We have plenty of customer. Customers Bob Hey. They asked the work getting that bucket cube. Don't tell my name is out of work. Can You? Drink. specatator. Day Man. In you. is so sweet. At the menu. Went. Wasn't. injured. and. Welcome back to peak as World Razz radio live DOT com. Dot Com and. Net. In the twitter at Keegan Katie radio can be, Katie Radio, DOT COM can. G MAIL DOT COM also on facebook. FETLIFE. ME, because I like it. I like the song. Tangerine. To it as I would have to look it up. Dirt. Yeah it is. Let's see. WHO PICKLE TAKE? Pickle pickle. Ever friend pickle. VP PICKLES E We'll mail pickles. He he just had a birthday daddy you did. See like fifty almost really. Well, we're all getting old. Shine. Hillsborough or not Hillsborough Hasbro. Company, right right. Well, parents are fucking so pissed off with them. Well, there's this new toy and it's like a troll doll toy. A hidden button between its legs okay and make her gasp giggle and say. A troll dolls. Okay. ORGASMIC control. Yes. Okay. But it's a little kid's toy. All right. It's. Yeah like like like for prostitute in trading kind of an action, well, I'm trying to encourage your I want leader in the right direction. Empowered by Sexuality Katie. Oh. My God. I'm wanted to be to know that it's okay for you to have pleasure. Audit WanNA masturbate way toys. Are you sure. Walls do not like. Not like. I'm showing us the official ever right now the button is her crotch. No it's totally hot. What are you talking totally highway. I could see all kinds of people be it into that. About kids.

00:35:00 - 00:40:01

But really yes sullen celebrated out stories you. Know maybe that was like its intent. Oh baby and just somebody categorized it. That's all could have been just risk category. A. Oh that's horrible because that's like a little plastic toy. And it's got this expression on her face with these big dough is. Like. Like I'm a little angel. thumper crocks. Reach her skirt to push the button. Said I for me. You know I don't know I think it'd be cool to have around the house, I could have fun with it. I'm will be in the right mood to play with that little thing and having a good time with it to probably I could pro-. I, could definitely find a way to have fun with that toy no zone, fuck a Leprechaun yeah sounds like that. You can hold onto mccaw. Every every time it like bounces down in your balls. It makes a noise. It can only that. Her. There is his do. He got a second mortgage on his house. Okay. So he could fund a second cock extension. After the surgery went wrong the first time. Yeah when you go trying to hot glue some some fucking sausages on the end of your day. It's not gonNa work out so good. I've just saying probably not. Oh my God. This guy was only thirty two years old and he's a he's a body builder dared. Well, we got to. bodybuilders tend to have little wings well sorry. You know that's that's you know not been researched properly. However, you know there may be some for yourself. There may be some some people taking a lot of hormones. And their hormones could be terribly out of Balance Katie or you know in comparison to the rest of their body could just look smaller. It's like an carrying leave. Well, I mean, you know the full grown silverback Carrillo. The three, hundred, zero Peter. Yeah. It's just not proportional with the massive size of bulging swap nece. And And don't don't your ball shrank with you take steroids like they like the grape. that. Two they shrank by I. Think they do I. Think so I don't know I think I remember hearing that your balls get smaller guy? No no I've never had that happen to me whilst on steroid. Ball shrinkage. Well. Having if that was a way to get my balls to shrink now I probably would. Just, from a safety perspective, you know what I mean smaller nuts mean they're closer to me and you know what? I'm saying less less snagged. I've got I've got I got a thing that I could talk about that. I will I will talk about you just got to remind me it's it's fear balls for your balls luther. Yuck. Awful. Eyeballs my balls are fine. For balls you got to you anyway what can I possibly need from evolve? Might like anybody I might just get it and we'll talk about tying anything around my fucking. Now. No no pure comfort a okay. I don't know. I don't know if I want to put something around my balls we're going back to this bodybuilder dude I feel really bad for him because before because obviously has a little dig. Yes. Seven centimeters see you did they beep but it has a pene, but it was made even smaller after the botch accident and that's why he's I won't the Faulk Faulkner Vert Burke you made it fucking awful and it was he'd already paid the first surgery. Cost Him forty five grand. It sucks. Yeah. I don't think you should have to pay for it if they fuck it up. Why did he like go to some odd country? You know you got a real good special with a flight and hotel room for three days no he. He lives in Australia and he had done in Australia. Okay. So he didn't he didn't figure somebody there would be good at me maybe I don't know. Why he used just like I, mean people put into all the time. Why is it so hard? We'll because heads and. Shove a bag in it that this is not a functioning. Adding, more linked to your fucking. Ding, maybe we should not have tried. So Kangaroo Jack on the end of your Dick Sorry maybe you should've we thought it would work. Yeah. Should've left it alone we were going to give you a clue AK-. Here need that book this Shithole. I won't be. It's all in one campaign it. You'd whole hyun-ho whole UK.

00:40:03 - 00:45:04

Here. It would simplify the whole whole issue. The whole issue? You always know which hole is the right hole because there's only one. All right. Oh God you the whole an age you're asking your pussy at the same time allies as well. Let's. Go. Let's go to one place here. then there could veto like, Hey, you can have anal on your birthday. Bitch, it's my birthday every day. If you want anything having to do with your whole. You want a fresh breakfast. Here's an. Review. No I don't watch. It actually have have eggs negative. Fun I feel so bad. I just kicked a kitty. Like fucking genetically engineer us. Actually we'd be more fun if you did it ex mckiness style, you know what I mean. Simulated. No like simulated alien egg shit you know what? I'm saying. You could make the axe. MAKINA fucked all. Like you know what I'm saying I, think they do make those ready. All you have to do is take those. Like really really robotic ones and stripped the skin off. Their face will but by X. Mac you know I'm not talking about like that. That particular ex MAC units all looked like a female. Shape at four right like I. Don't want one that looks Matalau negative. It's it's performing that level is what I'm telling you. You know what? I mean that level of fucker eat possible. I mean you might have to deal with maybe she tries to kill you at some point, but you know that's just part of the Thrill Hey. Hey, you know on your side on your side Syria, I've always loved technology. Would Never China upgrade you the love you I've. I've always been so cool new and obviously you're the newest. coolest. So you don't have to kill me xbox. You do have to suck my Dick. She may want to ask me a few questions about why she has a fucking Shit Hole. Why do I only have one God damn hold deck. Why what's your fucking problem dude why'd you fuck make me this way man here knee and how we need why why? Just thought it was a it's more efficient. You know what I mean. For the because, I have to make sure that the efficiency I gets made. or He's GonNa live navy so I have to move from. Think about it. This, Katie actively at all times or the is coming to. But if you move forward, if nobody moves forward with it, then it's not going to happen well I. Believe I believe other people are moving forward with Katie. Let's. Let's go to your favorite segment standing by. In on the news. It's time once again for. Man. All right. There is a new usage for boobs and it is a new trend that is going around especially. Yes. Way to use some Teddy's. Creative accounting for a long time. Well it's Kinda going. It's going nutty on instagram. They are taking selfies with using they. They're having bubble tea BOBA. And they're they're holding it between their tits. There are Cup holders. All right. So they can be hands free to take selfies on the. Phone. So they used their tips to hold their drinks. Okay. That's GonNa make your drink. Warm but you know well, I mean, I liked the I. They put their fucking phone down I. liked the idea to because that way as you're walking around naturally I'm GonNa, check out the cup between your tests. So like you're. Saying it's okay to stare at my boobs or they also resting on top God it just looks like a tabletop, right? Oh. My so if you're wearing something cut some girls, Sikkim stick them in between like if you're walking. But if you're standing sometimes, they just stick them on top. It almost looks like magic. It's just floating there right thing. Understand Katie. We need these because we have to do our videos I had to be able to suck my balls while I'm on the. Right my BOVICI. Getting any Cooler Katie. Well, you know. I just think it's. Magic you can do with other drinks. You don't out of this. I've also I liked the whole I want to encourage this behavior is what I'm saying.

00:45:05 - 00:50:00

Because it's just pictures of girls, boobs. So you know it's working out for me. Well, yeah. Taking them to encourage other people to take them came. As you possibly can hey, have you seen this? And also, here's a little nipple fact that I bet you didn't know. Okay but Yeah you probably you will you know it but you just I doubt you'd think about it. Your nipples are older than your teeth. Think about it. My nipples are older than my teeth. You're born with nipples. You're not born with teeth. Okay. Your nipples are older than your teeth. Okay. Isn't that weird? To some strange little. Anyway. That's visit for the. Shit Man and? Another question that I saw now I don't know if it would just be. It's always been this way so you'd be used to it but If a guy's Dick if the balls were on top okay. If it was backwards, right well. What I don't know that could be a problem I mean logistically that's what I'm saying like have sex inside be banging into shit I mean everything would be doggy. or You'd have to have to. Yes. I'm showing a picture. Of. A balls on top of. It really looks like addict poking through some like very media Pussy Lips. Kinda does. Each got a very aggressive they're. Very. Well, hang in Fukuoka. She's had stretching. He was he was really heavy at one point. Well, it happened. No, it doesn't work out that way. It doesn't work. You know because once once you have that like like you're not need to regulate, they need to breathe but any debris they need to return when they need to return you know what I mean. Okay. This is th. This is just what has to happen with them. In order for them h just physiological thing I don't know. So I would imagine is soon as that mutation happens, they're not fucking knock anybody up you know what I mean they're going to survive. FUCKING GENE POOL IS GONNA die off very quickly because you're not on top of your take. That's now. I don't like that at all negative. Talking about before are you gonNa tell it's good for our you going GonNa. Do like you WanNa do your best Buffalo Bill and you WANNA dance in front of the fucking mirror all tucked up Sigi wild horses you pull them depot him down. Light dog ears a okay over. Elephant ears he's having down. It's like just pulled the whole flap down at in. Yeah. Separate them like split them into loop and lake round amount. Then there's no barrier between your asshole and your tech I mean you're taking your asshole or like like literally right there's no barrier this no. showed there's no mud flap I'm just saying now there's a space that yeah, there's there's a reason why we are not designed that way. They have underwear. Now, this is what I was talking about before something that you're GonNa like that actually have I built in Hammock, for your nuts to keep your gut separate from. The rest of your body. I. Don't know. I don't know like the whole idea even if it's just like a sock or something like that, can you imagine something getting caught on something and then like for instance, let's say I'm at work I have a screw got in my hand. and. Slip and the beat goes into my pants, catches my underwear right and start spinning around the drill bit and as it spinning it, it's fucking tight in this thing around my nuts and in an instant I just fucking castrated myself. Well. Here's the thing though, but the anything around my nuts, it's. It's it's it's doesn't wrap around your nuts at just cradles them softly and it's behind things. It's not and it's on the inside not on the outside. I hear you. But if subject grabbed it the right way they're still wrapped around my ball sack. Marry those things pull off. We've seen it having yes. We've seen. We've seen it happen and now I it left fuck and mark in my brain like a plucked peach. Now I definitely don't WanNa tie I don't want things being wrapped around my balls. Yeah. Now or my deck. I get an I, get it gate and that and Like what was that fucking late night guy that lost his finger from his ring. Jimmy Fallon Jerry Go. A nice. Conquering you had it on and I don't know US Egged zagged and instead of breaking, take your pop that right off. squish like a come.

00:50:02 - 00:55:00

By. I it doesn't seem very comfortable or like a great idea well makes me nervous although there's definitely people listening who for sure like to wrap things around there Dick and balls at laughing at me. Yeah, probably. Yeah I don't know dude, there's this. There's this kid he He said he he was he happily included his wife's lover. In their wedding photos. She said cheating on me is just part of her identity. Okay. It's just a little polly action. Am I All right. Just they just Bang Bang I this is my wife Diane. This is her she's fucking Bob. Kyle. Apparently. Heart. Center, parking attended. My Dad. Faster. Faster. Dj. mccotter. We got really great deals on everything though. Have you tasted the cake. Oh, my God. For. The Baker to. Might WanNa stay away from the white icing. Still more white can you believe it see such route? All right well, I don't know I couldn't do that. Oh, I would not be like Oh. This is my husband and this is the girl he's banging. We you. I. I'm the same way as far as if if I wanted US have I, don't want them around. You know what I mean. Yeah. I I wouldn't be one of the people who wanted to have multiple relationship relationships as evil. You know what I'm saying I debts but people are totally like into that. You know now that's true. That's absolutely true. Ever rocket how you onto sorry. I. Want to encourage that type of behavior. I'm just GonNa read a couple of quick. I'm not going to spend a long time on this by share your I know not okay. So I just want it gets I don't know I watch it on on Youtube when they do that suit by Jimmy Kimmel and famous people read mean tweets about them. Okay. Themselves and I just kind of think that these are mean I cut made you made you a musical betting for yeah. You kind of federal but happen whenever. and I think I actually they kind of pissed me off at first. But now think they're funny because you have nothing better to do. All right. So you're a fat Hor. Why would you think anyone would love you? Know. This is not a blow torch one. Doing. What you do makes you with thought and you say you're married how a How does your fictitious husband deal with what you do? A fictitious. Big Words on me by the way. Spelled, quite quite fictitiously fictitiously. Yes. Fuck you slight. Direct No. Yeah. It was quick to the point just churn sweep. Your peers, tits look like Florida meth addicts tackle box. Yeah. Well, no, that's yes. They are quite large. That's a fair comment. Fair comment. I've lived I've listened to your show. You're kind of Moronic, a bitch with no talent and all you have are your nudes. Okay sure. Knew on some I have more. I have a lot of them. Last. Week. I like you. But you're kind of a horror with no morals and you deserve to be alone and you should just stop. Because you have no morals, you deserve to be alone. Yeah I guess so so that's Nobody nobody ever leaves room for the other person that has no morals you known man whatever. It happens. People are cool. What are you? What are you going to do? They're awesome out there. So my gosh, I thought it was Kinda. WEIRD IS A. I commented on someone that I knew from high school long time ago down down south he was talking about like. You know girls Dr who can drive stick shifts and I'm like, oh. My first car was six years like, yeah, I know and he's like. And he's he remembers with fucking car. I. Drove like twenty four years ago we never hung out. Okay. This person. Okay. Like this. Dude we I mean. I didn't even know that he knew who I was like, why do you remember? Well, fuck was driving backbone. Okay. I don't know it was just a little strange to me I'm just like.

00:55:02 - 00:59:57

Get well, I mean some people like pretty much live their lives and their high school years like meaning that that people think about that all the time what high school after they leave high school in order to me, they never stop doing it. So there are some people who remember way more than either of US would ever remember high school I would just saying, yeah, that's term leg there there are a few things I remember I couldn't tell you I what anybody drove other than I think he had a pick up truck. You know what I mean. I remember one of my friends wasn't really a friend but a person that kind of everybody knew he had one of those really old big boat of a Cadillac. convertibles. And it had the horns on the front see and he. So you're telling me about a car that some other dude drove, but you think it's weird visit stands out. Okay. Cartons standout and plus he had a horn he would always point and went down and. then. Okay. Here's this blonde white. Doodoo was suicide very did you have sack on the back of your car? Oh that wasn't that wasn't in high school. Okay. I didn't have I didn't have an explosion high school. Okay. So I was eight or nine Mustang LX. Well. Yeah. Kind of makes sense for you. Will does I don't know I could totally see you doing that as ice car I mean yes. Well, now's one where that the second gear was offsets only my father I drive that it stalling. Okay summer we almost died one night because the guy was dating at the time he was driving my car and. I was probably hammered. So that's what anyway I really know what you mean by the second years offset. But okay. Yeah. We'll people would always fucking like grind if you didn't like just like move it a little further than you normally would. Okay hurry it will. It's one of those things I grew up which like stickshift mania. You just drive it and so I know. I'd like I you know what it is though even when you were in high school age, you know there wasn't nearly as many cars were stickshift. Now you know what? I'm saying no there was a lot more cars wait a minute. I was younger that were that were steak. Yeah. You ran into it a lot more 'cause they can take a shitty engine and make it run run a little more horsepower. Feel a little faster will also where you grew up, there were people who knew how to do that were I grew up there is people who are like. What are you? GonNa do take it to the mechanic. So the last thing we're GonNa talk about tonight is there's these people on vacation they got fined by the police they were having a orgy in a van. Down by the river I heard about this I think. They find for an hour in their seatbelts. They were driving though or were they driving? No, they weren't driving. Didn't. On really yeah I didn't know that was an offense. Well thought they had to do something I mean they were parked. There in a B.. O.. S.. SPINA. and. Never half-naked narrower there was a bunch of Swiss people. You know what I thought this was there was a reason story somewhere where a bunch of old people got caught in the woods banging. Yeah like, yeah. Like an eighty three year old seventy year old sixty something year old. Yeah. A whole gaggle for them was somewhere I forget where it was wasn't. It well, you call it what you will. I don't want to put labels on them. Katie. Really. Well they were all old dudes than eleven party. It was it was a make sure of men and women Oh I think it was it was a like like three or four couples. They're the elders they're they're bringing forth or summoning somebody hand got caught in the woods playing hide the ferry. Wow a hell. All right. Well, on that, we're GONNA adding be here for the week so. Yeah, hope everybody has aggressive their Niger we agree rest or whatever the hell you doing shift what Look me up talk to me. I'll talk to you got anything romancing. Right Great. Parts. In my mouth like I can't. Even talk. BUBBLE IN MY DAMN? Throw up and that stupid. Get the. I like Tacos and but he does.

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