#284 – Dick Fish Swarm
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12/15/2019 Friday the 13th cheap tattoos... Everybody should have a shitty tattoo... Men's tramp stamp... New T-Shirt available for a limited time only... Does watching porn affect your memory... Iceland's Christmas cat that will eat the bad boys and girls... Katie's weird viewing habits... Used strip club couches available now... Getting caught cheating by your FitBit stats... Wal-Mart's holiday drug sweater... The women of Wal-Mart cal lender... Netflix and the new gay Jesus movie... Episode of "Rule 34"... Greedy transgender... Wipe off the hair and dye... Tits Man - Nipple Artist canceled for her art... Dick fish swarm tidal wave and the fat inn keeper's worm... More extreme plastic surgery and how it triggers Katie... Porn is evil, apparently... Young man taunted by a cop with lube... Sobriety bars.

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Kinky Katie's World #284 Dick Fish Swarm

00:00:04 - 00:05:05

The following program contains adult content Kraz language of sexual manner completely Lee responsible. Advise along with some things. You'll wish you could une here. If you are under the age of eighteen easily offended or like to judge others based on their sexuality. Please turn off for those who remain enjoy and have a nice day because I was fucking Shit. Atr have you been corporate sponsorships. As a matter of fact I'm going most popular randomly series. The English translation series is many rapists. From how the innocence of schoolgirls as you can see the production values are extremely high. Katie's world in ten nine. The eight seven six three Katie's growth starts now the Katie. Are you ready. You said you wanted to play dress up. Don't you. The story breath and now lie from rule. Thirty four stadium. I bring you a girl that has discovered the wonders of eclipse sucker. Here your she is your host the one the only can kate Katie. Hello Hello and welcome to the show. Kinky cuties rolled number two eighty four. I am your host PD Katie and with me as always number one favorite covered. Fuck Toy mister high. We are coming to you. Live for rule. Thirty four studios in the lovely Tampa Florida via well okay. We're live now go. Well we got record again exactly. That's all I didn't say the usual where Where we're from? Yeah well IT'S A. It's another one of those where they live people arguing bucks. That's okay holidays is it happens you know but you can listen to it for free anytime you want you so. I'm sorry you're not doing anything on a Saturday night and we we are your entertainment. Whatever your hours? So whatever like she's not going to hear it has is broadcast. Live Mary now. Exactly I will say that Probably the second half of the show will be sponsored by AV. I was putting together some some things and I decided to have one and then ten days later like hey. You're ready the listener. This boy out so we are going to have a fun show for you tonight with the brand new tits man and other weird and funny stuff from from around the Web Predator thirteen inches past and We got we got some of those. Those thirteen dollar Friday the thirteenth tattoo specials. Shawls will if yeah well if you don't know pass it out. Some people aren't even aware that this is the thing like traditionally on Friday the thirteenth. Don't you like thirty shops. Yeah we'll we'll do thirteen dollars tattoos but you can only pick from. They just have certain and they're small they do little drawings things and you can pick which one you can't altered you can't it is what it is. And that's what it is legs right and usually usually there's a tip included so it's it's usually twenty twenty five bucks or depending you know. Sometimes they had different specials but anyway I had never done it. I figured why not. Let's do it through. And what is your addict. I mean you. You're obviously that volume. Well I got three in the past forty eight hours actually thirty six hours so she got to shitty tattoos did all right. Well I made it a mystery on the shitty tattoos. I haven't I didn't show what they look like on twitter because they're you're GonNa get colored fixed okay but I mean it's a it's a fucking Shitty we'd expect really I mean I don't mind at all really came out fine flag because I chose the right kind of thing to get thog said day. Well apparently I didn't get the right kind of thing I gotTA. I gotTA storm to your brain helmet. which came out out fairly straight? Okay no yeah and I'm going to get and it's just the outline somebody get it colored in I'm GonNa make it probably pinker. LAVENDER put a bow on it. Okay and then some. I WANNA be a little girlie. Well should we also then the other one the other one is a doctor who symbol. And it's really fucked up the W really fucked up.

00:05:05 - 00:10:00

I was going to try to put like maybe ten by after I discolored in and say like fuck it try to make it look like the tortoise and then I was thinking how's it going to China like put. Hello Sweetie somewhere to like. Hides it nine of them. I do so well so yesterday. We Way Way Way Way Way. Do we know the world store yet. We're only halfway through this story. And everybody knows MARLA story Yeah no I mean that dry tattoos will no I. I don't mind Chetty Tattoos. Personally I mean it just kind gotTa fits me though so you don't have any well covered up dirt sublime walkie tattoos for sure for sure. Did art like artistically Saturday the other but I really like him though. Well it's a take. Everybody should have it ugly tattoo at least would split that chick with the radish secret radish or whatever I actually like whenever any anyway you know you work with it but at the end of the day you know it was the experience of getting thirteen dollars tax rate exactly so yesterday we went up to Orlando. We had some things to do and we stop by to see our buddy. Brian over at added Tomic Tattoos. Girl the guy that typically been doing since he's done yeah he's done a lot of tattoo work in A. He does a really good job at it. Well I have never felt like more shit in my life because we were because at first I was telling him he saw online. I posted Ed. He's cheater and then he saw it and it was bad I really I really felt like he was my father. Or there's something just like what did you do like. I'm so disappointed in you guys to that getting a little set. Sometimes they get. That's a revolt like they're like did you. Put that all in the middle of my chat to see. My Shit has to look through that. That's the first thing they're going to see when they went to look at my shit and then and they told you you know I'm fixing this. I'm not I'm not leaving here with all of my pretty stuff in the shit. Is You sitting here. Yeah but for me. It doesn't matter like a said kids. It looks like stuff like that. Looks like it belongs on me and nobody can deny that at all because when you put something like that we automatically will be cut it works for you. I don't know why so then the chess has didn't stop. I mean it was throughout the entire time we were there because SC got A very cool anglerfish rest. No it's really cool not for Friday. The thirteenth now known the sister Saturday. The fourteenth. Tom Tyler you when you it really it. There's something about wanting tattoos make you want. Martinez is the problem of an award. You know you know and after yesterday too I finally got my teacup kitties. My fluky tattoo that I've been kinda talking about for super bowl super q very dorval. I like it very much. We're very much well. It didn't feel very very good. It's started her up by the elbow and I I could not help it but I I was trying not showing not to make noise either. So I kinda you're doing very well know so I let a little and he's like yeah. Dude harder to divert Straw. I wanted to kick him so yeah no but then I want another one. I really enjoyed. We're go yes. Well he's been. He's read very cooperative. Oh yeah yeah with us. So and he does. He does awesome work exactly and he likes to show well. That's that's always a bonus. Of course it is bonus. It's up his bonus so I do not mind. Mind if you're ever in the Orlando area of Dean Road. UCF Area Goto. Tomek tattoos and go see Brian to it. Go see him. He's a manager there to some to saying you're saying you're going to bitch bitch to him and I don't know what it is about stuff like that that makes you you want more but it definitely happens in its thing so if you don't have them and your take. Hey I'm thinking about getting one. Well you know Dick while getting like twenty. Because that's maybe where you're GONNA end up. The Butterfly is the Gateway Tattoo of young women. There's not as much of a thing about it. Is there used to be IRA nice. I like is a tramp stamps. Do something to look at. When you're when a fucking amending Asiya when I'm begging outcome I mean that's the whole idea of the champ right. That's why it's still a great spy for Tattoo. And I love definitely look trashy or can not always I just.

00:10:00 - 00:15:05

I was just so shocked when I when I found out a male friend of ours had one yes and and it was very tramp stamp looking. Yes I was like. What is that on your? Oh did you lose a bet. No I didn't. I didn't say anything because I wasn't drunk at the time. We know if I was asked its existence now no he doesn't now but Latin. Either if I was him I said did you on your we all do. We don't talk about it though because it's no fun because he just looks at she likes to say it's a strange thing. What do you mean Take now anyway. I don't know what you're seeing with drugs are you on what's wrong with you. Don't forget you guys some as you know that series two of Kinky Katie Eighty Radio Merch is currently out. You've got about twelve days to get your shirts. You've got new styles new colors a brady design by Mr Se. From one of my more popular movies frosted cookie with Girl Scout. That's cool I like I like the do you have my co here have you seen. Have you seen my cookie. Okay so you can wear it around the kids you can wear it around grandma so nobody will ask what it means at all now. Does it look like a girl scout looking sad like I just had violated waited. No he violated. No like you lost your cookie. That's right have you seen it. It's very yeah said dropped on the floor Dan. Well it's and like she said you can only for like twelve days so by the time you actually get this. I don't know you probably don't have a lot of time so Get on it so you can go to my twitter at Kinky Katie Radio facebook kinky Katie radio or Google Kinky gatorade. It is on the bonfire but KINKY KATIE RADIO DOT COM to their. There's links all over the place where you can go to get the shit so I suggest that you do it. Oh Oh yeah that movie. I'm all slathered in Man Butter tag along or one of those. I don't know what your either gross rose cookies so studies show that watching porn impacts your learning and memory. I like those good perfect timing. Well I mean I don't I don't I'm not completely immersive in right. I mean it's it's I don't watch it all the time. which is Israeli? People would really think I watched a lot more than I do as you don't but not really now that what you know while I watch something because you know more would you were editing Hours yes yes. I mean every one of those movies I watched every little part of everything you know a lot. I don't know how much but a lot. Yeah I know I did. You make that same face like what I do this look. I made a montage like hokey. They said that there's evidence that porn erodes the prefrontal cortex the funnel over frontal cortex. prefrontal us a big words. You try to use big words again. Did we tell you about that once before. I'm just trying tout educated Mr. Gee I'm so sorry prefrontal cortex okay. Yes we need. We need to know that. What about it? It's for who knows the area of the brain that only not only develops fully in your adulthood but it controls your morality your willpower and impulse control. Oh it was since his porn fucks up does it. Yeah it says porn rewires your brain back to juvenile stage Like does that mean she cleaned and you could start over again. I Don House out about. I don't know you you know if you're watching porn. And so on six V your button hit your prostate. That's your reset button. Everything goes back. Is that really supposed to discourage people from do you. You think. Oh you know when when you were running around doing whatever you felt like no. Don't make me think like that again if you had a good time. Then I don't know I don't know maybe then now a lot of people know that I am kind of a Cat lady kind of I I am I am kind of the Kitty. Whisper your the mother kittens. Have the mother Kittens I have the triad. It'll just start growing by the whole issue is GonNa take twenty minutes banker of objects maker of wet spots cooker. A food food okay cooker food will that take her of Ab well anyway.

00:15:06 - 00:20:03

There's the Christmas cat of. Iceland is a giant terrifying. Cat Gobbles up children. If they're bad a really the book it's it's you know it's Shitty like families and ice and they work together to ensure nobody will go to the Christmas cat in Santa. I always I. I like it when you know you gotTA throw a little fear in alleged. Yeah well I mean really not. Just you're you're going to get cold. No somebody's GonNa come grab you and eat your faceoff. I mean it's no here here. We have that Elf on the shelf which is annoying and stupid. He just watches when you're bad and sits there all creepy and masterpiece while he watches as you sleep. You're definitely getting molested kid out just letting you know right now. Your parents have been shelf in your house. That you're someone's touching like your Icelandic teachers go But he's GonNa come fuck you now. Early Kitty killer attack cat. Yeah the one then Iceland. It's it's gigantic. Cats cats that come and they take you a and they claw you in each you. But I'm allergic to cats. It's referred to To as terrifying on you will die terrified. Horrible view it. There's a there's a poem says you all know the you'll cat and the cat is huge. Indeed people didn't know where he came from. Or what not or where he went. Says he opened up his glaring eyes wide. The two of them glowing bright to look really brave men such site in them. I don't know I really really rive at Icelandic products. It happened better like tone to it really well anyway. It's a lot. It's a lot longer than I thought it was. The cat is like out to fucking get you. And there's pictures of the payments like blood all over stations paused tearing children. So you better be good or the big pussy. He's going to eat you fire Icelandic people IRV ready different people for sure I would say so. That's that's a different definitely a strange country from my my perspective. Yeah I like I like watching people eat their food. That are used to their food. You do like it when their faces. The face of horror. Yeah can I just put in my mouth but what is that. I like informed people. Try some weird stuff that we have over here. I love watching that try channel. I just I like people eating weird the things that you liked him not enjoying those weird thing. Yes I like to March or two about it. Yes I know. And you're like the ones where they're quiet about it. No no what somebody making faces. Yes and throwing up the bloody omeday call. No no no. It's actually happen. That's there's a been there. Please stop it can hold your hair. You need help honey. Now I gotTa scrunchy here scrunches making in come back Dr. They have to at some point. Really it's GonNa come around again. Are you looking to furnish your place. Are you on a budget. Are you not concerned with stains. Well you're in luck you can get some free couches. Really Scarlet Cabaret in Ohio is doing remodeling. And it's getting rid of Oh clubs catches all right. Yeah that'd be cool for your garage. Ohio IDs yes said that particular Strip club only has a three and a half star rating. It needs to be remodelled clearly. Well also they caught on fire so they said the couches may also have some fired. Some smoke damage but they listed the couches on facebook marketplace and they did leave a warning they say may have stains from unknown body fluids us at own risk. Yeah UH WACO's we go straight straight so complicated and make us a little baby with a cow. I mean by the looks of the pictures online. These are soaked with DNA A and can only be comparable to our no like a mattress in an early hotel through their phone kier. There's a market for that I. I know you're going to be like naked all over that God. Oh my God I love somebody. Some dude in Ohio that where to that club frequented as a youth and really has fond memories of it is building as bad gave right now he could run out right now have those in his fucking Man Cape and he would know. I sat on this couch what I got my first laugh. Chance I gotta blow away from the toothless one on my the eighteenth birthday has daytime to answer.

00:20:03 - 00:25:06

Oh Paddock you know what you you get like a like a really really really foul look at love seat or something and just in case it in Plexiglas a clear plexiglas and just have it as an art display me like dismiss folk. Look like you're just you know really know you make other people set out. It should gas coach clearly. Well anything anything is really suspect and I make no guarantees sweat. I'm telling you well a strew I don't I I don't know why I just feel the need to tell people we have sex places because you're every like you like watching their disgusted faces. That's gotta be it. Let's definitely a for you. You like really grossing people out in a way like just like A. You're really creepy. An Aleph Ella WanNa go grind. That's kind of your style. Sometimes I I mean I could understand understand really. I don't know I've just I've just like that. There was a sports reporter. She learned Fra that her boyfriend was cheating on her after noticing a spike in activity on his fitbit. She said that that he'd gotten her well. She said that he had got her or one for Christmas and she loved a you know not that whole Peleton thing. But she's like Oh yeah love it well she sink them up together to motivate each other okay so so one new at the heart rate was risen every. Yeah you both know what the fuck was going on with each other. Step sure so well. He was unaccounted for at four o'clock in the morning and Dan the physical activity levels were spiking on the APP. He got really excited. Yes and he was not enrolled in a spin class. He was probably the Enron thing spin class trainer. Okay anyway does Can't prove that he could have been furiously. Jerking off somewhere really seriously seriously because you Haris. A friend of mine has a of a bracelet for seizures. And he can't wear it when he jerks off. Because when you flop for out it's thinking you're flopping around. Do you just go and I said why. Don't you switch risks. or He's no it affects it because the heart rate oh no show. Hey better you okay. Almost leave me alone. Give talk show. We could choke me out please just a little bit. They Khattak got you lose. I attacked pervert. Sure I don't know if he's joking well She threw it up on the Internet and now her and her friends laugh about it. I mean they. They broke up like she she threw out there for all of his stats. And what apparently that's like a papal people collect all this data and then they're not doing so greater peter. Whatever I don't know if someone throws it up and the like could you do that to why that Lergy to take off your fucking fit bit when you're achieve out somebody really it's kind of a PSA yes searches saved your marriage? Probably if you're GONNA commit adultery than somebody else you've got to think about. Oh and quiz knows. If they're still around I did see an ad for them. It says Having an affair we cater casino. Nothing says daltry Leica Carr's sandwiches what that is an odd choice of it. was that a real ad. Yeah sure having an affair we cater 'cause Pinera used to have one that was exactly like it And I think it's funny. Yes we bred pools so we can discuss -delity anyway sometimes. I don't know what you're dealing bag hits. I don't know either like I told you it's might start getting a little squirrelly okay so you're trying to get it all out early. Is that what you're saying. I got worse. I know I'm sorry. That's okay I'll drag you through it I know l.. Somehow I know you do highly motivated you. Are you do a very good job without well. Walmart had to apologize for an adults only Christmas sweater on a Canadian website. Apparently in Canadia Canada Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo had to do that. I'm sorry I'm really sorry how to do it. Well they have Walmart. Were selling sweater. That had a picture of Santa Claus on it with fucking is as big as big Snow Globes. He had rails of coke in front of him and it said let it snow oh and he had like a pilot snowballs on one side and then had three rails of coke and he had a straw.

00:25:06 - 00:30:02

Obviously Santa Snorts. No we would know without anyway. I don't think and he had a straw and one handed is is lay his face just like you know buttered up not go over. Sorry they said it was on the adults only so you so I wanna know what else in Canada that they sell on their adult website and Walmart. I mean well fuck saw. WHO's I made if they don't want to sell stuff to tell but you know some on Maple Syrup and a muscle awesome free country? I WANNA weird drug paraphernalia. Santa Claus whatever by the way back Walmart to sell it to me. What I'm I'd say I mean? Have you learned from Amazon. I mean they will sell you damn near anything like. Do you want the nuclear codes. You know for. Football's got that where they have that we got. They got it all. You need to tell though that not only not only do they have it but I probably fucking manufacturing it now which is even weirder. Everything about it. I I saw another thing. There was someone had taken a picture. They or collecting food for needy employees. They said help them have a nice holiday too. I'm like you can't even pay your fucking employees. He's not. I'd always heard that they paid. Okay why don't they put him on a fucking registered I would help. I don't care I'll how did sell self-checkout there was like. How do you put people out of jobs like what the fuck? Oh I heard about Walmart anywhere I would take an Amazon. I'm like wait a minute. I thought it was on the Walmart. I don't they pay shit. I don't know well I mean Amazon. I've heard a lot of things Buddy Amazon. They make them like pissing bottles. Like don't give breaks whenever her. Well it's that whole they have like a time limit or whatever so they're like they don't have time you know time to be because it's a limit you know you're definitely not masturbating here either. Oh I think about it. Don't even think about it. Don't touch yourself here. I've Se- I've seen people though so They had Like instagram nude photos of Walmart employees. There it was Graham Nude what not like like Selfie fees. They would take in the bathroom of showing them in a thong or flashing their tits. But they had their Walmart vessel and it showed in the mirror. Okay so or it's had this the front I got busted. Sometimes I'm sure they did. I'm sure they did. But your shit or or just don't have a job or maybe just don't take selby's wearing your uniform in the bathroom. It's the hot sluts of Walmart Walmart the instagram account. So we'll Mar Horse Women Walmart that's going to be the next calendar is the women of Walmart Walmart. Well Ju just by robbers got you gotta be able to put together a teaser. Calendar thank maybe mothers millions of them. So that's what I'm saying. There's bound to be one girls. I mean we could find twelve. Come on Shirl upshur. There's there there. What about where he in the Walmart or the The McDonalds subway inside the Walmart. I count de Warmer Walmart. I don't really know I don't know why why we're even talking. What are you doing? I don't know track of the conversation. Subway b-actor net flicks is is coming out with a Christmas misspell. That has a gay. Jesus Que Hay Soos and they were saying that there's a million religious conservatives that are partitioning to ban it really. It's a Brazilian in comedy group. And they released Netflix. Special Christmas film. A parody about gauge's is bringing his boyfriend home to be married Josefa religious conservatives it is have reacted with great fucking anger and furious. Benjamin not shit all Jesus do it. Jesus weren't gay. It's called the first temptation of Christ. I wasn't technically Jesus was it's like a sexual supposedly. You know you know what I mean like I. I don't know how would you even know what it is. Yeah he's a sexual chivvy in nearby so they're they're all like this is not right. Of course I like this is serious offensive against Jesus speaking kid. What is that any Spanish speak Spanish that Spanish? Let's all the snap and about what clapping when you talk what I don't get it what what is a snap back.

00:30:02 - 00:35:04

What is serving fish? What is that is that he part of that Christian thing to what are you talking about? It's a gay thing is that it's dragged we'd thing as it oh votes are drag queen thing. Yes that's not necessarily a gay you could. That's true grew. He could be a Hetero drag this you can. That would be a transvestite over. Call people these days. Don't know anymore anymore. Please don't ask me that because I am going to piss someone off so whatever but I think we're gonNA shut up push buttons and I think we're GONNA go to whatever sewed of ruled thirty four and when we come back we're going to have a brand new tits man as well as talking about fat puss. It triples ooh Yum yum time bullet basically and refreshing snack. The Big Art Exhibit Down in Miami is called the art of Basil Battle Basil. We've been done there. Well we've been down there during that I've done anyway. It's very rare that they have like the coolest shit all the time but one of the biggest art shows oral really. Yeah and a lot of famous people come and I mean I mean that the pieces. He's the art are actually outrageously expensive. Well this guy. This Italian artist all the bananas. Yes I heard about it. He sold a fucking piece of art for one hundred and fifty fucking thousand dollar caller and all it was was a banana. He bought at a local grocery store. Yeah and duct taped. It was silver duct tape to a white piece. DRYWALL and eh Yo literally did it on site would have been better than a banana. Takes US used Katamon better. I know you've got it from a homeless guy that you know. It's the perfect the opportunity to fucking Dave and hut the Homeless Bang Hut. You know what I'm sad. Throw it in the Bin Art Exhibition one side has a window so people can watch the homeless people buying and for the money you buy for the the the the. Rt's you get to take the homeless people home with you and like a bag for you any time. This is the weirdest grossest thing I think you've thought of in a while. Why what are you talking about? It goes hand in hand with the homeless banging them. I like it like it literally. Kills two birds with one style. So there's just can't there's different camera angles inside the booth and then it's all connote window. You have to be close up to it to see so that way you gotta be up in it to see what's going on. You have your face up to no push. The people aren't GonNa fucking do that because if it's out in public commercials and people are going to know the years watching two people fucking there. We'll know because the people at Art Basel who bought the the Homeless Bang. They could stay the homeless people home with them and watch them fuck anytime. There's there banging living in the box now. Yeah he's got issues will though that way the person who's willing to spend two hundred thousand dollars out of an Anna you know gets what he deserves to homeless people fucking his house. You know with the show and welcome back to Kinky Katie's world from rule thirty four four studios in lovely Tampa Florida. You can get me on twitter at Katie Radio Kiki Katie radio DOT COM Kinky Katie radio dot com and thinking Katie Radio on the facebook. Go to the bonfire. Get Your fucking Kinky Katie's Radio Smerch and series biggest confusing as you possibly can just kinda the website he Katie Radio Dot com on the homepage. Link if you want one out because yeah yeah we don't. We don't really do a lot of them so now and we don't like make money on it either. So we do for you. Well you know that that you know I want one A. Ah No I do too so I did. I got the light pink hoodie exactly so yes we do have colors for girls out or boys I mean. Sorry I didn't mean to say hey that can only get them until December twenty eighth or something like that. Yeah so north you WanNa teach her get it now go to the website. The radio DOT COM. UCLA brighter right there to get your earth for some wine as a gift it makes great gift or town really does either way. Okay Yeah if you want to get it. Sure we're not selling billion to these new usually LA couple dozen people. Maybe want it anyway and I promise this is being the last frigging time that I talk about this person.

00:35:04 - 00:40:07

I swear real last time but first of all we started with this transgender woman who sued trying sued the Salaam for not waxing balls. What yeah did you know the J.? She just wanted a bollocks love nuts I need them wax please. Whoa then she and then she got up pissed off because she lost she lost lawsuit then she went on to try artists? Who someone else for discrimination? That didn't work either. Now she's trying to She's trying to sue a gynecologist who refused to see. See Her okay do not have a vagina. Gynecologist work on Vaginas. You have a cock and balls what the fuck do you expect. Where do you want the spectrum to go pumkin? You WanNa go up your ass. Then that's a proctology and that's still not even Ghana colleges worked up about archer. I am fucking Stephen. You just WanNa live my life as a woman Katie. I just want to assu everybody. I don't know why you're selling anti living my life without this. I I doubt this person even fucking wants to be award. I think they're just like I'm GonNa do this and I'm going to try to sue super discrimination web so I can get money honestly. Don't even give a shit and I really don't like being a woman but I'm just trying to do this so I can get cash. Well you know for hot. I felt felt bad about the whole. Not being able to get your two axed because having Nice I do golf ball. Sack is is nice. Sometimes Dolphins Dolphins I don't know if I would ever want to get my balls whack so I'm just thinking it's a weird thing to try to stretch out and hold tight. No why don't we do. I've got I've got no negative strips already at the house. You warm up between your hands so I do what you're not supposed to do. One Strip together Kabila's her is that she used the military cream and slather everything up and wipe goes the hair. Come on. We'll like hold a tight tight and like you can hold it all apply and then just like bandages. Why is it just one L. Strip white goes the hair to wipe goes the hair? It sounds kind of gross. The hair it is Kinda cursor all. There's no doubt it's completely new thing you guys. Instead of that boom goes the dynamite wipe goes the hair. I have the worst mental image of. I think most efficient way I ever found to do it. I haven't done that in a long time time but I know but it's like you don't grow hair anymore it's weird it's great I don't really grow never really thought that Harry no neither neither am I. which is I did it kind of works out that way? You know it's really weird is that I have which I have room on the my Chin and yet I don't really grow out here now. You had like five. Save hairs on your chest. I grow hair FIDO my head. I guess grow hair but you know what I mean just in weird places. I mean no night and we're believes but I mean like you don't really grow on your body that you grow it on your head and your Chin like your face but that's about it your chin yet. The kind of funny I see you had a has beard tucked into his shirt when he came out of the bathroom. How's it Oh my God you could you beard at that? He's like what am in a foot of his shortages. No I didn't and I was like oh it's way too. Not Obnoxious. Enough yet not of noxious enough yet out obnoxious enough. I never heard you heard that you heard you heard. I heard you heard I remember. We dyed it purple. We did that for years a couple of years ago. Yeah Yeah you take that opportunity when you have you know silvery locks silvery law expert Okali really all right I silver Fox silvery locks awesome. I'll go with that. Like the color has left my beard almost entirely so when you have that. Yeah Bob graded you can really dyed any color you want without having a prediabetes. That's very true but it is good his course because it is if facial hair I realize now I know I remember. Yeah exactly ooh you know. There's this color conditioner you can get the semi permanent and it conditions so that would even be cooler and we don't have to lighten it or anything. Oh Oh you mean like it just slowly dies your hair with conditioner no you you put it in you leave it on for like twenty minutes or however they rinse it out boom. There's color really well. You mean like a color like a regular. That's kind of how like hair dye works. Isn't it well now been put it on and then you wash it all twenty minutes later. They see bill but this is a deep conditioner additional. And you don't there's no there's no like hair-color chemicals knew nothing. Okay and why is that. What is that stuff to begin with? What chemicals of ODA here and I'm not sure? How do I know peroxide ammonia bleach on the ship? But I either haven't been too many times.

00:40:07 - 00:45:18

I played with Eddie haired. I really lifetime just not too many times as you head blue okay so when we started dating you let me. You'll always had like little hair. You let me bleach it. That we started are doing polka dots. And then it's I've started a run simulate redoing blue and that's when we ended up going to the keys with the couple really was my hair was blow. Yes yes okay. Yeah well no it washed out by then so no it was like Eminem is like the yellow blond blocked out. Maybe yeah yeah I said you lived in born short I could. I could see my therapist. Maybe therapist and they can walk through unlocking that memory. Because I don't have it anymore. I'll show you pictures later. Okay because I got him anyway they were going to go to your favorite. Does it could turn my head you watch and on the nation's sabotage it's time once again for shit man sabotage was not supposed to be looking at you. That's my fucking point. This is exactly why okay. Thanks because you're looking at the euro waiting for something. I Like I do watch. Let's let's let's let's watch dogs up to over now. He's reached for his drake right. Now that that was hit the board. Three points out. You play my own little games with you. It's fun anyway. Onto the to the man for this week a medical tattoos he draws nipples for women who lost them to draw her man. I I draw levels. But they've lost their nipples due to getting the sex abuse from breast cancer. Says she's been blocked on social media after her work is being mistaken mistaken for pornography. That's a terrible terrible problem to have your tattoo or you can't show your work. Well there's people think it's so realistic allergic to you. Get blocked on anniversary. That is saying something wasn't instagram. Though is facebook doesn't like that kind of thing. Well her and about fifty other people world did they did a protest sort of deal in in front of the of the facebook headquarters okay. He was a huge inflatable realistic with. I mean the nipple she did it yes and it wasn't actually in real so they could bust it out like that. Yeah exactly so no and then FACEBOOK responded with We're sorry that's suspension was a mistake. I I was waiting for sorry a sucker. Burke doesn't care about movies really we don't know now if you have something that looks like an alien shark that might do it aura. uh-huh data here just talking shit now because you you consistently get suspended and you like their little community. Yeah the I admit it but you are constantly being suspended while some stuff is just fucking stupid. Not Even my God damn fault. So you're you're you're just fucking firing back at at the book. Read your heart suck suck it. Then I mean they are kind of draconian rules about nipple play at all or the weird things they suspend people for and all of that not to match in Chatham Eating Weird Shit that they do at the end of the day. Don't don't play with their toy having. Yeah I know right now but I liked there. What are you GonNa do what you gotta do? It's fucking toy. They make the rules with their toy. So if you don't like said toy don't give them back their ball go home. It's what you're going to have to do really I mean you could complain till obviously it worked in this case elected artists go. No well. I'm not a nipple artist Chris. I know you're at appropriate or we're going to have everybody just up in all my costumes. We're just gonNA walk around going. This is not yeah. Well that's exactly exam making fun of people. Well you are no. It wasn't too. Yeah so what are you GonNa do. Nothing that's what I'm talking about candidate handed off if you can do well. Thanks to David. ATTENBOROUGH's Blue Planet Series on Discovery Channel. Okay they just. I supposed to know this now David at road you're on net flicks. Is that what you're saying. I know it's on Discovery Channel Channel. I believe Blue Plan Anyway. There might be a both now. Who knows well? He introduced us to the penis. Fish daft will thousands of washed up on the on Drake's beach in California and it's rubbing the locals the wrong way we've had a god Damn Dick Fish and fascination whole God Damn Bay is full of looking at Dick's out the band the every we gotTa Bay full of other fucking decks did like a crate of Dodos fall into the voter well.

00:45:18 - 00:50:05

They look like Reddish Reddish pink and Tan. Dick's the look like flabby hawks. Oh sad floppy car but the actual actual name of this animal is the fat innkeepers worm. Yeah swear to God Dick Fish so we used to call the mark we really. That was his name. Marcus he got a butthurt about it. Funny Look at debt and what we see them. Virtually all said that that looks just like mark more stick your that. INNKEEPER BAGEL fat worm. He's got that GRUB. No I know it Alexa. I'd subway somebody had to like somebody had to have seen his Dick Times like the entire town the entire fishing sheikh villa. He's the town that's saying we see Dick all the time. He's always got it out you dave. You're at as we also your take a cheaper Bob Mark Wherever revoke your name is Dick. Fish fucking smells related to animal. Well after after a storm hit the area the sea of cock washed ashore no surprise there delicacy in Japan and Korea. They're like Dick takes us. Yeah us every reason usually eaten raw dog with salt and lime or Cookie Zhang if he if he looked like a cock it good food for your Cock Oak. Chimbu I mean into the icing on the cake. The dishes known as Ho in Japan and Korea which is kind of funny Ho letter gets other animals. That would've been a good one to get. I'm sorry but if they had a thunder cat and I would've done the thunder cat over the Damu a I. Just you've really choose strange. Strange things thanks stuff like you. But that's okay because it's all like you know like I said that somewhere else. Getting stupid. Shed may go is whatever that's right. Yeah you gotta live with it now. So things Li Permanent Marxists talent. You Gotta learn your lesson scars her on the inside right the show. That's worked out good for me so now okay here okay. Well if I'm okay okay. Then I'm okay realize what selling here but Getting back to this thing. I mean it's a good thing to other animals like to fucking go chomping on the Dick Fish because we're GONNA help clean it up now. The guy really the low the like the fish the local fishing in wildlife guy. He he was talking to the news and he said Said Oh no the Weenie. Worms are getting stranded again. We don't call them weenie worms anymore though. The animals scientific just did the the animal scientifically known as urge a-list COPA whatever. Whatever says now has the more dignified common name of fat fat innkeepers worm which doesn't change what? It closely resembles. Alas it sounds a lot more regal Japanese probably who ooh yeah but that my mouth fat innkeepers were maybe someone into the fat innkeeper worm thing you gave you the seeds horrible. Maybe there's like little Asian girls to she was is worse. Giddy was nasty. It does definitely look like the kid says you. We all lived in got the sweater on it and everything we al His look we got you know nine hundred eighty five yard of last week. It's new okay. There's this there's another another chick who assist with the fuck doll plastic surgery lookalike Kinda thing. She looks more like a blow up. Doll Okay Hey obvious. But she's obviously got body dismore Fiat. Which is where people are like obsessed with the change in their body diagnosed separate? You tell her she's got Oh save it. You look funny any keep plugging to a chip. You look funny. She's the second woman That had that I've you've that I've read about that. Wants to have a super fat pussy. She yes. She was at the world's fattest pussy. That's a fucking mighty statement. They're now because I've seen some monster fucking author's rights away to see these pictures.

00:50:05 - 00:55:03

Really Yeah bubble. Snatch is twenty four years old and a chance. I'm calling her. Well it's filter. SNATCHES COUSIN BUBBLE SACH. I'VE IS COUSIN BUBBLE LOUIS. Good doctor feltler snatch I blue emergency room kill each starts at a waffle. Can you tell us restraint. PELS your statue of all at a pickle pours the piglet never won. I think it was funny. My head yeah. A lot of things are spots anyway. The chickens twenty four years old and she looks like she's forty six year old at blow up doll. That's been over inflated and then reused again a couple of times say yes I mean her fucking her her beach ball size. BOOBS are uneven. Like one is noticeably bigger and the other one expired maybe she always wanted one. What uneven move Google Google it? Maybe maybe the exact way. I'm just expressing myself. That's all right I just I want. I want basically my husband's always bang I. Gotcha fuck fuck doll. So I figured if I looked like wine maybe he'd be interested Eh. He must be interested in this. Look the look is really what yet you know. Whatever well her baseball mid sized meet pocket makes her feel L.? More confident she says allows her to express herself artistically or saying media. We're talking puffy right. We're talking live at Shirley talk like are they piercingly via and hangings awaits relevant to give you that extra beefy look. She loves to wear Yoga Pants like White Yoga Pants. That's an shit and showed off it. Looks like she's fucking packing a dick and balls. It's a huge. You fucking just raw job. You're afraid of that W Fred of it could be you work your way right through that what okay. And it's no surprise. She's having complications with this monstrosity. fucking knuckle okay you got. I can't kick facts. You know why you keep getting you have to see these picks. Yes Good God man. You could smuggle a boot in Virginia. Okay that's how it sounded good to me. Well anyway she is she. She gets fat injections into each of her lips. Oh Wow yes that's really good. I'll tell her while. She says that her Pussy Lips are now horribly uneven and one side seems continuously swelling walking up now. The doctor said there's nothing to worry about. But I mean if that's the same fucking doctor who's done all of this fucking surgery to her. Then fuck I would worry felder statue. What did you do to her pussy? I filled up with helium. Fix It with fix a flat just a little bit of nitrous just a little bit was she says she loves her fucking cushion and their because of the trampoline. Poon you know we all know twats cushions. She has her lips done her her blessed her boobs she has She has like seven or eight Brazilian butt but laughs and injections you really. You really have a deep seated hatred I would say hatred by you. Don't really like it when people go overboard the plastic surgery to you. You're taking personally. I don't know why such an asshole. Why'd you go that far? I don't know why because it's like I feel bad it's like why. Why do you hate yourself so much and then you see what they look like before like you were so pretty? I don't understand well and the people make fun of them and she's she's like well. I don't care I mean it's like you hate yourself that much you're like I'm going to spend over one hundred thousand dollars who try to make me look beautiful and they just look like just whatever she you're getting like like Horrified reaction yes very true. You have to have that Outlook like it's about Ahmad because if you had seen so many they got body minded even if you thought it was completely fucking grotesque. Whatever Robert is you still would go out vitamin D two? Whatever you watch your same thing? Same thing it's the same thing. It's getting a forked. Talk getting a ridiculous set of Fuckin- triple Z.

00:55:03 - 01:00:01

Bubis and some fat injections in your big giant Pussy. Let me show you. These are the first I pictures on the website. Okay yeah you know okay. Now wait till I will get to you. I'm GONNA show you those are some really fat fucking Upper Lips. I'm GONNA say honestly I like a catcher's Mitt. What are you talking hit? I like to shave. Yeah but I know that this shape shoots. That's that is a nice fat pussy. That Dad looks why. It's like the triangular bottom of a bathing suit. But it's got like fucking walking. Okay we're inches of padding on whatever snow throw the Pussy Parts not bother me. The Pussy parts not bothered. Oh it she. She actually really has a good shave. You know as ratio you know if if it just wasn't so altered looking I yeah if that's the way she looked Adriano about it. Fine if you WANNA if you WanNa leave me for something like that then current head. I started a little more fuel under fire relief. Thank you know you just anybody who died shit like that but but honestly was he doesn't bother me at all doesn't bother me whatsoever about afraid. I'm not afraid. No you're not afraid. That's you know you're not afraid of anything. Well it's not completely true several things I completely clearly. You know I don't like them and you know we'll do it but her pussies not one of them. I just it smack it. How smack it? You could fuck and kicking feel okay. Maybe that's maybe that's a good thing you could using as a step up ladder. Ace your like one of the. Oh one of the things was cliff cliff Or those wall climbers you know they have like malls and shit but the the Little Lake Najah rules that they put on the wall like the fake rock walls. Yeah Yeah Yeah the Rockwall to portable robbo equality. Yeah I mean probably has a real name but we just don't know what it is 'cause yeah we did have a rock climbers body as a guy that holds the rope tomato. Yes sure yeah no tied to him. We'll be fine. That's fine well since it is almost Christmas. Miss and coming from a Christian website Apparently demonic spirits. Make you watch porn obviously. Yeah it's not your fault it's it's evil demonic spirits that tempt you with lust okay. That's definitely legitimate one. They also say that. Halloween candy is cursed by Satanist. And we know that true as well because those kids get all hyper when they eat it. You don't understand then. They get mad when they can't we have it. It's like a drug. The Steve Satanists poisoning our children. You've lost the I mean you really have. I never had it. Yeah okay. There's this young kid. He was convinced he was a convicted victim shooter. In an incident and the tech the detective was taunting him on camera with Lube. said he's going to need a lot of this. He's going uh-huh boy. You'RE GONNA eat a lot of this. You're going to be like sweetest thing and you're really just gained by the fact that the COBB actually had lube with him like you're walking right pass at why. Why did the cop hat loop have lube the life wise at in your pocket holster throughout you cannot give me one good reason? Give me one good reason why you got on you say well. That's their chat officer. Sir fucking Frank. What what's your problem? Why do you have that? The body have any search Yeah you just over at the pink pussycat getting little purchase. Well I'm just saying. Throw them in the bag. Sometimes what is it. What are you watching? The you know the security footage jerking off to it. It's kind of a weird thing that spanking new. I like watching men be locked up stuck in a room together So Hot God. That's wild card so I could do what I love Josh. As sobriety bars are becoming really popular are really started on texting. Yeah heard I've heard of them bars at yes have no alcohol. Yeah it's places where you can you can just go and so play pool and smoke smoke cigarettes or weed or whatever and smoking weed would be technically sober. Yeah no no alcoholic ours. Is that what you mean. Yeah not yeah okay.

01:00:01 - 01:05:08

That'd be a good idea to smoke weed at at the center of our strike that as well I'm just saying you know maybe a little intensive-care if if maybe now also we there what do you could. You're really tech. I'm just telling you but you can socialize there and and not drink. So basically that's business plan is is attracted on drinkers. Pray for people who are having a tough time would Friday. The holidays are are really tough for a lot of people trying to get over it. It's a look that so you can go and still hang out and party but not well. It's it's it's it's being that we don't track. I completely understand that however I don't want to stay home I really WANNA go out but I really have a problem going out to discern blazes because it's just people are still going to be two drugs. VASSAR probably. You know it's just it's hard to walk away for Braley nightclub. Oh whatever reason but it does have the potential become like the biggest place to score. Because you're just like oh I know somebody wants something out there. No shirt. That's like where the drug dealer rose to really make a twig. I need some money. Quick where can go sober bar. I I could sell this whole bottle of fucking pills. One go just one shot. Oh Oh my God what they are. They'll take him. I'll call Dr King is on the way out. It'll be here Jif. Oh God uh that's horrible about sorry I just learned brought it down there. This thing that this nice little thing it Richard me up a little bit and militant vegetarian completely. Change your lifestyle after she got knocked up with kid number three. She tried a burger for the first time in decades and now she owns her own pasteurized pig farm. And she's butcher allergy cruelty free beans. Well well she. She became dangerously Nimick and thought that Hey Burgers GonNa fix me. Oh animals are life. Well you know that's what she doesn't and she he says she wants to know That these animals are slaughtered. Ethically and humanely sit on that pita. Yeah and you know. It's it's super hard to be. I can't even imagine I really love me. and whatever eat attack but but that's me too hard it is to be like for my perspective. Just I I would have to really pay attention to what I was doing and like eating the right shit to make sure sure I get the right nutrient man. Yes they WANNA work. It'd be very difficult head. I wouldn't be able to eat cow and and cheese and eggs and things exited love. Yes yeah well I mean you could eat the fake ones her Vegan Chicken Wings refunded me. Really I've tasted some Vegan stuff and come. I got his just like no. It doesn't well fuck of you meeting. I mean obviously all the shit that you're hearing what these impossible this burgers that you know people. I'm sure they do. Tastes like meat version. I don't why why would I just give be my regular shitty meat. I mean I fuck in Burger you put God knows what in to make. It tastes like meat. I don't know what you did to it. Obviously it's highly processed anyway so if I'm going to have something it's Shitty for me I'm GONNA eat the Goddamn Regular Burger. Yeah would vacant the extra special sauce. You know what I'm saying. Why why why am I gonNA fucking eat something shitty? And it's coach made out of vegetables. What did I do that for? Why what is the Poi- to hear how some Broccoli let's twelve thousand cheese on a A? Hey yeah well okay got quite to say but okay anyway. We're going to go now. At least pose are things that are like come out. Oh wait a magical burger. The magic very tangible vegetarian burgers are like what did you. What did you what? What kind of ship did you put it? This wiser Weiser drippy. What is that exactly like? A what does it smell like a pussy her period Korea to know. Just Gimme a regular Shitty Puckett Burger. Yeah at least I know what that is. That's cow hotdog Boakye. I'll eat lipson isis. You there you go about picky here for the time being.

01:05:09 - 01:05:54

I'M GONNA go because I should go and I know you all think that I am when I'm all fucked up so anyway. Well they say they do they. Just WanNa fuck me up. Put out a lot on. What is the Yeah we videos get them to me when you can see all right. Do you have anything for us. All right well I will. We will talk to who later. Maybe before the holidays it's not holidays and Lebron top does anybody does.

Expand highly inaccurate transcript