#295 – Bacon Grease Lube
You are currently viewing #295 – Bacon Grease Lube


This week!

2/29/2020 Pooping Satan fingers... One medicated host... Consensual non-consent... Mediocre stand up... Stupid face syndrome and the butt chin... The make out pillow now available for sale... Sonic the Hedgehog porn breakdown... Gumby fuck flick... The noises that some men make during sex - Dirty talk... Pole dancing might be an Olympic sport... Fun fact - an entire hand will fit inside Katie's pussy... Getting the most out of tattoo pain... The sounds a sloth makes during sex... Naked yoga and what to do when you have to fart... Shock therapy fitness... Evil electrified sex toy demo... Episode of "Rule 34"... Amputee porn... Should you let menstruating women cook food you eat... Tits Man - Send nudes for a rent discount... Bacon Grease Lube... Getting pregnant from swimming in public pool... Pedophile recollection... Billy Joel... Torturing friends with photos of mayonnaise food products - Mayo flavored ice cream.

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Kinky Katie's World #295 Bacon Grease Lube

00:00:02 - 00:05:03

The following program contains adult content crabs language of a sexual manner completely irresponsible. Advise along with some things. You'll wish you could hear if you are under the age of Eighteen. Easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn this off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day cause I was sucking the Shit. Outta own food. Katie's ten nine eight seven. Six kiedis starts now folding dress. You said you wanted to play dress up don't you on L. Mode at and now live from ruled thirty four stadium. I bring you a girl that sometimes Satan fingers when she puts here she is the one the only kinky kitty shows Katie Goldmember to ninety five. I am your host. Speaking with me has always my favorite postgame mysterious. Do you sure we are coming to you. Live from Raspberry live dot Com Katie radio dot com and radio DOT net. I have I have no idea what they said this. Oh the Satan fingers when you food. Oh I wasn't. I didn't know what the fuck was Saturday. You Act like you don't do it totally because I'm exciting. I don't what you are. I thought it was a little odd but yeah walked by the bathroom every year. You got metal fist. Fuck and flying in the air and a lot of metal music out of that that show on it is. Is that your commentary that was owed going on no? I'm just old. I can't ship so you know I get really excited when I do my fuck. Yeah I'm excited. Yeah so yeah. This episode is definitely brought to you by edibles yes edibles causing you to hit the brick wall and become catalog. Since the beginning of time you're not on the couch so you'll be fine. I'm not on the couch in the studio. Yeah let's just pretty much directly adjacent. Jesus obviously targeting. It looks so nice so inviting. You Really WanNa lay down right now. Because you you might pass out Ono decorative you fifteen cups of tea. Yeah I fucking just dandy. I would say probably during the break. I may make another cup. Oh you're GONNA have time for that. That ship has already sailed. Lady is all right. You're you're running. What you Brung. Okay all right well snacky payroll. I'm just going to tell you if you pass out during the show. I know SLEAFORD. I've definitely tried Dixon. You of course you know this. I know okay price would be worse since you know a big push on my forehead that does imply can set. You know so other than well. Obviously we were recording and we were broadcasting live. It's out there already that if you pass out during the show it's game on yes okay so yes job. I am consenting to that okay all right. Excuse me okay. So I don't know if I should like singing lullabies I dunno I want more. Oh great all right. It could be fun to just let you fall asleep drone on about something. You've got a nice twenty item list yourself. Don't usually put somebody to sleep. Fuck off mine and I did get a message from one of our fans listening. Hi I will not mention you by name but I just want WanNa say yes. We we jump around alive because that's what we do. Well yeah aggressively prepping Israeli.

00:05:03 - 00:10:01

What happens to Katie? Yes a Lotta Times really and I'm sure you guys should know right now. What but prepping means how counter? Why did no you get no explanation? No fucking ex. Gay just listened to some past episodes. I don't know yeah in another another. Another version said that is catching up on on the earlier episodes and he's on episode sixty hough the earlier ones now are so. I don't know they're not. I haven't listened funny. I've listened to you make you have listen. Eddie them or no like I listened to these things like a couple of times to write notes imposed it so and then we do the squarely before this and you know I. I ended up hearing every episode. Nine only doing it but listening to it twice so I really don't need to go back. I mean I literally am our biggest fad. That's funny I've I've listened to every episode at least twice every one of them. Well anyway I know I don't know for some reason. It just seems like it's been such a long gone week really. Yeah okay. I don't know I mean if you say so trying to get some sleep tomorrow a good luck with that anyway. We'll save well. We were like very sleep bucket. Centric deceiving outsource have cold water on you? I'm doing fine. I'm good okay. I did these notes earlier. Whatever anyway we went. We saw Steve Steve Vern last night and he was he was good. I have to agree with you though that I kinda I kinda do prefer East Coast Comedians than stylistically. You like more aggressive comedies. What you're saying I guess so. Okay less fan less less friendly to general population right okay. Offensive Yeah Vulgar. Yeah WELL DO I. Don't I see exactly where you're coming FRA? So that's what we kinda too. I like adult. Comedians what I know it was a it was completely told. Dole theme result jokes? Funny just a different GIG. That's all I left the whole thing and he was very nice enough to take a picture me after. I thought that was very nice of him. Go Anyway I forget I forget who we were talking about your stupid face like. We're talking about stupid face syndrome. Where way yeah about it. Because then I was like 'cause ever you guys don't know I have gone on a ranch before about your I favor. These guys just stupid stupid face like shut your stupid pipe. And it's not very nice of me to say I don't even know he's he's probably a really nice guy but yes no. I wanted to punch. It's you don't like it. You don't like the Cleft Chin. Down like a cleft Chin Racist Him. I you definitely are. I don't know if cleft chain people are like as a right and I think is that is called the cleft Chin. Yes not a cleft lip. Well I don't know you probably wouldn't like them either. You're not a big Joaquin Phoenix Fan. I do like him. I just think he's weird but I think he's. He's a you know anybody that has the chain. Katie automatically dislikes. I really think you do. I don't know what it is like. You must have had something happened to you but I I was probably molested or something by someone with a bunch in bed. They made you say molested for the rest of your life. You want to be molested little girls. They programmed it in your head. So they know they know if they're listening to her mater sticker tongue. Imagine David sometimes. I just get that clear right now. David how you think there's like Sh- magmud develops in the in the bunch and if you're not properly like let's say you're eating additive. I mean maybe you're I favor eats a lot of Dick I don't know but like let's say you were versus eight. A LOT OF TECH. And you got ch- you know. Sh- meg deposit in your in your chance. That would be a fucking breeding ground for bacteria. It's like a face belly button. I don't I don't I don't really care about the but Chins but I know you have an intense hatred for for but chins thank God. That could be a reason to what what do you mean? That could be a reason to now. There's there's another reason another reason anyway. Okay we're GONNA have to get an animal vegetable mineral. No it's just how many letters personnel. So we'll talk about it at.

00:10:01 - 00:15:07

We don't need to put that on air okay anyway. That's you know it's fucking weird or really scare me. I don't even know what that could possibly be. What could that be? Why why would I don't understand that's all right? It's easy to confuse you. Sometimes early. His fucking brains die as we speak. I gave his dying. But you're going a little quicker. Well it's you know Kinda garnished. Br can have a conversation so it's not too much. It's Tony part putting on again home. Still know who you are. I gotTa tag tattooed on me if loss please call really going out to keep that number though that ever ever so. I really wouldn't matter what we're trying really weird things. There's a pillow that you can get it supposed to help you practice making out. Oh Tobacco it's like a pillow but then like kind of towards the bottom. It has like a half fucking resuscitation any face and it's sewn into it like a big mouth. I mean I thought basically. That was the same as a regular pillow with a magazine. Cover on it. Like isn't that a makeup. Hello is the same way it works. I don't know I've never tried to make out with fellow I've never had. I've never made out with a pillow. Either I'm sorry I just got startled by something really bad like wow yeah anyway. What's going on? But I mean I've never. I've never like made at our humped. Appel or anything like that. But I've watched I've watched you fucking stuffed animal. Fuck you you UH. Stuffed animal definitely qualifies pillow. You have I watch you several pillows okay. Never mind what you have literally put a strap on put a fucking Weiner belt around of hello in hump the shit out of it and you did it regularly. That was on demand video for I would fucking come home and there would be a winner. Belt sat strapped to to the pillow. Weiner bellied or belt that's a Weiner about but I picture like a dachshund with a belt on. That's your problem. I think of a a a strap on black with well. I gotta go aggressive. I feel funny though. They did that. Yours I I have. I have a cock- I can't put cool attachments. I'd like you could do to yours but hey this is like the episode of Weird Laughs. That was on the pre show live. That's their this alive it'll take. I don't know what you know but you know these things you can buy for forty bucks and you can also get it on Amazon. Which if not surprised you can get it on the. What are we getting on Amazon to make up pillow? Oh the makeup Phil that's right. That's what we're talking about. Wow giovane around again. Over de la UH several gatorade. Going be five. Of course I will be good. Yeah I know Dick's Ahoy fear always works for you. Yeah I'm GonNa have across my cheeks more in stupid but it's okay video for you. Oh that I am. You know what happened to you because I don't know I don't know I do all kinds of things and you would never know about it. You know what I mean. It's read. It's not fucking like Zanex. I don't know what you're doing you've been with me. God damned Dow thing. Oh my Lord. I'm half retarded. I don't really pay attention to what's going on. What's that's her damn share. You don't pay attention to a Lotta Shit. Did I say okay. Oh you know. And then they turn around five six zero. Hey Gut it said I just fucking said that. And you're like you did. Where are we just talking about brain damage like I now try? I mean I try I give I give effort see so that's at the end of the day. That's all I can do. Some things happened and I have a breakdown because I'm trying to deal with you and people already know that we've been talking about this for a long time. It was like it's GonNa happen which I don't know what you mean exactly. That's exactly what I'm talking about. What did I say did I talk about the last show? I don't remember that they have already have a A sonic the hedgehog porn parody last week but there.

00:15:07 - 00:20:05

Yeah there was a time we talked about. Sonic the Hedgehog porn coming. Yeah where it was live at like. I live actions to limit head. Yes or some kind of makeup prosthetic possibly she did two girls sonacos shaken the baron or whatever the bad guy is he's a he's too and there is some animation but yeah yeah but not the kind you're thinking it's not like full-on yeah it's important. Okay I know. Because it's live action. Never say debated stuff. Yeah okay. That's right. It's all right above you. Get these screen shots or anything to share. Did you are you? You have to share with the class okay. So we'll have on the website. Okay go you could check it out yourself. That's right the photo there. They were pretty creepy. The ones that I saw though. Yeah it didn't really look like I'd WanNa Bang. No well I say that but then again we've done some very forget we have a big teddy bear head and a panda head. I would definitely I probably would be into it. At some point. I would have properly ready for a full gumby suit. Go thank you dave. Thank you for toes down. I'll be give it a poke film media generally no oh still could though anyway WanNa see gummy fuck flick or we could get you one of those blockheads because you know there's the two like evil Little asshole ones that had blocked for heads out of. I don't make anything about gummy. Oh Yeah No. That's I don't remember much at all. Now it's like I know I've probably seen a few episodes. Just 'cause you know it's dense before my even yeah. It says a long long time ago. But I still have seen southbound from it. I'm pretty sure but it's feared though how people stood out there like I know who that is immediately roy even up. It's a fuss and pop culture kind of a thing if I I mean it's from a long time ago. Now Yeah now that's near fucking Sixty years of the CSM show like that. Oh my goodness there is. How do you feel now? I don't really mind too much dirty talk. We were talking about noises in the in the pre show but a lot of they're saying the noises that men make the noise of the men make during sex but now now this is a yeah. I think it makes the team Buffalo Bill and dance owner. I was going for that action really. That was pretty good. That's pretty good. I know our love. It guys. Great I do anyway. But did you say about distracted? I am very very very easily all right dirty. Talk in bed. I don't I don't really mind that once you're into the right kind of squirming and noise makings and a guy make right but this is like dirty to Hong Well it could be dicey. Yeah for you. At least you're okay. Sometimes if you say things certain ways right if if but if you don't like if you're GONNA go try to pull off fucking advanced maneuver anytime. You're opening your mouth and saying something and your dude. It's an advancement over trust me. Trust me it's not gonNA come out like you know what about it's dicey now? Now what about you? Though you may may well. It depends on what mood. I'm in if I'M DRUG-FUELLED. I will want to talk and say Weird Shit and I mean that's for Damn it really depends on the mood but like it's I don't like I I have heard I have heard you. Tell me some very unexpected things I know. Sometimes sometimes it's really fun so well but it's not like my us you know it's not like no exactly get more content and somehow so. I try to abbreviate some things. So don't ridicule me. Oh my God. He's your fucking weird. Did you know that pole dancing has been made a sport and it could be in the Olympics.

00:20:05 - 00:25:01

Yeah I have heard that okay. I always thought it was just like really cool. Yeah I mean it's it's cool it. That's that whole thing is that isn't a sport or is it a what ever. I don't know I would say that it would be kind of like a sport. I kind of I mean anything. That's like subjectively graded. I think it's when it gets dicey when there's like somebody has to pick the fucking winter so you know what I mean like. What makes it go? Poll routine like what you like might be. I like that Sir. But it but it could be could be skill level dino gymnastics if you get points for certain moves and railing a double. Kick it out flip. Oh we're all I'm not shutting on it. I'm all for it for sure because really pull that say and I think it's I think it's it's always get look pretty good especially like I wanna see the Bulgarian Paul Paul Dance team versus the fucking you back Stan fucking Paul Dance team. Ch- you know what I mean to us back. He's pretty aggressive now in the sporting world. Well then you could probably get away with it could you? While you're very preoccupied and I'm sorry what what's going on do you need? You need security now okay. Okay Judy. What's going on anyway? I got a little fun. Fact for you can hand will not fit up her snatch. He tried this. We do know we've tried. Not even dreaming would the thing is I know for sure it will. I know it will she just. She won't let me do it. I mean it will no yeah. Of course it will. No Oh please. That's like me con. That is a big old me. Paul and that is not it will fit. It's just it would be very hertie. You won't like it yeah. I probably need a PC. Adamy ooh La Blah Blah Blah. Could Happen is what I'm saying. Well I mean it could. It would not be fun for either one of us but it could definitely happen that no it would be not fun for one of us. Know You frigging love it you actual damage to you. That's not that's not to watch them. Another people damaged. What I'm saying is I don't want to do actual damage to you know. I would feel bad for sure but you love it when I look like. I'm getting a tattoo something like that. Hey you volunteer foot. Be You get a cool to tattoo out of it. And you're you know to get the cool tattoo that you want. You have to sit through the fucking Tattoo. Yeah so that's like free fucking joy for me like that's guilt free watching you squirm a guilt free guilt free. That's right you ask for. Not only did you ask what you paid somebody to do it. And you fill out paperwork saying you can send choose. It is yeah so really what am I D? That's like that's like a deer shooting a deer in the woods and just throwing the deer away. All I'm on the antlers like all you want is your fucking deer out but I want to consume the entire animal. I WANNA use it fucking from head to toe. Katie you're just going all over the fact you get to deer hunting. I did I got to conserving what it is. It's happening because if you're going to be miserable I might as well gets up out of it saying well female Slavs those China tell you they literally scream when they want sex and they're gonNA be heard from seven hundred meters away. I don't know what a Slav sounds like when it screaming so sound like dinosaurs dinosaur like I did other. Slavi slightly wrap jury. It's could be like lower than we could hear you know. I don't know well they're slow. Yeah aw it sounds like those things from the from the dark crystal you kids in the fucking God damn. I don't remember but I know the public. Look at digs hysterics guy. Shoot light out of their mouth. Yeah those things a couple of them will remember later three arms and shit see now.

00:25:01 - 00:30:02

You're calling the cats. Let's razor fucking. It's all right. There is a yoga class. That's fully naked too hot yoga class. Yeah I mean you could take it for thirty bucks. I mean I'm totally Dow with other people's own IT I. I would be seriously uncomfortable. Even if I'm living room doing naked yoga I would not feel cool. I would have the hardest time even with CLOTHES ON CHINA NOT TO FART. Because you're just bending all in all sorts and then so you think having closed on is GonNa make you it's going to hold it in do a camouflaged. Oh Lipstick on it. That's all you are okay. I mean it's not gonNA keep an issue at all if you're GONNA fucking if you're going to step on a dog. Dog Scoured Duck Tower Duck. Now what are you GonNa do? I don't know what else are ever going to go to yoga. Really know. That sounds okay really. You know. I'm not really stretchy. I'm not very static opposite of stretchy really much anymore. Well you're not too bad. You're pretty flexible on your more flexible. They knew thank you are. Somehow I fold you up sometimes and you're totally cool with it but I was. I was more bendy when you first met me. Okay well you're you're older. I know I know I need to start taking that. Osteo baffler action and stuff like that office can hope you really they have. They have another thing where they have. It's shock therapy fitness. Where they've it's a thirty minute like crash course and it costs like anywhere from thirty to fifty five bucks and as you're working out and trying to do like platform pushups and Shit Rod with a Taser Oslo. I want a job there. And there's there's picture that you could get a job there see. That would be perfect for you. Oh how many I used to shop you know. Imagine especially you actually worked at a gym for a short period of time there and and you know. Can you imagine if your job was to literally? If they're not doing it is half them. Who got the cattle prod? Give him one. You've eternit way up. You do that to people with the fucking Electoral yeah the electric sex toys. The fucking import store. I know because you did it to me. Fucking cramping chest off of me. I used to love the Thai people down to the bed. Marietta we had a bed on display. And there was a sports sheet says set of handcuffs and leg cuffs and shit but they had this special like top she bedsheet that you could buy and put over. Velcro do it and that should would not come off. So usually I get the mouth ones that came may with drunken groups and shit like that strap down to bed till they could move and that I would rip their shirts up and I fucking molesters should out of them like I would take the tens unit would shock them and they would be a lot of pain in their friends would all fucking laugh Adam and his fun because it's basically attention it like with the paddles and all the people use for like physical therapy. Kinda thing yeah and so. Yeah Katie. Just sit here. Hold THIS AD start in. You did it to me. Like no don't don't you that don't do that right now. And you hit me and my back about fucking Cra- I like I got so mad at me. You Fuck it. Shut it off. I was trying to and they wonder why you would get Dick. Strong on your face fell asleep seriously. Wonder why because you were literally like Dell thirty because I asked so minute few cocktails in you at the time I probably did. Yeah because we were we were it was at a party. There's always alcohol served at the Party. Always pretty aggressive. And they're like Oh. It doesn't matter if you're working in an abusive little pets. I was abused. Where's your black dot? A no one will believe that share. All I really know you just you just did shut the fuck. Take off right away. That's all you knew what you're in for. I knew what was going on. I knew it. You knew what you got with me. Okay sure I did I say so. Okay I drank a lot then I did do. Oh Cry Anyway. I was making really good decisions.

00:30:04 - 00:35:05

Thinks hey it worked out works out good but at the time ju-just same truth comes out right. What truth. I didn't say anything dairies. You didn't have to camp thing piece. I didn't say anything anyway. All right well we are going to get a visitor thirty four and when we come back. We're going to have a brand new tits. We're also going to get into some fucking weird as people's God damned thoughts and i. I don't care we're doing it so stick around Biro back rants Yum yum. It's time for a tasty and refreshing snack Dell Dell. It's an alien Dick and you make these like Jelincic eggs director and put it in there and it lays eggs obsessed with this thing for fucking years. We've talked long time back around any product that can inject alien eggs up. Somebody's the orifice of your choice and it literally looks like something out of a Geiger fucking Leo Exhibit. Yeah and you know what I mean. It's all slimy and sticky again. And then it out right up right up right in whatever you shoved it in whenever you onto the you can make out of melt away gelatin and shit so it's different playing for different flavors. Exactly a key. Live up pulses suppository. I place my go after dinner. Vince I would be lovely. We got eight will do should do favor. Shutout Katie. Eight will do damage. You already do slight. We're going to have a special travel better bloody Mary. That's only one Holloway. Now they're making shots for the short egg egg helicopter up there whatever. Yeah some of them are putting in our asses. Reg doing it through the mouth. She could go right on. Well then that way you could just have like the freakshow action you know. Yeah so they could just have four please. Or if you're bent over someone is shoving it in your ass and laying eager to and then you sit there and absorb parties are. What did you like the narrow? Well if everybody's doing Adelson positive I mean I'll go check it out. I'm not GonNa have any but obviously you're gonNA need a fucking Lou site pack. You need a Lubar. We got the fluffer bunny over here over here. Here's the thing you don't want to have somebody read it around with the alien and egg injector. You know what I mean. And have him all should face to. He's like four eggs down. Do you really want him work. At the end of that thing. You're not responsible. Egg Layer. How many was that that we gave her. I don't really remember that. Steve Bruce Blair again okay. So not funny. It's funny I care. I know I know I know where. Katie's World Razzie DOT COM GIG including radio DOT COM dot net later at Kinky Katie Radio Piggy Katie radio DOT COM Kiro radio email dot com also on facebook that life F. E. T. L. I n. e. dot com. Yes so Google me and like to be an Shi'ite trying to try and make people's fucking devices launch off few marks. I mean anytime. You stated goal has to be all the time when I'm listening to show you mean okay.

00:35:05 - 00:40:14

Google stop it. That's fucking hard. That really irritates me. It's one of those things you be. You'll be you'll be listening to south ended all of a sudden it just shuts off and goes. What would you like? What are you doing man Alexa? See kinky Katie radio off. Why did you? Why did you movie is horrible? Whatever yeah but I think there would be people that are getting kick out of it. She's listen to the fucking show on Apple. Watch a lot of people I mean like a bigger percentage of it's weird because when apple watches I came out. You'd see a few of Baath video. Everyone watches and then you go now. It's like an actual percentage. Just weird it. People actually use those things. I know there's some people that have two of them and I want you to well. I don't even understand what how is on them. You know what I mean. Whatever it will cause the idea of putting something on my arm my hands you know what I mean. Yeah I work with them. It's kind of hard. Yeah so I just destroy it. We get caught on things. I'd probably lose an arm because of it. Well then I'd haven't Nubby. I know that you know what I do know I do stuff. Yeah Yeah Yeah it would be handy now you to throw you into porn okay. That's fine Terry. Totally amputee for bringing out the no. No if I if I lost a limb I know I went to. What else am I going to do? I would be fun like like make money on my body. Somehow what am I? GonNa do fuck. Yeah Hell Hell. Yeah Kia now. I can't stop doing it. You've been fucking Tony Hinchcliffe. And Sad you she. She went on a fucking kill. Tony Marathon. Which is another podcast that she listens. Sarah Yeah I'm a fan. I wasn't in the beginning. Isn't it just now like yes wants out? Se last week at the time he goes. Let's see let's try to tell you there's some good shit you can listen to do. So there's this there's this leader of this fucking like Hindu religious group and over in India and he claims that women who are on their periods when they cook food for their husband's okay. They're going to be reincarnated as dogs because civically bitches he said okay. Is that because you're going to serve religion with that's fucked up is a so like you have to have someone else or another family. Another woman solitaire has in food. It sounds like something that would be in Judaism to Jews with do for sure. It sounds like a Jewish role. Almost why well because there's we rules in in the you don't understand like like you know. I don't understand any fucking related to be honest with you but it sounds like what are those like. You must not eat pork. Yeah I guess I don't know but insider we'll they understood. Why would you even argue against that? Any of it. Think about it. I mean like like whenever most women I mean. You're not you don't WanNa Cook when you're on your period to you. I don't really care. I mean we know. I'm fucking grumpy and I just don't I'm tired. Feel good so really. They're just they're now sure they are. Valerie them not to have to cook that day. And this school. The school gotten a lot of trouble because they were they forced over they force like fucking over sixty girls to take their fucking pennies off so they could check to make sure they weren't on their periods Cook Cool. I was like Oh my God and then they said. Do you eat the food. They're going to be reborn as bulls. But especially the balls of Bulls Bob Bulls bull balls. Okay if they if they consume the food of menstruating women as being being like reincarnate as of all think about it. Let's say you're of old Stud Bull. That's running around just banging cows. All the time really. Is that a horrible. Life is really even even. Yeah I mean you could fucking it. You're a Hindu cow for crying out loud like literally worshipped and that's supposed to deter people fashioned mark dies you're going to be reborn into an animal that the people around here like like sweep in front of and do whatever the fuck they want roam free into their house whatever roaming.

00:40:14 - 00:45:07

Ged's fucking walking around chewing their cud. Everyone's is running up. I have two kids. You insert flowers on. You would say accent though. Really probably probably yeah. Well you know. I'm I'm trying. I'm trying to stop doing accents because I'm not good at them. Never stopped you before. That's true but that's why I'm saying I'm trying to get better to do. Do you like my cow to do you like my horse about my cock. You like my Cook County do the Ninian. I mean really so honestly if you're in India and there's a few of you that are if you're in India you know it's horrible really I don't know doesn't sound too bad. If that's what you believe like you know bang away now Bango Away. Let let em fuck. Let Them Cook. Let deb cut. I mean what's what's wrong with. Being reported dog did is get treated like shit in indio. It depends on where or dog really. Yeah you do you want to be born in China. No Yeah. That's what I'm saying. No doubt you possibly could be on the menu. That's what I'm saying. They're very very equal. Opportunity mediators yes. They are so which you know. Kinda makes logical sense. I guess it does. Hey I think we're going to go to your favorites. Anybody boobs in and on the news. It's time once again for shit man. This week is a lawyer not a lawyer. A landlord offers a woman lower rent if she sends him booby pictures. Every month. Said mood's plays so. Yeah this This shake her name is Georgia. She she found the absolute perfect perfect apartment and her male landlord was like. Hey Yeah he's like he. He was kind of really sleazy about it. The proposition was he would take Like three hundred dollars off for her off her rent every month if she would send him Titi pictures. That's a good. Fuck it really I. If you're totally Dalla obviously if you're hot then that's sucks fuck it? I'll be like okay. Do you want more of show Peter to like. I'll show you my daughter who starfish shots. You want a Mug. You wanted to put a little video lincoln active wings. Give it that you know. That's not necessarily whoever this check was I'm sure? She was mortally wounded. I don't want you. I want her to give me a fifty off. I mean I almost want to walk you up to the fucking authors here tomorrow. It's work something out anyway. So she she posted to twitter screen shots of the messages between this dude and the place. Yeah that's creepy as well. She she went. She's like that's the last time I tried to find a house on. There's some Africa Gum Trie and all about. I don't know but the rent the rent was only on like it was like seven hundred dollars. Okay so they three hundred shoes on handling four hundred bucks for this place anyway. So where you live. I don't know I would take. That would be cheap anywhere now. She also said that he does. He does a modeling company. Like he'll take pictures of her too few wants anyway. Said he's got a couple of tenants that work for how she's she's gone for this before like she's she's worked she's set dudes before no no no. He told her that some of the other tenants day send him pictures and like he knows someone that does photography and he just retired free. That will take the movie pictures four. Take your pictures. Maybe yeah like super duper creepy about it. Like he gets money off a rant and showing. If you give me a little a little bit more I will tell you where some of the hidden cameras are in your apartment. Oh God that's awful for some reason you end up just like coming across this like my pc cam like. Oh my God that's my Gra- through late. That's my brow. Oh my God you said you'd still to this a camera fucker anyway.

00:45:07 - 00:50:01

That's your kids man for hit hit man but I mean really if it was just if it was a guy like semi titi pictures like every month to weekly. Oh Wow that's that's what I'm saying but it would occur to you eventually. The things that I mentioned like like you would start to thank for sure that their fucking cameras everywhere that really that. I was a girl if I was feeble for for sure really for sure for sure for sure. Yeah I mean that would be like one of the first things I thought would be like where the cameras creepy dude. Yeah checking everywhere. Yeah I mean you want pictures you want me to send you pictures like you know but if you work that out ahead of time. I don't know I would give a rat's ass. Oh somebody's like. Hey Hey I want you to send me pictures of your ball sack and ups cock okay. I'd probably yeah. Why not sure. Get Good ingles like what what? What kind of photos would you like? Sir? Three hundred dollars a month Shit Shit. Would you like it in a little Batman costs down? I'm not buying uniform stuff you WanNa me with with outfits that that I might do it for the ones to fit. You can go to build a bear. I mean I'm going to have to tell you to do that kind of like if it's like a performance that you're looking for we're going to have to talk about the fee puppetry of the penis or or re talking. Jackie you're really I'm open However the prices go up significantly. Yeah no what. I'm saying if I'm just not doing do it. Here's my route. I in the mirror photos once a month. You know what I mean. I could see that for you share but if you want me to dress up and do cool weird shit. Well I mean and I don't know there's no hook up for the Washer and dryer near so basically what I'm saying is I would totally do cam. Work is that was like yeah pretty much pretty much definitely need. Yes he here again. I probably would not do that. 'cause that's work and I'm not GonNa do like you know what I mean you would. I what I yeah I really. Are you kidding me tonight? Three hundred dollars rent or or hundred dollars if it was something easy I could do but if you want to be the hill through our production is that though come on. What are we talking about. Like what are we talking about? We're talking about like a full-on fucking jerk session. Are we talking about your getting fucked complicated? You're the performance. That's what I'm saying. That's where it gets complicated. That's where it gets like. I don't know if I'm GonNa feel like doing that every month. Just not sure. I don't know how I feel like the girls. They hustle the shit every day. That's that's what they decided to if that's what you decide to do. Then that's what that's what you do. You know people could say the same thing about like being a roofer something you know what I mean. I don't want to be out in the sun like that but That's what I do so I go up there to it. You know so whatever but maybe I would do it with. That doesn't mean it's yeah that's true. Somebody else could totally climb up there in the sun or stroke your polluter you make it. Sound so sexy. Any Bacon Grease Lube. Let's do this. Let's leave the ACL for this one. Well that would be for me. I don't know Bacon Lube. I've smelled out of the bottle and I'm not sure no no no. This is actually in Greece. Okay that's even worse. You're really crusade for an infection girly girl because you know if you're baking grease like that and you that's what you hand me to lube you up front to back. What now anal on you go bacon by my tits titties. I'd I'd almost have to do it if that's what you offered me because then. I okay fuck you your bucket roller out of Bacon. Shit you watch it correct me I want. I want to be breakfast. Go on spring with your milk. Gone Trilogy series. I love gravy regrets that scattered smothered chunked.

00:50:01 - 00:55:01

No you cannot funnel oatmeal into my snatch a weird line to draw back saying I don't like the texture. Oh Jesus Christ there's this fucking there's this This child protection boss in Indonesia. She was she fucking. She was ridiculed after she said that women can get pregnant in swimming. Pools even without penetration if men have a strong sperm. And just in the water okay. I don't know health. Hey what what what. What do I know I'm currently Jesus was born from Virgin Duggan Fair? Here's here's the thing. People believe all kinds of weird shit. Maybe it's possible. Maybe no well a friend of mine action for a friend of mine didn't think she's the only have sex like in the shower or in the pool because she thought you couldn't get in because well. He told her that he can't come in the water. Okay which I think is the funniest fucking thing I've ever heard you know. That's a lie right He. He's right out of jail to I. We were like we're filming. He didn't I remember talking. Just didn't did she like take. You wouldn't get pregnant if yeah into water. Yeah I mean not not. Yeah okay. Yeah okay now that he couldn't come without being in the water well it was both. He made her believe. Both girls are stupid. Fucking Hell Yeah. She's Stephen But yeah. I think that's not how this works. And she's Oh my God. I've obey the pool. She has been what the problem to why had three abortions year but but we were like fifteen and sixteen and he was in his late thirties. God yeah that's really gross. That's guides literally. You're you're you're eighteen wine. And he's fresh out of jail a and he had an act tattoo and he used to call his Dick. Monte liked her because she had braces fan. Yeah okay allocating fucking pedophile action there. Well when she when she broke it off with them like her mother found or some shit like better. He like he was going back to jail. He grabbed her her Her address book and fucking was given out everybody's phone numbers in jail and this is before smartphones. And she says this is a you're talking about the nineteen hundreds and you see how I used. I used to have this inmate call my parents house all the time. His name is Berry News Creepy. Put up with that. No Kula I got a restraining order on him because he scared me. 'cause then like when. I wouldn't talk. He really did scare me and when. I when I didn't WanNa talk dirty to him. Then he started to threaten he was gonNA kill me. He's Kino's Rai lived because he had the address book and he was going to him. You know and I can verify you just continued that that that that type you know you really just like to scumbag. You guys really. While I'm just saying yeah that was me Yeah that Guy Number One. We're not we don't have to talk about this he was. He was a level twenty-five scumbag. He's fucking discussing five scumbags. You're not waiting. I'm just barely over the line for some people. Yeah some people say for some people absolutely well who really matters. I mean you have to go like on a universal scale so doing yeah so definitely scumbag e for some people jeter anyway. I've done porn. I I don't know if you know this I mean you know so many decks I just. It's so many jokes I just. I just don't know we're we're just talking about Jesus being born to version. Whatever there is. There's a horrifying twenty two foot statue. Baby Jesus look exactly like Phil Collins. Little know fact Jesus actually looked like Phil Collins. Which is why Phil Collins has brought us some of the most iconic music of the seventies and eighties of the nineteen hundreds for crying out loud. Say because everybody does the drum solo in the heat of the night when it comes onshore. Deterrent that's right. I mean he's he's no Billy Joel.

00:55:01 - 00:59:51

But he's close. I got it was so funny to me. The the they tweeted out said you know for the piano man. He sure plays a fucking her Monica alive. I it just struck me really funny. Is Her Monica phase really. Yeah I know there was career. I love to torture a friend of ours. He his nickname cheese. I'd like to torture him with things that have to do with Mayo. Because he thinks it's foul and gross and he makes them WANNA throw up because you're that kind of friend. Yep I like Mayo so and I just think it's funny because you love us any love bro time very well I mean like I said I sent him him this. This jeff with this chick she just had this like industrial size tub of Mayo and she had a spoon and she just fucking Horgan and down spoonfuls and he's like this has to be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen a queen. There's more it's way worse than that. She's really so. I ran across new product that they have over in Japan. It is male ice cream bars. It's like a weird obsession with with Betas Japan. They have their full restaurants dedicated. They're like everything is like Mayo. Shit there are some Baeau fucking crazy people and it's not all of them. I'm sure but a lot of really oddly. Ub keeping just like Q. Pie Coupon whatever's how it's spelled phonetically. What I'm telling you what I hear people say that's like the fucking Shit. That's what I hear. I mean it's eggs and oil right pretty okay. I don't they say it's kind of different. You know I really don't have to find some way. Well sure somebody will fuck it message. You Go Katie it's awesome. I'm sure this Japanese listeners. There's this Well so the bar. It's a man as flavored ice cream. And then it's coated in cookie crumbs and then but it's got like a hidden inside fundamental that's white chocolate white job with Mayo. You know the surface of it. I'M GONNA have to pass but if I was standing in front of it I would definitely put it in my mouth. Had it looks like kind of looks like a cream pie wrapped in a Tortilla. I'd just I don't get I mean I. I like Mayo. It's fine you know I I don't I don't have any problem with it however I'm not really sure like you know what I mean. That really sure that's going to be so tasty for me. Yeah I don't know I've I've I've American white boy Palette can't do that to me that's right. You would think America white boy pilot would would be really Mayo strong. And it's really not that strong that's really white girl maneuver. I have enjoyed some play. Mayo on like a piece of French brush. I throw that stuff that either like yeah. I mean you duchess of fat to go with the bread. Nothing wrong with that anyway. All right. We're GONNA WE GOTTA GET OUTTA here. We do we. Do we have to get out here? It's to galaxy Saturday. Act OR THEY ARE. They doing live shows after us. We never we were going to say we were gonNA check stuff now at some point. Go here you guys doing a show tonight that way you would know if you were fucking bomb out early or late or whatever. I try to be on schedule. Yeah Okay I know Research Department No. It's it's lagging well very anyway tab at a rough time all right everybody. Well we're going to get out of here for the week but stuff other stuff. Events DOT COM stuff. Yeah you gave me on twitter at Kinky Haiti Radio Kinky Kid. Who RADIO DOT COM Kinky Ritchie Mill? Dot Com life Facebook Google me. You'll be happy you did nudity gratuitous go get Demi being from EMC Yeah that's exactly where I'm answering so I will try to more energy next time and Yeah maybe started to party a little later a little earlier. I don't know anyway I I gotTA GO OFF. Does anybody does.

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