#302 – Dick Milking Factory
You are currently viewing #302 – Dick Milking Factory


This week!

4/19/2020 Aggressive wild cock... Katie and her dream of SC banging an old lady... Great ass for an old lady... It is now too late for you to participate in national send nudes day... Best movie sound track ever... What theme song was Katie singing?... Ex Machina ass transplant... Should you take MDMA to help you through quarantine?... Man kills woman with his seventy year old big fat dick... Death load... How much of a sadist is Katie. Along with how much her outlook lines up with other kink categories... Man announces his wife's affair on The Price is Right... New stuff to watch... The Sleaze Box is now streaming... The Bird Leaf... Episode of "Rule 34"... Picture of a sausage promoting abstinence in a religious magazine... Hentai and how much Katie watches... Man arrested for making and selling human jerky... Woman with no legs attempts escape from police inside transparent plastic bin... Dick milking factory... Ending with dead people story... Tits Man - Crazy shit you can do with breast milk.

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Kinky Katie's World #302 Dick Milking Factory

00:00:04 - 00:05:00

The following program contains adult content crabs language of a sexual manner completely irresponsible. Advise along with some things you'll wish you could hear if you're under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality please turn it off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day. The weekend has landed. All the exists now. Club strokes popes and parts of four hours from the world man. I'm going to blow steamatic. I'd like a screaming. I'm going to cut shit to strangers all night. I'M GONNA lose the plot on the dance floor the free radicals inside me a freaking tonight. I'm Jim Travolta on three Parker. I'm going to never never land with my chosen family man. We're going to get more out than meal strong advocate. Anything could happen tonight. This could be a sweet quit him. Back Burner watched a lot nine the milky and now live from ruled thirty four studio. I bring a girl who protect down an aggressive wild card from one hundred yards your host. The one the only twenty hello and welcome to the shoes. Kinky gave Israel number three. Oh to I am your host Mickey and with me as ours is my favorite plus conflict. Toy Ki okay. Well let's go now Tell you how much I like this huge. I really do okay. You're a big fan speaker music. I am grind grind. Funny Funny we are coming to you live from razz radio live DOT COM GETTY RADIO. Dot Com radio DOT net. Wow those little that was that was a little lack luster guy. You're criticizing my fucking intro skills. Oh my God I know yeah during just a new segment shirt. Happy everybody anyway. Yeah well most of us are stuck at home and boarded as an exhausted and you've already exhausted olive net flicks and all the other fucking streaming TV comedies and shit. But that's why we want you to have some laughs with US tonight or whatever I will hello to my listeners. Whenever you are that you're listening to always nice to hear from you guys and you thank you for all the gifts so far you guys being Super Duper nays for no reason and it's very sweet. We have a brand new kids man for you tonight as well as silly nonsense and other fun stuff and You like to hear nothing. Jewish me this is built into the fucking music. You know the fucking Mike. Edibles are kicking in and I'm just like oh you'll you'll figure it out I will. I will push away. I pushed on that note. How does limits George Strait anime rules? Fuck yet Happy early holiday. Yes depending on depending on what you listen to this. It's almost April twentieth surfer. He's a celebrate. I wish you happy for twenty. Oh yes I'll tell you my dreams have been all fucking screwed up lately. But he's here the like it's like experiment. No I've been hearing that it's a common thing with people did they're fucking going affect up dreams yeah starting to get. Roseanne Barr Bat Shit. Could they're getting well? There's plenty of like psychotic people that are in prison and I'm sure that have really fucked up dreams. Yeah so kind of touching on that we kind of mentioned it in in the pre show in the previous hour but speaking of like weird fucking dreams. I had a dream last night. Will this morning at some point that SC was just really fucking giving it to this? Old Lady totally doodling her. We're the fuck combatti wine and I was not I was fucking happy at all. Okay I got like really bad. Okay well you you did read it was it was almost a little amazing really and then what did you tell me right after? I read after I told you about it was I mean. Obviously that Oh lady wasn't old lady. That lady was you CNN fellas. You were watching me. It'll you and then you got mad at me for daily you know I like. How dare you get out of me for delaying it old? You GotTa Love.

00:05:00 - 00:10:00

It hold you. Somebody's gotTa Bang You. It looks absolutely nothing like me. Okay sure didn't it didn't okay it wasn't you at all no is it. Look like my friend's mother. Your friend from we were in high school or quote friend. Oh my God friends mother okay. She has a name not saying it. Well I mean I'm just going on just pure guessing here I mean definitely. That's that represents an older you six. That's all this woman is like five to okay. We weren't saying you know we're wasn't I? This is my dream okay. I mean she had a tight Aso which is weird that that's one of the things that's only the things. She flipped over. I mean she's wearing thick coke bottle. Great glasses too and pink so she over honors under her stomach and she's got like this really great as at its Tan and it's like a little what that is but it reminded me because there is a there's a Ed's stripper facebook friend of mine who just posted a picture yesterday l. and it was harassed that I saw so like a very specific asked. I haven't agreed. Yeah Okay it's Nice. It's like it's a really nice as yeah. Oh Yeah Scott a really nice to speaking of fucking talked about her ass in no less than about episode birthday today. It is a happy birthday. Yeah she is every time everytime I think of her. But it's Al Pacino in my head. It is that what's going on. Yeah actually. It's more like Dana Carvey Doing Pacino. Kind of weird. How are you very specific car redoing? Alva- Chino yes. Okay now to Real Al Pacino would fuck up the whole fantasy it would. Somebody KNOWS DANA. Carvey doing Al Pacino. A lot hotter than Alba Chino during our Gino. Exactly doing below bill buffalo anyway but nobody says creepy looking as buffalo or whatever. That actor's name is bill. I don't know his name detective. Somebody also today. Do you still have time? If you're listening live because of the day is not a rea- but it is national send. Nudes day okay. For the rest of the April eighteenth is sending nudes enough time too late. Now you have two hours. I got a couple of wings today. Did you get a couple of Lang's he did? I got a couple of ways I mean. How many days go by where you don't get at least a Wang sometimes but everybody's stacking Corentin got nothing else to do bangers MEDAC I take are definitely on. There is as well. Oh yes okay. Oh yes so like all right. Here's my cooter go now. Have People like messaging me. Say you're though it's like you haven't already if if you didn't hear what you just said what do you mean? Send Me Jake pigs that I will send you nudes. That's basically what you just said. Take picture jags attitude. You have to. You have to sell me fresh shot. Jesus carried it as real real awful nice talking. Quarantaine got one today from From an old high school buddy. Well actually I high school and Middle School and I was surprised I was surprised. Say Hey hi till you founded. No actually I didn't know I was just clicking through things on on the on the web. It just happened to run across national news as it could be completely fucked made up but why not National Horny Day last week to in you completely missed out on Harney Day but every day is national. Blood thyself day like signature style is retail you about the national holiday or the worldwide holiday in some cases. After it's already too late clock now. She can fight them plan for next year. Okay because I'm sure okay I'M GONNA I'M GONNA that post it note that I just wrote down and that's going to be there next year under hang on. Let me stop the PODCAST so I can set. Set a reminder. That's right next year absolutely the same phone. It'll just threat sure.

00:10:00 - 00:15:03

Well Kevin send you an email notification blowjob day by day for your always together. Well I know I know the big fucking. I know when Christmas and New Year's Fourth of July I know I hope you know that day definitely know that one because it's also high day. Yeah Yeah there. You Go Which is very strange movie. Pie if the she's Pi. Fuck you out. Awesome are Lobski or whatever the fuck is. They mustn't director. I liked the soundtrack which we talked about Iraq. It's amaz- balls is amazed bogus. It's really good. It's really and that's an old weird movie. Just so you know. Black and white stream very strange but very good solid music. Some people are just I remember. I remember back in the day When your friends like he's trying to make you watch by YEAH HE GIVES. Tell Him we need watch. Why are you going to do that? She can do what was in my twenties when I met you. Scared junk outset there anything. I had to expose you to cell phone somehow. Come on lady. Excuse me quite a bit that way if you ever found me in the bathroom with a hole drilled understand. What spoiler alert spoiler but. It's not a horror movie. Just just okay no. It's not not at all not not really. Oh Yeah just tweaked. I would say to me. That's probably the best soundtrack ever in movie history. That is my favorite fucking soundtrack. And I think there are definitely people that would agree definitely and there's a lot of other people that would be like no obviously forrest. Gump actually owned that one. It was a double. I know you've talked about it. Exactly now you're going to have that stupid fucking song playing in my head when I joined God when the Fi could feathers noon. It's the theme song it's like it's fucking you know I hear you anyway. Tone deafening. Yes Yeah Hey. Hey Hey I never claimed that I was a good singer. Okay well you know enough to be able to identify the song about that also news. I know you're talking about but then again they could be completely lying. Three there are people that know what song that is but not by what you said just because they fucking know it you know what I mean. Now that you'd like tipped him off like rewind the tape back to where she was doing the song and play that for anybody. Just add it. Say What do you think this is? It's going to become my new ring. Death I am. Wow have judy get old. See I'll have to wear department. That's totally you and your name. You know that it is not. You're projecting you're stressed out and you're seeing your older self and you're watching me. Bang your older self and you don't like it you don't like your your fighting. The natural processes of womanhood say this is what happened blooming into a full grown woman. See you're coming out of your cocoon. Mike Cooney yes donated todd skin and moving into older you know but the good the good news is you're going to have an ice ass even get resilient violin. Well that's what was happening. GonNa ship my ASS FABULOUS QUARTER UP. That thank spanking. I mean you're really just seeing a projection from future because it all happened at all happened at once so really. You've got a little mixed up in the order and you saw a future slide. So one of these days soon I am going to discover the glory of squats. And that's all I do here. No no you definitely. That'S NOT GONNA. Somebody's gotTa have a button they can push in poof. You have a nice ass as ever I. Is that how it's GonNa work absolutely Utah like a month away and then it turned into a week away from that.

00:15:03 - 00:20:06

And now you'll have a by onic like fucking ex makia s okay. Yeah great because at some point at some point balloon. Not Feeling well you know. That's what happens when you show something too big of your but we had to get you a fucking transplant. Because you fucking injured yourself with a sex toy broke McConnell again. He did. We had to get a whole fucking ass transplant. It was a bad. And that's why you have a great ass when you're older. Just doll you level ASS. Ooh That's pretty high anyway. There's it's kind of funny. Scientists are starting to recommend. Md May for treating mental health after the lockdown demby may MDA. Yes Okay Molly Ecstasy. Yes scenes yes okay. Well yeah of course it would because yes. You'll feel good. Will they also say they used Cele- Sivan is also being called for mushrooms? Shrimp he you know if they ever let them do proper research on. Md May we might actually know what like good dosages. You know what I mean because really you can have a problem seriously. Like if you're already depressed and then you go eating some fucking md kind of burns up your little neurons. Well you're just worse after is in the you're not going to be able to rebound because you're already fucking depressed. Yeah no you'd see so you don't want it to WanNa do mushrooms. Yeah well but then again some people. I want to mushrooms. How about that some people? It's not a good idea. Just to be honest with you. Say the last time was pretty fun. Well we we've discovered I mean you've discovered I of know if you if you properly set things up there you're gonNA have a good time. You're going to have a good time in the face of just about anything that's going on. Outside of your bubble you set up a nice little bubble and for however long you have drugs you will have a great time so we are in bubbles. Currently it'd be good for us but some people freak folk would well. That's like that's like when I mean. Have you ever talked about space before like us on here? I'm sure I'm well. We kinda found out like why it was in some of it. At least what what I thought what I think it was and it completely it can plea explains how other be booby. We gave it to reactor the why didn't do the same for us as I wonder. What's wrong with? They're just not used to doing anything anything except for you know probably pie but you know what I mean. Yeah something straight from rip like. Hey try this no. Some people are fine with psychedelics. When they're like no matter what stress gone you know but most people are. You might have a bad time. I mean I'd have a great time. I'd be fine I don't know about but your situation you're about to kill your wife anyway because you or your husband was. Yep Yep yeah and. I'm glad that you cut down a little bit on the wife. Cutting off Dex you know and this time of everybody out together very close proximity dot com. Yeah I mean I'm sure they'll be an aftermath at some point. Oh my God. Divorces are going to be on there is people are talking like. I WANNA fucking who des. Getting told more than once. There's even. Yeah we talked about that. There is a That there's numbers you can call if you're in a situation where you're like I'm stock. Yeah Yeah we don't really have answers for you users definitely something you sorry. I've you were coming to us for answers. You've really near not coming. Not Answers actor our answers. Somebody hasn't someone had posted a picture of Florida with them. All the the different counties or cities and wherever all marked off with different colors sentences. The Corona virus in terms flurries understand his cat one cat to cat like a hurricane. Yeah should Malvo of death. Don't go over here well. Currently it's showing us at a camp for. Yeah well yeah we'll do. Anything could be worse. It could be good way. Could be a lot worse. There was a story a while ago there was. There was a guy His girlfriend he said that she choked on his giant penis.

00:20:07 - 00:25:09

And that's how she died Close a solid boob. Yeah and he's he's an older dude. I mean he's white here like he looks like a seventies seventies and he's got and he's got the Chin honey. Steve Phase choked on a big practice. The whole fact. She choked on a gain a stroke in a flinch and I pushed her head to her problem back in thirty to shame saying killed. Ethel Killed Ethel she. Just she's she was she was achiever. Starts You do? It is more than she can handle. Gobble Bat Kanda. It's always. It's always a sketchy situation when you're doing something with a female like you know showing your. Kakuei down her throat fucking. You know all all backs hardcore style. Full Max Hardcore Honor. And as she has she dies. You're you're you're you're you're not gonNA do well. I mean you know you're going to jail. I would say young Fidel even film it film hurricane setting to it and you still probably going to jail. Yeah there's no no doubt just remember if you're dig kills women. You're fucked infamy. I don't think there's any scenario where your date kills a woman any kind of an accidental death. Were your sh mackel. Kills a lady. You know what I mean. And you're you'RE NOT GONNA YOU'RE GONNA do jail time you're fucked unless you have money. Well then you're not he. He got off. He did five minutes after she died. Charles I wonder if that is like what pushed him over the edge like final breath. Maybe maybe she was like thirty and the amount of fudge is just write down her lungs get clogged or throw and two year. Old Man shoots death load death loud. I mean we're talking enough to their opening up. I heard that This weekend she goes like it's like Peter Norris grandfather which is saying something because Peter. North is getting pretty old by now. I don't know like your future. Self kidding little old why why? Why are you so mean to me? Sometimes yes you are. You're sure you know you word banging future you in your dreams it was. It was very very odd. I went on this website. Okay I will post it on there. Because they have a very indepth test they give you and then they tell you they break it all down of what percent like you know In what percentage of what type of fetishes are group's? They've had a fetish. Are you into like what kind of yeah like? What kind of categories? You're into. How much kids a switch hitter? They say that I'm seventy three percent sadist. Yeah no that's that's yeah that's about right fifty six percent brat that would be about right. Here's the weird one though. And if you incase your haven't noticed yet. They don't add up to one hundred percent but it's how much of your characteristics lineup characteristics of said groupings. Like if you were a hundred percent status like you know it's like you you your your qualities go all all the sages qualities are found in your fucking personality right seventy percent. There might be a little light. He might be riding a little. I think these are kind of funny. Some of them forty percent. Mommy what is said? Mommy I guess so seventy percent. Yeah that's see that's about right your mommy that wants to see somebody squirm and cry in pain. I'm a wicked stepmother. Then you WanNa fix it afterwards to do. Let me let me fix that. I just poked out. I'm sorry it's GonNa stick just Joe cramped back in. There was one of those. Kinda funny is like neck and neck is a fifty four percent primal hunter primal hunter and fifty fifty two percent primal prey.

00:25:11 - 00:30:00

So yeah definitely do yeah. I do disagree with any of their category categorisations. That's a weird one. I didn't like disagree with that. They sounded like you really I do. I do like the degraded. What the fuck is a degrade? You're degrading me. Oh you WANNA be degraded right. Whopper said that it's like the very likely it's the. It's like almost the last one under a subtle technique to nagging you. It's subtle it has to be subtle but it's direct but it subtler subtle things that you have to do to make it okay with you or you go crazy and you wanna murder white like what. I'll tell you fucking tricks. That's why would you bring that up? That's like telling somebody said well because like we're playing poker so I have to tell you I mean you have a towel. I'm just not going to tell you what it is. That's not very nice. That's absolutely that's fair game. I was I was nice enough to tell you had one great awesome spent just having also whatever my God. There was a guy on wheel of fortune. He decided to tell everyone that his wife was cheating on him really. Yeah he's like we're getting a divorce. Hey Bob what have you been on that new mattress? Hey My wife's a whore. I don't know if you know this. She's a real fucking heart. She lives at twenty two twenty two maple ELM street tanker out blind. She'll fuck you can. She'll fuck anybody. Apparently that will happen now but he's probably was probably total. My grandfather you went on. I don't know a brought his story. You don't know what happened. You don't really know this is the idea. Yeah Okay Yeah I just read the. I read the article title. Click baited now. I gotta just like Skin Overload Crack investigative reporting. I know can research department him. So fucking awesome. You're like Nora Wall. I remain mainly you are just like a normal. You have like things you want to shove into things stabby off. Yeah that's pretty much. How the Nar Williams? Oh thank you. Do you know how they came to be right. Oh Oh my gosh. There is one day record fucked is often a whale was that it was well? Blue will really say. We're looking at that majestic fucking Unicorn on the banks said you know one day. I'm GonNa fuck that course cock. That's what happened. Was it like half man half go? Cock no wasn't a puck. No it was not. We started watching that show The carnival row so it is. Yeah well we for a long time. I just refuse to on Amazon prime. Why so many things that they were what things they had on their streaming service. So now we actually yeah. There's there's a few things that are there okay. Thorough. They're trying. There's some decent stuff they're trying to try. They can't get it. I mean it's whatever you know everybody's looking for a new sheds watch. I'm sure and when you start looking at a streaming service that you haven't seen obviously there's going to be all kinds of fresh meat. Oh and speaking of looking for something to watch The sleaze box is now on demand. Really who it is and I figured that out finally I posted I tweeted out the link and It's also my facebook. I'll stick it in the in the description of the show to all the movies you've been doing. Yeah yeah movies budget that. I'm in some of that stuff. Yeah Yeah I'll be movie exploitation horror stuff lots of nudey lot of Gore. It's fun now. I'm just saying if you're looking for something else to do very genre driven Filming is what you're saying. Yes okay yes. That was my day.

00:30:00 - 00:35:07

She answer Deuce deuce split nation distribution split. I think Mellberg to us at a stroke. I can't talk again. There's this chick the tweeted out. She's like Do you know how sexy it is? When he teases you embed with a bird leaf first of all what. What's Bird Bitch? You mean feather. Are You fucking serious? A bird leave. It's feather you fucked yard. What are you talking about Bird Lee? See that's the law you has you beat. Domus fucking girl ever. It's it's a bird life right bird leave. It was. That was that like Karen now. She's initials K. Y. Oh Hey hey now. Let's not be too hard on Ky. She's a brother Fugger. I know you're thinking more slippery to the person from the pre show Lou Anyway. Thirty four th. They have no way of knowing really good then. They should do something about that. It's not my fault. See Sadist Sega's D- I love it all right enjoy. We'll be right back young. It's time basically and refreshing snack. I have absolutely no the Stupidity Stupidity and usually I'll say something out which is weird because it's very ironic. You're such a fucking. It was so good this Florida tasty Florida teen. He was stung over six hundred times and I was died after stuck his Dick in a behind. Begging you are edible. Your your big three hundred. What you're doing. This is like NASCAR race. You're trying to fuck it promote thirty three hundred. Whatever so he's done he's for awhile. He's fourteen no-one. In Florida went into Antarctic Shock. People get up on that shit though. Some people really like singing. They actually do feel euphoric. Say A fourteen year. Old Boy can be pretty pretty stupid about where they put their decks fucking quote from from his from what he said he goes. One of his friends told him then. Having sex was like putting your your penis inside a jar of warm honey. I guess there wasn't any honey around. Father said okay. So you think uncle already made a sticker you gonNA fuck that. Goddamn behind like you're taking goddamn beehive either. We seconds digging it that the bees kill it and he wouldn't get molested anymore. Go to touch it again. I'll go reggae judges leeway tikolo just keeping honey bunches of oats mix it with the CO name Sir. No range shape trinkets back. I must fuck fuck if not coming off of me to fucking everything we speak pea. Soup bring wasn't bad caves world raspberry you're live DOT com king here radio. Dot Com dot net. Little bit happening. He's wanting to get in touch with me. You can get me on twitter at Kinky Katie Radio Radio DOT COM Katie Radio. A G MAIL DOT COM ON FACEBOOK. Katie Radio for God fucking six. It'd be Wami Google me. Just dig a little a little bit. You go kind of like.

00:35:07 - 00:40:06

There's this there's added picture of this fat sausage and it's a picture of a fatso where you can't just start with. There's a picture of a fat south like Little Star. What's happening here this This is in a religious magazine. Okay and it's trying to get people to sauce all natural casing. Yes no no except that you get from the butcher. Well they brought worst. Okay there you go there you go there you go. We'll hear you talking about a lot of things. Hey Hey typically Dow exactly and I think it's funny how we both were sitting there. Doing the hand gestures each other. What are these days will film it? Maybe seems like yeah we should. It seems like we should. They say we shown Tel might be nice anywhere. Yeah okay good. Hey come on okay. So there's there's a picture a says is not a day not a Dick Actual sausage and says visit the Penis Virgin. So it's a metaphor. So he says okay. Penises still large in healthy. It hasn't been crushed inside. Dozens of vaginas will one day. Make the right woman very happy wife. It's next do this little like Slim Jim. This one's been drug heared the penis of a man who had multiple sexual partners. The Pena says shriveled down to less than a third of its original size due to the vaginal pressure and will no longer be able to any woman to please absolutely no. I'm just like I'm so disappointed. And sometimes you're you're sarcastic meter worst that you didn't realize sarcasm or that you don't know me well enough to know. He definitely does not believe that. That's what I mean some guys. Dick Stu turn shriveled proud of them into the wrong tag. That does happen. I mean I. It's not completely unfactual. Sure mostly though. Yeah I wonder if Bobby Mario what by Take Schramm. Oh No pastor. Bob said it's go to shrivel. Let's put his IMA- MOUTH. He needs he needs to fluff and says he. He's The rehydrate concern to keep me virginal and Cherub black. That's GONNA be your dream tonight. Is God said Child Rehydrating Pastor? Bob's sausage oh next month's issue that there's just an empty plate with with you know father O'Reilly smiling sausage. Oh like a little bit of white stuff on the corner of his mouth like I said white stuff okay. Just come could be anything. Is it Greek Yogurt? I don't know that's definitely what she was. Sausage Creek you well. You can't Isis gyro style. Hero Style Eero Euro. I fucking speak English. I don't like fifty. I love it when we especially in food when somebody pronounces the word the way it's pronounced in the native language and that's cool and all you know but I'm a white dude who speaks English.

00:40:06 - 00:45:06

I like I'll try but my mouth might not make that fucking sow chilli cheese. See I can't I can't. I can't pronounce any of the Japanese stuff. Asians though I can't look you're looking at no. No I've watched enough animator where you should be speaking fluent Japanese now. I don't do subtitles so we don't really hear that much. No but every once in a while now he's sitting in a Computer Yo. It's only it's only only two and a half hour movie. I'm like Oh my God I gotTa do to have our you know that. I have enriched with with beautiful fucking fantasies in weirdness. That's true you would've never gone. They're probably nobody ever would have borne. Did you yeah? That's called anti okay or Chm Anti Anyway. I just watch like the dirty shit like really dirty. There's a lot of it there really is. There is a quite well. Yeah because it's fucking animated. No no no. No no they they. They've takes the late Japanese which is really. Yeah even even in Toronto yes really yes but you can still find it that is why finding centers uncensored oh just just English dudes Japanese dudes make an anime porn. Yeah L. Inter species reveres isn't weird nipples the numbers that other one that we saw. I forgot where it was. I can't fight it anymore. We watched a couple episodes of it. Now you're not helping that almost like you see song tried out. It's the same thing you did it once I did it once. Where is that? Is that it that we're not even? It's even good renew. What is that are? There's this dude in Montana. He was arrested after after his best. Selling Jerky was made of human. So he he made he sold jerky first of all dude. Montasser sells beef jerky. Yeah Bob Beef Jerky fucking salesman maker. And he's been stuffing human into his his his jerky he. It's it's been. It's thinly sliced. People human meat to like is this like his ex-wife. No it's different. People like random people He just goes around and hacks off a limb. Or what's going? Where's he getting bugging supply? No He's gone out and he's murdering people. Oh that's what he was. She's me and then he's like fucking shit up putting it in his freezers and he's been dry it out mega drink. He's doing it for a couple of years couple. Yeah okay. Well couples not decades and they got fucking buses. They called ships special ships. Jerky can't sue US. Tell us oh it's fucking die in jail anyway but they The people that busted Jack Links. I fucking love Georgia to be honest. So the rival fucking jerky manufacturer like analyze their shit. How detested they. They're like no this. There's some fucked up to some suspicious like retest this this jerky. So splendid and supple. It's sublime many ways. There's whatever jeter something else in this jerky show one hundred dollars in every bag now so they tested it and they had another company tested to assess it a few times. Found out that it was can have any people did said psychopath kill. Oh God. They're saying there's been there's like. Is this just people who cut him off. The highway south on three three of the three men were reported missing so a lot of meat. That is a lot of me. It's better when they're younger. Because you have to fuck in slice it really super duper than we have. All kinds of. You marinate no. That's Jyrki Jerky you don't get a major. Savory kind can be it. Depends on what you're doing. What kind of meat? We'RE NOT SELLING STAKES HERE. Okay Reselling Jackie. Weird outselling buckle up shop close. Wow disturbing is it. It was I thought I was way off base which mackel it seems.

00:45:06 - 00:50:03

I named him right in my head. Really Yeah Sh mackel smack old ship. Dick okay well. Wherever's Dick major so he gets busted by the competitor. Now he's in jail. They have no idea they have no idea. Exactly how many bodies? How would he believes killed? No they don't. They don't know how much he's made that our know how they just know about the three men that are reported missing because they did a DNA test on boulder trying to get a DNA tests done on the meat because they know we have all. Because I want to find out if is one of the three guys or three guys or whatever This jerry special or maybe SHEP SHEP was dude that he killed you think. They're going to try to find his contact list with his Internet. Orders to figure out who has its though. You've been eating Bob. The the daytime hooker here in Butte Montana. I don't know what would you try to track down fuck. You can't just let people eat Humid. Not telling them live. You know like you busted this person doing this right if there was a fucking e. Coli breakout in in a fucking Broccoli field you know what I mean. They're calling everybody. Who bought that fucking Broccoli to let them know? There was an E. coli brought breakout. Let alone honey one. They just they put they put things like Hey. This has been recalled. And they say you're gary from getting care. He's a tourist You're eating and fucking Gary Guy like you don't think that you don't WanNa know that and I would rather have E. coli than eat person but if you've got the E coli from the person that's worse and there are like weird little diseases you get from eating the same species for some reason. It's weird you get some. Priante fucking thing. Is it really seriously like there's a cannibal disease and the I think mad cow is related to that? Don't yourself people have people eating people that that there's some kind of circumstance it would give? You said fucking whatever the fuck disease. Yeah that's where yeah never set up to where you really shouldn't eat your own at least for people I maybe. I'm just reading a rover. So you don't eat me after fucking a Zombie apocalypse. Happens you know what I mean have has I looked pump and delicious but but believe me the old old and fucking Grizzly for sure. I Love Pirates for sure you are not going to taste the me and all how do you know? Because I'm I've I've eaten all my life. An expert in what tastes good so you probably tastes delicious. No probably have like negative. You've been putting him about seventeen years about exactly fucking grass. Fed is what I'm saying. Definitely preserves and me no shit. Yeah Antibiotics survey. And there's other things that you you don't even know your we know what's in their residue. Yeah see I wear a condom when I have sex people. So so you know to save them from whatever's on the outside of me let alone what's on the inside of me. Us There you go people. You don't WanNa eat me my my point. Yeah I'm talking to you on the other side you you do not want to eat me kind. Zombie apocalypse. Now I'll cut off a little piece of you and I'll give it to the cats I and if they like it then I'm like and if they don't die then fine we'll know. Okay well if I happen to die fine but you're not going to murder me for my meat is what I'm saying. No okay as long as don't do that but if you know if I go stress-free and I know I'm feeding you and and Yeah I'll tell you a little better. I think that if you are running through their blood if you murder me know exactly it's going to spoil it. You won't like it. Don't pop glands? You never cleaned anything other than a fresh in your life. I hope I taste terrible and give you the shits God there. There is a man I told you that the fucking people are GonNa Start. Going fucking just Baddie. There was a Florida man. He takes his legless girlfriend like other starch plastic tote to get away from the fucking cops. They're so you put stubby fucking tote stuffed into plastic store chain or like a fucking yeah like a rubbermaid yes like a rubbermaid.

00:50:05 - 00:55:03

Hydrogel does end quote Unquote Hide Sir Store Style Stores Storm Deep Storage. No that's not even out laying around storage. Whatever I always get. Somebody comes over for maintenance just stuck to adore. I Oh and I always think about too when you when you came home one day. You're like why is there a Dildo farm the bathroom am I am I saying I was just. I was just cleaning things. Okay spring-cleaning use these in a while. I'm GonNa wash them though. Because you know for some reason in my head I was thinking like the potato experiment when you're an elementary school like you're seeing if you could bug new dildos out of them like if you just had him soaking in the sink there maybe they would sprout Lee us crop the season Dick Fruit dig for Dick Fruits Right. That's a year after all different kinds planned in a good crop this season. Good crop strong firm. Yeah yeah that is what favorite. So it doesn't work that way you know w Dick Fruit otherwise. Don't you really sucks? It's alright chided fucking pluck your for get mad if you're plugging anything. No No. Don't pluck anything. Hey there's a week that are into plucking. Okay what do what do you mean by plucking any any form? Rip IT OUT HAIR. What you're saying haired nuts fucking. Oh whatever plucky I don't Wanna I don't WanNa let kids I don't care twist and pull off. I don't need to experience out. I don't think I mean maybe I do. I have to hear what it is. I do you WANNA know how second check lost their legs. How did I wait a minute? There's a story about how she lost her legs. Well this is why also she got arrested. Okay she got a Rubai damned old train now. Okay what have you can let me. Where is your purse? She was she was holding a couple people hostage in a burger king with a BB gun ended in a shooting with police. She's trying. She lost her leg. She was trying to rob the king. She lost her fucking legs. Tried TO ROB. The king out did she. Did she watch any of those creepy? Fucking king commercials. Did she know she was? GonNa get fucked up on two. She showed he was hiding her in. A tote obviously didn't work now no she didn't die but they they saw through it because it was. It was clear plastic bags for US clearly. There's nothing movado. That we can clearly blinking. And it's like you're looking right through it. She is literally giving US defender. She is reflected us off telling US fuck you. We could hear her yelling. Addis through the fucking tote and see her tiger nowhere but you may be alive. Well she does. It doesn't say what her name is too. I don't know why well her last name is car. But it's a really namer. Don't just say what the first name is solid. I mean how many how many legless people people are going to be Abba last eight car. Do she can be great on car trips. Or whatever just like put her in one slide in the back early under a seat I mean you go right into fucking amputee porn. I mean that's exactly what happens. Yeah just out porn she could do depths Cox. I kind of like a suspender from my bungee cords or shit like Like one of those Spendable swings little harness honor. Then you can just slide underneath their dislike point-by-point by she gives you like gang bangs. Where she's on like males gymnast parallel bars.

00:55:03 - 01:00:12

Just just hiked up there and you just roll underneath her with with with a rolling bed and she just dip dip dip dip dip. Roll the next one. Md Dip dip dip dip dip like a factory. You could turn her into a Dick. Milking factory really go. Because She's light probably like seventy pounds. Well obviously she's like in math or something so she's probably skinny. Try to robber. That's true did you know I'm Gonna. I'M GONNA lay. Eggs are London. They're holding a vigil for All the dead The dead prostitutes. And fucking you. You'RE GONNA end with dead prostitutes story and fucking poor people do to Corona Really Okay. Thirty like rainbow at the fucking starmer. What they're doing it as an remembering. They're actually remembering people. Normally people would forget like they like. You wouldn't think about. Oh I thought you said they were burning them. They were like Oh my God. No I said a vigil dog. You say whatever I tell you. They're like like Bernie talking lays. I didn't sound nice to me. Oh God sounded like they were like some kind of mass crematory or something. Oh No I know old now you see what I'm talking about. Lord I would have not been a good story adopt strong at all to end on something like that. I totally can't believe I forgot to do that. This man did this week. You got a couple minutes. You can fire it out if you want to us do this. Let's do let's go to your favorite segment. Yeah we're hitting it boobs in and it's time once again for Chit Manner. This man is crazy fucking. The people are doing with breast milk. Really yes we weren't doing crazy shit for probably. I mean yeah no well Nice. Marching crazy shed people are doing with rest melts. That's right senator. We're giving you the latest bleeding edge technology and breast milk play. So if there's something that you're into or you want to you can find. It has anything to do with milk or breast when it's breast milk Teddy Journal. This is the place to find out. That's right all right so butter you can make butter at a titty absolutely jewelry jewelry. Haw canapes ice yes what a campaign is under Lord Derby you can make so with it okay. Lactase good idea. I don't know Lolly PA lollipops okay. Lollipops I have seen people do. A LOLLIPOP TASTES S. You can make booties. I don't know how but you can make yarn. And they tell you how you can do it from donated breast milk. You'RE SPINNING YARN OUT. Of booby mouth. It's a weird kind of that. Gummy consistency to get it out. Old Lady comes out. Like spider webs wispy like fug inspire yells spindle anyway like watching the cotton candy machine. If you are out of a job right now you can also sell your titty Milk Online. Completely Legal. It is. He can make cheese out of it. You can make an energy drink out of it. One thing I've noticed you haven't mentioned but you could make fucking milk out. Well lactation LASAGNA. Lotina get all over your face. Basically anything you could put milk in. You could use milk in in Lotion share. You would people would so can milk. I think I don't know sounds good idea all right. Well that's your man. Scores it right in there like a good. I like that like to pay that. We saw the other night. The pig pig man for Teddy Cups Cups so or hours. Jesus all right everybody. We're going to get out of here For the night for the time. So yeah the only thing for me see I got nothing else going on so I have to go around so beyond mcabe online and a little bit and On twitter she messaged me there so I guess I love You.

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